subroutine da_solve ( grid , config_flags) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: TBD ! ! Edited 09/06/2012: Allow for variable ntmax for each outer loop (Mike Kavulich) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none type (domain), intent(inout) :: grid type (grid_config_rec_type), intent(inout) :: config_flags type (xbx_type) :: xbx ! For header & non-grid arrays. type (be_type) :: be ! Background error structure. real, allocatable :: cvt(:) ! Control variable structure. real, allocatable :: xhat(:) ! Control variable structure. real, allocatable :: qhat(:,:) ! Control variable structure. real*8, allocatable :: eignvec(:,:) real*8, allocatable :: eignval(:) ! real, allocatable :: full_eignvec(:) type (y_type) :: ob ! Observation structure. type (iv_type) :: iv ! Obs. increment structure. type (y_type) :: re ! Residual (o-a) structure. type (y_type) :: y ! y = H(x_inc) structure. integer :: it ! External loop counter. integer :: neign type (j_type) :: j ! Cost function. type (y_type) :: jo_grad_y ! Grad_y(jo) integer :: cv_size, i, ichan, k, n real :: j_grad_norm_target ! Target j norm. character (len=3) :: ci character (len=2) :: outerloop character (len=256) :: timestr integer :: min_yyyy,min_mm,min_dd,min_hh,min_mn,min_ss integer :: max_yyyy,max_mm,max_dd,max_hh,max_mn,max_ss character :: s real*8 :: time_min, time_max integer :: jl_start, jl_end character(len=256) :: timestr1 type(x_type) :: shuffle real, allocatable :: grid_box_area(:,:), mapfac(:,:) character (len=10) :: variable_name integer :: iwin, num_subtwindow integer :: ni, nj, ii, jj real :: dx, dy, dxm, dym, cxp0, cxp1, cyp0, cyp1 real, external :: nest_loc_of_cg ! from share/interp_fcn.F integer, external :: compute_CGLL ! from share/interp_fcn.F integer :: cvt_unit, iost character(len=8) :: cvtfile logical :: ex character(len=10) :: this_time character(len=8) :: this_date if (trace_use) call da_trace_entry("da_solve") #ifdef DM_PARALLEL call mpi_barrier(comm,ierr) #endif if ( config_flags%use_baseparam_fr_nml ) then call nl_get_base_pres ( 1 , base_pres ) call nl_get_base_temp ( 1 , base_temp ) call nl_get_base_lapse ( 1 , base_lapse ) call nl_get_iso_temp ( 1 , iso_temp ) if ( iso_temp .NE. grid%tiso ) THEN write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & 'Namelist iso_temp does not equal iso_temp from fg. Reset namelist value and rerun.' write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A,F10.5)')'Namelist iso_temp = ',iso_temp write(unit=message(3),fmt='(A,F10.5)')'Background iso_temp = ',grid%tiso call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:3)) end if call nl_get_base_pres_strat ( 1, base_pres_strat ) call nl_get_base_lapse_strat ( 1, base_lapse_strat ) grid%p00 = base_pres grid%t00 = base_temp grid%tlp = base_lapse grid%tiso = iso_temp grid%p_strat = base_pres_strat grid%tlp_strat = base_lapse_strat else base_pres = grid%p00 base_temp = grid%t00 base_lapse = grid%tlp iso_temp = grid%tiso base_pres_strat = grid%p_strat base_lapse_strat = grid%tlp_strat if ( base_temp < 100.0 .or. base_pres < 10000.0 ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & 'did not find base state parameters in fg. Add use_baseparam_fr_nml = .t. in &dynamics and rerun ' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if end if ! Calculate the num_fgat_time based on time_window_min, time_window_max if ( var4d ) then if (time_step == 0) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & 'For 4DVAR, in the &domains namelist, "time_step" must be set to a non-zero value' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) endif read(unit=time_window_min,fmt='(i4,5(a1,i2))') min_yyyy,s,min_mm,s,min_dd,s,min_hh,s,min_mn,s,min_ss read(unit=time_window_max,fmt='(i4,5(a1,i2))') max_yyyy,s,max_mm,s,max_dd,s,max_hh,s,max_mn,s,max_ss call da_get_julian_time(min_yyyy,min_mm,min_dd,min_hh,min_mn,time_min) call da_get_julian_time(max_yyyy,max_mm,max_dd,max_hh,max_mn,time_max) if ( var4d_bin < time_step ) call nl_set_var4d_bin (1, time_step) time_max = (time_max - time_min) * 60 ! unit is : seconds num_fgat_time = NINT(time_max/var4d_bin) if ( NINT(time_max/var4d_bin)*var4d_bin .ne. NINT(time_max) ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & '4DVAR assimilation window must be evenly divisible by var4d_bin!' write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A,I7)') & 'var4d_bin = ',var4d_bin write(unit=message(3),fmt='(A,A)') & 'time_window_max = ',time_window_max