#define WRF_PORT #define MODAL_AERO ! Updated to CESM1.0.3 (CAM5.1.01) by Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov module eddy_diff !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! The University of Washington Moist Turbulence Scheme to compute eddy diffusion ! ! coefficients associated with dry and moist turbulences in the whole ! ! atmospheric layers. ! ! ! ! For detailed description of the code and its performances, see ! ! ! ! 1.'A new moist turbulence parametrization in the Community Atmosphere Model' ! ! by Christopher S. Bretherton and Sungsu Park. J. Climate. 2009. 22. 3422-3448 ! ! 2.'The University of Washington shallow convection and moist turbulence schemes ! ! and their impact on climate simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model' ! ! by Sungsu Park and Christopher S. Bretherton. J. Climate. 2009. 22. 3449-3469 ! ! ! ! For questions on the scheme and code, send an email to ! ! Sungsu Park at sungsup@ucar.edu (tel: 303-497-1375) ! ! Chris Bretherton at breth@washington.edu ! ! ! ! Developed by Chris Bretherton at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. ! ! Sungsu Park at the CGD/NCAR, Boulder, CO. ! ! Last coded on May.2006, Dec.2009 by Sungsu Park. ! ! ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use diffusion_solver, only : vdiff_selector #ifndef WRF_PORT use cam_history, only : outfld, addfld, phys_decomp use cam_logfile, only : iulog use ppgrid, only : pver #else use module_cam_support, only: iulog, pver,outfld, addfld, phys_decomp #endif implicit none private save public init_eddy_diff public compute_eddy_diff type(vdiff_selector) :: fieldlist_wet ! Logical switches for moist mixing ratio diffusion type(vdiff_selector) :: fieldlist_dry ! Logical switches for dry mixing ratio diffusion integer, parameter :: r8 = selected_real_kind(12) ! 8 byte real ! --------------------------------- ! ! PBL Parameters used in the UW PBL ! ! --------------------------------- ! character, parameter :: sftype = 'l' ! Method for calculating saturation fraction character(len=4), parameter :: choice_evhc = 'maxi' ! 'orig', 'ramp', 'maxi' : recommended to be used with choice_radf character(len=6), parameter :: choice_radf = 'maxi' ! 'orig', 'ramp', 'maxi' : recommended to be used with choice_evhc character(len=6), parameter :: choice_SRCL = 'nonamb' ! 'origin', 'remove', 'nonamb' character(len=6), parameter :: choice_tunl = 'rampcl' ! 'origin', 'rampsl'(Sungsu), 'rampcl'(Chris) real(r8), parameter :: ctunl = 2._r8 ! Maximum asympt leng = ctunl*tunl when choice_tunl = 'rampsl(cl)' [ no unit ] character(len=6), parameter :: choice_leng = 'origin' ! 'origin', 'takemn' real(r8), parameter :: cleng = 3._r8 ! Order of 'leng' when choice_leng = 'origin' [ no unit ] character(len=6), parameter :: choice_tkes = 'ibprod' ! 'ibprod' (include tkes in computing bprod), 'ebprod'(exclude) ! Parameters for 'sedimenttaion-entrainment feedback' for liquid stratus ! If .false., no sedimentation entrainment feedback ( i.e., use default evhc ) logical, parameter :: id_sedfact = .false. real(r8), parameter :: ased = 9._r8 ! Valid only when id_sedfact = .true. ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Parameters governing entrainment efficiency A = a1l(i)*evhc, evhc = 1 + a2l * a3l * L * ql / jt2slv ! ! Here, 'ql' is cloud-top LWC and 'jt2slv' is the jump in 'slv' across ! ! the cloud-top entrainment zone ( across two grid layers to consider full mixture ) ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! real(r8), parameter :: a1l = 0.10_r8 ! Dry entrainment efficiency for TKE closure ! a1l = 0.2*tunl*erat^-1.5, where erat = /wstar^2 for dry CBL = 0.3. real(r8), parameter :: a1i = 0.2_r8 ! Dry entrainment efficiency for wstar closure real(r8), parameter :: ccrit = 0.5_r8 ! Minimum allowable sqrt(tke)/wstar. Used in solving cubic equation for 'ebrk' real(r8), parameter :: wstar3factcrit = 0.5_r8 ! 1/wstar3factcrit is the maximally allowed enhancement of 'wstar3' due to entrainment. real(r8), parameter :: a2l = 30._r8 ! Moist entrainment enhancement param (recommended range : 10~30 ) real(r8), parameter :: a3l = 0.8_r8 ! Approximation to a complicated thermodynamic parameters real(r8), parameter :: jbumin = .001_r8 ! Minimum buoyancy jump at an entrainment jump, [m/s2] real(r8), parameter :: evhcmax = 10._r8 ! Upper limit of evaporative enhancement factor real(r8), parameter :: ustar_min = 0.01_r8 ! Minimum permitted value of ustar [ m/s ] real(r8), parameter :: onet = 1._r8/3._r8 ! 1/3 power in wind gradient expression [ no unit ] #ifndef WRF_PORT !pver is not a parameter in cam_support module in WRF, therefore ncvmax cannot be equated to pver as parameter integer, parameter :: ncvmax = pver ! Max numbers of CLs (good to set to 'pver') #else integer :: ncvmax #endif real(r8), parameter :: qmin = 1.e-5_r8 ! Minimum grid-mean LWC counted as clouds [kg/kg] real(r8), parameter :: ntzero = 1.e-12_r8 ! Not zero (small positive number used in 's2') real(r8), parameter :: b1 = 5.8_r8 ! TKE dissipation D = e^3/(b1*leng), e = b1*W. real(r8) :: b123 ! b1**(2/3) real(r8), parameter :: tunl = 0.085_r8 ! Asympt leng = tunl*(turb lay depth) real(r8), parameter :: alph1 = 0.5562_r8 ! alph1~alph5 : Galperin instability function parameters real(r8), parameter :: alph2 = -4.3640_r8 ! These coefficients are used to calculate real(r8), parameter :: alph3 = -34.6764_r8 ! 'sh' and 'sm' from 'gh'. real(r8), parameter :: alph4 = -6.1272_r8 ! real(r8), parameter :: alph5 = 0.6986_r8 ! real(r8), parameter :: ricrit = 0.19_r8 ! Critical Richardson number for turbulence. Can be any value >= 0.19. real(r8), parameter :: ae = 1._r8 ! TKE transport efficiency [no unit] real(r8), parameter :: rinc = -0.04_r8 ! Minimum W/ used for CL merging test real(r8), parameter :: wpertmin = 1.e-6_r8 ! Minimum PBL eddy vertical velocity perturbation real(r8), parameter :: wfac = 1._r8 ! Ratio of 'wpert' to sqrt(tke) for CL. real(r8), parameter :: tfac = 1._r8 ! Ratio of 'tpert' to (w't')/wpert for CL. Same ratio also used for q real(r8), parameter :: fak = 8.5_r8 ! Constant in surface temperature excess for stable STL. [ no unit ] real(r8), parameter :: rcapmin = 0.1_r8 ! Minimum allowable e/ in a CL real(r8), parameter :: rcapmax = 2.0_r8 ! Maximum allowable e/ in a CL real(r8), parameter :: tkemax = 20._r8 ! TKE is capped at tkemax [m2/s2] real(r8), parameter :: lambda = 0.5_r8 ! Under-relaxation factor ( 0 < lambda =< 1 ) logical, parameter :: use_kvf = .false. ! .true. (.false.) : initialize kvh/kvm = kvf ( 0. ) logical, parameter :: use_dw_surf = .true. ! Used in 'zisocl'. Default is 'true' ! If 'true', surface interfacial energy does not contribute to the CL mean ! stbility functions after finishing merging. For this case, ! 'dl2n2_surf' is only used for a merging test based on 'l2n2' ! If 'false',surface interfacial enery explicitly contribute to CL mean ! stability functions after finishing merging. For this case, ! 'dl2n2_surf' and 'dl2s2_surf' are directly used for calculating ! surface interfacial layer energetics logical, parameter :: set_qrlzero = .false. ! .true. ( .false.) : turning-off ( on) radiative-turbulence interaction by setting qrl = 0. ! ------------------------------------- ! ! PBL Parameters not used in the UW PBL ! ! ------------------------------------- ! real(r8), parameter :: pblmaxp = 4.e4_r8 ! PBL max depth in pressure units. real(r8), parameter :: zkmin = 0.01_r8 ! Minimum kneutral*f(ri). real(r8), parameter :: betam = 15.0_r8 ! Constant in wind gradient expression. real(r8), parameter :: betas = 5.0_r8 ! Constant in surface layer gradient expression. real(r8), parameter :: betah = 15.0_r8 ! Constant in temperature gradient expression. real(r8), parameter :: fakn = 7.2_r8 ! Constant in turbulent prandtl number. real(r8), parameter :: ricr = 0.3_r8 ! Critical richardson number. real(r8), parameter :: sffrac = 0.1_r8 ! Surface layer fraction of boundary layer real(r8), parameter :: binm = betam*sffrac ! betam * sffrac real(r8), parameter :: binh = betah*sffrac ! betah * sffrac ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! ! PBL constants set using values from other parts of code ! ! ------------------------------------------------------- ! real(r8) :: cpair ! Specific heat of dry air real(r8) :: rair ! Gas const for dry air real(r8) :: zvir ! rh2o/rair - 1 real(r8) :: latvap ! Latent heat of vaporization real(r8) :: latice ! Latent heat of fusion real(r8) :: latsub ! Latent heat of sublimation real(r8) :: g ! Gravitational acceleration real(r8) :: vk ! Von Karman's constant real(r8) :: ccon ! fak * sffrac * vk integer :: ntop_turb ! Top interface level to which turbulent vertical diffusion is applied ( = 1 ) integer :: nbot_turb ! Bottom interface level to which turbulent vertical diff is applied ( = pver ) real(r8), allocatable :: ml2(:) ! Mixing lengths squared. Not used in the UW PBL. Used for computing free air diffusivity. CONTAINS !============================================================================ ! ! ! !============================================================================ ! subroutine init_eddy_diff( kind, pver, gravx, cpairx, rairx, zvirx, & latvapx, laticex, ntop_eddy, nbot_eddy, hypm, vkx ) !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: ! ! Initialize time independent constants/variables of PBL package. ! !---------------------------------------------------------------- ! use diffusion_solver, only: init_vdiff, vdiff_select #ifndef WRF_PORT use cam_history, only: outfld, addfld, phys_decomp #else use module_cam_support, only: outfld, addfld, phys_decomp #endif implicit none ! --------- ! ! Arguments ! ! --------- ! integer, intent(in) :: kind ! Kind of reals being passed in integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of vertical layers integer, intent(in) :: ntop_eddy ! Top interface level to which eddy vertical diffusivity is applied ( = 1 ) integer, intent(in) :: nbot_eddy ! Bottom interface level to which eddy vertical diffusivity is applied ( = pver ) real(r8), intent(in) :: gravx ! Acceleration of gravity real(r8), intent(in) :: cpairx ! Specific heat of dry air real(r8), intent(in) :: rairx ! Gas constant for dry air real(r8), intent(in) :: zvirx ! rh2o/rair - 1 real(r8), intent(in) :: latvapx ! Latent heat of vaporization real(r8), intent(in) :: laticex ! Latent heat of fusion real(r8), intent(in) :: hypm(pver) ! Reference pressures at midpoints real(r8), intent(in) :: vkx ! Von Karman's constant character(128) :: errstring ! Error status for init_vdiff integer :: k ! Vertical loop index #ifdef WRF_PORT !As pver is not parameter in the cam_support module in WRF, a value to ncvmax is given here ncvmax = pver ! Max numbers of CLs (good to set to 'pver') #endif if( kind .ne. r8 ) then write(iulog,*) 'wrong KIND of reals passed to init_diffusvity -- exiting.' #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif stop 'init_eddy_diff' endif ! --------------- ! ! Basic constants ! ! --------------- ! cpair = cpairx rair = rairx g = gravx zvir = zvirx latvap = latvapx latice = laticex latsub = latvap + latice vk = vkx ccon = fak*sffrac*vk ntop_turb = ntop_eddy nbot_turb = nbot_eddy b123 = b1**(2._r8/3._r8) ! Set the square of the mixing lengths. Only for CAM3 HB PBL scheme. ! Not used for UW moist PBL. Used for free air eddy diffusivity. #ifndef WRF_PORT ! ml2 is never used currently as use_kvf is set to false allocate(ml2(pver+1)) ml2(1:ntop_turb) = 0._r8 do k = ntop_turb + 1, nbot_turb ml2(k) = 30.0_r8**2 end do ml2(nbot_turb+1:pver+1) = 0._r8 #endif ! Initialize diffusion solver module call init_vdiff(r8, 1, rair, g, fieldlist_wet, fieldlist_dry, errstring) ! Select the fields which will be diffused if(vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'s').ne.'') write(iulog,*) 'error: ', vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'s') #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif if(vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'q',1).ne.'') write(iulog,*) 'error: ', vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'q',1) #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif if(vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'u').ne.'') write(iulog,*) 'error: ', vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'u') #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif if(vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'v').ne.'') write(iulog,*) 'error: ', vdiff_select(fieldlist_wet,'v') #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Writing outputs for detailed analysis of UW moist turbulence scheme ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! call addfld('UW_errorPBL', 'm2/s', 1, 'A', 'Error function of UW PBL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_n2', 's-2', pver, 'A', 'Buoyancy Frequency, LI', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_s2', 's-2', pver, 'A', 'Shear Frequency, LI', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ri', 'no', pver, 'A', 'Interface Richardson Number, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_sfuh', 'no', pver, 'A', 'Upper-Half Saturation Fraction, L', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_sflh', 'no', pver, 'A', 'Lower-Half Saturation Fraction, L', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_sfi', 'no', pver+1, 'A', 'Interface Saturation Fraction, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_cldn', 'no', pver, 'A', 'Cloud Fraction, L', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_qrl', 'g*W/m2', pver, 'A', 'LW cooling rate, L', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ql', 'kg/kg', pver, 'A', 'ql(LWC), L', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_chu', 'g*kg/J', pver+1, 'A', 'Buoyancy Coefficient, chu, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_chs', 'g*kg/J', pver+1, 'A', 'Buoyancy Coefficient, chs, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_cmu', 'g/kg/kg', pver+1, 'A', 'Buoyancy Coefficient, cmu, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_cms', 'g/kg/kg', pver+1, 'A', 'Buoyancy Coefficient, cms, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_tke', 'm2/s2', pver+1, 'A', 'TKE, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_wcap', 'm2/s2', pver+1, 'A', 'Wcap, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_bprod', 'm2/s3', pver+1, 'A', 'Buoyancy production, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_sprod', 'm2/s3', pver+1, 'A', 'Shear production, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_kvh', 'm2/s', pver+1, 'A', 'Eddy diffusivity of heat, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_kvm', 'm2/s', pver+1, 'A', 'Eddy diffusivity of uv, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_pblh', 'm', 1, 'A', 'PBLH, 1', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_pblhp', 'Pa', 1, 'A', 'PBLH pressure, 1', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_tpert', 'K', 1, 'A', 'Convective T excess, 1', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_qpert', 'kg/kg', 1, 'A', 'Convective qt excess, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_wpert', 'm/s', 1, 'A', 'Convective W excess, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ustar', 'm/s', 1, 'A', 'Surface Frictional Velocity, 1', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_tkes', 'm2/s2', 1, 'A', 'Surface TKE, 1', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_minpblh', 'm', 1, 'A', 'Minimum PBLH, 1', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_turbtype', 'no', pver+1, 'A', 'Interface Turbulence Type, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_kbase_o', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Initial CL Base Exterbal Interface Index, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ktop_o', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Initial Top Exterbal Interface Index, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ncvfin_o', '#', 1, 'A', 'Initial Total Number of CL regimes, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_kbase_mg', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'kbase after merging, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ktop_mg', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'ktop after merging, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ncvfin_mg', '#', 1, 'A', 'ncvfin after merging, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_kbase_f', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Final kbase with SRCL, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ktop_f', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Final ktop with SRCL, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ncvfin_f', '#', 1, 'A', 'Final ncvfin with SRCL, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_wet', 'm/s', ncvmax, 'A', 'Entrainment rate at CL top, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_web', 'm/s', ncvmax, 'A', 'Entrainment rate at CL base, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_jtbu', 'm/s2', ncvmax, 'A', 'Buoyancy jump across CL top, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_jbbu', 'm/s2', ncvmax, 'A', 'Buoyancy jump across CL base, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_evhc', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Evaporative enhancement factor, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_jt2slv', 'J/kg', ncvmax, 'A', 'slv jump for evhc, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_n2ht', 's-2', ncvmax, 'A', 'n2 at just below CL top interface, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_n2hb', 's-2', ncvmax, 'A', 'n2 at just above CL base interface', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_lwp', 'kg/m2', ncvmax, 'A', 'LWP in the CL top layer, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_optdepth', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Optical depth of the CL top layer, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_radfrac', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Fraction of radiative cooling confined in the CL top', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_radf', 'm2/s3', ncvmax, 'A', 'Buoyancy production at the CL top by radf, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_wstar', 'm/s', ncvmax, 'A', 'Convective velocity, Wstar, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_wstar3fact', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'Enhancement of wstar3 due to entrainment, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ebrk', 'm2/s2', ncvmax, 'A', 'CL-averaged TKE, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_wbrk', 'm2/s2', ncvmax, 'A', 'CL-averaged W, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_lbrk', 'm', ncvmax, 'A', 'CL internal thickness, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ricl', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'CL-averaged Ri, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ghcl', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'CL-averaged gh, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_shcl', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'CL-averaged sh, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_smcl', 'no', ncvmax, 'A', 'CL-averaged sm, CL', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_gh', 'no', pver+1, 'A', 'gh at all interfaces, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_sh', 'no', pver+1, 'A', 'sh at all interfaces, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_sm', 'no', pver+1, 'A', 'sm at all interfaces, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_ria', 'no', pver+1, 'A', 'ri at all interfaces, I', phys_decomp ) call addfld('UW_leng', 'm/s', pver+1, 'A', 'Turbulence length scale, I', phys_decomp ) return end subroutine init_eddy_diff !=============================================================================== ! ! ! !=============================================================================== ! subroutine compute_eddy_diff( lchnk , & pcols , pver , ncol , t , qv , ztodt , & ql , qi , s , rpdel , cldn , qrl , wsedl , & z , zi , pmid , pi , u , v , & taux , tauy , shflx , qflx , wstarent , nturb , & ustar , pblh , kvm_in , kvh_in , kvm_out , kvh_out , kvq , & cgh , cgs , tpert , qpert , wpert , tke , bprod , & sprod , sfi , qsat , kvinit , & tauresx, tauresy, ksrftms , & ipbl , kpblh , wstarPBL , turbtype, sm_aw ) !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Interface to compute eddy diffusivities. ! ! Eddy diffusivities are calculated in a fully implicit way ! ! through iteration process. ! ! Author: Sungsu Park. August. 2006. ! ! May. 2008. ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! use diffusion_solver, only: compute_vdiff #ifndef WRF_PORT use cam_history, only: outfld, addfld, phys_decomp ! use physics_types, only: physics_state use phys_debug_util, only: phys_debug_col use time_manager, only: is_first_step, get_nstep #else use module_cam_support, only: outfld, addfld, phys_decomp #endif implicit none ! type(physics_state) :: state ! Physics state variables ! --------------- ! ! Input Variables ! ! --------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: lchnk integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Number of atmospheric columns [ # ] integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of atmospheric layers [ # ] integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of atmospheric columns [ # ] integer, intent(in) :: nturb ! Number of iteration steps for calculating eddy diffusivity [ # ] logical, intent(in) :: wstarent ! .true. means use the 'wstar' entrainment closure. logical, intent(in) :: kvinit ! 