!************************************************************************ ! This computer software was prepared by Battelle Memorial Institute, ! hereinafter the Contractor, under Contract No. DE-AC05-76RL0 1830 with ! the Department of Energy (DOE). NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR THE ! CONTRACTOR MAKES ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR ASSUMES ANY ! LIABILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. ! ! Module to Compute Aerosol Optical Properties ! * Author: Jerome D. Fast ! * Originators of parts of code: ! Rahul A. Zaveri, Jim Barnard, Richard C. Easter, William I. ! Gustafson Jr. ! Last update: February 2009 ! ! Contact: ! Jerome D. Fast, PhD ! Staff Scientist ! Pacific Northwest National Laboratory ! P.O. Box 999, MSIN K9-30 ! Richland, WA, 99352 ! Phone: (509) 372-6116 ! Email: Jerome.Fast@pnl.gov ! ! Please report any bugs or problems to Jerome Fast, the WRF-chem ! implmentation team leader for PNNL. ! ! Terms of Use: ! 1) Users are requested to consult the primary author prior to ! modifying this module or incorporating it or its submodules in ! another code. This is meant to ensure that the any linkages and/or ! assumptions will not adversely affect the operation of this module. ! 2) The source code in this module is intended for research and ! educational purposes. Users are requested to contact the primary ! author regarding the use of the code for any commercial application. ! 3) Users preparing publications resulting from the usage of this code ! are requested to cite one or more of the references below ! (depending on the application) for proper acknowledgement. ! ! References: ! * Fast, J.D., W.I. Gustafson Jr., R.C. Easter, R.A. Zaveri, J.C. ! Barnard, E.G. Chapman, G.A. Grell, and S.E. Peckham (2005), Evolution ! of ozone, particulates, and aerosol direct radiative forcing in the ! vicinity of Houston using a fully-coupled meteorology-chemistry- ! aerosol model. JGR, 111, doi:10.1029/2005JD006721. ! * Barnard, J.C., J.D. Fast, G. Paredes-Miranda, W.P. Arnott, and ! A. Laskin (2010), Technical note: evaluation of the WRF-Chem ! "aerosol chemical to aerosol optical properties" module using data ! from the MILAGRO campaign, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 7325-7340, ! doi:10.5194/acp-10-7325-2010. ! ! Contact Jerome Fast for updates on the status of manuscripts under ! review. ! ! Additional information: ! * www.pnl.gov/atmospheric/research/wrf-chem ! ! Support: ! Funding for this code development was provided by the U.S. Department ! of Energy under the auspices of Atmospheric Science Program of the ! Office of Biological and Environmental Research the PNNL Laboratory ! Research and Directed Research and Development program. !************************************************************************ module module_optical_averaging USE module_data_rrtmgaeropt implicit none integer, parameter, private :: lunerr = -1 contains !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Aerosol optical properties computed using three methods (option_method): ! 1) volume averaging mixing rule: method that assumes internal-mixing of aerosol ! composition that averages the refractive indices for each size bin ! 2) Maxwell-Garnett mixing rule: method that randomly distributes black carbon ! within a particle ! 3) shell-core: method that assumes a "core" composed of black carbon surrounded ! by a "shell" composed of all other compositions ! ! There are two Mie routines included (option_mie): ! 1) subroutine mieaer: Employs a Chebyshev economization (Fast et al. 2006, Ghan ! et al. (2001) so that full Mie computations are called only once and then ! expansion coeffiecients are used for subsequent times to save CPU. This ! method is somewhat less accurate than full Mie calculation. ! 2) subroutine mieaer_sc: Full Mie calculation at each time step that also ! permits computation of shell-core method. ! ! Sectional and modal size distributions are treated similary, but there is ! separate code currrently to handle differences between MOSAIC and MADE/SORGAM. ! ! Methodology for sectional: ! * 3-D arrays for refractive index, wet radius, and aerosol number produced by ! optical_prep_sectional are then passed into mieaer_sectional ! * subroutine mieaer produces vertical profiles of aerosol optical properties for ! 4 wavelengths that are put into 3-D arrays and passed back up to chem_driver.F ! * tauaer*, waer*, gaer* passed to module_ra_gsfcsw.F ! * tauaer*, waer*, gaer*, l2-l7 passed to module_phot_fastj.F ! Methodology for modal: ! * similar to sectional, except divide modal mass into discrete size bins first ! * currently assume same 8 size bins as MOSAIC, but other bins are possible ! ! THIS CODE IS STILL BEING TESTED. USERS ARE ENCOURAGED TO USE ONLY ! AER_OP_OPT=1 ! subroutine optical_averaging(id,curr_secs,dtstep,config_flags, & nbin_o,haveaer,option_method,option_mie,chem,dz8w,alt, & relhum,h2oai,h2oaj, & ! tauaer1,tauaer2,tauaer3,tauaer4, & ! gaer1,gaer2,gaer3,gaer4, & ! waer1,waer2,waer3,waer4, & ! bscoef1,bscoef2,bscoef3,bscoef4, & tauaersw,extaersw,gaersw,waersw,bscoefsw, & l2aer,l3aer,l4aer,l5aer,l6aer,l7aer, & totoa_a01,totoa_a02,totoa_a03,totoa_a04, & totoa_a05,totoa_a06,totoa_a07,totoa_a08, & tauaerlw,extaerlw, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USE module_configure USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants ! USE module_data_mosaic_therm, only: nbin_a, nbin_a_maxd USE module_peg_util, only: peg_error_fatal, peg_message IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: id, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: nbin_o REAL(KIND=8), INTENT(IN ) :: curr_secs REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dtstep ! ! array that holds all advected chemical species ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: relhum,dz8w, alt, h2oai, h2oaj, & totoa_a01, totoa_a02, totoa_a03, totoa_a04, & totoa_a05,totoa_a06,totoa_a07,totoa_a08 integer nspint parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! number of spectral interval shortwave bands ! ! arrays that hold the aerosol optical properties ! ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & ! INTENT(INOUT ) :: & ! tauaer1, tauaer2, tauaer3, tauaer4, & ! gaer1, gaer2, gaer3, gaer4, & ! waer1, waer2, waer3, waer4, & ! bscoef1, bscoef2, bscoef3, bscoef4 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme,1:nspint ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & tauaersw,extaersw,gaersw,waersw,bscoefsw ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:4 ), & REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, 1:nspint ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & l2aer, l3aer, l4aer, l5aer, l6aer, l7aer REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme,1:nlwbands), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & tauaerlw,extaerlw ! TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: haveaer ! ! local variables ! real, dimension( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o ) :: & radius_wet, number_bin, radius_core real, dimension( 1:nbin_o, kts:kte) :: & radius_wet_col, number_bin_col, radius_core_col complex, dimension( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o ) :: & !for gocart refindx0, refindx_core0, refindx_shell0 ! complex, dimension( 1:nbin_o, kts:kte) :: & ! refindx_col, refindx_core_col, refindx_shell_col complex, dimension( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o,1:nspint) :: & swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell complex, dimension( 1:nbin_o, kts:kte,1:nspint) :: & swrefindx_col, swrefindx_core_col, swrefindx_shell_col complex, dimension( 1:nbin_o, kts:kte) :: & swrefindx_col1, swrefindx_core_col1, swrefindx_shell_col1 complex, dimension( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o,1:nlwbands) :: & lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell complex, dimension( 1:nbin_o, kts:kte,1:nlwbands) :: & lwrefindx_col, lwrefindx_core_col, lwrefindx_shell_col real, dimension( kts:kte ) :: dz ! ! integer nspint integer iclm, jclm, k, isize integer option_method, option_mie ! parameter ( nspint = 4 ) ! number of spectral interval bands real, dimension( nspint, kts:kte ) :: & ! sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,bscoef swsizeaer,swextaer,swwaer,swgaer,swtauaer,swbscoef real, dimension( nspint, kts:kte ) :: & l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7 real, dimension( nlwbands, kts:kte ) :: & lwtauaer,lwextaer real refr integer ns real fv complex aa, bb character*150 msg integer :: uoc_flag ! flag for UoC dust emissions ! save :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,bscoef ! save :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7 !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- uoc_flag = 0 if (config_flags%dust_opt .eq. 4) uoc_flag = 1 ! ! write( msg, '(a, 6i4)' ) & ! 'jdf ', ids, ide, jds, jde, kds, kde ! call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) ! write( msg, '(a, 6i4)' ) & ! 'jdf ', ims, ime, jms, jme, kms, kme ! call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) ! write( msg, '(a, 6i4)' ) & ! 'jdf ', its, ite, jts, jte, kts, kte ! call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) chem_select: SELECT CASE(config_flags%chem_opt) ! CASE (RADM2SORG, RADM2SORG_AQ, RADM2SORG_AQCHEM, RADM2SORG_KPP, & RACM_ESRLSORG_KPP, RACMSORG_AQ, RACMSORG_AQCHEM_KPP, & RACM_ESRLSORG_AQCHEM_KPP, RACMSORG_KPP, & CBMZSORG, CBMZSORG_AQ, & CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP) call optical_prep_modal(nbin_o, chem, alt, & ! h2oai, h2oaj, refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & h2oai, h2oaj, radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) !!! TUCCELLA CASE (RACM_SOA_VBS_KPP, RACM_SOA_VBS_AQCHEM_KPP,RACM_SOA_VBS_HET_KPP) call optical_prep_modal_soa_vbs(nbin_o, chem, alt, & ! h2oai, h2oaj, refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & h2oai, h2oaj, radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) CASE (CB05_SORG_VBS_AQ_KPP) call optical_prep_modal_vbs(nbin_o, chem, alt, & ! h2oai, h2oaj, refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & h2oai, h2oaj, radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) CASE (CBMZ_CAM_MAM3_NOAQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM3_AQ, & CBMZ_CAM_MAM7_NOAQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM7_AQ ) call optical_prep_mam(nbin_o, chem, alt, & radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! call mieaer_modal() ! CASE (CBMZ_MOSAIC_4BIN, CBMZ_MOSAIC_8BIN , CBMZ_MOSAIC_KPP, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ, CBMZ_MOSAIC_8BIN_AQ, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_4BIN, CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_8BIN, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_4BIN_AQ, CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_8BIN_AQ, & SAPRC99_MOSAIC_4BIN_VBS2_KPP, & MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP,MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP, & CRI_MOSAIC_8BIN_AQ_KPP, CRI_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP, & SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_AQ_KPP,SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_KPP)!BSINGH(12/05/2013): Added for SAPRC 8 bin vbs and non-aq on (04/07/2014) call optical_prep_sectional(nbin_o, chem, alt, & totoa_a01,totoa_a02,totoa_a03,totoa_a04, & totoa_a05,totoa_a06,totoa_a07,totoa_a08, & ! refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & radius_core, radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core,swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core,lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) CASE (GOCART_SIMPLE, GOCARTRACM_KPP, GOCARTRADM2, & MOZCART_KPP,T1_MOZCART_KPP ) call optical_prep_gocart(nbin_o, chem, alt,relhum, & radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & uoc_flag, & ! mklose ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) !gocart is now wavelength dependent --SAM 4/25/11 !and for shortwave and longwave - similar to modal --SAM 4/25/11 ! call optical_prep_gocart(nbin_o, chem, alt,relhum, & ! refindx0, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core0, refindx_shell0, & ! ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ! ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & ! its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! do ns=1,nspint ! swrefindx(:,:,:,:,ns)=refindx0 ! swrefindx_core(:,:,:,:,ns)=refindx_core0 ! swrefindx_shell(:,:,:,:,ns)=refindx_shell0 ! lwrefindx=0.0 ! lwrefindx_core=0.0 ! lwrefindx_shell=0.0 ! enddo END SELECT chem_select do jclm = jts, jte do iclm = its, ite do k = kts, kte dz(k) = dz8w(iclm, k, jclm) ! cell depth (m) end do do k = kts, kte do isize = 1, nbin_o number_bin_col(isize,k) = number_bin(iclm,k,jclm,isize) radius_wet_col(isize,k) = radius_wet(iclm,k,jclm,isize) ! refindx_col(isize,k) = refindx(iclm,k,jclm,isize) ! refr=real(refindx_col(isize,k)) swrefindx_col(isize,k,:) = swrefindx(iclm,k,jclm,isize,:) swrefindx_col1(isize,k) = swrefindx(iclm,k,jclm,isize,3) ! at 600 nm lwrefindx_col(isize,k,:) = lwrefindx(iclm,k,jclm,isize,:) radius_core_col(isize,k) = radius_core(iclm,k,jclm,isize) ! refindx_core_col(isize,k) = refindx_core(iclm,k,jclm,isize) ! refindx_shell_col(isize,k) = refindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize) swrefindx_core_col(isize,k,:) = swrefindx_core(iclm,k,jclm,isize,:) swrefindx_shell_col(isize,k,:) = swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,:) swrefindx_core_col1(isize,k) = swrefindx_core(iclm,k,jclm,isize,3) swrefindx_shell_col1(isize,k) = swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,3) lwrefindx_core_col(isize,k,:) = lwrefindx_core(iclm,k,jclm,isize,:) lwrefindx_shell_col(isize,k,:) = lwrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,:) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: in the case of shell/core and the use of the Mie ! routine, set the refractive index of the shell used in the printout ! equal to the actual refractive index of the shell if(option_method.eq.3.and.option_mie.eq.2) & ! refindx_col(isize,k) = refindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize) ! JCB swrefindx_col(isize,k,:) = swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,:) ! JCB swrefindx_col1(isize,k) = swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,3) ! JCB ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: set core radius = 0 for very small cores; this ! prevents problems with full-blown Mie calculations that do not deal ! well with very small cores. For very small cores, the amount of ! absorption is negligible, and therefore setting the core radius to zero ! has virtually no effect on calculated optical properties if(radius_wet_col(isize,k) < 1e-20) then radius_core_col(isize,k)=0.0 else if(radius_core_col(isize,k)/radius_wet_col(isize,k)**3.le.0.0001) then radius_core_col(isize,k)=0.0 ! JCB end if enddo enddo if (option_method .eq. 2) then do k = kts, kte do isize = 1, nbin_o do ns=1,nspint fv = (radius_core_col(isize,k)/radius_wet_col(isize,k))**3 ! volume fraction ! aa=(refindx_core_col(isize,k)**2+2.0*refindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize)**2) ! bb=fv*(refindx_core_col(isize,k)**2-refindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize)**2) ! refindx_col(isize,k)= refindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize)*sqrt((aa+2.0*bb)/(aa-bb)) ! refr=real(refindx_col(isize,k)) aa=(swrefindx_core_col(isize,k,ns)**2+2.0*swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,ns)**2) bb=fv*(swrefindx_core_col(isize,k,ns)**2-swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,ns)**2) swrefindx_col(isize,k,ns)= swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,ns)*sqrt((aa+2.0*bb)/(aa-bb)) if (ns==3) then swrefindx_col1(isize,k)= swrefindx_shell(iclm,k,jclm,isize,ns)*sqrt((aa+2.0*bb)/(aa-bb)) endif !refr=real(refindx_col(isize,k)) enddo enddo enddo endif if (option_method .le. 2) then do k = kts, kte do isize = 1, nbin_o radius_core_col(isize,k) = 0.0 ! refindx_core_col(isize,k) = cmplx(0.0,0.0) swrefindx_core_col(isize,k,:) = cmplx(0.0,0.0) swrefindx_core_col1(isize,k) = cmplx(0.0,0.0) enddo enddo endif ! !!$ if(id.eq.1.and.iclm.eq.84.and.jclm.eq.52) then !!$ print*,'jdf printout 1' !!$ do isize = 1, nbin_o !!$ write(*,888) isize,number_bin_col(isize,1), & !!$ radius_wet_col(isize,1),radius_core_col(isize,1), & !!$ real(refindx_col(isize,1)), & !!$ imag(refindx_col(isize,1)), & !!$ real(refindx_core_col(isize,1)), & !!$ imag(refindx_core_col(isize,1)),dz(1) !!$ enddo !!$ endif !!$ if(id.eq.2.and.iclm.eq.59.and.jclm.eq.63) then !!$ print*,'jdf printout 2' !!$ do isize = 1, nbin_o !!$ write(*,888) isize,number_bin_col(isize,1), & !!$ radius_wet_col(isize,1),radius_core_col(isize,1), & !!$ real(refindx_col(isize,1)), & !!$ imag(refindx_col(isize,1)), & !!$ real(refindx_core_col(isize,1)), & !!$ imag(refindx_core_col(isize,1)),dz(1) !!$ enddo !!$ endif !!$ 888 format(i3,9e12.5) ! ! Initialize LW vars as not all options compute it lwtauaer(:,:)=1.e-20 lwextaer(:,:)=1.e-20 if (option_mie .eq. 1) then call mieaer(id, iclm, jclm, nbin_o, & ! number_bin_col, radius_wet_col, refindx_col, & number_bin_col, radius_wet_col,swrefindx_col, & lwrefindx_col, & dz, curr_secs, kts, kte, & ! sizeaer, extaer, waer, gaer, tauaer, & swsizeaer,swextaer,swwaer,swgaer,swtauaer, & lwextaer,lwtauaer, & l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7,swbscoef ) endif if (option_mie .ge. 2 .and. option_method .le. 2) then call mieaer_sc(id, iclm, jclm, nbin_o, & ! number_bin_col, radius_wet_col, refindx_col, & ! radius_core_col, refindx_core_col, & number_bin_col, radius_wet_col, swrefindx_col1, & radius_core_col, swrefindx_core_col1, & dz, curr_secs, kte, & ! sizeaer, extaer, waer, gaer, tauaer, & ! l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, bscoef ) swsizeaer, swextaer, swwaer, swgaer, swtauaer, & l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, swbscoef ) endif if (option_mie .ge. 2 .and. option_method .eq. 3) then call mieaer_sc(id, iclm, jclm, nbin_o, & ! number_bin_col, radius_wet_col, refindx_shell_col, & ! radius_core_col, refindx_core_col, & ! dz, curr_secs, kte, & ! sizeaer, extaer, waer, gaer, tauaer, & ! l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, bscoef ) number_bin_col, radius_wet_col, swrefindx_shell_col1, & radius_core_col, swrefindx_core_col1, & dz, curr_secs, kte, & swsizeaer, swextaer, swwaer, swgaer, swtauaer, & l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, swbscoef ) endif ! do k=kts,kte !jdf ! write( msg, '(a, 5i4)' ) & ! 'jdf sw k', k, kts, kte, iclm, jclm ! call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) !jdf !shortwave ! tauaersw(iclm,k,jclm,:) = swtauaer(:,k) ! extaersw(iclm,k,jclm,:) = swextaer(:,k) ! gaersw(iclm,k,jclm,:) = swgaer(:,k) ! waersw(iclm,k,jclm,:) = swwaer(:,k) ! bscoefsw(iclm,k,jclm,:) = swbscoef(:,k) do ns=1,nspint tauaersw(iclm,k,jclm,ns) = amax1(swtauaer(ns,k),1.e-20) extaersw(iclm,k,jclm,ns) = amax1(swextaer(ns,k),1.e-20) gaersw(iclm,k,jclm,ns) = amax1(amin1(swgaer(ns,k),1.0-1.e-8),1.e-20) waersw(iclm,k,jclm,ns) = amax1(amin1(swwaer(ns,k),1.0-1.e-8),1.e-20) bscoefsw(iclm,k,jclm,ns) = amax1(swbscoef(ns,k),1.e-20) enddo l2aer(iclm,k,jclm,:) = l2(:,k) l3aer(iclm,k,jclm,:) = l3(:,k) l4aer(iclm,k,jclm,:) = l4(:,k) l5aer(iclm,k,jclm,:) = l5(:,k) l6aer(iclm,k,jclm,:) = l6(:,k) l7aer(iclm,k,jclm,:) = l7(:,k) !longwave ! tauaerlw(iclm,k,jclm,1:nlwbands) = lwtauaer(1:nlwbands,k) ! extaerlw(iclm,k,jclm,1:nlwbands) = lwextaer(1:nlwbands,k) do ns=1,nlwbands tauaerlw(iclm,k,jclm,ns) = amax1(lwtauaer(ns,k),1.e-20) extaerlw(iclm,k,jclm,ns) = amax1(lwextaer(ns,k),1.e-20) enddo enddo !!$ if(id.eq.1.and.iclm.eq.84.and.jclm.eq.52) then !!$ write(*,889) sizeaer(1,1),sizeaer(2,1),sizeaer(3,1),sizeaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) extaer(1,1),extaer(2,1),extaer(3,1),extaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) waer(1,1),waer(2,1),waer(3,1),waer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) gaer(1,1),gaer(2,1),gaer(3,1),gaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) tauaer(1,1),tauaer(2,1),tauaer(3,1),tauaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) bscoef(1,1),bscoef(2,1),bscoef(3,1),bscoef(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l2(1,1),l2(2,1),l2(3,1),l2(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l3(1,1),l3(2,1),l3(3,1),l3(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l4(1,1),l4(2,1),l4(3,1),l4(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l5(1,1),l5(2,1),l5(3,1),l5(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l6(1,1),l6(2,1),l6(3,1),l6(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l7(1,1),l7(2,1),l7(3,1),l7(4,1) !!$ endif !!$ if(id.eq.2.and.iclm.eq.59.and.jclm.eq.63) then !!$ write(*,889) sizeaer(1,1),sizeaer(2,1),sizeaer(3,1),sizeaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) extaer(1,1),extaer(2,1),extaer(3,1),extaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) waer(1,1),waer(2,1),waer(3,1),waer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) gaer(1,1),gaer(2,1),gaer(3,1),gaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) tauaer(1,1),tauaer(2,1),tauaer(3,1),tauaer(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) bscoef(1,1),bscoef(2,1),bscoef(3,1),bscoef(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l2(1,1),l2(2,1),l2(3,1),l2(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l3(1,1),l3(2,1),l3(3,1),l3(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l4(1,1),l4(2,1),l4(3,1),l4(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l5(1,1),l5(2,1),l5(3,1),l5(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l6(1,1),l6(2,1),l6(3,1),l6(4,1) !!$ write(*,889) l7(1,1),l7(2,1),l7(3,1),l7(4,1) !!$ endif !!$ 889 format(4e12.5) enddo enddo ! return ! end subroutine optical_averaging !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine computes volume-averaged refractive index and wet radius needed ! by the mie calculations. Aerosol number is also passed into the mie calculations ! in terms of other units. ! subroutine optical_prep_sectional(nbin_o, chem, alt, & totoa_a01, totoa_a02, totoa_a03, totoa_a04, & totoa_a05,totoa_a06,totoa_a07,totoa_a08, & ! refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core,swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core,lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! USE module_configure ! USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_data_mosaic_asect USE module_data_mosaic_other USE module_state_description, only: param_first_scalar ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, nbin_o INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt, & totoa_a01, totoa_a02, totoa_a03, totoa_a04, & totoa_a05,totoa_a06,totoa_a07,totoa_a08 REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & INTENT(OUT ) :: & radius_wet, number_bin, radius_core ! COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & ! INTENT(OUT ) :: & ! refindx, refindx_core, refindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o,nswbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o,nlwbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell ! ! local variables ! integer i, j, k, l, isize, itype, iphase integer p1st complex ref_index_lvcite , ref_index_nh4hso4, & ref_index_nh4msa , ref_index_nh4no3 , ref_index_nh4cl , & ref_index_nano3 , ref_index_na2so4, & ref_index_na3hso4, ref_index_nahso4 , ref_index_namsa, & ref_index_caso4 , ref_index_camsa2 , ref_index_cano3, & ref_index_cacl2 , ref_index_caco3 , ref_index_h2so4, & ref_index_hhso4 , ref_index_hno3 , ref_index_hcl, & ref_index_msa , ref_index_bc, & ref_index_oin , ref_index_aro1 , ref_index_aro2, & ref_index_alk1 , ref_index_ole1 , ref_index_api1, & ref_index_api2 , ref_index_im1 , ref_index_im2, & ri_dum , ri_ave_a COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nswbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr swref_index_nh4so4,swref_index_nacl,swref_index_oc,swref_index_dust,swref_index_h2o COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nlwbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr lwref_index_nh4so4,lwref_index_nacl,lwref_index_oc,lwref_index_dust,lwref_index_h2o real dens_so4 , dens_no3 , dens_cl , dens_msa , dens_co3 , & dens_nh4 , dens_na , dens_ca , dens_oin , dens_oc , & dens_bc , dens_aro1 , dens_aro2 , dens_alk1 , dens_ole1, & dens_api1 , dens_api2 , dens_lim1 , dens_lim2 , dens_h2o, & dens_dust real mass_so4 , mass_no3 , mass_cl , mass_msa , mass_co3 , & mass_nh4 , mass_na , mass_ca , mass_oin , mass_oc , & mass_bc , mass_aro1 , mass_aro2 , mass_alk1 , mass_ole1, & mass_api1 , mass_api2 , mass_lim1 , mass_lim2 , mass_h2o, & mass_dust real vol_so4 , vol_no3 , vol_cl , vol_msa , vol_co3 , & vol_nh4 , vol_na , vol_ca , vol_oin , vol_oc , & vol_bc , vol_aro1 , vol_aro2 , vol_alk1 , vol_ole1 , & vol_api1 , vol_api2 , vol_lim1 , vol_lim2 , vol_h2o, & vol_dust real conv1a, conv1b real mass_dry_a, mass_wet_a, vol_dry_a , vol_wet_a , vol_shell, & dp_dry_a , dp_wet_a , num_a , dp_bc_a real num_a_lo , num_a_hi real refr integer ns ! ! Define refractive indicies ! * assume na and cl are the same as nacl ! * assume so4, no3, and nh4 are the same as nh4no3 ! * assume ca and co3 are the same as caco3 ! * assume msa is just msa ! Further work: ! * to be more precise, need to compute electrolytes to apportion ! so4, no3, nh4, na, cl, msa, ca, co3 among various componds ! as was done previously in module_mosaic_therm.F ! do ns = 1, nswbands swref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_sulf(ns),refisw_sulf(ns)) swref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_oc(ns),refisw_oc(ns)) swref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_dust(ns),refisw_dust(ns)) swref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_seas(ns),refisw_seas(ns)) swref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwsw(ns),refiwsw(ns)) enddo do ns = 1, nlwbands lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_sulf(ns),refilw_sulf(ns)) lwref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_oc(ns),refilw_oc(ns)) lwref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_dust(ns),refilw_dust(ns)) lwref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_seas(ns),refilw_seas(ns)) lwref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwlw(ns),refiwlw(ns)) enddo ! ref_index_nh4so4 = cmplx(1.52,0.) ref_index_lvcite = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4hso4= cmplx(1.47,0.) ref_index_nh4msa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_nh4no3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4cl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! ref_index_nacl = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_nano3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na2so4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na3hso4= cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nahso4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_namsa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_caso4 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_camsa2 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ! assumed ref_index_cano3 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_cacl2 = cmplx(1.52,0.006) ref_index_caco3 = cmplx(1.68,0.006) ref_index_h2so4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hhso4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hno3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_hcl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_msa = cmplx(1.43,0.) ! assumed ! ref_index_oc = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: no complex part? ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: set the refractive index of BC equal to the midpoint ! of ranges given in Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by carboneceous ! particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. and Tech., 40:27-67. ! ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.82,0.74), old value ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.85,0.71) ref_index_oin = cmplx(1.55,0.006) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008 ! ref_index_dust = cmplx(1.55,0.003) ! czhao, dust, then this refractive index should be wavelength depedent ref_index_aro1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_aro2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_alk1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_ole1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_im1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_im2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_h2o = cmplx(1.33,0.) ! ! densities in g/cc ! dens_so4 = 1.8 ! used dens_no3 = 1.8 ! used dens_cl = 2.2 ! used dens_msa = 1.8 ! used dens_co3 = 2.6 ! used dens_nh4 = 1.8 ! used dens_na = 2.2 ! used dens_ca = 2.6 ! used dens_oin = 2.6 ! used dens_dust = 2.6 ! used dens_oc = 1.0 ! used ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: the density of BC is updated to reflect values ! published by Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by carboneceous ! particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. and Tech., 40:27-67. ! dens_bc = 1.7 ! used, old value dens_bc = 1.8 ! midpoint of Bond and Bergstrom value dens_aro1 = 1.0 dens_aro2 = 1.0 dens_alk1 = 1.0 dens_ole1 = 1.0 dens_api1 = 1.0 dens_api2 = 1.0 dens_lim1 = 1.0 dens_lim2 = 1.0 dens_h2o = 1.0 vol_so4 = 0. vol_no3 = 0. vol_cl = 0. vol_msa = 0. vol_co3 = 0. vol_nh4 = 0. vol_na = 0. vol_ca = 0. vol_oin = 0. vol_oc = 0. vol_bc = 0. vol_aro1 = 0. vol_aro2 = 0. vol_alk1 = 0. vol_ole1 = 0. vol_api1 = 0. vol_api2 = 0. vol_lim1 = 0. vol_lim2 = 0. vol_h2o = 0. vol_dust = 0. ! p1st = param_first_scalar ! ! do isize = 1, nbin_o ! do j = jts, jte ! do k = kts, kte ! do i = its, ite ! refindx(i,k,j,isize)=0.0 ! radius_wet(i,k,j,isize)=0.0 ! number_bin(i,k,j,isize)=0.0 ! radius_core(i,k,j,isize)=0.0 ! refindx_core(i,k,j,isize)=0.0 ! refindx_shell(i,k,j,isize)=0.0 ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo ! enddo radius_wet=0.0 number_bin=0.0 radius_core=0.0 swrefindx=0.0 swrefindx_core=0.0 swrefindx_shell=0.0 lwrefindx=0.0 lwrefindx_core=0.0 lwrefindx_shell=0.0 ! ! units: ! * mass - g/cc(air) ! * number - #/cc(air) ! * volume - cc(air)/cc(air) ! * diameter - cm ! itype=1 iphase=1 do j = jts, jte do k = kts, kte do i = its, ite do isize = 1, nbin_o mass_so4 = 0.0 mass_no3 = 0.0 mass_nh4 = 0.0 mass_oin = 0.0 mass_dust = 0.0 mass_oc = 0.0 mass_bc = 0.0 mass_na = 0.0 mass_cl = 0.0 mass_msa = 0.0 mass_co3 = 0.0 mass_ca = 0.0 mass_h2o = 0.0 mass_aro1=0.0 mass_aro2=0.0 mass_alk1=0.0 mass_ole1=0.0 mass_api1=0.0 mass_api2=0.0 mass_lim1=0.0 mass_lim2=0.0 ! convert ug / kg dry air to g / cc air conv1a = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-12 ! convert # / kg dry air to # / cc air conv1b = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-6 l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_no3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_no3= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_nh4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nh4= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_oin_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oin= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! ! if totoa from VBS available, use it !jdfcz l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) !jdfcz if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dust= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_oc_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oc= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a if (totoa_a01(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 1) mass_oc=totoa_a01(i,k,j)*conv1a if (totoa_a02(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 2) mass_oc=totoa_a02(i,k,j)*conv1a if (totoa_a03(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 3) mass_oc=totoa_a03(i,k,j)*conv1a if (totoa_a04(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 4) mass_oc=totoa_a04(i,k,j)*conv1a if (totoa_a05(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 5) mass_oc=totoa_a05(i,k,j)*conv1a if (totoa_a06(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 6) mass_oc=totoa_a06(i,k,j)*conv1a if (totoa_a07(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 7) mass_oc=totoa_a07(i,k,j)*conv1a if (totoa_a08(i,k,j) .gt. 1.0e-12 .and. isize .eq. 8) mass_oc=totoa_a08(i,k,j)*conv1a ! l=lptr_bc_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bc= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_na_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_na= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_cl_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_cl= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_msa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_msa= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_co3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_co3= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_ca_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ca= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=waterptr_aer(isize,itype) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_h2o= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_a= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b ! vol_so4 = mass_so4 / dens_so4 vol_no3 = mass_no3 / dens_no3 vol_aro1= mass_aro1 / dens_aro1 vol_aro2= mass_aro2 / dens_aro2 vol_alk1= mass_alk1 / dens_alk1 vol_ole1= mass_ole1 / dens_ole1 vol_api1= mass_api1 / dens_api1 vol_api2= mass_api2 / dens_api2 vol_lim1= mass_lim1 / dens_lim1 vol_lim2= mass_lim2 / dens_lim2 vol_nh4 = mass_nh4 / dens_nh4 vol_oin = mass_oin / dens_oin !jdfcz vol_dust = mass_dust / dens_dust vol_oc = mass_oc / dens_oc vol_bc = mass_bc / dens_bc vol_na = mass_na / dens_na vol_cl = mass_cl / dens_cl vol_msa = mass_msa / dens_msa vol_co3 = mass_co3 / dens_co3 vol_ca = mass_ca / dens_ca ! mass_h2o = 0.0 ! testing purposes only vol_h2o = mass_h2o / dens_h2o mass_dry_a = mass_so4 + mass_no3 + mass_nh4 + mass_oin + & mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl + & mass_msa + mass_co3 + mass_ca + mass_aro1 + & mass_aro2 + mass_alk1 + mass_ole1 +mass_api1 + & !jdfcz mass_api2 + mass_lim1 + mass_lim2 + mass_dust mass_api2 + mass_lim1 + mass_lim2 mass_wet_a = mass_dry_a + mass_h2o vol_dry_a = vol_so4 + vol_no3 + vol_nh4 + vol_oin + & vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl + & vol_msa + vol_co3 + vol_ca + vol_aro1 + & vol_aro2 + vol_alk1 + vol_ole1 + vol_api1 + & !jdfcz vol_api2 + vol_lim1 + vol_lim2 + vol_dust vol_api2 + vol_lim1 + vol_lim2 vol_wet_a = vol_dry_a + vol_h2o vol_shell = vol_wet_a - vol_bc ! jdf: Adjustment of aerosol number if it falls outside of reasonable bounds. ! This is necessary since advection scheme will cause the mass and number ! prognostic equations to give inconsistent values, usually at sharp gradients ! of these quantities. num_a_lo=1.90985*vol_dry_a/(dlo_sect(isize,itype)**3) num_a_hi=1.90985*vol_dry_a/(dhi_sect(isize,itype)**3) !czhao fixed the diameter when mass and number of aerosols drops to an extreme low values if (vol_dry_a.le.1.e-15.and.num_a.le.1.e-10) then if(num_a.gt.num_a_lo) then num_a=num_a_lo elseif(num_a.lt.num_a_hi) then num_a=num_a_hi endif dp_dry_a = dhi_sect(isize,itype) dp_wet_a = dhi_sect(isize,itype) dp_bc_a = dhi_sect(isize,itype) else if(num_a.gt.num_a_lo) then num_a=num_a_lo elseif(num_a.lt.num_a_hi) then num_a=num_a_hi endif ! dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 endif !shortwave do ns=1,nswbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (ref_index_msa * mass_msa / dens_msa) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_ca / dens_ca) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_co3 / dens_co3) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (ref_index_msa * mass_msa / dens_msa) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_ca / dens_ca) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_co3 / dens_co3) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_sect(isize,itype)/2.0) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_sect(isize,itype)/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin ! refindx_core(i,k,j,isize) = ref_index_bc ! refindx_shell(i,k,j,isize) = ref_index_oin elseif(vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_sect(isize,itype)/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 ! refindx_core(i,k,j,isize) = ref_index_bc ! refindx_shell(i,k,j,isize) = ref_index_oin swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else ! refindx(i,k,j,isize) =ri_ave_a swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 ! refindx_core(i,k,j,isize) =ref_index_bc ! refindx_shell(i,k,j,isize) =ri_dum/vol_shell swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif ! refr=real(refindx(i,k,j,isize)) enddo ! ns shortwave ! longwave do ns = 1, nlwbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (ref_index_msa * mass_msa / dens_msa) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_ca / dens_ca) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_co3 / dens_co3) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (ref_index_msa * mass_msa / dens_msa) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_ca / dens_ca) + & (ref_index_caco3 * mass_co3 / dens_co3) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_sect(isize,itype)/2.0) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_sect(isize,itype)/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_sect(isize,itype)/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif ! refr=real(refindx(i,k,j,isize)) enddo ! ns longwave enddo ! isize enddo ! i enddo ! j enddo ! k return end subroutine optical_prep_sectional ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine computes volume-averaged refractive index and wet radius needed ! by the mie calculations. Aerosol number is also passed into the mie calculations ! in terms of other units. ! subroutine optical_prep_modal(nbin_o, chem, alt, & ! h2oai, h2oaj, refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & h2oai, h2oaj, radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! USE module_configure ! USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description, only: param_first_scalar USE module_data_sorgam ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, nbin_o INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt, h2oai, h2oaj REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & INTENT(OUT ) :: & radius_wet, number_bin, radius_core ! COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & ! INTENT(OUT ) :: & ! refindx, refindx_core, refindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nswbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nlwbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell ! ! local variables ! integer i, j, k, l, isize, itype, iphase integer p1st complex ref_index_lvcite , ref_index_nh4hso4, & ref_index_nh4msa , ref_index_nh4no3 , ref_index_nh4cl , & ref_index_nano3 , ref_index_na2so4, & ref_index_na3hso4, ref_index_nahso4 , ref_index_namsa, & ref_index_caso4 , ref_index_camsa2 , ref_index_cano3, & ref_index_cacl2 , ref_index_caco3 , ref_index_h2so4, & ref_index_hhso4 , ref_index_hno3 , ref_index_hcl, & ref_index_msa , ref_index_bc, & ref_index_oin , ref_index_aro1 , ref_index_aro2, & ref_index_alk1 , ref_index_ole1 , ref_index_api1, & ref_index_api2 , ref_index_lim1 , ref_index_lim2, & ri_dum , ri_ave_a COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nswbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr swref_index_oc , swref_index_dust , swref_index_nh4so4, swref_index_nacl,swref_index_h2o COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nlwbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr lwref_index_oc , lwref_index_dust , lwref_index_nh4so4, lwref_index_nacl,lwref_index_h2o real dens_so4 , dens_no3 , dens_cl , dens_msa , dens_co3 , & dens_nh4 , dens_na , dens_ca , dens_oin , dens_oc , & dens_bc , dens_aro1 , dens_aro2 , dens_alk1 , dens_ole1, & dens_api1 , dens_api2 , dens_lim1 , dens_lim2 , dens_h2o , & dens_dust real mass_so4 , mass_no3 , mass_cl , mass_msa , mass_co3 , & mass_nh4 , mass_na , mass_ca , mass_oin , mass_oc , & mass_bc , mass_aro1 , mass_aro2 , mass_alk1 , mass_ole1, & mass_api1 , mass_api2 , mass_lim1 , mass_lim2 , mass_h2o, & mass_dust real mass_so4i , mass_no3i , mass_cli , mass_msai , mass_co3i, & mass_nh4i , mass_nai , mass_cai , mass_oini , mass_oci , & mass_bci , mass_aro1i, mass_aro2i, mass_alk1i, mass_ole1i, & mass_ba1i , mass_ba2i, mass_ba3i , mass_ba4i , mass_pai, & mass_h2oi , mass_dusti real mass_so4j , mass_no3j , mass_clj , mass_msaj , mass_co3j, & mass_nh4j , mass_naj , mass_caj , mass_oinj , mass_ocj , & mass_bcj , mass_aro1j, mass_aro2j, mass_alk1j, mass_ole1j, & mass_ba1j , mass_ba2j, mass_ba3j , mass_ba4j , mass_paj, & mass_h2oj , mass_dustj real mass_antha, mass_seas, mass_soil real num_ai, num_aj, num_ac, vol_ai, vol_aj, vol_ac real vol_so4 , vol_no3 , vol_cl , vol_msa , vol_co3 , & vol_nh4 , vol_na , vol_ca , vol_oin , vol_oc , & vol_bc , vol_aro1 , vol_aro2 , vol_alk1 , vol_ole1 , & vol_api1 , vol_api2 , vol_lim1 , vol_lim2 , vol_h2o , & vol_dust real conv1a, conv1b real mass_dry_a, mass_wet_a, vol_dry_a , vol_wet_a , vol_shell, & dp_dry_a , dp_wet_a , num_a , dp_bc_a real ifac, jfac, cfac real refr integer ns real dgnum_um,drydens,duma,dlo_um,dhi_um,dgmin,sixpi,ss1,ss2,ss3,dtemp integer iflag real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xnum_secti,xnum_sectj,xnum_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xmas_secti,xmas_sectj,xmas_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xdia_um, xdia_cm ! ! real sginin,sginia,sginic from module_data_sorgam.F ! ! Mass from modal distribution is divided into individual sections before ! being passed back into the Mie routine. ! * currently use the same size bins as 8 default MOSAIC size bins ! * dlo_um and dhi_um define the lower and upper bounds of individual sections ! used to compute optical properties ! * sigmas for 3 modes taken from module_sorgan_data.F ! * these parameters are needed by sect02 that is called later ! * sginin=1.7, sginia=2.0, sginic=2.5 ! sixpi=6.0/3.14159265359 dlo_um=0.0390625 dhi_um=10.0 drydens=1.8 iflag=2 duma=1.0 dgmin=1.0e-07 ! in (cm) dtemp=dlo_um do isize=1,nbin_o xdia_um(isize)=(dtemp+dtemp*2.0)/2.0 dtemp=dtemp*2.0 enddo ! ! Define refractive indicies ! * assume na and cl are the same as nacl ! * assume so4, no3, and nh4 are the same as nh4no3 ! * assume ca and co3 are the same as caco3 ! * assume msa is just msa ! Further work: ! * to be more precise, need to compute electrolytes to apportion ! so4, no3, nh4, na, cl, msa, ca, co3 among various componds ! as was done previously in module_mosaic_therm.F ! do ns = 1, nswbands swref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_sulf(ns),refisw_sulf(ns)) swref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_oc(ns),refisw_oc(ns)) swref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_dust(ns),refisw_dust(ns)) swref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_seas(ns),refisw_seas(ns)) swref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwsw(ns),refiwsw(ns)) enddo do ns = 1, nlwbands lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_sulf(ns),refilw_sulf(ns)) lwref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_oc(ns),refilw_oc(ns)) lwref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_dust(ns),refilw_dust(ns)) lwref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_seas(ns),refilw_seas(ns)) lwref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwlw(ns),refiwlw(ns)) enddo ! ref_index_nh4so4 = cmplx(1.52,0.) ref_index_lvcite = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4hso4= cmplx(1.47,0.) ref_index_nh4msa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_nh4no3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4cl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! ref_index_nacl = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_nano3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na2so4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na3hso4= cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nahso4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_namsa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_caso4 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_camsa2 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ! assumed ref_index_cano3 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_cacl2 = cmplx(1.52,0.006) ref_index_caco3 = cmplx(1.68,0.006) ref_index_h2so4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hhso4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hno3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_hcl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_msa = cmplx(1.43,0.) ! assumed ! ref_index_oc = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: no complex part? ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: set the refractive index of BC equal to the ! midpoint of ranges given in Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by ! carboneceous particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. ! and Tech., 40:27-67. ! ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.82,0.74) old value ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.85,0.71) ref_index_oin = cmplx(1.55,0.006) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: "other inorganics" ! ref_index_dust = cmplx(1.55,0.003) ! czhao, this refractive index should be wavelength depedent ref_index_aro1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_aro2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_alk1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_ole1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_lim1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_lim2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_h2o = cmplx(1.33,0.) ! ! densities in g/cc ! dens_so4 = 1.8 ! used dens_no3 = 1.8 ! used dens_cl = 2.2 ! used dens_msa = 1.8 ! used dens_co3 = 2.6 ! used dens_nh4 = 1.8 ! used dens_na = 2.2 ! used dens_ca = 2.6 ! used dens_oin = 2.6 ! used dens_dust = 2.6 ! used dens_oc = 1.0 ! used ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: the density of BC is updated to reflect values ! published by Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by carboneceous ! particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. and Tech., 40:27-67. ! dens_bc = 1.7 ! used, old value dens_bc = 1.8 ! midpoint of Bond and Bergstrom value dens_aro1 = 1.0 dens_aro2 = 1.0 dens_alk1 = 1.0 dens_ole1 = 1.0 dens_api1 = 1.0 dens_api2 = 1.0 dens_lim1 = 1.0 dens_lim2 = 1.0 dens_h2o = 1.0 ! p1st = param_first_scalar ! swrefindx=0.0 lwrefindx=0.0 radius_wet=0.0 number_bin=0.0 radius_core=0.0 swrefindx_core=0.0 swrefindx_shell=0.0 lwrefindx_core=0.0 lwrefindx_shell=0.0 ! ! units: ! * mass - g/cc(air) ! * number - #/cc(air) ! * volume - cc(air)/cc(air) ! * diameter - cm ! itype=1 iphase=1 do j = jts, jte do k = kts, kte do i = its, ite mass_so4i = 0.0 mass_so4j = 0.0 mass_no3i = 0.0 mass_no3j = 0.0 mass_nh4i = 0.0 mass_nh4j = 0.0 mass_oini = 0.0 mass_oinj = 0.0 mass_dusti = 0.0 mass_dustj = 0.0 mass_aro1i = 0.0 mass_aro1j = 0.0 mass_aro2i = 0.0 mass_aro2j = 0.0 mass_alk1i = 0.0 mass_alk1j = 0.0 mass_ole1i = 0.0 mass_ole1j = 0.0 mass_ba1i = 0.0 mass_ba1j = 0.0 mass_ba2i = 0.0 mass_ba2j = 0.0 mass_ba3i = 0.0 mass_ba3j = 0.0 mass_ba4i = 0.0 mass_ba4j = 0.0 mass_pai = 0.0 mass_paj = 0.0 mass_oci = 0.0 mass_ocj = 0.0 mass_bci = 0.0 mass_bcj = 0.0 mass_cai = 0.0 mass_caj = 0.0 mass_co3i = 0.0 mass_co3j = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_msai = 0.0 mass_msaj = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_h2oi = 0.0 mass_h2oj = 0.0 mass_antha = 0.0 mass_seas = 0.0 mass_soil = 0.0 vol_aj = 0.0 vol_ai = 0.0 vol_ac = 0.0 num_aj = 0.0 num_ai = 0.0 num_ac = 0.0 ! convert ug / kg dry air to g / cc air conv1a = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-12 ! convert # / kg dry air to # / cc air conv1b = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-6 ! Accumulation mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 2 ; itype = 1 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_no3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_no3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_nh4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nh4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_p25_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oinj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a !jdfcz l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) !jdfcz if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dustj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgaro1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgaro2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgalk_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_alk1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgole_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ole1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgpa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_paj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_ec_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bcj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_na_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_naj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_cl_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_clj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_aj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b mass_h2oj= h2oaj(i,k,j) * 1.0e-12 mass_ocj=mass_aro1j+mass_aro2j+mass_alk1j+mass_ole1j+ & mass_ba1j+mass_ba2j+mass_ba3j+mass_ba4j+mass_paj ! Aitken mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 2 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_no3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_no3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_nh4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nh4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_p25_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oini= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a !jdfcz l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) !jdfcz if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dusti= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgaro1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgaro2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgalk_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_alk1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgole_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ole1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgba4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgpa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_pai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_ec_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bci= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_na_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_cl_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_cli= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_ai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b mass_h2oi= h2oai(i,k,j) * 1.0e-12 mass_oci=mass_aro1i+mass_aro2i+mass_alk1i+mass_ole1i+ & mass_ba1i+mass_ba2i+mass_ba3i+mass_ba4i+mass_pai ! Coarse mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 3 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 1 ; itype = 2 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_anth_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_antha= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_seas_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_seas= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_soil_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_soil= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_ac= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b vol_ai = (mass_so4i/dens_so4)+(mass_no3i/dens_no3)+ & (mass_nh4i/dens_nh4)+(mass_oini/dens_oin)+ & (mass_aro1i/dens_oc)+(mass_alk1i/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ole1i/dens_oc)+(mass_ba1i/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba2i/dens_oc)+(mass_ba3i/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba4i/dens_oc)+(mass_pai/dens_oc)+ & (mass_aro2i/dens_oc)+(mass_bci/dens_bc)+ & (mass_nai/dens_na)+(mass_cli/dens_cl) !jdfcz (mass_nai/dens_na)+(mass_cli/dens_cl) + & !jdfcz (mass_dusti/dens_dust) vol_aj = (mass_so4j/dens_so4)+(mass_no3j/dens_no3)+ & (mass_nh4j/dens_nh4)+(mass_oinj/dens_oin)+ & (mass_aro1j/dens_oc)+(mass_alk1j/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ole1j/dens_oc)+(mass_ba1j/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba2j/dens_oc)+(mass_ba3j/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba4j/dens_oc)+(mass_paj/dens_oc)+ & (mass_aro2j/dens_oc)+(mass_bcj/dens_bc)+ & (mass_naj/dens_na)+(mass_clj/dens_cl) !jdfcz (mass_naj/dens_na)+(mass_clj/dens_cl) + & !jdfcz (mass_dustj/dens_dust) vol_ac = (mass_antha/dens_oin)+ & (mass_seas*(22.9898/58.4428)/dens_na)+ & (mass_seas*(35.4530/58.4428)/dens_cl)+ & (mass_soil/dens_dust) ! ! Now divide mass into sections which is done by sect02: ! * xmas_secti is for aiken mode ! * xmas_sectj is for accumulation mode ! * xmas_sectc is for coarse mode ! * sect02 expects input in um ! * pass in generic mass of 1.0 just to get a percentage distribution of mass among bins ! ss1=log(sginin) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_ai/(num_ai*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginin,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_secti,xmas_secti) ss1=log(sginia) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_aj/(num_aj*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginia,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectj,xmas_sectj) ss1=log(sginic) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_ac/(num_ac*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginic,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectc,xmas_sectc) do isize = 1, nbin_o xdia_cm(isize)=xdia_um(isize)*1.0e-04 mass_so4 = mass_so4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_so4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_no3 = mass_no3i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_no3j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_nh4 = mass_nh4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_nh4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_oin = mass_oini*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_oinj*xmas_sectj(isize) + & mass_antha*xmas_sectc(isize) !jdfcz mass_dust= mass_dusti*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_dustj*xmas_sectj(isize) + & !jdfcz mass_soil*xmas_sectc(isize) mass_oc = (mass_pai+mass_aro1i+mass_aro2i+mass_alk1i+mass_ole1i+ & mass_ba1i+mass_ba2i+mass_ba3i+mass_ba4i)*xmas_secti(isize) + & (mass_paj+mass_aro1j+mass_aro2j+mass_alk1j+mass_ole1j+ & mass_ba1j+mass_ba2j+mass_ba3j+mass_ba4j)*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_bc = mass_bci*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_bcj*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_na = mass_nai*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_naj*xmas_sectj(isize)+ & mass_seas*xmas_sectc(isize)*(22.9898/58.4428) mass_cl = mass_cli*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_clj*xmas_sectj(isize)+ & mass_seas*xmas_sectc(isize)*(35.4530/58.4428) mass_h2o = mass_h2oi*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_h2oj*xmas_sectj(isize) ! mass_h2o = 0.0 ! testing purposes only vol_so4 = mass_so4 / dens_so4 vol_no3 = mass_no3 / dens_no3 vol_nh4 = mass_nh4 / dens_nh4 vol_oin = mass_oin / dens_oin !jdfcz vol_dust = mass_dust / dens_dust vol_oc = mass_oc / dens_oc vol_bc = mass_bc / dens_bc vol_na = mass_na / dens_na vol_cl = mass_cl / dens_cl vol_h2o = mass_h2o / dens_h2o !!$ if(i.eq.50.and.j.eq.40.and.k.eq.1) then !!$ print*,'jdf print bin',isize !!$ print*,'so4',mass_so4,vol_so4 !!$ print*,'no3',mass_no3,vol_no3 !!$ print*,'nh4',mass_nh4,vol_nh4 !!$ print*,'oin',mass_oin,vol_oin !!$!jdfcz print*,'dust',mass_dust,vol_dust !!$ print*,'oc ',mass_oc,vol_oc !!$ print*,'bc ',mass_bc,vol_bc !!$ print*,'na ',mass_na,vol_na !!$ print*,'cl ',mass_cl,vol_cl !!$ print*,'h2o',mass_h2o,vol_h2o !!$ endif mass_dry_a = mass_so4 + mass_no3 + mass_nh4 + mass_oin + & !jdfcz mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl + mass_dust mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl mass_wet_a = mass_dry_a + mass_h2o vol_dry_a = vol_so4 + vol_no3 + vol_nh4 + vol_oin + & !jdfcz vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl + vol_dust vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl vol_wet_a = vol_dry_a + vol_h2o vol_shell = vol_wet_a - vol_bc !num_a = vol_wet_a / (0.52359877*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)) !czhao num_a = num_ai*xnum_secti(isize)+num_aj*xnum_sectj(isize)+num_ac*xnum_sectc(isize) !shortwave do ns=1,nswbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns shortwave !longwave do ns=1,nlwbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns longwave ! refr=real(refindx(i,k,j,isize)) enddo !isize enddo !i enddo !j enddo !k return end subroutine optical_prep_modal !!!! TUCCELLA !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 03/07/2014 added by Paolo Tuccella ! It is a modification of optical_prep_modal subroutine for ! RACM_SOA_VBS_KPP aerosol model ! This subroutine computes volume-averaged refractive index and wet radius ! needed ! by the mie calculations. Aerosol number is also passed into the mie ! calculations ! in terms of other units. ! subroutine optical_prep_modal_soa_vbs(nbin_o, chem, alt, & ! h2oai, h2oaj, refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & h2oai, h2oaj, radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! USE module_configure ! USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description, only: param_first_scalar ! USE module_data_sorgam USE module_data_soa_vbs ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, nbin_o INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt, h2oai, h2oaj REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & INTENT(OUT ) :: & radius_wet, number_bin, radius_core ! COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & ! INTENT(OUT ) :: & ! refindx, refindx_core, refindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nswbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nlwbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell ! ! local variables ! integer i, j, k, l, isize, itype, iphase integer p1st complex ref_index_lvcite , ref_index_nh4hso4 , & ref_index_nh4msa , ref_index_nh4no3 , ref_index_nh4cl , & ref_index_nano3 , ref_index_na2so4 , & ref_index_na3hso4 , ref_index_nahso4 , ref_index_namsa , & ref_index_caso4 , ref_index_camsa2 , ref_index_cano3 , & ref_index_cacl2 , ref_index_caco3 , ref_index_h2so4 , & ref_index_hhso4 , ref_index_hno3 , ref_index_hcl , & ref_index_msa , ref_index_bc , & ! ref_index_oin , ref_index_aro1 , ref_index_aro2 , & ! ref_index_alk1 , ref_index_ole1 , ref_index_api1 , & ref_index_oin , ref_index_soa1 , ref_index_soa2 , & ref_index_soa3 , ref_index_soa4 , & ! ref_index_api1 , & ! ref_index_api2 , ref_index_lim1 , ref_index_lim2 , & ri_dum , ri_ave_a COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nswbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr swref_index_oc , swref_index_dust , swref_index_nh4so4, swref_index_nacl,swref_index_h2o COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nlwbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr lwref_index_oc , lwref_index_dust , lwref_index_nh4so4, lwref_index_nacl,lwref_index_h2o real dens_so4 , dens_no3 , dens_cl , dens_msa , dens_co3 , & dens_nh4 , dens_na , dens_ca , dens_oin , dens_oc , & ! dens_bc , dens_aro1 , dens_aro2 , dens_alk1 , dens_ole1, & ! dens_bc , dens_soa1 , dens_soa2 , dens_soa3 , dens_soa4, & ! dens_api1 , dens_api2 , dens_lim1 , dens_lim2 , dens_h2o , & dens_bc , dens_h2o , dens_dust real mass_so4 , mass_no3 , mass_cl , mass_msa , mass_co3 , & mass_nh4 , mass_na , mass_ca , mass_oin , mass_oc , & mass_bc , & ! mass_aro1 , mass_aro2 , mass_alk1 , mass_ole1, & ! mass_api1 , mass_api2 , mass_lim1 , mass_lim2 , mass_h2o , & mass_h2o , mass_dust real mass_so4i , mass_no3i , mass_cli , mass_msai , mass_co3i , & mass_nh4i , mass_nai , mass_cai , mass_oini , mass_oci , & ! mass_bci , mass_aro1i, mass_aro2i, mass_alk1i, mass_ole1i , & ! mass_ba1i , mass_ba2i, mass_ba3i , mass_ba4i , mass_pai , & mass_bci , mass_asoa1i, mass_asoa2i, mass_asoa3i, mass_asoa4i , & mass_bsoa1i , mass_bsoa2i, mass_bsoa3i , mass_bsoa4i , mass_pai, & mass_h2oi , mass_dusti real mass_so4j , mass_no3j , mass_clj , mass_msaj , mass_co3j, & mass_nh4j , mass_naj , mass_caj , mass_oinj , mass_ocj , & ! mass_bcj , mass_aro1j, mass_aro2j, mass_alk1j, mass_ole1j, & ! mass_ba1j , mass_ba2j, mass_ba3j , mass_ba4j , mass_paj, & mass_bcj , mass_asoa1j, mass_asoa2j, mass_asoa3j, mass_asoa4j , & mass_bsoa1j , mass_bsoa2j, mass_bsoa3j , mass_bsoa4j , mass_paj, & mass_h2oj , mass_dustj real mass_antha, mass_seas, mass_soil real num_ai, num_aj, num_ac, vol_ai, vol_aj, vol_ac real vol_so4 , vol_no3 , vol_cl , vol_msa , vol_co3 , & vol_nh4 , vol_na , vol_ca , vol_oin , vol_oc , & ! vol_bc , vol_aro1 , vol_aro2 , vol_alk1 , vol_ole1 , & ! vol_api1 , vol_api2 , vol_lim1 , vol_lim2 , vol_h2o , & vol_bc , vol_h2o , vol_dust real conv1a, conv1b real mass_dry_a, mass_wet_a, vol_dry_a , vol_wet_a , vol_shell, & dp_dry_a , dp_wet_a , num_a , dp_bc_a real ifac, jfac, cfac real refr integer ns real dgnum_um,drydens,duma,dlo_um,dhi_um,dgmin,sixpi,ss1,ss2,ss3,dtemp integer iflag real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xnum_secti,xnum_sectj,xnum_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xmas_secti,xmas_sectj,xmas_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xdia_um, xdia_cm ! ! real sginin,sginia,sginic from module_data_sorgam.F ! ! Mass from modal distribution is divided into individual sections before ! being passed back into the Mie routine. ! * currently use the same size bins as 8 default MOSAIC size bins ! * dlo_um and dhi_um define the lower and upper bounds of individual sections ! used to compute optical properties ! * sigmas for 3 modes taken from module_sorgan_data.F ! * these parameters are needed by sect02 that is called later ! * sginin=1.7, sginia=2.0, sginic=2.5 ! sixpi=6.0/3.14159265359 dlo_um=0.0390625 dhi_um=10.0 drydens=1.8 iflag=2 duma=1.0 dgmin=1.0e-07 ! in (cm) dtemp=dlo_um do isize=1,nbin_o xdia_um(isize)=(dtemp+dtemp*2.0)/2.0 dtemp=dtemp*2.0 enddo ! ! Define refractive indicies ! * assume na and cl are the same as nacl ! * assume so4, no3, and nh4 are the same as nh4no3 ! * assume ca and co3 are the same as caco3 ! * assume msa is just msa ! Further work: ! * to be more precise, need to compute electrolytes to apportion ! so4, no3, nh4, na, cl, msa, ca, co3 among various componds ! as was done previously in module_mosaic_therm.F ! do ns = 1, nswbands swref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_sulf(ns),refisw_sulf(ns)) swref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_oc(ns),refisw_oc(ns)) swref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_dust(ns),refisw_dust(ns)) swref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_seas(ns),refisw_seas(ns)) swref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwsw(ns),refiwsw(ns)) enddo do ns = 1, nlwbands lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_sulf(ns),refilw_sulf(ns)) lwref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_oc(ns),refilw_oc(ns)) lwref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_dust(ns),refilw_dust(ns)) lwref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_seas(ns),refilw_seas(ns)) lwref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwlw(ns),refiwlw(ns)) enddo ! ref_index_nh4so4 = cmplx(1.52,0.) ref_index_lvcite = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4hso4= cmplx(1.47,0.) ref_index_nh4msa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_nh4no3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4cl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! ref_index_nacl = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_nano3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na2so4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na3hso4= cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nahso4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_namsa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_caso4 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_camsa2 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ! assumed ref_index_cano3 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_cacl2 = cmplx(1.52,0.006) ref_index_caco3 = cmplx(1.68,0.006) ref_index_h2so4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hhso4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hno3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_hcl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_msa = cmplx(1.43,0.) ! assumed ! ref_index_oc = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: no complex part? ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: set the refractive index of BC equal to the ! midpoint of ranges given in Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by ! carboneceous particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. ! and Tech., 40:27-67. ! ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.82,0.74) old value ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.85,0.71) ref_index_oin = cmplx(1.55,0.006) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: "other inorganics" ! ref_index_dust = cmplx(1.55,0.003) ! czhao, this refractive index ! should be wavelength depedent ! ref_index_aro1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_aro2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_alk1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_ole1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_soa1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_soa2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_soa3 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_soa4 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_api1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_api2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_lim1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_lim2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_h2o = cmplx(1.33,0.) ! ! densities in g/cc ! dens_so4 = 1.8 ! used dens_no3 = 1.8 ! used dens_cl = 2.2 ! used dens_msa = 1.8 ! used dens_co3 = 2.6 ! used dens_nh4 = 1.8 ! used dens_na = 2.2 ! used dens_ca = 2.6 ! used dens_oin = 2.6 ! used dens_dust = 2.6 ! used !dens_oc = 1.0 ! used dens_oc = 1.6 ! used ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: the density of BC is updated to reflect values ! published by Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by carboneceous ! particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. and Tech., 40:27-67. ! dens_bc = 1.7 ! used, old value dens_bc = 1.8 ! midpoint of Bond and Bergstrom value ! dens_aro1 = 1.0 ! dens_aro2 = 1.0 ! dens_alk1 = 1.0 ! dens_ole1 = 1.0 ! dens_api1 = 1.0 ! dens_api2 = 1.0 ! dens_lim1 = 1.0 ! dens_lim2 = 1.0 dens_h2o = 1.0 ! p1st = param_first_scalar ! swrefindx=0.0 lwrefindx=0.0 radius_wet=0.0 number_bin=0.0 radius_core=0.0 swrefindx_core=0.0 swrefindx_shell=0.0 lwrefindx_core=0.0 lwrefindx_shell=0.0 ! ! units: ! * mass - g/cc(air) ! * number - #/cc(air) ! * volume - cc(air)/cc(air) ! * diameter - cm ! itype=1 iphase=1 do j = jts, jte do k = kts, kte do i = its, ite mass_so4i = 0.0 mass_so4j = 0.0 mass_no3i = 0.0 mass_no3j = 0.0 mass_nh4i = 0.0 mass_nh4j = 0.0 mass_oini = 0.0 mass_oinj = 0.0 mass_dusti = 0.0 mass_dustj = 0.0 ! mass_aro1i = 0.0 ! mass_aro1j = 0.0 ! mass_aro2i = 0.0 ! mass_aro2j = 0.0 ! mass_alk1i = 0.0 ! mass_alk1j = 0.0 ! mass_ole1i = 0.0 ! mass_ole1j = 0.0 mass_asoa1i= 0.0 mass_asoa1j= 0.0 mass_asoa2i= 0.0 mass_asoa2j= 0.0 mass_asoa3i= 0.0 mass_asoa3j= 0.0 mass_asoa4i= 0.0 mass_asoa4j= 0.0 mass_bsoa1i = 0.0 mass_bsoa1j = 0.0 mass_bsoa2i = 0.0 mass_bsoa2j = 0.0 mass_bsoa3i = 0.0 mass_bsoa3j = 0.0 mass_bsoa4i = 0.0 mass_bsoa4j = 0.0 mass_pai = 0.0 mass_paj = 0.0 mass_oci = 0.0 mass_ocj = 0.0 mass_bci = 0.0 mass_bcj = 0.0 mass_cai = 0.0 mass_caj = 0.0 mass_co3i = 0.0 mass_co3j = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_msai = 0.0 mass_msaj = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_h2oi = 0.0 mass_h2oj = 0.0 mass_antha = 0.0 mass_seas = 0.0 mass_soil = 0.0 vol_aj = 0.0 vol_ai = 0.0 vol_ac = 0.0 num_aj = 0.0 num_ai = 0.0 num_ac = 0.0 ! convert ug / kg dry air to g / cc air conv1a = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-12 ! convert # / kg dry air to # / cc air conv1b = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-6 ! Accumulation mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 2 ; itype = 1 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_no3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_no3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_nh4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nh4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_p25_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oinj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a !jdfcz l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) !jdfcz if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dustj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgaro1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgaro2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgalk_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_alk1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgole_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ole1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgpa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_paj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_ec_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bcj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_na_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_naj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_cl_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_clj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_aj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b mass_h2oj= h2oaj(i,k,j) * 1.0e-12 mass_ocj=mass_asoa1j+mass_asoa2j+mass_asoa3j+mass_asoa4j+ & mass_bsoa1j+mass_bsoa2j+mass_bsoa3j+mass_bsoa4j+mass_paj ! Aitken mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_no3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_no3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_nh4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nh4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_p25_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oini= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a !jdfcz l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) !jdfcz if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dusti= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgaro1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgaro2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgalk_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_alk1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgole_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ole1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a ! l=lptr_orgba4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) ! if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_asoa4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bsoa4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgpa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_pai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_ec_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bci= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_na_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_cl_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_cli= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_ai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b mass_h2oi= h2oai(i,k,j) * 1.0e-12 mass_oci=mass_asoa1i+mass_asoa2i+mass_asoa3i+mass_asoa4i+ & mass_bsoa1i+mass_bsoa2i+mass_bsoa3i+mass_bsoa4i+mass_pai ! Coarse mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 3 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 1 ; itype = 2 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_anth_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_antha= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_seas_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_seas= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_soil_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_soil= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_ac= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b vol_ai = (mass_so4i/dens_so4) + (mass_no3i/dens_no3) + & (mass_nh4i/dens_nh4) + (mass_oini/dens_oin) + & (mass_asoa1i + mass_asoa2i + & mass_asoa3i + mass_asoa4i + & mass_bsoa1i + mass_bsoa2i + & mass_bsoa3i + mass_bsoa4i + & mass_pai)/dens_oc + (mass_bci/dens_bc) + & (mass_nai/dens_na) + (mass_cli/dens_cl) !jdfcz (mass_nai/dens_na)+(mass_cli/dens_cl) + & !jdfcz (mass_dusti/dens_dust) vol_aj = (mass_so4j/dens_so4) + (mass_no3j/dens_no3) + & (mass_nh4j/dens_nh4) + (mass_oinj/dens_oin) + & (mass_asoa1j + mass_asoa2j + & mass_asoa3j + mass_asoa4j + & mass_bsoa1j + mass_bsoa2j + & mass_bsoa3j + mass_bsoa4j + & mass_paj)/dens_oc + (mass_bcj/dens_bc) + & (mass_naj/dens_na) + (mass_clj/dens_cl) !jdfcz (mass_naj/dens_na)+(mass_clj/dens_cl) + & !jdfcz (mass_dustj/dens_dust) vol_ac = (mass_antha/dens_oin)+ & (mass_seas*(22.9898/58.4428)/dens_na)+ & (mass_seas*(35.4530/58.4428)/dens_cl)+ & (mass_soil/dens_dust) ! ! Now divide mass into sections which is done by sect02: ! * xmas_secti is for aiken mode ! * xmas_sectj is for accumulation mode ! * xmas_sectc is for coarse mode ! * sect02 expects input in um ! * pass in generic mass of 1.0 just to get a percentage distribution of mass ! among bins ! ss1=alog(sginin) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_ai/(num_ai*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginin,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_secti,xmas_secti) ss1=alog(sginia) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_aj/(num_aj*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginia,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectj,xmas_sectj) ss1=alog(sginic) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_ac/(num_ac*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginic,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectc,xmas_sectc) do isize = 1, nbin_o xdia_cm(isize)=xdia_um(isize)*1.0e-04 mass_so4 = mass_so4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_so4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_no3 = mass_no3i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_no3j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_nh4 = mass_nh4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_nh4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_oin = mass_oini*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_oinj*xmas_sectj(isize) + & mass_antha*xmas_sectc(isize) !jdfcz mass_dust= mass_dusti*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_dustj*xmas_sectj(isize) !+ & !jdfcz mass_soil*xmas_sectc(isize) !mass_oc = (mass_pai+mass_aro1i+mass_aro2i+mass_alk1i+mass_ole1i+ & ! mass_ba1i+mass_ba2i+mass_ba3i+mass_ba4i)*xmas_secti(isize) ! + & ! (mass_paj+mass_aro1j+mass_aro2j+mass_alk1j+mass_ole1j+ & ! mass_ba1j+mass_ba2j+mass_ba3j+mass_ba4j)*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_oc = mass_oci*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_ocj*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_bc = mass_bci*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_bcj*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_na = mass_nai*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_naj*xmas_sectj(isize)+ & mass_seas*xmas_sectc(isize)*(22.9898/58.4428) mass_cl = mass_cli*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_clj*xmas_sectj(isize)+ & mass_seas*xmas_sectc(isize)*(35.4530/58.4428) mass_h2o = mass_h2oi*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_h2oj*xmas_sectj(isize) ! mass_h2o = 0.0 ! testing purposes only vol_so4 = mass_so4 / dens_so4 vol_no3 = mass_no3 / dens_no3 vol_nh4 = mass_nh4 / dens_nh4 vol_oin = mass_oin / dens_oin !jdfcz vol_dust = mass_dust / dens_dust vol_oc = mass_oc / dens_oc vol_bc = mass_bc / dens_bc vol_na = mass_na / dens_na vol_cl = mass_cl / dens_cl vol_h2o = mass_h2o / dens_h2o !!$ if(i.eq.50.and.j.eq.40.and.k.eq.1) then !!$ print*,'jdf print bin',isize !!$ print*,'so4',mass_so4,vol_so4 !!$ print*,'no3',mass_no3,vol_no3 !!$ print*,'nh4',mass_nh4,vol_nh4 !!$ print*,'oin',mass_oin,vol_oin !!$!jdfcz print*,'dust',mass_dust,vol_dust !!$ print*,'oc ',mass_oc,vol_oc !!$ print*,'bc ',mass_bc,vol_bc !!$ print*,'na ',mass_na,vol_na !!$ print*,'cl ',mass_cl,vol_cl !!$ print*,'h2o',mass_h2o,vol_h2o !!$ endif mass_dry_a = mass_so4 + mass_no3 + mass_nh4 + mass_oin + & !jdfcz mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl + mass_dust mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl mass_wet_a = mass_dry_a + mass_h2o vol_dry_a = vol_so4 + vol_no3 + vol_nh4 + vol_oin + & !jdfcz vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl + vol_dust vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl vol_wet_a = vol_dry_a + vol_h2o vol_shell = vol_wet_a - vol_bc !num_a = vol_wet_a / !(0.52359877*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)) !czhao num_a = num_ai*xnum_secti(isize)+num_aj*xnum_sectj(isize)+num_ac*xnum_sectc(isize) !shortwave do ns=1,nswbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns shortwave !longwave do ns=1,nlwbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns longwave ! refr=real(refindx(i,k,j,isize)) enddo !isize enddo !i enddo !j enddo !k return END subroutine optical_prep_modal_soa_vbs !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subroutine computes volume-averaged refractive index and wet radius needed ! by the mie calculations. Aerosol number is also passed into the mie calculations ! in terms of other units. ! subroutine optical_prep_modal_vbs(nbin_o, chem, alt, & ! h2oai, h2oaj, refindx, radius_wet, number_bin, & ! radius_core, refindx_core, refindx_shell, & h2oai, h2oaj, radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! USE module_configure ! USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description, only: param_first_scalar USE module_data_sorgam_vbs ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, nbin_o INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt, h2oai, h2oaj REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & INTENT(OUT ) :: & radius_wet, number_bin, radius_core ! COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & ! INTENT(OUT ) :: & ! refindx, refindx_core, refindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nswbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nlwbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell ! ! local variables ! integer i, j, k, l, isize, itype, iphase integer p1st complex ref_index_lvcite , ref_index_nh4hso4, & ref_index_nh4msa , ref_index_nh4no3 , ref_index_nh4cl , & ref_index_nano3 , ref_index_na2so4, & ref_index_na3hso4, ref_index_nahso4 , ref_index_namsa, & ref_index_caso4 , ref_index_camsa2 , ref_index_cano3, & ref_index_cacl2 , ref_index_caco3 , ref_index_h2so4, & ref_index_hhso4 , ref_index_hno3 , ref_index_hcl, & ref_index_msa , ref_index_bc, & ref_index_oin , ref_index_aro1 , ref_index_aro2, & ref_index_alk1 , ref_index_ole1 , ref_index_api1, & ref_index_api2 , ref_index_lim1 , ref_index_lim2, & ri_dum , ri_ave_a COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nswbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr swref_index_oc , swref_index_dust , swref_index_nh4so4, swref_index_nacl,swref_index_h2o COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nlwbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr lwref_index_oc , lwref_index_dust , lwref_index_nh4so4, lwref_index_nacl,lwref_index_h2o real dens_so4 , dens_no3 , dens_cl , dens_msa , dens_co3 , & dens_nh4 , dens_na , dens_ca , dens_oin , dens_oc , & dens_bc , dens_aro1 , dens_aro2 , dens_alk1 , dens_ole1, & dens_api1 , dens_api2 , dens_lim1 , dens_lim2 , dens_h2o , & dens_dust real mass_so4 , mass_no3 , mass_cl , mass_msa , mass_co3 , & mass_nh4 , mass_na , mass_ca , mass_oin , mass_oc , & mass_bc , mass_aro1 , mass_aro2 , mass_alk1 , mass_ole1, & mass_api1 , mass_api2 , mass_lim1 , mass_lim2 , mass_h2o, & mass_dust real mass_so4i , mass_no3i , mass_cli , mass_msai , mass_co3i, & mass_nh4i , mass_nai , mass_cai , mass_oini , mass_oci , & mass_bci , mass_aro1i, mass_aro2i, mass_alk1i, mass_ole1i, & mass_ba1i , mass_ba2i, mass_ba3i , mass_ba4i , mass_pai, & mass_h2oi , mass_dusti real mass_so4j , mass_no3j , mass_clj , mass_msaj , mass_co3j, & mass_nh4j , mass_naj , mass_caj , mass_oinj , mass_ocj , & mass_bcj , mass_aro1j, mass_aro2j, mass_alk1j, mass_ole1j, & mass_ba1j , mass_ba2j, mass_ba3j , mass_ba4j , mass_paj, & mass_h2oj , mass_dustj real mass_antha, mass_seas, mass_soil real num_ai, num_aj, num_ac, vol_ai, vol_aj, vol_ac real vol_so4 , vol_no3 , vol_cl , vol_msa , vol_co3 , & vol_nh4 , vol_na , vol_ca , vol_oin , vol_oc , & vol_bc , vol_aro1 , vol_aro2 , vol_alk1 , vol_ole1 , & vol_api1 , vol_api2 , vol_lim1 , vol_lim2 , vol_h2o , & vol_dust real conv1a, conv1b real mass_dry_a, mass_wet_a, vol_dry_a , vol_wet_a , vol_shell, & dp_dry_a , dp_wet_a , num_a , dp_bc_a real ifac, jfac, cfac real refr integer ns real dgnum_um,drydens,duma,dlo_um,dhi_um,dgmin,sixpi,ss1,ss2,ss3,dtemp integer iflag real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xnum_secti,xnum_sectj,xnum_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xmas_secti,xmas_sectj,xmas_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xdia_um, xdia_cm ! ! real sginin,sginia,sginic from module_data_sorgam.F ! ! Mass from modal distribution is divided into individual sections before ! being passed back into the Mie routine. ! * currently use the same size bins as 8 default MOSAIC size bins ! * dlo_um and dhi_um define the lower and upper bounds of individual sections ! used to compute optical properties ! * sigmas for 3 modes taken from module_sorgan_data.F ! * these parameters are needed by sect02 that is called later ! * sginin=1.7, sginia=2.0, sginic=2.5 ! sixpi=6.0/3.14159265359 dlo_um=0.0390625 dhi_um=10.0 drydens=1.8 iflag=2 duma=1.0 dgmin=1.0e-07 ! in (cm) dtemp=dlo_um do isize=1,nbin_o xdia_um(isize)=(dtemp+dtemp*2.0)/2.0 dtemp=dtemp*2.0 enddo ! ! Define refractive indicies ! * assume na and cl are the same as nacl ! * assume so4, no3, and nh4 are the same as nh4no3 ! * assume ca and co3 are the same as caco3 ! * assume msa is just msa ! Further work: ! * to be more precise, need to compute electrolytes to apportion ! so4, no3, nh4, na, cl, msa, ca, co3 among various componds ! as was done previously in module_mosaic_therm.F ! do ns = 1, nswbands swref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_sulf(ns),refisw_sulf(ns)) swref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_oc(ns),refisw_oc(ns)) swref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_dust(ns),refisw_dust(ns)) swref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_seas(ns),refisw_seas(ns)) swref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwsw(ns),refiwsw(ns)) enddo do ns = 1, nlwbands lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_sulf(ns),refilw_sulf(ns)) lwref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_oc(ns),refilw_oc(ns)) lwref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_dust(ns),refilw_dust(ns)) lwref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_seas(ns),refilw_seas(ns)) lwref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwlw(ns),refiwlw(ns)) enddo ! ref_index_nh4so4 = cmplx(1.52,0.) ref_index_lvcite = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4hso4= cmplx(1.47,0.) ref_index_nh4msa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_nh4no3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4cl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! ref_index_nacl = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_nano3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na2so4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na3hso4= cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nahso4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_namsa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_caso4 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_camsa2 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ! assumed ref_index_cano3 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_cacl2 = cmplx(1.52,0.006) ref_index_caco3 = cmplx(1.68,0.006) ref_index_h2so4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hhso4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hno3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_hcl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_msa = cmplx(1.43,0.) ! assumed ! ref_index_oc = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: no complex part? ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: set the refractive index of BC equal to the ! midpoint of ranges given in Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by ! carboneceous particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. ! and Tech., 40:27-67. ! ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.82,0.74) old value ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.85,0.71) ref_index_oin = cmplx(1.55,0.006) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: "other inorganics" ! ref_index_dust = cmplx(1.55,0.003) ! czhao, this refractive index should be wavelength depedent ref_index_aro1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_aro2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_alk1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_ole1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_lim1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_lim2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_h2o = cmplx(1.33,0.) ! ! densities in g/cc ! dens_so4 = 1.8 ! used dens_no3 = 1.8 ! used dens_cl = 2.2 ! used dens_msa = 1.8 ! used dens_co3 = 2.6 ! used dens_nh4 = 1.8 ! used dens_na = 2.2 ! used dens_ca = 2.6 ! used dens_oin = 2.6 ! used dens_dust = 2.6 ! used dens_oc = 1.0 ! used ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: the density of BC is updated to reflect values ! published by Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by carboneceous ! particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. and Tech., 40:27-67. ! dens_bc = 1.7 ! used, old value dens_bc = 1.8 ! midpoint of Bond and Bergstrom value dens_aro1 = 1.0 dens_aro2 = 1.0 dens_alk1 = 1.0 dens_ole1 = 1.0 dens_api1 = 1.0 dens_api2 = 1.0 dens_lim1 = 1.0 dens_lim2 = 1.0 dens_h2o = 1.0 ! p1st = param_first_scalar ! swrefindx=0.0 lwrefindx=0.0 radius_wet=0.0 number_bin=0.0 radius_core=0.0 swrefindx_core=0.0 swrefindx_shell=0.0 lwrefindx_core=0.0 lwrefindx_shell=0.0 ! ! units: ! * mass - g/cc(air) ! * number - #/cc(air) ! * volume - cc(air)/cc(air) ! * diameter - cm ! itype=1 iphase=1 do j = jts, jte do k = kts, kte do i = its, ite mass_so4i = 0.0 mass_so4j = 0.0 mass_no3i = 0.0 mass_no3j = 0.0 mass_nh4i = 0.0 mass_nh4j = 0.0 mass_oini = 0.0 mass_oinj = 0.0 mass_dusti = 0.0 mass_dustj = 0.0 mass_aro1i = 0.0 mass_aro1j = 0.0 mass_aro2i = 0.0 mass_aro2j = 0.0 mass_alk1i = 0.0 mass_alk1j = 0.0 mass_ole1i = 0.0 mass_ole1j = 0.0 mass_ba1i = 0.0 mass_ba1j = 0.0 mass_ba2i = 0.0 mass_ba2j = 0.0 mass_ba3i = 0.0 mass_ba3j = 0.0 mass_ba4i = 0.0 mass_ba4j = 0.0 mass_pai = 0.0 mass_paj = 0.0 mass_oci = 0.0 mass_ocj = 0.0 mass_bci = 0.0 mass_bcj = 0.0 mass_cai = 0.0 mass_caj = 0.0 mass_co3i = 0.0 mass_co3j = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_msai = 0.0 mass_msaj = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_h2oi = 0.0 mass_h2oj = 0.0 mass_antha = 0.0 mass_seas = 0.0 mass_soil = 0.0 vol_aj = 0.0 vol_ai = 0.0 vol_ac = 0.0 num_aj = 0.0 num_ai = 0.0 num_ac = 0.0 ! convert ug / kg dry air to g / cc air conv1a = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-12 ! convert # / kg dry air to # / cc air conv1b = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-6 ! Accumulation mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 2 ; itype = 1 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_no3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_no3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_nh4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nh4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_p25_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oinj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a !jdfcz l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) !jdfcz if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dustj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_alk1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ole1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba1j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba2j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba3j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba4j= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgpa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_paj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_ec_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bcj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_na_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_naj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_cl_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_clj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_aj= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b mass_h2oj= h2oaj(i,k,j) * 1.0e-12 mass_ocj=mass_aro1j+mass_aro2j+mass_alk1j+mass_ole1j+ & mass_ba1j+mass_ba2j+mass_ba3j+mass_ba4j+mass_paj ! Aitken mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 2 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_no3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_no3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_nh4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nh4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_p25_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_oini= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a !jdfcz l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) !jdfcz if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dusti= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_aro2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_alk1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_asoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ole1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa1_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba1i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa2_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba2i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa3_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba3i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bsoa4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ba4i= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_orgpa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_pai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_ec_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bci= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_na_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_nai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_cl_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_cli= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_ai= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b mass_h2oi= h2oai(i,k,j) * 1.0e-12 mass_oci=mass_aro1i+mass_aro2i+mass_alk1i+mass_ole1i+ & mass_ba1i+mass_ba2i+mass_ba3i+mass_ba4i+mass_pai ! Coarse mode... ! isize = 1 ; itype = 3 ! before march-2008 ordering isize = 1 ; itype = 2 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_anth_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_antha= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_seas_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_seas= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_soil_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_soil= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_ac= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b vol_ai = (mass_so4i/dens_so4)+(mass_no3i/dens_no3)+ & (mass_nh4i/dens_nh4)+(mass_oini/dens_oin)+ & (mass_aro1i/dens_oc)+(mass_alk1i/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ole1i/dens_oc)+(mass_ba1i/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba2i/dens_oc)+(mass_ba3i/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba4i/dens_oc)+(mass_pai/dens_oc)+ & (mass_aro2i/dens_oc)+(mass_bci/dens_bc)+ & (mass_nai/dens_na)+(mass_cli/dens_cl) !jdfcz (mass_nai/dens_na)+(mass_cli/dens_cl) + & !jdfcz (mass_dusti/dens_dust) vol_aj = (mass_so4j/dens_so4)+(mass_no3j/dens_no3)+ & (mass_nh4j/dens_nh4)+(mass_oinj/dens_oin)+ & (mass_aro1j/dens_oc)+(mass_alk1j/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ole1j/dens_oc)+(mass_ba1j/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba2j/dens_oc)+(mass_ba3j/dens_oc)+ & (mass_ba4j/dens_oc)+(mass_paj/dens_oc)+ & (mass_aro2j/dens_oc)+(mass_bcj/dens_bc)+ & (mass_naj/dens_na)+(mass_clj/dens_cl) !jdfcz (mass_naj/dens_na)+(mass_clj/dens_cl) + & !jdfcz (mass_dustj/dens_dust) vol_ac = (mass_antha/dens_oin)+ & (mass_seas*(22.9898/58.4428)/dens_na)+ & (mass_seas*(35.4530/58.4428)/dens_cl)+ & (mass_soil/dens_dust) ! ! Now divide mass into sections which is done by sect02: ! * xmas_secti is for aiken mode ! * xmas_sectj is for accumulation mode ! * xmas_sectc is for coarse mode ! * sect02 expects input in um ! * pass in generic mass of 1.0 just to get a percentage distribution of mass among bins ! ss1=alog(sginin) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_ai/(num_ai*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginin,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_secti,xmas_secti) ss1=alog(sginia) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_aj/(num_aj*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginia,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectj,xmas_sectj) ss1=alog(sginic) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_ac/(num_ac*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginic,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectc,xmas_sectc) do isize = 1, nbin_o xdia_cm(isize)=xdia_um(isize)*1.0e-04 mass_so4 = mass_so4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_so4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_no3 = mass_no3i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_no3j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_nh4 = mass_nh4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_nh4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_oin = mass_oini*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_oinj*xmas_sectj(isize) + & mass_antha*xmas_sectc(isize) !jdfcz mass_dust= mass_dusti*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_dustj*xmas_sectj(isize) + & !jdfcz mass_soil*xmas_sectc(isize) mass_oc = (mass_pai+mass_aro1i+mass_aro2i+mass_alk1i+mass_ole1i+ & mass_ba1i+mass_ba2i+mass_ba3i+mass_ba4i)*xmas_secti(isize) + & (mass_paj+mass_aro1j+mass_aro2j+mass_alk1j+mass_ole1j+ & mass_ba1j+mass_ba2j+mass_ba3j+mass_ba4j)*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_bc = mass_bci*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_bcj*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_na = mass_nai*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_naj*xmas_sectj(isize)+ & mass_seas*xmas_sectc(isize)*(22.9898/58.4428) mass_cl = mass_cli*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_clj*xmas_sectj(isize)+ & mass_seas*xmas_sectc(isize)*(35.4530/58.4428) mass_h2o = mass_h2oi*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_h2oj*xmas_sectj(isize) ! mass_h2o = 0.0 ! testing purposes only vol_so4 = mass_so4 / dens_so4 vol_no3 = mass_no3 / dens_no3 vol_nh4 = mass_nh4 / dens_nh4 vol_oin = mass_oin / dens_oin !jdfcz vol_dust = mass_dust / dens_dust vol_oc = mass_oc / dens_oc vol_bc = mass_bc / dens_bc vol_na = mass_na / dens_na vol_cl = mass_cl / dens_cl vol_h2o = mass_h2o / dens_h2o !!$ if(i.eq.50.and.j.eq.40.and.k.eq.1) then !!$ print*,'jdf print bin',isize !!$ print*,'so4',mass_so4,vol_so4 !!$ print*,'no3',mass_no3,vol_no3 !!$ print*,'nh4',mass_nh4,vol_nh4 !!$ print*,'oin',mass_oin,vol_oin !!$!jdfcz print*,'dust',mass_dust,vol_dust !!$ print*,'oc ',mass_oc,vol_oc !!$ print*,'bc ',mass_bc,vol_bc !!$ print*,'na ',mass_na,vol_na !!$ print*,'cl ',mass_cl,vol_cl !!$ print*,'h2o',mass_h2o,vol_h2o !!$ endif mass_dry_a = mass_so4 + mass_no3 + mass_nh4 + mass_oin + & !jdfcz mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl + mass_dust mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl mass_wet_a = mass_dry_a + mass_h2o vol_dry_a = vol_so4 + vol_no3 + vol_nh4 + vol_oin + & !jdfcz vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl + vol_dust vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl vol_wet_a = vol_dry_a + vol_h2o vol_shell = vol_wet_a - vol_bc !num_a = vol_wet_a / (0.52359877*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)) !czhao num_a = num_ai*xnum_secti(isize)+num_aj*xnum_sectj(isize)+num_ac*xnum_sectc(isize) !shortwave do ns=1,nswbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns shortwave !longwave do ns=1,nlwbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dust / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns longwave ! refr=real(refindx(i,k,j,isize)) enddo !isize enddo !i enddo !j enddo !k return end subroutine optical_prep_modal_vbs !------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine optical_prep_mam(nbin_o, chem, alt, & radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! USE module_configure ! USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants USE module_state_description, only: param_first_scalar USE module_data_cam_mam_asect ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, nbin_o INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & INTENT(OUT ) :: & radius_wet, number_bin, radius_core ! COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & ! INTENT(OUT ) :: & ! refindx, refindx_core, refindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nswbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nlwbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell ! ! local variables ! integer i, j, k, l, isize, itype, iphase integer p1st complex ref_index_lvcite , ref_index_nh4hso4, & ref_index_nh4msa , ref_index_nh4no3 , ref_index_nh4cl , & ref_index_nano3 , ref_index_na2so4, & ref_index_na3hso4, ref_index_nahso4 , ref_index_namsa, & ref_index_caso4 , ref_index_camsa2 , ref_index_cano3, & ref_index_cacl2 , ref_index_caco3 , ref_index_h2so4, & ref_index_hhso4 , ref_index_hno3 , ref_index_hcl, & ref_index_msa , ref_index_bc, & ref_index_oin , & ri_dum , ri_ave_a COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nswbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr swref_index_oc , swref_index_dust , swref_index_nh4so4, swref_index_nacl,swref_index_h2o COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nlwbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr lwref_index_oc , lwref_index_dust , lwref_index_nh4so4, lwref_index_nacl,lwref_index_h2o real dens_so4 , dens_ncl , dens_wtr , dens_pom , dens_soa , & dens_bc , dens_dst real mass_so4 , mass_ncl , mass_wtr , mass_pom , mass_soa , & mass_bc , mass_dst real vol_so4 , vol_ncl , vol_wtr , vol_pom , vol_soa , & vol_bc , vol_dst real mass_so4_a1 , mass_so4_a2 , mass_so4_a3, & mass_ncl_a1 , mass_ncl_a2 , mass_ncl_a3, & mass_wtr_a1 , mass_wtr_a2 , mass_wtr_a3, & mass_soa_a1 , mass_soa_a2 , mass_pom_a1, & mass_bc_a1 , mass_dst_a1 , mass_dst_a3, & num_a1 , num_a2 , num_a3, & vol_a1 , vol_a2 , vol_a3 real conv1a, conv1b real mass_dry_a, mass_wet_a, vol_dry_a , vol_wet_a , vol_shell, & dp_dry_a , dp_wet_a , num_a , dp_bc_a real ifac, jfac, cfac real refr integer ns real dgnum_um,drydens,duma,dlo_um,dhi_um,dgmin,sixpi,ss1,ss2,ss3,dtemp integer iflag real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xnum_secti,xnum_sectj,xnum_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xmas_secti,xmas_sectj,xmas_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xdia_um, xdia_cm ! ! real sginin,sginia,sginic from module_data_sorgam.F ! ! Mass from modal distribution is divided into individual sections before ! being passed back into the Mie routine. ! * currently use the same size bins as 8 default MOSAIC size bins ! * dlo_um and dhi_um define the lower and upper bounds of individual sections ! used to compute optical properties ! * sigmas for 3 modes taken from module_sorgan_data.F ! * these parameters are needed by sect02 that is called later ! * sginin=1.7, sginia=2.0, sginic=2.5 ! sixpi=6.0/3.14159265359 dlo_um=0.0390625 dhi_um=10.0 drydens=1.8 iflag=2 duma=1.0 dgmin=1.0e-07 ! in (cm) dtemp=dlo_um do isize=1,nbin_o xdia_um(isize)=(dtemp+dtemp*2.0)/2.0 dtemp=dtemp*2.0 enddo ! ! Define refractive indicies ! * assume na and cl are the same as nacl ! * assume so4, no3, and nh4 are the same as nh4no3 ! * assume ca and co3 are the same as caco3 ! * assume msa is just msa ! Further work: ! * to be more precise, need to compute electrolytes to apportion ! so4, no3, nh4, na, cl, msa, ca, co3 among various componds ! as was done previously in module_mosaic_therm.F ! do ns = 1, nswbands swref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_sulf(ns),refisw_sulf(ns)) swref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_oc(ns),refisw_oc(ns)) swref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_dust(ns),refisw_dust(ns)) swref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_seas(ns),refisw_seas(ns)) swref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwsw(ns),refiwsw(ns)) enddo do ns = 1, nlwbands lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_sulf(ns),refilw_sulf(ns)) lwref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_oc(ns),refilw_oc(ns)) lwref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_dust(ns),refilw_dust(ns)) lwref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_seas(ns),refilw_seas(ns)) lwref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwlw(ns),refiwlw(ns)) enddo ! ref_index_nh4so4 = cmplx(1.52,0.) ref_index_lvcite = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4hso4= cmplx(1.47,0.) ref_index_nh4msa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_nh4no3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4cl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! ref_index_nacl = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_nano3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na2so4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na3hso4= cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nahso4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_namsa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_caso4 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_camsa2 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ! assumed ref_index_cano3 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_cacl2 = cmplx(1.52,0.006) ref_index_caco3 = cmplx(1.68,0.006) ref_index_h2so4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hhso4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hno3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_hcl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_msa = cmplx(1.43,0.) ! assumed ! ref_index_oc = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: no complex part? ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: set the refractive index of BC equal to the ! midpoint of ranges given in Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by ! carboneceous particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. ! and Tech., 40:27-67. ! ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.82,0.74) old value ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.85,0.71) ref_index_oin = cmplx(1.55,0.006) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: "other inorganics" ! ref_index_dust = cmplx(1.55,0.003) ! czhao, this refractive index should be wavelength depedent ! ref_index_h2o = cmplx(1.33,0.) ! ! densities in g/cc ! dens_so4 = 1.8 ! used dens_ncl = 2.2 ! used dens_dst = 2.6 ! used dens_pom = 1.0 ! used dens_soa = 1.0 ! used dens_wtr = 1.0 ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: the density of BC is updated to reflect values ! published by Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by carboneceous ! particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. and Tech., 40:27-67. ! dens_bc = 1.7 ! used, old value dens_bc = 1.8 ! midpoint of Bond and Bergstrom value ! p1st = param_first_scalar ! swrefindx=0.0 lwrefindx=0.0 radius_wet=0.0 number_bin=0.0 radius_core=0.0 swrefindx_core=0.0 swrefindx_shell=0.0 lwrefindx_core=0.0 lwrefindx_shell=0.0 ! ! units: ! * mass - g/cc(air) ! * number - #/cc(air) ! * volume - cc(air)/cc(air) ! * diameter - cm ! itype=1 iphase=1 do j = jts, jte do k = kts, kte do i = its, ite mass_so4_a1 = 0.0 mass_so4_a2 = 0.0 mass_so4_a3 = 0.0 mass_ncl_a1 = 0.0 mass_ncl_a2 = 0.0 mass_ncl_a3 = 0.0 mass_wtr_a1 = 0.0 mass_wtr_a2 = 0.0 mass_wtr_a3 = 0.0 mass_pom_a1 = 0.0 mass_soa_a1 = 0.0 mass_soa_a2 = 0.0 mass_bc_a1 = 0.0 mass_dst_a1 = 0.0 mass_dst_a3 = 0.0 vol_a1 = 0.0 vol_a2 = 0.0 vol_a3 = 0.0 num_a1 = 0.0 num_a2 = 0.0 num_a3 = 0.0 ! convert ug / kg dry air to g / cc air conv1a = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-12 ! convert # / kg dry air to # / cc air conv1b = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-6 ! Accumulation mode... isize = 1 ; itype = 1 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_seas_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ncl_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_pom_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_pom_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_soa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_soa_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_bc_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_bc_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dst_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=waterptr_aer(isize,itype) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_wtr_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_a1= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b ! Aitken mode... isize = 1 ; itype = 2 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4_a2= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_seas_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ncl_a2= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_soa_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_soa_a2= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=waterptr_aer(isize,itype) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_wtr_a2= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_a2= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b ! Coarse mode... isize = 1 ; itype = 3 ! after march-2008 ordering l=lptr_so4_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_so4_a3= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_seas_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_ncl_a3= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=lptr_dust_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_dst_a3= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=waterptr_aer(isize,itype) if (l .ge. p1st) mass_wtr_a3= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1a l=numptr_aer(isize,itype,iphase) if (l .ge. p1st) num_a3= chem(i,k,j,l)*conv1b vol_a1 = (mass_so4_a1/dens_so4)+(mass_ncl_a1/dens_ncl)+ & (mass_pom_a1/dens_pom)+(mass_soa_a1/dens_soa)+ & (mass_bc_a1/dens_bc)+(mass_dst_a1/dens_dst) vol_a2 = (mass_so4_a2/dens_so4)+(mass_ncl_a2/dens_ncl)+ & (mass_soa_a2/dens_soa) vol_a3 = (mass_so4_a3/dens_so4)+(mass_ncl_a3/dens_ncl)+ & (mass_dst_a3/dens_dst) ! ! Now divide mass into sections which is done by sect02: ! * xmas_secti is for aiken mode ! * xmas_sectj is for accumulation mode ! * xmas_sectc is for coarse mode ! * sect02 expects input in um ! * pass in generic mass of 1.0 just to get a percentage distribution of mass among bins ! ss1=log(sigmag_aer(1,2)) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_a2/(num_a2*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sigmag_aer(1,2),drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_secti,xmas_secti) ss1=log(sigmag_aer(1,1)) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_a1/(num_a1*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sigmag_aer(1,1),drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectj,xmas_sectj) ss1=log(sigmag_aer(1,3)) ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) ss3=(sixpi*vol_a3/(num_a3*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 call sect02(dgnum_um,sigmag_aer(1,3),drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectc,xmas_sectc) do isize = 1, nbin_o xdia_cm(isize)=xdia_um(isize)*1.0e-04 mass_so4 = mass_so4_a2*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_so4_a1*xmas_sectj(isize) + & mass_so4_a3*xmas_sectc(isize) mass_ncl = mass_ncl_a2*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_ncl_a1*xmas_sectj(isize) + & mass_ncl_a3*xmas_sectc(isize) mass_wtr = mass_wtr_a2*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_ncl_a1*xmas_sectj(isize) + & mass_ncl_a3*xmas_sectc(isize) mass_dst = mass_dst_a1*xmas_sectj(isize) + mass_dst_a3*xmas_sectc(isize) mass_soa = mass_soa_a2*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_soa_a1*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_pom = mass_pom_a1*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_bc = mass_bc_a1*xmas_sectj(isize) vol_so4 = mass_so4 / dens_so4 vol_ncl = mass_ncl / dens_ncl vol_wtr = mass_wtr / dens_wtr vol_pom = mass_pom / dens_pom vol_soa = mass_soa / dens_soa vol_bc = mass_bc / dens_bc vol_dst = mass_dst / dens_dst mass_dry_a = mass_so4 + mass_ncl + mass_pom + mass_soa + & mass_bc + mass_dst mass_wet_a = mass_dry_a + mass_wtr vol_dry_a = vol_so4 + vol_ncl + vol_pom + vol_soa + & vol_bc + vol_dst vol_wet_a = vol_dry_a + vol_wtr vol_shell = vol_wet_a - vol_bc num_a = num_a2*xnum_secti(isize)+num_a1*xnum_sectj(isize)+num_a3*xnum_sectc(isize) !shortwave do ns=1,nswbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_pom / dens_pom) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_soa / dens_soa) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_ncl / dens_ncl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_wtr / dens_wtr) ! ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & !jdfcz (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_pom / dens_pom) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_soa / dens_soa) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_ncl / dens_ncl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_wtr / dens_wtr) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns shortwave !longwave do ns=1,nlwbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_pom / dens_pom) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_soa / dens_soa) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_ncl / dens_ncl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_wtr / dens_wtr) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & !jdf (ref_index_oin * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & !jdfcz (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_dst / dens_dst) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_pom / dens_pom) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_soa / dens_soa) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_ncl / dens_ncl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_wtr / dens_wtr) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns longwave ! refr=real(refindx(i,k,j,isize)) enddo !isize enddo !i enddo !j enddo !k return end subroutine optical_prep_mam ! !---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! 4/26/11, SAM, added wavelength dependent refractive indexes for shortwave and longwave, ! 4/26/11, similar to what is done for modal CASE ! 9/21/09, SAM a modification of optical_prep_modal subroutine for GOCART aerosol model - ! SAM 7/18/09 - Modal parameters for OC1 (hydrophobic) OC2 (hydrophylic), BC1,BC2, ! and sulfate - just use dginia (meters) and sginia from module_data_sorgam. ! Not using accumulation mode from d'Almedia 1991 Table 7.1 and 7.2 global model ! 10/16/18 - A. Ukhov, bug fix: dust particles having radii in the range 0.1-0.46 microns ! were not accounted in the calculation of the mass redistribution between the GOCART and ! MOZAIC grids. ! 10/24/18 - A. Ukhov, bug fix: mass redistribution between GOCART dust/sea salt and ! MOZAIC bins should be computed using interpolation over the logarithmic axis. ! This subroutine computes volume-averaged refractive index and wet radius needed ! by the mie calculations. Aerosol number is also passed into the mie calculations ! in terms of other units. ! subroutine optical_prep_gocart(nbin_o, chem, alt,relhum, & radius_core,radius_wet, number_bin, & swrefindx,swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell, & lwrefindx,lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell, & uoc, & ! mklose ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! USE module_configure USE module_model_constants USE module_data_sorgam USE module_data_gocart_seas USE module_data_gocartchem, only: oc_mfac,nh4_mfac USE module_data_mosaic_asect, only: hygro_msa_aer ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: ra(4)=(/1.d-1,5.d-1,1.5d0,5.0d0/) ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: rb(4)=(/5.d-1,1.5d0,5.d0,1.d1/) ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: den_seas(4)=(/2.2d3,2.2d3,2.2d3,2.2d3/) ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: reff_seas(4)=(/0.30D-6,1.00D-6,3.25D-6,7.50D-6/) USE module_data_gocart_dust, only: ndust, reff_dust, den_dust,ra_dust,rb_dust ! real*8, DIMENSION (5), PARAMETER :: den_dust(5)=(/2500.,2650.,2650.,2650.,2650./) ! real*8, DIMENSION (5), PARAMETER :: reff_dust(5)=(/0.73D-6,1.4D-6,2.4D-6,4.5D-6,8.0D-6/) ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, nbin_o INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt,relhum REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & INTENT(OUT ) :: & radius_wet, number_bin, radius_core ! COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte, 1:nbin_o), & ! INTENT(OUT ) :: & ! refindx, refindx_core, refindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nswbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: swrefindx, swrefindx_core, swrefindx_shell COMPLEX, DIMENSION( its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte,1:nbin_o,nlwbands), & INTENT(OUT ) :: lwrefindx, lwrefindx_core, lwrefindx_shell ! ! local variables ! integer i, j, k, l, m, n, isize, itype, iphase complex ref_index_lvcite , ref_index_nh4hso4, & ref_index_nh4msa , ref_index_nh4no3 , ref_index_nh4cl , & ref_index_nano3 , ref_index_na2so4, & ref_index_na3hso4, ref_index_nahso4 , ref_index_namsa, & ref_index_caso4 , ref_index_camsa2 , ref_index_cano3, & ref_index_cacl2 , ref_index_caco3 , ref_index_h2so4, & ref_index_hhso4 , ref_index_hno3 , ref_index_hcl, & ref_index_msa , ref_index_bc, & ref_index_oin , ref_index_aro1 , ref_index_aro2, & ref_index_alk1 , ref_index_ole1 , ref_index_api1, & ref_index_api2 , ref_index_lim1 , ref_index_lim2, & ri_dum , ri_ave_a COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nswbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr swref_index_oc , swref_index_dust , swref_index_nh4so4, swref_index_nacl,swref_index_h2o COMPLEX, DIMENSION(nlwbands) :: & ! now only 5 aerosols have wave-dependent refr lwref_index_oc , lwref_index_dust , lwref_index_nh4so4, lwref_index_nacl,lwref_index_h2o real dens_so4 , dens_no3 , dens_cl , dens_msa , dens_co3 , & dens_nh4 , dens_na , dens_ca , dens_oin , dens_oc , & dens_bc , dens_aro1 , dens_aro2 , dens_alk1 , dens_ole1, & dens_api1 , dens_api2 , dens_lim1 , dens_lim2 , dens_h2o , & dens_dust real mass_so4 , mass_no3 , mass_cl , mass_msa , mass_co3 , & mass_nh4 , mass_na , mass_ca , mass_oin , mass_oc , & mass_bc , mass_aro1 , mass_aro2 , mass_alk1 , mass_ole1, & mass_api1 , mass_api2 , mass_lim1 , mass_lim2 , mass_h2o, & mass_dust real mass_so4i , mass_no3i , mass_cli , mass_msai , mass_co3i, & mass_nh4i , mass_nai , mass_cai , mass_oini , mass_oci , & mass_bci , mass_aro1i, mass_aro2i, mass_alk1i, mass_ole1i, & mass_ba1i , mass_ba2i, mass_ba3i , mass_ba4i , mass_pai, & mass_h2oi , mass_dusti real mass_so4j , mass_no3j , mass_clj , mass_msaj , mass_co3j, & mass_nh4j , mass_naj , mass_caj , mass_oinj , mass_ocj , & mass_bcj , mass_aro1j, mass_aro2j, mass_alk1j, mass_ole1j, & mass_ba1j , mass_ba2j, mass_ba3j , mass_ba4j , mass_paj, & mass_h2oj , mass_dustj real mass_antha, mass_seas, mass_soil real vol_so4 , vol_no3 , vol_cl , vol_msa , vol_co3 , & vol_nh4 , vol_na , vol_ca , vol_oin , vol_oc , & vol_bc , vol_aro1 , vol_aro2 , vol_alk1 , vol_ole1 , & vol_api1 , vol_api2 , vol_lim1 , vol_lim2 , vol_h2o , & vol_dust real conv1a, conv1b, conv1sulf real mass_dry_a, mass_wet_a, vol_dry_a , vol_wet_a , vol_shell, & dp_dry_a , dp_wet_a , num_a , dp_bc_a real ifac, jfac, cfac integer ns real dgnum_um,drydens,duma,dlo_um,dhi_um,dgmin,sixpi,ss1,ss2,ss3,dtemp integer iflag real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xnum_secti,xnum_sectj,xnum_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xmas_secti,xmas_sectj,xmas_sectc real, dimension(1:nbin_o) :: xdia_um, xdia_cm REAL, PARAMETER :: FRAC2Aitken=0.25 ! Fraction of modal mass in Aitken mode - applied globally to each species ! 7/21/09 SAM variables needed to convert GOCART sectional dust and seasalt to MOZAIC sections real dgnum, dhi, dlo, xlo, xhi, dxbin, relh_frc real dlo_sectm(nbin_o), dhi_sectm(nbin_o) integer, parameter :: nbin_omoz=8 real, save :: seasfrc_goc8bin(4,nbin_omoz) ! GOCART seasalt size distibution - mass fracs in MOSAIC 8-bins real, save :: dustfrc_goc8bin(ndust,nbin_omoz) ! GOCART dust size distibution - mass fracs in MOSAIC 8-bins real mass_bc1 , mass_bc2 , vol_bc2 , mass_bc1j , mass_bc2j, & mass_bc1i , mass_bc2i , vol_soil real*8 dlogoc, dhigoc integer istop integer, save :: kcall data kcall / 0 / integer :: uoc if (uoc == 1) then ! mklose den_dust(1) = 2650. ! change dust density in first bin for UoC dust emission schemes endif ! ! real sginin,sginia,sginic from module_data_sorgam.F ! ! Mass from modal distribution is divided into individual sections before ! being passed back into the Mie routine. ! * currently use the same size bins as 8 default MOSAIC size bins ! * dlo_um and dhi_um define the lower and upper bounds of individual sections ! used to compute optical properties ! * sigmas for 3 modes taken from module_sorgam_data.F ! * these parameters are needed by sect02 that is called later ! * sginin=1.7, sginia=2.0, sginic=2.5 ! sixpi=6.0/3.14159265359 dlo_um=0.0390625 dhi_um=10.0 drydens=1.8 iflag=2 duma=1.0 dgmin=1.0e-07 ! in (cm) dtemp=dlo_um do isize=1,nbin_o xdia_um(isize)=(dtemp+dtemp*2.0)/2.0 dtemp=dtemp*2.0 enddo if (kcall .eq. 0) then ! 7/21/09 SAM calculate sectional contributions from GOCART seasalt and dust dlo = dlo_um*1.0e-6 dhi = dhi_um*1.0e-6 xlo = log( dlo ) xhi = log( dhi ) dxbin = (xhi - xlo)/nbin_o do n = 1, nbin_o dlo_sectm(n) = exp( xlo + dxbin*(n-1) ) dhi_sectm(n) = exp( xlo + dxbin*n ) end do ! real, save :: seasfrc_goc8bin(4,nbin_o) ! GOCART seasalt size distibution - mass fracs in MOSAIC 8-bins ! real, save :: dustfrc_goc8bin(ndust,nbin_o) ! GOCART dust size distibution - mass fracs in MOSAIC 8-bins ! USE module_data_gocart_seas ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: ra(4)=(/1.d-1,5.d-1,1.5d0,5.0d0/) ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: rb(4)=(/5.d-1,1.5d0,5.d0,1.d1/) ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: den_seas(4)=(/2.2d3,2.2d3,2.2d3,2.2d3/) ! real*8, DIMENSION (4), PARAMETER :: reff_seas(4)=(/0.30D-6,1.00D-6,3.25D-6,7.50D-6/) ! USE module_data_gocart_dust, only: ndust, reff_dust, den_dust ! real*8, DIMENSION (5), PARAMETER :: den_dust(5)=(/2500.,2650.,2650.,2650.,2650./) ! real*8, DIMENSION (5), PARAMETER :: reff_dust(5)=(/0.73D-6,1.4D-6,2.4D-6,4.5D-6,8.0D-6/) ! Seasalt bin mass fractions seasfrc_goc8bin=0. ! WRITE(*,*)'Seasalt mass fractions' ! WRITE(*,*)' ',' ',(dlo_sectm(n),n=1,nbin_o) ! WRITE(*,*)' ',' ',(dhi_sectm(n),n=1,nbin_o) do m =1, 4 ! loop over seasalt size bins dlogoc = ra(m)*2.E-6 ! low diameter limit (m) dhigoc = rb(m)*2.E-6 ! hi diameter limit (m) do n = 1, nbin_o seasfrc_goc8bin(m,n)=max(DBLE(0.),min(DBLE(log(dhi_sectm(n))),log(dhigoc))- & max(log(dlogoc),DBLE(log(dlo_sectm(n)))) )/(log(dhigoc)-log(dlogoc)) end do ! WRITE(*,*)m,dlogoc,dhigoc,(seasfrc_goc8bin(m,n),n=1,nbin_o) end do ! Dust bin mass fractions ! WRITE(*,*)'Dust mass fractions' ! WRITE(*,*)' ',' ',(dlo_sectm(n),n=1,nbin_o) ! WRITE(*,*)' ',' ',(dhi_sectm(n),n=1,nbin_o) dustfrc_goc8bin=0. do m =1, ndust ! loop over dust size bins dlogoc = ra_dust(m)*2.E-6 ! low diameter limit (m) dhigoc = rb_dust(m)*2.E-6 ! hi diameter limit (m) do n = 1, nbin_o dustfrc_goc8bin(m,n)=max(DBLE(0.),min(DBLE(log(dhi_sectm(n))),log(dhigoc))- & max(log(dlogoc),DBLE(log(dlo_sectm(n)))) )/(log(dhigoc)-log(dlogoc)) end do ! WRITE(*,*)m,dlogoc,dhigoc,(dustfrc_goc8bin(m,n),n=1,nbin_o) end do kcall=kcall+1 ! ISTOP=1 ! IF(ISTOP.EQ.1)THEN ! STOP ! ENDIF endif ! ! Define refractive indicies ! * assume na and cl are the same as nacl ! * assume so4, no3, and nh4 are the same as nh4no3 ! * assume ca and co3 are the same as caco3 ! * assume msa is just msa ! Further work: ! * to be more precise, need to compute electrolytes to apportion ! so4, no3, nh4, na, cl, msa, ca, co3 among various componds ! as was done previously in module_mosaic_therm.F ! do ns = 1, nswbands swref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_sulf(ns),refisw_sulf(ns)) swref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_oc(ns),refisw_oc(ns)) swref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_dust(ns),refisw_dust(ns)) swref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrsw_seas(ns),refisw_seas(ns)) swref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwsw(ns),refiwsw(ns)) enddo do ns = 1, nlwbands lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_sulf(ns),refilw_sulf(ns)) lwref_index_oc(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_oc(ns),refilw_oc(ns)) lwref_index_dust(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_dust(ns),refilw_dust(ns)) lwref_index_nacl(ns) = cmplx(refrlw_seas(ns),refilw_seas(ns)) lwref_index_h2o(ns) = cmplx(refrwlw(ns),refiwlw(ns)) enddo ! ref_index_nh4so4 = cmplx(1.52,0.) ref_index_lvcite = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4hso4= cmplx(1.47,0.) ref_index_nh4msa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_nh4no3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nh4cl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! ref_index_nacl = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_nano3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na2so4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_na3hso4= cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_nahso4 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_namsa = cmplx(1.50,0.) ! assumed ref_index_caso4 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_camsa2 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ! assumed ref_index_cano3 = cmplx(1.56,0.006) ref_index_cacl2 = cmplx(1.52,0.006) ref_index_caco3 = cmplx(1.68,0.006) ref_index_h2so4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hhso4 = cmplx(1.43,0.) ref_index_hno3 = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_hcl = cmplx(1.50,0.) ref_index_msa = cmplx(1.43,0.) ! assumed ! ref_index_oc = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: no complex part? ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: set the refractive index of BC equal to the ! midpoint of ranges given in Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by ! carboneceous particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. ! and Tech., 40:27-67. ! ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.82,0.74) old value ref_index_bc = cmplx(1.85,0.71) ref_index_oin = cmplx(1.55,0.006) ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: "other inorganics" ref_index_aro1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_aro2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_alk1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_ole1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_api2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_lim1 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ref_index_lim2 = cmplx(1.45,0.) ! ref_index_h2o = cmplx(1.33,0.) ! ! densities in g/cc ! dens_so4 = 1.8 ! used dens_no3 = 1.8 ! used dens_cl = 2.2 ! used dens_msa = 1.8 ! used dens_co3 = 2.6 ! used dens_nh4 = 1.8 ! used dens_na = 2.2 ! used dens_ca = 2.6 ! used dens_oin = 2.6 ! used dens_dust = 2.6 ! used dens_oc = 1.0 ! used ! JCB, Feb. 20, 2008: the density of BC is updated to reflect values ! published by Bond and Bergstrom, Light absorption by carboneceous ! particles: an investigative review 2006, Aerosol Sci. and Tech., 40:27-67. ! dens_bc = 1.7 ! used, old value dens_bc = 1.8 ! midpoint of Bond and Bergstrom value dens_aro1 = 1.0 dens_aro2 = 1.0 dens_alk1 = 1.0 dens_ole1 = 1.0 dens_api1 = 1.0 dens_api2 = 1.0 dens_lim1 = 1.0 dens_lim2 = 1.0 dens_h2o = 1.0 ! swrefindx=0.0 lwrefindx=0.0 radius_wet=0.0 number_bin=0.0 radius_core=0.0 swrefindx_core=0.0 swrefindx_shell=0.0 lwrefindx_core=0.0 lwrefindx_shell=0.0 ! ! units: ! * mass - g/cc(air) ! * number - #/cc(air) ! * volume - cc(air)/cc(air) ! * diameter - cm ! do j = jts, jte do k = kts, kte do i = its, ite mass_so4i = 0.0 mass_so4j = 0.0 mass_no3i = 0.0 mass_no3j = 0.0 mass_nh4i = 0.0 mass_nh4j = 0.0 mass_oini = 0.0 mass_oinj = 0.0 mass_dusti = 0.0 mass_dustj = 0.0 mass_aro1i = 0.0 mass_aro1j = 0.0 mass_aro2i = 0.0 mass_aro2j = 0.0 mass_alk1i = 0.0 mass_alk1j = 0.0 mass_ole1i = 0.0 mass_ole1j = 0.0 mass_ba1i = 0.0 mass_ba1j = 0.0 mass_ba2i = 0.0 mass_ba2j = 0.0 mass_ba3i = 0.0 mass_ba3j = 0.0 mass_ba4i = 0.0 mass_ba4j = 0.0 mass_pai = 0.0 mass_paj = 0.0 mass_oci = 0.0 mass_ocj = 0.0 mass_bci = 0.0 mass_bcj = 0.0 mass_bc1i = 0.0 mass_bc1j = 0.0 mass_bc2i = 0.0 mass_bc2j = 0.0 mass_cai = 0.0 mass_caj = 0.0 mass_co3i = 0.0 mass_co3j = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_msai = 0.0 mass_msaj = 0.0 mass_nai = 0.0 mass_naj = 0.0 mass_cli = 0.0 mass_clj = 0.0 mass_h2oi = 0.0 mass_h2oj = 0.0 mass_antha = 0.0 mass_seas = 0.0 mass_soil = 0.0 mass_cl = 0.0 mass_na = 0.0 mass_msa = 0.0 ! convert ug / kg dry air to g / cc air conv1a = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-12 ! convert # / kg dry air to # / cc air conv1b = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-6 ! convert ppmv sulfate (and coincidentally MSA) to g / cc air conv1sulf = (1.0/alt(i,k,j)) * 1.0e-9 * 96./28.97 ! Accumulation mode... ! SAM 7/18/09 - Put fraction of GOCART sulfate, organic, black carbon masses into modal accumulation mode mass_oinj = (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_p25)*conv1a mass_so4j= (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*conv1sulf mass_nh4j= (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*conv1sulf*(nh4_mfac-1.) mass_aro1j= (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_oc1)*conv1a*oc_mfac mass_aro2j= (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_oc2)*conv1a*oc_mfac mass_bc1j= (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_bc1)*conv1a mass_bc2j= (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_bc2)*conv1a mass_bcj= mass_bc1j + mass_bc2j if( p_msa .gt. 1) mass_msaj= (1.-FRAC2Aitken)*chem(i,k,j,p_msa)*conv1sulf ! Aitken mode... ! SAM 7/18/09 - Put fraction of GOCART sulfate, organic, black carbon masses into modal Aitken mode mass_oini = FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_p25)*conv1a mass_so4i= FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*conv1sulf mass_nh4i= FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*conv1sulf*(nh4_mfac-1.) mass_aro1i= FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_oc1)*conv1a*oc_mfac mass_aro2i= FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_oc2)*conv1a*oc_mfac mass_bc1i= FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_bc1)*conv1a mass_bc2i= FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_bc2)*conv1a mass_bci= mass_bc1i + mass_bc2i if( p_msa .gt. 1) mass_msai= FRAC2Aitken*chem(i,k,j,p_msa)*conv1sulf ! ! Now divide mass into sections which is done by sect02: ! * xmas_secti is for aiken mode ! * xmas_sectj is for accumulation mode ! * xmas_sectc is for coarse mode ! * sect02 expects input in um ! * pass in generic mass of 1.0 just to get a percentage distribution of mass among bins ! !! ss1=log(sginin) !! ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) !! ss3=(sixpi*vol_ai/(num_ai*ss2))**0.3333333 !! dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 dgnum_um=dginin*1.E6 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginin,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_secti,xmas_secti) !! ss1=log(sginia) !! ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) !! ss3=(sixpi*vol_aj/(num_aj*ss2))**0.3333333 !! dgnum_um=amax1(dgmin,ss3)*1.0e+04 dgnum_um=dginia*1.E6 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginia,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectj,xmas_sectj) !! ss1=log(sginic) !! ss2=exp(ss1*ss1*36.0/8.0) !! ss3=(sixpi*vol_ac/(num_ac*ss2))**0.3333333 dgnum_um=dginic*1.E6 call sect02(dgnum_um,sginic,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin_o,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sectc,xmas_sectc) do isize = 1, nbin_o xdia_cm(isize)=xdia_um(isize)*1.0e-04 mass_so4 = mass_so4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_so4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_no3 = mass_no3i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_no3j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_nh4 = mass_nh4i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_nh4j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_oin = mass_oini*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_oinj*xmas_sectj(isize) + & mass_soil*xmas_sectc(isize) + mass_antha*xmas_sectc(isize) if( p_msa .gt. 1) then mass_msa = mass_msai*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_msaj*xmas_sectj(isize) endif ! GOCART OC mass_aero1 is hydrophobic, mass_aero2 is hydrophylic mass_aro1 = mass_aro1j*xmas_sectj(isize) + mass_aro1i*xmas_secti(isize) mass_aro2 = mass_aro2j*xmas_sectj(isize) + mass_aro2i*xmas_secti(isize) mass_oc = mass_aro1 + mass_aro2 ! GOCART BC mass_bc1 is hydrophobic, mass_bc2 is hydrophylic mass_bc1 = mass_bc1i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_bc1j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_bc2 = mass_bc2i*xmas_secti(isize) + mass_bc2j*xmas_sectj(isize) mass_bc = mass_bc1 + mass_bc2 ! Add in seasalt and dust from GOCART sectional distributions n = 0 mass_seas = 0.0 do m =p_seas_1, p_seas_3 ! loop over seasalt size bins less than 10 um diam n = n+1 mass_seas=mass_seas+seasfrc_goc8bin(n,isize)*chem(i,k,j,m) end do n = 0 mass_soil = 0.0 do m =p_dust_1, p_dust_1+ndust-2 ! loop over dust size bins less than 10 um diam n = n+1 mass_soil=mass_soil+dustfrc_goc8bin(n,isize)*chem(i,k,j,m) end do mass_cl=mass_seas*conv1a*35.4530/58.4428 mass_na=mass_seas*conv1a*22.9898/58.4428 mass_soil=mass_soil*conv1a ! mass_h2o = 0.0 ! testing purposes only vol_so4 = mass_so4 / dens_so4 vol_no3 = mass_no3 / dens_no3 vol_nh4 = mass_nh4 / dens_nh4 vol_oin = mass_oin / dens_oin vol_oc = mass_oc / dens_oc vol_aro2 = mass_aro2 / dens_oc vol_bc = mass_bc / dens_bc vol_bc2 = mass_bc2 / dens_bc vol_na = mass_na / dens_na vol_cl = mass_cl / dens_cl vol_soil = mass_soil / dens_dust vol_msa = mass_msa / dens_msa ! vol_h2o = mass_h2o / dens_h2o ! 7/23/09 SAM calculate vol_h2o from kappas in Petters and Kreidenweis ACP, 2007, vol. 7, 1961-1971. ! Their kappas are the hygroscopicities used in Abdul-Razzak and Ghan, 2004, JGR, V105, p. 6837-6844. ! These kappas are defined in module_data_sorgam and module_data_mosaic_asect. ! Note that hygroscopicities are at 298K and specific surface tension - further refinement could ! include temperature dependence in Petters and Kreidenweis ! Also, for hygroscopic BC part, assume kappa of OC (how can BC be hydrophylic?) relh_frc=amin1(.9,relhum(i,k,j)) !0.8 ! Put in fractional relative humidity, max of .9, here vol_h2o = vol_so4*hygro_so4_aer + vol_aro2*hygro_oc_aer + & vol_nh4*hygro_nh4_aer + & vol_cl*hygro_cl_aer + vol_na*hygro_na_aer + vol_msa*hygro_msa_aer + & vol_oin*hygro_oin_aer + vol_bc2*hygro_oc_aer + vol_soil*hygro_dust_aer vol_h2o = relh_frc*vol_h2o/(1.-relh_frc) mass_h2o = vol_h2o*dens_h2o mass_dry_a = mass_so4 + mass_no3 + mass_nh4 + mass_oin + & mass_oc + mass_bc + mass_na + mass_cl + & mass_soil mass_wet_a = mass_dry_a + mass_h2o vol_dry_a = vol_so4 + vol_no3 + vol_nh4 + vol_oin + & vol_oc + vol_bc + vol_na + vol_cl + & vol_soil vol_wet_a = vol_dry_a + vol_h2o vol_shell = vol_wet_a - vol_bc num_a = vol_wet_a / (0.52359877*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)*xdia_cm(isize)) !shortwave do ns=1,nswbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_soil / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (ref_index_msa * mass_msa / dens_msa) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (swref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & (ref_index_msa * mass_msa / dens_msa) + & (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & (swref_index_dust(ns) * mass_soil / dens_dust) + & (swref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (swref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (swref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else swrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 swrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc swrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns shortwave !longwave do ns=1,nlwbands ri_dum = (0.0,0.0) ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_soil / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (ref_index_bc * mass_bc / dens_bc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (ref_index_msa * mass_msa / dens_msa) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) ! ! for some reason MADE/SORGAM occasionally produces zero aerosols so ! need to add a check here to avoid divide by zero ! IF(num_a .lt. 1.0e-20 .or. vol_wet_a .lt. 1.0e-20) then dp_dry_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_wet_a = xdia_cm(isize) dp_bc_a = xdia_cm(isize) ri_ave_a = 0.0 ri_dum = 0.0 else dp_dry_a = (1.90985*vol_dry_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_wet_a = (1.90985*vol_wet_a/num_a)**0.3333333 dp_bc_a = (1.90985*vol_bc/num_a)**0.3333333 ri_ave_a = ri_dum/vol_wet_a ri_dum = (lwref_index_nh4so4(ns) * mass_so4 / dens_so4) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_no3 / dens_no3) + & (ref_index_nh4no3 * mass_nh4 / dens_nh4) + & (ref_index_oin * mass_oin / dens_oin) + & (lwref_index_dust(ns) * mass_oin / dens_dust) + & (lwref_index_oc(ns) * mass_oc / dens_oc) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_na / dens_na) + & (lwref_index_nacl(ns) * mass_cl / dens_cl) + & (lwref_index_h2o(ns) * mass_h2o / dens_h2o) endif if(dp_wet_a/2.0 .lt. dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin elseif(num_a .lt. 1.e-20 .or. vol_shell .lt. 1.0e-20) then lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) = (1.5,0.0) radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dlo_um*1.0e-4/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =0.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) = ref_index_oin else lwrefindx(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_ave_a radius_wet(i,k,j,isize) =dp_wet_a/2.0 number_bin(i,k,j,isize) =num_a radius_core(i,k,j,isize) =dp_bc_a/2.0 lwrefindx_core(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ref_index_bc lwrefindx_shell(i,k,j,isize,ns) =ri_dum/vol_shell endif enddo ! ns longwave ! refr=real(refindx(i,k,j,isize)) enddo !isize enddo !i enddo !j enddo !k return end subroutine optical_prep_gocart !below is the detail calculation for MIE code !czhao ! !*********************************************************************** ! <1.