write(unit=message(4),fmt='(A,A)') & 'time_window_min = ',time_window_min write(unit=message(5),fmt='(A,F10.4)') & 'time_window_max - time_window_min = ',time_max write(unit=message(6),fmt='(A)')'Change var4d_bin, time_window_max, or time_window_min in namelist and rerun' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:6)) endif if ( var4d_bin/time_step*time_step .ne. var4d_bin ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & 'var4d_bin must be evenly divisible by time_step!' write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A,I7)') & 'var4d_bin = ',var4d_bin write(unit=message(3),fmt='(A,I7)') & 'time_step = ',time_step write(unit=message(4),fmt='(A)')'Change var4d_bin or time_step in namelist and rerun' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:4)) endif num_fgat_time = num_fgat_time + 1 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a,i10)') 'num_fgat_time is: ', num_fgat_time call da_message(message(1:1)) if ( use_rainobs ) then allocate (fgat_rain_flags(1:num_fgat_time)) fgat_rain_flags = .false. if ( INT(var4d_bin_rain/var4d_bin)*var4d_bin .ne. INT(var4d_bin_rain) ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,A,2I7)') & 'Please change var4d_bin_rain in namelist and rerun==>', 'var4d_bin_rain, var4d_bin:',var4d_bin_rain,var4d_bin call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) endif do n = 1, num_fgat_time, INT(var4d_bin_rain/var4d_bin) fgat_rain_flags(n) = .true. end do end if endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [1.0] Initial checks !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (cv_options_hum /= cv_options_hum_specific_humidity .and. & cv_options_hum /= cv_options_hum_relative_humidity) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I3)') & 'Invalid cv_options_hum = ', cv_options_hum call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if if (vert_corr == vert_corr_2) then if (vertical_ip < vertical_ip_0 .or. vertical_ip > vertical_ip_delta_p) then write (unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I3)') & 'Invalid vertical_ip = ', vertical_ip call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if end if if( use_rf )then if (0.5 * real(rf_passes) /= real(rf_passes / 2)) then write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A,I4,A)') & 'rf_passes = ', rf_passes, ' .Should be even.' rf_passes = int(real(rf_passes / 2)) write(unit=stdout,fmt='(A,I4)') 'Resetting rf_passes = ', rf_passes end if else write(stdout,'("da_solve: using wavelet transform")') endif if ( anal_type_hybrid_dual_res .and. alphacv_method .ne. alphacv_method_xa ) then write (unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & 'Dual-res hybrid only with alphacv_method = 2' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) endif if (anal_type_randomcv) then write_gts_omb_oma = .false. write_rej_obs_conv = .false. write_unpert_obs = .false. end if if ( cv_options == 3 ) then if ( cloud_cv_options > 0 ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & 'Cloud control variables are not implemented for cv_options = 3' write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A)') & 'Resetting cloud_cv_options = 0 for cv_options = 3' cloud_cv_options = 0 call da_warning(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2)) end if if ( ensdim_alpha > 0 ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') & 'Alpha control variables are not implemented for cv_options = 3' write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A)') & 'Please set cv_options=5 or 7, or ensdim_alpha=0' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2)) end if end if if ( use_radarobs ) then if ( use_radar_rf .and. use_radar_rhv ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') "Both 'use_radar_rf' and 'use_radar_rhv' are set to true" write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A)') "You must only choose one of these options" call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2)) end if if ( (use_radar_rf .and. radar_rf_opt==1) .and. cloud_cv_options /= 1 ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') "Please set cloud_cv_options=1 for use_radar_rf and radar_rf_opt=1" call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if if ( use_radar_rhv .and. cloud_cv_options == 1 ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') "Please set cloud_cv_options=3 or 2 (2 requires cloudy be.dat) for use_radar_rhv" call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if end if if ( ensdim_alpha > 0 .and. alpha_hydrometeors ) then if ( cloud_cv_options == 1 ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)') "alpha_hydrometeors is not implemented for cloud_cv_options=1" write(unit=message(2),fmt='(A)') "Please choose cloud_cv_options=3" call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:2)) end if end if if ( use_gpsrefobs .and. use_gpsephobs ) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I3)') & 'Both use_gpsrefobs and use_gpsephobs are true. Should choose either use_gpsrefobs or use_gpsephobs' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [2.0] Initialise wrfvar parameters: !