module serv_xnl4v5 contains SUBROUTINE y_gauleg(x1,x2,x,w,n) !------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, intent(in) :: n ! Number of intervals real, intent(in) :: x1 ! lower limit of integration interval real, intent(in) :: x2 ! upper limit of integration interval real, intent(out) :: x(n) ! Positions for function evaluations real, intent(out) :: w(n) ! Weights ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE PRECISION EPS PARAMETER (EPS=3.d-14) INTEGER i,j,m DOUBLE PRECISION p1,p2,p3,pp,xl,xm,z,z1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- m=(n+1)/2 xm=0.5d0*(x2+x1) xl=0.5d0*(x2-x1) do 12 i=1,m z=cos(3.141592654d0*(i-.25d0)/(n+.5d0)) 1 continue p1=1.d0 p2=0.d0 do 11 j=1,n p3=p2 p2=p1 p1=((2.d0*j-1.d0)*z*p2-(j-1.d0)*p3)/j 11 continue pp=n*(z*p1-p2)/(z*z-1.d0) z1=z z=z1-p1/pp if(abs(z-z1).gt.EPS)goto 1 x(i)=xm-xl*z x(n+1-i)=xm+xl*z w(i)=2.d0*xl/((1.d0-z*z)*pp*pp) w(n+1-i)=w(i) 12 continue ! return END subroutine !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_cmpcg(sigma,depth,grav,cg) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! implicit none ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 12/01/2001 Initial version ! 11/04/2001 Check included for the cases tat sigma < 0 or depth <0 ! Result is cg = -10 ! ! 1. Purpose: ! ! Compute group velocity for a given radian frequency and depth ! ! 2. Method ! ! Linear wave theory ! ! 3. Parameter list: ! !Type I/O Name Description !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ real, intent(in) :: sigma ! radian frequency (rad) real, intent(in) :: depth ! water depth (m) real, intent(in) :: grav ! gravitational acceleration (m/s^2) real, intent(out) :: cg ! group velocity (m/s) ! real k ! wave number !/A !!real z_wnumb ! compute wave number !/Z !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- k = z_wnumb(sigma,depth,grav) ! if(depth <= 0. .or. sigma <= 0.) then cg = -10. else if(depth*k > 30.) then cg = grav/(2.*sigma) else cg = sigma/k*(0.5+depth*k/sinh(2.*depth*k)) end if end if ! return end subroutine ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_intp1(x1,y1,x2,y2,n1,n2,ierr) ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! implicit none ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 30/03/1999 Initical version ! 9/04/1999 Check included for monotonicity of x-data ! 11/10/1999 Error messages added and updated ! 18/01/2001 Check include if n1==1 ! 24/01/2001 Check for equality of y2 data loosened if n2==1 ! 13/09/2001 Documentation updated ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Interpolate function values ! ! 2. Method ! ! Linear interpolation ! If a requested point falls outside the input domain, then ! the nearest point is used (viz. begin or end point of x1/y1 array ! ! If the input array has only one point. A constant value is assumed ! ! 3. Parameter list ! ! Name I/O Type Description ! integer, intent(in) :: n1 ! number of data points in x1-y1 arrays integer, intent(in) :: n2 ! number of data points in x2-y2 arrays real, intent(in) :: x1(n1) ! x-values of input data real, intent(in) :: y1(n1) ! y-values of input data real, intent(in) :: x2(n2) ! x-values of output data real, intent(out) :: y2(n2) ! y-values of output data integer, intent(out) :: ierr ! Error indicator ! ! 4. Subroutines used ! ! 5. Error messages ! ! ierr = 0 No errors detected ! = 1 x1-data not monotonic increasing ! = 10 x2-data not monotonic increasing ! = 11 x1- and x2 data not monotonic increasing ! = 2 x1-data not monotonic decreasing ! = 20 x1-data not monotonic decreasing ! = 22 x1- and x2 data not monotonic decreasing ! ! = 2 No variation in x1-data ! = 3 No variation in x2-data is allowed if n2=1 ! ! 