#if (NMM_CORE == 1) MODULE module_diag_afwa CONTAINS SUBROUTINE diag_afwa_stub END SUBROUTINE diag_afwa_stub END MODULE module_diag_afwa #else !WRF:MEDIATION_LAYER:PHYSICS MODULE module_diag_afwa USE diag_functions CONTAINS SUBROUTINE afwa_diagnostics_driver ( grid , config_flags & , moist & , scalar & , chem & , th_phy , pi_phy , p_phy & , u_phy , v_phy & , dz8w , p8w , t8w , rho_phy , rho & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe & , its, ite, jts, jte & , k_start, k_end ) USE module_domain, ONLY : domain , domain_clock_get USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type, model_config_rec USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_utility USE module_streams, ONLY: history_alarm, auxhist2_alarm #ifdef DM_PARALLEL USE module_dm, ONLY: wrf_dm_sum_real, wrf_dm_maxval #endif IMPLICIT NONE TYPE ( domain ), INTENT(INOUT) :: grid TYPE ( grid_config_rec_type ), INTENT(IN) :: config_flags INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER :: k_start , k_end, its, ite, jts, jte REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme , num_moist), & INTENT(IN ) :: moist REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme , num_scalar), & INTENT(IN ) :: scalar REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme , num_chem), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: th_phy & , pi_phy & , p_phy & , u_phy & , v_phy & , dz8w & , p8w & , t8w & , rho_phy & , rho ! Local ! ----- CHARACTER*512 :: message CHARACTER*256 :: timestr INTEGER :: i,j,k,nz,ostat INTEGER :: icing_opt REAL :: bdump INTEGER :: i_start, i_end, j_start, j_end REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: qrain & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , qvapr & , qcloud & , qice & , ncloud & , ngraup & , rh & , rh_cld & , ptot & , z_e & , zagl REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme, 5 ) :: dustc REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ) :: rh2m & , rh20m & , tv2m & , tv20m & , wind10m & , wup_mask & , wind125m & , llws & , pwater LOGICAL :: do_buoy_calc REAL :: zlfc_msl, dum1, dum2, dum3, wind_vel, wind_blend REAL :: prate_mm_per_hr, factor REAL :: u1km, v1km, ublend, vblend, u2000, v2000, us, vs LOGICAL :: is_target_level ! Timing ! ------ TYPE(WRFU_Time) :: hist_time, aux2_time, CurrTime, StartTime TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: dtint, histint, aux2int LOGICAL :: is_after_history_dump, is_output_timestep, is_first_timestep INTEGER , PARAMETER :: DEBUG_LEVEL = 1 ! Chirp the routine name for debugging purposes ! --------------------------------------------- write ( message, * ) 'inside afwa_diagnostics_driver' CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) ! Get timing info ! Want to know if when the last history output was ! Check history and auxhist2 alarms to check last ring time and how often ! they are set to ring ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL WRFU_ALARMGET( grid%alarms( HISTORY_ALARM ), prevringtime=hist_time, & ringinterval=histint) CALL WRFU_ALARMGET( grid%alarms( AUXHIST2_ALARM ), prevringtime=aux2_time, & ringinterval=aux2int) ! Get domain clock ! ---------------- CALL domain_clock_get ( grid, current_time=CurrTime, & simulationStartTime=StartTime, & current_timestr=timestr, time_step=dtint ) ! Set some booleans for use later ! Following uses an overloaded .lt. ! --------------------------------- is_after_history_dump = ( Currtime .lt. hist_time + dtint ) ! Following uses an overloaded .ge. ! --------------------------------- is_output_timestep = (Currtime .ge. hist_time + histint - dtint .or. & Currtime .ge. aux2_time + aux2int - dtint ) write ( message, * ) 'is output timestep? ', is_output_timestep CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) ! Following uses an overloaded .eq. ! --------------------------------- is_first_timestep = ( Currtime .eq. StartTime + dtint ) ! Here is an optional check for bad data in case the model has gone ! off the hinges unchecked until now. This happens under certain ! configurations and can lead to very wrong data writes. This is just ! a simple check for sane winds and potential temperatures. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags%afwa_bad_data_check .GT. 0 ) THEN IF ( ( is_output_timestep ) .AND. ( .NOT. is_first_timestep ) ) THEN DO i=its, MIN( ide-1, ite ) DO k=k_start, k_end DO j=jts, MIN( jde-1, jte ) IF ( ( u_phy(i,k,j) .GT. 300. ) .OR. & ( u_phy(i,k,j) .LT. -300. ) .OR. & ( v_phy(i,k,j) .GT. 300. ) .OR. & ( v_phy(i,k,j) .LT. -300. ) .OR. & ( th_phy(i,k,j) .GT. 9999. ) .OR. & ( th_phy(i,k,j) .LT. 99. ) ) THEN write ( message, * ) "AFWA Diagnostics: ERROR - Model winds and/or " // & "potential temperature appear to be bad. If you do not want this check, " // & "set afwa_bad_data_check=0. i=",i,", j=",j,", k=",k,", u_phy=",u_phy(i,k,j), & ", v_phy=", v_phy(i,k,j),", th_phy=",th_phy(i,k,j) CALL wrf_error_fatal( message ) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ! 3-D arrays for moisture variables ! --------------------------------- IF ( F_QV ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme qvapr(i,k,j) = moist(i,k,j,P_QV) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF IF ( F_QR ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme qrain(i,k,j) = moist(i,k,j,P_QR) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF IF ( F_QS ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme qsnow(i,k,j) = moist(i,k,j,P_QS) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF IF ( F_QG ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme qgrpl(i,k,j) = moist(i,k,j,P_QG) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF IF ( F_QC ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme qcloud(i,k,j) = moist(i,k,j,P_QC) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF IF ( F_QI ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme qice(i,k,j) = moist(i,k,j,P_QI) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF IF ( F_QNC ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme ncloud(i,k,j) = scalar(i,k,j,P_QNC) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF IF ( F_QNG ) THEN DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme ngraup(i,k,j) = scalar(i,k,j,P_QNG) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO END IF ! Total pressure ! -------------- DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme ptot(i,k,j)=grid%pb(i,k,j)+grid%p(i,k,j) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! ZAGL (height above ground) ! -------------------------- DO i=ims, ime DO k=kms, kme DO j=jms, jme zagl(i,k,j)=grid%z(i,k,j)-grid%ht(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate relative humidity ! --------------------------- IF ( F_QV ) THEN DO i=ims,ime DO k=kms,kme DO j=jms,jme rh(i,k,j)=calc_rh(ptot(i,k,j),grid%t_phy(i,k,j), qvapr(i,k,j)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Option rh requires: QV' ) END IF IF ( F_QV .AND. F_QC .AND. F_QI ) THEN DO i=ims,ime DO k=kms,kme DO j=jms,jme rh_cld(i,k,j)=calc_rh(ptot(i,k,j),grid%t_phy(i,k,j), qvapr(i,k,j)+qcloud(i,k,j)+qice(i,k,j)) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Option rh_cld requires: QV, QC, QI' ) END IF ! Time-step precipitation (convective + nonconvective) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme grid % afwa_precip(i,j) = grid%raincv(i,j) + grid%rainncv(i,j) grid % afwa_totprecip(i,j) = grid%rainc(i,j) + grid%rainnc(i,j) ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate precipitable water ! ---------------------------- IF ( F_QV .AND. F_QC ) THEN nz=kme-kms+1 DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme grid % afwa_pwat ( i, j ) = Pwat( nz, & qvapr(i,kms:kme,j), & qcloud(i,kms:kme,j), & dz8w(i,kms:kme,j), & rho(i,kms:kme,j) ) ENDDO ENDDO ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Option pwat requires: QV, QC' ) END IF ! After each history dump, reset max/min value arrays ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( is_after_history_dump ) THEN IF ( config_flags % afwa_severe_opt == 1 ) THEN DO j = jms, jme DO i = ims, ime grid % wspd10max(i,j) = 0. grid % afwa_llws(i,j) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ENDIF ! Calculate the max 10 m wind speed between output times ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! UPDATE 20150112 - GAC ! Diagnose from model 10 m winds, and blend with 1 km AGL ! winds when precipitation rate is > 50 mm/hr to account ! for increased surface wind gust potential when precip ! is heavy and when winds aloft are strong. Will use the ! higher