MODULE module_bioemi_simple ! .. ! make sure that whatever you put in here agrees with dry_dep_simple ! and met model luse stuff. This should be improved, but currently, ! there is only usgs in wrf ! USE module_data_radm2 INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nlu = 25, & iswater_temp = 16,isice_temp = 24 REAL :: aefiso(nlu), aefmter(nlu), aefovoc(nlu), aef_n(nlu) CHARACTER (4),PARAMETER :: mminlu_loc = 'USGS' INTEGER :: ixxxlu(nlu) CONTAINS SUBROUTINE bio_emissions(id,ktau,dtstep,DX, & config_flags, & gmt,julday,t_phy,moist,p8w,t8w, & e_bio,p_phy,chem,rho_phy,dz8w,ne_area, & ivgtyp,gsw,vegfra,rmol,ust,znt,xlat,xlong,z_at_w, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) USE module_configure USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: id,julday, ne_area, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: & ktau REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ), & INTENT(IN ) :: moist REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme, ne_area ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: e_bio REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & t_phy, & p_phy, & dz8w, & t8w,p8w,z_at_w , & rho_phy INTEGER,DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & ivgtyp REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & gsw, & vegfra, & rmol, & ust, & xlat, & xlong, & znt REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: & dtstep,dx,gmt !--- deposition and emissions stuff ! .. Parameters .. TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags ! .. ! .. Local Arrays .. ! .. Parameters .. ! INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nlu = 25, & ! nseason = 1, nseasons = 2 ! REAL :: aefiso(nlu), aefmter(nlu), aefovoc(nlu), aef_n(nlu) REAL :: emiss_bio(ne_area) !wig, 1-May-2007: switched to ne_area from numgas to make more general LOGICAL :: highnh3, rainflag, vegflag, wetflag CHARACTER (4) :: luse_typ ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. REAL :: clwchem,eiso,eisoc,emter,emterc,eovoc,eovocc,e_n,e_nn, & pa,rad, rhchem, ta, ustar, vegfrac, vocsc, xtimin, z1,zntt INTEGER :: i,j,iland, iprt, iseason, n, nr, ipr,jpr,nvr ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC max, min ! luse_typ=mminlu_loc ! print *,'luse_typ,iswater',luse_typ,iswater_temp iseason=1 if( iseason=2 CALL wrf_debug(100,'setting iseason in bio_emi to 2') endif ! test program to test chemics stuff in 1-d ! first prepare for biogenic emissions CALL bioemiin(iseason,luse_typ,vegflag) do 100 j=jts,jte do 100 i=its,ite iland = ivgtyp(i,j) ta = t_phy(i,kts,j) rad = gsw(i,j) vegfrac = vegfra(i,j) pa = .01*p_phy(i,kts,j) clwchem = moist(i,kts,j,p_qc) ustar = ust(i,j) zntt = znt(i,j) z1 = z_at_w(i,kts+1,j)-z_at_w(i,kts,j) ! Set logical default values rainflag = .FALSE. wetflag = .FALSE. highnh3 = .FALSE. if(moist(i,kts,j,p_qr).gt.0.)rainflag = .true. ! if(raincv(i,kts,j).gt.0. .and. rainncv(i,kts,j).gt.0. )rainflag = .true. ! qvs = 380.*exp(17.27*(tair-273.)/(tair-36.))/pressure rhchem = MIN( 100.,100. * moist(i,kts,j,p_qv) / & (3.80*exp(17.27*(t_phy(i,kts,j)-273.)/(t_phy(i,kts,j)-36.))/pa)) rhchem = max(rhchem,5.) if (rhchem >= 95.) wetflag = .true. ! print *,chem(i,kts,j,p_nh3),chem(i,kts,j,p_so2) if(chem(i,kts,j,p_nh3).gt.2.*chem(i,kts,j,p_so2))highnh3 = .true. iseason = 1 !--- biogenic emissions emiss_bio=0. CALL biogen(iland,ta,rad,eiso,emter,eovoc,e_n,vocsc,eisoc,emterc,eovocc, & e_nn,pa,luse_typ,iseason,vegflag) ! if(i.eq.5.and.j.eq.5)then ! print *,iland ! print *,ta,rad,vocsc,pa,luse_typ,aefiso,aefovoc,aefmter, & ! aef_n,ixxxlu,vegflag,isice_temp,iswater_temp ! PRINT *, eiso, emter, eovoc, e_n, eisoc, eovocc ! endif ! PRINT *, eiso, emter, eovoc, e_n, eisoc, eovocc CALL biosplit(iland,eiso,emter,eovoc,e_n,emiss_bio,ne_area,vegfrac, & config_flags, luse_typ,vegflag) ! PRINT *, 'emiss_bio(liso) emiss_bio(lald) emiss_bio(lhcho) ', & ! ' emiss_bio(lhc3)' ! PRINT *, emiss_bio(liso), emiss_bio(lald), emiss_bio(lhcho), & ! emiss_bio(lhc3) DO n = 1, ne_area-2 e_bio(i,j,n) = emiss_bio(n) ! if(i.eq.5.and.j.eq.5)print *,emiss_bio(n) END DO 100 continue END SUBROUTINE bio_emissions ! ********************************************************************** ! ********************** SUBROUTINE BIOEMIIN ************************** ! ********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE bioemiin(isn,mminlu,vegflag) !