MODULE qf03 ! ! Y. Shao, 29 Jan 2004 ! ! JY Kang, 01 Dec 2008 ! Modify the code for WRF_chem ! ! M. Klose, 2010-2015 Modifications !----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculate sediment flux for multi-particle size soils as a weighted average of Q(d) ! dust emission F(d) for covered and moisture soil ! ! Options for dust calculation: ! 1 Shao (2001) ! 2 Shao (2004) ! 3 Shao (2011): simplification of 2; added on 26 Sep 2009 ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! input: ! n: number of particle size ranges. ! dm: median diameter of each particle size. [m] ! m_fract: Weight fraction of each particle range. Sum m_fract = 1 ! ustar: Friciton velocity. [m/s] ! cf: fraction area covered by roughness elements/vegetation cover ! w: surface soil moisture content [m^3/m^3] ! wr: air-dry soil moisture [m^3/m^3] from SOILPARM.TBL ! c: Owen's coefficient ! ! output: ! ustart: Mean threshold velocity of each particle range. ! q: Sand flux from each size range. ! ffq: Weighted sand flux from each size range. ! qtotal: Total sand flux (weighted average). ! f: Weighted dust flux ejected by single sand size range for given d_d. ! fff: Weighted dust flux ejected by all sand size range from each dust size range. ! ftotal: Total dust flux (weighted average). !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! CONTAINS subroutine qf03_driver ( nmx, idst, g, rhop, rho, dt, & ustar, w, cf, ust_min, imod, dz_lowest, & soilc, tot_soilc, domsoilc, & tc, bems, rough_cor_in, smois_cor_in, wr, & d0, dd, psd_m, dpsd_m, ppsd_m, psd_f, dpsd_f, ppsd_f, imax, stype) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: nmx, imod, idst REAL , INTENT(IN ) :: g, dt, rho, dz_lowest, ustar REAL(8), INTENT(IN ) :: w REAL(8), INTENT(INOUT) :: cf REAL(8), INTENT( OUT) :: ust_min, rough_cor_in, smois_cor_in REAL , INTENT(INOUT), DIMENSION(nmx) :: tc REAL , INTENT( OUT), DIMENSION(nmx) :: bems REAL , INTENT(IN ), DIMENSION(12) :: wr !kang [2009/01/07] soil class type REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: tot_soilc REAL, DIMENSION(16), INTENT(IN) :: soilc INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: domsoilc integer :: imax, stype real(8), dimension(0:imax), intent(in) :: d0 real(8), dimension(imax), intent(in) :: dd real(8), dimension(imax,stype), intent(in) :: psd_m, dpsd_m, ppsd_m real(8), dimension(imax,stype), intent(in) :: psd_f, dpsd_f, ppsd_f !local variables ! particle-size distributions real(8), dimension(imax) :: psdm, dpsdm, ppsdm ! minimally dispersed real(8), dimension(imax) :: psdf, dpsdf, ppsdf ! fully dispersed real(8), dimension(imax) :: psds, dpsds, ppsds ! sediment real(8) :: smois_correc integer :: i, j, n, kk, ij, ffile real(8) :: total, qtotal, ftotal real(8) :: ftotalb, ftotalp ! real(8), dimension(imax) :: beta_d, beta_s ! beta1 and beta2 used by Shao et al. (1996) dust emission real(8), dimension(imax) :: ustart, q, ffq, fff real(8), dimension(imax,imax) :: f ! real(8), parameter :: c_lambda=0.35 real(8) :: h, lambda real(8) :: ghl, fc real(8) :: phl real(8) :: cys, u0, al0, rhos, smass, omega, rys real(8) :: ddm, a1, a2, a3 real(8) :: zeta, sigma_m ! u*sqrt(rhos/p), bombardment coefficient ! real(8) :: ustart0_out, qwhite_out, f_mb_out, f_hlys_out, pmass_out, vhlys_out ! integer, parameter :: nbins = 5 real(8) :: sigma real, dimension(nbins) :: dbin, fbin, cell_fbin integer, dimension(nbins) :: ibin data dbin/2.,3.6,6.,12.,20./ !size cut diameter (um) consistent with GOCART model real(8), intent(in) :: rhop real :: cell_ftotal integer :: isl, cc character :: msg, soil !