module module_sorgam_aqchem ! NOTE: This is an initial attempt at the implementation of AQCHEM with ! the MADE/SORGAM aerosol scheme. It needs to be checked and tested. ! ! 2011-08-14 17:15:39 -06:00 REAL, PARAMETER :: epsilc = 1.0E-16 REAL, PARAMETER :: qcldwtr_cutoff = 1.0e-6 ! Cloud threshold (kg/kg) REAL, PARAMETER :: mwdry = 28.966 ! Molecular mass of dry air (g/mol) REAL, PARAMETER :: mwso4 = 96.00 ! Molecular mass of SO4-- (g/mol) REAL, PARAMETER :: mwno3 = 62.0 ! Molecular mass of NO3- (g/mol) REAL, PARAMETER :: mwnh4 = 18.0985 ! Molecular mass of NH4+ (g/mol) REAL, PARAMETER :: mwna = 22.990 ! Molecular mass of NH4+ (g/mol) REAL, PARAMETER :: mwcl = 35.453 ! Molecular mass of NH4+ (g/mol) ! AQCHEM parameters INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NGAS = 12 ! number of gas-phase species for AQCHEM INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NAER = 36 ! number of aerosol species for AQCHEM INTEGER, PARAMETER :: NLIQS = 41 ! number of liquid-phase species in AQCHEM ! Indices for the AQCHEM array GAS INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSO2 = 1 ! Sulfur Dioxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHNO3 = 2 ! Nitric Acid INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LN2O5 = 3 ! Dinitrogen Pentoxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCO2 = 4 ! Carbon Dioxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNH3 = 5 ! Ammonia INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LH2O2 = 6 ! Hydrogen Perioxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LO3 = 7 ! Ozone INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LFOA = 8 ! Formic Acid INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LMHP = 9 ! Methyl Hydrogen Peroxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LPAA = 10 ! Peroxyacidic Acid INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LH2SO4 = 11 ! Sulfuric Acid INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHCL = 12 ! Hydrogen Chloride ! Indices for the AQCHEM array AEROSOL INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSO4AKN = 1 ! Aitken mode Sulfate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSO4ACC = 2 ! Accumulation mode Sulfate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSO4COR = 3 ! Coarse mode Sulfate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNH4AKN = 4 ! Aitken mode Ammonium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNH4ACC = 5 ! Accumulation mode Ammonium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNO3AKN = 6 ! Aitken mode Nitrate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNO3ACC = 7 ! Accumulation mode Nitrate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNO3COR = 8 ! Coarse mode Nitrate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGAAKN = 9 ! Aitken mode anthropogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGAACC = 10 ! Accumulation mode anthropogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGPAKN = 11 ! Aitken mode primary organic aerosol INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGPACC = 12 ! Accumulation mode primary organic aerosol INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGBAKN = 13 ! Aitken mode biogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGBACC = 14 ! Accumulation mode biogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LECAKN = 15 ! Aitken mode elemental carbon INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LECACC = 16 ! Accumulation mode elemental carbon INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LPRIAKN = 17 ! Aitken mode primary aerosol INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LPRIACC = 18 ! Accumulation mode primary aerosol INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LPRICOR = 19 ! Coarse mode primary aerosol INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNAAKN = 20 ! Aitken mode Sodium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNAACC = 21 ! Accumulation mode Sodium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNACOR = 22 ! Coarse mode Sodium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCLAKN = 23 ! Aitken mode Chloride ion INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCLACC = 24 ! Accumulation mode Chloride ion INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCLCOR = 25 ! Coarse mode Chloride ion INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNUMAKN = 26 ! Aitken mode number INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNUMACC = 27 ! Accumulation mode number INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNUMCOR = 28 ! Coarse mode number INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSRFAKN = 29 ! Aitken mode surface area INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSRFACC = 30 ! Accumulation mode surface area INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNACL = 31 ! Sodium Chloride aerosol for AE3 only {depreciated in AE4} INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCACO3 = 32 ! Calcium Carbonate aerosol (place holder) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LMGCO3 = 33 ! Magnesium Carbonate aerosol (place holder) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LA3FE = 34 ! Iron aerosol (place holder) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LB2MN = 35 ! Manganese aerosol (place holder) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LK = 36 ! Potassium aerosol (Cl- tracked separately) (place holder) ! Indices for the AQCHEM arrays LIQUID and WETDEP INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LACL = 1 ! Hydrogen ion INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNH4L = 2 ! Ammonium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCAL = 3 ! Calcium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNAACCL = 4 ! Sodium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LOHL = 5 ! Hydroxyl radical ion INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSO4ACCL = 6 ! Sulfate (attributed to accumulation mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHSO4ACCL = 7 ! bisulfate (attributed to accumulation mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSO3L = 8 ! sulfite INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHSO3L = 9 ! bisulfite INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LSO2L = 10 ! sulfur dioxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCO3L = 11 ! carbonate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHCO3L = 12 ! bicarbonate INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCO2L = 13 ! carbon dioxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNO3ACCL = 14 ! nitrate(attributed to accumulation mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNH3L = 15 ! ammonia INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCLACCL = 16 ! chloride ion (attributed to accumulation mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LH2O2L = 17 ! hydrogen peroxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LO3L = 18 ! ozone INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LFEL = 19 ! iron INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LMNL = 20 ! Manganese INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LAL = 21 ! generalized anion associated with iron INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LFOAL = 22 ! Formic acid INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHCO2L = 23 ! HCOO- ion INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LMHPL = 24 ! Methyl hydrogen peroxide INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LPAAL = 25 ! Peroxyacidic acid INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHCLL = 26 ! Hydrogen chloride INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LPRIML = 27 ! primary aerosol INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LMGL = 28 ! Magnesium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LKL = 29 ! potassium INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LBL = 30 ! generalized anion associated with manganese INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LHNO3L = 31 ! nitric acid INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LPRIMCORL = 32 ! coarse-mode primary aerosol INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNUMCORL = 33 ! coarse-mode number INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LTS6CORL = 34 ! sulfate (attributed to coarse mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNACORL = 35 ! sodium (attributed to coarse mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LCLCORL = 36 ! chloride ion (attributed to coarse mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LNO3CORL = 37 ! nitrate (attributed to coarse mode) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGAL = 38 ! anthropogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGPL = 39 ! primary organic aerosols INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LORGBL = 40 ! biogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: LECL = 41 ! elemental carbon contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sorgam_aqchem_driver( & id, ktau, ktauc, dtstepc, config_flags, & p_phy, t_phy, rho_phy, alt, dz8w, & moist, chem, & gas_aqfrac, numgas_aqfrac, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) use module_ctrans_aqchem, only: aqchem use module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type use module_state_description, only: & num_chem, & num_moist, & ! p_co2, & p_so2, & p_sulf, & p_nh3, & p_h2o2, & p_o3, & p_op1, & p_ora1, & p_paa, & p_hno3, & p_n2o5, & p_so4cwi, & p_nh4cwi, & p_no3cwi, & p_so4cwj, & p_nh4cwj, & p_no3cwj, & p_nacwi, & p_nacwj, & p_clcwi, & p_clcwj, & ! p_so4cwk, & ! p_no3cwk, & p_qv, & p_qc, & p_facd, & p_mepx, & p_pacd, & CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP !!! TUCCELLA !use module_data_sorgam, only: cw_phase, nphase_aer implicit none ! ! Arguments ! ! id - domain index ! ktau - time step number ! ktauc - gas and aerosol chemistry time step number ! numgas_aqfrac - last dimension of gas_aqfrac ! [ids:ide, kds:kde, jds:jde] - spatial (x,z,y) indices for 'domain' ! [ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme] - spatial (x,z,y) indices for 'memory' ! Most arrays that are arguments to chem_driver ! are dimensioned with these spatial indices. ! [its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte] - spatial (x,z,y) indices for 'tile' ! chem_driver and routines under it do calculations ! over these spatial indices. integer, intent(in) :: & id, ktau, ktauc, & numgas_aqfrac, & ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde, & ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme, & its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte ! Configuration and control parameters: type(grid_config_rec_type), intent(in) :: config_flags ! Time step for gas and aerosol chemistry(s): real, intent(in) :: dtstepc ! p_phy - air pressure (Pa) ! t_phy - temperature (K) ! rho_phy - moist air density (kg/m^3) ! alt - dry air specific volume (m^3/kg) ! dz8w - level height (m) real, intent(in), dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ) :: & p_phy, t_phy, rho_phy, alt, dz8w ! Mixing ratios of moisture species (water vapor, ! cloud water, ...) (kg/kg for mass species, #/kg for number species): real, intent(in), dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:num_moist ) :: moist ! Mixing ratios of trace gas and aerosol species (ppm for gases, ! ug/kg for aerosol mass species, #/kg for aerosol number species): real, intent(inout), dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:num_chem ) :: chem ! Fraction (0-1) of gas that is dissolved in cloud water: real, intent(inout), dimension( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, numgas_aqfrac ) :: gas_aqfrac ! ! I/O for AQCHEM ! real, dimension (ngas) :: gas ! Mixing ratio of gas phase species (in gas + liquid phase) (mol/mol) real, dimension (naer) :: aerosol ! Mixing ratio of aerosol species (mass/number/surface area in liquid phase) (mol/mol, #/mol) real, dimension (nliqs) :: liquid ! mol/liter real, dimension (ngas) :: gaswdep ! mm mol/liter real, dimension (naer) :: aerwdep ! mm mol/liter real :: hpwdep ! mm mol/liter real :: precip ! Precipitation rate (mm/h) real :: airm ! Column air number density (mol/m2) real :: rho_dry ! Dry air mass density (kg/m3) real :: h2o_aq ! Liquid water content ! (kg/m3) real :: h2o_total ! Total water content ! (kg/m3) real :: alfa0 ! Scavenging coeffficient for Aitken aerosol number real :: alfa2 ! Scavenging coeffficient for Aitken aerosol surface area real :: alfa3 ! Scavenging coeffficient for Aitken aerosol mass !!!! TUCCELLA ! For cw phase integer :: cw_phase, nphase_aer ! ! Other local variables ! integer :: it, jt, kt real :: conv_factor !!! TUCCELLA ! Check that cw_phase is active !!! Get cw_phase and nphase_aer IF (config_flags%chem_opt==109) THEN CALL get_cwphase_soa_vbs(config_flags,cw_phase,nphase_aer) ELSE CALL get_cwphase_sorgam(config_flags,cw_phase,nphase_aer) END IF if ((cw_phase .le. 0) .or. (cw_phase .gt. nphase_aer)) then write(*,*) '*** module_sorgam_aqchem - cw_phase not active' return endif ! write(*,'(a,8(1x,i6))') 'entering module_sorgam_aqchem - ktau =', ktau ! We set the precipitation rate and aerosol scavenging rates to zero, ! in