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ( anal_type_hybrid_dual_res ) then !--------------------------------- ! Get full ensemble grid dimensions !--------------------------------- call da_solve_init(ensemble_grid & #include "" ) ide_ens = ide ! these are unstaggered dimensions of the full ensemble domain jde_ens = jde kde_ens = kde !--------------------------------------- ! Get "intermediate" grid sizes and tiles !--------------------------------------- call da_solve_init(grid%intermediate_grid & #include "" ) ! these are unstaggered dimensions of the "intermediate" ensemble domain ! The intermediate grid is the coarse (ensemble) domain that is co-located with the ! hi-resolution (analysis) grid ids_int = ids ; jds_int = jds ; kds_int = kds ide_int = ide ; jde_int = jde ; kde_int = kde its_int = its ; ite_int = ite jts_int = jts ; jte_int = jte kts_int = kts ; kte_int = kte ims_int = ims ; ime_int = ime jms_int = jms ; jme_int = jme kms_int = kms ; kme_int = kme ips_int = ips ; ipe_int = ipe jps_int = jps ; jpe_int = jpe kps_int = kps ; kpe_int = kpe grid%imask_xstag = 1 ; grid%imask_ystag = 1 grid%imask_nostag = 1 ; grid%imask_xystag = 1 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! De-allocate parts of grid and replace with grid%intermediate_grid dimensions !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- call reallocate_analysis_grid(grid) !---------------------------------------------------------- ! Allocate and initialize some of grid%intermediate_grid !---------------------------------------------------------- call allocate_intermediate_grid(grid%intermediate_grid) !--------------------------------------- ! Get map projection information for the ensemble !--------------------------------------- call da_setup_firstguess(xbx, ensemble_grid, config_flags, .true. ) map_info_ens = map_info ! map_info is read in from da_tools.f90, call it something else endif call da_solve_init(grid & #include "" ) if ( .not. anal_type_hybrid_dual_res ) then ide_ens = ide ; jde_ens = jde ; kde_ens = kde ids_int = ids ; ide_int = ide jds_int = jds ; jde_int = jde kds_int = kds ; kde_int = kde its_int = its ; ite_int = ite jts_int = jts ; jte_int = jte kts_int = kts ; kte_int = kte ims_int = ims ; ime_int = ime jms_int = jms ; jme_int = jme kms_int = kms ; kme_int = kme ips_int = ips ; ipe_int = ipe jps_int = jps ; jpe_int = jpe kps_int = kps ; kpe_int = kpe endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [3.0] Set up first guess field (grid%xb): !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! for WRF hybrid coordinate allocate ( c1f(kms:kme) ) allocate ( c2f(kms:kme) ) allocate ( c3f(kms:kme) ) allocate ( c4f(kms:kme) ) allocate ( c1h(kms:kme) ) allocate ( c2h(kms:kme) ) allocate ( c3h(kms:kme) ) allocate ( c4h(kms:kme) ) c1f = grid%c1f c2f = grid%c2f c3f = grid%c3f c4f = grid%c4f c1h = grid%c1h c2h = grid%c2h c3h = grid%c3h c4h = grid%c4h ! For WRFDA, namelist hybrid_opt setting is ignored. ! grid%hybrid_opt is set in based on ! HYBRID_OPT global attribute contained in the input file. ! For input file prior to V3.9, grid%hybrid_opt is set to 0. if ( grid%hybrid_opt <= 0 ) then c3f = grid%znw c3h = grid%znu c4f = 0.0 c4h = 0.0 c1f = 1.0 c1h = 1.0 c2f = 0.0 c2h = 0.0 end if call da_setup_firstguess(xbx, grid, config_flags, .false.) if ( anal_type_hybrid_dual_res ) then ! ! Get ensemble grid mapfactor on entire coarse grid ! variable_name = 'MAPFAC_M' allocate( grid_box_area(1:ide_ens,1:jde_ens), mapfac(1:ide_ens,1:jde_ens) ) call da_get_var_2d_real_cdf( input_file_ens, variable_name, mapfac, ide_ens, jde_ens, 1, .false. ) grid_box_area(:,:) = ( (ensemble_grid%dx)/mapfac(:,:) )**2 grid%intermediate_grid%xb%grid_box_area(its_int:ite_int,jts_int:jte_int) = grid_box_area(its_int:ite_int,jts_int:jte_int) deallocate(mapfac,grid_box_area) ! ! get