module module_stats_for_move implicit none private #if ( NMM_NEST == 1 ) public :: stats_for_move, vorttrak_init ! Tuning parameters for the PDYN-following algorithm: ! Maximum, minimum and initial search radii: real, parameter :: vt5_max_radius=250000.0 real, parameter :: vt5_min_radius=100000.0 real, parameter :: vt5_start_radius=vt5_max_radius ! How much to increase or decrease search radius after a move or ! non-move (but it will never exceed the prescribed min/max): real, parameter :: vt5_move_factor=1.1 real, parameter :: vt5_nomove_factor=0.8 contains SUBROUTINE VORTTRAK_INIT(grid,config_flags,init, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) USE MODULE_CONFIGURE, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE MODULE_DOMAIN, ONLY : domain #if ( HWRF == 1 ) USE module_tracker, only: ncep_tracker_init #endif IMPLICIT NONE integer, intent(in) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE integer, intent(in) :: IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME integer, intent(in) :: ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE type(domain), intent(inout) :: grid type(grid_config_rec_type), intent(in) :: config_flags integer :: vortex_tracker character*255 :: message logical, intent(in) :: init ! True if this is the simulation start ! For vortex_tracker==4 option: integer :: cx,cy ! center x,y real :: xfar,yfar,far ! distance from center: x,y components and dist^2 integer :: xshift ! for handling grid staggering integer :: i,j #if ( HWRF == 1 ) vortex_tracker=grid%vortex_tracker if(vortex_tracker<1 .or. vortex_tracker>7) then 31 format('Domain ',I0,' has invalid value ',I0,' for vortex_tracker: it must be an integer from 1-7') write(message,31) grid%id,vortex_tracker call wrf_error_fatal(message) endif if(grid%swath_mode==1) then ! Check swath area of interest configuration, correct errors and ! give meaningful error messages: if(grid%interest_storms/=0 .and. vortex_tracker/=6 .and. vortex_tracker/=7) then grid%interest_storms=0 if(vortex_tracker==2) then if(grid%interest_kids/=0) then ! User set up vortex_tracker 2 and is requesting a storm ! area of interest, and not a kid area of interest. ! Switch to kid interest and warn them: grid%interest_kids=1 39 format('Grid ',I0,' switching from interest_storms to interest_kids due to vortex_tracker==2 (nest following)') write(message,39) grid%id call wrf_message(message) else ! User set things up correctly: vortex_tracker==2, and ! it has interest_kids, but they also turned on ! interest_storms, probably because it is on by ! default in the registry. Disable interest_storms ! and warn them in a level 2 debug message: 37 format('Grid ',I0,' using nest area of interest (already enabled) instead of storm area of interest due to vortex_tracker==2 (nest following).') write(message,37) grid%id call wrf_debug(2,message) endif elseif(grid%interest_self==0) then ! User requested a tracker other than 2, 6 and 7, but wants ! a storm area of interest. Not possible. Switch to ! interest_kids if there are nests, and interest_self ! otherwise. if(grid%num_nests<1) then grid%interest_self=1 grid%interest_rad_self=grid%interest_rad_storm 38 format('Grid ',I0,' switching from interest_storm to interest_self due to lack of vortex information. You must use vortex tracker 6 or 7 to get a storm area of interest.') write(message,38) grid%id call wrf_message(message) else grid%interest_kids=1 35 format('Grid ',I0,' switching from interest_storm to interest_kids due to lack of vortex information, and presence of nests. You must use vortex tracker 6 and 7 to get a storm area of interest.') write(message,35) grid%id call wrf_message(message) endif endif endif endif ! Signify that the pdyn smooth and parent smooth are invalid in ! this domain: grid%pdyn_parent_age=0 grid%pdyn_smooth_age=0 if(size(grid%pdyn_smooth)>1) then !write(0,*) 'in start domain, call update_pdyn_mslp for grid ',grid%id CALL UPDATE_PDYN_MSLP(grid,config_flags, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE ) end if is_vt45: if(vortex_tracker==4 .or. vortex_tracker==5) then call wrf_message('in VORTTRAK_INIT for vortex tracker 4 or 5') if(vortex_tracker==4) then if(.not.