PROGRAM ndown_em USE module_machine USE module_domain, ONLY : domain, head_grid, alloc_and_configure_domain, & domain_clock_set, domain_clock_get, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_domain_type, ONLY : program_name USE module_initialize_real, ONLY : wrfu_initialize, rebalance_driver USE module_integrate USE module_driver_constants USE module_configure, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type, model_config_rec USE module_io_domain USE module_utility USE module_check_a_mundo USE module_timing USE module_wrf_error USE module_dm USE module_bc USE module_big_step_utilities_em USE module_get_file_names IMPLICIT NONE INTERFACE SUBROUTINE med_read_wrf_chem_bioemiss ( grid , config_flags) USE module_domain TYPE (domain) grid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) config_flags END SUBROUTINE med_read_wrf_chem_bioemiss SUBROUTINE init_domain_constants_em_ptr ( parent , nest ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent , nest END SUBROUTINE init_domain_constants_em_ptr SUBROUTINE vertical_interp (nested_grid,znw_c,znu_c,cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c,k_dim_c,c3h,c4h,c3f,c4f) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), POINTER :: nested_grid INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: k_dim_c REAL , INTENT (IN) :: cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c REAL , DIMENSION(k_dim_c) , INTENT (IN) :: znw_c,znu_c REAL , DIMENSION(k_dim_c) , INTENT (IN) :: c3h,c4h,c3f,c4f END SUBROUTINE vertical_interp END INTERFACE INTEGER :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde INTEGER :: ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme INTEGER :: ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe INTEGER :: its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe INTEGER :: spec_bdy_width INTEGER :: i , j , k , nvchem, nvmoist, nvscalar INTEGER :: time_loop_max , time_loop INTEGER :: total_time_sec , file_counter INTEGER :: julyr , julday , iswater , map_proj INTEGER :: icnt REAL :: dt , new_bdy_frq REAL :: gmt , cen_lat , cen_lon , dx , dy , truelat1 , truelat2 , moad_cen_lat , stand_lon REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: ubdy3dtemp1 , vbdy3dtemp1 , tbdy3dtemp1 , pbdy3dtemp1 , qbdy3dtemp1 REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: mbdy2dtemp1 REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: ubdy3dtemp2 , vbdy3dtemp2 , tbdy3dtemp2 , pbdy3dtemp2 , qbdy3dtemp2 REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: mbdy2dtemp2 REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: cbdy3dtemp1 , cbdy3dtemp2 REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: sbdy3dtemp1 , sbdy3dtemp2 REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: cbdy3dtemp0 REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: qbdy3dtemp1_coupled, qbdy3dtemp2_coupled REAL , DIMENSION(:,:,:,:) , ALLOCATABLE :: sbdy3dtemp1_coupled, sbdy3dtemp2_coupled CHARACTER(LEN=19) :: start_date_char , current_date_char , end_date_char CHARACTER(LEN=19) :: stopTimeStr INTEGER :: num_veg_cat , num_soil_top_cat , num_soil_bot_cat REAL :: time INTEGER :: rc INTEGER :: loop , levels_to_process INTEGER , PARAMETER :: max_sanity_file_loop = 100 TYPE (domain) , POINTER :: keep_grid, grid_ptr, null_domain, parent_grid , nested_grid TYPE (domain) :: dummy TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) :: config_flags INTEGER :: number_at_same_level INTEGER :: time_step_begin_restart INTEGER :: max_dom , domain_id , fid , fido, fidb , oid , idum1 , idum2 , ierr INTEGER :: status_next_var INTEGER :: debug_level LOGICAL :: input_from_file , need_new_file CHARACTER (LEN=19) :: date_string INTEGER :: nbytes INTEGER, PARAMETER :: configbuflen = 4* 65536 INTEGER :: configbuf( configbuflen ) LOGICAL , EXTERNAL :: wrf_dm_on_monitor INTEGER :: idsi CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: inpname , outname , bdyname CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: si_inpname character *19 :: temp19 character *24 :: temp24 , temp24b character(len=24) :: start_date_hold CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: message integer :: ii CHARACTER (LEN=*), PARAMETER :: release_version = 'V4.2.1' integer :: n_ref_m,k_dim_c,k_dim_n real :: cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c REAL , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: znw_c,znu_c REAL , DIMENSION(:) , ALLOCATABLE :: c3h,c4h,c3f,c4f INTERFACE SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain ( parent_grid , nested_grid ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent_grid , nested_grid END SUBROUTINE med_interp_domain SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping( parent_grid ) USE module_domain TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent_grid END SUBROUTINE Setup_Timekeeping SUBROUTINE vert_cor(parent_grid,znw_c,k_dim_c) USE module_domain TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent_grid integer , intent(in) :: k_dim_c real , dimension(k_dim_c), INTENT(IN) :: znw_c END SUBROUTINE vert_cor END INTERFACE program_name = "NDOWN_EM " // TRIM(release_version) // " PREPROCESSOR" CALL disable_quilting CALL init_modules(1) CALL WRFU_Initialize( defaultCalKind=WRFU_CAL_GREGORIAN, rc=rc ) CALL init_modules(2) IF ( wrf_dm_on_monitor() ) THEN CALL initial_config ENDIF CALL get_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen, nbytes ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( configbuf, nbytes ) CALL set_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen ) CALL wrf_dm_initialize CALL setup_physics_suite CALL check_nml_consistency CALL set_physics_rconfigs IF ( model_config_rec%io_form_auxinput2 .EQ. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",192,& 'ndown: Please set io_form_auxinput2 in the time_control namelist record (probably to 2).') END IF n_ref_m = model_config_rec % vert_refine_fact k_dim_c = model_config_rec % e_vert(1) k_dim_n = k_dim_c if (n_ref_m .ge. 2) k_dim_n = (k_dim_c - 1) * n_ref_m + 1 model_config_rec % e_vert(1) = k_dim_n model_config_rec % e_vert(2) = k_dim_n ALLOCATE(znw_c(k_dim_c)) ALLOCATE(znu_c(k_dim_c)) ALLOCATE(c3h(k_dim_c)) ALLOCATE(c4h(k_dim_c)) ALLOCATE(c3f(k_dim_c)) ALLOCATE(c4f(k_dim_c)) WRITE ( message , FMT = '(A,3I5)' ) 'KDIM_C', k_dim_c , model_config_rec % e_vert(1) , model_config_rec % e_vert(2) CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) CALL nl_get_debug_level ( 1, debug_level ) CALL set_wrf_debug_level ( debug_level ) NULLIFY( null_domain ) CALL wrf_message ( program_name ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em: calling alloc_and_configure_domain coarse ' ) CALL alloc_and_configure_domain ( domain_id = 1 , & grid = head_grid , & parent = null_domain , & kid = -1 ) parent_grid => head_grid CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( parent_grid ) CALL domain_clock_set( head_grid, & time_step_seconds=model_config_rec%interval_seconds ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em: calling model_to_grid_config_rec ' ) CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( parent_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em: calling set_scalar_indices_from_config ' ) CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( parent_grid%id , idum1, idum2 ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em: calling init_wrfio' ) CALL init_wrfio CALL get_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen, nbytes ) CALL wrf_dm_bcast_bytes( configbuf, nbytes ) CALL set_config_as_buffer( configbuf, configbuflen ) WRITE ( start_date_char , FMT = '(I4.4,"-",I2.2,"-",I2.2,"_",I2.2,":",I2.2,":",I2.2)' ) & model_config_rec%start_year (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec%start_month (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec%start_day (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec%start_hour (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec%start_minute(parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec%start_second(parent_grid%id) WRITE ( end_date_char , FMT = '(I4.4,"-",I2.2,"-",I2.2,"_",I2.2,":",I2.2,":",I2.2)' ) & model_config_rec% end_year (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec% end_month (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec% end_day (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec% end_hour (parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec% end_minute(parent_grid%id) , & model_config_rec% end_second(parent_grid%id) CALL domain_clock_set( parent_grid, stop_timestr=end_date_char ) CALL geth_idts ( end_date_char , start_date_char , total_time_sec ) new_bdy_frq = model_config_rec%interval_seconds time_loop_max = total_time_sec / model_config_rec%interval_seconds + 1 start_date = start_date_char // '.0000' current_date = start_date_char // '.0000' start_date_hold = start_date_char // '.0000' current_date_char = start_date_char file_counter = 1 need_new_file = .FALSE. CALL unix_ls ( 'wrfout' , parent_grid%id ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em main: calling open_r_dataset for ' // TRIM(eligible_file_name(file_counter)) ) CALL open_r_dataset ( fid, TRIM(eligible_file_name(file_counter)) , head_grid , config_flags , "DATASET=AUXINPUT1", ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A,A,A,I8)' ) 'program ndown: error opening ',TRIM(eligible_file_name(file_counter)), & ' for reading ierr=',ierr CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",302,& wrf_err_message ) ENDIF big_time_loop_thingy : DO time_loop = 1 , time_loop_max CALL geth_newdate ( date_string , start_date_char , ( time_loop - 1 ) * NINT ( new_bdy_frq) ) WRITE ( message , FMT = '(A,I5," ",A,A)' ) '-------->>> Processing data: loop=',time_loop,' date/time = ',date_string CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) current_date_char = date_string current_date = date_string // '.0000' start_date = date_string // '.0000' WRITE ( message , FMT = '(A,I5," ",A,A)' ) 'loopmax = ', time_loop_max, ' ending date = ',end_date_char CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) CALL domain_clock_set( parent_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) get_the_right_time : DO CALL wrf_get_next_time ( fid , date_string , status_next_var ) WRITE ( message , FMT = '(A,A,A,A,A,I5)' ) 'file date/time = ',date_string,' desired date = ',& current_date_char,' status = ', status_next_var CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) IF ( status_next_var .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em main: calling close_dataset for ' // TRIM(eligible_file_name(file_counter)) ) CALL close_dataset ( fid , config_flags , "DATASET=INPUT" ) file_counter = file_counter + 1 IF ( file_counter .GT. number_of_eligible_files ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A)' ) 'program ndown: opening too many files' CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A)' ) 'Usually, this is caused by trying to run ndown past the last time available d01 model output' CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A)' ) 'The CG model output is used to supply lateral boundary conditions' CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A)' ) 'The ndown program uses the start and end times, the WRF model for d01 likely used the run times option.' CALL wrf_message ( TRIM(wrf_err_message) ) WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A)' ) 'Check the namelist.input time_control section for inconsistencies.' CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",348,& wrf_err_message ) END IF CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em main: calling open_r_dataset for ' // TRIM(eligible_file_name(file_counter)) ) CALL open_r_dataset ( fid, TRIM(eligible_file_name(file_counter)) , head_grid , config_flags , "DATASET=INPUT", ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A,A,A,I8)' ) 'program ndown: error opening ',TRIM(eligible_file_name(file_counter)), & ' for reading ierr=',ierr CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",356,& wrf_err_message ) ENDIF CYCLE get_the_right_time ELSE IF ( TRIM(date_string) .LT. TRIM(current_date_char) ) THEN CYCLE get_the_right_time ELSE IF ( TRIM(date_string) .EQ. TRIM(current_date_char) ) THEN EXIT get_the_right_time ELSE IF ( TRIM(date_string) .GT. TRIM(current_date_char) ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A,A,A,A,A)' ) 'Found ',TRIM(date_string),' before I found ',TRIM(current_date_char),'.' CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",366,& wrf_err_message ) END IF END DO get_the_right_time CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling input_history' ) CALL wrf_get_previous_time ( fid , date_string , status_next_var ) WRITE ( message , * ) 'CFB' ,cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c,znw_c(1),znu_c(1) CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) CALL input_history ( fid , head_grid , config_flags, ierr) cf1_c = head_grid%cf1 cf2_c = head_grid%cf2 cf3_c = head_grid%cf3 cfn_c = head_grid%cfn cfn1_c = head_grid%cfn1 do k = 1,k_dim_c znw_c(k) = head_grid%znw(k) znu_c(k) = head_grid%znu(k) enddo do k = 1,k_dim_c c3h(k) = head_grid%c3h(k) c4h(k) = head_grid%c4h(k) c3f(k) = head_grid%c3f(k) c4f(k) = head_grid%c4f(k) enddo call vert_cor(head_grid,znw_c,k_dim_c) WRITE ( message , * ) 'CFA' ,cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c,znw_c(1),znu_c(1) CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) WRITE ( message , * ) 'CFV' ,head_grid%cf1,head_grid%cf2,head_grid%cf3,head_grid%cfn,head_grid%cfn1,& head_grid%znw(1),head_grid%znu(1) , head_grid%e_vert , parent_grid%cf1 , parent_grid%znw(1) , parent_grid%znu(1) CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: back from input_history' ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'MAP_PROJ' , map_proj , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DX' , dx , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'DY' , dy , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'CEN_LAT' , cen_lat , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'CEN_LON' , cen_lon , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'TRUELAT1' , truelat1 , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'TRUELAT2' , truelat2 , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'MOAD_CEN_LAT' , moad_cen_lat , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_real ( fid , 'STAND_LON' , stand_lon , 1 , icnt , ierr ) CALL wrf_get_dom_ti_integer ( fid , 'ISWATER' , iswater , 1 , icnt , ierr ) IF ( time_loop .