******************************************************************************************* ! ! initialization cell_ftotal = 0. do n = 1, nbins cell_fbin(n) = 0. enddo ! DO cc = 1, 12 ! soil category if (soilc(cc).eq.0.) then go to 103 endif ! psdm(:)=psd_m(:,cc) psdf(:)=psd_f(:,cc) dpsdm(:)=dpsd_m(:,cc) dpsdf(:)=dpsd_f(:,cc) ppsdm(:)=ppsd_m(:,cc) ppsdf(:)=ppsd_f(:,cc) ! default settings: rhos = 1000.d0 ! bulk density of soil [kg/m3] phl = 30000. ! plastic pressure [N/m2] cys = 0.00001 ! cys : parameter sigma = rhop/rho ! particle-air density ratio ! !------------------- ! frontal area index !------------------- if (cf .gt. 0.95) then write(6,*) 'cover fraction too large, reset' cf = 0.95 endif! as larger values lead to large lambda, which is problematic in Raupach scheme lambda = - c_lambda*dlog( 1.d0 - cf ) call r_c(lambda, rough_cor_in) ! Matching WRF_soil class with Shao's class for moisture correction of Fecan (cc:WRF_soil class, isl:Shao's class) ! cc ! 1:sand, 2:loamy sand, 3:sandy loam, 4:silt loam, 5:silt, 6:loam, 7:sandy clay loam, ! 8:silty clay loam, 9:clay loam, 10:sandy clay, 11:silty clay, 12:clay ! isl ! 1:sand, 2:loamy sand, 3:sandy loam, 4:loam, 5:silt loam, 6: silt, 7:sandy clay loam, ! 8:clay loam, 9:silty clay loam, 10:sandy clay, 11:silty clay, 12:clay if ( & & then isl = cc elseif (cc.eq.4) then isl = 5 elseif (cc.eq.5) then isl = 6 elseif (cc.eq.6) then isl = 4 elseif (cc.eq.8) then isl = 9 elseif (cc.eq.9) then isl = 8 endif call h_c(w, wr(cc), isl, smois_correc) !---------------------------------------------- ! for each particle size group, estimate ustart !---------------------------------------------- ! ust_min = 999.0 do i = 1, imax call ustart0(dd(i), sigma, g, rho, ustart0_out) ustart(i) = ustart0_out ustart(i) = rough_cor_in*smois_correc*ustart(i) ust_min = dmin1(ust_min, ustart(i)) call qwhite(ustart(i), ustar, rho, g, qwhite_out) q(i) = qwhite_out q(i) = (1.d0-cf)*q(i) enddo if (cc.eq.domsoilc) then smois_cor_in = smois_correc endif ! ! IF ( ustar .le. ust_min ) THEN ! no erosion goto 102 q = 0.d0 ffq = 0.d0 qtotal = 0.d0 fff = 0.d0 ftotal = 0.d0 fbin = 0.d0 goto 102 ELSE ghl = dexp( -(ustar - ust_min)**3.d0 ) dpsds = ghl*dpsdm + (1.-ghl)*dpsdf psds = ghl*psdm + (1.-ghl)*psdf ppsds = ghl*ppsdm + (1.-ghl)*ppsdf ! ffq = q*dpsds qtotal = sum(ffq) !-------------- ! dust emission !-------------- ! ! size bin do n=1,nbins ibin(n)=0 do i=imax,1,-1 if(d0(i).ge.dbin(n)) ibin(n)=i enddo if(ibin(n).eq.0) stop 'wrong dust classes' enddo ! ! ! !-------------------------------- ! Shao (2001) dust emission model !-------------------------------- IF (imod .eq. 1) THEN do i = idst+1, imax ddm = dd(i)*1.d-6 call pmass(rhop, ddm, pmass_out) ! mass of saltating particles smass = pmass_out u0 = 10*ustar al0 = 13.d0*3.14159d0/180.d0 call vhlys(phl, 2, smass, al0, u0, ddm, vhlys_out) omega = vhlys_out ![m3] ! do j = 1, idst rys = psdm(j)/psdf(j) if ( then rys = 1. endif a1 = cys*( (1.