'true' means time step = 1 : used for initializing kvh, kvm (uses kvf or zero) real(r8), intent(in) :: ztodt ! Physics integration time step 2 delta-t [ s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver) ! Temperature [K] real(r8), intent(in) :: qv(pcols,pver) ! Water vapor specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: ql(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qi(pcols,pver) ! Ice specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: s(pcols,pver) ! Dry static energy [ J/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: rpdel(pcols,pver) ! 1./pdel where 'pdel' is thickness of the layer [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: cldn(pcols,pver) ! Stratiform cloud fraction [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qrl(pcols,pver) ! LW cooling rate real(r8), intent(in) :: wsedl(pcols,pver) ! Sedimentation velocity of liquid stratus cloud droplet [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: z(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point height above surface [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface height above surface [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: pmid(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point pressure [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: pi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface pressure [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: u(pcols,pver) ! Zonal velocity [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: v(pcols,pver) ! Meridional velocity [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: taux(pcols) ! Zonal wind stress at surface [ N/m2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: tauy(pcols) ! Meridional wind stress at surface [ N/m2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: shflx(pcols) ! Sensible heat flux at surface [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qflx(pcols) ! Water vapor flux at surface [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(in) :: kvm_in(pcols,pver+1) ! kvm saved from last timestep [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: kvh_in(pcols,pver+1) ! kvh saved from last timestep [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: ksrftms(pcols) ! Surface drag coefficient of turbulent mountain stress [ unit ? ] ! ---------------- ! ! Output Variables ! ! ---------------- ! real(r8), intent(out) :: kvm_out(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for momentum [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: kvh_out(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for heat [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: kvq(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for constituents, moisture and tracers [ m2/s ] (note not having '_out') real(r8), intent(out) :: ustar(pcols) ! Surface friction velocity [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: pblh(pcols) ! PBL top height [ m ] real(r8), intent(out) :: cgh(pcols,pver+1) ! Counter-gradient term for heat [ J/kg/m ] real(r8), intent(out) :: cgs(pcols,pver+1) ! Counter-gradient star [ cg/flux ] real(r8), intent(out) :: tpert(pcols) ! Convective temperature excess [ K ] real(r8), intent(out) :: qpert(pcols) ! Convective humidity excess [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(out) :: wpert(pcols) ! Turbulent velocity excess [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: tke(pcols,pver+1) ! Turbulent kinetic energy [ m2/s2 ] real(r8), intent(out) :: bprod(pcols,pver+1) ! Buoyancy production [ m2/s3 ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sprod(pcols,pver+1) ! Shear production [ m2/s3 ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sfi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interfacial layer saturation fraction [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(out) :: turbtype(pcols,pver+1) ! Turbulence type identifier at all interfaces [ no unit ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sm_aw(pcols,pver+1) ! Normalized Galperin instability function for momentum [ no unit ] ! This is 1 when neutral condition (Ri=0), 4.964 for maximum unstable case, and 0 when Ri > Ricrit=0.19. real(r8), intent(out) :: ipbl(pcols) ! If 1, PBL is CL, while if 0, PBL is STL. real(r8), intent(out) :: kpblh(pcols) ! Layer index containing PBL top within or at the base interface real(r8), intent(out) :: wstarPBL(pcols) ! Convective velocity within PBL [ m/s ] ! ---------------------- ! ! Input-Output Variables ! ! ---------------------- ! real(r8), intent(inout) :: tauresx(pcols) ! Residual stress to be added in vdiff to correct for turb real(r8), intent(inout) :: tauresy(pcols) ! Stress mismatch between sfc and atm accumulated in prior timesteps ! --------------- ! ! Local Variables ! ! --------------- ! integer icol integer i, k, iturb, status integer, external :: qsat character(128) :: errstring ! Error status for compute_vdiff real(r8) :: tautotx(pcols) ! Total stress including tms real(r8) :: tautoty(pcols) ! Total stress including tms real(r8) :: kvf(pcols,pver+1) ! Free atmospheric eddy diffusivity [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: kvm(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for momentum [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: kvh(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for heat [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: kvm_preo(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for momentum [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: kvh_preo(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for heat [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: kvm_pre(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for momentum [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: kvh_pre(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for heat [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: errorPBL(pcols) ! Error function showing whether PBL produced convergent solution or not. [ unit ? ] real(r8) :: s2(pcols,pver) ! Shear squared, defined at interfaces except surface [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: n2(pcols,pver) ! Buoyancy frequency, defined at interfaces except surface [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: ri(pcols,pver) ! Richardson number, 'n2/s2', defined at interfaces except surface [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: pblhp(pcols) ! PBL top pressure [ Pa ] real(r8) :: minpblh(pcols) ! Minimum PBL height based on surface stress real(r8) :: qt(pcols,pver) ! Total specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8) :: sfuh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in upper half-layer [ fraction ] real(r8) :: sflh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in lower half-layer [ fraction ] real(r8) :: sl(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water static energy [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: slv(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water virtual static energy [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: slslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'sl' in each layer real(r8) :: qtslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'qt' in each layer real(r8) :: rrho(pcols) ! Density at the lowest layer real(r8) :: qvfd(pcols,pver) ! Specific humidity for diffusion [ kg/kg ] real(r8) :: tfd(pcols,pver) ! Temperature for diffusion [ K ] real(r8) :: slfd(pcols,pver) ! Liquid static energy [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: qtfd(pcols,pver) ! Total specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8) :: qlfd(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water specific humidity for diffusion [ kg/kg ] real(r8) :: ufd(pcols,pver) ! U-wind for diffusion [ m/s ] real(r8) :: vfd(pcols,pver) ! V-wind for diffusion [ m/s ] ! Buoyancy coefficients : w'b' = ch * w'sl' + cm * w'qt' real(r8) :: chu(pcols,pver+1) ! Heat buoyancy coef for dry states, defined at each interface, finally. real(r8) :: chs(pcols,pver+1) ! Heat buoyancy coef for sat states, defined at each interface, finally. real(r8) :: cmu(pcols,pver+1) ! Moisture buoyancy coef for dry states, defined at each interface, finally. real(r8) :: cms(pcols,pver+1) ! Moisture buoyancy coef for sat states, defined at each interface, finally. real(r8) :: jnk1d(pcols) real(r8) :: jnk2d(pcols,pver+1) real(r8) :: zero(pcols) real(r8) :: zero2d(pcols,pver+1) real(r8) :: es(1) ! Saturation vapor pressure real(r8) :: qs(1) ! Saturation specific humidity real(r8) :: gam(1) ! (L/cp)*dqs/dT real(r8) :: ep2, templ, temps ! ------------------------------- ! ! Variables for diagnostic output ! ! ------------------------------- ! real(r8) :: tkes(pcols) ! TKE at surface interface [ m2/s2 ] real(r8) :: kbase_o(pcols,ncvmax) ! Original external base interface index of CL from 'exacol' real(r8) :: ktop_o(pcols,ncvmax) ! Original external top interface index of CL from 'exacol' real(r8) :: ncvfin_o(pcols) ! Original number of CLs from 'exacol' real(r8) :: kbase_mg(pcols,ncvmax) ! 'kbase' after extending-merging from 'zisocl' real(r8) :: ktop_mg(pcols,ncvmax) ! 'ktop' after extending-merging from 'zisocl' real(r8) :: ncvfin_mg(pcols) ! 'ncvfin' after extending-merging from 'zisocl' real(r8) :: kbase_f(pcols,ncvmax) ! Final 'kbase' after extending-merging & including SRCL real(r8) :: ktop_f(pcols,ncvmax) ! Final 'ktop' after extending-merging & including SRCL real(r8) :: ncvfin_f(pcols) ! Final 'ncvfin' after extending-merging & including SRCL real(r8) :: wet(pcols,ncvmax) ! Entrainment rate at the CL top [ m/s ] real(r8) :: web(pcols,ncvmax) ! Entrainment rate at the CL base [ m/s ]. Set to zero if CL is based at surface. real(r8) :: jtbu(pcols,ncvmax) ! Buoyancy jump across the CL top [ m/s2 ] real(r8) :: jbbu(pcols,ncvmax) ! Buoyancy jump across the CL base [ m/s2 ] real(r8) :: evhc(pcols,ncvmax) ! Evaporative enhancement factor at the CL top real(r8) :: jt2slv(pcols,ncvmax) ! Jump of slv ( across two layers ) at CL top used only for evhc [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: n2ht(pcols,ncvmax) ! n2 defined at the CL top interface but using sfuh(kt) instead of sfi(kt) [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: n2hb(pcols,ncvmax) ! n2 defined at the CL base interface but using sflh(kb-1) instead of sfi(kb) [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: lwp(pcols,ncvmax) ! LWP in the CL top layer [ kg/m2 ] real(r8) :: opt_depth(pcols,ncvmax) ! Optical depth of the CL top layer real(r8) :: radinvfrac(pcols,ncvmax) ! Fraction of radiative cooling confined in the top portion of CL top layer real(r8) :: radf(pcols,ncvmax) ! Buoyancy production at the CL top due to LW radiative cooling [ m2/s3 ] real(r8) :: wstar(pcols,ncvmax) ! Convective velocity in each CL [ m/s ] real(r8) :: wstar3fact(pcols,ncvmax) ! Enhancement of 'wstar3' due to entrainment (inverse) [ no unit ] real(r8) :: ebrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Net mean TKE of CL including entrainment effect [ m2/s2 ] real(r8) :: wbrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Net mean normalized TKE (W) of CL, 'ebrk/b1' including entrainment effect [ m2/s2 ] real(r8) :: lbrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Energetic internal thickness of CL [m] real(r8) :: ricl(pcols,ncvmax) ! CL internal mean Richardson number real(r8) :: ghcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Half of normalized buoyancy production of CL real(r8) :: shcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Galperin instability function of heat-moisture of CL real(r8) :: smcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Galperin instability function of mementum of CL real(r8) :: ghi(pcols,pver+1) ! Half of normalized buoyancy production at all interfaces real(r8) :: shi(pcols,pver+1) ! Galperin instability function of heat-moisture at all interfaces real(r8) :: smi(pcols,pver+1) ! Galperin instability function of heat-moisture at all interfaces real(r8) :: rii(pcols,pver+1) ! Interfacial Richardson number defined at all interfaces real(r8) :: lengi(pcols,pver+1) ! Turbulence length scale at all interfaces [ m ] real(r8) :: wcap(pcols,pver+1) ! Normalized TKE at all interfaces [ m2/s2 ] ! ---------- ! ! Initialize ! ! ---------- ! zero(:) = 0._r8 zero2d(:,:) = 0._r8 ! ----------------------- ! ! Main Computation Begins ! ! ----------------------- ! ufd(:ncol,:) = u(:ncol,:) vfd(:ncol,:) = v(:ncol,:) tfd(:ncol,:) = t(:ncol,:) qvfd(:ncol,:) = qv(:ncol,:) qlfd(:ncol,:) = ql(:ncol,:) do iturb = 1, nturb ! Compute total stress by including 'tms'. ! Here, in computing 'tms', we can use either iteratively changed 'ufd,vfd' or the ! initially given 'u,v' to the PBL scheme. Note that normal stress, 'taux, tauy' ! are not changed by iteration. In order to treat 'tms' in a fully implicit way, ! I am using updated wind, here. tautotx(:ncol) = taux(:ncol) - ksrftms(:ncol) * ufd(:ncol,pver) tautoty(:ncol) = tauy(:ncol) - ksrftms(:ncol) * vfd(:ncol,pver) ! Calculate (qt,sl,n2,s2,ri) from a given set of (t,qv,ql,qi,u,v) call trbintd( & pcols , pver , ncol , z , ufd , vfd , tfd , pmid , & tautotx , tautoty , ustar , rrho , s2 , n2 , ri , zi , & pi , cldn , qtfd , qvfd , qlfd , qi , sfi , sfuh , & sflh , slfd , slv , slslope , qtslope , chs , chu , cms , & cmu , minpblh , qsat ) ! Save initial (i.e., before iterative diffusion) profile of (qt,sl) at each iteration. ! Only necessary for (qt,sl) not (u,v) because (qt,sl) are newly calculated variables. if( iturb .eq. 1 ) then qt(:ncol,:) = qtfd(:ncol,:) sl(:ncol,:) = slfd(:ncol,:) endif ! Get free atmosphere exchange coefficients. This 'kvf' is not used in UW moist PBL scheme #ifndef WRF_PORT call austausch_atm( pcols, pver, ncol, ri, s2, kvf ) #else if(use_kvf)call austausch_atm( pcols, pver, ncol, ri, s2, kvf ) #endif ! Initialize kvh/kvm to send to caleddy, depending on model timestep and iteration number ! This is necessary for 'wstar-based' entrainment closure. if( iturb .eq. 1 ) then if( kvinit ) then ! First iteration of first model timestep : Use free tropospheric value or zero. if( use_kvf ) then kvh(:ncol,:) = kvf(:ncol,:) kvm(:ncol,:) = kvf(:ncol,:) else kvh(:ncol,:) = 0._r8 kvm(:ncol,:) = 0._r8 endif else ! First iteration on any model timestep except the first : Use value from previous timestep kvh(:ncol,:) = kvh_in(:ncol,:) kvm(:ncol,:) = kvm_in(:ncol,:) endif else ! Not the first iteration : Use from previous iteration kvh(:ncol,:) = kvh_out(:ncol,:) kvm(:ncol,:) = kvm_out(:ncol,:) endif ! Calculate eddy diffusivity (kvh_out,kvm_out) and (tke,bprod,sprod) using ! a given (kvh,kvm) which are used only for initializing (bprod,sprod) at ! the first part of caleddy. (bprod,sprod) are fully updated at the end of ! caleddy after calculating (kvh_out,kvm_out) call caleddy( pcols , pver , ncol , & slfd , qtfd , qlfd , slv ,ufd , & vfd , pi , z , zi , & qflx , shflx , slslope , qtslope , & chu , chs , cmu , cms ,sfuh , & sflh , n2 , s2 , ri ,rrho , & pblh , ustar , & kvh , kvm , kvh_out , kvm_out , & tpert , qpert , qrl , kvf , tke , & wstarent , bprod , sprod , minpblh , wpert , & tkes , turbtype , sm_aw , & kbase_o , ktop_o , ncvfin_o , & kbase_mg , ktop_mg , ncvfin_mg , & kbase_f , ktop_f , ncvfin_f , & wet , web , jtbu , jbbu , & evhc , jt2slv , n2ht , n2hb , & lwp , opt_depth , radinvfrac, radf , & wstar , wstar3fact, & ebrk , wbrk , lbrk , ricl , ghcl , & shcl , smcl , ghi , shi , smi , & rii , lengi , wcap , pblhp , cldn , & ipbl , kpblh , wsedl ) ! Calculate errorPBL to check whether PBL produced convergent solutions or not. if( iturb .eq. nturb ) then do i = 1, ncol errorPBL(i) = 0._r8 do k = 1, pver errorPBL(i) = errorPBL(i) + ( kvh(i,k) - kvh_out(i,k) )**2 end do errorPBL(i) = sqrt(errorPBL(i)/pver) end do end if ! Eddy diffusivities which will be used for the initialization of (bprod, ! sprod) in 'caleddy' at the next iteration step. if( iturb .gt. 1 .and. iturb .lt. nturb ) then kvm_out(:ncol,:) = lambda * kvm_out(:ncol,:) + ( 1._r8 - lambda ) * kvm(:ncol,:) kvh_out(:ncol,:) = lambda * kvh_out(:ncol,:) + ( 1._r8 - lambda ) * kvh(:ncol,:) endif ! Set nonlocal terms to zero for flux diagnostics, since not used by caleddy. cgh(:ncol,:) = 0._r8 cgs(:ncol,:) = 0._r8 if( iturb .lt. nturb ) then ! Each time we diffuse the original state slfd(:ncol,:) = sl(:ncol,:) qtfd(:ncol,:) = qt(:ncol,:) ufd(:ncol,:) = u(:ncol,:) vfd(:ncol,:) = v(:ncol,:) ! Diffuse initial profile of each time step using a given (kvh_out,kvm_out) ! In the below 'compute_vdiff', (slfd,qtfd,ufd,vfd) are 'inout' variables. call compute_vdiff( lchnk , & pcols , pver , 1 , ncol , pmid , & pi , rpdel , t , ztodt , taux , & tauy , shflx , qflx , ntop_turb , nbot_turb , & kvh_out , kvm_out , kvh_out , cgs , cgh , & zi , ksrftms , zero , fieldlist_wet, & ufd , vfd , qtfd , slfd , & jnk1d , jnk1d , jnk2d , jnk1d , errstring , & tauresx , tauresy , 0 , .false. ) ! Retrieve (tfd,qvfd,qlfd) from (slfd,qtfd) in order to ! use 'trbintd' at the next iteration. do k = 1, pver do i = 1, ncol ! ----------------------------------------------------- ! ! Compute the condensate 'qlfd' in the updated profiles ! ! ----------------------------------------------------- ! ! Option.1 : Assume grid-mean condensate is homogeneously diffused by the moist turbulence scheme. ! This should bs used if 'pseudodiff = .false.' in vertical_diffusion.F90. ! Modification : Need to be check whether below is correct in the presence of ice, qi. ! I should understand why the variation of ice, qi is neglected during diffusion. templ = ( slfd(i,k) - g*z(i,k) ) / cpair status = qsat( templ, pmid(i,k), es(1), qs(1), gam(1), 1 ) ep2 = .622_r8 temps = templ + ( qtfd(i,k) - qs(1) ) / ( cpair / latvap + latvap * qs(1) / ( rair * templ**2 ) ) status = qsat( temps, pmid(i,k), es(1), qs(1), gam(1), 1 ) qlfd(i,k) = max( qtfd(i,k) - qi(i,k) - qs(1) ,0._r8 ) ! Option.2 : Assume condensate is not diffused by the moist turbulence scheme. ! This should bs used if 'pseudodiff = .true.' in vertical_diffusion.F90. ! qlfd(i,k) = ql(i,k) ! ----------------------------- ! ! Compute the other 'qvfd, tfd' ! ! ----------------------------- ! qvfd(i,k) = max( 0._r8, qtfd(i,k) - qi(i,k) - qlfd(i,k) ) tfd(i,k) = ( slfd(i,k) + latvap * qlfd(i,k) + latsub * qi(i,k) - g*z(i,k)) / cpair end do end do endif ! Debug ! icol = phys_debug_col(lchnk) ! if( icol > 0 .and. get_nstep() .ge. 1 ) then ! write(iulog,*) ' ' ! write(iulog,*) 'eddy_diff debug at the end of iteration' ! write(iulog,*) 't, qv, ql, cld, u, v' ! do k = pver-3, pver ! write (iulog,*) k, tfd(icol,k), qvfd(icol,k), qlfd(icol,k), cldn(icol,k), ufd(icol,k), vfd(icol,k) ! end do ! endif ! Debug end do ! End of 'iturb' iteration kvq(:ncol,:) = kvh_out(:ncol,:) ! Compute 'wstar' within the PBL for use in the future convection scheme. do i = 1, ncol if( ipbl(i) .eq. 1._r8 ) then wstarPBL(i) = max( 0._r8, wstar(i,1) ) else wstarPBL(i) = 0._r8 endif end do ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Writing for detailed diagnostic analysis of UW moist PBL scheme ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! call outfld( 'UW_errorPBL', errorPBL, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_n2', n2, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_s2', s2, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ri', ri, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_sfuh', sfuh, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_sflh', sflh, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_sfi', sfi, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_cldn', cldn, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_qrl', qrl, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ql', qlfd, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_chu', chu, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_chs', chs, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_cmu', cmu, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_cms', cms, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_tke', tke, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_wcap', wcap, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_bprod', bprod, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_sprod', sprod, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_kvh', kvh_out, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_kvm', kvm_out, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_pblh', pblh, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_pblhp', pblhp, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_tpert', tpert, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_qpert', qpert, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_wpert', wpert, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ustar', ustar, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_tkes', tkes, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_minpblh', minpblh, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_turbtype', turbtype, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_kbase_o', kbase_o, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ktop_o', ktop_o, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ncvfin_o', ncvfin_o, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_kbase_mg', kbase_mg, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ktop_mg', ktop_mg, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ncvfin_mg', ncvfin_mg, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_kbase_f', kbase_f, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ktop_f', ktop_f, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ncvfin_f', ncvfin_f, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_wet', wet, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_web', web, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_jtbu', jtbu, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_jbbu', jbbu, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_evhc', evhc, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_jt2slv', jt2slv, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_n2ht', n2ht, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_n2hb', n2hb, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_lwp', lwp, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_optdepth', opt_depth, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_radfrac', radinvfrac, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_radf', radf, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_wstar', wstar, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_wstar3fact', wstar3fact, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ebrk', ebrk, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_wbrk', wbrk, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_lbrk', lbrk, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ricl', ricl, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ghcl', ghcl, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_shcl', shcl, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_smcl', smcl, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_gh', ghi, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_sh', shi, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_sm', smi, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_ria', rii, pcols, lchnk ) call outfld( 'UW_leng', lengi, pcols, lchnk ) return end subroutine compute_eddy_diff !