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL wrf_message ( program_name ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling alloc_and_configure_domain fine ' ) CALL alloc_and_configure_domain ( domain_id = 2 , & grid = nested_grid , & parent = parent_grid , & kid = 1 ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling model_to_grid_config_rec ' ) CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'wrf: calling set_scalar_indices_from_config ' ) CALL set_scalar_indices_from_config ( nested_grid%id , idum1, idum2 ) CALL Setup_Timekeeping ( nested_grid ) CALL domain_clock_get( parent_grid, stop_timestr=stopTimeStr ) CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19), & stop_timestr=stopTimeStr , & time_step_seconds= & model_config_rec%interval_seconds ) CALL nl_set_bdyfrq ( nested_grid%id , new_bdy_frq ) config_flags%bdyfrq = new_bdy_frq CALL init_domain_constants_em_ptr ( parent_grid , nested_grid ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em main: calling open_w_dataset for wrfinput' ) CALL construct_filename1( outname , 'wrfinput' , nested_grid%id , 2 ) CALL open_w_dataset ( fido, TRIM(outname) , nested_grid , config_flags , output_input , "DATASET=INPUT", ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A,A,A,I8)' ) 'program ndown: error opening ',TRIM(outname),' for reading ierr=',ierr CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",465,& wrf_err_message ) ENDIF ids = nested_grid%sd31 ide = nested_grid%ed31 kds = nested_grid%sd32 kde = nested_grid%ed32 jds = nested_grid%sd33 jde = nested_grid%ed33 ims = nested_grid%sm31 ime = nested_grid%em31 kms = nested_grid%sm32 kme = nested_grid%em32 jms = nested_grid%sm33 jme = nested_grid%em33 ips = nested_grid%sp31 ipe = nested_grid%ep31 kps = nested_grid%sp32 kpe = nested_grid%ep32 jps = nested_grid%sp33 jpe = nested_grid%ep33 spec_bdy_width = model_config_rec%spec_bdy_width ALLOCATE ( ubdy3dtemp1(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( vbdy3dtemp1(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( tbdy3dtemp1(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( pbdy3dtemp1(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( qbdy3dtemp1(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( mbdy2dtemp1(ims:ime,1:1, jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( ubdy3dtemp2(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( vbdy3dtemp2(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( tbdy3dtemp2(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( pbdy3dtemp2(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( qbdy3dtemp2(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( qbdy3dtemp1_coupled(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,1:num_moist) ) ALLOCATE ( qbdy3dtemp2_coupled(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,1:num_moist) ) ALLOCATE ( mbdy2dtemp2(ims:ime,1:1, jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( cbdy3dtemp0(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,1:num_chem) ) ALLOCATE ( cbdy3dtemp1(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( cbdy3dtemp2(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( sbdy3dtemp1(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( sbdy3dtemp2(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme) ) ALLOCATE ( sbdy3dtemp1_coupled(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,1:num_scalar) ) ALLOCATE ( sbdy3dtemp2_coupled(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,1:num_scalar) ) END IF CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19), & time_step_seconds= & model_config_rec%interval_seconds ) nested_grid%imask_nostag = 1 nested_grid%imask_xstag = 1 nested_grid%imask_ystag = 1 nested_grid%imask_xystag = 1 CALL med_interp_domain ( head_grid , nested_grid ) WRITE ( message , * ) 'MOUSTA_L', nested_grid%mu_2(ips,jps) , nested_grid%u_2(ips,kde-2,jps) CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) CALL vertical_interp (nested_grid,znw_c,znu_c,cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c,k_dim_c,c3h,c4h,c3f,c4f) WRITE ( message , * ) 'MOUSTA_V', nested_grid%mu_2(ips,jps) , nested_grid%u_2(ips,kde-2,jps) CALL wrf_debug ( 99,message ) nested_grid%ht_int = nested_grid%ht IF ( time_loop .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( nested_grid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) CALL copy_3d_field ( nested_grid%ht_fine , nested_grid%ht , & nids , nide , njds , njde , 1 , 1 , & nims , nime , njms , njme , 1 , 1 , & nips , nipe , njps , njpe , 1 , 1 ) CALL construct_filename1( si_inpname , 'wrfndi' , nested_grid%id , 2 ) CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'med_sidata_input: calling open_r_dataset for ' // TRIM(si_inpname) ) CALL open_r_dataset ( idsi, TRIM(si_inpname) , nested_grid , config_flags , "DATASET=INPUT", ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",571,& 'real: error opening FG input for reading: ' // TRIM (si_inpname) ) END IF CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em: calling input_auxinput2' ) CALL input_auxinput2 ( idsi , nested_grid , config_flags , ierr ) nested_grid%ht_input = nested_grid%ht CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em: closing fine grid static input' ) CALL close_dataset ( idsi , config_flags , "DATASET=INPUT" ) CALL blend_terrain ( nested_grid%ht_fine , nested_grid%ht , & nids , nide , njds , njde , 1 , 1 , & nims , nime , njms , njme , 1 , 1 , & nips , nipe , njps , njpe , 1 , 1 ) nested_grid%ht_input = nested_grid%ht nested_grid%ht_int = nested_grid%ht_fine IF ( ( nested_grid%ivgtyp(ips,jps) .GT. 0 ) .AND. & ( nested_grid%isltyp(ips,jps) .GT. 0 ) ) THEN DO j = jps, MIN(jde-1,jpe) DO i = ips, MIN(ide-1,ipe) nested_grid% vegcat(i,j) = nested_grid%ivgtyp(i,j) nested_grid%soilcat(i,j) = nested_grid%isltyp(i,j) END DO END DO ELSE IF ( ( nested_grid% vegcat(ips,jps) .GT. 0.5 ) .AND. & ( nested_grid%soilcat(ips,jps) .GT. 0.5 ) ) THEN DO j = jps, MIN(jde-1,jpe) DO i = ips, MIN(ide-1,ipe) nested_grid%ivgtyp(i,j) = NINT(nested_grid% vegcat(i,j)) nested_grid%isltyp(i,j) = NINT(nested_grid%soilcat(i,j)) END DO END DO ELSE num_veg_cat = SIZE ( nested_grid%landusef , DIM=2 ) num_soil_top_cat = SIZE ( nested_grid%soilctop , DIM=2 ) num_soil_bot_cat = SIZE ( nested_grid%soilcbot , DIM=2 ) CALL land_percentages ( nested_grid%xland , & nested_grid%landusef , nested_grid%soilctop , nested_grid%soilcbot , & nested_grid%isltyp , nested_grid%ivgtyp , & num_veg_cat , num_soil_top_cat , num_soil_bot_cat , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe , & model_config_rec%iswater(nested_grid%id) ) END IF DO j = jps, MIN(jde-1,jpe) DO i = ips, MIN(ide-1,ipe) nested_grid%lu_index(i,j) = nested_grid%ivgtyp(i,j) END DO END DO CALL check_consistency ( nested_grid%ivgtyp , nested_grid%isltyp , nested_grid%landmask , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe , & model_config_rec%iswater(nested_grid%id) ) CALL check_consistency2( nested_grid%ivgtyp , nested_grid%isltyp , nested_grid%landmask , & nested_grid%tmn , nested_grid%tsk , nested_grid%sst , nested_grid%xland , & nested_grid%tslb , nested_grid%smois , nested_grid%sh2o , & config_flags%num_soil_layers , nested_grid%id , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe , & model_config_rec%iswater(nested_grid%id) ) END IF nested_grid%ht_fine = nested_grid%ht_input nested_grid%ht = nested_grid%ht_int CALL rebalance_driver ( nested_grid ) IF ( time_loop .EQ. 1 ) THEN CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) CALL output_input ( fido , nested_grid , config_flags , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fido , 'MAP_PROJ' , map_proj , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fido , 'CEN_LAT' , cen_lat , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fido , 'CEN_LON' , cen_lon , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fido , 'TRUELAT1' , truelat1 , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fido , 'TRUELAT2' , truelat2 , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fido , 'MOAD_CEN_LAT' , moad_cen_lat , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fido , 'STAND_LON' , stand_lon , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fido , 'ISWATER' , iswater , 1 , ierr ) CALL geth_julgmt ( julyr , julday , gmt) CALL nl_set_julyr ( nested_grid%id , julyr ) CALL nl_set_julday ( nested_grid%id , julday ) CALL nl_set_gmt ( nested_grid%id , gmt ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fido , 'GMT' , gmt , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fido , 'JULYR' , julyr , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fido , 'JULDAY' , julday , 1 , ierr ) CALL close_dataset ( fido , config_flags , "DATASET=INPUT" ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , ubdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%u_2 , & 'u' , nested_grid%msfuy , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , vbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%v_2 , & 'v' , nested_grid%msfvx , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , tbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%t_2 , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , pbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%ph_2 , & 'h' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) DO nvmoist=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , qbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%moist(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,nvmoist) , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) qbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) = qbdy3dtemp1 END DO DO nvscalar=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , sbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%scalar(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,nvscalar) , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) sbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) = sbdy3dtemp1 END DO DO j = jps , jpe DO i = ips , ipe mbdy2dtemp1(i,1,j) = nested_grid%mu_2(i,j) END DO END DO CALL stuff_bdy ( ubdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%u_bxs, nested_grid%u_bxe, & nested_grid%u_bys, nested_grid%u_bye, & 'U' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdy ( vbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%v_bxs, nested_grid%v_bxe, & nested_grid%v_bys, nested_grid%v_bye, & 'V' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdy ( tbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%t_bxs, nested_grid%t_bxe, & nested_grid%t_bys, nested_grid%t_bye, & 'T' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdy ( pbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%ph_bxs, nested_grid%ph_bxe, & nested_grid%ph_bys, nested_grid%ph_bye, & 'W' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) DO nvmoist=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist qbdy3dtemp1 = qbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) CALL stuff_bdy ( qbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%moist_bxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_bxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_bys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_bye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & 'T' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO DO nvscalar=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar sbdy3dtemp1 = sbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) CALL stuff_bdy ( sbdy3dtemp1 , nested_grid%scalar_bxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_bxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_bys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_bye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & 'T' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO CALL stuff_bdy ( mbdy2dtemp1 , nested_grid%mu_bxs, nested_grid%mu_bxe, & nested_grid%mu_bys, nested_grid%mu_bye, & 'M' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) ELSE IF ( ( time_loop .GT. 1 ) .AND. ( time_loop .LT. time_loop_max ) ) THEN CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , ubdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%u_2 , & 'u' , nested_grid%msfuy , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , vbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%v_2 , & 'v' , nested_grid%msfvx , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , tbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%t_2 , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , pbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%ph_2 , & 'h' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) DO nvmoist=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , qbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%moist(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,nvmoist) , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) qbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) = qbdy3dtemp2 END DO DO nvscalar=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , sbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%scalar(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,nvscalar) , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) sbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) = sbdy3dtemp2 END DO DO j = jps , jpe DO i = ips , ipe mbdy2dtemp2(i,1,j) = nested_grid%mu_2(i,j) END DO END DO CALL stuff_bdytend ( ubdy3dtemp2 , ubdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%u_btxs, nested_grid%u_btxe , & nested_grid%u_btys, nested_grid%u_btye , & 'U' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdytend ( vbdy3dtemp2 , vbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%v_btxs, nested_grid%v_btxe , & nested_grid%v_btys, nested_grid%v_btye , & 'V' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdytend ( tbdy3dtemp2 , tbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%t_btxs, nested_grid%t_btxe , & nested_grid%t_btys, nested_grid%t_btye , & 'T' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdytend ( pbdy3dtemp2 , pbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%ph_btxs, nested_grid%ph_btxe , & nested_grid%ph_btys, nested_grid%ph_btye , & 'W' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) DO nvmoist=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist qbdy3dtemp1 = qbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) qbdy3dtemp2 = qbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) CALL stuff_bdytend ( qbdy3dtemp2 , qbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%moist_btxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_btxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_btys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_btye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & 'T' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO DO nvscalar=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar sbdy3dtemp1 = sbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) sbdy3dtemp2 = sbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) CALL stuff_bdytend ( sbdy3dtemp2 , sbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%scalar_btxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_btxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_btys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_btye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & 'T' , & spec_bdy_width, & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO CALL stuff_bdytend ( mbdy2dtemp2 , mbdy2dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%mu_btxs, nested_grid%mu_btxe , & nested_grid%mu_btys, nested_grid%mu_btye , & 'M' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) IF ( time_loop .EQ. 2 