MODULE module_sf_bem ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Variables and constants used in the BEM module ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef mpas use mpas_atmphys_utilities, only: physics_error_fatal #define FATAL_ERROR(M) call physics_error_fatal( M ) #else use module_wrf_error #define FATAL_ERROR(M) call wrf_error_fatal( M ) #endif real emins !emissivity of the internal walls parameter (emins=0.9) real albins !albedo of the internal walls !! parameter (albins=0.5) parameter (albins=0.3) real thickwin !thickness of the window [m] parameter (thickwin=0.006) real cswin !Specific heat of the windows [J/(m3.K)] parameter(cswin= 2.268e+06) real temp_rat !power of the A.C. heating/cooling the indoor air [K/s] parameter(temp_rat=0.001) real hum_rat !power of the A.C. drying/moistening the indoor air [(Kg/kg)/s] parameter(hum_rat=1.e-06) CONTAINS !====6================================================================72 !====6================================================================72 subroutine BEM(nzcanm,nlev,nhourday,dt,bw,bl,dzlev, & nwal,nflo,nrof,ngrd,hswalout,gswal, & hswinout,hsrof,gsrof, & latent,sigma,albwal,albwin,albrof, & emrof,emwal,emwin,rswal,rlwal,rair,cp, & rhoout,tout,humout,press, & rs,rl,dzwal,cswal,kwal,pwin,cop,beta,sw_cond, & timeon,timeoff,targtemp,gaptemp,targhum,gaphum, & perflo,hsesf,hsequip,dzflo, & csflo,kflo,dzgrd,csgrd,kgrd,dzrof,csrof, & krof,tlev,shumlev,twal,twin,tflo,tgrd,trof, & hsout,hlout,consump,hsvent,hlvent) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! TOP ! --------------------- ! ! ----------------- !--->roof (-) : level number ! ! ! ! ! rem: the windows are given ! ! !---------------! ! with respect to the ! ! !---------------! ! vertical walls-->win(2) ! (n)! !(1) (1)!-!(n) ! ! !---------------! ! 2D vision of the building ! WEST ! !-------4-------! ! EAST ! I ! ! 1 ilev 2! ! II ^ ! ! !-------3--------! ! ! ! ! !---------------! !--->floor 1 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ----------------- ! <--------------(n) ! ------------------------>ground ------------(1) ! BOTTOM ! i(6) ! i ! +---------v-----+ ! /| /| 3D vision of a room ! / | 4 / | ! / | / | ! / | / | ! / | / | ! +---------------+ | ! | 1 | | 2 | ! | +---------|-----+ ! dzlev | / | / ! | / 3 | / ! | /bw | / ! | / | / ! |/ |/ ! +---------------+ ! ^ bl ! i ! i ! (5) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Input: ! ----- real dt !time step [s] integer nzcanm !Maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid integer nlev !number of floors in the building integer nwal !number of levels inside the wall integer nrof !number of levels inside the roof integer nflo !number of levels inside the floor integer ngrd !number of levels inside the ground real dzlev !vertical grid resolution [m] real bl !Building length [m] real bw !Building width [m] real albwal !albedo of the walls real albwin !albedo of the windows real albrof !albedo of the roof real emwal !emissivity of the walls real emrof !emissivity of the roof real emwin !emissivity of the windows real pwin !window proportion real, intent(in) :: cop !Coefficient of performance of the A/C systems real, intent(in) :: beta !Thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger integer, intent(in) :: sw_cond ! Air Conditioning switch real, intent(in) :: timeon ! Initial local time of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: timeoff ! Ending local time of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: targtemp ! Target temperature of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: gaptemp ! Comfort range of indoor temperature real, intent(in) :: targhum ! Target humidity of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: gaphum ! Comfort range of specific humidity real, intent(in) :: perflo ! Peak number of occupants per unit floor area real, intent(in) :: hsesf ! real, intent(in) :: hsequip(24) ! real cswal(nwal) !Specific heat of the wall [J/(m3.K)] real csflo(nflo) !Specific heat of the floor [J/(m3.K)] real csrof(nrof) !Specific heat of the roof [J/(m3.K)] real csgrd(ngrd) !Specific heat of the ground [J/(m3.K)] real kwal(nwal+1) !Thermal conductivity in each layers of the walls (face) [W/(m.K)] real kflo(nflo+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers of the floors (face) [W/(m.K)] real krof(nrof+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers of the roof (face) [W/(m.K)] real kgrd(ngrd+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers of the ground (face) [W/(m.K)] real dzwal(nwal) !Layer sizes of walls [m] real dzflo(nflo) !Layer sizes of floors [m] real dzrof(nrof) !Layer sizes of roof [m] real dzgrd(ngrd) !Layer sizes of ground [m] real latent !latent heat of evaporation [J/Kg] real rs !external short wave radiation [W/m2] real rl !external long wave radiation [W/m2] real rswal(4,nzcanm) !short wave radiation reaching the exterior walls [W/m2] real rlwal(4,nzcanm) !long wave radiation reaching the walls [W/m2] real rhoout(nzcanm) !exterior air density [kg/m3] real tout(nzcanm) !external temperature [K] real humout(nzcanm) !absolute humidity [Kgwater/Kgair] real press(nzcanm) !external air pressure [Pa] real hswalout(4,nzcanm) !outside walls sensible heat flux [W/m2] real hswinout(4,nzcanm) !outside window sensible heat flux [W/m2] real hsrof !Sensible heat flux at the roof [W/m2] real rair !ideal gas constant [] real sigma !parameter (wall is not black body) [W/m2.K4] real cp !specific heat of air [J/kg.K] !Input-Output !------------ real tlev(nzcanm) !temperature of the floors [K] real shumlev(nzcanm) !specific humidity of the floor [kg/kg] real twal(4,nwal,nzcanm) !walls temperatures [K] real twin(4,nzcanm) !windows temperatures [K] real tflo(nflo,nzcanm-1) !floor temperatures [K] real tgrd(ngrd) !ground temperature [K] real trof(nrof) !roof temperature [K] real hsout(nzcanm) !sensible heat emitted outside the floor [W] real hlout(nzcanm) !latent heat emitted outside the floor [W] real consump(nzcanm) !Consumption for the a.c. in each floor [W] real hsvent(nzcanm) !sensible heat generated by natural ventilation [W] real hlvent(nzcanm) !latent heat generated by natural ventilation [W] real gsrof !heat flux flowing inside the roof [W/m^2] real gswal(4,nzcanm) !heat flux flowing inside the floors [W/m^2] ! Local: ! ----- integer swwal !swich for the physical coefficients calculation integer ilev !index for rooms integer iwal !index for walls integer iflo !index for floors integer ivw !index for vertical walls integer igrd !index for ground integer irof !index for roof real hseqocc(nzcanm) !sensible heat generated by equipments and occupants [W] real hleqocc(nzcanm) !latent heat generated by occupants [W] real hscond(nzcanm) !sensible heat generated by wall conduction [W] real hslev(nzcanm) !sensible heat flux generated inside the room [W] real hllev(nzcanm) !latent heat flux generatd inside the room [W] real surwal(6,nzcanm) !Surface of the walls [m2] real surwal1D(6) !wall surfaces of a generic room [m2] real rsint(6) !short wave radiation reaching the indoor walls[W/m2] real rswalins(6,nzcanm) !internal short wave radiation for the building [W/m2] real twin1D(4) !temperature of windows for a particular room [K] real twal_int(6) !temperature of the first internal layers of a room [K] real rlint(6) !internal wall long wave radiation [w/m2] real rlwalins(6,nzcanm) !internal long wave radiation for the building [W/m2] real hrwalout(4,nzcanm) !external radiative flux to the walls [W/m2] real hrwalins(6,nzcanm) !inside radiative flux to the walls [W/m2] real hrwinout(4,nzcanm) !external radiative flux to the window [W/m2] real hrwinins(4,nzcanm) !inside radiative flux to the window [W/m2] real hrrof !external radiative flux to the roof [W/m2] real hs real hsneed(nzcanm) !sensible heat needed by the room [W] real hlneed(nzcanm) !latent heat needed by the room [W] real hswalins(6,nzcanm) !inside walls sensible heat flux [W/m2] real hswalins1D(6) real hswinins(4,nzcanm) !inside window sensible heat flux [W/m2] real hswinins1D(4) real htot(2) !total heat flux at the wall [W/m2] real twal1D(nwal) real tflo1D(nflo) real tgrd1D(ngrd) real trof1D(nrof) real rswal1D(4) real Qb !Overall heat capacity of the indoor air [J/K] real vollev !volume of the room [m3] real rhoint !density of the internal air [Kg/m3] real cpint !specific heat of the internal air [J/kg.K] real humdry !specific humidiy of dry air [kg water/kg dry air] real radflux !Function to compute the total radiation budget real consumpbuild !Energetic consumption for the entire building [KWh/s] real hsoutbuild !Total sensible heat ejected into the atmosphere[W] !by the air conditioning system and per building real nhourday !number of hours from midnight, local time !-------------------------------------------- !Initialization !-------------------------------------------- do ilev=1,nzcanm hseqocc(ilev)=0. hleqocc(ilev)=0. hscond(ilev)=0. hslev(ilev)=0. hllev(ilev)=0. enddo !Calculation of the surfaces of the building !-------------------------------------------- do ivw=1,6 do ilev=1,nzcanm surwal(ivw,ilev)=1. !initialisation end do end do do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,2 surwal(ivw,ilev)=dzlev*bw end do do ivw=3,4 surwal(ivw,ilev)=dzlev*bl end do do ivw=5,6 surwal(ivw,ilev)=bw*bl end do end do ! Calculation of the short wave radiations at the internal walls ! --------------------------------------------------------------- do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,4 rswal1D(ivw)=rswal(ivw,ilev) end do do ivw=1,6 surwal1D(ivw)=surwal(ivw,ilev) end do call int_rsrad(albwin,albins,pwin,rswal1D,& surwal1D,bw,bl,dzlev,rsint) do ivw=1,6 rswalins(ivw,ilev)=rsint(ivw) end do end do !ilev ! Calculation of the long wave radiation at the internal walls !------------------------------------------------------------- !Intermediate rooms if ( then do ilev=2,nlev-1 do ivw=1,4 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,ilev) twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,ilev) end do twal_int(5)=tflo(nflo,ilev-1) twal_int(6)=tflo(1,ilev) call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D,& pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint) do ivw=1,6 rlwalins(ivw,ilev)=rlint(ivw) end do end do !ilev end if if ( then !bottom room do ivw=1,4 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,1) twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,1) end do twal_int(5)=tgrd(ngrd) twal_int(6)=tflo(1,1) call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D,& pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint) do ivw=1,6 rlwalins(ivw,1)=rlint(ivw) end do !top room do ivw=1,4 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,nlev) twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,nlev) end do twal_int(5)=tflo(nflo,nlev-1) twal_int(6)=trof(1) call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D,& pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint) do ivw=1,6 rlwalins(ivw,nlev)=rlint(ivw) end do else !Top <---> Bottom do ivw=1,4 twin1D(ivw)=twin(ivw,1) twal_int(ivw)=twal(ivw,1,1) end do twal_int(5)=tgrd(ngrd) twal_int(6)=trof(1) call int_rlrad(emins,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin1D, & pwin,bw,bl,dzlev,rlint) do ivw=1,6 rlwalins(ivw,1)=rlint(ivw) end do end if ! Calculation of the radiative fluxes ! ----------------------------------- !External vertical walls and windows do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,4 call radfluxs(radflux,albwal,rswal(ivw,ilev), & emwal,rlwal(ivw,ilev),sigma, & twal(ivw,nwal,ilev)) hrwalout(ivw,ilev)=radflux hrwinout(ivw,ilev)=emwin*rlwal(ivw,ilev)- & emwin*sigma*(twin(ivw,ilev)**4) end do ! ivw end do ! ilev !Roof call radfluxs(radflux,albrof,rs,emrof,rl,sigma,trof(nrof)) hrrof=radflux !Internal walls for intermediate rooms if( then do ilev=2,nlev-1 do ivw=1,4 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,ilev), & emins,rlwalins(ivw,ilev),sigma, & twal(ivw,1,ilev)) hrwalins(ivw,ilev)=radflux end do !ivw call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,ilev), & emins,rlwalins(5,ilev),sigma,& tflo(nflo,ilev-1)) hrwalins(5,ilev)=radflux call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,ilev), & emins,rlwalins(6,ilev),sigma,& tflo(1,ilev)) hrwalins(6,ilev)=radflux end do !ilev end if !Internal walls for the bottom and the top room ! if ( then !bottom floor do ivw=1,4 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,1), & emins,rlwalins(ivw,1),sigma, & twal(ivw,1,1)) hrwalins(ivw,1)=radflux end do call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,1),& emins,rlwalins(5,1),sigma,& !bottom tgrd(ngrd)) hrwalins(5,1)=radflux call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,1),& emins,rlwalins(6,1),sigma,& tflo(1,1)) hrwalins(6,1)=radflux !roof floor do ivw=1,4 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,nlev), & emins,rlwalins(ivw,nlev),sigma,& twal(ivw,1,nlev)) hrwalins(ivw,nlev)=radflux end do !top call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,nlev), & emins,rlwalins(5,nlev),sigma,& tflo(nflo,nlev-1)) hrwalins(5,nlev)=radflux call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,nlev), & emins,rlwalins(6,nlev),sigma,& trof(1)) hrwalins(6,nlev)=radflux else ! Top <---> Bottom room do ivw=1,4 call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(ivw,1),& emins,rlwalins(ivw,1),sigma, & twal(ivw,1,1)) hrwalins(ivw,1)=radflux end do call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(5,1),& emins,rlwalins(5,1),sigma, & tgrd(ngrd)) hrwalins(5,1)=radflux call radfluxs(radflux,albins,rswalins(6,nlev), & emins,rlwalins(6,nlev),sigma,& trof(1)) hrwalins(6,1)=radflux end if !Windows do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,4 hrwinins(ivw,ilev)=emwin*rlwalins(ivw,ilev)- & emwin*sigma*(twin(ivw,ilev)**4) end do end do ! Calculation of the sensible heat fluxes ! --------------------------------------- !Vertical fluxes for walls do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,4 call hsinsflux (2,2,tlev(ilev),twal(ivw,1,ilev),hs) hswalins(ivw,ilev)=hs end do ! ivw end do ! ilev !Vertical fluxes for windows do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,4 call hsinsflux (2,1,tlev(ilev),twin(ivw,ilev),hs) hswinins(ivw,ilev)=hs end do ! ivw end do !ilev !Horizontal fluxes if ( then do ilev=2,nlev-1 call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(ilev),tflo(nflo,ilev-1),hs) hswalins(5,ilev)=hs call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(ilev),tflo(1,ilev),hs) hswalins(6,ilev)=hs end do ! ilev end if if ( then call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(1),tgrd(ngrd),hs) hswalins(5,1)=hs !Bottom room call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(1),tflo(1,1),hs) hswalins(6,1)=hs call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(nlev),tflo(nflo,nlev-1),hs) hswalins(5,nlev)=hs !Top room call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(nlev),trof(1),hs) hswalins(6,nlev)=hs else ! Bottom<--->Top call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(1),tgrd(ngrd),hs) hswalins(5,1)=hs call hsinsflux (1,2,tlev(nlev),trof(1),hs) hswalins(6,nlev)=hs end if !Calculation of the temperature for the different surfaces ! -------------------------------------------------------- ! Vertical walls swwal=1 do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,4 htot(1)=hswalins(ivw,ilev)+hrwalins(ivw,ilev) htot(2)=hswalout(ivw,ilev)+hrwalout(ivw,ilev) gswal(ivw,ilev)=htot(2) do iwal=1,nwal twal1D(iwal)=twal(ivw,iwal,ilev) end do call wall(swwal,nwal,dt,dzwal,kwal,cswal,htot,twal1D) do iwal=1,nwal twal(ivw,iwal,ilev)=twal1D(iwal) end do end do ! ivw end do ! ilev ! Windows do ilev=1,nlev do ivw=1,4 htot(1)=hswinins(ivw,ilev)+hrwinins(ivw,ilev) htot(2)=hswinout(ivw,ilev)+hrwinout(ivw,ilev) twin(ivw,ilev)=twin(ivw,ilev)+(dt/(cswin*thickwin))* & (htot(1)+htot(2)) end do ! ivw end do ! ilev ! Horizontal floors if ( then swwal=1 do ilev=1,nlev-1 htot(1)=hrwalins(6,ilev)+hswalins(6,ilev) htot(2)=hrwalins(5,ilev+1)+hswalins(5,ilev+1) do iflo=1,nflo tflo1D(iflo)=tflo(iflo,ilev) end do call wall(swwal,nflo,dt,dzflo,kflo,csflo,htot,tflo1D) do iflo=1,nflo tflo(iflo,ilev)=tflo1D(iflo) end do end do ! ilev end if ! Ground swwal=1 htot(1)=0. !Diriclet b.c. at the internal boundary htot(2)=hswalins(5,1)+hrwalins(5,1) do igrd=1,ngrd tgrd1D(igrd)=tgrd(igrd) end do call wall(swwal,ngrd,dt,dzgrd,kgrd,csgrd,htot,tgrd1D) do igrd=1,ngrd tgrd(igrd)=tgrd1D(igrd) end do ! Roof swwal=1 htot(1)=hswalins(6,nlev)+hrwalins(6,nlev) htot(2)=hsrof+hrrof gsrof=htot(2) do irof=1,nrof trof1D(irof)=trof(irof) end do call wall(swwal,nrof,dt,dzrof,krof,csrof,htot,trof1D) do irof=1,nrof trof(irof)=trof1D(irof) end do ! Calculation of the heat fluxes and of the temperature of the rooms ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ do ilev=1,nlev !Calculation of the heat generated by equipments and occupants call fluxeqocc(nhourday,bw,bl,perflo,hsesf,hsequip,hseqocc(ilev),hleqocc(ilev)) !Calculation of the heat generated by natural ventilation vollev=bw*bl*dzlev humdry=shumlev(ilev)/(1.-shumlev(ilev)) rhoint=(press(ilev))/(rair*(1.+0.61*humdry)*tlev(ilev)) cpint=cp*(1.+0.84*humdry) call fluxvent(cpint,rhoint,vollev,tlev(ilev),tout(ilev), & latent,humout(ilev),rhoout(ilev),shumlev(ilev),& beta,hsvent(ilev),hlvent(ilev)) !Calculation of the heat generated by conduction do iwal=1,6 hswalins1D(iwal)=hswalins(iwal,ilev) surwal1D(iwal)=surwal(iwal,ilev) end do do iwal=1,4 hswinins1D(iwal)=hswinins(iwal,ilev) end do call fluxcond(hswalins1D,hswinins1D,surwal1D,pwin,& hscond(ilev)) !Calculation of the heat generated inside the room call fluxroo(hseqocc(ilev),hleqocc(ilev),hsvent(ilev), & hlvent(ilev),hscond(ilev),hslev(ilev),hllev(ilev)) !Evolution of the temperature and of the specific humidity Qb=rhoint*cpint*vollev ! temperature regulation call regtemp(sw_cond,nhourday,dt,Qb,hslev(ilev), & tlev(ilev),timeon,timeoff,targtemp,gaptemp,hsneed(ilev)) ! humidity regulation call reghum(sw_cond,nhourday,dt,vollev,rhoint,latent, & hllev(ilev),shumlev(ilev),timeon,timeoff,& targhum,gaphum,hlneed(ilev)) ! !performance of the air conditioning system for the test ! call air_cond(hsneed(ilev),hlneed(ilev),dt, & hsout(ilev),hlout(ilev),consump(ilev), cop) tlev(ilev)=tlev(ilev)+(dt/Qb)*(hslev(ilev)-hsneed(ilev)) shumlev(ilev)=shumlev(ilev)+(dt/(vollev*rhoint*latent))* & (hllev(ilev)-hlneed(ilev)) end do !ilev call consump_total(nzcanm,nlev,consumpbuild,hsoutbuild, & hsout,consump) return end subroutine BEM !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine wall(swwall,nz,dt,dz,k,cs,flux,temp) !______________________________________________________________________ !The aim of this subroutine is to solve the 1D heat fiffusion equation !for roof, walls and streets: ! ! dT/dt=d/dz[K*dT/dz] where: ! ! -T is the surface temperature(wall, street, roof) ! -Kz is the heat diffusivity inside the material. ! !The resolution is done implicitly with a FV discretisation along the !different layers of the material: ! ____________________________ ! n * ! * ! * ! ____________________________ ! i+2 ! I+1 ! ____________________________ ! i+1 ! I ==> [T(I,n+1)-T(I,n)]/DT= ! ____________________________ [F(i+1)-F(i)]/DZI ! i ! I-1 ==> A*T(n+1)=B where: ! ____________________________ ! i-1 * * A is a TRIDIAGONAL matrix. ! * * B=T(n)+S takes into account the sources. ! * ! 1 ____________________________ !________________________________________________________________ implicit none !Input: !----- integer nz !Number of layers inside the material real dt !Time step real dz(nz) !Layer sizes [m] real cs(nz) !Specific heat of the material [J/(m3.K)] real k(nz+1) !Thermal conductivity in each layers (face) [W/(m.K)] real flux(2) !Internal and external flux terms. !Input-Output: !------------- integer swwall !swich for the physical coefficients calculation real temp(nz) !Temperature at each layer !Local: !----- real a(-1:1,nz) ! a(-1,*) lower diagonal A(i,i-1) ! a(0,*) principal diagonal A(i,i) ! a(1,*) upper diagonal A(i,i+1). real b(nz) !Coefficients of the second term. real k1(20) real k2(20) real kc(20) save k1,k2,kc integer iz !________________________________________________________________ ! !Calculation of the coefficients if (swwall.eq.1) then if ( then write(*,*) 'number of layers in the walls/roofs too big ',nz write(*,*) 'please decrease under of',20 stop endif call wall_coeff(nz,dt,dz,cs,k,k1,k2,kc) swwall=0 end if !Computation of the first value (iz=1) of A and B: a(-1,1)=0. a(0,1)=1+k2(1) a(1,1)=-k2(1) b(1)=temp(1)+flux(1)*kc(1) !! !!We can fixed the internal temperature !! !! a(-1,1)=0. !! a(0,1)=1 !! a(1,1)=0. !! !! b(1)=temp(1) !! !Computation of the internal values (iz=2,...,n-1) of A and B: do iz=2,nz-1 a(-1,iz)=-k1(iz) a(0,iz)=1+k1(iz)+k2(iz) a(1,iz)=-k2(iz) b(iz)=temp(iz) end do !Computation of the external value (iz=n) of A and B: a(-1,nz)=-k1(nz) a(0,nz)=1+k1(nz) a(1,nz)=0. b(nz)=temp(nz)+flux(2)*kc(nz) !Resolution of the system A*T(n+1)=B call tridia(nz,a,b,temp) return end subroutine wall !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine wall_coeff(nz,dt,dz,cs,k,k1,k2,kc) implicit none !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !----- integer nz !Number of layers inside the material real dt !Time step real dz(nz) !Layer sizes [m] real cs(nz) !Specific heat of the material [J/(m3.K)] real k(nz+1) !Thermal diffusivity in each layers (face) [W/(m.K)] !Input-Output !------------ real flux(2) !Internal and external flux terms. !Output !------ real k1(20) real k2(20) real kc(20) !Local !----- integer iz real kf(nz) !------------------------------------------------------------------ do iz=2,nz kc(iz)=dt/(dz(iz)*cs(iz)) kf(iz)=2*k(iz)/(dz(iz)+dz(iz-1)) end do kc(1)=dt/(dz(1)*cs(1)) kf(1)=2*k(1)/(dz(1)) do iz=1,nz k1(iz)=kc(iz)*kf(iz) end do do iz=1,nz-1 k2(iz)=kc(iz)*kf(iz+1)*cs(iz)/cs(iz+1) end do return end subroutine wall_coeff !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine hsinsflux(swsurf,swwin,tin,tw,hsins) implicit none ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This routine computes the internal sensible heat flux. ! The swsurf, makes rhe difference between a vertical and a ! horizontal surface. ! The values of the heat conduction coefficients hc are obtained from the book ! "Energy Simulation in Building Design". J.A. Clarke. ! Adam Hilger, Bristol, 362 pp. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !---- integer swsurf !swich for the type of surface (horizontal/vertical) integer swwin !swich for the type of surface (window/wall) real tin !Inside temperature [K] real tw !Internal wall temperature [K] !Output !------ real hsins !internal sensible heat flux [W/m2] !Local !----- real hc !heat conduction coefficient [W/C.m2] !-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (swsurf.eq.2) then !vertical surface if (swwin.eq.1) then hc=5.678*0.99 !window surface (smooth surface) else hc=5.678*1.09 !wall surface (rough surface) endif hsins=hc*(tin-tw) endif if (swsurf.eq.1) then !horizontal surface if (swwin.eq.1) then hc=5.678*0.99 !window surface (smooth surface) else hc=5.678*1.09 !wall surface (rough surface) endif hsins=hc*(tin-tw) endif return end subroutine hsinsflux !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine int_rsrad(albwin,albwal,pwin,rswal,& surwal,bw,bl,zw,rsint) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !Input !----- real albwin !albedo of the windows real albwal !albedo of the internal wall real rswal(4) !incoming short wave radiation [W/m2] real surwal(6) !surface of the indoor walls [m2] real bw,bl !width of the walls [m] real zw !height of the wall [m] real pwin !window proportion !Output !------ real rsint(6) !internal walls short wave radiation [W/m2] !Local !----- real transmit !transmittance of the direct/diffused radiation real rstr !solar radiation transmitted through the windows real surtotwal !total indoor surface of the walls in the room integer iw real b(6) !second member for the system real a(6,6) !matrix for the system !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculation of the solar radiation transmitted through windows rstr = 0. do iw=1,4 transmit=1.-albwin rstr = rstr+(surwal(iw)*pwin)*(transmit*rswal(iw)) enddo !We suppose that the radiation is spread isotropically within the !room when it passes through the windows, so the flux [W/m^2] in every !wall is: surtotwal=0. do iw=1,6 surtotwal=surtotwal+surwal(iw) enddo rstr=rstr/surtotwal !Computation of the short wave radiation reaching the internal walls call algebra_short(rstr,albwal,albwin,bw,bl,zw,pwin,a,b) call gaussjbem(a,6,b,6) do iw=1,6 rsint(iw)=b(iw) enddo return end subroutine int_rsrad !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine int_rlrad(emwal,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin,& pwin,bw,bl,zw,rlint) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ implicit none ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ !Input !----- real emwal !emissivity of the internal walls real emwin !emissivity of the window real sigma !Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2.K4] real twal_int(6)!temperature of the first internal layers of a room [K] real twin(4) !temperature of the windows [K] real bw !width of the wall real bl !length of the wall real zw !height of the wall real pwin !window proportion !Output !------ real rlint(6) !internal walls long wave radiation [W/m2] !Local !------ real b(6) !second member vector for the system real a(6,6) !matrix for the system integer iw !---------------------------------------------------------------- !Compute the long wave radiation reachs the internal walls call algebra_long(emwal,emwin,sigma,twal_int,twin,pwin,& bw,bl,zw,a,b) call gaussjbem(a,6,b,6) do iw=1,6 rlint(iw)=b(iw) enddo return end subroutine int_rlrad !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine algebra_short(rstr,albwal,albwin,aw,bw,zw,pwin,a,b) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the algebraic system that will be solved for !the computation of the total shortwave radiation that reachs every !indoor wall in a floor. !Write the matrix system ax=b to solve ! ! -Rs(1)+a(1,2)Rs(2)+.................+a(1,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(1) !a(2,1)Rs(1)- Rs(2)+.................+a(2,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(2) !a(3,1)Rs(1)+a(3,2)Rs(3)-Rs(3)+...........+a(3,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(3) !a(4,1)Rs(1)+.................-Rs(4)+.....+a(4,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(4) !a(5,1)Rs(1)+.......................-Rs(5)+a(5,6)Rs(6)=-Rs=b(5) !a(6,1)Rs(1)+....................................-R(6)=-Rs=b(6) ! !This version suppose the albedo of the indoor walls is the same. !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !----- real rstr !solar radiation transmitted through the windows real albwal !albedo of the internal walls real albwin !albedo of the windows. real bw !length of the wall real aw !width of the wall real zw !height of the wall real fprl_int !view factor real fnrm_int !view factor real pwin !window proportion !Output !------ real a(6,6) !Matrix for the system real b(6) !Second member for the system !Local !----- integer iw,jw real albm !averaged albedo !---------------------------------------------------------------- !Initialise the variables do iw=1,6 b(iw)= 0. do jw=1,6 a(iw,jw)= 0. enddo enddo !Calculation of the second member b do iw=1,6 b(iw)=-rstr end do !Calculation of the averaged albedo albm=pwin*albwin+(1-pwin)*albwal !Calculation of the matrix a a(1,1)=-1. call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw) a(1,2)=albm*fprl_int call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw)) a(1,3)=albm*(bw/aw)*fnrm_int a(1,4)=a(1,3) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) a(1,5)=albwal*(bw/zw)*fnrm_int a(1,6)=a(1,5) a(2,1)=a(1,2) a(2,2)=-1. a(2,3)=a(1,3) a(2,4)=a(1,4) a(2,5)=a(1,5) a(2,6)=a(1,6) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw)) a(3,1)=albm*(aw/bw)*fnrm_int a(3,2)=a(3,1) a(3,3)=-1. call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw) a(3,4)=albm*fprl_int call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) a(3,5)=albwal*(aw/zw)*fnrm_int a(3,6)=a(3,5) a(4,1)=a(3,1) a(4,2)=a(3,2) a(4,3)=a(3,4) a(4,4)=-1. a(4,5)=a(3,5) a(4,6)=a(3,6) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) a(5,1)=albm*(zw/bw)*fnrm_int a(5,2)=a(5,1) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) a(5,3)=albm*(zw/aw)*fnrm_int a(5,4)=a(5,3) a(5,5)=-1. call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw) a(5,6)=albwal*fprl_int a(6,1)=a(5,1) a(6,2)=a(5,2) a(6,3)=a(5,3) a(6,4)=a(5,4) a(6,5)=a(5,6) a(6,6)=-1. return end subroutine algebra_short !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine algebra_long(emwal,emwin,sigma,twalint,twinint,& pwin,aw,bw,zw,a,b) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine computes the algebraic system that will be solved to !compute the longwave radiation that reachs the indoor !walls in a floor. !Write the matrix system ax=b to solve ! !a(1,1)Rl(1)+.............................+Rl(6)=b(1) !a(2,1)Rl(1)+.................+Rl(5)+a(2,6)Rl(6)=b(2) !a(3,1)Rl(1)+.....+Rl(3)+...........+a(3,6)Rl(6)=b(3) !a(4,1)Rl(1)+...........+Rl(4)+.....+a(4,6)Rl(6)=b(4) ! Rl(1)+.......................+a(5,6)Rl(6)=b(5) !a(6,1)Rl(1)+Rl(2)+.................+a(6,6)Rl(6)=b(6) ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !----- real pwin !window proportion real emwal !emissivity of the internal walls real emwin !emissivity of the window real sigma !Stefan-Boltzmann constant [W/m2.K4] real twalint(6) !temperature of the first internal layers of a room [K] real twinint(4) !temperature of the windows [K] real aw !width of the wall real bw !length of the wall real zw !height of the wall real fprl_int !view factor real fnrm_int !view factor real fnrm_intx !view factor real fnrm_inty !view factor !Output !------ real b(6) !second member vector for the system real a(6,6) !matrix for the system !Local !----- integer iw,jw real b_wall(6) real b_wind(6) real emwal_av !averadge emissivity of the wall real emwin_av !averadge emissivity of the window real em_av !averadge emissivity real twal_int(6) !twalint real twin(4) !twinint !------------------------------------------------------------------ !Initialise the variables !------------------------- do iw=1,6 b(iw)= 0. b_wall(iw)=0. b_wind(iw)=0. do jw=1,6 a(iw,jw)= 0. enddo enddo do iw=1,6 twal_int(iw)=twalint(iw) enddo do iw=1,4 twin(iw)=twinint(iw) enddo !Calculation of the averadge emissivities !----------------------------------------- emwal_av=(1-pwin)*emwal emwin_av=pwin*emwin em_av=emwal_av+emwin_av !Calculation of the second term for the walls !------------------------------------------- call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) b_wall(1)=(emwal*sigma*(twal_int(5)**4)* & fprl_int)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* & (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4))* & (zw/bw)*fnrm_inty) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) b_wall(2)=(emwal*sigma*(twal_int(6)**4)* & fprl_int)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* & (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4))* & (zw/bw)*fnrm_inty) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) b_wall(3)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(4)**4)* & fprl_int)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4))* & (aw/bw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ & emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* & (aw/zw)*fnrm_inty) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) b_wall(4)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(3)**4)* & fprl_int)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(2)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(1)**4))* & (aw/bw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ & emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* & (aw/zw)*fnrm_inty) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) b_wall(5)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(2)**4)* & fprl_int)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* & (bw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ & emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* & (bw/zw)*fnrm_inty) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) b_wall(6)=(emwal_av*sigma*(twal_int(1)**4)* & fprl_int)+ & (sigma*(emwal_av*(twal_int(3)**4)+ & emwal_av*(twal_int(4)**4))* & (bw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwal*(twal_int(5)**4)+ & emwal*(twal_int(6)**4))* & (bw/zw)*fnrm_inty) !Calculation of the second term for the windows !