MODULE module_bioemi_megan2 ! MEGAN v2.04 Emissions Module for WRF-Chem ! ! Reference: ! ! Estimates of global terrestial isoprene emissions using MEGAN ! (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature ) ! A. Guenther, T. Karl, P. Harley, C. Wiedinmyer, P.I. Palmer, and C. Geron ! Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 3181-3210, 2006. ! ! MEGAN v2.0 Documentation ! ! ! August 2007 ! ! Serena H. Chung Washington State University ! Tan Sakulyanontvittaya University of Colorado ! Christine Wiedinmyer National Center for Atmospheric Research ! ! ! 11/08/2007 SHC Took out some "if (ktau ==1) then ... end if " statements ! CONTAINS SUBROUTINE bio_emissions_megan2(id,config_flags,ktau,dtstep, & curr_secs,julday,gmt,xlat,xlong,p_phy,rho_phy,dz8w, & chem, ne_area, & current_month, & T2,swdown, & nmegan, EFmegan, msebio_isop, & mlai, & pftp_bt, pftp_nt, pftp_sb, pftp_hb, & mtsa, & mswdown, & mebio_isop, mebio_apin, mebio_bpin, mebio_bcar, & mebio_acet, mebio_mbo, mebio_no, & ebio_iso,ebio_oli,ebio_api,ebio_lim, & ebio_hc3,ebio_ete,ebio_olt,ebio_ket,ebio_ald, & ebio_hcho,ebio_eth,ebio_ora2,ebio_co,ebio_no, & ebio_c10h16,ebio_tol,ebio_bigalk, ebio_ch3oh,ebio_acet, & ebio_nh3,ebio_no2,ebio_c2h5oh,ebio_ch3cooh,ebio_mek, & ebio_bigene,ebio_c2h6,ebio_c2h4,ebio_c3h6,ebio_c3h8,ebio_so2, & ebio_dms,ebio_hcn, & ebio_c5h8,ebio_apinene,ebio_bpinene,ebio_toluene, & ebio_ch3cho,ebio_ch3co2h,ebio_tbut2ene,ebio_c2h5cho, & ebio_nc4h10, & ebio_sesq, ebio_mbo, ebio_bpi, ebio_myrc, & ebio_alk3, ebio_alk4, ebio_alk5, ebio_ole1, ebio_ole2, & ebio_aro1, ebio_aro2, ebio_ccho, ebio_meoh, & ebio_ethene, ebio_hcooh, ebio_terp, ebio_bald, & ebio_cco_oh, ebio_rco_oh, & e_bio, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) USE module_configure USE module_state_description USE module_data_megan2 USE module_data_mgn2mech ! USE module_bioemi_beis313, ONLY : getpar, calc_zenithb IMPLICIT NONE ! Subroutine arguments ! ...simulation parameters TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN) :: config_flags ! ...domain id, current time step counter, xyz indices .. INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: id,ktau, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ! ...current julian day INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: julday !...GTM hour of start of simulation, time step in seconds REAL, INTENT(IN) :: gmt,dtstep ! ...number of seconds into the simulation REAL(KIND=8), INTENT(IN) :: curr_secs ! ...3rd dimension size of array e_bio INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: ne_area !...pressure (Pa) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: p_phy !...latitude and longitude (degrees) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: xlat, xlong !... air density (kg air/m3) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: rho_phy !...full layer height (m) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN) :: dz8w !...2-meter temperature (K) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: T2 !...downward shortwave surface flux (W/m2) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: swdown !...Number of MEGAN v2.04 species as specified by the namelist !...variable nmegan; nmegan should equal n_spca_spc (this will ! checked later.) Currently nmegan=n_spca_spc=138. INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmegan !...Emissions factors for nmegan=n_spca_spc=138 MEGAN v2.04 species REAL, DIMENSION (ims:ime, jms:jme , nmegan) , & INTENT(INOUT) :: EFmegan !...Emission factor for isoprene (read in from file !...(wrfbiochemi_d) !...(moles compound/km^2/hr) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: msebio_isop !...Plant functional group percentage (read in from file !...(wrfbiochemi_d) REAL, DIMENSION ( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN) :: & pftp_bt, pftp_nt, pftp_sb, pftp_hb !..."Climatological" Leaf area index (read in from file !...(wrfbiochemi_d) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme , 12 ), & INTENT(IN) :: mlai !..."Climatological" surface air temperature (K) (read in from file !...(wrfbiochemi_d) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme , 12 ), & INTENT(IN) :: mtsa !..."Climatological" downward radiation (W/m2) (read in from file !...(wrfbiochemi_d) REAL, DIMENSION ( ims:ime , jms:jme , 12 ), & INTENT(IN) :: mswdown !...Actual emissions for a few selected species as diagnostics, using !...MEGAN v2.0 classes of species classification !...(mol km-2 hr-1) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: & mebio_isop, mebio_apin, mebio_bpin, mebio_bcar, & mebio_acet, mebio_mbo, mebio_no !...Actual biogenic emissions, converted to mechanisms species. !...(ppm m/min) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme, ne_area ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: e_bio !...Actual biogenic emissions, converted to mechanisms species. !...These variables were originally for BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions !...modules. !...(moles compound/km^2/hr) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & ebio_iso,ebio_oli,ebio_api,ebio_lim, & ebio_hc3,ebio_ete,ebio_olt,ebio_ket,ebio_ald, & ebio_hcho,ebio_eth,ebio_ora2,ebio_co,ebio_no, & ebio_c10h16,ebio_tol,ebio_bigalk, ebio_ch3oh,ebio_acet, & ebio_nh3,ebio_no2,ebio_c2h5oh,ebio_ch3cooh,ebio_mek, & ebio_bigene,ebio_c2h6,ebio_c2h4,ebio_c3h6,ebio_c3h8,ebio_so2, & ebio_dms,ebio_hcn, & ebio_c5h8,ebio_apinene,ebio_bpinene,ebio_toluene, & ebio_ch3cho,ebio_ch3co2h,ebio_tbut2ene,ebio_c2h5cho, & ebio_nc4h10, & ebio_sesq,ebio_mbo,ebio_bpi,ebio_myrc, & ebio_alk3, ebio_alk4, ebio_alk5, ebio_ole1, ebio_ole2, & ebio_aro1, ebio_aro2, ebio_ccho, ebio_meoh, & ebio_ethene, ebio_hcooh, ebio_terp, ebio_bald, & ebio_cco_oh, ebio_rco_oh !...Array of chemical concentrations !... in - concentrations before biogenic emissions !... out - concentrations after biogeniec emissions !... gas-phace concentrations are in ppm REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: chem !...Current month INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: current_month ! Local parameters !...Below which set emissions rate to zero (mol km-2 hr-1) REAL, PARAMETER :: min_emis = 0.001 !...number of days in each month INTEGER, PARAMETER :: DaysInMonth(12) = (/ & 31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31 /) !...conversion between radians and degrees REAL, PARAMETER :: PI = 3.14159 REAL, PARAMETER :: D2RAD = PI/180.0 ! Local Scalars CHARACTER(len=256) :: mesg INTEGER :: i,j,k,i_class, i_spc, icount, p_in_chem INTEGER :: previous_month !...minutes since start of run to the middle of the !...current times step (seconds included as decimals) REAL(KIND=8) :: xtime !...the GMT hour of the middle of the current time step !...(can be greater than 24) INTEGER :: ixhour REAL(KIND=8) :: xhour !...minutes past the previous hour mark, at the !...middle of the current time step REAL :: xmin !...the GMT hour of the middle of the current time step !...(between 0 and 24) REAL :: gmtp !...GMT hour plus minutes (in fractaionl hour) of the middle !...of the current time step REAL :: tmidh !...Current and previous month leaf area index REAL :: LAIc, LAIp !...temperature((K) and pressure (mb) REAL :: tsa, tsa24, pres !...latitude and longitude (degrees) REAL :: lat, lon !...downward solar radiation, current and some 24-hour mean (W/m2) REAL :: swd, swd24 !...photosynthetic photon flux density (i.e. PPDF or PAR) !...(micromole m-2 s-1) REAL :: par, par24, pardb, pardif ! zenith angle (radians), cosine of zenith angle REAL :: zen , coszen !...days in the previous month REAL :: tstlen !...emissions factor (microgram m-2 hr-1) REAL :: epsilon !...MEGAN v2.04 emissions adjustment factors for leaf area, temperature, !...light, leaf age, and soil moisture !...(dimensionless) REAL :: gam_LHT, gam_TMP, gam_PHO,gam_AGE, gam_SMT !...normalized ratio accounting for production and loss within !...plant canopies (dimensionless) REAL :: rho !...Some light-dependent factor (dimensionless) REAL :: ldf !...conversion factor from mol km-2 hr-1 to ppm m min-1 REAL :: convert2 !...emission rate converted to mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 REAL :: gas_emis ! Local Arrays !...emissions adjustment factors for n_mgn_spc=20 classes of !...MEGAN v2.04 specie. !...adjust_factor = [GAMMA]*[rho] (see comments later) !...(dimensionless) REAL, DIMENSION(n_mgn_spc) :: adjust_factor !...plant functional type fractions REAL :: pft_frac(n_pft) !...actually emissions rates of n_spca_spc=138 MEGAN v2.04 species !...(mol km-2 hr-2) REAL, DIMENSION ( n_spca_spc ) :: E_megan2 ! End header ------------------------------------------------------ ! MEGAN v2.04 has nmegan=n_spca_spc=138 species, which are lumped ! into n_mgn_spc=20 classes. The number, names and indices of ! these classes and species are defined in module_data_megan2.F. ! They need to follow a few rules IF ( ktau .