=============================================================================== ! ! ! !=============================================================================== ! subroutine sfdiag( pcols , pver , ncol , qt , ql , sl , & pi , pm , zi , cld , sfi , sfuh , & sflh , slslope , qtslope , qsat ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! Purpose: Interface for calculating saturation fractions at upper and ! ! lower-half layers, & interfaces for use by turbulence scheme ! ! ! ! Method : Various but 'l' should be chosen for consistency. ! ! ! ! Author : B. Stevens and C. Bretherton (August 2000) ! ! Sungsu Park. August 2006. ! ! May. 2008. ! ! ! ! S.Park : The computed saturation fractions are repeatedly ! ! used to compute buoyancy coefficients in'trbintd' & 'caleddy'.! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! --------------- ! ! Input arguments ! ! --------------- ! integer, external :: qsat integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Number of atmospheric columns integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of atmospheric columns real(r8), intent(in) :: sl(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water static energy [ J/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qt(pcols,pver) ! Total water specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: ql(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: pi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface pressures [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: pm(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point pressures [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface heights [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: cld(pcols,pver) ! Stratiform cloud fraction [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(in) :: slslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'sl' in each layer real(r8), intent(in) :: qtslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'qt' in each layer ! ---------------- ! ! Output arguments ! ! ---------------- ! real(r8), intent(out) :: sfi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interfacial layer saturation fraction [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sfuh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in upper half-layer [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sflh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in lower half-layer [ fraction ] ! --------------- ! ! Local Variables ! ! --------------- ! integer :: i ! Longitude index integer :: k ! Vertical index integer :: km1 ! k-1 integer :: status ! Status returned by function calls real(r8) :: sltop, slbot ! sl at top/bot of grid layer real(r8) :: qttop, qtbot ! qt at top/bot of grid layer real(r8) :: tltop(1), tlbot(1) ! Liquid water temperature at top/bot of grid layer real(r8) :: qxtop, qxbot ! Sat excess at top/bot of grid layer real(r8) :: qxm ! Sat excess at midpoint real(r8) :: es(1) ! Saturation vapor pressure real(r8) :: qs(1) ! Saturation spec. humidity real(r8) :: gam(1) ! (L/cp)*dqs/dT real(r8) :: cldeff(pcols,pver) ! Effective Cloud Fraction [ fraction ] ! ----------------------- ! ! Main Computation Begins ! ! ----------------------- ! sfi(1:ncol,:) = 0._r8 sfuh(1:ncol,:) = 0._r8 sflh(1:ncol,:) = 0._r8 cldeff(1:ncol,:) = 0._r8 select case (sftype) case ('d') ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Simply use the given stratus fraction ('horizontal' cloud partitioning) ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! do k = ntop_turb + 1, nbot_turb km1 = k - 1 do i = 1, ncol sfuh(i,k) = cld(i,k) sflh(i,k) = cld(i,k) sfi(i,k) = 0.5_r8 * ( sflh(i,km1) + min( sflh(i,km1), sfuh(i,k) ) ) end do end do do i = 1, ncol sfi(i,pver+1) = sflh(i,pver) end do case ('l') ! ------------------------------------------ ! ! Use modified stratus fraction partitioning ! ! ------------------------------------------ ! do k = ntop_turb + 1, nbot_turb km1 = k - 1 do i = 1, ncol cldeff(i,k) = cld(i,k) sfuh(i,k) = cld(i,k) sflh(i,k) = cld(i,k) if( ql(i,k) .lt. qmin ) then sfuh(i,k) = 0._r8 sflh(i,k) = 0._r8 end if ! Modification : The contribution of ice should be carefully considered. if( choice_evhc .eq. 'ramp' .or. choice_radf .eq. 'ramp' ) then cldeff(i,k) = cld(i,k) * min( ql(i,k) / qmin, 1._r8 ) sfuh(i,k) = cldeff(i,k) sflh(i,k) = cldeff(i,k) elseif( choice_evhc .eq. 'maxi' .or. choice_radf .eq. 'maxi' ) then cldeff(i,k) = cld(i,k) sfuh(i,k) = cldeff(i,k) sflh(i,k) = cldeff(i,k) endif ! At the stratus top, take the minimum interfacial saturation fraction sfi(i,k) = 0.5_r8 * ( sflh(i,km1) + min( sfuh(i,k), sflh(i,km1) ) ) ! Modification : Currently sfi at the top and surface interfaces are set to be zero. ! Also, sfuh and sflh in the top model layer is set to be zero. ! However, I may need to set ! do i = 1, ncol ! sfi(i,pver+1) = sflh(i,pver) ! end do ! for treating surface-based fog. ! OK. I added below block similar to the other cases. end do end do do i = 1, ncol sfi(i,pver+1) = sflh(i,pver) end do case ('u') ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Use unsaturated buoyancy - since sfi, sfuh, sflh have already been zeroed ! ! nothing more need be done for this case. ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! case ('z') ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate saturation fraction based on whether the air just above or just ! ! below the interface is saturated, i.e. with vertical cloud partitioning. ! ! The saturation fraction of the interfacial layer between mid-points k and ! ! k+1 is computed by averaging the saturation fraction of the half-layers ! ! above and below the interface, with a special provision for cloud tops ! ! (more cloud in the half-layer below than in the half-layer above).In each ! ! half-layer, vertical partitioning of cloud based on the slopes diagnosed ! ! above is used. Loop down through the layers, computing the saturation ! ! fraction in each half-layer (sfuh for upper half, sflh for lower half). ! ! Once sfuh(i,k) is computed, use with sflh(i,k-1) to determine saturation ! ! fraction sfi(i,k) for interfacial layer k-0.5. ! ! This is 'not' chosen for full consistent treatment of stratus fraction in ! ! all physics schemes. ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! do k = ntop_turb + 1, nbot_turb km1 = k - 1 do i = 1, ncol ! Compute saturation excess at the mid-point of layer k sltop = sl(i,k) + slslope(i,k) * ( pi(i,k) - pm(i,k) ) qttop = qt(i,k) + qtslope(i,k) * ( pi(i,k) - pm(i,k) ) tltop(1) = ( sltop - g * zi(i,k) ) / cpair status = qsat( tltop(1), pi(i,k), es(1), qs(1), gam(1), 1 ) qxtop = qttop - qs(1) slbot = sl(i,k) + slslope(i,k) * ( pi(i,k+1) - pm(i,k) ) qtbot = qt(i,k) + qtslope(i,k) * ( pi(i,k+1) - pm(i,k) ) tlbot(1) = ( slbot - g * zi(i,k+1) ) / cpair status = qsat( tlbot(1), pi(i,k+1), es(1), qs(1), gam(1), 1 ) qxbot = qtbot - qs(1) qxm = qxtop + ( qxbot - qxtop ) * ( pm(i,k) - pi(i,k) ) / ( pi(i,k+1) - pi(i,k) ) ! Find the saturation fraction sfuh(i,k) of the upper half of layer k. if( ( qxtop .lt. 0._r8 ) .and. ( qxm .lt. 0._r8 ) ) then sfuh(i,k) = 0._r8 else if( ( qxtop .gt. 0._r8 ) .and. ( qxm .gt. 0._r8 ) ) then sfuh(i,k) = 1._r8 else ! Either qxm < 0 and qxtop > 0 or vice versa sfuh(i,k) = max( qxtop, qxm ) / abs( qxtop - qxm ) end if ! Combine with sflh(i) (still for layer k-1) to get interfac layer saturation fraction sfi(i,k) = 0.5_r8 * ( sflh(i,k-1) + min( sflh(i,k-1), sfuh(i,k) ) ) ! Update sflh to be for the lower half of layer k. if( ( qxbot .lt. 0._r8 ) .and. ( qxm .lt. 0._r8 ) ) then sflh(i,k) = 0._r8 else if( ( qxbot .gt. 0._r8 ) .and. ( qxm .gt. 0._r8 ) ) then sflh(i,k) = 1._r8 else ! Either qxm < 0 and qxbot > 0 or vice versa sflh(i,k) = max( qxbot, qxm ) / abs( qxbot - qxm ) end if end do ! i end do ! k do i = 1, ncol sfi(i,pver+1) = sflh(i,pver) ! Saturation fraction in the lowest half-layer. end do end select return end subroutine sfdiag !=============================================================================== ! ! ! !=============================================================================== ! subroutine trbintd( pcols , pver , ncol , & z , u , v , & t , pmid , taux , & tauy , ustar , rrho , & s2 , n2 , ri , & zi , pi , cld , & qt , qv , ql , qi , sfi , sfuh , & sflh , sl , slv , slslope , qtslope , & chs , chu , cms , cmu , minpblh , qsat ) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Purpose: Calculate buoyancy coefficients at all interfaces including ! ! surface. Also, computes the profiles of ( sl,qt,n2,s2,ri ). ! ! Note that (n2,s2,ri) are defined at each interfaces except ! ! surface. ! ! ! ! Author: B. Stevens ( Extracted from pbldiff, August, 2000 ) ! ! Sungsu Park ( August 2006, May. 2008 ) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! --------------- ! ! Input arguments ! ! --------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Number of atmospheric columns integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of atmospheric columns real(r8), intent(in) :: z(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point height above surface [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: u(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point u [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: v(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point v [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: t(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point temperature [ K ] real(r8), intent(in) :: pmid(pcols,pver) ! Layer mid-point pressure [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: taux(pcols) ! Surface u stress [ N/m2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: tauy(pcols) ! Surface v stress [ N/m2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface height [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: pi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface pressure [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: cld(pcols,pver) ! Stratus fraction real(r8), intent(in) :: qv(pcols,pver) ! Water vapor specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: ql(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qi(pcols,pver) ! Ice water specific humidity [ kg/kg ] integer, external :: qsat ! ---------------- ! ! Output arguments ! ! ---------------- ! real(r8), intent(out) :: ustar(pcols) ! Surface friction velocity [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: s2(pcols,pver) ! Interfacial ( except surface ) shear squared [ s-2 ] real(r8), intent(out) :: n2(pcols,pver) ! Interfacial ( except surface ) buoyancy frequency [ s-2 ] real(r8), intent(out) :: ri(pcols,pver) ! Interfacial ( except surface ) Richardson number, 'n2/s2' real(r8), intent(out) :: qt(pcols,pver) ! Total specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sfi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interfacial layer saturation fraction [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sfuh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in upper half-layer [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sflh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in lower half-layer [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(out) :: sl(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water static energy [ J/kg ] real(r8), intent(out) :: slv(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water virtual static energy [ J/kg ] real(r8), intent(out) :: chu(pcols,pver+1) ! Heat buoyancy coef for dry states at all interfaces, finally. [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(out) :: chs(pcols,pver+1) ! heat buoyancy coef for sat states at all interfaces, finally. [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(out) :: cmu(pcols,pver+1) ! Moisture buoyancy coef for dry states at all interfaces, finally. [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(out) :: cms(pcols,pver+1) ! Moisture buoyancy coef for sat states at all interfaces, finally. [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(out) :: slslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'sl' in each layer real(r8), intent(out) :: qtslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'qt' in each layer real(r8), intent(out) :: rrho(pcols) ! 1./bottom level density [ m3/kg ] real(r8), intent(out) :: minpblh(pcols) ! Minimum PBL height based on surface stress [ m ] ! --------------- ! ! Local Variables ! ! --------------- ! integer :: i ! Longitude index integer :: k, km1 ! Level index integer :: status ! Status returned by function calls real(r8) :: qs(pcols,pver) ! Saturation specific humidity real(r8) :: es(pcols,pver) ! Saturation vapor pressure real(r8) :: gam(pcols,pver) ! (l/cp)*(d(qs)/dT) real(r8) :: rdz ! 1 / (delta z) between midpoints real(r8) :: dsldz ! 'delta sl / delta z' at interface real(r8) :: dqtdz ! 'delta qt / delta z' at interface real(r8) :: ch ! 'sfi' weighted ch at the interface real(r8) :: cm ! 'sfi' weighted cm at the interface real(r8) :: bfact ! Buoyancy factor in n2 calculations real(r8) :: product ! Intermediate vars used to find slopes real(r8) :: dsldp_a, dqtdp_a ! Slopes across interface above real(r8) :: dsldp_b(pcols), dqtdp_b(pcols) ! Slopes across interface below ! ----------------------- ! ! Main Computation Begins ! ! ----------------------- ! ! Compute ustar, and kinematic surface fluxes from surface energy fluxes do i = 1, ncol rrho(i) = rair * t(i,pver) / pmid(i,pver) ustar(i) = max( sqrt( sqrt( taux(i)**2 + tauy(i)**2 ) * rrho(i) ), ustar_min ) minpblh(i) = 100.0_r8 * ustar(i) ! By construction, 'minpblh' is larger than 1 [m] when 'ustar_min = 0.01'. end do ! Calculate conservative scalars (qt,sl,slv) and buoyancy coefficients at the layer mid-points. ! Note that 'ntop_turb = 1', 'nbot_turb = pver' do k = ntop_turb, nbot_turb status = qsat( t(1,k), pmid(1,k), es(1,k), qs(1,k), gam(1,k), ncol ) do i = 1, ncol qt(i,k) = qv(i,k) + ql(i,k) + qi(i,k) sl(i,k) = cpair * t(i,k) + g * z(i,k) - latvap * ql(i,k) - latsub * qi(i,k) slv(i,k) = sl(i,k) * ( 1._r8 + zvir * qt(i,k) ) ! Thermodynamic coefficients for buoyancy flux - in this loop these are ! calculated at mid-points; later, they will be averaged to interfaces, ! where they will ultimately be used. At the surface, the coefficients ! are taken from the lowest mid point. bfact = g / ( t(i,k) * ( 1._r8 + zvir * qv(i,k) - ql(i,k) - qi(i,k) ) ) chu(i,k) = ( 1._r8 + zvir * qt(i,k) ) * bfact / cpair chs(i,k) = ( ( 1._r8 + ( 1._r8 + zvir ) * gam(i,k) * cpair * t(i,k) / latvap ) / ( 1._r8 + gam(i,k) ) ) * bfact / cpair cmu(i,k) = zvir * bfact * t(i,k) cms(i,k) = latvap * chs(i,k) - bfact * t(i,k) end do end do do i = 1, ncol chu(i,pver+1) = chu(i,pver) chs(i,pver+1) = chs(i,pver) cmu(i,pver+1) = cmu(i,pver) cms(i,pver+1) = cms(i,pver) end do ! Compute slopes of conserved variables sl, qt within each layer k. ! 'a' indicates the 'above' gradient from layer k-1 to layer k and ! 'b' indicates the 'below' gradient from layer k to layer k+1. ! We take a smaller (in absolute value) of these gradients as the ! slope within layer k. If they have opposite signs, gradient in ! layer k is taken to be zero. I should re-consider whether this ! profile reconstruction is the best or not. ! This is similar to the profile reconstruction used in the UWShCu. do i = 1, ncol ! Slopes at endpoints determined by extrapolation slslope(i,pver) = ( sl(i,pver) - sl(i,pver-1) ) / ( pmid(i,pver) - pmid(i,pver-1) ) qtslope(i,pver) = ( qt(i,pver) - qt(i,pver-1) ) / ( pmid(i,pver) - pmid(i,pver-1) ) slslope(i,1) = ( sl(i,2) - sl(i,1) ) / ( pmid(i,2) - pmid(i,1) ) qtslope(i,1) = ( qt(i,2) - qt(i,1) ) / ( pmid(i,2) - pmid(i,1) ) dsldp_b(i) = slslope(i,1) dqtdp_b(i) = qtslope(i,1) end do do k = 2, pver - 1 do i = 1, ncol dsldp_a = dsldp_b(i) dqtdp_a = dqtdp_b(i) dsldp_b(i) = ( sl(i,k+1) - sl(i,k) ) / ( pmid(i,k+1) - pmid(i,k) ) dqtdp_b(i) = ( qt(i,k+1) - qt(i,k) ) / ( pmid(i,k+1) - pmid(i,k) ) product = dsldp_a * dsldp_b(i) if( product .le. 0._r8 ) then slslope(i,k) = 0._r8 else if( product .gt. 0._r8 .and. dsldp_a .lt. 0._r8 ) then slslope(i,k) = max( dsldp_a, dsldp_b(i) ) else if( product .gt. 0._r8 .and. dsldp_a .gt. 0._r8 ) then slslope(i,k) = min( dsldp_a, dsldp_b(i) ) end if product = dqtdp_a*dqtdp_b(i) if( product .le. 0._r8 ) then qtslope(i,k) = 0._r8 else if( product .gt. 0._r8 .and. dqtdp_a .lt. 0._r8 ) then qtslope(i,k) = max( dqtdp_a, dqtdp_b(i) ) else if( product .gt. 0._r8 .and. dqtdp_a .gt. 0._r8 ) then qtslope(i,k) = min( dqtdp_a, dqtdp_b(i) ) end if end do ! i end do ! k ! Compute saturation fraction at the interfacial layers for use in buoyancy ! flux computation. call sfdiag( pcols , pver , ncol , qt , ql , sl , & pi , pmid , zi , cld , sfi , sfuh , & sflh , slslope , qtslope , qsat ) ! Calculate buoyancy coefficients at all interfaces (1:pver+1) and (n2,s2,ri) ! at all interfaces except surface. Note 'nbot_turb = pver', 'ntop_turb = 1'. ! With the previous definition of buoyancy coefficients at the surface, the ! resulting buoyancy coefficients at the top and surface interfaces becomes ! identical to the buoyancy coefficients at the top and bottom layers. Note ! that even though the dimension of (s2,n2,ri) is 'pver', they are defined ! at interfaces ( not at the layer mid-points ) except the surface. do k = nbot_turb, ntop_turb + 1, -1 km1 = k - 1 do i = 1, ncol rdz = 1._r8 / ( z(i,km1) - z(i,k) ) dsldz = ( sl(i,km1) - sl(i,k) ) * rdz dqtdz = ( qt(i,km1) - qt(i,k) ) * rdz chu(i,k) = ( chu(i,km1) + chu(i,k) ) * 0.5_r8 chs(i,k) = ( chs(i,km1) + chs(i,k) ) * 0.5_r8 cmu(i,k) = ( cmu(i,km1) + cmu(i,k) ) * 0.5_r8 cms(i,k) = ( cms(i,km1) + cms(i,k) ) * 0.5_r8 ch = chu(i,k) * ( 1._r8 - sfi(i,k) ) + chs(i,k) * sfi(i,k) cm = cmu(i,k) * ( 1._r8 - sfi(i,k) ) + cms(i,k) * sfi(i,k) n2(i,k) = ch * dsldz + cm * dqtdz s2(i,k) = ( ( u(i,km1) - u(i,k) )**2 + ( v(i,km1) - v(i,k) )**2) * rdz**2 s2(i,k) = max( ntzero, s2(i,k) ) ri(i,k) = n2(i,k) / s2(i,k) end do end do do i = 1, ncol n2(i,1) = n2(i,2) s2(i,1) = s2(i,2) ri(i,1) = ri(i,2) end do return end subroutine trbintd !=============================================================================== ! ! ! !=============================================================================== ! subroutine austausch_atm( pcols, pver, ncol, ri, s2, kvf ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! Purpose: Computes exchange coefficients for free turbulent flows. ! ! This is not used in the UW moist turbulence scheme. ! ! ! ! Method: ! ! ! ! The free atmosphere diffusivities are based on standard mixing length ! ! forms for the neutral diffusivity multiplied by functns of Richardson ! ! number. K = l^2 * |dV/dz| * f(Ri). The same functions are used for ! ! momentum, potential temperature, and constitutents. ! ! ! ! The stable Richardson num function (Ri>0) is taken from Holtslag and ! ! Beljaars (1989), ECMWF proceedings. f = 1 / (1 + 10*Ri*(1 + 8*Ri)) ! ! The unstable Richardson number function (Ri<0) is taken from CCM1. ! ! f = sqrt(1 - 18*Ri) ! ! ! ! Author: B. Stevens (rewrite, August 2000) ! ! ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! --------------- ! ! Input arguments ! ! --------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Number of atmospheric columns integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of atmospheric columns real(r8), intent(in) :: s2(pcols,pver) ! Shear squared real(r8), intent(in) :: ri(pcols,pver) ! Richardson no ! ---------------- ! ! Output arguments ! ! ---------------- ! real(r8), intent(out) :: kvf(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for heat and tracers ! --------------- ! ! Local Variables ! ! --------------- ! real(r8) :: fofri ! f(ri) real(r8) :: kvn ! Neutral Kv integer :: i ! Longitude index integer :: k ! Vertical index ! ----------------------- ! ! Main Computation Begins ! ! ----------------------- ! kvf(:ncol,:) = 0.0_r8 kvf(:ncol,pver+1) = 0.0_r8 kvf(:ncol,1:ntop_turb) = 0.0_r8 ! Compute the free atmosphere vertical diffusion coefficients: kvh = kvq = kvm. do k = ntop_turb + 1, nbot_turb do i = 1, ncol if( ri(i,k) < 0.0_r8 ) then fofri = sqrt( max( 1._r8 - 18._r8 * ri(i,k), 0._r8 ) ) else fofri = 1.0_r8 / ( 1.0_r8 + 10.0_r8 * ri(i,k) * ( 1.0_r8 + 8.0_r8 * ri(i,k) ) ) end if kvn = ml2(k) * sqrt(s2(i,k)) kvf(i,k) = max( zkmin, kvn * fofri ) end do end do return end subroutine austausch_atm ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! The University of Washington Moist Turbulence Scheme ! ! ! ! Authors : Chris Bretherton at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA ! ! Sungsu Park at the CGD/NCAR, Boulder, CO ! ! ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine caleddy( pcols , pver , ncol , & sl , qt , ql , slv , u , & v , pi , z , zi , & qflx , shflx , slslope , qtslope , & chu , chs , cmu , cms , sfuh , & sflh , n2 , s2 , ri , rrho , & pblh , ustar , & kvh_in , kvm_in , kvh , kvm , & tpert , qpert , qrlin , kvf , tke , & wstarent , bprod , sprod , minpblh , wpert , & tkes , turbtype_f , sm_aw , & kbase_o , ktop_o , ncvfin_o , & kbase_mg , ktop_mg , ncvfin_mg , & kbase_f , ktop_f , ncvfin_f , & wet_CL , web_CL , jtbu_CL , jbbu_CL , & evhc_CL , jt2slv_CL , n2ht_CL , n2hb_CL , lwp_CL , & opt_depth_CL , radinvfrac_CL, radf_CL , wstar_CL , wstar3fact_CL, & ebrk , wbrk , lbrk , ricl , ghcl , & shcl , smcl , & gh_a , sh_a , sm_a , ri_a , leng , & wcap , pblhp , cld , ipbl , kpblh , & wsedl ) !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ! ! Purpose : This is a driver routine to compute eddy diffusion coefficients ! ! for heat (sl), momentum (u, v), moisture (qt), and other trace ! ! constituents. This scheme uses first order closure for stable ! ! turbulent layers (STL). For convective layers (CL), entrainment ! ! closure is used at the CL external interfaces, which is coupled ! ! to the diagnosis of a CL regime mean TKE from the instantaneous ! ! thermodynamic and velocity profiles. The CLs are diagnosed by ! ! extending original CL layers of moist static instability into ! ! adjacent weakly stably stratified interfaces, stopping if the ! ! stability is too strong. This allows a realistic depiction of ! ! dry convective boundary layers with a downgradient approach. ! ! ! ! NOTE: This routine currently assumes ntop_turb = 1, nbot_turb = pver ! ! ( turbulent diffusivities computed at all interior interfaces ) ! ! and will require modification to handle a different ntop_turb. ! ! ! ! Authors: Sungsu Park and Chris Bretherton. 08/2006, 05/2008. ! ! ! ! For details, see ! ! ! ! 1. 'A new moist turbulence parametrization in the Community Atmosphere Model' ! ! by Christopher S. Bretherton & Sungsu Park. J. Climate. 22. 3422-3448. 2009. ! ! ! ! 2. 'The University of Washington shallow convection and moist turbulence schemes ! ! and their impact on climate simulations with the Community Atmosphere Model' ! ! by Sungsu Park & Christopher S. Bretherton. J. Climate. 22. 3449-3469. 2009. ! ! ! ! For questions on the scheme and code, send an email to ! ! sungsup@ucar.edu or breth@washington.edu ! ! ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ---------------- ! ! Inputs variables ! ! ---------------- ! implicit none integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Number of atmospheric columns integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of atmospheric layers integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of atmospheric columns real(r8), intent(in) :: u(pcols,pver) ! U wind [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: v(pcols,pver) ! V wind [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: sl(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water static energy, cp * T + g * z - Lv * ql - Ls * qi [ J/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: slv(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water virtual static energy, sl * ( 1 + 0.608 * qt ) [ J/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qt(pcols,pver) ! Total speccific humidity qv + ql + qi [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: ql(pcols,pver) ! Liquid water specific humidity [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: pi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface pressures [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: z(pcols,pver) ! Layer midpoint height above surface [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface height above surface, i.e., zi(pver+1) = 0 all over the globe [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: chu(pcols,pver+1) ! Buoyancy coeffi. unsaturated sl (heat) coef. at all interfaces. [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(in) :: chs(pcols,pver+1) ! Buoyancy coeffi. saturated sl (heat) coef. at all interfaces. [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(in) :: cmu(pcols,pver+1) ! Buoyancy coeffi. unsaturated qt (moisture) coef. at all interfaces [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(in) :: cms(pcols,pver+1) ! Buoyancy coeffi. saturated qt (moisture) coef. at all interfaces [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(in) :: sfuh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in upper half-layer [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(in) :: sflh(pcols,pver) ! Saturation fraction in lower half-layer [ fraction ] real(r8), intent(in) :: n2(pcols,pver) ! Interfacial (except surface) moist buoyancy frequency [ s-2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: s2(pcols,pver) ! Interfacial (except surface) shear frequency [ s-2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: ri(pcols,pver) ! Interfacial (except surface) Richardson number real(r8), intent(in) :: qflx(pcols) ! Kinematic surface constituent ( water vapor ) flux [ kg/m2/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: shflx(pcols) ! Kinematic surface heat flux [ unit ? ] real(r8), intent(in) :: slslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'sl' in each layer [ J/kg/Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qtslope(pcols,pver) ! Slope of 'qt' in each layer [ kg/kg/Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: qrlin(pcols,pver) ! Input grid-mean LW heating rate : [ K/s ] * cpair * dp = [ W/kg*Pa ] real(r8), intent(in) :: wsedl(pcols,pver) ! Sedimentation velocity of liquid stratus cloud droplet [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: ustar(pcols) ! Surface friction velocity [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: rrho(pcols) ! 1./bottom mid-point density. Specific volume [ m3/kg ] real(r8), intent(in) :: kvf(pcols,pver+1) ! Free atmosphere eddy diffusivity [ m2/s ] logical, intent(in) :: wstarent ! Switch for choosing wstar3 entrainment parameterization real(r8), intent(in) :: minpblh(pcols) ! Minimum PBL height based on surface stress [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: kvh_in(pcols,pver+1) ! kvh saved from last timestep or last iterative step [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: kvm_in(pcols,pver+1) ! kvm saved from last timestep or last iterative step [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(in) :: cld(pcols,pver) ! Stratus Cloud Fraction [ fraction ] ! ---------------- ! ! Output variables ! ! ---------------- ! real(r8), intent(out) :: kvh(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for heat, moisture, and tracers [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: kvm(pcols,pver+1) ! Eddy diffusivity for momentum [ m2/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: pblh(pcols) ! PBL top height [ m ] real(r8), intent(out) :: pblhp(pcols) ! PBL top height pressure [ Pa ] real(r8), intent(out) :: tpert(pcols) ! Convective temperature excess [ K ] real(r8), intent(out) :: qpert(pcols) ! Convective humidity excess [ kg/kg ] real(r8), intent(out) :: wpert(pcols) ! Turbulent velocity excess [ m/s ] real(r8), intent(out) :: tke(pcols,pver+1) ! Turbulent kinetic energy [ m2/s2 ], 'tkes' at surface, pver+1. real(r8), intent(out) :: bprod(pcols,pver+1) ! Buoyancy production [ m2/s3 ], 'bflxs' at surface, pver+1. real(r8), intent(out) :: sprod(pcols,pver+1) ! Shear production [ m2/s3 ], (ustar(i)**3)/(vk*z(i,pver)) at surface, pver+1. real(r8), intent(out) :: turbtype_f(pcols,pver+1) ! Turbulence type at each interface: ! 0. = Non turbulence interface ! 1. = Stable turbulence interface ! 2. = CL interior interface ( if bflxs > 0, surface is this ) ! 3. = Bottom external interface of CL ! 4. = Top external interface of CL. ! 5. = Double entraining CL external interface real(r8), intent(out) :: sm_aw(pcols,pver+1) ! Galperin instability function of momentum for use in the microphysics [ no unit ] real(r8), intent(out) :: ipbl(pcols) ! If 1, PBL is CL, while if 0, PBL is STL. real(r8), intent(out) :: kpblh(pcols) ! Layer index containing PBL within or at the base interface ! --------------------------- ! ! Diagnostic output variables ! ! --------------------------- ! real(r8) :: tkes(pcols) ! TKE at surface [ m2/s2 ] real(r8) :: kbase_o(pcols,ncvmax) ! Original external base interface index of CL just after 'exacol' real(r8) :: ktop_o(pcols,ncvmax) ! Original external top interface index of CL just after 'exacol' real(r8) :: ncvfin_o(pcols) ! Original number of CLs just after 'exacol' real(r8) :: kbase_mg(pcols,ncvmax) ! kbase just after extending-merging (after 'zisocl') but without SRCL real(r8) :: ktop_mg(pcols,ncvmax) ! ktop just after extending-merging (after 'zisocl') but without SRCL real(r8) :: ncvfin_mg(pcols) ! ncvfin just after extending-merging (after 'zisocl') but without SRCL real(r8) :: kbase_f(pcols,ncvmax) ! Final kbase after adding SRCL real(r8) :: ktop_f(pcols,ncvmax) ! Final ktop after adding SRCL real(r8) :: ncvfin_f(pcols) ! Final ncvfin after adding SRCL real(r8) :: wet_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Entrainment rate at the CL top [ m/s ] real(r8) :: web_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Entrainment rate at the CL base [ m/s ] real(r8) :: jtbu_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Buoyancy jump across the CL top [ m/s2 ] real(r8) :: jbbu_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Buoyancy jump across the CL base [ m/s2 ] real(r8) :: evhc_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Evaporative enhancement factor at the CL top real(r8) :: jt2slv_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Jump of slv ( across two layers ) at CL top for use only in evhc [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: n2ht_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! n2 defined at the CL top interface but using sfuh(kt) instead of sfi(kt) [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: n2hb_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! n2 defined at the CL base interface but using sflh(kb-1) instead of sfi(kb) [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: lwp_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! LWP in the CL top layer [ kg/m2 ] real(r8) :: opt_depth_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Optical depth of the CL top layer real(r8) :: radinvfrac_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Fraction of LW radiative cooling confined in the top portion of CL real(r8) :: radf_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Buoyancy production at the CL top due to radiative cooling [ m2/s3 ] real(r8) :: wstar_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! Convective velocity of CL including entrainment contribution finally [ m/s ] real(r8) :: wstar3fact_CL(pcols,ncvmax) ! "wstar3fact" of CL. Entrainment enhancement of wstar3 (inverse) real(r8) :: gh_a(pcols,pver+1) ! Half of normalized buoyancy production, -l2n2/2e. [ no unit ] real(r8) :: sh_a(pcols,pver+1) ! Galperin instability function of heat-moisture at all interfaces [ no unit ] real(r8) :: sm_a(pcols,pver+1) ! Galperin instability function of momentum at all interfaces [ no unit ] real(r8) :: ri_a(pcols,pver+1) ! Interfacial Richardson number at all interfaces [ no unit ] real(r8) :: ebrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Net CL mean TKE [ m2/s2 ] real(r8) :: wbrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Net CL mean normalized TKE [ m2/s2 ] real(r8) :: lbrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Net energetic integral thickness of CL [ m ] real(r8) :: ricl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Mean Richardson number of CL ( l2n2/l2s2 ) real(r8) :: ghcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Half of normalized buoyancy production of CL real(r8) :: shcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Instability function of heat and moisture of CL real(r8) :: smcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Instability function of momentum of CL real(r8) :: leng(pcols,pver+1) ! Turbulent length scale [ m ], 0 at the surface. real(r8) :: wcap(pcols,pver+1) ! Normalized TKE [m2/s2], 'tkes/b1' at the surface and 'tke/b1' at ! the top/bottom entrainment interfaces of CL assuming no transport. ! ------------------------ ! ! Local Internal Variables ! ! ------------------------ ! logical :: belongcv(pcols,pver+1) ! True for interfaces in a CL (both interior and exterior are included) logical :: belongst(pcols,pver+1) ! True for stable turbulent layer interfaces (STL) logical :: in_CL ! True if interfaces k,k+1 both in same CL. logical :: extend ! True when CL is extended in zisocl logical :: extend_up ! True when CL is extended upward in zisocl logical :: extend_dn ! True when CL is extended downward in zisocl integer :: i ! Longitude index integer :: k ! Vertical index integer :: ks ! Vertical index integer :: ncvfin(pcols) ! Total number of CL in column integer :: ncvf ! Total number of CL in column prior to adding SRCL integer :: ncv ! Index of current CL integer :: ncvnew ! Index of added SRCL appended after regular CLs from 'zisocl' integer :: ncvsurf ! If nonzero, CL index based on surface (usually 1, but can be > 1 when SRCL is based at sfc) integer :: kbase(pcols,ncvmax) ! Vertical index of CL base interface integer :: ktop(pcols,ncvmax) ! Vertical index of CL top interface integer :: kb, kt ! kbase and ktop for current CL integer :: ktblw ! ktop of the CL located at just below the current CL integer :: turbtype(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface turbulence type : ! 0 = Non turbulence interface ! 1 = Stable turbulence interface ! 2 = CL interior interface ( if bflxs > 0, sfc is this ) ! 3 = Bottom external interface of CL ! 4 = Top external interface of CL ! 5 = Double entraining CL external interface integer :: ktopbl(pcols) ! PBL top height or interface index real(r8) :: bflxs(pcols) ! Surface buoyancy flux [ m2/s3 ] real(r8) :: rcap ! 'tke/ebrk' at all interfaces of CL. Set to 1 at the CL entrainment interfaces real(r8) :: jtzm ! Interface layer thickness of CL top interface [ m ] real(r8) :: jtsl ! Jump of s_l across CL top interface [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: jtqt ! Jump of q_t across CL top interface [ kg/kg ] real(r8) :: jtbu ! Jump of buoyancy across CL top interface [ m/s2 ] real(r8) :: jtu ! Jump of u across CL top interface [ m/s ] real(r8) :: jtv ! Jump of v across CL top interface [ m/s ] real(r8) :: jt2slv ! Jump of slv ( across two layers ) at CL top for use only in evhc [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: radf ! Buoyancy production at the CL top due to radiative cooling [ m2/s3 ] real(r8) :: jbzm ! Interface layer thickness of CL base interface [ m ] real(r8) :: jbsl ! Jump of s_l across CL base interface [ J/kg ] real(r8) :: jbqt ! Jump of q_t across CL top interface [ kg/kg ] real(r8) :: jbbu ! Jump of buoyancy across CL base interface [ m/s2 ] real(r8) :: jbu ! Jump of u across CL base interface [ m/s ] real(r8) :: jbv ! Jump of v across CL base interface [ m/s ] real(r8) :: ch ! Buoyancy coefficients defined at the CL top and base interfaces using CL internal real(r8) :: cm ! sfuh(kt) and sflh(kb-1) instead of sfi(kt) and sfi(kb), respectively. These are ! used for entrainment calculation at CL external interfaces and SRCL identification. real(r8) :: n2ht ! n2 defined at the CL top interface but using sfuh(kt) instead of sfi(kt) [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: n2hb ! n2 defined at the CL base interface but using sflh(kb-1) instead of sfi(kb) [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: n2htSRCL ! n2 defined at the upper-half layer of SRCL. This is used only for identifying SRCL. ! n2htSRCL use SRCL internal slope sl and qt as well as sfuh(kt) instead of sfi(kt) [ s-2 ] real(r8) :: gh ! Half of normalized buoyancy production ( -l2n2/2e ) [ no unit ] real(r8) :: sh ! Galperin instability function for heat and moisture real(r8) :: sm ! Galperin instability function for momentum real(r8) :: lbulk ! Depth of turbulent layer, Master length scale (not energetic length) real(r8) :: dzht ! Thickness of top half-layer [ m ] real(r8) :: dzhb ! Thickness of bottom half-layer [ m ] real(r8) :: rootp ! Sqrt(net CL-mean TKE including entrainment contribution) [ m/s ] real(r8) :: evhc ! Evaporative enhancement factor: (1+E) with E = evap. cool. efficiency [ no unit ] real(r8) :: kentr ! Effective entrainment diffusivity 'wet*dz', 'web*dz' [ m2/s ] real(r8) :: lwp ! Liquid water path in the layer kt [ kg/m2 ] real(r8) :: opt_depth ! Optical depth of the layer kt [ no unit ] real(r8) :: radinvfrac ! Fraction of LW cooling in the layer kt concentrated at the CL top [ no unit ] real(r8) :: wet ! CL top entrainment rate [ m/s ] real(r8) :: web ! CL bot entrainment rate [ m/s ]. Set to zero if CL is based at surface. real(r8) :: vyt ! n2ht/n2 at the CL top interface real(r8) :: vyb ! n2hb/n2 at the CL base interface real(r8) :: vut ! Inverse Ri (=s2/n2) at the CL top interface real(r8) :: vub ! Inverse Ri (=s2/n2) at the CL base interface real(r8) :: fact ! Factor relating TKE generation to entrainment [ no unit ] real(r8) :: trma ! Intermediate variables used for solving quadratic ( for gh from ri ) real(r8) :: trmb ! and cubic equations ( for ebrk: the net CL mean TKE ) real(r8) :: trmc ! real(r8) :: trmp ! real(r8) :: trmq ! real(r8) :: qq ! real(r8) :: det ! real(r8) :: gg ! Intermediate variable used for calculating stability functions of ! SRCL or SBCL based at the surface with bflxs > 0. real(r8) :: dzhb5 ! Half thickness of the bottom-most layer of current CL regime real(r8) :: dzht5 ! Half thickness of the top-most layer of adjacent CL regime just below current CL real(r8) :: qrlw(pcols,pver) ! Local grid-mean LW heating rate : [K/s] * cpair * dp = [ W/kg*Pa ] real(r8) :: cldeff(pcols,pver) ! Effective stratus fraction real(r8) :: qleff ! Used for computing evhc real(r8) :: tunlramp ! Ramping tunl real(r8) :: leng_imsi ! For Kv = max(Kv_STL, Kv_entrain) real(r8) :: tke_imsi ! real(r8) :: kvh_imsi ! real(r8) :: kvm_imsi ! real(r8) :: alph4exs ! For extended stability function in the stable regime real(r8) :: ghmin ! real(r8) :: sedfact ! For 'sedimentation-entrainment feedback' ! Local variables specific for 'wstar' entrainment closure real(r8) :: cet ! Proportionality coefficient between wet and wstar3 real(r8) :: ceb ! Proportionality coefficient between web and wstar3 real(r8) :: wstar ! Convective velocity for CL [ m/s ] real(r8) :: wstar3 ! Cubed convective velocity for CL [ m3/s3 ] real(r8) :: wstar3fact ! 1/(relative change of wstar^3 by entrainment) real(r8) :: rmin ! sqrt(p) real(r8) :: fmin ! f(rmin), where f(r) = r^3 - 3*p*r - 2q real(r8) :: rcrit ! ccrit*wstar real(r8) :: fcrit ! f(rcrit) logical noroot ! True if f(r) has no root r > rcrit !-----------------------! ! Start of Main Program ! !-----------------------! ! Option: Turn-off LW radiative-turbulence interaction in PBL scheme ! by setting qrlw = 0. Logical parameter 'set_qrlzero' was ! defined in the first part of 'eddy_diff.F90' module. if( set_qrlzero ) then qrlw(:,:) = 0._r8 else qrlw(:ncol,:pver) = qrlin(:ncol,:pver) endif ! Define effective stratus fraction using the grid-mean ql. ! Modification : The contribution of ice should be carefully considered. ! This should be done in combination with the 'qrlw' and ! overlapping assumption of liquid and ice stratus. do k = 1, pver do i = 1, ncol if( choice_evhc .eq. 'ramp' .or. choice_radf .eq. 'ramp' ) then cldeff(i,k) = cld(i,k) * min( ql(i,k) / qmin, 1._r8 ) else cldeff(i,k) = cld(i,k) endif end do end do ! For an extended stability function in the stable regime, re-define ! alph4exe and ghmin. This is for future work. if( ricrit .eq. 0.19_r8 ) then alph4exs = alph4 ghmin = -3.5334_r8 elseif( ricrit .gt. 0.19_r8 ) then alph4exs = -2._r8 * b1 * alph2 / ( alph3 - 2._r8 * b1 * alph5 ) / ricrit ghmin = -1.e10_r8 else write(iulog,*) 'Error : ricrit should be larger than 0.19 in UW PBL' #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif stop endif ! ! Initialization of Diagnostic Output ! do i = 1, ncol wet_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 web_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 jtbu_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 jbbu_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 evhc_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 jt2slv_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 n2ht_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 n2hb_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 lwp_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 opt_depth_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 radinvfrac_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 radf_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 wstar_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 wstar3fact_CL(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 ricl(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 ghcl(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 shcl(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 smcl(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 ebrk(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 wbrk(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 lbrk(i,:ncvmax) = 0._r8 gh_a(i,:pver+1) = 0._r8 sh_a(i,:pver+1) = 0._r8 sm_a(i,:pver+1) = 0._r8 ri_a(i,:pver+1) = 0._r8 sm_aw(i,:pver+1) = 0._r8 ipbl(i) = 0._r8 kpblh(i) = real(pver,r8) end do ! kvh and kvm are stored over timesteps in 'vertical_diffusion.F90' and ! passed in as kvh_in and kvm_in. However, at the first timestep they ! need to be computed and these are done just before calling 'caleddy'. ! kvm and kvh are also stored over iterative time step in the first part ! of 'eddy_diff.F90' do k = 1, pver + 1 do i = 1, ncol ! Initialize kvh and kvm to zero or kvf if( use_kvf ) then kvh(i,k) = kvf(i,k) kvm(i,k) = kvf(i,k) else kvh(i,k) = 0._r8 kvm(i,k) = 0._r8 end if ! Zero diagnostic quantities for the new diffusion step. wcap(i,k) = 0._r8 leng(i,k) = 0._r8 tke(i,k) = 0._r8 turbtype(i,k) = 0 end do end do ! Initialize 'bprod' [ m2/s3 ] and 'sprod' [ m2/s3 ] at all interfaces. ! Note this initialization is a hybrid initialization since 'n2' [s-2] and 's2' [s-2] ! are calculated from the given current initial profile, while 'kvh_in' [m2/s] and ! 