6. Remarks ! ! It is assumed that the x1- and x2-data are either ! monotonic increasing or decreasing ! ! If a requested x2-value falls outside the range of x1-values ! it is assumed that the corresponding y2-value is equal to ! the nearest boundary value of the y1-values ! ! Example: x1 = [0 1 2 3] ! y1 = [1 2 1 0] ! ! x2 = -1, y2 = 1 ! x2 = 5, y2 = 0 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ integer i1,i2 ! counters ! real ds ! step size real fac ! factor in linear interpolation real s1,s2 ! search values real xmin1,xmax1 ! minimum and maximum of x1-data real xmin2,xmax2 ! minimum and maximum of x2-data ! real, parameter :: eps=1.e-20 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! initialisation ! ierr = 0 ! ! check number of points of input array ! if(n1==1) then y2 = y1(1) goto 9999 end if ! ! check minimum and maximum data values ! xmin1 = minval(x1) xmax1 = maxval(x1) xmin2 = minval(x2) xmax2 = maxval(x2) ! if (abs(xmin1-xmax1) < eps .or. abs(x1(1)-x1(n1)) < eps) then ierr = 2 goto 9999 end if ! if ((abs(xmin2-xmax2) < eps .or. abs(x2(1)-x2(n2)) < eps) .and. n2 > 1) then ierr = 3 goto 9999 end if ! ! check input data for monotonicity ! if(x1(1) < x1(n1)) then ! data increasing do i1=1,n1-1 if(x1(i1) > x1(i1+1)) then ierr=1 write(*,*) 'z_intp1: i1 x1(i1) x1(i1+1):',i1,x1(i1),x1(i1+1) goto 9999 end if end do ! do i2=1,n2-1 if(x2(i2) > x2(i2+1)) then ierr=ierr+10 write(*,*) 'z_intp1: i2 x2(i2) x2(i2+1):',i2,x2(i2),x2(i2+1) goto 9999 end if end do ! else ! data decreasing do i1=1,n1-1 if(x1(i1) < x1(i1+1)) then ierr=2 write(*,*) 'z_intp1: i1 x1(i1) x1(i1+1):',i1,x1(i1),x1(i1+1) goto 9999 end if end do ! do i2=1,n2-1 if(x2(i2) < x2(i2+1)) then ierr=ierr + 20 write(*,*) 'z_intp1: i2 x2(i2) x2(i2+1):',i2,x2(i2),x2(i2+1) goto 9999 end if end do end if ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! initialize !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if(ierr==0) then i1 = 1 s1 = x1(i1) ! do i2 = 1,n2 s2 = x2(i2) do while (s1 <= s2 .and. i1 < n1) i1 = i1 + 1 s1 = x1(i1) end do ! ! special point ! choose lowest s1-value if x2(:) < x1(1) ! if(i1 ==1) then y2(i2) = y1(i1) else ds = s2 - x1(i1-1) fac = ds/(x1(i1)-x1(i1-1)) y2(i2) = y1(i1-1) + fac*(y1(i1)-y1(i1-1)) end if ! ! special case at end: choose s2(n2) > s1(n1), choose last value of y1(1) ! if(i2==n2 .and. s2>s1) y2(n2) = y1(n1) end do end if ! 9999 continue ! return end subroutine ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_polyarea(xpol,ypol,npol,area) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | P.O. Box 248 ! | +---+ 8300 AE Emmeloord ! | | +---+ Tel: +31 527 620909 ! +---+ | | Fax: +31 527 610020 ! +---+ ! ! Gerbrant van Vledder ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 0.01 12/06/2003 Initial version ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Computes area of a closed polygon ! ! 2. Method ! ! The area of the polygon ! ! 3. Parameter list ! ! Name I/O Type Description ! integer, intent(in) :: npol ! Number of points of polygon real, intent(in) :: xpol(npol) ! x-coodinates of polygon real, intent(in) :: ypol(npol) ! y-coordinates of polygon real, intent(out) :: area ! area of polygon ! ! 4. Subroutines used ! ! 5. Error messages ! ! 6. Remarks ! integer ipol,ipol1 ! counters real xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax ! minima and maxima of polygon real xmean,ymean ! mean values real xa,ya,xb,yb ! temporary variables real sumx,sumy ! sums real darea ! piece of area !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if(npol<=1) then crf = 0. xz = 0. yz = 0. area = 0. return end if ! ! compute minimum and maximum coordinates ! xmin = minval(xpol) xmax = maxval(xpol) ymin = minval(ypol) ymax = maxval(ypol) ! ! compute mean of range of x- and y-coordinates ! xmean = 0.5*(xmin + xmax) ymean = 0.5*(ymin + ymax) ! ! compute area and center of gravity ! do loop over all line pieces of polygon ! area = 0. sumx = 0. sumy = 0. ! do ipol=1,npol ipol1 = ipol + 1 if(ipol==npol) ipol1 = 1 xa = xpol(ipol) ya = ypol(ipol) xb = xpol(ipol1) yb = ypol(ipol1) ! darea = 0.5*((xa-xmean)*(yb-ymean) - (xb-xmean)*(ya-ymean)) area = area + darea sumx = sumx + darea*(xa+xb+xmean)/3. sumy = sumy + darea*(ya+yb+ymean)/3. end do ! return end subroutine ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_steps(x,dx,nx) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ Creation date: September 28, 1998 ! +---+ | | Last Update: march 19, 2003 ! +---+ ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 19/03/2003 Input argument defined using intent option ! check included nx > 0 ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Compute bandwidth of spectral discretization ! implicit none ! integer, intent(in) :: nx ! Number of elements in array real, intent(in) :: x(nx) ! Input data array with elements real, intent(out) :: dx(nx) ! Output array with step sizes ! integer ix ! counter !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (nx<1) then return ! elseif (nx==1) then dx = 0 else do ix=2,nx-1 dx(ix) = 0.5 * (x(ix+1) - x(ix-1)) end do ! if (nx >= 4) then dx(1) = dx(2)*dx(2)/dx(3) dx(nx) = dx(nx-1)*dx(nx-1)/dx(nx-2) else dx(1) = dx(2) dx(nx) = dx(nx-1) end if end if ! return end subroutine !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! real function z_root2(func,x1,x2,xacc,iprint,ierr) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! ! 0. Update history ! ! Version Date Modification ! ! 0.01 29/11/1999 Initial version ! 0.02 07/11/1999 Test added to check boundaries, and reverse if necessary ! Bug fixed in assigning answer ! 0.03 02/09/2002 Maximum number of iterations set to 20, instead of 10 ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Find zero crossing point of function FUNC between the ! initial values on either side of zero crossing ! ! 2. Method ! ! Ridders method of root finding ! ! adapted from routine zridddr ! Numerical Recipes ! The art if scientific computing, second edition, 1992 ! W.H. Press, S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling and B.P. Flannery ! ! 3. Parameter list ! ! Name I/O Type Description ! ! func i r real function ! x1 i r initial x-value on left/right side of zero-crossing ! x2 i r initial x-value on right/left side of zero-crossing ! xacc i r accuracy, used as |x1(i)-x2(i)|< xacc ! iprint i i Output channel and test level ! ierr o i Error indicator ! ! 4. Subroutines used ! ! Func user supplied real function ! ! 5. Error messages ! ! ierr = 0 No errors occured during iteration process ! 1 Iteration halted in dead end, this combination may NEVER occur ! 2 Maximum number of iterations exceeded ! 3 Solution jumped outside interval ! ! 6. Remarks ! ! It is assumed that the x1- and x2-coordinate lie ! on different sides of the actual zero crossing ! ! The input parameter IPRINT is used to generate test output. ! If IPRINT==0, no test output is created ! > 0, test output is directed to the file connected to unit LUPRINT=IPRINT ! if no file is connected to this unit, no output is written ! ! implicit none ! real func ! external function real, intent (in) :: x1 ! x-value at one side of interval real, intent (in) :: x2 ! x-value at other side of interval real, intent (in) :: xacc ! requested accuracy integer, intent (in) :: iprint ! number of output channel, only used when integer, intent (out) :: ierr ! error indicator ! real unused ! default value real zriddr ! intermediate function value real xx1,xx2,xx ! local boundaries during iteration integer maxit ! maximum number of iteration integer luprint ! unit of test output logical lopen ! check if a file is opened parameter (maxit = 20) external func ! integer iter ! counter for number of iterations real fh ! function value FUNC(xh) real fl ! function value FUNC(xl) real fm ! function value FUNC(xm) real fnew ! function value FUNC(xnew) real s ! temp. function value, used for inverse quadratic interpolation real xh ! upper (high) boundary of interval real xl ! lower boundary of interval real xm ! middle point of interval real xnew ! new estimate according to Ridders method ! ierr = 0 ! set error level unused =-1.11e30 ! set start value ! xx1 = x1 ! copy boundaries of interval to local variables xx2 = x2 ! luprint = iprint ! if(luprint > 0) then inquire(unit=luprint,opened=lopen) if(.not.lopen) then luprint = 0 write(*,'(a,i4)') 'Z_ROOT2: invalid unit number:',iprint end if end if ! ! check boundaries on requirement x2 > x1 ! if(xx1 > xx2) then xx = xx1 xx1 = xx2 xx2 = xx end if ! fl = func(xx1) fh = func(xx2) ! !if(luprint > 0) write(luprint,'(a,4e13.5)') & !