! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! WAVEWATCH III ww3_multi.nml - multi-grid model ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Define top-level model parameters via DOMAIN_NML namelist ! ! * namelist must be terminated with / ! * definitions & defaults: ! DOMAIN%NRINP = 0 ! Number of grids defining input fields. ! DOMAIN%NRGRD = 1 ! Number of wave model grids. ! DOMAIN%UNIPTS = F ! Flag for using unified point output file. ! DOMAIN%IOSTYP = 1 ! Output server type as in ww3_shel.nml ! DOMAIN%UPPROC = F ! Flag for dedicated process for unified point output. ! DOMAIN%PSHARE = F ! Flag for grids sharing dedicated output processes. ! DOMAIN%FLGHG1 = F ! Flag for masking computation in two-way nesting ! DOMAIN%FLGHG2 = F ! Flag for masking at printout time ! DOMAIN%START = '19680606 000000' ! Start date for the entire model ! DOMAIN%STOP = '19680607 000000' ! Stop date for the entire model ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! &DOMAIN_NML DOMAIN%FLGHG1 = T DOMAIN%FLGHG2 = T DOMAIN%STOP = '19680606 044800' / ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Define each input grid via the INPUT_GRID_NML namelist ! ! * index I must match indexes from 1 to DOMAIN%NRINP ! * INPUT(I)%NAME must be set for each active input grid I ! ! * namelist must be terminated with / ! * definitions & defaults: ! INPUT(I)%NAME = 'unset' ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%WATER_LEVELS = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%CURRENTS = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%WINDS = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%ICE_CONC = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM1 = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM2 = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM3 = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM4 = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM5 = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%MUD_DENSITY = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%MUD_THICKNESS = F ! INPUT(I)%FORCING%MUD_VISCOSITY = F ! INPUT(I)%ASSIM%MEAN = F ! INPUT(I)%ASSIM%SPEC1D = F ! INPUT(I)%ASSIM%SPEC2D = F ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! &INPUT_GRID_NML / ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Define each model grid via the MODEL_GRID_NML namelist ! ! * index I must match indexes from 1 to DOMAIN%NRGRD ! * MODEL(I)%NAME must be set for each active model grid I ! * FORCING can be set as : ! - 'no' : This input is not used. ! - 'native' : This grid has its own input files, e.g. grid ! grdX (mod_def.grdX) uses ice.grdX. ! - 'INPUT%NAME' : Take input from the grid identified by ! INPUT%NAME. ! * RESOURCE%RANK_ID : Rank number of grid (internally sorted and reassigned). ! * RESOURCE%GROUP_ID : Group number (internally reassigned so that different ! ranks result in different group numbers). ! * RESOURCE%COMM_FRAC : Fraction of communicator (processes) used for this grid. ! * RESOURCE%BOUND_FLAG : Flag identifying dumping of boundary data used by this ! grid. If true, the file nest.MODID is generated. ! ! * Limitations relevant to irregular (curvilinear) grids: ! 1) Equal rank is not supported when one or more is an irregular ! grid. Use non-equal rank instead. (see wmgridmd.ftn) ! 2) Non-native input grids: feature is not supported when either ! an input grid or computational grids is irregular. ! (see wmupdtmd.ftn) ! 3) Irregular grids with unified point output: This is supported ! but the feature has not been verified for accuracy. ! (see wmiopomd.ftn) ! ! * namelist must be terminated with / ! * definitions & defaults: ! MODEL(I)%NAME = 'unset' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%WATER_LEVELS = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%CURRENTS = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%WINDS = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%ICE_CONC = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM1 = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM2 = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM3 = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM4 = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%ICE_PARAM5 = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%MUD_DENSITY = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%MUD_THICKNESS = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%FORCING%MUD_VISCOSITY = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%ASSIM%MEAN = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%ASSIM%SPEC1d = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%ASSIM%SPEC2d = 'no' ! MODEL(I)%RESOURCE%RANK_ID = I ! MODEL(I)%RESOURCE%GROUP_ID = 1 ! MODEL(I)%RESOURCE%COMM_FRAC = 0.00,1.00 ! MODEL(I)%RESOURCE%BOUND_FLAG = F ! ! MODEL(4)%FORCING = 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' 'no' ! ! MODEL(2)%RESOURCE = 1 1 0.00 1.00 F ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! &MODEL_GRID_NML MODEL(1)%NAME = 'ww3' / ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Define the output types point parameters via OUTPUT_TYPE_NML namelist ! ! * index I must match indexes from 1 to DOMAIN%NRGRD ! ! * ALLTYPE will apply the output types for all the model grids ! ! * ITYPE(I) will apply the output types for the model grid number I ! ! * need DOMAIN%UNIPTS equal true to use a unified point output file ! ! * the point file is a space separated values per line : lon lat 'name' ! ! * the detailed list of field names is given in model/nml/ww3_shel.nml : ! DPT CUR WND AST WLV ICE IBG D50 IC1 IC5 ! HS LM T02 T0M1 T01 FP DIR SPR DP HIG ! EF TH1M STH1M TH2M STH2M WN ! PHS PTP PLP PDIR PSPR PWS PDP PQP PPE PGW PSW PTM10 PT01 PT02 PEP TWS PNR ! UST CHA CGE FAW TAW TWA WCC WCF WCH WCM FWS ! SXY TWO BHD FOC TUS USS P2S USF P2L TWI FIC ! ABR UBR BED FBB TBB ! MSS MSC WL02 AXT AYT AXY ! DTD FC CFX CFD CFK ! U1 U2 ! ! * output track file formatted (T) or unformated (F) ! ! * namelist must be terminated with / ! * definitions & defaults: ! ALLTYPE%FIELD%LIST = 'unset' ! ALLTYPE%POINT%NAME = 'unset' ! ALLTYPE%POINT%FILE = 'points.list' ! ALLTYPE%TRACK%FORMAT = T ! ALLTYPE%PARTITION%X0 = 0 ! ALLTYPE%PARTITION%XN = 0 ! ALLTYPE%PARTITION%NX = 0 ! ALLTYPE%PARTITION%Y0 = 0 ! ALLTYPE%PARTITION%YN = 0 ! ALLTYPE%PARTITION%NY = 0 ! ALLTYPE%PARTITION%FORMAT = T ! ! ITYPE(3)%TRACK%FORMAT = F ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! &OUTPUT_TYPE_NML ALLTYPE%FIELD%LIST = 'HS T0M1 FP DIR' / ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Define output dates via OUTPUT_DATE_NML namelist ! ! * index I must match indexes from 1 to DOMAIN%NRGRD ! * ALLDATE will apply the output dates for all the model grids ! * IDATE(I) will apply the output dates for the model grid number i ! * start and stop times are with format 'yyyymmdd hhmmss' ! * if time stride is equal '0', then output is disabled ! * time stride is given in seconds ! * it is possible to overwrite a global output date for a given grid ! ! * namelist must be terminated with / ! * definitions & defaults: ! ALLDATE%FIELD%START = '19680606 000000' ! ALLDATE%FIELD%STRIDE = '0' ! ALLDATE%FIELD%STOP = '19680607 000000' ! ALLDATE%POINT%START = '19680606 000000' ! ALLDATE%POINT%STRIDE = '0' ! ALLDATE%POINT%STOP = '19680607 000000' ! ALLDATE%TRACK%START = '19680606 000000' ! ALLDATE%TRACK%STRIDE = '0' ! ALLDATE%TRACK%STOP = '19680607 000000' ! ALLDATE%RESTART%START = '19680606 000000' ! ALLDATE%RESTART%STRIDE = '0' ! ALLDATE%RESTART%STOP = '19680607 000000' ! ALLDATE%BOUNDARY%START = '19680606 000000' ! ALLDATE%BOUNDARY%STRIDE = '0' ! ALLDATE%BOUNDARY%STOP = '19680607 000000' ! ALLDATE%PARTITION%START = '19680606 000000' ! ALLDATE%PARTITION%STRIDE = '0' ! ALLDATE%PARTITION%STOP = '19680607 000000' ! ! ALLDATE%RESTART = '19680606 000000' '0' '19680607 000000' ! ! IDATE(3)%PARTITION%START = '19680606 000000' ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! &OUTPUT_DATE_NML ALLDATE%FIELD = '19680606 000000' '360' '19680606 044800' / ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Define homogeneous input via HOMOG_COUNT_NML and HOMOG_INPUT_NML namelist ! ! * the number of each homogeneous input is defined by HOMOG_COUNT ! * the total number of homogeneous input is automatically calculated ! * the homogeneous input must start from index 1 to N ! * if VALUE1 is equal 0, then the homogeneous input is desactivated ! * NAME can only be MOV ! * each homogeneous input is defined over a maximum of 3 values detailled below : ! - MOV is defined by speed and direction ! ! * namelist must be terminated with / ! * definitions & defaults: ! HOMOG_COUNT%N_MOV = 0 ! ! HOMOG_INPUT(I)%NAME = 'unset' ! HOMOG_INPUT(I)%DATE = '19680606 000000' ! HOMOG_INPUT(I)%VALUE1 = 0 ! HOMOG_INPUT(I)%VALUE2 = 0 ! HOMOG_INPUT(I)%VALUE3 = 0 ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! &HOMOG_COUNT_NML / &HOMOG_INPUT_NML / ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! WAVEWATCH III - end of namelist ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !