module module_fr_fire_phys use module_model_constants, only: cp,xlv use module_fr_fire_util PRIVATE PUBLIC:: init_fuel_cats,fire_ros,heat_fluxes,set_nfuel_cat,set_fire_params,write_fuels_m PUBLIC:: fuel_moisture,advance_moisture,read_namelist_fire PUBLIC:: moisture_classes PUBLIC::fuelmc_g PUBLIC::fire_params type fire_params real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: vx,vy real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: zsf real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: dzdxf,dzdyf real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: bbb,betafl,phiwc,r_0 real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: fgip real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: ischap real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: iboros real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: fuel_time real,pointer,dimension(:,:):: fmc_g end type fire_params INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mfuelcats = 30 INTEGER, PARAMETER ::max_moisture_classes=5 integer, save:: moisture_classes=5 real, dimension(max_moisture_classes), save:: drying_lag,wetting_lag,saturation_moisture,saturation_rain, & rain_threshold,rec_drying_lag_sec,rec_wetting_lag_sec,fmc_gc_initial_value integer, dimension(max_moisture_classes), save:: drying_model,wetting_model,fmc_gc_initialization integer::itmp CHARACTER (len=80), DIMENSION(max_moisture_classes), save :: moisture_class_name REAL, save:: fmc_1h, fmc_10h, fmc_100h, fmc_1000h, fmc_live data moisture_class_name /'1-h','10-h','100-h','1000-h','Live'/ data drying_lag /1., 10., 100., 1000.,1e9/ data wetting_lag /1.4,14., 140., 1400.,1e9/ data saturation_moisture /2.5, 2.5, 2.5 ,2.5, 2.5/ data saturation_rain /8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0, 8.0/ data rain_threshold /0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05,0.05/ data drying_model /1, 1, 1, 1, 1 / data wetting_model /1, 1, 1, 1, 1 / data fmc_gc_initialization/2, 2, 2, 2, 3 / data fmc_gc_initial_value/0., 0., 0., 0., 0./ data fmc_1h /0.08/, fmc_10h/0.08/, fmc_100h/0.08/, fmc_1000h/0.08/, fmc_live/0.3/ REAL, SAVE:: cmbcnst,hfgl,fuelmc_g,fuelmc_c REAL, SAVE:: fuelheat DATA cmbcnst / 17.433e+06/ DATA hfgl / 17.e4 / DATA fuelmc_g / 0.08 / DATA fuelmc_c / 1.00 / INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nf=14 INTEGER, SAVE :: nfuelcats = 13 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: zf = mfuelcats-nf INTEGER, SAVE :: no_fuel_cat = 14 CHARACTER (len=80), DIMENSION(mfuelcats ), save :: fuel_name INTEGER, DIMENSION( mfuelcats ), save :: ichap REAL , DIMENSION( mfuelcats ), save :: windrf,weight,fgi,fci,fci_d,fct,fcbr, & fueldepthm,fueldens,fuelmce, & savr,st,se, & fgi_1h,fgi_10h,fgi_100h,fgi_1000h,fgi_live, & fgi_t,fmc_gwt REAL, DIMENSION(mfuelcats,max_moisture_classes), save :: fgi_c, fmc_gw DATA fuel_name /'1: Short grass (1 ft)', & '2: Timber (grass and understory)', & '3: Tall grass (2.5 ft)', & '4: Chaparral (6 ft)', & '5: Brush (2 ft) ', & '6: Dormant brush, hardwood slash', & '7: Southern rough', & '8: Closed timber litter', & '9: Hardwood litter', & '10: Timber (litter + understory)', & '11: Light logging slash', & '12: Medium logging slash', & '13: Heavy logging slash', & '14: no fuel', zf* ' '/ DATA windrf /0.36, 0.36, 0.44, 0.55, 0.42, 0.44, 0.44, & 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.36, 0.43, 0.46, 1e-7, zf*0 / DATA fueldepthm /0.305, 0.305, 0.762, 1.829, 0.61, 0.762,0.762, & 0.0610, 0.0610, 0.305, 0.305, 0.701, 0.914, 0.305,zf*0. / DATA savr / 3500., 2784., 1500., 1739., 1683., 1564., 1562., & 1889., 2484., 1764., 1182., 1145., 1159., 3500., zf*0. / DATA fuelmce / 0.12, 0.15, 0.25, 0.20, 0.20, 0.25, 0.40, & 0.30, 0.25, 0.25, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25, 0.12 , zf*0. / DATA fueldens / nf * 32., zf*0. / DATA st / nf* 0.0555 , zf*0./ DATA se / nf* 0.010 , zf*0./ DATA weight / 7., 7., 7., 180., 100., 100., 100., & 900., 900., 900., 900., 900., 900., 7. , zf*0./ DATA fci_d / 0., 0., 0., 1.123, 0., 0., 0., & 1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 1.121, 0., zf*0./ DATA fct / 60., 60., 60., 60., 60., 60., 60., & 60., 120., 180., 180., 180., 180. , 60. , zf*0. / DATA ichap / 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 , zf*0/ DATA fgi_1h / 0.74, 2.00, 3.01, 5.01, 1.00, 1.50, 1.13, 1.50, 