'kvm_in' [m2/s] are from the previous iteration or previous time step. ! This initially guessed 'bprod' and 'sprod' will be updated at the end of this ! 'caleddy' subroutine for diagnostic output. ! This computation of 'brpod,sprod' below is necessary for wstar-based entrainment closure. do k = 2, pver do i = 1, ncol bprod(i,k) = -kvh_in(i,k) * n2(i,k) sprod(i,k) = kvm_in(i,k) * s2(i,k) end do end do ! Set 'bprod' and 'sprod' at top and bottom interface. ! In calculating 'surface' (actually lowest half-layer) buoyancy flux, ! 'chu' at surface is defined to be the same as 'chu' at the mid-point ! of lowest model layer (pver) at the end of 'trbind'. The same is for ! the other buoyancy coefficients. 'sprod(i,pver+1)' is defined in a ! consistent way as the definition of 'tkes' in the original code. ! ( Important Option ) If I want to isolate surface buoyancy flux from ! the other parts of CL regimes energetically even though bflxs > 0, ! all I should do is to re-define 'bprod(i,pver+1)=0' in the below 'do' ! block. Additionally for merging test of extending SBCL based on 'l2n2' ! in 'zisocl', I should use 'l2n2 = - wint / sh' for similar treatment ! as previous code. All other parts of the code are fully consistently ! treated by these change only. ! My future general convection scheme will use bflxs(i). do i = 1, ncol bprod(i,1) = 0._r8 ! Top interface sprod(i,1) = 0._r8 ! Top interface ch = chu(i,pver+1) * ( 1._r8 - sflh(i,pver) ) + chs(i,pver+1) * sflh(i,pver) cm = cmu(i,pver+1) * ( 1._r8 - sflh(i,pver) ) + cms(i,pver+1) * sflh(i,pver) bflxs(i) = ch * shflx(i) * rrho(i) + cm * qflx(i) * rrho(i) if( choice_tkes .eq. 'ibprod' ) then bprod(i,pver+1) = bflxs(i) else bprod(i,pver+1) = 0._r8 endif sprod(i,pver+1) = (ustar(i)**3)/(vk*z(i,pver)) end do ! Initially identify CL regimes in 'exacol' ! ktop : Interface index of the CL top external interface ! kbase : Interface index of the CL base external interface ! ncvfin: Number of total CLs ! Note that if surface buoyancy flux is positive ( bflxs = bprod(i,pver+1) > 0 ), ! surface interface is identified as an internal interface of CL. However, even ! though bflxs <= 0, if 'pver' interface is a CL internal interface (ri(pver)<0), ! surface interface is identified as an external interface of CL. If bflxs =< 0 ! and ri(pver) >= 0, then surface interface is identified as a stable turbulent ! intereface (STL) as shown at the end of 'caleddy'. Even though a 'minpblh' is ! passed into 'exacol', it is not used in the 'exacol'. call exacol( pcols, pver, ncol, ri, bflxs, minpblh, zi, ktop, kbase, ncvfin ) ! Diagnostic output of CL interface indices before performing 'extending-merging' ! of CL regimes in 'zisocl' do i = 1, ncol do k = 1, ncvmax kbase_o(i,k) = real(kbase(i,k),r8) ktop_o(i,k) = real(ktop(i,k),r8) ncvfin_o(i) = real(ncvfin(i),r8) end do end do ! ----------------------------------- ! ! Perform calculation for each column ! ! ----------------------------------- ! do i = 1, ncol ! Define Surface Interfacial Layer TKE, 'tkes'. ! In the current code, 'tkes' is used as representing TKE of surface interfacial ! layer (low half-layer of surface-based grid layer). In the code, when bflxs>0, ! surface interfacial layer is assumed to be energetically coupled to the other ! parts of the CL regime based at the surface. In this sense, it is conceptually ! more reasonable to include both 'bprod' and 'sprod' in the definition of 'tkes'. ! Since 'tkes' cannot be negative, it is lower bounded by small positive number. ! Note that inclusion of 'bprod' in the definition of 'tkes' may increase 'ebrk' ! and 'wstar3', and eventually, 'wet' at the CL top, especially when 'bflxs>0'. ! This might help to solve the problem of too shallow PBLH over the overcast Sc ! regime. If I want to exclude 'bprod(i,pver+1)' in calculating 'tkes' even when ! bflxs > 0, all I should to do is to set 'bprod(i,pver+1) = 0' in the above ! initialization 'do' loop (explained above), NOT changing the formulation of ! tkes(i) in the below block. This is because for consistent treatment in the ! other parts of the code also. ! tkes(i) = (b1*vk*z(i,pver)*sprod(i,pver+1))**(2._r8/3._r8) tkes(i) = max(b1*vk*z(i,pver)*(bprod(i,pver+1)+sprod(i,pver+1)), 1.e-7_r8)**(2._r8/3._r8) tkes(i) = min(tkes(i), tkemax) tke(i,pver+1) = tkes(i) wcap(i,pver+1) = tkes(i)/b1 ! Extend and merge the initially identified CLs, relabel the CLs, and calculate ! CL internal mean energetics and stability functions in 'zisocl'. ! The CL nearest to the surface is CL(1) and the CL index, ncv, increases ! with height. The following outputs are from 'zisocl'. Here, the dimension ! of below outputs are (pcols,ncvmax) (except the 'ncvfin(pcols)' and ! 'belongcv(pcols,pver+1)) and 'ncv' goes from 1 to 'ncvfin'. ! For 'ncv = ncvfin+1, ncvmax', below output are already initialized to be zero. ! ncvfin : Total number of CLs ! kbase(ncv) : Base external interface index of CL ! ktop : Top external interface index of CL ! belongcv : True if the interface (either internal or external) is CL ! ricl : Mean Richardson number of internal CL ! ghcl : Normalized buoyancy production '-l2n2/2e' [no unit] of internal CL ! shcl : Galperin instability function of heat-moisture of internal CL ! smcl : Galperin instability function of momentum of internal CL ! lbrk, int : Thickness of (energetically) internal CL (lint, [m]) ! wbrk, int : Mean normalized TKE of internal CL ([m2/s2]) ! ebrk, int : Mean TKE of internal CL (b1*wbrk,[m2/s2]) ! The ncvsurf is an identifier saying which CL regime is based at the surface. ! If 'ncvsurf=1', then the first CL regime is based at the surface. If surface ! interface is not a part of CL (neither internal nor external), 'ncvsurf = 0'. ! After identifying and including SRCLs into the normal CL regimes (where newly ! identified SRCLs are simply appended to the normal CL regimes using regime ! indices of 'ncvfin+1','ncvfin+2' (as will be shown in the below SRCL part),.. ! where 'ncvfin' is the final CL regime index produced after extending-merging ! in 'zisocl' but before adding SRCLs), if any newly identified SRCL (e.g., ! 'ncvfin+1') is based at surface, then 'ncvsurf = ncvfin+1'. Thus 'ncvsurf' can ! be 0, 1, or >1. 'ncvsurf' can be a useful diagnostic output. ncvsurf = 0 if( ncvfin(i) .gt. 0 ) then call zisocl( pcols , pver , i , & z , zi , n2 , s2 , & bprod , sprod , bflxs , tkes , & ncvfin , kbase , ktop , belongcv, & ricl , ghcl , shcl , smcl , & lbrk , wbrk , ebrk , & extend , extend_up, extend_dn ) if( kbase(i,1) .eq. pver + 1 ) ncvsurf = 1 else belongcv(i,:) = .false. endif ! Diagnostic output after finishing extending-merging process in 'zisocl' ! Since we are adding SRCL additionally, we need to print out these here. do k = 1, ncvmax kbase_mg(i,k) = real(kbase(i,k)) ktop_mg(i,k) = real(ktop(i,k)) ncvfin_mg(i) = real(ncvfin(i)) end do ! ----------------------- ! ! Identification of SRCLs ! ! ----------------------- ! ! Modification : This cannot identify the 'cirrus' layer due to the condition of ! ql(i,k) .gt. qmin. This should be modified in future to identify ! a single thin cirrus layer. ! Instead of ql, we may use cldn in future, including ice ! contribution. ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Find single-layer radiatively-driven cloud-topped convective layers (SRCLs). ! ! SRCLs extend through a single model layer k, with entrainment at the top and ! ! bottom interfaces, unless bottom interface is the surface. ! ! The conditions for an SRCL is identified are: ! ! ! ! 1. Cloud in the layer, k : ql(i,k) .gt. qmin = 1.e-5 [ kg/kg ] ! ! 2. No cloud in the above layer (else assuming that some fraction of the LW ! ! flux divergence in layer k is concentrated at just below top interface ! ! of layer k is invalid). Then, this condition might be sensitive to the ! ! vertical resolution of grid. ! ! 3. LW radiative cooling (SW heating is assumed uniformly distributed through ! ! layer k, so not relevant to buoyancy production) in the layer k. However, ! ! SW production might also contribute, which may be considered in a future. ! ! 4. Internal stratification 'n2ht' of upper-half layer should be unstable. ! ! The 'n2ht' is pure internal stratification of upper half layer, obtained ! ! using internal slopes of sl, qt in layer k (in contrast to conventional ! ! interfacial slope) and saturation fraction in the upper-half layer, ! ! sfuh(k) (in contrast to sfi(k)). ! ! 5. Top and bottom interfaces not both in the same existing convective layer. ! ! If SRCL is within the previouisly identified CL regimes, we don't define ! ! a new SRCL. ! ! 6. k >= ntop_turb + 1 = 2 ! ! 7. Ri at the top interface > ricrit = 0.19 (otherwise turbulent mixing will ! ! broadly distribute the cloud top in the vertical, preventing localized ! ! radiative destabilization at the top interface). ! ! ! ! Note if 'k = pver', it identifies a surface-based single fog layer, possibly, ! ! warm advection fog. Note also the CL regime index of SRCLs itself increases ! ! with height similar to the regular CLs indices identified from 'zisocl'. ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ncv = 1 ncvf = ncvfin(i) if( choice_SRCL .eq. 'remove' ) goto 222 do k = nbot_turb, ntop_turb + 1, -1 ! 'k = pver, 2, -1' is a layer index. if( ql(i,k) .gt. qmin .and. ql(i,k-1) .lt. qmin .and. qrlw(i,k) .lt. 0._r8 & .and. ri(i,k) .ge. ricrit ) then ! In order to avoid any confliction with the treatment of ambiguous layer, ! I need to impose an additional constraint that ambiguous layer cannot be ! SRCL. So, I added constraint that 'k+1' interface (base interface of k ! layer) should not be a part of previously identified CL. Since 'belongcv' ! is even true for external entrainment interfaces, below constraint is ! fully sufficient. if( choice_SRCL .eq. 'nonamb' .and. belongcv(i,k+1) ) then go to 220 endif ch = ( 1._r8 - sfuh(i,k) ) * chu(i,k) + sfuh(i,k) * chs(i,k) cm = ( 1._r8 - sfuh(i,k) ) * cmu(i,k) + sfuh(i,k) * cms(i,k) n2htSRCL = ch * slslope(i,k) + cm * qtslope(i,k) if( n2htSRCL .le. 0._r8 ) then ! Test if bottom and top interfaces are part of the pre-existing CL. ! If not, find appropriate index for the new SRCL. Note that this ! calculation makes use of 'ncv set' obtained from 'zisocl'. The ! 'in_CL' is a parameter testing whether the new SRCL is already ! within the pre-existing CLs (.true.) or not (.false.). in_CL = .false. do while ( ncv .le. ncvf ) if( ktop(i,ncv) .le. k ) then if( kbase(i,ncv) .gt. k ) then in_CL = .true. endif exit ! Exit from 'do while' loop if SRCL is within the CLs. else ncv = ncv + 1 ! Go up one CL end if end do ! ncv if( .not. in_CL ) then ! SRCL is not within the pre-existing CLs. ! Identify a new SRCL and add it to the pre-existing CL regime group. ncvfin(i) = ncvfin(i) + 1 ncvnew = ncvfin(i) ktop(i,ncvnew) = k kbase(i,ncvnew) = k+1 belongcv(i,k) = .true. belongcv(i,k+1) = .true. ! Calculate internal energy of SRCL. There is no internal energy if ! SRCL is elevated from the surface. Also, we simply assume neutral ! stability function. Note that this assumption of neutral stability ! does not influence numerical calculation- stability functions here ! are just for diagnostic output. In general SRCLs other than a SRCL ! based at surface with bflxs <= 0, there is no other way but to use ! neutral stability function. However, in case of SRCL based at the ! surface, we can explicitly calculate non-zero stability functions ! in a consistent way. Even though stability functions of SRCL are ! just diagnostic outputs not influencing numerical calculations, it ! would be informative to write out correct reasonable values rather ! than simply assuming neutral stability. I am doing this right now. ! Similar calculations were done for the SBCL and when surface inter ! facial layer was merged by overlying CL in 'ziscol'. if( k .lt. pver ) then wbrk(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 ebrk(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 lbrk(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 ghcl(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 shcl(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 smcl(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 ricl(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 else ! Surface-based fog if( bflxs(i) .gt. 0._r8 ) then ! Incorporate surface TKE into CL interior energy ! It is likely that this case cannot exist since ! if surface buoyancy flux is positive, it would ! have been identified as SBCL in 'zisocl' ahead. ebrk(i,ncvnew) = tkes(i) lbrk(i,ncvnew) = z(i,pver) wbrk(i,ncvnew) = tkes(i) / b1 write(iulog,*) 'Major mistake in SRCL: bflxs > 0 for surface-based SRCL' #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif write(iulog,*) 'bflxs = ', bflxs(i) #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif write(iulog,*) 'ncvfin_o = ', ncvfin_o(i) #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif write(iulog,*) 'ncvfin_mg = ', ncvfin_mg(i) #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif do ks = 1, ncvmax write(iulog,*) 'ncv =', ks, ' ', kbase_o(i,ks), ktop_o(i,ks), kbase_mg(i,ks), ktop_mg(i,ks) #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif end do stop else ! Don't incorporate surface interfacial TKE into CL interior energy ebrk(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 lbrk(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 wbrk(i,ncvnew) = 0._r8 endif ! Calculate stability functions (ghcl, shcl, smcl, ricl) explicitly ! using an reverse procedure starting from tkes(i). Note that it is ! possible to calculate stability functions even when bflxs < 0. ! Previous code just assumed neutral stability functions. Note that ! since alph5 = 0.7 > 0, alph3 = -35 < 0, the denominator of gh is ! always positive if bflxs > 0. However, if bflxs < 0, denominator ! can be zero. For this case, we provide a possible maximum negative ! value (the most stable state) to gh. Note also tkes(i) is always a ! positive value by a limiter. Also, sprod(i,pver+1) > 0 by limiter. gg = 0.5_r8 * vk * z(i,pver) * bprod(i,pver+1) / ( tkes(i)**(3._r8/2._r8) ) if( abs(alph5-gg*alph3) .le. 1.e-7_r8 ) then ! gh = -0.28_r8 ! gh = -3.5334_r8 gh = ghmin else gh = gg / ( alph5 - gg * alph3 ) end if ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) ! gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) gh = min(max(gh,ghmin),0.0233_r8) ghcl(i,ncvnew) = gh shcl(i,ncvnew) = max(0._r8,alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh)) smcl(i,ncvnew) = max(0._r8,(alph1 + alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4exs*gh)) ricl(i,ncvnew) = -(smcl(i,ncvnew)/shcl(i,ncvnew))*(bprod(i,pver+1)/sprod(i,pver+1)) ! 'ncvsurf' is CL regime index based at the surface. If there is no ! such regime, then 'ncvsurf = 0'. ncvsurf = ncvnew end if end if end if end if 220 continue end do ! End of 'k' loop where 'k' is a grid layer index running from 'pver' to 2 222 continue ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Up to this point, we identified all kinds of CL regimes : ! ! 1. A SBCL. By construction, 'bflxs > 0' for SBCL. ! ! 2. Surface-based CL with multiple layers and 'bflxs =< 0' ! ! 3. Surface-based CL with multiple layers and 'bflxs > 0' ! ! 4. Regular elevated CL with two entraining interfaces ! ! 5. SRCLs. If SRCL is based at surface, it will be bflxs < 0. ! ! '1-4' were identified from 'zisocl' while '5' were identified separately ! ! after performing 'zisocl'. CL regime index of '1-4' increases with height ! ! ( e.g., CL = 1 is the CL regime nearest to the surface ) while CL regime ! ! index of SRCL is simply appended after the final index of CL regimes from ! ! 'zisocl'. However, CL regime indices of SRCLs itself increases with height ! ! when there are multiple SRCLs, similar to the regular CLs from 'zisocl'. ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Diagnostic output of final CL regimes indices do k = 1, ncvmax kbase_f(i,k) = real(kbase(i,k)) ktop_f(i,k) = real(ktop(i,k)) ncvfin_f(i) = real(ncvfin(i)) end do ! ---------------------------------------- ! ! Perform do loop for individual CL regime ! ! ---------------------------------------- ! -------------------------------- ! ! For individual CLs, compute ! ! 1. Entrainment rates at the CL top and (if any) base interfaces using ! ! appropriate entrainment closure (current code use 'wstar' closure). ! ! 2. Net CL mean (i.e., including entrainment contribution) TKE (ebrk) ! ! and normalized TKE (wbrk). ! ! 3. TKE (tke) and normalized TKE (wcap) profiles at all CL interfaces. ! ! 4. ( kvm, kvh ) profiles at all CL interfaces. ! ! 5. ( bprod, sprod ) profiles at all CL interfaces. ! ! Also calculate ! ! 1. PBL height as the top external interface of surface-based CL, if any. ! ! 2. Characteristic excesses of convective 'updraft velocity (wpert)', ! ! 'temperature (tpert)', and 'moisture (qpert)' in the surface-based CL, ! ! if any, for use in the separate convection scheme. ! ! If there is no surface-based CL, 'PBL height' and 'convective excesses' are ! ! calculated later from surface-based STL (Stable Turbulent Layer) properties.! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ktblw = 0 do ncv = 1, ncvfin(i) kt = ktop(i,ncv) kb = kbase(i,ncv) ! Check whether surface interface is energetically interior or not. if( kb .eq. (pver+1) .and. bflxs(i) .le. 0._r8 ) then lbulk = zi(i,kt) - z(i,pver) else lbulk = zi(i,kt) - zi(i,kb) end if ! Calculate 'turbulent length scale (leng)' and 'normalized TKE (wcap)' ! at all CL interfaces except the surface. Note that below 'wcap' at ! external interfaces are not correct. However, it does not influence ! numerical calculation and correct normalized TKE at the entraining ! interfaces will be re-calculated at the end of this 'do ncv' loop. do k = min(kb,pver), kt, -1 if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then ! In order to treat the case of 'ricl(i,ncv) >> 0' of surface-based SRCL ! with 'bflxs(i) < 0._r8', I changed ricl(i,ncv) -> min(0._r8,ricl(i,ncv)) ! in the below exponential. This is necessary to prevent the model crash ! by too large values (e.g., 700) of ricl(i,ncv) tunlramp = ctunl*tunl*(1._r8-(1._r8-1._r8/ctunl)*exp(min(0._r8,ricl(i,ncv)))) tunlramp = min(max(tunlramp,tunl),ctunl*tunl) elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then leng(i,k) = ( (vk*zi(i,k))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! leng(i,k) = vk*zi(i,k) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,k)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else leng(i,k) = min( vk*zi(i,k), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif wcap(i,k) = (leng(i,k)**2) * (-shcl(i,ncv)*n2(i,k)+smcl(i,ncv)*s2(i,k)) end do ! k ! Calculate basic cross-interface variables ( jump condition ) across the ! base external interface of CL. if( kb .lt. pver+1 ) then jbzm = z(i,kb-1) - z(i,kb) ! Interfacial layer thickness [m] jbsl = sl(i,kb-1) - sl(i,kb) ! Interfacial jump of 'sl' [J/kg] jbqt = qt(i,kb-1) - qt(i,kb) ! Interfacial jump of 'qt' [kg/kg] jbbu = n2(i,kb) * jbzm ! Interfacial buoyancy jump [m/s2] considering saturation ( > 0 ) jbbu = max(jbbu,jbumin) ! Set minimum buoyancy jump, jbumin = 1.e-3 jbu = u(i,kb-1) - u(i,kb) ! Interfacial jump of 'u' [m/s] jbv = v(i,kb-1) - v(i,kb) ! Interfacial jump of 'v' [m/s] ch = (1._r8 -sflh(i,kb-1))*chu(i,kb) + sflh(i,kb-1)*chs(i,kb) ! Buoyancy coefficient just above the base interface cm = (1._r8 -sflh(i,kb-1))*cmu(i,kb) + sflh(i,kb-1)*cms(i,kb) ! Buoyancy coefficient just above the base interface n2hb = (ch*jbsl + cm*jbqt)/jbzm ! Buoyancy frequency [s-2] just above the base interface vyb = n2hb*jbzm/jbbu ! Ratio of 'n2hb/n2' at 'kb' interface vub = min(1._r8,(jbu**2+jbv**2)/(jbbu*jbzm) ) ! Ratio of 's2/n2 = 1/Ri' at 'kb' interface else ! Below setting is necessary for consistent treatment when 'kb' is at the surface. jbbu = 0._r8 n2hb = 0._r8 vyb = 0._r8 vub = 0._r8 web = 0._r8 end if ! Calculate basic cross-interface variables ( jump condition ) across the ! top external interface of CL. The meanings of variables are similar to ! the ones at the base interface. jtzm = z(i,kt-1) - z(i,kt) jtsl = sl(i,kt-1) - sl(i,kt) jtqt = qt(i,kt-1) - qt(i,kt) jtbu = n2(i,kt)*jtzm ! Note : 'jtbu' is guaranteed positive by definition of CL top. jtbu = max(jtbu,jbumin) ! But threshold it anyway to be sure. jtu = u(i,kt-1) - u(i,kt) jtv = v(i,kt-1) - v(i,kt) ch = (1._r8 -sfuh(i,kt))*chu(i,kt) + sfuh(i,kt)*chs(i,kt) cm = (1._r8 -sfuh(i,kt))*cmu(i,kt) + sfuh(i,kt)*cms(i,kt) n2ht = (ch*jtsl + cm*jtqt)/jtzm vyt = n2ht*jtzm/jtbu vut = min(1._r8,(jtu**2+jtv**2)/(jtbu*jtzm)) ! Evaporative enhancement factor of entrainment rate at the CL top interface, evhc. ! We take the full inversion strength to be 'jt2slv = slv(i,kt-2)-slv(i,kt)' ! where 'kt-1' is in the ambiguous layer. However, for a cloud-topped CL overlain ! by another CL, it is possible that 'slv(i,kt-2) < slv(i,kt)'. To avoid negative ! or excessive evhc, we lower-bound jt2slv and upper-bound evhc. Note 'jtslv' is ! used only for calculating 'evhc' : when calculating entrainment rate, we will ! use normal interfacial buoyancy jump across CL top interface. evhc = 1._r8 jt2slv = 0._r8 ! Modification : I should check whether below 'jbumin' produces reasonable limiting value. ! In addition, our current formulation does not consider ice contribution. if( choice_evhc .eq. 