(grid%vt4_pmax<0.0)) then if(grid%vt4_pmax<100000.0 .or. grid%vt4_pmax>107000) then write(message,'("vt4_pmax bad: vt4_pmax must be either <0 or within [1e5,1.07e5], but it is ",F15.5,". We recommend -1.")') grid%vt4_pmax call wrf_error_fatal(message) endif endif endif if(vortex_tracker==5) then if(init) then grid%vt5searchrad=vt5_start_radius 13011 format("Search radius now ",F0.3,"km for domain ",I0) !write(message,13011) grid%vt5searchrad/1000.0,grid%id !call wrf_debug(1,message) endif endif endif is_vt45 distsq: if(size(grid%distsq)>1) then cx=ide/2 cy=jde/2 ! Calculate distance of various points from the domain center: jdo: do j = jts, min(jte,jde) if(mod(j,2)==1) then xshift=1. else xshift=-1. endif do i = its, min(ite,ide) xfar=(i-cx)*grid%dx_nmm(i,j)*2 yfar=(j-cy)*grid%dy_nmm if(mod(cy-j,2) /= 0) then xfar=xfar + grid%dx_nmm(i,j)*xshift endif far = xfar*xfar + yfar*yfar GRID%distsq(i,j)=far enddo enddo jdo endif distsq #endif #if ( HWRF == 1 ) if(init .and. (vortex_tracker==6 .or. vortex_tracker==7) ) then call ncep_tracker_init(grid) endif #endif END SUBROUTINE VORTTRAK_INIT #if ( HWRF == 1 ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE UPDATE_PDYN_MSLP(grid,config_flags, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE ) USE MODULE_CONFIGURE, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE MODULE_DOMAIN, ONLY : domain,get_ijk_from_grid #ifdef DM_PARALLEL USE MODULE_COMM_DM, ONLY : HALO_NMM_TRACK_sub USE MODULE_DM, ONLY: ntasks_x, ntasks_y, mytask, ntasks, local_communicator #endif use module_membrane_mslp implicit none type(domain), intent(inout) :: grid type(grid_config_rec_type), intent(in) :: config_flags integer, intent(in) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE integer, intent(in) :: IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME integer, intent(in) :: IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE integer :: i,j logical bad ! Update pdyn, mslp and sqws: CALL STATS_MAKE_MSLP (grid%PDYN,grid%membrane_MSLP,grid%MSLP,grid%SQWS, & grid%PINT,grid%T,grid%Q,grid%U,grid%V, & grid%FIS,grid%PD,grid%SM, & grid%PDTOP,grid%PT, & grid%DETA1,grid%DETA2,grid%ETA2, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE) ! Store average of parent pdyn_smooth and my pdyn in pdyn_smooth ! to send to child for its tracking for vortex tracker 5 if(size(grid%pdyn_smooth)>1) then if(grid%id==1) then ! No parent, so pdyn_smooth==pdyn and pdyn_parent is ignored !write(0,*) 'no parent (gid=1) so storing pdyn in pdyn_smooth' do j=max(jds,jps),min(jpe,jde-1) do i=max(ids,ips),min(ipe,ide-1) grid%pdyn_smooth(i,j)=grid%pdyn(i,j) enddo enddo else !write(0,*) 'grid ',grid%id,' storing average of pdyn and pdyn_parent in pdyn_smooth' do j=max(jds,jps),min(jpe,jde-1) do i=max(ids,ips),min(ipe,ide-1) grid%pdyn_smooth(i,j) = & 0.5*grid%pdyn(i,j) + & 0.5*grid%pdyn_parent(i,j) enddo enddo endif grid%pdyn_smooth_age=max(1,grid%pdyn_smooth_age+1) else call wrf_error_fatal('pdyn_smooth not allocated') endif #ifdef DM_PARALLEL # include "" #endif END SUBROUTINE UPDATE_PDYN_MSLP #endif !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE STATS_FOR_MOVE(grid,config_flags, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE ) ! STATS_FOR_MOVE ! ! PURPOSE: If it is time to consider the possibility of nest ! motion, then this routine calculates certain nest motion ! dynamical fields (PDYN, MSLP, SQWS), locates the vortex in those ! fields and then decides if the domain needs to be moved to ! recenter on the vortex. ! ! Several vortex tracking methods are implemented, and are ! chosen using the vortex_tracker namelist parameter: ! ! vortex_tracker=1 -- old pre-2012 HWRF method: center on minimum MSLP ! vortex_tracker=2 -- not a vortex tracker. Instead, it tracks ! its child domain. This is used in the 9km domain of the 27:9:3 ! vortex_tracker=3 -- old HWRF-X algorithm. This is a mass-based ! centroid algorithm. It works well for strong storms. With ! weaker storms, it can be fooled by other nearby high- or ! low-pressure systems, or noise in the MSLP field due to ! explicitly resolved gravity waves near sharp terrain changes. ! vortex_tracker=4 -- new centroid algorithm. This is similar to ! option 3, but uses the dynamic pressure PDYN and includes PDYN ! noise removal. Plus, it only searches within X km of the nest ! center to avoid other nearby systems. ! vortex_tracker=5 -- track average of parent and grandparent PDYN ! vortex_tracker=6 -- simplified version of Tim Marchok's tracker ! ! vortex_tracker=7 -- nearly the full storm tracking algorithm ! from Tim Marchok's tracker. The only part that is missing ! is the part that gives up when the storm dissipates. That ! is left out intentionally. ! ! HISTORY: ! 2004? - initial implementation by gopal ! 