module module_mosaic_soa_vbs use module_data_mosaic_kind, only: r8 implicit none contains !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine mosaic_soa_vbs_intr( & dtchem, p_atm, t_k, swdown_cell, & jaerosolstate, & aer, gas, water_a, area_wet_a, dp_wet_a, & kg, sat_soa, total_species, & ma, mc, mosaic_vars_aa ) use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & iasoaX_g, ipcg1_b_c_g, ismpa_g, & msoa_vbs_info, & naer, nanion, nbin_a_max, ncation, & ngas_aerchtot, ngas_ioa, ngas_soa, ngas_volatile, & mosaic_vars_aa_type ! arguments integer, intent(inout), dimension(nbin_a_max) :: jaerosolstate real(r8) :: dtchem real(r8) :: p_atm real(r8) :: t_k real(r8) :: swdown_cell real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(naer,3,nbin_a_max) :: aer real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_aerchtot) :: gas real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(nbin_a_max) :: water_a real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(nbin_a_max) :: area_wet_a real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(nbin_a_max) :: dp_wet_a real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_aerchtot,nbin_a_max) :: kg real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_volatile) :: sat_soa real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_volatile) :: total_species real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ncation,nbin_a_max) :: mc real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(nanion,nbin_a_max) :: ma type (mosaic_vars_aa_type), intent(inout) :: mosaic_vars_aa ! local integer :: ii, jj, kk integer :: start_svoc, nsoa_tmp integer :: vbs_nbin, vbs_uq_aqsoa, vbs_uq_par vbs_nbin = msoa_vbs_info(1) vbs_uq_aqsoa = msoa_vbs_info(2) vbs_uq_par = msoa_vbs_info(3) ii = mosaic_vars_aa%hostgridinfo(2) jj = mosaic_vars_aa%hostgridinfo(3) kk = mosaic_vars_aa%hostgridinfo(4) if (ii*jj*kk == 1) write(*,'(/a,3i10)') & 'mosaic_soa_vbs_intr - vbs_nbin, uq_aqsoa, uq+par =', & vbs_nbin, vbs_uq_aqsoa, vbs_uq_par ! ! *** eventually need to do something about these glysoa subrs ! ! if (glysoa_param == glysoa_param_simple) call glysoa_simple(dtchem) ! if (glysoa_param == glysoa_param_complex) call glysoa_complex(dtchem) start_svoc = 1 nsoa_tmp = 0 if (vbs_nbin .eq. 0) then ! simple version, Hodzic and Jimenez, GMD, 2011 start_svoc = ismpa_g ! 4-bin version, Knote et al., ACPD, 2014 else if (vbs_nbin .eq. 4) then start_svoc = iasoaX_g else ! 9-bin version start_svoc = ipcg1_b_c_g ! nsoa_tmp = ngas_volatile-start_svoc end if nsoa_tmp = ngas_ioa + ngas_soa - start_svoc + 1 ! call equilibrium(start_svoc,nsoa_tmp) call equilibrium( start_svoc, nsoa_tmp, & aer, gas, kg, sat_soa, total_species ) return end subroutine mosaic_soa_vbs_intr !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Calculates the equilibrium gas-particle partitioning for SOA species subroutine equilibrium( start_ind, N, & aer, gas, kg, sat_soa, total_species ) ! subroutine equilibrium( start_ind, N ) ! This routine was implemented by Manish Shrivastava on 12/24/2009 to do gas-particle partitioning of SOA assuming thermodynamic equilibrium. ! Modified by Alma Hodzic 12/2012 to implement the partitioning for mozart-mosaic species (based on the initial code implemented by Manish Shrivastava and originated from CAMx) ! This would give MOSAIC cpabilities of running both dynamic and equilibrium gas-particle partitioning ! Calls the subr soap. Subroutine soap calls subr spfcn ! use module_data_mosaic_main ! use module_data_mosaic_aero use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & ioc_a, jtotal, & naer, nbin_a, nbin_a_max, ngas_aerchtot, ngas_volatile implicit none ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: start_ind, N real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(naer,3,nbin_a_max) :: aer real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_aerchtot) :: gas real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_aerchtot,nbin_a_max) :: kg real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_volatile) :: sat_soa real(r8), intent(inout), dimension(ngas_volatile) :: total_species ! local variables ! integer, parameter :: N=ngas_soa !Total number of soa species integer, parameter :: itermax=2000 integer :: idxfresh(N),idxaged(N) !counter for fresh and aged soa species integer :: flagsoap(N) ! flagsoap determines if the species 'i' is fresh (flagsoap(i)=2) or aged(flagsoap(i)=1 integer :: nsolfresh,nsolaged,ntrack,icontfresh,icontaged ! counters corresponding to fresh and aged species for mapping integer :: ibin,iter ! Bin nos. integer :: iv, jp integer :: i real(r8), parameter :: tinys=1.0d-15 real(r8) :: dq,frqfresh(nbin_a),frqaged(nbin_a) real(r8) :: frqtotfresh,frqtotaged,frt real(r8) :: xsumfresh(nbin_a),xsumaged(nbin_a) real(r8) :: mnkfresh,mxkfresh,mnkaged,mxkaged ! real betak real(r8) :: Csatfresh(N), Ctotfresh(N) real(r8) :: Cgasfresh(N),Caerfresh(N) ! Csat: Saturation conc., Ctot: Total organic mass ! in gas+aerosol phase, Cgas:gas phase, Caer: Particle real(r8) :: Csataged(N), Ctotaged(N) real(r8) :: Cgasaged(N),Caeraged(N) real(r8) :: cpxfresh,cpxaged !Moles of pre-existing fresh and aged particle phase organic mass real(r8) :: dum, sum_dum, sum_soa, small_oc ! real, parameter :: tolmin = 1.E-12 ! real, parameter :: conmin = 1.E-20 ! real totOA,minitw !total OA in particle phase real(r8) :: cpx !pre-existing OA umol/m3 real(r8) :: Ctot(N),Caer(N),Cgas(N),Csat(N) real(r8) :: Paer(ngas_volatile) ! LOGICAL check jp=jtotal iter=0 cpxaged=0.0 cpxfresh=0.0 ! Assume no pres-existing OA forms a solution nsolfresh=0 nsolaged=0 icontfresh=0 icontaged=0 dq=0.0 ! Paer holds the organic aerosol values in each volatility bin (sum of all size bins) do iv=1,ngas_volatile Paer(iv)=0.0 enddo ! Initialize flagsoap do i=1,N flagsoap(i)=1 Ctot(i) = 0.0 Ctotaged(i) = 0.0 Ctotfresh(i) = 0.0 Caer(i) = 0.0 Caeraged(i) = 0.0 Caerfresh(i) = 0.0 Cgas(i) = 0.0 Cgasaged(i) = 0.0 Cgasfresh(i) = 0.0 Csat(i) = 0.0 Csataged(i) = 0.0 Csatfresh(i) = 0.0 enddo ! Calculate Ctot and Paer ! do iv = ipcg1_b_c_g, ngas_volatile ! do iv = start_ind, ngas_ioa + ngas_soa do iv = start_ind, (start_ind + N - 1) total_species(iv) = gas(iv) do ibin = 1, nbin_a total_species(iv) = total_species(iv) + aer(iv,jtotal,ibin) Paer(iv)=Paer(iv)+aer(iv,jtotal,ibin) enddo enddo ! Calculate pre-existing moles of OA (cpx) as sum of all size bins do ibin=1,nbin_a cpxaged= cpxaged+aer(ioc_a,jp,ibin) enddo ! Maps arrays starting from start_ind or ipcg1_b_c_g on to corresponding arrays starting from 1 for just soa species do i=1,N Ctot(i)=total_species(start_ind+i-1) Caer(i)=Paer(start_ind+i-1) Csat(i)=sat_soa(start_ind+i-1) Cgas(i)=gas(start_ind+i-1) enddo ! Initialize mapping array indices do i=1,N idxfresh(i)=0 idxaged(i)=0 enddo ! Seperate the fresh and aged species and treat them as 2 different solutions. Note this approach differes from PMCAMx ! In PMCAMx if flagsoap(i) was set to zero those species were not considered solution forming. do i=1,N flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species enddo ! do i=1,9 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=10,18 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=19,26 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=27,34 