fine grid locs relative to coarse grid for bilinear interplation ! between coarse (ensemble) and fine (analysis) grids. ! use functions compute_CGLL and nest_loc_of_cg taken from ! share/interp_fcn.F ! allocate(aens_locs(its:ite, jts:jte)) ! From da_control do nj = jts, jte jj = compute_CGLL (nj, grid%j_parent_start, grid%parent_grid_ratio, 1) cyp0 = nest_loc_of_cg (jj , grid%j_parent_start, grid%parent_grid_ratio, 0) cyp1 = nest_loc_of_cg (jj+1, grid%j_parent_start, grid%parent_grid_ratio, 0) dym = ( cyp1 - real(nj) ) / ( cyp1 - cyp0 ) dy = 1.0 - dym do ni = its, ite ii = compute_CGLL (ni, grid%i_parent_start, grid%parent_grid_ratio, 1) cxp0 = nest_loc_of_cg (ii , grid%i_parent_start, grid%parent_grid_ratio, 0) cxp1 = nest_loc_of_cg (ii+1, grid%i_parent_start, grid%parent_grid_ratio, 0) dxm = ( cxp1 - real(ni) ) / ( cxp1 - cxp0 ) dx = 1.0 - dxm aens_locs(ni,nj)%i = ii aens_locs(ni,nj)%j = jj aens_locs(ni,nj)%dx = dx aens_locs(ni,nj)%dy = dy aens_locs(ni,nj)%dxm = dxm aens_locs(ni,nj)%dym = dym end do end do end if !anal_type_hybrid_dual_res !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [4.0] Set up observations (ob): !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- call da_setup_obs_structures (grid, ob, iv, j) if (use_rad) then allocate (j % jo % rad(1:iv%num_inst)) do i=1,iv%num_inst allocate (j % jo % rad(i) % jo_ichan(iv%instid(i)%nchan)) allocate (j % jo % rad(i) % num_ichan(iv%instid(i)%nchan)) end do end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [4.1] Observer (ANAL_TYPE="VERIFY") !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (anal_type_verify) then check_max_iv = .false. ntmax=0 it = 1 num_qcstat_conv=0 #if defined(RTTOV) || defined(CRTM) if (use_rad .and. (use_varbc.or.freeze_varbc)) call da_varbc_init(iv, be) #endif call da_get_innov_vector (it, num_qcstat_conv, ob, iv, grid , config_flags) call da_allocate_y (iv, re) ! write out O-B statistics call da_write_diagnostics(it, grid,num_qcstat_conv, ob, iv, re, y, j) ! write out Gradient of Jo for adjoint sensitivity if (adj_sens) then cv_size = 1 allocate (xhat(cv_size)) call da_allocate_y (iv, y) call da_allocate_y (iv, jo_grad_y) call da_calculate_residual(iv, y, re) call da_calculate_grady(iv, re, jo_grad_y) call da_zero_x(grid%xa) call da_transform_xtoy_adj(cv_size, xhat, grid, iv, jo_grad_y, grid%xa) call da_transform_xtoxa_adj(grid) call da_transfer_wrftltoxa_adj(grid, config_flags, 'fcst', timestr) call da_deallocate_y (y) call da_deallocate_y (jo_grad_y) end if call da_deallocate_y(re) call da_deallocate_observations (iv) if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit ("da_solve") return end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [5.0] Set up control variable: !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- be % cv % size_jb = 0 be % cv % size_je = 0 be % cv % size_jp = 0 be % cv % size_js = 0 be % cv % size_jl = 0 be % cv % size_jt = 0 !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [5.1] Set up background errors (be): !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (use_background_errors .and. multi_inc /= 1) then call da_setup_background_errors (grid, be) else be % ne = ensdim_alpha be % v1 % mz = 0 be % v2 % mz = 0 be % v3 % mz = 0 be % v4 % mz = 0 be % v5 % mz = 0 be % v6 % mz = 0 be % v7 % mz = 0 be % v8 % mz = 0 be % v9 % mz = 0 be % v10 % mz = 0 be % v11 % mz = 0 end if ! overwrite variables defined in set in the call to da_setup_background_errors if ( anal_type_hybrid_dual_res ) then be % cv % size_alphac = (ite_int - its_int + 1) * (jte_int - jts_int + 1) * be % alpha % mz * be % ne be % cv % size_je = be % cv % size_alphac cv_size_domain_je = (ide_int - ids_int + 1) * (jde_int - jds_int + 1) * be % alpha % mz * be % ne endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [5.2] Set up observation bias correction (VarBC): !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(RTTOV) || defined(CRTM) if (use_rad .and. (use_varbc.or.freeze_varbc)) call da_varbc_init(iv, be) #endif if (use_tamdarobs .and. use_varbc_tamdar) then call da_varbc_tamdar_init(iv) else use_varbc_tamdar = .false. end if if (use_varbc_tamdar) call da_varbc_tamdar_pred(iv, be, ob) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [5.3] Set up satellite control variable: !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(RTTOV) || defined(CRTM) if (ANY(use_satcv)) call da_setup_satcv(iv, be) #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [5.4] Total control variable: !