subroutine emiss_ssmi(ntype_index,theta,frequency,mv,veg_frac, veg_tp, soil_tp, & t_soil, t_skin, snow_depth, tbb, esh, esv) ! !$$$ subprogram documentation block ! . . . . ! subprogram: iceem_amsua noaa/nesdis SSM/I emissivity model over snow/ice ! ! prgmmr: Banghua Yan org: nesdis date: 2004-02-12 ! Fuzhong Weng ! ! abstract: ! Please refer to the following paper for details ! Yan, B., F. Weng and K.Okamoto,2004: "A microwave snow emissivity model, submitted to TGRS ! ! version: 4 ! ! program history log: ! 2004-01-01 yan,b - implement the algorithm for snow/ice emissivity ! 2004-02-01 yan,b - modify the code for SSI ! 2004-07-23 okamoto - modify the code for GSI ! 2004-09-22 todling - using general interface sqrt instead of zsqrt ! ! input argument list: ! ntype_index - surface type ! 1 : ocean ! 2 : sea ice ! 3 : snow over land ! 4 : non-snow land ! theta - local zenith angle in radian ! frequency - frequency in GHz ! veg_frac - Vegetation fraction (0 - 1.0) (GDAS) ! veg_tp - Vegetation type (GDAS, not used) ! 1: Broadleave Evergreen Trees ! 2: Broadleave Deciduous Trees ! 3: Broad & Needle Mixed Forest ! 4: Needleleave Evergreen Trees ! 5: Needleleave Deciduous Trees ! 6: Broadleave Tree with Groundcover (Savana) ! 7: Groundcover Only (Perenial Groundcover) ! 8: Broadleave Shrubs with Perenial Groundcover ! 9: Broadleave Shrubs with Bare Soil ! 10: Dwarf Trees & Shrubs with Bare Soil ! 11: Bare Soil' ! 12: Cultivations (use paramater 7) ! 13: Glacial ! soil_tp - Soil type (GDAS, not used) ! 1: Loamy Sand (coarse) ! 2: Silty Clayloam (medium) ! 3: Light Clay (fine) ! 4: Sand Loam (coarse-medium) ! 5: Sandy Clay (coarse-fine) ! 6: Clay Loam (medium-fine) ! 7: Sandy Clay loam (coarse-med-fine) ! 8: Loam (organic) ! 9: Ice (use loamy sand property) ! t_soil - soil temperature (K) (GDAS) ! t_skin - scattering layer temperature (K) (GDAS) ! mv - volumetric moisture content in soil (0.0 - 1.0) (GDAS) ! mg - gravimetric water content (0.0 - 1.0) (GDAS,not used) ! snow_depth - scatter medium depth (mm?) (GDAS) ! tbb[1] ~ tbb[7]: brightness temperature at four SSM/I ! tbb[1] : at 19.35 GHz v-polarization ! tbb[2] : at 19.35 GHz h-polarization ! tbb[3] : at 22.235 GHz v-polarization ! tbb[4] : at 37 GHz v-polarization ! tbb[5] : at 37 GHz h-polarization ! tbb[6] : at 85 GHz v-polarization ! tbb[7] : at 85 GHz h-polarization ! When tbb[ ] = -999.9, it means a missing value (no available data) ! ! output argument list: ! em_vector : esv, esh ! esv : emissivity at vertical polarization ! esh : emissivity at horizontal polarization ! ! important internal variables: ! ! rhob - bulk volume density of the soil (1.18-1.12) ! rhos - density of the solids (2.65^3 for solid soil material) ! sand - sand fraction (sand + clay = 1.0) ! clay - clay fraction ! lai - leaf area index (eg. lai = 4.0 for corn leaves) ! sigma - surface roughness formed between medium 1 and 2, ! expressed as he standard deviation of roughtness height (mm) ! leaf_thick - leaf thickness (mm) ! rad - radius of dense medium scatterers (mm) ! va - fraction volume of dense medium scatterers(0.0-1.0) ! slnt - salinity (per throusand) ! ep - dielectric constant of ice or sand particles, complex value ! (e.g, 3.0+i0.0) ! ! remarks: ! ! Questions/comments: Please send to and ! ! attributes: ! language: f90 ! machine: ibm rs/6000 sp ! !$$$ ! use kinds, only: r_kind,i_kind ! use constants, only: zero, half, one implicit none real(r_kind):: rhob,rhos,sand,clay integer(i_kind) :: nw,nwv,nwh parameter(rhob=1.18_r_kind,rhos=2.65_r_kind,sand=0.8_r_kind,clay=0.2_r_kind) parameter(nw=7,nwv=4,nwh=3) real(r_kind) theta,frequency,mv, mg, mge, veg_frac, veg_tp, soil_tp, & t_soil, t_skin, snow_depth, em_vector(2) real(r_kind) tbb(nw),tv(nwv),th(nwh) real(r_kind) t_scat, b, theta_i,theta_t, mu, & r12_h, r12_v, r21_h, r21_v, r23_h, r23_v,t21_v, t21_h, t12_v, t12_h, & gv, gh, ssalb_h,ssalb_v,tau_h,tau_v, esh, esv, & lai, leaf_thick, slnty, rad, sigma, va real(r_kind) ev_default,eh_default complex(r_kind) ep, esoil, eveg, eair, esand integer(i_kind) ntype_index data ev_default/0.9_r_kind/ data eh_default/0.88_r_kind/ esh = eh_default ; esv = ev_default eair = dcmplx(one, -one) t_scat = t_skin b = t_scat ! write(UNIT=stdout,FMT='(a,i3,a,7f8.2)') 'emiss_ssmi: type=',ntype_index,' tbb=',tbb if (ntype_index .ne. 4) then tv(1) = tbb(1); tv(2) = tbb(3); tv(3) = tbb(4); tv(4) = tbb(6) th(1) = tbb(2); th(2) = tbb(5); th(3) = tbb(7) call ossmem(ntype_index, theta,frequency,t_skin,tv,th,em_vector) esh = em_vector(1) ; esv = em_vector(2) else sigma = half lai = 3.0_r_kind*veg_frac + half mge = half*veg_frac leaf_thick = 0.07_r_kind slnty = 3.0_r_kind mu = cos(theta) r12_h = zero; r12_v = zero; r21_h = zero; r21_v = zero t21_h = one; t21_v = one; t12_v = one; t12_h = one theta_i = theta ! in radian call soil_diel(frequency, t_soil, mv, rhob, rhos, sand, clay, esoil) theta_t = asin(real(sin(theta_i)*sqrt(eair)/sqrt(esoil))) call reflectance(eair, esoil, theta_i, theta_t, r23_v, r23_h) call rough_reflectance(frequency, theta_i, sigma, r23_v, r23_h) call canopy_diel(frequency,mge, eveg) call canopy_optic(lai, frequency, theta_i, eveg, leaf_thick, & gv, gh, ssalb_v, ssalb_h, tau_v, tau_h) call two_stream_solution( b, mu, gv, gh, ssalb_h, ssalb_v,tau_h, tau_v, & r12_h, r12_v, r21_h, r21_v, r23_h, r23_v, t21_v, t21_h, t12_v, t12_h, & esv, esh) end if if( esh = one if( esh = 0.35_r_kind if( esv = one if( esv = 0.35_r_kind return end subroutine emiss_ssmi