2004-2010 - gopal, xuejin, young added vortex tracker changes ! late 2010 - sam added vortex_tracker variable to switch between trackers ! late 2010 - sam added a new child tracker (vortex_tracker=2) ! Nov 08 2011 - sam split implementation into several functions and ! added the vortex_tracker=4 option ! Mar 2013 - sam added options 5 & 6 ! Sep 2013 - sam added option 7 ! Feb 2014 - sam added hooks for area of interest #if ( HWRF == 1 ) USE module_tracker, only: ncep_tracker_center #endif USE MODULE_CONFIGURE, ONLY : grid_config_rec_type USE MODULE_DOMAIN, ONLY : domain,get_ijk_from_grid use module_membrane_mslp #ifdef DM_PARALLEL # if ( HWRF == 1 ) USE MODULE_COMM_DM, ONLY : HALO_NMM_VT4_NOISE_sub, HALO_NMM_VT4_MSLP_sub USE MODULE_DM, ONLY: ntasks_x, ntasks_y, mytask, ntasks, local_communicator # endif #endif IMPLICIT NONE type(domain), intent(inout) :: grid type(grid_config_rec_type), intent(in) :: config_flags integer :: i,movefreq integer, intent(in) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE integer, intent(in) :: IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME integer, intent(in) :: IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE integer, intent(in) :: ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE integer :: vortex_tracker,j character*255 :: message logical :: skip_nest_motion ! KEEP NEST MOTION IN SINK WITH PHYSICS TIME STEPS #if ( NMM_NEST == 1 ) #if ( HWRF == 1 ) MOVEFREQ=grid%ntrack*grid%nphs vortex_tracker=grid%vortex_tracker #else MOVEFREQ=grid%nphs vortex_tracker=-1 #endif skip_nest_motion=.false. IF(MOD(grid%NTSD+1,MOVEFREQ)/=0 .or. grid%id==1)THEN #if ( HWRF == 1 ) IF(grid%MOVED .and. grid%id/=1) then grid%NTIME0=grid%NTSD !FOR UPDATING NTIM0 ENDIF #endif grid%MVNEST=.FALSE. skip_nest_motion=.true. ENDIF #if ( HWRF == 1 ) if(skip_nest_motion .and. ( grid%pdyn_smooth_age/=0 .or. size(grid%pdyn_smooth)<=1)) then ! Pdyn_smooth is up to date and it is not yet time to move the ! nest, so we can return now. !write(0,*) 'skipping pdyn_smooth in grid ',grid%id return else ! Either we need to move the nest, or the pdyn values are ! invalid due to nest initialization or recent nest motion, so ! we cannot return yet. endif ! Update membrane_mslp: call make_membrane_mslp(grid) ! Update regular mslp: CALL UPDATE_PDYN_MSLP(grid,config_flags, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE) if(skip_nest_motion) then ! We get here if we had to update pdyn_smooth, but it is not ! yet time to move the nest. return endif #endif ! HAND OFF CONTROL TO STATS_FOR_MOVE_123 FOR TRACKERS 1, 2 and 3 oldmove: if(vortex_tracker<4) then ! PDYN causes noise in the presence of strong vorticity variations, ! so it is not used by HWRF for nest tracking. CALL STATS_FOR_MOVE_123 (grid%XLOC_2,grid%YLOC_2 & #if ( HWRF == 1 ) ,grid%MSLP & #else ,grid%PDYN & #endif ,grid%sm & #if ( HWRF == 1 ) ,GRID%RESTART,grid%NTIME0 & ,GRID%MOVED,grid%MVNEST,grid%ntsd,GRID%NPHS,GRID%NTRACK & #else ,GRID%MOVED,grid%MVNEST,grid%ntsd,GRID%NPHS & #endif ,GRID%VORTEX_TRACKER & ,IDS,IDE-1,JDS,JDE-1,KDS,KDE & ,IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME & ,ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) RETURN #if ( HWRF == 1 ) elseif(vortex_tracker==6 .or. vortex_tracker==7) then ! Tracker #6 and #7: do whatever the inline NCEP Tracker says call ncep_tracker_center(grid) call vt67_move(grid%tracker_ifix,grid%tracker_jfix, & grid%tracker_gave_up,grid%tracker_havefix, & grid%xloc_2,grid%yloc_2, grid%id, & grid%xloc_1,grid%yloc_1, grid%mvnest, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) ! Update area of interest after storm moves if the storm is an ! area of interest: if(grid%interest_storms/=0) then 38 format('grid ',I2,' updating area of interest due to storm motion') write(message,38) grid%id call wrf_message(trim(message)) grid%update_interest=.true. else 39 format('grid ',I2,' not updating area of interest after storm motion because grid%interest_storms is 0') write(message,39) grid%id call wrf_message(trim(message)) endif elseif(vortex_tracker==5) then ! Tracker #5: follow average of grandparent and parent PDYN call vt5_move(grid%pdyn_parent,grid%distsq,grid%vt5searchrad, & grid%xloc_2,grid%yloc_2, grid%id, & grid%xloc_1,grid%yloc_1, grid%mvnest, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) ! Adjust nest movement search radius for the next timestep ! based on whether we moved this timestep or not. if(grid%mvnest) then grid%vt5searchrad=max(vt5_min_radius,min(vt5_max_radius, & grid%vt5searchrad*vt5_move_factor)) else grid%vt5searchrad=max(vt5_min_radius,min(vt5_max_radius, & grid%vt5searchrad*vt5_nomove_factor)) endif 