2.92, 3.01, 1.50, 4.01, 7.01, 0.0, zf*0./ DATA fgi_10h / 0.00, 1.00, 0.00, 4.01, 0.50, 2.50, 1.87, 1.00, 0.41, 2.00, 4.51, 14.03, 23.04, 0.0, zf*0./ DATA fgi_100h / 0.00, 0.50, 0.00, 2.00, 0.00, 2.00, 1.50, 2.50, 0.15, 5.01, 5.51, 16.53, 28.05, 0.0, zf*0./ DATA fgi_1000h / 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, zf*0./ DATA fgi_live / 0.00, 0.50, 0.000, 5.01, 2.00, 0.00, 0.37, 0.00, 0.00, 2.00, 0.00, 2.3, 0.00, 0.0, zf*0./ DATA fgi / 0.166, 0.896, 0.674, 3.591, 0.784, 1.344, 1.091, 1.120, 0.780, 2.692, 2.582, 7.749, 13.024, 1.e-7, zf*0. / contains subroutine fuel_moisture( & id, & nfmc, & ids,ide, jds,jde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, & ips,ipe,jps,jpe, & its,ite,jts,jte, & ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde, & ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme, & ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, & ir,jr, & nfuel_cat, & fmc_gc, & fmc_g & ) implicit none integer, intent(in):: & id,nfmc, & ids,ide, jds,jde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, & ips,ipe,jps,jpe, & its,ite,jts,jte, & ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde, & ifms, ifme, jfms, jfme, & ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, & ir,jr real,intent(in),dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: nfuel_cat real,intent(inout),dimension(ims:ime,nfmc,jms:jme):: fmc_gc real,intent(out),dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: fmc_g real, dimension(its-1:ite+1,jts-1:jte+1):: fmc_k real, dimension(ifts-1:ifte+1,jfts-1:jfte+1):: fmc_f integer::i,j,k,n integer::ibs,ibe,jbs,jbe character(len=128)::msg call check_mesh_2dim(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde) call check_mesh_2dim(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme) do j=jfts,jfte do i=ifts,ifte fmc_g(i,j)=0. enddo enddo ibs=max(ids,its-1) ibe=min(ide,ite+1) jbs=max(jds,jts-1) jbe=min(jde,jte+1) call check_mesh_2dim(ibs,ibe,jbs,jbe,ims,ime,jms,jme) do k=1,moisture_classes do j=jbs,jbe do i=ibs,ibe fmc_k(i,j)=fmc_gc(i,k,j) enddo enddo call print_2d_stats(ibs,ibe,jbs,jbe,its-1,ite+1,jts-1,jte+1,fmc_k,'fuel_moisture: fmc_k') call interpolate_z2fire(id, & ids,ide,jds,jde, & its-1,ite+1,jts-1,jte+1, & ips,ipe,jps,jpe, & its,ite,jts,jte, & ifds, ifde, jfds, jfde, & ifts-1,ifte+1,jfts-1,jfte+1, & ifts,ifte, jfts,jfte, & ir,jr, & fmc_k, & fmc_f,0) call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifts-1,ifte+1,jfts-1,jfte+1,fmc_f,'fuel_moisture: fmc_f') do j=jfts,jfte do i=ifts,ifte n = nfuel_cat(i,j) if(n > 0)then fmc_g(i,j)=fmc_g(i,j)+fmc_gw(n,k)*fmc_f(i,j) endif enddo enddo call print_2d_stats(ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,fmc_g,'fuel_moisture: fmc_g') enddo end subroutine fuel_moisture subroutine advance_moisture( & initialize, & ims,ime, jms,jme, & its,ite, jts,jte, & nfmc, & moisture_dt, & fmep_decay_tlag, & rainc, rainnc, & t2, q2, psfc, & rain_old, & t2_old, q2_old, psfc_old, & rh_fire, & fmc_gc, & fmep, & fmc_equi, & fmc_lag & ) implicit none logical, intent(in):: initialize integer, intent(in):: & ims,ime, jms,jme, & its,ite, jts,jte, & nfmc real, intent(in):: moisture_dt, fmep_decay_tlag real, intent(in), dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: t2, q2, psfc, rainc, rainnc real, intent(inout), dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme):: t2_old, q2_old, psfc_old, rain_old real, intent(inout), dimension(ims:ime,nfmc,jms:jme):: fmc_gc real, intent(inout), dimension(ims:ime,2,jms:jme):: fmep real, intent(out), dimension(ims:ime,nfmc,jms:jme):: fmc_equi, fmc_lag real, intent(out), dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme)::rh_fire integer:: i,j,k real::rain_int, T, P, Q, QRS, ES, RH, tend, EMC_d, EMC_w, EMC, R, rain_diff, fmc, rlag, equi, & d, w, rhmax, rhmin, change, rainmax,rainmin, fmc_old, H, deltaS, deltaE real, parameter::tol=1e-2 character(len=256)::msg integer::msglevel=2 logical, parameter::check_data=.true.,check_rh=.false. real::epsilon,Pws,Pw if(msglevel>1)then !$OMP CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,'(a,f10.2,a,i4,a,i4)')'advance moisture dt=',moisture_dt,'s using ',moisture_classes,' classes from possible ',nfmc !$OMP END CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call message(msg) endif if(moisture_classes > nfmc .or. moisture_classes > max_moisture_classes)then !