RECURSIVE SUBROUTINE adapt_timestep(grid, config_flags) !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! !
! This routine sets the time step based on the cfl condition.  It's used to
!   dynamically adapt the timestep as the model runs.
! T. Hutchinson, WSI
! March 2007
!-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Driver layer modules USE module_domain USE module_configure USE module_dm, ONLY : wrf_dm_maxval, wrf_dm_minval, wrf_dm_mintile_double, wrf_dm_tile_val_int, wrf_dm_maxtile_real USE module_bc_em IMPLICIT NONE TYPE(domain) , TARGET , INTENT(INOUT) :: grid TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT(IN) :: config_flags LOGICAL :: use_last2 REAL :: curr_secs REAL :: max_increase_factor REAL :: time_to_output, & time_to_bc INTEGER :: idex=0, jdex=0 INTEGER :: rc TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: tmpTimeInterval, dtInterval TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: dtInterval_horiz TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: dtInterval_vert TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: parent_dtInterval INTEGER :: num_small_steps integer :: tile LOGICAL :: stepping_to_bc INTEGER :: bc_time, output_time double precision :: dt = 0 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: precision = 100 INTEGER :: dt_num, dt_den, dt_whole INTEGER :: num, den, history_interval_sec TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) :: last_dtInterval REAL :: real_time REAL :: max_vert_cfl, max_horiz_cfl ! ! If use_last2 is true, this routine will use the time step ! from 2 steps ago to compute the next time step. This ! is used along with step_to_output and step_to_bc use_last2 = .FALSE. ! ! Assign last_dtInterval type values from restart file ! CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(grid%last_dtInterval, S=grid%last_dt_sec, & Sn=grid%last_dt_sec_num, Sd=grid%last_dt_sec_den) ! ! If this step has already been adapted, no need to do it again. ! time step can already be adapted when adaptation_domain is ! enabled. ! if (grid%last_step_updated == grid%itimestep) then return else grid%last_step_updated = grid%itimestep endif ! ! For nests, set adapt_step_using_child to parent's value ! if (grid%id .ne. 1) then grid%adapt_step_using_child = grid%parents(1)%ptr%adapt_step_using_child; endif ! ! For nests, if we're not adapting using child nest, we only want to change ! nests' time steps when the time is conincident with the parent's time. ! So, if dtbc is not zero, simply return and leave the last time step in ! place. ! ! if ((grid%id .ne. 1) .and. (.not. grid%adapt_step_using_child)) then ! if (abs(grid%dtbc) > 0.0001) then ! return ! endif ! endif last_dtInterval = grid%last_dtInterval ! ! Get time since beginning of simulation start ! tmpTimeInterval = domain_get_current_time ( grid ) - & domain_get_sim_start_time ( grid ) ! ! Calculate current time in seconds since beginning of model run. ! Unfortunately, ESMF does not seem to have a way to return ! floating point seconds based on a TimeInterval. So, we will ! calculate it here--but, this is not clean!! ! curr_secs = real_time(tmpTimeInterval) ! ! Calculate the maximum allowable increase in the time step given ! the user input max_step_increase_pct value and the nest ratio. ! max_increase_factor = 1. + grid%max_step_increase_pct / 100. ! ! If this is the first time step of the model run (indicated by time step #1), ! then set the time step to the input starting_time_step. ! ! Else, calculate the time step based on cfl. ! !BPR BEGIN !At the initial time advanceCount == 0, but the following line instead looked !for advanceCount == 1 !if ( ( domain_get_advanceCount ( grid ) .EQ. 1 ) .AND. ( .NOT. config_flags%restart ) ) then if ( ( domain_get_advanceCount ( grid ) .EQ. 0 ) .AND. ( .NOT. config_flags%restart ) ) then !BPR END if ( grid%starting_time_step_den .EQ. 0 ) then CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(dtInterval, Sn=grid%starting_time_step, Sd=1) else CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(dtInterval, Sn=grid%starting_time_step, Sd=grid%starting_time_step_den) end if curr_secs = 0 CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(last_dtInterval, Sn=0, Sd=1) else if (grid%stepping_to_time) then max_vert_cfl = grid%last_max_vert_cfl max_horiz_cfl = grid%last_max_horiz_cfl else max_vert_cfl = grid%max_vert_cfl max_horiz_cfl = grid%max_horiz_cfl endif CALL calc_dt(dtInterval_vert, max_vert_cfl, max_increase_factor, & precision, last_dtInterval, grid%target_cfl) CALL calc_dt(dtInterval_horiz, max_horiz_cfl, max_increase_factor, & precision, last_dtInterval, grid%target_hcfl) if (dtInterval_vert < dtInterval_horiz) then dtInterval = dtInterval_vert else dtInterval = dtInterval_horiz endif endif ! Limit the increase of dtInterval to the specified input limit num = NINT( max_increase_factor * precision ) den = precision tmpTimeInterval = last_dtInterval * num / den if ( (domain_get_current_time ( grid ) .ne. domain_get_start_time ( grid )) & .and. (dtInterval .gt. tmpTimeInterval ) ) then dtInterval = tmpTimeInterval endif ! ! Here, we round off dtInterval to nearest 1/100. This prevents ! the denominator from getting too large and causing overflow. ! dt = real_time(dtInterval) num = NINT(dt * precision) den = precision CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(dtInterval, Sn=num, Sd=den) ! Limit the maximum dtInterval based on user input if ( grid%max_time_step_den .EQ. 0 ) then CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, Sn=grid%max_time_step, Sd=1) else CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, Sn=grid%max_time_step, Sd=grid%max_time_step_den) end if if (dtInterval .gt. tmpTimeInterval ) then dtInterval = tmpTimeInterval endif ! Limit the minimum dtInterval based on user input. if ( grid%min_time_step_den .EQ. 0 ) then CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, Sn=grid%min_time_step, Sd=1) else CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, Sn=grid%min_time_step, Sd=grid%min_time_step_den) end if if (dtInterval .lt. tmpTimeInterval ) then dtInterval = tmpTimeInterval endif ! ! Now, if this is a nest, and we are adapting based upon parent, ! we round down the time step to the nearest ! value that divides evenly into the parent time step. ! If this is a nest, and we are adapting based upon the child (i.e., the ! nest), we update the parent timestep to the next smallest multiple ! timestep. ! if (grid%nested) then dt = real_time(dtInterval) if (.not. grid%adapt_step_using_child) then ! We'll calculate real numbers to get the number of small steps: num_small_steps = CEILING( grid%parents(1)%ptr%dt / dt ) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL call wrf_dm_maxval(num_small_steps, idex, jdex) #endif dtInterval = domain_get_time_step(grid%parents(1)%ptr) / & num_small_steps else num_small_steps = FLOOR( grid%parents(1)%ptr%dt / dt ) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL call wrf_dm_minval(num_small_steps, idex, jdex) #endif if (num_small_steps < 1) then num_small_steps = 1 endif endif endif ! ! Setup the values for several variables from the tile with the ! minimum dt. ! dt = real_time(dtInterval) #ifdef DM_PARALLEL call wrf_dm_mintile_double(dt, tile) CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet(dtInterval,Sn=dt_num,Sd=dt_den,S=dt_whole) call wrf_dm_tile_val_int(dt_num, tile) call wrf_dm_tile_val_int(dt_den, tile) call wrf_dm_tile_val_int(dt_whole, tile) CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(dtInterval, Sn = dt_whole*dt_den + dt_num, Sd = dt_den) call wrf_dm_maxtile_real(grid%max_vert_cfl, tile) call wrf_dm_maxtile_real(grid%max_horiz_cfl, tile) #endif if ((grid%nested) .and. (grid%adapt_step_using_child)) then grid%dt = real_time(dtInterval) ! Set parent step here. grid%parents(1)%ptr%dt = grid%dt * num_small_steps parent_dtInterval = dtInterval * num_small_steps ! ! Update the parent clock based on the new time step ! CALL WRFU_ClockSet ( grid%parents(1)%ptr%domain_clock, & timeStep=parent_dtInterval, & rc=rc ) endif ! ! Assure that we fall on a BC time. Due to a bug in WRF, the time ! step must fall on the boundary times. Only modify the dtInterval ! when this is not the first time step on this domain. ! grid%stepping_to_time = .FALSE. time_to_bc = grid%interval_seconds - grid%dtbc num = INT(time_to_bc * precision + 0.5) den = precision CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, Sn=num, Sd=den) if ( ( tmpTimeInterval .LT. dtInterval * 2 ) .and. & ( tmpTimeInterval .GT. dtInterval ) ) then dtInterval = tmpTimeInterval / 2 use_last2 = .TRUE. stepping_to_bc = .true. grid%stepping_to_time = .TRUE. elseif (tmpTimeInterval .LE. dtInterval) then bc_time = NINT ( (curr_secs + time_to_bc) / ( grid%interval_seconds ) ) & * ( grid%interval_seconds ) CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, S=bc_time) dtInterval = tmpTimeInterval - & (domain_get_current_time(grid) - domain_get_sim_start_time(grid)) use_last2 = .TRUE. stepping_to_bc = .true. grid%stepping_to_time = .TRUE. else stepping_to_bc = .false. endif ! ! If the user has requested that we step to output, then ! assure that we fall on an output time. We look out two time steps to ! avoid having a very short time step. Very short time steps can cause model ! instability. ! if ((grid%step_to_output_time) .and. (.not. stepping_to_bc) .and. & (.not. grid%nested)) then IF ( grid%history_interval_m .EQ. 0 ) grid%history_interval_m = grid%history_interval history_interval_sec = grid%history_interval_s + grid%history_interval_m*60 + & grid%history_interval_h*3600 + grid%history_interval_d*86400 time_to_output = history_interval_sec - & mod( curr_secs, REAL(history_interval_sec) ) num = INT(time_to_output * precision + 0.5) den = precision call WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, Sn=num, Sd=den) if ( ( tmpTimeInterval .LT. dtInterval * 2 ) .and. & ( tmpTimeInterval .GT. dtInterval ) ) then dtInterval = tmpTimeInterval / 2 use_last2 = .TRUE. grid%stepping_to_time = .TRUE. elseif (tmpTimeInterval .LE. dtInterval) then ! ! We will do some tricks here to assure that we fall exactly on an ! output time. Without the tricks, round-off error causes problems! ! ! ! Calculate output time. We round to nearest history time to assure ! we don't have any rounding error. ! output_time = NINT ( (curr_secs + time_to_output) / & (history_interval_sec) ) * (history_interval_sec) CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalSet(tmpTimeInterval, S=output_time) dtInterval = tmpTimeInterval - & (domain_get_current_time(grid) - domain_get_sim_start_time(grid)) use_last2 = .TRUE. grid%stepping_to_time = .TRUE. endif endif ! ! Now, set adapt_step_using_child only if we are not stepping to an ! output time, or, it's not the start of the model run. ! Note: adapt_step_using_child is updated just before recursive call to ! adapt_timestep--see end of this function. ! if (grid%id == 1) then if ((grid%adaptation_domain > 1) .and. & (grid%max_dom == 2) .and. & (.not. grid%stepping_to_time) .and. & (domain_get_current_time(grid) .ne. & domain_get_start_time(grid)) & ) then grid%adapt_step_using_child = .TRUE. else grid%adapt_step_using_child = .FALSE. endif endif if (use_last2) then grid%last_dtInterval = last_dtInterval grid%last_max_vert_cfl = grid%last_max_vert_cfl grid%last_max_horiz_cfl = grid%last_max_horiz_cfl else grid%last_dtInterval = dtInterval grid%last_max_vert_cfl = grid%max_vert_cfl grid%last_max_horiz_cfl = grid%max_horiz_cfl endif grid%dt = real_time(dtInterval) grid%last_max_vert_cfl = grid%max_vert_cfl ! ! Update the clock based on the new time step ! CALL WRFU_ClockSet ( grid%domain_clock, & timeStep=dtInterval, & rc=rc ) ! ! If we're are adapting based on the child time step, ! we call the child from here. This assures that ! child and parent are updated in sync. ! Note: This is not necessary when we are adapting based ! upon parent. ! if ((grid%id == 1) .and. (grid%adapt_step_using_child)) then ! ! Finally, check if we can adapt using child. If we are ! stepping