13011 format("Search radius now ",F0.3,"km for domain ",I0) write(message,13011) grid%vt5searchrad/1000.0,grid%id call wrf_debug(1,message) else ! HANDLE VORTEX TRACKER 4 HERE ! (we only get here in HWRF mode) if(config_flags%vt4_noise_iter<0) then grid%mslp_noisy=0 else # ifdef DM_PARALLEL # include "" # endif call vt4_noise_detect(grid%mslp,grid%mslp_noisy, & config_flags%vt4_noise_pmax, & config_flags%vt4_noise_pmin, & config_flags%vt4_noise_dpdr, & grid%dx_nmm,grid%dy_nmm, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) do i=1,config_flags%vt4_noise_iter # ifdef DM_PARALLEL # include "" # endif call vt4_noise_iter(grid%mslp_noisy, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) enddo endif call vt4_move(grid%mslp,grid%weightout,grid%distsq, & grid%mslp_noisy, grid%dx_nmm, & grid%dy_nmm,grid%xloc_2,grid%yloc_2, & grid%xloc_1,grid%yloc_1,grid%mvnest, & config_flags%vt4_radius, & config_flags%vt4_weightexp, & config_flags%vt4_pmax, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) #endif endif oldmove #endif END SUBROUTINE STATS_FOR_MOVE SUBROUTINE vt4_noise_iter(NOISY, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) ! VT4_NOISE_DETECT ! ! PURPOSE: Takes in a "NOISY" array, finds all points where ! NOISY(I,J)/=01, and marks all surrounding points with a 1. ! With repeated calls, this will produce diamond-shaped ! areas of 1s around areas that originally had a 1. ! ! The first and last row and column are not modified. ! ! HISTORY: ! Nov 08 2011 - written by Sam Trahan IMPLICIT NONE integer,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme), intent(inout) :: noisy integer, intent(in) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE integer :: i,j,iadd #if ( HWRF == 1 ) do j = max(jds+1,jts), min(jte,jde-2) iadd=mod(j,2)-1 do i = max(ids+1,its), min(ite,ide-2) if( noisy(i+1+iadd,j+1)/=0 & .or. noisy(i+1+iadd,j-1)/=0 & .or. noisy(i+iadd,j+1)/=0 & .or. noisy(i+iadd,j-1)/=0) then noisy(i,j)=1 endif enddo enddo #endif END SUBROUTINE vt4_noise_iter SUBROUTINE vt4_noise_detect(MSLP,NOISY,PMAX,PMIN,DPDR, & DX_NMM, DY_NMM, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) ! VT4_NOISE_DETECT ! ! PURPOSE: Finds "noisy" MSLP values and marks a "1" in the ! "NOISY" array wherever such noisy values occur. An MSLP ! value is "noisy" if it meets one of these criteria: ! ! MSLP > PMAX ! MSLP < PMIN ! |d(MSLP)/d(northwest-southeast)| > DPDR ! |d(MSLP)/d(southwest-northeast)| > DPDR ! ! HISTORY: ! Nov 08 2011 - written by Sam Trahan IMPLICIT NONE real,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme), intent(in) :: mslp,dx_nmm real, intent(in) :: dy_nmm,pmax,pmin,dpdr integer,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme), intent(out) :: noisy integer, intent(in) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE real :: dp2,dy2,dx2,pdiff,dp2max integer :: i,j integer :: iadd #ifdef EXPENSIVE_HWRF_DEBUG_STUFF character*255 :: message integer :: nprint nprint=10 #endif #if ( HWRF == 1 ) dy2=dy_nmm*dy_nmm*4 dp2max=dpdr*dpdr do j=jts,min(jte,jde-1) iadd=mod(j,2)-1 do i=its,min(ite,ide-1) noisetype: if(mslp(i,j)>pmax) then #ifdef EXPENSIVE_HWRF_DEBUG_STUFF if(nprint>0) then 3088 format('MSLP(',I0,',',I0,') = ',F0.3,' > pmax = ',F0.3) write(message,3088) i,j,mslp(i,j),pmax call wrf_message(message) nprint=nprint-1 endif #endif noisy(i,j)=1 elseif(mslp(i,j)0) then 3089 format('MSLP(',I0,',',I0,') = ',F0.3,' < pmin = ',F0.3) write(message,3089) i,j,mslp(i,j),pmin call wrf_message(message) nprint=nprint-1 endif #endif noisy(i,j)=1 else dx2=dx_nmm(i,j)*dx_nmm(i,j)*4 notbdy: if(i>ids .and. ijds .and. jdp2max) then noisy(i,j)=1 #ifdef EXPENSIVE_HWRF_DEBUG_STUFF if(nprint>0) then 3091 format('dpdr(',I0,',',I0,') in NE-SW dir = ',F0.5,' > dpdrmax = ',F0.5) write(message,3091) i,j,sqrt(dp2),sqrt(dp2max) call wrf_message(message) nprint=nprint-1 endif #endif cycle endif ! southeast-northwest direction: pdiff=mslp(i+1+iadd,j-1)-mslp(i+iadd,j+1) dp2=pdiff*pdiff/(dx2+dy2) if(dp2>dp2max) then noisy(i,j)=1 #ifdef EXPENSIVE_HWRF_DEBUG_STUFF if(nprint>0) then 3092 format('dpdr(',I0,',',I0,') in SE-NW dir = ',F0.5,' > dpdrmax = ',F0.5) write(message,3092) i,j,sqrt(dp2),sqrt(dp2max) call wrf_message(message) nprint=nprint-1 endif #endif cycle endif endif notbdy ! We get here if the point and its surroudings are not ! "noisy" noisy(i,j)=0 endif noisetype enddo enddo #endif END SUBROUTINE vt4_noise_detect #if ( HWRF == 1 ) SUBROUTINE