********************************************************************** ! THIS SUBROUTINE INITIALIZES THE EMISSION FACTORS ! AND THE SIMPLIFIED LANDUSE SCHEME ! FOR THE BIOGENIC EMISSION AND DEPOSITION SUBROUTINES ! WRITTEN BY: WINFRIED SEIDL (MARCH 2000) ! CALLED BY: ! CALLS: - !********************************************************************** !********************************************************************** ! REFERENCES FOR EMISSION FACTORS: ! (S+R) T. Schoenemeyer and K. Richter ! (S95) D. Simpson, A. Guenther, C. N. Hewitt, and R. Steinbrecher ! J. Geophysical Research 100D (1995), 22875-22890 ! (G94) A. Guenther, P. Zimmerman and M. Wildermuth ! Atmospheric Environment 28 (1994), 1197-1210 ! (Z88) P. R. Zimmerman, J. P. Greenberg, and C. E. Westberg ! J. Geophysical Research 93D (1988), 1407-1416 ! (K88) W. A. Kaplan, S. C. Wofsy, M. Keller, and J. M. da Costa ! J. Geophysical Research 93D (1988), 1389-1395 ! (K94) L. F. Klinger, P. R. Zimmermann, J. P. Greenberg, L. E. Hei ! and A. B. Guenther ! J. Geophysical Research 99D (1994), 1469-1494 ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! PCU/NCAR landuse categories: ! 1 Highrise urban area ! 2 Agricultural land ! 3 Grassland, rangeland ! 4 Deciduous forest ! 5 Coniferous forest ! 6 Mixed forest (including wetland) ! 7 Water ! 8 Wet rangeland, nonforested wetland ! 9 Desert ! 10 Tundra ! 11 Permanent ice ! 12 Tropical forest land ! 13 Savannah ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! USGS landuse categories: ! 1 Urban and built-up land ! 2 Dryland cropland and pasture ! 3 Irrigated cropland and pasture ! 4 Mix. dry/irrg. cropland and pasture ! 5 Cropland/grassland mosaic ! 6 Cropland/woodland mosaic ! 7 Grassland ! 8 Shrubland ! 9 Mixed shrubland/grassland ! 10 Savanna ! 11 Deciduous broadleaf forest ! 12 Deciduous needleleaf forest ! 13 Evergreen broadleaf forest ! 14 Evergreen needleleaf forest ! 15 Mixed Forest ! 16 Water Bodies ! 17 Herbaceous wetland ! 18 Wooded wetland ! 19 Barren or sparsely vegetated ! 20 Herbaceous Tundra ! 21 Wooded Tundra ! 22 Mixed Tundra ! 23 Bare Ground Tundra ! 24 Snow or Ice ! 25 No data ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! SiB landuse categories: ! 1 Evergreen broadleaf trees ! 2 Broadleaf deciduous trees ! 3 Deciduous and evergreen trees ! 4 Evergreen needleleaf trees ! 5 Deciduous needleleaf trees ! 6 Ground cover with trees and shrubs ! 7 Ground cover only ! 8 Broadleaf shrub with Perennial ground cover ! 9 Broadleaf shrub with bare soil ! 10 Groundcover with dwarf trees and shrubs ! 11 Bare soil ! 12 Agriculture or C3 grassland ! 13 Persistent Wetland ! 14 Dry coastal complexes ! 15 Water ! 16 Ice cap and glacier ! 17 No data !-------------------------------------------------------------- ! .. Scalar Arguments .. LOGICAL :: vegflag CHARACTER (4) :: mminlu INTEGER :: isn ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. ! REAL :: aefiso(nlu), aefmter(nlu), aefovoc(nlu), aef_n(nlu) ! INTEGER :: ixxxlu(nlu) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. ! INTEGER :: nseas INTEGER :: sum ! .. !********************************************************************** ! Emission Factors for Isoprene in ug C/(m*m*h) ! PRINT *, 'mminlu = ', mminlu IF (mminlu=='OLD ') THEN ! urban aefiso(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefiso(2) = 8. ! grassland (S+R) aefiso(3) = 0. ! deciduous (G94) aefiso(4) = 4400. ! coniferous (G94) aefiso(5) = 780. ! mixed forest (G94) aefiso(6) = 5775. ! water aefiso(7) = 0. ! wetland, emission unknown aefiso(8) = 0. ! desert aefiso(9) = 0. ! tundra (K94) aefiso(10) = 70. ! ice aefiso(11) = 0. ! tropical forest (Z88) aefiso(12) = 3100. ! savanna (Z88) aefiso(13) = 0 END IF IF (mminlu=='USGS') THEN ! urban aefiso(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefiso(2) = 8. ! agriculture (S+R) aefiso(3) = 8. ! agriculture (S+R) aefiso(4) = 8. ! half agriculture/grassland assumed aefiso(5) = 4. ! half agriculture/deciduous assumed aefiso(6) = 2204. ! grassland (S+R) aefiso(7) = 0. ! grassland assumed aefiso(8) = 0. ! grassland assumed aefiso(9) = 0. ! savanna (Z88) aefiso(10) = 0. ! deciduous (G94) aefiso(11) = 4400. ! coniferous (G94) aefiso(12) = 780. ! deciduous (G94) aefiso(13) = 4400. ! coniferous (G94) aefiso(14) = 780. ! mixed forest (G94) aefiso(15) = 5775. ! water aefiso(16) = 0. ! wetland emission unknown aefiso(17) = 0. ! mixed forest assumed aefiso(18) = 5775. ! barren aefiso(19) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefiso(20) = 70. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefiso(21) = 70. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefiso(22) = 70. ! barren tundra aefiso(23) = 0. ! ice aefiso(24) = 0. ! no data aefiso(25) = 0. END IF IF (mminlu=='SiB ') THEN ! deciduous (G94) aefiso(1) = 4400. ! deciduous (G94) aefiso(2) = 4400. ! deciduous (G94) aefiso(3) = 4400. ! coniferous (G94) aefiso(4) = 780. ! coniferous (G94) aefiso(5) = 780. ! grassland assumed aefiso(6) = 0. ! grassland assumed aefiso(7) = 0. ! grassland assumed aefiso(8) = 0. ! grassland assumed aefiso(9) = 0. ! grassland assumed aefiso(10) = 0. ! bare soil aefiso(11) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefiso(12) = 8. ! wetland, emission unknown aefiso(13) = 0. ! dry, coastal aefiso(14) = 0. ! water aefiso(15) = 0. ! ice aefiso(16) = 0. ! no data aefiso(17) = 0. END IF ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Emission Factors for Monoterpenes in ug C/(m*m*h) IF (mminlu=='OLD ') THEN ! urban aefmter(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefmter(2) = 20. ! grassland (S+R) aefmter(3) = 20. ! deciduous (G94) aefmter(4) = 385. ! coniferous (G94) aefmter(5) = 1380. ! mixed forest (G94) aefmter(6) = 1001. ! water aefmter(7) = 0. ! wetland, emission unknown aefmter(8) = 0. ! desert aefmter(9) = 0. ! tundra (K94) aefmter(10) = 0. ! ice aefmter(11) = 0. ! tropical forest (Z88) aefmter(12) = 270. ! savanna (Z88) aefmter(13) = 0 END IF IF (mminlu=='USGS') THEN ! urban aefmter(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefmter(2) = 20. ! agriculture (S+R) aefmter(3) = 20. ! agriculture (S+R) aefmter(4) = 20. ! half agriculture/grassland assumed aefmter(5) = 20. ! half agriculture/deciduous assumed aefmter(6) = 202.5 ! grassland (S+R) aefmter(7) = 20. ! grassland assumed aefmter(8) = 20. ! grassland assumed aefmter(9) = 20. ! savanna (Z88) aefmter(10) = 0 ! deciduous (G94) aefmter(11) = 385. ! coniferous (G94) aefmter(12) = 1380. ! deciduous (G94) aefmter(13) = 385. ! coniferous (G94) aefmter(14) = 1380. ! mixed forest (G94) aefmter(15) = 1001. ! water aefmter(16) = 0. ! wetland emission unknown aefmter(17) = 0. ! mixed forest assumed aefmter(18) = 1001. ! barren aefmter(19) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefmter(20) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefmter(21) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefmter(22) = 0. ! barren tundra aefmter(23) = 0. ! ice aefmter(24) = 0. ! no data aefmter(25) = 0. END IF IF (mminlu=='SiB ') THEN ! deciduous (G94) aefmter(1) = 385. ! deciduous (G94) aefmter(2) = 385. ! deciduous (G94) aefmter(3) = 385. ! coniferous (G94) aefmter(4) = 1380. ! coniferous (G94) aefmter(5) = 1380. ! grassland assumed aefmter(6) = 20. ! grassland assumed aefmter(7) = 20. ! grassland assumed aefmter(8) = 20. ! grassland assumed aefmter(9) = 20. ! grassland assumed aefmter(10) = 20. ! bare soil aefmter(11) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefmter(12) = 20. ! wetland, emission unknown aefmter(13) = 0. ! dry, coastal aefmter(14) = 0. ! water aefmter(15) = 0. ! ice aefmter(16) = 0. ! no data aefmter(17) = 0. END IF ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Emission Factors for Other VOCs in ug C/(m*m*h) IF (mminlu=='OLD ') THEN ! urban aefovoc(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefovoc(2) = 12. ! grassland (S+R) aefovoc(3) = 80. ! deciduous (G94) aefovoc(4) = 715. ! coniferous (G94) aefovoc(5) = 840. ! mixed forest (G94) aefovoc(6) = 924. ! water aefovoc(7) = 0. ! wetland, emission unknown aefovoc(8) = 0. ! desert aefovoc(9) = 0. ! tundra (K94) aefovoc(10) = 0. ! ice aefovoc(11) = 0. ! tropical forest (Z88) aefovoc(12) = 0. ! savanna (Z88) aefovoc(13) = 0 END IF IF (mminlu=='USGS') THEN ! urban aefovoc(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefovoc(2) = 12. ! agriculture (S+R) aefovoc(3) = 12. ! agriculture (S+R) aefovoc(4) = 12. ! half agriculture/grassland assumed aefovoc(5) = 46. ! half agriculture/deciduous assumed aefovoc(6) = 363.5 ! grassland (S+R) aefovoc(7) = 80. ! grassland assumed aefovoc(8) = 80. ! grassland assumed aefovoc(9) = 80. ! savanna (Z88) aefovoc(10) = 0 ! deciduous (G94) aefovoc(11) = 715. ! coniferous (G94) aefovoc(12) = 840. ! deciduous (G94) aefovoc(13) = 