!------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module m_constants !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! physical constants ! real grav ! gravitational acceleration real sqrtg ! square root of grav real gsq ! square of grav real nu ! kinematic viscosity of water ! real d_water ! density of water real d_air ! density of air ! ! mathematical constants ! real pi ! circular constant, 3.1415... real pi2 ! 2*pi real pih ! pi/2 real dera ! conversion from degrees to radians real rade ! conversion from radians to degrees real expmin ! min argument for exp. function to avoid underflow real expmax ! max argument for exp. function to avoid overflow real sqrt2 ! square root of 2 ~ 1.41 ! contains ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine init_constants !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! pi = 4.*atan(1.) pi2 = 2.*pi pih = 0.5*pi dera = pi/180. rade = 180./pi ! expmin = -20. expmax = 20. ! ! physical constants ! grav = 9.81 sqrtg = sqrt(grav) gsq = grav*grav nu = 1.e-6 d_air = 1.2 d_water = 1027 ! end subroutine ! end module