vt5_move(PDYN,distsq,searchrad,xloc,yloc,gridid,cx,cy,mvnest, & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) use module_dm, only: wrf_dm_minval_real implicit none real, intent(in) :: PDYN(ims:ime,jms:jme) real, intent(in) :: distsq(ims:ime,jms:jme) real, intent(in) :: searchrad integer, intent(inout) :: xloc,yloc integer, intent(in) :: cx,cy,gridid logical, intent(out) :: mvnest integer :: & IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE real, parameter :: big_pdyn=999999.9 integer i,j,iloc,jloc real pdynloc,xdiff,ydiff,radsq character*255 message if(gridid==1) then ! Do nothing for MOAD !write(0,*) 'Grid 1 (MOAD): skipping vt5_move' mvnest=.false. xloc=cx yloc=cy return endif 201 format("Search for minimum PDYN (<",F10.2,") within searchrad=",F0.3,"km of domain center cx=",I0," cy=",I0) !write(message,201) big_pdyn,searchrad/1000.0,cx,cy radsq=searchrad*searchrad iloc=-1 jloc=-1 pdynloc=big_pdyn do j=jts,min(jde-1,jte) do i=its,min(ide-1,ite) if(distsq(i,j)PMAX are ignored, ! where PMAX is either the maximum pressure in the non-noisy MSLP ! if SEARCHPMAX<0, or SEARCHPMAX if SEARCHPMAX>=0. ! ! The center is found using a weighted average of point I and J ! locations for all points that survive the above conditions. ! ! HISTORY: ! Nov 08 2011 - written by Sam Trahan #if defined(DM_PARALLEL) && !defined(STUBMPI) USE module_dm, only: wrf_dm_maxval_real, wrf_dm_sum_real, & local_communicator_y, local_communicator_x IMPLICIT NONE INCLUDE 'mpif.h' #else IMPLICIT NONE #endif character*512 :: message integer, intent(out) :: xloc,yloc integer, intent(in) :: cx,cy real,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme), intent(in) :: mslp,distsq,dx_nmm real, intent(in) :: dy_nmm,searchrad,searchpow,searchpmax real,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme), intent(out) :: weightout integer,dimension(ims:ime,jms:jme), intent(inout) :: noisy integer, intent(in) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE, & IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME, & IPS,IPE,JPS,JPE,KPS,KPE, & ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE logical, intent(out) :: mvnest real :: pmax,sr2,weight,xsum,ysum,xwsum,ywsum real :: centroid_x, centroid_y, xdiff, ydiff real :: xweight,yweight,maxweight integer :: i,j,idum,jdum,ierr,ctx,cty integer :: xcount(jps:jpe),ycount(ips:ipe) integer :: myxcount(jps:jpe),myycount(ips:ipe) ! NOTE: cx and cy MUST match the domain center used in ! direction_of_move2 in mediation_nest_move.F if(searchradjde-11) then noisy(its:ite,j)=3 else do i=its,min(ite,ide-1) if(iide-8) then noisy(i,j)=3 elseif(distsq(i,j)>sr2 .and. noisy(i,j)/=1) then noisy(i,j)=2 endif enddo endif enddo ! Get the number of points in the X and Y directions along each ! row and column. myxcount=0 myycount=0 do j=jps,min(jpe,jde-1) do i=ips,min(ipe,ide-1) if(noisy(i,j)==0) then myxcount(j)=myxcount(j)+1 endif enddo enddo do j=jps,min(jpe,jde-1) do i=ips,min(ipe,ide-1) if(noisy(i,j)==0) then myycount(i)=myycount(i)+1 endif enddo enddo #ifdef DM_PARALLEL call MPI_Allreduce(myxcount,xcount,jpe-jps+1,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM,local_communicator_x,ierr) call MPI_Allreduce(myycount,ycount,ipe-ips+1,MPI_INTEGER,MPI_SUM,local_communicator_y,ierr) #else xcount=myxcount ycount=myycount #endif #ifdef EXPENSIVE_HWRF_DEBUG_STUFF do j=jps,min(jpe,jde-1) write(message,'("xcount(",I0,") = ",I0)') j,xcount(j) call wrf_debug(5,message) enddo do i=ips,min(ipe,ide-1) write(message,'("ycount(",I0,") = ",I0)') i,ycount(i) call wrf_debug(5,message) enddo #endif ! Find maximum pressure if requested findpmax: if(searchpmax<0.0) then pmax=-9e9 do j = max(jds+2,jts), min(jte,jde-3) do i = max(ids+1,its), min(ite,ide-2) if(noisy(i,j)==0 .and. mslp(i,j)>pmax) then pmax=mslp(i,j) endif enddo enddo idum=-99 ; jdum=-99 ! to keep debug modes happy call wrf_dm_maxval_real(pmax,idum,jdum) pmax=min(105000.0,pmax) else pmax=searchpmax endif findpmax ! Find vortex location. xsum=0.0 ; ysum=0.0 ; xwsum=0.0 ; ywsum=0.0 maxweight=-99. if_pow_1: if(abs(searchpow-1.0)<1e-5) then ! Special copy of loop for exponent of 1, for efficiency !call wrf_debug(10,'got into pow=1 loop') do j = max(jds+2,jts), min(jte,jde-3) do i = max(ids+1,its), min(ite,ide-2) if(noisy(i,j)==0) then weight = pmax - mslp(i,j) if(weight>0) then if(weight>maxweight) maxweight=weight weight=weight/pmax weightout(i,j)=weight xweight=weight/ycount(i) yweight=weight/xcount(j) xsum=xsum + i*xweight ysum=ysum + j*yweight xwsum=xwsum + xweight ywsum=ywsum + yweight else weightout(i,j)=0 end if