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- be % cv % size = be%cv%size_jb + be%cv%size_je + be%cv%size_jp + be%cv%size_js + be%cv%size_jl + be%cv%size_jt cv_size = be % cv % size !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [6.0] Set up ensemble perturbation input: !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- grid % ep % ne = be % ne if (use_background_errors .and. be % ne > 0) then call date_and_time(date=this_date, time=this_time) write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a,a8,1x,a12)') & ' Begin reading ensemble perturbations at ', this_date, & this_time(1:2)//':'//this_time(3:4)//' '//this_time(5:10) call da_message(message(1:1)) select case ( ep_format ) case ( 1 ) ! original behavior if ( ep_para_read == 0 ) then ! each ep file is for one variable and one member call da_setup_flow_predictors ( & ide_ens, jde_ens, kde_ens, be % ne, grid%ep, & its_int, ite_int, jts_int, jte_int, kts_int, kte_int ) else if ( ep_para_read == 1 ) then ! para_read_opt1, breaks total number of ep into reading bins call da_setup_flow_predictors_para_read_opt1 ( & ide_ens, jde_ens, kde_ens, be % ne, grid%ep, & its_int, ite_int, jts_int, jte_int, kts_int, kte_int ) end if case ( 11 ) ! similar to ep_format=1 except data are in single precision ! each ep file is for one variable and one member call da_setup_flow_predictors ( & ide_ens, jde_ens, kde_ens, be % ne, grid%ep, & its_int, ite_int, jts_int, jte_int, kts_int, kte_int ) case ( 2 ) ! full-domain ! each ep file in single precision is for one variable and all members call da_setup_flow_predictors_ep_format2 ( & ide_ens, jde_ens, kde_ens, be % ne, grid%ep, & its_int, ite_int, jts_int, jte_int, kts_int, kte_int ) case ( 3 ) ! decomposed sub-domain ! each ep file in single precision is for one variable and all members call da_setup_flow_predictors_ep_format3 ( & ide_ens, jde_ens, kde_ens, be % ne, grid%ep, & its_int, ite_int, jts_int, jte_int, kts_int, kte_int ) end select call date_and_time(date=this_date, time=this_time) write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a,a8,1x,a12)') & ' Fihish reading ensemble perturbations at ', this_date, & this_time(1:2)//':'//this_time(3:4)//' '//this_time(5:10) call da_message(message(1:1)) end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [7.0] Setup control variable (cv): !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Dynamically allocate the variables which don't rely on ntmax allocate (cvt(1:cv_size)) allocate (xhat(1:cv_size)) ! if (use_lanczos) then ! allocate (full_eignvec(cv_size)) ! end if !------------------------------------------------------ ! set CV to random noise ("RANDOMCV") !------------------------------------------------------ if (anal_type_randomcv) then it = 1 ! Initialize random number generator and scalars call da_random_seed do i= 1, n_randomcv write(ci,'(i3.3)') i write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a,a)') & ' Setting randomcv for wrfvar_output_randomcv.e', trim(ci) call da_message(message(1:1)) call da_set_randomcv (cv_size, cvt) call da_transform_vtox (grid,cv_size,xbx,be,grid%ep,cvt,grid%vv,grid%vp) call da_transform_xtoxa (grid) call da_transfer_xatoanalysis (it, xbx, grid, config_flags) call da_update_firstguess(grid,'wrfvar_output_randomcv.e'//trim(ci)) if ( i < n_randomcv ) then ! restore the original grid info for the next realization of randomcv call da_med_initialdata_input( grid , config_flags, 'fg') call da_setup_firstguess(xbx, grid, config_flags, .false.) end if end do ! Done with randomcv. ! Set the following to skip some code to get to the deallocation part. max_ext_its = 0 outer_loop_restart = .false. end if !anal_type_randomcv if ( outer_loop_restart ) then !call da_get_unit(cvt_unit) cvt_unit=600 if ( max_ext_its > 1 ) then max_ext_its=1 write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a)') "Re-set max_ext_its = 1 for outer_loop_restart" call da_message(message(1:1)) end if write(unit=cvtfile,fmt='(a,i4.4)') 'cvt_',myproc inquire(file=trim(cvtfile), exist=ex) if ( ex ) then open(unit=cvt_unit,file=trim(cvtfile),iostat=iost,form='UNFORMATTED',status='OLD') if (iost /= 0) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I5,A)') & "Error ",iost," opening cvt file "//trim(cvtfile) call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a)') 'Reading cvt from : '//trim(cvtfile) call da_message(message(1:1)) read(cvt_unit) cvt close(cvt_unit) else write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a)') "cvt file '"//trim(cvtfile)//"' does not exists, initializing cvt." call da_message(message(1:1)) call da_initialize_cv (cv_size, cvt) end if else call da_initialize_cv (cv_size, cvt) end if call da_zero_vp_type (grid%vv) call da_zero_vp_type (grid%vp) if ( var4d ) then #ifdef VAR4D call da_zero_vp_type (grid%vv6) call da_zero_vp_type (grid%vp6) #endif end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [8] Outerloop !