############################################################################# # # # mww3_test_04 : Tests for static nesting (propagation only) # # Propagation test with lateral boundary data from file # # (1-D run) and inner grid with shallow water and/or # # currents. # # # # Model should be compiled with the switches : # # # # !/FLXn !/LN0 !/ST0 !/NL0 !/BT0 !/DB0 !/TR0 !/BS0 !/XX0 # # No source terms needed. # # !/PRn Selecting one of the propagation schemes. # # !/O0 !/O1 !/O2 !/O3 !/O4 !/O5 !/O6 !/O7 !/O10 # # Sdt out output options. # # # # No other optional switches should be used. # # # # Remarks : # # # # - Test case input (default): # # * ww3_grid_bound.inp : # # + Spatial grid: 55 x 57 rectilinear Cartesian grid # # - dx = 10 km, dy = 10 km # # - Xrange = -270:270 km, Yrange = -280:280 km # # + Spectral grid: ntheta = 24, nf = 20, f1 = 0.075, fgamma = 1.03 # # + This grid contains only the preset upwave boundary data at the # # left side of the grid and the dynamic lateral boundaries at the # # top and bottom of the grid which evolve dynamically using 1-D # # propagation in X only. # # * ww3_grid_outer.inp : # # + Full grid version of 'bound' with full 2-D propagation and constant # # depth with d = 250m. # # * ww3_grid_inner.inp : # # + Spatial grid: 51 x 51 rectilinear Cartesian grid # # - dx = 5 km, dy = 5 km # # - Xrange = -125:125 km, Yrange = -125:125 km # # + Spectral grid: ntheta = 24, nf = 20, f1 = 0.075, fgamma = 1.03 # # + Circular mask, flat bottom with d=250 m. # # * ww3_grid_mount.inp : # # + Like 'inner' grid with sea mount to test shoaling in grid sets # # f and g. # # # # * Grid sets available : # # + Note that all grid sets work with the boundary, outer and inner (or # # (or mount) grids as outlined in the table below. # # # # +--------------------------------------------+---------------+ # # | grid set grdset_X with X as : | a b c d e f g | # # +--------------------------------------------+---------------+ # # | inner grid current | X X X X X X | # # | inner grid sea mount | X X | # # | output points per grid (G) or unified (U) | G U U U U U U | # # | output server type (ww3_multi.inp line 1) | 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 | # # | dedicated process for unidifed point outp. | T T F T T T T | # # | share dedicated output processors | T T F T F T T | # # | test for MPI only | X X X | # # +--------------------------------------------+---------------+ # # # # * map_m04.gs: GrADS script for grdset_f, requires minor editing for # # some of the other grid set options. # # # # * switch options (mostly self-explanatory). # # + switch_PR1 : First order scheme (default) # # + switch_PR2_UNO : UNO scheme with diffusion (off) # # + switch_PR2_UQ : UQ scheme with diffusion (off) # # + switch_PR3_UNO : UNO scheme with averaging (off) # # + switch_PR3_UQ : UQ scheme with averaging (off) # # + switch_PR3_UNO_SCRIP : Using SCRIP package for mapping. # # + switch_PR3_UQ_SCRIP : Using SCRIP package for mapping. # # + switch_PR3_UNO_SCRIPNC : Using SCRIP package and file if avail. # # + switch_PR3_UQ_SCRIPNC : Using SCRIP package and file if avail. # # + switch_PR3_UNO_SCRIP_T38: Using SCRIP package with test output. # # + switch_PR3_UQ_SCRIP_T38 : Using SCRIP package with test output. # # + switch_PR1_MPI # # + switch_PR2_UNO_MPI # # + switch_PR2_UQ_MPI # # + switch_PR3_UNO_MPI # # + switch_PR3_UQ_MPI # # + switch_PR3_UNO_MPI_SCRIP # # + switch_PR3_UQ_MPI_SCRIP # # + switch_PR3_UNO_MPI_SCRIPNC # # + switch_PR3_UQ_MPI_SCRIPNC # # + switch_PR3_UNO_MPI_SCRIP_T38 # # + switch_PR3_UQ_MPI_SCRIP_T38 # # # # - Note that the outer boundary data is generated by a 1-D model, # # - Options to run this as a one-way nested test from the old test case # # have not been ported to the regtests version. # # - The square masked version of the old test is not ported eaither. # # - Choice of governing euqations in WAVEWATCH III implies that it is # # not possible to do a purely monochromatic propagation over currents, # # as changes in wavenumbers are modeled as propaption in k-space. # # # # Example run_test commands: # # (some details will vary by local system and configuration) # # ./bin/run_test -m grdset_a -s PR3_UQ -w work_a ../model mww3_test_04 # # ./bin/run_test -m grdset_b -s PR3_UQ -w work_b ../model mww3_test_04 # # # # Hendrik Tolman, Nov 2005 # # Last Mod : Aug 2013 # # # # Copyright 2009-2013 National Weather Service (NWS), # # National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. All rights # # reserved. WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS. # # No unauthorized use without permission. # # # #############################################################################