of the surface and the blended winds. Blending ! is linear weighted between 50-150 mm/hr precip rates. ! ------------------------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_severe_opt == 1 ) THEN DO j = jms, jme DO i = ims, ime wind_vel = uv_wind ( grid % u10(i,j) , grid % v10(i,j) ) prate_mm_per_hr = ( grid % afwa_precip(i,j) / grid % dt ) * 3600. ! Is this an area of heavy precip? Calculate 1km winds to blend down ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( prate_mm_per_hr .GT. 50. ) THEN is_target_level=.false. DO k=kms,kme IF ( ( zagl(i,k,j) >= 1000. ) .and. & ( .NOT. is_target_level ) .and. & ( k .ne. kms ) ) THEN is_target_level = .true. u1km = u_phy(i,k-1,j) + (1000. - (zagl(i,k-1,j))) & * ((u_phy(i,k,j) - u_phy(i,k-1,j))/(zagl(i,k,j))) v1km = v_phy(i,k-1,j) + (1000. - (zagl(i,k-1,j))) & * ((v_phy(i,k,j) - v_phy(i,k-1,j))/(zagl(i,k,j))) EXIT ! We've found our level, break the loop ENDIF ENDDO ! Compute blended wind ! -------------------- factor = MAX ( ( ( 150. - prate_mm_per_hr ) / 100. ), 0. ) ublend = grid % u10(i,j) * factor + u1km * (1. - factor) vblend = grid % v10(i,j) * factor + v1km * (1. - factor) wind_blend = uv_wind ( ublend, vblend ) ! Set the surface wind to the blended wind if higher ! -------------------------------------------------- IF ( wind_blend .GT. wind_vel ) THEN wind_vel = wind_blend ENDIF ENDIF IF ( wind_vel .GT. grid % wspd10max(i,j) ) THEN grid % wspd10max(i,j) = wind_vel ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Calculate 0-2000 foot (0 - 609.6 meter) shear. ! ---------------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_severe_opt == 1 ) THEN DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite is_target_level=.false. DO k=kms,kme IF ( ( zagl(i,k,j) >= 609.6 ) .and. & ( .NOT. is_target_level ) .and. & ( k .ne. kms ) ) THEN is_target_level = .true. u2000 = u_phy(i,k-1,j) + (609.6 - (zagl(i,k-1,j))) & * ((u_phy(i,k,j) - u_phy(i,k-1,j))/(zagl(i,k,j))) v2000 = v_phy(i,k-1,j) + (609.6 - (zagl(i,k-1,j))) & * ((v_phy(i,k,j) - v_phy(i,k-1,j))/(zagl(i,k,j))) us = u2000 - grid % u10(i,j) vs = v2000 - grid % v10(i,j) llws(i,j) = uv_wind ( us , vs ) IF ( llws(i,j) .gt. grid % afwa_llws(i,j) ) THEN grid % afwa_llws(i,j) = llws(i,j) ENDIF EXIT ! We've found our level, break the loop ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF #if ( WRF_CHEM == 1 ) ! Surface dust concentration array (ug m-3) ! ----------------------------------------- DO i=ims, ime DO j=jms, jme dustc(i,j,1)=chem(i,k_start,j,p_dust_1)*rho(i,k_start,j) dustc(i,j,2)=chem(i,k_start,j,p_dust_2)*rho(i,k_start,j) dustc(i,j,3)=chem(i,k_start,j,p_dust_3)*rho(i,k_start,j) dustc(i,j,4)=chem(i,k_start,j,p_dust_4)*rho(i,k_start,j) dustc(i,j,5)=chem(i,k_start,j,p_dust_5)*rho(i,k_start,j) ENDDO ENDDO #else dustc(ims:ime,jms:jme,:)=0. #endif ! Calculate severe weather diagnostics. These variables should only be ! output at highest frequency output. (e.g. auxhist2) ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_severe_opt == 1 ) THEN ! After each history dump, reset max/min value arrays ! Note: This resets up_heli_max which is currently calculated within ! rk_first_rk_step_part2.F, may want to move to this diagnostics package ! later ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( is_after_history_dump ) THEN DO j = jms, jme DO i = ims, ime grid%w_up_max(i,j) = 0. grid%w_dn_max(i,j) = 0. grid%tcoli_max(i,j) = 0. grid%grpl_flx_max(i,j) = 0. grid%up_heli_max(i,j) = 0. grid%afwa_tornado(i,j) = 0. grid%midrh_min_old(i,j) = grid%midrh_min(i,j) ! Save old midrh_min grid%midrh_min(i,j) = 999. grid%afwa_hail(i,j) = 0. ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! is_after_history_dump IF ( ( is_first_timestep ) .OR. ( is_output_timestep ) ) THEN do_buoy_calc = .true. ELSE do_buoy_calc = .false. ENDIF IF ( F_QV .AND. F_QR .AND. F_QC .AND. F_QI .AND. F_QS .AND. F_QG .AND. F_QNG ) THEN !-->RAS ! We need to do some neighboring gridpoint comparisons in this next function; ! set these values so we don't go off the edges of the domain. Updraft ! duration on domain edges will always be 0. ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- i_start = its i_end = ite j_start = jts j_end = jte IF ( config_flags%open_xs .OR. config_flags%specified .OR. & config_flags%nested) i_start = MAX( ids+1, its ) IF ( config_flags%open_xe .OR. config_flags%specified .OR. & config_flags%nested) i_end = MIN( ide-1, ite ) IF ( config_flags%open_ys .OR. config_flags%specified .OR. & config_flags%nested) j_start = MAX( jds+1, jts ) IF ( config_flags%open_ye .OR. config_flags%specified .OR. & config_flags%nested) j_end = MIN( jde-1, jte ) IF ( config_flags%periodic_x ) i_start = its IF ( config_flags%periodic_x ) i_end = ite CALL severe_wx_diagnostics ( grid % wspd10max & , grid % w_up_max & , grid % w_dn_max & , grid % up_heli_max & , grid % tcoli_max & , grid % midrh_min_old & , grid % midrh_min & , grid % afwa_hail & , grid % afwa_cape & , grid % afwa_cin & , grid % afwa_zlfc & , grid % afwa_plfc & , grid % afwa_lidx & , llws & , grid % afwa_tornado & , grid % grpl_flx_max & , grid % u10 & , grid % v10 & , grid % w_2 & , grid % uh & , grid % t_phy & , grid % t2 & , grid % z & , grid % ht & , grid % tornado_mask & , grid % tornado_dur & , grid % dt & , grid % afwa_pwat & , u_phy & , v_phy & , ptot & , qice & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , ngraup & , qvapr, qrain, qcloud & , rho & , dz8w & , rh & , do_buoy_calc & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , its, ite, jts, jte & , k_start, k_end & , j_start, j_end, i_start, i_end ) ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Option severe_wx_diagnostics requires: QV, QR, QC, QI, QS, QG, QNG' ) END IF ENDIF ! afwa_severe_opt == 1 ! Calculate precipitation type diagnostics ! ---------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_ptype_opt == 1 ) THEN ! First initialize precip buckets ! ------------------------------- IF ( grid % itimestep .eq. 1) THEN DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme grid % afwa_rain(i,j)=0. grid % afwa_snow(i,j)=0. grid % afwa_ice(i,j)=0. grid % afwa_fzra(i,j)=0. grid % afwa_snowfall(i,j)=0. ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Diagnose precipitation type ! --------------------------- CALL precip_type_diagnostics ( grid % t_phy & , grid % t2 & , rh & , grid % z & , dz8w & , grid % ht & , grid % afwa_precip & , grid % swdown & , grid % afwa_rain & , grid % afwa_snow & , grid % afwa_ice & , grid % afwa_fzra & , grid % afwa_snowfall & , grid % afwa_ptype_ccn_tmp & , grid % afwa_ptype_tot_melt & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ENDIF ! afwa_ptype_opt == 1 ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! The following packages are calculated only on output timesteps ! -------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( is_output_timestep ) THEN ! Calculate mean sea level pressure ! --------------------------------- DO j = jms, jme DO i = ims, ime grid % afwa_mslp ( i, j ) = MSLP ( grid % ht ( i, j ) & , grid % psfc ( i, j ) & , grid % z ( i, kms, j ) & , qvapr ( i, kms, j ) & , grid % t_phy ( i, kms, j ) ) ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate 10 meter winds ! ------------------------ DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme wind10m(i,j)=uv_wind(grid%u10(i,j),grid%v10(i,j)) ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate 2 meter relative humidity/Tv ! -------------------------------------- DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme rh2m(i,j)=calc_rh(grid%psfc(i,j), grid%t2(i,j), grid%q2(i,j)) tv2m(i,j)=grid%t2(i,j) * (1 + 0.61 * grid%q2(i,j)) ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate buoyancy parameters. ! ------------------------------ IF ( config_flags % afwa_buoy_opt == 1 ) THEN nz = k_end - k_start + 1 ! Calculate buoyancy for surface parcel ! ------------------------------------- DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite ostat = Buoyancy ( nz & , grid%t_phy(i,kms:kme,j) & , rh(i,kms:kme,j) & , ptot(i,kms:kme,j) & , grid % z(i,kms:kme,j) & , 1 & , grid % afwa_cape(i,j) & , grid % afwa_cin(i,j) & , zlfc_msl & , grid % afwa_plfc(i,j) & , grid % afwa_lidx(i,j) & , 3 ) !Surface ! Subtract terrain height to convert ZLFC from MSL to AGL ! ------------------------------------------------------- IF ( zlfc_msl .ge. grid % ht ( i, j ) ) THEN grid % afwa_zlfc ( i, j ) = zlfc_msl - grid % ht ( i, j ) ELSE grid % afwa_zlfc( i, j ) = -1. ENDIF ! Add 273.15 to lifted index per some standard I don't understand ! --------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( grid % afwa_lidx ( i, j ) .ne. 999. ) THEN grid % afwa_lidx ( i, j ) = grid % afwa_lidx ( i, j ) + 273.15 ENDIF ! Calculate buoyancy again for most unstable layer ! ------------------------------------------------ ostat = Buoyancy ( nz & , grid%t_phy(i,kms:kme,j) & , rh(i,kms:kme,j) & , ptot(i,kms:kme,j) & , grid % z(i,kms:kme,j) & , 1 & , grid % afwa_cape_mu(i,j) & , grid % afwa_cin_mu(i,j) & , dum1 & , dum2 & , dum3 & , 1 ) !Most unstable ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! afwa_buoy_opt == 1 IF ( config_flags % afwa_therm_opt == 1 ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating thermal indices' CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) CALL thermal_diagnostics ( grid % t2 & , grid % psfc & , rh2m & , wind10m & , grid % afwa_heatidx & , grid % afwa_wchill & , grid % afwa_fits & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ENDIF ! afwa_therm_opt == 1 IF ( config_flags % afwa_turb_opt == 1 ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating turbulence indices' !