############################################################################# # # # ww3_tic2.1: Test script for WW III, two-dimensional propagation # # through a nonstationary and nonuniform ice layer # # (this test was previously known as ice_test11) # # # # For recommended switches, please refer to switch file(s) in the input # # directory "input_IC1" or "input_IC2IS2" # # # # Remarks : # # # # - Test case input: # # * ww3_grid.inp # # + Spectral grid # # Number of directions : 24 # # Directional increment (deg.): 15.0 # # First direction (deg.): 0.0 # # Number of frequencies : 3 # # Frequency range (Hz) : 0.0800-0.1250 # # Increment factor : 1.250 # # + Spatial grid # # Grid type : rectilinear # # Coordinate system : Cartesian # # Index closure type : none # # Dimensions : 51 51 # # Increments (km) : 5.00 5.00 # # X range (km) : 0.00 250.00 # # Y range (km) : 0.00 250.00 # # # # Test case description: # # Waves propagate from SE to NW. Initial condition is a uniform field with # # SWH=1 m. No ice initially. Ice appears at hr 3, in NW quadrant of domain.# # Increasing decay (in both time and space) is evident. At hour 9, ice # # disappears, and wave energy fills in the NW quadrant. By hour 12, # # simulation has not quite reached steady state, but is close (still a # # little bit of the NW quadrant to fill in). The primary purpose of this # # test case is to verify that WW3 is handling the input fields correctly. # # # # IC1 = constant dissipation rate # # Scattering of waves by ice floes will be treated separately from # # IC1/IC2/IC3 and and is not included in this test case. # # # # Reference (w/plots): Rogers and Orzech, NRL Memorandum Report (2013) # # available from http://www7320.nrlssc.navy.mil/pubs.php # # # # Example run_test command(s): # # (some details will vary by local system and configuration) # # ./bin/run_test -w work_IC1 -i input_IC1 ../model ww3_tic2.1 # # ./bin/run_test -w work_IC2IS2 -c gnu_debug -i input_IC2IS2 # # ../model ww3_tic2.1 # # ./bin/run_test -p mpirun -n 3 -w work_IC4 -i input_IC4 # # ../model ww3_tic2.1 # # # # origination: Erick Rogers, Dec 2012 # # updated: Stefan Zieger, Oct 2013 # # updated: Fabrice Ardhuin, Nov 2015 # # last updated: Erick Rogers, Apr 2017 # # # # Copyright 2009 National Weather Service (NWS), # # National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. All rights # # reserved. WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS. # # No unauthorized use without permission. # # # #############################################################################