function read_outf_hs_generic(time_filename,hmax,dt,axisin,ext,variablename,units,plot_bathy,iprint,ifig) % Purpose: scan depth (if ploty_bath==1) and Hs files % and make simple x,y plots and save fields % to a .mat file. The x,y plots are just for simple diagnostics. It is % assumed that the .mat file will subsequently be used to make better % plots (especially in case of curvilinear grid, since plot will be % distorted here). % Example input: time_filename=datenum(1968,06,06,0,0,0);hmax=5; dt=1/24;axisin=[];ext='hs';variablename='SWH';units{1}='deg';units{2}='m';plot_bathy=0; % Name: read_outf_hs_generic.m % Origination: E Rogers % This header last updated: E Rogers Jan 11 2013 icheck=1; fz=12; set(0,'defaultaxesfontsize',fz); BUFFER=1; wermap=jet; wermap(1,:)=[0 0.6 0]; v2=[-10 0 10]; for itime=1:1000 Z1=datestr(time_filename,30); Z2=[Z1(3:8) Z1(10:11)]; if itime==1 & plot_bathy==1 filename=['./ww3.' Z2 '.dpt']; if exist(filename) == 0 disp([filename ' does not exist']) break end if exist(filename) == 2 disp([filename ' does exist.']) [xgrd,ygrd,depth,year,month,day,hour,minute]=read_scalar(filename,icheck); time(itime)=datenum(year,month,day,hour,minute,0); icheck=0; figure(1),clf,hold off imagesc(xgrd,ygrd,depth') colormap(jet) axis xy axis equal if isempty(axisin)==1 axis1=[min(min(xgrd))-BUFFER max(max(xgrd))+BUFFER min(min(ygrd))-BUFFER max(max(ygrd))+BUFFER]; else axis1=axisin; end axis(axis1) xlabel(['x (' units{1} ')'],'fontsize',(fz+2)) ylabel(['y (' units{1} ')'],'fontsize',(fz+2)) set(gca,'fontsize',fz) caxis([-300 300]) colorbar title(['depth (m) ; ' datestr(time(itime),0)]) pause(0.1) end end filename=['./ww3.' Z2 '.' ext]; if exist(filename) == 0 disp([filename ' does not exist']) break end if exist(filename) == 2 disp([filename ' does exist; itime = ' num2str(itime)]) str=['[xgrd,ygrd,' variablename ',year,month,day,hour,minute]=read_scalar(filename,icheck);'];eval(str) filenames{itime}=filename; % for error checking time_filenames(itime)=time_filename; % for error checking time(itime)=datenum(year,month,day,hour,minute,0); icheck=0; % This operation is disabled since depth at first time step may not apply for this field % (depth field is affected by nonstationary ice, for example) % if plot_bathy==1 % [i]=find(depth<0); % str=[' ' variablename '(i)=-99;'];eval(str) % end figure(ifig),clf,hold off str=[' imagesc(xgrd,ygrd,' variablename ''')'];eval(str) colormap(wermap) axis xy axis equal if isempty(axisin)==1 axis1=[min(min(xgrd))-BUFFER max(max(xgrd))+BUFFER min(min(ygrd))-BUFFER max(max(ygrd))+BUFFER]; else axis1=axisin; end axis(axis1) xlabel(['x (' units{1} ')'],'fontsize',(fz+2)) ylabel(['y (' units{1} ')'],'fontsize',(fz+2)) set(gca,'fontsize',fz) caxis([-hmax/63 hmax]) colorbar if plot_bathy==1 hold on contour(xgrd,ygrd,depth',v2,'w-') end title([variablename ' (' units{2} ') ; ' datestr(time(itime),0)]) pause(0.1) if iprint==1 icount=icount+1; if icount==1 print -dpsc2 else print -dpsc2 -append end end time_filename=time_filename+dt; % round to nearest minute to avoid limits of precision in dt that causes creepage over many time steps time_filename=round(time_filename*1440)/1440; str=[' ' variablename '_t{itime}=' variablename ';'];eval(str) end end %print -dpsc2 %print -dpng if exist('xgrd')==0 error('did you put in the correct date?') end disp('saving final .mat file....') if plot_bathy==1 str=['save ' variablename '.OUTF.mat xgrd ygrd depth ' variablename '_t time'];eval(str) else str=['save ' variablename '.OUTF.mat xgrd ygrd ' variablename '_t time'];eval(str) end disp('....done')