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- j_grad_norm_target = 1.0 do it = 1, max_ext_its ! Dynamically allocate the variables which depend on ntmax if (use_lanczos) then allocate (qhat(1:cv_size, 0:ntmax(it))) allocate (eignvec(ntmax(it), ntmax(it))) allocate (eignval(ntmax(it))) end if ! Re-scale the variances and the scale-length for outer-loop > 1: if (it > 1 .and. (cv_options == 5 .or. cv_options == 7)) then print '(/10X,"===> Re-set BE SCALINGS for outer-loop=",i2)', it call da_scale_background_errors ( be, it ) else if (it > 1 .and. cv_options == 3) then print '(/10X,"===> Re-set CV3 BE SCALINGS for outer-loop=",i2)', it call da_scale_background_errors_cv3 ( grid, be, it ) endif call da_initialize_cv (cv_size, xhat) ! [8.1] Calculate nonlinear model trajectory ! if (var4d .and. multi_inc /= 2 ) then if (var4d) then #ifdef VAR4D if (it > 1) then call kj_swap (grid%u_2, model_grid%u_2, & grid%xp%ims, grid%xp%ime, grid%xp%jms, grid%xp%jme, grid%xp%kms, grid%xp%kme) call kj_swap (grid%v_2, model_grid%v_2, & grid%xp%ims, grid%xp%ime, grid%xp%jms, grid%xp%jme, grid%xp%kms, grid%xp%kme) call kj_swap (grid%w_2, model_grid%w_2, & grid%xp%ims, grid%xp%ime, grid%xp%jms, grid%xp%jme, grid%xp%kms, grid%xp%kme) call kj_swap (grid%t_2, model_grid%t_2, & grid%xp%ims, grid%xp%ime, grid%xp%jms, grid%xp%jme, grid%xp%kms, grid%xp%kme) call kj_swap (grid%ph_2, model_grid%ph_2, & grid%xp%ims, grid%xp%ime, grid%xp%jms, grid%xp%jme, grid%xp%kms, grid%xp%kme) call kj_swap (grid%p, model_grid%p, & grid%xp%ims, grid%xp%ime, grid%xp%jms, grid%xp%jme, grid%xp%kms, grid%xp%kme) model_grid%mu_2 = grid%mu_2 model_grid%t2 = grid%t2 model_grid%th2 = grid%th2 model_grid%q2 = grid%q2 model_grid%u10 = grid%u10 model_grid%v10 = grid%v10 model_grid%tsk = grid%tsk model_grid%psfc = grid%psfc do i = PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist call kj_swap (grid%moist(:,:,:,i), model_grid%moist(:,:,:,i), & grid%xp%ims, grid%xp%ime, grid%xp%jms, grid%xp%jme, grid%xp%kms, grid%xp%kme) enddo ! Update boundary condition of model model_grid%u_bxs = grid%u_bxs model_grid%u_bxe = grid%u_bxe model_grid%u_bys = grid%u_bys model_grid%u_bye = grid%u_bye model_grid%v_bxs = grid%v_bxs model_grid%v_bxe = grid%v_bxe model_grid%v_bys = grid%v_bys model_grid%v_bye = grid%v_bye model_grid%w_bxs = grid%w_bxs model_grid%w_bxe = grid%w_bxe model_grid%w_bys = grid%w_bys model_grid%w_bye = grid%w_bye model_grid%t_bxs = grid%t_bxs model_grid%t_bxe = grid%t_bxe model_grid%t_bys = grid%t_bys model_grid%t_bye = grid%t_bye model_grid%mu_bxs = grid%mu_bxs model_grid%mu_bxe = grid%mu_bxe model_grid%mu_bys = grid%mu_bys model_grid%mu_bye = grid%mu_bye model_grid%ph_bxs = grid%ph_bxs model_grid%ph_bxe = grid%ph_bxe model_grid%ph_bys = grid%ph_bys model_grid%ph_bye = grid%ph_bye model_grid%moist_bxs = grid%moist_bxs model_grid%moist_bxe = grid%moist_bxe model_grid%moist_bys = grid%moist_bys model_grid%moist_bye = grid%moist_bye model_grid%u_btxs = grid%u_btxs model_grid%u_btxe = grid%u_btxe model_grid%u_btys = grid%u_btys model_grid%u_btye = grid%u_btye model_grid%v_btxs = grid%v_btxs model_grid%v_btxe = grid%v_btxe model_grid%v_btys = grid%v_btys model_grid%v_btye = grid%v_btye model_grid%w_btxs = grid%w_btxs model_grid%w_btxe = grid%w_btxe model_grid%w_btys = grid%w_btys model_grid%w_btye = grid%w_btye model_grid%t_btxs = grid%t_btxs model_grid%t_btxe = grid%t_btxe model_grid%t_btys = grid%t_btys model_grid%t_btye = grid%t_btye model_grid%mu_btxs = grid%mu_btxs model_grid%mu_btxe = grid%mu_btxe model_grid%mu_btys = grid%mu_btys model_grid%mu_btye = grid%mu_btye model_grid%ph_btxs = grid%ph_btxs model_grid%ph_btxe = grid%ph_btxe model_grid%ph_btys = grid%ph_btys model_grid%ph_btye = grid%ph_btye model_grid%moist_btxs = grid%moist_btxs model_grid%moist_btxe = grid%moist_btxe model_grid%moist_btys = grid%moist_btys model_grid%moist_btye = grid%moist_btye ! Turn off model boundary reading as we already provide a new one. call da_model_lbc_off endif