MODULE module_data_sorgam_vbs ! This module is based on module_data_soa_vbs.F, it has been updated to use ! for the new SOA scheme - SOA_VBS ! USE module_data_radm2 ! ! start IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER NP !bs maximum expected value of N PARAMETER (NP = 8) ! integer numaer ! parameter (numaer=50) INTEGER MAXITS !bs maximum number of iterations PARAMETER (MAXITS = 100) REAL TOLF !bs convergence criterion on function values PARAMETER (TOLF = 1.E-09) REAL TOLMIN !bs criterion whether superios convergence to PARAMETER (TOLMIN = 1.E-12) !bs a minimum of fmin has occurred REAL TOLX !bs convergence criterion on delta_x PARAMETER (TOLX = 1.E-10) REAL STPMX !bs scaled maximum step length allowed PARAMETER (STPMX = 100.) REAL c303, c302 PARAMETER (c303=19.83, c302=5417.4) INTEGER lcva, lcvb, lspcv, ldesn PARAMETER (lcva=4,lcvb=4, lspcv=lcva+lcvb) PARAMETER (ldesn=13) !mh ldesn is number of deposition species !mh true number of deposited species may be larger since there !mh are species which are deposited with the same rate INTEGER laerdvc, lnonaerdvc, l1ae, laero, imodes, aspec PARAMETER (laerdvc=39,lnonaerdvc=8+lspcv) PARAMETER (l1ae=laerdvc+lnonaerdvc) PARAMETER (laero=4,imodes=4,aspec=1) ! LAERDVC number of advected aerosol dynamic parameters for a given ! component species !ia L1AE advected parameters+non-advected parameters !ia LAERO number of aerosol component species !ia imodes number of aerosol modes !ia ASPEC number of gas phase comp. that are added dynamically !ia currently only sulfate (=1) !bs !bs * BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** BS ** !bs INTEGER aemiss PARAMETER (aemiss=4) !bs * AEMISS # of aerosol species with emissions link to gas phase !bs currently ECI, ECJ, BCI, BCJ ! updated ldrog numbers for the new SOA mechanism INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldroga=6 ! anthropogenic: ALK4,ALK5,OLE1,OLE2,ARO1,ARO2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldrogb=3 ! biogenic: ISOP,SESQ,TERP INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldrogr=1 ! for branching ratio INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ldrog_vbs=ldroga+ldrogb+ldrogr ! I've renamed this parameter to separate from "ldrog" for MADE/SORGAM ! INTEGER ldroga ! PARAMETER (ldroga=11) ! INTEGER ldrogb ! PARAMETER (ldrogb=6) ! INTEGER ldrog !bs * LDROGA # of anthropogenic organic aerosol precursor gases (DR !bs * LDROGB # of biogenic organic aerosol precursor gases (DROG) !bs * LSPCV # of condensable organic vapor interacting between gas !bs aerosol phase with SORGAM !bs ! stop ! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! FSB include file ! *** declare and set flag for organic aerosol production method ! *** Two method are available: ! *** The method of Pandis,Harley, Cass, and Seinfeld, 1992, ! Secondary aerosol formation and transport, Atmos. Environ., 26A, ! pp 2453-2466 ! Bowman et al. Atmospheric Environment ! Vol 29, pp 579-589, 1995. ! *** and ! *** The method of Odum, Hoffmann, Bowman, Collins, Flagen and ! Seinfeld, 1996, Gas/particle partitioning and secondary organic ae ! yields, Environ. Sci, Technol, 30, pp 2580-2585. ! 1 = Pandis et al. 1992 method is used INTEGER orgaer ! 2 = Pankow 1994/Odum et al. 1996 method is ! *** ! switch for organic aerosol method PARAMETER (orgaer=2) ! *** information about visibility variables ! number of visibility variables INTEGER n_ae_vis_spc PARAMETER (n_ae_vis_spc=2) ! index for visual range in deciview INTEGER idcvw PARAMETER (idcvw=1) ! index for extinction [ 1/km ] INTEGER ibext PARAMETER (ibext=2) ! *** set up indices for array CBLK ! index for Accumulation mode sulfate aerosol INTEGER vso4aj PARAMETER (vso4aj=1) ! index for Aitken mode sulfate concentration INTEGER vso4ai PARAMETER (vso4ai=2) ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol ammonium INTEGER vnh4aj PARAMETER (vnh4aj=3) ! index for Aitken mode ammonium concentration INTEGER vnh4ai PARAMETER (vnh4ai=4) ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol nitrate INTEGER vno3aj PARAMETER (vno3aj=5) ! index for Aitken mode nitrate concentration INTEGER vno3ai PARAMETER (vno3ai=6) ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol sodium INTEGER vnaaj PARAMETER (vnaaj=7) ! index for Aitken mode sodium concentration INTEGER vnaai PARAMETER (vnaai=8) ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol chloride INTEGER vclaj PARAMETER (vclaj=9) ! index for Aitken mode chloride concentration INTEGER vclai PARAMETER (vclai=10) ! I've changed the names and simplified ! indices for accumulation and aitken modes of anthropogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa1j=11 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa1i=12 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa2j=13 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa2i=14 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa3j=15 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa3i=16 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa4j=17 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vasoa4i=18 ! indices for accumulation and aitken modes of biogenic SOA INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa1j=19 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa1i=20 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa2j=21 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa2i=22 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa3j=23 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa3i=24 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa4j=25 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vbsoa4i=26 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ! index for Accumulation mode primary anthropogenic INTEGER vorgpaj PARAMETER (vorgpaj=27) ! index for Aitken mode primary anthropogenic INTEGER vorgpai PARAMETER (vorgpai=28) ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol elemen INTEGER vecj PARAMETER (vecj=29) ! index for Aitken mode elemental carbon INTEGER veci PARAMETER (veci=30) ! index for Accumulation mode primary PM2.5 INTEGER vp25aj PARAMETER (vp25aj=31) ! index for Aitken mode primary PM2.5 concentration INTEGER vp25ai PARAMETER (vp25ai=32) ! index for coarse mode anthropogenic aerososol INTEGER vantha PARAMETER (vantha=33) ! index for coarse mode marine aerosol concentration INTEGER vseas PARAMETER (vseas=34) ! index for coarse mode soil-derived aerosol INTEGER vsoila PARAMETER (vsoila=35) ! index for Aitken mode number INTEGER vnu0 PARAMETER (vnu0=36) ! index for accum mode number INTEGER vac0 PARAMETER (vac0=37) ! index for coarse mode number INTEGER vcorn PARAMETER (vcorn=38) ! index for Accumulation mode aerosol water INTEGER vh2oaj PARAMETER (vh2oaj=39) ! index for Aitken mode aerosol water concentration INTEGER vh2oai PARAMETER (vh2oai=40) ! index for Aitken mode 3'rd moment INTEGER vnu3 PARAMETER (vnu3=41) ! index for Accumulation mode 3'rd moment INTEGER vac3 PARAMETER (vac3=42) ! index for coarse mode 3rd moment INTEGER vcor3 PARAMETER (vcor3=43) ! index for sulfuric acid vapor concentration INTEGER vsulf PARAMETER (vsulf=44) ! index for nitric acid vapor concentration INTEGER vhno3 PARAMETER (vhno3=45) ! index for ammonia gas concentration INTEGER vnh3 PARAMETER (vnh3=46) ! index for HCL gas concentration INTEGER vhcl PARAMETER (vhcl=47) INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa1=48 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa2=49 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa3=50 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvasoa4=51 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa1=52 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa2=53 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa3=54 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: vcvbsoa4=55 !