Module module_chem_plumerise_scalar ! USE module_plumerise1 use module_model_constants use module_zero_plumegen_coms real,parameter :: rgas=r_d real,parameter :: cpor=1./rcp real,parameter :: p00=p1000mb ! real, external:: esat_pr CONTAINS subroutine plumerise(m1,m2,m3,ia,iz,ja,jz,firesize,mean_fct & ,nspecies,eburn_in,eburn_out & ,up,vp,wp,theta,pp,dn0,rv,zt_rams,zm_rams) ! use module_zero_plumegen_coms, only : ucon,vcon,wcon,thtcon,rvcon,picon,tmpcon& ! ,dncon,prcon,zcon,zzcon,scon implicit none integer :: ng,m1,m2,m3,ia,iz,ja,jz,ibcon,mynum,i,j,k,iveg_ag,& imm,k1,k2,ixx,ispc,nspecies integer :: ncall = 0 integer :: kmt real,dimension(m1,nspecies), intent(out) :: eburn_out real,dimension(nspecies), intent(in) :: eburn_in real, dimension(m1,m2,m3) :: up, vp, wp,theta,pp,dn0,rv real, dimension(m1) :: zt_rams,zm_rams real :: burnt_area,STD_burnt_area,dz_flam,rhodzi,dzi real, dimension(2) :: ztopmax real :: q_smold_kgm2 ! From plumerise1.F routine integer, parameter :: nveg_agreg = 4 integer, parameter :: tropical_forest = 1 integer, parameter :: boreal_forest = 2 integer, parameter :: savannah = 3 integer, parameter :: grassland = 4 real, dimension(nveg_agreg) :: firesize,mean_fct INTEGER, PARAMETER :: wind_eff = 1 !Fator de conversao de unidades !!fcu=1. !=> kg [gas/part] /kg [ar] !!fcu =1.e+12 !=> ng [gas/part] /kg [ar] !!real,parameter :: fcu =1.e+6 !=> mg [gas/part] /kg [ar] !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! indexacao para o array "plume(k,i,j)" ! k ! 1 => area media (m^2) dos focos em biomas floresta dentro do gribox i,j ! 2 => area media (m^2) dos focos em biomas savana dentro do gribox i,j ! 3 => area media (m^2) dos focos em biomas pastagem dentro do gribox i,j ! 4 => desvio padrao da area media (m^2) dos focos : floresta ! 5 => desvio padrao da area media (m^2) dos focos : savana ! 6 => desvio padrao da area media (m^2) dos focos : pastagem ! 7 a 9 => sem uso !10(=k_CO_smold) => parte da emissao total de CO correspondente a fase smoldering !11, 12 e 13 => este array guarda a relacao entre ! qCO( flaming, floresta) e a quantidade total emitida ! na fase smoldering, isto e; ! qCO( flaming, floresta) = plume(11,i,j)*plume(10,i,j) ! qCO( flaming, savana ) = plume(12,i,j)*plume(10,i,j) ! qCO( flaming, pastagem) = plume(13,i,j)*plume(10,i,j) !20(=k_PM25_smold),21,22 e 23 o mesmo para PM25 ! !24-n1 => sem uso !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! print *,' Plumerise_scalar 1',ncall if (ncall == 0) then ncall = 1 call zero_plumegen_coms endif ! print *,' Plumerise_scalar 1',ncall ! print *,' Plumerise_scalar 2',m1 j=1 i=1 ! do j = ja,jz ! loop em j ! do i = ia,iz ! loop em i !- if the max value of flaming is close to zero => there is not emission with !- plume rise => cycle do k = 1,m1 ucon (k)=up(k,i,j) ! u wind vcon (k)=vp(k,i,j) ! v wind !wcon (k)=wp(k,i,j) ! w wind thtcon(k)=theta(k,i,j) ! pot temperature picon (k)=pp(k,i,j) ! exner function !tmpcon(k)=thtcon(k)*picon(k)/cp ! temperature (K) !dncon (k)=dn0(k,i,j) ! dry air density (basic state) !prcon (k)=(picon(k)/cp)**cpor*p00 ! pressure (Pa) rvcon (k)=rv(k,i,j) ! water vapor mixing ratio zcon (k)=zt_rams(k) ! termod-point height zzcon (k)=zm_rams(k) ! W-point height ! print*,'PL:',k,zcon(k),picon (k),thtcon(k),1000.*rvcon (k) enddo do ispc=1,nspecies eburn_out(1,ispc) = eburn_in(ispc) enddo !- get envinronmental state (temp, water vapor mix ratio, ...) call get_env_condition(1,m1,kmt,wind_eff) !- loop nos 4 biomas agregados com possivel queimada do iveg_ag=1,nveg_agreg ! print *,'iveg_ag = ',iveg_ag,mean_fct(iveg_ag) !- verifica a existencia de emissao flaming para um bioma especifico !orig: if( plume( k_CO_smold + iveg_ag ,i,j) < 1.e-6 ) cycle if(mean_fct(iveg_ag) < 1.e-6 ) cycle ! burnt area and standard deviation burnt_area = firesize(iveg_ag) !not em use !STD_burnt_area= plume(3+iveg_ag,i,j) STD_burnt_area= 0. !- loop nos valores minimo e maximo da taxa de calor do imm=1,2 !-------------------- !ixx=iveg_ag*10 + imm ! print*,'i j veg=',i, j, iveg_ag,imm !-------------------- !- get fire properties (burned area, plume radius, heating rates ...) call get_fire_properties(imm,iveg_ag,burnt_area,STD_burnt_area) !------ generates the plume rise ------ !-- only one value for eflux of GRASSLAND ! if(iveg_ag == GRASSLAND .and. imm == 2) then if(iveg_ag == 4 .and. imm == 2) then ztopmax(2)=ztopmax(1) ztopmax(1)=zzcon(1) ! print *,'cycle',ztopmax(1),ztopmax(2) cycle endif call makeplume (kmt,ztopmax(imm),ixx,imm) enddo ! enddo do loop em imm !- define o dominio vertical onde a emissao flaming ira ser colocada call set_flam_vert(ztopmax,k1,k2,nkp,zzcon,W_VMD,VMD) !- espessura da camada vertical (compute the vertical layer thickness) dz_flam=zzcon(k2+1)-zzcon(k1) !- distribui a emissao flaming entre os niveis k1 e k2 ! print *,'distribui, k1,k2,dz_flam',k1,k2,dz_flam do k=k1,k2 !use this in case the emission src is already in mixing ratio !rhodzi= 1./(dn0(k,i,j) * dz_flam) !use this in case the emission src is tracer density dzi= 1./( dz_flam) do ispc = 1, nspecies !- get back the smoldering emission in kg/m2 (actually in 1e-9 kg/m2) !use this in case the emission src is already in mixing ratio !q_smold_kgm2 = (1/dzt(2) * dn0(2,i,j) )* & ! chem1_src_g(bburn,ispc,ng)%sc_src(2,i,j) !use this in case the emission src is tracer density ! q_smold_kgm2 = ((zt_rams(2)-zt_rams(1)) )* & ! eburn_in(ispc) q_smold_kgm2 = eburn_in(ispc) ! units = already in ppbm, don't need "fcu" factor eburn_out(k,ispc) = eburn_out(k,ispc) +& mean_fct(iveg_ag) *& q_smold_kgm2 * & dzi !use this in case the emission src is tracer density !rhodzi !use this in case the emission src is already in mixing ratio ! if(ispc.eq. 1) print *,' Plume: ',k,eburn_out(k,ispc),mean_fct(iveg_ag),q_smold_kgm2,dzi !srcCO(k,i,j)= srcCO(k,i,j) + plume(k_CO_smold+iveg_ag,i,j)*& ! plume(k_CO_smold ,i,j)*& ! rhodzi*fcu enddo enddo enddo ! enddo do loop em iveg_ag !----- !stop 333 !endif !----- ! enddo ! loop em i ! enddo ! loop em j !stop 4544 end subroutine plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_env_condition(k1,k2,kmt,wind_eff) !se module_zero_plumegen_coms !use rconstants implicit none integer :: k1,k2,k,kcon,klcl,kmt,nk,nkmid,i real :: znz,themax,tlll,plll,rlll,zlll,dzdd,dzlll,tlcl,plcl,dzlcl,dummy integer :: n_setgrid = 0 integer :: wind_eff if( n_setgrid == 0) then n_setgrid = 1 call set_grid ! define vertical grid of plume model ! zt(k) = thermo and water levels ! zm(k) = dynamical levels endif znz=zcon(k2) do k=nkp,1,-1 if(zt(k).lt.znz)go to 13 enddo stop ' envir stop 12' 13 continue !-srf-mb kmt=min(k,nkp-1) nk=k2-k1+1 !call htint(nk, wcon,zzcon,kmt,wpe,zt) call htint(nk, ucon,zcon,kmt,upe,zt) call htint(nk, vcon,zcon,kmt,vpe,zt) call htint(nk,thtcon,zcon,kmt,the ,zt) call htint(nk, rvcon,zcon,kmt,qvenv,zt) do k=1,kmt qvenv(k)=max(qvenv(k),1e-8) enddo pke(1)=picon(1) do k=1,kmt thve(k)=the(k)*(1.+.61*qvenv(k)) ! virtual pot temperature enddo do k=2,kmt pke(k)=pke(k-1)-g*2.*(zt(k)-zt(k-1)) & ! exner function /(thve(k)+thve(k-1)) enddo do k=1,kmt te(k) = the(k)*pke(k)/cp ! temperature (K) pe(k) = (pke(k)/cp)**cpor*p00 ! pressure (Pa) dne(k)= pe(k)/(rgas*te(k)*(1.+.61*qvenv(k))) ! dry air density (kg/m3) ! print*,'ENV=',qvenv(k)*1000., te(k)-273.15,zt(k) !-srf-mb vel_e(k) = sqrt(upe(k)**2+vpe(k)**2) !-env wind (m/s) !print*,'k,vel_e(k),te(k)=',vel_e(k),te(k) enddo !-ewe - env wind effect if(wind_eff < 1) vel_e(1:kmt) = 0. !-use este para gerar o RAMS.out ! ------- print environment state !print*,'k,zt(k),pe(k),te(k)-273.15,qvenv(k)*1000' !do k=1,kmt ! write(*,100) k,zt(k),pe(k),te(k)-273.15,qvenv(k)*1000. ! 100 format(1x,I5,4f20.12) !enddo !stop 333 !--------- nao eh necessario este calculo !do k=1,kmt ! call thetae(pe(k),te(k),qvenv(k),thee(k)) !enddo !