$OMP CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,*)'advance_moisture: moisture_classes=',moisture_classes, & ' > nfmc=',nfmc,' or > max_moisture_classes=',max_moisture_classes !$OMP END CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call crash(msg) endif call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,t2,'T2') call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,q2,'Q2') call print_2d_stats(its,ite,jts,jte,ims,ime,jms,jme,psfc,'PSFC') if(initialize) then call message('advance_moisture: initializing, copying surface variables to old') call copy2old else call print_3d_stats_by_slice(its,ite,1,moisture_classes,jts,jte,ims,ime,1,nfmc,jms,jme,fmc_gc,'before advance fmc_gc') endif if(check_data)then do j=jts,jte do i=its,ite if( .not.(t2(i,j)>0.0 .and. psfc(i,j)>0.0 .and. .not. q2(i,j) < 0.0 ))then !$OMP CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,'(a,2i4,a,3e12.2)')'At i j',i,j,' t2 psfc q2 are ',t2(i,j),psfc(i,j),q2(i,j) !$OMP END CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call message(msg) call crash('invalid data passed from WRF, must have t2 psfc>0, q2 >= 0') endif enddo enddo endif rhmax=-huge(rhmax) rhmin=huge(rhmin) rainmax=-huge(rainmax) rainmin= huge(rainmin) do j=jts,jte do k=1,moisture_classes do i=its,ite rain_diff = ((rainc(i,j) + rainnc(i,j)) - rain_old(i,j)) if(moisture_dt > 0.)then rain_int = 3600. * rain_diff / moisture_dt else rain_int = 0. endif rainmax = max(rainmax,rain_int) rainmin = min(rainmin,rain_int) R = rain_int - rain_threshold(k) T = 0.5 * (t2_old(i,j) + t2(i,j)) P = 0.5 * (psfc_old(i,j) + psfc(i,j)) Q = 0.5 * (q2_old(i,j) + q2(i,j)) epsilon = 0.622 Pw=q*P/(epsilon+(1-epsilon)*q); Pws= exp( 54.842763 - 6763.22/T - 4.210 * log(T) + 0.000367*T + & tanh(0.0415*(T - 218.8)) * (53.878 - 1331.22/T - 9.44523 * log(T) + 0.014025*T)) RH = Pw/Pws rh_fire(i,j)=RH rhmax=max(RH,rhmax) rhmin=min(RH,rhmin) deltaE = fmep(i,1,j) deltaS = fmep(i,2,j) if(.not.check_rh)then RH = min(RH,1.0) else if(RH < 0.0 .or. RH > 1.0 .or. RH .ne. RH )then !$OMP CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,'(a,2i6,5(a,f10.2))')'At i,j ',i,j,' RH=',RH, & ' from T=',T,' P=',P,' Q=',Q call message(msg) call crash('Relative humidity must be between 0 and 1, saturated water contents must be >0') !$OMP END CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) endif endif if (R > 0.) then select case(wetting_model(k)) case(1) EMC_w=saturation_moisture(k) + deltaS EMC_d=saturation_moisture(k) + deltaS rlag=rec_wetting_lag_sec(k) * (1. - exp(-R/saturation_rain(k))) end select else select case(drying_model(k)) case(1) H = RH * 100. d=0.942*H**0.679 + 0.000499*exp(0.1*H) + 0.18*(21.1+273.15-T)*(1-exp(-0.115*H)) w=0.618*H**0.753 + 0.000454*exp(0.1*H) + 0.18*(21.1+273.15-T)*(1-exp(-0.115*H)) if( crash('equilibrium moisture calculation failed, result is NaN') d = d*0.01 w = w*0.01 EMC_d = max(max(d,w)+deltaE,0.0) EMC_w = max(min(d,w)+deltaE,0.0) rlag=rec_drying_lag_sec(k) end select endif if(rlag > 0.0)then if(.not.initialize .or. fmc_gc_initialization(k).eq.0)then fmc_old = fmc_gc(i,k,j) elseif(fmc_gc_initialization(k).eq.1)then fmc_old = fuelmc_g elseif(fmc_gc_initialization(k).eq.2)then fmc_old=0.5*(EMC_d+EMC_w) elseif(fmc_gc_initialization(k).eq.3)then fmc_old = fmc_gc_initial_value(k) else call crash('bad value of fmc_gc_initialization(k), must be between 0 and 2') endif equi = max(min(fmc_old, EMC_d),EMC_w) change = moisture_dt * rlag if(change < tol)then if( message('midpoint method') fmc = fmc_old + (equi - fmc_old)*change*(1.0 - 0.5*change) else if( message('exponential method') fmc = fmc_old + (equi - fmc_old)*(1 - exp(-change)) endif fmc_gc(i,k,j) = fmc fmc_equi(i,k,j)=equi fmc_lag(i,k,j)=1.0/(3600.0*rlag) if( !$OMP CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,*)'i=',i,' j=',j,'EMC_w=',EMC_w,' EMC_d=',EMC_d call message(msg) write(msg,*)'fmc_old=',fmc,' equi=',equi,' change=',change,' fmc=',fmc call message(msg) !$OMP END CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) endif endif enddo enddo enddo do j=jts,jte do k=1,2 do i=its,ite change = moisture_dt / (fmep_decay_tlag * 3600.) if(change < tol) then fmep(i,k,j) = fmep(i,k,j)*(1.0 - change * (1.0 - 0.5 * change)) else fmep(i,k,j) = fmep(i,k,j)*exp(-change) endif enddo enddo enddo if( !