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! The size of variable EFmegan(:,:,nmegan) is allocated based on ! the value of namelist variable nmegan. nmegan should be equal ! to n_spca_spc (though can be greater than to n_spca_spc). IF ( nmegan .NE. n_spca_spc ) THEN WRITE(mesg,*)'namelist variable nmegan does not match n_spca_spc' CALL wrf_error_fatal(mesg) END IF ! For programming, the ordering of the species or classes of ! species should not matter, except that isoprene should always ! be first; therefore, imgn_isop=1 and is_isoprene=1 always. IF ( (imgn_isop .NE. 1) .OR. (is_isoprene .NE. 1) ) THEN WRITE(mesg,*)'imgn_isop and is_isoprene in bio_emissions_megan should be 1' CALL wrf_error_fatal(mesg) END IF END IF ! Initialize diagnostic output ebio_iso ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_oli ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_api ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_lim ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_hc3 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ete ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_olt ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ket ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ald ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_hcho ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_eth ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ora2 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_co ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_no ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c10h16( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_tol ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_bigalk( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ch3oh ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_acet ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_nh3 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_no2 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c2h5oh( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ch3cooh( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_mek ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_bigene( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c2h4 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c2h6 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c3h6 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c3h8 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_so2 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_dms ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_terp ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c5h8 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_apinene ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_bpinene ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_toluene ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_hcooh ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ch3cho ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c2h5oh ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_ch3co2h ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_tbut2ene ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_c2h5cho ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_nc4h10 ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_sesq ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_mbo ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_bpi ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ebio_myrc ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 e_bio ( its:ite , jts:jte , 1:ne_area) = 0.0 !...the following is redundant if there is no !...bug in the subroutine mebio_isop ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 mebio_apin ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 mebio_bpin ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 mebio_bcar ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 mebio_acet ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 mebio_mbo ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 mebio_no ( its:ite , jts:jte ) = 0.0 ! Extract climatological values for relevant months. ! ! In MEGAN v2.04, emissions rates dependent on ambient conditions ! of the past 24 hours to the past month or so. The implementation ! of MEGAN v2.04 here uses monthly-mean values of the previous ! month for any past history required by the model. The monthly- ! -mean values should be provided as input in the ! wrfbiochemi_d file. Fully implementation (not done here) ! require online calculations of 24-hour and 240-hour mean of ! surface air temperature and downward PAR ! ! MEGAN v2.04 also requires time-dependent leaf area index to ! estimate leaf age. Here, leaf area indices of the current ! and the previous months are used. The data should be ! provided in wrfbiochemi_d file. IF (current_month > 1) THEN previous_month = current_month -1 ELSE previous_month = 12 END IF ! Following module_phot_fastj.F, determine current ! time of day in GMT at the middle of the current ! time step, tmidh. ! ktau - time step counter ! dstep - time step in seconds ! gmt - starting hour (in GMT) of the simulation !...minutes since start of run to the middle of the !...current times step (seconds included as decimals) !(old way in r4 this will fail in about 2 yrs)... ! xtime=(ktau-1)*dtstep/60. + dtstep/120. xtime = curr_secs/60._8 + real(dtstep/120.,8) !...the GMT hour of the middle of the current time step !...(can be greater than 24) ixhour = int(gmt + 0.01) + int(xtime/60._8) xhour=real(ixhour,8) !...minutes past the previous hour mark, at the !...middle of the current time step xmin = 60.*gmt + real(xtime-xhour*60._8,8) !...the GMT hour of the middle of the current time step !...(between 0 and 24) gmtp=MOD(xhour,24._8) !...GMT hour plus minutes (in fractaionl hour) of the middle !...of the current time step tmidh= gmtp + xmin/60. WRITE(mesg,*) 'calculate MEGAN emissions at ktau, gmtp, tmidh = ',ktau, gmtp, tmidh CALL wrf_message(mesg) ! Get the mechanism converstion table ! ( Even though the mechanism converstion table is time-independent, ! do this for all time steps to be sure there will be no issue with ! restart runs. This should be edited eventually to reduce ! redundant calculations.) ! SHC (11/08/2007) GAS_MECH_SELECT1: SELECT CASE (config_flags%chem_opt) CASE (RADM2, RADM2_KPP, RADM2SORG, RADM2SORG_AQ, RADM2SORG_AQCHEM, RADM2SORG_KPP,GOCARTRADM2) ! get p_of_radm2cbmz(:), p_of_radm2(:), and radm2_per_megan(:) CALL get_megan2radm2_table CASE (RACMSORG_AQ, RACMSORG_AQCHEM_KPP, RACM_ESRLSORG_AQCHEM_KPP, RACM_ESRLSORG_KPP, RACM_KPP, GOCARTRACM_KPP, RACMSORG_KPP, & RACM_MIM_KPP, RACMPM_KPP) ! get p_of_megan2racm(:), p_of_racm(:), and racm_per_megan(:) CALL get_megan2racm_table CASE (RACM_SOA_VBS_KPP,RACM_SOA_VBS_AQCHEM_KPP,RACM_SOA_VBS_HET_KPP) !get p_of_megan2racm(:), p_of_racm(:), and racm_per_megan(:) CALL get_megan2racmSOA_table CASE (CBMZ, CBMZ_BB, CBMZ_BB_KPP, CBMZ_MOSAIC_KPP, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_4BIN, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_8BIN, CBMZ_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ, CBMZ_MOSAIC_8BIN_AQ, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_4BIN, CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_8BIN, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_4BIN_AQ, CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_8BIN_AQ, CBMZSORG, CBMZSORG_AQ, & CBMZ_CAM_MAM3_NOAQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM3_AQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM7_NOAQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM7_AQ) ! get p_of_megan2cbmz(:), p_of_cbmz(:), and cbmz_per_megan(:) CALL get_megan2cbmz_table CASE (CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP) CALL get_megan2cb05_table CASE ( CB05_SORG_VBS_AQ_KPP) CALL get_megan2cb05vbs_table CASE ( MOZART_KPP, MOZCART_KPP ) ! get p_of_megan2mozcart(:), p_of_mozcart(:), and mozcart_per_megan(:) CALL get_megan2mozcart_table CASE ( T1_MOZCART_KPP ) CALL get_megan2t1_mozc_table CASE ( MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP, MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP ) CALL get_megan2mozm_table CASE (SAPRC99_KPP,SAPRC99_MOSAIC_4BIN_VBS2_KPP, & SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_AQ_KPP,SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_KPP)!BSINGH(12/03/2013): Added SAPRC 8 bin and non-aq on (04/07/2014) ! FIX FOR SAPRC07A CALL get_megan2saprcnov_table CASE ( CRIMECH_KPP, CRI_MOSAIC_8BIN_AQ_KPP, CRI_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP ) ! get p_of_megan2crimech(:), p_of_crimech(:), and crimech_per_megan(:) CALL get_megan2crimech_table CASE DEFAULT CALL wrf_error_fatal('Species conversion table for MEGAN v2.04 not available. ') END SELECT GAS_MECH_SELECT1 ! Calcuate biogenic emissions grid by grid j_loop: DO j = jts, jte i_loop: DO i = its, ite ! Put variables of ambient conditions into scalar variables tsa = T2(i,j) ! air temperature at 2-meter (K) pres = 0.01*p_phy(i,kts,j) ! surface pressure (mb) lat = xlat(i,j) ! latitude (degree) lon = xlong(i,j) ! longitude (degress) swd = swdown(i,j) ! downward solar radiation (W/m2) LAIc = mlai(i,j,current_month) ! current month leaf area index LAIp = mlai(i,j,previous_month) ! previous month leaf area index !...Emissions are dependent on the ambient conditions in the last !...24 to 240 hours; here, use input data for monthly mean of the !...the previous month tsa24 = mtsa (i,j,previous_month) ! [=]K swd24 = mswdown (i,j,previous_month) ! [=] W/m2 !...Perform checks on max and min bounds for temperature IF (tsa .LT. 200.0) THEN WRITE (mesg,'("temperature too low at i=",i3," ,j=",i3 )')i,j CALL wrf_message(mesg) END IF IF (tsa .GT. 315.0 ) THEN WRITE (mesg,'("temperature too high at i=",i3," ,j=",i3," ;resetting to 315K" )')i,j CALL wrf_message(mesg) tsa = 315.0 END IF ! !...Calculate zenith angle (in radians) ! !...(NOTE: nonstandard longitude input here: >0 for W, <0 for E!!) ! !...(subroutine calc_zenithb is in module_bioemis_beis313.F) ! CALL calc_zenithb(lat,-lon,julday,tmidh,zen) ! coszen = COS(zen) !....Convert downward solar radiation to photosynthetically ! radiation ! !......