module module_data_mosaic_main !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! ! 2015-06-09 r.c.easter - changes to the MOSAIC box model version for use in WRF-Chem ! ! none so far ! !----------------------------------------------------------------------- use module_data_mosaic_kind, only: r8 use module_data_mosaic_constants, only: & avogad, deg2rad, pi, piover4, piover6, third implicit none integer, parameter :: & ngas_com = 40, & ngas_urb = 19, & ngas_bio = 7, & ngas_mar = 11 !BSINGH - 05/28/2013(RCE updates) integer, parameter :: & naer_tot = 24 ! total num of 3-D variables per bin integer, save :: & naerbin = -999888777 ! number of bins (set at run time) !BSINGH - 05/28/2013(RCE updates ENDS) ! naerbin = 41760 ! ( 48 size)*(29 wbc)*(30 kappa) ! naerbin = 3240 ! ( 24 size)*(15 wbc)*( 9 kappa) ! naerbin = 90000 ! (100 size)*(30 wbc)*(30 kappa) integer, parameter :: & ncld_tot = 13, & ! + 8 = total num of 3-D variables/bin ncldbin = 4, & ! num of cloud bins ncld = 22 ! num of dynamic cloud species/bin integer, parameter :: ngas_max = ngas_com + ngas_urb + ngas_bio + ngas_mar integer, parameter :: ncld_max = ncld_tot*ncldbin !BSINGH - 05/28/2013(RCE updates) integer, save :: naer_max = -999888777 ! set at run time to naer_tot*naerbin integer, save :: ntot_max = -999888777 ! set at run time to (ngas_max + naer_max + ncld_max) !BSINGH - 05/28/2013(RCE updates ENDS) integer, save :: & naerbin_used=0, & ! num of aerosol bins being used ncldbin_used=0, & ! num of cloud bins being used ntot_used=ngas_max ! portion of cnn array being used integer, save :: & ipmcmos = 0 ! if > 0, do emissions, dilution, air density, ! and relative humidity as in partmc_mosaic real(r8), parameter :: press0_pa = 1.01325d5 ! pressure of 1 atm [Pa] real(r8), parameter :: mw_air = 28.966d0 ! dry-air mean molecular weight [g/mol] !------------------------------------------------------------------------- integer, save :: m_partmc_mosaic ! >0 for partmc_mosaic, <=0 for mosaic box model!BSINGH - 05/28/2013(RCE updates) integer, save :: mgas, maer, mcld integer, save :: maeroptic, mshellcore integer, save :: msolar, mphoto !------------------------------------------------------------------------ end module module_data_mosaic_main