-ghl) + ghl*rys ) a2 = ffq(i)*g/ustar**2/smass if ( dpsdf(j) .lt. dpsdm(j) ) then a3 = dpsdf(j)*rhos*omega else a3 = dpsdf(j)*rhos*omega + (dpsdf(j)-dpsdm(j))*smass endif f(i,j) = a1*a2*a3 ![kg/m2/s] enddo enddo ! ftotal = 0.0 do j = 1, idst fff(j) = 0. do i = idst+1, imax fff(j) = fff(j) + f(i,j) enddo fff(j) = (1.d0-cf)*fff(j) ftotal = ftotal + fff(j) enddo ! do n=1,nbins j0=1 if( j0=ibin(n-1)+1 fbin(n)=0 do j=j0,ibin(n) fbin(n)=fbin(n)+fff(j) enddo enddo ! !-------------------------------- ! Shao (2004) dust emission model !-------------------------------- ELSEIF (imod .eq. 2) THEN zeta = ustar*dsqrt( rhos/phl ) sigma_m = 12.d0*zeta*zeta*(1.d0+14.d0*zeta) ! do i = idst+1, imax do j = 1, idst rys = psdm(j)/psdf(j) if (rys .gt.1.) then rys = 1. endif a1 = cys*dpsdf(j)*( (1.-ghl) + ghl*rys ) a2 = (1.+sigma_m) a3 = ffq(i)*g/ustar**2 f(i,j) = a1*a2*a3 enddo enddo ! ftotal = 0.0 do j = 1, idst fff(j) = 0. do i = idst+1, imax fff(j) = fff(j) + f(i,j) enddo fff(j) = (1.d0-cf)*fff(j) ftotal = ftotal + fff(j) enddo ! do n=1,nbins j0=1 if( j0=ibin(n-1)+1 fbin(n)=0 do j=j0,ibin(n) fbin(n)=fbin(n)+fff(j) enddo enddo ! ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Shao (2011) minimal version, ghl = 1, Q independent of sand particle size ! ! See Eq. (34) in ! Shao, Y., M. Ishizuka, M. Mikami, J. Leys (2011): Parameterization of size- ! resolved dust emission and validation with measurements, JGR, 116, D08203, ! doi: 10.1029/2010JD014527 !-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELSEIF (imod .eq. 3) THEN zeta = ustar*dsqrt( rhos/phl ) sigma_m = 12.d0*zeta*zeta*(1.d0+14.d0*zeta) ! ftotal = 0.0 ! do j = 1, idst a1 = cys*dpsdm(j) a2 = (1.+sigma_m) a3 = qtotal*g/ustar**2 fff(j) = a1*a2*a3 fff(j) = (1.d0-cf)*fff(j) ftotal = ftotal + fff(j) enddo ! do n=1,nbins j0=1 if( j0=ibin(n-1)+1 fbin(n)=0 do j=j0,ibin(n) fbin(n)=fbin(n)+fff(j) enddo enddo ! ENDIF ! dust scheme ENDIF ! ust < ust_t ! ! ! 102 continue do n = 1, nbins cell_fbin(n) = cell_fbin(n) + (soilc(cc)/tot_soilc)*fbin(n) enddo 103 continue ENDDO ! cc, soil category do n = 1, nbins ! fbin : [kg/m2/s], dz_lowest : [m], rho : [kg/m3], dt : [s] -> tc : [kg/kg-dryair] tc(n) = tc(n) + cell_fbin(n)/dz_lowest/rho*dt ![kg/kg-dryair] bems(n) = cell_fbin(n) ![kg/m2/s] enddo END subroutine qf03_driver !***************************************************************************** subroutine ustart0(dum, sigma, g, rho, ustart0_out) ! ! Y. Shao, 13 June 2000 ! ! Calculate ustar0(d) using Shao and Lu (2000) for uncovered ! dry surface ! ! dum: particle diameter [um] ! ustar0: threshold friction velocity [m/s] ! real, intent(in) :: g, rho real(8), intent(in) :: dum, sigma real(8), intent(out) :: ustart0_out real(8) :: dm real(8), parameter :: gamma = 1.65d-4 ! a constant real(8), parameter :: f = 0.0123 dm = dum*1d-6 ustart0_out = f*(sigma*g*dm + gamma/(rho*dm) ) ustart0_out = dsqrt( ustart0_out ) ! end function end subroutine ustart0 !***************************************************************************** subroutine qwhite(ust, ustar, rho, g, qwhite_out) ! ! Yaping Shao 17-07-99! ! ! White (1979) Sand Flux Equation ! Q = c*rho*u_*^3 over g (1 - u_*t over u_*)(1 + u_*t^2/u_*^2) ! qwhite: Streamwise Sand Flux; [kg m-1 s-1] ! c : 2.6 ! ust : threhold friction velocity [m/s] ! ustar : friction velocity [m/s] ! real(8) :: c real, intent(in) :: ustar, rho, g real(8), intent(in) :: ust real(8), intent(out) :: qwhite_out real(8) :: a, b ! default setting: c = 2.3d0 a = rho/g IF ( THEN qwhite_out = 0.d0 ELSE b = ust/ustar qwhite_out = c*a*ustar**3.