############################################################################# # # # ww3_tp2.15 Test script for WW-III, space-time extremes parameters # # Simulation of wave-growth in Adriatic Sea # # # # Prerequisites : # # -netCDF4 librairies must be installed and NETCDF variables setup # # # # Remarks : # # Requires NETCDF parameters to be exported # # e.g., export WWATCH3_NETCDF=NC4; export NETCDF_CONFIG=`which nc-config` # # # # Description # # Test case is for wind-wave growth in the Adriatic Sea near the ISMAR # # research platform Acqua Alta, where space-time extremes measurements # # have been performed. Model outputs include space-time extremes # # parameters as follows: # # STMAXE MXE Max surface elev (STE) # # STMAXD MXES St Dev of max surface elev (STE) # # HMAXE MXH Max wave height (STE) # # HCMAXE MXHC Max wave height from crest (STE) # # HMAXD SDMH St Dev of MXC (STE) # # HCMAXD SDMHC St Dev of MXHC (STE) # # # # Wind data for this test case was produced by the COSMO-ME model, and have # # been provided by CNMCA (National Meteorological Service, Rome, Italy). # # # # Model results are presented here for the purpose of testingi # # the formulations of space-time extreme parameters. This regression test # # oversimplifies real-case bathymetry and wind fields, thus comparison with # # measurements are merely qualitative. # # # # Sample run_test commands : # # ./bin/run_test -o netcdf ../model ww3_tp2.15 # # # # Options # # Run on MPI mode # # ./bin/run_test -n 16 -p mpirun -s MPI -f -w work_MPI ../model ww3_tp2.15 # # # # Full resolution (5km grid) and entire Adriatic Sea. MPI recommended. # # ./bin/run_test -g 5km -w work_5km ../model ww3_tp2.15 # # ./bin/run_test -g 5km -n 16 -p mpirun -s MPI -f -w work_5km_MPI \ # # ../model ww3_tp2.15 # # ./bin/run_test -g 5km -n 16 -p mpirun -s MPI -f -w work_5km_MPI_NML \ # # -o netcdf -N ../model ww3_tp2.15 # # # # A matlab script is provided in the input directory: extract_AA_STE.m # # which computes STE parameters at the location of the Acqua Alta # # platform in the Adriatic Sea. Reference values are given as part of # # the script output. # # # # Francesco Barbariol, Jose-Henrique Alves, Sep 2016 # # Last Mod : Jan 2018 # # # # Copyright 2009-2016 National Weather Service (NWS), # # National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. All rights # # reserved. WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS. # # No unauthorized use without permission. # # # #############################################################################