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=35,43 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=44,52 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=53,60 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=61,68 ! flagsoap(i)=1 ! Biomass burning(carbon and oxygen species) +traditional soa species ! enddo ! do i=69,84 ! flagsoap(i)=1 !Oxidized fossil oxygen ! enddo do i=1,N if (flagsoap(i).eq.2) then ! fresh primary species forming 1 solution icontfresh=icontfresh+1 ! count the number of fresh species idxfresh(icontfresh) = i !Map the species Csatfresh(icontfresh)=Csat(i) Ctotfresh(icontfresh)=Ctot(i) Caerfresh(icontfresh)=Caer(i) Cgasfresh(icontfresh)=Cgas(i) nsolfresh=nsolfresh+1 elseif (flagsoap(i).eq.1) then ! Aged SOA species forming another solution icontaged=icontaged+1 idxaged(icontaged) = i Csataged(icontaged)=Csat(i) Ctotaged(icontaged)=Ctot(i) Caeraged(icontaged)=Caer(i) Cgasaged(icontaged)=Cgas(i) nsolaged=nsolaged+1 endif enddo ! Caluclate the initial equilibrium partitioning by the bisection method (CMU PMCAMx approach) ! If all fresh abd aged species form a solution ! call soap(ngas_soa,Ctot,Csat,Caer,Cgas,cpx) ! if fresh and aged species form seperate solutions if ( call soap(nsolfresh,Ctotfresh, & Csatfresh,Caerfresh,Cgasfresh,cpxfresh) if ( call soap(nsolaged,Ctotaged, & Csataged,Caeraged,Cgasaged,cpxaged) ! Map the fresh and aged species back into original arrays ! Now assign the equilibrium gas-particle partitioning arrays ntrack=0 do i=1,N ! Map the fresh and aged species back into array from 1 to N after calculating equilibrium if (idxfresh(i).gt.0) then Caer(idxfresh(i))= Caerfresh(i) Cgas(idxfresh(i))= Cgasfresh(i) Ctot(idxfresh(i))= Ctotfresh(i) ntrack=ntrack+1 endif if (idxaged(i).gt.0) then Caer(idxaged(i))= Caeraged(i) Cgas(idxaged(i))= Cgasaged(i) Ctot(idxaged(i))= Ctotaged(i) ntrack=ntrack+1 endif enddo ! Check for total number of species if ( then call wrf_error_fatal('Error in mapping fresh and primary species arrays') endif ! From here on distribute the organic aerosol in size bins following Koo et al. 2003 " Integrated approaches to modeling ! the organic and inorganic atmospheric aerosol components" ! The original code from PMCAMx was modified to include 2 solutions for fresh and primary species ! by Manish Shrivastava on 01/11/2010 ! Calculate total organic aerosol OA(in nmoles/m3) in each bin for either of fresh and aged aerosols do ibin=1,nbin_a xsumfresh(ibin)=0.0 xsumaged(ibin)=0.0 xsumaged(ibin)= xsumaged(ibin)+aer(ioc_a,jp,ibin)!Caluclate pre-existing primary in each bin for aged aerosol ! do iv = start_ind, ngas_ioa + ngas_soa do iv = start_ind, (start_ind + N - 1) if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.2) then xsumfresh(ibin)= xsumfresh(ibin)+aer(iv,jtotal,ibin) elseif (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.1) then xsumaged(ibin)= xsumaged(ibin)+aer(iv,jtotal,ibin) elseif (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.0) then write(*,*) 'Error in mapping flagsoap to start_ind' endif enddo ! do iv = ipcg1_b_c_g, ngas_volatile ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.2) then ! xsumfresh(ibin)= xsumfresh(ibin)+aer(iv,jtotal,ibin) ! elseif (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.1) then ! xsumaged(ibin)= xsumaged(ibin)+aer(iv,jtotal,ibin) ! elseif (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.0) then ! write(*,*) 'Error in mapping flagsoap to ipcg1_b_c_g' ! endif ! enddo ! Give a small non-zero value to xsum if it is zero in the section if (xsumfresh(ibin).eq.0.0) xsumfresh(ibin)=tinys if (xsumaged(ibin).eq.0.0) xsumaged(ibin)=tinys enddo ! Calculate dq as (gas concentration) G(t)-G(t+h): ! Caluclate driving force at previous time step (Cgas,i-XiCsati) for both fresh and aged solutions ! do iv = start_ind, ngas_ioa + ngas_soa do iv = start_ind, (start_ind + N - 1) if (Ctot(iv-start_ind+1).lt.1d-10) goto 120 ! If a given species concentration is too low skip dq=gas(iv)-Cgas(iv-start_ind+1) !Since both fresh and aged species have been remapped to an array going from 1 to N ! do iv = ipcg1_b_c_g, ngas_volatile ! if (Ctot(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).lt.1d-10) goto 120 ! If a given species concentration is too low skip ! dq=gas(iv)-Cgas(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1) !Since both fresh and aged species have been remapped to an array going from 1 to N frqtotfresh=0.0d0 frqtotaged=0.0d0 mnkfresh=0.0d0 mnkaged=0.0d0 mxkfresh=0.0d0 mxkaged=0.0d0 do ibin=1,nbin_a ! fraceq(iv,ibin) is calculated as the rate of mass transfer ! The weighting fractions frqfresh(ibin) amd frqaged(ibin) are caluclated assuming mole fractions from previous time step ! This assumtion could be relaxed by iterativetely solving this equation if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.2) then frqfresh(ibin)= kg(iv,ibin)*(gas(iv) & ! replaced fraceq(iv,ibin) by kg(iv,ibin) on 01/19/10 -(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin))/xsumfresh(ibin) & *Csat(iv-start_ind+1)) endif if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.1) then frqaged(ibin)= kg(iv,ibin)*(gas(iv) & ! replaced fraceq(iv,ibin) by kg(iv,ibin) on 01/19/10 -(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin))/xsumaged(ibin) & *Csat(iv-start_ind+1)) endif ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.2) then ! frqfresh(ibin)= kg(iv,ibin)*(gas(iv) & ! replaced fraceq(iv,ibin) by kg(iv,ibin) on 01/19/10 ! -(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin))/xsumfresh(ibin) & ! *Csat(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1)) ! endif ! ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.1) then ! frqaged(ibin)= kg(iv,ibin)*(gas(iv) & ! replaced fraceq(iv,ibin) by kg(iv,ibin) on 01/19/10 ! -(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin))/xsumaged(ibin) & ! *Csat(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1)) ! endif mnkfresh=min(mnkfresh,frqfresh(ibin)) mnkaged=min(mnkaged,frqaged(ibin)) mxkfresh=max(mxkfresh,frqfresh(ibin)) mxkaged=max(mxkaged,frqaged(ibin)) enddo ! for ibin ! Repeat code from this point on for aged aerosol species if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.2) then ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.2) then ! Condensation is favored in the next time step in this bin if( then do ibin=1,nbin_a frqfresh(ibin)=max(frqfresh(ibin)-mnkfresh,0.0d0) enddo ! evaporation is favored in the next time step in this bin elseif( then do ibin=1,nbin_a frqfresh(ibin)=min(frqfresh(ibin)-mxkfresh,0.0d0) enddo endif do ibin=1,nbin_a frqtotfresh=frqtotfresh+frqfresh(ibin) enddo ! Re-normalize frqfresh(ibin) ! Additional code to check for frqtotfresh and frqtotaged ! Added by Manish Shrivastava on 02/19/2010 do ibin=1,nbin_a frqfresh(ibin)=frqfresh(ibin)/frqtotfresh enddo elseif(flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.1) then ! elseif(flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.1) then if( then do ibin=1,nbin_a frqaged(ibin)=max(frqaged(ibin)-mnkaged,0.0d0) enddo elseif( then do ibin=1,nbin_a frqaged(ibin)=min(frqaged(ibin)-mxkaged,0.0d0) enddo endif do ibin=1,nbin_a frqtotaged=frqtotaged+frqaged(ibin) enddo do ibin=1,nbin_a frqaged(ibin)=frqaged(ibin)/frqtotaged