--------------------------------------------- call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) b_wind(1)=(sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(3)**4)+ & emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* & (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(1)**4)+ & emwin_av*(twin(2)**4))* & (zw/bw)*fnrm_inty) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_intx,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_inty,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) b_wind(2)=(sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(3)**4)+ & emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* & (zw/aw)*fnrm_intx)+ & (sigma*(emwin_av*(twin(1)**4)+ & emwin_av*(twin(2)**4))* & (zw/bw)*fnrm_inty) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw)) b_wind(3)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(4)**4)* & fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* & (twin(2)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(1)**4))* & (aw/bw)*fnrm_int) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw)) b_wind(4)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(3)**4)* & fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* & (twin(2)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(1)**4))* & (aw/bw)*fnrm_int) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw)) b_wind(5)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(2)**4)* & fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* & (twin(3)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* & (bw/aw)*fnrm_int) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw)) b_wind(6)=emwin_av*sigma*(twin(1)**4)* & fprl_int+(sigma*(emwin_av* & (twin(3)**4)+emwin_av*(twin(4)**4))* & (bw/aw)*fnrm_int) !Calculation of the total b term !------------------------------- do iw=1,6 b(iw)=b_wall(iw)+b_wind(iw) end do !Calculation of the matrix of the system !---------------------------------------- call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/aw,zw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) a(1,1)=(em_av-1.)*(zw/bw)*fnrm_int a(1,2)=a(1,1) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/bw,zw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) a(1,3)=(em_av-1.)*(zw/aw)*fnrm_int a(1,4)=a(1,3) call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/zw,bw/zw) a(1,5)=(emwal-1.)*fprl_int a(1,6)=1. a(2,1)=a(1,1) a(2,2)=a(1,2) a(2,3)=a(1,3) a(2,4)=a(1,4) a(2,5)=1. a(2,6)=a(1,5) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,bw/zw,aw/zw,(bw*bw+aw*aw)/(zw*zw)) a(3,1)=(em_av-1.)*(aw/bw)*fnrm_int a(3,2)=a(3,1) a(3,3)=1. call fprl_ints(fprl_int,zw/aw,bw/aw) a(3,4)=(em_av-1.)*fprl_int call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/bw,aw/bw,(aw*aw+zw*zw)/(bw*bw)) a(3,5)=(emwal-1.)*(aw/zw)*fnrm_int a(3,6)=a(3,5) a(4,1)=a(3,1) a(4,2)=a(3,2) a(4,3)=a(3,4) a(4,4)=1. a(4,5)=a(3,5) a(4,6)=a(3,6) a(5,1)=1. call fprl_ints(fprl_int,aw/bw,zw/bw) a(5,2)=(em_av-1.)*fprl_int call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,aw/zw,bw/zw,(aw*aw+bw*bw)/(zw*zw)) a(5,3)=(em_av-1.)*(bw/aw)*fnrm_int a(5,4)=a(5,3) call fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,zw/aw,bw/aw,(bw*bw+zw*zw)/(aw*aw)) a(5,5)=(emwal-1.)*(bw/zw)*fnrm_int a(5,6)=a(5,5) a(6,1)=a(5,2) a(6,2)=1. a(6,3)=a(5,3) a(6,4)=a(5,4) a(6,5)=a(5,5) a(6,6)=a(6,5) return end subroutine algebra_long !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine fluxroo(hseqocc,hleqocc,hsvent,hlvent, & hscond,hslev,hllev) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the heat flux generated inside the room !and the heat ejected to the atmosphere. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !----- real hseqocc !sensible heat generated by equipments and occupants [W] real hleqocc !latent heat generated by occupants [W] real hsvent !sensible heat generated by natural ventilation [W] real hlvent !latent heat generated by natural ventilation [W] real hscond !sensible heat generated by wall conduction !Output !------ real hslev !sensible heat flux generated inside the room [W] real hllev !latent heat flux generatd inside the room !Calculation of the total sensible heat generated inside the room hslev=hseqocc+hsvent+hscond !Calculation of the total latent heat generated inside the room hllev=hleqocc+hlvent return end subroutine fluxroo !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine phirat(nhourday,rocc) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the occupation ratio of a floor !By now we suppose a constant value !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !Input !----- real nhourday ! number of hours from midnight (local time) !Output !------ real rocc !value between 0 and 1 !!TEST rocc=1. return end subroutine phirat !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine phiequ(nhourday,hsesf,hsequip,hsequ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the sensible heat gain from equipments !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none !Input !----- real nhourday ! number of hours from midnight, Local time real, intent(in) :: hsesf real, intent(in), dimension(24) :: hsequip !Output !------ real hsequ !sensible heat gain from equipment [W/m^2] !--------------------------------------------------------------------- hsequ = hsequip(int(nhourday)+1) * hsesf end subroutine phiequ !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine fluxeqocc(nhourday,bw,bl,perflo,hsesf,hsequip,hseqocc,hleqocc) implicit none !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the sensible and the latent heat flux !generated by equipments and occupants !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !----- real bw !Room width [m] real bl !Room lengzh [m] real nhourday !number of hours from the beginning of the day real, intent(in) :: perflo ! Peak number of occupants per unit floor area real, intent(in) :: hsesf real, intent(in), dimension(24) :: hsequip !Output !------ real hseqocc !sensible heat generated by equipments and occupants [W] real hleqocc !latent heat generated by occupants [W] !Local !----- real Af !Air conditioned floor area [m2] real rocc !Occupation ratio of the floor [0,1] real hsequ !Heat generated from equipments real hsocc !Sensible heat generated by a person [W/Person] !Source Boundary Layer Climates,page 195 (book) parameter (hsocc=160.) real hlocc !Latent heat generated by a person [W/Person] !Source Boundary Layer Climates,page 225 (book) parameter (hlocc=1.96e6/86400.) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Sensible heat flux ! ------------------ Af=bw*bl call phirat(nhourday,rocc) call phiequ(nhourday,hsesf,hsequip,hsequ) hseqocc=Af*rocc*perflo*hsocc+Af*hsequ ! ! Latent heat ! ----------- ! hleqocc=Af*rocc*perflo*hlocc return end subroutine fluxeqocc !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine fluxvent(cpint,rhoint,vollev,tlev,tout,latent,& humout,rhoout,humlev,beta,hsvent,hlvent) implicit none !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the sensible and the latent heat flux !generated by natural ventilation !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !----- real cpint !specific heat of the indoor air [J/kg.K] real rhoint !density of the indoor air [Kg/m3] real vollev !volume of the room [m3] real tlev !Room temperature [K] real tout !outside air temperature [K] real latent !latent heat of evaporation [J/Kg] real humout !outside absolute humidity [Kgwater/Kgair] real rhoout !air density [kg/m3] real humlev !Specific humidity of the indoor air [Kgwater/Kgair] real, intent(in) :: beta!Thermal efficiency of the heat exchanger !Output !