715. ! coniferous (G94) aefovoc(14) = 840. ! mixed forest (G94) aefovoc(15) = 924. ! water aefovoc(16) = 0. ! wetland emission unknown aefovoc(17) = 0. ! mixed forest assumed aefovoc(18) = 924. ! barren aefovoc(19) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefovoc(20) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefovoc(21) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aefovoc(22) = 0. ! barren tundra aefovoc(23) = 0. ! ice aefovoc(24) = 0. ! no data aefovoc(25) = 0. END IF IF (mminlu=='SiB ') THEN ! deciduous (G94) aefovoc(1) = 715. ! deciduous (G94) aefovoc(2) = 715. ! deciduous (G94) aefovoc(3) = 715. ! coniferous (G94) aefovoc(4) = 840. ! coniferous (G94) aefovoc(5) = 840. ! grassland assumed aefovoc(6) = 80. ! grassland assumed aefovoc(7) = 80. ! grassland assumed aefovoc(8) = 80. ! grassland assumed aefovoc(9) = 80. ! grassland assumed aefovoc(10) = 80. ! bare soil aefovoc(11) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aefovoc(12) = 12. ! wetland, emission unknown aefovoc(13) = 0. ! dry, coastal aefovoc(14) = 0. ! water aefovoc(15) = 0. ! ice aefovoc(16) = 0. ! no data aefovoc(17) = 0. END IF ! --------------------------------------------------------- ! Emission Factors for Nitrogen in ng N /(m*m*sec) IF (mminlu=='OLD ') THEN ! urban aef_n(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aef_n(2) = 9. ! grassland (S+R) aef_n(3) = 0.9 ! deciduous (G94) aef_n(4) = 0.07 ! coniferous (G94) aef_n(5) = 0.07 ! mixed forest (G94) aef_n(6) = 0.07 ! water aef_n(7) = 0. ! wetland, emission unknown aef_n(8) = 0. ! desert aef_n(9) = 0. ! tundra (K94) aef_n(10) = 0. ! ice aef_n(11) = 0. ! tropical forest (Z88) aef_n(12) = 1.78 ! savanna (Z88) aef_n(13) = 0 END IF IF (mminlu=='USGS') THEN ! urban aef_n(1) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aef_n(2) = 9. ! agriculture (S+R) aef_n(3) = 9. ! agriculture (S+R) aef_n(4) = 9. ! half agriculture/grassland assumed aef_n(5) = 4.95 ! half agriculture/deciduous assumed aef_n(6) = 4.535 ! grassland (S+R) aef_n(7) = 0.9 ! grassland assumed aef_n(8) = 0.07 ! grassland assumed aef_n(9) = 0.07 ! savanna (Z88) aef_n(10) = 0. ! deciduous (G94) aef_n(11) = 0.07 ! coniferous (G94) aef_n(12) = 0.07 ! deciduous (G94) aef_n(13) = 0.07 ! coniferous (G94) aef_n(14) = 0.07 ! mixed forest (G94) aef_n(15) = 0.07 ! water aef_n(16) = 0. ! wetland emission unknown aef_n(17) = 0. ! mixed forest assumed aef_n(18) = 0.07 ! barren aef_n(19) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aef_n(20) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aef_n(21) = 0. ! tundra (K94) assumed aef_n(22) = 0. ! barren tundra aef_n(23) = 0. ! ice aef_n(24) = 0. ! no data aef_n(25) = 0. END IF IF (mminlu=='SiB ') THEN ! deciduous (G94) aef_n(1) = 0.07 ! deciduous (G94) aef_n(2) = 0.07 ! deciduous (G94) aef_n(3) = 0.07 ! coniferous (G94) aef_n(4) = 0.07 ! coniferous (G94) aef_n(5) = 0.07 ! natural vegetation assumed aef_n(6) = 0.07 ! grassland assumed aef_n(7) = 0.9 ! natural vegetation assumed aef_n(8) = 0.07 ! natural vegetation assumed aef_n(9) = 0.07 ! natural vegetation assumed aef_n(10) = 0.07 ! bare soil aef_n(11) = 0. ! agriculture (S+R) aef_n(12) = 9. ! wetland, emission unknown aef_n(13) = 0. ! dry, coastal aef_n(14) = 0. ! water aef_n(15) = 0. ! ice aef_n(16) = 0. ! no data aef_n(17) = 0. END IF ! ********************************************************* ! Simplified landuse scheme for deposition and biogenic emission ! subroutines ! (ISWATER and ISICE are already defined elsewhere, ! therefore water and ice are not considered here) ! 1 urban or bare soil ! 2 agricultural ! 3 grassland ! 4 deciduous forest ! 5 coniferous and mixed forest ! 6 other natural landuse categories IF (mminlu=='OLD ') THEN ixxxlu(1) = 1 ixxxlu(2) = 2 ixxxlu(3) = 3 ixxxlu(4) = 4 ixxxlu(5) = 5 ixxxlu(6) = 5 ixxxlu(7) = 0 ixxxlu(8) = 6 ixxxlu(9) = 1 ixxxlu(10) = 6 ixxxlu(11) = 0 ixxxlu(12) = 4 ixxxlu(13) = 6 END IF IF (mminlu=='USGS') THEN ixxxlu(1) = 1 ixxxlu(2) = 2 ixxxlu(3) = 2 ixxxlu(4) = 2 ixxxlu(5) = 2 ixxxlu(6) = 4 ixxxlu(7) = 3 ixxxlu(8) = 6 ixxxlu(9) = 3 ixxxlu(10) = 6 ixxxlu(11) = 4 ixxxlu(12) = 5 ixxxlu(13) = 4 ixxxlu(14) = 5 ixxxlu(15) = 5 ixxxlu(16) = 0 ixxxlu(17) = 6 ixxxlu(18) = 4 ixxxlu(19) = 1 ixxxlu(20) = 6 ixxxlu(21) = 4 ixxxlu(22) = 6 ixxxlu(23) = 1 ixxxlu(24) = 0 ixxxlu(25) = 1 END IF IF (mminlu=='SiB ') THEN ixxxlu(1) = 4 ixxxlu(2) = 4 ixxxlu(3) = 4 ixxxlu(4) = 5 ixxxlu(5) = 5 ixxxlu(6) = 6 ixxxlu(7) = 3 ixxxlu(8) = 6 ixxxlu(9) = 6 ixxxlu(10) = 6 ixxxlu(11) = 1 ixxxlu(12) = 2 ixxxlu(13) = 6 ixxxlu(14) = 1 ixxxlu(15) = 0 ixxxlu(16) = 0 ixxxlu(17) = 1 END IF !