! module_cam_mam_dust_sediment.F ! adapted from cam3 dust_sediment_mod.F90 by r.c.easter, november 2010 ! ! 2010-xx-xx rce notes ! ! > *** THIS IS NOT YET IMPLEMENTED *** ! ! > all calls to history routines (outfld) deactivated !-------------------------------------------------------------- module dust_sediment_mod !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Purpose: ! ! Contains routines to compute tendencies from sedimentation of dust ! ! Author: Phil Rasch ! !--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- use shr_kind_mod, only: r8=>shr_kind_r8 ! use ppgrid, only: pcols, pver, pverp ! use physconst, only: gravit, rair ! use cam_logfile, only: iulog private public :: dust_sediment_vel, dust_sediment_tend real (r8), parameter :: vland = 2.8_r8 ! dust fall velocity over land (cm/s) real (r8), parameter :: vocean = 1.5_r8 ! dust fall velocity over ocean (cm/s) real (r8), parameter :: mxsedfac = 0.99_r8 ! maximum sedimentation flux factor contains !=============================================================================== subroutine dust_sediment_vel ( ncol ) implicit none integer :: ncol return end subroutine dust_sediment_vel !Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov - Added "end subroutine" as Intel compiler was complainig missing "end subroutine" !=============================================================================== subroutine dust_sediment_tend ( ncol ) implicit none integer :: ncol return end subroutine dust_sediment_tend!Balwinder.Singh@pnnl.gov - Added "end subroutine" as Intel compiler was complainig missing "end subroutine" #undef ABC123_THIS_CODE_ACTIVE #if ( defined ABC123_THIS_CODE_ACTIVE ) !=============================================================================== subroutine dust_sediment_vel (ncol, & icefrac , landfrac, ocnfrac , pmid , pdel , t , & dustmr , pvdust ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Compute gravitational sedimentation velocities for dust implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of colums to process real(r8), intent(in) :: icefrac (pcols) ! sea ice fraction (fraction) real(r8), intent(in) :: landfrac(pcols) ! land fraction (fraction) real(r8), intent(in) :: ocnfrac (pcols) ! ocean fraction (fraction) real(r8), intent(in) :: pmid (pcols,pver) ! pressure of midpoint levels (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: pdel (pcols,pver) ! pressure diff across layer (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: t (pcols,pver) ! temperature (K) real(r8), intent(in) :: dustmr(pcols,pver) ! dust (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(out) :: pvdust (pcols,pverp) ! vertical velocity of dust (Pa/s) ! -> note that pvel is at the interfaces (loss from cell is based on pvel(k+1)) ! Local variables real (r8) :: rho(pcols,pver) ! air density in kg/m3 real (r8) :: vfall(pcols) ! settling velocity of dust particles (m/s) integer i,k real (r8) :: lbound, ac, bc, cc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- !--------------------- dust fall velocity ---------------------------- !----------------------------------------------------------------------- do k = 1,pver do i = 1,ncol ! merge the dust fall velocities for land and ocean (cm/s) ! SHOULD ALSO ACCOUNT FOR ICEFRAC vfall(i) = vland*landfrac(i) + vocean*(1._r8-landfrac(i)) !! vfall(i) = vland*landfrac(i) + vocean*ocnfrac(i) + vseaice*icefrac(i) ! fall velocity (assume positive downward) pvdust(i,k+1) = vfall(i) end do end do return end subroutine dust_sediment_vel !