order to prevent wet scavenging in AQCHEM (it is treated elswhere): precip = 0.0 ! mm/hr alfa0 = 0.0 alfa2 = 0.0 alfa3 = 0.0 ! Wet scavenging arrays gaswdep(:) = 0.0 aerwdep(:) = 0.0 hpwdep = 0.0 ! Loop over tile do jt = jts, jte do it = its, ite do kt = kts, kte if (moist(it,kt,jt,p_qc).gt.qcldwtr_cutoff) then ! Column air number density in layer: airm = 1000.0*rho_phy(it,kt,jt)*dz8w(it,kt,jt)/mwdry ! mol/m2 ! Dry air mass density rho_dry = 1.0/alt(it,kt,jt) ! kg/m3 ! Liquid water content: h2o_aq = moist(it,kt,jt,p_qc)*rho_dry ! (kg/m3) ! Total water content: h2o_total = (moist(it,kt,jt,p_qc)+moist(it,kt,jt,p_qv))*rho_dry ! (kg/m3) ! Gas phase concentrations before aqueous phase chemistry ! (with units conversion ppm -> mol/mol) gas(:) = 0.0 ! if (p_co2 .gt. 1) then ! gas(lco2) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_co2)*1.0e-6 ! else ! gas(lco2) = 380.0 gas(lco2) = 380.0e-6 ! endif if (p_so2 .gt. 1) gas(lso2) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_so2)*1.0e-6 if (p_hno3 .gt. 1) gas(lhno3) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_hno3)*1.0e-6 if (p_n2o5 .gt. 1) gas(ln2o5) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_n2o5)*1.0e-6 if (p_nh3 .gt. 1) gas(lnh3) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_nh3)*1.0e-6 if (p_h2o2 .gt. 1) gas(lh2o2) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_h2o2)*1.0e-6 if (p_o3 .gt. 1) gas(lo3) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_o3)*1.0e-6 if (p_sulf .gt. 1) gas(lh2so4) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_sulf)*1.0e-6 if (config_flags%chem_opt==CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP) then if (p_facd .gt. 1) gas(lfoa) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_facd)*1.0e-6 if (p_mepx .gt. 1) gas(lmhp) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_mepx)*1.0e-6 if (p_pacd .gt. 1) gas(lpaa) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_pacd)*1.0e-6 else if (p_ora1 .gt. 1) gas(lfoa) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_ora1)*1.0e-6 if (p_op1 .gt. 1) gas(lmhp) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_op1)*1.0e-6 if (p_paa .gt. 1) gas(lpaa) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_paa)*1.0e-6 end if ! Aerosol mass concentrations before aqueous phase chemistry ! (with units conversion ug/kg -> mol/mol). Although AQCHEM ! accounts for much of the aerosol compounds in MADE, they are ! not treated at the moment by AQCHEM, as the mapping between ! the organic compound groups in MADE and AQCHEM is not obvious. aerosol(:) = 0.0 aerosol(lso4akn) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_so4cwi)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwso4 ! Aitken mode sulfate aerosol(lnh4akn) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_nh4cwi)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwnh4 ! Aitken mode ammonium aerosol(lno3akn) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_no3cwi)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwno3 ! Aitken mode nitrate ! aerosol(lnaakn) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_nacwi)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwna ! Aitken mode Na ! aerosol(lclakn) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_clcwi)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwcl ! Aitken mode Cl aerosol(lorgaakn) = 0.0 ! Aitken mode anthropogenic SOA aerosol(lorgpakn) = 0.0 ! Aitken mode primary organic aerosol aerosol(lorgbakn) = 0.0 ! Aitken mode biogenic SOA aerosol(lecakn) = 0.0 ! Aitken mode elemental carbon aerosol(lpriakn) = 0.0 ! Aitken mode primary aerosol aerosol(lso4acc) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_so4cwj)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwso4 ! Accumulation mode sulfate aerosol(lnh4acc) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_nh4cwj)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwnh4 ! Accumulation mode ammonium aerosol(lno3acc) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_no3cwj)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwno3 ! Accumulation mode nitrate aerosol(lnaacc) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_nacwj)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwna ! Accumulation mode Na aerosol(lclacc) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_clcwj)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwcl ! Accumulation mode Cl aerosol(lorgaacc) = 