~ For now, hard code turbulence layer bottom and top AGL heights ! -------------------------------------------------------------- grid % afwa_tlyrbot = (/ 1500., 3000., 4600., 6100., 7600., 9100., & 10700. /) grid % afwa_tlyrtop = (/ 3000., 4600., 6100., 7600., 9100., 10700., & 12700. /) call turbulence_diagnostics ( u_phy & , v_phy & , grid % t_phy & , ptot & , zagl & , grid % defor11 & , grid % defor12 & , grid % defor22 & , grid % afwa_turb & , grid % afwa_llturb & , grid % afwa_llturblgt & , grid % afwa_llturbmdt & , grid % afwa_llturbsvr & !, config_flags % num_turb_layers & , 7 & , grid % afwa_tlyrbot & , grid % afwa_tlyrtop & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ENDIF ! afwa_turb_opt == 1 ! Calculate equivalent radar reflectivity factor (z_e) using ! old RIP code (2004) if running radar or VIL packages. ! ---------------------------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_radar_opt == 1 .or. & config_flags % afwa_vil_opt == 1 ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating Radar' CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) CALL wrf_dbzcalc ( rho & , grid%t_phy & , qrain & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , z_e & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ENDIF ! afwa_radar_opt == 1 .or. afwa_vil_opt == 1 ! Calculate derived radar variables ! --------------------------------- ! UPDATE: removed refd_max calculation, which was not working correctly. ! To correctly calculate refd_max, this routine could be called every ! time step, but instead, we are only going to calculate reflectivity ! on output time steps and avoid cost of calculating refd_max. GAC2014 ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_radar_opt == 1 ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating derived radar variables' CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) CALL radar_diagnostics ( grid % refd & , grid % refd_com & ! , grid % refd_max & , grid % echotop & , grid % z & , z_e & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ENDIF ! afwa_radar_opt == 1 ! Calculate VIL and reflectivity every history output timestep ! ------------------------------------------------------------ IF ( config_flags % afwa_vil_opt == 1 ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating VIL' CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) CALL vert_int_liquid_diagnostics ( grid % vil & , grid % radarvil & , grid % t_phy & , qrain & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , z_e & , dz8w & , rho & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ENDIF ! afwa_vil_opt ==1 IF ( F_QR .AND. F_QC .AND. F_QNC ) THEN ! Calculate icing and freezing level ! ---------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_icing_opt == 1 ) THEN ! Determine icing option from microphysics scheme ! ----------------------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % mp_physics == GSFCGCESCHEME ) THEN icing_opt=1 ELSEIF ( config_flags % mp_physics == ETAMPNEW ) THEN icing_opt=2 ELSEIF ( config_flags % mp_physics == THOMPSON ) THEN icing_opt=3 ELSEIF ( config_flags % mp_physics == WSM5SCHEME .OR. & config_flags % mp_physics == WSM6SCHEME ) THEN icing_opt=4 ELSEIF ( config_flags % mp_physics == MORR_TWO_MOMENT .OR. & config_flags % mp_physics == MORR_TM_AERO ) THEN !TWG add 2017 ! Is this run with prognostic cloud droplets or no? ! ------------------------------------------------- IF (config_flags % progn > 0) THEN icing_opt=6 ELSE icing_opt=5 ENDIF ELSEIF ( config_flags % mp_physics == WDM6SCHEME ) THEN icing_opt=7 ELSE icing_opt=0 ! Not supported ENDIF IF ( icing_opt .NE. 0 ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating Icing with icing opt ',icing_opt CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) CALL icing_diagnostics ( icing_opt & , grid % fzlev & , grid % icing_lg & , grid % icing_sm & , grid % qicing_lg_max & , grid % qicing_sm_max & , grid % qicing_lg & , grid % qicing_sm & , grid % icingtop & , grid % icingbot & , grid % t_phy & , grid % z & , dz8w & , rho & , qrain & , qcloud & , ncloud & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Icing diagnostics not processed due to unknown MP scheme' ) END IF ENDIF ! afwa_icing_opt ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Option icing_diagnostics requires: QC, QR, QNC' ) END IF ! Calculate visiblility diagnostics ! --------------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_vis_opt == 1 ) THEN ! Interpolate 20m temperature and RH ! ---------------------------------- DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme tv20m(i,j) = -999. rh20m(i,j) = -999. DO k = kps, MIN(kpe,kde-1) IF (tv20m (i,j) .eq. -999. .AND. zagl (i,k,j) .ge. 20.) THEN ! If the lowest model level > 20 m AGL, interpolate using 2-m temperature/RH ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (k .eq. kps) THEN tv20m(i,j) = tv2m(i,j) + & (20. - 2.) / & (zagl(i,k,j) - 2.) * & (grid%t_phy(i,k,j) * (1 + 0.61 * qvapr(i,k,j)) - tv2m(i,j)) rh20m(i,j) = rh2m(i,j) + & (20. - 2.) / & (zagl(i,k,j) - 2.) * & (rh(i,k,j) - rh2m(i,j)) ELSE tv20m(i,j) = grid%t_phy(i,k-1,j) * (1 + 0.61 * qvapr(i,k-1,j)) + & ((20. - zagl(i,k-1,j)) / & (zagl(i,k,j) - zagl(i,k-1,j))) * & (grid%t_phy(i,k,j) * (1 + 0.61 * qvapr(i,k,j)) - & grid%t_phy(i,k-1,j) * (1 + 0.61 * qvapr(i,k-1,j))) rh20m(i,j) = rh (i,k-1,j) + & ((20. - zagl (i,k-1,j)) / & (zagl (i,k,j) - zagl (i,k-1,j))) * & (rh (i,k,j) - rh (i,k-1,j)) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate 125 meter winds ! ------------------------- DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme wind125m(i,j) = -999. DO k = kps, MIN(kpe,kde-1) IF (wind125m (i,j) .eq. -999. .AND. zagl (i,k,j) .ge. 125.) THEN ! If the lowest model level > 125 m AGL, use level 1 wind ! ------------------------------------------------------- IF (k .eq. kps) THEN wind125m(i,j) = uv_wind(u_phy(i,k,j),v_phy(i,k,j)) ELSE wind125m(i,j) = uv_wind(u_phy(i,k-1,j),v_phy(i,k-1,j)) + & ((125. - zagl(i,k-1,j)) / & (zagl(i,k,j) - zagl(i,k-1,j))) * & (uv_wind(u_phy(i,k,j),v_phy(i,k,j)) - & uv_wind(u_phy(i,k-1,j),v_phy(i,k-1,j))) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO IF ( F_QC .AND. F_QR .AND. F_QI .AND. F_QS .AND. F_QG ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating visibility' CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) CALL vis_diagnostics ( qcloud(ims:ime,k_start,jms:jme) & , qrain(ims:ime,k_start,jms:jme) & , qice(ims:ime,k_start,jms:jme) & , qsnow(ims:ime,k_start,jms:jme) & , qgrpl(ims:ime,k_start,jms:jme) & , rho(ims:ime,k_start,jms:jme) & , wind10m & , wind125m & , grid % afwa_pwat & , grid % q2 & , rh2m & , rh20m & , tv2m & , tv20m & , dustc & , grid % afwa_vis & , grid % afwa_vis_dust & , grid % afwa_vis_alpha & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Option vis_diagnostics requires: QC, QR, QI, QS, QG' ) END IF ENDIF IF ( F_QC .AND. F_QI .AND. F_QS ) THEN ! Calculate cloud diagnostics ! --------------------------- IF ( config_flags % afwa_cloud_opt == 1 ) THEN write ( message, * ) 'Calculating cloud' CALL wrf_debug( 100 , message ) CALL cloud_diagnostics (qcloud & , qice & , qsnow & , rh_cld & , dz8w & , rho & , grid % z & , grid % ht & , grid % afwa_cloud & , grid % afwa_cloud_ceil & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ENDIF ELSE CALL wrf_debug ( DEBUG_LEVEL, 'Option cloud_diagnostics requires: QC, QI, QS' ) END IF ENDIF ! is_output_timestep END SUBROUTINE afwa_diagnostics_driver SUBROUTINE