!======================================================================= ! MODULE module_check_a_mundo ! ! ! Contains subroutines that check the consistency of some namelist ! settings. Some namelist settings depend on other values in the ! namelist. The routine check_nml_consistency can detect quite a ! few fatal inconsistencies. These are all bundled up as a convenience. ! The fatal errors are reported, and after the routine completes, then ! a single call to wrf_error_fatal is issued. The setup_physics_suite routine ! has only one fatal call, so that routine does not need this user- ! friendly concept of bundling errors. The set_physics_rconfigs ! routine does not detect any problems that would result in a fatal ! error, so the bundling of errors is also not required there. ! ! SUBROUTINE check_nml_consistency : ! Check namelist settings for consistency ! ! SUBROUTINE setup_physics_suite : ! Interpret user setting as referring to which supported schemes ! Currently: conus and tropical ! ! SUBROUTINE set_physics_rconfigs : ! Check namelist settings that determine memory allocations. ! ! USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_wrf_error USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE !======================================================================= CONTAINS !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE check_nml_consistency ! ! ! Check consistency of namelist settings ! ! IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL :: exists, vnest LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor INTEGER :: i, j, oops, d1_value, EDMFMAX, SCHUMAX INTEGER :: id, factor LOGICAL :: km_opt_already_done , diff_opt_already_done INTEGER :: count_opt LOGICAL :: lon_extent_is_global , lat_extent_is_global LOGICAL :: rinblw_already_done LOGICAL :: fsbm_table1_exists, fsbm_table2_exists INTEGER :: count_fatal_error INTEGER :: len1, len2, len_loop ! These functions are located with in the Urban Physics files, but ! not within the confines of the modules. Since we are in the share ! directory, we need to break possible circular build dependencies. INTERFACE INTEGER FUNCTION bep_nurbm() END FUNCTION bep_nurbm INTEGER FUNCTION bep_ndm() END FUNCTION bep_ndm INTEGER FUNCTION bep_nz_um() END FUNCTION bep_nz_um INTEGER FUNCTION bep_ng_u() END FUNCTION bep_ng_u INTEGER FUNCTION bep_nwr_u() END FUNCTION bep_nwr_u INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_nurbm() END FUNCTION bep_bem_nurbm INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_ndm() END FUNCTION bep_bem_ndm INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_nz_um() END FUNCTION bep_bem_nz_um INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_ng_u() END FUNCTION bep_bem_ng_u INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_nwr_u() END FUNCTION bep_bem_nwr_u INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_nf_u() END FUNCTION bep_bem_nf_u INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_ngb_u() END FUNCTION bep_bem_ngb_u INTEGER FUNCTION bep_bem_nbui_max() END FUNCTION bep_bem_nbui_max END INTERFACE !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set up the WRF Hydro namelist option to allow dynamic allocation of ! variables. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- count_fatal_error = 0 #ifdef WRF_HYDRO model_config_rec % wrf_hydro = 1 #else model_config_rec % wrf_hydro = 0 #endif #if (NMM_CORE == 1) && (NMM_NEST == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Ensure that minimum NMM corral distances are supplied for all domains. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if(model_config_rec%corral_x(i)<5) then call wrf_message("Corral X distance must be at least 5 due to intermediate domain halos.") model_config_rec%corral_x(i)=5 endif if(model_config_rec%corral_y(i)<5) then call wrf_message("Corral Y distance must be at least 5 due to intermediate domain halos.") model_config_rec%corral_y(i)=5 endif enddo #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! AFWA diagnostics require each domain is treated the same. If ! any domain has an option activated, all domains must have that ! option activated. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_diag_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_diag_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_ptype_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_ptype_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_vil_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_vil_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_radar_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_radar_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_severe_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_severe_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_icing_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_icing_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_cloud_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_cloud_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_vis_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_vis_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_therm_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_therm_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_turb_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_turb_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( model_config_rec%afwa_buoy_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec%afwa_buoy_opt(:) = 1 exit endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If any AFWA diagnostics are activated, there is a minimum that ! must always be activated. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom if ( ( model_config_rec%afwa_ptype_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_vil_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_radar_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_severe_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_icing_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_cloud_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_vis_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_therm_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_turb_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%afwa_buoy_opt(i) .EQ. 1 ) ) then model_config_rec%afwa_diag_opt(i)=1 endif enddo !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LBC: Always the case, nested setup up: F, T, T, T !----------------------------------------------------------------------- model_config_rec%nested(1) = .FALSE. DO i=2,model_config_rec%max_dom model_config_rec%nested(i) = .TRUE. END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LBC: Always the case, nested domain BCs are always false. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=2,model_config_rec%max_dom model_config_rec%periodic_x(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%symmetric_xs(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%symmetric_xe(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%open_xs(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%open_xe(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%periodic_y(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%symmetric_ys(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%symmetric_ye(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%open_ys(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%open_ye(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%polar(i) = .FALSE. model_config_rec%specified(i) = .FALSE. END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LBC: spec_bdy_width = spec_zone + relax_zone !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%specified(1) ) THEN model_config_rec%spec_zone = 1 model_config_rec%relax_zone = model_config_rec%spec_bdy_width - model_config_rec%spec_zone END IF #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The nominal grid distance on each child domain is ENTIRELY a function ! of the MOAD grid distance and the accumulated recursive parent grid ratios ! of each child domain. Even if the child grid distance values are specified ! in the namelist file, overwrite the dx and dy namelist input with the ! computed grid distance values. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) THEN WRITE(wrf_err_message,FMT='(A,I2,A)') 'Domain #',i,': grid turned OFF' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, wrf_err_message ) CYCLE END IF id = i factor = 1 call get_moad_factor ( id, model_config_rec % parent_id, & model_config_rec % parent_grid_ratio, & model_config_rec % max_dom, factor ) model_config_rec % dx(i) = model_config_rec % dx(1) / REAL(factor) model_config_rec % dy(i) = model_config_rec % dy(1) / REAL(factor) WRITE(wrf_err_message,FMT='(A,I2,A,F9.3,A)') 'Domain #',i,': dx = ',model_config_rec % dx(i),' m' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, wrf_err_message ) END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that all values of diff_opt and km_opt are filled in. A flag ! value of "-1" from the nml file means that this column (domain) is not ! filled as a max_doamins variable. Since we changed these two variables ! from being single entries to max_domain entries, we need to do special ! checking. If there are missing values (if we find any -1 entries), we ! fill those columns with the value from the entry from column (domain) #1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- km_opt_already_done = .FALSE. diff_opt_already_done = .FALSE. DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( model_config_rec % km_opt(i) .EQ. -1 ) THEN model_config_rec % km_opt(i) = model_config_rec % km_opt(1) IF ( .NOT. km_opt_already_done ) THEN wrf_err_message = 'Setting blank km_opt entries to domain #1 values.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = ' --> The km_opt entry in the namelist.input is now max_domains.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF km_opt_already_done = .TRUE. END IF IF ( model_config_rec % diff_opt(i) .EQ. -1 ) THEN model_config_rec % diff_opt(i) = model_config_rec % diff_opt(1) IF ( .NOT. diff_opt_already_done ) THEN wrf_err_message = 'Setting blank diff_opt entries to domain #1 values.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = ' --> The diff_opt entry in the namelist.input is now max_domains.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF diff_opt_already_done = .TRUE. END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that km_opt and diff_opt are not -1. If the first column is set ! to -1, that means this entry is NOT in the namelist file at all. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ( model_config_rec % km_opt(1) .EQ. -1 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % diff_opt(1) .EQ. -1 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Both km_opt and diff_opt need to be set in the namelist.input file.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that SMS-3DTKE scheme (km_opt=5) Must work with diff_opt=2 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % km_opt(i) .EQ. 5 .AND. & model_config_rec % diff_opt(i) .NE. 2 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: SMS-3DTKE scheme can only work with diff_opt=2 ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Fix km_opt or diff_opt in namelist.input.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that SMS-3DTKE scheme (km_opt=5) Must work with bl_pbl_physics=0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % km_opt(i) .EQ. 5 .AND. & model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: SMS-3DTKE scheme can only work with bl_pbl_physics=0 ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Fix km_opt or bl_pbl_physics in namelist.input.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that SMS-3DTKE scheme Must work with Revised MM5 surface layer ! scheme (sf_sfclay_physics = 1), MYNN surface (sf_sfclay_physics = 5) ! and old MM5 surface scheme (sf_sfclay_physics = 91). Also, SMS-3DTKE ! Must work with no surface layer scheme. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % km_opt(i) .EQ. 5 .AND. & (model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) .NE. nosfcscheme .AND. & model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) .NE. sfclayscheme .AND. & model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) .NE. sfclayrevscheme .AND. & model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) .NE. mynnsfcscheme ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: SMS-3DTKE scheme works with sf_sfclay_physics = 0,1,5,91 ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Fix km_opt or sf_sfclay_physics in namelist.input.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Assign the dimensions for the urban options to the values defined in ! each of those respective modules. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_urban_physics(i) == bepscheme ) THEN model_config_rec % num_urban_ndm = bep_ndm() model_config_rec % num_urban_nz = bep_nz_um() model_config_rec % num_urban_ng = bep_ng_u() model_config_rec % num_urban_nwr = bep_nwr_u() END IF IF ( model_config_rec % sf_urban_physics(i) == bep_bemscheme ) THEN model_config_rec % num_urban_ndm = bep_bem_ndm() model_config_rec % num_urban_nz = bep_bem_nz_um() model_config_rec % num_urban_ng = bep_bem_ng_u() model_config_rec % num_urban_nwr = bep_bem_nwr_u() model_config_rec % num_urban_nf = bep_bem_nf_u() model_config_rec % num_urban_ngb = bep_bem_ngb_u() model_config_rec % num_urban_nbui = bep_bem_nbui_max() END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that mosiac option cannot turn on when sf_urban_physics = 2 and 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_mosaic .EQ. 1 .AND. & (model_config_rec % sf_urban_physics(i) .EQ. 2 .OR. & model_config_rec % sf_urban_physics(i) .EQ. 3 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: mosaic option cannot work with urban options 2 and 3 ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Fix sf_surface_mosaic and sf_urban_physics in namelist.input.' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Either: use Noah LSM without the mosaic option, OR change the urban option to 1 ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that channel irrigation is run with Noah !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i) .NE. LSMSCHEME .AND. & model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_scheme(i) .EQ. CHANNEL ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: irrigation Opt 1 works only with Noah-LSM' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that number of hours of daily irrigation is greater than zero. ! This value is used in the denominator to compute the amount of ! irrigated water per timestep, and the default value from the Registry ! is zero. This is a reminder to the user that this value needs to be ! manually set. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( ( model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_scheme(i) .EQ. CHANNEL ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_scheme(i) .EQ. SPRINKLER ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_scheme(i) .EQ. DRIP ) ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % irr_num_hours(i) .LE. 0 ) ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: irr_num_hours must be greater than zero to work with irrigation' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Fix derived setting for irrigation. Since users may only want the irrigation ! to be active in the inner-most domain, we have a separate variable that is ! used to define packaging for the irrigation fields. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_scheme(i) .EQ. CHANNEL ) THEN model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_alloc = CHANNEL END IF IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_scheme(i) .EQ. SPRINKLER ) THEN model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_alloc = SPRINKLER END IF IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_scheme(i) .EQ. DRIP ) THEN model_config_rec % sf_surf_irr_alloc = DRIP END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that Deng Shallow Convection Must work with MYJ or MYNN PBL !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % shcu_physics(i) == dengshcuscheme .AND. & (model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) /= myjpblscheme .AND. & model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) /= mynnpblscheme2 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Deng shallow convection can only work with MYJ or MYNN (with bl_mynn_edmf off) PBL ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Fix shcu_physics or bl_pbl_physics in namelist.input.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If Deng Shallow Convection is on, icloud cannot be 3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) .EQ. dengshcuscheme ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%icloud .EQ. 3 ) ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Options shcu_physics = 5 and icloud = 3 should not be used together' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Choose either one in namelist.input and rerun the model' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For ARW users, a request for CU=4 (SAS) should be switched to option ! CU = 95. The option CU = 4 is a scaleaware scheme used by NMM. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. scalesasscheme ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Option cu_physics = 4 should not be used for ARW; cu_physics = 95 is suggested' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Choose a different cu_physics option in the namelist.input file' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! There is a binary file for Goddard radiation. It is single precision. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- # if ( defined(PROMOTE_FLOAT) || ( RWORDSIZE == DWORDSIZE ) ) god_r8 : DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) == goddardlwscheme ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) == goddardswscheme ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Goddard radiation scheme cannot run with real*8 floats' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix ra_lw_physics and ra_sw_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 EXIT god_r8 END IF ENDDO god_r8 # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Print a warning message for not using a combination of radiation and microphysics from Goddard !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( (model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) == goddardlwscheme .OR. & model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) == goddardswscheme) .AND. & model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) /= nuwrf4icescheme ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == nuwrf4icescheme .AND. & (model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) /= goddardlwscheme .AND. & model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) /= goddardswscheme) ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: Goddard radiation and Goddard 4ice microphysics are not used together' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: These options may be best to use together.' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The FARMS radiation option (swint_opt==2) requires both effective radii ! and mass for cloud, ice, and snow. A run-time option is available to ! disable the use of effective radii in the MP schemes. These two options ! may not be used together. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 IF ( ( model_config_rec%swint_opt .EQ. 2 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%use_mp_re .NE. 1 ) ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: FARMS (swint_opt=2) requires effective radii (use_mp_re=1)' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that some microphysics is not allowed for WRF-NMM run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (NMM_CORE == 1) || (HWRF == 1) DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == nuwrf4icescheme .OR. & model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == nssl_2mom .OR. & model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == nssl_2momccn .OR. & model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == nssl_1mom .OR. & model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == nssl_1momlfo .OR. & model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == nssl_2momg ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Chosen microphysics scheme cannot run with WRF-NMM ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix mp_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that all values of sf_surface_physics are the same for all domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i) .NE. & model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: sf_surface_physics must be equal for all domains ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix sf_surface_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that all values of sf_sfclay_physics are the same for all domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) .NE. & model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(1) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: sf_sfclay_physics must be equal for all domains ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix sf_sfclay_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that all values of mp_physics are the same for all domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .NE. & model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: mp_physics must be equal for all domains ' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: ----> Setting all mp_physics entries to value defined in the inner most domain' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF ENDDO d1_value = model_config_rec%mp_physics(model_config_rec % max_dom) DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom-1 model_config_rec%mp_physics(i) = d1_value END DO #if (EM_CORE == 1) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Input tables must exist in running directory for fast bin microphysics scheme (mp_physics = 30) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # if ( BUILD_SBM_FAST == 1 ) IF ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. FAST_KHAIN_LYNN_SHPUND ) THEN INQUIRE(FILE='./SBM_input_33/BLKD_SDC.dat', EXIST=fsbm_table1_exists) IF (.not.fsbm_table1_exists ) THEN wrf_err_message = "--- ERROR: Input directory SBM_input_33 doesn't exist !!!" CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Download this directory of table files from http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/wrf_files/' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF INQUIRE(FILE='./scattering_tables_2layer_high_quad_1dT_1%fw_110/GRAUPEL_+00C_000fvw.sct', EXIST=fsbm_table2_exists) IF (.not.fsbm_table2_exists ) THEN wrf_err_message = "--- ERROR: Input directory scattering_tables_2layer_high_quad_1dT_1%fw_110 doesn't exist !!!" CALL wrf_message ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Download this directory of input table files from http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/wrf_files/' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF # endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! There are restrictions on the AFWA diagnostics regarding the choice ! of microphysics scheme. These are hard coded in the AFWA diags driver, ! so while this is inelegant, it is about as good as we can do. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%afwa_diag_opt(1) .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. GSFCGCESCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. ETAMPNEW ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. THOMPSON ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. WSM5SCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. WSM6SCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. WDM6SCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. MORR_TWO_MOMENT ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. MORR_TM_AERO ) ) THEN ! All is OK ELSE wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: the AFWA diagnostics option knows only about the following MP schemes:' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- GSFCGCESCHEME, ETAMPNEW, THOMPSON, WSM5SCHEME, WSM6SCHEME, MORR_TWO_MOMENT, MORR_TM_AERO, WDM6SCHEME' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) END IF END IF #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that all values of ra_physics are the same for all domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) .NE. & model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: ra_lw_physics must be equal for all domains ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix ra_lw_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) .NE. & model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: ra_sw_physics must be equal for all domains ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix ra_sw_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Check that a value for time_step is given, and is not just set to default (-1) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ( ( model_config_rec % use_wps_input == 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % time_step .EQ. -1 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Known problem. time_step must be set to a positive integer' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that all values of bl_pbl_physics are the same for all domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(1) ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: bl_pbl_physics must be equal for all domains (or = zero)' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix bl_pbl_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that all values of cu_physics are the same for all domains ! Note that a zero option is OK. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % cu_physics(i) .NE. model_config_rec % cu_physics(1) ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % cu_physics(i) .NE. 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: cu_physics must be equal for all domains (or = zero)' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix cu_physics in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO #if ( defined NO_GAMMA_SUPPORT ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! GF CU scheme requires an intrinsic gamma function. This is a 2008 ! feature that not all compilers yet support. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- GF_test : DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % cu_physics(i) .EQ. GFSCHEME ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: cu_physics GF uses an intrinsic gamma function that is not available with this compiler' CALL wrf_message ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = '--- Change compilers, or change cu_physics option in the namelist.input file.' CALL wrf_message ( TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 EXIT GF_test END IF ENDDO GF_test #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If fractional_seaice = 0, and tice2tsk_if2cold = .true, nothing will happen !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ( model_config_rec%fractional_seaice .EQ. 0 ).AND. & ( model_config_rec%tice2tsk_if2cold ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: You set tice2tsk_if2cold = .true., but fractional_seaice = 0' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: tice2tsk_if2cold will have no effect on results.