=============================================================================== subroutine dust_sediment_tend ( & ncol, dtime, pint, pmid, pdel, t, & dustmr ,pvdust, dusttend, sfdust ) !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Apply Particle Gravitational Sedimentation !---------------------------------------------------------------------- implicit none ! Arguments integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number of colums to process real(r8), intent(in) :: dtime ! time step real(r8), intent(in) :: pint (pcols,pverp) ! interfaces pressure (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: pmid (pcols,pver) ! midpoint pressures (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: pdel (pcols,pver) ! pressure diff across layer (Pa) real(r8), intent(in) :: t (pcols,pver) ! temperature (K) real(r8), intent(in) :: dustmr(pcols,pver) ! dust (kg/kg) real(r8), intent(in) :: pvdust (pcols,pverp) ! vertical velocity of dust drops (Pa/s) ! -> note that pvel is at the interfaces (loss from cell is based on pvel(k+1)) real(r8), intent(out) :: dusttend(pcols,pver) ! dust tend real(r8), intent(out) :: sfdust (pcols) ! surface flux of dust (rain, kg/m/s) ! Local variables real(r8) :: fxdust(pcols,pverp) ! fluxes at the interfaces, dust (positive = down) integer :: i,k !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! initialize variables fxdust (:ncol,:) = 0._r8 ! flux at interfaces (dust) dusttend(:ncol,:) = 0._r8 ! tend (dust) sfdust(:ncol) = 0._r8 ! sedimentation flux out bot of column (dust) ! fluxes at interior points call getflx(ncol, pint, dustmr, pvdust, dtime, fxdust) ! calculate fluxes at boundaries do i = 1,ncol fxdust(i,1) = 0 ! surface flux by upstream scheme fxdust(i,pverp) = dustmr(i,pver) * pvdust(i,pverp) * dtime end do ! filter out any negative fluxes from the getflx routine do k = 2,pver fxdust(:ncol,k) = max(0._r8, fxdust(:ncol,k)) end do ! Limit the flux out of the bottom of each cell to the water content in each phase. ! Apply mxsedfac to prevent generating very small negative cloud water/ice ! NOTE, REMOVED CLOUD FACTOR FROM AVAILABLE WATER. ALL CLOUD WATER IS IN CLOUDS. ! ***Should we include the flux in the top, to allow for thin surface layers? ! ***Requires simple treatment of cloud overlap, already included below. do k = 1,pver do i = 1,ncol fxdust(i,k+1) = min( fxdust(i,k+1), mxsedfac * dustmr(i,k) * pdel(i,k) ) !!$ fxdust(i,k+1) = min( fxdust(i,k+1), dustmr(i,k) * pdel(i,k) + fxdust(i,k)) end do end do ! Now calculate the tendencies do k = 1,pver do i = 1,ncol ! net flux into cloud changes cloud dust/ice (all flux is out of cloud) dusttend(i,k) = (fxdust(i,k) - fxdust(i,k+1)) / (dtime * pdel(i,k)) end do end do ! convert flux out the bottom to mass units Pa -> kg/m2/s sfdust(:ncol) = fxdust(:ncol,pverp) / (dtime*gravit) return end subroutine dust_sediment_tend !=============================================================================== subroutine getflx(ncol, xw, phi, vel, deltat, flux) !.....xw1.......xw2.......xw3.......xw4.......xw5.......xw6 !....psiw1.....psiw2.....psiw3.....psiw4.....psiw5.....psiw6 !....velw1.....velw2.....velw3.....velw4.....velw5.....velw6 !.........phi1......phi2.......phi3.....phi4.......phi5....... implicit none integer ncol ! number of colums to process integer i integer k real (r8) vel(pcols,pverp) real (r8) flux(pcols,pverp) real (r8) xw(pcols,pverp) real (r8) psi(pcols,pverp) real (r8) phi(pcols,pverp-1) real (r8) fdot(pcols,pverp) real (r8) xx(pcols) real (r8) fxdot(pcols) real (r8) fxdd(pcols) real (r8) psistar(pcols) real (r8) deltat real (r8) xxk(pcols,pver) do i = 1,ncol ! integral of phi psi(i,1) = 0._r8 ! fluxes at boundaries flux(i,1) = 0 flux(i,pverp) = 0._r8 end do ! integral function do k = 2,pverp do i = 1,ncol psi(i,k) = phi(i,k-1)*(xw(i,k)-xw(i,k-1)) + psi(i,k-1) end do end do ! calculate the derivatives for the interpolating polynomial call cfdotmc_pro (ncol, xw, psi, fdot) ! NEW WAY ! calculate fluxes at interior pts do k = 2,pver do i = 1,ncol xxk(i,k) = xw(i,k)-vel(i,k)*deltat end do end do do k = 2,pver call cfint2(ncol, xw, psi, fdot, xxk(1,k), fxdot, fxdd, psistar) do i = 1,ncol flux(i,k) = (psi(i,k)-psistar(i)) end do end do return end subroutine getflx !############################################################################## subroutine cfint2 (ncol, x, f, fdot, xin, fxdot, fxdd, psistar) implicit none ! input integer ncol ! number of colums to process real (r8) x(pcols, pverp) real (r8) f(pcols, pverp) real (r8) fdot(pcols, pverp) real (r8) xin(pcols) ! output real (r8) fxdot(pcols) real (r8) fxdd(pcols) real (r8) psistar(pcols) integer i integer k integer intz(pcols) real (r8) dx real (r8) s real (r8) c2 real (r8) c3 real (r8) xx real (r8) xinf real (r8) psi1, psi2, psi3, psim real (r8) cfint real (r8) cfnew real (r8) xins(pcols) ! the minmod function real (r8) a, b, c real (r8) minmod real (r8) medan minmod(a,b) = 0.5_r8*(sign(1._r8,a) + sign(1._r8,b))*min(abs(a),abs(b)) medan(a,b,c) = a + minmod(b-a,c-a) do i = 1,ncol xins(i) = medan(x(i,1), xin(i), x(i,pverp)) intz(i) = 0 end do ! first find the interval do k = 1,pverp-1 do i = 1,ncol if ((xins(i)-x(i,k))*(x(i,k+1)-xins(i)).ge.0) then intz(i) = k endif end do end do do i = 1,ncol if (intz(i).eq.0._r8) then write(iulog,*) ' interval was not found for col i ', i stop endif end do ! now interpolate do i = 1,ncol k = intz(i) dx = (x(i,k+1)-x(i,k)) s = (f(i,k+1)-f(i,k))/dx c2 = (3*s-2*fdot(i,k)-fdot(i,k+1))/dx c3 = (fdot(i,k)+fdot(i,k+1)-2*s)/dx**2 xx = (xins(i)-x(i,k)) fxdot(i) = (3*c3*xx + 2*c2)*xx + fdot(i,k) fxdd(i) = 6*c3*xx + 2*c2 cfint = ((c3*xx + c2)*xx + fdot(i,k))*xx + f(i,k) ! limit the interpolant psi1 = f(i,k)+(f(i,k+1)-f(i,k))*xx/dx if (k.eq.1) then psi2 = f(i,1) else psi2 = f(i,k) + (f(i,k)-f(i,k-1))*xx/(x(i,k)-x(i,k-1)) endif if (k+1.eq.pverp) then psi3 = f(i,pverp) else psi3 = f(i,k+1) - (f(i,k+2)-f(i,k+1))*(dx-xx)/(x(i,k+2)-x(i,k+1)) endif psim = medan(psi1, psi2, psi3) cfnew = medan(cfint, psi1, psim) if (abs(cfnew-cfint)/(abs(cfnew)+abs(cfint)+1.e-36_r8) .gt..03_r8) then ! CHANGE THIS BACK LATER!!! ! $ .gt..1) then ! UNCOMMENT THIS LATER!!! ! write(iulog,*) ' cfint2 limiting important ', cfint, cfnew endif psistar(i) = cfnew end do return end subroutine cfint2 !############################################################################## subroutine cfdotmc_pro (ncol, x, f, fdot) ! prototype version; eventually replace with final SPITFIRE scheme ! calculate the derivative for the interpolating polynomial ! multi column version implicit none ! input integer ncol ! number of colums to process real (r8) x(pcols, pverp) real (r8) f(pcols, pverp) ! output real (r8) fdot(pcols, pverp) ! derivative at nodes ! assumed variable distribution ! x1.......x2.......x3.......x4.......x5.......x6 1,pverp points ! f1.......f2.......f3.......f4.......f5.......f6 1,pverp points ! ...sh1.......sh2......sh3......sh4......sh5.... 1,pver points ! .........d2.......d3.......d4.......d5......... 2,pver points ! .........s2.......s3.......s4.......s5......... 