$OMP CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,2)'Rain intensity min',rainmin, ' max',rainmax,' mm/h' call message(msg) if(rainmin <0.)then call message('WARNING rain accumulation must increase') endif write(msg,2)'Relative humidity min',100*rhmin,' max',100*rhmax,'%' call message(msg) if(.not.(rhmax<=1.0 .and. rhmin>=0))then call message('WARNING Relative humidity must be between 0 and 100%') endif 2 format(2(a,f10.2),a) !$OMP END CRITICAL(SFIRE_PHYS_CRIT) endif call print_3d_stats_by_slice(its,ite,1,moisture_classes,jts,jte,ims,ime,1,nfmc,jms,jme,fmc_equi,'equilibrium fmc_equi') call print_3d_stats_by_slice(its,ite,1,moisture_classes,jts,jte,ims,ime,1,nfmc,jms,jme,fmc_lag,'time lag') call print_3d_stats_by_slice(its,ite,1,moisture_classes,jts,jte,ims,ime,1,nfmc,jms,jme,fmc_gc,'after advance fmc_gc') call copy2old return contains subroutine copy2old do j=jts,jte do i=its,ite rain_old(i,j) = rainc(i,j) + rainnc(i,j) t2_old(i,j) = t2(i,j) q2_old(i,j) = q2(i,j) psfc_old(i,j) = psfc(i,j) enddo enddo end subroutine copy2old subroutine get_equi_moist end subroutine get_equi_moist end subroutine advance_moisture subroutine read_namelist_fire(init_fuel_moisture) implicit none logical, intent(in)::init_fuel_moisture logical, external:: wrf_dm_on_monitor integer:: iounit, i, k, io character(len=128):: msg real:: rat namelist /fuel_scalars/ cmbcnst,hfgl,fuelmc_g,fuelmc_c,nfuelcats,no_fuel_cat namelist /fuel_categories/ fuel_name,windrf,fgi,fueldepthm,savr, & fuelmce,fueldens,st,se,weight,fci_d,fct,ichap,fgi_1h,fgi_10h,fgi_100h,fgi_1000h,fgi_live namelist /fuel_moisture/ moisture_classes,drying_lag,wetting_lag,saturation_moisture,saturation_rain,rain_threshold, & drying_model,wetting_model, moisture_class_name,fmc_gc_initialization, fmc_1h,fmc_10h,fmc_100h,fmc_1000h,fmc_live IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN call message('Reading file',level=0) iounit=open_text_file('','read',allow_fail=.true.) if(iounit < 0)then call message('File not found, using defaults',level=0) else read(iounit,fuel_scalars,iostat=io) if(io < 0)then call message('Namelist fuel_scalars not found, using defaults',level=0) elseif(io > 0)then call crash('Error in file, namelist fuel_scalars') endif rewind(iounit) read(iounit,fuel_categories,iostat=io) if(io < 0)then call message('Namelist fuel_categories not found, using defaults',level=0) elseif(io > 0)then call crash('Error in file, namelist fuel_categories') endif rewind(iounit) read(iounit,fuel_moisture,iostat=io) if(io < 0)then call message('Namelist fuel_moisture not found, using defaults',level=0) elseif(io > 0)then call crash('Error in file, namelist fuel_moisture') endif close(iounit) endif iounit=open_text_file('','write') write(iounit,fuel_scalars) write(iounit,fuel_categories) write(iounit,fuel_moisture) close(iounit) if (nfuelcats>mfuelcats) then write(msg,*)'nfuelcats=',nfuelcats,' is too large, increase mfuelcats' call crash(msg) endif if (no_fuel_cat >= 1 .and. no_fuel_cat <= nfuelcats)then write(msg,*)'no_fuel_cat=',no_fuel_cat,' may not be between 1 and nfuelcats=',nfuelcats call crash(msg) endif if ( call crash('Must have 5 fuel classes, modify source code if not') endif fgi_c(1:mfuelcats,1)=fgi_1h fgi_c(1:mfuelcats,2)=fgi_10h fgi_c(1:mfuelcats,3)=fgi_100h fgi_c(1:mfuelcats,4)=fgi_1000h fgi_c(1:mfuelcats,5)=fgi_live fmc_gc_initial_value(1)=fmc_1h fmc_gc_initial_value(2)=fmc_10h fmc_gc_initial_value(3)=fmc_100h fmc_gc_initial_value(3)=fmc_1000h fmc_gc_initial_value(5)=fmc_live call message('Scaling fuel loads within each fuel category to averaging weights of fuel moisture classes') do i=1,mfuelcats fgi_t(i) = 0. do k=1,max_moisture_classes if(fgi_c(i,k).ge.0.)then fgi_t(i) = fgi_t(i) + fgi_c(i,k) else write(msg,*)'fuel load in category',i,' fuel class ',k,' is ',fgi_c(i,k),',must be nonegative.' call crash(msg) endif enddo if (fgi_t(i)>0. .or. fgi(i)>0.)then if (fgi_t(i)>0.) then rat = fgi(i)/fgi_t(i) else rat = 0. endif write(msg,'(a,i4,1x,a,g13.6,1x,a,g13.6,1x,a,g13.6)') & 'fuel category',i,'fuel load',fgi(i),'total by class',fgi_t(i), 'ratio',rat call message(msg) endif fmc_gwt(i)=0. do k=1,max_moisture_classes if (fgi_t(i) > 0.) then fmc_gw(i,k) = fgi_c(i,k) / fgi_t(i) fmc_gwt(i) = fmc_gwt(i) + fmc_gw(i,k) else fmc_gw(i,k) = 0. endif enddo enddo ENDIF end subroutine read_namelist_fire subroutine init_fuel_cats(init_fuel_moisture) implicit none