# Makefile for producing libdbclient.so
# Copyright (C) 2001, WSI Corporation
.SUFFIXES: .c .o
# Specity location for Makefiles that are included.
INCLUDEDIRS = -I. -I.. -I../grib1_util
BUILD_DIR = ../../io_grib_share/build
# Specify directory that output library is to be put in.
# SPECIFY local include directories used during compilation of source code.
# CXX_INCLUDES is for C++ files
# C_INCLUDES is for C files
# SPECIFY any subdirectories containing libraries that may be dynamically
# linked by this library.
# SPECIFY information for building a library:
# LIB_NAME - Fragment of name of the library to build
# e.g. if library file name is libfoo.so, set LIB_NAME = foo
# DEP_LIBS - The tokens required to link a shared library against other
# shared libraries upon which it depends. DEP_LIBS should
# contain -L
tokens to specify where the dependent
# libraries are, and -l tokens to specify libraries to link.
# OBJS - List of object files that go into the library.
# 1. Be careful about whitespace after the last character in the LIB_NAME.
# These spaces will generate an error when the library is made.
LIB_NAME = io_grib1
OBJS = FTP_getfile.o \
apply_bitmap.o \
display_gribhdr.o \
gbyte.o \
grib_dec.o \
grib_enc.o \
grib_seek.o \
gribgetbds.o \
gribgetbms.o \
gribgetgds.o \
gribgetpds.o \
gribhdr2file.o \
gribputbds.o \
gribputgds.o \
gribputpds.o \
hdr_print.o \
init_dec_struct.o \
init_enc_struct.o \
init_gribhdr.o \
init_struct.o \
ld_dec_lookup.o \
ld_enc_input.o \
ld_enc_lookup.o \
ld_grib_origctrs.o \
make_default_grbfn.o \
make_grib_log.o \
map_lvl.o \
map_parm.o \
pack_spatial.o \
prt_inp_struct.o \
upd_child_errmsg.o \
prt_badmsg.o \
# List the header files that should be installed.
HDRS = gribfuncs.h \
grib.h \
# Include the boilerplate rules for building library modules.
include $(BUILD_DIR)/library_rules.mk
# Compile dependencies. These are appended to this file by make depend.
# DO NOT DELETE THIS LINE -- make depend depends on it.