When the WRF model runs, the contents of the rsl.output and rsl.error files have all been placed in individual files (whose names are subtended with the task ID) in the run directory. The user now has another option in which the contents of the files may be written together in single files. See below for directions. ****************** For RSL_LITE: ****************** Include -DNCEP_DEBUG_MULTIDIR in CFLAGS of configure.wrf to have the rsl.output and rsl.error data written to separate files in separate task numbered directories. All of these directories will be in a single TASKOUTPUT directory under the run directory, i.e., /TASKOUTPUT/0000/rsl.error.0000 . Include -DNCEP_DEBUG_MULTIDIR -DNCEP_DEBUG_GLOBALSTDOUT in CFLAGS of configure.wrf to have all rsl.error and rsl.out information written to the global stderr and stdout for the job (2 files). If you do not include either flag, the default is to have the rsl output/error data written to separate files in the run directory. To alter your option after everything has been compiled do the following from the top level source directory: rm external/RSL_LITE/*.o external/RSL_LITE/*.a (or cd external/RSL_LITE followed by rm *.o *.a) ./compile nmm_real