MODULE module_bioemi_beis314 ! ! BEIS3.14 Modified to include sesquiterpenes and MBO ! BEIS3.13 Emissions Module for WRF-Chem ! BEIS3.11 Written by Greg Frost 6/2004 ! ! Modified to BEIS3.14 by Stu McKeen 11/9/09 - addition of sesquiterpene total emissions ! Modified to BEIS3.13 by Stu McKeen 9/27/07 ! Note: species to vegetation assignment table (beis3_efac_v0.99_053105.txt) must be ! applied to front end for BEIS3.13 reference emission files - done outside of WRF-Chem ! BEIS3.13 also recommends 10meter or 2m air temp. for isoprene emissions, (no guidance) ! See: Changes to the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System Version 3 (BEIS3) ! Donna Schwede, George Pouliot, and Tom Pierce, presented at 2005 CMAS conference: ! available on the web at http://www/ ! ! Using off-line gridded standard biogenic emissions ! for each model compound with such emissions, ! model shortwave solar flux (isoprene only), ! & air temperature, pressure, and density in lowest model level, ! calculates actual biogenic emissions of each compound. ! Based on hrbeis311.f from BEIS3.11 for SMOKE, with major ! surgery performed on original routines for use with WRF-Chem. ! This version assumes chemical mechanism is RACM. ! The following 16 RACM compounds have biogenic emissions: ! iso, no, oli, api, lim, xyl, hc3, ete, olt, ket, ald, hcho, eth, ora2, co, nr !23456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 123456789 12 CONTAINS SUBROUTINE bio_emissions_beis314(id,config_flags,ktau,curr_secs, & dtstep,julday,gmt,xlat,xlong,t_phy,p_phy,gsw, & sebio_iso,sebio_oli,sebio_api,sebio_lim,sebio_xyl, & sebio_hc3,sebio_ete,sebio_olt,sebio_ket,sebio_ald, & sebio_hcho,sebio_eth,sebio_ora2,sebio_co,sebio_nr, & sebio_sesq,sebio_mbo, & noag_grow,noag_nongrow,nononag,slai, & ebio_iso,ebio_oli,ebio_api,ebio_lim,ebio_xyl, & ebio_hc3,ebio_ete,ebio_olt,ebio_ket,ebio_ald, & ebio_hcho,ebio_eth,ebio_ora2,ebio_co,ebio_nr,ebio_no, & ebio_sesq,ebio_mbo, & ! sesq and mbo are added ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) USE module_configure USE module_state_description IMPLICIT NONE ! .. Parameters .. TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags ! .. Indices .. INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: id, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ! .. Passed variables .. INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: ktau, & ! time step number julday ! current simulation julian day REAL(KIND=8), INTENT(IN) :: curr_secs ! seconds into the simulation REAL, INTENT (IN) :: gmt,dtstep REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & t_phy, & !air T (K) p_phy !P (Pa) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & xlat, & !latitude (deg) xlong, & !longitude (deg) gsw !downward shortwave surface flux (W/m^2) ! Normalized biogenic emissions for standard conditions (moles compound/km^2/hr) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & sebio_iso,sebio_oli,sebio_api,sebio_lim,sebio_xyl, & sebio_hc3,sebio_ete,sebio_olt,sebio_ket,sebio_ald, & sebio_hcho,sebio_eth,sebio_ora2,sebio_co,sebio_nr, & sebio_sesq,sebio_mbo, & noag_grow,noag_nongrow,nononag ! Leaf area index for isoprene REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: slai ! Actual biogenic emissions (moles