#!/bin/bash -e # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # link : Linker script for use in make (customized for hardware and # # optimization. Note that this script will not be replaced if part # # of WAVEWATCH III is re-installed. # # # # use : link name [name ... ] # # name: name of source code file without the extension. # # the first name will become the program name. # # # # error codes : all error output directly to screen. # # # # remarks : # # # # - Upon (first) installation of WAVEWATCH III the user needs to check the # # existing compilers and options available in the script cmplr.env # # # # - This version is a template for mpt/intel/gnu/pgi with optimized or # # debugging options by adding _debug # # # # M. Accensi # # August 2018 # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 1. Preparations # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 1.a Check and process input if [ "$#" -lt '1' ] then echo "usage: link name [name]" ; exit 1 fi prog=$1 echo " Linking $prog" input="$*" # 1.b Get data from setup file - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - source $(dirname $0)/w3_setenv main_dir=$WWATCH3_DIR temp_dir=$WWATCH3_TMP source=$WWATCH3_SOURCE list=$WWATCH3_LIST # 1.c Initial clean-up - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rm -f $main_dir/exe/$prog # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 2. Check objects # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cd $main_dir/obj objects=$NULL error='n' set $input while [ "$#" -gt '0' ] do file=$1.o if [ -f "$file" ] then objects="$objects $file" else echo " *** file $file not found ***" error='y' fi shift done if [ "$error" = 'y' ] then echo "*** Missing object files ***" exit 3 fi # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 3. Link # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 3.a Build options and determine compiler name - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - # compiler if [ "$mpi_mod" = 'yes' ] ; then comp='' else comp='' fi # linking options opt="" # oasis coupler archive if [ "$prog" = 'ww3_shel' ] || [ "$prog" = 'ww3_multi' ] || [ "$prog" = 'ww3_sbs1' ] || \ [ "$prog" = 'ww3_prnc' ] || [ "$prog" = 'ww3_prep' ] || [ "$prog" = 'ww3_prtide' ] || \ [ "$prog" = 'ww3_gspl' ] ; then if [ "$oasis_mod" = 'yes' ] ; then if [ -z "$(env | grep OASISDIR)" ] ; then echo '' echo "[ERROR] OASISDIR is not defined" exit 1 fi echo "link with oasis" libs="$libs $OASISDIR/lib/libpsmile.MPI1.a $OASISDIR/lib/libmct.a $OASISDIR/lib/libmpeu.a $OASISDIR/lib/libscrip.a" fi fi # netcdf library dir if [ "$netcdf_compile" = 'yes' ] ; then case $WWATCH3_NETCDF in NC3) libs="$libs -L$NETCDF_LIBDIR -lnetcdf" ;; NC4) if [ "$mpi_mod" = 'no' ]; then comp="`$NETCDF_CONFIG --fc`"; fi libs="$libs `$NETCDF_CONFIG --flibs`" ;; esac fi # parmetis library if [ "$prog" = 'ww3_shel' ] || [ "$prog" = 'ww3_multi' ] || [ "$prog" = 'ww3_sbs1' ] ; then if [ "$pdlib_mod" = 'yes' ] ; then if [ -z "$(env | grep METIS_PATH)" ] ; then echo '' echo "[ERROR] METIS_PATH is not defined" exit 1 fi echo "link with parmetis" libs="$libs $METIS_PATH/lib/libparmetis.a $METIS_PATH/lib/libmetis.a" fi fi opt="$opt $EXTRA_LINK_OPTIONS" # 3.b Link - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - rprfx="-Wl,-rpath," rpath= for path in $libs do if [ "${path:0:2}" = '-L' ] then rpath="$rpath ${rprfx}${path//-L/}" fi done $comp $opt $objects $libs $rpath > link.out 2> link.err OK="$?" # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # 4. Postprocessing # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if [ "$OK" != '0' ] then echo " *** error in linking ***" echo ' ' cat link.out echo ' ' cat link.err echo ' ' rm -f link.??? rm -f $prog exit $OK else if [ ! -f $prog ] then echo " *** program $prog not found ***" echo ' ' cat link.out echo ' ' cat link.err echo ' ' rm -f link.??? exit 1 else mv $prog $main_dir/exe/. rm -f link.??? fi fi # end of link --------------------------------------------------------------- #