(subroutine getpar is in module_bioemis_beis313.F) ! CALL getpar( swd, pres, zen, pardb, pardif ) ! par = pardb + pardif ! micro-mole/m2/s !......assume 4.766 (umol m-2 s-1) per (W m-2) !......assume 1/2 of swd is in 400-700 nm band par = 4.766 * 0.5 * swd !......Check max/min bounds of PAR IF ( par .LT. 0.00 .OR. par .GT. 2600.0 ) THEN WRITE (mesg,'("par out of range at i=",i3," ,j=",i3," par =",f8.3 )')i,j,par CALL wrf_message(mesg) END IF !......For the 24-avg PAR, !......assume 4.766 (umol m-2 s-1) per (W m-2) !......assume 1/2 of swd is in 400-700 band par24 = swd24 * 4.766 * 0.5 ! ------------------------------------------------------------ ! ! MEGAN v2.04 Box Model ! ! Reference: ! ! Estimates of global terrestial isoprene emissions using MEGAN ! (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature ) ! A. Guenther, T. Karl, P. Harley, C. Wiedinmyer, ! P.I. Palmer, and C. Geron ! Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 3181-3210, 2006 ! ! MEGAN v2.0 Documentation ! ! ! The following code is based on Tan's megan.F dated 11/21/2006 ! ! Scientific algorithm ! ! Emission = [epsilon][gamma][rho] ! ! where [epsilon] = emission factor (usually um m-2 hr or mole km-2 hr-1) ! [gamma] = emission activity factor (dimensionless) ! [rho] = production and loss within plant canopies ! (dimensionless) ! ! [gamma] = [gamma_CE][gamma_age][gamma_SM] ! ! where [gamma_CE] = canopy correction factor ! [gamma_age] = leaf age correction factor ! [gamma_SM] = soil moisture correction factor ! ! [gamma_CE] = [gamma_LAI][gamma_T]((1-LDF) + LDF*[gamma_P] ) ! ! where [gamma_LAI] = leaf area index factor ! [gamma_P] = PPFD emission activity factor ! [gamma_T] = temperature response factor ! LDF = ! ! Emission = [epsilon][gamma_LAI][gamma_T][gamma_age] ! x ((1-LDF) + LDF*[gamma_P] )[rho] ! ! or ! ! Emission = adjust_factor [epsilon] ! ! where ! ! adjust_fact = [gamma_LAI][gamma_T][gamma_age]((1-LDF) + LDF*[gamma_P] )[rho] ! ! Calculate the dimensionless emission adjustment factor. ! MEGAN v2.04 has n_spca_spc = 138 species. These species are ! lumped into n_mgn_spc=20 classes. The emission adjustment ! factors are different for the 20 classes of species. ! ! NOTE: This version of the code contains the corrected equation for ! gamma P (based on a revised version of equation 11b from Guenther et al., 2006) ! CW (08/16/2007) ! ! NOTE: This version of the code contains the updated emission factors (static) ! and beta values based on Alex's V2.1 notes sent out on August 13, 2007 ! CW (08/16/2007) ! ! NOTE: This version of the code applies the same gamma T equation to the ! emissions of all compounds other than isoprene. This occurs regardless ! of whether the emissions are light dependent or not. This is NOT the same ! as what Alex has in his code. In his code, the light-dependent emissions ! are also given the isoprene gamma T. Because all emissions (other than isoprene ! are assigned the same gamma T, this could lead to overestimates of emissions ! at high temperatures (>40C). Light-dependent emisisons (e.g., SQTs) should ! fall off at high temperatures. (CW, 08/16/2007) !...Calculate adjustment factor components that are species-independent !......Get the leaf area index factor gam_LHT CALL GAMMA_LAI( LAIc, gam_LHT) !......Get the light emission activity factor gam_PHO CALL GAMMA_P( julday, tmidh, lat, lon, par, par24, gam_PHO ) !......Get the soil moisture factor gam_SMT !......for now, set = 1.0 gam_SMT = 1.0 !...Calculate the overall emissions adjustment factors, for !...each of the n_mgn_spc=20 classes of compounds DO i_class = 1, n_mgn_spc ! Get the temperature response factor gam_TMP ! One algorithm for isoprene, and one for non-isoprene IF ( i_class == imgn_isop ) THEN CALL GAMMA_TISOP( tsa, tsa24, gam_TMP ) ELSE CALL GAMMA_TNISP( i_class , tsa, gam_TMP ) END IF ! Get the leaf age correction factor gam_AGE !...Time step (days) between LAIc and LAIp: !...Since monthly mean LAI is used, !...use # of days in the previous month tstlen = REAL(DaysInMonth(previous_month),KIND(1.0)) CALL GAMMA_A( i_class , LAIp, LAIc, TSTLEN, tsa24, gam_AGE ) ! rho - normalized ratio accounting for production and ! oss within plant canopies; rho_fct is defined in ! module_data_megan2.F; currently rho_fct = 1.0 for all ! species (dimensionless) rho = rho_fct(i_class) ! Fraction of emission to apply light-dependence factor ! ldf_fct is defined in module_data_megan2.F ! (dimensionless) ldf = ldf_fct(i_class) ! The overall emissions adjustment factor ! (dimensionless) adjust_factor(i_class) = gam_TMP * gam_AGE * gam_LHT * gam_SMT * rho * & ( (1.0-LDF) + gam_PHO*LDF ) END DO !i_class = 1, n_mgn_spc (loop over classes of MEGAN species ) ! For isoprene, the emission factor is already read in from ! wrfbiochemi_d file; therefore, actual emissions rate ! can be calculated here already. ! (mol km-2 hr-1) E_megan2(is_isoprene) = adjust_factor(imgn_isop)*msebio_isop(i,j) IF ( E_megan2(is_isoprene) .LT. min_emis ) E_megan2(is_isoprene)=0. ! Calculate emissions for all n_spca_spc=nmegan=138 MEGAN v2.04 ! species, except for isoprene. For non-isoprene emissions, ! the emission factor [epsilon] has to be calculated ! for the first time step. !...Loop over species, because emission factor [epsilon] is !...different for each species !...( i_spc = 1 is skipped in the do loop below to skip !...isoprene; this works because is_isoprene = 1 ) DO i_spc = 2, n_spca_spc ! The lumped class in which the current species is a member i_class = mg20_map (i_spc) ! Calculate emission factor (microgram m-2 hr-1) for ! species i_spc ! ( Even though EFmegan is time invariant, for now calculate ! EFmegan for every time step to be sure there will be ! no issue with restart runs. ! SHC (11/08/2007) ! IF ( ktau .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! Grab plant functional type fractions for current grid ! cell (pftp_* is the plant functional type % and was ! read in from wrfbiochemi_d file.) pft_frac(k_bt) = 0.01*pftp_bt(i,j) pft_frac(k_nt) = 0.01*pftp_nt(i,j) pft_frac(k_sb) = 0.01*pftp_sb(i,j) pft_frac(k_hb) = 0.01*pftp_hb(i,j) ! Sum up emissions factor over plant functional types epsilon = 0.0 DO k = 1, n_pft !loop over plant functional types epsilon = epsilon + & pft_frac(k)*EF(i_class,k)*EF_frac(i_spc,k) END DO ! Store emission factor to variable EFmegan (which is ! declared in Registry/registry.chem) ! (migrogram m-2 hr-1) EFmegan(i,j,i_spc) = epsilon ! END IF ! ( ktau .EQ. 1 ) ! Calculate actual emission rate for species i_spc; ! also, convert units from (microgram m-2 hr-1) to ! (mol km-2 hr-1) E_megan2(i_spc) = EFmegan(i,j,i_spc)* & adjust_factor(i_class)/spca_mwt(i_spc) IF ( E_megan2(i_spc) .LT. min_emis ) E_megan2(i_spc)=0. END DO !i_spc = 2, n_spca_spc, loop over all non-isoprene species ! Output emissions for some species as diagnostics ! (mol km-2 hr-1) ! print*,'is_isoprene',is_isoprene ! print*,'is_pinene_a',is_pinene_a ! print*,'is_pinene_b',is_pinene_b ! if (E_megan2 (is_isoprene).gt.0) print*,'E_megan2 (is_isoprene)',E_megan2 (is_isoprene) ! if (E_megan2 (is_pinene_a).gt.0) print*,'E_megan2 (is_pinene_a)',E_megan2 (is_pinene_a) mebio_isop (i,j) = E_megan2 ( is_isoprene ) mebio_apin (i,j) = E_megan2 ( is_pinene_a ) mebio_bpin (i,j) = E_megan2 ( is_pinene_b ) mebio_bcar (i,j) = E_megan2 ( is_caryophyllene_b ) mebio_acet (i,j) = E_megan2 ( is_acetone ) mebio_mbo (i,j) = E_megan2 ( is_MBO_2m3e2ol ) mebio_no (i,j) = E_megan2 ( is_nitric_OXD ) ! Speciate the n_spca_spc=nmegan=138 species into ! the gas-phase mechanism species !...conversion factor from mol km-2 hr-1 to ppm m min-1 !...(e_bio is in units of ppm m min-1) convert2 = 0.02897/(rho_phy(i,kts,j)*60.) !... GAS_MECH_SELECT: SELECT CASE (config_flags%chem_opt) CASE ( MOZART_KPP, MOZCART_KPP ) DO icount = 1, n_megan2mozcart !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding MOZCART species. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- p_in_chem = p_of_mozcart(icount) use_megan_emission : & IF ( p_in_chem /= non_react ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism !----------------------------------------------------------------------- is_mozcart_species : & IF ( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Emission rate for mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- gas_emis = mozcart_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2mozcart(icount)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( p_in_chem == p_isopr ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_isopr-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_isopr-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_no ) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_no2 ) THEN ebio_no2(i,j) = ebio_no2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_co ) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_hcho ) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ald ) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_acet ) THEN ebio_acet(i,j) = ebio_acet(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_acet-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_acet-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_tol ) THEN ebio_tol(i,j) = ebio_tol(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c10h16 ) THEN ebio_c10h16(i,j) = ebio_c10h16(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c10h16-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c10h16-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_so2 ) THEN ebio_so2(i,j) = ebio_so2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_so2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_so2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_dms ) THEN ebio_dms(i,j) = ebio_dms(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_dms-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_dms-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bigalk ) THEN ebio_bigalk(i,j) = ebio_bigalk(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bigalk-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bigalk-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bigene ) THEN ebio_bigene(i,j) = ebio_bigene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bigene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bigene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_nh3 ) THEN ebio_nh3(i,j) = ebio_nh3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3oh ) THEN ebio_ch3oh(i,j) = ebio_ch3oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h5oh ) THEN ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) = ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3cooh ) THEN ebio_ch3cooh(i,j) = ebio_ch3cooh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cooh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cooh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_mek ) THEN ebio_mek(i,j) = ebio_mek(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h4 ) THEN ebio_c2h4(i,j) = ebio_c2h4(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h6 ) THEN ebio_c2h6(i,j) = ebio_c2h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h6 ) THEN ebio_c3h6(i,j) = ebio_c3h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h8 ) THEN ebio_c3h8(i,j) = ebio_c3h8(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF is_mozcart_species END IF use_megan_emission END DO CASE ( T1_MOZCART_KPP ) DO icount = 1, n_megan2t1_mozc !