call nl_set_var4d_run (head_grid%id, .true.) call da_nl_model(it) ! elseif (var4d .and. multi_inc == 2 ) then #else write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A)')'Please re-compile the code with 4dvar option' call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) #endif end if ! [8.2] Calculate innovation vector (O-B): num_qcstat_conv=0 call da_get_innov_vector (it, num_qcstat_conv, ob, iv, grid , config_flags) if ( multi_inc == 1 ) then if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit ("da_solve") return end if if (test_transforms .or. test_gradient) then if (test_gradient) then call da_allocate_y (iv, re) call da_allocate_y (iv, y) call da_check_gradient (grid, config_flags, cv_size, xhat, cvt, 1.0e-10, 8, & xbx, be, iv, y, re, j) call da_deallocate_y (re) call da_deallocate_y (y) endif if (test_transforms) then call da_check (grid, config_flags, cv_size, xbx, be, grid%ep, iv, & grid%vv, grid%vp, y) endif if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit("da_solve") return end if ! [8.4] Minimize cost function: call da_allocate_y (iv, re) call da_allocate_y (iv, y) if (use_lanczos) then if (read_lanczos) then call da_lanczos_io('r',cv_size,ntmax(it),neign,eignvec,eignval,qhat) call da_kmat_mul(grid,config_flags,it,cv_size,xbx, & be,iv,xhat,qhat,cvt,re,y,j,eignvec,eignval,neign) ! Output Cost Function call da_calculate_j(it, 1, cv_size, be%cv%size_jb, be%cv%size_je, be%cv%size_jp, & be%cv%size_jl, be%cv%size_jt, xbx, be, iv, xhat, cvt, re, y, j, grid, config_flags ) else call da_minimise_lz(grid, config_flags, it, cv_size, xbx,& be, iv, j_grad_norm_target, xhat, qhat, cvt, re, y, j, eignvec, eignval, neign ) end if if (write_lanczos) call da_lanczos_io('w',cv_size,ntmax(it),neign,eignvec,eignval,qhat) if (adj_sens) call da_sensitivity(grid,config_flags,it,cv_size,xbx, & be,iv,xhat,qhat,cvt,y,eignvec,eignval,neign ) else call da_minimise_cg( grid, config_flags, it, be % cv % size, & xbx, be, iv, j_grad_norm_target, xhat, cvt, re, y, j) end if ! Update outer-loop control variable cvt = cvt + xhat if ( outer_loop_restart ) then open(unit=cvt_unit,status='unknown',file=trim(cvtfile),iostat=iost,form='UNFORMATTED') if (iost /= 0) then write(unit=message(1),fmt='(A,I5,A)') & "Error ",iost," opening cvt file "//trim(cvtfile) call da_error(__FILE__,__LINE__,message(1:1)) end if write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a)') 'Writing cvt to : '//trim(cvtfile) call da_message(message(1:1)) write(cvt_unit) cvt close(cvt_unit) !call da_free_unit(cvt_unit) end if !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! [8.5] Update latest analysis solution: if (.not. var4d) then ! as of V3.9, vp%alpha is not included in the vptox (called by vtox) calculation, ! here grid%xa contains only the static increment call da_transform_vtox (grid,cv_size,xbx,be,grid%ep,xhat,grid%vv,grid%vp) ! adding the ensemble contribution if (be % ne > 0 .and. alphacv_method == alphacv_method_xa) then ! add it to the analysis time ifgat_ana ! ifgat_ana is declared in da_control.f90 and defined in write(unit=message(1),fmt='(a)') '' write(unit=message(2),fmt='(a,i3)') 'Applying ensemble contribution to FGAT time: ', ifgat_ana call da_message(message(1:2)) call da_transform_vpatox (grid,be,grid%ep,grid%vp,ifgat_ana) call da_add_xa(grid%xa, grid%xa_ens) !grid%xa = grid%xa + xa_ens end if !ne>0 else call da_transform_vtox (grid,be%cv%size_jb,xbx,be,grid%ep,xhat(1:be%cv%size_jb),grid%vv,grid%vp) call da_transform_vpatox (grid,be,grid%ep,grid%vp) endif call da_transform_xtoxa (grid) ! [8.6] Only when use_radarobs = .false. and calc_w_increment =.true., ! the w_increment need to be diagnosed: if (calc_w_increment .and. .not. use_radarobs .and. .not. var4d) then call da_uvprho_to_w_lin (grid) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL #include "" #endif end if ! [8.7] Write out diagnostics call da_write_diagnostics (it, grid, num_qcstat_conv, ob, iv, re, y, j) ! Write "clean" QCed observations if requested: if (anal_type_qcobs) then ! if (it == 1) then if (write_mod_filtered_obs) then call da_write_modified_filtered_obs (grid, ob, iv, & coarse_ix, coarse_jy, start_x, start_y) else call da_write_filtered_obs (it, grid, ob, iv, & coarse_ix, coarse_jy, start_x, start_y) end if ! end if end if ! [8.7.1] Write Ascii radar OMB and OMA file if ( use_radarobs .and. write_oa_radar_ascii ) then call da_write_oa_radar_ascii (ob,iv,re,it) end if ! [8.3] Interpolate x_g to low resolution grid ! [8.8] Write Ascii radiance OMB and OMA file #if defined(CRTM) || defined(RTTOV) if (use_rad .and. write_oa_rad_ascii) then call da_write_oa_rad_ascii (it,ob,iv,re) end if #endif ! [8.9] Update VarBC parameters and write output file #if defined(CRTM) || defined(RTTOV) if ( use_rad .and. (use_varbc.or.freeze_varbc) ) & call da_varbc_update(it, cv_size, xhat, iv) #endif if (use_varbc_tamdar) & call da_varbc_tamdar_update(cv_size, xhat, iv) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! [8.10] Output WRFVAR analysis and analysis increments: !