------ real hsvent !sensible heat generated by natural ventilation [W] real hlvent !latent heat generated by natural ventilation [W] !Local !----- !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Sensible heat flux ! ------------------ hsvent=(1.-beta)*cpint*rhoint*(vollev/3600.)* & (tout-tlev) ! Latent heat flux ! ---------------- hlvent=(1.-beta)*latent*rhoint*(vollev/3600.)* & (humout-humlev) return end subroutine fluxvent !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine fluxcond(hswalins,hswinins,surwal,pwin,hscond) implicit none !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the sensible heat flux generated by !wall conduction. !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input !----- real hswalins(6) !sensible heat at the internal layers of the wall [W/m2] real hswinins(4) !internal window sensible heat flux [W/m2] real surwal(6) !surfaces of the room walls [m2] real pwin !window proportion !Output !------ real hscond !sensible heat generated by wall conduction [W] !Local !----- integer ivw !---------------------------------------------------------------------- hscond=0. do ivw=1,4 hscond=hscond+surwal(ivw)*(1-pwin)*hswalins(ivw)+ & surwal(ivw)*pwin*hswinins(ivw) end do do ivw=5,6 hscond=hscond+surwal(ivw)*hswalins(ivw) end do ! !Finally we must change the sign in hscond to be proportional !to the difference (Twall-Tindoor). ! hscond=(-1)*hscond return end subroutine fluxcond !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine regtemp(swcond,nhourday,dt,Qb,hsroo, & tlev,timeon,timeoff,targtemp,gaptemp,hsneed) implicit none !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the sensible heat fluxes, !after anthropogenic regulation (air conditioning) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input: !-----. integer swcond !swich air conditioning real nhourday !number of hours from the beginning of the day real real dt !time step [s] real Qb !overall heat capacity of the indoor air [J/K] real hsroo !sensible heat flux generated inside the room [W] real tlev !room air temperature [K] real, intent(in) :: timeon ! Initial local time of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: timeoff ! Ending local time of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: targtemp! Target temperature of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: gaptemp ! Comfort range of indoor temperature !Local: !-----. real templev !hipotetical room air temperature [K] real alpha !variable to control the heating/cooling of !the air conditining system !Output: !-----. real hsneed !sensible heat extracted to the indoor air [W] !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !initialize variables !--------------------- templev = 0. alpha = 0. if (swcond.eq.0) then ! there is not air conditioning in the floor hsneed = 0. goto 100 else if (( then templev=tlev+(dt/Qb)*hsroo goto 200 else hsneed = 0. ! air conditioning is switched off goto 100 endif endif 200 continue if (abs(templev-targtemp).le.gaptemp) then hsneed = 0. else if ( then hsneed=hsroo-(Qb/dt)*(targtemp+gaptemp-tlev) alpha=(abs(hsneed-hsroo)/Qb) if ( then hsneed=hsroo+temp_rat*Qb goto 100 else goto 100 endif else hsneed=hsroo-(Qb/dt)*(targtemp-gaptemp-tlev) alpha=(abs(hsneed-hsroo)/Qb) if ( then hsneed=hsroo-temp_rat*Qb goto 100 else goto 100 endif endif endif 100 continue return end subroutine regtemp !====6=8==============================================================72 !====6=8==============================================================72 subroutine reghum(swcond,nhourday,dt,volroo,rhoint,latent, & hlroo,shumroo,timeon,timeoff,targhum,gaphum,hlneed) implicit none !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !This routine calculates the latent heat fluxes, !after anthropogenic regulation (air conditioning) !--------------------------------------------------------------------- !Input: !-----. integer swcond !swich air conditioning real nhourday !number of hours from the beginning of the day real[h] real dt !time step [s] real volroo !volume of the room [m3] real rhoint !density of the internal air [Kg/m3] real latent !latent heat of evaporation [J/Kg] real hlroo !latent heat flux generated inside the room [W] real shumroo !specific humidity of the indoor air [kg/kg] real, intent(in) :: timeon ! Initial local time of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: timeoff ! Ending local time of A/C systems real, intent(in) :: targhum ! Target humidity of the A/C systems real, intent(in) :: gaphum ! comfort range of the specific humidity !Local: !-----. real humlev !hipotetical specific humidity of the indoor [kg/kg] real betha !variable to control the drying/moistening of !the air conditioning system !Output: !-----. real hlneed !latent heat extracted to the indoor air [W] !------------------------------------------------------------------------ !initialize variables !--------------------- humlev = 0. betha = 0. if (swcond.eq.0) then ! there is not air conditioning in the floor hlneed = 0. goto 100 else if (( then humlev=shumroo+(dt/(latent*rhoint*volroo))*hlroo goto 200 else hlneed = 0. ! air conditioning is switched off goto 100 endif endif 200 continue if (abs(humlev-targhum).le.gaphum) then hlneed = 0. else if ( then hlneed=hlroo-((latent*rhoint*volroo)/dt)* & (targhum+gaphum-shumroo) betha=abs(hlneed-hlroo)/(latent*rhoint*volroo) if ( then hlneed=hlroo+hum_rat*(latent*rhoint*volroo) goto 100 else goto 100 endif else hlneed=hlroo-((latent*rhoint*volroo)/dt)* & (targhum-gaphum-shumroo) betha=abs(hlneed-hlroo)/(latent*rhoint*volroo) if ( then hlneed=hlroo-hum_rat*(latent*rhoint*volroo) goto 100 else goto 100 endif endif endif 100 continue return end subroutine reghum !====6=8==============================================================72 !====6=8==============================================================72 subroutine air_cond(hsneed,hlneed,dt,hsout,hlout,consump,cop) implicit none ! !Performance of the air conditioning system ! !INPUT/OUTPUT VARIABLES real, intent(in) :: cop ! !INPUT/OUTPUT VARIABLES ! real hsneed !sensible heat that is necessary for cooling/heating !the indoor air temperature [W] real hlneed !latent heat that is necessary for controling !the humidity of the indoor air [W] real dt !time step [s] ! !OUTPUT VARIABLES ! real hsout !sensible heat pumped out into the atmosphere [W] real hlout !latent heat pumped out into the atmosphere [W] real consump !Electrical consumption of the air conditioning system [W] ! !Performance of the air conditioning system ! if ( then ! air conditioning is cooling ! and the heat is pumped out into the atmosphere hsout=(1/cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed))+hsneed hlout=hlneed consump=(1./cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed)) !! hsout=0. !! hlout=0. else if(hsneed.eq.0.) then !air conditioning is not working to regulate the indoor temperature hlneed=0. !no humidity regulation is considered hsout=0. !no output into the atmosphere (sensible heat) hlout=0. !no output into the atmosphere (latent heat) consump=0. !no electrical consumption else !! hsneed < 0. !air conditioning is heating hlneed=0. !no humidity regulation is considered hlout=0. !no output into the atmosphere (latent heat) consump=(1./cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed)) ! !!We have two possibilities ! !! hsout=(1./cop)*(abs(hsneed)+abs(hlneed)) !output into the atmosphere hsout=0. !no output into the atmosphere end if return end subroutine air_cond !