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding T1_MOZCART species. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- p_in_chem = p_of_t1_mozc(icount) use_megan_emis_a : & IF ( p_in_chem /= non_react ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism !----------------------------------------------------------------------- is_t1_mozc_species : & IF ( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Emission rate for mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- gas_emis = t1_mozc_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2t1_mozc(icount)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( p_in_chem == p_isopr ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_isopr-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_isopr-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_apin ) THEN ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_apin-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_apin-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bpin ) THEN ebio_bpi(i,j) = ebio_bpi(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bpin-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bpin-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_limon ) THEN ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_limon-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_limon-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_myrc ) THEN ebio_myrc(i,j) = ebio_myrc(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_myrc-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_myrc-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bcary ) THEN ebio_sesq(i,j) = ebio_sesq(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bcary-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bcary-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_mbo ) THEN ebio_mbo(i,j) = ebio_mbo(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_mbo-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_mbo-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3oh ) THEN ebio_ch3oh(i,j) = ebio_ch3oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h5oh ) THEN ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) = ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_hcho ) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ald ) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3cooh ) THEN ebio_ch3cooh(i,j) = ebio_ch3cooh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cooh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cooh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_hcooh ) THEN ebio_hcooh(i,j) = ebio_hcooh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcooh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcooh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_hcn ) THEN ebio_hcn(i,j) = ebio_hcn(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcn-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcn-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_nh3 ) THEN ebio_nh3(i,j) = ebio_nh3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_co ) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h4 ) THEN ebio_c2h4(i,j) = ebio_c2h4(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h6 ) THEN ebio_c2h6(i,j) = ebio_c2h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h6 ) THEN ebio_c3h6(i,j) = ebio_c3h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h8 ) THEN ebio_c3h8(i,j) = ebio_c3h8(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bigalk ) THEN ebio_bigalk(i,j) = ebio_bigalk(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bigalk-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bigalk-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bigene ) THEN ebio_bigene(i,j) = ebio_bigene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bigene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bigene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_tol ) THEN ebio_tol(i,j) = ebio_tol(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF is_t1_mozc_species END IF use_megan_emis_a END DO CASE ( MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP, MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP ) DO icount = 1, n_megan2mozm !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding MOZCART species. !----------------------------------------------------------------------- p_in_chem = p_of_mozm(icount) use_megan_emis : & IF ( p_in_chem /= non_react ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism !----------------------------------------------------------------------- is_mozm_species : & IF ( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Emission rate for mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- gas_emis = mozm_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2mozm(icount)) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). !----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF ( p_in_chem == p_isopr ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_isopr-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_isopr-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_no ) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_no2 ) THEN ebio_no2(i,j) = ebio_no2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_co ) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_hcho ) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ald ) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_acet ) THEN ebio_acet(i,j) = ebio_acet(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_acet-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_acet-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_tol ) THEN ebio_tol(i,j) = ebio_tol(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_apin ) THEN ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_apin-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_apin-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bpin ) THEN ebio_bpi(i,j) = ebio_bpi(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bpin-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bpin-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_limon ) THEN ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_limon-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_limon-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_mbo ) THEN ebio_mbo(i,j) = ebio_mbo(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_mbo-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_mbo-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_myrc ) THEN ebio_myrc(i,j) = ebio_myrc(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_myrc-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_myrc-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bcary ) THEN ebio_sesq(i,j) = ebio_sesq(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bcary-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bcary-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_so2 ) THEN ebio_so2(i,j) = ebio_so2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_so2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_so2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_dms ) THEN ebio_dms(i,j) = ebio_dms(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_dms-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_dms-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bigalk ) THEN ebio_bigalk(i,j) = ebio_bigalk(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bigalk-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bigalk-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bigene ) THEN ebio_bigene(i,j) = ebio_bigene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bigene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bigene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_nh3 ) THEN ebio_nh3(i,j) = ebio_nh3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3oh ) THEN ebio_ch3oh(i,j) = ebio_ch3oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h5oh ) THEN ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) = ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3cooh ) THEN ebio_ch3cooh(i,j) = ebio_ch3cooh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cooh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cooh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_mek ) THEN