############################################################################# # # # ww3_tp2.17 Test script for WW-III, unstructured grid. # # Solvers: # # > Explicit # # > Conventional method Card Deck (ww3_grid_a.inp) # # > domain decomposition (ww3_grid_b.inp) # # > Implicit (domain decomposition) (ww3_grid_c.inp) # # Grid: # # Shinnecock Inlet # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------# # This grid is taken from an ADCIRC example problem, see: # # http://adcirc.org/home/documentation/example-problems/shinnecock-inlet-ny# # -with-tidal-forcing-example/ # # "This example problem was developed as part of study of tidal hydrodynami-# # -cs in the vicinity of Shinnecock Inlet, NY, at the U.S. Army Corps of En-# # -gineers Coastal Hydraulics Laboratory # # (Williams et al., 1998; Morang, 1999; Miliello et al., 2000)." # #Grid Sizes # #===========================================================================# # #of Nodes | # of Elements | lowest res | # of open boundary nodes # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # 3,070 | 5,855 | ~75 m | 75 # #---------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # Field Forcing: Water level (ASCII), Current (NetCDF) and Wind (ASCII) # # Lateral Forcing: open boundary condtion (ASCII) # # # # Model should be compiled with the switches : # # # # F90 NOGRB TRKNC DIST MPI SCRIP MLIM PR3 UQ NC4 FLX0 PDLIB LN1 ST4 # # STAB0 NL1 BT4 DB1 TR0 BS0 IS0 IC0 REF0 XX0 WNT2 WNX1 RWND CRT1 CRX1 O0 # # O1 O2 O2a O2b O2c O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 # # # # -the domain decomposition and implicit scheme need PDLIB switch # # # # The choice of propagation schemes for unstructured grids is done via # # namelists. # # # # Remarks : # # # # - No other optional switches should be used. # # # # Sample run_test commands : # # ./bin/run_test -c Intel -S -s MPI -s NO_PDLIB -w work_a -g a -f -p # # mpirun -n 24 ../model ww3_tp2.17 # # # # Ali Abdolali, Aron Roland, Jessica Meixner, May 2018 # # Last Mod : May 2018 # # # #############################################################################