!WRF:MEDIATION_LAYER:IO ! MODULE module_io_domain USE module_io USE module_io_wrf USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE module_domain, ONLY : domain CONTAINS SUBROUTINE open_r_dataset ( id , fname , grid , config_flags , sysdepinfo, ierr ) TYPE (domain) :: grid CHARACTER*(*) :: fname CHARACTER*(*) :: sysdepinfo INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: id , ierr LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags CHARACTER*128 :: DataSet, tmp LOGICAL :: anyway CALL wrf_open_for_read ( fname , & grid , & sysdepinfo , & id , & ierr ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE open_r_dataset SUBROUTINE open_w_dataset ( id , fname , grid , config_flags , outsub , sysdepinfo, ierr ) TYPE (domain) :: grid CHARACTER*(*) :: fname CHARACTER*(*) :: sysdepinfo INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: id , ierr TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor EXTERNAL outsub CHARACTER*128 :: DataSet, sysdepinfo_tmp LOGICAL :: anyway CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'calling wrf_open_for_write_begin in open_w_dataset' ) sysdepinfo_tmp = ' ' IF ( grid%id < 10 ) THEN write(sysdepinfo_tmp,'(a,i1)')TRIM(sysdepinfo)//',GRIDID=',grid%id ELSE write(sysdepinfo_tmp,'(a,i2)')TRIM(sysdepinfo)//',GRIDID=',grid%id ENDIF CALL wrf_open_for_write_begin ( fname , & grid , & sysdepinfo_tmp , & id , & ierr ) IF ( ierr .LE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'calling outsub in open_w_dataset' ) CALL outsub( id , grid , config_flags , ierr ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'back from outsub in open_w_dataset' ) ENDIF IF ( ierr .LE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'calling wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset' ) CALL wrf_open_for_write_commit ( id , ierr ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'back from wrf_open_for_write_commit in open_w_dataset' ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE open_w_dataset SUBROUTINE open_u_dataset ( id , fname , grid , config_flags , insub , sysdepinfo, ierr ) TYPE (domain) :: grid CHARACTER*(*) :: fname CHARACTER*(*) :: sysdepinfo INTEGER , INTENT(INOUT) :: id , ierr TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor EXTERNAL insub CHARACTER*128 :: DataSet LOGICAL :: anyway CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'calling wrf_open_for_read_begin in open_u_dataset' ) CALL wrf_open_for_read_begin ( fname , & grid , & sysdepinfo , & id , & ierr ) IF ( ierr .LE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'calling insub in open_u_dataset' ) CALL insub( id , grid , config_flags , ierr ) ENDIF IF ( ierr .LE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'calling wrf_open_for_read_commit in open_u_dataset' ) CALL wrf_open_for_read_commit ( id , ierr ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'back from wrf_open_for_read_commit in open_u_dataset' ) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE open_u_dataset SUBROUTINE close_dataset( id , config_flags, sysdepinfo ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER id , ierr LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags CHARACTER*(*) :: sysdepinfo CHARACTER*128 :: DataSet LOGICAL :: anyway CALL wrf_ioclose( id , ierr ) END SUBROUTINE close_dataset ! ------------ Output model input data sets #include "module_io_domain_defs.inc" ! ------------ Input model restart data sets SUBROUTINE input_restart ( fid , grid , config_flags , ierr ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain) :: grid TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fid INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: ierr IF ( config_flags%io_form_restart .GT. 0 ) THEN CALL input_wrf ( fid , grid , config_flags , restart_only , ierr ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE input_restart ! ------------ Input model boundary data sets SUBROUTINE input_boundary ( fid , grid , config_flags , ierr ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain) :: grid TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fid INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: ierr IF ( config_flags%io_form_boundary .GT. 0 ) THEN CALL input_wrf ( fid , grid , config_flags , boundary_only , ierr ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE input_boundary ! ------------ Output model restart data sets SUBROUTINE output_restart ( fid , grid , config_flags , ierr ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain) :: grid TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fid INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: ierr IF ( config_flags%io_form_restart .GT. 0 ) THEN CALL output_wrf ( fid , grid , config_flags , restart_only , ierr ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE output_restart ! ------------ Output model boundary data sets SUBROUTINE output_boundary ( fid , grid , config_flags , ierr ) IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain) :: grid TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: fid INTEGER, INTENT(INOUT) :: ierr IF ( config_flags%io_form_boundary .GT. 0 ) THEN CALL output_wrf ( fid , grid , config_flags , boundary_only , ierr ) ENDIF RETURN END SUBROUTINE output_boundary END MODULE module_io_domain ! move outside module so callable without USE of module SUBROUTINE construct_filename1( result , basename , fld1 , len1 ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 CHARACTER*64 :: t1, zeros CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) result = TRIM(basename) // "_d" // TRIM(t1) CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE construct_filename1 SUBROUTINE construct_filename2( result , basename , fld1 , len1 , date_char ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename CHARACTER*(*) :: date_char INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 CHARACTER*64 :: t1, zeros CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) result = TRIM(basename) // ".d" // TRIM(t1) // "." // TRIM(date_char) CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE construct_filename2 ! this version looks for and in the basename and replaces with the arguments SUBROUTINE construct_filename2a( result , basename , fld1 , len1 , date_char ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename CHARACTER*(*) :: date_char INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 CHARACTER*64 :: t1, zeros INTEGER i, j, l result=basename CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) ! The string name length 12345678 including < > ----| ! |||||||| | i = index( result , '' ) ! is this | DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) ! value | l = len(trim(result)) ! \/ result = result (1:i-1) // TRIM(t1) // result(i+8:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char) // result(i+6:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char( 1: 4)) // result(i+6:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char( 6: 7)) // result(i+7:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char( 9:10)) // result(i+5:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char(12:13)) // result(i+6:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE construct_filename2a SUBROUTINE construct_filename ( result , basename , fld1 , len1 , fld2 , len2 ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 , fld2 , len2 CHARACTER*64 :: t1, t2, zeros CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) CALL zero_pad ( t2 , fld2 , len2 ) result = TRIM(basename) // "_d" // TRIM(t1) // "_" // TRIM(t2) CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE construct_filename SUBROUTINE construct_filename3 ( result , basename , fld1 , len1 , fld2 , len2, fld3, len3 ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 , fld2 , len2, fld3, len3 CHARACTER*64 :: t1, t2, t3, zeros CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) CALL zero_pad ( t2 , fld2 , len2 ) CALL zero_pad ( t3 , fld3 , len3 ) result = TRIM(basename) // "_d" // TRIM(t1) // "_" // TRIM(t2) // "_" // TRIM(t3) CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE construct_filename3 SUBROUTINE construct_filename4( result , basename , fld1 , len1 , date_char , io_form ) USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename CHARACTER*(*) :: date_char INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 , io_form CHARACTER*64 :: t1, zeros CHARACTER*4 :: ext CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_INTIO ) THEN ext = '.int' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_NETCDF ) THEN ext = '.nc ' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_PNETCDF ) THEN ext = '.nc ' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_PIO ) THEN ext = '.nc ' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_GRIB1 ) THEN ext = '.gb ' ELSE CALL wrf_error_fatal ('improper io_form') END IF result = TRIM(basename) // ".d" // TRIM(t1) // "." // TRIM(date_char) // TRIM(ext) CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE construct_filename4 ! this version looks for and in the