********************************************************************** ! Calculation of seasonal dependence of emissions !********************************************************************** ! (if the season is variable during the model run, ! this section should be placed in the beginning of subroutine BIOGEN) !********************************************************************** IF (mminlu=='OLD ') THEN ! WINTER IF (isn==2) THEN ! agriculture aefiso(2) = 0. ! deciduous aefiso(4) = 0. ! mixed forest aefiso(6) = 5775./2. ! tundra aefiso(10) = 0. ! agriculture aefmter(2) = 0. ! deciduous aefmter(4) = 0. ! mixed forest aefmter(6) = 1001./2. ! agriculture aefovoc(2) = 0. ! deciduous aefovoc(4) = 0. ! mixed forest aefovoc(6) = 924./2. END IF END IF IF (mminlu=='USGS') THEN ! DOES VEGETATION FRACTION EXIST? sum = 0. ! DO J=1,jl-1 ! DO I=1,il-1 ! SUM=SUM+VEGFRC(I,J) ! END DO ! END DO IF (sum>1) THEN vegflag = .TRUE. ELSE vegflag = .FALSE. END IF ! VEGFLAG=.FALSE. IF (( .NOT. vegflag) .AND. (isn==2)) THEN ! IF ((.NOT.VEGFLAG)) THEN ! VEGETATION FRACTION DOES NOT EXIST, ! CORRECTION FOR WINTER SEASON ! agriculture aefiso(2) = 0. ! agriculture aefiso(3) = 0. ! agriculture aefiso(4) = 0. ! half agriculture/grassland assumed aefiso(5) = 0. ! half agriculture/deciduous assumed aefiso(6) = 0. ! deciduous broadleaf aefiso(11) = 0. ! deciduous needleleaf aefiso(12) = 0. ! mixed forest aefiso(15) = 5775./2. ! mixed forest assumed aefiso(18) = 5775./2. ! tundra aefiso(20) = 0. ! tundra aefiso(21) = 0. ! tundra aefiso(22) = 0. ! agriculture aefmter(2) = 0. ! agriculture aefmter(3) = 0. ! agriculture aefmter(4) = 0. ! half agriculture/grassland assumed aefmter(5) = 10. ! half agriculture/deciduous assumed aefmter(6) = 0. ! deciduous broadleaf aefmter(11) = 0. ! deciduous needleleaf aefmter(12) = 0. ! mixed forest aefmter(15) = 1001./2. ! mixed forest assumed aefmter(18) = 1001./2. ! agriculture aefovoc(2) = 0. ! agriculture aefovoc(3) = 0. ! agriculture aefovoc(4) = 0. ! half agriculture/grassland assumed aefovoc(5) = 40. ! half agriculture/deciduous assumed aefovoc(6) = 0. ! deciduous broadleaf aefovoc(11) = 0. ! deciduous needleleaf aefovoc(12) = 0. ! mixed forest aefovoc(15) = 924./2. ! mixed forest assumed aefovoc(18) = 924./2. END IF END IF IF (mminlu=='SiB ') THEN ! WINTER IF (isn==2) THEN ! deciduous aefiso(1) = 0. ! deciduous aefiso(2) = 0. ! deciduous aefiso(3) = 0. ! agriculture aefiso(12) = 0. ! deciduous aefmter(1) = 0. ! deciduous aefmter(2) = 0. ! deciduous aefmter(3) = 0. ! agriculture aefmter(12) = 0. ! deciduous aefovoc(1) = 0. ! deciduous aefovoc(2) = 0. ! deciduous aefovoc(3) = 0. ! agriculture aefovoc(12) = 0. END IF END IF END SUBROUTINE bioemiin ! ********************************************************************** ! *********************** SUBROUTINE BIOGEN ************************** ! ********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE biogen(iland,ta,rad,eiso,emter,eovoc,e_n,vocsc,eisoc,emterc, & eovocc,e_nn,pa,mminlu,isn,vegflag) ! THIS PROGRAMM COMPUTES THE ACTUAL BIOGENIC EMISSION RATE FOR ! ISOPRENE, MONTERPENES, OTHER ORGANIC COMPOUNDS, AND NITROGEN FOR ! EACH GRID CELL DEPENDING ON TEMPERATURE AND GLOBAL RADIATION !*********************************************************************** ! PROGRAM DEVELOPED BY:- THOMAS SCHOENEMEYER (5 JANUARY 1995) ! MODIFIED BY: - THOMAS SCHOENEMEYER (21 AUGUST 1996) ! UND KLAUS RICHTER ! NACH SIMPSON ET AL. ! - WINFRIED SEIDL (JUNE 1997) ! ADAPTATION FOR USE IN MM5 ! - WINFRIED SEIDL (MARCH 2000) ! MODIFICATION FOR MM5 VERSION 3 ! - Georg Grell (March 2002) for f90 and WRF !*********************************************************************** !...PROGRAM VARIABLES... ! ILAND - Land use category ! TA - Air temperature in K ! RAD - Solare global radiation in W/m2 ! EISO - Emission von Isopren in ppm*m/min ! EMTER - Emission von Monoterpenen in ppm*m/min ! EOVOC - Emission sonstiger fluechtiger Kohlenwasserstoffe ! in ppm*m/min ! E_N - Emission von Stickstoff in ppm*m/min ! AEFISO(NLU) - Emissionsfaktor fuer Isopren fuer die Land- ! nutzungsart K, standardisiert auf 303 K und ! voller Sonneneinstrahlung in ug C /(m*m*h) ! AEFOVOC(NLU)- Emissionsfaktor fuer sonstige fluechtige ! Kohlenwasserstoffe in ug C /(m*m*h) ! AEFMTER(NLU)- Emissionsfaktor fuer MONOTERPENE ! in ug C /(m*m*h) ! AEF_N(NLU) - Emissionsfaktor fuer Stickstoff ! in ng N /(m*m*sec) ! ECF_ISO - dimensionsloser Korrekturfaktor fuer Isopren, ! abhaengig von Temperatur und Strahlung ! ECF_OVOC dimensionsloser Korrekturfaktor fuer die ! sonstigen fluechtigen Kohlenwasserstoffe ! ECF_MTER dimensionsloser Korrekturfaktor fuer die ! MONOTERPENE ! ECF_N - dimensionsloser Korrekturfaktor fuer ! Stickstoff ! .