------------------------------------------------------------------------ call da_transfer_xatoanalysis (it, xbx, grid, config_flags) if ( it < max_ext_its .and. print_detail_outerloop ) then write(outerloop,'(i2.2)') it call da_update_firstguess(grid,'wrfvar_output_'//outerloop) #ifdef VAR4D !if (var4d) call da_med_initialdata_output_lbc (grid , config_flags, 'wrfvar_bdyout_'//outerloop) #endif end if call da_deallocate_y (re) call da_deallocate_y (y) ! Deallocate arrays which depend on ntmax if (use_lanczos) then deallocate (qhat) deallocate (eignvec) deallocate (eignval) end if end do ! output wrfvar analysis if ((config_flags%real_data_init_type == 1) .or. & (config_flags%real_data_init_type == 3)) then call da_update_firstguess(input_grid) #ifdef VAR4D !if (var4d) call da_med_initialdata_output_lbc (head_grid , config_flags) if ( var4d_lbc ) then call domain_clock_get (grid, stop_timestr=timestr1) call domain_clock_set( grid, current_timestr=timestr1 ) call da_med_initialdata_input (grid, config_flags, 'fg02') call da_setup_firstguess(xbx, grid, config_flags, .false. ) shuffle = grid%xa jl_start = be%cv%size_jb + be%cv%size_je + be%cv%size_jp + 1 jl_end = be%cv%size_jb + be%cv%size_je + be%cv%size_jp + be%cv%size_jl grid%xa = grid%x6a call da_transform_vtox(grid, be%cv%size_jl, xbx, be, grid%ep, & xhat(jl_start:jl_end), grid%vv6, grid%vp6) grid%xa = shuffle call da_transfer_xatoanalysis (it, xbx, grid, config_flags) call da_update_firstguess (grid, 'ana02') call domain_clock_get (grid, start_timestr=timestr1) call domain_clock_set( grid, current_timestr=timestr1 ) endif #endif call med_shutdown_io (input_grid, config_flags) end if !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! [9.0] Tidy up: !--------------------------------------------------------------------------- deallocate (cvt) deallocate (xhat) ! if (use_lanczos) then ! deallocate (full_eignvec) ! end if ! clean up radiance related arrays #if defined(RTTOV) || defined(CRTM) if (use_rad) then call da_deallocate_radiance (ob, iv, j) deallocate (time_slots) #ifdef RTTOV if (rtm_option == rtm_option_rttov) then deallocate (coefs) deallocate (opts) end if #endif end if #endif if (var4d .and. use_rainobs) deallocate(fgat_rain_flags) call da_deallocate_observations (iv) call da_deallocate_y (ob) if (use_background_errors) call da_deallocate_background_errors (be) if (xbx%pad_num > 0) then deallocate (xbx%pad_loc) deallocate (xbx%pad_pos) end if deallocate (xbx % fft_factors_x) deallocate (xbx % fft_factors_y) deallocate (xbx % fft_coeffs) deallocate (xbx % trig_functs_x) deallocate (xbx % trig_functs_y) if (global) then deallocate (xbx%coslat) deallocate (xbx%sinlat) deallocate (xbx%coslon) deallocate (xbx%sinlon) deallocate (xbx%int_wgts) deallocate (xbx%alp) deallocate (xbx%wsave) if (jts == jds) then deallocate (cos_xls) deallocate (sin_xls) end if if (jte == jde) then deallocate (cos_xle) deallocate (sin_xle) end if end if if ( anal_type_hybrid_dual_res ) deallocate(aens_locs) if (use_varbc_tamdar) then deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%nobs_sum) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%tail_id) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%obs_sn) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%ifuse) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%index) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%pred) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%param) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%bgerr) deallocate (iv%varbc_tamdar%vtox) end if deallocate ( c1f ) deallocate ( c2f ) deallocate ( c3f ) deallocate ( c4f ) deallocate ( c1h ) deallocate ( c2h ) deallocate ( c3h ) deallocate ( c4h ) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL call mpi_barrier (comm,ierr) #endif if (trace_use) call da_trace_exit ("da_solve") contains #include "" #include "" end subroutine da_solve