--------- converte press de Pa para kPa para uso modelo de plumerise do k=1,kmt pe(k) = pe(k)*1.e-3 enddo return end subroutine get_env_condition !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine set_grid() !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none integer :: k,mzp dz=100. ! set constant grid spacing of plume grid model(meters) mzp=nkp zt(1) = zsurf zm(1) = zsurf zt(2) = zt(1) + 0.5*dz zm(2) = zm(1) + dz do k=3,mzp zt(k) = zt(k-1) + dz ! thermo and water levels zm(k) = zm(k-1) + dz ! dynamical levels enddo !print*,zsurf !Print*,zt(:) do k = 1,mzp-1 dzm(k) = 1. / (zt(k+1) - zt(k)) enddo dzm(mzp)=dzm(mzp-1) do k = 2,mzp dzt(k) = 1. / (zm(k) - zm(k-1)) enddo dzt(1) = dzt(2) * dzt(2) / dzt(3) ! dzm(1) = 0.5/dz ! dzm(2:mzp) = 1./dz return end subroutine set_grid !------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE set_flam_vert(ztopmax,k1,k2,nkp,zzcon,W_VMD,VMD) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: ztopmax(2) INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: k1 INTEGER , INTENT(OUT) :: k2 ! plumegen_coms INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: nkp REAL , INTENT(IN) :: zzcon(nkp) INTEGER imm,k INTEGER, DIMENSION(2) :: k_lim !- version 2 REAL , INTENT(IN) :: W_VMD(nkp,2) REAL , INTENT(OUT) :: VMD(nkp,2) real w_thresold,xxx integer k_initial,k_final,ko,kk4,kl !- version 1 DO imm=1,2 ! checar ! do k=1,m1-1 DO k=1,nkp-1 IF(zzcon(k) > ztopmax(imm) ) EXIT ENDDO k_lim(imm) = k ENDDO k1=MAX(3,k_lim(1)) k2=MAX(3,k_lim(2)) IF(k2 < k1) THEN !print*,'1: ztopmax k=',ztopmax(1), k1 !print*,'2: ztopmax k=',ztopmax(2), k2 k2=k1 !stop 1234 ENDIF !- version 2 !- vertical mass distribution !- w_thresold = 1. DO imm=1,2 VMD(1:nkp,imm)= 0. xxx=0. k_initial= 0 k_final = 0 !- define range of the upper detrainemnt layer do ko=nkp-10,2,-1 if(w_vmd(ko,imm) < w_thresold) cycle if(k_final==0) k_final=ko if(w_vmd(ko,imm)-1. > w_vmd(ko-1,imm)) then k_initial=ko exit endif enddo !- if there is a non zero depth layer, make the mass vertical distribution if(k_final > 0 .and. k_initial > 0) then k_initial=int((k_final+k_initial)*0.5) !- parabolic vertical distribution between k_initial and k_final kk4 = k_final-k_initial+2 do ko=1,kk4-1 kl=ko+k_initial-1 VMD(kl,imm) = 6.* float(ko)/float(kk4)**2 * (1. - float(ko)/float(kk4)) enddo if(sum(VMD(1:NKP,imm)) .ne. 1.) then xxx= ( 1.- sum(VMD(1:NKP,imm)) )/float(k_final-k_initial+1) do ko=k_initial,k_final VMD(ko,imm) = VMD(ko,imm)+ xxx !- values between 0 and 1. enddo ! print*,'new mass=',sum(mass)*100.,xxx !pause endif endif !k_final > 0 .and. k_initial > ENDDO END SUBROUTINE set_flam_vert !------------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine get_fire_properties(imm,iveg_ag,burnt_area,STD_burnt_area) !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none integer :: moist, i, icount,imm,iveg_ag real:: bfract, effload, heat, hinc ,burnt_area,STD_burnt_area,heat_fluxW real, dimension(2,4) :: heat_flux INTEGER, parameter :: use_last = 0 data heat_flux/ & !--------------------------------------------------------------------- ! heat flux !IGBP Land Cover ! ! min ! max !Legend and ! reference ! kW/m^2 !description ! !-------------------------------------------------------------------- 30.0, 80.0, &! Tropical Forest ! igbp 2 & 4 30.0, 80.0, &! Boreal forest ! igbp 1 & 3 4.4, 23.0, &! cerrado/woody savanna | igbp 5 thru 9 3.3, 3.3 /! Grassland/cropland ! igbp 10 thru 17 !-------------------------------------------------------------------- !-- fire at the surface ! !area = 20.e+4 ! area of burn, m^2 area = burnt_area! area of burn, m^2 !fluxo de calor para o bioma heat_fluxW = heat_flux(imm,iveg_ag) * 1000. ! converte para W/m^2 mdur = 53 ! duration of burn, minutes bload = 10. ! total loading, kg/m**2 moist = 10 ! fuel moisture, %. average fuel moisture,percent dry maxtime =mdur+2 ! model time, min !heat = 21.e6 !- joules per kg of fuel consumed !heat = 15.5e6 !joules/kg - cerrado heat = 19.3e6 !joules/kg - floresta em alta floresta (mt) !alpha = 0.1 !- entrainment constant alpha = 0.05 !- entrainment constant !-------------------- printout ---------------------------------------- !!WRITE ( * , * ) ' SURFACE =', ZSURF, 'M', ' LCL =', ZBASE, 'M' ! !PRINT*,'=======================================================' !print * , ' FIRE BOUNDARY CONDITION :' !print * , ' DURATION OF BURN, MINUTES =',MDUR !print * , ' AREA OF BURN, HA =',AREA*1.e-4 !print * , ' HEAT FLUX, kW/m^2 =',heat_fluxW*1.e-3 !print * , ' TOTAL LOADING, KG/M**2 =',BLOAD !print * , ' FUEL MOISTURE, % =',MOIST !average fuel moisture,percent dry !print * , ' MODEL TIME, MIN. =',MAXTIME ! ! ! ! ******************** fix up inputs ********************************* ! !IF (MOD (MAXTIME, 2) .NE.0) MAXTIME = MAXTIME+1 !make maxtime even MAXTIME = MAXTIME * 60 ! and put in seconds ! RSURF = SQRT (AREA / 3.14159) !- entrainment surface radius (m) FMOIST = MOIST / 100. !- fuel moisture fraction ! ! ! calculate the energy flux and water content at lboundary. ! fills heating() on a minute basis. could ask for a file at this po ! in the program. whatever is input has to be adjusted to a one ! minute timescale. ! DO I = 1, ntime !- make sure of energy release HEATING (I) = 0.0001 !- avoid possible divide by 0 enddo ! TDUR = MDUR * 60. !- number of seconds in the burn bfract = 1. !- combustion factor EFFLOAD = BLOAD * BFRACT !- patchy burning ! spread the burning evenly over the interval ! except for the first few minutes for stability ICOUNT = 1 ! if(MDUR > NTIME) STOP 'Increase time duration (ntime) in min - see file "plumerise_mod.f90"' DO WHILE (ICOUNT.LE.MDUR) ! HEATING (ICOUNT) = HEAT * EFFLOAD / TDUR ! W/m**2 ! HEATING (ICOUNT) = 80000. * 0.55 ! W/m**2 HEATING (ICOUNT) = heat_fluxW * 0.55 ! W/m**2 (0.55 converte para energia convectiva) ICOUNT = ICOUNT + 1 ENDDO ! ramp for 5 minutes IF(use_last /= 1) THEN HINC = HEATING (1) / 4. HEATING (1) = 0.1 HEATING (2) = HINC HEATING (3) = 2. * HINC HEATING (4) = 3. * HINC ELSE IF(imm==1) THEN HINC = HEATING (1) / 4. HEATING (1) = 0.1 HEATING (2) = HINC HEATING (3) = 2. * HINC HEATING (4) = 3. * HINC ELSE HINC = (HEATING (1) - heat_flux(imm-1,iveg_ag) * 1000. *0.55)/ 4. HEATING (1) = heat_flux(imm-1,iveg_ag) * 1000. *0.55 + 0.1 HEATING (2) = HEATING (1)+ HINC HEATING (3) = HEATING (2)+ HINC HEATING (4) = HEATING (3)+ HINC ENDIF ENDIF return end subroutine get_fire_properties !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE MAKEPLUME ( kmt,ztopmax,ixx,imm) ! ! ********************************************************************* ! ! EQUATION SOURCE--Kessler Met.Monograph No. 32 V.10 (K) ! Alan Weinstein, JAS V.27 pp 246-255. (W), ! Ogura and Takahashi, Monthly Weather Review V.99,pp895-911 (OT) ! Roger Pielke,Mesoscale Meteorological Modeling,Academic Press,1984 ! Originally developed by: Don Latham (USFS) ! ! ! ************************ VARIABLE ID ******************************** ! ! DT=COMPUTING TIME INCREMENT (SEC) ! DZ=VERTICAL INCREMENT (M) ! LBASE=LEVEL ,CLOUD BASE ! ! CONSTANTS: ! G = GRAVITATIONAL ACCELERATION 9.80796 (M/SEC/SEC). ! R = DRY AIR GAS CONSTANT (287.04E6 JOULE/KG/DEG K) ! CP = SPECIFIC HT. (1004 JOULE/KG/DEG K) ! HEATCOND = HEAT OF CONDENSATION (2.5E6 JOULE/KG) ! HEATFUS = HEAT OF FUSION (3.336E5 JOULE/KG) ! HEATSUBL = HEAT OF SUBLIMATION (2.83396E6 JOULE/KG) ! EPS = RATIO OF MOL.WT. OF WATER VAPOR TO THAT OF DRY AIR (0.622) ! DES = DIFFERENCE BETWEEN VAPOR PRESSURE OVER WATER AND ICE (MB) ! TFREEZE = FREEZING TEMPERATURE (K) ! ! ! PARCEL VALUES: ! T = TEMPERATURE (K) ! TXS = TEMPERATURE EXCESS (K) ! QH = HYDROMETEOR WATER CONTENT (G/G DRY AIR) ! QHI = HYDROMETEOR ICE CONTENT (G/G DRY AIR) ! QC = WATER CONTENT (G/G DRY AIR) ! QVAP = WATER VAPOR MIXING RATIO (G/G DRY AIR) ! QSAT = SATURATION MIXING RATIO (G/G DRY AIR) ! RHO = DRY AIR DENSITY (G/M**3) MASSES = RHO*Q'S IN G/M**3 ! ES = SATURATION VAPOR PRESSURE (kPa) ! ! ENVIRONMENT VALUES: ! TE = TEMPERATURE (K) ! PE = PRESSURE (kPa) ! QVENV = WATER VAPOR (G/G) ! RHE = RELATIVE HUMIDITY FRACTION (e/esat) ! DNE = dry air density (kg/m^3) ! ! HEAT VALUES: ! HEATING = HEAT OUTPUT OF FIRE (WATTS/M**2) ! MDUR = DURATION OF BURN, MINUTES ! ! W = VERTICAL VELOCITY (M/S) ! RADIUS=ENTRAINMENT RADIUS (FCN OF Z) ! RSURF = ENTRAINMENT RADIUS AT GROUND (SIMPLE PLUME, TURNER) ! ALPHA = ENTRAINMENT CONSTANT ! MAXTIME = TERMINATION TIME (MIN) ! ! !