module aero_mod implicit none private public :: get_aero_info, read_wrf_arw_aero contains subroutine get_aero_info(process_aero,aeros_to_process,num_aeros) implicit none integer,parameter :: num_aeros_max = 200 logical, intent(out) :: process_aero character(len=40),intent(out) :: aeros_to_process(1:num_aeros_max) integer, intent(out) :: num_aeros logical :: isfile namelist / be_for_aero_nl / process_aero,aeros_to_process ! Initialize variables process_aero = .false. aeros_to_process = 'missing' num_aeros = 1 inquire(file='', exist=isfile) if ( isfile ) then open(unit=98, file='', & form='formatted', status='old', action='read') read(98, be_for_aero_nl) close(98) if ( process_aero ) then write(6,fmt='(a)') 'Computing BE for aerosols' num_aeros = count('missing') write(6,fmt='(a,a)') 'Aerosol species are ',aeros_to_process(1:num_aeros) endif endif end subroutine get_aero_info subroutine read_wrf_arw_aero(filename,nx,ny,nz,mype,sf,vp,t,q,qm,p,num_aeros,aero) implicit none character(len=*), intent(in) :: filename integer, intent(in) :: nx, ny, nz, mype real, intent(out) :: sf(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz) real, intent(out) :: vp(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz) real, intent(out) :: t(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz) real, intent(out) :: q(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz) real, intent(out) :: qm(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz) real, intent(out) :: p(1:nx,1:ny) integer, intent(in) :: num_aeros real, intent(out) :: aero(1:num_aeros,1:nx,1:ny,1:nz) real :: ds character (len=10) :: date integer :: nrec integer :: i,j,k ! nrec = 0 ! CSS...originally 1 open(unit=24,file=trim(filename),form='unformatted', & status='old', action='read') ! Psi read(24,err=100,end=99)sf nrec=nrec+1 ! Chi read(24,err=100,end=99)vp nrec=nrec+1 ! Fill zero vp fileds with adjacent value vp(:,1,:) =2*vp(:,2,:) - vp(:,3,:) vp(1,:,:) =2*vp(2,:,:) - vp(3,:,:) ! Temp read(24,err=100,end=99)t nrec=nrec+1 ! Moisture read(24,err=100,end=99)q nrec=nrec+1 ! Moisturer_2 read(24,err=100,end=99)qm nrec=nrec+1 ! Surface pressure (in whatever units it is writtenn stage0_gsi) read(24,err=100,end=99)p nrec=nrec+1 ! Aerosols read(24,err=100,end=99)aero nrec=nrec+1 close (24) return 99 write(6,*)'Unexpected end of file ',trim(filename),' in read_wrf_arw record recs: ',nrec stop 100 write(6,*)'read error in ',trim(filename),' in read_wrf_arw record recs: ',nrec stop end subroutine read_wrf_arw_aero end module aero_mod