############################################################################# # # # ww3_tp2.14 Test for WW-III, toy-model for coupling modelisation. # # This is a very coarse grid of the sea around Brest, France. # # # # # # Model should be compiled with the switches : # # # # !/COU !/OASIS !/OASACM # # selecting coupling atmospheric model with the coupler OASIS3-mct # # !/COU !/OASIS !/OASOCM # # selecting coupling ocean model with the coupler OASIS3-mct # # !/COU !/OASIS !/OASICM # # selecting coupling ice model with the coupler OASIS3-mct # # # # Prerequisites : # # # # -a makefile must be defined in the oasis3-mct/util/make_dir with the # # same extension as comp & link in ww3 bin folder # # # # -netCDF4 librairies must be installed and NETCDF variables setup # # # # Remarks : # # # # -oasis environment variable OASISDIR is setup in run_test # # -the coupling is enabled by using -C option in run_test # # # # -the coupling periods must be greater or equal than ww3 & toy time steps # # -the coupling periods, ww3 time step and toy DELTA_T must be multiples # # -the coupling periods can be different for the different fields # # -the coupling lag must be equal to the time step of the starting model # # -the diagnostic time step must be equal to the smallest coupling period # # # # -timesteps of the models and the coupler must be setup like this way: # # * ww3_grid : maximum time step is 180s # # * ww3_shel type 1 : output fields time step is 180s # # * ww3_shel type 7 : diagnostic time step is 360s # # * ww3_ounf : output fields time step is 180s # # * TOYNAMELIST.nam : DELTA_T is 90s # # * namcouple : coupling period is 360s and lag is 90s # # # # - User must select one of available switch inputs: # # switch_OASACM : for coupling atmospheric model with oasis # # switch_OASOCM : for coupling ocean model with oasis # # switch_OASICM : for coupling ice model with oasis # # # # - Test case input (default): # # * ww3_shel.inp : # # + flag C for wind coupling in the forcing parameters # # + type 7 enable the coupling # # - time range is used for diagnostic variables # # - fields are I/O coupling between the two models # # - remark : these fields must also be defined in type 1 # # * prep_env.sh : # # + compile the toy model, the oasis coupler and coy the inputs # # * namcouple : # # + defines the configuration for the oasis coupler # # - remark : grid dimensions for ww3 must be -2 to remove the halo # # * TOYNAMELIST : # # + defines the configuration for the toy model # # * toy : # # + source code and makefile # # + python script to create a grid and restart file for the toy model # # * oasis3-mct : # # + doc with user manual # # + lib for external libraries (psmile, mct, scrip) # # + util for source code and makefiles # # - remark : define a makefile with the same ww3 comp&link extension # # # # Sample run_test commands : # #(Note: Altix and mpirun commands differ by local system) # # # # ./bin/run_test -C OASIS -c Altix -s OASACM -f -o netcdf -w work_OASACM # # -p mpirun -n 4 ../model ww3_tp2.14 # # ./bin/run_test -C OASIS -c Altix -s OASOCM -f -o netcdf -w work_OASOCM # # -p mpirun -n 4 ../model ww3_tp2.14 # # ./bin/run_test -C OASIS -c Altix -s OASICM -f -o netcdf -w work_OASICM # # -p mpirun -n 4 ../model ww3_tp2.14 # # # # M. Accensi, Feb 2015 # # Ifremer Institute # # Last Mod : Aug 2017 # # # #############################################################################