********************************************************************** !********************************************************************** !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none !logical :: endspace character (len=10) :: varn integer :: izprint, iconv, itime, k, kk, kkmax, deltak,ilastprint,kmt & ,ixx,nrectotal,i_micro,n_sub_step real :: vc, g, r, cp, eps, & tmelt, heatsubl, heatfus, heatcond, tfreeze, & ztopmax, wmax, rmaxtime, es, esat, heat,dt_save !ESAT_PR, character (len=2) :: cixx ! Set threshold to be the same as dz=100., the constant grid spacing of plume grid model(meters) found in set_grid() REAL :: DELZ_THRESOLD = 100. INTEGER :: imm ! real, external:: esat_pr! ! ! ******************* SOME CONSTANTS ********************************** ! ! XNO=10.0E06 median volume diameter raindrop (K table 4) ! VC = 38.3/(XNO**.125) mean volume fallspeed eqn. (K) ! parameter (vc = 5.107387) parameter (g = 9.80796, r = 287.04, cp = 1004., eps = 0.622, tmelt = 273.3) parameter (heatsubl = 2.834e6, heatfus = 3.34e5, heatcond = 2.501e6) parameter (tfreeze = 269.3) ! tstpf = 2.0 !- timestep factor viscosity = 500.!- viscosity constant (original value: 0.001) nrectotal=150 ! !*************** PROBLEM SETUP AND INITIAL CONDITIONS ***************** mintime = 1 ztopmax = 0. ztop = 0. time = 0. dt = 1. wmax = 1. kkmax = 10 deltaK = 20 ilastprint=0 L = 1 ! L initialization !--- initialization CALL INITIAL(kmt) !--- initial print fields: izprint = 0 ! if = 0 => no printout if ( then write(cixx(1:2),'(i2.2)') ixx open(2, file = 'debug.'//cixx//'.dat') open(19,file='plumegen9.'//cixx//'.gra', & form='unformatted',access='direct',status='unknown', & recl=4*nrectotal) !PC ! recl=1*nrectotal) !sx6 e tupay call printout (izprint,nrectotal) ilastprint=2 endif ! ******************* model evolution ****************************** rmaxtime = float(maxtime) ! !print * ,' TIME=',time,' RMAXTIME=',rmaxtime !print*,'=======================================================' DO WHILE (TIME.LE.RMAXTIME) !beginning of time loop ! do itime=1,120 !-- set model top integration nm1 = min(kmt, kkmax + deltak) !-- set timestep !dt = (zm(2)-zm(1)) / (tstpf * wmax) dt = min(5.,(zm(2)-zm(1)) / (tstpf * wmax)) !-- elapsed time, sec time = time+dt !-- elapsed time, minutes mintime = 1 + int (time) / 60 wmax = 1. !no zeroes allowed. !************************** BEGIN SPACE LOOP ************************** !-- zerout all model tendencies call tend0_plumerise !-- bounday conditions (k=1) L=1 call lbound() !-- dynamics for the level k>1 !-- W advection ! call vel_advectc_plumerise(NM1,WC,WT,DNE,DZM) call vel_advectc_plumerise(NM1,WC,WT,RHO,DZM) !-- scalars advection 1 call scl_advectc_plumerise('SC',NM1) !-- scalars advection 2 !call scl_advectc_plumerise2('SC',NM1) !-- scalars entrainment, adiabatic call scl_misc(NM1) !-- scalars dinamic entrainment call scl_dyn_entrain(NM1,nkp,wbar,w,adiabat,alpha,radius,tt,t,te,qvt,qv,qvenv,qct,qc,qht,qh,qit,qi,& vel_e,vel_p,vel_t,rad_p,rad_t) !-- gravity wave damping using Rayleigh friction layer fot T call damp_grav_wave(1,nm1,deltak,dt,zt,zm,w,t,tt,qv,qh,qi,qc,te,pe,qvenv) !-- microphysics ! goto 101 ! bypass microphysics dt_save=dt n_sub_step=3 dt=dt/float(n_sub_step) do i_micro=1,n_sub_step !-- sedim ? call fallpart(NM1) !-- microphysics do L=2,nm1-1 WBAR = 0.5*(W(L)+W(L-1)) ES = ESAT_PR (T(L)) !BLOB SATURATION VAPOR PRESSURE, EM KPA QSAT(L) = (EPS * ES) / (PE(L) - ES) !BLOB SATURATION LWC G/G DRY AIR EST (L) = ES RHO (L) = 3483.8 * PE (L) / T (L) ! AIR PARCEL DENSITY , G/M**3 !srf18jun2005 ! IF (W(L) .ge. 0.) DQSDZ = (QSAT(L ) - QSAT(L-1)) / (ZT(L ) -ZT(L-1)) ! IF (W(L) .lt. 0.) DQSDZ = (QSAT(L+1) - QSAT(L )) / (ZT(L+1) -ZT(L )) IF (W(L) .ge. 0.) then DQSDZ = (QSAT(L+1) - QSAT(L-1)) / (ZT(L+1 )-ZT(L-1)) ELSE DQSDZ = (QSAT(L+1) - QSAT(L-1)) / (ZT(L+1) -ZT(L-1)) ENDIF call waterbal enddo enddo dt=dt_save ! 101 continue ! !-- W-viscosity for stability call visc_W(nm1,deltak,kmt) !-- update scalars call update_plumerise(nm1,'S') call hadvance_plumerise(1,nm1,dt,WC,WT,W,mintime) !-- Buoyancy call buoyancy_plumerise(NM1, T, TE, QV, QVENV, QH, QI, QC, WT, SCR1) !-- Entrainment call entrainment(NM1,W,WT,RADIUS,ALPHA) !-- update W call update_plumerise(nm1,'W') call hadvance_plumerise(2,nm1,dt,WC,WT,W,mintime) !-- misc do k=2,nm1 ! pe esta em kpa - esat do rams esta em mbar = 100 Pa = 0.1 kpa ! es = 0.1*esat (t(k)) !blob saturation vapor pressure, em kPa ! rotina do plumegen calcula em kPa es = esat_pr (t(k)) !blob saturation vapor pressure, em kPa qsat(k) = (eps * es) / (pe(k) - es) !blob saturation lwc g/g dry air est (k) = es txs (k) = t(k) - te(k) rho (k) = 3483.8 * pe (k) / t (k) ! air parcel density , g/m**3 ! no pressure diff with radius if((abs(wc(k))).gt.wmax) wmax = abs(wc(k)) ! keep wmax largest w enddo ! Gravity wave damping using Rayleigh friction layer for W call damp_grav_wave(2,nm1,deltak,dt,zt,zm,w,t,tt,qv,qh,qi,qc,te,pe,qvenv) !--- !- update radius do k=2,nm1 radius(k) = rad_p(k) enddo !-- try to find the plume top (above surface height) kk = 1 DO WHILE (w (kk) .GT. 1.) kk = kk + 1 ztop = zm(kk) !print*,'W=',w (kk) ENDDO ! ztop_(mintime) = ztop ztopmax = MAX (ztop, ztopmax) kkmax = MAX (kk , kkmax ) !print * ,'ztopmax=', mintime,'mn ',ztop_(mintime), ztopmax ! ! if the solution is going to a stationary phase, exit IF(mintime > 10) THEN ! if(mintime > 20) then ! if( abs(ztop_(mintime)-ztop_(mintime-10)) < DZ ) exit IF( ABS(ztop_(mintime)-ztop_(mintime-10)) < DELZ_THRESOLD) then !- determine W parameter to determine the VMD do k=2,nm1 W_VMD(k,imm) = w(k) enddo EXIT ! finish the integration ENDIF ENDIF if(ilastprint == mintime) then call printout (izprint,nrectotal) ilastprint = mintime+1 endif ENDDO !do next timestep !print * ,' ztopmax=',ztopmax,'m',mintime,'mn ' !print*,'=======================================================' ! !the last printout if ( then call printout (izprint,nrectotal) close (2) close (19) endif RETURN END SUBROUTINE MAKEPLUME !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE BURN(EFLUX, WATER) ! !- calculates the energy flux and water content at lboundary !use module_zero_plumegen_coms !real, parameter :: HEAT = 21.E6 !Joules/kg !real, parameter :: HEAT = 15.5E6 !Joules/kg - cerrado real, parameter :: HEAT = 19.3E6 !Joules/kg - floresta em Alta Floresta (MT) real :: eflux,water ! ! The emission factor for water is 0.5. The water produced, in kg, ! is then fuel mass*0.5 + (moist/100)*mass per square meter. ! The fire burns for DT out of TDUR seconds, the total amount of ! fuel burned is AREA*BLOAD*(DT/TDUR) kg. this amount of fuel is ! considered to be spread over area AREA and so the mass burned per ! unit area is BLOAD*(DT/TDUR), and the rate is BLOAD/TDUR. ! IF (TIME.GT.TDUR) THEN !is the burn over? EFLUX = 0.000001 !prevent a potential divide by zero WATER = 0. RETURN ELSE ! EFLUX = HEATING (MINTIME) ! Watts/m**2 ! WATER = EFLUX * (DT / HEAT) * (0.5 + FMOIST) ! kg/m**2 WATER = EFLUX * (DT / HEAT) * (0.5 + FMOIST) /0.55 ! kg/m**2 WATER = WATER * 1000. ! g/m**2 ! ! print*,'BURN:',time,EFLUX/1.e+9 ENDIF ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE BURN !