logical, intent(in)::init_fuel_moisture logical, external:: wrf_dm_on_monitor integer:: i,j,k,ii integer:: kk character(len=128):: msg call read_namelist_fire(init_fuel_moisture) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(cmbcnst,1) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(hfgl,1) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fuelmc_g,1) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fuelmc_c,1) call wrf_dm_bcast_integer(nfuelcats,1) call wrf_dm_bcast_integer(no_fuel_cat,1) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(windrf, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fgi, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fueldepthm,nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(savr, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fuelmce, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fueldens, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(st, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(se, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(weight, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fci_d, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fct, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_integer(ichap, nfuelcats) call wrf_dm_bcast_integer(moisture_classes,1) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(drying_lag, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(wetting_lag, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(saturation_moisture, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(saturation_rain, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(rain_threshold, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_integer(drying_model, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_integer(wetting_model, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_integer(fmc_gc_initialization, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fmc_gc_initial_value, max_moisture_classes) call wrf_dm_bcast_real(fmc_gw, mfuelcats*max_moisture_classes) do i=1,moisture_classes rec_drying_lag_sec(i) = 1.0/(3600.0*drying_lag(i)) rec_wetting_lag_sec(i) = 1.0/(3600.0*wetting_lag(i)) enddo fuelheat = cmbcnst * 4.30e-04 DO i = 1,nfuelcats fci(i) = (1.+fuelmc_c)*fci_d(i) if(fct(i) .ne. 0.)then fcbr(i) = fci_d(i)/fct(i) else fcbr(i) = 0 endif END DO call message('**********************************************************') call message('FUEL COEFFICIENTS') write(msg,8)'cmbcnst ',cmbcnst call message(msg) write(msg,8)'hfgl ',hfgl call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fuelmc_g ',fuelmc_g call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fuelmc_c ',fuelmc_c call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fuelheat ',fuelheat call message(msg) write(msg,7)'nfuelcats ',nfuelcats call message(msg) write(msg,7)'no_fuel_cat',no_fuel_cat call message(msg) if(init_fuel_moisture)then write(msg,7)'moisture_classes',moisture_classes call message(msg) endif j=1 7 format(a,(1x,i8,4x)) 8 format(a,5(1x,g12.5e2)) 9 format(a,5(1x,a)) 10 format(a,2x,99(1x,f12.5)) 11 format(a,2x,99(1x,a12)) do i=1,nfuelcats,j k=min(i+j-1,nfuelcats) call message(' ') write(msg,7)'CATEGORY ',(ii,ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,9)'fuel name ',(fuel_name(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fgi ',(fgi(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fueldepthm',(fueldepthm(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'savr ',(savr(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fuelmce ',(fuelmce(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fueldens ',(fueldens(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'st ',(st(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'se ',(se(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'weight ',(weight(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fci_d ',(fci_d(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fct ',(fct(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,7)'ichap ',(ichap(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fci ',(fci(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'fcbr ',(fcbr(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) if(init_fuel_moisture)then write(msg,11)'fuel class name',(trim(moisture_class_name(kk)),kk=1,moisture_classes),'Total','Total/fgi' call