enddo endif ! for flagsoap ! Condense all condensing species if( then ! Map the species back into the original MOSAIC arrays do ibin=1,nbin_a if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.2) then aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)= aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)+dq*frqfresh(ibin) endif if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.1) then aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)= aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)+dq*frqaged(ibin) endif enddo ! Set the gas phase species to equilibrium value gas(iv)=Cgas(iv-start_ind+1) ! do ibin=1,nbin_a ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.2) then ! aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)= aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)+dq*frqfresh(ibin) ! endif ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.1) then ! aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)= aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)+dq*frqaged(ibin) ! endif ! enddo !! Set the gas phase species to equilibrium value ! gas(iv)=Cgas(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1) ! Evaporate all evaporating species elseif( then iter=0 100 frt=1.0d0 do ibin=1,nbin_a if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.2) then ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.2) then ! Cannot evaporate more than whats in the bin ie ratio (aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)/dq*frqfresh(ibin)) should be less than equal to 1 if(frqfresh(ibin).gt.0.0d0) & frt=MAX(MIN(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)/abs(-dq*frqfresh(ibin)),frt),0.0d0) ! elseif(flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.1) then elseif(flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.1) then if(frqaged(ibin).gt.0.0d0) & frt=MAX(MIN(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)/abs(-dq*frqaged(ibin)),frt),0.0d0) endif ! for flagsoap enddo ! for ibin frqtotfresh=0.0d0 frqtotaged=0.0d0 do ibin=1,nbin_a if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.2) then ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.2) then aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)= & ! Since dq is negative this is evaporating aerosols MAX(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)+frt*dq*frqfresh(ibin),0.0d0) if(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin).lt.tinys) frqfresh(ibin)=0.0d0 frqtotfresh=frqtotfresh+frqfresh(ibin) ! elseif (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.1) then elseif (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.1) then aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)= & MAX(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin)+frt*dq*frqaged(ibin),0.0d0) if(aer(iv,jtotal,ibin).lt.tinys) frqaged(ibin)=0.0d0 frqtotaged=frqtotaged+frqaged(ibin) endif ! for flagsoap enddo ! for ibin ! Check if we should evaporate more dq=(1.0d0-frt)*dq ! if (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.2) then if (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.2) then if( then ! check if d-8 is better if( then ! we have sections which are not empty if(iter.le.itermax) then ! check infinite loop iter = iter + 1 do ibin = 1,nbin_a frqfresh(ibin) = frqfresh(ibin) / frqtotfresh enddo ! for ibin goto 100 endif ! for iter endif ! endif ! ! elseif (flagsoap(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1).eq.1) then elseif (flagsoap(iv-start_ind+1).eq.1) then if( then if( then ! we have sections which are not empty if(iter.le.itermax) then ! check infinite loop iter = iter + 1 do ibin = 1,nbin_a frqaged(ibin) = frqaged(ibin) / frqtotaged enddo goto 100 endif endif endif ! we need to evaporate more to achieve equilibrium ! but we completely evaporated the species in all sections ! or exceeded itermax endif ! for flagsoap ! now set the gas species concentration conservatively ! gas(iv)=Ctot(iv-ipcg1_b_c_g+1) gas(iv)=Ctot(iv-start_ind+1) do ibin=1,nbin_a gas(iv)=gas(iv)-aer(iv,jtotal,ibin) enddo endif ! if 120 continue enddo ! for iv=start_ind end subroutine equilibrium !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------------------- ! Calculates the equilibrium gas-particle partitioning for SOA species when MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP is used ! This routine was modified by Alma Hodzic based on the initial code implemented by Manish Shrivastava and originated from CAMx !++ alma - removed the subr equilibrium_smp ! subroutine equilibrium_smp !.. ! end subroutine equilibrium_smp !-- !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! This subr spfcn calculates the objective function fval to solve gas-particle partitioning of SOA ! subr spfcn is called from within the subr soap subroutine spfcn(N,Ctot,Csat,Ca,cpx,tom,fval) ! use module_data_mosaic_main ! use module_data_mosaic_aero implicit none real(r8):: Ctot(N),Csat(N),Ca(N),tom,fval,cpx integer i,N fval=0.0 do i=1, N Ca(i)=Ctot(i)*tom/(tom+Csat(i)/1)! Replace the divisor 1 by Molecular Weights if the units for Csat(i) are ug/m3 or ng/m3 fval=fval+Ca(i)/1 ! The divisor is set to 1 as the species are in nmol/m3 enddo fval=fval+cpx-tom return end subroutine spfcn !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine soap(N,Ctot,Csat,Ca,Cgas,cpx) ! SOAP calculates the gas-partitioning of SOA. Adapted from PMCAMx and uses the bisection approach. ! SOAP calls subr spfcn which calculates the objective function for solving gas-particle partitioning ! use module_data_mosaic_main ! use module_data_mosaic_aero real(r8), parameter :: xtol = 5.0e-5 real(r8):: Ctot(N),Csat(N),cpx,Ca(N),Cgas(N) real(r8):: xend,dx,xmid,fend,fmid,sun integer i,N,znum sun=0.0 do i=1,N if (Csat(i).gt.0) then sun=sun+Ctot(i)/Csat(i) !If a species does not exist its Csat is zero else endif enddo if( then !if ctots for all species are less than corr. csats and cpre is negligible do i=1,N Cgas(i)=Ctot(i) Ca(i)=0.0 enddo goto 900 endif xend=0.0 do i=1, N xend=xend+Ctot(i)/1 ! Replace the divisor 1 by molecular weight if the units of Ctot(i) are in ng/m3 or ug/m3 enddo xend=xend+cpx ! total number of moles if ( then call spfcn(N,Ctot,Csat,Ca,cpx,xend,fend) ! Calculates the objective function else ! write(*,*) "Total no of moles less than 1e-10 bypassing soap" goto 100 endif if(abs(fend).le.xtol*xend) goto 99 ! Check for tolerance if ( then ! The objective function is supposed to be less than equal to zero write(*,*) "Error in SOAP" goto 50 endif dx=xend-cpx do znum=1,200 dx=0.5*dx xmid=xend-dx ! Find the midpoint following the bisection approach call spfcn (N,Ctot,Csat,Ca,cpx,xmid,fmid) ! Re-calculate the objective function if(abs(fmid).le.xtol*xmid.or.dx.le.xtol*xmid) goto 100 ! converged if ( xend=xmid enddo 50 call wrf_message("Error in SOAP") call wrf_error_fatal("Error: max number of iterations reached") 99 xmid=xend 100 continue do i=1, N Ca(i)=min(Ctot(i), Ca(i)) Cgas(i)=Ctot(i)-Ca(i) enddo 900 continue ! write(*,*) xmid return end subroutine soap !