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mod_oasis_var Module Reference

OASIS variable data and methods. More...

Data Types

type  prism_var_type
 Model variable data for model coupling. More...

Public Member Functions

subroutine, public oasis_def_var (id_nports, cdport, id_part, id_var_nodims, kinout, id_var_shape, ktype, kinfo)
 The OASIS user interface to define variables. More...
subroutine, public oasis_var_setup ()
 Synchronize variables across all tasks, called at oasis enddef. More...

Public Attributes

integer(ip_intwp_p), public maxvar
 number of potential variables, derived from namcouple input More...
parameter, public 
mvarcpl = 10
 max namcouples per variable More...
integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), public prism_nvar = 0
 number of variables defined More...
dimension(:), pointer, public 
 list of defined variables More...

Private Member Functions

subroutine oasis_var_zero (prism_var)
 Zero variable information. More...

Detailed Description

OASIS variable data and methods.

Definition at line 4 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

Member Function/Subroutine Documentation

subroutine, public mod_oasis_var::oasis_def_var ( integer(kind=ip_i4_p), intent(out)  id_nports,
character(len=*), intent(in)  cdport,
integer(kind=ip_i4_p), intent(in)  id_part,
integer(kind=ip_i4_p), dimension(2), intent(in)  id_var_nodims,
integer(kind=ip_i4_p), intent(in)  kinout,
integer(kind=ip_i4_p), dimension(2*id_var_nodims(1)), intent(in)  id_var_shape,
integer(kind=ip_i4_p), intent(in)  ktype,
integer(kind=ip_i4_p), intent(out), optional  kinfo 

The OASIS user interface to define variables.

[out]id_nportscoupling field ID
[in]cdportfield name as in namcouple
[in]id_partpartition ID
[in]id_var_nodimsrank and number of bundles
[in]kinoutinput or output flag
[in]id_var_shapesize of field
[in]ktypetype of coupling field
[out]kinforeturn code
  • Check len of incoming variable name
  • Search for field in namcouple field lists
  • Return if field not found in namcouple
  • Abort if field already defined
  • Increment the variable and store the values
  • Write some diagnostics

Definition at line 49 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

subroutine, public mod_oasis_var::oasis_var_setup ( )

Synchronize variables across all tasks, called at oasis enddef.

  • Initialize variables on tasks where they are not previously defined.

Definition at line 184 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

subroutine mod_oasis_var::oasis_var_zero ( type(prism_var_type), intent(inout)  prism_var)

Zero variable information.

Definition at line 295 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

Member Data Documentation

integer(ip_intwp_p), public mod_oasis_var::maxvar

number of potential variables, derived from namcouple input

Definition at line 24 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

integer(kind=ip_i4_p), parameter, public mod_oasis_var::mvarcpl = 10

max namcouples per variable

Definition at line 25 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), public mod_oasis_var::prism_nvar = 0

number of variables defined

Definition at line 40 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

type(prism_var_type), dimension(:), pointer, public mod_oasis_var::prism_var

list of defined variables

Definition at line 41 of file mod_oasis_var.F90.

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