module module_relax implicit none contains subroutine relax4e(grid,relax_coeff,nrelax,expand, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE) USE MODULE_DOMAIN, ONLY : domain,get_ijk_from_grid #ifdef DM_PARALLEL USE MODULE_COMM_DM, ONLY : HALO_NMM_MEMBRANE_RELAX_sub, HALO_NMM_MEMBRANE_MASK_sub USE MODULE_DM, ONLY: ntasks_x, ntasks_y, mytask, ntasks, local_communicator #endif implicit none type(domain), intent(inout) :: grid real, intent(in) :: relax_coeff integer, intent(in) :: nrelax integer, intent(in) :: expand integer :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE integer :: IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME integer :: IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE real :: nextvalue(ims:ime,jms:jme) real :: r,r1 integer :: i,j,irelax,a,iter ! Aliases to simplify the expressions below, we'll use "r" instead ! of relax_coeff, and r1 instead of 1-r: r=relax_coeff r1=1.0-r ! Relax all points within "expand" gridpoints of a point that ! wants to be relaxed: expand_relax: if(expand>0) then do j=jps,min(jpe,jde-1) do i=ips,min(ipe,ide-1) if(grid%relaxmask(i,j)) then grid%relaximask(i,j)=1 else grid%relaximask(i,j)=0 endif enddo enddo if(.false.) then do iter=1,expand #ifdef DM_PARALLEL # include "" #endif do j=max(jps,jds+1),min(jpe,jde-2) a=mod(j,2) do i=max(ips,ids+1),min(ipe,ide-2) grid%relaximask(i,j) = grid%relaximask(i,j) + & grid%relaximask(i-a, j-1) + & grid%relaximask(i-a, j+1) + & grid%relaximask(i+1-a, j+1) + & grid%relaximask(i+1-a, j-1) enddo enddo enddo endif do j=jps,min(jpe,jde-1) do i=ips,min(ipe,ide-1) if(grid%relaximask(i,j)>0) then grid%relaxmask(i,j)=.true. endif enddo enddo endif expand_relax relaxloop: do irelax=1,nrelax #ifdef DM_PARALLEL # include "" #endif !$omp parallel do & !$omp private(i,j,a) bigj: do j=max(jps,jds+1),min(jpe,jde-2) a=mod(j,2) bigi: do i=max(ips,ids+1),min(ipe,ide-2) if(grid%relaxmask(i,j)) then nextvalue(i,j) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(i,j) + & r * ( & grid%relaxwork(i-a, j-1) + & grid%relaxwork(i-a, j+1) + & grid%relaxwork(i+1-a,j+1) + & grid%relaxwork(i+1-a,j-1) )/4. else nextvalue(i,j) = grid%relaxwork(i,j) endif enddo bigi enddo bigj ! Handle boundary points next. ! SOUTH: if(jps<=jds) then j=1 a=mod(j,2) !$omp parallel do & !$omp private(i,j,a) do i=max(ips,ids+1),min(ipe,ide-2) if(grid%relaxmask(i,j)) then nextvalue(i,j) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(i,j) + r * & (grid%relaxwork(i-a, j+1) + grid%relaxwork(i+1-a,j+1) )/2. else nextvalue(i,j)=grid%relaxwork(i,j) endif enddo endif ! NORTH: if(jpe>=jde-1) then j=jde-1 a=mod(j,2) !$omp parallel do & !$omp private(i,j,a) do i=max(ips,ids+1),min(ipe,ide-2) if(grid%relaxmask(i,j)) then nextvalue(i,j) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(i,j) + r * & (grid%relaxwork(i-a, j-1) + grid%relaxwork(i+1-a,j-1) )/2. else nextvalue(i,j)=grid%relaxwork(i,j) endif enddo endif ! WEST: if(ips<=ids) then i=1 !$omp parallel do & !$omp private(i,j,a) do j=max(jps,jds+1),min(jpe,jde-2) a=mod(j,2) if(grid%relaxmask(i,j)) then nextvalue(i,j) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(i,j) + r * & (grid%relaxwork(i+1-a,j+1) + grid%relaxwork(i+1-a,j-1) )/2. else nextvalue(i,j)=grid%relaxwork(i,j) endif enddo endif ! EAST: if(ipe>=ide-1) then i=ide-1 !$omp parallel do & !$omp private(i,j,a) do j=max(jps,jds+1),min(jpe,jde-2) a=mod(j,2) if(grid%relaxmask(i,j)) then nextvalue(i,j) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(i,j) + r * & (grid%relaxwork(i-a,j+1) + grid%relaxwork(i-a,j-1) )/2. else nextvalue(i,j)=grid%relaxwork(i,j) endif enddo endif ! Finally, handle corner points: ! SOUTHWEST: if(ips<=ids .and. jps<=jds) then if(grid%relaxmask(ids,jds)) then nextvalue(ids,jds) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(ids,jds) + r * & grid%relaxwork(ids, jds+1) else nextvalue(ids,jds)=grid%relaxwork(ids,jds) end if endif ! SOUTHEAST: if(ipe>=ide-1 .and. jps<=jds) then if(grid%relaxmask(ide-1,jds)) then nextvalue(ide-1,jds) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jds) + r * & (grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jds+1) + grid%relaxwork(ide-2,jds))/2. else nextvalue(ide-1,jds)=grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jds) endif endif ! NORTHWEST: if(ips<=ids .and. jpe>=jde-1) then if(grid%relaxmask(ids,jde-1)) then a=mod(jde-1,2) if(a==1) then nextvalue(ids,jde-1) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(ids,jde-1) + r * & grid%relaxwork(ids,jde-2) else nextvalue(ids,jde-1) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(ids,jde-1) + r * & (grid%relaxwork(ids,jde-2) + grid%relaxwork(ids+1,jde-2))/2. endif else nextvalue(ids,jde-1)=grid%relaxwork(ids,jde-1) endif endif ! NORTHEAST: if(ipe>=ide-1 .and. jpe>=jde-1) then if(grid%relaxmask(ide-1,jde-1)) then a=mod(jde-1,2) if(a==0) then nextvalue(ide-1,jde-1) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jde-1) + r * & grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jde-2) else nextvalue(ide-1,jde-1) = & r1 * grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jde-1) + r * & (grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jde-2) + grid%relaxwork(ide-2,jde-2))/2. endif else nextvalue(ide-1,jde-1)=grid%relaxwork(ide-1,jde-1) endif endif do j=max(jps,jds),min(jpe,jde-1) a=mod(j,2) do i=max(ips,ids),min(ipe,ide-1) grid%relaxwork(i,j)=nextvalue(i,j) enddo enddo enddo relaxloop end subroutine relax4e end module module_relax