0.0 ! Accumulation mode anthropogenic SOA aerosol(lorgpacc) = 0.0 ! Accumulation mode primary organic aerosol aerosol(lorgbacc) = 0.0 ! Accumulation mode biogenic SOA aerosol(lecacc) = 0.0 ! Accumulation mode elemental carbon aerosol(lpriacc) = 0.0 ! Accumulation mode primary aerosol ! aerosol(lso4cor) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_so4cwk)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwso4 ! Coarse mode sulfate ! aerosol(lno3cor) = chem(it,kt,jt,p_no3cwk)*1.0e-9*mwdry/mwno3 ! Coarse mode nitrate aerosol(lnacor) = 0.0 ! Coarse mode Na aerosol(lclcor) = 0.0 ! Coarse mode Cl aerosol(lpricor) = 0.0 ! Coarse mode primary aerosol !based on CMAQ prescribed Fe/Mn aerosol(LA3FE) = 0.01*alt(it,kt,jt)*1.0e-9*mwdry/55.8 aerosol(LB2MN) = 0.005*alt(it,kt,jt)*1.0e-9*mwdry/54.9 ! Liquid phase concentrations liquid(:) = 0.0 call aqchem( & t_phy(it,kt,jt), & p_phy(it,kt,jt), & dtstepc, & precip, & h2o_aq, & h2o_total, & airm, & alfa0, & alfa2, & alfa3, & gas, & aerosol, & liquid, & gaswdep, & aerwdep, & hpwdep) ! Gas phase concentrations after aqueous phase chemistry ! (with units conversion mol/mol -> ppm) ! if (p_co2 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_co2) = gas(lco2)*1.0e6 if (p_so2 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_so2) = gas(lso2)*1.0e6 if (p_hno3 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_hno3) = gas(lhno3)*1.0e6 if (p_n2o5 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_n2o5) = gas(ln2o5)*1.0e6 if (p_nh3 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_nh3) = gas(lnh3)*1.0e6 if (p_h2o2 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_h2o2) = gas(lh2o2)*1.0e6 if (p_o3 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_o3) = gas(lo3)*1.0e6 if (p_sulf .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_sulf) = gas(lh2so4)*1.0e6 if (config_flags%chem_opt==CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP) then if (p_facd .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_facd) = gas(lfoa)*1.0e6 if (p_mepx .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_mepx) = gas(lmhp)*1.0e6 if (p_pacd .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_pacd) = gas(lpaa)*1.0e6 else if (p_ora1 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_ora1) = gas(lfoa)*1.0e6 if (p_op1 .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_op1) = gas(lmhp)*1.0e6 if (p_paa .gt. 1) chem(it,kt,jt,p_paa) = gas(lpaa)*1.0e6 end if ! Aerosol mass concentrations after aqueous phase chemistry ! (with units conversion mol/mol -> ug/kg) chem(it,kt,jt,p_so4cwi) = aerosol(lso4akn) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwso4 ! Aitken mode sulfate chem(it,kt,jt,p_nh4cwi) = aerosol(lnh4akn) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwnh4 ! Aitken mode ammonium chem(it,kt,jt,p_no3cwi) = aerosol(lno3akn) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwno3 ! Aitken mode nitrate chem(it,kt,jt,p_nacwi) = aerosol(lnaakn) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwna ! Aitken mode Na chem(it,kt,jt,p_clcwi) = aerosol(lclakn) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwcl ! Aitken mode Cl ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lorgaakn)*1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Aitken mode anthropogenic SOA ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lorgpakn)*1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Aitken mode primary organic aerosol ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lorgbakn)*1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Aitken mode biogenic SOA ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lecakn) *1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Aitken mode elemental carbon ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lpriakn) *1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Aitken mode primary aerosol chem(it,kt,jt,p_so4cwj) = aerosol(lso4acc) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwso4 ! Accumulation mode sulfate chem(it,kt,jt,p_nh4cwj) = aerosol(lnh4acc) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwnh4 ! Accumulation mode ammonium chem(it,kt,jt,p_no3cwj) = aerosol(lno3acc) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwno3 ! Accumulation mode nitrate chem(it,kt,jt,p_nacwj) = aerosol(lnaacc) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwna ! Accumulation mode Na