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! *** set up species dimension and indices for sedimentation ! velocity array VSED ! number of sedimentation velocities INTEGER naspcssed PARAMETER (naspcssed=6) ! index for Aitken mode number INTEGER vsnnuc PARAMETER (vsnnuc=1) ! index for Accumulation mode number INTEGER vsnacc PARAMETER (vsnacc=2) ! index for coarse mode number INTEGER vsncor PARAMETER (vsncor=3) ! index for Aitken mode mass INTEGER vsmnuc PARAMETER (vsmnuc=4) ! index for accumulation mode mass INTEGER vsmacc PARAMETER (vsmacc=5) ! index for coarse mass INTEGER vsmcor PARAMETER (vsmcor=6) ! *** set up species dimension and indices for deposition ! velocity array VDEP ! number of deposition velocities INTEGER naspcsdep PARAMETER (naspcsdep=7) ! index for Aitken mode number INTEGER vdnnuc PARAMETER (vdnnuc=1) ! index for accumulation mode number INTEGER vdnacc PARAMETER (vdnacc=2) ! index for coarse mode number INTEGER vdncor PARAMETER (vdncor=3) ! index for Aitken mode mass INTEGER vdmnuc PARAMETER (vdmnuc=4) ! index for accumulation mode INTEGER vdmacc PARAMETER (vdmacc=5) ! index for fine mode mass (Aitken + accumulation) INTEGER vdmfine PARAMETER (vdmfine=6) ! index for coarse mode mass INTEGER vdmcor PARAMETER (vdmcor=7) ! SOA precursors + OH, O3, NO3 ! anthropogenic INTEGER, PARAMETER :: palk4=1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: palk5=2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pole1=3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pole2=4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: paro1=5 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: paro2=6 ! biogenic INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pisop=7 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pterp=8 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: psesq=9 ! for branching INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbrch=10 ! new indices INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa1=1 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa2=2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa3=3 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pasoa4=4 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa1=5 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa2=6 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa3=7 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: pbsoa4=8 !----------------------------------------------- !bs !bs * end of AERO_SOA.EXT * !bs ! *** include file for aerosol routines !.................................................................... ! CONTAINS: Fundamental constants for air quality modeling ! DEPENDENT UPON: none ! REVISION HISTORY: ! Adapted 6/92 by CJC from ROM's PI.EXT. ! Revised 3/1/93 John McHenry to include constants needed by ! LCM aqueous chemistry ! Revised 9/93 by John McHenry to include additional constants ! needed for FMEM clouds and aqueous chemistry ! Revised 3/4/96 by Dr. Francis S. Binkowski to reflect current ! Models3 view that MKS units should be used wherever possible, ! and that sources be documentated. Some variables have been added ! names changed, and values revised. ! Revised 3/7/96 to have universal gas constant input and compute ! gas constant is chemical form. TWOPI is now calculated rather than ! Revised 3/13/96 to group declarations and parameter statements. ! Revised 9/13/96 to include more physical constants. ! Revised 12/24/96 eliminate silly EPSILON, AMISS ! Revised 1/06/97 to eliminate most derived constants ! 