severe_wx_diagnostics ( wspd10max & , w_up_max & , w_dn_max & , up_heli_max & , tcoli_max & , midrh_min_old & , midrh_min & , afwa_hail & , cape & , cin & , zlfc & , plfc & , lidx & , llws & , afwa_tornado & , grpl_flx_max & , u10 & , v10 & , w_2 & , uh & , t_phy & , t2 & , z & , ht & , tornado_mask & , tornado_dur & , dt & , pwat & , u_phy & , v_phy & , p & , qi & , qs & , qg & , ng & , qv, qr, qc & , rho & , dz8w & , rh & , do_buoy_calc & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , its, ite, jts, jte & , k_start, k_end & , j_start, j_end, i_start, i_end ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: its, ite, jts, jte, k_start, k_end & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , j_start, j_end, i_start, i_end REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: p & , w_2 & , t_phy & , u_phy & , v_phy & , qi & , qs & , qg & , ng & , qv, qr, qc & , rho & , z & , dz8w & , rh REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: u10 & , v10 & , wspd10max & , uh & , t2 & , ht & , midrh_min_old & , up_heli_max & , llws & , pwat REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: w_up_max & , w_dn_max & , tcoli_max & , midrh_min & , afwa_hail & , afwa_tornado & , grpl_flx_max & , tornado_mask & , tornado_dur REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: cape & , cin & , zlfc & , plfc & , lidx REAL, INTENT(IN) :: dt LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: do_buoy_calc ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i,j,k INTEGER :: kts,kte REAL :: zagl, zlfc_msl, melt_term, midrh_term, hail, midrh REAL :: dum1, dum2, dum3 REAL :: tornado, lfc_term, shr_term, midrh2_term, uh_term REAL :: wind_vel, p_tot, tcoli, grpl_flx, w_n15, qg_n15 INTEGER :: nz, ostat REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ) :: w_up & , w_dn & , tornado_mask_prev & , tornado_dur_prev REAL :: time_factor, time_factor_prev LOGICAL :: is_target_level ! Calculate midlevel relative humidity minimum ! -------------------------------------------- DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme is_target_level=.false. DO k=kms,kme zagl = z(i,k,j) - ht(i,j) IF ( ( zagl >= 3500. ) .and. & ( .NOT. is_target_level ) .and. & ( k .ne. kms ) ) THEN is_target_level = .true. midrh = rh(i,k-1,j) + (3500. - (z(i,k-1,j) - ht(i,j))) & * ((rh(i,k,j) - rh(i,k-1,j))/(z(i,k,j) - z(i,k-1,j))) IF ( midrh .lt. midrh_min(i,j) ) THEN midrh_min(i,j) = midrh ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Calculate the max 10 m wind speed between output times ! ------------------------------------------------------ !DO j = jts, jte ! DO i = its, ite ! wind_vel = uv_wind ( u10(i,j) , v10(i,j) ) ! IF ( wind_vel .GT. wspd10max(i,j) ) THEN ! wspd10max(i,j) = wind_vel ! ENDIF ! ENDDO !ENDDO ! Vertical velocity quantities between output times ! ------------------------------------------------- w_up=0. w_dn=0. DO j = jts, jte DO k = k_start, k_end DO i = its, ite p_tot = p(i,k,j) / 100. ! Check vertical velocity field below 400 mb IF ( p_tot .GT. 400. .AND. w_2(i,k,j) .GT. w_up(i,j) ) THEN w_up(i,j) = w_2(i,k,j) IF ( w_up(i,j) .GT. w_up_max(i,j) ) THEN w_up_max(i,j) = w_up(i,j) ENDIF ENDIF IF ( p_tot .GT. 400. .AND. w_2(i,k,j) .LT. w_dn(i,j) ) THEN w_dn(i,j) = w_2(i,k,j) IF ( w_dn(i,j) .LT. w_dn_max(i,j) ) THEN w_dn_max(i,j) = w_dn(i,j) ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Hail diameter in millimeters (Weibull distribution) ! --------------------------------------------------- DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite melt_term=max(t2(i,j)-288.15,0.) midrh_term=max(2*(min(midrh_min(i,j),midrh_min_old(i,j))-70.),0.) ! Change exponent to 1.1 to reduce probabilities for large sizes !hail=max((w_up(i,j)/1.4)**1.25-melt_term-midrh_term,0.) hail=max((w_up(i,j)/1.4)**1.1-melt_term-midrh_term,0.) hail=hail*((uh(i,j)/100)+0.25) IF ( hail .gt. afwa_hail(i,j) ) THEN afwa_hail(i,j)=hail ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! Lightning (total column-integrated cloud ice) ! Note this formula is basically stolen from the VIL calculation. ! --------------------------------------------------------------- DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite tcoli=0. DO k = k_start, k_end tcoli = tcoli + & (qi (i,k,j) + & qs (i,k,j) + & qg (i,k,j)) & *dz8w (i,k,j) * rho(i,k,j) ENDDO IF ( tcoli .GT. tcoli_max(i,j) ) THEN tcoli_max(i,j) = tcoli ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! Lighting (pseudo graupel flux calculation) ! Model graupel mixing ration (g/kg) times w (m/s) at the -15C level ! Values should range from around 25 in marginal lightning situations, ! to over 400 in situations with very frequent lightning. ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite grpl_flx=0 w_n15=-999. DO k = k_start, k_end ! Interpolate w and qg to -15C level and calculate graupel flux ! as simply graupel x vertical velocity at -15C ! ------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( t_phy (i,k,j) .LE. 258.15 .AND. w_n15 .EQ. -999. .AND. & k .GT. k_start .AND. qg (i,k,j) .GT. 1.E-20 ) THEN w_n15 = w_2 (i,k,j) qg_n15 = 1000. * qg (i,k,j) ! g/kg grpl_flx = qg_n15 * w_n15 ENDIF ENDDO IF ( grpl_flx .GT. grpl_flx_max(i,j) ) THEN grpl_flx_max(i,j) = grpl_flx ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! Update buoyancy parameters. ! --------------------------- IF ( do_buoy_calc ) THEN nz = k_end - k_start + 1 DO j = jts, jte DO i = its, ite ostat = Buoyancy ( nz & , t_phy(i,kms:kme ,j) & , rh(i,kms:kme ,j) & , p(i,kms:kme ,j) & , z(i,kms:kme ,j) & , 1 & , cape(i,j) & , cin(i,j) & , zlfc_msl & , plfc(i,j) & , lidx(i,j) & , 3 ) !Surface ! Add 273.15 to lifted index per some standard I don't understand ! --------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( lidx ( i, j ) .ne. 999. ) lidx ( i, j ) = lidx ( i, j ) + 273.15 ! Subtract terrain height to convert ZLFC from MSL to AGL ! ------------------------------------------------------- IF ( zlfc_msl .ge. 0. ) THEN zlfc ( i, j ) = zlfc_msl - ht ( i, j ) ELSE zlfc( i, j ) = -1. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ENDIF ! Maximum tornado wind speed in ms-1. ! First, save off old tornado mask and duration arrays ! ---------------------------------------------------- tornado_dur_prev(:,:)=tornado_dur(:,:) tornado_mask_prev(:,:)=tornado_mask(:,:) ! Initialize all tornado variables ! -------------------------------- tornado_mask(:,:)=0. tornado_dur(:,:)=0. DO j = j_start, j_end DO i = i_start, i_end tornado = 0. ! Current tornado algorithm ! ------------------------- IF ( zlfc(i,j) .ge. 0. ) THEN uh_term = min(max((uh(i,j) - 25.) / 50., 0.), 1.) shr_term = min(max((llws(i,j) - 2.) / 10., 0.), 1.) lfc_term = min(max((3000. - zlfc(i,j)) / 1500., 0.), 1.) midrh2_term = min(max((90. - & min(midrh_min(i,j),midrh_min_old(i,j))) / 30., 0.), 1.) tornado = 50. * uh_term * shr_term * lfc_term * midrh2_term ENDIF ! Does tornado algorithm indicate all possible ingredients ! for a minimum tornado, if so turn on mask ! -------------------------------------------------------- IF (tornado .GT. 0.) THEN tornado_mask(i,j) = 1. ENDIF ! Update the duration of this tornado if there was previously ! a tornado mask at this or an adjacent point ! ----------------------------------------------------------- IF ( ( tornado_mask(i,j) .GT. 0.5 ) .OR. & ( MAXVAL(tornado_mask_prev(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)) .GT. 0.5 ) ) THEN tornado_dur(i,j) = MAXVAL(tornado_dur_prev(i-1:i+1,j-1:j+1)) + dt ENDIF ! Ramp up value of tornado beta value linearly in time until & ! it has been sustained 5 minutes ! ------------------------------------------------------------ time_factor = MIN(tornado_dur(i,j)/900.,1.) tornado = tornado * time_factor ! OPTIONAL ! Adjust previous max tornado wind upward to account for longer ! duration - if after 5 minutes, no adjustment made as ! time_factor/time_factor_prev=1 ! ------------------------------------------------------------- !time_factor_prev = MIN((tornado_dur(i,j) - dt)/900.,1.) !IF ( ( time_factor_prev .GT. 0. ) .AND. & ! ( time_factor_prev .LT. 1. ) ) THEN ! afwa_tornado(i,j) = afwa_tornado(i,j) * time_factor/time_factor_prev !ENDIF ! Now that we are comparing apples to apples, see if current tornado ! wind is higher than previous highest value for this point ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF ( tornado .GT. afwa_tornado(i,j) ) THEN afwa_tornado(i,j) = tornado ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE severe_wx_diagnostics SUBROUTINE vert_int_liquid_diagnostics ( vil & , radarvil & , t_phy & , qrain & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , z_e & , dz8w & , rho & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: rho & , qrain & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , t_phy & , z_e & , dz8w REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: vil & , radarvil ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i,j,k,ktime ! Calculate vertically integrated liquid water (though its mostly not ! "liquid" now is it?) [kg/m^2] ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = ips, MIN(ipe,ide-1) DO j = jps, MIN(jpe,jde-1) vil (i,j) = 0.0 DO k = kps, MIN(kpe,kde-1) vil (i,j) = vil (i,j) + & (qrain (i,k,j) + & qsnow (i,k,j) + & qgrpl (i,k,j)) & *dz8w (i,k,j) * rho(i,k,j) ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! Diagnose "radar-derived VIL" from equivalent radar reflectivity ! radarVIL = (integral of LW*dz )/1000.0 (in kg/m^2) ! LW = 0.00344 * z_e** (4/7) in g/m^3 ! --------------------------------------------------------------- DO i = ips, MIN(ipe,ide-1) DO j = jps, MIN(jpe,jde-1) radarvil (i,j) = 0.0 DO k = kps, MIN(kpe,kde-1) radarvil (i,j) = radarvil (i,j) + & 0.00344 * z_e(i,k,j)**0.57143 & *dz8w (i,k,j)/1000.0 END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE vert_int_liquid_diagnostics SUBROUTINE icing_diagnostics ( icing_opt & , fzlev & , icing_lg & , icing_sm & , qicing_lg_max & , qicing_sm_max & , qicing_lg & , qicing_sm & , icingtop & , icingbot & , t_phy & , z & , dz8w & , rho & , qrain & , qcloud & , ncloud & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: icing_opt REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: z & , qrain & , qcloud & , ncloud & , rho & , dz8w & , t_phy REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: fzlev & , icing_lg & , icing_sm & , qicing_lg_max & , qicing_sm_max & , icingtop & , icingbot REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: qicing_lg & , qicing_sm ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i,j,k,ktime,ktop,kbot REAL :: qcfrac_lg, qcfrac_sm, qc, qr, small, all ! Initializations ! --------------- fzlev (ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = -999. ! Arbitrary unset/initial value icingtop (ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = -999. ! Arbitrary unset/initial value icingbot (ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = -999. ! Arbitrary unset/initial value icing_lg (ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = 0. icing_sm (ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = 0. qicing_lg_max (ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = 0. qicing_sm_max (ips:ipe,jps:jpe) = 0. qicing_sm(ips:ipe,kps:kpe,jps:jpe)=0. qicing_lg(ips:ipe,kps:kpe,jps:jpe)=0. ! Loop through i and j ! -------------------- DO i = ips, MIN(ipe,ide-1) DO j = jps, MIN(jpe,jde-1) ! Go up the column and look for sub freezing temperatures ! ------------------------------------------------------- ktop=-1 kbot=-1 DO k = kps, MIN(kpe,kde-1) IF (t_phy(i,k,j) .lt. 273.15) THEN ! Any cloud water we find will be supercooled. ! Based on microphysics scheme, determine the fraction of ! large (>50 um) supercooled cloud water drops. ! Source: Becky Selin, 16WS ! ------------------------------------------------------- qc = qcloud (i,k,j) qr = qrain (i,k,j) nc = ncloud(i,k,j) den = rho(i,k,j) qcfrac_lg = 0. qcfrac_sm = 0. ! Eta (Ferrier) ! ------------- IF (icing_opt .eq. 2) THEN IF (qc .lt. 2.5E-4) THEN qcfrac_lg = 395000. * qc**2. + 102.9 * qc ELSEIF (qc .lt. 1.4E-3) THEN qcfrac_lg = 276.1 * qc - 0.01861 ELSE qcfrac_lg = 0.3 * log(641.789 * qc) + 0.4 ENDIF ! Thompson ! -------- ! RAS Per James McCormick's stats, more large supercooled ! drops are needed from the Thompson members. Changing ! calculation to be like WSM5/6 members. !ELSEIF (icing_opt .eq. 3) THEN ! IF (qc .lt. 1.0E-3) THEN ! qcfrac_lg = 2205.0 * qc**2. + 3.232 * qc ! ELSEIF (qc .lt. 3.0E-3) THEN ! qcfrac_lg = 24.1 * qc - 0.01866 ! ELSE ! qcfrac_lg = 0.127063 * log(550.0 * qc) - 0.01 ! ENDIF ! Thompson or WSM5/6 ! ------------------ !ELSEIF (icing_opt .eq. 4) THEN ELSEIF ((icing_opt .eq. 3) .OR. (icing_opt .eq. 4)) THEN IF (qc .lt. 5.E-4) THEN qcfrac_lg = 50420.0 * qc**2. + 29.39 * qc ELSEIF (qc .lt. 1.4E-3) THEN qcfrac_lg = 97.65 * qc - 0.02152 ELSE qcfrac_lg = 0.2 * log(646.908 * qc) + 0.135 ENDIF ! Morrison 2-moment, constant CCN ! ------------------------------- ELSEIF (icing_opt .eq. 5) THEN IF (qc .lt. 1.4E-3) THEN qcfrac_lg = 28000. * qc**2. + 0.1 * qc ELSEIF (qc .lt. 2.6E-3) THEN qcfrac_lg = 112.351 * qc - 0.102272 ELSE qcfrac_lg = 0.3 * log(654.92 * qc) * 0.301607 ENDIF ! WDM6 or Morrison 2-moment w/ prognostic CCN ! ------------------------------------------- ELSEIF ((icing_opt .eq. 6) .OR. (icing_opt .eq. 7)) THEN IF ((qc .gt. 1.0E-12) .and. (nc .gt. 1.0E-12)) THEN small = -nc * exp(-nc*3141.59265*(5.E-5)**3./(6000.*den*qc))+nc all = -nc * exp(-nc*3141.59265*(2.)**3./(6000.*den*qc))+nc qcfrac_lg = 1. - (small / all) ELSE qcfac_lg = 0. ENDIF ENDIF qcfrac_lg = max(qcfrac_lg, 0.) ! Small (<50 um) supercooled cloud water drop fraction (1 - large). ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- IF (icing_opt .ne. 0 ) THEN qcfrac_sm = 1 - qcfrac_lg ENDIF ! Supercooled drop mixing ratio ! ----------------------------- qicing_lg (i,k,j) = max(qr + qcfrac_lg * qc, 0.) qicing_sm (i,k,j) = max(qcfrac_sm * qc, 0.) ! Column integrated icing ! ----------------------- icing_lg (i,j) = icing_lg (i,j) + qicing_lg (i,k,j) & * dz8w (i,k,j) * rho(i,k,j) icing_sm (i,j) = icing_sm (i,j) + qicing_sm (i,k,j) & * dz8w (i,k,j) * rho(i,k,j) ! Column maximum supercooled drop mixing ratio ! -------------------------------------------- IF ( qicing_lg(i,k,j) .gt. qicing_lg_max(i,j) ) THEN qicing_lg_max (i,j) = qicing_lg(i,k,j) ENDIF IF ( qicing_sm(i,k,j) .gt. qicing_sm_max(i,j) ) THEN qicing_sm_max (i,j) = qicing_sm(i,k,j) ENDIF ! Freezing level calculation ! -------------------------- IF (fzlev (i,j) .eq. -999.) THEN ! At freezing level IF (k .ne. kps) THEN ! If not at surface, interpolate. fzlev (i,j) = z (i,k-1,j) + & ((273.15 - t_phy (i,k-1,j)) & /(t_phy (i,k,j) - t_phy (i,k-1,j))) & *(z (i,k,j) - z (i,k-1,j)) ELSE ! If at surface, use first level. fzlev(i,j) = z (i,k,j) ENDIF ENDIF ! Icing layer top and bottom indices (where icing > some arbitrary ! small value). Set bottom index of icing layer to current k index ! if not yet set. Set top index of icing layer to current k index. ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- IF ((qicing_lg (i,k,j) + qicing_sm (i,k,j)) .ge. 1.E-5) THEN IF (kbot .eq. -1) kbot = k ktop=k ENDIF ENDIF END DO ! Interpolate bottom of icing layer from kbot (bottom index of icing ! layer). Icing bottom should not go below freezing level. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF (kbot .ne. -1) THEN IF (kbot .ne. kps) THEN ! If not at surface, interpolate icingbot (i,j) = z (i,kbot-1,j) + ((1.E-5 - & (qicing_lg (i,kbot-1,j) + qicing_sm (i,kbot-1,j))) & / ((qicing_lg (i,kbot,j) + qicing_sm (i,kbot,j)) & - (qicing_lg (i,kbot-1,j) + qicing_sm (i,kbot-1,j)))) & * (z (i,kbot,j) - z (i,kbot-1,j)) icingbot (i,j) = MAX(icingbot (i,j), fzlev (i,j)) ELSE ! If at surface use first level. icingbot (i,j) = z(i,kbot,j) ENDIF ENDIF ! Interpolate top of icing layer from ktop (top index of icing layer). ! Icing top should not go below icing bottom (obviously). ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (ktop .ne. -1 .and. ktop .ne. kpe) THEN ! If not undefined or model top icingtop (i,j) = z (i,ktop,j) + ((1.E-5 - & (qicing_lg (i,ktop,j) + qicing_sm (i,ktop,j))) & / ((qicing_lg (i,ktop+1,j) + qicing_sm (i,ktop+1,j)) & - (qicing_lg (i,ktop,j) + qicing_sm (i,ktop,j)))) & * (z (i,ktop+1,j) - z (i,ktop,j)) icingtop (i,j) = MAX(icingtop (i,j), icingbot (i,j)) ENDIF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE icing_diagnostics SUBROUTINE radar_diagnostics ( refd & , refd_com & ! , refd_max & , echotop & , z & , z_e & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: z & , z_e REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: refd & , refd_com & ! , refd_max & , echotop ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i,j,k,ktime DO j = jps, MIN(jpe,jde-1) DO i = ips, MIN(ipe,ide-1) ktop = -1 ! Undefined echotop (i,j) = 0. refd_com (i,j) = 0. refd (i,j) = 0. DO k = kps, MIN(kpe,kde-1) IF (z_e(i,k,j) .gt. 1.e-20) THEN ! Reflectivity (first level) ! -------------------------- IF (k == kps) refd(i,j) = MAX(10.0 * log10(z_e(i,k,j)),0.) ! ! Max reflectivity over the output interval ! ! ----------------------------------------- ! IF (refd(i,j) .gt. refd_max(i,j)) refd_max(i,j) = refd(i,j) ! Composite reflectivity calc (max reflectivity in the column) ! ------------------------------------------------------------ IF (10.0 * log10(z_e(i,k,j)) .gt. refd_com(i,j)) THEN refd_com(i,j) = 10.0 * log10(z_e(i,k,j)) ENDIF ENDIF ! Echo top - the highest level w/ dBZ > 18 (z_e > 63.0957) ! -------------------------------------------------------- IF ( z_e(i,k,j) .gt. 63.0957) THEN ktop = k ENDIF END DO IF ( ktop .ne. -1 ) THEN ! Interpolate to echo top height (GAC) echotop (i,j) = z (i,ktop,j) + & ((63.0957 - z_e (i,ktop,j)) & /(z_e (i,ktop+1,j) - z_e (i,ktop,j))) & *(z (i,ktop+1,j) - z (i,ktop,j)) ENDIF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE radar_diagnostics SUBROUTINE wrf_dbzcalc( rho & , t_phy & , qr & , qs & , qg & , z_e & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: rho & , t_phy & , qr & , qs & , qg REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: z_e REAL :: factor_r, factor_s, factor_g, factorb_s, factorb_g, ronv, sonv, gonv REAL :: temp_c, rhoair, qgr, qra, qsn INTEGER :: i, j, k INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iBrightBand = 1 REAL, PARAMETER :: T_0 = 273.15 REAL, PARAMETER :: PI = 3.1415926536 REAL, PARAMETER :: rgas=287.04, gamma_seven = 720.0, alpha2 = 0.224 ! Densities of rain, snow, graupel, and cloud ice. ! ------------------------------------------------ REAL, PARAMETER :: rho_w = 1000.0, rho_r = 1000.0, rho_s = 100.0 REAL, PARAMETER :: rho_g = 400.0, rho_i = 890.0 REAL, PARAMETER :: ron=8.e6, son=2.e7, gon=5.e7, r1=1.e-15 REAL, PARAMETER :: ron_min = 8.e6, ron2=1.e10 REAL, PARAMETER :: ron_qr0 = 0.0001, ron_delqr0 = 0.25*ron_qr0 REAL, PARAMETER :: ron_const1r = (ron2-ron_min)*0.5 REAL, PARAMETER :: ron_const2r = (ron2+ron_min)*0.5 ! Constant intercepts ! ------------------- ronv = 8.e6 ! m^-4 sonv = 2.e7 ! m^-4 gonv = 4.e6 ! m^-4 factor_r = gamma_seven * 1.e18 * (1./(pi*rho_r))**1.75 factor_s = gamma_seven * 1.e18 * (1./(pi*rho_s))**1.75 & * (rho_s/rho_w)**2 * alpha2 factor_g = gamma_seven * 1.e18 * (1./(pi*rho_g))**1.75 & * (rho_g/rho_w)**2 * alpha2 ! For each grid point ! ------------------- DO j = jps, jpe DO k = kps, kpe DO i = ips, ipe factorb_s = factor_s factorb_g = factor_g ! In this case snow or graupel particle scatters like liquid ! water because it is assumed to have a liquid skin ! ---------------------------------------------------------- IF( iBrightBand == 1 ) THEN IF (t_phy(i,k,j) > T_0) THEN factorb_s = factor_s /alpha2 factorb_g = factor_g /alpha2 ENDIF ENDIF ! Calculate variable intercept parameters ! --------------------------------------- temp_c = amin1(-0.001, t_phy(i,k,j)- T_0) sonv = amin1(2.0e8, 2.0e6*exp(-0.12*temp_c)) gonv = gon qgr = QG(i,k,j) qra = QR(i,k,j) qsn = QS(i,k,j) IF (qgr.gt.r1) THEN gonv = 2.38*(pi*rho_g/(rho(i,k,j)*qgr))**0.92 gonv = max(1.e4, min(gonv,gon)) ENDIF ronv = ron2 IF (qra.gt. r1) THEN ronv = ron_const1r*tanh((ron_qr0-qra)/ron_delqr0) + ron_const2r ENDIF IF (qra < 0.0 ) qra = 0.0 IF (qsn < 0.0 ) qsn = 0.0 IF (qgr < 0.0 ) qgr = 0.0 z_e(i,k,j) = factor_r * (rho(i,k,j) * qra)**1.75 / ronv**.75 + & factorb_s * (rho(i,k,j) * qsn)**1.75 / sonv**.75 + & factorb_g * (rho(i,k,j) * qgr)**1.75 / gonv**.75 IF ( z_e(i,k,j) < 0.0 ) z_e(i,k,j) = 0.0 END DO END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE wrf_dbzcalc SUBROUTINE precip_type_diagnostics ( t_phy & , t2 & , rh & , z & , dz8w & , ht & , precip & , swdown & , rain & , snow & , ice & , frz_rain & , snowfall & , ccn_tmp & , total_melt & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: t_phy & , rh & , z & , dz8w REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: t2 & , ht & , precip & , swdown REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: snowfall & , rain & , frz_rain & , snow & , ice REAL, INTENT(IN) :: ccn_tmp REAL, INTENT(IN) :: total_melt ! Local ! ----- REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ) :: & melt & , mod_2m_tmp & , cloud_top_tmp & , maxtmp INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ) :: & cloud_top_k_index & , precip_type LOGICAL, DIMENSION (ims:ime, jms:jme ) :: & saturation REAL, PARAMETER :: snow_ratio=5.0 ! Loop through all points ! Search vertically twice--first to find the cloud top temperature and the ! maximum temperature. Second, determine if any melting or re-freezing will ! occur to make ice pellets or freezing rain ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=ips,ipe DO j=jps,jpe saturation(i,j)=.false. melt(i,j)=0.0 precip_type(i,j)=0 ! Modify surface temperature for solar insolation (W/m2) ! Set max temperature in the atmopshere ! ------------------------------------------------------ mod_2m_tmp(i,j)=t2(i,j)+(swdown(i,j)/100.0) maxtmp(i,j)=mod_2m_tmp(i,j) ! Only look at points that have precip and are not warm at the surface ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- IF (precip(i,j) .gt. 0.0) THEN !IF (mod_2m_tmp(i,j) .gt. 277.15) THEN IF (mod_2m_tmp(i,j) .gt. 275.15) THEN precip_type(i,j)=1 ! Rain ELSE ! Check sounding from top for saturation (RH-water gt 80%)--this is ! the cloud top. Erase saturation if RH lt 70% (spurious moist layer ! aloft) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ cloud_top_k_index(i,j)=kpe DO k=kpe,kps,-1 IF ((z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j)) .gt. 0.0) THEN IF (t_phy(i,k,j) .gt. maxtmp(i,j)) THEN maxtmp(i,j)=t_phy(i,k,j) ENDIF IF (rh(i,k,j) .gt. 80 .and. saturation(i,j) .eqv. .false.) THEN cloud_top_tmp(i,j)=t_phy(i,k,j) cloud_top_k_index(i,j)=k saturation(i,j)=.true. precip_type(i,j)=2 ! Snow ENDIF IF (rh(i,k,j) .le. 70 .and. saturation(i,j) .eqv. .true.) THEN saturation(i,j)=.false. ENDIF ENDIF ENDDO ! Perform simple check to assign types with no melting layer ! shenanigans going on ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- IF (cloud_top_tmp(i,j) .le. ccn_tmp .and. & maxtmp(i,j) .le. 273.15) THEN precip_type(i,j)=2 ! Snow ENDIF ! ELSE, have to go through the profile again to see if snow melts, ! and if anything re-freezes ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- DO k=cloud_top_k_index(i,j),kps,-1 IF ((z(i,k,j)-ht(i,j)) .gt. 0.0) THEN ! Condition 0--assign falling rain when we get to the ! supercooled temperature if too warm ! --------------------------------------------------- IF (cloud_top_tmp(i,j) .eq. t_phy(i,k,j) .and. & cloud_top_tmp(i,j) .gt. ccn_tmp) THEN precip_type(i,j)=1 ! Rain ENDIF ! Condition 1--falling frozen precip that will start to melt ! Add up melting energy over warm layers--if enough, turn to ! liquid ! ---------------------------------------------------------- IF ((precip_type(i,j) .eq. 2 .or. precip_type(i,j) .eq. 3) .and. & t_phy(i,k,j) .gt. 273.15) THEN melt(i,j)=melt(i,j)+9.8*(((t_phy(i,k,j)-273.15)/273.15)* & (dz8w(i,k,j))) IF (melt(i,j) .gt. total_melt) THEN precip_type(i,j)=1 ! Rain melt(i,j)=0.0 ! Reset melting energy in case it re-freezes ENDIF ENDIF ! Condition 2--falling partially melted precip encounters ! sub-freezing air. Snow will be converted to ice pellets if ! at least 1/4 of it melted. Instantaneous freeze-up, simplistic ! -------------------------------------------------------------- IF (t_phy(i,k,j) .le. 273.15 .and. & melt(i,j) .gt. total_melt/4.0 .and. & (precip_type(i,j) .eq. 2 .or. precip_type(i,j) .eq. 3)) THEN precip_type(i,j)=3 ! Ice melt(i,j)=0.0 ENDIF ! Condition 3--falling liquid that will re-freeze--must reach ! nucleation temperature ! ----------------------------------------------------------- IF (precip_type(i,j) .eq. 1) THEN IF (t_phy(i,k,j) .le. ccn_tmp) THEN precip_type(i,j)=3 ! Ice ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! End if (z-ht)>0 ENDDO ! End do k=kpe,kps,-1 ENDIF ! End if mod_2m_tmp>273.15 ! Accumulate precip according to precip_type ! ------------------------------------------ IF (precip_type(i,j) .eq. 3) THEN ice(i,j)=ice(i,j)+precip(i,j) ENDIF IF (precip_type(i,j) .eq. 2) THEN snow(i,j)=snow(i,j)+precip(i,j) snowfall(i,j)=snowfall(i,j)+snow_ratio*precip(i,j) & *(5.