2,pver points ! .............dh2......dh3......dh4............. 2,pver-1 points ! .............eh2......eh3......eh4............. 2,pver-1 points ! ..................e3.......e4.................. 3,pver-1 points ! .................ppl3......ppl4................ 3,pver-1 points ! .................ppr3......ppr4................ 3,pver-1 points ! .................t3........t4.................. 3,pver-1 points ! ................fdot3.....fdot4................ 3,pver-1 points ! work variables integer i integer k real (r8) a ! work var real (r8) b ! work var real (r8) c ! work var real (r8) s(pcols,pverp) ! first divided differences at nodes real (r8) sh(pcols,pverp) ! first divided differences between nodes real (r8) d(pcols,pverp) ! second divided differences at nodes real (r8) dh(pcols,pverp) ! second divided differences between nodes real (r8) e(pcols,pverp) ! third divided differences at nodes real (r8) eh(pcols,pverp) ! third divided differences between nodes real (r8) pp ! p prime real (r8) ppl(pcols,pverp) ! p prime on left real (r8) ppr(pcols,pverp) ! p prime on right real (r8) qpl real (r8) qpr real (r8) ttt real (r8) t real (r8) tmin real (r8) tmax real (r8) delxh(pcols,pverp) ! the minmod function real (r8) minmod real (r8) medan minmod(a,b) = 0.5_r8*(sign(1._r8,a) + sign(1._r8,b))*min(abs(a),abs(b)) medan(a,b,c) = a + minmod(b-a,c-a) do k = 1,pver ! first divided differences between nodes do i = 1, ncol delxh(i,k) = (x(i,k+1)-x(i,k)) sh(i,k) = (f(i,k+1)-f(i,k))/delxh(i,k) end do ! first and second divided differences at nodes if (k.ge.2) then do i = 1,ncol d(i,k) = (sh(i,k)-sh(i,k-1))/(x(i,k+1)-x(i,k-1)) s(i,k) = minmod(sh(i,k),sh(i,k-1)) end do endif end do ! second and third divided diffs between nodes do k = 2,pver-1 do i = 1, ncol eh(i,k) = (d(i,k+1)-d(i,k))/(x(i,k+2)-x(i,k-1)) dh(i,k) = minmod(d(i,k),d(i,k+1)) end do end do ! treat the boundaries do i = 1,ncol e(i,2) = eh(i,2) e(i,pver) = eh(i,pver-1) ! outside level fdot(i,1) = sh(i,1) - d(i,2)*delxh(i,1) & - eh(i,2)*delxh(i,1)*(x(i,1)-x(i,3)) fdot(i,1) = minmod(fdot(i,1),3*sh(i,1)) fdot(i,pverp) = sh(i,pver) + d(i,pver)*delxh(i,pver) & + eh(i,pver-1)*delxh(i,pver)*(x(i,pverp)-x(i,pver-1)) fdot(i,pverp) = minmod(fdot(i,pverp),3*sh(i,pver)) ! one in from boundary fdot(i,2) = sh(i,1) + d(i,2)*delxh(i,1) - eh(i,2)*delxh(i,1)*delxh(i,2) fdot(i,2) = minmod(fdot(i,2),3*s(i,2)) fdot(i,pver) = sh(i,pver) - d(i,pver)*delxh(i,pver) & - eh(i,pver-1)*delxh(i,pver)*delxh(i,pver-1) fdot(i,pver) = minmod(fdot(i,pver),3*s(i,pver)) end do do k = 3,pver-1 do i = 1,ncol e(i,k) = minmod(eh(i,k),eh(i,k-1)) end do end do do k = 3,pver-1 do i = 1,ncol ! p prime at k-0.5 ppl(i,k)=sh(i,k-1) + dh(i,k-1)*delxh(i,k-1) ! p prime at k+0.5 ppr(i,k)=sh(i,k) - dh(i,k) *delxh(i,k) t = minmod(ppl(i,k),ppr(i,k)) ! derivate from parabola thru f(i,k-1), f(i,k), and f(i,k+1) pp = sh(i,k-1) + d(i,k)*delxh(i,k-1) ! quartic estimate of fdot fdot(i,k) = pp & - delxh(i,k-1)*delxh(i,k) & *( eh(i,k-1)*(x(i,k+2)-x(i,k )) & + eh(i,k )*(x(i,k )-x(i,k-2)) & )/(x(i,k+2)-x(i,k-2)) ! now limit it qpl = sh(i,k-1) & + delxh(i,k-1)*minmod(d(i,k-1)+e(i,k-1)*(x(i,k)-x(i,k-2)), & d(i,k) -e(i,k)*delxh(i,k)) qpr = sh(i,k) & + delxh(i,k )*minmod(d(i,k) +e(i,k)*delxh(i,k-1), & d(i,k+1)+e(i,k+1)*(x(i,k)-x(i,k+2))) fdot(i,k) = medan(fdot(i,k), qpl, qpr) ttt = minmod(qpl, qpr) tmin = min(0._r8,3*s(i,k),1.5_r8*t,ttt) tmax = max(0._r8,3*s(i,k),1.5_r8*t,ttt) fdot(i,k) = fdot(i,k) + minmod(tmin-fdot(i,k), tmax-fdot(i,k)) end do end do return end subroutine cfdotmc_pro #endif end module dust_sediment_mod