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE LBOUND () ! ! ********** BOUNDARY CONDITIONS AT ZSURF FOR PLUME AND CLOUD ******** ! ! source of equations: J.S. Turner Buoyancy Effects in Fluids ! Cambridge U.P. 1973 p.172, ! G.A. Briggs Plume Rise, USAtomic Energy Commissio ! TID-25075, 1969, P.28 ! ! fundamentally a point source below ground. at surface, this produces ! a velocity w(1) and temperature T(1) which vary with time. There is ! also a water load which will first saturate, then remainder go into ! QC(1). ! EFLUX = energy flux at ground,watt/m**2 for the last DT ! !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none real, parameter :: g = 9.80796, r = 287.04, cp = 1004.6, eps = 0.622,tmelt = 273.3 real, parameter :: tfreeze = 269.3, pi = 3.14159, e1 = 1./3., e2 = 5./3. real :: es, esat, eflux, water, pres, c1, c2, f, zv, denscor, xwater !,ESAT_PR ! real, external:: esat_pr! ! QH (1) = QH (2) !soak up hydrometeors QI (1) = QI (2) QC (1) = 0. !no cloud here ! ! CALL BURN (EFLUX, WATER) ! ! calculate parameters at boundary from a virtual buoyancy point source ! PRES = PE (1) * 1000. !need pressure in N/m**2 C1 = 5. / (6. * ALPHA) !alpha is entrainment constant C2 = 0.9 * ALPHA F = EFLUX / (PRES * CP * PI) F = G * R * F * AREA !buoyancy flux ZV = C1 * RSURF !virtual boundary height W (1) = C1 * ( (C2 * F) **E1) / ZV**E1 !boundary velocity DENSCOR = C1 * F / G / (C2 * F) **E1 / ZV**E2 !density correction T (1) = TE (1) / (1. - DENSCOR) !temperature of virtual plume at zsurf ! WC(1) = W(1) VEL_P(1) = 0. rad_p(1) = rsurf !SC(1) = SCE(1)+F/1000.*dt ! gas/particle (g/g) ! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ! match dw/dz,dt/dz at the boundary. F is conserved. ! !WBAR = W (1) * (1. - 1. / (6. * ZV) ) !ADVW = WBAR * W (1) / (3. * ZV) !ADVT = WBAR * (5. / (3. * ZV) ) * (DENSCOR / (1. - DENSCOR) ) !ADVC = 0. !ADVH = 0. !ADVI = 0. !ADIABAT = - WBAR * G / CP VTH (1) = - 4. VTI (1) = - 3. TXS (1) = T (1) - TE (1) VISC (1) = VISCOSITY RHO (1) = 3483.8 * PE (1) / T (1) !air density at level 1, g/m**3 XWATER = WATER / (W (1) * DT * RHO (1) ) !firewater mixing ratio QV (1) = XWATER + QVENV (1) !plus what's already there ! PE esta em kPa - ESAT do RAMS esta em mbar = 100 Pa = 0.1 kPa ! ES = 0.1*ESAT (T(1)) !blob saturation vapor pressure, em kPa ! rotina do plumegen ja calcula em kPa ES = ESAT_PR (T(1)) !blob saturation vapor pressure, em kPa EST (1) = ES QSAT (1) = (EPS * ES) / (PE (1) - ES) !blob saturation lwc g/g dry air IF (QV (1) .gt. QSAT (1) ) THEN QC (1) = QV (1) - QSAT (1) + QC (1) !remainder goes into cloud drops QV (1) = QSAT (1) ENDIF ! CALL WATERBAL ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE LBOUND !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE INITIAL ( kmt) ! ! ************* SETS UP INITIAL CONDITIONS FOR THE PROBLEM ************ !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none real, parameter :: tfreeze = 269.3 integer :: isub, k, n1, n2, n3, lbuoy, itmp, isubm1 ,kmt real :: xn1, xi, es, esat!,ESAT_PR ! N=kmt ! initialize temperature structure,to the end of equal spaced sounding, do k = 1, N TXS (k) = 0.0 W (k) = 0.0 T (k) = TE(k) !blob set to environment WC(k) = 0.0 WT(k) = 0.0 QV(k) = QVENV (k) !blob set to environment VTH(k) = 0. !initial rain velocity = 0 VTI(k) = 0. !initial ice velocity = 0 QH(k) = 0. !no rain QI(k) = 0. !no ice QC(k) = 0. !no cloud drops ! PE esta em kPa - ESAT do RAMS esta em mbar = 100 Pa = 0.1 kPa ! ES = 0.1*ESAT (T(k)) !blob saturation vapor pressure, em kPa ! rotina do plumegen calcula em kPa ES = ESAT_PR (T(k)) !blob saturation vapor pressure, em kPa EST (k) = ES QSAT (k) = (.622 * ES) / (PE (k) - ES) !saturation lwc g/g RHO (k) = 3483.8 * PE (k) / T (k) !dry air density g/m**3 VEL_P(k) = 0. rad_p(k) = 0. enddo ! Initialize the entrainment radius, Turner-style plume radius(1) = rsurf do k=2,N radius(k) = radius(k-1)+(6./5.)*alpha*(zt(k)-zt(k-1)) enddo ! Initialize the entrainment radius, Turner-style plume radius(1) = rsurf rad_p(1) = rsurf DO k=2,N radius(k) = radius(k-1)+(6./5.)*alpha*(zt(k)-zt(k-1)) rad_p(k) = radius(k) ENDDO ! Initialize the viscosity VISC (1) = VISCOSITY do k=2,N !VISC (k) = VISCOSITY!max(1.e-3,visc(k-1) - 1.* VISCOSITY/float(nkp)) VISC (k) = max(1.e-3,visc(k-1) - 1.* VISCOSITY/float(nkp)) enddo !-- Initialize gas/concentration !DO k =10,20 ! SC(k) = 20. !ENDDO !stop 333 CALL LBOUND() RETURN END SUBROUTINE INITIAL !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine damp_grav_wave(ifrom,nm1,deltak,dt,zt,zm,w,t,tt,qv,qh,qi,qc,te,pe,qvenv) implicit none integer nm1,ifrom,deltak real dt real, dimension(nm1) :: w,t,tt,qv,qh,qi,qc,te,pe,qvenv,dummy,zt,zm if(ifrom==1) then call friction(ifrom,nm1,deltak,dt,zt,zm,t,tt ,te) !call friction(ifrom,nm1,dt,zt,zm,qv,qvt,qvenv) return endif dummy(:) = 0. if(ifrom==2) call friction(ifrom,nm1,deltak,dt,zt,zm,w,dummy ,dummy) !call friction(ifrom,nm1,dt,zt,zm,qi,qit ,dummy) !call friction(ifrom,nm1,dt,zt,zm,qh,qht ,dummy) !call friction(ifrom,nm1,dt,zt,zm,qc,qct ,dummy) return end subroutine damp_grav_wave !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine friction(ifrom,nm1,deltak,dt,zt,zm,var1,vart,var2) implicit none real, dimension(nm1) :: var1,var2,vart,zt,zm integer k,nfpt,kf,nm1,ifrom,deltak real zmkf,ztop,distim,c1,c2,dt !nfpt=50 !kf = nm1 - nfpt !kf = nm1 - int(deltak/2) kf = nm1 - int(deltak) zmkf = zm(kf) !old: float(kf )*dz ztop = zm(nm1) !distim = min(4.*dt,200.) !distim = 60. distim = min(3.*dt,60.) c1 = 1. / (distim * (ztop - zmkf)) c2 = dt * c1 if(ifrom == 1) then do k = nm1,2,-1 if (zt(k) .le. zmkf) cycle vart(k) = vart(k) + c1 * (zt(k) - zmkf)*(var2(k) - var1(k)) enddo elseif(ifrom == 2) then do k = nm1,2,-1 if (zt(k) .le. zmkf) cycle var1(k) = var1(k) + c2 * (zt(k) - zmkf)*(var2(k) - var1(k)) enddo endif return end subroutine friction !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine vel_advectc_plumerise(m1,wc,wt,rho,dzm) implicit none integer :: k,m1 real, dimension(m1) :: wc,wt,flxw,dzm,rho real, dimension(m1) :: dn0 ! var local real :: c1z !dzm(:)= 1./dz dn0(1:m1)=rho(1:m1)*1.e-3 ! converte de cgs para mks flxw(1) = wc(1) * dn0(1) do k = 2,m1-1 flxw(k) = wc(k) * .5 * (dn0(k) + dn0(k+1)) enddo ! Compute advection contribution to W tendency c1z = .5 do k = 2,m1-2 wt(k) = wt(k) & + c1z * dzm(k) / (dn0(k) + dn0(k+1)) * ( & (flxw(k) + flxw(k-1)) * (wc(k) + wc(k-1)) & - (flxw(k) + flxw(k+1)) * (wc(k) + wc(k+1)) & + (flxw(k+1) - flxw(k-1)) * 2.* wc(k) ) enddo return end subroutine vel_advectc_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine hadvance_plumerise(iac,m1,dt,wc,wt,wp,mintime) implicit none integer :: k,iac integer :: m1,mintime real, dimension(m1) :: dummy, wc,wt,wp real eps,dt ! It is here that the Asselin filter is applied. For the velocities ! and pressure, this must be done in two stages, the first when ! IAC=1 and the second when IAC=2. eps = .2 if(mintime == 1) eps=0.5 ! For both IAC=1 and IAC=2, call PREDICT for U, V, W, and P. ! call predict_plumerise(m1,wc,wp,wt,dummy,iac,2.*dt,eps) !print*,'mintime',mintime,eps !do k=1,m1 ! print*,'W-HAD',k,wc(k),wp(k),wt(k) !enddo return end subroutine hadvance_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine predict_plumerise(npts,ac,ap,fa,af,iac,dtlp,epsu) implicit none integer :: npts,iac,m real :: epsu,dtlp real, dimension(*) :: ac,ap,fa,af ! For IAC=3, this routine moves the arrays AC and AP forward by ! 