-mod_2m_tmp(i,j)+273.15)**0.4 ENDIF IF (precip_type(i,j) .eq. 1) THEN IF (mod_2m_tmp(i,j) .gt. 273.15) THEN rain(i,j)=rain(i,j)+precip(i,j) ELSE frz_rain(i,j)=frz_rain(i,j)+precip(i,j) ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! End if precip>0 ENDDO ! End do j=jps,jpe ENDDO ! End do i=ips,ipe END SUBROUTINE precip_type_diagnostics SUBROUTINE vis_diagnostics ( qcloud & , qrain & , qice & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , rho & , wind10m & , wind125m & , pwater & , q2m & , rh2m & , rh20m & , tv2m & , tv20m & , dustc & , vis & , vis_dust & , vis_alpha & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ndust=5 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: qcloud & , qrain & , qice & , qsnow & , qgrpl & , rho & , wind10m & , wind125m & , pwater & , rh2m & , q2m & , rh20m & , tv2m & , tv20m REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme, ndust ), & INTENT(IN ) :: dustc REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: vis & , vis_dust & , vis_alpha ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i,j,k,d REAL, PARAMETER :: visfactor=3.912 REAL, DIMENSION (ndust) :: dustfact REAL :: bc, br, bi, bs, dust_extcoeff, hydro_extcoeff, extcoeff, vis_haze REAL :: tvd, rh, prob_ext_coeff_gt_p29, haze_ext_coeff REAL :: vis_hydlith, alpha_haze ! Dust factor based on 5 bin AFWA dust scheme. This is a simplification ! of the scheme in WRFPOST. More weight is applied to smaller particles. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- dustfact=(/1.470E-6,7.877E-7,4.623E-7,2.429E-7,1.387E-7/) DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme ! Hydrometeor extinction coefficient ! For now, lump graupel in with rain ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Update: GAC 20131213 Our test results with surface cloud and ice ! are very unfavorable. Model doesn't do a great job handling clouds ! at the model surface. Therefore, we will not trust surface ! cloud water/ice. (Commented out below). ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- !br=2.240*qrain(i,j)**0.75 !bs=10.36*qsnow(i,j)**0.78 !bc=144.7*qcloud(i,j)**0.88 !bi=327.8*qice(i,j) !hydro_extcoeff=bc+br+bi+bs !br=2.240*(qrain(i,j)+qgrpl(i,j))**0.75 !bs=10.36*(qsnow(i,j)*rho(i,j))**0.78 ! Update: moisture variables should be in mass concentration (g m^-3) br=1.1*(1000.*rho(i,j)*(qrain(i,j)+qgrpl(i,j)))**0.75 bs=10.36*(1000.*rho(i,j)*qsnow(i,j))**0.78 hydro_extcoeff=(br+bs)/1000. ! m^-1 ! Dust extinction coefficient ! --------------------------- dust_extcoeff=0. DO d=1,ndust dust_extcoeff=dust_extcoeff+dustfact(d)*dustc(i,j,d) ENDDO ! UPDATE: GAC 20131213 Old algorithm commented out below !! Visibility due to haze obscuration !! ------------------------------------------------------- !vis_haze=1500.*(105.-rh2m(i,j)+wind10m(i,j)) ! !! Calculate total visibility !! Take minimum visibility from hydro/lithometeors and haze !! Define maximum visibility as 20 km (UPDATE: 999.999 km) !! -------------------------------------------------------- !extcoeff=hydro_extcoeff+dust_extcoeff !IF (extcoeff .gt. 0.) THEN ! vis(i,j)=MIN(visfactor/extcoeff,vis_haze) !ELSE ! vis(i,j)=999999. !ENDIF ! Update: GAC 20131213 New haze/fog visibility algorithm ! Start with relative humidity predictor. Increase ! predicted visibility as mixing ratio decreases (as ! there is less water to condense). ! ------------------------------------------------------- vis_haze=999999. IF (q2m(i,j) .gt. 0.) THEN !vis_haze=1500.*(105.-rh2m(i,j))*(15./(1000.*q2m(i,j))) vis_haze=1500.*(105.-rh2m(i,j))*(5./min(1000.*q2m(i,j),5.)) ENDIF ! Calculate a Weibull function "alpha" term. This can be ! used later with visibility (which acts as the "beta" term ! in the Weibull function) to create a probability distribution ! for visibility. Alpha can be thought of as the "level of ! certainty" that beta (model visibility) is correct. Fog is ! notoriously difficult to model. In the below algorithm, ! the alpha value (certainty) decreases as PWAT, mixing ratio, ! or winds decrease (possibly foggy conditions), but increases ! if RH decreases (more certainly not foggy). If PWAT is lower ! then there is a higher chance of radiation fog because there ! is less insulating cloud above. ! ------------------------------------------------------------- alpha_haze=3.6 IF (q2m(i,j) .gt. 0.) THEN alpha_haze=0.1 + pwater(i,j)/25. + wind125m(i,j)/3. + & (100.-rh2m(i,j))/10. + 1./(1000.*q2m(i,j)) alpha_haze=min(alpha_haze,3.6) ENDIF ! Calculate visibility from hydro/lithometeors ! Maximum visibility -> 999999 meters ! -------------------------------------------- extcoeff=hydro_extcoeff+dust_extcoeff IF (extcoeff .gt. 0.) THEN vis_hydlith=min(visfactor/extcoeff, 999999.) ELSE vis_hydlith=999999. ENDIF ! Calculate total visibility ! Take minimum visibility from hydro/lithometeors and haze ! Set alpha to be alpha_haze if haze dominates, or 3.6 ! (a Guassian distribution) when hydro/lithometeors dominate ! ---------------------------------------------------------- IF (vis_hydlith < vis_haze) THEN vis(i,j)=vis_hydlith vis_alpha(i,j)=3.6 ELSE vis(i,j)=vis_haze vis_alpha(i,j)=alpha_haze ENDIF ! Calculate dust visibility ! Again, define maximum visibility as 20 km ! ----------------------------------------- IF (dust_extcoeff .gt. 0.) THEN vis_dust(i,j)=MIN(visfactor/dust_extcoeff,999999.) ELSE vis_dust(i,j)=999999. ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE vis_diagnostics SUBROUTINE cloud_diagnostics (qcloud & , qice & , qsnow & , rh & , dz8w & , rho & , z & , ht & , cloud & , cloud_ceil & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: qcloud & , qice & , qsnow & , rh & , dz8w & , rho & , z REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: ht REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: cloud & , cloud_ceil ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i, j, k REAL :: tot_cld_cond, maxrh, cld_frm_cnd, cld_frm_rh, z_maxrh REAL :: snow_extcoeff, vis_snow, cloud_lo, zagl_up, zagl_lo REAL, PARAMETER :: min_ceil = 125. ! Minimum ceiling of 125 m ! Calculate cloud cover based on total cloud condensate, or if none ! present, from maximum relative humidity in the column. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme ! Initialize some key variables ! ----------------------------- tot_cld_cond = 0. cloud(i,j) = 0. maxrh = -9999. cloud_ceil(i,j) = -9999. cloud_lo = 0. ! Now go up the column to find our cloud base ! ------------------------------------------- DO k=kms,kme ! Total cloud condensate ! Don't trust modeled cloud below 125 m. We ! let the alpha curve determine probabilities ! below 125 m... ! --------------------------------------------- IF ( z(i,k,j) - ht (i,j) .gt. min_ceil ) THEN ! Maximum column relative humidity ! -------------------------------- IF (rh (i,k,j) .gt. maxrh) THEN maxrh = rh (i,k,j) z_maxrh = z(i,k,j) ENDIF ! ! Cloud cover parameterization. Take maximum value ! ! from condensate and relative humidity terms. ! ! ------------------------------------------------ ! tot_cld_cond = tot_cld_cond + (qcloud (i,k,j) + qice (i,k,j) & ! + qsnow (i,k,j)) * dz8w (i,k,j) * rho(i,k,j) ! cld_frm_cnd = 50. * tot_cld_cond ! cld_frm_rh = MAX(((maxrh - 70.) / 30.),0.) ! cloud (i,j) = MAX(cld_frm_cnd,cld_frm_rh) ! Calculate cloud cover beta value by summing ! relative humidity above 70% as we go up the ! column. Assume a higher probability of a ! cloud if we have an accumulation of high ! relative humidity over a typical cloud ! depth of 500m. (Note dz8w is distance ! between full eta levels. Note also that rh ! is derived from the sum of qvapor, qcloud, ! and qcloud, with a maximum of 100%). ! ------------------------------------------- cld_frm_rh = MAX(((rh (i,k,j) - 90.) / 10.),0.) cloud (i,j) = cloud (i,j) + ( cld_frm_rh * dz8w (i,k,j) ) / 250. ! Calculate cloud ceiling, the level at which ! parameterization of cloud cover exceeds 80% ! Once we exceed the 80% threshold, we will ! interpolate downward to find the ceiling. ! If this is the lowest level, then we will ! simply set ceiling to that level. After ! we interpolate, if ceiling is below the ! minimum we trust, we set it to the minimum. ! ------------------------------------------- IF ( cloud_ceil (i,j) .eq. -9999. .and. cloud (i,j) .gt. 0.8 ) THEN zagl_up = z (i,k,j) - ht (i,j) IF ( k .EQ. kps ) THEN cloud_ceil (i,j) = zagl_up ELSE zagl_lo = z (i,k-1,j) - ht (i,j) cloud_ceil (i,j) = zagl_lo + & ((0.8 - cloud_lo) / & (cloud (i,j) - cloud_lo)) * & (zagl_up - zagl_lo) cloud_ceil (i,j) = MAX(cloud_ceil (i,j),ceil_min) ENDIF ENDIF ! Save cloud amount here to use for interpolation ! ----------------------------------------------- cloud_lo=cloud(i,j) ENDIF ENDDO ! If we did not encounter any definitive cloud earlier, we set ! cloud ceiling to the level of maximum relative humidity. (If ! there is any cloud, this is our best guess as to where it ! will reside in the vertical). Height is AGL. ! ------------------------------------------------------------ IF (cloud_ceil (i,j) .eq. -9999.) THEN cloud_ceil (i,j) = z_maxrh - ht (i,j) ENDIF ! Compare