else weightout(i,j)=0 endif enddo enddo else if_sqrt: if(abs(searchpow-0.5)<1e-5) then !call wrf_debug(10,'got into pow=0.5 loop') do j = max(jds+2,jts), min(jte,jde-3) do i = max(ids+1,its), min(ite,ide-2) if(noisy(i,j)==0) then weight = pmax - mslp(i,j) if(weight>0) then if(weight>maxweight) maxweight=weight weight=sqrt(weight/pmax) weightout(i,j)=weight xweight=weight/ycount(i) yweight=weight/xcount(j) xsum=xsum + i*xweight ysum=ysum + j*yweight xwsum=xwsum + xweight ywsum=ywsum + yweight else weightout(i,j)=0 end if else weightout(i,j)=0 endif enddo enddo else ! General loop for exponents other than 1: do j = max(jds+2,jts), min(jte,jde-3) do i = max(ids+1,its), min(ite,ide-2) if(noisy(i,j)==0) then weight = pmax - mslp(i,j) if(weight>0) then if(weight>maxweight) maxweight=weight weight=(weight/pmax)**searchpow weightout(i,j)=weight xweight=weight/ycount(i) yweight=weight/xcount(j) xsum=xsum + i*xweight ysum=ysum + j*yweight xwsum=xwsum + xweight ywsum=ywsum + yweight else weightout(i,j)=0 end if else weightout(i,j)=0 endif enddo enddo endif if_sqrt endif if_pow_1 if(maxweight<=0) then !call wrf_debug(1,'No valid points found in this tile.') else !write(message,'("Max weight was ",F0.3)') maxweight !call wrf_debug(1,message) endif xwsum = wrf_dm_sum_real(xwsum) no_vortex: if(xwsum <= 0) then ! All pressures are >= pmax so disable move by ! specifying the vortex center at the domain center. centroid_x=cx centroid_y=cy write(message,*) 'Lost the storm. Search rad,pmax,pow = ', & searchrad,pmax,searchpow call wrf_message(message) mvnest=.false. return else ywsum = wrf_dm_sum_real(ywsum) xsum = wrf_dm_sum_real(xsum) ysum = wrf_dm_sum_real(ysum) centroid_x = xsum/xwsum centroid_y = ysum/ywsum 383 format("XSUM=",F0.3," YSUM=",F0.3," XWSUM=",F0.3," YWSUM=",F0.3, & " Center=(",I0,",",I0,")", & " Centroid=(",F0.3,",",F0.3,")") write(message,383) xsum,ysum,xwsum,ywsum,cx,cy,centroid_x,centroid_y call wrf_message(message) endif no_vortex ! Place a plus at the centroid in the "noisy" array ctx=nint(centroid_x) cty=nint(centroid_y) do j=cty-1,cty+1 do i=ctx-4,ctx+4 if(i>=its .and. i<=ite .and. j>=jts .and. j<=jte) then noisy(i,j)=noisy(i,j)-6 endif enddo enddo do j=cty-4,cty+4 do i=ctx-1,ctx+1 if(i>=its .and. i<=ite .and. j>=jts .and. j<=jte) then noisy(i,j)=noisy(i,j)-6 endif enddo enddo xdiff=abs(centroid_x-real(cx))/3.0 ydiff=abs(centroid_y-real(cy))/6.0 if(xdiff>=1. .or. ydiff>=1.) then ! We have moved >1 parent gridpoints in X or >2 parent ! gridpoints in Y, so trigger a nest move: mvnest=.true. xloc=nint(centroid_x) yloc=nint(centroid_y) call wrf_debug(1,'Centroid is far enough from nest center to trigger a move.') else mvnest=.false. xloc=cx yloc=cy call wrf_debug(1,'Nest has not moved far enough yet.') endif END SUBROUTINE vt4_move #endif SUBROUTINE STATS_MAKE_MSLP(PDYN,MEMBRANE_MSLP,MSLP,SQWS & ,PINT,T,Q,U,V & ,FIS,PD,SM,PDTOP,PTOP & ,DETA1,DETA2,ETA2 & ,IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE & ,IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME & ,ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE) ! STATS_MAKE_MSLP ! ! PURPOSE: Calculates the PDYN, MSLP and SQWS fields needed ! by the vortex trackers. This code was taken from the old ! STATS_FOR_MOVE routine. ! ! HISTORY: ! 2004? : written by gopal ! 2004-2011 : various modifications by gopal, xuejin, young, sam ! Nov 08 2011: moved code into a seperate STATS_MAKE_MSLP routine USE MODULE_MODEL_CONSTANTS IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE & ,IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME & ,ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE REAL, DIMENSION(KMS:KME), INTENT(IN) :: DETA1,DETA2,ETA2 REAL, INTENT(IN) :: PDTOP,PTOP REAL, DIMENSION(IMS:IME,JMS:JME), INTENT(IN) :: FIS,PD,SM REAL, DIMENSION(IMS:IME,JMS:JME,KMS:KME), INTENT(IN) :: PINT,T,Q,U,V REAL, DIMENSION(IMS:IME,JMS:JME), INTENT(OUT) :: PDYN,MSLP,SQWS REAL, DIMENSION(IMS:IME,JMS:JME), INTENT(IN) :: MEMBRANE_MSLP INTEGER :: ITF,JTF, i,j,k REAL :: DZ,RTOPP,APELP,A,TSFC REAL, PARAMETER :: LAPSR=6.5E-3, GI=1./G,D608=0.608 REAL, PARAMETER :: COEF3=287.05*GI*LAPSR, COEF2=-1./COEF3 REAL, PARAMETER :: TRG=2.0*R_D*GI,LAPSI=1.0/LAPSR REAL, DIMENSION(IMS:IME,JMS:JME,KMS:KME) :: Z REAL :: densum,presum,density,pdyntemp,vpres ITF=MIN(ITE,IDE-1) JTF=MIN(JTE,JDE-1) ! DETERMINE THE HEIGHTS ON THE PARENT DOMAIN DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE-1) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE-1) Z(I,J,1)=FIS(I,J)*GI ENDDO ENDDO ! !write(0,*) 'kde=',kde,' kte=',kte DO K = KTS,min(kde-1,KTE) DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE-1) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE-1) APELP = (PINT(I,J,K+1)+PINT(I,J,K)) RTOPP = TRG*T(I,J,K)*(1.0+Q(I,J,K)*P608)/APELP DZ = RTOPP*(DETA1(K)*PDTOP+DETA2(K)*PD(I,J)) Z(I,J,K+1) = Z(I,J,K) + DZ ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! DETERMINE THE MEAN SEA LEVEL PRESSURE, THE VERTICALLY AVERAGED WIND ! SPEED AT ABOUT LEVELS 9 10 AND 11 AND THE DYNAMIC PRESSURES DEFINED ! FROM BASIC BERNOULLI's THEOREM DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE-1) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE-1) TSFC = T(I,J,1)*(1.