1 time level by adding in the prescribed tendency. It also ! applies the Asselin filter given by: ! {AC} = AC + EPS * (AP - 2 * AC + AF) ! where AP,AC,AF are the past, current and future time levels of A. ! All IAC=1 does is to perform the {AC} calculation without the AF ! term present. IAC=2 completes the calculation of {AC} by adding ! the AF term only, and advances AC by filling it with input AP ! values which were already updated in ACOUSTC. ! if (iac .eq. 1) then do m = 1,npts ac(m) = ac(m) + epsu * (ap(m) - 2. * ac(m)) enddo return elseif (iac .eq. 2) then do m = 1,npts af(m) = ap(m) ap(m) = ac(m) + epsu * af(m) enddo !elseif (iac .eq. 3) then ! do m = 1,npts ! af(m) = ap(m) + dtlp * fa(m) ! enddo ! if (ngrid .eq. 1 .and. ipara .eq. 0) call cyclic(nzp,nxp,nyp,af,'T') ! do m = 1,npts ! ap(m) = ac(m) + epsu * (ap(m) - 2. * ac(m) + af(m)) ! enddo endif do m = 1,npts ac(m) = af(m) enddo return end subroutine predict_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine buoyancy_plumerise(m1, T, TE, QV, QVENV, QH, QI, QC, WT, scr1) implicit none integer :: k,m1 real, parameter :: g = 9.8, eps = 0.622, gama = 0.5 ! mass virtual coeff. real, dimension(m1) :: T, TE, QV, QVENV, QH, QI, QC, WT, scr1 real :: TV,TVE,QWTOTL,umgamai real, parameter :: mu = 0.15 !- orig umgamai = 1./(1.+gama) ! compensa a falta do termo de aceleracao associado `as ! das pertubacoes nao-hidrostaticas no campo de pressao !- new ! Siesbema et al, 2004 !umgamai = 1./(1.-2.*mu) do k = 2,m1-1 TV = T(k) * (1. + (QV(k) /EPS))/(1. + QV(k) ) !blob virtual temp. TVE = TE(k) * (1. + (QVENV(k)/EPS))/(1. + QVENV(k)) !and environment QWTOTL = QH(k) + QI(k) + QC(k) ! QWTOTL*G is drag !- orig !scr1(k)= G*( umgamai*( TV - TVE) / TVE - QWTOTL) scr1(k)= G* umgamai*( (TV - TVE) / TVE - QWTOTL) !if(k .lt. 10)print*,'BT',k,TV,TVE,TVE,QWTOTL enddo do k = 2,m1-2 wt(k) = wt(k)+0.5*(scr1(k)+scr1(k+1)) ! print*,'W-BUO',k,wt(k),scr1(k),scr1(k+1) enddo end subroutine buoyancy_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine ENTRAINMENT(m1,w,wt,radius,ALPHA) implicit none integer :: k,m1 real, dimension(m1) :: w,wt,radius REAL DMDTM,WBAR,RADIUS_BAR,umgamai,DYN_ENTR,ALPHA real, parameter :: mu = 0.15 ,gama = 0.5 ! mass virtual coeff. !- new - Siesbema et al, 2004 !umgamai = 1./(1.-2.*mu) !- orig !umgamai = 1 umgamai = 1./(1.+gama) ! compensa a falta do termo de aceleracao associado `as ! das pertubacoes nao-hidrostaticas no campo de pressao ! !-- ALPHA/RADIUS(L) = (1/M)DM/DZ (W 14a) do k=2,m1-1 !-- for W: WBAR is only W(k) ! WBAR=0.5*(W(k)+W(k-1)) WBAR=W(k) RADIUS_BAR = 0.5*(RADIUS(k) + RADIUS(k-1)) ! orig !DMDTM = 2. * ALPHA * ABS (WBAR) / RADIUS_BAR != (1/M)DM/DT DMDTM = umgamai * 2. * ALPHA * ABS (WBAR) / RADIUS_BAR != (1/M)DM/DT !-- DMDTM*W(L) entrainment, wt(k) = wt(k) - DMDTM*ABS (WBAR) !print*,'W-ENTR=',k,w(k),- DMDTM*ABS (WBAR) !if(VEL_P (k) - VEL_E (k) > 0.) cycle !- dynamic entrainment DYN_ENTR = (2./3.1416)*0.5*ABS (VEL_P(k)-VEL_E(k)+VEL_P(k-1)-VEL_E(k-1)) /RADIUS_BAR wt(k) = wt(k) - DYN_ENTR*ABS (WBAR) !- entraiment acceleration for output only !dwdt_entr(k) = - DMDTM*ABS (WBAR)- DYN_ENTR*ABS (WBAR) enddo end subroutine ENTRAINMENT !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine scl_advectc_plumerise(varn,mzp) !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none integer :: mzp character(len=*) :: varn real :: dtlto2 integer :: k ! wp => w !- Advect scalars dtlto2 = .5 * dt ! vt3dc(1) = (w(1) + wc(1)) * dtlto2 * dne(1) vt3dc(1) = (w(1) + wc(1)) * dtlto2 * rho(1)*1.e-3!converte de CGS p/ MKS vt3df(1) = .5 * (w(1) + wc(1)) * dtlto2 * dzm(1) do k = 2,mzp ! vt3dc(k) = (w(k) + wc(k)) * dtlto2 *.5 * (dne(k) + dne(k+1)) vt3dc(k) = (w(k) + wc(k)) * dtlto2 *.5 * (rho(k) + rho(k+1))*1.e-3 vt3df(k) = (w(k) + wc(k)) * dtlto2 *.5 * dzm(k) !print*,'vt3df-vt3dc',k,vt3dc(k),vt3df(k) enddo !-srf-24082005 ! do k = 1,mzp-1 do k = 1,mzp vctr1(k) = (zt(k+1) - zm(k)) * dzm(k) vctr2(k) = (zm(k) - zt(k)) * dzm(k) ! vt3dk(k) = dzt(k) / dne(k) vt3dk(k) = dzt(k) /(rho(k)*1.e-3) !print*,'VT3dk',k,dzt(k) , dne(k) enddo ! scalarp => scalar_tab(n,ngrid)%var_p ! scalart => scalar_tab(n,ngrid)%var_t !- temp advection tendency (TT) scr1=T call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,T ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,T,scr1(1),TT,dt) !- water vapor advection tendency (QVT) scr1=QV call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,QV ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,QV,scr1(1),QVT,dt) !- liquid advection tendency (QCT) scr1=QC call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,QC ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,QC,scr1(1),QCT,dt) !- ice advection tendency (QIT) scr1=QI call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,QI ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,QI,scr1(1),QIT,dt) !- hail/rain advection tendency (QHT) ! if(ak1 > 0. .or. ak2 > 0.) then scr1=QH call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,QH ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,QH,scr1(1),QHT,dt) ! endif !- horizontal wind advection tendency (VEL_T) scr1=VEL_P call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,VEL_P ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,VEL_P,scr1(1),VEL_T,dt) !- vertical radius transport scr1=rad_p call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,rad_p ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,rad_p,scr1(1),rad_t,dt) return ! !- gas/particle advection tendency (SCT) ! if(varn == 'SC')return scr1=SC call fa_zc_plumerise(mzp & ,SC ,scr1 (1) & ,vt3dc (1) ,vt3df (1) & ,vt3dg (1) ,vt3dk (1) & ,vctr1,vctr2 ) call advtndc_plumerise(mzp,SC,scr1(1),SCT,dt) return end subroutine scl_advectc_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine fa_zc_plumerise(m1,scp,scr1,vt3dc,vt3df,vt3dg,vt3dk,vctr1,vctr2) implicit none integer :: m1,k real :: dfact real, dimension(m1) :: scp,scr1,vt3dc,vt3df,vt3dg,vt3dk real, dimension(m1) :: vctr1,vctr2 dfact = .5 ! Compute scalar flux VT3DG do k = 1,m1-1 vt3dg(k) = vt3dc(k) & * (vctr1(k) * scr1(k) & + vctr2(k) * scr1(k+1) & + vt3df(k) * (scr1(k) - scr1(k+1))) enddo ! Modify fluxes to retain positive-definiteness on scalar quantities. ! If a flux will remove 1/2 quantity during a timestep, ! reduce to first order flux. This will remain positive-definite ! under the assumption that ABS(CFL(i)) + ABS(CFL(i-1)) < 1.0 if ! both fluxes are evacuating the box. do k = 1,m1-1 if (vt3dc(k) .gt. 0.) then if (vt3dg(k) * vt3dk(k) .gt. dfact * scr1(k)) then vt3dg(k) = vt3dc(k) * scr1(k) endif elseif (vt3dc(k) .lt. 0.) then if (-vt3dg(k) * vt3dk(k+1) .gt. dfact * scr1(k+1)) then vt3dg(k) = vt3dc(k) * scr1(k+1) endif endif enddo ! Compute flux divergence do k = 2,m1-1 scr1(k) = scr1(k) & + vt3dk(k) * ( vt3dg(k-1) - vt3dg(k) & + scp (k) * ( vt3dc(k) - vt3dc(k-1))) enddo return end subroutine fa_zc_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine advtndc_plumerise(m1,scp,sca,sct,dtl) implicit none integer :: m1,k real :: dtl,dtli real, dimension(m1) :: scp,sca,sct dtli = 1. / dtl do k = 2,m1-1 sct(k) = sct(k) + (sca(k)-scp(k)) * dtli enddo return end subroutine advtndc_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine tend0_plumerise !use module_zero_plumegen_coms, only: nm1,wt,tt,qvt,qct,qht,qit,sct wt(1:nm1) = 0. tt(1:nm1) = 0. qvt(1:nm1) = 0. qct(1:nm1) = 0. qht(1:nm1) = 0. qit(1:nm1) = 0. vel_t(1:nm1) = 0. rad_t(1:nm1) = 0. !sct(1:nm1) = 0. end subroutine tend0_plumerise ! **************************************************************** subroutine scl_misc(m1) !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none real, parameter :: g = 9.81, cp=1004. integer m1,k real dmdtm do k=2,m1-1 WBAR = 0.5*(W(k)+W(k-1)) !-- dry adiabat ADIABAT = - WBAR * G / CP ! !-- entrainment DMDTM = 2. * ALPHA * ABS (WBAR) / RADIUS (k) != (1/M)DM/DT !-- tendency temperature = adv + adiab + entrainment TT(k) = TT(K) + ADIABAT - DMDTM * ( T (k) - TE (k) ) !