'orig' ) then if( ql(i,kt) .gt. qmin .and. ql(i,kt-1) .lt. qmin ) then jt2slv = slv(i,max(kt-2,1)) - slv(i,kt) jt2slv = max( jt2slv, jbumin*slv(i,kt-1)/g ) evhc = 1._r8 + a2l * a3l * latvap * ql(i,kt) / jt2slv evhc = min( evhc, evhcmax ) end if elseif( choice_evhc .eq. 'ramp' ) then jt2slv = slv(i,max(kt-2,1)) - slv(i,kt) jt2slv = max( jt2slv, jbumin*slv(i,kt-1)/g ) evhc = 1._r8 + max(cldeff(i,kt)-cldeff(i,kt-1),0._r8) * a2l * a3l * latvap * ql(i,kt) / jt2slv evhc = min( evhc, evhcmax ) elseif( choice_evhc .eq. 'maxi' ) then qleff = max( ql(i,kt-1), ql(i,kt) ) jt2slv = slv(i,max(kt-2,1)) - slv(i,kt) jt2slv = max( jt2slv, jbumin*slv(i,kt-1)/g ) evhc = 1._r8 + a2l * a3l * latvap * qleff / jt2slv evhc = min( evhc, evhcmax ) endif ! Calculate cloud-top radiative cooling contribution to buoyancy production. ! Here, 'radf' [m2/s3] is additional buoyancy flux at the CL top interface ! associated with cloud-top LW cooling being mainly concentrated near the CL ! top interface ( just below CL top interface ). Contribution of SW heating ! within the cloud is not included in this radiative buoyancy production ! since SW heating is more broadly distributed throughout the CL top layer. lwp = 0._r8 opt_depth = 0._r8 radinvfrac = 0._r8 radf = 0._r8 if( choice_radf .eq. 'orig' ) then if( ql(i,kt) .gt. qmin .and. ql(i,kt-1) .lt. qmin ) then lwp = ql(i,kt) * ( pi(i,kt+1) - pi(i,kt) ) / g opt_depth = 156._r8 * lwp ! Estimated LW optical depth in the CL top layer ! Approximate LW cooling fraction concentrated at the inversion by using ! polynomial approx to exact formula 1-2/opt_depth+2/(exp(opt_depth)-1)) radinvfrac = opt_depth * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth ) / ( 6._r8 * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth ) + opt_depth**2 ) radf = qrlw(i,kt) / ( pi(i,kt) - pi(i,kt+1) ) ! Cp*radiative cooling = [ W/kg ] radf = max( radinvfrac * radf * ( zi(i,kt) - zi(i,kt+1) ), 0._r8 ) * chs(i,kt) ! We can disable cloud LW cooling contribution to turbulence by uncommenting: ! radf = 0._r8 end if elseif( choice_radf .eq. 'ramp' ) then lwp = ql(i,kt) * ( pi(i,kt+1) - pi(i,kt) ) / g opt_depth = 156._r8 * lwp ! Estimated LW optical depth in the CL top layer radinvfrac = opt_depth * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth ) / ( 6._r8 * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth ) + opt_depth**2 ) radinvfrac = max(cldeff(i,kt)-cldeff(i,kt-1),0._r8) * radinvfrac radf = qrlw(i,kt) / ( pi(i,kt) - pi(i,kt+1) ) ! Cp*radiative cooling [W/kg] radf = max( radinvfrac * radf * ( zi(i,kt) - zi(i,kt+1) ), 0._r8 ) * chs(i,kt) elseif( choice_radf .eq. 'maxi' ) then ! Radiative flux divergence both in 'kt' and 'kt-1' layers are included ! 1. From 'kt' layer lwp = ql(i,kt) * ( pi(i,kt+1) - pi(i,kt) ) / g opt_depth = 156._r8 * lwp ! Estimated LW optical depth in the CL top layer radinvfrac = opt_depth * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth ) / ( 6._r8 * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth ) + opt_depth**2 ) radf = max( radinvfrac * qrlw(i,kt) / ( pi(i,kt) - pi(i,kt+1) ) * ( zi(i,kt) - zi(i,kt+1) ), 0._r8 ) ! 2. From 'kt-1' layer and add the contribution from 'kt' layer lwp = ql(i,kt-1) * ( pi(i,kt) - pi(i,kt-1) ) / g opt_depth = 156._r8 * lwp ! Estimated LW optical depth in the CL top layer radinvfrac = opt_depth * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth ) / ( 6._r8 * ( 4._r8 + opt_depth) + opt_depth**2 ) radf = radf + max( radinvfrac * qrlw(i,kt-1) / ( pi(i,kt-1) - pi(i,kt) ) * ( zi(i,kt-1) - zi(i,kt) ), & 0._r8 ) radf = max( radf, 0._r8 ) * chs(i,kt) endif ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate 'wstar3' by summing buoyancy productions within CL from ! ! 1. Interior buoyancy production ( bprod: fcn of TKE ) ! ! 2. Cloud-top radiative cooling ! ! 3. Surface buoyancy flux contribution only when bflxs > 0. ! ! Note that master length scale, lbulk, has already been ! ! corrctly defined at the first part of this 'do ncv' loop ! ! considering the sign of bflxs. ! ! This 'wstar3' is used for calculation of entrainment rate. ! ! Note that this 'wstar3' formula does not include shear production ! ! and the effect of drizzle, which should be included later. ! ! Q : Strictly speaking, in calculating interior buoyancy production, ! ! the use of 'bprod' is not correct, since 'bprod' is not correct ! ! value but initially guessed value. More reasonably, we should ! ! use '-leng(i,k)*sqrt(b1*wcap(i,k))*shcl(i,ncv)*n2(i,k)' instead ! ! of 'bprod(i,k)', although this is still an approximation since ! ! tke(i,k) is not exactly 'b1*wcap(i,k)' due to a transport term.! ! However since iterative calculation will be performed after all,! ! below might also be OK. But I should test this alternative. ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------- ! dzht = zi(i,kt) - z(i,kt) ! Thickness of CL top half-layer dzhb = z(i,kb-1) - zi(i,kb) ! Thickness of CL bot half-layer wstar3 = radf * dzht do k = kt + 1, kb - 1 ! If 'kt = kb - 1', this loop will not be performed. wstar3 = wstar3 + bprod(i,k) * ( z(i,k-1) - z(i,k) ) ! Below is an alternative which may speed up convergence. ! However, for interfaces merged into original CL, it can ! be 'wcap(i,k)<0' since 'n2(i,k)>0'. Thus, I should use ! the above original one. ! wstar3 = wstar3 - leng(i,k)*sqrt(b1*wcap(i,k))*shcl(i,ncv)*n2(i,k)* & ! (z(i,k-1) - z(i,k)) end do if( kb .eq. (pver+1) .and. bflxs(i) .gt. 0._r8 ) then wstar3 = wstar3 + bflxs(i) * dzhb ! wstar3 = wstar3 + bprod(i,pver+1) * dzhb end if wstar3 = max( 2.5_r8 * wstar3, 0._r8 ) ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Below single block is for 'sedimentation-entrainment feedback' ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! if( id_sedfact ) then ! wsed = 7.8e5_r8*(ql(i,kt)/ncliq(i,kt))**(2._r8/3._r8) sedfact = exp(-ased*wsedl(i,kt)/(wstar3**(1._r8/3._r8)+1.e-6)) if( choice_evhc .eq. 'orig' ) then if (ql(i,kt).gt.qmin .and. ql(i,kt-1).lt.qmin) then jt2slv = slv(i,max(kt-2,1)) - slv(i,kt) jt2slv = max(jt2slv, jbumin*slv(i,kt-1)/g) evhc = 1._r8+sedfact*a2l*a3l*latvap*ql(i,kt) / jt2slv evhc = min(evhc,evhcmax) end if elseif( choice_evhc .eq. 'ramp' ) then jt2slv = slv(i,max(kt-2,1)) - slv(i,kt) jt2slv = max(jt2slv, jbumin*slv(i,kt-1)/g) evhc = 1._r8+max(cldeff(i,kt)-cldeff(i,kt-1),0._r8)*sedfact*a2l*a3l*latvap*ql(i,kt) / jt2slv evhc = min(evhc,evhcmax) elseif( choice_evhc .eq. 'maxi' ) then qleff = max(ql(i,kt-1),ql(i,kt)) jt2slv = slv(i,max(kt-2,1)) - slv(i,kt) jt2slv = max(jt2slv, jbumin*slv(i,kt-1)/g) evhc = 1._r8+sedfact*a2l*a3l*latvap*qleff / jt2slv evhc = min(evhc,evhcmax) endif endif ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Now diagnose CL top and bottom entrainment rates (and the contribution of ! ! top/bottom entrainments to wstar3) using entrainment closures of the form ! ! ! ! wet = cet*wstar3, web = ceb*wstar3 ! ! ! ! where cet and ceb depend on the entrainment interface jumps, ql, etc. ! ! No entrainment is diagnosed unless the wstar3 > 0. Note '1/wstar3fact' is ! ! a factor indicating the enhancement of wstar3 due to entrainment process. ! ! Q : Below setting of 'wstar3fact = max(..,0.5)'might prevent the possible ! ! case when buoyancy consumption by entrainment is stronger than cloud ! ! top radiative cooling production. Is that OK ? No. According to bulk ! ! modeling study, entrainment buoyancy consumption was always a certain ! ! fraction of other net productions, rather than a separate sum. Thus, ! ! below max limit of wstar3fact is correct. 'wstar3fact = max(.,0.5)' ! ! prevents unreasonable enhancement of CL entrainment rate by cloud-top ! ! entrainment instability, CTEI. ! ! Q : Use of the same dry entrainment coefficient, 'a1i' both at the CL top ! ! and base interfaces may result in too small 'wstar3' and 'ebrk' below, ! ! as was seen in my generalized bulk modeling study. This should be re- ! ! considered later ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if( wstar3 .gt. 0._r8 ) then cet = a1i * evhc / ( jtbu * lbulk ) if( kb .eq. pver + 1 ) then wstar3fact = max( 1._r8 + 2.5_r8 * cet * n2ht * jtzm * dzht, wstar3factcrit ) else ceb = a1i / ( jbbu * lbulk ) wstar3fact = max( 1._r8 + 2.5_r8 * cet * n2ht * jtzm * dzht & + 2.5_r8 * ceb * n2hb * jbzm * dzhb, wstar3factcrit ) end if wstar3 = wstar3 / wstar3fact else ! wstar3 == 0 wstar3fact = 0._r8 ! This is just for dianostic output cet = 0._r8 ceb = 0._r8 end if ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate net CL mean TKE including entrainment contribution by solving a ! ! canonical cubic equation. The solution of cubic equ. is 'rootp**2 = ebrk' ! ! where 'ebrk' originally (before solving cubic eq.) was interior CL mean TKE, ! ! but after solving cubic equation, it is replaced by net CL mean TKE in the ! ! same variable 'ebrk'. ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Solve cubic equation (canonical form for analytic solution) ! ! r^3 - 3*trmp*r - 2*trmq = 0, r = sqrt ! ! to estimate for CL, derived from layer-mean TKE balance: ! ! ! ! ^(3/2)/(b_1*) \approx (*) ! ! = (_int * l_int + _et * dzt + _eb * dzb)/lbulk ! ! _int = ^(1/2)/(b_1*)*_int ! ! _et = (-vyt+vut)*wet*jtbu + radf ! ! _eb = (-vyb+vub)*web*jbbu ! ! ! ! where: ! ! <> denotes a vertical avg (over the whole CL unless indicated) ! ! l_int (called lbrk below) is aggregate thickness of interior CL layers ! ! dzt = zi(i,kt)-z(i,kt) is thickness of top entrainment layer ! ! dzb = z(i,kb-1)-zi(i,kb) is thickness of bot entrainment layer ! ! _int (called ebrk below) is the CL-mean TKE if only interior ! ! interfaces contributed. ! ! wet, web are top. bottom entrainment rates ! ! ! ! For a single-level radiatively-driven convective layer, there are no ! ! interior interfaces so 'ebrk' = 'lbrk' = 0. If the CL goes to the ! ! surface, 'vyb' and 'vub' are set to zero before and 'ebrk' and 'lbrk' ! ! have already incorporated the surface interfacial layer contribution, ! ! so the same formulas still apply. ! ! ! ! In the original formulation based on TKE, ! ! wet*jtbu = a1l*evhc*^3/2/leng(i,kt) ! ! web*jbbu = a1l*^3/2/leng(i,kt) ! ! ! ! In the wstar formulation ! ! wet*jtbu = a1i*evhc*wstar3/lbulk ! ! web*jbbu = a1i*wstar3/lbulk, ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! fact = ( evhc * ( -vyt + vut ) * dzht + ( -vyb + vub ) * dzhb * leng(i,kb) / leng(i,kt) ) / lbulk if( wstarent ) then ! (Option 1) 'wstar' entrainment formulation ! Here trmq can have either sign, and will usually be nonzero even for non- ! cloud topped CLs. If trmq > 0, there will be two positive roots r; we take ! the larger one. Why ? If necessary, we limit entrainment and wstar to prevent ! a solution with r < ccrit*wstar ( Why ? ) where we take ccrit = 0.5. trma = 1._r8 trmp = ebrk(i,ncv) * ( lbrk(i,ncv) / lbulk ) / 3._r8 + ntzero trmq = 0.5_r8 * b1 * ( leng(i,kt) / lbulk ) * ( radf * dzht + a1i * fact * wstar3 ) ! Check if there is an acceptable root with r > rcrit = ccrit*wstar. ! To do this, first find local minimum fmin of the cubic f(r) at sqrt(p), ! and value fcrit = f(rcrit). rmin = sqrt(trmp) fmin = rmin * ( rmin * rmin - 3._r8 * trmp ) - 2._r8 * trmq wstar = wstar3**onet rcrit = ccrit * wstar fcrit = rcrit * ( rcrit * rcrit - 3._r8 * trmp ) - 2._r8 * trmq ! No acceptable root exists (noroot = .true.) if either: ! 1) rmin < rcrit (in which case cubic is monotone increasing for r > rcrit) ! and f(rcrit) > 0. ! or 2) rmin > rcrit (in which case min of f(r) in r > rcrit is at rmin) ! and f(rmin) > 0. ! In this case, we reduce entrainment and wstar3 such that r/wstar = ccrit; ! this changes the coefficients of the cubic. It might be informative to ! check when and how many 'noroot' cases occur, since when 'noroot', we ! will impose arbitrary limit on 'wstar3, wet, web, and ebrk' using ccrit. noroot = ( ( rmin .lt. rcrit ) .and. ( fcrit .gt. 0._r8 ) ) & .or. ( ( rmin .ge. rcrit ) .and. ( fmin .gt. 0._r8 ) ) if( noroot ) then ! Solve cubic for r trma = 1._r8 - b1 * ( leng(i,kt) / lbulk ) * a1i * fact / ccrit**3 trma = max( trma, 0.5_r8 ) ! Limit entrainment enhancement of ebrk trmp = trmp / trma trmq = 0.5_r8 * b1 * ( leng(i,kt) / lbulk ) * radf * dzht / trma end if ! noroot ! Solve the cubic equation qq = trmq**2 - trmp**3 if( qq .ge. 0._r8 ) then rootp = ( trmq + sqrt(qq) )**(1._r8/3._r8) + ( max( trmq - sqrt(qq), 0._r8 ) )**(1._r8/3._r8) else rootp = 2._r8 * sqrt(trmp) * cos( acos( trmq / sqrt(trmp**3) ) / 3._r8 ) end if ! Adjust 'wstar3' only if there is 'noroot'. ! And calculate entrainment rates at the top and base interfaces. if( noroot ) wstar3 = ( rootp / ccrit )**3 ! Adjust wstar3 wet = cet * wstar3 ! Find entrainment rates if( kb .lt. pver + 1 ) web = ceb * wstar3 ! When 'kb.eq.pver+1', it was set to web=0. else ! ! (Option.2) wstarentr = .false. Use original entrainment formulation. ! trmp > 0 if there are interior interfaces in CL, trmp = 0 otherwise. ! trmq > 0 if there is cloudtop radiative cooling, trmq = 0 otherwise. trma = 1._r8 - b1 * a1l * fact trma = max( trma, 0.5_r8 ) ! Prevents runaway entrainment instability trmp = ebrk(i,ncv) * ( lbrk(i,ncv) / lbulk ) / ( 3._r8 * trma ) trmq = 0.5_r8 * b1 * ( leng(i,kt) / lbulk ) * radf * dzht / trma qq = trmq**2 - trmp**3 if( qq .ge. 0._r8 ) then rootp = ( trmq + sqrt(qq) )**(1._r8/3._r8) + ( max( trmq - sqrt(qq), 0._r8 ) )**(1._r8/3._r8) else ! Also part of case 3 rootp = 2._r8 * sqrt(trmp) * cos( acos( trmq / sqrt(trmp**3) ) / 3._r8 ) end if ! qq ! Find entrainment rates and limit them by free-entrainment values a1l*sqrt(e) wet = a1l * rootp * min( evhc * rootp**2 / ( leng(i,kt) * jtbu ), 1._r8 ) if( kb .lt. pver + 1 ) web = a1l * rootp * min( evhc * rootp**2 / ( leng(i,kb) * jbbu ), 1._r8 ) end if ! wstarentr ! ---------------------------------------------------- ! ! Finally, get the net CL mean TKE and normalized TKE ! ! ---------------------------------------------------- ! ebrk(i,ncv) = rootp**2 ebrk(i,ncv) = min(ebrk(i,ncv),tkemax) ! Limit CL-avg TKE used for entrainment wbrk(i,ncv) = ebrk(i,ncv)/b1 ! The only way ebrk = 0 is for SRCL which are actually radiatively cooled ! at top interface. In this case, we remove 'convective' label from the ! interfaces around this layer. This case should now be impossible, so ! we flag it. Q: I can't understand why this case is impossible now. Maybe, ! due to various limiting procedures used in solving cubic equation ? ! In case of SRCL, 'ebrk' should be positive due to cloud top LW radiative ! cooling contribution, although 'ebrk(internal)' of SRCL before including ! entrainment contribution (which include LW cooling contribution also) is ! zero. if( ebrk(i,ncv) .le. 0._r8 ) then write(iulog,*) 'CALEDDY: Warning, CL with zero TKE, i, kt, kb ', i, kt, kb #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif belongcv(i,kt) = .false. belongcv(i,kb) = .false. end if ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate complete TKE profiles at all CL interfaces, capped by tkemax. ! ! We approximate TKE = at entrainment interfaces. However when CL is ! ! based at surface, correct 'tkes' will be inserted to tke(i,pver+1). ! ! Note that this approximation at CL external interfaces do not influence ! ! numerical calculation since 'e' at external interfaces are not used in ! ! actual numerical calculation afterward. In addition in order to extract ! ! correct TKE averaged over the PBL in the cumulus scheme,it is necessary ! ! to set e = at the top entrainment interface. Since net CL mean TKE ! ! 'ebrk' obtained by solving cubic equation already includes tkes ( tkes ! ! is included when bflxs > 0 but not when bflxs <= 0 into internal ebrk ),! ! 'tkes' should be written to tke(i,pver+1) ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 1. At internal interfaces do k = kb - 1, kt + 1, -1 rcap = ( b1 * ae + wcap(i,k) / wbrk(i,ncv) ) / ( b1 * ae + 1._r8 ) rcap = min( max(rcap,rcapmin), rcapmax ) tke(i,k) = ebrk(i,ncv) * rcap tke(i,k) = min( tke(i,k), tkemax ) kvh(i,k) = leng(i,k) * sqrt(tke(i,k)) * shcl(i,ncv) kvm(i,k) = leng(i,k) * sqrt(tke(i,k)) * smcl(i,ncv) bprod(i,k) = -kvh(i,k) * n2(i,k) sprod(i,k) = kvm(i,k) * s2(i,k) turbtype(i,k) = 2 ! CL interior interfaces. sm_aw(i,k) = smcl(i,ncv)/alph1 ! Diagnostic output for microphysics end do ! 2. At CL top entrainment interface kentr = wet * jtzm kvh(i,kt) = kentr kvm(i,kt) = kentr bprod(i,kt) = -kentr * n2ht + radf ! I must use 'n2ht' not 'n2' sprod(i,kt) = kentr * s2(i,kt) turbtype(i,kt) = 4 ! CL top entrainment interface trmp = -b1 * ae / ( 1._r8 + b1 * ae ) trmq = -(bprod(i,kt)+sprod(i,kt))*b1*leng(i,kt)/(1._r8+b1*ae)/(ebrk(i,ncv)**(3._r8/2._r8)) rcap = compute_cubic(0._r8,trmp,trmq)**2._r8 rcap = min( max(rcap,rcapmin), rcapmax ) tke(i,kt) = ebrk(i,ncv) * rcap tke(i,kt) = min( tke(i,kt), tkemax ) sm_aw(i,kt) = smcl(i,ncv) / alph1 ! Diagnostic output for microphysics ! 3. At CL base entrainment interface and double entraining interfaces ! When current CL base is also the top interface of CL regime below, ! simply add the two contributions for calculating eddy diffusivity ! and buoyancy/shear production. Below code correctly works because ! we (CL regime index) always go from surface upward. if( kb .lt. pver + 1 ) then kentr = web * jbzm if( kb .ne. ktblw ) then kvh(i,kb) = kentr kvm(i,kb) = kentr bprod(i,kb) = -kvh(i,kb)*n2hb ! I must use 'n2hb' not 'n2' sprod(i,kb) = kvm(i,kb)*s2(i,kb) turbtype(i,kb) = 3 ! CL base entrainment interface trmp = -b1*ae/(1._r8+b1*ae) trmq = -(bprod(i,kb)+sprod(i,kb))*b1*leng(i,kb)/(1._r8+b1*ae)/(ebrk(i,ncv)**(3._r8/2._r8)) rcap = compute_cubic(0._r8,trmp,trmq)**2._r8 rcap = min( max(rcap,rcapmin), rcapmax ) tke(i,kb) = ebrk(i,ncv) * rcap tke(i,kb) = min( tke(i,kb),tkemax ) else kvh(i,kb) = kvh(i,kb) + kentr kvm(i,kb) = kvm(i,kb) + kentr ! dzhb5 : Half thickness of the lowest layer of current CL regime ! dzht5 : Half thickness of the highest layer of adjacent CL regime just below current CL. dzhb5 = z(i,kb-1) - zi(i,kb) dzht5 = zi(i,kb) - z(i,kb) bprod(i,kb) = ( dzht5*bprod(i,kb) - dzhb5*kentr*n2hb ) / ( dzhb5 + dzht5 ) sprod(i,kb) = ( dzht5*sprod(i,kb) + dzhb5*kentr*s2(i,kb) ) / ( dzhb5 + dzht5 ) trmp = -b1*ae/(1._r8+b1*ae) trmq = -kentr*(s2(i,kb)-n2hb)*b1*leng(i,kb)/(1._r8+b1*ae)/(ebrk(i,ncv)**(3._r8/2._r8)) rcap = compute_cubic(0._r8,trmp,trmq)**2._r8 rcap = min( max(rcap,rcapmin), rcapmax ) tke_imsi = ebrk(i,ncv) * rcap tke_imsi = min( tke_imsi, tkemax ) tke(i,kb) = ( dzht5*tke(i,kb) + dzhb5*tke_imsi ) / ( dzhb5 + dzht5 ) tke(i,kb) = min(tke(i,kb),tkemax) turbtype(i,kb) = 5 ! CL double entraining interface end if else ! If CL base interface is surface, compute similarly using wcap(i,kb)=tkes/b1 ! Even when bflx < 0, use the same formula in order to impose consistency of ! tke(i,kb) at bflx = 0._r8 rcap = (b1*ae + wcap(i,kb)/wbrk(i,ncv))/(b1*ae + 1._r8) rcap = min( max(rcap,rcapmin), rcapmax ) tke(i,kb) = ebrk(i,ncv) * rcap tke(i,kb) = min( tke(i,kb),tkemax ) end if ! For double entraining interface, simply use smcl(i,ncv) of the overlying CL. ! Below 'sm_aw' is a diagnostic output for use in the microphysics. ! When 'kb' is surface, 'sm' will be over-written later below. sm_aw(i,kb) = smcl(i,ncv)/alph1 ! Calculate wcap at all interfaces of CL. Put a minimum threshold on TKE ! to prevent possible division by zero. 'wcap' at CL internal interfaces ! are already calculated in the first part of 'do ncv' loop correctly. ! When 'kb.eq.pver+1', below formula produces the identical result to the ! 'tkes(i)/b1' if leng(i,kb) is set to vk*z(i,pver). Note wcap(i,pver+1) ! is already defined as 'tkes(i)/b1' at the first part of caleddy. wcap(i,kt) = (bprod(i,kt)+sprod(i,kt))*leng(i,kt)/sqrt(max(tke(i,kt),1.e-6_r8)) if( kb .lt. pver + 1 ) then wcap(i,kb) = (bprod(i,kb)+sprod(i,kb))*leng(i,kb)/sqrt(max(tke(i,kb),1.e-6_r8)) end if ! Save the index of upper external interface of current CL-regime in order to ! handle the case when this interface is also the lower external interface of ! CL-regime located just above. ktblw = kt ! Diagnostic Output wet_CL(i,ncv) = wet web_CL(i,ncv) = web jtbu_CL(i,ncv) = jtbu jbbu_CL(i,ncv) = jbbu evhc_CL(i,ncv) = evhc jt2slv_CL(i,ncv) = jt2slv n2ht_CL(i,ncv) = n2ht n2hb_CL(i,ncv) = n2hb lwp_CL(i,ncv) = lwp opt_depth_CL(i,ncv) = opt_depth radinvfrac_CL(i,ncv) = radinvfrac radf_CL(i,ncv) = radf wstar_CL(i,ncv) = wstar wstar3fact_CL(i,ncv) = wstar3fact end do ! ncv ! Calculate PBL height and characteristic cumulus excess for use in the ! cumulus convection shceme. Also define turbulence type at the surface ! when the lowest CL is based at the surface. These are just diagnostic ! outputs, not influencing numerical calculation of current PBL scheme. ! If the lowest CL is based at the surface, define the PBL depth as the ! CL top interface. The same rule is applied for all CLs including SRCL. if( ncvsurf .gt. 0 ) then ktopbl(i) = ktop(i,ncvsurf) pblh(i) = zi(i, ktopbl(i)) pblhp(i) = pi(i, ktopbl(i)) wpert(i) = max(wfac*sqrt(ebrk(i,ncvsurf)),wpertmin) tpert(i) = max(abs(shflx(i)*rrho(i)/cpair)*tfac/wpert(i),0._r8) qpert(i) = max(abs(qflx(i)*rrho(i))*tfac/wpert(i),0._r8) if( bflxs(i) .gt. 0._r8 ) then turbtype(i,pver+1) = 2 ! CL interior interface else turbtype(i,pver+1) = 3 ! CL external base interface endif ipbl(i) = 1._r8 kpblh(i) = ktopbl(i) - 1._r8 end if ! End of the calculationf of te properties of surface-based CL. ! -------------------------------------------- ! ! Treatment of Stable Turbulent Regime ( STL ) ! ! -------------------------------------------- ! ! Identify top and bottom most (internal) interfaces of STL except surface. ! Also, calculate 'turbulent length scale (leng)' at each STL interfaces. belongst(i,1) = .false. ! k = 1 (top interface) is assumed non-turbulent do k = 2, pver ! k is an interface index belongst(i,k) = ( ri(i,k) .lt. ricrit ) .and. ( .not. belongcv(i,k) ) if( belongst(i,k) .and. ( .not. belongst(i,k-1) ) ) then kt = k ! Top interface index of STL elseif( .not. belongst(i,k) .and. belongst(i,k-1) ) then kb = k - 1 ! Base interface index of STL lbulk = z(i,kt-1) - z(i,kb) do ks = kt, kb if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = max( 1.e-3_r8, ctunl * tunl * exp(-log(ctunl)*ri(i,ks)/ricrit) ) ! tunlramp = 0.065_r8 + 0.7_r8 * exp(-20._r8*ri(i,ks)) else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then leng(i,ks) = ( (vk*zi(i,ks))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! leng(i,ks) = vk*zi(i,ks) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,ks)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else leng(i,ks) = min( vk*zi(i,ks), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif end do end if end do ! k ! Now look whether STL extends to ground. If STL extends to surface, ! re-define master length scale,'lbulk' including surface interfacial ! layer thickness, and re-calculate turbulent length scale, 'leng' at ! all STL interfaces again. Note that surface interface is assumed to ! always be STL if it is not CL. belongst(i,pver+1) = .not. belongcv(i,pver+1) if( belongst(i,pver+1) ) then ! kb = pver+1 (surface STL) turbtype(i,pver+1) = 1 ! Surface is STL interface if( belongst(i,pver) ) then ! STL includes interior ! 