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that if fine_input_stream /= 0, io_form_auxinput2 must also be in use !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%fine_input_stream(i) .NE. 0 ).AND. & ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput2 .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If fine_input_stream /= 0, io_form_auxinput2 must be /= 0' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_auxinput2 in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO #if (EM_CORE == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that if num_metgrid_levels < 20, lagrange_order should be 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%num_metgrid_levels .LE. 20 ) THEN wrf_err_message = 'Linear vertical interpolation is recommended with input vertical resolution this coarse, changing lagrange_order to 1' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) model_config_rec%lagrange_order = 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for domain consistency for urban options. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- d1_value = model_config_rec%sf_urban_physics(1) DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%sf_urban_physics(i) /= d1_value ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: sf_urban_physics option must be identical in each domain' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: ----> Resetting namelist values to that defined on the inner most domain' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) ENDIF END DO d1_value = model_config_rec%sf_urban_physics(model_config_rec % max_dom) DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom-1 IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE model_config_rec%sf_urban_physics(i) = d1_value END DO !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Mills (2011) sea-ice albedo treatment only for Noah LSM and Noah-MP LSM !------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ( model_config_rec%seaice_albedo_opt == 1 ) THEN DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) /= LSMSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) /= NOAHMPSCHEME ) ) THEN write (wrf_err_message, '(" --- ERROR: seaice_albedo_opt == 1 works only with ")') CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) write (wrf_err_message, '(" sf_surface_physics == ", I2, " (Noah) or ", I2, " (Noah-MP).")') & LSMSCHEME, NOAHMPSCHEME CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END DO END IF #endif #if (NMM_CORE == 1) || (HWRF == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that NOAH-MP LSM is not allowed for WRF-NMM run !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) == NOAHMPSCHEME ) THEN WRITE(wrf_err_message, '(" --- ERROR: Noah-MP LSM scheme (sf_surface_physics==", I2, ")")') NOAHMPSCHEME CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message, '(" does not work with NMM ")') CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE(wrf_err_message, '("Select a different LSM scheme ")') CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END DO #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that NSAS shallow convection is not allowed to turn on simultaneously with NSAS !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) == nscvshcuscheme .AND. model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) == nsasscheme) THEN WRITE(wrf_err_message, '(" --- ERROR: NSCV shallow convection scheme is already included in NSAS ")') CALL wrf_message ( TRIM ( wrf_err_message ) ) CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END DO #if (EM_CORE == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if the bucket size for rain is > 0. If so, then we need to activate ! a derived namelist variable: bucketr_opt. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%bucket_mm .GT. 0. ) THEN model_config_rec%bucketr_opt = 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if the bucket size for radiation is > 0. If so, then we need to activate ! a derived namelist variable: bucketf_opt. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%bucket_J .GT. 0. ) THEN model_config_rec%bucketf_opt = 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if the precip bucket reset time interval > 0. If so, then we need to ! activate a derived namelist variable: prec_acc_opt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( model_config_rec%prec_acc_dt(i) .GT. 0. ) THEN model_config_rec%prec_acc_opt = 1 END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if any stochastic perturbation scheme is turned on in any domain, ! if so, set derived variable sppt_on=1 and/or rand_perturb_on and/or skebs_on=1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % sppt(i) .ne. 0) then model_config_rec % sppt_on=1 IF (( model_config_rec%KMINFORCT .ne. 1) .or. (model_config_rec%KMAXFORCT .ne. 1000000) .or. & ( model_config_rec%LMINFORCT .ne. 1) .or. (model_config_rec%LMAXFORCT .ne. 1000000)) then wrf_err_message = '--- Warning: the namelist parameter "kminforct" etc. are for SKEBS only' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = ' and should not be changed from their default value for SPPT' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If you really want to modify "kminforct" etc., edit module_check a_mundo.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 endif endif ENDDO DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % rand_perturb(i) .ne. 0) then model_config_rec % rand_perturb_on=1 IF (( model_config_rec%KMINFORCT .ne. 1) .or. (model_config_rec%KMAXFORCT .ne. 1000000) .or. & ( model_config_rec%LMINFORCT .ne. 1) .or. (model_config_rec%LMAXFORCT .ne. 1000000)) then wrf_err_message = '--- Warning: the namelist parameter "kminforct" etc are for SKEBS only' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = ' and should not be changed from their default value for RAND_PERTURB' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If you really want to modify "kminforct" etc., edit module_check a_mundo.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 endif endif ENDDO DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (( model_config_rec % spp_conv(i) .ne. 0).or.( model_config_rec % spp_pbl(i) .ne. 0).or. (model_config_rec % spp_lsm(i) .ne. 0) & .or. ( model_config_rec % spp(i) .ne. 0)) then model_config_rec % spp_on=1 IF (( model_config_rec%KMINFORCT .ne. 1) .or. (model_config_rec%KMAXFORCT .ne. 1000000) .or. & ( model_config_rec%LMINFORCT .ne. 1) .or. (model_config_rec%LMAXFORCT .ne. 1000000)) then wrf_err_message = '--- Warning: the namelist parameter "kminforct" etc are for SKEBS only' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = ' and should not be changed from their default value for RAND_PERTURB' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If you really want to modify "kminforct" etc., edit module_check a_mundo.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 endif endif IF ( model_config_rec % spp(i) .ne. 0) then model_config_rec % spp_conv=1 model_config_rec % spp_pbl=1 model_config_rec % spp_lsm=1 endif ENDDO DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % stoch_vertstruc_opt(i) ==1 ) then model_config_rec % skebs_vertstruc=1 ! parameter stoch_vertstruc_opt is being replaced with skebs_vertstruc ! stoch_vertstruc_opt is obsolete starting with V3.7 wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: the namelist parameter "stoch_vertstruc_opt" is obsolete.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = ' Please replace with namelist parameter "skebs_vertstruc" in V3.7 and later versions.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) endif ENDDO DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % stoch_force_opt(i) ==1 ) THEN model_config_rec % skebs(i)=1 ! parameter stoch_forc_opt is being replaced with skebs; ! stoch_vertstruc_opt is obsolete starting with V3.7 wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: the namelist parameter "stoch_force_opt" is obsolete.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = ' Please replace with namelist parameter "skebs" in V3.7 and later versions.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) ENDIF ENDDO DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % skebs(i) .ne. 0) then model_config_rec % skebs_on=1 endif ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Random fields are by default thin 3D arrays (:,1,:). ! If random fields have vertical structures (stoch_vertstruc_opt .ne. 0) ! make them full 3D array arrays !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % skebs_vertstruc .ne. 99 ) then model_config_rec % num_stoch_levels = model_config_rec %e_vert(1) ENDIF IF ( model_config_rec % sppt_vertstruc .ne. 99 ) then model_config_rec % num_stoch_levels = model_config_rec %e_vert(1) ENDIF IF ( model_config_rec % rand_pert_vertstruc .ne. 99 ) then model_config_rec % num_stoch_levels = model_config_rec %e_vert(1) ENDIF !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if boundary perturbations is turned on and set to '1' (perturb_bdy=1). ! If so, make sure skebs_on is also turned on. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % perturb_bdy .EQ. 1 ) then model_config_rec % skebs_on=1 wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: perturb_bdy=1 option uses SKEBS pattern and may' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = ' increase computation time.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) ENDIF !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if chemistry boundary perturbations is turned on and set to '1' (perturb_chem_bdy=1). ! If so, make sure rand_perturb_on is also turned on. ! perturb_chem_bdy can be turned on only if WRF_CHEM is also compiled. ! If perturb_chem_bdy=1, then have_bcs_chem should be turned on as well. !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % perturb_chem_bdy .EQ. 1 ) then #if (WRF_CHEM != 1) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: This option is only for WRF_CHEM.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 #endif !NOTE model_config_rec % rand_perturb_on=1 wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: perturb_chem_bdy=1 option uses RAND pattern and may' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = ' increase computation time.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) #if (WRF_CHEM == 1) IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % have_bcs_chem(1) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: This perturb_chem_bdy option needs '// & 'have_bcs_chem = .true. in chem.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ENDIF #endif ENDIF !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If trajectory option is turned off, make sure the number of trajectories is ! zero. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ( model_config_rec%traj_opt .EQ. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%num_traj .NE. 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: traj_opt is zero, but num_traj is not zero; setting num_traj to zero.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%num_traj = 0 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Catch old method for using multi-file LBCs. Let folks know the ! new way to get the same functionality with run-time options. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if _MULTI_BDY_FILES_ wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Do not use the compile-time -D_MULTI_BDY_FILES_ option for multi-file LBCs.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Use the run-time namelist option multi_bdy_files in nml record bdy_control.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 #endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If using multi_bdy_files option or not, make the lateral bdy file root name ! correct. For example, we want "wrfbdy_d01" for NON multi_bdy_files and we ! want "wrfbdy_d01_SOME_DATE" when using the multi_bdy_files option. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%multi_bdy_files ) THEN IF ( INDEX ( TRIM(model_config_rec%bdy_inname) , "_" ) .GT. 0 ) THEN ! No op, all OK ELSE wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Need bdy_inname = "wrfbdy_d_"' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ! len1 = LEN_TRIM(model_config_rec%bdy_inname) ! len2 = "_" ! model_config_rec%bdy_inname(1:len1+len2) = TRIM(model_config_rec%bdy_inname) // "_" END IF ELSE IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec%multi_bdy_files ) THEN IF ( INDEX ( TRIM(model_config_rec%bdy_inname) , "_" ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN ! No op, all OK ELSE wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Remove bdy_inname = "wrfbdy_d_"' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ! len1 = LEN_TRIM(model_config_rec%bdy_inname) ! len2 = "_" ! DO len_loop len1-len2+1 , len1 ! model_config_rec%bdy_inname(len_loop:len_loop) = " " ! END DO END IF END IF #elif( NMM_CORE == 1 ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If NMM core and trajectories are on then halt. !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%traj_opt /= 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = 'Trajectories not supported in NMM core ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! In program real, if hypsometric_opt = 2, adjust_heights cannot be set to .true. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%hypsometric_opt .EQ. 2 & .AND. model_config_rec%adjust_heights ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: hypsometric_opt is 2, setting adjust_heights = F' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%adjust_heights = .false. ENDIF #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! scale-aware KF cannot work with 3DTKE (km_opt=5) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%km_opt(i) .EQ. SMS_3DTKE ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. MSKFSCHEME ) ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: cu_physics = 11 cannot work with 3DTKE scheme ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Choose another bl_pbl_physics OR use another cu_physics option ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IF cu_physics = 11 (scale-aware KF), THEN set other required flags. This ! is not an error, just a convenience for the user. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. MSKFSCHEME ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: cu_physics is 11, setting icloud = 1 and cu_rad_feedback = T' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%cu_rad_feedback(i) = .true. model_config_rec%icloud = 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! aercu_opt = 1 (CESM-aerosal) only works with MSKF, special Morrison !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%aercu_opt .GT. 0 .AND. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. MSKFSCHEME .OR. & model_config_rec%mp_physics(i) .NE. MORR_TM_AERO ) ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: aercu_opt requires cu_physics = 11, and mp_physics = 40 ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Fix these options in namelist.input if you would like to use aercu_opt' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set the namelist parameters for the aercu_opt > 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % aercu_opt .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec % alevsiz_cu = 30 model_config_rec % no_src_types_cu = 10 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom model_config_rec % scalar_pblmix(i) = 1 END DO wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: aercu_opt is in use, setting: ' // & 'alevsiz_cu=30, no_src_types_cu=10, scalar_pblmix = 1' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) END IF #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If sst_update = 0, set io_form_auxinput4 to 0 so WRF will not try to ! input the data; auxinput_interval must also be 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%sst_update .EQ. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput4 = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: sst_update is 0, ' // & 'setting io_form_auxinput4 = 0 and auxinput4_interval = 0 for all domains' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_y(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_d(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_h(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_m(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_s(i) = 0 ENDDO ELSE IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput4 .EQ. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If sst_update /= 0, io_form_auxinput4 must be /= 0' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_auxinput4 in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If sst_update = 1, we need to make sure that two nml items are set: ! 1. io_form_auxinput4 = 2 (only for one domain) ! 2. auxinput4_interval = NON-ZERO (just check most coarse domain) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%sst_update .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput4 .EQ. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If sst_update /= 0, io_form_auxinput4 must be /= 0' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_auxinput4 in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF IF ( ( model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval(1) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_y(1) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_d(1) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_h(1) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_m(1) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%auxinput4_interval_s(1) .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If sst_update /= 0, one of the auxinput4_interval settings must be /= 0' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) wrf_err_message = '--- Set auxinput4_interval_s to the same value as interval_seconds (usually a pretty good guess).' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The qndropsource relies on the flag PROGN (when not running chemistry) ! and is always allocated when running WRF Chem. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ( (EM_CORE == 1) && (WRF_CHEM != 1) ) model_config_rec%alloc_qndropsource = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( model_config_rec%progn(i) .EQ. 1 ) THEN model_config_rec%alloc_qndropsource = 1 END IF END DO #elif (WRF_CHEM == 1) model_config_rec%alloc_qndropsource = 1 #endif #if ((EM_CORE == 1) && (DA_CORE != 1)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that if grid_sfdda is one, grid_fdda is also 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%grid_sfdda(i) .GT. 0 ).AND. & ( model_config_rec%grid_fdda (i) .NE. 1 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If grid_sfdda >= 1, then grid_fdda must also = 1 for that domain ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Change grid_fdda or grid_sfdda in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If grid_fdda or grid_sfdda is 0 for any domain, all interval and ! ending time information that domain must be set to zero. For ! surface fdda, we also need to make sure that the PXLSM soil nudging ! switch is also zero. Either surface fdda or soil nudging with the ! PX scheme are enough to allow the surface fdda file to be read. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%grid_fdda(i) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6,A)') '--- NOTE: grid_fdda is 0 for domain ', & i, ', setting gfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%gfdda_end_y(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_end_d(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_end_h(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_end_m(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_end_s(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_interval(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_y(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_d(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_h(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_m(i) = 0 model_config_rec%gfdda_interval_s(i) = 0 END IF IF ( ( model_config_rec%grid_sfdda(i) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%pxlsm_soil_nudge(i) .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6,A)') & '--- NOTE: both grid_sfdda and pxlsm_soil_nudge are 0 for domain ', & i, ', setting sgfdda interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_y(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_d(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_h(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_m(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_end_s(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_y(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_d(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_h(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_m(i) = 0 model_config_rec%sgfdda_interval_s(i) = 0 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%obs_nudge_opt(i) .EQ. 0 ) THEN WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6,A)') '--- NOTE: obs_nudge_opt is 0 for domain ', & i, ', setting obs nudging interval and ending time to 0 for that domain.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%fdda_end(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_y(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_d(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_h(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_m(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_interval_s(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_end(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_y(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_d(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_h(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_m(i) = 0 model_config_rec%auxinput11_end_s(i) = 0 END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If grid_sfdda = 2, we turn it into derived namelist fasdas !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE model_config_rec%fasdas(i) = 0 IF ( model_config_rec%grid_sfdda(i) .EQ. 2 ) THEN model_config_rec%fasdas(i) = 1 END IF ENDDO ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! FASDAS: Check that rinblw is set for max_domains in the namelist if sffdda is active !----------------------------------------------------------------------- rinblw_already_done = .FALSE. DO j = 1, model_config_rec%max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(j) ) CYCLE IF (model_config_rec%grid_sfdda(j) .EQ. 1 ) THEN DO i = 2, model_config_rec%max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%rinblw(i) .EQ. -1 ) THEN model_config_rec%rinblw(i) = model_config_rec % rinblw(1) IF ( .NOT. rinblw_already_done ) THEN wrf_err_message = 'Setting blank rinblw entries to domain #1 values.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = ' --> The rinblw entry in the namelist.input is now max_domains.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) END IF rinblw_already_done = .TRUE. END IF ENDDO !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Check that rinblw is not -1 if sfdda is active !------------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ( model_config_rec%rinblw(1) .EQ. -1 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: rinblw needs to be set in the namelist.input file.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF END DO !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Check to see if FASDAS is active !------------------------------------------------------------------------ DO i = 1, model_config_rec%max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (model_config_rec%fasdas(i) .EQ. 1 ) THEN wrf_err_message = 'FASDAS is active. Mixed Layer fdda is inactive' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) END IF !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Check to make sure sfdda is active if FASDAS is in namelist !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! IF (model_config_rec%fasdas(i) .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! IF (model_config_rec%grid_sfdda(i) .EQ. 0) THEN ! wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: sfdda needs to be set in the namelist.input file to run FASDAS.' ! CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) ! count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ! END IF ! END IF END DO ! !END FASDAS ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Only implement the mfshconv option if the QNSE PBL is activated. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. QNSEPBLSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%mfshconv(i) .NE. 0 ) ) THEN model_config_rec%mfshconv(i) = 0 oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: bl_pbl_physics /= 4, implies mfshconv must be 0, resetting' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! shcu_physics = 3 (grimsshcuscheme) only works with YSU & MYNN PBL. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) .EQ. GRIMSSHCUSCHEME ) THEN IF ( (model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. YSUSCHEME) .OR. & (model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. SHINHONGSCHEME) .OR. & (model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. MYNNPBLSCHEME2) .OR. & (model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. MYNNPBLSCHEME3) ) THEN !NO PROBLEM ELSE model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) = 0 oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: bl_pbl_physics /= 1,5,6,11 implies shcu_physics cannot be 3, resetting' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If MYNN PBL is not used, set bl_mynn_edmf = 0 so that shallow convection ! options can be set and we don't get additional output !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. MYNNPBLSCHEME2 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. MYNNPBLSCHEME3 ) ) THEN model_config_rec % bl_mynn_edmf(i) = 0 model_config_rec % bl_mynn_output(i) = 0 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! bl_mynn_edmf > 0 over-rules both shcu_physics & ishallow !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 EDMFMAX = MAXVAL(model_config_rec%bl_mynn_edmf(1:model_config_rec%max_dom)) SCHUMAX = MAXVAL(model_config_rec%shcu_physics(1:model_config_rec%max_dom)) IF ( ( ( EDMFMAX .GT. 0 ) .AND. ( SCHUMAX .GT. 0 ) ) .OR. & ( ( EDMFMAX .GT. 0 ) .AND. ( model_config_rec%ishallow .GT. 0 ) ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: bl_mynn_edmf > 0 requires both shcu_physics=0 & ishallow=0' CALL wrf_message(wrf_err_message) wrf_err_message = 'when using MYNN PBL, by default bl_mynn_edmf is turned on' CALL wrf_message(wrf_err_message) wrf_err_message = 'Modify namelist.input so that shcu_physics nor ishallow is used when bl_mynn_edmf is turned on' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Make sure icloud_bl is only used when MYNN is chosen. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%icloud_bl .eq. 1) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. MYNNPBLSCHEME2 .OR. & model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. MYNNPBLSCHEME3 ) THEN !CORRECTLY CONFIGURED ELSE model_config_rec%icloud_bl = 0 oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = 'Need MYNN PBL for icloud_bl = 1, resetting to 0' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! We need to know if any of the cumulus schemes are active. This ! allows the model to allocate space. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- model_config_rec%cu_used = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. NOCUSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec%cu_used = 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! We need to know if any of the shallow cumulus schemes are active. This ! allows the model to allocate space. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- model_config_rec%shcu_used = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) .NE. NOSHCUSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec%shcu_used = 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! We need to know if the orographic gravity wave drag scheme is active ! on any domains. This allows the model to allocate space. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- model_config_rec%gwd_used = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%gwd_opt(i) .NE. NOGWDOPT ) THEN model_config_rec%gwd_used = 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Make sure microphysics option without QICE array cannot be used with icloud=3 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%icloud .eq. 3) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%mp_physics(i) .EQ. WSM3SCHEME .OR. & model_config_rec%mp_physics(i) .EQ. KESSLERSCHEME ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Need microphysics schemes with QICE array for icloud = 3' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Choose a microphysics scheme other than WSM3 and Kessler' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If analysis FDDA is turned off, reset the io_forms to zero so that ! there is no chance that WRF tries to input the data. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( MAXVAL( model_config_rec%grid_fdda ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%io_form_gfdda = 0 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_gfdda .EQ. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If grid_fdda /= 0, io_form_gfdda must be /= 0' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_gfdda in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF IF ( MAXVAL( model_config_rec%grid_sfdda ) .EQ. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%io_form_sgfdda = 0 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_sgfdda .EQ. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If grid_sfdda /= 0, io_form_sgfdda must be /= 0' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Set io_form_sgfdda in the time_control namelist (probably to 2).' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If we have asked for the pressure-level diagnostics, make sure we can output them !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%p_lev_diags .EQ. 1 ) THEN DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( MAX ( model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval (i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_d(i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_h(i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_m(i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_s(i) ) == 0 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxhist23 == 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: p_lev_diags requires auxhist23 file information' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: provide: auxhist23_interval (max_dom) and io_form_auxhist23' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Add supporting IO for stream 23 for pressure-level diags' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END DO DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE model_config_rec%p_lev_interval(i) = model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval (i)* 60 + & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_d(i)*86400 + & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_h(i)* 3600 + & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_m(i)* 60 + & model_config_rec%auxhist23_interval_s(i) END DO END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If we have asked for the height-level diagnostics, make sure we can output them !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%z_lev_diags .EQ. 1 ) THEN DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( MAX ( model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval (i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_d(i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_h(i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_m(i) , & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_s(i) ) == 0 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxhist22 == 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: z_lev_diags requires auxhist22 file information' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: provide: auxhist22_interval (max_dom) and io_form_auxhist22' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Add supporting IO for stream 22 for height-level diags' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END DO DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE model_config_rec%z_lev_interval(i) = model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval (i)* 60 + & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_d(i)*86400 + & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_h(i)* 3600 + & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_m(i)* 60 + & model_config_rec%auxhist22_interval_s(i) END DO END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For RASM Diagnostics ! -verify that only one time interval is specified ! -change the intervals to values used in RASM Diagnotics ! -verify that a time interval has been set !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 1. Only one time interval type specified DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE count_opt = 0 IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_s (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN count_opt = count_opt + 1 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_m (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN count_opt = count_opt + 1 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_h (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN count_opt = count_opt + 1 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_d (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN count_opt = count_opt + 1 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_mo(i) .GT. 0 ) THEN count_opt = count_opt + 1 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN count_opt = count_opt + 1 END IF IF ( count_opt .GT. 1 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Only use one of: mean_diag_interval, _s, _m, _h, _d, _mo ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END DO ! 2. Put canonical intervals into RASM expected form DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_s (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%mean_interval(i) = model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_s (i) model_config_rec%mean_freq = 1 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_m (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%mean_interval(i) = model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_m (i) model_config_rec%mean_freq = 2 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_h (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%mean_interval(i) = model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_h (i) model_config_rec%mean_freq = 3 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_d (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%mean_interval(i) = model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_d (i) model_config_rec%mean_freq = 4 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_mo(i) .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%mean_interval(i) = model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval_mo(i) model_config_rec%mean_freq = 5 END IF IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec%mean_interval(i) = model_config_rec%mean_diag_interval (i) model_config_rec%mean_freq = 2 END IF END DO ! 3. If requested, need an interval. IF ( model_config_rec%mean_diag .EQ. 1 ) THEN count_opt = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%mean_interval (i) .GT. 0 ) THEN count_opt = count_opt + 1 END IF END DO IF ( count_opt .LT. 1 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: mean_diag = 1, but no computation interval given' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = ' Use one of: mean_diag_interval, _s, _m, _h, _d, _mo ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For nwp_diagnostics = 1, history_interval must be used. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ( model_config_rec%nwp_diagnostics .NE. 0 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%history_interval(1) .EQ. 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: nwp_diagnostics requires the use of "history_interval" namelist.' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Replace interval variable with "history_interval".' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If a user sets nwp_diagnostics = 1, then radar reflectivity computation ! needs to happen !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % nwp_diagnostics == 1 ) model_config_rec % do_radar_ref = 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If hailcast_opt = 1 for any domain, convective parameterization must be off for that domain. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%hailcast_opt(i) .NE. 0 ) .AND. & (model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. 0) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- hailcast_opt and cu_physics cannot both be turned on for the same domain. You must turn one of them off (=0).' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ENDIF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Name change in the namelist.input file. We used to only have the ! ocean mixed layer option (omlcall=1). With the addition of a 3D ocean, ! now let's change the name of the option. If the old name is present, ! tell the user to swap their namelist, and then stop. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%omlcall .NE. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: The namelist.input variable "omlcall" has been renamed.' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Replace "omlcall" with the new name "sf_ocean_physics".' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For adaptive time stepping, certain physics schemes are not allowed ! to have intermittent frequencies. So, for those schemes below, we just ! turn the frequencies so that the schemes are called for each time step. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%use_adaptive_time_step ) THEN IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. BMJSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. SCALESASSCHEME) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. SASSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. OSASSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. KSASSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. NSASSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. TIEDTKESCHEME ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: If use_adaptive_time_step, must use cudt=0 for the following CU schemes:' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- BMJ, all SAS, Tiedtke' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- CUDT=0 has been done for you.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom model_config_rec%cudt(i) = 0 END DO END IF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! When digital filtering is turned on, if no specific time step is given to be ! used during the digitial filtering period, then the standard WRF time ! step is used. If neither time steps are specified, then fatal error. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec%dfi_opt .EQ. DFI_NODFI ) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%time_step_dfi .EQ. -1 ) THEN model_config_rec%time_step_dfi = model_config_rec%time_step IF ( model_config_rec%time_step_dfi .EQ. -1 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: DFI Timestep or standard WRF time step must be specified.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The cu_rad_feedback namelist flag with the two Grell cumulus parameterization ! schemes needs to have the namelist flag cu_diag=1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_rad_feedback(i) .EQV. .TRUE. ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_rad_feedback(i) .EQV. .true. ) ) THEN IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. GFSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. G3SCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(1) .EQ. GDSCHEME ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: Turning on cu_rad_feedback also requires setting cu_diag== 1' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 1 ELSE model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 0 END IF END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The namelist flag cu_diag=1 must have one of the two Grell cumulus parameterizations ! turned on. All other cumulus parameterizations need to have cu_diag=0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) .EQ. G3TAVE ) THEN IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. GDSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. GFSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. KFCUPSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. G3SCHEME ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using cu_diag=1 requires use of one of the following CU schemes:' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Grell-Freitas (GF) CU scheme' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Grell 3D (G3) CU scheme' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Kain–Fritsch Cumulus Potential (KF-CuP) CU scheme' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Grell-Devenyi (GD) CU scheme' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The namelist flag kf_edrates=1 must have one of the three KF cumulus parameterizations ! turned on. All other cumulus parameterizations need to have kf_edrates=0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%kf_edrates(i) .EQ. KFEDRATES ) THEN IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. KFETASCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. MSKFSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. KFSCHEME ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using kf_edrates=1 requires use of one of the following KF schemes:' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Kain-Fritsch (cu_physics=1)' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Multi-scale Kain-Fritsch (cu_physics=11)' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- old Kain-Fritsch (cu_physics=99)' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Test to see if we allocate space for the time series. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL wrf_tsin_exist ( exists ) IF ( exists ) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%solar_diagnostics == 1 ) THEN model_config_rec%process_time_series = 2 ELSE model_config_rec%process_time_series = 1 END IF ELSE model_config_rec%process_time_series = 0 END IF END IF #ifdef DM_PARALLEL CALL wrf_dm_bcast_integer(model_config_rec%process_time_series, 1) #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The three Grell cumulus parameterization schemes need to have the ! namelist flag cu_diag=1, and all other cumulus schemes must have ! cu_diag=0. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. GDSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. GFSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. KFCUPSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .EQ. G3SCHEME ) ) THEN model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 1 ELSE model_config_rec%cu_diag(i) = 0 END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Only implement the TEMF PBL scheme with the TEMP SFCLAY scheme. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. TEMFPBLSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%sf_sfclay_physics(i) .NE. TEMFSFCSCHEME ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using bl_pbl_physics=10 requires sf_sfclay_physics=10 ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ELSEIF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. TEMFPBLSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec%sf_sfclay_physics(i) .EQ. TEMFSFCSCHEME ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using sf_sfclay_physics=10 requires bl_pbl_physics=10 ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Need to set lagday to 150 if tmn_update is 1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%tmn_update .EQ. 1 .AND. & model_config_rec%lagday .EQ. 1 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Using tmn_update=1 requires lagday=150 ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Do not allow digital filtering to be run with TEMF. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. TEMFPBLSCHEME ) .AND. & (model_config_rec%dfi_opt .NE. DFI_NODFI) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: DFI not available for bl_pbl_physics=10 ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If this is a restart, shut off the DFI. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%restart ) THEN model_config_rec%dfi_opt = DFI_NODFI END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The CLM scheme may not even be compiled, so make sure it is not allowed ! to be run if the code is not available. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if !defined ( WRF_USE_CLM ) oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(i) .EQ. CLMSCHEME ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: The CLM surface scheme was requested in the namelist.input file.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: However, the WRF CLM scheme was not compiled in WRF.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Please place the -DWRF_USE_CLM option in configure.wrf file, and recompile.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! grav_settling = 1 must be turned off for mp_physics=28. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%mp_physics(i) .EQ. THOMPSONAERO ) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%grav_settling(i) .NE. FOGSETTLING0 ) THEN model_config_rec%grav_settling(i) = 0 oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: mp_physics == 28, already has gravitational fog settling; resetting grav_settling to 0' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! scalar_pblmix = 1 should be turned on for mp_physics=28. But can be off for MYNN (when bl_mynn_mixscalars = 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%mp_physics(i) .EQ. THOMPSONAERO ) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%use_aero_icbc .AND. model_config_rec%scalar_pblmix(i) .NE. 1 ) THEN model_config_rec%scalar_pblmix(i) = 1 oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: For mp_physics == 28 and use_aero_icbc is true, recommend to turn on scalar_pblmix' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = 'resetting scalar_pblmix = 1' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !NOW CHECK FOR MYNN oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ((model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. MYNNPBLSCHEME2) .OR. & (model_config_rec%bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. MYNNPBLSCHEME3) ) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%bl_mynn_mixscalars(i) .EQ. 1 ) THEN model_config_rec%scalar_pblmix(i) = 0 oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF ENDDO ! Loop over domains IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- WARNING: MYNN is set to mix scalars, turning off scalar_pblmix' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DJW Check that we're not using ndown and vertical nesting. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ((model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .NE. 0) .AND. (model_config_rec%vert_refine_fact .NE. 1)) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: vert_refine_fact is ndown specific and cannot be used with vert_refine_method, and vice versa.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) ENDIF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DJW Check that only one type of vertical nesting is enabled. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .NE. 0) THEN DO j=1,model_config_rec%max_dom IF ((model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .NE. model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(j)) .AND. (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(j) .NE. 0)) THEN write(wrf_err_message,'(A,I1,A,I2,A,I1,A,I2,A)') '--- ERROR: vert_refine_method differs on grid ids ',model_config_rec%grid_id(i),' and ',model_config_rec%grid_id(j),'. Only one type of vertical grid nesting can be used at a time.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DJW Check that e_vert is the same for nested domains not using ! vertical nesting. Don't do this check if we're using ndown. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ((model_config_rec%max_dom .GT. 1) .AND. (model_config_rec%vert_refine_fact .EQ. 1)) THEN DO i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (((model_config_rec%parent_id(i) .NE. 0) .AND. (model_config_rec%parent_id(i) .NE. model_config_rec%grid_id(i))) .AND. (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .EQ. 0)) THEN DO j=1,model_config_rec%max_dom IF ((i .NE. j) .AND. (model_config_rec%parent_id(i) .EQ. model_config_rec%grid_id(j))) THEN IF (model_config_rec%e_vert(i) .NE. model_config_rec%e_vert(j)) THEN write(wrf_err_message,'(A,I2,A,I2,A)') '--- ERROR: e_vert differs on grid ids ',model_config_rec%grid_id(i),' and ',model_config_rec%grid_id(j),'. Set vert_refine_method or make e_vert consistent.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF ENDDO ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that vertical levels are defined in a logical way. ! DJW Check that domains without a parent do not have vertical ! nesting enabled. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=1,model_config_rec%max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ((model_config_rec%parent_id(i) .EQ. 0) .OR. (model_config_rec%parent_id(i) .EQ. model_config_rec%grid_id(i))) THEN IF (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .NE. 0) THEN write(wrf_err_message,'(A,I1,A,I2,A)') '--- ERROR: vert_refine_method=',model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i),' for grid_id=',model_config_rec%grid_id(i),', must be 0 for a non-nested domain.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DJW Check that we've got appropriate e_vert for integer refinement. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .EQ. 1) THEN j = model_config_rec%parent_id(i) IF (MOD(model_config_rec%e_vert(i)-1, model_config_rec%e_vert(j)-1) .NE. 0) THEN write(wrf_err_message,'(A,I2,A,I2,A)') "--- ERROR: grid_id=",i," and parent (grid_id=",j,") have incompatible e_vert's for vertical nesting with integer refinement." CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check that max_ts_level is smaller than the number of half levels !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % max_ts_level .gt. model_config_rec %e_vert(1)-1 ) then wrf_err_message = ' max_ts_level must be <= number of znu half layers ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = ' max_ts_level is reset to the number of znu half layers ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec % max_ts_level = model_config_rec %e_vert(1)-1 ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Consistency checks between vertical refinement and radiation ! scheme selection. For "choose any vertical levels" for the nest, ! only option 1 (RRTM/Dudhia) or option 4 (RRTMG) are eligible. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .NE. 0) THEN IF ( ( ( model_config_rec%ra_lw_physics(i) .EQ. 0 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%ra_lw_physics(i) .EQ. RRTMSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%ra_lw_physics(i) .EQ. RRTMG_LWSCHEME ) ) .AND. & ( ( model_config_rec%ra_sw_physics(i) .EQ. 0 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%ra_sw_physics(i) .EQ. SWRADSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec%ra_sw_physics(i) .EQ. RRTMG_SWSCHEME ) ) ) THEN ! We are OK, I just hate writing backwards / negative / convoluted if tests ! that are not easily comprehensible. ELSE wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: vert_refine_method=2 only works with ra_lw/sw_physics=1 (RRTM/Dudhia) or ra_lw/sw_physics=4 (RRTMG)' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF END IF END DO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Consistency checks for vertical refinement: ! must use the terrain following vertical coordinate !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .NE. 0) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%hybrid_opt .NE. 0 ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF END DO IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: vert_refine_method=2 only works with hybrid_opt = 0 ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Consistency checks for vertical refinement: ! feedback has to be turned off !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 2, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF (model_config_rec%vert_refine_method(i) .NE. 0) THEN IF ( model_config_rec%feedback .NE. 0 ) THEN oops = oops + 1 END IF END IF END DO IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: vert_refine_method=2 only works with feedback = 0 ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This WRF version does not support trajectories on a global domain !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % polar(1) .AND. & model_config_rec % fft_filter_lat .LT. 90. .AND. & model_config_rec % traj_opt .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 0, '--- ERROR: Trajectories not supported on global domain' ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If the user did not specify a global setting in the lateral BC ! portion of the namelist file (polar), but the distance around the ! equator is approximately equal to the entire globe, then it is likely ! that the user probably forgot to flip that polar switch on. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- lon_extent_is_global = .FALSE. IF ( ABS ( model_config_rec % e_we(1) * model_config_rec % dx(1) - 2. * piconst / reradius ) .LT. model_config_rec % dx(1) ) THEN lon_extent_is_global = .TRUE. END IF lat_extent_is_global = .FALSE. IF ( ABS ( model_config_rec % e_sn(1) * model_config_rec % dy(1) - piconst / reradius ) .LT. model_config_rec % dy(1) ) THEN lat_extent_is_global = .TRUE. END IF IF ( ( .NOT. model_config_rec % polar(1) ) .AND. & ( lon_extent_is_global .AND. lat_extent_is_global ) ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 0, '--- ERROR: Domain size is global, set &bdy_control polar=.TRUE.' ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Remapping namelist variables for gridded and surface fdda to aux streams 9 and 10. ! Relocated here so that the remappings are after checking the namelist for inconsistencies. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- # include "../dyn_em/namelist_remappings_em.h" #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! For the real program (ARW only), check that the vertical interpolation options ! selected by the user are consistent. ! 1. If the user has turned-off using the surface level, do not allow the force ! option to select how many layers the surface is to be used through. ! 