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em main: calling open_w_dataset for wrfbdy' ) CALL construct_filename1( bdyname , 'wrfbdy' , nested_grid%id , 2 ) CALL open_w_dataset ( fidb, TRIM(bdyname) , nested_grid , config_flags , output_boundary , & "DATASET=BOUNDARY", ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A,A,A,I8)' ) 'program ndown: error opening ',TRIM(bdyname),' for reading ierr=',ierr CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",943,& wrf_err_message ) ENDIF END IF CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) temp24= current_date temp24b=start_date_hold start_date = start_date_hold CALL geth_newdate ( temp19 , temp24b(1:19) , (time_loop-2) * model_config_rec%interval_seconds ) current_date = temp19 // '.0000' CALL geth_julgmt ( julyr , julday , gmt) CALL nl_set_julyr ( nested_grid%id , julyr ) CALL nl_set_julday ( nested_grid%id , julday ) CALL nl_set_gmt ( nested_grid%id , gmt ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fidb , 'GMT' , gmt , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fidb , 'JULYR' , julyr , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fidb , 'JULDAY' , julday , 1 , ierr ) CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) print *,'bdy time = ',time_loop-1,' bdy date = ',current_date,' ',start_date CALL output_boundary ( fidb , nested_grid , config_flags , ierr ) current_date = temp24 start_date = temp24b CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) IF ( time_loop .EQ. 2 ) THEN CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fidb , 'BDYFRQ' , new_bdy_frq , 1 , ierr ) END IF DO j = jps , jpe DO k = kps , kpe DO i = ips , ipe ubdy3dtemp1(i,k,j) = ubdy3dtemp2(i,k,j) vbdy3dtemp1(i,k,j) = vbdy3dtemp2(i,k,j) tbdy3dtemp1(i,k,j) = tbdy3dtemp2(i,k,j) pbdy3dtemp1(i,k,j) = pbdy3dtemp2(i,k,j) qbdy3dtemp1_coupled(i,k,j,:) = qbdy3dtemp2_coupled(i,k,j,:) sbdy3dtemp1_coupled(i,k,j,:) = sbdy3dtemp2_coupled(i,k,j,:) END DO END DO END DO DO j = jps , jpe DO i = ips , ipe mbdy2dtemp1(i,1,j) = mbdy2dtemp2(i,1,j) END DO END DO CALL stuff_bdy ( ubdy3dtemp1 , & nested_grid%u_bxs, nested_grid%u_bxe , & nested_grid%u_bys, nested_grid%u_bye , & 'U' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdy ( vbdy3dtemp1 , & nested_grid%v_bxs, nested_grid%v_bxe , & nested_grid%v_bys, nested_grid%v_bye , & 'V' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdy ( tbdy3dtemp1 , & nested_grid%t_bxs, nested_grid%t_bxe , & nested_grid%t_bys, nested_grid%t_bye , & 'T' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdy ( pbdy3dtemp1 , & nested_grid%ph_bxs, nested_grid%ph_bxe , & nested_grid%ph_bys, nested_grid%ph_bye , & 'W' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) DO nvmoist=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist qbdy3dtemp1 = qbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) CALL stuff_bdy ( qbdy3dtemp1 , & nested_grid%moist_bxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_bxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_bys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & nested_grid%moist_bye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist), & 'T' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO DO nvscalar=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar sbdy3dtemp1 = sbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) CALL stuff_bdy ( sbdy3dtemp1 , & nested_grid%scalar_bxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_bxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_bys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_bye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & 'T' , spec_bdy_width, & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO CALL stuff_bdy ( mbdy2dtemp1 , & nested_grid%mu_bxs, nested_grid%mu_bxe , & nested_grid%mu_bys, nested_grid%mu_bye , & 'M' , spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) ELSE IF ( time_loop .EQ. time_loop_max ) THEN CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , ubdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%u_2 , & 'u' , nested_grid%msfuy , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , vbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%v_2 , & 'v' , nested_grid%msfvx , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , tbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%t_2 , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , pbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%ph_2 , & 'h' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) DO nvmoist=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , qbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%moist(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,nvmoist) , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) qbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) = qbdy3dtemp2 END DO DO nvscalar=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar CALL couple ( nested_grid%mu_2 , nested_grid%mub , sbdy3dtemp2 , nested_grid%scalar(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,nvscalar) , & 't' , nested_grid%msfty , & nested_grid%c1h, nested_grid%c2h, nested_grid%c1f, nested_grid%c2f, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) sbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) = sbdy3dtemp2 END DO mbdy2dtemp2(:,1,:) = nested_grid%mu_2(:,:) CALL stuff_bdytend ( ubdy3dtemp2 , ubdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%u_btxs , nested_grid%u_btxe , & nested_grid%u_btys , nested_grid%u_btye , & 'U' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdytend ( vbdy3dtemp2 , vbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%v_btxs , nested_grid%v_btxe , & nested_grid%v_btys , nested_grid%v_btye , & 'V' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdytend ( tbdy3dtemp2 , tbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%t_btxs , nested_grid%t_btxe , & nested_grid%t_btys , nested_grid%t_btye , & 'T' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) CALL stuff_bdytend ( pbdy3dtemp2 , pbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%ph_btxs , nested_grid%ph_btxe , & nested_grid%ph_btys , nested_grid%ph_btye , & 'W' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) DO nvmoist=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist qbdy3dtemp1 = qbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) qbdy3dtemp2 = qbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvmoist) CALL stuff_bdytend ( qbdy3dtemp2 , qbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%moist_btxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist) , & nested_grid%moist_btxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist) , & nested_grid%moist_btys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist) , & nested_grid%moist_btye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvmoist) , & 'T' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO DO nvscalar=PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar sbdy3dtemp1 = sbdy3dtemp1_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) sbdy3dtemp2 = sbdy3dtemp2_coupled(:,:,:,nvscalar) CALL stuff_bdytend ( sbdy3dtemp2 , sbdy3dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%scalar_btxs(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_btxe(jms:jme,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_btys(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & nested_grid%scalar_btye(ims:ime,kms:kme,1:spec_bdy_width,nvscalar), & 'T' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , kps , kpe ) END DO CALL stuff_bdytend ( mbdy2dtemp2 , mbdy2dtemp1 , new_bdy_frq , & nested_grid%mu_btxs , nested_grid%mu_btxe , & nested_grid%mu_btys , nested_grid%mu_btye , & 'M' , & spec_bdy_width , & ids , ide , jds , jde , 1 , 1 , & ims , ime , jms , jme , 1 , 1 , & ips , ipe , jps , jpe , 1 , 1 ) IF ( time_loop .EQ. 2 ) THEN CALL wrf_debug ( 100 , 'ndown_em main: calling open_w_dataset for wrfbdy' ) CALL construct_filename1( bdyname , 'wrfbdy' , nested_grid%id , 2 ) CALL open_w_dataset ( fidb, TRIM(bdyname) , nested_grid , config_flags , output_boundary , & "DATASET=BOUNDARY", ierr ) IF ( ierr .NE. 0 ) THEN WRITE( wrf_err_message , FMT='(A,A,A,I8)' ) 'program ndown: error opening ',TRIM(bdyname),' for reading ierr=',ierr CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",1187,& wrf_err_message ) ENDIF END IF CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) temp24= current_date temp24b=start_date_hold start_date = start_date_hold CALL geth_newdate ( temp19 , temp24b(1:19) , (time_loop-2) * model_config_rec%interval_seconds ) current_date = temp19 // '.0000' CALL geth_julgmt ( julyr , julday , gmt) CALL nl_set_julyr ( nested_grid%id , julyr ) CALL nl_set_julday ( nested_grid%id , julday ) CALL nl_set_gmt ( nested_grid%id , gmt ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fidb , 'GMT' , gmt , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fidb , 'JULYR' , julyr , 1 , ierr ) CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_integer ( fidb , 'JULDAY' , julday , 1 , ierr ) CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) CALL output_boundary ( fidb , nested_grid , config_flags , ierr ) current_date = temp24 start_date = temp24b CALL domain_clock_set( nested_grid, & current_timestr=current_date(1:19) ) IF ( time_loop .EQ. 2 ) THEN CALL wrf_put_dom_ti_real ( fidb , 'BDYFRQ' , new_bdy_frq , 1 , ierr ) END IF CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( nested_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL close_dataset ( fidb , config_flags , "DATASET=BOUNDARY" ) END IF END DO big_time_loop_thingy DEALLOCATE(znw_c) DEALLOCATE(znu_c) CALL model_to_grid_config_rec ( parent_grid%id , model_config_rec , config_flags ) CALL med_shutdown_io ( parent_grid , config_flags ) CALL wrf_debug ( 0 , 'ndown_em: SUCCESS COMPLETE NDOWN_EM INIT' ) CALL wrf_shutdown CALL WRFU_Finalize( rc=rc ) END PROGRAM ndown_em SUBROUTINE land_percentages ( xland , & landuse_frac , soil_top_cat , soil_bot_cat , & isltyp , ivgtyp , & num_veg_cat , num_soil_top_cat , num_soil_bot_cat , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , & iswater ) USE module_soil_pre IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , & iswater INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: num_veg_cat , num_soil_top_cat , num_soil_bot_cat REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,1:num_veg_cat,jms:jme) , INTENT(INOUT):: landuse_frac REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,1:num_soil_top_cat,jms:jme) , INTENT(IN):: soil_top_cat REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,1:num_soil_bot_cat,jms:jme) , INTENT(IN):: soil_bot_cat INTEGER , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme), INTENT(OUT) :: isltyp , ivgtyp REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) , INTENT(OUT) :: xland CALL process_percent_cat_new ( xland , & landuse_frac , soil_top_cat , soil_bot_cat , & isltyp , ivgtyp , & num_veg_cat , num_soil_top_cat , num_soil_bot_cat , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , & iswater ) END SUBROUTINE land_percentages SUBROUTINE check_consistency ( ivgtyp , isltyp , landmask , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , & iswater ) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , & iswater INTEGER , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme), INTENT(INOUT) :: isltyp , ivgtyp REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme), INTENT(INOUT) :: landmask LOGICAL :: oops INTEGER :: oops_count , i , j oops = .FALSE. oops_count = 0 DO j = jts, MIN(jde-1,jte) DO i = its, MIN(ide-1,ite) IF ( ( ( landmask(i,j) .LT. 0.5 ) .AND. ( ivgtyp(i,j) .NE. iswater ) ) .OR. & ( ( landmask(i,j) .GT. 0.5 ) .AND. ( ivgtyp(i,j) .EQ. iswater ) ) ) THEN print *,'mismatch in landmask and veg type' print *,'i,j=',i,j, ' landmask =',NINT(landmask(i,j)),' ivgtyp=',ivgtyp(i,j) oops = .TRUE. oops_count = oops_count + 1 landmask(i,j) = 0 ivgtyp(i,j)=16 isltyp(i,j)=14 END IF END DO END DO IF ( oops ) THEN CALL wrf_debug( 0, 'mismatch in check_consistency, turned to water points, be careful' ) END IF END SUBROUTINE check_consistency SUBROUTINE check_consistency2( ivgtyp , isltyp , landmask , & tmn , tsk , sst , xland , & tslb , smois , sh2o , & num_soil_layers , id , & ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte , & iswater ) USE module_configure USE module_optional_input INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: ids , ide , jds , jde , kds , kde , & ims , ime , jms , jme , kms , kme , & its , ite , jts , jte , kts , kte INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: num_soil_layers , id INTEGER , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) :: ivgtyp , isltyp REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,jms:jme) :: landmask , tmn , tsk , sst , xland REAL , DIMENSION(ims:ime,num_soil_layers,jms:jme) :: tslb , smois , sh2o INTEGER :: oops1 , oops2 INTEGER :: i , j , k fix_tsk_tmn : SELECT CASE ( model_config_rec%sf_surface_physics(id) ) CASE ( SLABSCHEME , LSMSCHEME , RUCLSMSCHEME ) DO j = jts, MIN(jde-1,jte) DO i = its, MIN(ide-1,ite) IF ( ( landmask(i,j) .LT. 0.5 ) .AND. ( flag_sst .EQ. 1 ) ) THEN tmn(i,j) = sst(i,j) tsk(i,j) = sst(i,j) ELSE IF ( landmask(i,j) .LT. 0.5 ) THEN tmn(i,j) = tsk(i,j) END IF END DO END DO END SELECT fix_tsk_tmn DO j = jts, MIN(jde-1,jte) DO i = its, MIN(ide-1,ite) IF ( tsk(i,j) .LT. 170 .or. tsk(i,j) .GT. 400. ) THEN print *,'error in the TSK' print *,'i,j=',i,j print *,'landmask=',landmask(i,j) print *,'tsk, sst, tmn=',tsk(i,j),sst(i,j),tmn(i,j) if(tmn(i,j).gt.170. .and. tmn(i,j).lt.400.)then tsk(i,j)=tmn(i,j) else if(sst(i,j).gt.170. .and. sst(i,j).lt.400.)then tsk(i,j)=sst(i,j) else CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",1375,& 'TSK unreasonable' ) end if END IF END DO END DO DO j = jts, MIN(jde-1,jte) DO i = its, MIN(ide-1,ite) IF ( ( ( tmn(i,j) .LT. 170. ) .OR. ( tmn(i,j) .GT. 400. ) ) .AND. ( landmask(i,j) .GT. 0.5 ) ) THEN print *,'error in the TMN' print *,'i,j=',i,j print *,'landmask=',landmask(i,j) print *,'tsk, sst, tmn=',tsk(i,j),sst(i,j),tmn(i,j) if(tsk(i,j).gt.170. .and. tsk(i,j).lt.400.)then tmn(i,j)=tsk(i,j) else if(sst(i,j).gt.170. .and. sst(i,j).lt.400.)then tmn(i,j)=sst(i,j) else CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",1396,& 'TMN unreasonable' ) endif END IF END DO END DO DO j = jts, MIN(jde-1,jte) DO i = its, MIN(ide-1,ite) IF ( ( ( tslb(i,1,j) .LT. 170. ) .OR. ( tslb(i,1,j) .GT. 400. ) ) .AND. ( landmask(i,j) .GT. 0.5 ) ) THEN print *,'error in the TSLB' print *,'i,j=',i,j print *,'landmask=',landmask(i,j) print *,'tsk, sst, tmn=',tsk(i,j),sst(i,j),tmn(i,j) print *,'tslb = ',tslb(i,:,j) print *,'old smois = ',smois(i,:,j) DO l = 1 , num_soil_layers sh2o(i,l,j) = 0.0 END DO DO l = 1 , num_soil_layers smois(i,l,j) = 0.3 END DO if(tsk(i,j).gt.170. .and. tsk(i,j).lt.400.)then DO l = 1 , num_soil_layers tslb(i,l,j)=tsk(i,j) END DO else if(sst(i,j).gt.170. .and. sst(i,j).lt.400.)then DO l = 1 , num_soil_layers tslb(i,l,j)=sst(i,j) END DO else if(tmn(i,j).gt.170. .and. tmn(i,j).lt.400.)then DO l = 1 , num_soil_layers tslb(i,l,j)=tmn(i,j) END DO else CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",1433,& 'TSLB unreasonable' ) endif END IF END DO END DO oops1=0 oops2=0 DO j = jts, MIN(jde-1,jte) DO i = its, MIN(ide-1,ite) IF ( ( ( landmask(i,j) .LT. 0.5 ) .AND. ( ivgtyp(i,j) .NE. iswater .OR. isltyp(i,j) .NE. 14 ) ) .OR. & ( ( landmask(i,j) .GT. 0.5 ) .AND. ( ivgtyp(i,j) .EQ. iswater .OR. isltyp(i,j) .EQ. 14 ) ) ) THEN IF ( tslb(i,1,j) .GT. 1. ) THEN oops1=oops1+1 ivgtyp(i,j) = 5 isltyp(i,j) = 8 landmask(i,j) = 1 xland(i,j) = 1 ELSE IF ( sst(i,j) .GT. 1. ) THEN oops2=oops2+1 ivgtyp(i,j) = iswater isltyp(i,j) = 14 landmask(i,j) = 0 xland(i,j) = 2 ELSE print *,'the landmask and soil/veg cats do not match' print *,'i,j=',i,j print *,'landmask=',landmask(i,j) print *,'ivgtyp=',ivgtyp(i,j) print *,'isltyp=',isltyp(i,j) print *,'iswater=', iswater print *,'tslb=',tslb(i,:,j) print *,'sst=',sst(i,j) CALL wrf_error_fatal3("",1469,& 'mismatch_landmask_ivgtyp' ) END IF END IF END DO END DO if ( then print *,'points artificially set to land : ',oops1 endif if( then print *,'points artificially set to water: ',oops2 endif END SUBROUTINE check_consistency2 SUBROUTINE vert_cor(parent,znw_c,k_dim_c) USE module_domain USE module_model_constants IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent integer , intent(in) :: k_dim_c real , dimension(k_dim_c), INTENT(IN) :: znw_c integer :: kde_c , kde_n ,n_refine,ii,kkk,k INTEGER :: ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe real :: dznw_m,cof1,cof2 kde_c = k_dim_c kde_n = parent%e_vert n_refine = parent % vert_refine_fact kkk = 0 do k = 1 , kde_c-1 dznw_m = znw_c(k+1) - znw_c(k) do ii = 1,n_refine kkk = kkk + 1 parent%znw(kkk) = znw_c(k) + float(ii-1)/float(n_refine)*dznw_m enddo enddo parent%znw(kde_n) = znw_c(kde_c) parent%znw(1) = znw_c(1) DO k=1, kde_n-1 parent%dnw(k) = parent%znw(k+1) - parent%znw(k) parent%rdnw(k) = 1./parent%dnw(k) parent%znu(k) = 0.5*(parent%znw(k+1)+parent%znw(k)) END DO DO k=2, kde_n-1 parent%dn(k) = 0.5*(parent%dnw(k)+parent%dnw(k-1)) parent%rdn(k) = 1./parent%dn(k) parent%fnp(k) = .5* parent%dnw(k )/parent%dn(k) parent%fnm(k) = .5* parent%dnw(k-1)/parent%dn(k) END DO cof1 = (2.*parent%dn(2)+parent%dn(3))/(parent%dn(2)+parent%dn(3))*parent%dnw(1)/parent%dn(2) cof2 = parent%dn(2) /(parent%dn(2)+parent%dn(3))*parent%dnw(1)/parent%dn(3) parent%cf1 = parent%fnp(2) + cof1 parent%cf2 = parent%fnm(2) - cof1 - cof2 parent%cf3 = cof2 parent%cfn = (.5*parent%dnw(kde_n-1)+parent%dn(kde_n-1))/parent%dn(kde_n-1) parent%cfn1 = -.5*parent%dnw(kde_n-1)/parent%dn(kde_n-1) ids = parent%sd31 ide = parent%ed31 kds = parent%sd32 jds = parent%sd33 jde = parent%ed33 ims = parent%sm31 ime = parent%em31 kms = parent%sm32 jms = parent%sm33 jme = parent%em33 ips = parent%sp31 ipe = parent%ep31 kps = parent%sp32 jps = parent%sp33 jpe = parent%ep33 CALL compute_vcoord_1d_coeffs ( parent%ht, parent%etac, parent%znw, & parent%hybrid_opt, & r_d, g, p1000mb, & parent%p_top, parent%p00, parent%t00, parent%tlp, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde_n, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kde_n, & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kde_n, & parent%znu, & parent%c1f, parent%c2f, parent%c3f, parent%c4f, & parent%c1h, parent%c2h, parent%c3h, parent%c4h ) END SUBROUTINE vert_cor SUBROUTINE init_domain_constants_em_ptr ( parent , nest ) USE module_domain USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent , nest INTERFACE SUBROUTINE init_domain_constants_em ( parent , nest ) USE module_domain USE module_configure TYPE(domain) :: parent , nest END SUBROUTINE init_domain_constants_em END INTERFACE CALL init_domain_constants_em ( parent , nest ) END SUBROUTINE init_domain_constants_em_ptr SUBROUTINE vertical_interp (parent_grid,znw_c,znu_c,cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c,k_dim_c,c3h,c4h,c3f,c4f) USE module_domain USE module_configure IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain), POINTER :: parent_grid INTEGER , INTENT (IN) :: k_dim_c REAL , INTENT (IN) :: cf1_c,cf2_c,cf3_c,cfn_c,cfn1_c REAL , DIMENSION(k_dim_c) , INTENT (IN) :: znw_c,znu_c REAL , DIMENSION(k_dim_c) , INTENT (IN) :: c3h,c4h,c3f,c4f integer :: kde_c , kde_n ,n_refine,ii,kkk integer :: i , j, k , itrace real :: p_top_m , p_surf_m , mu_m , hsca_m , pre_c ,pre_n real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: alt_w_c , alt_u_c ,pro_w_c , pro_u_c real, allocatable, dimension(:) :: alt_w_n , alt_u_n ,pro_w_n , pro_u_n INTEGER :: nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe hsca_m = 6.7 n_refine = model_config_rec % vert_refine_fact kde_c = k_dim_c kde_n = parent_grid%e_vert CALL get_ijk_from_grid ( parent_grid , & nids, nide, njds, njde, nkds, nkde, & nims, nime, njms, njme, nkms, nkme, & nips, nipe, njps, njpe, nkps, nkpe ) allocate (alt_w_c(kde_c)) allocate (alt_u_c(kde_c+1)) allocate (pro_w_c(kde_c)) allocate (pro_u_c(kde_c+1)) allocate (alt_w_n(kde_n)) allocate (alt_u_n(kde_n+1)) allocate (pro_w_n(kde_n)) allocate (pro_u_n(kde_n+1)) p_top_m = parent_grid%p_top p_surf_m = 1.e5 mu_m = p_surf_m - p_top_m do k = 1,kde_c pre_c = mu_m * c3f(k) + c4f(k) + p_top_m alt_w_c(k) = -hsca_m * alog(pre_c/p_surf_m) enddo do k = 1,kde_c-1 pre_c = mu_m * c3h(k) + c4h(k) + p_top_m alt_u_c(k+1) = -hsca_m * alog(pre_c/p_surf_m) enddo alt_u_c(1) = alt_w_c(1) alt_u_c(kde_c+1) = alt_w_c(kde_c) do k = 1,kde_n pre_n = mu_m * parent_grid%c3f(k) + parent_grid%c4f(k) + p_top_m alt_w_n(k) = -hsca_m * alog(pre_n/p_surf_m) enddo do k = 1,kde_n-1 pre_n = mu_m * parent_grid%c3h(k) + parent_grid%c4h(k) + p_top_m alt_u_n(k+1) = -hsca_m * alog(pre_n/p_surf_m) enddo alt_u_n(1) = alt_w_n(1) alt_u_n(kde_n+1) = alt_w_n(kde_n) IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%u_2, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%u_2, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%u_2(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%u_2(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%u_2(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%u_2(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%u_2(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%u_2(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%u_2(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%v_2, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%v_2, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%v_2(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%v_2(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%v_2(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%v_2(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%v_2(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%v_2(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%v_2(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%w_2, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%w_2, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c pro_w_c(k) = parent_grid%w_2(i,k,j) enddo call inter(pro_w_c,alt_w_c,kde_c,pro_w_n,alt_w_n,kde_n) do k = 1,kde_n parent_grid%w_2(i,k,j) = pro_w_n(k) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%t_2, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%t_2, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%t_2(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%t_2(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%t_2(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%t_2(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%t_2(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%t_2(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%t_2(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF DO itrace = PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_moist IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%moist, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%moist, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%moist(i,k,j,itrace) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%moist(i,1,j,itrace) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%moist(i,2,j,itrace) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%moist(i,3,j,itrace) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%moist(i,kde_c-1,j,itrace) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%moist(i,kde_c-2,j,itrace) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%moist(i,k,j,itrace) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF ENDDO DO itrace = PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_dfi_moist IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%dfi_moist, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%dfi_moist, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%dfi_moist(i,k,j,itrace) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%dfi_moist(i,1,j,itrace) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%dfi_moist(i,2,j,itrace) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%dfi_moist(i,3,j,itrace) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%dfi_moist(i,kde_c-1,j,itrace) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%dfi_moist(i,kde_c-2,j,itrace) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%dfi_moist(i,k,j,itrace) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF ENDDO DO itrace = PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_scalar IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%scalar, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%scalar, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%scalar(i,k,j,itrace) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%scalar(i,1,j,itrace) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%scalar(i,2,j,itrace) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%scalar(i,3,j,itrace) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%scalar(i,kde_c-1,j,itrace) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%scalar(i,kde_c-2,j,itrace) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%scalar(i,k,j,itrace) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF ENDDO DO itrace = PARAM_FIRST_SCALAR, num_dfi_scalar IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%dfi_scalar, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%dfi_scalar, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%dfi_scalar(i,k,j,itrace) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%dfi_scalar(i,1,j,itrace) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%dfi_scalar(i,2,j,itrace) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%dfi_scalar(i,3,j,itrace) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%dfi_scalar(i,kde_c-1,j,itrace) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%dfi_scalar(i,kde_c-2,j,itrace) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%dfi_scalar(i,k,j,itrace) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF ENDDO IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%f_ice_phy, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%f_ice_phy, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%f_ice_phy(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%f_ice_phy(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%f_ice_phy(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%f_ice_phy(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%f_ice_phy(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%f_ice_phy(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%f_ice_phy(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%f_rain_phy, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%f_rain_phy, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%f_rain_phy(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%f_rain_phy(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%f_rain_phy(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%f_rain_phy(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%f_rain_phy(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%f_rain_phy(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%f_rain_phy(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%f_rimef_phy, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%f_rimef_phy, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%f_rimef_phy(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%f_rimef_phy(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%f_rimef_phy(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%f_rimef_phy(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%f_rimef_phy(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%f_rimef_phy(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%f_rimef_phy(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%h_diabatic, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%h_diabatic, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%h_diabatic(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%h_diabatic(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%h_diabatic(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%h_diabatic(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%h_diabatic(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%h_diabatic(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%h_diabatic(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF IF ( SIZE( parent_grid%rthraten, 1 ) * SIZE( parent_grid%rthraten, 3 ) .GT. 1 ) THEN do j = njms , njme do i = nims , nime do k = 1,kde_c-1 pro_u_c(k+1) = parent_grid%rthraten(i,k,j) enddo pro_u_c(1 ) = cf1_c*parent_grid%rthraten(i,1,j) & + cf2_c*parent_grid%rthraten(i,2,j) & + cf3_c*parent_grid%rthraten(i,3,j) pro_u_c(kde_c+1) = cfn_c *parent_grid%rthraten(i,kde_c-1,j) & + cfn1_c*parent_grid%rthraten(i,kde_c-2,j) call inter(pro_u_c,alt_u_c,kde_c+1,pro_u_n,alt_u_n,kde_n+1) do k = 1,kde_n-1 parent_grid%rthraten(i,k,j) = pro_u_n(k+1) enddo enddo enddo ENDIF deallocate (alt_w_c) deallocate (alt_u_c) deallocate (pro_w_c) deallocate (pro_u_c) deallocate (alt_w_n) deallocate (alt_u_n) deallocate (pro_w_n) deallocate (pro_u_n) END SUBROUTINE vertical_interp SUBROUTINE inter(pro_c,alt_c,kde_c,pro_n,alt_n,kde_n) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: kde_c,kde_n REAL , DIMENSION(kde_c) , INTENT(IN ) :: pro_c,alt_c REAL , DIMENSION(kde_n) , INTENT(IN ) :: alt_n REAL , DIMENSION(kde_n) , INTENT(OUT) :: pro_n real ,dimension(kde_c) :: a,b,c,d real :: p integer :: i,j call coeff_mon(alt_c,pro_c,a,b,c,d,kde_c) do i = 1,kde_n-1 do j=1,kde_c-1 if ( (alt_n(i) .ge. alt_c(j)).and.(alt_n(i) .lt. alt_c(j+1)) ) then p = alt_n(i)-alt_c(j) pro_n(i) = p*( p*(a(j)*p+b(j))+c(j)) + d(j) goto 20 endif enddo 20 continue enddo pro_n(kde_n) = pro_c(kde_c) END SUBROUTINE inter subroutine coeff_mon(x,y,a,b,c,d,n) implicit none integer :: n real ,dimension(n) :: x,y,a,b,c,d real ,dimension(n) :: h,s,p,yp integer :: i do i=1,n-1 h(i) = (x(i+1)-x(i)) s(i) = (y(i+1)-y(i)) / h(i) enddo do i=2,n-1 p(i) = (s(i-1)*h(i)+s(i)*h(i-1)) / (h(i-1)+h(i)) enddo p(1) = s(1) p(n) = s(n-1) do i=1,n yp(i) = p(i) enddo do i=2,n-1 yp(i) = (sign(1.,s(i-1))+sign(1.,s(i)))* min( abs(s(i-1)),abs(s(i)),0.5*abs(p(i))) enddo do i = 1,n-1 a(i) = (yp(i)+yp(i+1)-2.*s(i))/(h(i)*h(i)) b(i) = (3.*s(i)-2.*yp(i)-yp(i+1))/h(i) c(i) = yp(i) d(i) = y(i) enddo end subroutine coeff_mon