basename and replaces with the arguments SUBROUTINE construct_filename4a( result , basename , fld1 , len1 , date_char , io_form ) USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename CHARACTER*(*) :: date_char INTEGER, EXTERNAL :: use_package INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 , io_form CHARACTER*64 :: t1, zeros CHARACTER*4 :: ext INTEGER i, j, l result=basename CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_INTIO ) THEN ext = '.int' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_NETCDF ) THEN ext = '.nc ' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_PNETCDF ) THEN ext = '.nc ' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_PIO ) THEN ext = '.nc ' ELSE IF ( use_package(io_form) .EQ. IO_GRIB1 ) THEN ext = '.gb ' ELSE CALL wrf_error_fatal ('improper io_form') END IF l = len(trim(basename)) result = basename(1:l) // TRIM(ext) ! The string name length 12345678 including < > ----| ! |||||||| | i = index( result , '' ) ! is this | DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) ! value | l = len(trim(result )) ! \/ result = result (1:i-1) // TRIM(t1) // result (i+8:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char) // result(i+6:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char( 1: 4)) // result(i+6:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char( 6: 7)) // result(i+7:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char( 9:10)) // result(i+5:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO i = index( result , '' ) DO WHILE ( i .GT. 0 ) l = len(trim(result)) result = result(1:i-1) // TRIM(date_char(12:13)) // result(i+6:l) i = index( result , '' ) END DO CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE construct_filename4a SUBROUTINE append_to_filename ( result , basename , fld1 , len1 ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result CHARACTER*(*) :: basename INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: fld1 , len1 CHARACTER*64 :: t1, zeros CALL zero_pad ( t1 , fld1 , len1 ) result = TRIM(basename) // "_" // TRIM(t1) CALL maybe_remove_colons(result) RETURN END SUBROUTINE append_to_filename SUBROUTINE zero_pad ( result , fld1 , len1 ) IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER*(*) :: result INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: fld1 , len1 INTEGER :: d , x CHARACTER*64 :: t2, zeros x = fld1 ; d = 0 DO WHILE ( x > 0 ) x = x / 10 d = d + 1 END DO write(t2,'(I9)')fld1 zeros = '0000000000000000000000000000000' result = zeros(1:len1-d) // t2(9-d+1:9) RETURN END SUBROUTINE zero_pad SUBROUTINE init_wrfio USE module_io, ONLY : wrf_ioinit IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER ierr CALL wrf_ioinit(ierr) END SUBROUTINE init_wrfio ! ! This routine figures out the nearest previous time instant ! that corresponds to a multiple of the input time interval. ! Example use is to give the time instant that corresponds to ! an I/O interval, even when the current time is a little bit ! past that time when, for example, the number of model time ! steps does not evenly divide the I/O interval. JM 20051013 ! ! SUBROUTINE adjust_io_timestr ( TI, CT, ST, timestr ) USE module_utility IMPLICIT NONE ! Args TYPE(WRFU_Time), INTENT(IN) :: ST,CT ! domain start and current time TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval), INTENT(IN) :: TI ! interval CHARACTER*(*), INTENT(INOUT) :: timestr ! returned string ! Local TYPE(WRFU_Time) :: OT TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: IOI INTEGER :: n IOI = CT-ST ! length of time since starting n = WRFU_TimeIntervalDIVQuot( IOI , TI ) ! number of whole time intervals IOI = TI * n ! amount of time since starting in whole time intervals OT = ST + IOI ! previous nearest time instant CALL wrf_timetoa( OT, timestr ) ! generate string RETURN END SUBROUTINE adjust_io_timestr ! Modify the filename to remove things like ':' from the file name ! unless it is a drive number. Convert to '_' instead. SUBROUTINE maybe_remove_colons( FileName ) CHARACTER*(*) FileName CHARACTER c, d INTEGER i, l LOGICAL nocolons l = LEN(TRIM(FileName)) ! do not change first two characters (naive way of dealing with ! possiblity of drive name in a microsoft path CALL nl_get_nocolons(1,nocolons) IF ( nocolons ) THEN DO i = 3, l IF ( FileName(i:i) .EQ. ':' ) THEN FileName(i:i) = '_' ! Remove this modification to filename - dashes are OK ! ELSE IF ( FileName(i:i) .EQ. '-' ) THEN ! FileName(i:i) = '_' ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF RETURN END