MODULE module_cpl_oasis3 #ifdef key_cpp_oasis3 !!====================================================================== !! *** MODULE cpl_oasis *** !! Coupled O/A : coupled ocean-atmosphere case using OASIS3-MCT !!===================================================================== !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! cpl_oasis_init : initialization of coupled mode communication !! cpl_oasis_define : definition of grid and fields !! cpl_oasis_snd : send out fields in coupled mode !! cpl_oasis_rcv : receive fields in coupled mode !! cpl_oasis_finaliz : finalize the coupled mode communication !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE module_domain , ONLY : domain, get_ijk_from_grid USE module_driver_constants, ONLY : max_domains, max_cplfld, max_extdomains USE mod_oasis ! OASIS3-MCT module IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE TYPE :: FLD_CPL ! Coupling field information CHARACTER(len = 64) :: clname ! Name of the coupling field, jpeighty defined in oasis INTEGER :: nid ! Id of the field #if ( RWORDSIZE == 8 ) REAL , POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: dbl2d ! 2d array to store received field #else REAL(kind=8), POINTER, DIMENSION(:,:) :: dbl2d ! 2d array to store received field #endif END TYPE FLD_CPL TYPE(FLD_CPL), DIMENSION(max_domains,max_extdomains,max_cplfld) :: srcv, ssnd ! Coupling fields informations INTEGER :: ndm_comm ! MPI communicator between the computing nodes INTEGER :: ncomp_id ! id returned by oasis_init_comp INTEGER :: nlevdbg = 1 ! verbosity level INTEGER :: nlevdbg2 = 10 ! verbosity level CHARACTER(len = 256) :: cltxt ! messages or debug string !! Routine accessibility PUBLIC cpl_oasis_init PUBLIC cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm PUBLIC cpl_oasis_define PUBLIC cpl_oasis_toreceive PUBLIC cpl_oasis_tosend PUBLIC cpl_oasis_snd PUBLIC cpl_oasis_rcv PUBLIC cpl_oasis_finalize PUBLIC cpl_oasis_abort #if ( defined( DM_PARALLEL ) && ( ! defined( STUBMPI ) ) ) INCLUDE 'mpif.h' ! only for MPI_COMM_NULL #else INTEGER :: MPI_COMM_NULL = -1 ! define a fake (and not used) MPI_COMM_NULL, so it is compiling #endif CONTAINS SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_init( kl_comm ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_init *** !! !! ** Purpose : Initialize coupled mode communication for WRF !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: kl_comm ! local communicator of the model ! INTEGER :: ierror ! return error code !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Initialize OASIS for the application CALL oasis_init_comp( ncomp_id, 'wrfexe', ierror ) IF( ierror /= OASIS_Ok ) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_init', 'Failure in oasis_init_comp' ) ! Get an MPI communicator for WRF local communication CALL oasis_get_localcomm( kl_comm, ierror ) IF( ierror /= OASIS_Ok ) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_init','Failure in oasis_get_localcomm' ) srcv(:,:,:)%nid = -1 ! default definition ssnd(:,:,:)%nid = -1 ! default definition ndm_comm = MPI_COMM_NULL ! default definition, will be redefined by cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm if computing node END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_init SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm( kdm_comm ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm *** !! !! ** Purpose : define ndm_comm: the MPI communicator between the computing nodes !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdm_comm ! computing nodes communicator !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ndm_comm = kdm_comm ! store it to used it in cpl_oasis_define WRITE(cltxt,*) 'cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm : ', kdm_comm CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_define( cdsndname, cdrcvname, pgrid ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_define *** !! !! ** Purpose : Define grid and coupling field information for WRF !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: cdsndname, cdrcvname ! coupling field names TYPE(domain), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: pgrid ! grid structure ! INTEGER :: ierror ! return error code INTEGER :: idwrf1,idwrf2 ! loop index over wrf domain number (start and end) INTEGER :: idext1,idext2 ! loop index over external model domain number (start and end) INTEGER :: id_part ! partition id in oasis INTEGER :: iparal(5) ! OASIS box partition INTEGER :: ishape(2,2) ! shape of arrays passed to PSMILe INTEGER :: jw,je,jf ! local loop indicees INTEGER :: ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe ! domain dimension on 1 processor INTEGER :: ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme ! memory domain dimension on 1 processor INTEGER :: ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde ! domain dimension LOGICAL :: llcompute_core ! is it a compiting core? !