10/12/11- Modified to use with soa_vbs, by Ravan Ahmadov ! Revised 10/08/14-Modified to use with CB05-MADE/VBS, by Kai Wang ! FSB REFERENCES: ! CRC76, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (76th Ed), ! CRC Press, 1995 ! Hobbs, P.V. Basic Physical Chemistry for the Atmospheric Scien ! Cambridge Univ. Press, 206 pp, 1995. ! Snyder, J.P., Map Projections-A Working Manual, U.S. Geological ! Paper 1395 U.S.GPO, Washington, DC, 1987. ! Stull, R. B., An Introduction to Bounday Layer Meteorology, Klu ! Dordrecht, 1988 ! Geometric Constants: REAL*8 & ! PI (single precision 3.141593) pirs PARAMETER (pirs=3.14159265358979324) ! REAL PIRS ! PI (single precision 3.141593) ! PARAMETER ( PIRS = 3.141593 ) ! Fundamental Constants: ( Source: CRC76, pp 1-1 to 1-6) ! Avogadro's Constant [ 1/mol ] REAL avo PARAMETER (avo=6.0221367E23) ! universal gas constant [ J/mol-K ] REAL rgasuniv PARAMETER (rgasuniv=8.314510) ! standard atmosphere [ Pa ] REAL stdatmpa PARAMETER (stdatmpa=101325.0) ! Standard Temperature [ K ] REAL stdtemp PARAMETER (stdtemp=273.15) ! Stefan-Boltzmann [ W/(m**2 K**4) ] REAL stfblz PARAMETER (stfblz=5.67051E-8) ! mean gravitational acceleration [ m/sec**2 ] REAL grav PARAMETER (grav=9.80622) ! FSB Non MKS qualtities: ! Molar volume at STP [ L/mol ] Non MKS units REAL molvol PARAMETER (molvol=22.41410) ! Atmospheric Constants: ! FSB 78.06% N2, 21% O2 and 0.943% A on a mole REAL mwair ! fraction basis. ( Source : Hobbs, 1995) pp 69- ! mean molecular weight for dry air [ g/mol ] PARAMETER (mwair=28.9628) ! dry-air gas constant [ J / kg-K ] REAL rdgas PARAMETER (rdgas=1.0E3*rgasuniv/mwair) ! 3*PI REAL threepi PARAMETER (threepi=3.0*pirs) ! 6/PI REAL f6dpi PARAMETER (f6dpi=6.0/pirs) ! 1.0e9 * 6/PIRS REAL f6dpi9 PARAMETER (f6dpi9=1.0E9*f6dpi) ! 1.0e-9 * 6/PIRS REAL f6dpim9 PARAMETER (f6dpim9=1.0E-9*f6dpi) ! SQRT( PI ) REAL sqrtpi PARAMETER (sqrtpi=1.7724539) ! SQRT( 2 ) REAL sqrt2 PARAMETER (sqrt2=1.4142135623731) ! ln( sqrt( 2 ) ) REAL lgsqt2 PARAMETER (lgsqt2=0.34657359027997) ! 1/ln( sqrt( 2 ) ) REAL dlgsqt2 PARAMETER (dlgsqt2=1.0/lgsqt2) ! 1/3 REAL one3 PARAMETER (one3=1.0/3.0) ! 2/3 REAL two3 PARAMETER (two3=2.0/3.0) ! *** physical constants: ! Boltzmann's Constant [ J / K ] REAL boltz PARAMETER (boltz=rgasuniv/avo) ! *** component densities [ kg/m**3 ] : ! bulk density of aerosol sulfate REAL rhoso4 PARAMETER (rhoso4=1.8E3) ! bulk density of aerosol ammonium REAL rhonh4 PARAMETER (rhonh4=1.8E3) ! bulk density of aerosol nitrate REAL rhono3 PARAMETER (rhono3=1.8E3) ! bulk density of aerosol water REAL rhoh2o PARAMETER (rhoh2o=1.0E3) ! bulk density for aerosol organics REAL rhoorg PARAMETER (rhoorg=1.0E3) ! bulk density for aerosol soil dust REAL rhosoil PARAMETER (rhosoil=2.6E3) ! bulk density for marine aerosol REAL rhoseas PARAMETER (rhoseas=2.2E3) ! bulk density for anthropogenic aerosol REAL rhoanth PARAMETER (rhoanth=2.2E3) ! bulk density of aerosol sodium REAL rhona PARAMETER (rhona=2.2E3) ! bulk density of aerosol chloride REAL rhocl PARAMETER (rhocl=2.2E3) ! *** Factors for converting aerosol mass concentration [ ug m**-3] to ! to 3rd moment concentration [ m**3 m^-3] REAL so4fac PARAMETER (so4fac=f6dpim9/rhoso4) REAL nh4fac PARAMETER (nh4fac=f6dpim9/rhonh4) REAL h2ofac PARAMETER (h2ofac=f6dpim9/rhoh2o) REAL no3fac PARAMETER (no3fac=f6dpim9/rhono3) REAL orgfac PARAMETER (orgfac=f6dpim9/rhoorg) REAL soilfac PARAMETER (soilfac=f6dpim9/rhosoil) REAL seasfac PARAMETER (seasfac=f6dpim9/rhoseas) REAL anthfac PARAMETER (anthfac=f6dpim9/rhoanth) REAL nafac PARAMETER (nafac=f6dpim9/rhona) REAL clfac PARAMETER (clfac=f6dpim9/rhocl) ! starting standard surface pressure [ Pa ] REAL pss0 PARAMETER (pss0=101325.0) ! starting standard surface temperature [ K ] REAL tss0 PARAMETER (tss0=288.15) ! initial sigma-G for nucleimode REAL sginin PARAMETER (sginin=1.70) ! initial sigma-G for accumulation mode REAL sginia PARAMETER (sginia=2.00) ! initial sigma-G for coarse mode REAL sginic PARAMETER (sginic=2.5) ! initial mean diameter for nuclei mode [ m ] REAL dginin PARAMETER (dginin=0.01E-6) ! initial mean diameter for accumulation mode [ m ] REAL dginia PARAMETER (dginia=0.07E-6) ! initial mean diameter for coarse mode [ m ] REAL dginic PARAMETER (dginic=1.0E-6) !................ end AERO3box.EXT ............................... !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! LOGICAL diagnostics ! *** Scalar variables for fixed standard deviations. ! Flag for writing diagnostics to file ! nuclei mode exp( log^2( sigmag )/8 ) REAL en1 ! accumulation mode exp( log^2( sigmag ) REAL ea1 REAL ec1 ! coarse mode exp( log^2( sigmag )/8 ) ! nuclei **4 REAL esn04 ! accumulation REAL esa04 REAL esc04 ! coarse ! nuclei **5 REAL esn05 REAL esa05 ! accumulation ! nuclei **8 REAL esn08 ! accumulation REAL esa08 REAL esc08 ! coarse ! nuclei **9 REAL esn09 REAL esa09 ! accumulation ! nuclei **12 REAL esn12 ! accumulation REAL esa12 REAL esc12 ! coarse mode ! nuclei **16 REAL esn16 ! accumulation REAL esa16 REAL esc16 ! coarse ! nuclei **20 REAL esn20 ! accumulation REAL esa20 REAL esc20 ! coarse ! nuclei **25 REAL esn25 REAL esa25 ! accumulation ! nuclei **24 REAL esn24 ! accumulation REAL esa24 REAL esc24 ! coarse ! nuclei **28 REAL esn28 ! accumulation REAL esa28 REAL esc28 ! coarse ! nuclei **32 REAL esn32 ! accumulation REAL esa32 REAL esc32 ! coarese ! nuclei **36 REAL esn36 ! accumulation REAL esa36 REAL esc36 ! coarse ! nuclei **49 REAL esn49 REAL esa49 ! accumulation ! nuclei **52 REAL esn52 REAL esa52 ! accumulation ! nuclei **64 REAL esn64 ! accumulation REAL esa64 REAL esc64 ! coarse REAL esn100 ! nuclei **100 ! nuclei **(-20) REAL esnm20 ! accumulation REAL esam20 REAL escm20 ! coarse ! nuclei **(-32) REAL esnm32 ! accumulation REAL esam32 REAL escm32 ! coarse ! log(sginin) REAL xxlsgn ! log(sginia) REAL xxlsga REAL xxlsgc ! log(sginic ) ! log(sginin ) ** 2 REAL l2sginin ! log(sginia ) ** 2 REAL l2sginia REAL l2sginic ! *** set up COMMON blocks for esg's: ! log(sginic ) ** 2 ! *** SET NUCLEATION FLAG: ! INUCL = 0, Kerminen & Wexler Mechanism INTEGER inucl ! INUCL = 1, Youngblood and Kreidenweis mech ! INUCL = 2, Kulmala et al. mechanism ! Flag for Choice of nucleation Mechanism PARAMETER (inucl=2) ! *** Set flag for sedimentation velocities: LOGICAL icoarse PARAMETER (icoarse=.FALSE.) ! *** END AERO_INTERNAL.EXT ! *** Diameters and standard deviations for emissions ! the diameters are the volume (mass) geometric mean diameters ! *** Aitken mode: ! special factor to compute mass transfer REAL dgvem_i PARAMETER (dgvem_i=0.03E-6) ! [ m ] REAL sgem_i PARAMETER (sgem_i=1.7) ! *** Accumulation mode: REAL dgvem_j PARAMETER (dgvem_j=0.3E-6) ! [ m ] REAL sgem_j PARAMETER (sgem_j=2.0) ! *** Coarse mode REAL dgvem_c PARAMETER (dgvem_c=6.0E-6) ! [ m ] <<< Corrected 11/19/97 REAL sgem_c PARAMETER (sgem_c=2.2) ! *** factors for getting number emissions rate from mass emissions rate ! Aitken mode REAL factnumn ! accumulation mode REAL factnuma REAL factnumc ! coarse mode REAL facatkn_min, facacc_min PARAMETER (facatkn_min=0.04,facacc_min=1.0-facatkn_min) REAL xxm3 REAL, PARAMETER :: conmin = 1.E-16 REAL, PARAMETER :: epsilc = 1.E-16 ! [ ug/m**3 ] ! changed 1/6/98 REAL*8 & ! factor to set minimum for Aitken mode number nummin_i REAL*8 & ! factor to set minimum for accumulation mode nu nummin_j REAL*8 & nummin_c ! factor to set minimum for coarse mode number !bs !bs REAL ALPHSULF ! Accommodation coefficient for sulfuric acid !bs PARAMETER ( ALPHSULF = 0.05 ) ! my be set to one in future !bs !bs REAL DIFFSULF ! molecular diffusivity for sulfuric acid [ m**2 !bs PARAMETER( DIFFSULF = 0.08E-4 ) ! may be changed in future !bs !bs * 23/03/99 updates of ALPHSULF and DIFFSULF adopted fro new code fro !bs * DIFFSULF is calculated