chem(it,kt,jt,p_clcwj) = aerosol(lclacc) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwcl ! Accumulation mode Cl ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lorgaacc)*1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Accumulation mode anthropogenic SOA ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lorgpacc)*1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Accumulation mode primary organic aerosol ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lorgbacc)*1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Accumulation mode biogenic SOA ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lecacc) *1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Accumulation mode elemental carbon ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lpriacc) *1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Accumulation mode primary aerosol ! chem(it,kt,jt,p_so4cwk) = aerosol(lso4cor) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwso4 ! Coarse mode sulfate ! chem(it,kt,jt,p_no3cwk) = aerosol(lno3cor) *1.0e9/mwdry*mwno3 ! Coarse mode nitrate ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lnacor) *1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Coarse mode Na ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lclcor) *1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Coarse mode Cl ! chem(it,kt,jt,........) = aerosol(lpricor) *1.0e9/mwdry*..... ! Coarse mode primary aerosol ! Fraction of gas phase species dissolved in liquid water: gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,:) = 0.0 conv_factor = 1.0E-3*moist(it,kt,jt,p_qc)*mwdry ! mol/liter -> mol/mol ! if (p_co2 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lco2) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_co2) = conv_factor*liquid(lco2l)/gas(lco2) if (p_so2 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lso2) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_so2) = conv_factor*liquid(lso2l)/gas(lso2) if (p_nh3 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lnh3) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_nh3) = conv_factor*liquid(lnh3l)/gas(lnh3) if (p_hno3 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lhno3) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_hno3) = conv_factor*liquid(lhno3l)/gas(lhno3) if (p_h2o2 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lh2o2) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_h2o2) = conv_factor*liquid(lh2o2l)/gas(lh2o2) if (p_o3 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lo3) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_o3) = conv_factor*liquid(lo3l)/gas(lo3) if (config_flags%chem_opt==CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP) then if (p_facd .gt. 1 .and. gas(lfoa) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_facd) = conv_factor*liquid(lfoal)/gas(lfoa) if (p_mepx .gt. 1 .and. gas(lmhp) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_mepx) = conv_factor*liquid(lmhpl)/gas(lmhp) if (p_pacd .gt. 1 .and. gas(lpaa) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_pacd) = conv_factor*liquid(lpaal)/gas(lpaa) else if (p_ora1 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lfoa) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_ora1) = conv_factor*liquid(lfoal)/gas(lfoa) if (p_op1 .gt. 1 .and. gas(lmhp) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_op1) = conv_factor*liquid(lmhpl)/gas(lmhp) if (p_paa .gt. 1 .and. gas(lpaa) .gt. epsilc) gas_aqfrac(it,kt,jt,p_paa) = conv_factor*liquid(lpaal)/gas(lpaa) end if endif enddo enddo enddo end subroutine sorgam_aqchem_driver !!! TUCCELLA subroutine get_cwphase_sorgam(config_flags,cw,nphase) use module_data_sorgam, only: cw_phase, nphase_aer use module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type implicit none ! Configuration and control parameters: type(grid_config_rec_type), intent(in) :: config_flags ! Out paramaeters for cw_phase integer, intent(out) :: cw,nphase cw = cw_phase nphase = nphase_aer end subroutine get_cwphase_sorgam subroutine get_cwphase_soa_vbs(config_flags,cw,nphase) use module_data_soa_vbs, only: cw_phase, nphase_aer use module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type implicit none ! Configuration and control parameters: type(grid_config_rec_type), intent(in) :: config_flags ! Out paramaeters for cw_phase integer, intent(out) :: cw,nphase cw = cw_phase nphase = nphase_aer end subroutine get_cwphase_soa_vbs end module module_sorgam_aqchem