*(1.-b)*(1.+b)**2. ENDIF END subroutine qwhite !***************************************************************************** subroutine vhlys(p, k, xm, alpha, u, d, vhlys_out) ! ! Volume removal according to Lu and Shao (1999), Equation (8) ! alpha: impact angle [^o] ! u : impact velocity [m/s] ! p : plastic pressure [N/m^2] ! xm : particle mass [kg] ! d : particle diameter [m] ! ! REAL(8),intent(in) :: alpha, xm, u, d, p REAL(8) :: beta REAL(8), PARAMETER :: pi=3.1415927d0 REAL(8) :: t1, t2, t3 INTEGER,intent(in) :: k real(8),intent(out) :: vhlys_out beta = dsqrt( p*k*d/xm ) t1 = u*u/(beta*beta)*( dsin(2.d0*alpha) - 4.d0*dsin(alpha)*dsin(alpha) ) t2 = u*dsin(alpha)/beta t3 = 7.5d0*pi*t2**3.d0/d vhlys_out = d*( t1 + t3 ) END subroutine vhlys !***************************************************************************** ! A routine for correction of ust for soil moisture content ! ! w : volumetric soil moisture ! isl: soil texture type, ranging from 1 to 12 ! ! Author: Yaping Shao, 5/05/2001 ! Reference: Fecan et al. (1999), Ann. Geophysicae,17,149-157 ! ! Data based on Shao and Jung, 2000, unpublished manuscript ! Data invented for sand, loamy sand, sandy loam, loam, clay loam, and clay ! Soil classes: ! 1 sand, 2 loamy sand, 3 sandy loam, 4 loam, 5 silty loam, 6 silt, 7 sandy clay loam, 8 clay loam, ! 9 silty clay loam, 10 sandy clay, 11 silty clay, 12 clay !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine h_c (w, wr, isl, h) real(8) :: a(12), b(12)!, thr(12) real(8), intent(in) :: w real(8), intent(out) :: h real, intent(in) :: wr integer, intent(in) :: isl character*100 :: msg ! error message string ! data thr/0.001, 0.003, 0.037, 0.049, 0.061, 0.072, 0.084, 0.095, 0.110, 0.126, 0.141, 0.156/ data a /21.19, 33.03, 44.87, 17.79, 20.81, 23.83, 26.84, 29.86, 27.51, 25.17, 22.82, 20.47/ data b / 0.68, 0.71, 0.85, 0.61, 0.66, 0.71, 0.75, 0.80, 0.75, 0.70, 0.64, 0.59/ if ( ) then write(msg, *) 'soil moisture correction (h_c): w = ', w, ' < 0' call wrf_error_fatal(msg) ! stop endif if ( w.le.wr ) then h = 1.0 else h = sqrt( 1 + a(isl)*( w-wr )**b(isl) ) endif END subroutine h_c !***************************************************************************** subroutine pmass(rhop, d, pmass_out) ! ! Particle Mass ! rhop: particle density [kg m^-3] ! d : particle size [m] ! REAL(8), PARAMETER :: pi=3.1415927d0 REAL(8),intent(in) :: rhop, d real(8),intent(out) :: pmass_out pmass_out = (pi*rhop*d**3.d0)/6.d0 END subroutine pmass !***************************************************************************** subroutine r_c (x,r) ! ! Y. Shao 17-07-92 ! CORRECTION FUNCTION FOR UST(D) BASED ON Raupach et al. (1992) ! x = frontal area index ! ! R_C = (1 - sig m x)^{1/2} (1 + m beta x)^{1/2} ! Note I deife R_C = u_{*tR}/u_{*tS} ! While Raupach et al. defined ! R_C = u_{*tS}/u_{*tR} and their R function is ! R_C = (1 - sig m x)^{-1/2} (1 + m beta x)^{-1/2} ! ! sig : basal to frontal area; about 1 ! m : parameter less than 1; about 0.5 ! beta : a ratio of drag coef.; about 90. ; changed to 200 (recommendation by Y. Shao based on data by Gillies et al.) ! real(8) :: xc real(8), intent(in) :: x real(8), intent(out) :: r real(8), parameter :: sig=1., m=0.5, beta=200. ! xc = 1./(sig*m) IF ( THEN r = 999. ! Full covered surface ELSE r = dsqrt(1.-sig*m*x)*dsqrt(1.+m*beta*x) ENDIF ! END subroutine r_c END MODULE qf03