message(msg) write(msg,10)'fuel load fgi_c',(fgi_c(i,kk),kk=1,moisture_classes),fgi_t(i),fgi_t(i)/fgi(i) call message(msg) write(msg,10)'fraction fmc_gw',(fmc_gw(i,kk),kk=1,moisture_classes),fmc_gwt(i) call message(msg) endif enddo call message(' ') call message('**********************************************************') if(init_fuel_moisture)then j=1 do i=1,moisture_classes,j k=min(i+j-1,nfuelcats) call message(' ') write(msg,7)'FUEL MOISTURE CLASS',(ii,ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,9)'moisture class name ',(trim(moisture_class_name(ii)),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,7)'drying_model ',(drying_model(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'drying_lag (h) ',(drying_lag(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,7)'wetting_model ',(wetting_model(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,7)'fmc_gc_initialization ',(fmc_gc_initialization(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'wetting_lag (h) ',(wetting_lag(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'saturation_moisture (1)',(saturation_moisture(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'saturation_rain (mm/h) ',(saturation_rain(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) write(msg,8)'rain_threshold (mm/h) ',(rain_threshold(ii),ii=i,k) call message(msg) enddo call message(' ') call message('**********************************************************') call message(' ') endif IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN ENDIF end subroutine init_fuel_cats subroutine write_fuels_m(nsteps,maxwind,maxslope) implicit none integer, intent(in):: nsteps real, intent(in):: maxwind,maxslope integer:: iounit,k,j,i type(fire_params)::fp real, dimension(1:2,1:nsteps), target::vx,vy,zsf,dzdxf,dzdyf,bbb,betafl,phiwc,r_0,fgip,ischap,fmc_g real, dimension(1:2,1:nsteps), target::iboros real, dimension(1:2,1:nsteps)::nfuel_cat,fuel_time,ros real::ros_base,ros_wind,ros_slope,propx,propy,r fp%vx=>vx fp%vy=>vy fp%dzdxf=>dzdxf fp%dzdyf=>dzdyf fp%bbb=>bbb fp%betafl=>betafl fp%phiwc=>phiwc fp%r_0=>r_0 fp%fgip=>fgip fp%ischap=>ischap fp%iboros=>iboros fp%fmc_g=>fmc_g iounit = open_text_file('fuels.m','write') 10 format('fuel(',i3,').',a,'=',"'",a,"'",';% ',a) do k=1,nfuelcats write(iounit,10)k,'fuel_name',trim(fuel_name(k)),'FUEL MODEL NAME' call write_var(k,'windrf',windrf(k),'WIND REDUCTION FACTOR FROM 20ft TO MIDFLAME HEIGHT' ) call write_var(k,'fgi',fgi(k),'INITIAL TOTAL MASS OF SURFACE FUEL (KG/M**2)' ) call write_var(k,'fueldepthm',fueldepthm(k),'FUEL DEPTH (M)') call write_var(k,'savr',savr(k),'FUEL PARTICLE SURFACE-AREA-TO-VOLUME RATIO, 1/FT') call write_var(k,'fuelmce',fuelmce(k),'MOISTURE CONTENT OF EXTINCTION') call write_var(k,'fueldens',fueldens(k),'OVENDRY PARTICLE DENSITY, LB/FT^3') call write_var(k,'st',st(k),'FUEL PARTICLE TOTAL MINERAL CONTENT') call write_var(k,'se',se(k),'FUEL PARTICLE EFFECTIVE MINERAL CONTENT') call write_var(k,'weight',weight(k),'WEIGHTING PARAMETER THAT DETERMINES THE SLOPE OF THE MASS LOSS CURVE') call write_var(k,'fci_d',fci_d(k),'INITIAL DRY MASS OF CANOPY FUEL') call write_var(k,'fct',fct(k),'BURN OUT TIME FOR CANOPY FUEL, AFTER DRY (S)') call write_var(k,'ichap',float(ichap(k)),'1 if chaparral, 0 if not') call write_var(k,'fci',fci(k),'INITIAL TOTAL MASS OF CANOPY FUEL') call write_var(k,'fcbr',fcbr(k),'FUEL CANOPY BURN RATE (KG/M**2/S)') call write_var(k,'hfgl',hfgl,'SURFACE FIRE HEAT FLUX THRESHOLD TO IGNITE CANOPY (W/m^2)') call write_var(k,'cmbcnst',cmbcnst,'JOULES PER KG OF DRY FUEL') call write_var(k,'fuelheat',fuelheat,'FUEL PARTICLE LOW HEAT CONTENT, BTU/LB') call write_var(k,'fuelmc_g',fuelmc_g,'FUEL PARTICLE (SURFACE) MOISTURE CONTENT') call write_var(k,'fuelmc_c',fuelmc_c,'FUEL PARTICLE (CANOPY) MOISTURE CONTENT') nfuel_cat = k call set_fire_params( & 1,2,1,nsteps, & 1,2,1,nsteps, & 1,2,1,nsteps, & 0.,0.,k, & nfuel_cat,fuel_time, & fp ) propx=1. propy=0. do j=1,nsteps r=float(j-1)/float(nsteps-1) vx(1,j)=maxwind*r vy(1,j)=0. dzdxf(1,j)=0. dzdyf(1,j)=0. vx(2,j)=0. vy(2,j)=0. dzdxf(2,j)=maxslope*r dzdyf(2,j)=0. enddo do j=1,nsteps do i=1,2 call fire_ros(ros_base,ros_wind,ros_slope, & propx,propy,i,j,fp) ros(i,j)=ros_base+ros_wind+ros_slope enddo write(iounit,13)k,'wind',j,vx(1,j),'wind speed' write(iounit,13)k,'ros_wind',j,ros(1,j),'rate of spread for the