700 600 % Plot window XSIZE and YSIZE ~/RUNS/ % not supported anymore ~/RUNS/ % not supported anymore ~/DATA/BATHY/ % Bathymetry log file ~/DATA/BATHY/ % Bathymetry grd file ~/DATA/BATHY/GLOBAL_COAST/ % coastline is same format as GSHHS2 ~/DATA/BATHY/GLOBAL_COAST/ % shoreline in same format as france.line ~/ % MESH file ~/ % grgp file (grid file including special points) ~/ % transect ~/ % ~/ % 10: modelled time series ~/ % 11: modelled time series (new run) ~/DATA/ % 12: data time series ~/DATA/ % 13: data time series for comparison with model ~/ % 14: modelled time series (multiple files) ~/ % 15: ?? ~/TEMP/ % 16: additional time series (wind ...) ~/TEMP/ % 17: NetCDF maps ~/DATA/BATHY/GLOBAL_COAST/ % 18: coastline file (GSHHS ) ~/DATA/ % 19: flags for data time series ~/RUNSAB/TESTWW3/ % 20: ASCII maps from WAVEWATCH III ~/RUNSAB/TESTWW3/ % 21: ASCII map for comparison with first map palettes/ % 22: Color palette -5.5 48.8 % Position of chosen point for time series (latitude, longitude) 0 % Version of interface: 0 = full , 1= simplified palettes/doppler_modified_land_2.ct % color palette to be loaded when starting RUNTIME % Type of licence : LICENCE or RUNTIME