'kt' already defined above as the top interface of STL lbulk = z(i,kt-1) else ! STL with no interior turbulence kt = pver+1 lbulk = z(i,kt-1) end if ! PBL height : Layer mid-point just above the highest STL interface ! Note in contrast to the surface based CL regime where PBL height ! was defined at the top external interface, PBL height of surface ! based STL is defined as the layer mid-point. ktopbl(i) = kt - 1 pblh(i) = z(i,ktopbl(i)) pblhp(i) = 0.5_r8 * ( pi(i,ktopbl(i)) + pi(i,ktopbl(i)+1) ) ! Re-calculate turbulent length scale including surface interfacial ! layer contribution to lbulk. do ks = kt, pver if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = max(1.e-3_r8,ctunl*tunl*exp(-log(ctunl)*ri(i,ks)/ricrit)) ! tunlramp = 0.065_r8 + 0.7_r8 * exp(-20._r8*ri(i,ks)) else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then leng(i,ks) = ( (vk*zi(i,ks))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! leng(i,ks) = vk*zi(i,ks) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,ks)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else leng(i,ks) = min( vk*zi(i,ks), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif end do ! ks ! Characteristic cumulus excess of surface-based STL. ! We may be able to use ustar for wpert. wpert(i) = 0._r8 tpert(i) = max(shflx(i)*rrho(i)/cpair*fak/ustar(i),0._r8) ! CCM stable-layer forms qpert(i) = max(qflx(i)*rrho(i)*fak/ustar(i),0._r8) ipbl(i) = 0._r8 kpblh(i) = ktopbl(i) end if ! Calculate stability functions and energetics at the STL interfaces ! except the surface. Note that tke(i,pver+1) and wcap(i,pver+1) are ! already calculated in the first part of 'caleddy', kvm(i,pver+1) & ! kvh(i,pver+1) were already initialized to be zero, bprod(i,pver+1) ! & sprod(i,pver+1) were direcly calculated from the bflxs and ustar. ! Note transport term is assumed to be negligible at STL interfaces. do k = 2, pver if( belongst(i,k) ) then turbtype(i,k) = 1 ! STL interfaces trma = alph3*alph4exs*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(alph2-alph4exs*alph5*ri(i,k)) trmb = (alph3+alph4exs)*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(-alph5*ri(i,k)+alph1) trmc = ri(i,k) det = max(trmb*trmb-4._r8*trma*trmc,0._r8) ! Sanity Check if( det .lt. 0._r8 ) then write(iulog,*) 'The det < 0. for the STL in UW eddy_diff' #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif stop end if gh = (-trmb + sqrt(det))/(2._r8*trma) ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) ! gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) gh = min(max(gh,ghmin),0.0233_r8) sh = max(0._r8,alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh)) sm = max(0._r8,(alph1 + alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4exs*gh)) tke(i,k) = b1*(leng(i,k)**2)*(-sh*n2(i,k)+sm*s2(i,k)) tke(i,k) = min(tke(i,k),tkemax) wcap(i,k) = tke(i,k)/b1 kvh(i,k) = leng(i,k) * sqrt(tke(i,k)) * sh kvm(i,k) = leng(i,k) * sqrt(tke(i,k)) * sm bprod(i,k) = -kvh(i,k) * n2(i,k) sprod(i,k) = kvm(i,k) * s2(i,k) sm_aw(i,k) = sm/alph1 ! This is diagnostic output for use in the microphysics end if end do ! k ! --------------------------------------------------- ! ! End of treatment of Stable Turbulent Regime ( STL ) ! ! --------------------------------------------------- ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Re-computation of eddy diffusivity at the entrainment interface ! ! assuming that it is purely STL (00.19, ! ! turbulent can exist at the entrainment interface since 'Sh,Sm' ! ! do not necessarily go to zero even when Ri>0.19. Since Ri can ! ! be fairly larger than 0.19 at the entrainment interface, I ! ! should set minimum value of 'tke' to be 0. in order to prevent ! ! sqrt(tke) from being imaginary. ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! goto 888 do k = 2, pver if( ( turbtype(i,k) .eq. 3 ) .or. ( turbtype(i,k) .eq. 4 ) .or. & ( turbtype(i,k) .eq. 5 ) ) then trma = alph3*alph4exs*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(alph2-alph4exs*alph5*ri(i,k)) trmb = (alph3+alph4exs)*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(-alph5*ri(i,k)+alph1) trmc = ri(i,k) det = max(trmb*trmb-4._r8*trma*trmc,0._r8) gh = (-trmb + sqrt(det))/(2._r8*trma) ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) ! gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) gh = min(max(gh,ghmin),0.0233_r8) sh = max(0._r8,alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh)) sm = max(0._r8,(alph1 + alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4exs*gh)) lbulk = z(i,k-1) - z(i,k) if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = max(1.e-3_r8,ctunl*tunl*exp(-log(ctunl)*ri(i,k)/ricrit)) ! tunlramp = 0.065_r8 + 0.7_r8*exp(-20._r8*ri(i,k)) else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then leng_imsi = ( (vk*zi(i,k))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! leng_imsi = vk*zi(i,k) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,k)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else leng_imsi = min( vk*zi(i,k), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif tke_imsi = b1*(leng_imsi**2)*(-sh*n2(i,k)+sm*s2(i,k)) tke_imsi = min(max(tke_imsi,0._r8),tkemax) kvh_imsi = leng_imsi * sqrt(tke_imsi) * sh kvm_imsi = leng_imsi * sqrt(tke_imsi) * sm if( kvh(i,k) .lt. kvh_imsi ) then kvh(i,k) = kvh_imsi kvm(i,k) = kvm_imsi leng(i,k) = leng_imsi tke(i,k) = tke_imsi wcap(i,k) = tke_imsi / b1 bprod(i,k) = -kvh_imsi * n2(i,k) sprod(i,k) = kvm_imsi * s2(i,k) sm_aw(i,k) = sm/alph1 ! This is diagnostic output for use in the microphysics turbtype(i,k) = 1 ! This was added on Dec.10.2009 for use in microphysics. endif end if end do ! 888 continue ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! End of recomputation of eddy diffusivity at entrainment interfaces ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! As an option, we can impose a certain minimum back-ground diffusivity. ! do k = 1, pver+1 ! kvh(i,k) = max(0.01_r8,kvh(i,k)) ! kvm(i,k) = max(0.01_r8,kvm(i,k)) ! enddo ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Diagnostic Output ! ! Just for diagnostic purpose, calculate stability functions at each ! ! interface including surface. Instead of assuming neutral stability, ! ! explicitly calculate stability functions using an reverse procedure ! ! starting from tkes(i) similar to the case of SRCL and SBCL in zisocl. ! ! Note that it is possible to calculate stability functions even when ! ! bflxs < 0. Note that this inverse method allows us to define Ri even ! ! at the surface. Note also tkes(i) and sprod(i,pver+1) are always ! ! positive values by limiters (e.g., ustar_min = 0.01). ! ! Dec.12.2006 : Also just for diagnostic output, re-set ! ! 'bprod(i,pver+1)= bflxs(i)' here. Note that this setting does not ! ! influence numerical calculation at all - it is just for diagnostic ! ! output. ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------- ! bprod(i,pver+1) = bflxs(i) gg = 0.5_r8*vk*z(i,pver)*bprod(i,pver+1)/(tkes(i)**(3._r8/2._r8)) if( abs(alph5-gg*alph3) .le. 1.e-7_r8 ) then ! gh = -0.28_r8 if( bprod(i,pver+1) .gt. 0._r8 ) then gh = -3.5334_r8 else gh = ghmin endif else gh = gg/(alph5-gg*alph3) end if ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) if( bprod(i,pver+1) .gt. 0._r8 ) then gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) else gh = min(max(gh,ghmin),0.0233_r8) endif gh_a(i,pver+1) = gh sh_a(i,pver+1) = max(0._r8,alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh)) if( bprod(i,pver+1) .gt. 0._r8 ) then sm_a(i,pver+1) = max(0._r8,(alph1+alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4*gh)) else sm_a(i,pver+1) = max(0._r8,(alph1+alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4exs*gh)) endif sm_aw(i,pver+1) = sm_a(i,pver+1)/alph1 ri_a(i,pver+1) = -(sm_a(i,pver+1)/sh_a(i,pver+1))*(bprod(i,pver+1)/sprod(i,pver+1)) do k = 1, pver if( ri(i,k) .lt. 0._r8 ) then trma = alph3*alph4*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(alph2-alph4*alph5*ri(i,k)) trmb = (alph3+alph4)*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(-alph5*ri(i,k)+alph1) trmc = ri(i,k) det = max(trmb*trmb-4._r8*trma*trmc,0._r8) gh = (-trmb + sqrt(det))/(2._r8*trma) gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) gh_a(i,k) = gh sh_a(i,k) = max(0._r8,alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh)) sm_a(i,k) = max(0._r8,(alph1+alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4*gh)) ri_a(i,k) = ri(i,k) else if( ri(i,k) .gt. ricrit ) then gh_a(i,k) = ghmin sh_a(i,k) = 0._r8 sm_a(i,k) = 0._r8 ri_a(i,k) = ri(i,k) else trma = alph3*alph4exs*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(alph2-alph4exs*alph5*ri(i,k)) trmb = (alph3+alph4exs)*ri(i,k) + 2._r8*b1*(-alph5*ri(i,k)+alph1) trmc = ri(i,k) det = max(trmb*trmb-4._r8*trma*trmc,0._r8) gh = (-trmb + sqrt(det))/(2._r8*trma) gh = min(max(gh,ghmin),0.0233_r8) gh_a(i,k) = gh sh_a(i,k) = max(0._r8,alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh)) sm_a(i,k) = max(0._r8,(alph1+alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4exs*gh)) ri_a(i,k) = ri(i,k) endif endif end do do k = 1, pver + 1 turbtype_f(i,k) = real(turbtype(i,k)) end do end do ! End of column index loop, i return end subroutine caleddy !============================================================================== ! ! ! !============================================================================== ! subroutine exacol( pcols, pver, ncol, ri, bflxs, minpblh, zi, ktop, kbase, ncvfin ) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Object : Find unstable CL regimes and determine the indices ! ! kbase, ktop which delimit these unstable layers : ! ! ri(kbase) > 0 and ri(ktop) > 0, but ri(k) < 0 for ktop < k < kbase. ! ! Author : Chris Bretherton 08/2000, ! ! Sungsu Park 08/2006, 11/2008 ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none ! --------------- ! ! Input variables ! ! --------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Number of atmospheric columns integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of atmospheric vertical layers integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! Number of atmospheric columns real(r8), intent(in) :: ri(pcols,pver) ! Moist gradient Richardson no. real(r8), intent(in) :: bflxs(pcols) ! Buoyancy flux at surface real(r8), intent(in) :: minpblh(pcols) ! Minimum PBL height based on surface stress real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(pcols,pver+1) ! Interface heights ! ---------------- ! ! Output variables ! ! ---------------- ! integer, intent(out) :: kbase(pcols,ncvmax) ! External interface index of CL base integer, intent(out) :: ktop(pcols,ncvmax) ! External interface index of CL top integer, intent(out) :: ncvfin(pcols) ! Total number of CLs ! --------------- ! ! Local variables ! ! --------------- ! integer :: i integer :: k integer :: ncv real(r8) :: rimaxentr real(r8) :: riex(pver+1) ! Column Ri profile extended to surface ! ----------------------- ! ! Main Computation Begins ! ! ----------------------- ! do i = 1, ncol ncvfin(i) = 0 do ncv = 1, ncvmax ktop(i,ncv) = 0 kbase(i,ncv) = 0 end do end do ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Find CL regimes starting from the surface going upward ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! rimaxentr = 0._r8 do i = 1, ncol riex(2:pver) = ri(i,2:pver) ! Below allows consistent treatment of surface and other interfaces. ! Simply, if surface buoyancy flux is positive, Ri of surface is set to be negative. riex(pver+1) = rimaxentr - bflxs(i) ncv = 0 k = pver + 1 ! Work upward from surface interface do while ( k .gt. ntop_turb + 1 ) ! Below means that if 'bflxs > 0' (do not contain '=' sign), surface ! interface is energetically interior surface. if( riex(k) .lt. rimaxentr ) then ! Identify a new CL ncv = ncv + 1 ! First define 'kbase' as the first interface below the lower-most unstable interface ! Thus, Richardson number at 'kbase' is positive. kbase(i,ncv) = min(k+1,pver+1) ! Decrement k until top unstable level do while( riex(k) .lt. rimaxentr .and. k .gt. ntop_turb + 1 ) k = k - 1 end do ! ktop is the first interface above upper-most unstable interface ! Thus, Richardson number at 'ktop' is positive. ktop(i,ncv) = k else ! Search upward for a CL. k = k - 1 end if end do ! End of CL regime finding for each atmospheric column ncvfin(i) = ncv end do ! End of atmospheric column do loop return end subroutine exacol !============================================================================== ! ! ! !============================================================================== ! subroutine zisocl( pcols , pver , long , & z , zi , n2 , s2 , & bprod , sprod , bflxs, tkes , & ncvfin , kbase , ktop , belongcv, & ricl , ghcl , shcl , smcl , & lbrk , wbrk , ebrk , extend , extend_up, extend_dn ) !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Object : This 'zisocl' vertically extends original CLs identified from ! ! 'exacol' using a merging test based on either 'wint' or 'l2n2' ! ! and identify new CL regimes. Similar to the case of 'exacol', ! ! CL regime index increases with height. After identifying new ! ! CL regimes ( kbase, ktop, ncvfin ),calculate CL internal mean ! ! energetics (lbrk : energetic thickness integral, wbrk, ebrk ) ! ! and stability functions (ricl, ghcl, shcl, smcl) by including ! ! surface interfacial layer contribution when bflxs > 0. Note ! ! that there are two options in the treatment of the energetics ! ! of surface interfacial layer (use_dw_surf= 'true' or 'false') ! ! Author : Sungsu Park 08/2006, 11/2008 ! !------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! implicit none ! --------------- ! ! Input variables ! ! --------------- ! integer, intent(in) :: long ! Longitude of the column integer, intent(in) :: pcols ! Number of atmospheric columns integer, intent(in) :: pver ! Number of atmospheric vertical layers real(r8), intent(in) :: z(pcols, pver) ! Layer mid-point height [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: zi(pcols, pver+1) ! Interface height [ m ] real(r8), intent(in) :: n2(pcols, pver) ! Buoyancy frequency at interfaces except surface [ s-2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: s2(pcols, pver) ! Shear frequency at interfaces except surface [ s-2 ] real(r8), intent(in) :: bprod(pcols,pver+1) ! Buoyancy production [ m2/s3 ]. bprod(i,pver+1) = bflxs real(r8), intent(in) :: sprod(pcols,pver+1) ! Shear production [ m2/s3 ]. sprod(i,pver+1) = usta**3/(vk*z(i,pver)) real(r8), intent(in) :: bflxs(pcols) ! Surface buoyancy flux [ m2/s3 ]. bprod(i,pver+1) = bflxs real(r8), intent(in) :: tkes(pcols) ! TKE at the surface [ s2/s2 ] ! ---------------------- ! ! Input/output variables ! ! ---------------------- ! integer, intent(inout) :: kbase(pcols,ncvmax) ! Base external interface index of CL integer, intent(inout) :: ktop(pcols,ncvmax) ! Top external interface index of CL integer, intent(inout) :: ncvfin(pcols) ! Total number of CLs ! ---------------- ! ! Output variables ! ! ---------------- ! logical, intent(out) :: belongcv(pcols,pver+1) ! True if interface is in a CL ( either internal or external ) real(r8), intent(out) :: ricl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Mean Richardson number of internal CL real(r8), intent(out) :: ghcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Half of normalized buoyancy production of internal CL real(r8), intent(out) :: shcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Galperin instability function of heat-moisture of internal CL real(r8), intent(out) :: smcl(pcols,ncvmax) ! Galperin instability function of momentum of internal CL real(r8), intent(out) :: lbrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Thickness of (energetically) internal CL ( lint, [m] ) real(r8), intent(out) :: wbrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Mean normalized TKE of internal CL [ m2/s2 ] real(r8), intent(out) :: ebrk(pcols,ncvmax) ! Mean TKE of internal CL ( b1*wbrk, [m2/s2] ) ! ------------------ ! ! Internal variables ! ! ------------------ ! logical :: extend ! True when CL is extended in zisocl logical :: extend_up ! True when CL is extended upward in zisocl logical :: extend_dn ! True when CL is extended downward in zisocl logical :: bottom ! True when CL base is at surface ( kb = pver + 1 ) integer :: i ! Local index for the longitude integer :: ncv ! CL Index increasing with height integer :: incv integer :: k integer :: kb ! Local index for kbase integer :: kt ! Local index for ktop integer :: ncvinit ! Value of ncv at routine entrance integer :: cntu ! Number of merged CLs during upward extension of individual CL integer :: cntd ! Number of merged CLs during downward extension of individual CL integer :: kbinc ! Index for incorporating underlying CL integer :: ktinc ! Index for incorporating overlying CL real(r8) :: wint ! Normalized TKE of internal CL real(r8) :: dwinc ! Normalized TKE of CL external interfaces real(r8) :: dw_surf ! Normalized TKE of surface interfacial layer real(r8) :: dzinc real(r8) :: gh real(r8) :: sh real(r8) :: sm real(r8) :: gh_surf ! Half of normalized buoyancy production in surface interfacial layer real(r8) :: sh_surf ! Galperin instability function in surface interfacial layer real(r8) :: sm_surf ! Galperin instability function in surface interfacial layer real(r8) :: l2n2 ! Vertical integral of 'l^2N^2' over CL. Include thickness product real(r8) :: l2s2 ! Vertical integral of 'l^2S^2' over CL. Include thickness product real(r8) :: dl2n2 ! Vertical integration of 'l^2*N^2' of CL external interfaces real(r8) :: dl2s2 ! Vertical integration of 'l^2*S^2' of CL external interfaces real(r8) :: dl2n2_surf ! 'dl2n2' defined in the surface interfacial layer real(r8) :: dl2s2_surf ! 'dl2s2' defined in the surface interfacial layer real(r8) :: lint ! Thickness of (energetically) internal CL real(r8) :: dlint ! Interfacial layer thickness of CL external interfaces real(r8) :: dlint_surf ! Surface interfacial layer thickness real(r8) :: lbulk ! Master Length Scale : Whole CL thickness from top to base external interface real(r8) :: lz ! Turbulent length scale real(r8) :: ricll ! Mean Richardson number of internal CL real(r8) :: trma real(r8) :: trmb real(r8) :: trmc real(r8) :: det real(r8) :: zbot ! Height of CL base real(r8) :: l2rat ! Square of ratio of actual to initial CL (not used) real(r8) :: gg ! Intermediate variable used for calculating stability functions of SBCL real(r8) :: tunlramp ! Ramping tunl ! ----------------------- ! ! Main Computation Begins ! ! ----------------------- ! i = long ! Initialize main output variables do k = 1, ncvmax ricl(i,k) = 0._r8 ghcl(i,k) = 0._r8 shcl(i,k) = 0._r8 smcl(i,k) = 0._r8 lbrk(i,k) = 0._r8 wbrk(i,k) = 0._r8 ebrk(i,k) = 0._r8 end do extend = .false. extend_up = .false. extend_dn = .false. ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Loop over each CL to see if any of them need to be extended ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------- ! ncv = 1 do while( ncv .le. ncvfin(i) ) ncvinit = ncv cntu = 0 cntd = 0 kb = kbase(i,ncv) kt = ktop(i,ncv) ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculation of CL interior energetics including surface before extension ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Note that the contribution of interior interfaces (not surface) to 'wint' is ! ! accounted by using '-sh*l2n2 + sm*l2s2' while the contribution of surface is ! ! accounted by using 'dwsurf = tkes/b1' when bflxs > 0. This approach is fully ! ! reasonable. Another possible alternative, which seems to be also consistent ! ! is to calculate 'dl2n2_surf' and 'dl2s2_surf' of surface interfacial layer ! ! separately, and this contribution is explicitly added by initializing 'l2n2' ! ! 'l2s2' not by zero, but by 'dl2n2_surf' and 'ds2n2_surf' below. At the same ! ! time, 'dwsurf' should be excluded in 'wint' calculation below. The only diff.! ! between two approaches is that in case of the latter approach, contributions ! ! of surface interfacial layer to the CL mean stability function (ri,gh,sh,sm) ! ! are explicitly included while the first approach is not. In this sense, the ! ! second approach seems to be more conceptually consistent, but currently, I ! ! (Sungsu) will keep the first default approach. There is a switch ! ! 