& 'Z_ROOT2: xx1 xx2 fl fh:',xx1,xx2,fl,fh ! if((fl > 0. .and. fh < 0.) .or. (fl < 0. .and. fh > 0.))then xl = xx1 xh = xx2 zriddr = unused ! do iter=1,maxit xm = 0.5*(xl+xh) fm = func(xm) s = sqrt(fm**2-fl*fh) if(s == 0.) goto 9000 xnew = xm+(xm-xl)*(sign(1.,fl-fh)*fm/s) ! ! if(luprint>0) write(luprint,'(a,4e13.5)') & !& 'Z_ROOT2: xm,fm,s,xnew:',xm,fm,s,xnew ! if (abs(xnew-zriddr) <= xacc) then ! if(luprint>0) write(luprint,'(a)') 'Z_ROOT2: xnew=zriddr' goto 9000 end if ! zriddr = xnew fnew = func(zriddr) if (fnew == 0.) goto 9000 ! if(sign(fm,fnew) /= fm) then xl = xm fl = fm xh = zriddr fh = fnew elseif(sign(fl,fnew) /= fl) then xh = zriddr fh = fnew elseif(sign(fh,fnew) /= fh) then xl = zriddr fl = fnew else ierr = 1 goto 9000 endif ! if(abs(xh-xl) <= xacc) goto 9000 ! if(luprint > 0) write(luprint,'(a,i4,5e14.6)') & & 'Z_ROOT2: iter,x1,x2,|x1-x2|,xacc,z:', iter,xl,xh,abs(xl-xh),xacc,fnew ! end do ierr = 2 if(luprint > 0) write(luprint,'(a)') 'Z_ROOT2: -> ierr=2' goto 9000 else if (fl == 0.) then zriddr = xx1 else if (fh == 0.) then zriddr = xx2 else ierr = 3 goto 9999 ! 'root must be bracketed in zriddr' endif ! 9000 continue ! z_root2 = zriddr ! if(luprint > 0) write(luprint,'(a,2i3,5e13.5)') & & 'Z_ROOT2: ierr,iter,xl,xh,acc,x0,z0:', ierr,iter,xl,xh,xacc,z_root2,func(z_root2) ! 9999 continue ! return end function ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! subroutine z_upper(str) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ Creation date: July 3,1998 ! +---+ | | Last Update: ! +---+ ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 1. Purpose ! ! Transform all lower capitals to UPPER CAPITALS in string STR ! ! 2. Method ! ! 3. Parameter list ! ! Name I/O Type Description ! implicit none character(len=*), intent(inout) :: str ! Character string to be converted ! ! 4. Subroutines used ! ! 5. Error messages ! ! 6. Remarks ! integer nlen integer i,ial,iau,izl ! nlen = len(str) ! ial = ichar('a') iau = ichar('A') izl = ichar('z') ! do i=1,nlen if(ichar(str(i:i)) >= ial.and. ichar(str(i:i)) <= izl) then str(i:i) = char(ichar(str(i:i))-ial+iau) end if end do ! return end subroutine ! !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! real function z_wnumb(w,d,grav) !-----------------------------------------------------------------------------! ! ! +-------+ ALKYON Hydraulic Consultancy & Research ! | | Gerbrant van Vledder ! | +---+ ! | | +---+ ! +---+ | | ! +---+ ! implicit none ! ! 0. Update history ! ! 01/04/1999 Initial version ! 12/01/2001 grav added as input parameter ! 11/04/2001 Check included for the case w < 0 or d < 0 ! ! 1. Purpose: ! ! Compute wave number k for a given radian frequency and water depth ! ! 2. Method ! ! finite depth linear dispersion relation, using a Pade approximation ! ! 3. Parameter list: ! !Type I/O Name Description !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ real, intent(in) :: w ! radian frequency (rad) real, intent(in) :: d ! water depth (m) real, intent(in) :: grav ! graviational acceleration (m/s^2) ! ! 4. Subroutines used ! ! 5. Error messages ! ! 6. Remarks ! ! The Pade approximation has been described in Hunt, 198. ! ! real x,xx,y,omega ! if(d<=0 .or. w<= 0.) then z_wnumb = -10. else omega = w**2/grav y = omega*d xx = y*(y+1./(1.+y*(0.66667+y*(0.35550+y*(0.16084+y*(0.06320+y* & & (0.02174+y*(0.00654+y*(0.00171+y*(0.00039+y*0.00011)))))))))) x = sqrt(xx) z_wnumb = x/d end if ! return end function end module