wind speed' write(iounit,13)k,'slope',j,dzdxf(2,j),'slope' write(iounit,13)k,'ros_slope',j,ros(2,j),'rate of spread for the slope' enddo enddo 13 format('fuel(',i3,').',a,'(',i3,')=',g12.5e2,';% ',a) close(iounit) contains subroutine write_var(k,name,value,descr) integer, intent(in)::k character(len=*), intent(in)::name,descr real, intent(in)::value write(iounit,11)k,name,value write(iounit,12)k,name,descr 11 format('fuel(',i3,').',a,'=',g12.5e2, ';') 12 format('fuel(',i3,').',a,"_descr='",a,"';") end subroutine write_var end subroutine write_fuels_m subroutine set_fire_params( & ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde, & ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, & ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, & fdx,fdy,nfuel_cat0, & nfuel_cat,fuel_time, & fp ) implicit none integer, intent(in)::ifds,ifde,jfds,jfde integer, intent(in)::ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte integer, intent(in)::ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme real, intent(in):: fdx,fdy integer,intent(in)::nfuel_cat0 real, intent(in),dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::nfuel_cat real, intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::fuel_time type(fire_params),intent(inout)::fp real:: fuelload, fueldepth, rtemp1, rtemp2, & qig, epsilon, rhob, wn, betaop, e, c, & xifr, etas, etam, a, gammax, gamma, ratio, ir, & fuelloadm,fdxinv,fdyinv real:: bmst integer:: i,j,k integer::nerr character(len=128)::msg integer :: kk integer,parameter :: nf_sb = 204 integer,dimension(1:nf_sb) :: ksb do kk=1,nf_sb ksb(kk)=14 enddo ksb(1)=1 ksb(2)=2 ksb(3)=3 ksb(4)=4 ksb(5)=5 ksb(6)=6 ksb(7)=7 ksb(8)=8 ksb(9)=9 ksb(10)=10 ksb(11)=11 ksb(12)=12 ksb(13)=13 ksb(101)=1 ksb(104)=1 ksb(107)=1 ksb(102)=2 ksb(121)=2 ksb(122)=2 ksb(123)=2 ksb(124)=2 ksb(103)=3 ksb(105)=3 ksb(106)=3 ksb(108)=3 ksb(109)=3 ksb(145)=4 ksb(147)=4 ksb(142)=5 ksb(141)=6 ksb(146)=6 ksb(143)=7 ksb(144)=7 ksb(148)=7 ksb(149)=7 ksb(181)=8 ksb(183)=8 ksb(184)=8 ksb(187)=8 ksb(182)=9 ksb(186)=9 ksb(188)=9 ksb(189)=9 ksb(161)=10 ksb(162)=10 ksb(163)=10 ksb(164)=10 ksb(165)=10 ksb(185)=11 ksb(201)=11 ksb(202)=12 ksb(203)=13 ksb(204)=13 nerr=0 do j=jfts,jfte do i=ifts,ifte k=ksb(int(nfuel_cat(i,j))) if(k.eq.no_fuel_cat)then fp%fgip(i,j)=0. fp%ischap(i,j)=0. fp%betafl(i,j)=1. fp%bbb(i,j)=1. fuel_time(i,j)=7./0.85 fp%phiwc(i,j)=0. fp%r_0(i,j)=0. fp%iboros(i,j)=0. else if( k=nfuel_cat0 nerr=nerr+1 endif if( !$OMP CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,'(3(a,i5))')'nfuel_cat(', i ,',',j,')=',k !$OMP END CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call message(msg) call crash('set_fire_params: fuel category out of bounds') endif fuel_time(i,j)=weight(k)/0.85 fp%ischap(i,j)=ichap(k) fp%fgip(i,j)=fgi(k) if(fire_fmc_read.eq.1)then fp%fmc_g(i,j)=fuelmc_g endif bmst = fp%fmc_g(i,j) / (1.+fp%fmc_g(i,j)) fuelloadm= (1.-bmst) * fgi(k) fuelload = fuelloadm * (.3048)**2 * 2.205 fueldepth = fueldepthm(k)/0.3048 fp%betafl(i,j) = fuelload/(fueldepth * fueldens(k)) betaop = 3.348 * savr(k)**(-0.8189) qig = 250. + 1116.*fp%fmc_g(i,j) epsilon = exp(-138./savr(k) ) rhob = fuelload/fueldepth c = 7.47 * exp( -0.133 * savr(k)**0.55) fp%bbb(i,j) = 0.02526 * savr(k)**0.54 e = 0.715 * exp( -3.59e-4 * savr(k)) fp%phiwc(i,j) = c * (fp%betafl(i,j)/betaop)**(-e) rtemp2 = savr(k)**1.5 gammax = rtemp2/(495. + 0.0594*rtemp2) a = 1./(4.774 * savr(k)**0.1 - 7.27) ratio = fp%betafl(i,j)/betaop gamma = gammax *(ratio**a) *exp(a*(1.-ratio)) wn = fuelload/(1 + st(k)) rtemp1 = fp%fmc_g(i,j)/fuelmce(k) etam = 1.-2.59*rtemp1 +5.11*rtemp1**2 -3.52*rtemp1**3 etas = 0.174* se(k)**(-0.19) ir = gamma * wn * fuelheat * etam * etas fp%iboros(i,j) = ir * 1055./( 0.3048**2 * 60.) * 1.e-3 * (60.*12.6/savr(k)) xifr = exp( (0.792 + 0.681*savr(k)**0.5) & * (fp%betafl(i,j)+0.1)) /(192. + 0.2595*savr(k)) fp%r_0(i,j) = ir*xifr/(rhob * epsilon *qig) endif enddo enddo if( !$OMP CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,'(a,i6,a)')'set_fire_params: WARNING: fuel category 0 replaced in',nerr,' cells' !