'use_dw_surf' at the first part of eddy_diff.F90 chosing one of ! ! these two options. ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Step 0: Calculate surface interfacial layer energetics ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! lbulk = zi(i,kt) - zi(i,kb) dlint_surf = 0._r8 dl2n2_surf = 0._r8 dl2s2_surf = 0._r8 dw_surf = 0._r8 if( kb .eq. pver+1 ) then if( bflxs(i) .gt. 0._r8 ) then ! Calculate stability functions of surface interfacial layer ! from the given 'bprod(i,pver+1)' and 'sprod(i,pver+1)' using ! inverse approach. Since alph5>0 and alph3<0, denominator of ! gg is always positive if bprod(i,pver+1)>0. gg = 0.5_r8*vk*z(i,pver)*bprod(i,pver+1)/(tkes(i)**(3._r8/2._r8)) gh = gg/(alph5-gg*alph3) ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) sh = alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh) sm = (alph1 + alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4*gh) ricll = min(-(sm/sh)*(bprod(i,pver+1)/sprod(i,pver+1)),ricrit) ! Calculate surface interfacial layer contribution to CL internal ! energetics. By construction, 'dw_surf = -dl2n2_surf + ds2n2_surf' ! is exactly satisfied, which corresponds to assuming turbulent ! length scale of surface interfacial layer = vk * z(i,pver). Note ! 'dl2n2_surf','dl2s2_surf','dw_surf' include thickness product. dlint_surf = z(i,pver) dl2n2_surf = -vk*(z(i,pver)**2)*bprod(i,pver+1)/(sh*sqrt(tkes(i))) dl2s2_surf = vk*(z(i,pver)**2)*sprod(i,pver+1)/(sm*sqrt(tkes(i))) dw_surf = (tkes(i)/b1)*z(i,pver) else ! Note that this case can happen when surface is an external ! interface of CL. lbulk = zi(i,kt) - z(i,pver) end if end if ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Step 1: Include surface interfacial layer contribution ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! lint = dlint_surf l2n2 = dl2n2_surf l2s2 = dl2s2_surf wint = dw_surf if( use_dw_surf ) then l2n2 = 0._r8 l2s2 = 0._r8 else wint = 0._r8 end if ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Step 2. Include the contribution of 'pure internal interfaces' other than surface ! ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if( kt .lt. kb - 1 ) then ! The case of non-SBCL. do k = kb - 1, kt + 1, -1 if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then ! Modification : I simply used the average tunlramp between the two limits. tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,k))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,k) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,k)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,k), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,k-1) - z(i,k) l2n2 = l2n2 + lz*lz*n2(i,k)*dzinc l2s2 = l2s2 + lz*lz*s2(i,k)*dzinc lint = lint + dzinc end do ! Calculate initial CL stability functions (gh,sh,sm) and net ! internal energy of CL including surface contribution if any. ! Modification : It seems that below cannot be applied when ricrit > 0.19. ! May need future generalization. ricll = min(l2n2/max(l2s2,ntzero),ricrit) ! Mean Ri of internal CL trma = alph3*alph4*ricll+2._r8*b1*(alph2-alph4*alph5*ricll) trmb = ricll*(alph3+alph4)+2._r8*b1*(-alph5*ricll+alph1) trmc = ricll det = max(trmb*trmb-4._r8*trma*trmc,0._r8) gh = (-trmb + sqrt(det))/2._r8/trma ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) sh = alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh) sm = (alph1 + alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4*gh) wint = wint - sh*l2n2 + sm*l2s2 else ! The case of SBCL ! If there is no pure internal interface, use only surface interfacial ! values. However, re-set surface interfacial values such that it can ! be used in the merging tests (either based on 'wint' or 'l2n2') and ! in such that surface interfacial energy is not double-counted. ! Note that regardless of the choise of 'use_dw_surf', below should be ! kept as it is below, for consistent merging test of extending SBCL. lint = dlint_surf l2n2 = dl2n2_surf l2s2 = dl2s2_surf wint = dw_surf ! Aug.29.2006 : Only for the purpose of merging test of extending SRCL ! based on 'l2n2', re-define 'l2n2' of surface interfacial layer using ! 'wint'. This part is designed for similar treatment of merging as in ! the original 'eddy_diff.F90' code, where 'l2n2' of SBCL was defined ! as 'l2n2 = - wint / sh'. Note that below block is used only when (1) ! surface buoyancy production 'bprod(i,pver+1)' is NOT included in the ! calculation of surface TKE in the initialization of 'bprod(i,pver+1)' ! in the main subroutine ( even though bflxs > 0 ), and (2) to force ! current scheme be similar to the previous scheme in the treatment of ! extending-merging test of SBCL based on 'l2n2'. Otherwise below line ! must be commented out. Note at this stage, correct non-zero value of ! 'sh' has been already computed. if( choice_tkes .eq. 'ebprod' ) then l2n2 = - wint / sh endif endif ! Set consistent upper limits on 'l2n2' and 'l2s2'. Below limits are ! reasonable since l2n2 of CL interior interface is always negative. l2n2 = -min(-l2n2, tkemax*lint/(b1*sh)) l2s2 = min( l2s2, tkemax*lint/(b1*sm)) ! Note that at this stage, ( gh, sh, sm ) are the values of surface ! interfacial layer if there is no pure internal interface, while if ! there is pure internal interface, ( gh, sh, sm ) are the values of ! pure CL interfaces or the values that include both the CL internal ! interfaces and surface interfaces, depending on the 'use_dw_surf'. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Perform vertical extension-merging process ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! During the merging process, we assumed ( lbulk, sh, sm ) of CL external ! ! interfaces are the same as the ones of the original merging CL. This is ! ! an inevitable approximation since we don't know ( sh, sm ) of external ! ! interfaces at this stage. Note that current default merging test is ! ! purely based on buoyancy production without including shear production, ! ! since we used 'l2n2' instead of 'wint' as a merging parameter. However, ! ! merging test based on 'wint' maybe conceptually more attractable. ! ! Downward CL merging process is identical to the upward merging process, ! ! but when the base of extended CL reaches to the surface, surface inter ! ! facial layer contribution to the energetic of extended CL must be done ! ! carefully depending on the sign of surface buoyancy flux. The contribu ! ! tion of surface interfacial layer energetic is included to the internal ! ! energetics of merging CL only when bflxs > 0. ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! ---------------------------- ! ! Step 1. Extend the CL upward ! ! ---------------------------- ! extend = .false. ! This will become .true. if CL top or base is extended ! Calculate contribution of potentially incorporable CL top interface if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,kt))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,kt) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,kt)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,kt), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,kt-1)-z(i,kt) dl2n2 = lz*lz*n2(i,kt)*dzinc dl2s2 = lz*lz*s2(i,kt)*dzinc dwinc = -sh*dl2n2 + sm*dl2s2 ! ------------ ! ! Merging Test ! ! ------------ ! ! do while ( dwinc .gt. ( rinc*dzinc*wint/(lint+(1._r8-rinc)*dzinc)) ) ! Merging test based on wint ! do while ( -dl2n2 .gt. (-rinc*dzinc*l2n2/(lint+(1._r8-rinc)*dzinc)) ) ! Merging test based on l2n2 #ifndef WRF_PORT do while ( -dl2n2 .gt. (-rinc*l2n2/(1._r8-rinc)) ) ! Integral merging test #else do while ( -dl2n2 .gt. (-rinc*l2n2/(1._r8-rinc)) .and. kt-1 .gt. ntop_turb ) ! Integral merging test #endif ! Add contribution of top external interface to interior energy. ! Note even when we chose 'use_dw_surf='true.', the contribution ! of surface interfacial layer to 'l2n2' and 'l2s2' are included ! here. However it is not double counting of surface interfacial ! energy : surface interfacial layer energy is counted in 'wint' ! formula and 'l2n2' is just used for performing merging test in ! this 'do while' loop. lint = lint + dzinc l2n2 = l2n2 + dl2n2 l2n2 = -min(-l2n2, tkemax*lint/(b1*sh)) l2s2 = l2s2 + dl2s2 wint = wint + dwinc ! Extend top external interface of CL upward after merging kt = kt - 1 extend = .true. extend_up = .true. if( kt .eq. ntop_turb ) then write(iulog,*) 'zisocl: Error: Tried to extend CL to the model top' #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif stop end if ! If the top external interface of extending CL is the same as the ! top interior interface of the overlying CL, overlying CL will be ! automatically merged. Then,reduce total number of CL regime by 1. ! and increase 'cntu'(number of merged CLs during upward extension) ! by 1. ktinc = kbase(i,ncv+cntu+1) - 1 ! Lowest interior interface of overlying CL if( kt .eq. ktinc ) then do k = kbase(i,ncv+cntu+1) - 1, ktop(i,ncv+cntu+1) + 1, -1 if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,k))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,k) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,k)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,k), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,k-1)-z(i,k) dl2n2 = lz*lz*n2(i,k)*dzinc dl2s2 = lz*lz*s2(i,k)*dzinc dwinc = -sh*dl2n2 + sm*dl2s2 lint = lint + dzinc l2n2 = l2n2 + dl2n2 l2n2 = -min(-l2n2, tkemax*lint/(b1*sh)) l2s2 = l2s2 + dl2s2 wint = wint + dwinc end do kt = ktop(i,ncv+cntu+1) ncvfin(i) = ncvfin(i) - 1 cntu = cntu + 1 end if ! Again, calculate the contribution of potentially incorporatable CL ! top external interface of CL regime. if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,kt))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,kt) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,kt)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,kt), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,kt-1)-z(i,kt) dl2n2 = lz*lz*n2(i,kt)*dzinc dl2s2 = lz*lz*s2(i,kt)*dzinc dwinc = -sh*dl2n2 + sm*dl2s2 end do ! End of upward merging test 'do while' loop ! Update CL interface indices appropriately if any CL was merged. ! Note that below only updated the interface index of merged CL, ! not the original merging CL. Updates of 'kbase' and 'ktop' of ! the original merging CL will be done after finishing downward ! extension also later. if( cntu .gt. 0 ) then do incv = 1, ncvfin(i) - ncv kbase(i,ncv+incv) = kbase(i,ncv+cntu+incv) ktop(i,ncv+incv) = ktop(i,ncv+cntu+incv) end do end if ! ------------------------------ ! ! Step 2. Extend the CL downward ! ! ------------------------------ ! if( kb .ne. pver + 1 ) then ! Calculate contribution of potentially incorporable CL base interface if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,kb))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,kb) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,kb)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,kb), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,kb-1)-z(i,kb) dl2n2 = lz*lz*n2(i,kb)*dzinc dl2s2 = lz*lz*s2(i,kb)*dzinc dwinc = -sh*dl2n2 + sm*dl2s2 ! ------------ ! ! Merging test ! ! ------------ ! ! In the below merging tests, I must keep '.and.(kb.ne.pver+1)', ! since 'kb' is continuously updated within the 'do while' loop ! whenever CL base is merged. ! do while( ( dwinc .gt. ( rinc*dzinc*wint/(lint+(1._r8-rinc)*dzinc)) ) & ! Merging test based on wint ! do while( ( -dl2n2 .gt. (-rinc*dzinc*l2n2/(lint+(1._r8-rinc)*dzinc)) ) & ! Merging test based on l2n2 ! .and.(kb.ne.pver+1)) do while( ( -dl2n2 .gt. (-rinc*l2n2/(1._r8-rinc)) ) & ! Integral merging test .and.(kb.ne.pver+1)) ! Add contributions from interfacial layer kb to CL interior lint = lint + dzinc l2n2 = l2n2 + dl2n2 l2n2 = -min(-l2n2, tkemax*lint/(b1*sh)) l2s2 = l2s2 + dl2s2 wint = wint + dwinc ! Extend the base external interface of CL downward after merging kb = kb + 1 extend = .true. extend_dn = .true. ! If the base external interface of extending CL is the same as the ! base interior interface of the underlying CL, underlying CL will ! be automatically merged. Then, reduce total number of CL by 1. ! For a consistent treatment with 'upward' extension, I should use ! 'kbinc = kbase(i,ncv-1) - 1' instead of 'ktop(i,ncv-1) + 1' below. ! However, it seems that these two methods produce the same results. ! Note also that in contrast to upward merging, the decrease of ncv ! should be performed here. ! Note that below formula correctly works even when upperlying CL ! regime incorporates below SBCL. kbinc = 0 if( ncv .gt. 1 ) kbinc = ktop(i,ncv-1) + 1 if( kb .eq. kbinc ) then do k = ktop(i,ncv-1) + 1, kbase(i,ncv-1) - 1 if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,k))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,k) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,k)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,k), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,k-1)-z(i,k) dl2n2 = lz*lz*n2(i,k)*dzinc dl2s2 = lz*lz*s2(i,k)*dzinc dwinc = -sh*dl2n2 + sm*dl2s2 lint = lint + dzinc l2n2 = l2n2 + dl2n2 l2n2 = -min(-l2n2, tkemax*lint/(b1*sh)) l2s2 = l2s2 + dl2s2 wint = wint + dwinc end do ! We are incorporating interior of CL ncv-1, so merge ! this CL into the current CL. kb = kbase(i,ncv-1) ncv = ncv - 1 ncvfin(i) = ncvfin(i) -1 cntd = cntd + 1 end if ! Calculate the contribution of potentially incorporatable CL ! base external interface. Calculate separately when the base ! of extended CL is surface and non-surface. if( kb .eq. pver + 1 ) then if( bflxs(i) .gt. 0._r8 ) then ! Calculate stability functions of surface interfacial layer gg = 0.5_r8*vk*z(i,pver)*bprod(i,pver+1)/(tkes(i)**(3._r8/2._r8)) gh_surf = gg/(alph5-gg*alph3) ! gh_surf = min(max(gh_surf,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) gh_surf = min(max(gh_surf,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) sh_surf = alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh_surf) sm_surf = (alph1 + alph2*gh_surf)/(1._r8+alph3*gh_surf)/(1._r8+alph4*gh_surf) ! Calculate surface interfacial layer contribution. By construction, ! it exactly becomes 'dw_surf = -dl2n2_surf + ds2n2_surf' dlint_surf = z(i,pver) dl2n2_surf = -vk*(z(i,pver)**2._r8)*bprod(i,pver+1)/(sh_surf*sqrt(tkes(i))) dl2s2_surf = vk*(z(i,pver)**2._r8)*sprod(i,pver+1)/(sm_surf*sqrt(tkes(i))) dw_surf = (tkes(i)/b1)*z(i,pver) else dlint_surf = 0._r8 dl2n2_surf = 0._r8 dl2s2_surf = 0._r8 dw_surf = 0._r8 end if ! If (kb.eq.pver+1), updating of CL internal energetics should be ! performed here inside of 'do while' loop, since 'do while' loop ! contains the constraint of '.and.(kb.ne.pver+1)',so updating of ! CL internal energetics cannot be performed within this do while ! loop when kb.eq.pver+1. Even though I updated all 'l2n2','l2s2', ! 'wint' below, only the updated 'wint' is used in the following ! numerical calculation. lint = lint + dlint_surf l2n2 = l2n2 + dl2n2_surf l2n2 = -min(-l2n2, tkemax*lint/(b1*sh)) l2s2 = l2s2 + dl2s2_surf wint = wint + dw_surf else if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,kb))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,kb) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,kb)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,kb), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,kb-1)-z(i,kb) dl2n2 = lz*lz*n2(i,kb)*dzinc dl2s2 = lz*lz*s2(i,kb)*dzinc dwinc = -sh*dl2n2 + sm*dl2s2 end if end do ! End of merging test 'do while' loop if( (kb.eq.pver+1) .and. (ncv.ne.1) ) then write(iulog,*) 'Major mistake zisocl: the CL based at surface is not indexed 1' #ifdef WRF_PORT call wrf_message(iulog) #endif stop end if end if ! Done with bottom extension of CL ! Update CL interface indices appropriately if any CL was merged. ! Note that below only updated the interface index of merged CL, ! not the original merging CL. Updates of 'kbase' and 'ktop' of ! the original merging CL will be done later below. I should ! check in detail if below index updating is correct or not. if( cntd .gt. 0 ) then do incv = 1, ncvfin(i) - ncv kbase(i,ncv+incv) = kbase(i,ncvinit+incv) ktop(i,ncv+incv) = ktop(i,ncvinit+incv) end do end if ! Sanity check for positive wint. if( wint .lt. 0.01_r8 ) then wint = 0.01_r8 end if ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Finally update CL mean internal energetics including surface contribution ! ! after finishing all the CL extension-merging process. As mentioned above, ! ! there are two possible ways in the treatment of surface interfacial layer, ! ! either through 'dw_surf' or 'dl2n2_surf and dl2s2_surf' by setting logical ! ! variable 'use_dw_surf' =.true. or .false. In any cases, we should avoid ! ! double counting of surface interfacial layer and one single consistent way ! ! should be used throughout the program. ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! if( extend ) then ktop(i,ncv) = kt kbase(i,ncv) = kb ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! ! Step 1: Include surface interfacial layer contribution ! ! ------------------------------------------------------ ! lbulk = zi(i,kt) - zi(i,kb) dlint_surf = 0._r8 dl2n2_surf = 0._r8 dl2s2_surf = 0._r8 dw_surf = 0._r8 if( kb .eq. pver + 1 ) then if( bflxs(i) .gt. 0._r8 ) then ! Calculate stability functions of surface interfacial layer gg = 0.5_r8*vk*z(i,pver)*bprod(i,pver+1)/(tkes(i)**(3._r8/2._r8)) gh = gg/(alph5-gg*alph3) ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) sh = alph5/(1._r8+alph3*gh) sm = (alph1 + alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4*gh) ! Calculate surface interfacial layer contribution. By construction, ! it exactly becomes 'dw_surf = -dl2n2_surf + ds2n2_surf' dlint_surf = z(i,pver) dl2n2_surf = -vk*(z(i,pver)**2._r8)*bprod(i,pver+1)/(sh*sqrt(tkes(i))) dl2s2_surf = vk*(z(i,pver)**2._r8)*sprod(i,pver+1)/(sm*sqrt(tkes(i))) dw_surf = (tkes(i)/b1)*z(i,pver) else lbulk = zi(i,kt) - z(i,pver) end if end if lint = dlint_surf l2n2 = dl2n2_surf l2s2 = dl2s2_surf wint = dw_surf if( use_dw_surf ) then l2n2 = 0._r8 l2s2 = 0._r8 else wint = 0._r8 end if ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Step 2. Include the contribution of 'pure internal interfaces' ! ! -------------------------------------------------------------- ! do k = kt + 1, kb - 1 if( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampcl' ) then tunlramp = 0.5_r8*(1._r8+ctunl)*tunl elseif( choice_tunl .eq. 'rampsl' ) then tunlramp = ctunl*tunl ! tunlramp = 0.765_r8 else tunlramp = tunl endif if( choice_leng .eq. 'origin' ) then lz = ( (vk*zi(i,k))**(-cleng) + (tunlramp*lbulk)**(-cleng) )**(-1._r8/cleng) ! lz = vk*zi(i,k) / (1._r8+vk*zi(i,k)/(tunlramp*lbulk)) else lz = min( vk*zi(i,k), tunlramp*lbulk ) endif dzinc = z(i,k-1) - z(i,k) lint = lint + dzinc l2n2 = l2n2 + lz*lz*n2(i,k)*dzinc l2s2 = l2s2 + lz*lz*s2(i,k)*dzinc end do ricll = min(l2n2/max(l2s2,ntzero),ricrit) trma = alph3*alph4*ricll+2._r8*b1*(alph2-alph4*alph5*ricll) trmb = ricll*(alph3+alph4)+2._r8*b1*(-alph5*ricll+alph1) trmc = ricll det = max(trmb*trmb-4._r8*trma*trmc,0._r8) gh = (-trmb + sqrt(det))/2._r8/trma ! gh = min(max(gh,-0.28_r8),0.0233_r8) gh = min(max(gh,-3.5334_r8),0.0233_r8) sh = alph5 / (1._r8+alph3*gh) sm = (alph1 + alph2*gh)/(1._r8+alph3*gh)/(1._r8+alph4*gh) ! Even though the 'wint' after finishing merging was positive, it is ! possible that re-calculated 'wint' here is negative. In this case, ! correct 'wint' to be a small positive number wint = max( wint - sh*l2n2 + sm*l2s2, 0.01_r8 ) end if ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Calculate final output variables of each CL (either has merged or not) ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! lbrk(i,ncv) = lint wbrk(i,ncv) = wint/lint ebrk(i,ncv) = b1*wbrk(i,ncv) ebrk(i,ncv) = min(ebrk(i,ncv),tkemax) ricl(i,ncv) = ricll ghcl(i,ncv) = gh shcl(i,ncv) = sh smcl(i,ncv) = sm ! Increment counter for next CL. I should check if the increament of 'ncv' ! below is reasonable or not, since whenever CL is merged during downward ! extension process, 'ncv' is lowered down continuously within 'do' loop. ! But it seems that below 'ncv = ncv + 1' is perfectly correct. ncv = ncv + 1 end do ! End of loop over each CL regime, ncv. ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Re-initialize external interface indices which are not CLs ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------- ! do ncv = ncvfin(i) + 1, ncvmax ktop(i,ncv) = 0 kbase(i,ncv) = 0 end do ! ------------------------------------------------ ! ! Update CL interface identifiers, 'belongcv' ! ! CL external interfaces are also identified as CL ! ! ------------------------------------------------ ! do k = 1, pver + 1 belongcv(i,k) = .false. end do do ncv = 1, ncvfin(i) do k = ktop(i,ncv), kbase(i,ncv) belongcv(i,k) = .true. end do end do return end subroutine zisocl real(r8) function compute_cubic(a,b,c) ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! Solve canonical cubic : x^3 + a*x^2 + b*x + c = 0, x = sqrt(e)/sqrt() ! ! Set x = max(xmin,x) at the end ! ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! implicit none real(r8), intent(in) :: a, b, c real(r8) qq, rr, dd, theta, aa, bb, x1, x2, x3 real(r8), parameter :: xmin = 1.e-2_r8 qq = (a**2-3._r8*b)/9._r8 rr = (2._r8*a**3 - 9._r8*a*b + 27._r8*c)/54._r8 dd = rr**2 - qq**3 if( dd .le. 0._r8 ) then theta = acos(rr/qq**(3._r8/2._r8)) x1 = -2._r8*sqrt(qq)*cos(theta/3._r8) - a/3._r8 x2 = -2._r8*sqrt(qq)*cos((theta+2._r8*3.141592)/3._r8) - a/3._r8 x3 = -2._r8*sqrt(qq)*cos((theta-2._r8*3.141592)/3._r8) - a/3._r8 compute_cubic = max(max(max(x1,x2),x3),xmin) return else if( rr .ge. 0._r8 ) then aa = -(sqrt(rr**2-qq**3)+rr)**(1._r8/3._r8) else aa = (sqrt(rr**2-qq**3)-rr)**(1._r8/3._r8) endif if( aa .eq. 0._r8 ) then bb = 0._r8 else bb = qq/aa endif compute_cubic = max((aa+bb)-a/3._r8,xmin) return endif return end function compute_cubic END MODULE eddy_diff