from Reid, Prausnitz, and Poling, The prope !bs * of gases and liquids, 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 1987, pp 587-588. !bs * Equation (11-4.4) was used. !bs * The value is at T = 273.16 K and P = 1.01325E05 Pa !bs * Temperature dependence is included for DIFFSULF via DIFFCORR (see !bs ! Accommodation coefficient for sulfuric REAL alphsulf PARAMETER (alphsulf=1.0) !bs updated from code of FSB ! molecular weight for sulfuric acid [ kg/mole ] MKS REAL mwh2so4 PARAMETER (mwh2so4=98.07354E-3) !cia corrected error 24/11/97 ! molecular diffusivity for sulfuric acid [ m**2 /se REAL diffsulf PARAMETER (diffsulf=9.362223E-06) !bs updated from code of FSB !bs Accomodation coefficient for organic REAL alphaorg PARAMETER (alphaorg=1.0) !bs Kleeman et al. '99 propose alpha !bs Bowman et al. '97 uses alpha = 1. !bs mean molecular weight of organics [k REAL mworg PARAMETER (mworg=175.0E-03) !bs !bs * DIFFORG is calculated from the same formula as DIFFSULF. !bs * An average elemental composition of C=8, O=3, N=1, H=17 is asuumed !bs * to calculate DIFFORG at T = 273.16K and P = 1.01325E05 Pa. !bs * Temperature dependence is included below. !bs molecular diffusivity for organics [ REAL difforg PARAMETER (difforg=5.151174E-06) ! *** CCONC is the factor for near-continuum condensation. ! ccofm * sqrt( ta ) REAL cconc PARAMETER (cconc=2.0*pirs*diffsulf) !bs * factor for NC condensation for organics ! [ m**2 / sec ] REAL cconc_org PARAMETER (cconc_org=2.0*pirs*difforg) ! [ m**2 / sec ] !bs analogue to CCOFM but for organics REAL ccofm_org ! FSB CCOFM is the accommodation coefficient ! times the mean molecular velocity for h2so4 without the temperatu ! after some algebra !bs CCOFM_ORG * sqrt(TA) ! set to a value below REAL ccofm ! minimum aerosol sulfate concentration REAL aeroconcmin PARAMETER (aeroconcmin=0.0001) !******************************************************************* !* * !* start parameters and variables for aerosol-cloud interactions * !* * !******************************************************************* ! ! maxd_atype = maximum allowable number of aerosol types ! maxd_asize = maximum allowable number of aerosol size bins ! maxd_acomp = maximum allowable number of chemical components ! in each aerosol size bin ! maxd_aphase = maximum allowable number of aerosol phases (gas, cloud, ice, rain, ...) ! ! ntype_aer = number of aerosol types ! nsize_aer(t) = number of aerosol size bins for aerosol type t. each bin w/ same set of components ! nphase_aer = number of aerosol phases ! ! msectional - if positive, moving-center sectional code is utilized, ! and each mode is actually a section. ! maerosolincw - if positive, both unactivated/interstitial and activated ! aerosol species are simulated. if zero/negative, only the ! unactivated are simulated. ! ! ncomp_aer(t) = number of chemical components for aerosol type t ! ncomp_aer_nontracer(t) = number of "non-tracer" chemical components while in gchm code ! mastercompptr_aer(c,t) = mastercomp type/i.d. for chemical component c ! (1=sulfate, others to be defined) and aerosol type t. ! massptr_aer(c,s,t,p) = gchm r-array index for the mixing ratio ! (moles-x/mole-air) for chemical component c in size bin s for type t and phase p ! ! waterptr_aer(s,t) = mixing ratio (moles-water/mole-air) for water ! associated with aerosol size bin s and type t ! hygroptr_aer(s,t) = gchm r-array index for the bulk hygroscopicity of the size bin and type ! numptr_aer(s,t,p) = gchm r-array index for the number mixing ratio ! (particles/mole-air) for aerosol size bin s, type t, and phase p ! If zero or negative, then number is not being simulated. ! ! mprognum_aer(s,t,p) - if positive, number mixing-ratio for size s, type t, ! and phase p will be prognosed. Otherwise, no. ! ! ntot_mastercomp_aer = number of