-- tendency water vapor = adv + entrainment QVT(K) = QVT(K) - DMDTM * ( QV (k) - QVENV (k) ) QCT(K) = QCT(K) - DMDTM * ( QC (k) ) QHT(K) = QHT(K) - DMDTM * ( QH (k) ) QIT(K) = QIT(K) - DMDTM * ( QI (k) ) !-- tendency horizontal speed = adv + entrainment VEL_T(K) = VEL_T(K) - DMDTM * ( VEL_P (k) - VEL_E (k) ) !-- tendency horizontal speed = adv + entrainment rad_t(K) = rad_t(K) + 0.5*DMDTM*(6./5.)*RADIUS (k) !-- tendency gas/particle = adv + entrainment ! SCT(K) = SCT(K) - DMDTM * ( SC (k) - SCE (k) ) enddo end subroutine scl_misc ! **************************************************************** SUBROUTINE scl_dyn_entrain(m1,nkp,wbar,w,adiabat,alpha,radius,tt,t,te,qvt,qv,qvenv,qct,qc,qht,qh,qit,qi,& vel_e,vel_p,vel_t,rad_p,rad_t) implicit none INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: m1 ! plumegen_coms INTEGER , INTENT(IN) :: nkp REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: wbar REAL , INTENT(IN) :: w(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: adiabat REAL , INTENT(IN) :: alpha REAL , INTENT(IN) :: radius(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: tt(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: t(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: te(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: qvt(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: qv(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: qvenv(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: qct(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: qc(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: qht(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: qh(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: qit(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: qi(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: vel_e(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: vel_p(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: vel_t(nkp) REAL , INTENT(INOUT) :: rad_T(nkp) REAL , INTENT(IN) :: rad_p(nkp) real, parameter :: g = 9.81, cp=1004., pi=3.1416 integer k real dmdtm DO k=2,m1-1 ! !-- tendency horizontal radius from dyn entrainment !rad_t(K) = rad_t(K) + (vel_e(k)-vel_p(k)) /pi rad_t(K) = rad_t(K) + ABS((vel_e(k)-vel_p(k)))/pi !-- entrainment !DMDTM = (2./3.1416) * (VEL_E (k) - VEL_P (k)) / RADIUS (k) DMDTM = (2./3.1416) * ABS(VEL_E (k) - VEL_P (k)) / RADIUS (k) !-- tendency horizontal speed from dyn entrainment VEL_T(K) = VEL_T(K) - DMDTM * ( VEL_P (k) - VEL_E (k) ) ! if(VEL_P (k) - VEL_E (k) > 0.) cycle !-- tendency temperature from dyn entrainment TT(k) = TT(K) - DMDTM * ( T (k) - TE (k) ) !-- tendency water vapor from dyn entrainment QVT(K) = QVT(K) - DMDTM * ( QV (k) - QVENV (k) ) QCT(K) = QCT(K) - DMDTM * ( QC (k) ) QHT(K) = QHT(K) - DMDTM * ( QH (k) ) QIT(K) = QIT(K) - DMDTM * ( QI (k) ) !-- tendency gas/particle from dyn entrainment ! SCT(K) = SCT(K) - DMDTM * ( SC (k) - SCE (k) ) ENDDO END SUBROUTINE scl_dyn_entrain ! **************************************************************** subroutine visc_W(m1,deltak,kmt) !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none integer m1,k,deltak,kmt,m2 real dz1t,dz1m,dz2t,dz2m,d2wdz,d2tdz ,d2qvdz ,d2qhdz ,d2qcdz ,d2qidz ,d2scdz, & d2vel_pdz,d2rad_dz !srf--- 17/08/2005 !m2=min(m1+deltak,kmt) m2=min(m1,kmt) !do k=2,m1-1 do k=2,m2-1 DZ1T = 0.5*(ZT(K+1)-ZT(K-1)) DZ2T = VISC (k) / (DZ1T * DZ1T) DZ1M = 0.5*(ZM(K+1)-ZM(K-1)) DZ2M = VISC (k) / (DZ1M * DZ1M) D2WDZ = (W (k + 1) - 2 * W (k) + W (k - 1) ) * DZ2M D2TDZ = (T (k + 1) - 2 * T (k) + T (k - 1) ) * DZ2T D2QVDZ = (QV (k + 1) - 2 * QV (k) + QV (k - 1) ) * DZ2T D2QHDZ = (QH (k + 1) - 2 * QH (k) + QH (k - 1) ) * DZ2T D2QCDZ = (QC (k + 1) - 2 * QC (k) + QC (k - 1) ) * DZ2T D2QIDZ = (QI (k + 1) - 2 * QI (k) + QI (k - 1) ) * DZ2T !D2SCDZ = (SC (k + 1) - 2 * SC (k) + SC (k - 1) ) * DZ2T d2vel_pdz=(vel_P (k + 1) - 2 * vel_P (k) + vel_P (k - 1) ) * DZ2T d2rad_dz =(rad_p (k + 1) - 2 * rad_p (k) + rad_p (k - 1) ) * DZ2T WT(k) = WT(k) + D2WDZ TT(k) = TT(k) + D2TDZ QVT(k) = QVT(k) + D2QVDZ QCT(k) = QCT(k) + D2QCDZ QHT(k) = QHT(k) + D2QHDZ QIT(k) = QIT(k) + D2QIDZ vel_t(k) = vel_t(k) + d2vel_pdz rad_t(k) = rad_t(k) + d2rad_dz !SCT(k) = SCT(k) + D2SCDZ !print*,'W-VISC=',k,D2WDZ enddo end subroutine visc_W ! **************************************************************** subroutine update_plumerise(m1,varn) !use module_zero_plumegen_coms integer m1,k character(len=*) :: varn if(varn == 'W') then do k=2,m1-1 W(k) = W(k) + WT(k) * DT enddo return else do k=2,m1-1 T(k) = T(k) + TT(k) * DT QV(k) = QV(k) + QVT(k) * DT QC(k) = QC(k) + QCT(k) * DT !cloud drops travel with air QH(k) = QH(k) + QHT(k) * DT QI(k) = QI(k) + QIT(k) * DT ! SC(k) = SC(k) + SCT(k) * DT !srf---18jun2005 QV(k) = max(0., QV(k)) QC(k) = max(0., QC(k)) QH(k) = max(0., QH(k)) QI(k) = max(0., QI(k)) VEL_P(k) = VEL_P(k) + VEL_T(k) * DT rad_p(k) = rad_p(k) + rad_t(k) * DT ! SC(k) = max(0., SC(k)) enddo endif end subroutine update_plumerise !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine fallpart(m1) !use module_zero_plumegen_coms integer m1,k real vtc, dfhz,dfiz,dz1 !srf================================== ! verificar se o gradiente esta correto ! !srf================================== ! ! XNO=1.E7 [m**-4] median volume diameter raindrop,Kessler ! VC = 38.3/(XNO**.125), median volume fallspeed eqn., Kessler ! for ice, see (OT18), use F0=0.75 per argument there. rho*q ! values are in g/m**3, velocities in m/s real, PARAMETER :: VCONST = 5.107387, EPS = 0.622, F0 = 0.75 real, PARAMETER :: G = 9.81, CP = 1004. ! do k=2,m1-1 VTC = VCONST * RHO (k) **.125 ! median volume fallspeed (KTable4) ! hydrometeor assembly velocity calculations (K Table4) ! VTH(k)=-VTC*QH(k)**.125 !median volume fallspeed, water VTH (k) = - 4. !small variation with qh VHREL = W (k) + VTH (k) !relative to surrounding cloud ! rain ventilation coefficient for evaporation CVH(k) = 1.6 + 0.57E-3 * (ABS (VHREL) ) **1.5 ! ! VTI(k)=-VTC*F0*QI(k)**.125 !median volume fallspeed,ice VTI (k) = - 3. !small variation with qi VIREL = W (k) + VTI (k) !relative to surrounding cloud ! ! ice ventilation coefficient for sublimation CVI(k) = 1.6 + 0.57E-3 * (ABS (VIREL) ) **1.5 / F0 ! ! IF (VHREL.GE.0.0) THEN DFHZ=QH(k)*(RHO(k )*VTH(k )-RHO(k-1)*VTH(k-1))/RHO(k-1) ELSE DFHZ=QH(k)*(RHO(k+1)*VTH(k+1)-RHO(k )*VTH(k ))/RHO(k) ENDIF ! ! IF (VIREL.GE.0.0) THEN DFIZ=QI(k)*(RHO(k )*VTI(k )-RHO(k-1)*VTI(k-1))/RHO(k-1) ELSE DFIZ=QI(k)*(RHO(k+1)*VTI(k+1)-RHO(k )*VTI(k ))/RHO(k) ENDIF DZ1=ZM(K)-ZM(K-1) qht(k) = qht(k) - DFHZ / DZ1 !hydrometeors don't qit(k) = qit(k) - DFIZ / DZ1 !nor does ice? hail, what about enddo end subroutine fallpart !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! subroutine printout (izprint,nrectotal) !use module_zero_plumegen_coms real, parameter :: tmelt = 273.3 integer, save :: nrec data nrec/0/ integer :: ko,izprint,interval,nrectotal real :: pea, btmp,etmp,vap1,vap2,gpkc,gpkh,gpki,deficit interval = 1 !debug time interval,min ! IF (IZPRINT.EQ.0) RETURN IF(MINTIME == 1) nrec = 0 ! WRITE (2, 430) MINTIME, DT, TIME WRITE (2, 431) ZTOP WRITE (2, 380) ! ! do the print ! DO 390 KO = 1, nrectotal, interval PEA = PE (KO) * 10. !pressure is stored in decibars(kPa),print in mb; BTMP = T (KO) - TMELT !temps in Celsius ETMP = T (KO) - TE (KO) !temperature excess VAP1 = QV (KO) * 1000. !printout in g/kg for all water, VAP2 = QSAT (KO) * 1000. !vapor (internal storage is in g/g) GPKC = QC (KO) * 1000. !cloud water GPKH = QH (KO) * 1000. !raindrops GPKI = QI (KO) * 1000. !ice particles DEFICIT = VAP2 - VAP1 !vapor deficit ! WRITE (2, 400) zt(KO)/1000., PEA, W (KO), BTMP, ETMP, VAP1, & VAP2, GPKC, GPKH, GPKI, VTH (KO), SC(KO) ! ! ! !end of printout 390 CONTINUE nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (W (KO), KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (T (KO), KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (TE(KO), KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (QV(KO)*1000., KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (QC(KO)*1000., KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (QH(KO)*1000., KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (QI(KO)*1000., KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 ! write (19,rec=nrec) (SC(KO), KO=1,nrectotal) write (19,rec=nrec) (QSAT(KO)*1000., KO=1,nrectotal) nrec=nrec+1 write (19,rec=nrec) (QVENV(KO)*1000., KO=1,nrectotal) !print*,'ntimes=',nrec/(9) ! RETURN ! ! ************** FORMATS ********************************************* ! 