cloud ceiling to surface visibility reduction due to snow ! Note difference from horizontal visibility algorithm for snow ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- IF (qsnow (i,1,j) .GT. 0. .AND. rho (i,1,j) .GT. 0.) THEN snow_extcoeff = 25. * (1000. * rho(i,1,j) * qsnow (i,1,j))**0.78 snow_extcoeff = snow_extcoeff / 1000. vis_snow = 3.912 / snow_extcoeff IF (vis_snow .LT. cloud_ceil (i,j)) cloud_ceil (i,j) = vis_snow ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE cloud_diagnostics SUBROUTINE thermal_diagnostics ( t2 & , psfc & , rh2m & , wind10m & , heatidx & , wchill & , fits & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: t2 & , psfc & , rh2m & , wind10m REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: heatidx & , wchill & , fits ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i, j DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme ! Heat Index ! ---------- heatidx ( i, j ) = calc_hi ( t2 ( i, j ) & , rh2m ( i, j ) ) ! Wind Chill ! ---------- wchill ( i, j ) = calc_wc ( t2 ( i, j ) & , wind10m ( i, j ) ) ! Fighter Index of Thermal Stress ! ------------------------------- fits ( i, j ) = calc_fits ( psfc ( i, j ) & , t2 ( i, j ) & , rh2m ( i, j ) ) ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE thermal_diagnostics SUBROUTINE turbulence_diagnostics ( u_phy & , v_phy & , t_phy & , p & , zagl & , defor11 & , defor12 & , defor22 & , turb & , llturb & , llturblgt & , llturbmdt & , llturbsvr & , nlyrs & , lyrbot & , lyrtop & , ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde & , ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme & , ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nlyrs REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: u_phy & , v_phy & , t_phy & , p & , zagl & , defor11 & , defor12 & , defor22 REAL, DIMENSION( nlyrs ), & INTENT(IN ) :: lyrtop & , lyrbot REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, nlyrs, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: turb REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme ), & INTENT( OUT) :: llturb & , llturblgt & , llturbmdt & , llturbsvr ! Local ! ----- INTEGER :: i, j, k, n, bot, top, nlayer REAL :: ugrdtop & , ugrdbot & , vgrdtop & , vgrdbot & , defor11top & , defor11bot & , defor12top & , defor12bot & , defor22top & , defor22bot REAL, DIMENSION( kms:kme ) :: this_zagl & , this_tK & , this_p & , this_u & , this_v REAL :: wind, therm, mtn_wave, tpd_wave !~ Initialize variables. ! ---------------------- turb = REAL ( 0 ) llturb = REAL ( 0 ) llturblgt = REAL ( 0 ) llturbsvr = REAL ( 0 ) !~ Loop through the grid. ! ---------------------- DO i=ims,ime DO j=jms,jme !~ Loop through the turbulence layers ! ---------------------------------- DO n = 1, nlyrs !~ Interpolate relevent variables to turbulence layers ! --------------------------------------------------- ugrdtop = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , u_phy ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrtop ( n ) ) ugrdbot = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , u_phy ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrbot ( n ) ) vgrdtop = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , v_phy ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrtop ( n ) ) vgrdbot = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , v_phy ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrbot ( n ) ) defor11top = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , defor11 ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrtop ( n ) ) defor11bot = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , defor11 ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrbot ( n ) ) defor12top = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , defor12 ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrtop ( n ) ) defor12bot = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , defor12 ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrbot ( n ) ) defor22top = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , defor22 ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrtop ( n ) ) defor22bot = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , defor22 ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , lyrbot ( n ) ) !~ Compute Knapp-Ellrod clear air turbulence ! ----------------------------------------- turb ( i, n, j ) = CATTurbulence ( ugrdbot & , ugrdtop & , vgrdbot & , vgrdtop & , defor11bot & , defor11top & , defor12bot & , defor12top & , defor22bot & , defor22top & , lyrbot (n) & , lyrtop (n) ) ENDDO !~ Get top and bottom index of 0-1500 m AGL layer ! ---------------------------------------------- bot = kms top = kms DO k=kms+1,kme IF ( zagl ( i, k, j ) .gt. 1500. ) THEN top = k EXIT ENDIF ENDDO nlayer = top - bot + 1 !~ Number of layers from bottom to top !~ Copy current column at this i,j point into working arrays ! --------------------------------------------------------- this_zagl = zagl ( i, kms:kme, j ) this_tK = t_phy ( i, kms:kme, j ) this_p = p ( i, kms:kme, j ) this_u = u_phy ( i, kms:kme, j ) this_v = v_phy ( i, kms:kme, j ) !~ Interpolate req'd vars to the 1500 m level !~ Overwrite the "top" index with these values ! ------------------------------------------- this_zagl ( top ) = 1500. this_tK ( top ) = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , t_phy ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , this_zagl (top) ) this_p ( top ) = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , p ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , this_zagl (top) ) this_u ( top ) = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , u_phy ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , this_zagl (top) ) this_v ( top ) = lin_interp ( zagl ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , v_phy ( i, kms:kme-1, j ) & , this_zagl (top) ) !~ Compute the low level turbulence index (from 0 - 1500 m AGL) !~ There are four components to this index: a wind speed term, !~ thermodynamic term, mountain wave term, and trapped wave term. !~ These terms will utilize the working arrays we have just !~ defined, using only the portion of the array valid in the !~ 0-1500 m layer, e.g. this_u (bot:top). !~ The algorithm itself was developed by: !~ !~ Mr. James McCormick !~ Aviation Hazards Team !~ Air Force Weather Agency 16WS/WXN !~ DSN: 271-1689 Comm: (402) 294-1689 !~ James.McCormick.ctr@offutt.af.mil ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! !~ Step 1: Compute the wind speed term ~! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! wind = LLT_WindSpeed ( nlayer, this_u (bot:top) & , this_v (bot:top) ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! !~ Step 2: Compute the thermodynamic term ~! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! therm = LLT_Thermodynamic ( nlayer, this_tK(bot:top) & , this_zagl(bot:top) ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! !~ Step 3: Compute the mountain wave term ~! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! mtn_wave = LLT_MountainWave ( nlayer, terrain_dx, terrain_dy & , this_u(bot:top), this_v(bot:top) & , this_tK(bot:top), this_zagl(bot:top) ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! !~ Step 4: Compute the trapped wave term ~! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! tpd_wave = LLT_TrappedWave ( nlayer, this_u(bot:top) & , this_v(bot:top), this_p(bot:top) ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! !~ Step 5: Combine the above and arrive at the turbulence index. ~! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! llturb ( i,j ) = 1.-((1.-wind)*(1.-therm)*(1.-mtn_wave)*(1.-tpd_wave)) !~ Compute probabilities of light, moderate, and severe LLT ! -------------------------------------------------------- llturblgt ( i,j ) = (((((((llturb (i,j) * REAL (100))-REAL (30)) & *2.5)*.01)**2)*0.75)*REAL(100)) IF ( llturb (i,j) < 0.3 ) llturblgt ( i,j ) = REAL ( 0 ) IF ( llturblgt (i,j) > REAL (90) ) llturblgt ( i,j ) = REAL ( 90 ) llturbmdt ( i,j ) = (((((((llturb (i,j) * REAL (100))-REAL (35)) & *2.22222)*.01)*0.75)**2)*88.88888) IF ( llturb (i,j) < 0.35 ) llturbmdt ( i,j ) = REAL ( 0 ) IF ( llturbmdt (i,j) > REAL (70) ) llturbmdt ( i,j ) = REAL ( 70 ) llturbsvr ( i,j ) = (((((((llturb (i,j) * REAL (100))-REAL (40)) & *REAL(2))*.01)*0.5)**2)*REAL(100)) IF ( llturb (i,j) < 0.40 ) llturbsvr ( i,j ) = REAL ( 0 ) IF ( llturbsvr (i,j) > REAL (35) ) llturbsvr ( i,j ) = REAL ( 35 ) ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE turbulence_diagnostics END MODULE module_diag_afwa #endif