w3arrymd.F90(2091): remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+7'. ' Spectrum : ',A,' Units : ',E8.3,1X,A, & -----------------------------------------------^ w3arrymd.F90(2092): remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+7'. ' Maximum value : ',E8.3,1X,A/) -------------------------------------^ w3arrymd.F90(2089): remark #8291: Recommended relationship between field width 'W' and the number of fractional digits 'D' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+7'. ' Maximum value : ',E8.3,1X,A/) -------------------------------------^