380 FORMAT(/,' Z(KM) P(MB) W(MPS) T(C) T-TE VAP SAT QC QH' & ' QI VTH(MPS) SCAL'/) ! 400 FORMAT(1H , F4.1,F7.2,F7.2,F6.1,6F6.2,F7.2,1X,F6.2) ! 430 FORMAT(1H ,//I5,' MINUTES DT= ',F6.2,' SECONDS TIME= ' & ,F8.2,' SECONDS') 431 FORMAT(' ZTOP= ',F10.2) ! end subroutine printout ! ! ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE WATERBAL !use module_zero_plumegen_coms ! IF (QC (L) .LE.1.0E-10) QC (L) = 0. !DEFEAT UNDERFLOW PROBLEM IF (QH (L) .LE.1.0E-10) QH (L) = 0. IF (QI (L) .LE.1.0E-10) QI (L) = 0. ! CALL EVAPORATE !vapor to cloud,cloud to vapor ! CALL SUBLIMATE !vapor to ice ! CALL GLACIATE !rain to ice CALL MELT !ice to rain ! !if(ak1 > 0. .or. ak2 > 0.) & CALL CONVERT () !(auto)conversion and accretion !CALL CONVERT2 () !(auto)conversion and accretion ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE WATERBAL ! ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE EVAPORATE ! !- evaporates cloud,rain and ice to saturation ! !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none ! ! XNO=10.0E06 ! HERC = 1.93*1.E-6*XN035 !evaporation constant ! real, PARAMETER :: HERC = 5.44E-4, CP = 1.004, HEATCOND = 2.5E3 real, PARAMETER :: HEATSUBL = 2834., TMELT = 273., TFREEZE = 269.3 real, PARAMETER :: FRC = HEATCOND / CP, SRC = HEATSUBL / CP real :: evhdt, evidt, evrate, evap, sd, quant, dividend, divisor, devidt ! ! SD = QSAT (L) - QV (L) !vapor deficit IF (SD.EQ.0.0) RETURN !IF (abs(SD).lt.1.e-7) RETURN EVHDT = 0. EVIDT = 0. !evrate =0.; evap=0.; sd=0.0; quant=0.0; dividend=0.0; divisor=0.0; devidt=0.0 EVRATE = ABS (WBAR * DQSDZ) !evaporation rate (Kessler 8.32) EVAP = EVRATE * DT !what we can get in DT IF (SD.LE.0.0) THEN ! condense. SD is negative IF (EVAP.GE.ABS (SD) ) THEN !we get it all QC (L) = QC (L) - SD !deficit,remember? QV (L) = QSAT(L) !set the vapor to saturation T (L) = T (L) - SD * FRC !heat gained through condensation !per gram of dry air RETURN ELSE QC (L) = QC (L) + EVAP !get what we can in DT QV (L) = QV (L) - EVAP !remove it from the vapor T (L) = T (L) + EVAP * FRC !get some heat RETURN ENDIF ! ELSE !SD is positive, need some water ! ! not saturated. saturate if possible. use everything in order ! cloud, rain, ice. SD is positive IF (EVAP.LE.QC (L) ) THEN !enough cloud to last DT ! IF (SD.LE.EVAP) THEN !enough time to saturate QC (L) = QC (L) - SD !remove cloud QV (L) = QSAT (L) !saturate T (L) = T (L) - SD * FRC !cool the parcel RETURN !done ! ELSE !not enough time SD = SD-EVAP !use what there is QV (L) = QV (L) + EVAP !add vapor T (L) = T (L) - EVAP * FRC !lose heat QC (L) = QC (L) - EVAP !lose cloud !go on to rain. ENDIF ! ELSE !not enough cloud to last DT ! IF (SD.LE.QC (L) ) THEN !but there is enough to sat QV (L) = QSAT (L) !use it QC (L) = QC (L) - SD T (L) = T (L) - SD * FRC RETURN ELSE !not enough to sat SD = SD-QC (L) QV (L) = QV (L) + QC (L) T (L) = T (L) - QC (L) * FRC QC (L) = 0.0 !all gone ENDIF !on to rain ENDIF !finished with cloud ! ! but still not saturated, so try to use some rain ! this is tricky, because we only have time DT to evaporate. if there ! is enough rain, we can evaporate it for dt. ice can also sublimate ! at the same time. there is a compromise here.....use rain first, then ! ice. saturation may not be possible in one DT time. ! rain evaporation rate (W12),(OT25),(K Table 4). evaporate rain first ! sd is still positive or we wouldn't be here. IF (QH (L) .LE.1.E-10) GOTO 33 !srf-25082005 ! QUANT = ( QC (L) + QV (L) - QSAT (L) ) * RHO (L) !g/m**3 QUANT = ( QSAT (L)- QC (L) - QV (L) ) * RHO (L) !g/m**3 ! EVHDT = (DT * HERC * (QUANT) * (QH (L) * RHO (L) ) **.65) / RHO (L) ! rain evaporation in time DT IF (EVHDT.LE.QH (L) ) THEN !enough rain to last DT IF (SD.LE.EVHDT) THEN !enough time to saturate QH (L) = QH (L) - SD !remove rain QV (L) = QSAT (L) !saturate T (L) = T (L) - SD * FRC !cool the parcel RETURN !done ! ELSE !not enough time SD = SD-EVHDT !use what there is QV (L) = QV (L) + EVHDT !add vapor T (L) = T (L) - EVHDT * FRC !lose heat QH (L) = QH (L) - EVHDT !lose rain ENDIF !go on to ice. ! ELSE !not enough rain to last DT ! IF (SD.LE.QH (L) ) THEN !but there is enough to sat QV (L) = QSAT (L) !use it QH (L) = QH (L) - SD T (L) = T (L) - SD * FRC RETURN ! ELSE !not enough to sat SD = SD-QH (L) QV (L) = QV (L) + QH (L) T (L) = T (L) - QH (L) * FRC QH (L) = 0.0 !all gone ENDIF !on to ice ! ENDIF !finished with rain ! ! ! now for ice ! equation from (OT); correction factors for units applied ! 33 continue IF (QI (L) .LE.1.E-10) RETURN !no ice there ! DIVIDEND = ( (1.E6 / RHO (L) ) **0.475) * (SD / QSAT (L) & - 1) * (QI (L) **0.525) * 1.13 DIVISOR = 7.E5 + 4.1E6 / (10. * EST (L) ) DEVIDT = - CVI(L) * DIVIDEND / DIVISOR !rate of change EVIDT = DEVIDT * DT !what we could get ! ! logic here is identical to rain. could get fancy and make subroutine ! but duplication of code is easier. God bless the screen editor. ! IF (EVIDT.LE.QI (L) ) THEN !enough ice to last DT ! IF (SD.LE.EVIDT) THEN !enough time to saturate QI (L) = QI (L) - SD !remove ice QV (L) = QSAT (L) !saturate T (L) = T (L) - SD * SRC !cool the parcel RETURN !done ! ELSE !not enough time SD = SD-EVIDT !use what there is QV (L) = QV (L) + EVIDT !add vapor T (L) = T (L) - EVIDT * SRC !lose heat QI (L) = QI (L) - EVIDT !lose ice ENDIF !go on,unsatisfied ! ELSE !not enough ice to last DT ! IF (SD.LE.QI (L) ) THEN !but there is enough to sat QV (L) = QSAT (L) !use it QI (L) = QI (L) - SD T (L) = T (L) - SD * SRC RETURN ! ELSE !not enough to sat SD = SD-QI (L) QV (L) = QV (L) + QI (L) T (L) = T (L) - QI (L) * SRC QI (L) = 0.0 !all gone ENDIF !on to better things !finished with ice ENDIF ! ENDIF !finished with the SD decision ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE EVAPORATE ! ! ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE CONVERT () ! !- ACCRETION AND AUTOCONVERSION ! !use module_zero_plumegen_coms ! real, PARAMETER :: AK1 = 0.001 !conversion rate constant real, PARAMETER :: AK2 = 0.0052 !collection (accretion) rate real, PARAMETER :: TH = 0.5 !Kessler threshold integer, PARAMETER ::iconv = 1 !- Kessler conversion (=0) !real, parameter :: ANBASE = 50.!*1.e+6 !Berry-number at cloud base #/m^3(maritime) real, parameter :: ANBASE =100000.!*1.e+6 !Berry-number at cloud base #/m^3(continental) !real, parameter :: BDISP = 0.366 !Berry--size dispersion (maritime) real, parameter :: BDISP = 0.146 !Berry--size dispersion (continental) real, parameter :: TFREEZE = 269.3 !ice formation temperature ! real :: accrete, con, q, h, bc1, bc2, total IF (T (L) .LE. TFREEZE) RETURN !process not allowed above ice ! IF (QC (L) .EQ. 0. ) RETURN ACCRETE = 0. CON = 0. Q = RHO (L) * QC (L) H = RHO (L) * QH (L) ! ! selection rules ! ! IF (QH (L) .GT. 0. ) ACCRETE = AK2 * Q * (H**.875) !accretion, Kessler ! IF (ICONV.NE.0) THEN !select Berry or Kessler ! !old BC1 = 120. !old BC2 = .0266 * ANBASE * 60. !old CON = BDISP * Q * Q * Q / (BC1 * Q * BDISP + BC2) CON = Q*Q*Q*BDISP/(60.