program gen_be_ep1 use da_control, only : stderr,stdout, filename_len use da_gen_be, only : da_filter_regcoeffs use da_tools_serial, only : da_get_unit, da_free_unit,da_advance_cymdh implicit none character*10 :: start_date, end_date ! Starting and ending dates. character*10 :: date, new_date ! Current date (ccyymmddhh). character*10 :: variable ! Variable name character(len=filename_len) :: filename ! Input filename. character*3 :: ce ! Member index -> character. integer :: ni, nj, nk, nkdum ! Grid dimensions. integer :: i, j, k, member ! Loop counters. integer :: b ! Bin marker. integer :: sdate, cdate, edate ! Starting, current ending dates. integer :: interval ! Period between dates (hours). integer :: ne ! Number of ensemble members. integer :: bin_type ! Type of bin to average over. integer :: num_bins ! Number of bins (3D fields). integer :: num_bins2d ! Number of bins (2D fields). integer :: num_passes ! Recursive filter passes. integer :: count ! Counter. real :: lat_min, lat_max ! Used if bin_type = 2 (degrees). real :: binwidth_lat ! Used if bin_type = 2 (degrees). real :: hgt_min, hgt_max ! Used if bin_type = 2 (m). real :: binwidth_hgt ! Used if bin_type = 2 (m). real :: rf_scale ! Recursive filter scale. real :: count_inv ! 1 / count. real, allocatable :: psi(:,:,:) ! psi. real, allocatable :: chi(:,:,:) ! chi. real, allocatable :: temp(:,:,:) ! Temperature. real, allocatable :: rh(:,:,:) ! Relative humidity. real, allocatable :: ps(:,:) ! Surface pressure. real, allocatable :: chi_u(:,:,:) ! chi. real, allocatable :: temp_u(:,:,:) ! Temperature. real, allocatable :: ps_u(:,:) ! Surface pressure. real, allocatable :: psi_mnsq(:,:,:) ! psi. real, allocatable :: chi_mnsq(:,:,:) ! chi. real, allocatable :: temp_mnsq(:,:,:) ! Temperature. real, allocatable :: rh_mnsq(:,:,:) ! Relative humidity. real, allocatable :: ps_mnsq(:,:) ! Surface pressure. real, allocatable :: chi_u_mnsq(:,:,:) ! chi. real, allocatable :: temp_u_mnsq(:,:,:) ! Temperature. real, allocatable :: ps_u_mnsq(:,:) ! Surface pressure. integer, allocatable:: bin(:,:,:) ! Bin assigned to each 3D point. integer, allocatable:: bin2d(:,:) ! Bin assigned to each 2D point. real, allocatable :: regcoeff1(:) ! psi/chi regression cooefficient. real, allocatable :: regcoeff2(:,:) ! psi/ps regression cooefficient. real, allocatable :: regcoeff3(:,:,:) ! psi/T regression cooefficient. namelist / gen_be_stage2a_nl / start_date, end_date, interval, & ne, num_passes, rf_scale integer :: ounit, gen_be_ounit, namelist_unit, iunit stderr = 0 stdout = 6 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,'(a)')' [1] Initialize namelist variables and other scalars.' !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- call da_get_unit(ounit) call da_get_unit(iunit) call da_get_unit(gen_be_ounit) call da_get_unit(namelist_unit) start_date = '2004030312' end_date = '2004033112' interval = 24 ne = 1 num_passes = 0 rf_scale = 1.0 open(unit=namelist_unit, file='', & form='formatted', status='old', action='read') read(namelist_unit, gen_be_stage2a_nl) close(namelist_unit) read(start_date(1:10), fmt='(i10)')sdate read(end_date(1:10), fmt='(i10)')edate write(6,'(4a)')' Computing control variable fields' write(6,'(4a)') ' Time period is ', start_date, ' to ', end_date write(6,'(a,i8,a)')' Interval between dates = ', interval, 'hours.' write(6,'(a,i8)')' Number of ensemble members at each time = ', ne date = start_date cdate = sdate !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,'(2a)')' [2] Read regression coefficients and bin information:' !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- filename = 'be.dat' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)bin_type read(iunit)lat_min, lat_max, binwidth_lat read(iunit)hgt_min, hgt_max, binwidth_hgt read(iunit)num_bins, num_bins2d allocate( bin(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( bin2d(1:ni,1:nj) ) allocate( regcoeff1(1:num_bins) ) allocate( regcoeff2(1:nk,1:num_bins2d) ) allocate( regcoeff3(1:nk,1:nk,1:num_bins2d) ) read(iunit)bin(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) read(iunit)bin2d(1:ni,1:nj) read(iunit)regcoeff1 read(iunit)regcoeff2 read(iunit)regcoeff3 close(iunit) allocate( psi(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( chi(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( temp(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( rh(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( ps(1:ni,1:nj) ) allocate( chi_u(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( temp_u(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( ps_u(1:ni,1:nj) ) if ( num_passes > 0 ) then write(6,'(a,i4,a)')' [3] Apply ', num_passes, ' pass recursive filter to regression coefficients:' call da_filter_regcoeffs( ni, nj, nk, num_bins, num_bins2d, num_passes, rf_scale, bin, & regcoeff1, regcoeff2, regcoeff3 ) else write(6,'(a)')' [3] num_passes = 0. Bypassing recursive filtering.' end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,'(a)')' [4] Read standard fields, and compute unbalanced control variable fields:' !