ebio_mek(i,j) = ebio_mek(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h4 ) THEN ebio_c2h4(i,j) = ebio_c2h4(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h6 ) THEN ebio_c2h6(i,j) = ebio_c2h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h6 ) THEN ebio_c3h6(i,j) = ebio_c3h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h8 ) THEN ebio_c3h8(i,j) = ebio_c3h8(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF is_mozm_species END IF use_megan_emis END DO CASE (RADM2, RADM2_KPP, RADM2SORG, RADM2SORG_AQ, RADM2SORG_AQCHEM, RADM2SORG_KPP,GOCARTRADM2) DO icount = 1, n_megan2radm2 IF ( p_of_radm2(icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding RADM2 ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_radm2(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism IF ( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate for mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = radm2_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2radm2(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_iso ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_oli) THEN ebio_oli(i,j) = ebio_oli(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc3) THEN ebio_hc3(i,j) = ebio_hc3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hc3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_olt) THEN ebio_olt(i,j) = ebio_olt(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ket) THEN ebio_ket(i,j) = ebio_ket(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ald) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hcho) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_eth) THEN ebio_eth(i,j) = ebio_eth(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora2) THEN ebio_ora2(i,j) = ebio_ora2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_co) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_no) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ol2) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ol2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ol2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc5) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_hc5-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc5-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc8) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_hc8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora1) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF !( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) END IF !( p_of_ramd2(icount) .NE. non_react ) END DO CASE (RACMSORG_AQ, RACMSORG_AQCHEM_KPP, RACM_ESRLSORG_AQCHEM_KPP, RACM_ESRLSORG_KPP, RACM_KPP, GOCARTRACM_KPP, & RACMSORG_KPP, RACM_MIM_KPP, RACMPM_KPP) DO icount = 1, n_megan2racm IF ( p_of_racm(icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding RACM ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_racm(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism IF( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate of mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = racm_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2racm(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_iso ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_oli) THEN ebio_oli(i,j) = ebio_oli(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_api) THEN ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_api-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_api-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_lim) THEN ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_lim-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_lim-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc3) THEN ebio_hc3(i,j) = ebio_hc3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hc3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ete) THEN ebio_ete(i,j) = ebio_ete(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ete-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ete-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_olt) THEN ebio_olt(i,j) = ebio_olt(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ket) THEN ebio_ket(i,j) = ebio_ket(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ald) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hcho) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_eth) THEN ebio_eth(i,j) = ebio_eth(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora2) THEN ebio_ora2(i,j) = ebio_ora2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_co) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_no) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc5) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_hc5-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc5-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc8) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_hc8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora1) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF !( p_in_chem > param_first_scalar ) END IF !( p_of_racm(icount) .NE. non_react ) END DO CASE (CB05_SORG_AQ_KPP) DO icount = 1, n_megan2cb05 IF ( p_of_cb05 (icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding CB05 ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_cb05(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism ! (e.g., NH3 is in the mechanism only if aerosols ! are simulated) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism IF ( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate for mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = cb05_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2cb05(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_isop ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_isop-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_isop-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_aacd ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_aacd-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_aacd-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ald2 ) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_aldx ) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_aldx-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_aldx-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_apin ) THEN ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_bpin ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ch4 ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ch4-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch4-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_co ) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_eth ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_etha ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_etha-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_etha-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_etoh ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_etoh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_etoh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_facd ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_facd-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_facd-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_form ) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_form-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_form-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hum ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_iole ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_iole-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_iole-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_lim ) THEN ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_meoh ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_meoh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_meoh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_nh3 ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_no ) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_oci ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ole ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ole-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ole-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_par ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_par-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_par-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_terp ) THEN ebio_terp(i,j) = ebio_terp(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ter ) THEN ebio_terp(i,j) = ebio_terp(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_tol ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF !( p_in_chem > param_first_scalar ) END IF END DO CASE (CB05_SORG_VBS_AQ_KPP) DO icount = 1, n_megan2cb05vbs IF ( p_of_cb05vbs (icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding CB05 ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_cb05vbs(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism ! (e.g., NH3 is in the mechanism only if aerosols ! are simulated) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism IF ( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate for mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = cb05vbs_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2cb05vbs(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_isop ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_isop-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_isop-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_aacd ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_aacd-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_aacd-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ald2 ) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_aldx ) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_aldx-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_aldx-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_apin ) THEN ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_bpin ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ch4 ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ch4-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch4-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_co ) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_eth ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_etha ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_etha-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_etha-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_etoh ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_etoh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_etoh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_facd ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_facd-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_facd-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_form ) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_form-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_form-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hum ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_iole ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_iole-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_iole-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_lim ) THEN ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_meoh ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_meoh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_meoh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_nh3 ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_no ) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_oci ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ole ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ole-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ole-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_par ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_par-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_par-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_terp ) THEN ebio_terp(i,j) = ebio_terp(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ter ) THEN ebio_terp(i,j) = ebio_terp(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_tol ) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF !( p_in_chem > param_first_scalar ) END IF END DO CASE (RACM_SOA_VBS_KPP,RACM_SOA_VBS_AQCHEM_KPP,RACM_SOA_VBS_HET_KPP) DO icount = 1, n_megan2racmSOA IF ( p_of_racmSOA(icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding RACM-SOA-VBS-KPP ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_racmSOA(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism IF( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate of mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = racmSOA_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2racmSOA(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_iso ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_oli) THEN ebio_oli(i,j) = ebio_oli(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_api) THEN ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_api-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_api-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_lim) THEN ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_lim-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_lim-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc3) THEN ebio_hc3(i,j) = ebio_hc3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hc3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ete) THEN ebio_ete(i,j) = ebio_ete(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ete-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ete-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_olt) THEN ebio_olt(i,j) = ebio_olt(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ket) THEN ebio_ket(i,j) = ebio_ket(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ald) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hcho) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_eth) THEN ebio_eth(i,j) = ebio_eth(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora2) THEN ebio_ora2(i,j) = ebio_ora2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_co) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_no) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc5) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_hc5-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc5-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hc8) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_hc8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hc8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora1) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_sesq) THEN ebio_sesq(i,j) = ebio_sesq(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_sesq-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_sesq-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_mbo) THEN ebio_mbo(i,j) = ebio_mbo(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_mbo-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_mbo-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF !( p_in_chem > param_first_scalar ) END IF !( p_of_racm(icount) .NE. non_react ) END DO CASE (CBMZ, CBMZ_BB, CBMZ_BB_KPP, CBMZ_MOSAIC_KPP, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_4BIN, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_8BIN, CBMZ_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ, CBMZ_MOSAIC_8BIN_AQ, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_4BIN, CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_8BIN, & CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_4BIN_AQ,CBMZ_MOSAIC_DMS_8BIN_AQ,CBMZSORG, CBMZSORG_AQ, & CBMZ_CAM_MAM3_NOAQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM3_AQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM7_NOAQ, CBMZ_CAM_MAM7_AQ) DO icount = 1, n_megan2cbmz IF ( p_of_cbmz (icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding CBMZ ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_cbmz(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism ! (e.g., NH3 is in the mechanism only if aerosols ! are simulated) IF( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate of mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = cbmz_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2cbmz(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_iso ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_iso-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_oli) THEN ebio_oli(i,j) = ebio_oli(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_oli-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_olt) THEN ebio_olt(i,j) = ebio_olt(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_olt-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ket) THEN ebio_ket(i,j) = ebio_ket(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ald) THEN ebio_ald(i,j) = ebio_ald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hcho) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_eth) THEN ebio_eth(i,j) = ebio_eth(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_eth-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora2) THEN ebio_ora2(i,j) = ebio_ora2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_co) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_no) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ol2) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ol2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ol2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ora1) THEN e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ora1-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ! SAN, 08/11/13 - adding missing CBMZ species to be mapped: ! missing: p_par, p_ch3oh, p_c2h5oh, p_nh3, p_tol ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_par) THEN !ebio_par(i,j) = ebio_par(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_par-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_par-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ch3oh) THEN ebio_ch3oh(i,j) = ebio_ch3oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1)+ gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_c2h5oh) THEN ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) = ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1)= e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_nh3) THEN ebio_nh3(i,j) = ebio_nh3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_tol) THEN ebio_tol(i,j) = ebio_tol(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_tol-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF !( p_in_chem > param_first_scalar ) END IF ! ( p_of_cbmz (icount) .NE. non_react ) END DO CASE (SAPRC99_KPP,SAPRC99_MOSAIC_4BIN_VBS2_KPP, & SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_AQ_KPP,SAPRC99_MOSAIC_8BIN_VBS2_KPP)!BSINGH(12/03/2013): Added SAPRC 8 bin and non-aq on (04/07/2014) ! FIX FOR SAPRC99 AND SAPRC07 DO icount = 1, n_megan2saprcnov IF ( p_of_saprcnov(icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding RADM2 ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_saprcnov(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism IF ( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate for mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = saprcnov_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2saprcnov(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_isoprene ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = ebio_iso(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_isoprene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_isoprene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_terp) THEN ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_sesq) THEN ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_sesq-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_sesq-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_no) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 !jdf ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_alk3) THEN ebio_alk3(i,j) = ebio_alk3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_alk3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_alk3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_alk4) THEN ebio_alk4(i,j) = ebio_alk4(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_alk4-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_alk4-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_alk5) THEN ebio_alk5(i,j) = ebio_alk5(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_alk5-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_alk5-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ole1) THEN ebio_ole1(i,j) = ebio_ole1(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ole1-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ole1-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ole2) THEN ebio_ole2(i,j) = ebio_ole2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ole2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ole2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_aro1) THEN ebio_aro1(i,j) = ebio_aro1(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_aro1-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_aro1-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_aro2) THEN ebio_aro2(i,j) = ebio_aro2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_aro2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_aro2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_acet) THEN ebio_acet(i,j) = ebio_acet(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_acet-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_acet-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hcho) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ccho) THEN ebio_ccho(i,j) = ebio_ccho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ccho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ccho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_mek) THEN ebio_mek(i,j) = ebio_mek(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_c2h6) THEN ebio_c2h6(i,j) = ebio_c2h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_c3h6) THEN ebio_c3h6(i,j) = ebio_c3h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_c3h8) THEN ebio_c3h8(i,j) = ebio_c3h8(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_ethene) THEN ebio_ethene(i,j) = ebio_ethene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ethene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ethene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_bald) THEN ebio_bald(i,j) = ebio_bald(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bald-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bald-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_meoh) THEN ebio_meoh(i,j) = ebio_meoh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_meoh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_meoh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_hcooh) THEN ebio_hcooh(i,j) = ebio_hcooh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcooh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcooh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_rco_oh) THEN ebio_rco_oh(i,j) = ebio_rco_oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_rco_oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_rco_oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_terp) THEN ebio_terp(i,j) = ebio_terp(i,j) + gas_emis ebio_api(i,j) = ebio_api(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_terp-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem .EQ. p_sesq) THEN ebio_sesq(i,j) = ebio_sesq(i,j) + gas_emis ebio_lim(i,j) = ebio_lim(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_sesq-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_sesq-1) + gas_emis*convert2 !jdf END IF END IF !( p_in_chem > param_first_scalar ) END IF !( p_of_saprcnov(icount) .NE. non_react ) END DO CASE ( CRIMECH_KPP, CRI_MOSAIC_8BIN_AQ_KPP, CRI_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP ) DO icount = 1, n_megan2crimech IF ( p_of_crimech(icount) .NE. non_react ) THEN ! Get index to chem array for the corresponding crimech ! species. p_in_chem = p_of_crimech(icount) ! Check if the species is actually in the mechanism IF( p_in_chem >= param_first_scalar ) THEN ! Emission rate of mechanism species in mol km-2 hr-1 gas_emis = crimech_per_megan(icount) * E_megan2(p_of_megan2crimech(icount)) ! Add emissions to diagnostic output variables. ! ebio_xxx (mol km-2 hr-1) were originally used by the ! BEIS3.11 biogenic emissions module. ! I have also borrowed variable e_bio (ppm m min-1). IF ( p_in_chem == p_c5h8 ) THEN ebio_c5h8(i,j) = ebio_c5h8(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c5h8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c5h8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_no ) THEN ebio_no(i,j) = ebio_no(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_no2 ) THEN ebio_no2(i,j) = ebio_no2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_no2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_no2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_co ) THEN ebio_co(i,j) = ebio_co(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_co-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_hcho ) THEN ebio_hcho(i,j) = ebio_hcho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ket ) THEN ebio_ket(i,j) = ebio_ket(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ket-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_toluene ) THEN ebio_toluene(i,j) = ebio_toluene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_toluene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_toluene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_apinene ) THEN ebio_apinene(i,j) = ebio_apinene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_apinene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_apinene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_bpinene ) THEN ebio_bpinene(i,j) = ebio_bpinene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_bpinene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_bpinene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_so2 ) THEN ebio_so2(i,j) = ebio_so2(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_so2-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_so2-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_dms ) THEN ebio_dms(i,j) = ebio_dms(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_dms-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_dms-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_nc4h10 ) THEN ebio_nc4h10(i,j) = ebio_nc4h10(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_nc4h10-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nc4h10-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_tbut2ene ) THEN ebio_tbut2ene(i,j) = ebio_tbut2ene(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_tbut2ene-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_tbut2ene-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_nh3 ) THEN ebio_nh3(i,j) = ebio_nh3(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_nh3-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3oh ) THEN ebio_ch3oh(i,j) = ebio_ch3oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h5oh ) THEN ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) = ebio_c2h5oh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h5oh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3co2h ) THEN ebio_ch3co2h(i,j) = ebio_ch3co2h(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3co2h-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3co2h-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_mek ) THEN ebio_mek(i,j) = ebio_mek(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_mek-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h4 ) THEN ebio_c2h4(i,j) = ebio_c2h4(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h4-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c2h6 ) THEN ebio_c2h6(i,j) = ebio_c2h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c2h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h6 ) THEN ebio_c3h6(i,j) = ebio_c3h6(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h6-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_c3h8 ) THEN ebio_c3h8(i,j) = ebio_c3h8(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_c3h8-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_ch3cho ) THEN ebio_ch3cho(i,j) = ebio_ch3cho(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cho-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_ch3cho-1) + gas_emis*convert2 ELSE IF ( p_in_chem == p_hcooh ) THEN ebio_hcooh(i,j) = ebio_hcooh(i,j) + gas_emis e_bio(i,j,p_hcooh-1) = e_bio(i,j,p_hcooh-1) + gas_emis*convert2 END IF END IF !( p_in_chem > param_first_scalar ) END IF !( p_of_crimech(icount) .NE. non_react ) END DO CASE DEFAULT CALL wrf_error_fatal('Species conversion table for MEGAN v2.04 not available. ') END SELECT GAS_MECH_SELECT END DO i_loop ! i = its, ite END DO j_loop ! j = jts, jte CONTAINS ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE GAMMA_TISOP returns the GAMMA_T value for isoprene ! Orginally from Tan's gamma_etc.F ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GAMMA_TISOP( TEMP, D_TEMP, gam_T ) ! ! Description : ! ! MEGAN biogenic emissions adjustment factor for temperature ! for isoprene ! ! Reference: ! ! Estimates of global terrestial isoprene emissions using MEGAN ! (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature ) ! A. Guenther, T. Karl, P. Harley, C. Wiedinmyer, ! P.I. Palmer, and C. Geron ! Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 3181-3210, 2006 ! ! IMPLICIT NONE ! hourly surface air temperature (K) ! (here use instantaneous temperature REAL, INTENT(IN) :: TEMP ! daily-mean surface airtemperature (K) ! (here use the previous month's monthly mean) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: D_TEMP !temperature adjustment factor REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: gam_T ! Local parameters REAL :: Eopt, Topt, X REAL :: AAA, BBB REAL, PARAMETER :: CT1 = 80.0 REAL, PARAMETER :: CT2 = 200.0 ! End header ---------------------------------------------------- ! Below Eqn (14) of Guenther et al. [2006] ! (assuming T_daily = D_TEMP) Eopt = 1.75 * EXP(0.08*(D_TEMP-297.0)) ! Eqn (8) of Guenther et al. [2006] ! (assuming T_daily = D_TEMP) Topt = 313.0 + ( 0.6*(D_TEMP-297.0) ) ! Eqn (5) of Guenther et al. [2006] X = ( (1.0/Topt)-(1.0/TEMP) ) / 0.00831 AAA = Eopt*CT2*EXP(CT1*X) BBB = ( CT2-CT1*( 1.0-EXP(CT2*X) ) ) gam_T = AAA/BBB END SUBROUTINE GAMMA_TISOP ! ----------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUITINE GAMMA_TNISP returns the GAMMA_T value for ! non-isoprene species ! Originally from Tan's gamma_etc.F !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE GAMMA_TNISP( SPCNUM, TEMP, gam_T ) ! ! Description : ! ! MEGAN biogenic emissions adjustment factor for temperature ! for non-isoprene species. ! ! Reference: ! ! MEGAN v2.0 Documentation ! ! Method: ! ! GAMMA_T = exp[BETA*(T-Ts)] ! where BETA = temperature dependent parameter ! Ts = standard temperature (normally 303K, 30C) ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: SPCNUM ! Species number REAL, INTENT(IN) :: TEMP REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: gam_T REAL, PARAMETER :: Ts = 303.0 ! End header ---------------------------------------------------- ! TDF_PRM is defined in module_data_megan2.F gam_T = EXP( TDF_PRM(SPCNUM)*(TEMP-Ts) ) END SUBROUTINE GAMMA_TNISP ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE GAMMA_LAI ! Originally from Tan's gamma_etc.F ! -------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GAMMA_LAI(LAI, gam_L ) ! Description : ! ! MEGAN biogenic emissions adjustment factor for leaf area ! index ! ! Reference: ! ! Estimates of global terrestial isoprene emissions using MEGAN ! (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature ) ! A. Guenther, T. Karl, P. Harley, C. Wiedinmyer, ! P.I. Palmer, and C. Geron ! Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 3181-3210, 2006 ! ! ! Method: ! 0.49[LAI] ! GAMMA_LAI = ---------------- (dimensionless) ! (1+0.2LAI^2)^0.5 ! IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT(IN) :: LAI REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: gam_L ! End header ---------------------------------------------------- ! Eqn (15) of Guenther et al. [2006] gam_L = (0.49*LAI) / ( SQRT(1.0+0.2*(LAI**2)) ) RETURN END SUBROUTINE GAMMA_LAI !------------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE GAMMA_P ! Originally from Tan's gamma_etc.F !------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE GAMMA_P( & DOY_in, tmidh, LAT, LONG, & PPFD, D_PPFD, gam_P & ) ! ! Description : ! ! MEGAN biogenic emissions adjustment factor for ! photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD or PAR) ! ! Reference: ! ! Estimates of global terrestial isoprene emissions using MEGAN ! (Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature ) ! A. Guenther, T. Karl, P. Harley, C. Wiedinmyer, ! P.I. Palmer, and C. Geron ! Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 3181-3210, 2006 ! ! Method: ! ! GAMMA_P = 0.0 sin(a)<=0 ! ! GAMMA_P = sin(a)[2.46*0.9*PHI^3*(1+0.0005(Pdaily-400))] ! 0 LAIc ! Fnew = 0.0 , Fgro = 0.0 ! Fmat = 1-Fold ! Fold = (LAIp-LAIc)/LAIp ! ! Case 3) LAIp < LAIc ! Fnew = 1-(LAIp/LAIc) t <= ti ! = (ti/t) * ( 1-(LAIp/LAIc) ) t > ti ! ! Fmat = LAIp/LAIc t <= tm ! = (LAIp/LAIc) + ! ( (t-tm)/t ) * ( 1-(LAIp/LAIc) ) t > tm ! ! Fgro = 1 - Fnew - Fmat ! Fold = 0.0 ! ! where ! ti = 5 + (0.7*(300-Tt)) Tt <= 303 ! = 2.9 Tt > 303 ! tm = 2.3*ti ! ! t = length of the time step (days) ! ti = number of days between budbreak and the induction of ! emission ! tm = number of days between budbreak and the initiation of ! peak emissions rates ! Tt = average temperature (K) near top of the canopy during ! current time period (daily ave temp for this case) ! ! ! For relative emission activity ! Case 1) Constant ! Anew = 1.0 , Agro = 1.0 , Amat = 1.0 , Aold = 1.0 ! ! Case 2) Monoterpenes ! Anew = 2.0 , Agro = 1.8 , Amat = 0.95 , Aold = 1.0 ! ! Case 3) Sesquiterpenes ! Anew = 0.4 , Agro = 0.6 , Amat = 1.075, Aold = 1.0 ! ! Case 4) Methanol ! Anew = 3.0 , Agro = 2.6 , Amat = 0.85 , Aold = 1.0 ! ! Case 5) Isoprene ! Anew = 0.05 , Agro = 0.6 , Amat = 1.125, Aold = 1.0 IMPLICIT NONE ! SUBROUTINE arguments !..."Pointer" for class of species INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: i_spc !...average temperature of the previous 24-hours REAL, INTENT(IN) :: D_TEMP !...leaf area index of the current and previous !...month REAL, INTENT(IN) :: LAIp, LAIc !...time step between LAIc and LAIp (days) REAL, INTENT(IN) :: TSTLEN !...emissions adjustment factor accounting for leaf age REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: gam_A ! Local scalars !...leaf age fractions REAL :: Fnew, Fgro, Fmat, Fold !...relative emission activity index INTEGER :: AINDX !...time step between LAIC and LAIp (days) INTEGER :: t !...number of days between budbreak and the induction emission REAL ti !...number of days between budbreak and the initiation of peak !...emissions rates REAL tm ! REAL Tt ! average temperature (K) ! daily ave temp ! End header ---------------------------------------------------- ! Choose relative emission activity class ! See Table 2 of MEGAN v2.0 Documentation ! IF ( (i_spc==imgn_acto) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_acta) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_form) & .OR. (i_spc==imgn_ch4) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_no) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_co) & ) THEN AINDX = 1 ELSE IF ( (i_spc==imgn_myrc) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_sabi) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_limo) & .OR. (i_spc==imgn_3car) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_ocim) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_bpin) & .OR. (i_spc==imgn_apin) .OR. ( i_spc==imgn_omtp) & ) THEN AINDX = 2 ELSE IF ( (i_spc==imgn_afarn) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_bcar) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_osqt) & ) THEN AINDX = 3 ELSE IF (i_spc==imgn_meoh) THEN aindx = 4 ELSE IF ( (i_spc==imgn_isop) .OR. (i_spc==imgn_mbo) ) THEN aindx = 5 ELSE WRITE(mesg,fmt = '("Invalid i_spc in SUBROUTINE GAMMA_A; i_spc = ", I3)') i_spc CALL wrf_error_fatal(mesg) END IF ! Time step between LAIp and LAIc (days) t = TSTLEN ! Tt is the average ambient air temperature (K) of the preceeding time ! interval. Here, use the monthly-mean surface air temperature Tt = D_TEMP ! Calculate foliage fraction ! (section 3.2.2 of Guenther et al. [2006]) IF (LAIp .EQ. LAIc) THEN Fnew = 0.0 Fgro = 0.1 Fmat = 0.8 Fold = 0.1 ELSEIF (LAIp .GT. LAIc) THEN Fnew = 0.0 Fgro = 0.0 Fold = ( LAIp-LAIc ) / LAIp Fmat = 1.0-Fold ELSE ! LAIp < LAIc ! Calculate ti, which is the number of days between budbreak and ! the induction of isoprene emission. IF (Tt .LE. 303.0) THEN ! Eqn (18a) of Guenther et al. [2006] ti = 5.0 + 0.7*(300.0-Tt) ELSE ! Eqn (18b) of Guenther et al. [2006] ti = 2.9 ENDIF ! tm is the number of days between budbreak and the initiation ! of peak isoprene emissions rates. ! Eqn (19) of Guenther et al. [2006] tm = 2.3*ti ! Calculate Fnew and Fmat, then Fgro and Fold ! Fnew IF (t .LE. ti) THEN ! Eqn (17a) of Guenther et al. [2006] Fnew = 1.0 - (LAIp/LAIc) ELSE ! Eqn (17b) of Guenther et al. [2006] Fnew = (ti/t) * ( 1-(LAIp/LAIc) ) ENDIF ! Fmat IF (t .LE. tm) THEN ! Eqn (17c) of Guenther et al. [2006] Fmat = LAIp/LAIc ELSE ! Eqn (17d) of Guenther et al. [2006] Fmat = (LAIp/LAIc) + ( (t-tm)/t ) * ( 1-(LAIp/LAIc) ) ENDIF Fgro = 1.0 - Fnew - Fmat Fold = 0.0 ENDIF !Calculate GAMMA_A ! Anew, Agro, Amat, Aold are defined in module_data_megan2.F gam_A = Fnew*Anew(AINDX) + Fgro*Agro(AINDX) & + Fmat*Amat(AINDX) + Fold*Aold(AINDX) END SUBROUTINE GAMMA_A ! ---------------------------------------------------------------- ! SUBROUTINE SOLARANGLE calculates the solar angle ! Originally from Tan's solarangle.F !------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE SOLARANGLE( DAY, SHOUR, LAT, SIN_solarangle ) ! ! ! Input: ! 1) Day of year ! 2) Latitude ! 3) Hour ! ! Output: sin of solar angle ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Arguments INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: DAY ! DOY or julian day REAL, INTENT(IN) :: SHOUR ! Solar hour REAL, INTENT(IN) :: LAT ! Latitude REAL, INTENT(OUT) :: SIN_solarangle ! Local scalars REAL :: sindelta, cosdelta, A, B ! End header ----------------------------------------------------- sindelta = -SIN(0.40907) * COS( 6.28*(REAL(DAY,KIND(0.))+10.)/365. ) cosdelta = SQRT(1.-sindelta**2.) A = SIN( LAT*D2RAD ) * sindelta B = COS( LAT*D2RAD ) * cosdelta SIN_solarangle = A + B * COS(2.*PI*(SHOUR-12.)/24.) END SUBROUTINE SOLARANGLE END SUBROUTINE bio_emissions_megan2 END MODULE module_bioemi_megan2