#!/bin/bash # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ln3 : Make a link from a source code file of WAVEWATCH III to the work # # directory. Now also looks in bin directory. # # # # Hendrik L. Tolman # # February 2012 # # # # Copyright 2009-2012 National Weather Service (NWS), # # National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. All rights # # reserved. WAVEWATCH III is a trademark of the NWS. # # No unauthorized use without permission. # # # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 1. Preparations # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 1.a Check input if test "$#" -lt '1' then echo "usage: ln3 filename(s)" 1>&2 ; exit 1 fi files="$*" # 1.b Get data from setup file - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - source $(dirname $0)/w3_setenv main_dir=$WWATCH3_DIR temp_dir=$WWATCH3_TMP source=$WWATCH3_SOURCE list=$WWATCH3_LIST # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 2. Make link(s) # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set $files found='0' cd $main_dir/work while [ "$#" -ge '1' ] do name="$1" for file in $name $name.ftn $name.f90 $name.doc \ w3$name.ftn w3$name.doc w3${name}md.ftn w3${name}md.doc do if test -f ../ftn/$file then rm -f $file echo "make link to $file in ftn dir." ln -s ../ftn/$file . found=$(($found + 1)) fi if test -f ../bin/$file then rm -f $file echo "make link to $file in bin dir." ln -s ../bin/$file . found=$(($found + 1)) fi if test -f ../test/$file then rm -f $file echo "make link to $file in test dir." ln -s ../test/$file . found=$(($found + 1)) fi done shift done if test "$found" = '0' then echo "No files found." fi # End of list --------------------------------------------------------------- #