$OMP END CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call message(msg) endif end subroutine set_fire_params subroutine heat_fluxes(dt,fp, & ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, & ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, & iffs,iffe,jffs,jffe, & fgip,fuel_frac_burnt, & grnhft,grnqft) implicit none type(fire_params), intent(in)::fp real, intent(in)::dt integer, intent(in)::ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte,ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme,iffs,iffe,jffs,jffe real, intent(in),dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: fgip real, intent(in),dimension(iffs:iffe,jffs:jffe):: fuel_frac_burnt real, intent(out),dimension(ifms:ifme,jfms:jfme):: grnhft,grnqft integer::i,j real:: dmass,bmst logical::latent do j=jfts,jfte do i=ifts,ifte dmass = & fgip(i,j) & * fuel_frac_burnt(i,j) bmst = fp%fmc_g(i,j)/(1.+fp%fmc_g(i,j)) grnhft(i,j) = (dmass/dt)*(1.-bmst)*cmbcnst grnqft(i,j) = (bmst+(1.-bmst)*.56)*(dmass/dt)*xlv enddo enddo end subroutine heat_fluxes subroutine set_nfuel_cat( & ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme, & ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, & ifuelread,nfuel_cat0,zsf,nfuel_cat) implicit none integer, intent(in):: ifts,ifte,jfts,jfte, & ifms,ifme,jfms,jfme integer, intent(in)::ifuelread,nfuel_cat0 real, intent(in), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::zsf real, intent(out), dimension(ifms:ifme, jfms:jfme)::nfuel_cat integer:: i,j,iu1 real:: t1 character(len=128)msg !$OMP CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,'(a,i3)')'set_nfuel_cat: ifuelread=',ifuelread !$OMP END CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call message(msg) if (ifuelread .eq. -1 .or. ifuelread .eq. 2) then !$OMP CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call message('set_nfuel_cat: assuming nfuel_cat initialized already') call message(msg) !$OMP END CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) else if (ifuelread .eq. 0) then do j=jfts,jfte do i=ifts,ifte nfuel_cat(i,j)=real(nfuel_cat0) enddo enddo !$OMP CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) write(msg,'(a,i3)')'set_nfuel_cat: fuel initialized with category',nfuel_cat0 !$OMP END CRITICAL(FIRE_PHYS_CRIT) call message(msg) else if (ifuelread .eq. 1) then do j=jfts,jfte do i=ifts,ifte t1 = zsf(i,j) if(t1.le.1524.)then nfuel_cat(i,j)= 3 else if( .and. t1.le.2073.)then nfuel_cat(i,j)= 2 else if( nfuel_cat(i,j)= 8 else if( .and. t1.le. 3354.) then nfuel_cat(i,j)= 10 else if( .and. t1.le. 3658.) then nfuel_cat(i,j)= 1 else if( ) then nfuel_cat(i,j)= 14 endif enddo enddo call message('set_nfuel_cat: fuel initialized by altitude') else call crash('set_nfuel_cat: bad ifuelread') endif end subroutine set_nfuel_cat subroutine fire_ros(ros_base,ros_wind,ros_slope, & propx,propy,i,j,fp) implicit none real, intent(out)::ros_base,ros_wind,ros_slope real, intent(in)::propx,propy integer, intent(in)::i,j type(fire_params),intent(in)::fp real:: speed, tanphi real:: umid, phis, phiw, spdms, umidm, excess real:: ros_back integer, parameter::ibeh=1 real, parameter::ros_max=6. character(len=128)msg real::cor_wind,cor_slope,nvx,nvy,scale scale=1. nvx=propx/scale nvy=propy/scale if ( then speed = sqrt(fp%vx(i,j)*fp%vx(i,j)+ fp%vy(i,j)*fp%vy(i,j))+tiny(speed) tanphi = sqrt(fp%dzdxf(i,j)*fp%dzdxf(i,j) + fp%dzdyf(i,j)*fp%dzdyf(i,j))+tiny(tanphi) cor_wind = max(0.,(fp%vx(i,j)*nvx + fp%vy(i,j)*nvy)/speed) cor_slope = max(0., (fp%dzdxf(i,j)*nvx + fp%dzdyf(i,j)*nvy)/tanphi) else speed = fp%vx(i,j)*nvx + fp%vy(i,j)*nvy tanphi = fp%dzdxf(i,j)*nvx + fp%dzdyf(i,j)*nvy cor_wind=1. cor_slope=1. endif if (.not. fp%ischap(i,j) > 0.) then if (ibeh .eq. 1) then spdms = max(speed,0.) umidm = min(spdms,30.) umid = umidm * 196.850 phiw = umid**fp%bbb(i,j) * fp%phiwc(i,j) phis=0. if (tanphi .gt. 0.) then phis = 5.275 *(fp%betafl(i,j))**(-0.3) *tanphi**2 endif ros_base = fp%r_0(i,j) * .00508 ros_wind = ros_base*phiw ros_slope= ros_base*phis else ros_base = 0.18*exp(0.8424) ros_wind = 0.18*exp(0.8424*max(speed,0.)) ros_slope =0. endif else spdms = max(speed,0.) ros_back=.03333 ros_wind = 1.2974 * spdms**1.41 ros_wind = max(ros_wind, ros_back) ros_slope =0. endif ros_wind=ros_wind*cor_wind ros_slope=ros_slope*cor_slope excess = ros_base + ros_wind + ros_slope - ros_max if (excess > 0.)then ros_wind = ros_wind - excess*ros_wind/(ros_wind+ros_slope) ros_slope = ros_slope - excess*ros_slope/(ros_wind+ros_slope) endif return contains real function nrm2(u,v) real, intent(in)::u,v nrm2=sqrt(u*u+v*v) end function nrm2 end subroutine fire_ros end module module_fr_fire_phys