2. If the user has turned-off using the surface level, do not allow the ! lowest level from surface option to be activated. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % use_wps_input .EQ. 1 ) THEN IF ( ( .NOT. model_config_rec % use_surface ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % force_sfc_in_vinterp .GT. 0 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: Inconsistent vertical interpolation settings in program real.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: With use_surface=F, automatically setting force_sfc_in_vinterp=0.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) model_config_rec % force_sfc_in_vinterp = 0 END IF IF ( ( .NOT. model_config_rec % use_surface ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % lowest_lev_from_sfc ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: Inconsistent vertical interpolation settings in program real.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: With use_surface=F, automatically setting lowest_lev_from_sfc=F.' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) model_config_rec % lowest_lev_from_sfc = .FALSE. END IF END IF #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1 && WRFPLUS == 1 ) IF ( ( model_config_rec%jcdfi_use ).AND. & ( model_config_rec%jcdfi_diag .NE. 1 ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: If jcdfi_use = 1, then jcdfi_diag must also = 1 ' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- Change jcdfi_diag in namelist.input ' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ! derived namelist for packaged a_/g_ variables model_config_rec%mp_physics_plus = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom model_config_rec%mp_physics_plus(i) = model_config_rec%mp_physics(i) ENDDO model_config_rec%cu_used_plus = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( model_config_rec%cu_physics(i) .NE. NOCUSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec%cu_used_plus = 1 END IF ENDDO model_config_rec%shcu_used_plus = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( model_config_rec%shcu_physics(i) .NE. NOSHCUSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec%shcu_used_plus = 1 END IF ENDDO #endif #if (EM_CORE == 1) # if( BUILD_SBM_FAST != 1) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If the FAST SBM scheme is requested and it is not compiled, let the ! user know. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(1) .EQ. FAST_KHAIN_LYNN_SHPUND ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: FAST SBM scheme must be built with a default compile-time flag' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Run ./clean -a, ./configure, ./compile scripts again' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF # endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If the RRTMG FAST schemes are requested, check that the code with ! built to use them. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if( BUILD_RRTMG_FAST != 1) IF ( ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_LWSCHEME_FAST ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_SWSCHEME_FAST ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: RRTMG FAST schemes must be built with a default compile-time flag' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Run ./clean -a, ./configure, ./compile scripts again' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If the RRTMG KIAPS schemes are requested, check that the code with ! built to use them. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if( BUILD_RRTMK != 1) IF ( ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMK_LWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMK_SWSCHEME ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: RRTMG-based KIAPS schemes must be built with a default compile-time flag' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Run ./clean -a, ./configure, ./compile scripts again' CALL wrf_message ( wrf_err_message ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set the namelist parameter o3input to 0 for the radiation schemes other ! than RRTMG_LWSCHEME and RRTMG_SWSCHEME. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_LWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_SWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMK_LWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMK_SWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_LWSCHEME_FAST ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_SWSCHEME_FAST ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: RRTMG radiation is used, namelist ' // & 'value for o3input (ozone input) is used ' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) ELSE model_config_rec % o3input = 0 wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: RRTMG radiation is not used, setting: ' // & 'o3input=0 to avoid data pre-processing' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF #if (WRF_CHEM == 1 && WRF_KPP == 1 ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check for consistent chem_opt and irr_opt !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec%irr_opt(i) > 0 .and. & (model_config_rec%chem_opt(i) /= mozcart_kpp .and. & model_config_rec%chem_opt(i) /= t1_mozcart_kpp .and. & model_config_rec%chem_opt(i) /= mozart_mosaic_4bin_kpp .and. & model_config_rec%chem_opt(i) /= mozart_mosaic_4bin_aq_kpp ) ) THEN wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: IRR diagnostics can only be used with the following chem_opt settings:' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = ' MOZCART_KPP, T1_MOZCART_KPP, MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP, MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) write(wrf_err_message,'('' chem_opt = '',i3,'', '',i3,'', '',i3,'', or '',i3)') & MOZCART_KPP, T1_MOZCART_KPP, MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP, MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF ENDDO #endif #if ( ( EM_CORE == 1) && ( defined(DM_PARALLEL) )&& ( ! defined(STUBMPI) ) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Did the user ask for too many MPI tasks, or are those tasks poorly distributed. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- oops = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % e_we(i) / model_config_rec % nproc_x .LT. 10 ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % e_sn(i) / model_config_rec % nproc_y .LT. 10 ) ) THEN WRITE ( wrf_err_message , * ) 'For domain ',i,', the domain size is too small for this many processors, ', & 'or the decomposition aspect ratio is poor.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE ( wrf_err_message , * ) 'Minimum decomposed computational patch size, either x-dir or y-dir, is 10 grid cells.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE ( wrf_err_message , fmt='(a,i5,a,i4,a,i4)' ) & 'e_we = ', model_config_rec % e_we(i),', nproc_x = ',model_config_rec % nproc_x, & ', with cell width in x-direction = ', & model_config_rec % e_we(i) / model_config_rec % nproc_x CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) WRITE ( wrf_err_message , fmt='(a,i5,a,i4,a,i4)' ) & 'e_sn = ', model_config_rec % e_sn(i),', nproc_y = ',model_config_rec % nproc_y, & ', with cell width in y-direction = ', & model_config_rec % e_sn(i) / model_config_rec % nproc_y CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) wrf_err_message = '--- ERROR: Reduce the MPI rank count, or redistribute the tasks.' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) oops = oops + 1 END IF ENDDO IF ( oops .GT. 0 ) THEN count_fatal_error = count_fatal_error + 1 END IF #endif !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! The "clean" atmosphere radiative flux diagnostics can only be used ! with WRF-Chem. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec%clean_atm_diag > 0 ) THEN #if (WRF_CHEM != 1) wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: "Clean" atmosphere diagnostics can only be used in WRF-Chem' CALL wrf_debug ( 0, TRIM( wrf_err_message ) ) model_config_rec%calc_clean_atm_diag = 0 #else model_config_rec%calc_clean_atm_diag = 1 #endif ENDIF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! MUST BE AFTER ALL OF THE PHYSICS CHECKS. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( count_fatal_error .GT. 0 ) THEN WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6, A)') 'NOTE: ', count_fatal_error, & ' namelist settings are wrong. Please check and reset these options' CALL wrf_error_fatal ( wrf_err_message ) END IF END SUBROUTINE check_nml_consistency !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE setup_physics_suite ! ! ! Based on the selection of physics suite provided in the namelist, sets the ! values of other namelist options (mp_physics, cu_physics, ra_lw_physics, ! ra_sw_physics, bl_pbl_physics, sf_sfclay_physics, and sf_surface_physics) ! to reflect that suite. ! ! USE module_domain, ONLY : change_to_lower_case IMPLICIT NONE #if ( EM_CORE == 1 ) INTEGER :: i INTEGER :: max_dom LOGICAL :: have_mods INTEGER, DIMENSION( max_domains ) :: orig_mp_physics, orig_cu_physics, orig_ra_lw_physics, orig_ra_sw_physics, & orig_bl_pbl_physics, orig_sf_sfclay_physics, orig_sf_surface_physics CHARACTER, DIMENSION( max_domains ) :: modified_mp_option, modified_cu_option, modified_ra_lw_option, modified_ra_sw_option, & modified_bl_pbl_option, modified_sf_sfclay_option, modified_sf_surface_option CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: physics_suite_lowercase CHARACTER (LEN=32) :: formatstring ! ! Initialize the debug level so that it can be used in the namelist testing. ! wrf_debug_level is a global value in module_wrf_error. ! wrf_debug_level = model_config_rec%debug_level max_dom = model_config_rec % max_dom ! ! Save physics selections as given by the user to later determine if the ! user has overridden any options ! modified_mp_option(1:max_dom) = ' ' orig_mp_physics(1:max_dom) = model_config_rec % mp_physics(1:max_dom) modified_cu_option(1:max_dom) = ' ' orig_cu_physics(1:max_dom) = model_config_rec % cu_physics(1:max_dom) modified_ra_lw_option(1:max_dom) = ' ' orig_ra_lw_physics(1:max_dom) = model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1:max_dom) modified_ra_sw_option(1:max_dom) = ' ' orig_ra_sw_physics(1:max_dom) = model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1:max_dom) modified_bl_pbl_option(1:max_dom) = ' ' orig_bl_pbl_physics(1:max_dom) = model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(1:max_dom) modified_sf_sfclay_option(1:max_dom) = ' ' orig_sf_sfclay_physics(1:max_dom) = model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(1:max_dom) modified_sf_surface_option(1:max_dom) = ' ' orig_sf_surface_physics(1:max_dom) = model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1:max_dom) CALL change_to_lower_case(trim(model_config_rec % physics_suite), physics_suite_lowercase) ! ! If physics suite is 'none', we can return early ! IF ( trim(physics_suite_lowercase) == 'none' ) THEN wrf_err_message = '*************************************' call wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = 'No physics suite selected.' call wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = 'Physics options will be used directly from the namelist.' call wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) wrf_err_message = '*************************************' call wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) RETURN END IF CALL wrf_message ('*************************************') CALL wrf_message ('Configuring physics suite '''//trim(physics_suite_lowercase)//'''') CALL wrf_message ('') ! ! Set options based on the suite selection ! SELECT CASE ( trim(physics_suite_lowercase) ) ! ! CONUS suite ! CASE ('conus') DO i = 1, max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % cu_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % cu_physics(i) = TIEDTKESCHEME ! Tiedtke IF ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) = THOMPSON ! Thompson IF ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) = RRTMG_LWSCHEME ! RRTMG LW IF ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) = RRTMG_SWSCHEME ! RRTMG SW IF ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) = MYJPBLSCHEME ! MYJ IF ( model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) = MYJSFCSCHEME ! MYJ IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i) = LSMSCHEME ! Noah END DO ! ! Tropical suite ! CASE ('tropical') DO i = 1, max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % cu_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % cu_physics(i) = NTIEDTKESCHEME ! New Tiedtke IF ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) = WSM6SCHEME ! WSM6 IF ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i) = RRTMG_LWSCHEME ! RRTMG LW IF ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i) = RRTMG_SWSCHEME ! RRTMG SW IF ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) = YSUSCHEME ! YSU IF ( model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i) = SFCLAYSCHEME ! MM5 IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i) == -1 ) model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i) = LSMSCHEME ! Noah END DO CASE DEFAULT CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'Unrecognized physics suite' ) END SELECT WRITE (formatstring, '(A,I3,A)') '(A21,', max_dom, '(I6,A1))' ! ! Print microphysics options ! WHERE (model_config_rec % mp_physics(1:max_dom) == orig_mp_physics(1:max_dom)) modified_mp_option(1:max_dom) = '*' WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT=TRIM(formatstring)) 'mp_physics: ', & (model_config_rec % mp_physics(i), modified_mp_option(i), i=1,max_dom) CALL wrf_message (wrf_err_message) ! ! Print cumulus options ! WHERE (model_config_rec % cu_physics(1:max_dom) == orig_cu_physics(1:max_dom)) modified_cu_option(1:max_dom) = '*' WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT=TRIM(formatstring)) 'cu_physics: ', & (model_config_rec % cu_physics(i), modified_cu_option(i), i=1,max_dom) CALL wrf_message (wrf_err_message) ! ! Print LW radiation options ! WHERE (model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1:max_dom) == orig_ra_lw_physics(1:max_dom)) modified_ra_lw_option(1:max_dom) = '*' WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT=TRIM(formatstring)) 'ra_lw_physics: ', & (model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(i), modified_ra_lw_option(i), i=1,max_dom) CALL wrf_message (wrf_err_message) ! ! Print SW radiation options ! WHERE (model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1:max_dom) == orig_ra_sw_physics(1:max_dom)) modified_ra_sw_option(1:max_dom) = '*' WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT=TRIM(formatstring)) 'ra_sw_physics: ', & (model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(i), modified_ra_sw_option(i), i=1,max_dom) CALL wrf_message (wrf_err_message) ! ! Print boundary layer options ! WHERE (model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(1:max_dom) == orig_bl_pbl_physics(1:max_dom)) modified_bl_pbl_option(1:max_dom) = '*' WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT=TRIM(formatstring)) 'bl_pbl_physics: ', & (model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i), modified_bl_pbl_option(i), i=1,max_dom) CALL wrf_message (wrf_err_message) ! ! Print surface layer options ! WHERE (model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(1:max_dom) == orig_sf_sfclay_physics(1:max_dom)) & modified_sf_sfclay_option(1:max_dom) = '*' WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT=TRIM(formatstring)) & 'sf_sfclay_physics: ', (model_config_rec % sf_sfclay_physics(i), modified_sf_sfclay_option(i), i=1,max_dom) CALL wrf_message (wrf_err_message) ! ! Print surface options ! WHERE (model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1:max_dom) == orig_sf_surface_physics(1:max_dom)) & modified_sf_surface_option(1:max_dom) = '*' WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT=TRIM(formatstring)) & 'sf_surface_physics: ', (model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(i), modified_sf_surface_option(i), i=1,max_dom) CALL wrf_message (wrf_err_message) ! ! Print footnote if any physics schemes were overridden by the user ! have_mods = ANY (modified_mp_option(1:max_dom) == '*') & .OR. ANY (modified_cu_option(1:max_dom) == '*') & .OR. ANY (modified_ra_lw_option(1:max_dom) == '*') & .OR. ANY (modified_ra_sw_option(1:max_dom) == '*') & .OR. ANY (modified_bl_pbl_option(1:max_dom) == '*') & .OR. ANY (modified_sf_sfclay_option(1:max_dom) == '*') & .OR. ANY (modified_sf_surface_option(1:max_dom) == '*') IF (have_mods) THEN CALL wrf_message ('') CALL wrf_message ('(* = option overrides suite setting)') END IF CALL wrf_message ('*************************************') #endif END SUBROUTINE setup_physics_suite !======================================================================= SUBROUTINE set_physics_rconfigs ! ! ! Some derived rconfig entries need to be set based on the value of other, ! non-derived entries before package-dependent memory allocation takes place. ! This works around depending on the user to set these specific settings in the ! namelist. ! ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: numsoiltemp , nummosaictemp INTEGER :: i !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set the namelist urban dimensions if sf_urban_physics > 0 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( any(model_config_rec%sf_urban_physics > 0 ) ) THEN model_config_rec%urban_map_zrd = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nwr * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nz model_config_rec%urban_map_zwd = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nwr * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nz * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nbui model_config_rec%urban_map_gd = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & model_config_rec%num_urban_ng model_config_rec%urban_map_zd = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nz * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nbui model_config_rec%urban_map_zdf = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nz model_config_rec%urban_map_bd = model_config_rec%num_urban_nz * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nbui model_config_rec%urban_map_wd = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nz * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nbui model_config_rec%urban_map_gbd = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & model_config_rec%num_urban_ngb * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nbui model_config_rec%urban_map_fbd = model_config_rec%num_urban_ndm * & (model_config_rec%num_urban_nz - 1) * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nf * & model_config_rec%num_urban_nbui END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set the namelist mosaic_cat_soil parameter for the Noah-mosaic scheme if sf_surface_mosaic == 1. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_mosaic .EQ. 1 ) THEN numsoiltemp = model_config_rec % num_soil_layers nummosaictemp = model_config_rec % mosaic_cat model_config_rec % mosaic_cat_soil = numsoiltemp * nummosaictemp wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: Noah-mosaic is in use, setting: ' // & 'mosaic_cat_soil = mosaic_cat * num_soil_layers' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF #if ( (NMM_CORE != 1) && (DA_CORE != 1) ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! How big to allocate random seed arrays. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL RANDOM_SEED ( SIZE = model_config_rec % seed_dim ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If this is a WRF run with polar boundary conditions, then this is a ! global domain. A global domain needs to have the FFT arrays allocated. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- model_config_rec % fft_used = 0 IF ( ( model_config_rec % polar(1) ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % fft_filter_lat .LT. 90. ) ) THEN model_config_rec % fft_used = 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Need to know if this run has aercu_opt set to either 1 or 2, ! so that we can set a derived namelist for packaging arrays. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- model_config_rec % aercu_used = 0 IF ( model_config_rec %aercu_opt .GT. 0 ) THEN model_config_rec % aercu_used = 1 END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If any CAM scheme is turned on, then there are a few shared variables. ! These need to be allocated when any CAM scheme is active. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ( (EM_CORE == 1) && (WRF_CHEM != 1) ) model_config_rec % cam_used = 0 DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .EQ. CAMMGMPSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .EQ. CAMUWPBLSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % shcu_physics(i) .EQ. CAMUWSHCUSCHEME ) ) THEN model_config_rec % cam_used = 1 END IF ENDDO #elif (WRF_CHEM == 1) model_config_rec % cam_used = 1 #endif #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set the namelist parameters for the CAM radiation scheme if either ! ra_lw_physics = CAMLWSCHEME or ra_sw_physics = CAMSWSCHEME. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. CAMLWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. CAMSWSCHEME )) THEN model_config_rec % paerlev = 29 model_config_rec % levsiz = 59 model_config_rec % cam_abs_dim1 = 4 model_config_rec % cam_abs_dim2 = model_config_rec % e_vert(1) wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: CAM radiation is in use, setting: ' // & 'paerlev=29, levsiz=59, cam_abs_dim1=4, cam_abs_dim2=e_vert' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If a user requested to compute the radar reflectivity .OR. if this is ! one of the schemes that ALWAYS computes the radar reflectivity, then ! turn on the switch that says allocate the space for the refl_10cm array. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .EQ. MILBRANDT2MOM ) .OR. & #if (EM_CORE == 1) ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .EQ. NSSL_2MOM ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .EQ. NSSL_2MOMG ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .EQ. NSSL_2MOMCCN ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .EQ. NSSL_1MOM ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % mp_physics(i) .EQ. NSSL_1MOMLFO ) .OR. & #endif ( model_config_rec % do_radar_ref .EQ. 1 ) ) THEN model_config_rec % compute_radar_ref = 1 END IF ENDDO !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If a user selected LOGICAL fire-related switches, convert those to ! INTEGER for the package allocation assignment required in the ! registry file. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (EM_CORE == 1) DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( model_config_rec % fmoist_run(i) .EQV. .TRUE. ) THEN model_config_rec % fmoisti_run(i) = 1 ELSE model_config_rec % fmoisti_run(i) = 0 END IF IF ( model_config_rec % fmoist_interp(i) .EQV. .TRUE. ) THEN model_config_rec % fmoisti_interp(i) = 1 ELSE model_config_rec % fmoisti_interp(i) = 0 END IF ENDDO #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! If MYNN PBL is not used, set bl_mynn_edmf = 0 so that we don't get ! additional output !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if (EM_CORE == 1) DO i = 1, model_config_rec % max_dom IF ( .NOT. model_config_rec % grid_allowed(i) ) CYCLE IF ( ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. MYNNPBLSCHEME2 ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % bl_pbl_physics(i) .NE. MYNNPBLSCHEME3 ) ) THEN model_config_rec % bl_mynn_edmf = 0 END IF ENDDO #endif !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set the namelist parameters for the RRTMG radiation scheme if either ! ra_lw_physics or ra_sw_physics is set to one of the RRTMG schemes. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_LWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_SWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMK_LWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMK_SWSCHEME ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_lw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_LWSCHEME_FAST ) .OR. & ( model_config_rec % ra_sw_physics(1) .EQ. RRTMG_SWSCHEME_FAST )) THEN model_config_rec % levsiz = 59 model_config_rec % alevsiz = 12 model_config_rec % no_src_types = 6 wrf_err_message = '--- NOTE: One of the RRTMG radiation schemes is in use, setting: ' // & 'levsiz=59, alevsiz=12, no_src_types=6' CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END IF !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Set namelist parameter num_soil_levels depending on the value of ! sf_surface_physics !----------------------------------------------------------------------- #if ((EM_CORE == 1) || (NMM_CORE == 1)) IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. NOLSMSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 5 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. SLABSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 5 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. LSMSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 4 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. NOAHMPSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 4 ELSE IF ( ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. RUCLSMSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % num_soil_layers .EQ. 6 ) ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 6 ELSE IF ( ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. RUCLSMSCHEME ) .AND. & ( model_config_rec % num_soil_layers .EQ. 9 ) ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 9 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. RUCLSMSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 6 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. PXLSMSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 2 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. CLMSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 10 ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. SSIBSCHEME ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 3 #if (NMM_CORE == 1) ELSE IF ( model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) .EQ. GFDLSLAB ) THEN model_config_rec % num_soil_layers = 4 #endif ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , '--- ERROR: Unknown sf_surface_physics has no associated number of soil levels' ) WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6)') '--- ERROR: sf_surface_physics = ' , model_config_rec % sf_surface_physics(1) CALL wrf_error_fatal ( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) END IF #endif WRITE (wrf_err_message, FMT='(A,I6)') '--- NOTE: num_soil_layers has been set to ', & model_config_rec % num_soil_layers CALL wrf_debug ( 1, wrf_err_message ) END SUBROUTINE set_physics_rconfigs !======================================================================= RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE get_moad_factor ( id, parent_id, parent_grid_ratio, max_dom, factor ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: max_dom INTEGER, DIMENSION(max_dom) :: parent_id, parent_grid_ratio INTEGER :: factor, id IF ( id .EQ. 1 ) THEN RETURN ELSE factor = factor * parent_grid_ratio(id) CALL get_moad_factor ( parent_id(id), parent_id, parent_grid_ratio, max_dom, factor ) END IF END SUBROUTINE get_moad_factor !======================================================================= END MODULE module_check_a_mundo !=======================================================================