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- date = start_date cdate = sdate do while ( cdate <= edate ) write(6,'(a,a)')' Calculating unbalanced fields for date ', date do member = 1, ne write(ce,'(i3.3)')member ! Read psi predictor: variable = 'psi' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)psi close(iunit) ! Calculate unbalanced chi: variable = 'chi' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)chi close(iunit) do k = 1, nk do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni b = bin(i,j,k) chi_u(i,j,k) = chi(i,j,k) - regcoeff1(b) * psi(i,j,k) end do end do end do variable = 'chi_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(ounit)ni, nj, nk write(ounit)chi_u close(ounit) ! Calculate unbalanced T: variable = 't' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)temp close(iunit) do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni b = bin2d(i,j) do k = 1, nk temp_u(i,j,k) = temp(i,j,k) - SUM(regcoeff3(k,1:nk,b) * psi(i,j,1:nk)) end do end do end do variable = 't_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(ounit)ni, nj, nk write(ounit)temp_u close(ounit) ! Calculate unbalanced ps: variable = 'ps' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce//'.01' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nkdum read(iunit)ps close(iunit) do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni b = bin2d(i,j) ps_u(i,j) = ps(i,j) - SUM(regcoeff2(1:nk,b) * psi(i,j,1:nk)) end do end do variable = 'ps_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce//'.01' open (ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(ounit)ni, nj, 1 write(ounit)ps_u close(ounit) end do ! End loop over ensemble members. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate mean control variables (diagnostics): !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Read psi predictor: variable = 'psi' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.mean' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)psi close(iunit) ! Calculate unbalanced chi: variable = 'chi' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.mean' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)chi close(iunit) do k = 1, nk do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni b = bin(i,j,k) chi_u(i,j,k) = chi(i,j,k) - regcoeff1(b) * psi(i,j,k) end do end do end do variable = 'chi_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.mean' open (ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(ounit)ni, nj, nk write(ounit)chi_u close(ounit) ! Calculate unbalanced T: variable = 't' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.mean' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)temp close(iunit) do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni b = bin2d(i,j) do k = 1, nk temp_u(i,j,k) = temp(i,j,k) - SUM(regcoeff3(k,1:nk,b) * psi(i,j,1:nk)) end do end do end do variable = 't_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.mean' open (ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(ounit)ni, nj, nk write(ounit)temp_u close(ounit) ! Calculate unbalanced ps: variable = 'ps' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.mean' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nkdum read(iunit)ps close(iunit) do j = 1, nj do i = 1, ni b = bin2d(i,j) ps_u(i,j) = ps(i,j) - SUM(regcoeff2(1:nk,b) * psi(i,j,1:nk)) end do end do variable = 'ps_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.mean' open (ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(ounit)ni, nj, 1 write(ounit)ps_u close(ounit) ! Calculate next date: call da_advance_cymdh( date, interval, new_date ) date = new_date read(date(1:10), fmt='(i10)')cdate end do ! End loop over times. deallocate( bin ) deallocate( bin2d ) deallocate( regcoeff1 ) deallocate( regcoeff2 ) deallocate( regcoeff3 ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- write(6,'(a)')' [5] Compute mean square statistics:' !