############################################################################# # # # ww3_tic1.2 Test script for WW-III, ice source term shoaling (1-d model) # # # # Model should be compiled with the switches : # # # # !/LN0 !/ST0 !/NL0 !/BT0 !/DB0 !/TR0 !/BS0 !/XX0 # # !/ST0 Select the 'no source terms' option. # # !/IC3 Select the 'ice source term' option. # # !/PR3 !/UQ Selecting one of the propagation schemes. # # !/WNX1 !/WNT1 !/CRX1 !/CRT1 Wind and current interpolation. # # !/O0 !/O1 !/O2 !/O3 !/O4 !/O5 !/O6 !/O7 Sdt out output options. # # # # - No other optional switches should be used. # # # # REMARKS: # # Waves propagate from low-x to high-x. Boundary forcing is constant (not # # updated) defined at x=0. SWH~1 m at boundary. Direction is 270 deg. # # Waves propagate through ice, starting from rest (except at # # boundary). See tab50.ww3 for summary output. These test cases are # # demonstrated for IC3, which solves the real part of the complex # # dispersion relation. The change in wavelength and results in # # shoaling and refraction. IC3 requires four ice paramemters. There # # are two solvers, CHENG and V1. CHENG requires stationary and # # homogenous effective viscosity, density, and effective shear modulus # # to be specified in shel.inp. V1 can take variable ice parameters. A # # thickness gradient is tested with both solvers, CHENG and V1. In # # addition ice elasticity gradient is tested with V1. # # # # - Test case input (default): # # * ww3_grid.inp : # # + Spatial grid options: rectilinear Cartesian grid # # + input_IC3_A0.5K # # - dx = 0.5 km, dy = 0.5 km, depth = 500 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.15:1.50m, IC2=0.25m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E6Pa # # + input_IC3_A1.0K # # - dx = 1.0 km, dy = 1.0 km, depth = 500 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.15:1.50m, IC2=0.25m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E6Pa # # + input_IC3_A2.5K # # - dx = 2.5 km, dy = 2.5 km, depth = 500 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.15:1.50m, IC2=0.25m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E6Pa # # + input_IC3_B0.5K # # - dx = 0.5 km, dy = 0.5 km, depth = 100 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.15:1.50m, IC2=0.05m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E6Pa # # + input_IC3_B1.0K # # - dx = 1.0 km, dy = 1.0 km, depth = 100 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.15:1.50m, IC2=0.05m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E6Pa # # + input_IC3_B2.5K # # - dx = 2.5 km, dy = 2.5 km, depth = 100 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.15:1.50m, IC2=0.05m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E6Pa # # + Spectral grid: ntheta = 24, nf = 3, f1 = 0.145 # # # # - Test case input (CHENG): # # * ww3_grid.inp : # # + Spatial grid options: rectilinear Cartesian grid # # + input_IC3_CHENG # # - dx = 0.5 km, dy = 0.5 km, depth = 1000 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.0:1.0m, IC2=1.E3m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E3Pa # # + Spectral grid: ntheta = 24, nf = 3, f1 = 0.105, fgamma = 1.07 # # # # - Test case input (V1): # # * ww3_grid.inp : # # + Spatial grid options: rectilinear Cartesian grid # # + input_IC3_V1_h # # - dx = 0.5 km, dy = 0.5 km, depth = 1000 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.0:1.0m, IC2=1.E3m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=1.E3Pa # # + input_IC3_V1_G # # - dx = 2.5 km, dy = 2.5 km, depth = 1000 m # # - Xrange = -dx:150 km # # - IC1range= 0.75m, IC2=1.E3m2/s, IC3=917kg/m3 IC4=0.0:1.E9Pa # # + Spectral grid: ntheta = 24, nf = 3, f1 = 0.105, fgamma = 1.07 # # # # * switch options : # # + switch_MPI # # # # - Examples: # # bin/run_test -c gnu -i input_IC3_A0.5k ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -i input_IC3_A1.0k ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -i input_IC3_A2.5k ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -i input_IC3_B0.5k ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -i input_IC3_B1.0k ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -i input_IC3_B2.5k ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # # # bin/run_test -c gnu -s MPI -p mpiexec -n 3 -i input_IC3_A0.5k \ # # ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -s MPI -p mpiexec -n 3 -i input_IC3_A1.0k \ # # ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -s MPI -p mpiexec -n 3 -i input_IC3_A2.5k \ # # ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -s MPI -p mpiexec -n 3 -i input_IC3_B0.5k \ # # ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -s MPI -p mpiexec -n 3 -i input_IC3_B1.0k \ # # ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c gnu -s MPI -p mpiexec -n 3 -i input_IC3_B2.5k \ # # ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # # # bin/run_test -c Portland -i input_IC3_CHENG ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c Portland -i input_IC3_V1_h ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # bin/run_test -c Portland -i input_IC3_V1_G ../model ww3_tic1.2 # # # # Stefan Zieger, Nov 2013 # # Clarence Collins, Sep 2016 # # # # Copyright 2009-2013 National Weather Service (NWS), # # National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. All rights # # reserved. WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS. # # No unauthorized use without permission. # # # #############################################################################