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine soa_vbs_load_params( ipass ) ! ! sets species pointers (gas, aerosol, electrolyte) and ! physical parameters (molecular weight, density, ...) ! that are different from those in the mosaic offline box-model code ! use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & aer_name, gas_name, & dens_aer_mac, dens_comp_a, & mw_aer_mac, mw_comp_a, mw_gas, & ngas_aerchtot, partial_molar_vol, v_molar_gas use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & ih2so4_g, ihno3_g, ihcl_g, inh3_g, & imsa_g, & iaro1_g, iaro2_g, ialk1_g, iole1_g, & iapi1_g, iapi2_g, ilim1_g, ilim2_g, & iso4_a, ino3_a, icl_a, inh4_a, ico3_a, & imsa_a, ina_a, ica_a, ioc_a, ibc_a, & ioin_a, iaro1_a, iaro2_a, ialk1_a, iole1_a, & iapi1_a, iapi2_a, ilim1_a, ilim2_a, & jnh4so4, jlvcite, jnh4hso4, jnh4no3, jnh4cl, & jna2so4, jna3hso4, jnahso4, jnano3, jnacl, & jcaso4, jcano3, jcacl2, jcaco3, jh2so4, & jhno3, jhcl, jhhso4, & jnh4msa, jnamsa, jcamsa2, jmsa, & joc, jbc, join, jaro1, jaro2, & jalk1, jole1, japi1, japi2, jlim1, & jlim2, jh2o use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & in2o5_g, iclno2_g, & ipcg1_b_c_g, ipcg2_b_c_g, ipcg3_b_c_g, ipcg4_b_c_g, & ipcg5_b_c_g, ipcg6_b_c_g, ipcg7_b_c_g, ipcg8_b_c_g, & ipcg9_b_c_g, & ipcg1_b_o_g, ipcg2_b_o_g, ipcg3_b_o_g, ipcg4_b_o_g, & ipcg5_b_o_g, ipcg6_b_o_g, ipcg7_b_o_g, ipcg8_b_o_g, & ipcg9_b_o_g, & iopcg1_b_c_g, iopcg2_b_c_g, iopcg3_b_c_g, iopcg4_b_c_g, & iopcg5_b_c_g, iopcg6_b_c_g, iopcg7_b_c_g, iopcg8_b_c_g, & iopcg1_b_o_g, iopcg2_b_o_g, iopcg3_b_o_g, iopcg4_b_o_g, & iopcg5_b_o_g, iopcg6_b_o_g, iopcg7_b_o_g, iopcg8_b_o_g, & ipcg1_f_c_g, ipcg2_f_c_g, ipcg3_f_c_g, ipcg4_f_c_g, & ipcg5_f_c_g, ipcg6_f_c_g, ipcg7_f_c_g, ipcg8_f_c_g, & ipcg9_f_c_g, & ipcg1_f_o_g, ipcg2_f_o_g, ipcg3_f_o_g, ipcg4_f_o_g, & ipcg5_f_o_g, ipcg6_f_o_g, ipcg7_f_o_g, ipcg8_f_o_g, & ipcg9_f_o_g, & iopcg1_f_c_g, iopcg2_f_c_g, iopcg3_f_c_g, iopcg4_f_c_g, & iopcg5_f_c_g, iopcg6_f_c_g, iopcg7_f_c_g, iopcg8_f_c_g, & iopcg1_f_o_g, iopcg2_f_o_g, iopcg3_f_o_g, iopcg4_f_o_g, & iopcg5_f_o_g, iopcg6_f_o_g, iopcg7_f_o_g, iopcg8_f_o_g, & iant1_c_g, iant2_c_g, iant3_c_g, iant4_c_g, & iant1_o_g, iant2_o_g, iant3_o_g, iant4_o_g, & ibiog1_c_g, ibiog2_c_g, ibiog3_c_g, ibiog4_c_g, & ibiog1_o_g, ibiog2_o_g, ibiog3_o_g, ibiog4_o_g, & ismpa_g, ismpbb_g, & iasoa1_g, iasoa2_g, iasoa3_g, iasoa4_g, & iasoaX_g, & ibsoa1_g, ibsoa2_g, ibsoa3_g, ibsoa4_g, & ibsoaX_g, & igly, iho ! iiepox_g, igly_g use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & ! idust_a, & ! itr1r1_a, itr1r2_a, itr1r3_a, itr1r4_a, & ipcg1_b_c_a, ipcg2_b_c_a, ipcg3_b_c_a, ipcg4_b_c_a, & ipcg5_b_c_a, ipcg6_b_c_a, ipcg7_b_c_a, ipcg8_b_c_a, & ipcg9_b_c_a, & ipcg1_b_o_a, ipcg2_b_o_a, ipcg3_b_o_a, ipcg4_b_o_a, & ipcg5_b_o_a, ipcg6_b_o_a, ipcg7_b_o_a, ipcg8_b_o_a, & ipcg9_b_o_a, & iopcg1_b_c_a, iopcg2_b_c_a, iopcg3_b_c_a, iopcg4_b_c_a, & iopcg5_b_c_a, iopcg6_b_c_a, iopcg7_b_c_a, iopcg8_b_c_a, & iopcg1_b_o_a, iopcg2_b_o_a, iopcg3_b_o_a, iopcg4_b_o_a, & iopcg5_b_o_a, iopcg6_b_o_a, iopcg7_b_o_a, iopcg8_b_o_a, & ipcg1_f_c_a, ipcg2_f_c_a, ipcg3_f_c_a, ipcg4_f_c_a, & ipcg5_f_c_a, ipcg6_f_c_a, ipcg7_f_c_a, ipcg8_f_c_a, & ipcg9_f_c_a, & ipcg1_f_o_a, ipcg2_f_o_a, ipcg3_f_o_a, ipcg4_f_o_a, & ipcg5_f_o_a, ipcg6_f_o_a, ipcg7_f_o_a, ipcg8_f_o_a, & ipcg9_f_o_a, & iopcg1_f_c_a, iopcg2_f_c_a, iopcg3_f_c_a, iopcg4_f_c_a, & iopcg5_f_c_a, iopcg6_f_c_a, iopcg7_f_c_a, iopcg8_f_c_a, & iopcg1_f_o_a, iopcg2_f_o_a, iopcg3_f_o_a, iopcg4_f_o_a, & iopcg5_f_o_a, iopcg6_f_o_a, iopcg7_f_o_a, iopcg8_f_o_a, & iant1_c_a, iant2_c_a, iant3_c_a, iant4_c_a, & iant1_o_a, iant2_o_a, iant3_o_a, iant4_o_a, & ibiog1_c_a, ibiog2_c_a, ibiog3_c_a, ibiog4_c_a, & ibiog1_o_a, ibiog2_o_a, ibiog3_o_a, ibiog4_o_a, & ismpa_a, ismpbb_a, & iasoa1_a, iasoa2_a, iasoa3_a, iasoa4_a, & iasoaX_a, & ibsoa1_a, ibsoa2_a, ibsoa3_a, ibsoa4_a, & ibsoaX_a, & iglysoa_r1_a, iglysoa_r2_a, iglysoa_sfc_a, iglysoa_nh4_a, & iglysoa_oh_a ! iiepox_a, igly_a, iiepoxos_a, itetrol_a, & ! itanv_a, isopnv_a, iternv_a, iseqnv_a, & ! isianv_a use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & ! jdust, & ! jtr1r1, jtr1r2, jtr1r3, jtr1r4, & jpcg1_b_c, jpcg2_b_c, jpcg3_b_c, jpcg4_b_c, & jpcg5_b_c, jpcg6_b_c, jpcg7_b_c, jpcg8_b_c, & jpcg9_b_c, & jpcg1_b_o, jpcg2_b_o, jpcg3_b_o, jpcg4_b_o, & jpcg5_b_o, jpcg6_b_o, jpcg7_b_o, jpcg8_b_o, & jpcg9_b_o, & jopcg1_b_c, jopcg2_b_c, jopcg3_b_c, jopcg4_b_c, & jopcg5_b_c, jopcg6_b_c, jopcg7_b_c, jopcg8_b_c, & jopcg1_b_o, jopcg2_b_o, jopcg3_b_o, jopcg4_b_o, & jopcg5_b_o, jopcg6_b_o, jopcg7_b_o, jopcg8_b_o, & jpcg1_f_c, jpcg2_f_c, jpcg3_f_c, jpcg4_f_c, & jpcg5_f_c, jpcg6_f_c, jpcg7_f_c, jpcg8_f_c, & jpcg9_f_c, & jpcg1_f_o, jpcg2_f_o, jpcg3_f_o, jpcg4_f_o, & jpcg5_f_o, jpcg6_f_o, jpcg7_f_o, jpcg8_f_o, & jpcg9_f_o, & jopcg1_f_c, jopcg2_f_c, jopcg3_f_c, jopcg4_f_c, & jopcg5_f_c, jopcg6_f_c, jopcg7_f_c, jopcg8_f_c, & jopcg1_f_o, jopcg2_f_o, jopcg3_f_o, jopcg4_f_o, & jopcg5_f_o, jopcg6_f_o, jopcg7_f_o, jopcg8_f_o, & jant1_c, jant2_c, jant3_c, jant4_c, & jant1_o, jant2_o, jant3_o, jant4_o, & jbiog1_c, jbiog2_c, jbiog3_c, jbiog4_c, & jbiog1_o, jbiog2_o, jbiog3_o, jbiog4_o, & jsmpa, jsmpbb, & jasoa1, jasoa2, jasoa3, jasoa4, & jasoaX, & jbsoa1, jbsoa2, jbsoa3, jbsoa4, & jbsoaX, & jglysoa_r1, jglysoa_r2, jglysoa_sfc, jglysoa_nh4, & jglysoa_oh ! jiepox, jgly, jiepoxos, jtetrol, & ! jtanv, jsopnv, jternv, jseqnv, & ! jsianv ! arguments integer, intent(in) :: ipass if (ipass == 1) then ! jdust = 26 ! insoluble - part of naercomp ipcg1_b_c_a = 6 ; ipcg1_b_c_g = 6 ; jpcg1_b_c = 26 ipcg2_b_c_a = 7 ; ipcg2_b_c_g = 7 ; jpcg2_b_c = 27 ipcg3_b_c_a = 8 ; ipcg3_b_c_g = 8 ; jpcg3_b_c = 28 ipcg4_b_c_a = 9 ; ipcg4_b_c_g = 9 ; jpcg4_b_c = 29 ipcg5_b_c_a = 10 ; ipcg5_b_c_g = 10 ; jpcg5_b_c = 30 ipcg6_b_c_a = 11 ; ipcg6_b_c_g = 11 ; jpcg6_b_c = 31 ipcg7_b_c_a = 12 ; ipcg7_b_c_g = 12 ; jpcg7_b_c = 32 ipcg8_b_c_a = 13 ; ipcg8_b_c_g = 13 ; jpcg8_b_c = 33 ipcg9_b_c_a = 14 ; ipcg9_b_c_g = 14 ; jpcg9_b_c = 34 ipcg1_b_o_a = 15 ; ipcg1_b_o_g = 15 ; jpcg1_b_o = 35 ipcg2_b_o_a = 16 ; ipcg2_b_o_g = 16 ; jpcg2_b_o = 36 ipcg3_b_o_a = 17 ; ipcg3_b_o_g = 17 ; jpcg3_b_o = 37 ipcg4_b_o_a = 18 ; ipcg4_b_o_g = 18 ; jpcg4_b_o = 38 ipcg5_b_o_a = 19 ; ipcg5_b_o_g = 19 ; jpcg5_b_o = 39 ipcg6_b_o_a = 20 ; ipcg6_b_o_g = 20 ; jpcg6_b_o = 40 ipcg7_b_o_a = 21 ; ipcg7_b_o_g = 21 ; jpcg7_b_o = 41 ipcg8_b_o_a = 22 ; ipcg8_b_o_g = 22 ; jpcg8_b_o = 42 ipcg9_b_o_a = 23 ; ipcg9_b_o_g = 23 ; jpcg9_b_o = 43 iopcg1_b_c_a = 24 ; iopcg1_b_c_g = 24 ; jopcg1_b_c = 44 iopcg2_b_c_a = 25 ; iopcg2_b_c_g = 25 ; jopcg2_b_c = 45 iopcg3_b_c_a = 26 ; iopcg3_b_c_g = 26 ; jopcg3_b_c = 46 iopcg4_b_c_a = 27 ; iopcg4_b_c_g = 27 ; jopcg4_b_c = 47 iopcg5_b_c_a = 28 ; iopcg5_b_c_g = 28 ; jopcg5_b_c = 48 iopcg6_b_c_a = 29 ; iopcg6_b_c_g = 29 ; jopcg6_b_c = 49 iopcg7_b_c_a = 30 ; iopcg7_b_c_g = 30 ; jopcg7_b_c = 50 iopcg8_b_c_a = 31 ; iopcg8_b_c_g = 31 ; jopcg8_b_c = 51 iopcg1_b_o_a = 32 ; iopcg1_b_o_g = 32 ; jopcg1_b_o = 52 iopcg2_b_o_a = 33 ; iopcg2_b_o_g = 33 ; jopcg2_b_o = 53 iopcg3_b_o_a = 34 ; iopcg3_b_o_g = 34 ; jopcg3_b_o = 54 iopcg4_b_o_a = 35 ; iopcg4_b_o_g = 35 ; jopcg4_b_o = 55 iopcg5_b_o_a = 36 ; iopcg5_b_o_g = 36 ; jopcg5_b_o = 56 iopcg6_b_o_a = 37 ; iopcg6_b_o_g = 37 ; jopcg6_b_o = 57 iopcg7_b_o_a = 38 ; iopcg7_b_o_g = 38 ; jopcg7_b_o = 58 iopcg8_b_o_a = 39 ; iopcg8_b_o_g = 39 ; jopcg8_b_o = 59 ipcg1_f_c_a = 40 ; ipcg1_f_c_g = 40 ; jpcg1_f_c = 60 ipcg2_f_c_a = 41 ; ipcg2_f_c_g = 41 ; jpcg2_f_c = 61 ipcg3_f_c_a = 42 ; ipcg3_f_c_g = 42 ; jpcg3_f_c = 62 ipcg4_f_c_a = 43 ; ipcg4_f_c_g = 43 ; jpcg4_f_c = 63 ipcg5_f_c_a = 44 ; ipcg5_f_c_g = 44 ; jpcg5_f_c = 64 ipcg6_f_c_a = 45 ; ipcg6_f_c_g = 45 ; jpcg6_f_c = 65 ipcg7_f_c_a = 46 ; ipcg7_f_c_g = 46 ; jpcg7_f_c = 66 ipcg8_f_c_a = 47 ; ipcg8_f_c_g = 47 ; jpcg8_f_c = 67 ipcg9_f_c_a = 48 ; ipcg9_f_c_g = 48 ; jpcg9_f_c = 68 ipcg1_f_o_a = 49 ; ipcg1_f_o_g = 49 ; jpcg1_f_o = 69 ipcg2_f_o_a = 50 ; ipcg2_f_o_g = 50 ; jpcg2_f_o = 70 ipcg3_f_o_a = 51 ; ipcg3_f_o_g = 51 ; jpcg3_f_o = 71 ipcg4_f_o_a = 52 ; ipcg4_f_o_g = 52 ; jpcg4_f_o = 72 ipcg5_f_o_a = 53 ; ipcg5_f_o_g = 53 ; jpcg5_f_o = 73 ipcg6_f_o_a = 54 ; ipcg6_f_o_g = 54 ; jpcg6_f_o = 74 ipcg7_f_o_a = 55 ; ipcg7_f_o_g = 55 ; jpcg7_f_o = 75 ipcg8_f_o_a = 56 ; ipcg8_f_o_g = 56 ; jpcg8_f_o = 76 ipcg9_f_o_a = 57 ; ipcg9_f_o_g = 57 ; jpcg9_f_o = 77 iopcg1_f_c_a = 58 ; iopcg1_f_c_g = 58 ; jopcg1_f_c = 78 iopcg2_f_c_a = 59 ; iopcg2_f_c_g = 59 ; jopcg2_f_c = 79 iopcg3_f_c_a = 60 ; iopcg3_f_c_g = 60 ; jopcg3_f_c = 80 iopcg4_f_c_a = 61 ; iopcg4_f_c_g = 61 ; jopcg4_f_c = 81 iopcg5_f_c_a = 62 ; iopcg5_f_c_g = 62 ; jopcg5_f_c = 82 iopcg6_f_c_a = 63 ; iopcg6_f_c_g = 63 ; jopcg6_f_c = 83 iopcg7_f_c_a = 64 ; iopcg7_f_c_g = 64 ; jopcg7_f_c = 84 iopcg8_f_c_a = 65 ; iopcg8_f_c_g = 65 ; jopcg8_f_c = 85 iopcg1_f_o_a = 66 ; iopcg1_f_o_g = 66 ; jopcg1_f_o = 86 iopcg2_f_o_a = 67 ; iopcg2_f_o_g = 67 ; jopcg2_f_o = 87 iopcg3_f_o_a = 68 ; iopcg3_f_o_g = 68 ; jopcg3_f_o = 88 iopcg4_f_o_a = 69 ; iopcg4_f_o_g = 69 ; jopcg4_f_o = 89 iopcg5_f_o_a = 70 ; iopcg5_f_o_g = 70 ; jopcg5_f_o = 90 iopcg6_f_o_a = 71 ; iopcg6_f_o_g = 71 ; jopcg6_f_o = 91 iopcg7_f_o_a = 72 ; iopcg7_f_o_g = 72 ; jopcg7_f_o = 92 iopcg8_f_o_a = 73 ; iopcg8_f_o_g = 73 ; jopcg8_f_o = 93 ismpa_a = 74 ; ismpa_g = 74 ; jsmpa = 94 ismpbb_a = 75 ; ismpbb_g = 75 ; jsmpbb = 95 iant1_c_a = 76 ; iant1_c_g = 76 ; jant1_c = 96 iant2_c_a = 77 ; iant2_c_g = 77 ; jant2_c = 97 iant3_c_a = 78 ; iant3_c_g = 78 ; jant3_c = 98 iant4_c_a = 79 ; iant4_c_g = 79 ; jant4_c = 99 iant1_o_a = 80 ; iant1_o_g = 80 ; jant1_o =100 iant2_o_a = 81 ; iant2_o_g = 81 ; jant2_o =101 iant3_o_a = 82 ; iant3_o_g = 82 ; jant3_o =102 iant4_o_a = 83 ; iant4_o_g = 83 ; jant4_o =103 ibiog1_c_a = 84 ; ibiog1_c_g = 84 ; jbiog1_c =104 ibiog2_c_a = 85 ; ibiog2_c_g = 85 ; jbiog2_c =105 ibiog3_c_a = 86 ; ibiog3_c_g = 86 ; jbiog3_c =106 ibiog4_c_a = 87 ; ibiog4_c_g = 87 ; jbiog4_c =107 ibiog1_o_a = 88 ; ibiog1_o_g = 88 ; jbiog1_o =108 ibiog2_o_a = 89 ; ibiog2_o_g = 89 ; jbiog2_o =109 ibiog3_o_a = 90 ; ibiog3_o_g = 90 ; jbiog3_o =110 ibiog4_o_a = 91 ; ibiog4_o_g = 91 ; jbiog4_o =111 iasoaX_a = 92 ; iasoaX_g = 92 ; jasoaX =112 iasoa1_a = 93 ; iasoa1_g = 93 ; jasoa1 =113 iasoa2_a = 94 ; iasoa2_g = 94 ; jasoa2 =114 iasoa3_a = 95 ; iasoa3_g = 95 ; jasoa3 =115 iasoa4_a = 96 ; iasoa4_g = 96 ; jasoa4 =116 ibsoaX_a = 97 ; ibsoaX_g = 97 ; jbsoaX =117 ibsoa1_a = 98 ; ibsoa1_g = 98 ; jbsoa1 =118 ibsoa2_a = 99 ; ibsoa2_g = 99 ; jbsoa2 =119 ibsoa3_a = 100 ; ibsoa3_g =100 ; jbsoa3 =120 ibsoa4_a = 101 ; ibsoa4_g =101 ; jbsoa4 =121 iglysoa_r1_a = 102 ; jglysoa_r1 =122 iglysoa_r2_a = 103 ; jglysoa_r2 =123 iglysoa_sfc_a = 104 ; jglysoa_sfc=124 iglysoa_nh4_a = 105 ; jglysoa_nh4=125 iglysoa_oh_a = 106 ; jglysoa_oh =126 jh2o =127 ! water - part of naercomp in2o5_g =102 ! ioa --> NO3- iclno2_g =103 ! ioa N2O5+Cl- --> igly =104 iho =105 ! ico2_g = 14 ! currently not used ico3_a = 107 ina_a = 108 ica_a = 109 ioin_a = 110 ioc_a = 111 ibc_a = 112 ! iiepox_a = 92 ; iiepox_g = 92 ; jiepox =113 ! igly_a = 93 ; igly_g = 93 ; jgly =114 ! in2o5_g = 94 ! iclno2_g = 95 ! iiepoxos_a = 94 ; jiepoxos =115 ! itetrol_a = 95 ; jtetrol =116 ! itanv_a = 96 ; jtanv =117 ! isopnv_a = 97 ; jsopnv =118 ! iternv_a = 98 ; jternv =119 ! iseqnv_a = 99 ; jseqnv =120 ! isianv_a = 100 ; jsianv =121 ! jh2o =122 ! water - part of naercomp ! idust_a = 105 ! itr1r1_a = 108 ; jtr1r1 =123 ! itr1r2_a = 109 ; jtr1r2 =124 ! itr1r3_a = 110 ; jtr1r3 =125 ! itr1r4_a = 111 ; jtr1r4 =126 return end if ! (ipass == 1) then if (ipass == 2) then ! names of aer species ! aer_name(idust_a) = "dust" ! aer_name(itr1r1_a) = "tr1r1" ! aer_name(itr1r2_a) = "tr1r2" ! aer_name(itr1r3_a) = "tr1r3" ! aer_name(itr1r4_a) = "tr1r4" ! aer_name(itanv_a) = "tanv" ! aer_name(isopnv_a) = "sopnv" ! aer_name(iternv_a) = "ternv" ! aer_name(iseqnv_a) = "seqnv" ! aer_name(isianv_a) = "sianv" aer_name(ipcg1_b_c_a) = "pcg1_b_c" aer_name(ipcg2_b_c_a) = "pcg2_b_c" aer_name(ipcg3_b_c_a) = "pcg3_b_c" aer_name(ipcg4_b_c_a) = "pcg4_b_c" aer_name(ipcg5_b_c_a) = "pcg5_b_c" aer_name(ipcg6_b_c_a) = "pcg6_b_c" aer_name(ipcg7_b_c_a) = "pcg7_b_c" aer_name(ipcg8_b_c_a) = "pcg8_b_c" aer_name(ipcg9_b_c_a) = "pcg9_b_c" aer_name(ipcg1_b_o_a) = "pcg1_b_o" aer_name(ipcg2_b_o_a) = "pcg2_b_o" aer_name(ipcg3_b_o_a) = "pcg3_b_o" aer_name(ipcg4_b_o_a) = "pcg4_b_o" aer_name(ipcg5_b_o_a) = "pcg5_b_o" aer_name(ipcg6_b_o_a) = "pcg6_b_o" aer_name(ipcg7_b_o_a) = "pcg7_b_o" aer_name(ipcg8_b_o_a) = "pcg8_b_o" aer_name(ipcg9_b_o_a) = "pcg9_b_o" aer_name(iopcg1_b_c_a) = "opcg1_b_c" aer_name(iopcg2_b_c_a) = "opcg2_b_c" aer_name(iopcg3_b_c_a) = "opcg3_b_c" aer_name(iopcg4_b_c_a) = "opcg4_b_c" aer_name(iopcg5_b_c_a) = "opcg5_b_c" aer_name(iopcg6_b_c_a) = "opcg6_b_c" aer_name(iopcg7_b_c_a) = "opcg7_b_c" aer_name(iopcg8_b_c_a) = "opcg8_b_c" aer_name(iopcg1_b_o_a) = "opcg1_b_o" aer_name(iopcg2_b_o_a) = "opcg2_b_o" aer_name(iopcg3_b_o_a) = "opcg3_b_o" aer_name(iopcg4_b_o_a) = "opcg4_b_o" aer_name(iopcg5_b_o_a) = "opcg5_b_o" aer_name(iopcg6_b_o_a) = "opcg6_b_o" aer_name(iopcg7_b_o_a) = "opcg7_b_o" aer_name(iopcg8_b_o_a) = "opcg8_b_o" aer_name(ipcg1_f_c_a) = "pcg1_f_c" aer_name(ipcg2_f_c_a) = "pcg2_f_c" aer_name(ipcg3_f_c_a) = "pcg3_f_c" aer_name(ipcg4_f_c_a) = "pcg4_f_c" aer_name(ipcg5_f_c_a) = "pcg5_f_c" aer_name(ipcg6_f_c_a) = "pcg6_f_c" aer_name(ipcg7_f_c_a) = "pcg7_f_c" aer_name(ipcg8_f_c_a) = "pcg8_f_c" aer_name(ipcg9_f_c_a) = "pcg9_f_c" aer_name(ipcg1_f_o_a) = "pcg1_f_o" aer_name(ipcg2_f_o_a) = "pcg2_f_o" aer_name(ipcg3_f_o_a) = "pcg3_f_o" aer_name(ipcg4_f_o_a) = "pcg4_f_o" aer_name(ipcg5_f_o_a) = "pcg5_f_o" aer_name(ipcg6_f_o_a) = "pcg6_f_o" aer_name(ipcg7_f_o_a) = "pcg7_f_o" aer_name(ipcg8_f_o_a) = "pcg8_f_o" aer_name(ipcg9_f_o_a) = "pcg9_f_o" aer_name(iopcg1_f_c_a) = "opcg1_f_c" aer_name(iopcg2_f_c_a) = "opcg2_f_c" aer_name(iopcg3_f_c_a) = "opcg3_f_c" aer_name(iopcg4_f_c_a) = "opcg4_f_c" aer_name(iopcg5_f_c_a) = "opcg5_f_c" aer_name(iopcg6_f_c_a) = "opcg6_f_c" aer_name(iopcg7_f_c_a) = "opcg7_f_c" aer_name(iopcg8_f_c_a) = "opcg8_f_c" aer_name(iopcg1_f_o_a) = "opcg1_f_o" aer_name(iopcg2_f_o_a) = "opcg2_f_o" aer_name(iopcg3_f_o_a) = "opcg3_f_o" aer_name(iopcg4_f_o_a) = "opcg4_f_o" aer_name(iopcg5_f_o_a) = "opcg5_f_o" aer_name(iopcg6_f_o_a) = "opcg6_f_o" aer_name(iopcg7_f_o_a) = "opcg7_f_o" aer_name(iopcg8_f_o_a) = "opcg8_f_o" aer_name(ismpa_a) = "smpa" aer_name(ismpbb_a) = "smpbb" ! aer_name(igly_a) = "gly" ! aer_name(iiepox_a) = "iepox" ! aer_name(iiepoxos_a) = "iepoxos" ! aer_name(itetrol_a) = "tetrol" aer_name(iant1_c_a) = "ant1_c" aer_name(iant2_c_a) = "ant2_c" aer_name(iant3_c_a) = "ant3_c" aer_name(iant4_c_a) = "ant4_c" aer_name(iant1_o_a) = "ant1_o" aer_name(iant2_o_a) = "ant2_o" aer_name(iant3_o_a) = "ant3_o" aer_name(iant4_o_a) = "ant4_o" aer_name(ibiog1_c_a) = "biog1_c" aer_name(ibiog2_c_a) = "biog2_c" aer_name(ibiog3_c_a) = "biog3_c" aer_name(ibiog4_c_a) = "biog4_c" aer_name(ibiog1_o_a) = "biog1_o" aer_name(ibiog2_o_a) = "biog2_o" aer_name(ibiog3_o_a) = "biog3_o" aer_name(ibiog4_o_a) = "biog4_o" aer_name(iglysoa_r1_a) ="glysoa_r1" aer_name(iglysoa_r2_a) ="glysoa_r2" aer_name(iglysoa_sfc_a)="glysoa_sfc" aer_name(iglysoa_nh4_a)="glysoa_nh4" aer_name(iglysoa_oh_a) ="glysoa_oh" aer_name(iasoaX_a) ="asoaX" aer_name(iasoa1_a) ="asoa1" aer_name(iasoa2_a) ="asoa2" aer_name(iasoa3_a) ="asoa3" aer_name(iasoa4_a) ="asoa4" aer_name(ibsoaX_a) ="bsoaX" aer_name(ibsoa1_a) ="bsoa1" aer_name(ibsoa2_a) ="bsoa2" aer_name(ibsoa3_a) ="bsoa3" aer_name(ibsoa4_a) ="bsoa4" ! names