aerosol chemical components defined ! dens_mastercomp_aer(mc) = dry density (g/cm^3) of aerosol master chemical component type c ! mw_mastercomp_aer(mc) = molecular weight of aerosol master chemical component type mc ! name_mastercomp_aer(mc) = name of aerosol master chemical component type mc ! mc=mastercompptr_aer(c,t) ! dens_aer(c,t) = dry density (g/cm^3) of aerosol chemical component type c and type t ! mw_aer(c,t) = molecular weight of aerosol chemical component type c and type t ! name_aer(c,t) = name of aerosol chemical component type c and type t ! ! lptr_so4_aer(s,t,p) = gchm r-array index for the ! mixing ratio for sulfate associated with aerosol size bin s, type t, and phase p ! (similar for msa, oc, bc, nacl, dust) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! volumcen_sect(s,t)= volume (cm^3) at center of section m ! volumlo_sect(s,t) = volume (cm^3) at lower boundary of section m ! volumhi_sect(s,t) = volume (cm^3) at upper boundary of section m ! ! dlo_sect(s,t) = diameter (cm) at lower boundary of section m ! dhi_sect(s,t) = diameter (cm) at upper boundary of section m ! dcen_sect(s,t) = volume arithmetic-mean diameter (cm) of section m ! (corresponds to volumcen_sect == 0.5*(volumlo_sect + volumhi_sect) ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! nov-04 sg ! replaced amode with aer and expanded aerosol dimension to include type and phase integer, parameter :: maxd_atype = 2 integer, parameter :: maxd_asize = 2 integer, parameter :: maxd_acomp = 19 integer, parameter :: maxd_aphase = 2 integer, save :: ai_phase ! interstitial phase of aerosol integer, save :: cw_phase ! cloud water phase of aerosol integer, save :: ci_phase ! cloud ice phase of aerosol integer, save :: cr_phase ! rain phase of aerosol integer, save :: cs_phase ! snow phase of aerosol integer, save :: cg_phase ! graupel phase of aerosol integer, save :: ntype_aer = 0 ! number of types integer, save :: ntot_mastercomp_aer = 0 ! number of master components integer, save :: nphase_aer = 0 ! number of phases integer, save :: & msectional, maerosolincw, & nsize_aer( maxd_atype ), & ! number of size bins ncomp_aer( maxd_atype ), & ! number of chemical components ncomp_aer_nontracer( maxd_atype ), & mastercompptr_aer(maxd_acomp, maxd_atype), & ! mastercomp index massptr_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_asize, maxd_atype, maxd_aphase ), & ! index for mixing ratio waterptr_aer( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & ! index for aerosol water hygroptr_aer( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & ! index for aerosol hygroscopicity numptr_aer( maxd_asize, maxd_atype, maxd_aphase ), & ! index for the number mixing ratio mprognum_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase) real, save :: & dens_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype ), & dens_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), & mw_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), & mw_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype ), & hygro_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), & hygro_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype ) character*10, save :: & name_mastercomp_aer( maxd_acomp ), & name_aer( maxd_acomp, maxd_atype ) real, save :: & volumcen_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & volumlo_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & volumhi_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & dcen_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & dlo_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & dhi_sect( maxd_asize, maxd_atype ), & sigmag_aer(maxd_asize, maxd_atype) integer, save :: & lptr_so4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_nh4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_no3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_asoa1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_asoa2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_asoa3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_asoa4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_bsoa1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_bsoa2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_bsoa3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_bsoa4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgaro1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgaro2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgalk_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgole_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgba1_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgba2_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgba3_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & ! lptr_orgba4_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_orgpa_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_ec_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_p25_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_anth_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_cl_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_na_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_seas_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase), & lptr_soil_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype,maxd_aphase) logical, save :: & do_cloudchem_aer(maxd_asize,maxd_atype) ! molecular weights (g/mol) real, parameter :: mw_so4_aer = 96.066 real, parameter :: mw_no3_aer = 62.007 real, parameter :: mw_nh4_aer = 18.042 real, parameter :: mw_oc_aer = 250.0 real, parameter :: mw_ec_aer = 1.0 real, parameter :: mw_oin_aer = 1.0 real, parameter :: mw_dust_aer = 100.087 real, parameter :: mw_seas_aer = 58.440 real, parameter :: mw_cl_aer = 35.450 real, parameter :: mw_na_aer = 22.990 real, parameter :: mw_water_aer = 18.016 ! dry densities (g/cm3) real, parameter :: dens_so4_aer = 1.80 ! = rhoso4 real, parameter :: dens_no3_aer = 1.80 ! = rhono3 real, parameter :: dens_nh4_aer = 1.80 ! = rhonh4 real, parameter :: dens_oc_aer = 1.5 ! = rhoorg ! changed from 1.0 real, parameter :: dens_ec_aer = 1.70 real, parameter :: dens_dust_aer = 2.60 ! = rhosoil real, parameter :: dens_oin_aer = 2.20 ! = rhoanth real, parameter :: dens_seas_aer = 2.20 ! = rhoseas real, parameter :: dens_cl_aer = 2.20 real, parameter :: dens_na_aer = 2.20 ! water density (g/cm3) real, parameter :: dens_water_aer = 1.0 ! hygroscopicity (dimensionless) real, parameter :: hygro_so4_aer = 0.5 real, parameter :: hygro_no3_aer = 0.5 real, parameter :: hygro_nh4_aer = 0.5 real, parameter :: hygro_oc_aer = 0.14 real, parameter :: hygro_ec_aer = 1.e-6 real, parameter :: hygro_oin_aer = 0.14 real, parameter :: hygro_dust_aer = 0.1 real, parameter :: hygro_seas_aer = 1.16 real, parameter :: hygro_cl_aer = 1.16 real, parameter :: hygro_na_aer = 1.16 ! table lookup of aerosol impaction/interception scavenging rates real dlndg_nimptblgrow integer nimptblgrow_mind, nimptblgrow_maxd parameter (nimptblgrow_mind=-14, nimptblgrow_maxd=24) real scavimptblnum(4, nimptblgrow_mind:nimptblgrow_maxd, maxd_asize, maxd_atype), & scavimptblvol(4, nimptblgrow_mind:nimptblgrow_maxd, maxd_asize, maxd_atype) !SAM 10/08 Gaussian quadrature constants for SOA_VBS deposition numerical integration INTEGER NGAUSdv PARAMETER( NGAUSdv = 7 ) ! Number of Gaussian Quadrature Points - constants defined in aerosols_sorgam_init REAL Y_GQ(NGAUSdv), WGAUS(NGAUSdv) !***************************************************************** !* * !* end parameters and variables for aerosol-cloud interactions * !* * !***************************************************************** END Module module_data_sorgam_vbs