> subr mieaer !czhao made changes for doing both shortwave and longwave optical properties ! Purpose: calculate aerosol optical depth, single scattering albedo, ! asymmetry factor, extinction, Legendre coefficients, and average aerosol ! size. parameterizes aerosol coefficients using chebychev polynomials ! requires double precision on 32-bit machines ! uses Wiscombe's (1979) mie scattering code ! INPUT ! id -- grid id number ! iclm, jclm -- i,j of grid column being processed ! nbin_a -- number of bins ! number_bin(nbin_a,kmaxd) -- number density in layer, #/cm^3 ! radius_wet(nbin_a,kmaxd) -- wet radius, cm ! refindx(nbin_a,kmaxd) --volume averaged complex index of refraction ! dz -- depth of individual cells in column, m ! curr_secs -- time from start of run, sec ! lpar -- number of grid cells in vertical (via module_fastj_cmnh) ! kmaxd -- predefined maximum allowed levels from module_data_mosaic_other ! passed here via module_fastj_cmnh ! OUTPUT: saved in module_fastj_cmnmie ! real tauaer ! aerosol optical depth ! waer ! aerosol single scattering albedo ! gaer ! aerosol asymmetery factor ! extaer ! aerosol extinction ! l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7 ! Legendre coefficients, numbered 0,1,2,...... ! sizeaer ! average wet radius ! bscoef ! aerosol backscatter coefficient with units km-1 * steradian -1 JCB 2007/02/01 !*********************************************************************** subroutine mieaer( & id, iclm, jclm, nbin_a, & number_bin_col, radius_wet_col, swrefindx_col, & lwrefindx_col, & dz, curr_secs, kts,kte, & ! sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,bscoef) ! added bscoef JCB 2007/02/01 swsizeaer,swextaer,swwaer,swgaer,swtauaer,lwextaer,lwtauaer, & l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,swbscoef) ! added bscoef JCB 2007/02/01 ! USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd ! USE module_data_mosaic_therm, ONLY: nbin_a_maxd USE module_peg_util, only: peg_error_fatal, peg_message IMPLICIT NONE integer,parameter :: nspint = 4 ! Num of spectral for FAST-J integer, intent(in) :: kts,kte integer, intent(in) :: id, iclm, jclm, nbin_a real(kind=8), intent(in) :: curr_secs real, dimension (1:nspint,kts:kte),intent(out) :: swsizeaer,swextaer,swwaer,swgaer,swtauaer real, dimension (1:nlwbands,kts:kte),intent(out) :: lwextaer,lwtauaer real, dimension (1:nspint,kts:kte),intent(out) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7 real, dimension (1:nspint,kts:kte),intent(out) :: swbscoef !JCB 2007/02/01 real, intent(in), dimension(1:nbin_a, kts:kte) :: number_bin_col real, intent(inout), dimension(1:nbin_a,kts:kte) :: radius_wet_col complex, intent(in),dimension(1:nbin_a,kts:kte,nspint) :: swrefindx_col complex, intent(in),dimension(1:nbin_a,kts:kte,nlwbands) :: lwrefindx_col real, intent(in),dimension(kts:kte) :: dz !fitting variables integer ltype ! total number of indicies of refraction parameter (ltype = 1) ! bracket refractive indices based on information from Rahul, 2002/11/07 integer nrefr,nrefi,nr,ni save nrefr,nrefi complex*16 sforw,sback,tforw(2),tback(2) real*8 pmom(0:7,1) logical, save :: ini_fit ! initial mie fit only for the first time step data ini_fit/.true./ ! nsiz = number of wet particle sizes integer, parameter :: nsiz=200,nlog=30 !,ncoef=5 real p2(nsiz),p3(nsiz),p4(nsiz),p5(nsiz) real p6(nsiz),p7(nsiz) logical perfct,anyang,prnt(2) real*8 xmu(1) data xmu/1./,anyang/.false./ data prnt/.false.,.false./ integer numang,nmom,ipolzn,momdim data numang/0/ complex*16 s1(1),s2(1) real*8 mimcut data perfct/.false./,mimcut/0.0/ data nmom/7/,ipolzn/0/,momdim/7/ integer n real*8 thesize ! 2 pi radpart / waveleng = size parameter real*8 qext(nsiz) ! array of extinction efficiencies real*8 qsca(nsiz) ! array of scattering efficiencies real*8 gqsc(nsiz) ! array of asymmetry factor * scattering efficiency real qext4(nsiz) ! extinction, real*4 real qsca4(nsiz) ! extinction, real*4 real qabs4(nsiz) ! extinction, real*4 real asymm(nsiz) ! array of asymmetry factor real sb2(nsiz) ! JCB 2007/02/01 - 4*abs(sback)^2/(size parameter)^2 backscattering efficiency complex*16 crefin,crefd,crefw save crefw real, save :: rmin,rmax ! min, max aerosol size bin real bma,bpa real refr ! real part of refractive index real refi ! imaginary part of refractive index real refrmin ! minimum of real part of refractive index real refrmax ! maximum of real part of refractive index real refimin ! minimum of imag part of refractive index real refimax ! maximum of imag part of refractive index real drefr ! increment in real part of refractive index real drefi ! increment in imag part of refractive index complex specrefndx(ltype) ! refractivr indices integer, parameter :: naerosols=5 !parameterization variables real weighte, weights,weighta real x real thesum ! for normalizing things real sizem ! size in microns integer m, j, nc, klevel real pext ! parameterized specific extinction (cm2/g) real pscat !scattering cross section real pabs ! parameterized specific extinction (cm2/g) real pasm ! parameterized asymmetry factor real ppmom2 ! 2 Lengendre expansion coefficient (numbered 0,1,2,...) real ppmom3 ! 3 ... real ppmom4 ! 4 ... real ppmom5 ! 5 ... real ppmom6 ! 6 ... real ppmom7 ! 7 ... real sback2 ! JCB 2007/02/01 sback*conjg(sback) real cext(ncoef),casm(ncoef),cpmom2(ncoef),cabs(ncoef) real cscat(ncoef) ! JCB 2004/02/09 real cpmom3(ncoef),cpmom4(ncoef),cpmom5(ncoef) real cpmom6(ncoef),cpmom7(ncoef) real cpsback2p(ncoef) ! JCB 2007/02/09 - backscatter integer itab,jtab real ttab,utab real, save :: xrmin,xrmax,xr real rs(nsiz) ! surface mode radius (cm) real xrad ! normalized aerosol radius real ch(ncoef) ! chebychev polynomial !others integer i,k,l,ns real pie,third integer ibin character*150 msg integer kcallmieaer,kcallmieaer2 #if (defined(CHEM_DBG_I) && defined(CHEM_DBG_J) && defined(CHEM_DBG_K)) !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec run_out.25 has aerosol physical parameter info for bins 1-8 !ec and vertical cells 1 to kmaxd. if (iclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_I) then if (jclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_J) then ! initial entry if (kcallmieaer2 .eq. 0) then write(*,9099)iclm, jclm 9099 format('for cell i = ', i3, 2x, 'j = ', i3) write(*,9100) 9100 format( & 'curr_secs', 3x, 'i', 3x, 'j', 3x,'k', 3x, & 'ibin', 3x, & 'refindx_col(ibin,k)', 3x, & 'radius_wet_col(ibin,k)', 3x, & 'number_bin_col(ibin,k)' & ) end if !ec output for run_out.25 do k = 1,kte do ibin = 1, nbin_a write(*, 9120) & curr_secs,iclm, jclm, k, ibin, & swrefindx_col(ibin,k), & radius_wet_col(ibin,k), & number_bin_col(ibin,k) 9120 format( i7,3(2x,i4),2x,i4, 4x, 4(e14.6,2x)) end do end do kcallmieaer2 = kcallmieaer2 + 1 end if end if !ec end print of aerosol physical parameter diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc #endif ! ! assign fast-J wavelength, these values are in cm ! wavmid(1)=0.30e-4 ! wavmid(2)=0.40e-4 ! wavmid(3)=0.60e-4 ! wavmid(4)=0.999e-04 ! pie=4.*atan(1.) third=1./3. rmin=rmmin rmax=rmmax !###################################################################### !initial fitting to mie calculation based on Ghan et al. 2002 and 2007 !##################################################################### if(ini_fit)then ini_fit=.false. !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !shortwave !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! wavelength loop do 200 ns=1,nspint ! parameterize aerosol radiative properties in terms of ! relative humidity, surface mode wet radius, aerosol species, ! and wavelength ! first find min,max of real and imaginary parts of refractive index ! real and imaginary parts of water refractive index !crefw=cmplx(1.33,0.0) crefwsw(ns)=cmplx(refrwsw(ns),refiwsw(ns)) refrmin=real(crefwsw(ns)) refrmax=real(crefwsw(ns)) !change imaginary part of the refractive index from positive to negative refimin=-imag(crefwsw(ns)) refimax=-imag(crefwsw(ns)) !specrefndx(1)=cmplx(1.85,-0.71) ! max values from Bond and Bergstrom ! do i=1,ltype ! loop over all possible refractive indices ! refrmin=amin1(refrmin,real(specrefndx(ltype))) ! refrmax=amax1(refrmax,real(specrefndx(ltype))) ! refimin=amin1(refimin,aimag(specrefndx(ltype))) ! refimax=amax1(refimax,aimag(specrefndx(ltype))) ! enddo ! aerosol species loop (dust, BC, OC, Sea Salt, and Sulfate) do l=1,naerosols if (l==1) refr=refrsw_dust(ns) if (l==1) refi=-refisw_dust(ns) if (l==2) refr=refrsw_bc(ns) if (l==2) refi=-refisw_bc(ns) if (l==3) refr=refrsw_oc(ns) if (l==3) refi=-refisw_oc(ns) if (l==4) refr=refrsw_seas(ns) if (l==4) refi=-refisw_seas(ns) if (l==5) refr=refrsw_sulf(ns) if (l==5) refi=-refisw_sulf(ns) refrmin=min(refrmin,refr) refrmax=max(refrmax,refr) refimin=min(refimin,refi) refimax=max(refimax,refi) enddo drefr=(refrmax-refrmin) if(drefr.gt.1.e-4)then nrefr=prefr drefr=drefr/(nrefr-1) else nrefr=1 endif drefi=(refimax-refimin) if(drefi.gt.1.e-4)then nrefi=prefi drefi=drefi/(nrefi-1) else nrefi=1 endif bma=0.5*log(rmax/rmin) ! JCB bpa=0.5*log(rmax*rmin) ! JCB do 120 nr=1,nrefr do 120 ni=1,nrefi refrtabsw(nr,ns)=refrmin+(nr-1)*drefr refitabsw(ni,ns)=refimin/0.2*(0.2**real(ni)) !slightly different from Ghan and Zaveri if(ni.eq.nrefi) refitabsw(ni,ns)=-1.0e-20 ! JCB change crefd=cmplx(refrtabsw(nr,ns),refitabsw(ni,ns)) ! mie calculations of optical efficiencies do n=1,nsiz xr=cos(pie*(float(n)-0.5)/float(nsiz)) rs(n)=exp(xr*bma+bpa) ! size parameter and weighted refractive index thesize=2.*pie*rs(n)/wavmidsw(ns) thesize=min(thesize,10000.d0) call miev0(thesize,crefd,perfct,mimcut,anyang, & numang,xmu,nmom,ipolzn,momdim,prnt, & qext(n),qsca(n),gqsc(n),pmom,sforw,sback,s1, & s2,tforw,tback ) qext4(n)=qext(n) qsca4(n)=min(qsca(n),qext(n)) qabs4(n)=qext4(n)-qsca4(n) qabs4(n)=max(qabs4(n),1.e-20) ! avoid 0 asymm(n)=gqsc(n)/qsca4(n) ! assume always greater than zero ! coefficients of phase function expansion; note modification by JCB of miev0 coefficients p2(n)=pmom(2,1)/pmom(0,1)*5.0 p3(n)=pmom(3,1)/pmom(0,1)*7.0 p4(n)=pmom(4,1)/pmom(0,1)*9.0 p5(n)=pmom(5,1)/pmom(0,1)*11.0 p6(n)=pmom(6,1)/pmom(0,1)*13.0 p7(n)=pmom(7,1)/pmom(0,1)*15.0 ! backscattering efficiency, Bohren and Huffman, page 122 ! as stated by Bohren and Huffman, this is 4*pie times what is should be ! may need to be smoothed - a very rough function - for the time being we won't apply smoothing ! and let the integration over the size distribution be the smoothing sb2(n)=4.0*sback*dconjg(sback)/(thesize*thesize) ! JCB 2007/02/01 ! !PMA makes sure it is greater than zero ! qext4(n)=max(qext4(n),1.e-20) qabs4(n)=max(qabs4(n),1.e-20) qsca4(n)=max(qsca4(n),1.e-20) asymm(n)=max(asymm(n),1.e-20) sb2(n)=max(sb2(n),1.e-20) enddo call fitcurv(rs,qext4,extpsw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv(rs,qabs4,abspsw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv(rs,qsca4,ascatpsw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) ! scattering efficiency call fitcurv(rs,asymm,asmpsw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv(rs,sb2,sbackpsw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) ! backscattering efficiency call fitcurv_nolog(rs,p2,pmom2psw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv_nolog(rs,p3,pmom3psw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv_nolog(rs,p4,pmom4psw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv_nolog(rs,p5,pmom5psw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv_nolog(rs,p6,pmom6psw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv_nolog(rs,p7,pmom7psw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) 120 continue 200 continue ! ns for shortwave !---------------------------------------------------------------------- !longwave !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! wavelength loop do 201 ns=1,nlwbands !wavelength for longwave 1/cm --> cm wavmidlw(ns) = 0.5*(1./wavenumber1_longwave(ns) + 1./wavenumber2_longwave(ns)) crefwlw(ns)=cmplx(refrwlw(ns),refiwlw(ns)) refrmin=real(crefwlw(ns)) refrmax=real(crefwlw(ns)) refimin=-imag(crefwlw(ns)) refimax=-imag(crefwlw(ns)) !aerosol species loop (dust, BC, OC, Sea Salt, and Sulfate) do l=1,naerosols if (l==1) refr=refrlw_dust(ns) if (l==1) refi=-refilw_dust(ns) if (l==2) refr=refrlw_bc(ns) if (l==2) refi=-refilw_bc(ns) if (l==3) refr=refrlw_oc(ns) if (l==3) refi=-refilw_oc(ns) if (l==4) refr=refrlw_seas(ns) if (l==4) refi=-refilw_seas(ns) if (l==5) refr=refrlw_sulf(ns) if (l==5) refi=-refilw_sulf(ns) refrmin=min(refrmin,refr) refrmax=max(refrmax,refr) refimin=min(refimin,refi) refimax=max(refimax,refi) enddo drefr=(refrmax-refrmin) if(drefr.gt.1.e-4)then nrefr=prefr drefr=drefr/(nrefr-1) else nrefr=1 endif drefi=(refimax-refimin) if(drefi.gt.1.e-4)then nrefi=prefi drefi=drefi/(nrefi-1) else nrefi=1 endif bma=0.5*log(rmax/rmin) ! JCB bpa=0.5*log(rmax*rmin) ! JCB do 121 nr=1,nrefr do 121 ni=1,nrefi refrtablw(nr,ns)=refrmin+(nr-1)*drefr refitablw(ni,ns)=refimin/0.2*(0.2**real(ni)) !slightly different from Ghan and Zaveri if(ni.eq.nrefi) refitablw(nrefi,ns)=-1.0e-21 ! JCB change crefd=cmplx(refrtablw(nr,ns),refitablw(ni,ns)) ! mie calculations of optical efficiencies do n=1,nsiz xr=cos(pie*(float(n)-0.5)/float(nsiz)) rs(n)=exp(xr*bma+bpa) ! size parameter and weighted refractive index thesize=2.*pie*rs(n)/wavmidlw(ns) thesize=min(thesize,10000.d0) call miev0(thesize,crefd,perfct,mimcut,anyang, & numang,xmu,nmom,ipolzn,momdim,prnt, & qext(n),qsca(n),gqsc(n),pmom,sforw,sback,s1, & s2,tforw,tback ) qext4(n)=qext(n) qext4(n)=max(qext4(n),1.e-20) ! avoid 0 qsca4(n)=min(qsca(n),qext(n)) qsca4(n)=max(qsca4(n),1.e-20) ! avoid 0 qabs4(n)=qext4(n)-qsca4(n) qabs4(n)=max(qabs4(n),1.e-20) ! avoid 0 asymm(n)=gqsc(n)/qsca4(n) ! assume always greater than zero asymm(n)=max(asymm(n),1.e-20) !PMA makes sure it is greater than zero enddo ! !if (nr==1.and.ni==1) then !endif call fitcurv(rs,qext4,extplw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv(rs,qabs4,absplw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) call fitcurv(rs,qsca4,ascatplw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) ! scattering efficiency call fitcurv(rs,asymm,asmplw(1,nr,ni,ns),ncoef,nsiz) 121 continue 201 continue ! ns for longwave endif !ini_fit xrmin=log(rmin) xrmax=log(rmax) !###################################################################### !parameterization of mie calculation for shortwave !##################################################################### ! begin level loop do 2000 klevel=1,kte ! sum densities for normalization thesum=0.0 do m=1,nbin_a thesum=thesum+number_bin_col(m,klevel) enddo ! Begin shortwave spectral loop do 1000 ns=1,nswbands ! aerosol optical properties swtauaer(ns,klevel)=0. swwaer(ns,klevel)=0. swgaer(ns,klevel)=0. swsizeaer(ns,klevel)=0.0 swextaer(ns,klevel)=0.0 l2(ns,klevel)=0.0 l3(ns,klevel)=0.0 l4(ns,klevel)=0.0 l5(ns,klevel)=0.0 l6(ns,klevel)=0.0 l7(ns,klevel)=0.0 swbscoef(ns,klevel)=0.0 ! JCB 2007/02/01 - backscattering coefficient if(thesum.le.1e-21)goto 1000 ! set everything = 0 if no aerosol !wig changed 0.0 to 1e-21, 31-Oct-2005 ! loop over the bins do m=1,nbin_a ! nbin_a is number of bins ! here's the size sizem=radius_wet_col(m,klevel) ! radius in cm !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! check limits of particle size ! rce 2004-dec-07 - use klevel in write statements if(radius_wet_col(m,klevel).le.rmin)then radius_wet_col(m,klevel)=rmin write( msg, '(a, 5i4,1x, e11.4)' ) & 'mieaer: radius_wet set to rmin,' // & 'id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k)', id, iclm, jclm, klevel, m, radius_wet_col(m,klevel) call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) endif if(radius_wet_col(m,klevel).gt.rmax)then radius_wet_col(m,klevel)=rmax !only print when the number is significant if (number_bin_col(m,klevel).ge.1.e-10) then write( msg, '(a, 5i4,1x, 2e11.4)' ) & 'mieaer: radius_wet set to rmax,' // & 'id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k),number', & id, iclm, jclm, klevel, m, radius_wet_col(m,klevel),number_bin_col(m,klevel) call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) endif endif !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc x=log(radius_wet_col(m,klevel)) ! radius in cm crefin=swrefindx_col(m,klevel,ns) refr=real(crefin) refi=-imag(crefin) xrad=x thesize=2.0*pie*exp(x)/wavmidsw(ns) ! normalize size parameter xrad=(2*xrad-xrmax-xrmin)/(xrmax-xrmin) !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! retain this diagnostic code if(abs(refr).gt.10.0.or.abs(refr).le.0.001)then write ( msg, '(a,1x, e14.5)' ) & 'mieaer /refr/ outside range 1e-3 - 10 ' // & 'refr= ', refr call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg ) endif if(abs(refi).gt.10.)then write ( msg, '(a,1x, e14.5)' ) & 'mieaer /refi/ >10 ' // & 'refi', refi call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg ) endif !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! interpolate coefficients linear in refractive index ! first call calcs itab,jtab,ttab,utab itab=0 call binterp(extpsw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cext) ! JCB 2004/02/09 -- new code for scattering cross section call binterp(ascatpsw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cscat) call binterp(asmpsw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,casm) call binterp(pmom2psw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cpmom2) call binterp(pmom3psw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cpmom3) call binterp(pmom4psw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cpmom4) call binterp(pmom5psw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cpmom5) call binterp(pmom6psw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cpmom6) call binterp(pmom7psw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cpmom7) call binterp(sbackpsw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtabsw(1,ns),refitabsw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cpsback2p) ! chebyshev polynomials ch(1)=1. ch(2)=xrad do nc=3,ncoef ch(nc)=2.*xrad*ch(nc-1)-ch(nc-2) enddo ! parameterized optical properties pext=0.5*cext(1) do nc=2,ncoef pext=pext+ch(nc)*cext(nc) enddo pext=exp(pext) ! JCB 2004/02/09 -- for scattering efficiency pscat=0.5*cscat(1) do nc=2,ncoef pscat=pscat+ch(nc)*cscat(nc) enddo pscat=exp(pscat) ! pasm=0.5*casm(1) do nc=2,ncoef pasm=pasm+ch(nc)*casm(nc) enddo pasm=exp(pasm) ! ppmom2=0.5*cpmom2(1) do nc=2,ncoef ppmom2=ppmom2+ch(nc)*cpmom2(nc) enddo if(ppmom2.le.0.0)ppmom2=0.0 ! ppmom3=0.5*cpmom3(1) do nc=2,ncoef ppmom3=ppmom3+ch(nc)*cpmom3(nc) enddo if(ppmom3.le.0.0)ppmom3=0.0 ! ppmom4=0.5*cpmom4(1) do nc=2,ncoef ppmom4=ppmom4+ch(nc)*cpmom4(nc) enddo if(ppmom4.le.0.0.or.sizem.le.0.03e-04)ppmom4=0.0 ! ppmom5=0.5*cpmom5(1) do nc=2,ncoef ppmom5=ppmom5+ch(nc)*cpmom5(nc) enddo if(ppmom5.le.0.0.or.sizem.le.0.03e-04)ppmom5=0.0 ! ppmom6=0.5*cpmom6(1) do nc=2,ncoef ppmom6=ppmom6+ch(nc)*cpmom6(nc) enddo if(ppmom6.le.0.0.or.sizem.le.0.03e-04)ppmom6=0.0 ! ppmom7=0.5*cpmom7(1) do nc=2,ncoef ppmom7=ppmom7+ch(nc)*cpmom7(nc) enddo if(ppmom7.le.0.0.or.sizem.le.0.03e-04)ppmom7=0.0 ! sback2=0.5*cpsback2p(1) ! JCB 2007/02/01 - backscattering efficiency do nc=2,ncoef sback2=sback2+ch(nc)*cpsback2p(nc) enddo sback2=exp(sback2) if(sback2.le.0.0)sback2=0.0 ! ! ! weights: pscat=min(pscat,pext) !czhao weighte=pext*pie*exp(x)**2 ! JCB, extinction cross section weights=pscat*pie*exp(x)**2 ! JCB, scattering cross section swtauaer(ns,klevel)=swtauaer(ns,klevel)+weighte*number_bin_col(m,klevel) ! must be multiplied by deltaZ ! if (iclm==30.and.jclm==49.and.klevel==2.and.m==5) then ! write(0,*) 'czhao check swtauaer calculation in MIE',ns,m,weighte,number_bin_col(m,klevel),swtauaer(ns,klevel)*dz(klevel)*100 ! print*, 'czhao check swtauaer calculation in MIE',ns,m,weighte,number_bin_col(m,klevel),swtauaer(ns,klevel)*dz(klevel)*100 ! endif swsizeaer(ns,klevel)=swsizeaer(ns,klevel)+exp(x)*10000.0* & number_bin_col(m,klevel) swwaer(ns,klevel)=swwaer(ns,klevel)+weights*number_bin_col(m,klevel) !JCB swgaer(ns,klevel)=swgaer(ns,klevel)+pasm*weights*number_bin_col(m,klevel) !JCB ! need weighting by scattering cross section ? JCB 2004/02/09 l2(ns,klevel)=l2(ns,klevel)+weights*ppmom2*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l3(ns,klevel)=l3(ns,klevel)+weights*ppmom3*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l4(ns,klevel)=l4(ns,klevel)+weights*ppmom4*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l5(ns,klevel)=l5(ns,klevel)+weights*ppmom5*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l6(ns,klevel)=l6(ns,klevel)+weights*ppmom6*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l7(ns,klevel)=l7(ns,klevel)+weights*ppmom7*number_bin_col(m,klevel) ! convert backscattering efficiency to backscattering coefficient, units (cm)^-1 swbscoef(ns,klevel)=swbscoef(ns,klevel)+pie*exp(x)**2*sback2*number_bin_col(m,klevel)! backscatter end do ! end of nbin_a loop ! take averages - weighted by cross section - new code JCB 2004/02/09 swsizeaer(ns,klevel)=swsizeaer(ns,klevel)/thesum swgaer(ns,klevel)=swgaer(ns,klevel)/swwaer(ns,klevel) ! JCB removed *3 factor 2/9/2004 ! because factor is applied in subroutine opmie, file zz01fastj_mod.f l2(ns,klevel)=l2(ns,klevel)/swwaer(ns,klevel) l3(ns,klevel)=l3(ns,klevel)/swwaer(ns,klevel) l4(ns,klevel)=l4(ns,klevel)/swwaer(ns,klevel) l5(ns,klevel)=l5(ns,klevel)/swwaer(ns,klevel) l6(ns,klevel)=l6(ns,klevel)/swwaer(ns,klevel) l7(ns,klevel)=l7(ns,klevel)/swwaer(ns,klevel) ! backscatter coef, divide by 4*Pie to get units of (km*ster)^-1 JCB 2007/02/01 swbscoef(ns,klevel)=swbscoef(ns,klevel)*1.0e5 ! units are now (km)^-1 swextaer(ns,klevel)=swtauaer(ns,klevel)*1.0e5 ! now true extincion, units (km)^-1 ! this must be last!! swwaer(ns,klevel)=swwaer(ns,klevel)/swtauaer(ns,klevel) ! JCB !70 continue ! bail out if no aerosol;go on to next wavelength bin 1000 continue ! end of wavelength loop 2000 continue ! end of klevel loop ! ! before returning, multiply tauaer by depth of individual cells. ! tauaer is in cm-1, dz in m; multiply dz by 100 to convert from m to cm. do ns = 1, nswbands do klevel = 1, kte swtauaer(ns,klevel) = swtauaer(ns,klevel) * dz(klevel)* 100. end do end do #if (defined(CHEM_DBG_I) && defined(CHEM_DBG_J) && defined(CHEM_DBG_K)) !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec fastj diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc if (iclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_I) then if (jclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_J) then ! initial entry if (kcallmieaer .eq. 0) then write(*,909) CHEM_DBG_I, CHEM_DBG_J 909 format( ' for cell i = ', i3, ' j = ', i3) write(*,910) 910 format( & 'curr_secs', 3x, 'i', 3x, 'j', 3x,'k', 3x, & 'dzmfastj', 8x, & 'tauaer(1,k)',1x, 'tauaer(2,k)',1x,'tauaer(3,k)',3x, & 'tauaer(4,k)',5x, & 'waer(1,k)', 7x, 'waer(2,k)', 7x,'waer(3,k)', 7x, & 'waer(4,k)', 7x, & 'gaer(1,k)', 7x, 'gaer(2,k)', 7x,'gaer(3,k)', 7x, & 'gaer(4,k)', 7x, & 'extaer(1,k)',5x, 'extaer(2,k)',5x,'extaer(3,k)',5x, & 'extaer(4,k)',5x, & 'sizeaer(1,k)',4x, 'sizeaer(2,k)',4x,'sizeaer(3,k)',4x, & 'sizeaer(4,k)' ) end if !ec output for run_out.30 do k = 1,kte write(*, 912) & curr_secs,iclm, jclm, k, & dz(k) , & (swtauaer(n,k), n=1,4), & (swwaer(n,k), n=1,4), & (swgaer(n,k), n=1,4), & (swextaer(n,k), n=1,4), & (swsizeaer(n,k), n=1,4) 912 format( i7,3(2x,i4),2x,21(e14.6,2x)) end do kcallmieaer = kcallmieaer + 1 end if end if !ec end print of fastj diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc #endif !###################################################################### !parameterization of mie calculation for longwave !##################################################################### ! begin level loop do 2001 klevel=1,kte ! sum densities for normalization thesum=0.0 do m=1,nbin_a thesum=thesum+number_bin_col(m,klevel) enddo ! Begin longwave spectral loop do 1001 ns=1,nlwbands ! aerosol optical properties lwtauaer(ns,klevel)=0. lwextaer(ns,klevel)=0.0 if(thesum.le.1e-21)goto 1001 ! set everything = 0 if no aerosol !wig changed 0.0 to 1e-21, 31-Oct-2005 ! loop over the bins do m=1,nbin_a ! nbin_a is number of bins ! here's the size sizem=radius_wet_col(m,klevel) ! radius in cm x=log(radius_wet_col(m,klevel)) ! radius in cm crefin=lwrefindx_col(m,klevel,ns) refr=real(crefin) refi=-imag(crefin) xrad=x thesize=2.0*pie*exp(x)/wavmidlw(ns) ! normalize size parameter xrad=(2*xrad-xrmax-xrmin)/(xrmax-xrmin) !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! retain this diagnostic code if(abs(refr).gt.10.0.or.abs(refr).le.0.001)then write ( msg, '(a,1x, e14.5)' ) & 'mieaer /refr/ outside range 1e-3 - 10 ' // & 'refr= ', refr call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg ) endif if(abs(refi).gt.10.)then write ( msg, '(a,1x, e14.5)' ) & 'mieaer /refi/ >10 ' // & 'refi', refi call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg ) endif !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc ! interpolate coefficients linear in refractive index ! first call calcs itab,jtab,ttab,utab itab=0 call binterp(absplw(1,1,1,ns),ncoef,nrefr,nrefi, & refr,refi,refrtablw(1,ns),refitablw(1,ns),itab,jtab, & ttab,utab,cabs) ! chebyshev polynomials ch(1)=1. ch(2)=xrad do nc=3,ncoef ch(nc)=2.*xrad*ch(nc-1)-ch(nc-2) enddo ! parameterized optical properties pabs=0.5*cabs(1) do nc=2,ncoef pabs=pabs+ch(nc)*cabs(nc) enddo pabs=exp(pabs) ! ! weights: weighta=pabs*pie*exp(x)**2 ! JCB, extinction cross section !weighta: cm2 and number_bin_col #/cm3 -> /cm lwtauaer(ns,klevel)=lwtauaer(ns,klevel)+weighta*number_bin_col(m,klevel) ! must be multiplied by deltaZ end do ! end of nbin_a loop ! take averages - weighted by cross section - new code JCB 2004/02/09 lwextaer(ns,klevel)=lwtauaer(ns,klevel)*1.0e5 ! now true extincion, units (km)^-1 1001 continue ! end of wavelength loop 2001 continue ! end of klevel loop ! ! before returning, multiply tauaer by depth of individual cells. ! tauaer is in cm-1, dz in m; multiply dz by 100 to convert from m to cm. do ns = 1, nlwbands do klevel = 1, kte lwtauaer(ns,klevel) = lwtauaer(ns,klevel) * dz(klevel)* 100. end do end do return end subroutine mieaer !**************************************************************** !**************************************************************** subroutine fitcurv(rs,yin,coef,ncoef,maxm) ! fit y(x) using Chebychev polynomials ! wig 7-Sep-2004: Removed dependency on pre-determined maximum ! array size and replaced with f90 array info. USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message IMPLICIT NONE ! integer nmodes, nrows, maxm, ncoef ! parameter (nmodes=500,nrows=8) integer, intent(in) :: maxm, ncoef ! real rs(nmodes),yin(nmodes),coef(ncoef) ! real x(nmodes),y(nmodes) real, dimension(ncoef) :: coef real, dimension(:) :: rs, yin real x(size(rs)),y(size(yin)) integer m real xmin, xmax character*80 msg !!$ if(maxm.gt.nmodes)then !!$ write ( msg, '(a, 1x,i6)' ) & !!$ 'FASTJ mie nmodes too small in fitcurv, ' // & !!$ 'maxm ', maxm !!$! write(*,*)'nmodes too small in fitcurv',maxm !!$ call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg ) !!$ endif do 100 m=1,maxm ! To prevent the log of 0 or negative values, as the code was blowing up when compile with intel ! Added by Manish Shrivastava ! Need to be checked x(m)=log(max(rs(m),1d-20)) y(m)=log(max(yin(m),1d-20)) 100 continue xmin=x(1) xmax=x(maxm) do 110 m=1,maxm x(m)=(2*x(m)-xmax-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) 110 continue call chebft(coef,ncoef,maxm,y) return end subroutine fitcurv !************************************************************** subroutine fitcurv_nolog(rs,yin,coef,ncoef,maxm) ! fit y(x) using Chebychev polynomials ! wig 7-Sep-2004: Removed dependency on pre-determined maximum ! array size and replaced with f90 array info. USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message IMPLICIT NONE ! integer nmodes, nrows, maxm, ncoef ! parameter (nmodes=500,nrows=8) integer, intent(in) :: maxm, ncoef ! real rs(nmodes),yin(nmodes),coef(ncoef) real, dimension(:) :: rs, yin real, dimension(ncoef) :: coef(ncoef) real x(size(rs)),y(size(yin)) integer m real xmin, xmax character*80 msg !!$ if(maxm.gt.nmodes)then !!$ write ( msg, '(a,1x, i6)' ) & !!$ 'FASTJ mie nmodes too small in fitcurv ' // & !!$ 'maxm ', maxm !!$! write(*,*)'nmodes too small in fitcurv',maxm !!$ call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg ) !!$ endif do 100 m=1,maxm x(m)=log(rs(m)) y(m)=yin(m) ! note, no "log" here 100 continue xmin=x(1) xmax=x(maxm) do 110 m=1,maxm x(m)=(2*x(m)-xmax-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) 110 continue call chebft(coef,ncoef,maxm,y) return end subroutine fitcurv_nolog !************************************************************************ subroutine chebft(c,ncoef,n,f) ! given a function f with values at zeroes x_k of Chebychef polynomial ! T_n(x), calculate coefficients c_j such that ! f(x)=sum(k=1,n) c_k t_(k-1)(y) - 0.5*c_1 ! where y=(x-0.5*(xmax+xmin))/(0.5*(xmax-xmin)) ! See Numerical Recipes, pp. 148-150. IMPLICIT NONE real pi integer ncoef, n parameter (pi=3.14159265) real c(ncoef),f(n) ! local variables real fac, thesum integer j, k fac=2./n do j=1,ncoef thesum=0 do k=1,n thesum=thesum+f(k)*cos((pi*(j-1))*((k-0.5)/n)) enddo c(j)=fac*thesum enddo return end subroutine chebft !************************************************************************* subroutine binterp(table,km,im,jm,x,y,xtab,ytab,ix,jy,t,u,out) ! bilinear interpolation of table ! implicit none integer im,jm,km real table(km,im,jm),xtab(im),ytab(jm),out(km) integer i,ix,ip1,j,jy,jp1,k real x,dx,t,y,dy,u,tu, tuc,tcu,tcuc if(ix.gt.0)go to 30 if(im.gt.1)then do i=1,im if(x.lt.xtab(i))go to 10 enddo 10 ix=max0(i-1,1) ip1=min0(ix+1,im) dx=(xtab(ip1)-xtab(ix)) if(abs(dx).gt.1.e-20)then t=(x-xtab(ix))/(xtab(ix+1)-xtab(ix)) else t=0 endif else ix=1 ip1=1 t=0 endif if(jm.gt.1)then do j=1,jm if(y.lt.ytab(j))go to 20 enddo 20 jy=max0(j-1,1) jp1=min0(jy+1,jm) dy=(ytab(jp1)-ytab(jy)) if(abs(dy).gt.1.e-20)then u=(y-ytab(jy))/dy else u=0 endif else jy=1 jp1=1 u=0 endif 30 continue jp1=min(jy+1,jm) ip1=min(ix+1,im) tu=t*u tuc=t-tu tcuc=1-tuc-u tcu=u-tu do k=1,km out(k)=tcuc*table(k,ix,jy)+tuc*table(k,ip1,jy) & +tu*table(k,ip1,jp1)+tcu*table(k,ix,jp1) enddo return end subroutine binterp !*************************************************************** subroutine miev0 ( xx, crefin, perfct, mimcut, anyang, & numang, xmu, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, prnt, & qext, qsca, gqsc, pmom, sforw, sback, s1, & s2, tforw, tback ) ! ! computes mie scattering and extinction efficiencies; asymmetry ! factor; forward- and backscatter amplitude; scattering ! amplitudes for incident polarization parallel and perpendicular ! to the plane of scattering, as functions of scattering angle; ! coefficients in the legendre polynomial expansions of either the ! unpolarized phase function or the polarized phase matrix; ! and some quantities needed in polarized radiative transfer. ! ! calls : biga, ckinmi, small1, small2, testmi, miprnt, ! lpcoef, errmsg ! ! i n t e r n a l v a r i a b l e s ! ----------------------------------- ! ! an,bn mie coefficients little-a-sub-n, little-b-sub-n ! ( ref. 1, eq. 16 ) ! anm1,bnm1 mie coefficients little-a-sub-(n-1), ! little-b-sub-(n-1); used in -gqsc- sum ! anp coeffs. in s+ expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) ! bnp coeffs. in s- expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) ! anpm coeffs. in s+ expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) ! when mu is replaced by - mu ! bnpm coeffs. in s- expansion ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) ! when mu is replaced by - mu ! calcmo(k) true, calculate moments for k-th phase quantity ! (derived from -ipolzn-; used only in 'lpcoef') ! cbiga(n) bessel function ratio capital-a-sub-n (ref. 2, eq. 2) ! ( complex version ) ! cior complex index of refraction with negative ! imaginary part (van de hulst convention) ! cioriv 1 / cior ! coeff ( 2n + 1 ) / ( n ( n + 1 ) ) ! fn floating point version of index in loop performing ! mie series summation ! lita,litb(n) mie coefficients -an-, -bn-, saved in arrays for ! use in calculating legendre moments *pmom* ! maxtrm max. possible no. of terms in mie series ! mm + 1 and - 1, alternately. ! mim magnitude of imaginary refractive index ! mre real part of refractive index ! maxang max. possible value of input variable -numang- ! nangd2 (numang+1)/2 ( no. of angles in 0-90 deg; anyang=f ) ! noabs true, sphere non-absorbing (determined by -mimcut-) ! np1dn ( n + 1 ) / n ! npquan highest-numbered phase quantity for which moments are ! to be calculated (the largest digit in -ipolzn- ! if ipolzn .ne. 0) ! ntrm no. of terms in mie series ! pass1 true on first entry, false thereafter; for self-test ! pin(j) angular function little-pi-sub-n ( ref. 2, eq. 3 ) ! at j-th angle ! pinm1(j) little-pi-sub-(n-1) ( see -pin- ) at j-th angle ! psinm1 ricatti-bessel function psi-sub-(n-1), argument -xx- ! psin ricatti-bessel function psi-sub-n of argument -xx- ! ( ref. 1, p. 11 ff. ) ! rbiga(n) bessel function ratio capital-a-sub-n (ref. 2, eq. 2) ! ( real version, for when imag refrac index = 0 ) ! rioriv 1 / mre ! rn 1 / n ! rtmp (real) temporary variable ! sp(j) s+ for j-th angle ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) ! sm(j) s- for j-th angle ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) ! sps(j) s+ for (numang+1-j)-th angle ( anyang=false ) ! sms(j) s- for (numang+1-j)-th angle ( anyang=false ) ! taun angular function little-tau-sub-n ( ref. 2, eq. 4 ) ! at j-th angle ! tcoef n ( n+1 ) ( 2n+1 ) (for summing tforw,tback series) ! twonp1 2n + 1 ! yesang true if scattering amplitudes are to be calculated ! zetnm1 ricatti-bessel function zeta-sub-(n-1) of argument ! -xx- ( ref. 2, eq. 17 ) ! zetn ricatti-bessel function zeta-sub-n of argument -xx- ! ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! -------- i / o specifications for subroutine miev0 ----------------- ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none logical anyang, perfct, prnt(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, numang, nmom real*8 gqsc, mimcut, pmom( 0:momdim, * ), qext, qsca, & xmu(*), xx complex*16 crefin, sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), tforw(*), & tback(*) integer maxang,mxang2,maxtrm real*8 onethr ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! parameter ( maxang = 501, mxang2 = maxang/2 + 1 ) ! ! ** note -- maxtrm = 10100 is neces- ! ** sary to do some of the test probs, ! ** but 1100 is sufficient for most ! ** conceivable applications parameter ( maxtrm = 1100 ) parameter ( onethr = 1./3. ) ! logical anysav, calcmo(4), noabs, ok, persav, yesang integer npquan integer i,j,n,nmosav,iposav,numsav,ntrm,nangd2 real*8 mim, mimsav, mre, mm, np1dn real*8 rioriv,xmusav,xxsav,sq,fn,rn,twonp1,tcoef, coeff real*8 xinv,psinm1,chinm1,psin,chin,rtmp,taun real*8 rbiga( maxtrm ), pin( maxang ), pinm1( maxang ) complex*16 an, bn, anm1, bnm1, anp, bnp, anpm, bnpm, cresav, & cior, cioriv, ctmp, zet, zetnm1, zetn complex*16 cbiga( maxtrm ), lita( maxtrm ), litb( maxtrm ), & sp( maxang ), sm( maxang ), sps( mxang2 ), sms( mxang2 ) equivalence ( cbiga, rbiga ) logical, save :: pass1 data pass1 / .true. / sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 ! ! if ( pass1 ) then ! ** save certain user input values xxsav = xx cresav = crefin mimsav = mimcut persav = perfct anysav = anyang nmosav = nmom iposav = ipolzn numsav = numang xmusav = xmu( 1 ) ! ** reset input values for test case xx = 10.0 crefin = ( 1.5, - 0.1 ) perfct = .false. mimcut = 0.0 anyang = .true. numang = 1 xmu( 1 )= - 0.7660444 nmom = 1 ipolzn = - 1 ! end if ! ** check input and calculate ! ** certain variables from input ! 10 call ckinmi( numang, maxang, xx, perfct, crefin, momdim, & nmom, ipolzn, anyang, xmu, calcmo, npquan ) ! if ( perfct .and. xx .le. 0.1 ) then ! ** use totally-reflecting ! ** small-particle limit ! call small1 ( xx, numang, xmu, qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, & sback, s1, s2, tforw, tback, lita, litb ) ntrm = 2 go to 200 end if ! if ( .not.perfct ) then ! cior = crefin if ( dimag( cior ) .gt. 0.0 ) cior = dconjg( cior ) mre = dble( cior ) mim = - dimag( cior ) noabs = mim .le. mimcut cioriv = 1.0 / cior rioriv = 1.0 / mre ! if ( xx * dmax1( 1.d0, cdabs(cior) ) .le. 0.d1 ) then ! ! ** use general-refractive-index ! ** small-particle limit ! ** ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) ! call small2 ( xx, cior, .not.noabs, numang, xmu, qext, & qsca, gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, tforw, & tback, lita, litb ) ntrm = 2 go to 200 end if ! end if ! nangd2 = ( numang + 1 ) / 2 yesang = numang .gt. 0 ! ** estimate number of terms in mie series ! ** ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) if ( xx.le.8.0 ) then ntrm = xx + 4. * xx**onethr + 1. else if ( xx.lt.4200. ) then ntrm = xx + 4.05 * xx**onethr + 2. else ntrm = xx + 4. * xx**onethr + 2. end if if ( ntrm+1 .gt. maxtrm ) & call errmsg( 'miev0--parameter maxtrm too small', .true. ) ! ! ** calculate logarithmic derivatives of ! ** j-bessel-fcn., big-a-sub-(1 to ntrm) if ( .not.perfct ) & call biga( cior, xx, ntrm, noabs, yesang, rbiga, cbiga ) ! ! ** initialize ricatti-bessel functions ! ** (psi,chi,zeta)-sub-(0,1) for upward ! ** recurrence ( ref. 1, eq. 19 ) xinv = 1.0 / xx psinm1 = dsin( xx ) chinm1 = dcos( xx ) psin = psinm1 * xinv - chinm1 chin = chinm1 * xinv + psinm1 zetnm1 = dcmplx( psinm1, chinm1 ) zetn = dcmplx( psin, chin ) ! ** initialize previous coeffi- ! ** cients for -gqsc- series anm1 = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) bnm1 = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) ! ** initialize angular function little-pi ! ** and sums for s+, s- ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) if ( anyang ) then do 60 j = 1, numang pinm1( j ) = 0.0 pin( j ) = 1.0 sp ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sm ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) 60 continue else do 70 j = 1, nangd2 pinm1( j ) = 0.0 pin( j ) = 1.0 sp ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sm ( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sps( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) sms( j ) = ( 0.0, 0.0 ) 70 continue end if ! ** initialize mie sums for efficiencies, etc. qsca = 0.0 gqsc = 0.0 sforw = ( 0., 0. ) sback = ( 0., 0. ) tforw( 1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) tback( 1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ! ! ! --------- loop to sum mie series ----------------------------------- ! mm = + 1.0 do 100 n = 1, ntrm ! ** compute various numerical coefficients fn = n rn = 1.0 / fn np1dn = 1.0 + rn twonp1 = 2 * n + 1 coeff = twonp1 / ( fn * ( n + 1 ) ) tcoef = twonp1 * ( fn * ( n + 1 ) ) ! ! ** calculate mie series coefficients if ( perfct ) then ! ** totally-reflecting case ! an = ( ( fn*xinv ) * psin - psinm1 ) / & ( ( fn*xinv ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) bn = psin / zetn ! else if ( noabs ) then ! ** no-absorption case ! an = ( ( rioriv*rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) & / ( ( rioriv*rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) bn = ( ( mre * rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) & / ( ( mre * rbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) else ! ** absorptive case ! an = ( ( cioriv * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) & /( ( cioriv * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) bn = ( ( cior * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * psin - psinm1 ) & /( ( cior * cbiga(n) + ( fn*xinv ) ) * zetn - zetnm1 ) qsca = qsca + twonp1 * ( sq( an ) + sq( bn ) ) ! end if ! ** save mie coefficients for *pmom* calculation lita( n ) = an litb( n ) = bn ! ** increment mie sums for non-angle- ! ** dependent quantities ! sforw = sforw + twonp1 * ( an + bn ) tforw( 1 ) = tforw( 1 ) + tcoef * ( an - bn ) sback = sback + ( mm * twonp1 ) * ( an - bn ) tback( 1 ) = tback( 1 ) + ( mm * tcoef ) * ( an + bn ) gqsc = gqsc + ( fn - rn ) * dble( anm1 * dconjg( an ) & + bnm1 * dconjg( bn ) ) & + coeff * dble( an * dconjg( bn ) ) ! if ( yesang ) then ! ** put mie coefficients in form ! ** needed for computing s+, s- ! ** ( ref. 2, p. 1507 ) anp = coeff * ( an + bn ) bnp = coeff * ( an - bn ) ! ** increment mie sums for s+, s- ! ** while upward recursing ! ** angular functions little pi ! ** and little tau if ( anyang ) then ! ** arbitrary angles ! ! ** vectorizable loop do 80 j = 1, numang rtmp = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) - pinm1( j ) taun = fn * rtmp - pinm1( j ) sp( j ) = sp( j ) + anp * ( pin( j ) + taun ) sm( j ) = sm( j ) + bnp * ( pin( j ) - taun ) pinm1( j ) = pin( j ) pin( j ) = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) + np1dn * rtmp 80 continue ! else ! ** angles symmetric about 90 degrees anpm = mm * anp bnpm = mm * bnp ! ** vectorizable loop do 90 j = 1, nangd2 rtmp = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) - pinm1( j ) taun = fn * rtmp - pinm1( j ) sp ( j ) = sp ( j ) + anp * ( pin( j ) + taun ) sms( j ) = sms( j ) + bnpm * ( pin( j ) + taun ) sm ( j ) = sm ( j ) + bnp * ( pin( j ) - taun ) sps( j ) = sps( j ) + anpm * ( pin( j ) - taun ) pinm1( j ) = pin( j ) pin( j ) = ( xmu( j ) * pin( j ) ) + np1dn * rtmp 90 continue ! end if end if ! ** update relevant quantities for next ! ** pass through loop mm = - mm anm1 = an bnm1 = bn ! ** upward recurrence for ricatti-bessel ! ** functions ( ref. 1, eq. 17 ) ! zet = ( twonp1 * xinv ) * zetn - zetnm1 zetnm1 = zetn zetn = zet psinm1 = psin psin = dble( zetn ) 100 continue ! ! ---------- end loop to sum mie series -------------------------------- ! ! qext = 2. / xx**2 * dble( sforw ) if ( perfct .or. noabs ) then qsca = qext else qsca = 2. / xx**2 * qsca end if ! gqsc = 4. / xx**2 * gqsc sforw = 0.5 * sforw sback = 0.5 * sback tforw( 2 ) = 0.5 * ( sforw + 0.25 * tforw( 1 ) ) tforw( 1 ) = 0.5 * ( sforw - 0.25 * tforw( 1 ) ) tback( 2 ) = 0.5 * ( sback + 0.25 * tback( 1 ) ) tback( 1 ) = 0.5 * ( - sback + 0.25 * tback( 1 ) ) ! if ( yesang ) then ! ** recover scattering amplitudes ! ** from s+, s- ( ref. 1, eq. 11 ) if ( anyang ) then ! ** vectorizable loop do 110 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) + sm( j ) ) s2( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) - sm( j ) ) 110 continue ! else ! ** vectorizable loop do 120 j = 1, nangd2 s1( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) + sm( j ) ) s2( j ) = 0.5 * ( sp( j ) - sm( j ) ) 120 continue ! ** vectorizable loop do 130 j = 1, nangd2 s1( numang+1 - j ) = 0.5 * ( sps( j ) + sms( j ) ) s2( numang+1 - j ) = 0.5 * ( sps( j ) - sms( j ) ) 130 continue end if ! end if ! ** calculate legendre moments 200 if ( nmom.gt.0 ) & call lpcoef ( ntrm, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, npquan, & lita, litb, pmom ) ! if ( dimag(crefin) .gt. 0.0 ) then ! ** take complex conjugates ! ** of scattering amplitudes sforw = dconjg( sforw ) sback = dconjg( sback ) do 210 i = 1, 2 tforw( i ) = dconjg( tforw(i) ) tback( i ) = dconjg( tback(i) ) 210 continue ! do 220 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = dconjg( s1(j) ) s2( j ) = dconjg( s2(j) ) 220 continue ! end if ! if ( pass1 ) then ! ** compare test case results with ! ** correct answers and abort if bad ! call testmi ( qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, & tforw, tback, pmom, momdim, ok ) if ( .not. ok ) then prnt(1) = .false. prnt(2) = .false. call miprnt( prnt, xx, perfct, crefin, numang, xmu, qext, & qsca, gqsc, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, & pmom, sforw, sback, tforw, tback, s1, s2 ) call errmsg( 'miev0 -- self-test failed', .true. ) end if ! ** restore user input values xx = xxsav crefin = cresav mimcut = mimsav perfct = persav anyang = anysav nmom = nmosav ipolzn = iposav numang = numsav xmu(1) = xmusav pass1 = .false. go to 10 ! end if ! if ( prnt(1) .or. prnt(2) ) & call miprnt( prnt, xx, perfct, crefin, numang, xmu, qext, & qsca, gqsc, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, & pmom, sforw, sback, tforw, tback, s1, s2 ) ! return ! end subroutine miev0 !**************************************************************************** subroutine ckinmi( numang, maxang, xx, perfct, crefin, momdim, & nmom, ipolzn, anyang, xmu, calcmo, npquan ) ! ! check for bad input to 'miev0' and calculate -calcmo,npquan- ! implicit none logical perfct, anyang, calcmo(*) integer numang, maxang, momdim, nmom, ipolzn, npquan real*8 xx, xmu(*) integer i,l,j,ip complex*16 crefin ! character*4 string logical inperr ! inperr = .false. ! if ( numang.gt.maxang ) then call errmsg( 'miev0--parameter maxang too small', .true. ) inperr = .true. end if if ( numang.lt.0 ) call wrtbad( 'numang', inperr ) if ( xx.lt.0. ) call wrtbad( 'xx', inperr ) if ( .not.perfct .and. dble(crefin).le.0. ) & call wrtbad( 'crefin', inperr ) if ( momdim.lt.1 ) call wrtbad( 'momdim', inperr ) ! if ( nmom.ne.0 ) then if ( nmom.lt.0 .or. nmom.gt.momdim ) call wrtbad('nmom',inperr) if ( iabs(ipolzn).gt.4444 ) call wrtbad( 'ipolzn', inperr ) npquan = 0 do 5 l = 1, 4 calcmo( l ) = .false. 5 continue if ( ipolzn.ne.0 ) then ! ** parse out -ipolzn- into its digits ! ** to find which phase quantities are ! ** to have their moments calculated ! write( string, '(i4)' ) iabs(ipolzn) do 10 j = 1, 4 ip = ichar( string(j:j) ) - ichar( '0' ) if ( ip.ge.1 .and. ip.le.4 ) calcmo( ip ) = .true. if ( ip.eq.0 .or. (ip.ge.5 .and. ip.le.9) ) & call wrtbad( 'ipolzn', inperr ) npquan = max0( npquan, ip ) 10 continue end if end if ! if ( anyang ) then ! ** allow for slight imperfections in ! ** computation of cosine do 20 i = 1, numang if ( xmu(i).lt.-1.00001 .or. xmu(i).gt.1.00001 ) & call wrtbad( 'xmu', inperr ) 20 continue else do 22 i = 1, ( numang + 1 ) / 2 if ( xmu(i).lt.-0.00001 .or. xmu(i).gt.1.00001 ) & call wrtbad( 'xmu', inperr ) 22 continue end if ! if ( inperr ) & call errmsg( 'miev0--input error(s). aborting...', .true. ) ! if ( xx.gt.20000.0 .or. dble(crefin).gt.10.0 .or. & dabs( dimag(crefin) ).gt.10.0 ) call errmsg( & 'miev0--xx or crefin outside tested range', .false. ) ! return end subroutine ckinmi !*********************************************************************** subroutine lpcoef ( ntrm, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, npquan, & a, b, pmom ) ! ! calculate legendre polynomial expansion coefficients (also ! called moments) for phase quantities ( ref. 5 formulation ) ! ! input: ntrm number terms in mie series ! nmom, ipolzn, momdim 'miev0' arguments ! calcmo flags calculated from -ipolzn- ! npquan defined in 'miev0' ! a, b mie series coefficients ! ! output: pmom legendre moments ('miev0' argument) ! ! *** notes *** ! ! (1) eqs. 2-5 are in error in dave, appl. opt. 9, ! 1888 (1970). eq. 2 refers to m1, not m2; eq. 3 refers to ! m2, not m1. in eqs. 4 and 5, the subscripts on the second ! term in square brackets should be interchanged. ! ! (2) the general-case logic in this subroutine works correctly ! in the two-term mie series case, but subroutine 'lpco2t' ! is called instead, for speed. ! ! (3) subroutine 'lpco1t', to do the one-term case, is never ! called within the context of 'miev0', but is included for ! complete generality. ! ! (4) some improvement in speed is obtainable by combining the ! 310- and 410-loops, if moments for both the third and fourth ! phase quantities are desired, because the third phase quantity ! is the real part of a complex series, while the fourth phase ! quantity is the imaginary part of that very same series. but ! most users are not interested in the fourth phase quantity, ! which is related to circular polarization, so the present ! scheme is usually more efficient. ! implicit none logical calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom, ntrm, npquan real*8 pmom( 0:momdim, * ) complex*16 a(*), b(*) ! ! ** specification of local variables ! ! am(m) numerical coefficients a-sub-m-super-l ! in dave, eqs. 1-15, as simplified in ref. 5. ! ! bi(i) numerical coefficients b-sub-i-super-l ! in dave, eqs. 1-15, as simplified in ref. 5. ! ! bidel(i) 1/2 bi(i) times factor capital-del in dave ! ! cm,dm() arrays c and d in dave, eqs. 16-17 (mueller form), ! calculated using recurrence derived in ref. 5 ! ! cs,ds() arrays c and d in ref. 4, eqs. a5-a6 (sekera form), ! calculated using recurrence derived in ref. 5 ! ! c,d() either -cm,dm- or -cs,ds-, depending on -ipolzn- ! ! evenl true for even-numbered moments; false otherwise ! ! idel 1 + little-del in dave ! ! maxtrm max. no. of terms in mie series ! ! maxmom max. no. of non-zero moments ! ! nummom number of non-zero moments ! ! recip(k) 1 / k ! integer maxtrm,maxmom,mxmom2,maxrcp parameter ( maxtrm = 1102, maxmom = 2*maxtrm, mxmom2 = maxmom/2, & maxrcp = 4*maxtrm + 2 ) real*8 am( 0:maxtrm ), bi( 0:mxmom2 ), bidel( 0:mxmom2 ) real*8, save :: recip( maxrcp ) complex*16 cm( maxtrm ), dm( maxtrm ), cs( maxtrm ), ds( maxtrm ), & c( maxtrm ), d( maxtrm ) integer k,j,l,nummom,ld2,idel,m,i,mmax,imax real*8 thesum equivalence ( c, cm ), ( d, dm ) logical evenl logical, save :: pass1 data pass1 / .true. / ! ! if ( pass1 ) then ! do 1 k = 1, maxrcp recip( k ) = 1.0 / k 1 continue pass1 = .false. ! end if ! do 5 j = 1, max0( 1, npquan ) do 5 l = 0, nmom pmom( l, j ) = 0.0 5 continue ! if ( ntrm.eq.1 ) then call lpco1t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) return else if ( ntrm.eq.2 ) then call lpco2t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) return end if ! if ( ntrm+2 .gt. maxtrm ) & call errmsg( 'lpcoef--parameter maxtrm too small', .true. ) ! ! ** calculate mueller c, d arrays cm( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) dm( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) cm( ntrm+1 ) = ( 1. - recip( ntrm+1 ) ) * b( ntrm ) dm( ntrm+1 ) = ( 1. - recip( ntrm+1 ) ) * a( ntrm ) cm( ntrm ) = ( recip(ntrm) + recip(ntrm+1) ) * a( ntrm ) & + ( 1. - recip(ntrm) ) * b( ntrm-1 ) dm( ntrm ) = ( recip(ntrm) + recip(ntrm+1) ) * b( ntrm ) & + ( 1. - recip(ntrm) ) * a( ntrm-1 ) ! do 10 k = ntrm-1, 2, -1 cm( k ) = cm( k+2 ) - ( 1. + recip(k+1) ) * b( k+1 ) & + ( recip(k) + recip(k+1) ) * a( k ) & + ( 1. - recip(k) ) * b( k-1 ) dm( k ) = dm( k+2 ) - ( 1. + recip(k+1) ) * a( k+1 ) & + ( recip(k) + recip(k+1) ) * b( k ) & + ( 1. - recip(k) ) * a( k-1 ) 10 continue cm( 1 ) = cm( 3 ) + 1.5 * ( a( 1 ) - b( 2 ) ) dm( 1 ) = dm( 3 ) + 1.5 * ( b( 1 ) - a( 2 ) ) ! if ( ipolzn.ge.0 ) then ! do 20 k = 1, ntrm + 2 c( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * cm( k ) d( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * dm( k ) 20 continue ! else ! ** compute sekera c and d arrays cs( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ds( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) cs( ntrm+1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ds( ntrm+1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ! do 30 k = ntrm, 1, -1 cs( k ) = cs( k+2 ) + ( 2*k + 1 ) * ( cm( k+1 ) - b( k ) ) ds( k ) = ds( k+2 ) + ( 2*k + 1 ) * ( dm( k+1 ) - a( k ) ) 30 continue ! do 40 k = 1, ntrm + 2 c( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * cs( k ) d( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * ds( k ) 40 continue ! end if ! ! if( ipolzn.lt.0 ) nummom = min0( nmom, 2*ntrm - 2 ) if( ipolzn.ge.0 ) nummom = min0( nmom, 2*ntrm ) if ( nummom .gt. maxmom ) & call errmsg( 'lpcoef--parameter maxtrm too small', .true. ) ! ! ** loop over moments do 500 l = 0, nummom ld2 = l / 2 evenl = mod( l,2 ) .eq. 0 ! ** calculate numerical coefficients ! ** a-sub-m and b-sub-i in dave ! ** double-sums for moments if( l.eq.0 ) then ! idel = 1 do 60 m = 0, ntrm am( m ) = 2.0 * recip( 2*m + 1 ) 60 continue bi( 0 ) = 1.0 ! else if( evenl ) then ! idel = 1 do 70 m = ld2, ntrm am( m ) = ( 1. + recip( 2*m-l+1 ) ) * am( m ) 70 continue do 75 i = 0, ld2-1 bi( i ) = ( 1. - recip( l-2*i ) ) * bi( i ) 75 continue bi( ld2 ) = ( 2. - recip( l ) ) * bi( ld2-1 ) ! else ! idel = 2 do 80 m = ld2, ntrm am( m ) = ( 1. - recip( 2*m+l+2 ) ) * am( m ) 80 continue do 85 i = 0, ld2 bi( i ) = ( 1. - recip( l+2*i+1 ) ) * bi( i ) 85 continue ! end if ! ** establish upper limits for sums ! ** and incorporate factor capital- ! ** del into b-sub-i mmax = ntrm - idel if( ipolzn.ge.0 ) mmax = mmax + 1 imax = min0( ld2, mmax - ld2 ) if( imax.lt.0 ) go to 600 do 90 i = 0, imax bidel( i ) = bi( i ) 90 continue if( evenl ) bidel( 0 ) = 0.5 * bidel( 0 ) ! ! ** perform double sums just for ! ** phase quantities desired by user if( ipolzn.eq.0 ) then ! do 110 i = 0, imax ! ** vectorizable loop (cray) thesum = 0.0 do 100 m = ld2, mmax - i thesum = thesum + am( m ) * & ( dble( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( c(m+i+idel) ) ) & + dble( d(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) ) 100 continue pmom( l,1 ) = pmom( l,1 ) + bidel( i ) * thesum 110 continue pmom( l,1 ) = 0.5 * pmom( l,1 ) go to 500 ! end if ! if ( calcmo(1) ) then do 160 i = 0, imax ! ** vectorizable loop (cray) thesum = 0.0 do 150 m = ld2, mmax - i thesum = thesum + am( m ) * & dble( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( c(m+i+idel) ) ) 150 continue pmom( l,1 ) = pmom( l,1 ) + bidel( i ) * thesum 160 continue end if ! ! if ( calcmo(2) ) then do 210 i = 0, imax ! ** vectorizable loop (cray) thesum = 0.0 do 200 m = ld2, mmax - i thesum = thesum + am( m ) * & dble( d(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) 200 continue pmom( l,2 ) = pmom( l,2 ) + bidel( i ) * thesum 210 continue end if ! ! if ( calcmo(3) ) then do 310 i = 0, imax ! ** vectorizable loop (cray) thesum = 0.0 do 300 m = ld2, mmax - i thesum = thesum + am( m ) * & ( dble( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) & + dble( c(m+i+idel) * dconjg( d(m-i+1) ) ) ) 300 continue pmom( l,3 ) = pmom( l,3 ) + bidel( i ) * thesum 310 continue pmom( l,3 ) = 0.5 * pmom( l,3 ) end if ! ! if ( calcmo(4) ) then do 410 i = 0, imax ! ** vectorizable loop (cray) thesum = 0.0 do 400 m = ld2, mmax - i thesum = thesum + am( m ) * & ( dimag( c(m-i+1) * dconjg( d(m+i+idel) ) ) & + dimag( c(m+i+idel) * dconjg( d(m-i+1) ) )) 400 continue pmom( l,4 ) = pmom( l,4 ) + bidel( i ) * thesum 410 continue pmom( l,4 ) = - 0.5 * pmom( l,4 ) end if ! 500 continue ! ! 600 return end subroutine lpcoef !********************************************************************* subroutine lpco1t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) ! ! calculate legendre polynomial expansion coefficients (also ! called moments) for phase quantities in special case where ! no. terms in mie series = 1 ! ! input: nmom, ipolzn, momdim 'miev0' arguments ! calcmo flags calculated from -ipolzn- ! a(1), b(1) mie series coefficients ! ! output: pmom legendre moments ! implicit none logical calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom,nummom,l real*8 pmom( 0:momdim, * ),sq,a1sq,b1sq complex*16 a(*), b(*), ctmp, a1b1c sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 ! ! a1sq = sq( a(1) ) b1sq = sq( b(1) ) a1b1c = a(1) * dconjg( b(1) ) ! if( ipolzn.lt.0 ) then ! if( calcmo(1) ) pmom( 0,1 ) = 2.25 * b1sq if( calcmo(2) ) pmom( 0,2 ) = 2.25 * a1sq if( calcmo(3) ) pmom( 0,3 ) = 2.25 * dble( a1b1c ) if( calcmo(4) ) pmom( 0,4 ) = 2.25 *dimag( a1b1c ) ! else ! nummom = min0( nmom, 2 ) ! ** loop over moments do 100 l = 0, nummom ! if( ipolzn.eq.0 ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 1.5 * ( a1sq + b1sq ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 1.5 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 0.15 * ( a1sq + b1sq ) go to 100 end if ! if( calcmo(1) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 2.25 * ( a1sq + b1sq / 3. ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 1.5 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 0.3 * b1sq end if ! if( calcmo(2) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 2.25 * ( b1sq + a1sq / 3. ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 1.5 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 0.3 * a1sq end if ! if( calcmo(3) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 3.0 * dble( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.75 * ( a1sq + b1sq ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.3 * dble( a1b1c ) end if ! if( calcmo(4) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,4 ) = - 1.5 * dimag( a1b1c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.0 if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.3 * dimag( a1b1c ) end if ! 100 continue ! end if ! return end subroutine lpco1t !******************************************************************** subroutine lpco2t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) ! ! calculate legendre polynomial expansion coefficients (also ! called moments) for phase quantities in special case where ! no. terms in mie series = 2 ! ! input: nmom, ipolzn, momdim 'miev0' arguments ! calcmo flags calculated from -ipolzn- ! a(1-2), b(1-2) mie series coefficients ! ! output: pmom legendre moments ! implicit none logical calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom,l,nummom real*8 pmom( 0:momdim, * ),sq,pm1,pm2,a2sq,b2sq complex*16 a(*), b(*) complex*16 a2c, b2c, ctmp, ca, cac, cat, cb, cbc, cbt, cg, ch sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 ! ! ca = 3. * a(1) - 5. * b(2) cat= 3. * b(1) - 5. * a(2) cac = dconjg( ca ) a2sq = sq( a(2) ) b2sq = sq( b(2) ) a2c = dconjg( a(2) ) b2c = dconjg( b(2) ) ! if( ipolzn.lt.0 ) then ! ** loop over sekera moments nummom = min0( nmom, 2 ) do 50 l = 0, nummom ! if( calcmo(1) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,1 ) = 0.25 * ( sq(cat) + & (100./3.) * b2sq ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,1 ) = (5./3.) * dble( cat * b2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,1 ) = (10./3.) * b2sq end if ! if( calcmo(2) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,2 ) = 0.25 * ( sq(ca) + & (100./3.) * a2sq ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,2 ) = (5./3.) * dble( ca * a2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,2 ) = (10./3.) * a2sq end if ! if( calcmo(3) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.25 * dble( cat*cac + & (100./3.)*b(2)*a2c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 5./6. * dble( b(2)*cac + & cat*a2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 10./3. * dble( b(2) * a2c ) end if ! if( calcmo(4) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,4 ) = -0.25 * dimag( cat*cac + & (100./3.)*b(2)*a2c ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,4 ) = -5./6. * dimag( b(2)*cac + & cat*a2c ) if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,4 ) = -10./3. * dimag( b(2) * a2c ) end if ! 50 continue ! else ! cb = 3. * b(1) + 5. * a(2) cbt= 3. * a(1) + 5. * b(2) cbc = dconjg( cb ) cg = ( cbc*cbt + 10.*( cac*a(2) + b2c*cat) ) / 3. ch = 2.*( cbc*a(2) + b2c*cbt ) ! ! ** loop over mueller moments nummom = min0( nmom, 4 ) do 100 l = 0, nummom ! if( ipolzn.eq.0 .or. calcmo(1) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pm1 = 0.25 * sq(ca) + sq(cb) / 12. & + (5./3.) * dble(ca*b2c) + 5.*b2sq if( l.eq.1 ) pm1 = dble( cb * ( cac/6. + b2c ) ) if( l.eq.2 ) pm1 = sq(cb)/30. + (20./7.) * b2sq & + (2./3.) * dble( ca * b2c ) if( l.eq.3 ) pm1 = (2./7.) * dble( cb * b2c ) if( l.eq.4 ) pm1 = (40./63.) * b2sq if ( calcmo(1) ) pmom( l,1 ) = pm1 end if ! if( ipolzn.eq.0 .or. calcmo(2) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pm2 = 0.25*sq(cat) + sq(cbt) / 12. & + (5./3.) * dble(cat*a2c) + 5.*a2sq if( l.eq.1 ) pm2 = dble( cbt * ( dconjg(cat)/6. + a2c) ) if( l.eq.2 ) pm2 = sq(cbt)/30. + (20./7.) * a2sq & + (2./3.) * dble( cat * a2c ) if( l.eq.3 ) pm2 = (2./7.) * dble( cbt * a2c ) if( l.eq.4 ) pm2 = (40./63.) * a2sq if ( calcmo(2) ) pmom( l,2 ) = pm2 end if ! if( ipolzn.eq.0 ) then pmom( l,1 ) = 0.5 * ( pm1 + pm2 ) go to 100 end if ! if( calcmo(3) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.25 * dble( cac*cat + cg + & 20.*b2c*a(2) ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,3 ) = dble( cac*cbt + cbc*cat + & 3.*ch ) / 12. if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 0.1 * dble( cg + (200./7.) * & b2c * a(2) ) if( l.eq.3 ) pmom( l,3 ) = dble( ch ) / 14. if( l.eq.4 ) pmom( l,3 ) = 40./63. * dble( b2c * a(2) ) end if ! if( calcmo(4) ) then if( l.eq.0 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.25 * dimag( cac*cat + cg + & 20.*b2c*a(2) ) if( l.eq.1 ) pmom( l,4 ) = dimag( cac*cbt + cbc*cat + & 3.*ch ) / 12. if( l.eq.2 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 0.1 * dimag( cg + (200./7.) * & b2c * a(2) ) if( l.eq.3 ) pmom( l,4 ) = dimag( ch ) / 14. if( l.eq.4 ) pmom( l,4 ) = 40./63. * dimag( b2c * a(2) ) end if ! 100 continue ! end if ! return end subroutine lpco2t !********************************************************************* subroutine biga( cior, xx, ntrm, noabs, yesang, rbiga, cbiga ) ! ! calculate logarithmic derivatives of j-bessel-function ! ! input : cior, xx, ntrm, noabs, yesang (defined in 'miev0') ! ! output : rbiga or cbiga (defined in 'miev0') ! ! internal variables : ! ! confra value of lentz continued fraction for -cbiga(ntrm)-, ! used to initialize downward recurrence. ! down = true, use down-recurrence. false, do not. ! f1,f2,f3 arithmetic statement functions used in determining ! whether to use up- or down-recurrence ! ( ref. 2, eqs. 6-8 ) ! mre real refractive index ! mim imaginary refractive index ! rezinv 1 / ( mre * xx ); temporary variable for recurrence ! zinv 1 / ( cior * xx ); temporary variable for recurrence ! implicit none logical down, noabs, yesang integer ntrm,n real*8 mre, mim, rbiga(*), xx, rezinv, rtmp, f1,f2,f3 ! complex*16 cior, ctmp, confra, cbiga(*), zinv complex*16 cior, ctmp, cbiga(*), zinv f1( mre ) = - 8.0 + mre**2 * ( 26.22 + mre * ( - 0.4474 & + mre**3 * ( 0.00204 - 0.000175 * mre ) ) ) f2( mre ) = 3.9 + mre * ( - 10.8 + 13.78 * mre ) f3( mre ) = - 15.04 + mre * ( 8.42 + 16.35 * mre ) ! ! ** decide whether 'biga' can be ! ** calculated by up-recurrence mre = dble( cior ) mim = dabs( dimag( cior ) ) if ( mre.lt.1.0 .or. mre.gt.10.0 .or. mim.gt.10.0 ) then down = .true. else if ( yesang ) then down = .true. if ( mim*xx .lt. f2( mre ) ) down = .false. else down = .true. if ( mim*xx .lt. f1( mre ) ) down = .false. end if ! zinv = 1.0 / ( cior * xx ) rezinv = 1.0 / ( mre * xx ) ! if ( down ) then ! ** compute initial high-order 'biga' using ! ** lentz method ( ref. 1, pp. 17-20 ) ! ctmp = confra( ntrm, zinv, xx ) ! ! *** downward recurrence for 'biga' ! *** ( ref. 1, eq. 22 ) if ( noabs ) then ! ** no-absorption case rbiga( ntrm ) = dble( ctmp ) do 25 n = ntrm, 2, - 1 rbiga( n-1 ) = (n*rezinv) & - 1.0 / ( (n*rezinv) + rbiga( n ) ) 25 continue ! else ! ** absorptive case cbiga( ntrm ) = ctmp do 30 n = ntrm, 2, - 1 cbiga( n-1 ) = (n*zinv) - 1.0 / ( (n*zinv) + cbiga( n ) ) 30 continue ! end if ! else ! *** upward recurrence for 'biga' ! *** ( ref. 1, eqs. 20-21 ) if ( noabs ) then ! ** no-absorption case rtmp = dsin( mre*xx ) rbiga( 1 ) = - rezinv & + rtmp / ( rtmp*rezinv - dcos( mre*xx ) ) do 40 n = 2, ntrm rbiga( n ) = - ( n*rezinv ) & + 1.0 / ( ( n*rezinv ) - rbiga( n-1 ) ) 40 continue ! else ! ** absorptive case ctmp = cdexp( - dcmplx(0.d0,2.d0) * cior * xx ) cbiga( 1 ) = - zinv + (1.-ctmp) / ( zinv * (1.-ctmp) - & dcmplx(0.d0,1.d0)*(1.+ctmp) ) do 50 n = 2, ntrm cbiga( n ) = - (n*zinv) + 1.0 / ((n*zinv) - cbiga( n-1 )) 50 continue end if ! end if ! return end subroutine biga !********************************************************************** complex*16 function confra( n, zinv, xx ) ! ! compute bessel function ratio capital-a-sub-n from its ! continued fraction using lentz method ( ref. 1, pp. 17-20 ) ! ! zinv = reciprocal of argument of capital-a ! ! i n t e r n a l v a r i a b l e s ! ------------------------------------ ! ! cak term in continued fraction expansion of capital-a ! ( ref. 1, eq. 25 ) ! capt factor used in lentz iteration for capital-a ! ( ref. 1, eq. 27 ) ! cdenom denominator in -capt- ( ref. 1, eq. 28b ) ! cnumer numerator in -capt- ( ref. 1, eq. 28a ) ! cdtd product of two successive denominators of -capt- ! factors ( ref. 1, eq. 34c ) ! cntn product of two successive numerators of -capt- ! factors ( ref. 1, eq. 34b ) ! eps1 ill-conditioning criterion ! eps2 convergence criterion ! kk subscript k of -cak- ( ref. 1, eq. 25b ) ! kount iteration counter ( used only to prevent runaway ) ! maxit max. allowed no. of iterations ! mm + 1 and - 1, alternately ! implicit none integer n,mm,kk,kount integer, save :: maxit data maxit / 10000 / real*8 xx real*8, save :: eps1,eps2 data eps1 / 1.d-2 /, eps2 / 1.d-8 / complex*16 zinv complex*16 cak, capt, cdenom, cdtd, cnumer, cntn ! ! *** ref. 1, eqs. 25a, 27 confra = ( n + 1 ) * zinv mm = - 1 kk = 2 * n + 3 cak = ( mm * kk ) * zinv cdenom = cak cnumer = cdenom + 1.0 / confra kount = 1 ! 20 kount = kount + 1 if ( kount.gt.maxit ) & call errmsg( 'confra--iteration failed to converge$', .true.) ! ! *** ref. 2, eq. 25b mm = - mm kk = kk + 2 cak = ( mm * kk ) * zinv ! *** ref. 2, eq. 32 if ( cdabs( cnumer/cak ).le.eps1 & .or. cdabs( cdenom/cak ).le.eps1 ) then ! ! ** ill-conditioned case -- stride ! ** two terms instead of one ! ! *** ref. 2, eqs. 34 cntn = cak * cnumer + 1.0 cdtd = cak * cdenom + 1.0 confra = ( cntn / cdtd ) * confra ! *** ref. 2, eq. 25b mm = - mm kk = kk + 2 cak = ( mm * kk ) * zinv ! *** ref. 2, eqs. 35 cnumer = cak + cnumer / cntn cdenom = cak + cdenom / cdtd kount = kount + 1 go to 20 ! else ! ** well-conditioned case ! ! *** ref. 2, eqs. 26, 27 capt = cnumer / cdenom confra = capt * confra ! ** check for convergence ! ** ( ref. 2, eq. 31 ) ! if ( dabs( dble(capt) - 1.0 ).ge.eps2 & .or. dabs( dimag(capt) ) .ge.eps2 ) then ! ! *** ref. 2, eqs. 30a-b cnumer = cak + 1.0 / cnumer cdenom = cak + 1.0 / cdenom go to 20 end if end if ! return ! end function confra !******************************************************************** subroutine miprnt( prnt, xx, perfct, crefin, numang, xmu, & qext, qsca, gqsc, nmom, ipolzn, momdim, & calcmo, pmom, sforw, sback, tforw, tback, & s1, s2 ) ! ! print scattering quantities of a single particle ! implicit none logical perfct, prnt(*), calcmo(*) integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom, numang,i,m,j real*8 gqsc, pmom( 0:momdim, * ), qext, qsca, xx, xmu(*) real*8 fi1,fi2,fnorm complex*16 crefin, sforw, sback, tforw(*), tback(*), s1(*), s2(*) character*22 fmt ! ! if ( perfct ) write ( *, '(''1'',10x,a,1p,e11.4)' ) & 'perfectly conducting case, size parameter =', xx if ( .not.perfct ) write ( *, '(''1'',10x,3(a,1p,e11.4))' ) & 'refractive index: real ', dble(crefin), & ' imag ', dimag(crefin), ', size parameter =', xx ! if ( prnt(1) .and. numang.gt.0 ) then ! write ( *, '(/,a)' ) & ' cos(angle) ------- s1 --------- ------- s2 ---------'// & ' --- s1*conjg(s2) --- i1=s1**2 i2=s2**2 (i1+i2)/2'// & ' deg polzn' do 10 i = 1, numang fi1 = dble( s1(i) ) **2 + dimag( s1(i) )**2 fi2 = dble( s2(i) ) **2 + dimag( s2(i) )**2 write( *, '( i4, f10.6, 1p,10e11.3 )' ) & i, xmu(i), s1(i), s2(i), s1(i)*dconjg(s2(i)), & fi1, fi2, 0.5*(fi1+fi2), (fi2-fi1)/(fi2+fi1) 10 continue ! end if ! ! if ( prnt(2) ) then ! write ( *, '(/,a,9x,a,17x,a,17x,a,/,(0p,f7.2, 1p,6e12.3) )' ) & ' angle', 's-sub-1', 't-sub-1', 't-sub-2', & 0.0, sforw, tforw(1), tforw(2), & 180., sback, tback(1), tback(2) write ( *, '(/,4(a,1p,e11.4))' ) & ' efficiency factors, extinction:', qext, & ' scattering:', qsca, & ' absorption:', qext-qsca, & ' rad. pressure:', qext-gqsc ! if ( nmom.gt.0 ) then ! write( *, '(/,a)' ) ' normalized moments of :' if ( ipolzn.eq.0 ) write ( *, '(''+'',27x,a)' ) 'phase fcn' if ( ipolzn.gt.0 ) write ( *, '(''+'',33x,a)' ) & 'm1 m2 s21 d21' if ( ipolzn.lt.0 ) write ( *, '(''+'',33x,a)' ) & 'r1 r2 r3 r4' ! fnorm = 4. / ( xx**2 * qsca ) do 20 m = 0, nmom write ( *, '(a,i4)' ) ' moment no.', m do 20 j = 1, 4 if( calcmo(j) ) then write( fmt, 98 ) 24 + (j-1)*13 write ( *,fmt ) fnorm * pmom(m,j) end if 20 continue end if ! end if ! return ! 98 format( '( ''+'', t', i2, ', 1p,e13.4 )' ) end subroutine miprnt !