of gas species gas_name(ipcg1_b_c_g) = "pcg1_b_c" gas_name(ipcg2_b_c_g) = "pcg2_b_c" gas_name(ipcg3_b_c_g) = "pcg3_b_c" gas_name(ipcg4_b_c_g) = "pcg4_b_c" gas_name(ipcg5_b_c_g) = "pcg5_b_c" gas_name(ipcg6_b_c_g) = "pcg6_b_c" gas_name(ipcg7_b_c_g) = "pcg7_b_c" gas_name(ipcg8_b_c_g) = "pcg8_b_c" gas_name(ipcg9_b_c_g) = "pcg9_b_c" gas_name(ipcg1_b_o_g) = "pcg1_b_o" gas_name(ipcg2_b_o_g) = "pcg2_b_o" gas_name(ipcg3_b_o_g) = "pcg3_b_o" gas_name(ipcg4_b_o_g) = "pcg4_b_o" gas_name(ipcg5_b_o_g) = "pcg5_b_o" gas_name(ipcg6_b_o_g) = "pcg6_b_o" gas_name(ipcg7_b_o_g) = "pcg7_b_o" gas_name(ipcg8_b_o_g) = "pcg8_b_o" gas_name(ipcg9_b_o_g) = "pcg9_b_o" gas_name(iopcg1_b_c_g) = "opcg1_b_c" gas_name(iopcg2_b_c_g) = "opcg2_b_c" gas_name(iopcg3_b_c_g) = "opcg3_b_c" gas_name(iopcg4_b_c_g) = "opcg4_b_c" gas_name(iopcg5_b_c_g) = "opcg5_b_c" gas_name(iopcg6_b_c_g) = "opcg6_b_c" gas_name(iopcg7_b_c_g) = "opcg7_b_c" gas_name(iopcg8_b_c_g) = "opcg8_b_c" gas_name(iopcg1_b_o_g) = "opcg1_b_o" gas_name(iopcg2_b_o_g) = "opcg2_b_o" gas_name(iopcg3_b_o_g) = "opcg3_b_o" gas_name(iopcg4_b_o_g) = "opcg4_b_o" gas_name(iopcg5_b_o_g) = "opcg5_b_o" gas_name(iopcg6_b_o_g) = "opcg6_b_o" gas_name(iopcg7_b_o_g) = "opcg7_b_o" gas_name(iopcg8_b_o_g) = "opcg8_b_o" gas_name(ipcg1_f_c_g) = "pcg1_f_c" gas_name(ipcg2_f_c_g) = "pcg2_f_c" gas_name(ipcg3_f_c_g) = "pcg3_f_c" gas_name(ipcg4_f_c_g) = "pcg4_f_c" gas_name(ipcg5_f_c_g) = "pcg5_f_c" gas_name(ipcg6_f_c_g) = "pcg6_f_c" gas_name(ipcg7_f_c_g) = "pcg7_f_c" gas_name(ipcg8_f_c_g) = "pcg8_f_c" gas_name(ipcg9_f_c_g) = "pcg9_f_c" gas_name(ipcg1_f_o_g) = "pcg1_f_o" gas_name(ipcg2_f_o_g) = "pcg2_f_o" gas_name(ipcg3_f_o_g) = "pcg3_f_o" gas_name(ipcg4_f_o_g) = "pcg4_f_o" gas_name(ipcg5_f_o_g) = "pcg5_f_o" gas_name(ipcg6_f_o_g) = "pcg6_f_o" gas_name(ipcg7_f_o_g) = "pcg7_f_o" gas_name(ipcg8_f_o_g) = "pcg8_f_o" gas_name(ipcg9_f_o_g) = "pcg9_f_o" gas_name(iopcg1_f_c_g) = "opcg1_f_c" gas_name(iopcg2_f_c_g) = "opcg2_f_c" gas_name(iopcg3_f_c_g) = "opcg3_f_c" gas_name(iopcg4_f_c_g) = "opcg4_f_c" gas_name(iopcg5_f_c_g) = "opcg5_f_c" gas_name(iopcg6_f_c_g) = "opcg6_f_c" gas_name(iopcg7_f_c_g) = "opcg7_f_c" gas_name(iopcg8_f_c_g) = "opcg8_f_c" gas_name(iopcg1_f_o_g) = "opcg1_f_o" gas_name(iopcg2_f_o_g) = "opcg2_f_o" gas_name(iopcg3_f_o_g) = "opcg3_f_o" gas_name(iopcg4_f_o_g) = "opcg4_f_o" gas_name(iopcg5_f_o_g) = "opcg5_f_o" gas_name(iopcg6_f_o_g) = "opcg6_f_o" gas_name(iopcg7_f_o_g) = "opcg7_f_o" gas_name(iopcg8_f_o_g) = "opcg8_f_o" gas_name(ismpa_g) = "smpa" gas_name(ismpbb_g) = "smpbb" ! gas_name(igly_g) = "gly" ! gas_name(iiepox_g) = "iepox" gas_name(iant1_c_g) = "ant1_c" gas_name(iant2_c_g) = "ant2_c" gas_name(iant3_c_g) = "ant3_c" gas_name(iant4_c_g) = "ant4_c" gas_name(iant1_o_g) = "ant1_o" gas_name(iant2_o_g) = "ant2_o" gas_name(iant3_o_g) = "ant3_o" gas_name(iant4_o_g) = "ant4_o" gas_name(ibiog1_c_g) = "biog1_c" gas_name(ibiog2_c_g) = "biog2_c" gas_name(ibiog3_c_g) = "biog3_c" gas_name(ibiog4_c_g) = "biog4_c" gas_name(ibiog1_o_g) = "biog1_o" gas_name(ibiog2_o_g) = "biog2_o" gas_name(ibiog3_o_g) = "biog3_o" gas_name(ibiog4_o_g) = "biog4_o" gas_name(in2o5_g) = "n2o5 " gas_name(iclno2_g) = "clno2" gas_name(iasoaX_g)="asoaX" gas_name(iasoa1_g)="asoa1" gas_name(iasoa2_g)="asoa2" gas_name(iasoa3_g)="asoa3" gas_name(iasoa4_g)="asoa4" gas_name(ibsoaX_g)="bsoaX" gas_name(ibsoa1_g)="bsoa1" gas_name(ibsoa2_g)="bsoa2" gas_name(ibsoa3_g)="bsoa3" gas_name(ibsoa4_g)="bsoa4" ! densities of compounds in g/cc dens_comp_a(:) = 1.0 ! default dens_comp_a(jh2o) = 1.0 dens_comp_a(jnh4so4) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(jlvcite) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(jnh4hso4) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(jnh4msa) = 1.8 ! assumed same as nh4hso4 dens_comp_a(jnh4no3) = 1.7 dens_comp_a(jnh4cl) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(jnacl) = 2.2 dens_comp_a(jnano3) = 2.2 dens_comp_a(jna2so4) = 2.2 dens_comp_a(jna3hso4) = 2.2 dens_comp_a(jnahso4) = 2.2 dens_comp_a(jnamsa) = 2.2 ! assumed same as nahso4 dens_comp_a(jcaso4) = 2.6 dens_comp_a(jcamsa2) = 2.6 ! assumed same as caso4 dens_comp_a(jcano3) = 2.6 dens_comp_a(jcacl2) = 2.6 dens_comp_a(jcaco3) = 2.6 dens_comp_a(jh2so4) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(jhhso4) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(jhno3) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(jhcl) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(jmsa) = 1.8 ! assumed same as h2so4 dens_comp_a(joc) = 1.0 dens_comp_a(jbc) = 1.8 dens_comp_a(join) = 2.6 dens_comp_a(iasoaX_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(iasoa1_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(iasoa2_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(iasoa3_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(iasoa4_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(ibsoaX_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(ibsoa1_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(ibsoa2_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(ibsoa3_a) = 1.5 dens_comp_a(ibsoa4_a) = 1.5 ! dens_comp_a(jdust) = 2.6 ! dens_comp_a(jtr1r1) = 2.6 ! dens_comp_a(jtr1r2) = 2.6 ! dens_comp_a(jtr1r3) = 2.6 ! dens_comp_a(jtr1r4) = 2.6 ! dens_comp_a(jtanv) = 1.0 ! molecular weights of generic aerosol species mw_aer_mac(:) = 250.0 ! default mw_aer_mac(iso4_a) = 96.0 mw_aer_mac(ino3_a) = 62.0 mw_aer_mac(icl_a) = 35.5 mw_aer_mac(imsa_a) = 95.0 ! ch3so3 mw_aer_mac(ico3_a) = 60.0 mw_aer_mac(inh4_a) = 18.0 mw_aer_mac(ina_a) = 23.0 mw_aer_mac(ica_a) = 40.0 mw_aer_mac(ioin_a) = 1.0 ! not used ! mw_aer_mac(idust_a) = 1.0 ! not used ! mw_aer_mac(itr1r1_a) = 1.0 ! not used ! mw_aer_mac(itr1r2_a) = 1.0 ! not used ! mw_aer_mac(itr1r3_a) = 1.0 ! not used ! mw_aer_mac(itr1r4_a) = 1.0 ! not used mw_aer_mac(ibc_a) = 1.0 ! not used mw_aer_mac(ioc_a) = 250.0 ! mw_aer_mac(igly_a) = 58.0 ! mw_aer_mac(iiepox_a) = 118.0 ! mw_aer_mac(iiepoxos_a) = 216.0 ! mw_aer_mac(itetrol_a) = 136.0 ! molecular weights of compounds mw_comp_a(:) = 250.0 ! default mw_comp_a(jh2o) = 18.0 mw_comp_a(jnh4so4) = 132.0 mw_comp_a(jlvcite) = 247.0 mw_comp_a(jnh4hso4) = 115.0 mw_comp_a(jnh4msa) = 113.0 mw_comp_a(jnh4no3) = 80.0 mw_comp_a(jnh4cl) = 53.5 mw_comp_a(jnacl) = 58.5 mw_comp_a(jnano3) = 85.0 mw_comp_a(jna2so4) = 142.0 mw_comp_a(jna3hso4) = 262.0 mw_comp_a(jnahso4) = 120.0 mw_comp_a(jnamsa) = 118.0 mw_comp_a(jcaso4) = 136.0 mw_comp_a(jcamsa2) = 230.0 mw_comp_a(jcano3) = 164.0 mw_comp_a(jcacl2) = 111.0 mw_comp_a(jcaco3) = 100.0 mw_comp_a(jh2so4) = 98.0 mw_comp_a(jhhso4) = 98.0 mw_comp_a(jhno3) = 63.0 mw_comp_a(jhcl) = 36.5 mw_comp_a(jmsa) = 96.0 mw_comp_a(joc) = 250.0 