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL :: eiso, eisoc, emter, emterc, eovoc, eovocc, e_n, e_nn, pa, rad, & ta, vocsc INTEGER :: iland, isn LOGICAL :: vegflag CHARACTER (4) :: mminlu ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. ! REAL :: aefiso(nlu), aefmter(nlu), aefovoc(nlu), aef_n(nlu) ! INTEGER :: ixxxlu(nlu) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. REAL :: alpha, beta, cl, cl1, coniso, conn, conovoc, conter, ct, ct1, & ct2, ecf_iso, ecf_mter, ecf_n, ecf_ovoc, par, r, rat, tm, ts, tsoil ! .. ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC exp, sqrt ! .. ! empirischer Koeffizient alpha = 0.0027 ! empirischer Koeffizient cl1 = 1.066 ! Gaskonstante in J/(K*mol) r = 8.314 ! empirischer Koeffizient in J/mol ct1 = 95000 ! empirischer Koeffizient in J/mol ct2 = 230000 ! empirischer Koeffizient in K tm = 314. ! faktoren bestimmt werden ts = 303. ! Standardtemperatur bei der Emissions- beta = 0.09 !********************************************************************** !********************************************************************** ! Temperature and Radiation Dependent Correction Factors ! for Emissions !********************************************************************** !********************************************************************** ! ***************************************************************** ! Forest land use categories ! empirischer TemperaturKoeffizient IF ((ixxxlu(iland)==4) .OR. (ixxxlu(iland)==5)) THEN ! ! = photosynthetisch aktive Strahlung; par = 2.0*rad ! ! Umrechnungsfaktor: 2.0 uE/J (beruecksich ! auch, dass PAR ein kleinerer Wellenlaeng ! bereich ist als die Globalstrahlung. ! Langholz und Haeckl, 1985, Met. Rundscha ! PAR flux in Mikromol je m**2 und s cl = alpha*cl1*par/sqrt(1+alpha*alpha*par*par) ct = exp(ct1*(ta-ts)/(r*ts*ta))/(1+exp(ct2*(ta-tm)/(r*ts*ta))) ecf_iso = cl*ct ! Korrekturfaktor fuer Isopr ecf_mter = exp(beta*(ta-ts)) ! Korrekturfaktor fuer MTER ecf_ovoc = ecf_mter ! Korrekturfaktor fuer OVOC tsoil = 0.84*(ta-273.15) + 3.6 ecf_n = exp(0.071*tsoil) ! Korrekturfaktor fuer N END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Agricultural land use category IF (ixxxlu(iland)==2) THEN ecf_iso = exp(0.1*(ta-30.-273.15)) ! vgl. Hahn et al. ecf_mter = ecf_iso ecf_ovoc = ecf_iso tsoil = 0.72*(ta-273.15) + 5.8 ecf_n = exp(0.071*tsoil) END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Grassland and natural nonforested land use categories IF ((ixxxlu(iland)==3) .OR. (ixxxlu(iland)==6)) THEN ecf_iso = exp(0.1*(ta-30.-273.15)) ! vgl. Hahn et al. ecf_mter = ecf_iso ecf_ovoc = ecf_iso tsoil = 0.66*(ta-273.15) + 8.8 ecf_n = exp(0.071*tsoil) END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Non-emitting land use categories IF ((ixxxlu(iland)==1) .OR. (iland==iswater_temp) .OR. (iland==isice_temp)) THEN ecf_iso = 0. ecf_mter = 0. ecf_ovoc = 0. ecf_n = 0. END IF !********************************************************************** !********************************************************************** ! Calculation of Emissions !********************************************************************** !********************************************************************** ! CONVERSION FROM MICROGRAM C/M2/H TO PPM*M/MIN ! CORRECTION TERM FOR TEMP(K) AND PRESSURE ! K = (T/P) *R)/(MW*60) ! R = 8.3143E-2 m3 mbar/(K mole) rat = ta/pa ! ***************************************************************** ! Isopren: coniso = rat*2.3095E-5 eisoc = aefiso(iland)*ecf_iso eiso = coniso*eisoc ! ***************************************************************** ! Monoterpenes: conter = rat*1.1548E-5 emterc = aefmter(iland)*ecf_mter emter = conter*emterc ! ***************************************************************** ! Other VOCs: ! as 3-hexenyl-acetate (C=96g/mole) conovoc = rat*1.4435E-5 eovocc = aefovoc(iland)*ecf_ovoc