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL wrf_message('cpl_oasis_define : initialization in coupled ocean/atmosphere case') CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~') llcompute_core = PRESENT(pgrid) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Define communicator used between computing cores CALL oasis_set_couplcomm( ndm_comm, ierror ) ! provide this communicator to OASIS3-MCT IF ( ierror /= OASIS_Ok ) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_define', 'Failure in oasis_set_couplcomm') ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Define the partition ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- IF( llcompute_core ) THEN ! ... get mpi domain position CALL get_ijk_from_grid( pgrid, ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) ishape(:,1) = (/1, ipe-ips+1 /) ishape(:,2) = (/1, jpe-jps+1 /) ! ... Define the partition parameteres iparal(1) = 2 ! box partitioning iparal(2) = ide * ( jps - 1 ) + (ips -1) iparal(3) = ipe - ips + 1 ! local extent in i iparal(4) = jpe - jps + 1 ! local extent in j iparal(5) = ide ! global extent in x WRITE(cltxt,*) 'Define the partition for computing cores' ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' multiexchg: iparal (1:5)', iparal ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' multiexchg: ips, ipe =', ips, ipe ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' multiexchg: jps, jpe =', jps, jpe ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' multiexchg: ids, jds =', ids, jds ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' multiexchg: ide, jde =', ide, jde ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' multiexchg: ishape(:,1) =', ishape(:,1) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' multiexchg: ishape(:,2) =', ishape(:,2) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) ELSE CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, 'no partition for IO cores') iparal(:) = 0 ! "fake" partition for IO cores ENDIF CALL oasis_def_partition( id_part, iparal, ierror ) IF( ierror /= OASIS_Ok ) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_define', 'Failure in oasis_def_partition') ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Create grids, masks, and areas files for OASIS ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- CALL cpl_oasis_grid( pgrid, id_part ) ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Define the variables that can be send/received by WRF ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- IF( llcompute_core ) THEN ; idwrf1 = pgrid%id ; idwrf2 = pgrid%id ! coupling field related to this nest ELSE ; idwrf1 = 1 ; idwrf2 = max_domains ! define all (dummy) coupling fields ENDIF ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Define sent variables. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- DO jf = 1, max_cplfld DO je = 1, max_extdomains DO jw = idwrf1, idwrf2 ssnd(jw,je,jf)%clname = TRIM(cdsndname(jw,je,jf)) CALL oasis_def_var(ssnd(jw,je,jf)%nid, ssnd(jw,je,jf)%clname, id_part, (/2,1/), OASIS_Out, ishape, OASIS_Real,ierror) IF( ierror /= OASIS_Ok ) THEN WRITE(cltxt,*) 'wrf domain ',jw,' external model domain ',je, & ' field ',jf,' (',TRIM(ssnd(jw,je,jf)%clname),'): oasis_def_var failed' CALL wrf_message( cltxt ) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_define', 'Failure in oasis_def_var') ENDIF WRITE(cltxt,*) 'cpl_oasis_define ok for :', TRIM(ssnd(jw,je,jf)%clname), ssnd(jw,je,jf)%nid CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg2, cltxt) IF( ssnd(jw,je,jf)%nid /= -1 ) THEN WRITE(cltxt,*) ' var snd: ', ssnd(jw,je,jf)%nid, ' ', TRIM(ssnd(jw,je,jf)%clname), id_part CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) ENDIF END DO END DO END DO ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... Define received variables. ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- DO jf = 1, max_cplfld DO je = 1, max_extdomains DO jw = idwrf1, idwrf2 srcv(jw,je,jf)%clname = TRIM(cdrcvname(jw,je,jf)) CALL oasis_def_var(srcv(jw,je,jf)%nid, srcv(jw,je,jf)%clname, id_part, (/2,1/), OASIS_In , ishape, OASIS_Real,ierror) IF( ierror /= OASIS_Ok ) THEN WRITE(cltxt,*) 'wrf domain ',jw,' external model domain ',je, & ' field ',jf,' (',TRIM(srcv(jw,je,jf)%clname),'): oasis_def_var failed' CALL wrf_message( cltxt ) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_define', 'Failure in oasis_def_var') ENDIF WRITE(cltxt,*) 'cpl_oasis_define ok for :', TRIM(srcv(jw,je,jf)%clname), srcv(jw,je,jf)%nid CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg2, cltxt) IF( srcv(jw,je,jf)%nid /= -1 ) THEN WRITE(cltxt,*) ' var rcv: ', srcv(jw,je,jf)%nid, ' ', TRIM(srcv(jw,je,jf)%clname), id_part CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) END IF IF( srcv(jw,je,jf)%nid /= -1 .AND. llcompute_core ) THEN ! allocate received array ALLOCATE( srcv(jw,je,jf)%dbl2d( iparal(3), iparal(4) ), stat = ierror) IF (ierror > 0) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_define', 'Failure in allocating srcv') END IF END DO END DO END DO ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! ... End definition ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- IF (llcompute_core) THEN IF ( pgrid%id == pgrid%max_dom ) CALL cpl_oasis_enddef() CALL wrf_message('cpl_oasis_define (compute_core) : cpl_oasis_enddef done') ELSE CALL cpl_oasis_enddef() CALL wrf_message('cpl_oasis_define (io_core) : cpl_oasis_enddef done') ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_define SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_enddef() !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_enddef *** !! !! ** Purpose : tells to OASIS that exchanged field definition is finished !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ierror ! return error code CALL oasis_enddef(ierror) IF( ierror /= OASIS_Ok ) CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_define', 'Failure in oasis_enddef') END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_enddef FUNCTION cpl_oasis_toreceive( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION cpl_oasis_toreceive *** !! !! ** Purpose : send back a logical to tell if a variable is received or not !