************************************************************************** subroutine small1 ( xx, numang, xmu, qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, & sback, s1, s2, tforw, tback, a, b ) ! ! small-particle limit of mie quantities in totally reflecting ! limit ( mie series truncated after 2 terms ) ! ! a,b first two mie coefficients, with numerator and ! denominator expanded in powers of -xx- ( a factor ! of xx**3 is missing but is restored before return ! to calling program ) ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) ! implicit none integer numang,j real*8 gqsc, qext, qsca, xx, xmu(*) real*8 twothr,fivthr,fivnin,sq,rtmp complex*16 a( 2 ), b( 2 ), sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), & tforw(*), tback(*) ! parameter ( twothr = 2./3., fivthr = 5./3., fivnin = 5./9. ) complex*16 ctmp sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 ! ! a( 1 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, twothr * ( 1. - 0.2 * xx**2 ) ) & / dcmplx ( 1.d0 - 0.5 * xx**2, twothr * xx**3 ) ! b( 1 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, - ( 1. - 0.1 * xx**2 ) / 3. ) & / dcmplx ( 1.d0 + 0.5 * xx**2, - xx**3 / 3. ) ! a( 2 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, xx**2 / 30. ) b( 2 ) = dcmplx ( 0.d0, - xx**2 / 45. ) ! qsca = 6. * xx**4 * ( sq( a(1) ) + sq( b(1) ) & + fivthr * ( sq( a(2) ) + sq( b(2) ) ) ) qext = qsca gqsc = 6. * xx**4 * dble( a(1) * dconjg( a(2) + b(1) ) & + ( b(1) + fivnin * a(2) ) * dconjg( b(2) ) ) ! rtmp = 1.5 * xx**3 sforw = rtmp * ( a(1) + b(1) + fivthr * ( a(2) + b(2) ) ) sback = rtmp * ( a(1) - b(1) - fivthr * ( a(2) - b(2) ) ) tforw( 1 ) = rtmp * ( b(1) + fivthr * ( 2.*b(2) - a(2) ) ) tforw( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + fivthr * ( 2.*a(2) - b(2) ) ) tback( 1 ) = rtmp * ( b(1) - fivthr * ( 2.*b(2) + a(2) ) ) tback( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) - fivthr * ( 2.*a(2) + b(2) ) ) ! do 10 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + b(1) * xmu(j) + fivthr * & ( a(2) * xmu(j) + b(2) * ( 2.*xmu(j)**2 - 1. )) ) s2( j ) = rtmp * ( b(1) + a(1) * xmu(j) + fivthr * & ( b(2) * xmu(j) + a(2) * ( 2.*xmu(j)**2 - 1. )) ) 10 continue ! ** recover actual mie coefficients a( 1 ) = xx**3 * a( 1 ) a( 2 ) = xx**3 * a( 2 ) b( 1 ) = xx**3 * b( 1 ) b( 2 ) = xx**3 * b( 2 ) ! return end subroutine small1 !************************************************************************* subroutine small2 ( xx, cior, calcqe, numang, xmu, qext, qsca, & gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, tforw, tback, & a, b ) ! ! small-particle limit of mie quantities for general refractive ! index ( mie series truncated after 2 terms ) ! ! a,b first two mie coefficients, with numerator and ! denominator expanded in powers of -xx- ( a factor ! of xx**3 is missing but is restored before return ! to calling program ) ( ref. 2, p. 1508 ) ! ! ciorsq square of refractive index ! implicit none logical calcqe integer numang,j real*8 gqsc, qext, qsca, xx, xmu(*) real*8 twothr,fivthr,sq,rtmp complex*16 a( 2 ), b( 2 ), cior, sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), & tforw(*), tback(*) ! parameter ( twothr = 2./3., fivthr = 5./3. ) complex*16 ctmp, ciorsq sq( ctmp ) = dble( ctmp )**2 + dimag( ctmp )**2 ! ! ciorsq = cior**2 ctmp = dcmplx( 0.d0, twothr ) * ( ciorsq - 1.0 ) a(1) = ctmp * ( 1.0 - 0.1 * xx**2 + (ciorsq/350. + 1./280.)*xx**4) & / ( ciorsq + 2.0 + ( 1.0 - 0.7 * ciorsq ) * xx**2 & - ( ciorsq**2/175. - 0.275 * ciorsq + 0.25 ) * xx**4 & + xx**3 * ctmp * ( 1.0 - 0.1 * xx**2 ) ) ! b(1) = (xx**2/30.) * ctmp * ( 1.0 + (ciorsq/35. - 1./14.) *xx**2 ) & / ( 1.0 - ( ciorsq/15. - 1./6. ) * xx**2 ) ! a(2) = ( 0.1 * xx**2 ) * ctmp * ( 1.0 - xx**2 / 14. ) & / ( 2. * ciorsq + 3. - ( ciorsq/7. - 0.5 ) * xx**2 ) ! qsca = 6. * xx**4 * ( sq(a(1)) + sq(b(1)) + fivthr * sq(a(2)) ) gqsc = 6. * xx**4 * dble( a(1) * dconjg( a(2) + b(1) ) ) qext = qsca if ( calcqe ) qext = 6. * xx * dble( a(1) + b(1) + fivthr * a(2) ) ! rtmp = 1.5 * xx**3 sforw = rtmp * ( a(1) + b(1) + fivthr * a(2) ) sback = rtmp * ( a(1) - b(1) - fivthr * a(2) ) tforw( 1 ) = rtmp * ( b(1) - fivthr * a(2) ) tforw( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + 2. * fivthr * a(2) ) tback( 1 ) = tforw( 1 ) tback( 2 ) = rtmp * ( a(1) - 2. * fivthr * a(2) ) ! do 10 j = 1, numang s1( j ) = rtmp * ( a(1) + ( b(1) + fivthr * a(2) ) * xmu(j) ) s2( j ) = rtmp * ( b(1) + a(1) * xmu(j) + fivthr * a(2) & * ( 2. * xmu(j)**2 - 1. ) ) 10 continue ! ** recover actual mie coefficients a( 1 ) = xx**3 * a( 1 ) a( 2 ) = xx**3 * a( 2 ) b( 1 ) = xx**3 * b( 1 ) b( 2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ! return end subroutine small2 !*********************************************************************** subroutine testmi ( qext, qsca, gqsc, sforw, sback, s1, s2, & tforw, tback, pmom, momdim, ok ) ! ! compare mie code test case results with correct answers ! and return ok=false if even one result is inaccurate. ! ! the test case is : mie size parameter = 10 ! refractive index = 1.5 - 0.1 i ! scattering angle = 140 degrees ! 1 sekera moment ! ! results for this case may be found among the test cases ! at the end of reference (1). ! ! *** note *** when running on some computers, esp. in single ! precision, the 'accur' criterion below may have to be relaxed. ! however, if 'accur' must be set larger than 10**-3 for some ! size parameters, your computer is probably not accurate ! enough to do mie computations for those size parameters. ! implicit none integer momdim,m,n real*8 qext, qsca, gqsc, pmom( 0:momdim, * ) complex*16 sforw, sback, s1(*), s2(*), tforw(*), tback(*) logical ok, wrong ! real*8 accur, testqe, testqs, testgq, testpm( 0:1 ) complex*16 testsf, testsb,tests1,tests2,testtf(2), testtb(2) data testqe / 2.459791 /, testqs / 1.235144 /, & testgq / 1.139235 /, testsf / ( 61.49476, -3.177994 ) /, & testsb / ( 1.493434, 0.2963657 ) /, & tests1 / ( -0.1548380, -1.128972) /, & tests2 / ( 0.05669755, 0.5425681) /, & testtf / ( 12.95238, -136.6436 ), ( 48.54238, 133.4656 ) /, & testtb / ( 41.88414, -15.57833 ), ( 43.37758, -15.28196 )/, & testpm / 227.1975, 183.6898 / real*8 calc,exact ! data accur / 1.e-5 / data accur / 1.e-4 / wrong( calc, exact ) = dabs( (calc - exact) / exact ) .gt. accur ! ! ok = .true. if ( wrong( qext,testqe ) ) & call tstbad( 'qext', abs((qext - testqe) / testqe), ok ) if ( wrong( qsca,testqs ) ) & call tstbad( 'qsca', abs((qsca - testqs) / testqs), ok ) if ( wrong( gqsc,testgq ) ) & call tstbad( 'gqsc', abs((gqsc - testgq) / testgq), ok ) ! if ( wrong( dble(sforw), dble(testsf) ) .or. & wrong( dimag(sforw), dimag(testsf) ) ) & call tstbad( 'sforw', cdabs((sforw - testsf) / testsf), ok ) ! if ( wrong( dble(sback), dble(testsb) ) .or. & wrong( dimag(sback), dimag(testsb) ) ) & call tstbad( 'sback', cdabs((sback - testsb) / testsb), ok ) ! if ( wrong( dble(s1(1)), dble(tests1) ) .or. & wrong( dimag(s1(1)), dimag(tests1) ) ) & call tstbad( 's1', cdabs((s1(1) - tests1) / tests1), ok ) ! if ( wrong( dble(s2(1)), dble(tests2) ) .or. & wrong( dimag(s2(1)), dimag(tests2) ) ) & call tstbad( 's2', cdabs((s2(1) - tests2) / tests2), ok ) ! do 20 n = 1, 2 if ( wrong( dble(tforw(n)), dble(testtf(n)) ) .or. & wrong( dimag(tforw(n)), dimag(testtf(n)) ) ) & call tstbad( 'tforw', cdabs( (tforw(n) - testtf(n)) / & testtf(n) ), ok ) if ( wrong( dble(tback(n)), dble(testtb(n)) ) .or. & wrong( dimag(tback(n)), dimag(testtb(n)) ) ) & call tstbad( 'tback', cdabs( (tback(n) - testtb(n)) / & testtb(n) ), ok ) 20 continue ! do 30 m = 0, 1 if ( wrong( pmom(m,1), testpm(m) ) ) & call tstbad( 'pmom', dabs( (pmom(m,1)-testpm(m)) / & testpm(m) ), ok ) 30 continue ! return ! end subroutine testmi !************************************************************************** subroutine errmsg( messag, fatal ) ! ! print out a warning or error message; abort if error ! USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message, peg_error_fatal implicit none logical fatal logical, save :: once data once / .false. / character*80 msg character*(*) messag integer, save :: maxmsg, nummsg data nummsg / 0 /, maxmsg / 100 / ! ! if ( fatal ) then write( msg, '(a)' ) & 'optical averaging mie fatal error ' // & messag call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) call peg_error_fatal( lunerr, msg ) end if ! nummsg = nummsg + 1 if ( nummsg.gt.maxmsg ) then ! if ( .not.once ) write ( *,99 ) if ( .not.once )then write( msg, '(a)' ) & 'optical averaging mie: too many warning messages -- no longer printing ' call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) end if once = .true. else msg = 'optical averaging mie warning ' // messag call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) ! write ( *, '(2a)' ) ' ******* warning >>>>>> ', messag endif ! return ! ! 99 format( ///,' >>>>>> too many warning messages -- ', & ! 'they will no longer be printed <<<<<<<', /// ) end subroutine errmsg !******************************************************************** subroutine wrtbad ( varnam, erflag ) ! ! write names of erroneous variables ! ! input : varnam = name of erroneous variable to be written ! ( character, any length ) ! ! output : erflag = logical flag, set true by this routine ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- USE module_peg_util, only: peg_message implicit none character*(*) varnam logical erflag character*80 msg integer, save :: maxmsg, nummsg data nummsg / 0 /, maxmsg / 50 / ! ! nummsg = nummsg + 1 ! write ( *, '(3a)' ) ' **** input variable ', varnam, & ! ' in error ****' msg = 'optical averaging mie input variable in error ' // varnam call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) erflag = .true. if ( nummsg.eq.maxmsg ) & call errmsg ( 'too many input variable errors. aborting...$', .true. ) return ! end subroutine wrtbad !****************************************************************** subroutine tstbad( varnam, relerr, ok ) ! ! write name (-varnam-) of variable failing self-test and its ! percent error from the correct value. return ok = false. ! implicit none character*(*) varnam logical ok real*8 relerr ! ! ok = .false. write( *, '(/,3a,1p,e11.2,a)' ) & ' output variable ', varnam,' differed by', 100.*relerr, & ' per cent from correct value. self-test failed.' return ! end subroutine tstbad !****************************************************************** ! subroutine sect02(dgnum_um,sigmag,drydens,iflag,duma,nbin,dlo_um,dhi_um, & xnum_sect,xmas_sect) ! ! user specifies a single log-normal mode and a set of section boundaries ! prog calculates mass and number for each section ! implicit none REAL, DIMENSION(nbin), INTENT(OUT) :: xnum_sect, xmas_sect integer iflag, n, nbin real & dgnum, dgnum_um, dhi, dhi_um, dlo, dlo_um, & drydens, dstar, duma, dumfrac, dx, & sigmag, sumnum, summas, & sx, sxroot2, thi, tlo, vtot, & x0, x3, xhi, xlo, xmtot, xntot, xvtot real dlo_sect(nbin), dhi_sect(nbin) ! real erfc_num_recipes real pi parameter (pi = 3.1415926536) ! if (iflag .le. 1) then xntot = duma else xmtot = duma xntot = duma !czhao end if ! compute total volume and number for mode ! dgnum = dgnum_um*1.0e-4 ! sx = log( sigmag ) ! x0 = log( dgnum ) ! x3 = x0 + 3.*sx*sx ! dstar = dgnum * exp(1.5*sx*sx) ! if (iflag .le. 1) then ! xvtot = xntot*(pi/6.0)*dstar*dstar*dstar ! xmtot = xvtot*drydens*1.0e12 ! else ! xvtot = xmtot/(drydens*1.0e12) ! xntot = xvtot/((pi/6.0)*dstar*dstar*dstar) ! end if ! compute section boundaries dlo = dlo_um*1.0e-4 dhi = dhi_um*1.0e-4 xlo = log( dlo ) xhi = log( dhi ) dx = (xhi - xlo)/nbin do n = 1, nbin dlo_sect(n) = exp( xlo + dx*(n-1) ) dhi_sect(n) = exp( xlo + dx*n ) end do ! compute modal "working" parameters including total num/vol/mass dgnum = dgnum_um*1.0e-4 sx = log( sigmag ) x0 = log( dgnum ) x3 = x0 + 3.*sx*sx dstar = dgnum * exp(1.5*sx*sx) if (iflag .le. 1) then xvtot = xntot*(pi/6.0)*dstar*dstar*dstar xmtot = xvtot*drydens*1.0e12 else !czhao xvtot = xmtot/(drydens*1.0e12) !czhao xntot = xvtot/((pi/6.0)*dstar*dstar*dstar) end if ! compute number and mass for each section sxroot2 = sx * sqrt( 2.0 ) sumnum = 0. summas = 0. ! write(22,*) ! write(22,*) 'dgnum_um, sigmag = ', dgnum_um, sigmag ! write(22,*) 'drydens =', drydens ! write(22,*) 'ntot (#/cm3), mtot (ug/m3) = ', xntot, xmtot ! write(22,9220) !9220 format( / & ! ' n dlo(um) dhi(um) number mass' / ) !9225 format( i3, 2f10.6, 2(1pe13.4) ) !9230 format( / 'sum over all sections ', 2(1pe13.4) ) !9231 format( 'modal totals ', 2(1pe13.4) ) do n = 1, nbin xlo = log( dlo_sect(n) ) xhi = log( dhi_sect(n) ) tlo = (xlo - x0)/sxroot2 thi = (xhi - x0)/sxroot2 if (tlo .le. 0.) then dumfrac = 0.5*( erfc_num_recipes(-thi) - erfc_num_recipes(-tlo) ) else dumfrac = 0.5*( erfc_num_recipes(tlo) - erfc_num_recipes(thi) ) end if xnum_sect(n) = xntot*dumfrac tlo = (xlo - x3)/sxroot2 thi = (xhi - x3)/sxroot2 if (tlo .le. 0.) then dumfrac = 0.5*( erfc_num_recipes(-thi) - erfc_num_recipes(-tlo) ) else dumfrac = 0.5*( erfc_num_recipes(tlo) - erfc_num_recipes(thi) ) end if xmas_sect(n) = xmtot*dumfrac sumnum = sumnum + xnum_sect(n) summas = summas + xmas_sect(n) ! write(22,9225) n, 1.e4*dlo_sect(n), 1.e4*dhi_sect(n), & ! xnum_sect(n), xmas_sect(n) end do ! write(22,9230) sumnum, summas ! write(22,9231) xntot, xmtot end subroutine sect02 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- real function erfc_num_recipes( x ) ! ! from press et al, numerical recipes, 1990, page 164 ! implicit none real x double precision erfc_dbl, dum, t, z z = abs(x) t = 1.0/(1.0 + 0.5*z) ! erfc_num_recipes = ! & t*exp( -z*z - 1.26551223 + t*(1.00002368 + t*(0.37409196 + ! & t*(0.09678418 + t*(-0.18628806 + t*(0.27886807 + ! & t*(-1.13520398 + ! & t*(1.48851587 + t*(-0.82215223 + t*0.17087277 ))))))))) dum = ( -z*z - 1.26551223 + t*(1.00002368 + t*(0.37409196 + & t*(0.09678418 + t*(-0.18628806 + t*(0.27886807 + & t*(-1.13520398 + & t*(1.48851587 + t*(-0.82215223 + t*0.17087277 ))))))))) erfc_dbl = t * exp(dum) if (x .lt. 0.0) erfc_dbl = 2.0d0 - erfc_dbl erfc_num_recipes = erfc_dbl return end function erfc_num_recipes !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !**************************************************************************** ! <1.> subr mieaer_sc ! Purpose: calculate aerosol optical depth, single scattering albedo, ! asymmetry factor, extinction, Legendre coefficients, and average aerosol ! size. parameterizes aerosol coefficients using a full-blown Mie code ! Calculates these properties for either (1) an aerosol internally mixed in a ! shell/core configuration or (2) internally mixed aerosol represented by ! volume averaging of refractive indices ! Uses the ACKMIE code developed eons ago by Tom Ackerman (Ackerman and Toon, 1981: ! absorption of visible radiation in the atmosphere containing mixtures of absorbing and ! non-absorbing particles, Appl. Opt., 20, 3661-3668. ! ! INPUT ! id -- grid id number ! iclm, jclm -- i,j of grid column being processed ! nbin_a -- number of bins ! number_bin_col(nbin_a,kmaxd) -- number density in layer, #/cm^3 ! radius_wet_col(nbin_a,kmaxd) -- wet radius, shell, cm ! radius_core_col(nbin_a,kmaxd) -- core radius, cm; NOTE: ! if this is set to zero, the code will assumed a volume averaging ! of refractive indices ! refindx_col(nbin_a,kmaxd) -- volume complex index of refraction for shell, or ! volume averaged complex index of refraction for the whole aerosol ! in volume averaged mode ! refindx_core_col(nbin_a,kmaxd) -- complex index of refraction for core ! dz -- depth of individual cells in column, m ! curr_secs -- time from start of run, sec ! lpar -- number of grid cells in vertical (via module_fastj_cmnh) ! kmaxd -- predefined maximum allowed levels from module_data_mosaic_other ! passed here via module_fastj_cmnh ! OUTPUT: saved in module_fastj_cmnmie ! real tauaer ! aerosol optical depth ! waer ! aerosol single scattering albedo ! gaer ! aerosol asymmetery factor ! extaer ! aerosol extinction ! l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7 ! Legendre coefficients, numbered 0,1,2,...... ! sizeaer ! average wet radius ! bscoef ! aerosol backscatter coefficient with units km-1 * steradian -1 JCB 2007/02/01 !*********************************************************************** subroutine mieaer_sc( & id, iclm, jclm, nbin_a, & number_bin_col, radius_wet_col, refindx_col, & radius_core_col, refindx_core_col, & ! jcb, 2007/07/25; for shell/core implementation, set radius_cor_col=0 for volume-average configuration dz, curr_secs, lpar, & sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,bscoef) ! added bscoef JCB 2007/02/01 ! USE module_data_mosaic_other, only : kmaxd USE module_data_mosaic_therm, only : nbin_a_maxd USE module_peg_util, only : peg_message IMPLICIT NONE ! subr arguments !jdf integer,parameter :: nspint = 4 ! Num of spectral intervals across ! solar spectrum for FAST-J integer, intent(in) :: lpar !jdf real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1),intent(out) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer !jdf real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1),intent(out) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7 !jdf real, dimension (nspint, kmaxd+1),intent(out) :: bscoef !JCB 2007/02/01 real, dimension (nspint, lpar+1),intent(out) :: sizeaer,extaer,waer,gaer,tauaer real, dimension (nspint, lpar+1),intent(out) :: l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7 real, dimension (nspint, lpar+1),intent(out) :: bscoef !JCB 2007/02/01 real, dimension (nspint),save :: wavmid !cm data wavmid & / 0.30e-4, 0.40e-4, 0.60e-4 ,0.999e-04 / !jdf integer, intent(in) :: id, iclm, jclm, nbin_a real(kind=8), intent(in) :: curr_secs !jdf real, intent(in), dimension(nbin_a, kmaxd) :: number_bin_col !jdf real, intent(inout), dimension(nbin_a, kmaxd) :: radius_wet_col !jdf complex, intent(in) :: refindx_col(nbin_a, kmaxd) real, intent(in), dimension(nbin_a, lpar+1) :: number_bin_col real, intent(inout), dimension(nbin_a, lpar+1) :: radius_wet_col, radius_core_col ! jcb 2007/07/25 complex, intent(in) :: refindx_col(nbin_a, lpar+1), refindx_core_col(nbin_a,lpar+1) ! jcb 2007/07/25, real, intent(in) :: dz(lpar) real thesum, sum ! for normalizing things and testing ! integer m,l,j,nl,ll,nc,klevel integer ns, & ! Spectral loop index i, & ! Longitude loop index k ! Level loop index real*8 dp_wet_a,dp_core_a complex*16 ri_shell_a,ri_core_a real*8 qextc,qscatc,qbackc,extc,scatc,backc,gscac real*8 vlambc integer n,kkk,jjj integer, save :: kcallmieaer data kcallmieaer / 0 / real*8 pmom(0:7,1) real weighte, weights, pscat real pie,sizem real ratio ! real,save ::rmin,rmax ! min, max aerosol size bin ! data rmin /0.005e-04/ ! rmin in cm, 5e-3 microns min allowable size ! data rmax /50.0e-04/ ! rmax in cm. 50 microns, big particle, max allowable size data rmin /0.010e-04/ ! rmin in cm, 5e-3 microns min allowable size data rmax /7.0e-04/ ! rmax in cm. 50 microns, big particle, max allowable size ! diagnostic declarations integer, save :: kcallmieaer2 data kcallmieaer2 / 0 / integer ibin character*150 msg #if (defined(CHEM_DBG_I) && defined(CHEM_DBG_J) && defined(CHEM_DBG_K)) !cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec run_out.25 has aerosol physical parameter info for bins 1-8 !ec and vertical cells 1 to kmaxd. ! ilaporte = 33 ! jlaporte = 34 kcallmieaer2=0 if (iclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_I) then if (jclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_J) then ! initial entry if (kcallmieaer2 .eq. 0) then write(*,9099)iclm, jclm 9099 format('for cell i = ', i3, 2x, 'j = ', i3) write(*,9100) 9100 format( & 'curr_secs', 3x, 'i', 3x, 'j', 3x,'k', 3x, & 'ibin', 3x, & 'refindx_col(ibin,k)', 3x, & 'radius_wet_col(ibin,k)', 3x, & 'number_bin_col(ibin,k)' & ) end if !ec output for run_out.25 do k = 1, lpar do ibin = 1, nbin_a write(*, 9120) & curr_secs,iclm, jclm, k, ibin, & refindx_col(ibin,k), & radius_wet_col(ibin,k), & number_bin_col(ibin,k) 9120 format( i7,3(2x,i4),2x,i4, 4x, 4(e14.6,2x)) end do end do kcallmieaer2 = kcallmieaer2 + 1 end if end if !ec end print of aerosol physical parameter diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc #endif ! ! loop over levels do 2000 klevel=1,lpar thesum=0.0 do m=1,nbin_a thesum=thesum+number_bin_col(m,klevel) enddo pie=4.*atan(1.) ! Begin spectral loop do 1000 ns=1,nspint ! aerosol optical properties tauaer(ns,klevel)=0. waer(ns,klevel)=0. gaer(ns,klevel)=0. sizeaer(ns,klevel)=0.0 extaer(ns,klevel)=0.0 l2(ns,klevel)=0.0 l3(ns,klevel)=0.0 l4(ns,klevel)=0.0 l5(ns,klevel)=0.0 l6(ns,klevel)=0.0 l7(ns,klevel)=0.0 bscoef(ns,klevel)=0.0 if(thesum.le.1.e-21)goto 1000 ! set everything = 0 if no aerosol ! wig changed 0.0 to 1e-21 ! loop over the bins, nbin_a is the number of bins do m=1,nbin_a ! check to see if there's any aerosol !jdf if(number_bin_col(m,klevel).le.1e-21)goto 70 ! no aerosol wig changed 0.0 to 1e-21, 31-Oct-2005 ! here's the size sizem=radius_wet_col(m,klevel) ! radius in cm ratio=radius_core_col(m,klevel)/radius_wet_col(m,klevel) ! check limits of particle size ! rce 2004-dec-07 - use klevel in write statements if(radius_wet_col(m,klevel).le.rmin)then radius_wet_col(m,klevel)=rmin radius_core_col(m,klevel)=rmin*ratio write( msg, '(a, 5i4,1x, e11.4)' ) & 'mieaer_sc: radius_wet set to rmin,' // & 'id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k)', id, iclm, jclm, klevel, m, radius_wet_col(m,klevel) call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) ! write(6,'('' particle size too small '')') endif ! if(radius_wet_col(m,klevel).gt.rmax)then write( msg, '(a, 5i4,1x, e11.4)' ) & 'mieaer_sc: radius_wet set to rmax,' // & 'id,i,j,k,m,rm(m,k)', & id, iclm, jclm, klevel, m, radius_wet_col(m,klevel) call peg_message( lunerr, msg ) radius_wet_col(m,klevel)=rmax radius_core_col(m,klevel)=rmax*ratio ! write(6,'('' particle size too large '')') endif ! ri_shell_a=dcmplx(real(refindx_col(m,klevel)),abs(aimag(refindx_col(m,klevel)))) ! need positive complex part of refractive index here ri_core_a=dcmplx(real(refindx_core_col(m,klevel)),abs(aimag(refindx_core_col(m,klevel)))) ! need positive complex part of refractive index here ! dp_wet_a= 2.0*radius_wet_col(m,klevel)*1.0e04 ! radius_wet is in cm,dp_wet_a should be in microns dp_core_a=2.0*radius_core_col(m,klevel)*1.0e04 vlambc=wavmid(ns)*1.0e04 ! ! write(6,*)dp_wet_a ! write(6,*)ri_shell_a ! write(6,*)vlambc call miedriver(dp_wet_a,dp_core_a,ri_shell_a,ri_core_a, vlambc, & qextc,qscatc,gscac,extc,scatc,qbackc,backc,pmom) ! check, note that pmom(1,1)/pmom(0,1) is indeed the asymmetry parameter as calculated by Tom's code, jcb, July 7, 2007 ! correct in the Rayleigh limit, July 3, 2007: jcb ! write(6,*) ! do ii=0,7 ! write(6,*)pmom(ii,1),pmom(ii,1)/pmom(0,1) ! enddo ! write(6,*)qextc,qscatc,gscac,extc,scatc ! write(6,*) ! weighte=extc*1.0e-08 ! extinction cross section, converted to cm^2 weights=scatc*1.0e-08 ! scattering cross section, converted to cm^2 tauaer(ns,klevel)=tauaer(ns,klevel)+weighte* & number_bin_col(m,klevel) ! must be multiplied by deltaZ sizeaer(ns,klevel)=sizeaer(ns,klevel)+radius_wet_col(m,klevel)*10000.0* & number_bin_col(m,klevel) waer(ns,klevel)=waer(ns,klevel)+weights*number_bin_col(m,klevel) gaer(ns,klevel)=gaer(ns,klevel)+gscac*weights* & number_bin_col(m,klevel) l2(ns,klevel)=l2(ns,klevel)+weights*pmom(2,1)/pmom(0,1)*5.0*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l3(ns,klevel)=l3(ns,klevel)+weights*pmom(3,1)/pmom(0,1)*7.0*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l4(ns,klevel)=l4(ns,klevel)+weights*pmom(4,1)/pmom(0,1)*9.0*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l5(ns,klevel)=l5(ns,klevel)+weights*pmom(5,1)/pmom(0,1)*11.0*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l6(ns,klevel)=l6(ns,klevel)+weights*pmom(6,1)/pmom(0,1)*13.0*number_bin_col(m,klevel) l7(ns,klevel)=l7(ns,klevel)+weights*pmom(7,1)/pmom(0,1)*15.0*number_bin_col(m,klevel) ! the 4*pi gives the correct value in the Rayleigh limit compared with the old core, which we assume is correct bscoef(ns,klevel)=bscoef(ns,klevel)+backc*1.0e-08*number_bin_col(m,klevel)*4.0*pie ! converting cross-section from microns ^2 to cm^2, 4*pie needed 2001 continue end do ! end of nbin loop ! take averages sizeaer(ns,klevel)=sizeaer(ns,klevel)/thesum gaer(ns,klevel)=gaer(ns,klevel)/waer(ns,klevel) l2(ns,klevel)=l2(ns,klevel)/waer(ns,klevel) l3(ns,klevel)=l3(ns,klevel)/waer(ns,klevel) l4(ns,klevel)=l4(ns,klevel)/waer(ns,klevel) l5(ns,klevel)=l5(ns,klevel)/waer(ns,klevel) l6(ns,klevel)=l6(ns,klevel)/waer(ns,klevel) l7(ns,klevel)=l7(ns,klevel)/waer(ns,klevel) ! write(6,*)ns,klevel,l4(ns,klevel) ! this is beta, not beta/(4*pie) bscoef(ns,klevel)=bscoef(ns,klevel)*1.0e5 ! unit (km)^-1 ! SSA checked by comparson with Travis and Hansen, get exact result waer(ns,klevel)=waer(ns,klevel)/tauaer(ns,klevel) ! must be last extaer(ns,klevel)=tauaer(ns,klevel)*1.0e5 ! unit (km)^-1 70 continue ! end of nbin_a loop 1000 continue ! end of wavelength loop 2000 continue ! end of klevel loop ! before returning, multiply tauaer by depth of individual cells. ! tauaer is in cm-1, dz in m; multiply dz by 100 to convert from m to cm. do ns = 1, nspint do klevel = 1, lpar tauaer(ns,klevel) = tauaer(ns,klevel) * dz(klevel)* 100. end do end do ! #if (defined(CHEM_DBG_I) && defined(CHEM_DBG_J) && defined(CHEM_DBG_K)) !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec fastj diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc !ec run_out.30 has aerosol optical info for cells 1 to kmaxd. ! ilaporte = 33 ! jlaporte = 34 if (iclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_I) then if (jclm .eq. CHEM_DBG_J) then ! initial entry if (kcallmieaer .eq. 0) then write(*,909) CHEM_DBG_I, CHEM_DBG_J 909 format( ' for cell i = ', i3, ' j = ', i3) write(*,910) 910 format( & 'curr_secs', 3x, 'i', 3x, 'j', 3x,'k', 3x, & 'dzmfastj', 8x, & 'tauaer(1,k)',1x, 'tauaer(2,k)',1x,'tauaer(3,k)',3x, & 'tauaer(4,k)',5x, & 'waer(1,k)', 7x, 'waer(2,k)', 7x,'waer(3,k)', 7x, & 'waer(4,k)', 7x, & 'gaer(1,k)', 7x, 'gaer(2,k)', 7x,'gaer(3,k)', 7x, & 'gaer(4,k)', 7x, & 'extaer(1,k)',5x, 'extaer(2,k)',5x,'extaer(3,k)',5x, & 'extaer(4,k)',5x, & 'sizeaer(1,k)',4x, 'sizeaer(2,k)',4x,'sizeaer(3,k)',4x, & 'sizeaer(4,k)' ) end if !ec output for run_out.30 do k = 1, lpar write(*, 912) & curr_secs,iclm, jclm, k, & dz(k) , & (tauaer(n,k), n=1,4), & (waer(n,k), n=1,4), & (gaer(n,k), n=1,4), & (extaer(n,k), n=1,4), & (sizeaer(n,k), n=1,4) 912 format( i7,3(2x,i4),2x,21(e14.6,2x)) end do kcallmieaer = kcallmieaer + 1 end if end if !ec end print of fastj diagnostics !ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc #endif ! return end subroutine mieaer_sc ! subroutine miedriver(dp_wet_a,dp_core_a,ri_shell_a,ri_core_a, vlambc, & qextc,qscatc,gscac,extc,scatc,qbackc,backc,pmom) ! MOSAIC INPUTS ! dp_wet_a = diameter (cm) of aerosol ! dp_core_a = diameter (cm) of the aerosol's core ! ri_shell_a = refractive index (complex) of shell ! ri_core_a = refractve index (complex ) of core (usually assumed to be LAC) ! vlambc = wavelength of calculation (um, convert to cm) ! MOSAIC outputs ! qextc = scattering efficiency ! qscac = scattering efficiency ! gscac = asymmetry parameter ! extc = extinction cross section (cm^2) ! scac = scattering cross section (cm^2) ! drives concentric sphere program ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* INPUTS: */ ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! VLAMBc: Wavelength of the radiation ! NRGFLAGc: Flag to indicate a number density of volume radius ! RGc: Number (RGN = Rm) or volume (RGV) weighted mean radius of ! the particle size distribution ! SIGMAGc: Geometric standard deviation of the distribution ! SHELRc: Real part of the index of refraction for the shell ! SHELIc: Imaginary part of the index of refraction for the shell ! RINc: Inner core radius as a fraction of outer shell radius ! CORERc: Real part of the index of refraction for the core ! COREIc: Imaginary part of the index of refraction for the core ! NANG: Number of scattering angles between 0 and 90 degrees, ! inclusive ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* OUTPUTS: */ ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! QEXTc: Extinction efficiency of the particle ! QSCAc: Scattering efficiency of the particle ! QBACKc: Backscatter efficiency of the particle ! EXTc: Extinction cross section of the particle ! SCAc: Scattering cross section of the particle ! BACKc: Backscatter cross section of the particle ! GSCA: Asymmetry parameter of the particles phase function ! ANGLES(NAN): Scattering angles in degrees ! S1R(NAN): Real part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S1C(NAN): Complex part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S2R(NAN): Real part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S2C(NAN): Complex part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S11N: Normalization coefficient of the scattering matrix ! S11(NAN): S11 scattering coefficients ! S12(NAN): S12 scattering coefficients ! S33(NAN): S33 scattering coefficients ! S34(NAN): S34 scattering coefficients ! SPOL(NAN): Degree of polarization of unpolarized, incident light ! SP(NAN): Phase function ! ! NOTE: NAN=2*NANG-1 is the number of scattering angles between ! 0 and 180 degrees, inclusive. ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ REAL*8 VLAMBc,RGcmin,RGcmax,RGc,SIGMAGc,SHELRc,SHELIc REAL*8 RINc,CORERc,COREIc INTEGER*4 NRGFLAGc,NANG REAL*8 QEXTc,QSCATc,QBACKc,EXTc,SCATc,BACKc,GSCAc REAL*8 ANGLESc(200),S1R(200),S1C(200),S2R(200),S2C(200) REAL*8 S11N,S11(200),S12(200),S33(200),S34(200),SPOL(200),SP(200) real*8 pmom(0:7,1) real*8 dp_wet_a,dp_core_a complex*16 ri_shell_a,ri_core_a ! nang=2 ! only one angle nrgflagc=0 ! size distribution ! rgc=dp_wet_a/2.0 ! radius of particle rinc=dp_core_a/dp_wet_a ! fraction of radius that is the core rgcmin=0.001 rgcmax=5.0 sigmagc=1.0 ! no particle size dispersion shelrc=real(ri_shell_a) shelic=aimag(ri_shell_a) corerc=real(ri_core_a) coreic=aimag(ri_core_a) CALL ACKMIEPARTICLE( VLAMBc,NRGFLAGc,RGcmin,RGcmax, & RGc,SIGMAGc,SHELRc, & SHELIc, RINc,CORERc,COREIc,NANG,QEXTc,QSCATc, & QBACKc, EXTc,SCATc,BACKc, GSCAc, & ANGLESc,S1R,S1C,S2R,S2C,S11N,S11,S12,S33,S34,SPOL,SP,pmom) ! jcb ! write(6,1010)rgc,qextc,qscatc,qscatc/qextc,gscac 1010 format(5f20.12) 1020 format(2f12.6) end subroutine miedriver ! ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* The Toon-Ackerman SUBROUTINE DMIESS for calculating the*/ ! /* scatter off of a coated sphere of some sort. */ ! /* Toon and Ackerman, Applied Optics, Vol. 20, Pg. 3657 */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ !********************************************** SUBROUTINE DMIESS( RO, RFR, RFI, THETD, JX, & QEXT, QSCAT, CTBRQS, ELTRMX, PIE, & TAU, CSTHT, SI2THT, ACAP, QBS, IT, & LL, R, RE2, TMAG2, WVNO, an,bn, ntrm ) ! ! ********************************************************************** ! THIS SUBROUTINE COMPUTES MIE SCATTERING BY A STRATIFIED SPHERE, ! I.E. A PARTICLE CONSISTING OF A SPHERICAL CORE SURROUNDED BY A ! SPHERICAL SHELL. THE BASIC CODE USED WAS THAT DESCRIBED IN THE ! REPORT: SUBROUTINES FOR COMPUTING THE PARAMETERS OF THE ! ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION SCATTERED BY A SPHERE J.V. DAVE, ! I B M SCIENTIFIC CENTER, PALO ALTO , CALIFORNIA. ! REPORT NO. 320 - 3236 .. MAY 1968 . ! ! THE MODIFICATIONS FOR STRATIFIED SPHERES ARE DESCRIBED IN ! TOON AND ACKERMAN, APPL. OPTICS, IN PRESS, 1981 ! ! THE PARAMETERS IN THE CALLING STATEMENT ARE DEFINED AS FOLLOWS : ! RO IS THE OUTER (SHELL) RADIUS; ! R IS THE CORE RADIUS; ! RFR, RFI ARE THE REAL AND IMAGINARY PARTS OF THE SHELL INDEX ! OF REFRACTION IN THE FORM (RFR - I* RFI); ! RE2, TMAG2 ARE THE INDEX PARTS FOR THE CORE; ! ( WE ASSUME SPACE HAS UNIT INDEX. ) ! THETD(J): ANGLE IN DEGREES BETWEEN THE DIRECTIONS OF THE INCIDENT ! AND THE SCATTERED RADIATION. THETD(J) IS< OR= 90.0 ! IF THETD(J) SHOULD HAPPEN TO BE GREATER THAN 90.0, ENTER WITH ! SUPPLEMENTARY VALUE, SEE COMMENTS BELOW ON ELTRMX; ! JX: TOTAL NUMBER OF THETD FOR WHICH THE COMPUTATIONS ARE ! REQUIRED. JX SHOULD NOT EXCEED IT UNLESS THE DIMENSIONS ! STATEMENTS ARE APPROPRIATEDLY MODIFIED; ! ! THE DEFINITIONS FOR THE FOLLOWING SYMBOLS CAN BE FOUND IN LIGHT ! SCATTERING BY SMALL PARTICLES, H.C.VAN DE HULST, JOHN WILEY ! SONS, INC., NEW YORK, 1957. ! QEXT: EFFIECIENCY FACTOR FOR EXTINCTION,VAN DE HULST,P.14 127. ! QSCAT: EFFIECINCY FACTOR FOR SCATTERING,V.D. HULST,P.14 127. ! CTBRQS: AVERAGE(COSINE THETA) * QSCAT,VAN DE HULST,P.128 ! ELTRMX(I,J,K): ELEMENTS OF THE TRANSFORMATION MATRIX F,V.D.HULST ! ,P.34,45 125. I=1: ELEMENT M SUB 2..I=2: ELEMENT M SUB 1.. ! I = 3: ELEMENT S SUB 21.. I = 4: ELEMENT D SUB 21.. ! ELTRMX(I,J,1) REPRESENTS THE ITH ELEMENT OF THE MATRIX FOR ! THE ANGLE THETD(J).. ELTRMX(I,J,2) REPRESENTS THE ITH ELEMENT ! OF THE MATRIX FOR THE ANGLE 180.0 - THETD(J) .. ! QBS IS THE BACK SCATTER CROSS SECTION. ! ! IT: IS THE DIMENSION OF THETD, ELTRMX, CSTHT, PIE, TAU, SI2THT, ! IT MUST CORRESPOND EXACTLY TO THE SECOND DIMENSION OF ELTRMX. ! LL: IS THE DIMENSION OF ACAP ! IN THE ORIGINAL PROGRAM THE DIMENSION OF ACAP WAS 7000. ! FOR CONSERVING SPACE THIS SHOULD BE NOT MUCH HIGHER THAN ! THE VALUE, N=1.1*(NREAL**2 + NIMAG**2)**.5 * X + 1 ! WVNO: 2*PIE / WAVELENGTH ! ! ALSO THE SUBROUTINE COMPUTES THE CAPITAL A FUNCTION BY MAKING USE O ! DOWNWARD RECURRENCE RELATIONSHIP. ! ! TA(1): REAL PART OF WFN(1). TA(2): IMAGINARY PART OF WFN(1). ! TA(3): REAL PART OF WFN(2). TA(4): IMAGINARY PART OF WFN(2). ! TB(1): REAL PART OF FNA. TB(2): IMAGINARY PART OF FNA. ! TC(1): REAL PART OF FNB. TC(2): IMAGINARY PART OF FNB. ! TD(1): REAL PART OF FNAP. TD(2): IMAGINARY PART OF FNAP. ! TE(1): REAL PART OF FNBP. TE(2): IMAGINARY PART OF FNBP. ! FNAP, FNBP ARE THE PRECEDING VALUES OF FNA, FNB RESPECTIVELY. ! ********************************************************************** ! /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Initially, make all types undefined. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! IMPLICIT UNDEFINED(A-Z) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Dimension statements. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ INTEGER*4 JX, IT, LL REAL*8 RO, RFR, RFI, THETD(IT), QEXT, QSCAT, CTBRQS, & ELTRMX(4,IT,2), PIE(3,IT), TAU(3,IT), CSTHT(IT), & SI2THT(IT), QBS, R, RE2, TMAG2, WVNO COMPLEX*16 ACAP(LL) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Variables used in the calculations below. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ INTEGER*4 IFLAG, J, K, M, N, NN, NMX1, NMX2 REAL*8 T(5), TA(4), TB(2), TC(2), TD(2), TE(2), X, & RX, X1, Y1, X4, Y4, SINX1, SINX4, COSX1, COSX4, & EY1, E2Y1, EY4, EY1MY4, EY1PY4, AA, BB, & CC, DD, DENOM, REALP, AMAGP, QBSR, QBSI, RMM, & PIG, RXP4 ! COMPLEX*16 FNAP, FNBP, W, & FNA, FNB, RF, RRF, & RRFX, WM1, FN1, FN2, & TC1, TC2, WFN(2), Z(4), & K1, K2, K3, & RC, U(8), DH1, & DH2, DH4, P24H24, P24H21, & PSTORE, HSTORE, DUMMY, DUMSQ ! jcb complex*16 an(500),bn(500) ! a,b Mie coefficients, jcb Hansen and Travis, eqn 2.44 integer*4 ntrm ! ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Define the common block. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ COMMON / WARRAY / W(3,9000) ! ! EQUIVALENCE (FNA,TB(1)),(FNB,TC(1)),(FNAP,TD(1)),(FNBP,TE(1)) ! ! IF THE CORE IS SMALL SCATTERING IS COMPUTED FOR THE SHELL ONLY ! ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Begin the Mie calculations. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IFLAG = 1 ntrm=0 ! jcb IF ( R/RO .LT. 1.0D-06 ) IFLAG = 2 IF ( JX .LE. IT ) GO TO 20 WRITE( 6,7 ) WRITE( 6,6 ) call errmsg( 'DMIESS: 30', .true.) 20 RF = CMPLX( RFR, -RFI ) RC = CMPLX( RE2,-TMAG2 ) X = RO * WVNO K1 = RC * WVNO K2 = RF * WVNO K3 = CMPLX( WVNO, 0.0D0 ) Z(1) = K2 * RO Z(2) = K3 * RO Z(3) = K1 * R Z(4) = K2 * R X1 = DREAL( Z(1) ) Y1 = DIMAG( Z(1) ) X4 = DREAL( Z(4) ) Y4 = DIMAG( Z(4) ) RRF = 1.0D0 / RF RX = 1.0D0 / X RRFX = RRF * RX T(1) = ( X**2 ) * ( RFR**2 + RFI**2 ) T(1) = DSQRT( T(1) ) NMX1 = 1.30D0* T(1) ! IF ( NMX1 .LE. LL-1 ) GO TO 21 WRITE(6,8) call errmsg( 'DMIESS: 32', .true.) 21 NMX2 = T(1) * 1.2 nmx1=min(nmx1+5,150) ! jcb nmx2=min(nmx2+5,135) ! jcb ! write(6,*)x,nmx1,nmx2,ll ! jcb ! stop IF ( NMX1 .GT. 150 ) GO TO 22 ! NMX1 = 150 ! NMX2 = 135 ! 22 ACAP( NMX1+1 ) = ( 0.0D0,0.0D0 ) IF ( IFLAG .EQ. 2 ) GO TO 26 DO 29 N = 1,3 29 W( N,NMX1+1 ) = ( 0.0D0,0.0D0 ) 26 CONTINUE DO 23 N = 1,NMX1 NN = NMX1 - N + 1 ACAP(NN) = (NN+1)*RRFX - 1.0D0 / ((NN+1)*RRFX + ACAP(NN+1)) IF ( IFLAG .EQ. 2 ) GO TO 23 DO 31 M = 1,3 31 W( M,NN ) = (NN+1) / Z(M+1) - & 1.0D0 / ((NN+1) / Z(M+1) + W( M,NN+1 )) 23 CONTINUE ! DO 30 J = 1,JX IF ( THETD(J) .LT. 0.0D0 ) THETD(J) = DABS( THETD(J) ) IF ( THETD(J) .GT. 0.0D0 ) GO TO 24 CSTHT(J) = 1.0D0 SI2THT(J) = 0.0D0 GO TO 30 24 IF ( THETD(J) .GE. 90.0D0 ) GO TO 25 T(1) = ( 3.14159265359 * THETD(J) ) / 180.0D0 CSTHT(J) = DCOS( T(1) ) SI2THT(J) = 1.0D0 - CSTHT(J)**2 GO TO 30 25 IF ( THETD(J) .GT. 90.0 ) GO TO 28 CSTHT(J) = 0.0D0 SI2THT(J) = 1.0D0 GO TO 30 28 WRITE( 6,5 ) THETD(J) WRITE( 6,6 ) call errmsg( 'DMIESS: 34', .true.) 30 CONTINUE ! DO 35 J = 1,JX PIE(1,J) = 0.0D0 PIE(2,J) = 1.0D0 TAU(1,J) = 0.0D0 TAU(2,J) = CSTHT(J) 35 CONTINUE ! ! INITIALIZATION OF HOMOGENEOUS SPHERE ! T(1) = DCOS(X) T(2) = DSIN(X) WM1 = CMPLX( T(1),-T(2) ) WFN(1) = CMPLX( T(2), T(1) ) TA(1) = T(2) TA(2) = T(1) WFN(2) = RX * WFN(1) - WM1 TA(3) = DREAL(WFN(2)) TA(4) = DIMAG(WFN(2)) ! n=1 ! jcb, bug??? IF ( IFLAG .EQ. 2 ) GO TO 560 N = 1 ! ! INITIALIZATION PROCEDURE FOR STRATIFIED SPHERE BEGINS HERE ! SINX1 = DSIN( X1 ) SINX4 = DSIN( X4 ) COSX1 = DCOS( X1 ) COSX4 = DCOS( X4 ) EY1 = DEXP( Y1 ) E2Y1 = EY1 * EY1 EY4 = DEXP( Y4 ) EY1MY4 = DEXP( Y1 - Y4 ) EY1PY4 = EY1 * EY4 EY1MY4 = DEXP( Y1 - Y4 ) AA = SINX4 * ( EY1PY4 + EY1MY4 ) BB = COSX4 * ( EY1PY4 - EY1MY4 ) CC = SINX1 * ( E2Y1 + 1.0D0 ) DD = COSX1 * ( E2Y1 - 1.0D0 ) DENOM = 1.0D0 + E2Y1 * (4.0D0*SINX1*SINX1 - 2.0D0 + E2Y1) REALP = ( AA * CC + BB * DD ) / DENOM AMAGP = ( BB * CC - AA * DD ) / DENOM DUMMY = CMPLX( REALP, AMAGP ) AA = SINX4 * SINX4 - 0.5D0 BB = COSX4 * SINX4 P24H24 = 0.5D0 + CMPLX( AA,BB ) * EY4 * EY4 AA = SINX1 * SINX4 - COSX1 * COSX4 BB = SINX1 * COSX4 + COSX1 * SINX4 CC = SINX1 * SINX4 + COSX1 * COSX4 DD = -SINX1 * COSX4 + COSX1 * SINX4 P24H21 = 0.5D0 * CMPLX( AA,BB ) * EY1 * EY4 + & 0.5D0 * CMPLX( CC,DD ) * EY1MY4 DH4 = Z(4) / (1.0D0 + (0.0D0,1.0D0) * Z(4)) - 1.0D0 / Z(4) DH1 = Z(1) / (1.0D0 + (0.0D0,1.0D0) * Z(1)) - 1.0D0 / Z(1) DH2 = Z(2) / (1.0D0 + (0.0D0,1.0D0) * Z(2)) - 1.0D0 / Z(2) PSTORE = ( DH4 + N / Z(4) ) * ( W(3,N) + N / Z(4) ) P24H24 = P24H24 / PSTORE HSTORE = ( DH1 + N / Z(1) ) * ( W(3,N) + N / Z(4) ) P24H21 = P24H21 / HSTORE PSTORE = ( ACAP(N) + N / Z(1) ) / ( W(3,N) + N / Z(4) ) DUMMY = DUMMY * PSTORE DUMSQ = DUMMY * DUMMY ! ! NOTE: THE DEFINITIONS OF U(I) IN THIS PROGRAM ARE NOT THE SAME AS ! THE USUBI DEFINED IN THE ARTICLE BY TOON AND ACKERMAN. THE ! CORRESPONDING TERMS ARE: ! USUB1 = U(1) USUB2 = U(5) ! USUB3 = U(7) USUB4 = DUMSQ ! USUB5 = U(2) USUB6 = U(3) ! USUB7 = U(6) USUB8 = U(4) ! RATIO OF SPHERICAL BESSEL FTN TO SPHERICAL HENKAL FTN = U(8) ! U(1) = K3 * ACAP(N) - K2 * W(1,N) U(2) = K3 * ACAP(N) - K2 * DH2 U(3) = K2 * ACAP(N) - K3 * W(1,N) U(4) = K2 * ACAP(N) - K3 * DH2 U(5) = K1 * W(3,N) - K2 * W(2,N) U(6) = K2 * W(3,N) - K1 * W(2,N) U(7) = ( 0.0D0,-1.0D0 ) * ( DUMMY * P24H21 - P24H24 ) U(8) = TA(3) / WFN(2) ! FNA = U(8) * ( U(1)*U(5)*U(7) + K1*U(1) - DUMSQ*K3*U(5) ) / & ( U(2)*U(5)*U(7) + K1*U(2) - DUMSQ*K3*U(5) ) FNB = U(8) * ( U(3)*U(6)*U(7) + K2*U(3) - DUMSQ*K2*U(6) ) / & ( U(4)*U(6)*U(7) + K2*U(4) - DUMSQ*K2*U(6) ) ! ! Explicit equivalences added by J. Francis TB(1) = DREAL(FNA) TB(2) = DIMAG(FNA) TC(1) = DREAL(FNB) TC(2) = DIMAG(FNB) GO TO 561 560 TC1 = ACAP(1) * RRF + RX TC2 = ACAP(1) * RF + RX FNA = ( TC1 * TA(3) - TA(1) ) / ( TC1 * WFN(2) - WFN(1) ) FNB = ( TC2 * TA(3) - TA(1) ) / ( TC2 * WFN(2) - WFN(1) ) TB(1) = DREAL(FNA) TB(2) = DIMAG(FNA) TC(1) = DREAL(FNB) TC(2) = DIMAG(FNB) ! 561 CONTINUE ! jcb ntrm=ntrm+1 an(n)=fna bn(n)=fnb ! write(6,1010)ntrm,n,an(n),bn(n) 1010 format(2i5,4e15.6) ! jcb FNAP = FNA FNBP = FNB TD(1) = DREAL(FNAP) TD(2) = DIMAG(FNAP) TE(1) = DREAL(FNBP) TE(2) = DIMAG(FNBP) T(1) = 1.50D0 ! ! FROM HERE TO THE STATMENT NUMBER 90, ELTRMX(I,J,K) HAS ! FOLLOWING MEANING: ! ELTRMX(1,J,K): REAL PART OF THE FIRST COMPLEX AMPLITUDE. ! ELTRMX(2,J,K): IMAGINARY PART OF THE FIRST COMPLEX AMPLITUDE. ! ELTRMX(3,J,K): REAL PART OF THE SECOND COMPLEX AMPLITUDE. ! ELTRMX(4,J,K): IMAGINARY PART OF THE SECOND COMPLEX AMPLITUDE. ! K = 1 : FOR THETD(J) AND K = 2 : FOR 180.0 - THETD(J) ! DEFINITION OF THE COMPLEX AMPLITUDE: VAN DE HULST,P.125. ! TB(1) = T(1) * TB(1) TB(2) = T(1) * TB(2) TC(1) = T(1) * TC(1) TC(2) = T(1) * TC(2) ! DO 60 J = 1,JX ! ELTRMX(1,J,1) = TB(1) * PIE(2,J) + TC(1) * TAU(2,J) ! ELTRMX(2,J,1) = TB(2) * PIE(2,J) + TC(2) * TAU(2,J) ! ELTRMX(3,J,1) = TC(1) * PIE(2,J) + TB(1) * TAU(2,J) ! ELTRMX(4,J,1) = TC(2) * PIE(2,J) + TB(2) * TAU(2,J) ! ELTRMX(1,J,2) = TB(1) * PIE(2,J) - TC(1) * TAU(2,J) ! ELTRMX(2,J,2) = TB(2) * PIE(2,J) - TC(2) * TAU(2,J) ! ELTRMX(3,J,2) = TC(1) * PIE(2,J) - TB(1) * TAU(2,J) ! ELTRMX(4,J,2) = TC(2) * PIE(2,J) - TB(2) * TAU(2,J) 60 CONTINUE ! QEXT = 2.0D0 * ( TB(1) + TC(1)) QSCAT = ( TB(1)**2 + TB(2)**2 + TC(1)**2 + TC(2)**2 ) / 0.75D0 CTBRQS = 0.0D0 QBSR = -2.0D0*(TC(1) - TB(1)) QBSI = -2.0D0*(TC(2) - TB(2)) RMM = -1.0D0 N = 2 65 T(1) = 2*N - 1 ! start of loop, JCB T(2) = N - 1 T(3) = 2*N + 1 DO 70 J = 1,JX PIE(3,J) = ( T(1)*PIE(2,J)*CSTHT(J) - N*PIE(1,J) ) / T(2) TAU(3,J) = CSTHT(J) * ( PIE(3,J) - PIE(1,J) ) - & T(1)*SI2THT(J)*PIE(2,J) + TAU(1,J) 70 CONTINUE ! ! HERE SET UP HOMOGENEOUS SPHERE ! WM1 = WFN(1) WFN(1) = WFN(2) TA(1) = DREAL(WFN(1)) TA(2) = DIMAG(WFN(1)) WFN(2) = T(1) * RX * WFN(1) - WM1 TA(3) = DREAL(WFN(2)) TA(4) = DIMAG(WFN(2)) ! IF ( IFLAG .EQ. 2 ) GO TO 1000 ! ! HERE SET UP STRATIFIED SPHERE ! DH2 = - N / Z(2) + 1.0D0 / ( N / Z(2) - DH2 ) DH4 = - N / Z(4) + 1.0D0 / ( N / Z(4) - DH4 ) DH1 = - N / Z(1) + 1.0D0 / ( N / Z(1) - DH1 ) PSTORE = ( DH4 + N / Z(4) ) * ( W(3,N) + N / Z(4) ) P24H24 = P24H24 / PSTORE HSTORE = ( DH1 + N / Z(1) ) * ( W(3,N) + N / Z(4) ) P24H21 = P24H21 / HSTORE PSTORE = ( ACAP(N) + N / Z(1) ) / ( W(3,N) + N / Z(4) ) DUMMY = DUMMY * PSTORE DUMSQ = DUMMY * DUMMY ! U(1) = K3 * ACAP(N) - K2 * W(1,N) U(2) = K3 * ACAP(N) - K2 * DH2 U(3) = K2 * ACAP(N) - K3 * W(1,N) U(4) = K2 * ACAP(N) - K3 * DH2 U(5) = K1 * W(3,N) - K2 * W(2,N) U(6) = K2 * W(3,N) - K1 * W(2,N) U(7) = ( 0.0D0,-1.0D0 ) * ( DUMMY * P24H21 - P24H24 ) U(8) = TA(3) / WFN(2) ! FNA = U(8) * ( U(1)*U(5)*U(7) + K1*U(1) - DUMSQ*K3*U(5) ) / & ( U(2)*U(5)*U(7) + K1*U(2) - DUMSQ*K3*U(5) ) FNB = U(8) * ( U(3)*U(6)*U(7) + K2*U(3) - DUMSQ*K2*U(6) ) / & ( U(4)*U(6)*U(7) + K2*U(4) - DUMSQ*K2*U(6) ) TB(1) = DREAL(FNA) TB(2) = DIMAG(FNA) TC(1) = DREAL(FNB) TC(2) = DIMAG(FNB) ! 1000 CONTINUE TC1 = ACAP(N) * RRF + N * RX TC2 = ACAP(N) * RF + N * RX FN1 = ( TC1 * TA(3) - TA(1) ) / ( TC1 * WFN(2) - WFN(1) ) FN2 = ( TC2 * TA(3) - TA(1) ) / ( TC2 * WFN(2) - WFN(1) ) M = WVNO * R IF ( N .LT. M ) GO TO 1002 IF ( IFLAG .EQ. 2 ) GO TO 1001 IF ( ABS( ( FN1-FNA ) / FN1 ) .LT. 1.0D-09 .AND. & ABS( ( FN2-FNB ) / FN2 ) .LT. 1.0D-09 ) IFLAG = 2 IF ( IFLAG .EQ. 1 ) GO TO 1002 1001 FNA = FN1 FNB = FN2 TB(1) = DREAL(FNA) TB(2) = DIMAG(FNA) TC(1) = DREAL(FNB) TC(2) = DIMAG(FNB) ! 1002 CONTINUE ! jcb ntrm=ntrm+1 an(n)=fna bn(n)=fnb ! write(6,1010)ntrm,n,an(n),bn(n) ! jcb T(5) = N T(4) = T(1) / ( T(5) * T(2) ) T(2) = ( T(2) * ( T(5) + 1.0D0 ) ) / T(5) ! CTBRQS = CTBRQS + T(2) * ( TD(1) * TB(1) + TD(2) * TB(2) & + TE(1) * TC(1) + TE(2) * TC(2) ) & + T(4) * ( TD(1) * TE(1) + TD(2) * TE(2) ) QEXT = QEXT + T(3) * ( TB(1) + TC(1) ) T(4) = TB(1)**2 + TB(2)**2 + TC(1)**2 + TC(2)**2 QSCAT = QSCAT + T(3) * T(4) RMM = -RMM QBSR = QBSR + T(3)*RMM*(TC(1) - TB(1)) QBSI = QBSI + T(3)*RMM*(TC(2) - TB(2)) ! T(2) = N * (N+1) T(1) = T(3) / T(2) K = (N/2)*2 ! DO 80 J = 1,JX ! ELTRMX(1,J,1)=ELTRMX(1,J,1)+T(1)*(TB(1)*PIE(3,J)+TC(1)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(2,J,1)=ELTRMX(2,J,1)+T(1)*(TB(2)*PIE(3,J)+TC(2)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(3,J,1)=ELTRMX(3,J,1)+T(1)*(TC(1)*PIE(3,J)+TB(1)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(4,J,1)=ELTRMX(4,J,1)+T(1)*(TC(2)*PIE(3,J)+TB(2)*TAU(3,J)) ! IF ( K .EQ. N ) THEN ! ELTRMX(1,J,2)=ELTRMX(1,J,2)+T(1)*(-TB(1)*PIE(3,J)+TC(1)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(2,J,2)=ELTRMX(2,J,2)+T(1)*(-TB(2)*PIE(3,J)+TC(2)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(3,J,2)=ELTRMX(3,J,2)+T(1)*(-TC(1)*PIE(3,J)+TB(1)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(4,J,2)=ELTRMX(4,J,2)+T(1)*(-TC(2)*PIE(3,J)+TB(2)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELSE ! ELTRMX(1,J,2)=ELTRMX(1,J,2)+T(1)*(TB(1)*PIE(3,J)-TC(1)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(2,J,2)=ELTRMX(2,J,2)+T(1)*(TB(2)*PIE(3,J)-TC(2)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(3,J,2)=ELTRMX(3,J,2)+T(1)*(TC(1)*PIE(3,J)-TB(1)*TAU(3,J)) ! ELTRMX(4,J,2)=ELTRMX(4,J,2)+T(1)*(TC(2)*PIE(3,J)-TB(2)*TAU(3,J)) ! END IF ! 80 CONTINUE ! ! IF ( T(4) .LT. 1.0D-14 ) GO TO 100 ! bail out of loop IF ( T(4) .LT. 1.0D-10 .OR. N .GE. NMX2) GO TO 100 ! bail out of loop, JCB N = N + 1 ! DO 90 J = 1,JX ! PIE(1,J) = PIE(2,J) ! PIE(2,J) = PIE(3,J) ! TAU(1,J) = TAU(2,J) ! TAU(2,J) = TAU(3,J) 90 CONTINUE FNAP = FNA FNBP = FNB TD(1) = DREAL(FNAP) TD(2) = DIMAG(FNAP) TE(1) = DREAL(FNBP) TE(2) = DIMAG(FNBP) IF ( N .LE. NMX2 ) GO TO 65 WRITE( 6,8 ) call errmsg( 'DMIESS: 36', .true.) 100 CONTINUE ! DO 120 J = 1,JX ! DO 120 K = 1,2 ! DO 115 I= 1,4 ! T(I) = ELTRMX(I,J,K) ! 115 CONTINUE ! ELTRMX(2,J,K) = T(1)**2 + T(2)**2 ! ELTRMX(1,J,K) = T(3)**2 + T(4)**2 ! ELTRMX(3,J,K) = T(1) * T(3) + T(2) * T(4) ! ELTRMX(4,J,K) = T(2) * T(3) - T(4) * T(1) ! 120 CONTINUE T(1) = 2.0D0 * RX**2 QEXT = QEXT * T(1) QSCAT = QSCAT * T(1) CTBRQS = 2.0D0 * CTBRQS * T(1) ! ! QBS IS THE BACK SCATTER CROSS SECTION ! PIG = DACOS(-1.0D0) RXP4 = RX*RX/(4.0D0*PIG) QBS = RXP4*(QBSR**2 + QBSI**2) ! 5 FORMAT( 10X,' THE VALUE OF THE SCATTERING ANGLE IS GREATER THAN 90.0 DEGREES. IT IS ', E15.4 ) 6 FORMAT( // 10X, 'PLEASE READ COMMENTS.' // ) 7 FORMAT( // 10X, 'THE VALUE OF THE ARGUMENT JX IS GREATER THAN IT') 8 FORMAT( // 10X, 'THE UPPER LIMIT FOR ACAP IS NOT ENOUGH. SUGGEST GET DETAILED OUTPUT AND MODIFY SUBROUTINE' // ) ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE DMIESS ! ! /*****************************************************************/ ! /* SUBROUTINE ACKMIEPARICLE */ ! /*****************************************************************/ ! THIS PROGRAM COMPUTES SCATTERING PROPERTIES FOR DISTRIBUTIONS OF ! PARTICLES COMPOSED OF A CORE OF ONE MATERIAL AND A SHELL OF ANOTHER. ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* INPUTS: */ ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! VLAMBc: Wavelength of the radiation ! NRGFLAGc: Flag to indicate a number density of volume radius ! RGc: Geometric mean radius of the particle distribution ! SIGMAGc: Geometric standard deviation of the distribution ! SHELRc: Real part of the index of refraction for the shell ! SHELIc: Imaginary part of the index of refraction for the shell ! RINc: Inner core radius as a fraction of outer shell radius ! CORERc: Real part of the index of refraction for the core ! COREIc: Imaginary part of the index of refraction for the core ! NANG: Number of scattering angles between 0 and 90 degrees, ! inclusive ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* OUTPUTS: */ ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ ! QEXTc: Extinction efficiency of the particle ! QSCAc: Scattering efficiency of the particle ! QBACKc: Backscatter efficiency of the particle ! EXTc: Extinction cross section of the particle ! SCAc: Scattering cross section of the particle ! BACKc: Backscatter cross section of the particle ! GSCA: Asymmetry parameter of the particle's phase function ! ANGLES(NAN): Scattering angles in degrees ! S1R(NAN): Real part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S1C(NAN): Complex part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S2R(NAN): Real part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S2C(NAN): Complex part of the amplitude scattering matrix ! S11N: Normalization coefficient of the scattering matrix ! S11(NAN): S11 scattering coefficients ! S12(NAN): S12 scattering coefficients ! S33(NAN): S33 scattering coefficients ! S34(NAN): S34 scattering coefficients ! SPOL(NAN): Degree of polarization of unpolarized, incident light ! SP(NAN): Phase function ! ! NOTE: NAN=2*NANG-1 is the number of scattering angles between ! 0 and 180 degrees, inclusive. ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ SUBROUTINE ACKMIEPARTICLE( VLAMBc,NRGFLAGc,RGcmin,RGcmax, & RGc,SIGMAGc,SHELRc, & SHELIc, RINc,CORERc,COREIc,NANG,QEXTc,QSCATc, & QBACKc, EXTc,SCATc,BACKc, GSCAc, & ANGLESc,S1R,S1C,S2R,S2C,S11N,S11,S12,S33,S34,SPOL,SP,pmom) ! jcb ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Set reals to 8 bytes, i.e., double precision. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H, O-Z) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Parameter statements. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ integer*4 mxnang PARAMETER(MXNANG=501) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Dimension statements. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ REAL*8 VLAMBc,RGcmin,RGcmax,RGc,SIGMAGc,SHELRc,SHELIc REAL*8 RINc,CORERc,COREIc INTEGER*4 NANG,NRGFLAGc,NSCATH REAL*8 QEXTc,QSCATc,QBACKc,EXTc,SCATc,BACKc,GSCAc REAL*8 ANGLESc(*),S1R(*),S1C(*),S2R(*),S2C(*) REAL*8 S11N,S11(*),S12(*),S33(*),S34(*),SPOL(*),SP(*) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Define the types of the common block. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ INTEGER*4 IPHASEmie REAL*8 ALAMB, RGmin, RGmax, RGV, SIGMAG, RGCFRAC, RFRS,RFIS, RFRC, RFIC ! for calculating the Legendre coefficient, jcb complex*16 an(500),bn(500) ! a,b Mie coefficients, jcb Hansen and Travis, eqn 2.44 integer*4 ntrmj,ntrm,nmom,ipolzn,momdim real*8 pmom(0:7,1) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Set reals to 8 bytes, i.e., double precision. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H, O-Z) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Input common block for scattering calculations. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ !jdf COMMON / PHASE / IPHASEmie !jdf COMMON / INPUTS / ALAMB, RGmin, RGmax, RGV, SIGMAG, & !jdf RGCFRAC, RFRS, RFIS, RFRC, RFIC ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Output common block for scattering calculations. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ !jdf COMMON / OUTPUTS / QEXT, QSCAT, QBS, EXT, SCAT, BSCAT, ASY ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Arrays to hold the results of the scattering and */ ! /* moment calculations. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ REAL*8 COSPHI(2*MXNANG-1), SCTPHS(2*MXNANG-1) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Copy the input parameters into the common block INPUTS */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ NSCATH = NANG IPHASEmie = 0 ALAMB = VLAMBc RGmin = RGcmin RGmax = RGcmax RGV = RGc SIGMAG = SIGMAGc RGCFRAC = RINc RFRS = SHELRc RFIS = SHELIc RFRC = CORERc RFIC = COREIc ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Calculate the particle scattering properties for the */ ! /* given wavelength, particle distribution and indices of */ ! /* refraction of inner and outer material. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ CALL PFCNPARTICLE(NSCATH, COSPHI, SCTPHS, & ANGLESc,S1R,S1C,S2R,S2C,S11N,S11,S12,S33,S34,SPOL,SP, an, bn, ntrm, & ! jcb ALAMB,RGmin,RGmax,RGV,SIGMAG,RGCFRAC,RFRS,RFIS,RFRC,RFIC, & ! jdf QEXT,QSCAT,QBS,EXT,SCAT,BSCAT,ASY, & ! jdf IPHASEmie) ! jdf ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* If IPHASE = 1, then the full phase function was */ ! /* calculated; now, go calculate its moments. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! IF (IPHASE .gt. 0) CALL DISMOM (NSCATA,COSPHI,SCTPHS,RMOMS) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Copy the variables in the common block OUTPUTS to the */ ! /* variable addresses passed into this routine. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ QEXTc = QEXT QSCATc = QSCAT QBACKc = QBS EXTc = EXT SCATc = SCAT BACKc = BSCAT GSCAc = ASY ! jcb ! ntrmj = number of terms in Mie series, jcb nmom= 7 ! largest Legendre coefficient to calculate 0:7 (8 total), jcb ipolzn=0 ! unpolarized light, jcb momdim=7 ! dimension of pmom, pmom(0:7), jcb ! a, b = Mie coefficients ! pmom = output of Legendre coefficients, pmom(0:7) ! write(6,*)ntrm ! do ii=1,ntrm ! write(6,1030)ii,an(ii),bn(ii) 1030 format(i5,4e15.6) ! enddo call lpcoefjcb(ntrm,nmom,ipolzn,momdim,an,bn,pmom) ! do ii=0,7 ! write(6,1040)ii,pmom(ii,1),pmom(ii,1)/pmom(0,1) !1040 format(i5,2e15.6) ! enddo ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* FORMAT statements. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ 107 FORMAT ( ///, 1X, I6, ' IS AN INVALID MEAN RADIUS FLAG') ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* DONE with this subroutine so exit. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ END SUBROUTINE ACKMIEPARTICLE ! /*****************************************************************/ ! /* SUBROUTINE PFCNPARTICLE */ ! /*****************************************************************/ ! ! THIS SUBROUTINE COMPUTES THE PHASE FUNCTION SCTPHS(I) AT NSCATA ! ANGLES BETWEEN 0.0 AND 180.0 DEGREES SPECIFIED BY COSPHI(I) WHICH ! CONTAINS THE ANGLE COSINES. THESE VALUES ARE RETURNED TO FUNCTION ! PHASFN FOR AZIMUTHAL AVERAGING. ! INPUT DATA FOR THIS ROUTINE IS PASSED THROUGH COMMON /SIZDIS/ ! AND CONSISTS OF THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS ! NEWSD = 1 IF SIZE DIS VALUES HAVE NOT PREVIOUSLY BEEN USED IN ! THIS ROUTINE, = 0 OTHERWISE. ! RGV = GEOMETRIC MEAN RADIUS FOR THE VOLUME DISTRIBUTION OF THE ! SPECIFIED PARTICLES ! SIGMAG = GEOMETRIC STANDARD DEVIATION ! RFR,I = REAL AND IMAGINARY INDEX OF REFRACTION OF PARTICLES ! ALAMB = WAVELENGTH AT WHICH CALCULATIONS ARE TO BE PERFORMED ! ! /*---------------------------------------------------------------*/ SUBROUTINE PFCNPARTICLE( NSCATH, COSPHI, SCTPHS, & ANGLESc,S1R,S1C,S2R,S2C,S11N,S11,S12,S33,S34,SPOL,SP,an,bn,ntrm, & ! jcb ALAMB,RGmin,RGmax,RGV,SIGMAG,RGCFRAC,RFRS,RFIS,RFRC,RFIC, & ! jdf QEXT,QSCAT,QBS,EXT,SCAT,BSCAT,ASY, & ! jdf IPHASEmie) ! jdf ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Set reals to 8 bytes, i.e., double precision. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H, O-Z) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Parameter statements. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ integer*4 MXNANG, MXNWORK, JX,LL,IT,IT2 PARAMETER(MXNANG=501, MXNWORK=500000) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Dimension statements. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ REAL*8 ANGLESc(*),S1R(*),S1C(*),S2R(*),S2C(*) REAL*8 S11N,S11(*),S12(*),S33(*),S34(*),SPOL(*),SP(*) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Define the types of the common block. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ INTEGER*4 IPHASEmie,NSCATH REAL*8 ALAMB, RGmin, RGmax, RGV, SIGMAG, RGCFRAC, RFRS, & RFIS, RFRC, RFIC complex*16 an(500),bn(500) integer*4 ntrm ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Set reals to 8 bytes, i.e., double precision. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H, O-Z) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Input common block for scattering calculations. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ !jdf COMMON / PHASE / IPHASEmie !jdf COMMON / INPUTS / ALAMB, RGmin, RGmax, RGV, SIGMAG, & !jdf RGCFRAC, RFRS, RFIS, RFRC, RFIC ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Output common block for scattering calculations. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ !jdf COMMON / OUTPUTS / QEXT, QSCAT, QBS, EXT, SCAT, BSCAT, ASY ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Arrays to perform the scattering calculations and to */ ! /* hold the subsequent results. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ REAL*8 THETA(MXNANG), ELTRMX(4,MXNANG,2), PII(3,MXNANG), & TAU(3,MXNANG), CSTHT(MXNANG), SI2THT(MXNANG) REAL*8 ROUT, RFRO, RFIO, DQEXT, DQSCAT, CTBRQS, DQBS, & RIN, RFRI, RFII, WNUM COMPLEX*16 ACAP(MXNWORK) REAL*8 COSPHI(2*MXNANG-1), SCTPHS(2*MXNANG-1) INTEGER J, JJ, NINDEX, NSCATA ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Obvious variable initializations. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ PIE = DACOS( -1.0D0 ) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Maximum number of scattering angles between 0 and 90 */ ! /* degrees, inclusive. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IT = MXNANG ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Maximum number of scattering angles between 0 and 180 */ ! /* degrees, inclusive. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IT2 = 2 * IT - 1 ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Dimension of the work array ACAP. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ LL = MXNWORK ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* NSCATA is the actual user-requested number of */ ! /* scattering angles between 0 and 90 degrees, inclusive. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ NSCATA = 2 * NSCATH - 1 ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* If the user did not request a phase function, then we */ ! /* can set NSCATA and NSCATH to 0. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IF ( IPHASEmie .le. 0 ) then NSCATH = 0 NSCATA = 0 ENDIF ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Check to make sure that the user-requested number of */ ! /* scattering angles does not excede the current maximum */ ! /* limit. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IF ( NSCATA .gt. IT2 .OR. NSCATH .gt. IT) then WRITE( 6,105 ) NSCATA, NSCATH, IT2, IT call errmsg( 'PFCNPARTICLE: 11', .true.) ENDIF ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Subroutine SCATANGLES was added by EEC[0495] in order */ ! /* to facilitate changing the scattering angle locations */ ! /* output by the Ackerman and Toon Mie code. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! CALL SCATANGLES(NSCATH,THETA,COSPHI) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* COMPUTE SCATTERING PROPERTIES OF THE PARTICLE. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* DMIESS expects a wavenumber. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ WNUM = (2.D0*PIE) / ALAMB ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* DMIESS assignments of the indices of refraction of the */ ! /* core and shell materials. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ RFRO = RFRS RFIO = RFIS RFRI = RFRC RFII = RFIC ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* DMIESS core and shell radii. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ROUT = RGV RIN = RGCFRAC * ROUT ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Scattering angles are symmetric about 90 degrees. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IF ( NSCATH .eq. 0.0 ) THEN JX = 1 ELSE JX = NSCATH ENDIF ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Compute the scattering properties for this particle. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ CALL DMIESS( ROUT, RFRO, RFIO, THETA, JX, & DQEXT, DQSCAT, CTBRQS, ELTRMX, PII, & TAU, CSTHT, SI2THT, ACAP, DQBS, IT, & LL, RIN, RFRI, RFII, WNUM, an, bn, ntrm ) ! jcb ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Compute total cross-sectional area of the particle. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ X = PIE * RGV * RGV ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Assign the final extinction efficiency. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ QEXT = DQEXT ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Compute total extinction cross-section due to particle.*/ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ EXT = DQEXT * X ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Assign the final scattering efficiency. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ QSCAT = DQSCAT ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Compute total scattering cross-section due to particle.*/ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ SCAT = DQSCAT * X ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Assign the final backscatter efficiency. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ QBS = DQBS ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Compute backscatter due to particle. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ BSCAT = DQBS * X ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* Compute asymmetry parameter due to particle. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ASY = (CTBRQS * X) / SCAT ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* If IPHASE is 1, compute the phase function. */ ! /* S33 and S34 matrix elements are normalized by S11. S11 */ ! /* is normalized to 1.0 in the forward direction. The */ ! /* variable SPOL is the degree of polarization for */ ! /* incident unpolarized light. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ IF ( IPHASEmie .gt. 0 ) THEN DO 355 J=1,NSCATA IF (J .LE. JX) THEN JJ = J NINDEX = 1 ELSE JJ = NSCATA - J + 1 NINDEX = 2 ENDIF ANGLESc(J) = COSPHI(J) S1R(J) = ELTRMX(1,JJ,NINDEX) S1C(J) = ELTRMX(2,JJ,NINDEX) S2R(J) = ELTRMX(3,JJ,NINDEX) S2C(J) = ELTRMX(4,JJ,NINDEX) S11(J) = 0.5D0*(S1R(J)**2+S1C(J)**2+S2R(J)**2+S2C(J)**2) S12(J) = 0.5D0*(S2R(J)**2+S2C(J)**2-S1R(J)**2-S1C(J)**2) S33(J) = S2R(J)*S1R(J) + S2C(J)*S1C(J) S34(J) = S2R(J)*S1C(J) - S1R(J)*S2C(J) SPOL(J) = -S12(J) / S11(J) SP(J) = (4.D0*PIE)*(S11(J) / (SCAT*WNUM**2)) 355 CONTINUE ! /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* DONE with the phase function so exit the IF. */ ! /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ ENDIF ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* END of the computations so exit the routine. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ RETURN ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* FORMAT statements. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ 100 FORMAT ( 7X, I3 ) 105 FORMAT ( ///, 1X,'NUMBER OF ANGLES SPECIFIED =',2I6, / & 10X,'EXCEEDS ARRAY DIMENSIONS =',2I6 ) 120 FORMAT (/10X,'INTEGRATED VOLUME', T40,'=',1PE14.5,/ & 15X,'PERCENT VOLUME IN CORE', T40,'=',0PF10.5,/ & 15X,'PERCENT VOLUME IN SHELL', T40,'=',0PF10.5,/ & 10X,'INTEGRATED SURFACE AREA', T40,'=',1PE14.5,/ & 10X,'INTEGRATED NUMBER DENSITY', T40,'=',1PE14.5 ) 125 FORMAT ( 10X,'CORE RADIUS COMPUTED FROM :', /, 20X, 9A8, / ) 150 FORMAT ( ///,1X,'* * * WARNING * * *', / & 10X,'PHASE FUNCTION CALCULATION MAY NOT HAVE CONVERGED'/ & 10X,'VALUES OF S1 AT NSDI-1 AND NSDI ARE :', 2E14.6, / & 10X,'VALUE OF X AT NSDI =', E14.6 ) ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ ! /* DONE with this subroutine so exit. */ ! /*--------------------------------------------------------*/ END SUBROUTINE PFCNPARTICLE ! /*****************************************************************/ ! /*****************************************************************/ subroutine lpcoefjcb ( ntrm, nmom, ipolzn, momdim,a, b, pmom ) ! ! calculate legendre polynomial expansion coefficients (also ! called moments) for phase quantities ( ref. 5 formulation ) ! ! input: ntrm number terms in mie series ! nmom, ipolzn, momdim 'miev0' arguments ! a, b mie series coefficients ! ! output: pmom legendre moments ('miev0' argument) ! ! *** notes *** ! ! (1) eqs. 2-5 are in error in dave, appl. opt. 9, ! 1888 (1970). eq. 2 refers to m1, not m2; eq. 3 refers to ! m2, not m1. in eqs. 4 and 5, the subscripts on the second ! term in square brackets should be interchanged. ! ! (2) the general-case logic in this subroutine works correctly ! in the two-term mie series case, but subroutine 'lpco2t' ! is called instead, for speed. ! ! (3) subroutine 'lpco1t', to do the one-term case, is never ! called within the context of 'miev0', but is included for ! complete generality. ! ! (4) some improvement in speed is obtainable by combining the ! 310- and 410-loops, if moments for both the third and fourth ! phase quantities are desired, because the third phase quantity ! is the real part of a complex series, while the fourth phase ! quantity is the imaginary part of that very same series. but ! most users are not interested in the fourth phase quantity, ! which is related to circular polarization, so the present ! scheme is usually more efficient. ! implicit none integer ipolzn, momdim, nmom, ntrm real*8 pmom( 0:momdim,1 ) ! the ",1" dimension is for historical reasons complex*16 a(500), b(500) ! ! ** specification of local variables ! ! am(m) numerical coefficients a-sub-m-super-l ! in dave, eqs. 1-15, as simplified in ref. 5. ! ! bi(i) numerical coefficients b-sub-i-super-l ! in dave, eqs. 1-15, as simplified in ref. 5. ! ! bidel(i) 1/2 bi(i) times factor capital-del in dave ! ! cm,dm() arrays c and d in dave, eqs. 16-17 (mueller form), ! calculated using recurrence derived in ref. 5 ! ! cs,ds() arrays c and d in ref. 4, eqs. a5-a6 (sekera form), ! calculated using recurrence derived in ref. 5 ! ! c,d() either -cm,dm- or -cs,ds-, depending on -ipolzn- ! ! evenl true for even-numbered moments; false otherwise ! ! idel 1 + little-del in dave ! ! maxtrm max. no. of terms in mie series ! ! maxmom max. no. of non-zero moments ! ! nummom number of non-zero moments ! ! recip(k) 1 / k ! integer maxtrm,maxmom,mxmom2,maxrcp parameter ( maxtrm = 1102, maxmom = 2*maxtrm, mxmom2 = maxmom/2, maxrcp = 4*maxtrm + 2 ) real*8 am( 0:maxtrm ), bi( 0:mxmom2 ), bidel( 0:mxmom2 ), recip( maxrcp ) complex*16 cm( maxtrm ), dm( maxtrm ), cs( maxtrm ), ds( maxtrm ) integer k,j,l,nummom,ld2,idel,m,i,mmax,imax real*8 sum logical pass1, evenl save pass1, recip data pass1 / .true. / ! ! if ( pass1 ) then ! do 1 k = 1, maxrcp recip( k ) = 1.0 / k 1 continue pass1 = .false. ! end if ! do l = 0, nmom pmom( l, 1 ) = 0.0 enddo ! these will never be called ! if ( ntrm.eq.1 ) then ! call lpco1t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) ! return ! else if ( ntrm.eq.2 ) then ! call lpco2t ( nmom, ipolzn, momdim, calcmo, a, b, pmom ) ! return ! end if ! if ( ntrm+2 .gt. maxtrm ) & write(6,1010) 1010 format( ' lpcoef--parameter maxtrm too small' ) ! ! ** calculate mueller c, d arrays cm( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) dm( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) cm( ntrm+1 ) = ( 1. - recip( ntrm+1 ) ) * b( ntrm ) dm( ntrm+1 ) = ( 1. - recip( ntrm+1 ) ) * a( ntrm ) cm( ntrm ) = ( recip(ntrm) + recip(ntrm+1) ) * a( ntrm ) & + ( 1. - recip(ntrm) ) * b( ntrm-1 ) dm( ntrm ) = ( recip(ntrm) + recip(ntrm+1) ) * b( ntrm ) & + ( 1. - recip(ntrm) ) * a( ntrm-1 ) ! do 10 k = ntrm-1, 2, -1 cm( k ) = cm( k+2 ) - ( 1. + recip(k+1) ) * b( k+1 ) & + ( recip(k) + recip(k+1) ) * a( k ) & + ( 1. - recip(k) ) * b( k-1 ) dm( k ) = dm( k+2 ) - ( 1. + recip(k+1) ) * a( k+1 ) & + ( recip(k) + recip(k+1) ) * b( k ) & + ( 1. - recip(k) ) * a( k-1 ) 10 continue cm( 1 ) = cm( 3 ) + 1.5 * ( a( 1 ) - b( 2 ) ) dm( 1 ) = dm( 3 ) + 1.5 * ( b( 1 ) - a( 2 ) ) ! if ( ipolzn.ge.0 ) then ! do 20 k = 1, ntrm + 2 cm( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * cm( k ) dm( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * dm( k ) 20 continue ! else ! ** compute sekera c and d arrays cs( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ds( ntrm+2 ) = ( 0., 0. ) cs( ntrm+1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ds( ntrm+1 ) = ( 0., 0. ) ! do 30 k = ntrm, 1, -1 cs( k ) = cs( k+2 ) + ( 2*k + 1 ) * ( cm( k+1 ) - b( k ) ) ds( k ) = ds( k+2 ) + ( 2*k + 1 ) * ( dm( k+1 ) - a( k ) ) 30 continue ! do 40 k = 1, ntrm + 2 cm( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * cs( k ) dm( k ) = ( 2*k - 1 ) * ds( k ) 40 continue ! end if ! ! if( ipolzn.lt.0 ) nummom = min0( nmom, 2*ntrm - 2 ) if( ipolzn.ge.0 ) nummom = min0( nmom, 2*ntrm ) if ( nummom .gt. maxmom ) & write(6,1020) 1020 format( ' lpcoef--parameter maxtrm too small') ! ! ** loop over moments do 500 l = 0, nummom ld2 = l / 2 evenl = mod( l,2 ) .eq. 0 ! ** calculate numerical coefficients ! ** a-sub-m and b-sub-i in dave ! ** double-sums for moments if( l.eq.0 ) then ! idel = 1 do 60 m = 0, ntrm am( m ) = 2.0 * recip( 2*m + 1 ) 60 continue bi( 0 ) = 1.0 ! else if( evenl ) then ! idel = 1 do 70 m = ld2, ntrm am( m ) = ( 1. + recip( 2*m-l+1 ) ) * am( m ) 70 continue do 75 i = 0, ld2-1 bi( i ) = ( 1. - recip( l-2*i ) ) * bi( i ) 75 continue bi( ld2 ) = ( 2. - recip( l ) ) * bi( ld2-1 ) ! else ! idel = 2 do 80 m = ld2, ntrm am( m ) = ( 1. - recip( 2*m+l+2 ) ) * am( m ) 80 continue do 85 i = 0, ld2 bi( i ) = ( 1. - recip( l+2*i+1 ) ) * bi( i ) 85 continue ! end if ! ** establish upper limits for sums ! ** and incorporate factor capital- ! ** del into b-sub-i mmax = ntrm - idel if( ipolzn.ge.0 ) mmax = mmax + 1 imax = min0( ld2, mmax - ld2 ) if( imax.lt.0 ) go to 600 do 90 i = 0, imax bidel( i ) = bi( i ) 90 continue if( evenl ) bidel( 0 ) = 0.5 * bidel( 0 ) ! ! ** perform double sums just for ! ** phase quantities desired by user if( ipolzn.eq.0 ) then ! do 110 i = 0, imax ! ** vectorizable loop (cray) sum = 0.0 do 100 m = ld2, mmax - i sum = sum + am( m ) * & ( dble( cm(m-i+1) * dconjg( cm(m+i+idel) ) ) & + dble( dm(m-i+1) * dconjg( dm(m+i+idel) ) ) ) 100 continue pmom( l,1 ) = pmom( l,1 ) + bidel( i ) * sum 110 continue pmom( l,1 ) = 0.5 * pmom( l,1 ) go to 500 ! end if ! 500 continue ! ! 600 return end subroutine lpcoefjcb ! end module module_optical_averaging