eovoc = conovoc*eovocc ! ***************************************************************** ! SUM OF ALL VOCS vocsc = eisoc + emterc + eovocc ! ***************************************************************** ! Nitrogen: ! CONVERSION FROM NANOGRAM N/M2/SEC TO PPM*M/MIN ! CORRECTION TERM FOR TEMP(K) AND PRESSURE ! INVENTORY AS N ! INPUT TO THE MODEL ASSUMED AS NO ! K = (T/P) *R*60)/(MW*1000) ! R = 8.3143E-2 m3 mbar/(K mole) conn = rat*3.5633E-4 e_nn = aef_n(iland)*ecf_n e_n = conn*e_nn END SUBROUTINE biogen ! ********************************************************************** ! *********************** SUBROUTINE BIOSPLIT ************************* ! ********************************************************************** SUBROUTINE biosplit(iland,eiso,emter,eovoc,e_n,emiss_bio,ne_area, & vegfrc, & config_flags, mminlu,vegflag) ! THIS PROGRAMM SPLITS THE BIOGENIC EMISSION RATES FOR ! MONOTERPENES AND OTHER ORGANIC COMPOUNDS INTO THE ! COMPOUND CLASSES OF THE CHEMISTRY MODEL ! --- VERSION FOR RADM2 AND RACM CHEMISTRY --- !*********************************************************************** ! PROGRAM DEVELOPED BY:- WINFRIED SEIDL (JULY 1997) ! MODIFIED BY: - WINFRIED SEIDL (JULY 1998) ! FOR RACM-CHEMISTRY ! - WINFRIED SEIDL (MARCH 2000) ! FOR MM5 VERSION 3 !*********************************************************************** !...PROGRAM VARIABLES... ! ILAND - Land use category ! EISO - Emission von Isopren in ppm*m/min ! EMTER - Emission von Monoterpenen in ppm*m/min ! EOVOC - Emission sonstiger fluechtiger Kohlenwasserstoffe ! in ppm*m/min ! E_N - Emission von Stickstoff in ppm*m/min !*********************************************************************** !...Comments... ! The split of the monoterpenes and the other VOCs into RADM clas ! is mostly rather uncertain. Every plant species emitts a differ ! mix of chemical substances. So e.g. different types of deciduou ! trees show totally different emissions. By taking the MM5 ! land use categories, the kind of biogenic emissions can be ! estimated only roughly. Especially for the other VOCs little ! is known, so the splits presented here have to be regarded as ! a preliminary assumption. ! Some literature on this field: ! Arey et al., J. Geophys. Res. 96D (1991), 9329-9336 ! Arey et al., Atmospheric Environment 25A (1991), 1063-1075 ! Koenig et al., Atmospheric Environment 29 (1995), 861-874 ! Isidorov et al., Atmospheric Environment 19 (1985), 1-8 ! Martin et al., Abstract Air & Waste Management Association''s ! 90th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Toronto 1997, Paper 97-RP139. ! Winer et al., Final Report 1983, California Air Resources Bord, ! Contract No. AO-056-32 ! For the RADM 2 chemistry, most of the monoterpenes are grouped ! into the OLI class ! (Middleton et al., Atmospheric Environment 24A (1990), 1107-113 ! with a few exceptions: ! ISO -- myrcene, ocimene ! XYL -- p-cymene ! For the RACM chemistry, the monoterpenes are split ! between the API, LIM, ISO and XYL classes: ! API -- a-pinene, b-pinene, D3-carene, sabinene, camphene, ! 1,8-cineole, a-terpineole, thujene ! LIM -- limonene, terpinene, phellandrene, terpinolene ! ISO -- myrcene, ocimene ! XYL -- p-cymene ! The other VOCs are grouped according to Middleton et al. (1990) !*********************************************************************** USE module_configure USE module_state_description TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags ! .. Scalar Arguments .. REAL :: eiso, emter, eovoc, e_n, vegfrc INTEGER :: iland, ne_area ! INTEGER :: lald, lhc3, lhc5, lhc8, lhcho, liso, lket, lno, & ! loli, lolt, lora1, lora2, lxyl ! .. ! .. Array Arguments .. REAL :: emiss_bio(ne_area) ! INTEGER :: ixxxlu(nlu) ! .. ! .. Local Scalars .. LOGICAL :: vegflag CHARACTER (4) :: mminlu ! .. ! ***************************************************************** ! Correction for vegetation fraction IF ((mminlu=='USGS') .AND. (vegflag)) THEN eiso = eiso*vegfrc/100. emter = emter*vegfrc/100. eovoc = eovoc*vegfrc/100. END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Isoprene and NO emiss_bio(liso) = eiso emiss_bio(lno) = emiss_bio(lno) + e_n if (config_flags%chem_opt == CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP .OR. & config_flags%chem_opt == CB05_SORG_VBS_AQ_KPP ) then emiss_bio(ltpan) = emter ! Use tpan to represent terpene ! ***************************************************************** ! Agricultural land IF (ixxxlu(iland)==2) THEN emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.16*eovoc emiss_bio(lhc8) = emiss_bio(lhc8) + 0.27*eovoc emiss_bio(lolt) = emiss_bio(lolt) + 0.05*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.37*eovoc emiss_bio(lket) = emiss_bio(lket) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.12*eovoc END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Grassland IF (ixxxlu(iland)==3) THEN emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.09*eovoc emiss_bio(lolt) = emiss_bio(lolt) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.51*eovoc emiss_bio(lket) = emiss_bio(lket) + 0.15*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.18*eovoc END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Deciduous forest IF (ixxxlu(iland)==4) THEN emiss_bio(lhcho) = emiss_bio(lhcho) + 0.19*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.13*eovoc emiss_bio(lxyl) = emiss_bio(lxyl) + 0.04*emter emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(lora1) = emiss_bio(lora1) + 0.23*eovoc emiss_bio(lora2) = emiss_bio(lora2) + 0.35*eovoc END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Coniferous forest and mixed forest IF (ixxxlu(iland)==5) THEN emiss_bio(lhcho) = emiss_bio(lhcho) + 0.04*eovoc emiss_bio(lhcho) = emiss_bio(lhcho) + 0.04*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.14*eovoc emiss_bio(lhc3) = emiss_bio(lhc3) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(lolt) = emiss_bio(lolt) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.50*eovoc emiss_bio(lket) = emiss_bio(lket) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(lora1) = emiss_bio(lora1) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(lora2) = emiss_bio(lora2) + 0.05*eovoc END IF else ! ***************************************************************** ! Agricultural land IF (ixxxlu(iland)==2) THEN emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.80*emter emiss_bio(liso) = emiss_bio(liso) + 0.20*emter emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.16*eovoc emiss_bio(lhc8) = emiss_bio(lhc8) + 0.27*eovoc emiss_bio(lolt) = emiss_bio(lolt) + 0.05*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.37*eovoc emiss_bio(lket) = emiss_bio(lket) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.12*eovoc END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Grassland IF (ixxxlu(iland)==3) THEN emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.98*emter emiss_bio(liso) = emiss_bio(liso) + 0.02*emter emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.09*eovoc emiss_bio(lolt) = emiss_bio(lolt) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.51*eovoc emiss_bio(lket) = emiss_bio(lket) + 0.15*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.18*eovoc END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Deciduous forest IF (ixxxlu(iland)==4) THEN emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.94*emter emiss_bio(liso) = emiss_bio(liso) + 0.02*emter emiss_bio(lhcho) = emiss_bio(lhcho) + 0.19*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.13*eovoc emiss_bio(lxyl) = emiss_bio(lxyl) + 0.04*emter emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(lora1) = emiss_bio(lora1) + 0.23*eovoc emiss_bio(lora2) = emiss_bio(lora2) + 0.35*eovoc END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Coniferous forest and mixed forest IF (ixxxlu(iland)==5) THEN emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.85*emter emiss_bio(liso) = emiss_bio(liso) + 0.15*emter emiss_bio(lhcho) = emiss_bio(lhcho) + 0.04*eovoc emiss_bio(lald) = emiss_bio(lald) + 0.14*eovoc emiss_bio(lhc3) = emiss_bio(lhc3) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(lhc5) = emiss_bio(lhc5) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(lolt) = emiss_bio(lolt) + 0.07*eovoc emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + 0.50*eovoc emiss_bio(lket) = emiss_bio(lket) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(lora1) = emiss_bio(lora1) + 0.03*eovoc emiss_bio(lora2) = emiss_bio(lora2) + 0.05*eovoc END IF ! ***************************************************************** ! Tropical forest (not available in SiB and USGS) IF ((mminlu=='OLD ') .AND. (iland==12)) THEN emiss_bio(loli) = emiss_bio(loli) + emter END IF end if END SUBROUTINE biosplit END MODULE module_bioemi_simple