############################################################################# # # # ww3_tp1.5 Test script for WW-III, one-dimensional propagation. # # spectral refraction (Y) # # # # Model should be compiled with the switches : # # # # # # !/LN0 !/ST0 !/NL0 !/BT0 !/DB0 !/TR0 !/BS0 !/XX0 # # Select the 'no source terms' option. # # !/PRn Selecting one of the propagation schemes. # # 1: First order. # # 2: Representative for all UQ schemes # # 3: Switch smoothing off to reproduce 2. # # !/WNX1 !/WNT1 !/CRX1 !/CRT1 Wind and current interpolation. # # !/O0 !/O1 !/O2 !/O3 !/O4 !/O5 !/O6 !/O7 Sdt out output options. # # # # Remarks : # # # # - Several initial conditions and shoaling to top or bottom are available # # in the test case. Select by commenting/uncommenting lines in # # ww3_grid.inp and ww3_strt.inp. NOT YET CONVERTED TO regtest # # - Note that the refraction time step is chosen as half the spatial # # time step to avoid slight wiggling due to the otherwise alternating # # order of the spatial and spectral propagation steps. # # - Test case input (default): # # * ww3_grid.inp : (default) # # + Spatial grid: 3 x 13 rectilinear Cartesian grid # # - dx = 5 km, dy = 5 km # # - Xrange = -5:5 km, Yrange = -5:55 km # # + Spectral grid: ntheta = 24, nf = 3, f1 = 0.08, fgamma = 1.25 # # * switch options : # # + switch_PR1 : First order scheme # # + switch_PR2_UNO : UNO scheme with diffusion (off) # # + switch_PR2_UQ : UQ scheme with diffusion (off) # # + switch_PR3_UNO : UNO scheme with averaging (off) (default) # # + switch_PR3_UQ : UQ scheme with averaging (off) (default) # # # # Example run_test commands: # # (some details will vary by local system and configuration) # # ./bin/run_test -s PR1 -w work_PR1 ../model ww3_tp1.5 # # ./bin/run_test -s PR2_UQ -w work_PR2_UQ ../model ww3_tp1.5 # # ./bin/run_test -s PR3_UQ -w work_PR3_UQ ../model ww3_tp1.5 # # # # Hendrik Tolman, Jun 2002 # # Last Mod : Aug 2013 # # # # Copyright 2009-2013 National Weather Service (NWS), # # National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. All rights # # reserved. WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS. # # No unauthorized use without permission. # # # #############################################################################