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- allocate( psi_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( chi_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( temp_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( rh_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( ps_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj) ) allocate( chi_u_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( temp_u_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj,1:nk) ) allocate( ps_u_mnsq(1:ni,1:nj) ) date = start_date cdate = sdate do while ( cdate <= edate ) count = 0 psi_mnsq = 0.0 chi_mnsq = 0.0 temp_mnsq = 0.0 rh_mnsq = 0.0 ps_mnsq = 0.0 chi_u_mnsq = 0.0 temp_u_mnsq = 0.0 ps_u_mnsq = 0.0 do member = 1, ne write(ce,'(i3.3)')member count = count + 1 count_inv = 1.0 / real(count) variable = 'psi' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)psi close(iunit) variable = 'chi' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)chi close(iunit) variable = 't' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)temp close(iunit) variable = 'rh' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)rh close(iunit) variable = 'ps' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce//'.01' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nkdum read(iunit)ps close(iunit) variable = 'chi_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)chi_u close(iunit) variable = 't_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nk read(iunit)temp_u close(iunit) variable = 'ps_u' filename = trim(variable)//'/'//date(1:10) filename = trim(filename)//'.'//trim(variable)//'.e'//ce//'.01' open (iunit, file = filename, form='unformatted') read(iunit)ni, nj, nkdum read(iunit)ps close(iunit) ! Calculate accumulating mean: psi_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * psi_mnsq + psi * psi ) * count_inv chi_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * chi_mnsq + chi * chi ) * count_inv temp_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * temp_mnsq + temp * temp ) * count_inv rh_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * rh_mnsq + rh * rh ) * count_inv ps_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * ps_mnsq + ps * ps ) * count_inv chi_u_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * chi_u_mnsq + chi_u * chi_u ) * count_inv temp_u_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * temp_u_mnsq + temp_u * temp_u ) * count_inv ps_u_mnsq = ( real( count-1 ) * ps_u_mnsq + ps_u * ps_u ) * count_inv end do ! End loop over ensemble members. psi_mnsq = sqrt(psi_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) chi_mnsq = sqrt(chi_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) temp_mnsq = sqrt(temp_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) rh_mnsq = sqrt(rh_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) ps_mnsq = sqrt(ps_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) chi_u_mnsq = sqrt(chi_u_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) temp_u_mnsq = sqrt(temp_u_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) ps_u_mnsq = sqrt(ps_u_mnsq) ! Convert mnsq to stdv (mean=0) ! Write mean square statistics: filename = 'psi/'//date(1:10)//'.psi.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)psi_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) filename = 'chi/'//date(1:10)//'.chi.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)chi_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) filename = 't/'//date(1:10)//'.t.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)temp_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) filename = 'rh/'//date(1:10)//'.rh.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)rh_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) filename = 'ps/'//date(1:10)//'.ps.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)ps_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) filename = 'chi_u/'//date(1:10)//'.chi_u.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)chi_u_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) filename = 't_u/'//date(1:10)//'.t_u.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)temp_u_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) filename = 'ps_u/'//date(1:10)//'.ps_u.stdv' open (gen_be_ounit, file = filename, form='unformatted') write(gen_be_ounit)ni, nj, nk write(gen_be_ounit)ps_u_mnsq close(gen_be_ounit) ! Calculate next date: call da_advance_cymdh( date, interval, new_date ) date = new_date read(date(1:10), fmt='(i10)')cdate end do ! End loop over times. deallocate( psi ) deallocate( chi ) deallocate( temp ) deallocate( rh ) deallocate( ps ) deallocate( chi_u ) deallocate( temp_u ) deallocate( ps_u ) deallocate( psi_mnsq ) deallocate( chi_mnsq ) deallocate( temp_mnsq ) deallocate( rh_mnsq ) deallocate( ps_mnsq ) deallocate( chi_u_mnsq ) deallocate( temp_u_mnsq ) deallocate( ps_u_mnsq ) call da_free_unit(ounit) call da_free_unit(iunit) call da_free_unit(gen_be_ounit) call da_free_unit(namelist_unit) end program gen_be_ep1