At Ifremer we run several wave models routinely using the WAVEWATCH codes, these are part of the Previmer system and are reported under "SHM" or "SHOM" in the monthly JCOMM verification reports. The switch files and namelist values (other than default settings) for the different models are given below. Please note that we use different parameter settings for hindcasts and forecasts to adjust for the wind biases. globmulti : A routine run global wave model driven by ECMWF winds switch file : switch_Ifremer1 Namelist values (for forecasts, as of 2014/03/18 ): &MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4 / &SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.45 / Nameliste values for hindcasts with CFSR winds (1994 to 2006) : &MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4 / &SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.33 medmulti : A routine run driven by ECMWF winds switch file : switch_Ifremer1 Namelist values : &SIN4 BETAMAX = 1.50, ZALP=0.006, ZWND = 5., Z0MAX = 0.0020, TAUWSHELTER = 0.0 / &SDS4 SDSBR = 0.00085, SDSC2 = -2.2E-5, SDSCUM = 0.000, FXFM3= 2.5 / &SNL1 NLPROP = 2.7E7 / norgasug : a 110 k node mesh of the French Atlantic + Channel + North sea switch file : switch_Ifremer1 Namelist values : &UG UGOBCAUTO = T, UGOBCDEPTH = -20.0, EXPFSN = T/ &SBT4 SEDMAPD50 = T, BOTROUGHMIN = 0.0400, BOTROUGHFAC = 1.0 / &REF1 REFCOAST=0.1, REFSLOPE=0.20, REFMAP = 0, REFFREQPOW = 3, REFCOSP_STRAIGHT=4, REFFREQ=1., REFSUBGRID = 0.00, REFRMAX = 0.8 /