C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of BUFR files that can be connected to the C BUFRLIB software (for reading or writing) at any one time. C (NOTE: This parameter must also be identically defined C within "bufrlib.h" for use by several C routines!) PARAMETER ( NFILES = 32 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum length (in bytes) of a BUFR message that can be C read or written by the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MXMSGL = 600000 ) PARAMETER ( MXMSGLD4 = MXMSGL/4 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of Section 3 FXY descriptors that can be C written into a BUFR message by the BUFRLIB software. C (NOTE: This parameter must also be identically defined C within "bufrlib.h" for use by several C routines!) PARAMETER ( MAXNC = 300 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of default Section 0 or Section 1 values C that can be overwritten within a BUFR message by the C BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MXS01V = 10 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of data values that can be read from or written C into a subset by the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MAXSS = 80000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of data values that can be written into a subset C of a compressed BUFR message by the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MXCDV = 3000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of subsets that can be written into a compressed C BUFR message by the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MXCSB = 4000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum length of a character string that can be written into a C compressed BUFR message by the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MXLCC = 32 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the internal BUFR Table A for each C BUFR file that is connected to the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MAXTBA = 150 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the internal BUFR Table B for each C BUFR file that is connected to the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MAXTBB = 500 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the internal BUFR Table D for each C BUFR file that is connected to the BUFRLIB software. PARAMETER ( MAXTBD = 500 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the master BUFR Table B. C (NOTE: This parameter must also be identically defined C within "bufrlib.h" for use by several C routines!) PARAMETER ( MXMTBB = 4000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the master BUFR Table D. C (NOTE: This parameter must also be identically defined C within "bufrlib.h" for use by several C routines!) PARAMETER ( MXMTBD = 1000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of child descriptors that can be included C within the sequence definition of a Table D descriptor. C (NOTE: This value does *not* need to take into account C the recursive resolution of any child descriptors C which may themselves be Table D descriptors!) C (NOTE: This parameter must also be identically defined C within "bufrlib.h" for use by several C routines!) PARAMETER ( MAXCD = 250 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the internal jump/link table. PARAMETER ( MAXJL = NFILES*3000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the internal string cache. PARAMETER ( MXS = 1000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of entries in the internal descriptor list cache. PARAMETER ( MXCNEM = MAXTBA*3 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of "long" character strings (i.e. greater than C 8 bytes) which can be read from a subset of a compressed BUFR C message. PARAMETER ( MXRST = 50 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of BUFR messages that can be stored within C internal memory. PARAMETER ( MAXMSG = 200000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of bytes that can be used to store BUFR C messages within internal memory. PARAMETER ( MAXMEM = 50000000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of jump/link table entries which can be used to C store new reference values (as defined using the 2-03 operator). PARAMETER ( MXNRV = 12 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of 2-04 associated fields that can be in effect C at the same time for any given Table B descriptor. PARAMETER ( MXNAF = 3 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of dictionary tables that can be stored for use C with BUFR messages in internal memory. PARAMETER ( MXDXTS = 200 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of dictionary messages that can be stored for use C with BUFR messages in internal memory. PARAMETER ( MXDXM = MXDXTS*3 ) PARAMETER ( MXDXW = MXDXM*MXMSGLD4) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C Maximum number of bytes that can be copied between BUFR C messages within internal memory. PARAMETER ( MXIMB = 400000 ) C----------------------------------------------------------------------- C BUFRLIB "missing" value. The default value for BMISS is set C within subroutine BFRINI, but it can be modified by the user via C a subsequent call to subroutine SETBMISS. COMMON /BUFRBMISS/ BMISS REAL*8 BMISS C-----------------------------------------------------------------------