High level OASIS user interfaces.
High level OASIS user interfaces.
Definition at line 4 of file mod_oasis_method.F90.
subroutine mod_oasis_method::mod_oasis_setrootglobal |
( |
| ) |
private |
Local method to compute each models' global task ids, exists for reuse in enddef.
Definition at line 783 of file mod_oasis_method.F90.
subroutine, public mod_oasis_method::oasis_enddef |
( |
integer (kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(inout), optional |
kinfo | ) |
OASIS user interface specifying the OASIS definition phase is complete.
- Parameters
- Check enddef called only once per task
- Reset mpi_comm_global because active tasks might have been excluded
- For active tasks only
- Update mpi_comm_global
- Update mpi_root_global
- Document
- Reconcile partitions, call part_setup
- Reconcile variables, call var_setup
- Write grid info to files one model at a time
- MCT Initialization
- Initialize coupling via call to coupler_setup
- Call advance_init to initialize coupling fields from restarts
Definition at line 618 of file mod_oasis_method.F90.
subroutine, public mod_oasis_method::oasis_init_comp |
( |
integer (kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(out) |
mynummod, |
character(len=*), intent(in) |
cdnam, |
integer (kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(inout), optional |
kinfo, |
logical, intent(in), optional |
coupled |
) |
| |
OASIS user init method.
- Parameters
[out] | mynummod | * This is COLLECTIVE, all pes must call |
[out] | mynummod | component model ID |
[in] | cdnam | model name |
[in,out] | kinfo | return code |
[in] | coupled | flag to specify whether this component is coupled in oasis |
- Initialize MPI
- Set initial output file, need mpi_rank_world
- Initialize namcouple. First on rank 0 to write error messages then on all other ranks. All tasks will read the namcouple file independently.
- Check if NFIELDS=0, there is no coupling.
- Determine the total number of coupling fields from namcouple. Set maxvar parameter and allocate prism_var.
- Store all the names of the fields exchanged in the namcouple
- Gather model names from all tasks to generate active model list on all tasks.
- Broadcast the model list to all MPI tasks
- Compute compid
- Re-Set MPI info based on active model tasks
- Reset debug levels
- Open log files
- Set mpi_root_global
- Memory Initialization
- Timer Initialization
- Diagnostics
Definition at line 44 of file mod_oasis_method.F90.
subroutine, public mod_oasis_method::oasis_terminate |
( |
integer (kind=ip_intwp_p), intent(inout), optional |
kinfo | ) |
OASIS user finalize method.
- Parameters
- Print timer information
- Call MPI finalize
Definition at line 555 of file mod_oasis_method.F90.
integer(kind=ip_intwp_p), parameter mod_oasis_method::debug =1 |
private |
logical, save mod_oasis_method::lg_mpiflag |
private |
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