WRFV3 (Weather Research and Forecast) model. Contents: A) Directions for running a test case. B) List of available test cases --------------------------------------- (A) Directions for running a test case A suite of tests for the WRF model ARW (Advanced Research WRF) core can be found in the directory "test". Each subdirectory in /test contains the necessary data (except for the real data case) and input files to run the test specific to that directory. To run specific test, builld the WRF model and the necessary initialization routine by typing -> compile "test_name" in the top directory (the directory containing this README file). For example, to build the executables for the 2D (x,z) squall line example for Eulerian mass coordinate model, you would type the command "compile em_squall2d_x". after a successful build, go the the specific test directory: -> cd test/"test_name" run the initialization code -> ideal.exe and then run the simulation -> wrf.exe --------------------------------------- (B) Available Test Cases The available test cases are 1) squall2d_x (test/em_squall2d_x) 2D squall line (x,z) using Kessler microphysics and a fixed 300 m^2/s viscosity. periodicity condition used in y so that 3D model produces 2D simulation. v velocity should be zero and there should be no variation in y in the results. 2) squall2d_y (test/em_squall2d_y) Same as squall2d_x, except with (x) rotated to (y). u velocity should be zero and there should be no variation in x in the results. 3) 3D quarter-circle shear supercell simulation (test/em_quarter_ss). Left and right moving supercells are produced. See the README.quarter_ss file in the test directory for more information. 4) 2D flow over a bell-shaped hill (x,z) (test/em_hill2d_x) 10 km half-width, 2 km grid-length, 100 m high hill, 10 m/s flow, N=0.01/s, 30 km high domain, 80 levels, open radiative boundaries, absorbing upper boundary. Case is in linear hydrostatic regime, so vertical tilted waves with ~6km vertical wavelength. 5) 3D baroclinic waves (test/em_b_wave) Baroclinically unstable jet u(y,z) on an f-plane. Symmetric north and south, periodic east and west boundaries. 100 km grid size 16 km top with 4 km damping layer. 41x81 points in (x,y), 64 layers. 6) 2D gravity current (test/em_grav2d_x) Test case is described in Straka et al, INT J NUMER METH FL 17 (1): 1-22 JUL 15 1993. See the README.grav2d_x file in the test directory. 7) 3D large-eddy simulation (test/em_les) A large-eddy simulation (LES) of a free convective boundary layer (CBL) with 0 environmental wind at the initial time, and the turbulence of the free CBL driven/maintained by the specified surface heat flux. 8) 2D full physics seabreeze (test/em_seabreeze2d_x) The case is more set up now to demonstrate how to set all land variables so that full physics options may be used. Tuning is needed to produce real sea-breeze simulation at this point. 9) 3D global case (test/em_heldsuarez) A coarse-resolution global forecast case that is described in "A proposal for the intercomparison of the dynamical cores of atmospheric general circulation models" by Held and Suarez (Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society; 1994, Vol 75, 1825-1830). This test of the global solver is dry, and produces midlatitude jets, breaking midlatitude baroclinic waves, etc. 10) Single column model (test/em_scm_xy) 11) 3D tropical cyclone (test/em_tropical_cyclone) Idealized tropical cyclone on an f-plane with constant SST in a specified environment. Uses capped Newtonian relaxation to mimic longwave radiation. The default setup uses the Jordan (1958) mean hurricane sounding with 28 C SST and no background winds. The analytic initial vortex is from Rotunno and Emanuel (1987). This case is useful for testing the effects of new model code (e.g., new physics options) on tropical cyclones in an idealized framework. 12) Convective-radiative equilibrium test (test/em_convrad) Idealized 3d convective-radiative equilibrium test with constant SST and full physics at cloud-resolving 1 km grid size. Periodic b.c.s. Tropical conditions, small f and weak wind.