mw_comp_a(jbc) = 1.0 mw_comp_a(join) = 1.0 ! mw_comp_a(jdust) = 1.0 ! mw_comp_a(jtr1r1) = 1.0 ! mw_comp_a(jtr1r2) = 1.0 ! mw_comp_a(jtr1r3) = 1.0 ! mw_comp_a(jtr1r4) = 1.0 ! mw_comp_a(jgly) = 58.0 ! mw_comp_a(jiepox) = 118.0 ! mw_comp_a(jiepoxos) = 216.0 ! mw_comp_a(jtetrol) = 136.0 ! densities of generic aerosol species dens_aer_mac(:) = 1.0 ! default dens_aer_mac(iso4_a) = 1.8 ! used dens_aer_mac(ino3_a) = 1.8 ! used dens_aer_mac(icl_a) = 2.2 ! used dens_aer_mac(imsa_a) = 1.8 ! used dens_aer_mac(ico3_a) = 2.6 ! used dens_aer_mac(inh4_a) = 1.8 ! used dens_aer_mac(ina_a) = 2.2 ! used dens_aer_mac(ica_a) = 2.6 ! used dens_aer_mac(ioin_a) = 2.6 ! used ! dens_aer_mac(idust_a) = 2.6 ! used ! dens_aer_mac(itr1r1_a) = 2.6 ! used ! dens_aer_mac(itr1r2_a) = 2.6 ! used ! dens_aer_mac(itr1r3_a) = 2.6 ! used ! dens_aer_mac(itr1r4_a) = 2.6 ! used dens_aer_mac(ioc_a) = 1.0 ! used dens_aer_mac(ibc_a) = 1.7 ! used dens_aer_mac(iasoa1_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(iasoa2_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(iasoa3_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(iasoa4_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(iasoaX_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(ibsoa1_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(ibsoa2_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(ibsoa3_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(ibsoa4_a) = 1.5 dens_aer_mac(ibsoaX_a) = 1.5 ! kappa_aer_mac not used in previous wrfchem mosaic ! partial molar volumes of condensing species partial_molar_vol(:) = 250.0 ! default partial_molar_vol(ih2so4_g) = 51.83 partial_molar_vol(ihno3_g) = 31.45 partial_molar_vol(ihcl_g) = 20.96 partial_molar_vol(inh3_g) = 24.03 partial_molar_vol(imsa_g) = 53.33 ! partial_molar_vol(iiepox_g) = 118.0 ! partial_molar_vol(igly_g) = 58.0 partial_molar_vol(in2o5_g) = 200.0 ! assumed... partial_molar_vol(iclno2_g) = 200.0 ! assumed... ! used to calculate diffusivities of condensing gases ! (other values set in module_mosaic_init_aerpar are ok) v_molar_gas(in2o5_g) = 60.40 v_molar_gas(iclno2_g) = 52.70 ! molecular weights of condensing gases mw_gas(1:ngas_aerchtot) = 250.0 ! default mw_gas(ih2so4_g) = 98.0 mw_gas(ihno3_g) = 63.0 mw_gas(ihcl_g) = 36.5 mw_gas(inh3_g) = 17.0 mw_gas(imsa_g) = 96.0 mw_gas(in2o5_g) = 108.0 mw_gas(iclno2_g) = 81.5 ! mw_gas(igly)=58.0 ! mw_gas(iho)=17.0 return end if ! (ipass == 2) then return end subroutine soa_vbs_load_params !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine soa_vbs_update_thermcons( t_k, po_soa, sat_soa ) use module_data_mosaic_aero, only: & msoa_vbs_info, & ngas_ioa, ngas_soa, ngas_volatile, & ipcg1_b_c_g, ipcg2_b_c_g, ipcg3_b_c_g, ipcg4_b_c_g, & ipcg5_b_c_g, ipcg6_b_c_g, ipcg7_b_c_g, ipcg8_b_c_g, & ipcg9_b_c_g, & ipcg1_b_o_g, ipcg2_b_o_g, ipcg3_b_o_g, ipcg4_b_o_g, & ipcg5_b_o_g, ipcg6_b_o_g, ipcg7_b_o_g, ipcg8_b_o_g, & ipcg9_b_o_g, & iopcg1_b_c_g, iopcg2_b_c_g, iopcg3_b_c_g, iopcg4_b_c_g, & iopcg5_b_c_g, iopcg6_b_c_g, iopcg7_b_c_g, iopcg8_b_c_g, & iopcg1_b_o_g, iopcg2_b_o_g, iopcg3_b_o_g, iopcg4_b_o_g, & iopcg5_b_o_g, iopcg6_b_o_g, iopcg7_b_o_g, iopcg8_b_o_g, & ipcg1_f_c_g, ipcg2_f_c_g, ipcg3_f_c_g, ipcg4_f_c_g, & ipcg5_f_c_g, ipcg6_f_c_g, ipcg7_f_c_g, ipcg8_f_c_g, & ipcg9_f_c_g, & ipcg1_f_o_g, ipcg2_f_o_g, ipcg3_f_o_g, ipcg4_f_o_g, & ipcg5_f_o_g, ipcg6_f_o_g, ipcg7_f_o_g, ipcg8_f_o_g, & ipcg9_f_o_g, & iopcg1_f_c_g, iopcg2_f_c_g, iopcg3_f_c_g, iopcg4_f_c_g, & iopcg5_f_c_g, iopcg6_f_c_g, iopcg7_f_c_g, iopcg8_f_c_g, & iopcg1_f_o_g, iopcg2_f_o_g, iopcg3_f_o_g, iopcg4_f_o_g, & iopcg5_f_o_g, iopcg6_f_o_g, iopcg7_f_o_g, iopcg8_f_o_g, & iant1_c_g, iant2_c_g, iant3_c_g, iant4_c_g, & iant1_o_g, iant2_o_g, iant3_o_g, iant4_o_g, & ibiog1_c_g, ibiog2_c_g, ibiog3_c_g, ibiog4_c_g, & ibiog1_o_g, ibiog2_o_g, ibiog3_o_g, ibiog4_o_g, & ismpa_g, ismpbb_g, & iasoa1_g, iasoa2_g, iasoa3_g, iasoa4_g, & iasoaX_g, & ibsoa1_g, ibsoa2_g, ibsoa3_g, ibsoa4_g, & ibsoaX_g ! iiepox_g, igly_g ! arguments real(r8), intent(in ) :: t_k real(r8), intent(inout) :: po_soa(ngas_volatile) real(r8), intent(inout) :: sat_soa(ngas_volatile) ! local variables integer :: itmpa, iv integer :: vbs_nbin(1) vbs_nbin(1) = msoa_vbs_info(1) ! ! vapor pressures of soa species ! po_soa = 1.0e5_r8 ! this default value gives csat=6.1e9 ug/m^3 (~1e9 ppbv) for 298K and MW=150 if (vbs_nbin(1) .eq. 9) then ! default po_soa(ipcg1_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-9, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg3_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg4_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg5_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg6_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg7_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 64.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg8_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg9_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d0, 64.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 112.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg2_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg3_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg4_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg5_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg6_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg7_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 76.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg8_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 112.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg3_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg4_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg5_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg6_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg7_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 76.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg8_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg9_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d0, 64.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 112.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg2_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg3_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg4_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg5_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg6_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg7_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 76.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg8_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 112.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg3_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg4_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg5_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg6_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg7_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 76.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg8_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg9_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d0, 64.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 112.