====6=8==============================================================72 !====6=8==============================================================72 subroutine consump_total(nzcanm,nlev,consumpbuild,hsoutbuild, & hsout,consump) implicit none !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !Compute the total consumption in kWh/s (1kWh=3.6e+6 J) and sensible heat !ejected into the atmosphere per building !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! !INPUT VARIABLES ! ! integer nzcanm !Maximum number of vertical levels in the urban grid real hsout(nzcanm) !sensible heat emitted outside the room [W] real consump(nzcanm) !Electricity consumption for the a.c. in each floor[W] ! !OUTPUT VARIABLES ! real consumpbuild !Energetic consumption for the entire building[kWh/s] real hsoutbuild !Total sensible heat ejected into the atmosphere !by the air conditioning systems per building [W] ! !LOCAL VARIABLES ! integer ilev ! !INPUT VARIABLES ! integer nlev ! !INITIALIZE VARIABLES ! consumpbuild=0. hsoutbuild=0. ! do ilev=1,nlev consumpbuild=consumpbuild+consump(ilev) hsoutbuild=hsoutbuild+hsout(ilev) enddo !ilev consumpbuild=consumpbuild/(3.6e+06) return end subroutine consump_total !====6=8==============================================================72 !====6=8==============================================================72 subroutine tridia(n,a,b,x) ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! + by A. Clappier, EPFL, CH 1015 Lausanne + ! + phone: ++41-(0)21-693-61-60 + ! + + ! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Resolution of a * x = b where a is a tridiagonal matrix ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! Input integer n real a(-1:1,n) ! a(-1,*) lower diagonal A(i,i-1) ! a(0,*) principal diagonal A(i,i) ! a(1,*) upper diagonal A(i,i+1) real b(n) ! Output real x(n) ! Local integer i ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- do i=n-1,1,-1 b(i)=b(i)-a(1,i)*b(i+1)/a(0,i+1) a(0,i)=a(0,i)-a(1,i)*a(-1,i+1)/a(0,i+1) enddo do i=2,n b(i)=b(i)-a(-1,i)*b(i-1)/a(0,i-1) enddo do i=1,n x(i)=b(i)/a(0,i) enddo return end subroutine tridia !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine gaussjbem(a,n,b,np) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This routine solve a linear system of n equations of the form ! A X = B ! where A is a matrix a(i,j) ! B a vector and X the solution ! In output b is replaced by the solution ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! INPUT: ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer np real a(np,np) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! OUTPUT: ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- real b(np) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! LOCAL: ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- integer nmax parameter (nmax=150) real big,dum integer i,icol,irow integer j,k,l,ll,n integer ipiv(nmax) real pivinv ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! END VARIABLES DEFINITIONS ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- do j=1,n ipiv(j)=0. enddo do i=1,n big=0. do j=1,n if(ipiv(j).ne.1)then do k=1,n if(ipiv(k).eq.0)then if(abs(a(j,k)).ge.big)then big=abs(a(j,k)) irow=j icol=k endif elseif(ipiv(k).gt.1)then FATAL_ERROR('singular matrix in gaussjbem') endif enddo endif enddo ipiv(icol)=ipiv(icol)+1 if( do l=1,n dum=a(irow,l) a(irow,l)=a(icol,l) a(icol,l)=dum enddo dum=b(irow) b(irow)=b(icol) b(icol)=dum endif if(a(icol,icol).eq.0) FATAL_ERROR('singular matrix in gaussjbem') pivinv=1./a(icol,icol) a(icol,icol)=1 do l=1,n a(icol,l)=a(icol,l)*pivinv enddo b(icol)=b(icol)*pivinv do ll=1,n if( dum=a(ll,icol) a(ll,icol)=0. do l=1,n a(ll,l)=a(ll,l)-a(icol,l)*dum enddo b(ll)=b(ll)-b(icol)*dum endif enddo enddo return end subroutine gaussjbem !====6=8===============================================================72 !====6=8===============================================================72 subroutine radfluxs(radflux,alb,rs,em,rl,sigma,twal) implicit none !------------------------------------------------------------------- !This function calculates the radiative fluxe at a surface !------------------------------------------------------------------- real alb !albedo of the surface real rs !shor wave radiation real em !emissivity of the surface real rl !lon wave radiation real sigma !parameter (wall is not black body) [W/m2.K4] real twal !wall temperature [K] real radflux radflux=(1.-alb)*rs+em*rl-em*sigma*twal**4 return end subroutine radfluxs !====6=8==============================================================72 !====6=8==============================================================72 ! ! we define the view factors fprl and fnrm, which are the angle ! factors between two equal and parallel planes, fprl, and two ! equal and orthogonal planes, fnrm, respectively ! subroutine fprl_ints(fprl_int,vx,vy) implicit none real vx,vy real fprl_int fprl_int=(2./(3.141592653*vx*vy))* & (log(sqrt((1.+vx*vx)*(1.+vy*vy)/(1.+vx*vx+vy*vy)))+ & (vy*sqrt(1.+vx*vx)*atan(vy/sqrt(1.+vx*vx)))+ & (vx*sqrt(1.+vy*vy)*atan(vx/sqrt(1.+vy*vy)))- & vy*atan(vy)-vx*atan(vx)) return end subroutine fprl_ints !====6=8==============================================================72 !====6=8==============================================================72 ! ! we define the view factors fprl and fnrm, which are the angle ! factors between two equal and parallel planes, fprl, and two ! equal and orthogonal planes, fnrm, respectively ! subroutine fnrm_ints(fnrm_int,wx,wy,wz) implicit none real wx,wy,wz real fnrm_int fnrm_int=(1./(3.141592653*wy))*(wy*atan(1./wy)+wx*atan(1./wx)- & (sqrt(wz)*atan(1./sqrt(wz)))+ & (1./4.)*(log((1.+wx*wx)*(1.+wy*wy)/(1.+wz))+ & wy*wy*log(wy*wy*(1.+wz)/(wz*(1.+wy*wy)))+ & wx*wx*log(wx*wx*(1.+wz)/(wz*(1.+wx*wx))))) return end subroutine fnrm_ints !====6=8==============================================================72 !====6=8==============================================================72 END MODULE module_sf_bem