to an output time, we cannot adapt based upon ! child. So, we reset the variable before calling the child. ! This covers the case that, within this parent time-step that ! we just calculated, we are stepping to an output time. ! if (grid%stepping_to_time) then grid%adapt_step_using_child = .FALSE. endif call adapt_timestep(grid%nests(1)%ptr, config_flags) endif ! ! Lateral boundary weight recomputation based on time step. ! if (grid%id == 1) then CALL lbc_fcx_gcx ( grid%fcx , grid%gcx , grid%spec_bdy_width , & grid%spec_zone , grid%relax_zone , grid%dt , config_flags%spec_exp , & config_flags%specified , config_flags%nested ) endif ! Update last timestep info for restart file CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet(grid%last_dtInterval, S=grid%last_dt_sec, & Sn=grid%last_dt_sec_num, Sd=grid%last_dt_sec_den) END SUBROUTINE adapt_timestep SUBROUTINE calc_dt(dtInterval, max_cfl, max_increase_factor, precision, & last_dtInterval, target_cfl) USE module_domain TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) ,INTENT(OUT) :: dtInterval REAL ,INTENT(IN) :: max_cfl REAL ,INTENT(IN) :: max_increase_factor INTEGER ,INTENT(IN) :: precision REAL ,INTENT(IN) :: target_cfl TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval) ,INTENT(IN) :: last_dtInterval REAL :: factor INTEGER :: num, den if (max_cfl < 0.001) then ! ! If the max_cfl is small, then we increase dtInterval the maximum ! amount allowable. ! num = INT(max_increase_factor * precision + 0.5) den = precision dtInterval = last_dtInterval * num / den else ! ! If the max_cfl is greater than the user input target cfl, we ! reduce the time step, ! else, we increase it. ! if (max_cfl .gt. target_cfl) then ! ! If we are reducing the time step, we go below target cfl by half ! the difference between max and target. ! This tends to keep the model more stable. ! factor = ( target_cfl - 0.5 * (max_cfl - target_cfl) ) / max_cfl ! BPR BEGIN ! Factor can be negative in some cases so prevent factor from being ! lower than 0.1 ! Otherwise model crashes can occur in normalize_basetime noting that ! denominator of seconds cannot be negative factor = MAX(0.1,factor) ! BPR END num = INT(factor * precision + 0.5) den = precision dtInterval = last_dtInterval * num / den else ! ! Linearly increase dtInterval (we'll limit below) ! factor = target_cfl / max_cfl num = INT(factor * precision + 0.5) den = precision dtInterval = last_dtInterval * num / den endif endif END SUBROUTINE calc_dt FUNCTION real_time( timeinterval ) RESULT ( out_time ) USE module_domain IMPLICIT NONE ! This function returns a floating point time from an input time interval ! ! Unfortunately, the ESMF did not provide this functionality. ! ! Be careful with the output because, due to rounding, the time is only ! approximate. ! ! Todd Hutchinson, WSI ! 4/17/2007 ! !RETURN VALUE: REAL :: out_time INTEGER :: dt_num, dt_den, dt_whole ! !ARGUMENTS: TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval), intent(INOUT) :: timeinterval CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet(timeinterval,Sn=dt_num,Sd=dt_den,S=dt_whole) if (ABS(dt_den) < 1) then out_time = dt_whole else out_time = dt_whole + dt_num / REAL(dt_den) endif END FUNCTION FUNCTION real_time_r8( timeinterval ) RESULT ( out_time ) USE module_domain IMPLICIT NONE ! This function returns a double precision floating point time from an input time interval ! ! Unfortunately, the ESMF did not provide this functionality. ! ! Be careful with the output because, due to rounding, the time is only ! approximate. ! ! Todd Hutchinson, WSI 4/17/2007 ! Converted to r8,; 8-May-2008 ! !RETURN VALUE: REAL(KIND=8) :: out_time INTEGER(selected_int_kind(14)) :: dt_whole INTEGER :: dt_num, dt_den ! !ARGUMENTS: TYPE(WRFU_TimeInterval), intent(INOUT) :: timeinterval CALL WRFU_TimeIntervalGet(timeinterval,Sn=dt_num,Sd=dt_den,S_i8=dt_whole) if (ABS(dt_den) < 1) then out_time = REAL(dt_whole) else out_time = REAL(dt_whole) + REAL(dt_num,8)/REAL(dt_den,8) endif END FUNCTION real_time_r8