compound/km^2/hr) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & ebio_iso,ebio_oli,ebio_api,ebio_lim,ebio_xyl, & ebio_hc3,ebio_ete,ebio_olt,ebio_ket,ebio_ald, & ebio_hcho,ebio_eth,ebio_ora2,ebio_co,ebio_nr,ebio_no, & ebio_sesq,ebio_mbo ! .. Local Scalars .. INTEGER :: i,j ! Variables for 1 element of I/O arrays ! met and phys input variables REAL :: tair ! surface air temperature (K) REAL :: tsolar ! downward shortwave surface flux (W/m^2) REAL :: pres ! surface pressure (mb) REAL :: ylat ! latitude (deg) REAL :: ylong ! longitude (deg) ! normalized emissions (moles compound/km^2/hr) REAL :: se_iso,se_oli,se_api,se_lim,se_xyl, & se_hc3,se_ete,se_olt,se_ket,se_ald, & se_hcho,se_eth,se_ora2,se_co,se_nr, & se_mbo,se_sesq, & growagno,ngrowagno,nonagno ! leaf area index for isoprene REAL :: tlai ! actual emissions for NO REAL :: e_no ! Other parameters needed in calculations ! Guenther's parameterizations: Guenther et al. JGR 98, 12609-12617, 1993 REAL :: ct, dt ! Guenther's temperature correction for isoprene REAL :: cfno ! NO correction factor REAL :: cfovoc ! non-isoprene correction factor REAL :: par ! PAR = photosynthetically active radiation (micromole/m^2/s) REAL :: csubl ! C sub l from Guenther REAL :: zen ! zenith angle (radians) REAL :: coszen ! cosine(zenith angle) REAL :: pardb ! PAR direct beam REAL :: pardif ! PAR diffuse REAL :: gmtp ! current simulation time ! Error message variables INTEGER , PARAMETER :: ldev = 6 ! unit number for log file CHARACTER*256 :: mesg ! Functions called directly or indirectly ! clnew calculates csubl based on zenith angle, par, and lai ! cguen Guenther's equation for computing light correction ! fertilizer_adj computes fertlizer adjustment factor ! veg_adj computes vegatation adjustment factor ! growseason computes day of growing season ! Subroutines called directly or indirectly ! calc_zenithb calculates zenith angle from latitude, longitude, julian day, and GMT ! NOTE: longitude input for this routine is nonstandard: >0 for W, <0 for E!! ! getpar computes PAR (direct beam and diffuse) in umol/m2-sec from downward shortwave flux ! hrno algorithm to estimate NO emissions; does not include precipitation adjustment !*************************************** ! begin body of subroutine bio_emissions_beis314 ! hour into integration !The old gmtp method will break for runs longer than about 12 days with r4 ! gmtp=float(ktau)*dtstep/3600. gmtp = curr_secs/3600._8 ! gmtp=mod(gmt+gmtp,24.) write(mesg,*) 'calculate beis314 emissions at gmtp = ',gmtp call wrf_debug(15,mesg) DO 100 j=jts,jte DO 100 i=its,ite tair = t_phy(i,kts,j) pres = .01*p_phy(i,kts,j) ylat = xlat(i,j) ylong = xlong(i,j) tsolar = gsw(i,j) tlai = slai(i,j) se_iso = sebio_iso(i,j) se_oli = sebio_oli(i,j) se_api = sebio_api(i,j) se_lim = sebio_lim(i,j) se_xyl = sebio_xyl(i,j) se_hc3 = sebio_hc3(i,j) se_ete = sebio_ete(i,j) se_olt = sebio_olt(i,j) se_ket = sebio_ket(i,j) se_ald = sebio_ald(i,j) se_hcho = sebio_hcho(i,j) se_eth = sebio_eth(i,j) se_ora2 = sebio_ora2(i,j) se_co = sebio_co(i,j) se_nr = sebio_nr(i,j) ! SESQ and MBO are added se_sesq = sebio_sesq(i,j) se_mbo = sebio_mbo(i,j) growagno = noag_grow(i,j) ngrowagno = noag_nongrow(i,j) nonagno = nononag(i,j) !....Perform checks on max and min bounds for temperature IF (tair .LT. 200.0) THEN ! WRITE( mesg, 94010 ) ! & 'tair=', tair, ! & 'too low at i,j= ',i,',',j WRITE( ldev, * ) mesg END IF IF (tair .GT. 