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kfldid ! field index ! LOGICAL :: cpl_oasis_toreceive !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- cpl_oasis_toreceive = srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%nid /= -1 END FUNCTION cpl_oasis_toreceive FUNCTION cpl_oasis_tosend( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** FUNCTION cpl_oasis_tosend *** !! !! ** Purpose : send back a logical to tell if a variable is tosend or not !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kfldid ! field index ! LOGICAL :: cpl_oasis_tosend !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- cpl_oasis_tosend = ssnd(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%nid /= -1 END FUNCTION cpl_oasis_tosend SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_snd( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ksec, pdata ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_snd *** !! !! ** Purpose : - At each coupling time-step,this routine sends fields to the coupler !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kfldid ! field index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ksec ! time-step in seconds REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: pdata ! data to be sent !! INTEGER :: info ! OASIS3 info argument LOGICAL :: llaction ! true if we sent data to the coupler !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(cltxt,*) 'OASIS_PUT in: kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, name, ksec', & kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ' ', TRIM(ssnd(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%clname), ksec CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) #if ( RWORDSIZE == 8 ) CALL oasis_put(ssnd(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%nid, ksec, pdata(:,:) , info) #else CALL oasis_put(ssnd(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%nid, ksec, DBLE(pdata(:,:)), info) #endif WRITE(cltxt,*) 'OASIS_PUT out: info', info ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) llaction = info == OASIS_Sent .OR. info == OASIS_ToRest .OR. & & info == OASIS_SentOut .OR. info == OASIS_ToRestOut WRITE(cltxt,*) "llaction : ", llaction ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) IF( llaction ) THEN WRITE(cltxt,*) '****************' ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_put: Incoming ', TRIM(ssnd(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%clname) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_put: varid ', ssnd(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%nid ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_put: ksec ', ksec ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_put: info ', info ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - shape ', SHAPE(pdata) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - minimum ', MINVAL(pdata) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - maximum ', MAXVAL(pdata) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - sum ', SUM(pdata) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) '****************' ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) ELSE WRITE(cltxt,*) 'field not sent as info=', info ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_snd SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_rcv( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ksec, pcplrcv ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_rcv *** !! !! ** Purpose : - At each coupling time-step, this routine check if it is the good time !! to receive field from the coupler !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kfldid ! variable index INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ksec ! number of seconds since the last restart REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT( OUT) :: pcplrcv ! output data !! INTEGER :: info ! OASIS3 info argument LOGICAL :: llaction ! true if we received data from the coupler !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- ! WRITE(cltxt,*) 'OASIS_GET in: kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, name, ksec', & kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ' ', TRIM(srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%clname), ksec CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) CALL oasis_get( srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%nid, ksec, srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%dbl2d, info ) #if ( RWORDSIZE == 8 ) pcplrcv(:,:) = srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%dbl2d #else pcplrcv(:,:) = REAL(srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%dbl2d, kind=4) #endif WRITE(cltxt,*) 'OASIS_GET out: info', info ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) llaction = info == OASIS_Recvd .OR. info == OASIS_FromRest .OR. & & info == OASIS_RecvOut .OR. info == OASIS_FromRestOut WRITE(cltxt,*) "llaction : ", llaction ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) IF( llaction ) THEN WRITE(cltxt,*) '****************' ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_get: Incoming ', TRIM(srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%clname) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_get: varid ', srcv(kdomwrf,kdomext,kfldid)%nid ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_get: ksec ', ksec ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_get: info ', info ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - shape ', SHAPE(pcplrcv) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - local shape ', SHAPE(srcv(kdomwrf, kdomext,kfldid)%dbl2d) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - local minimum ', MINVAL(pcplrcv) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - local maximum ', MAXVAL(pcplrcv) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - local sum ', SUM(pcplrcv) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) '****************' ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) ELSE WRITE(cltxt,*) '****************' ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) 'oasis_get: field not received as info = ', info ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - local minimum ', MINVAL(pcplrcv) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - local maximum ', MAXVAL(pcplrcv) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) ' - local sum ', SUM(pcplrcv) ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) WRITE(cltxt,*) '****************' ; CALL wrf_debug(nlevdbg, cltxt) ENDIF END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_rcv SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_finalize() !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_finalize *** !! !! ** Purpose : - Finalizes the coupling. If MPI_init has not been !! called explicitly before cpl_oasis_init it will also close !! MPI communication. !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER :: ierror ! return error code INTEGER :: jw,je,jf ! local loop indicees !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- DO jf = 1, max_cplfld DO je = 1, max_extdomains DO jw = 1, max_domains ierror = 0 IF ( ASSOCIATED(srcv(jw,je,jf)%dbl2d) ) DEALLOCATE( srcv(jw,je,jf)%dbl2d, stat = ierror ) IF (ierror > 0) THEN CALL cpl_oasis_abort( 'cpl_oasis_finalize', 'Failure in deallocating ') RETURN ENDIF END DO END DO END DO CALL oasis_terminate ( ierror ) END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_finalize SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_abort( cdroutine, cdtxt ) !!--------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** ROUTINE cpl_oasis_abort *** !! !! ** Purpose : abort coupling simulation !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: cdroutine ! name of the subroutine calling cpl_oasis_abort CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: cdtxt ! aborting text !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL wrf_message( ' ==== ABORTING ====' ) CALL wrf_message( 'cpl_abort called by '//TRIM(cdroutine) ) CALL wrf_message( ' ==> '//TRIM(cdtxt) ) CALL oasis_abort( ncomp_id, cdroutine, cdtxt ) END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_abort SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_grid( grid, id_part ) !!------------------------------------------------------------------- !! *** SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_grid *** !! !! ** Purpose : Write masks, areas and OASIS files !! ! Need to use oasis3_mct_v3 ! !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: id_part ! partition id in oasis TYPE(domain), INTENT(IN), POINTER :: grid !! INTEGER :: ips,ipe,jps,jpe,kps,kpe ! domain dimension on 1 processor INTEGER :: ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme ! memory domain dimension on 1 processor INTEGER :: ids,ide,jds,jde,kds,kde ! domain dimension INTEGER :: iparal(5) ! OASIS box partition REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: clont ! corner longitude REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: clatt ! corner latitude REAL, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: areat ! cell area INTEGER, ALLOCATABLE, DIMENSION(:,:) :: rmask ! mask INTEGER :: j,i ! local loop indices CHARACTER( 3) :: clwrfdom ! d INTEGER :: error_flg !!-------------------------------------------------------------------- CALL wrf_message('cpl_oasis_grid : Writing OASIS files') CALL get_ijk_from_grid( grid, ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & & ips, ipe, jps, jpe, kps, kpe ) !---------------------------- !----- Allocate arrays !---------------------------- ALLOCATE( clont(ips:ipe,jps:jpe,4) ) ALLOCATE( clatt(ips:ipe,jps:jpe,4) ) ALLOCATE( areat(ips:ipe,jps:jpe) ) ALLOCATE( rmask(ips:ipe,jps:jpe) ) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Start grid writing !------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL oasis_start_grids_writing(error_flg) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Model grid longitudes and latitudes !------------------------------------------------------------------ !-- t-grid -- IF ( grid%id > 1 ) THEN WRITE(clwrfdom, fmt="('d',i2.2)") grid%id ELSE WRITE(clwrfdom, fmt="(' ')") ENDIF CALL oasis_write_grid('atmt'//trim(clwrfdom),ide,jde, & & grid%XLONG(ips:ipe,jps:jpe), & & grid%XLAT(ips:ipe,jps:jpe), & & id_part) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Model grid cell corner longitudes and latitudes !------------------------------------------------------------------ DO j=jps, jpe DO i=ips, ipe clont(i,j,1)=0.5*(grid%XLONG_U(i+1,j)+grid%XLONG_U(i+1,j+1)) clont(i,j,2)=0.5*(grid%XLONG_U(i,j)+grid%XLONG_U(i,j+1)) clont(i,j,3)=0.5*(grid%XLONG_U(i,j-1)+grid%XLONG_U(i,j)) clont(i,j,4)=0.5*(grid%XLONG_U(i+1,j-1)+grid%XLONG_U(i+1,j)) clatt(i,j,1)=0.5*(grid%XLAT_V(i+1,j)+grid%XLAT_V(i+1,j+1)) clatt(i,j,2)=0.5*(grid%XLAT_V(i,j)+grid%XLAT_V(i,j+1)) clatt(i,j,3)=0.5*(grid%XLAT_V(i,j-1)+grid%XLAT_V(i,j)) clatt(i,j,4)=0.5*(grid%XLAT_V(i+1,j-1)+grid%XLAT_V(i+1,j)) ENDDO ENDDO CALL oasis_write_corner('atmt'//trim(clwrfdom), ide, jde, 4, & & clont(ips:ipe,jps:jpe,:), & & clatt(ips:ipe,jps:jpe,:), & & id_part) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Model grid cell area !