The Oceanography Division of the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) is an R&D organization that, in addition to a number of other missions, supports model development and testing for Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC), a U.S. Navy operational center. NRL circa 2012 & NAVO circa 2013/2014 switch_file : switch_NRL1 Namelist values : &MISC FLAGTR = 4, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 / NRL circa 2014 switch_file : switch_NRL2 Namelist values : &MISC FLAGTR = 4, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 / &SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 / NRL experimental model circa 2014 switch_file : switch_NRL3 Namelist values : &MISC FLAGTR = 4, CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75 / &SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 / &FLX4 CDFAC = 1.230E-4 / NRL pre-operational model circa 2018 switch_file : switch_NRL4 Namelist values : &SIC4 IC4METHOD = 6, IC4FC = 0.045 , 0.055 , 0.10 , 0.15 , 0.20 , 0.25 , 0.30 , 0.35 , 0.40 , 99.0 IC4KI = 1.0e-6 , 2.0e-6 , 2.94e-06, 4.27e-06, 7.95e-06, 2.95e-05, 1.12e-04, 2.74e-04, 4.95e-04, 8.94e-04 / &MISC FLAGTR = 2 , TRCKCMPR = F / &SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.2000 / &SBT1 GAMMA = -0.038 /