*(5.*Q*BDISP+0.0366*ANBASE)) ! ELSE ! ! CON = AK1 * (Q - TH) !Kessler autoconversion rate ! ! IF (CON.LT.0.0) CON = 0.0 !havent reached threshold CON = max(0.,AK1 * (Q - TH)) ! versao otimizada ! ENDIF ! ! TOTAL = (CON + ACCRETE) * DT / RHO (L) ! IF (TOTAL.LT.QC (L) ) THEN ! QC (L) = QC (L) - TOTAL QH (L) = QH (L) + TOTAL !no phase change involved RETURN ! ELSE ! QH (L) = QH (L) + QC (L) !uses all there is QC (L) = 0.0 ! ENDIF ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE CONVERT ! !********************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE CONVERT2 () !use module_zero_plumegen_coms implicit none LOGICAL AEROSOL parameter(AEROSOL=.true.) ! real, parameter :: TNULL=273.16, LAT=2.5008E6 & ,EPSI=0.622 ,DB=1. ,NB=1500. !ALPHA=0.2 real :: KA,KEINS,KZWEI,KDREI,VT real :: A,B,C,D, CON,ACCRETE,total real Y(6),ROH A=0. B=0. Y(1) = T(L) Y(4) = W(L) y(2) = QC(L) y(3) = QH(L) Y(5) = RADIUS(L) ROH = RHO(L)*1.e-3 ! dens (MKS) ?? ! autoconversion KA = 0.0005 IF( Y(1) .LT. 258.15 )THEN ! KEINS=0.00075 KEINS=0.0009 KZWEI=0.0052 KDREI=15.39 ELSE KEINS=0.0015 KZWEI=0.00696 KDREI=11.58 ENDIF ! ROH=PE/RD/TE VT=-KDREI* (Y(3)/ROH)**0.125 IF (Y(4).GT.0.0 ) THEN IF (AEROSOL) THEN A = 1/y(4) * y(2)*y(2)*1000./( 60. *( 5. + 0.0366*NB/(y(2)*1000.*DB) ) ) ELSE IF (y(2).GT.(KA*ROH)) THEN !print*,'1',y(2),KA*ROH A = KEINS/y(4) *(y(2) - KA*ROH ) ENDIF ENDIF ELSE A = 0.0 ENDIF ! accretion IF(y(4).GT.0.0) THEN B = KZWEI/(y(4) - VT) * MAX(0.,y(2)) * & MAX(0.001,ROH)**(-0.875)*(MAX(0.,y(3)))**(0.875) ELSE B = 0.0 ENDIF !PSATW=610.7*EXP( 17.25 *( Y(1) - TNULL )/( Y(1)-36. ) ) !PSATE=610.7*EXP( 22.33 *( Y(1) - TNULL )/( Y(1)- 2. ) ) !QSATW=EPSI*PSATW/( PE-(1.-EPSI)*PSATW ) !QSATE=EPSI*PSATE/( PE-(1.-EPSI)*PSATE ) !MU=2.*ALPHA/Y(5) !C = MU*( ROH*QSATW - ROH*QVE + y(2) ) !D = ROH*LAT*QSATW*EPSI/Y1/Y1/RD *DYDX1 !DYDX(2) = - A - B - C - D ! d rc/dz !DYDX(3) = A + B ! d rh/dz ! rc=rc+dydx(2)*dz ! rh=rh+dydx(3)*dz CON = A ACCRETE = B TOTAL = (CON + ACCRETE) *(1/DZM(L)) /ROH ! DT / RHO (L) !print*,'L=',L,total,QC(L),dzm(l) ! IF (TOTAL.LT.QC (L) ) THEN ! QC (L) = QC (L) - TOTAL QH (L) = QH (L) + TOTAL !no phase change involved RETURN ! ELSE ! QH (L) = QH (L) + QC (L) !uses all there is QC (L) = 0.0 ! ENDIF ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE CONVERT2 ! ice - effect on temperature ! TTD = 0.0 ! TTE = 0.0 ! CALL ICE(QSATW,QSATE,Y(1),Y(2),Y(3), & ! TTA,TTB,TTC,DZ,ROH,D,C,TTD,TTE) ! DYDX(1) = DYDX(1) + TTD + TTE ! DT/DZ on Temp ! !********************************************************************** ! SUBROUTINE SUBLIMATE ! ! ********************* VAPOR TO ICE (USE EQUATION OT22)*************** !use module_zero_plumegen_coms ! real, PARAMETER :: EPS = 0.622, HEATFUS = 334., HEATSUBL = 2834., CP = 1.004 real, PARAMETER :: SRC = HEATSUBL / CP, FRC = HEATFUS / CP, TMELT = 273.3 real, PARAMETER :: TFREEZE = 269.3 real ::dtsubh, dividend,divisor, subl ! DTSUBH = 0. ! !selection criteria for sublimation IF (T (L) .GT. TFREEZE ) RETURN IF (QV (L) .LE. QSAT (L) ) RETURN ! ! from (OT); correction factors for units applied ! DIVIDEND = ( (1.E6 / RHO (L) ) **0.475) * (QV (L) / QSAT (L) & - 1) * (QI (L) **0.525) * 1.13 DIVISOR = 7.E5 + 4.1E6 / (10. * EST (L) ) ! DTSUBH = ABS (DIVIDEND / DIVISOR) !sublimation rate SUBL = DTSUBH * DT !and amount possible ! ! again check the possibilities ! IF (SUBL.LT.QV (L) ) THEN ! QV (L) = QV (L) - SUBL !lose vapor QI (L) = QI (L) + SUBL !gain ice T (L) = T (L) + SUBL * SRC !energy change, warms air !print*,'5',l,qi(l),SUBL RETURN ! ELSE ! QI (L) = QV (L) !use what there is T (L) = T (L) + QV (L) * SRC !warm the air QV (L) = 0.0 !print*,'6',l,qi(l) ! ENDIF ! RETURN END SUBROUTINE SUBLIMATE ! ! ********************************************************************* ! SUBROUTINE GLACIATE ! ! *********************** CONVERSION OF RAIN TO ICE ******************* ! uses equation OT 16, simplest. correction from W not applied, but ! vapor pressure differences are supplied. ! !use module_zero_plumegen_coms ! real, PARAMETER :: HEATFUS = 334., CP = 1.004, EPS = 0.622, HEATSUBL = 2834. real, PARAMETER :: FRC = HEATFUS / CP, FRS = HEATSUBL / CP, TFREEZE = 269.3 real, PARAMETER :: GLCONST = 0.025 !glaciation time constant, 1/sec real dfrzh ! DFRZH = 0. !rate of mass gain in ice ! !selection rules for glaciation IF (QH (L) .LE. 0. ) RETURN IF (QV (L) .LT. QSAT (L) ) RETURN IF (T (L) .GT. TFREEZE ) RETURN ! ! NT=TMELT-T(L) ! IF (NT.GT.50) NT=50 ! DFRZH = DT * GLCONST * QH (L) ! from OT(16) ! IF (DFRZH.LT.QH (L) ) THEN ! QI (L) = QI (L) + DFRZH QH (L) = QH (L) - DFRZH T (L) = T (L) + FRC * DFRZH !warms air !print*,'7',l,qi(l),DFRZH RETURN ! ELSE ! QI (L) = QI (L) + QH (L) T (L) = T (L) + FRC * QH (L) QH (L) = 0.0 !print*,'8',l,qi(l), QH (L) ! ENDIF ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE GLACIATE ! ! ! ********************************************************************* SUBROUTINE MELT ! ! ******************* MAKES WATER OUT OF ICE ************************** !use module_zero_plumegen_coms ! real, PARAMETER :: FRC = 332.27, TMELT = 273., F0 = 0.75 !ice velocity factor real DTMELT ! DTMELT = 0. !conversion,ice to rain ! !selection rules IF (QI (L) .LE. 0.0 ) RETURN IF (T (L) .LT. TMELT) RETURN ! !OT(23,24) DTMELT = DT * (2.27 / RHO (L) ) * CVI(L) * (T (L) - TMELT) * ( (RHO(L) & * QI (L) * 1.E-6) **0.525) * (F0** ( - 0.42) ) !after Mason,1956 ! ! check the possibilities ! IF (DTMELT.LT.QI (L) ) THEN ! QH (L) = QH (L) + DTMELT QI (L) = QI (L) - DTMELT T (L) = T (L) - FRC * DTMELT !cools air !print*,'9',l,qi(l),DTMELT RETURN ! ELSE ! QH (L) = QH (L) + QI (L) !get all there is to get T (L) = T (L) - FRC * QI (L) QI (L) = 0.0 !print*,'10',l,qi(l) ! ENDIF ! RETURN ! END SUBROUTINE MELT SUBROUTINE htint (nzz1, vctra, eleva, nzz2, vctrb, elevb) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: nzz1 INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: nzz2 REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: vctra(nzz1) REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: vctrb(nzz2) REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: eleva(nzz1) REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: elevb(nzz2) INTEGER :: l INTEGER :: k INTEGER :: kk REAL :: wt l=1 DO k=1,nzz2 DO IF ( (elevb(k) < eleva(1)) .OR. & ((elevb(k) >= eleva(l)) .AND. (elevb(k) <= eleva(l+1))) ) THEN wt = (elevb(k)-eleva(l))/(eleva(l+1)-eleva(l)) vctrb(k) = vctra(l)+(vctra(l+1)-vctra(l))*wt EXIT ELSE IF ( elevb(k) > eleva(nzz1)) THEN wt = (elevb(k)-eleva(nzz1))/(eleva(nzz1-1)-eleva(nzz1)) vctrb(k) = vctra(nzz1)+(vctra(nzz1-1)-vctra(nzz1))*wt EXIT END IF l=l+1 IF(l == nzz1) THEN PRINT *,'htint:nzz1',nzz1 DO kk=1,l PRINT*,'kk,eleva(kk),elevb(kk)',eleva(kk),elevb(kk) END DO STOP 'htint' END IF END DO END DO END SUBROUTINE htint !----------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ESAT_PR (TEM) ! ! ******* Vapor Pressure A.L. Buck JAM V.20 p.1527. (1981) *********** ! real, PARAMETER :: CI1 = 6.1115, CI2 = 22.542, CI3 = 273.48 real, PARAMETER :: CW1 = 6.1121, CW2 = 18.729, CW3 = 257.87, CW4 = 227.3 real, PARAMETER :: TMELT = 273.3 real ESAT_PR real temc , tem,esatm ! ! formulae from Buck, A.L., JAM 20,1527-1532 ! custom takes esat wrt water always. formula for h2o only ! good to -40C so: ! ! TEMC = TEM - TMELT IF (TEMC.GT. - 40.0) GOTO 230 ESATM = CI1 * EXP (CI2 * TEMC / (TEMC + CI3) ) !ice, millibars ESAT_PR = ESATM / 10. !kPa RETURN ! 230 ESATM = CW1 * EXP ( ( (CW2 - (TEMC / CW4) ) * TEMC) / (TEMC + CW3)) ESAT_PR = ESATM / 10. !kPa RETURN END function ESAT_PR ! ****************************************************************** ! ------------------------------------------------------------------------ END Module module_chem_plumerise_scalar