+D608*Q(I,J,1)) + LAPSR*(Z(I,J,1)+Z(I,J,2))*0.5 A = LAPSR*Z(I,J,1)/TSFC MSLP(I,J) = PINT(I,J,1)*(1-A)**COEF2 SQWS(I,J) = (U(I,J,9)*U(I,J,9) + V(I,J,9)*V(I,J,9) & + U(I,J,10)*U(I,J,10) + V(I,J,10)*V(I,J,10) & + U(I,J,11)*U(I,J,11) + V(I,J,11)*V(I,J,11))/3.0 PDYN(I,J) = 1.1*SQWS(I,J)/2.0 + MEMBRANE_MSLP(I,J) ENDDO ENDDO END SUBROUTINE STATS_MAKE_MSLP !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE STATS_FOR_MOVE_123 (XLOC,YLOC,PRES,SM & #if ( HWRF == 1 ) ,RESTART,NTIME0 & ! zhang's doing ,MOVED,MVNEST,NTSD,NPHS,CFREQ & ! CFREQ*DT*NPHS=540s #else ,MOVED,MVNEST,NTSD,NPHS & #endif ,vortex_tracker & ,IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE & ,IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME & ,ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE ) !********************************************************************** !$$$ SUBPROGRAM DOCUMENTATION BLOCK ! . . . ! SUBPROGRAM: STATS_FOR_MOVE_123 ! PRGRMMR: gopal ! ! ABSTRACT: ! THIS ROUTINE COMPUTES SOME STATS REQUIRED FOR AUTOMATIC GRID MOTION ! THERE ARE THREE DIFFERENT MODES: ! vortex_tracker=1 -- follow vortex using pre-2012 HWRF algorithm ! vortex_tracker=2 -- follow child ! vortex_tracker=3 -- follow vortex using HWRF-X algorithm ! NOTE: This routine does not handle vortex_tracker==4. The ! stats_for_move routine handles that vortex tracker. ! PROGRAM HISTORY LOG: ! (inbetween) : gopal, xuejin, young added vortex tracker changes ! late 2010 : sam added vortex_tracker variable to switch between trackers ! late 2010 : sam added a new child tracker (vortex_tracker=2) ! 11-08-2011 : renamed to stats_for_move_123, and moved all PRES ! calculation stuff to another routine. ! ! USAGE: CALL STATS_FOR_MOVE FROM SUBROUTINE SOLVE_RUNSTREAM FOR NESTED DOMAIN ONLY ! ! ATTRIBUTES: ! LANGUAGE: FORTRAN 90 ! MACHINE : IBM SP !$$$ !********************************************************************** USE MODULE_MODEL_CONSTANTS USE MODULE_DM USE MODULE_WRF_ERROR IMPLICIT NONE ! LOGICAL,INTENT(INOUT) :: MVNEST ! NMM SWITCH FOR GRID MOTION LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: MOVED INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: vortex_tracker INTEGER,INTENT(IN) :: IDS,IDE,JDS,JDE,KDS,KDE & ,IMS,IME,JMS,JME,KMS,KME & ,ITS,ITE,JTS,JTE,KTS,KTE & #if ( HWRF == 1 ) ,NTSD,NPHS,CFREQ #else ,NTSD,NPHS #endif ! INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: XLOC,YLOC INTEGER :: NXLOC,NYLOC REAL :: NSUM1,NSUM2,NSUM3 REAL, DIMENSION(IMS:IME,JMS:JME), INTENT(IN) :: SM,PRES ! ! LOCAL character*256 :: message #if ( HWRF == 1 ) !zhang's doing INTEGER,INTENT(INOUT) :: NTIME0 LOGICAL,INTENT(IN) :: RESTART REAL :: far,weight,sr2,pmax,xfar,yfar,xshift,yshift integer :: cx,cy #else INTEGER,SAVE :: NTIME0 #endif INTEGER :: IM,JM,IP,JP INTEGER :: I,K,J,XR,YR,DTMOVE,IDUM,JDUM,ITF,JTF REAL :: STMP0,STMP1 REAL :: SMSUM,SMOUT,XDIFF,YDIFF,PCUT,PGR REAL :: MINGBL_PRES,MAXGBL_PRES,MAXGBL_SQWS REAL :: MINGBL_MIJ REAL, DIMENSION(IMS:IME,JMS:JME) :: MIJ ! Bug in the original code that is intentionally preserved: ! IDE is already IDE-1, but the code subtracts 1 again and ! uses ITF ITF=min(ITE,IDE-1) JTF=min(JTE,JDE-1) ! FILTER OUT PRES AND STORE THAT IN MIJ. THE MAXIMUM VALUE OF ! MIJ GIVES THE STORM CENTER ALSO DO THAT WITHIN A SUB DOMAIN MAXGBL_PRES=MAXVAL(PRES(ITS:ITF,JTS:JTF)) CALL WRF_DM_MAXVAL(MAXGBL_PRES,IDUM,JDUM) MINGBL_PRES=MINVAL(PRES(ITS:ITF,JTS:JTF)) CALL WRF_DM_MINVAL(MINGBL_PRES,IDUM,JDUM) PCUT = 0.5*(MAXGBL_PRES + MINGBL_PRES) ! IM=IDE/2 - IDE/6 IP=IDE/2 + IDE/6 JM=JDE/2 - JDE/4 JP=JDE/2 + JDE/4 ! DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE) IF(I .GE. IM .AND. I .LE. IP .AND. J .GE. JM .AND. J .LE. JP & .AND. PCUT .GT. PRES(I,J))THEN MIJ(I,J) = PRES(I,J) ELSE MIJ(I,J) = 105000.0 ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO ! BEGIN OLD TRACKER CODE ---------------------------------------------------- old_tracker_1: if(vortex_tracker == 1) then ! ! DETERMINE THE LOCATION OF CENTER OF THE CIRCULATION DEFINED BY MIJ AND FIND THE CORRESPONDING PRES ! STMP0=MAXGBL_PRES*100. ! define arbitrary maximum MINGBL_MIJ=MINVAL(MIJ(ITS:ITF,JTS:JTF)) DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE) IF(MIJ(I,J) .EQ. MINGBL_MIJ)THEN XLOC=I YLOC=J STMP0=PRES(I,J) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO CALL WRF_DM_MINVAL(MINGBL_MIJ,XLOC,YLOC) CALL WRF_DM_MINVAL(STMP0,IDUM,JDUM) endif old_tracker_1 ! END OLD TRACKER CODE ------------------------------------------------------ ! BEGIN HWRF-X TRACKER CODE ------------------------------------------------- hwrfx_tracker: if(vortex_tracker == 3) then ! USE CENTROID TO FIND THE CENTER Xuejin's doing NSUM1=0.0 NSUM2=0.0 NSUM3=0.0 DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE) IF(I .GE. IM .AND. I .LE. IP .AND. J .GE. JM .AND. J .LE. JP )THEN ! IF(I .EQ. IM .AND. J .EQ. JM)THEN NSUM1 = NSUM1 + I*(105000.1 - MIJ(I,J)) NSUM2 = NSUM2 + J*(105000.1 - MIJ(I,J)) NSUM3 = NSUM3 + (105000.1 - MIJ(I,J)) ! WRITE(0,*)'TEST',NSUM1,I,J,0.01*(105000.0 - MIJ(I,J)),MIJ(I,J) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO NSUM1 = WRF_DM_SUM_REAL(NSUM1) NSUM2 = WRF_DM_SUM_REAL(NSUM2) NSUM3 = WRF_DM_SUM_REAL(NSUM3) NXLOC = NINT(NSUM1/NSUM3) NYLOC = NINT(NSUM2/NSUM3) XLOC = NXLOC YLOC = NYLOC !WRITE(message,*)'NEW CALC',NSUM1,NSUM2,NSUM3 !call wrf_debug(1,message) !WRITE(message,*)'XLOC,YLOC',NXLOC,XLOC,NYLOC,YLOC !call wrf_debug(1,message) endif hwrfx_tracker ! END HWRF-X TRACKER CODE --------------------------------------------------- ! BEGIN OLD TRACKER CODE ---------------------------------------------------- ! DETERMINE THE MAXIMUM MIJ AT ABOUT 18 GRID POINTS AWAY FROM THE STORM CENTER old_tracker_2: if ( vortex_tracker == 1 ) then STMP1=0.0 DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE) IF(I .EQ. XLOC+18)THEN XR=I YR=J STMP1=MIJ(I,J) ENDIF ENDDO ENDDO CALL WRF_DM_MAXVAL(STMP1,XR,YR) ! ! DETERMINE IF THE ENTIRE NESTED DOMAIN IS OVER LAND (SM=0) ! SMSUM = 0.0 DO J = JTS, MIN(JTE,JDE) DO I = ITS, MIN(ITE,IDE) SMSUM = SMSUM + SM(I,J) ENDDO ENDDO SMOUT=WRF_DM_SUM_REAL(SMSUM)/(IDE*JDE) ! STOP GRID MOTION. AVOID MOVING TOO RAPID GRID MOTION, SAY SOMETHING LIKE EVERY ! OTHER TIME STEP OR SO PGR=STMP1-STMP0 endif old_tracker_2 ! END OLD TRACKER CODE ------------------------------------------------ XDIFF=ABS(XLOC - IDE/2) YDIFF=ABS(YLOC - JDE/2) #if ( HWRF == 1 ) !zhang's doing IF((.NOT.RESTART .AND. NTSD==0) .OR. MOVED)NTIME0=NTSD #else IF(NTSD==0 .OR. MOVED)NTIME0=NTSD #endif DTMOVE=NTSD-NTIME0 ! TIME INTERVAL SINCE THE PREVIOUS MOVE ! ! DECIDE IF NEST MOTION SHOULD HAPPEN ! if(vortex_tracker == 3) then ! Using HWRF-X tracker. Move if centroid moved. IF(XDIFF .GE. 1 .OR. YDIFF .GE. 2) THEN MVNEST=.TRUE. NTIME0=NTSD ELSE ! Centroid has not moved one parent gridpoint yet. MVNEST=.FALSE. ENDIF elseif(vortex_tracker==2) then ! Tracking child domain. Nest motion check happens in ! direction_of_move2, but we MUST set mvnest=true here: MVNEST=.TRUE. elseif(vortex_tracker==1) then ! Using old HWRF tracker. Decide if it wants to move. IF(DTMOVE .LE. 45 .OR. PGR .LE. 200.)THEN WRITE(message,*)'SUSPEND MOTION: SMALL DTMOVE OR WEAK PGF:','DTMOVE=',DTMOVE,'PGR=',PGR call wrf_debug(1,message) MVNEST=.FALSE. ! SET STATIC GRID ELSE IF(STMP0 .GE. STMP1)THEN WRITE(message,*)'SUSPEND MOTION: THERE IS NO VORTEX IN THE DOMAIN:','STMP0=',STMP0,'STMP1=',STMP1 call wrf_debug(1,message) MVNEST=.FALSE. ELSE IF(XDIFF .GT. 24 .OR. YDIFF .GT. 24)THEN WRITE(message,*)'SUSPEND MOTION: LOST VORTEX ','DTMOVE=',DTMOVE,'XDIFF=',XDIFF,'YDIFF=',YDIFF call wrf_debug(1,message) MVNEST=.FALSE. ELSE IF(SMOUT .LE. 0.2 .AND. XDIFF .GT. 12 .AND. YDIFF .GT. 12)THEN WRITE(message,*)'SUSPEND MOTION: VORTEX LOST OVER LAND ','DTMOVE=',DTMOVE,'XDIFF=',XDIFF,'YDIFF=',YDIFF call wrf_debug(1,message) MVNEST=.FALSE. ELSE IF(SMOUT .LE. 0.2 .AND. PGR .LE. 400.)THEN WRITE(message,*)'SUSPEND MOTION: VORTEX WEAK OVER LAND ','SMOUT=',SMOUT,'PGR=',PGR call wrf_debug(1,message) MVNEST=.FALSE. ELSE IF(SMOUT .LE. 0.2 .AND. DTMOVE .GE. 1500)THEN WRITE(message,*)'SUSPEND MOTION: STOP MOTION OVER LAND','SMOUT=',SMOUT,'DTMOVE=',DTMOVE call wrf_debug(1,message) MVNEST=.FALSE. ELSE MVNEST=.TRUE. ENDIF else ! Not using any valid trackers, so set MVNEST to false. MVNEST=.false. endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE STATS_FOR_MOVE_123 ! End "if NMM_NEST == 1" #endif END module module_stats_for_move