------------------------------------------------------------------ DO j=jps, jpe DO i=ips, ipe areat(i,j)=grid%dx*grid%dy ENDDO ENDDO CALL oasis_write_area('atmt'//trim(clwrfdom), ide, jde, & & areat(ips:ipe,jps:jpe), & & id_part) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Model grid mask : 0=sea / 1=land !------------------------------------------------------------------ rmask=0 DO j=jps, jpe DO i=ips, ipe IF (grid%LANDMASK(i,j)==1) rmask(i,j)=1 ENDDO ENDDO CALL oasis_write_mask('atmt'//trim(clwrfdom), ide, jde, & & rmask(ips:ipe,jps:jpe), & & id_part) !------------------------------------------------------------------ ! Terminate grid writing !------------------------------------------------------------------ CALL oasis_terminate_grids_writing() DEALLOCATE( clont ) DEALLOCATE( clatt ) DEALLOCATE( areat ) DEALLOCATE( rmask ) CALL wrf_message('cpl_oasis_grid : End Writing OASIS files') END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_grid #else !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- !! Dummy modules just for compilation... !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE module_domain, ONLY : domain IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE PUBLIC cpl_oasis_init PUBLIC cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm PUBLIC cpl_oasis_define PUBLIC cpl_oasis_toreceive PUBLIC cpl_oasis_tosend PUBLIC cpl_oasis_snd PUBLIC cpl_oasis_rcv PUBLIC cpl_oasis_finalize PUBLIC cpl_oasis_abort CONTAINS SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_init( kl_comm ) INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: kl_comm ! local communicator of the model IF (.FALSE.) kl_comm = -1 ! to avoid compilation warning END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_init SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm( kdm_comm ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdm_comm ! computing nodes communicator IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) kdm_comm ! to avoid compilation warning END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_def_dmcomm SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_define( cdsndname, cdrcvname, pgrid ) CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN), DIMENSION(:,:,:) :: cdsndname, cdrcvname ! coupling field names TYPE(domain), INTENT(IN), OPTIONAL, POINTER :: pgrid ! grid structure IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) cdsndname, cdrcvname, pgrid%id ! to avoid compilation warning END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_define FUNCTION cpl_oasis_toreceive( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kfldid ! field index LOGICAL :: cpl_oasis_toreceive IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid ! to avoid compilation warning IF (.FALSE.) cpl_oasis_toreceive = .false. ! to avoid compilation warning END FUNCTION cpl_oasis_toreceive FUNCTION cpl_oasis_tosend( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kfldid ! field index LOGICAL :: cpl_oasis_tosend IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid ! to avoid compilation warning IF (.FALSE.) cpl_oasis_tosend = .false. ! to avoid compilation warning END FUNCTION cpl_oasis_tosend SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_snd( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ksec, pdata ) !!---------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: kfldid ! field index INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ksec ! time-step in seconds REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: pdata ! data to be sent IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ksec, pdata ! to avoid compilation warning END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_snd SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_rcv( kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ksec, pcplrcv ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kdomwrf ! wrf domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kdomext ! external model domain index INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: kfldid ! variable index INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ksec ! number of seconds since the last restart REAL, DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT( OUT) :: pcplrcv ! output data IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) kdomwrf, kdomext, kfldid, ksec ! to avoid compilation warning IF (.FALSE.) pcplrcv(:,:) = -1. ! to avoid compilation warning END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_rcv SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_finalize() IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) 'You should not be there...' END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_finalize SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_abort( cdroutine, cdtxt ) CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: cdroutine ! name of the subroutine calling cpl_oasis_abort CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: cdtxt ! aborting text IF (.FALSE.) WRITE(*,*) cdroutine, cdtxt ! to avoid compilation warning END SUBROUTINE cpl_oasis_abort #endif END MODULE module_cpl_oasis3