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg2_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg3_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg4_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg5_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg6_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg7_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 76.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg8_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 112.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg3_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg4_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg5_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg6_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg7_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 76.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg8_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg9_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d0, 64.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 112.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg2_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg3_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg4_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg5_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg6_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg7_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-2, 76.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg8_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 70.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant1_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant2_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant3_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant4_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 82.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant1_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant2_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant3_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant4_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog2_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog3_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog4_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog2_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog3_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog4_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] end if ! (vbs_nbin(1) .eq. 9) then ! default if (vbs_nbin(1).eq.4) then po_soa(iasoaX_g) = fn_po(9.91d-10, 40.0d0, T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(iasoa1_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, dhr_approx(0.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(iasoa2_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, dhr_approx(1.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(iasoa3_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, dhr_approx(2.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(iasoa4_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, dhr_approx(3.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(ibsoaX_g) = fn_po(9.91d-10, 40.0d0, T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(ibsoa1_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, dhr_approx(0.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(ibsoa2_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, dhr_approx(1.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(ibsoa3_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, dhr_approx(2.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] po_soa(ibsoa4_g) = fn_po(9.91d-3, dhr_approx(3.0d0), T_K) ! [Pascal] endif if (vbs_nbin(1).eq.2) then po_soa(ipcg1_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant1_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant1_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] endif if (vbs_nbin(1).eq.3) then ! these values for pcg and opcg gases are the same as vbs_nbin(1)==2 ! above po_soa(ipcg1_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_b_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_b_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_f_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg1_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ipcg2_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-1, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iopcg1_f_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] ! these values for ant and bio gases are from manish wrfchem 3.5 po_soa(iant1_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant2_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant3_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(iant4_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-4, 88.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog2_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog3_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-5, 94.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-7, 106.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog2_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 100.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] endif ! scm_temp - temporary for scm ! ! chem_opt=198 (vbs_nbin=2) a01 soa ! pcg1_b_c_a01,pcg2_b_c_a01,pcg1_b_o_a01,pcg2_b_o_a01,opcg1_b_c_a01,opcg1_b_o_a01,pcg1_f_c_a01,pcg2_f_c_a01,pcg1_f_o_a01,pcg2_f_o_a01,opcg1_f_c_a01,opcg1_f_o_a01, ! ant1_c_a01,ant1_o_a01, ! biog1_c_a01,biog1_o_a01, ! ! chem_opt=204 (vbs_nbin=3) a01 soa ! pcg1_b_c_a01,pcg1_b_o_a01,opcg1_b_c_a01,opcg1_b_o_a01,pcg1_f_c_a01,pcg1_f_o_a01,opcg1_f_c_a01,opcg1_f_o_a01, ! ant1_c_a01, ant2_c_a01, ant3_c_a01, ant4_c_a01, ! biog1_c_a01, biog2_c_a01, biog3_c_a01, biog1_o_a01, biog2_o_a01, ! ! to get chem_opt=204 to work, do the following in both the mosaic1 and mosaic2 code ! duplicate the vbs_nbin=2 block above for vbs_nbin=3 ! add lines for ant2-4 and biog2-3 from the vbs_nbin=9 block ! *** best to not bother about this, as it is a manish problem *** if (vbs_nbin(1).eq.0) then po_soa(ismpa_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ismpbb_g) = fn_po(9.91d-8, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_c_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] po_soa(ibiog1_o_g) = fn_po(9.91d-6, 83.0d0, t_k) ! [pascal] endif ! ! set saturation vapor concentrations ! if (vbs_nbin(1).eq.0) then itmpa = ismpa_g else if (vbs_nbin(1).eq.4) then itmpa = iasoaX_g else itmpa = ipcg1_b_c_g end if sat_soa(:) = 0.0 do iv = itmpa, ngas_ioa + ngas_soa sat_soa(iv) = 1.e9*po_soa(iv)/(8.314*t_k) ! [nmol/m^3(air)] enddo return end subroutine soa_vbs_update_thermcons !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Function to approximate enthalpy of vaporization for ! semi-volatile organic aerosols as a function of volatility ! from Epstein et al., ES&T, 2010 ! real(r8) function dhr_approx(log10_Csat_298) real(r8), intent(in) :: log10_Csat_298 dhr_approx = -11.0 * log10_Csat_298 + 131.0 ! kJ/mol end function dhr_approx !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- real(r8) function fn_po(po_298, dh, t) ! touch ! subr. arguments real(r8), intent(in) :: po_298, dh, t ! local variables (none) fn_po = po_298*exp(-(dh/8.314e-3)*(1./t - 3.354016435e-3)) return end function fn_po end module module_mosaic_soa_vbs