315.0 ) THEN ! WRITE( mesg, 94020 ) ! & 'tair=', tair, ! & 'too high at i,j= ',i,',',j, ! & '...resetting to 315K' tair = 315.0 ! WRITE( ldev, * ) mesg ENDIF !... Isoprene emissions !...... Calculate temperature correction term dt = 28668.514 / tair ct = EXP( 37.711 - 0.398570815 * dt ) / & (1.0 + EXP( 91.301 - dt ) ) !...... Calculate zenith angle in radians ! NOTE: nonstandard longitude input here: >0 for W, <0 for E!! CALL calc_zenithb(ylat,-ylong,julday,gmtp,zen) coszen = COS(zen) !...... Convert tsolar to PAR and find direct and diffuse fractions CALL getpar( tsolar, pres, zen, pardb, pardif ) par = pardb + pardif !...... Check max/min bounds of PAR and calculate !...... biogenic isoprene IF ( par .LT. 0.00 .OR. par .GT. 2600.0 ) THEN ! WRITE( mesg, 94010 ) ! & 'PAR=', par, ! & 'out of range at i,j= ',i,',',j ! WRITE( ldev, * ) mesg ENDIF !...... Check max bound of LAI IF ( tlai .GT. 10.0 ) THEN ! WRITE( mesg, 94010 ) ! & 'LAI=', tlai, ! & 'out of range at i,j= ',i,',',j ! WRITE( ldev, * ) mesg ENDIF !...... Initialize csubl csubl = 0.0 !...... If PAR < 0.01 or zenith angle > 89 deg, set isoprene emissions to 0. IF ( par .LE. 0.01 .OR. coszen .LE. 0.02079483 ) THEN ebio_iso(i,j) = 0.0 ELSE !...... Calculate csubl including shading if LAI > 0.1 IF ( tlai .GT. 0.1 ) THEN csubl = clnew( zen, pardb, pardif, tlai ) !...... Otherwise calculate csubl without considering LAI ELSE ! keep this or not? csubl = cguen( par ) ENDIF ebio_iso(i,j) = se_iso * ct * csubl ENDIF !... Other biogenic emissions except NO: !...... RACM: oli, api, lim, hc3, ete, olt, ket, ald, hcho, eth, ora2, co cfovoc = EXP( 0.09 * ( tair - 303.0 ) ) ebio_oli(i,j) = se_oli * cfovoc ebio_api(i,j) = se_api * cfovoc ebio_lim(i,j) = se_lim * cfovoc ebio_xyl(i,j) = se_xyl * cfovoc ebio_hc3(i,j) = se_hc3 * cfovoc ebio_ete(i,j) = se_ete * cfovoc ebio_olt(i,j) = se_olt * cfovoc ebio_ket(i,j) = se_ket * cfovoc ebio_ald(i,j) = se_ald * cfovoc ebio_hcho(i,j) = se_hcho * cfovoc ebio_eth(i,j) = se_eth * cfovoc ebio_ora2(i,j) = se_ora2 * cfovoc ebio_co(i,j) = se_co * cfovoc ebio_nr(i,j) = se_nr * cfovoc ! SESQ and MBO are added ebio_sesq(i,j) = se_sesq * cfovoc ebio_mbo(i,j) = se_mbo * cfovoc !... NO emissions CALL hrno( julday, growagno, ngrowagno, nonagno, tair, e_no) ebio_no(i,j) = e_no 100 CONTINUE RETURN !****************** FORMAT STATEMENTS ****************************** !........... Informational (LOG) message formats... 92xxx !........... Internal buffering formats............ 94xxx 94010 FORMAT( A, F10.2, 1X, A, I4, A1, I4) 94020 FORMAT( A, F10.2, 1X, A, I4, A1, I4, 1X, A) !***************** CONTAINS ******************************************** CONTAINS REAL FUNCTION clnew( zen, pardb, pardif, tlai ) !........ Function to calculate csubl based on zenith angle, PAR, and LAI !******** Reference:CN98 ! Campbell, G.S. and J.M. Norman. 1998. An Introduction to Environmental Biophysics, ! Springer-Verlag, New York. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT (IN) :: pardb ! direct beam PAR( umol/m2-s) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: pardif ! diffuse PAR ( umol/m2-s) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: zen ! solar zenith angle (radians) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: tlai ! leaf area index for grid cell !............. Local variables REAL kbe ! extinction coefficient for direct beam REAL ALPHA ! leave absorptivity REAL KD ! extinction coefficient for diffuse radiation REAL SQALPHA ! square root of alpha REAL canparscat ! exponentially wtd scattered PAR (umol/m2-s) REAL canpardif ! exponentially wtd diffuse PAR (umol/m2-s) REAL parshade ! PAR on shaded leaves (umol/m2-s) REAL parsun ! PAR on sunlit leaves (umol/m2-s) REAL laisun ! LAI that is sunlit REAL fracsun ! fraction of leaves that are sunlit REAL fracshade ! fraction of leaves that are shaded ALPHA = 0.8 SQALPHA = SQRT(0.8) KD = 0.68 !........... CN98 - eqn 15.4, assume x=1 kbe = 0.5 * SQRT(1. + TAN( zen ) * TAN( zen )) !.......... CN98 - p. 261 (this is usually small) canparscat = 0.5 * pardb * (EXP(-1.*sqalpha*kbe*tlai) - & EXP(-1.* kbe * tlai)) !.......... CN98 - p. 261 (assume exponentially wtd avg) canpardif = pardif * (1.-EXP(-1.*sqalpha*kd*tlai)) / & (sqalpha*kd*tlai) !......... CN98 - p. 261 (for next 3 eqns) parshade = canpardif + canparscat parsun = kbe * pardb + parshade laisun = (1. - EXP( -1. * kbe * tlai))/kbe fracsun = laisun/tlai fracshade = 1. - fracsun !.......... cguen is guenther's eqn for computing light correction as a !.......... function of PAR...fracSun should probably be higher since !.......... sunlit leaves tend to be thicker than shaded leaves. But !.......... since we need to make crude asmptns regarding leave !.......... orientation (x=1), will not attempt to fix at the moment. clnew =fracsun * cguen(parsun) + fracshade * cguen(parshade) RETURN END FUNCTION clnew REAL FUNCTION cguen( partmp ) !.......... Guenther's equation for computing light correction ! Reference: Guenther, A., B. Baugh, G. Brasseur, J. Greenberg, P. Harley, L. Klinger, ! D. Serca, and L. Vierling, 1999: Isoprene emission estimates and uncertainties ! for the Central African EXPRESSO Study domain. J. Geophys. Res., 104, 30625-30639. IMPLICIT NONE REAL, INTENT (IN) :: partmp REAL, PARAMETER :: alpha = 0.001 REAL, PARAMETER :: cl = 1.42 IF ( partmp .LE. 0.01) THEN cguen = 0.0 ELSE cguen = (alpha *cl * partmp) / & SQRT(1. + alpha * alpha * partmp * partmp) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION cguen END SUBROUTINE bio_emissions_beis314 !================================================================= SUBROUTINE calc_zenithb(lat,long,ijd,gmt,zenith) ! Based on calc_zenith from WRF-Chem module_phot_mad.F ! this subroutine calculates solar zenith angle for a ! time and location. must specify: ! input: ! lat - latitude in decimal degrees ! long - longitude in decimal degrees ! NOTE: Nonstandard convention for long: >0 for W, <0 for E!! ! gmt - greenwich mean time - decimal military eg. ! 22.75 = 45 min after ten pm gmt ! output ! zenith - in radians (GJF, 6/2004) ! remove azimuth angle calculation since not needed (GJF, 6/2004) ! .. Scalar Arguments .. CHARACTER*256 :: mesg REAL :: gmt, lat, long, zenith INTEGER :: ijd ! .. Local Scalars .. REAL :: csz, cw, d, decl, dr, ec, epsi, eqt, eyt, feqt, feqt1, & feqt2, feqt3, feqt4, feqt5, feqt6, feqt7, lbgmt, lzgmt, ml, pepsi, & pi, ra, rdecl, reqt, rlt, rml, rphi, rra, ssw, sw, tab, w, wr, & yt, zpt, zr INTEGER :: jd ! .. Intrinsic Functions .. INTRINSIC acos, atan, cos, min, sin, tan ! convert to radians pi = 3.1415926535590 dr = pi/180. rlt = lat*dr rphi = long*dr ! ???? + (yr - yref) jd = ijd d = jd + gmt/24.0 ! calc geom mean longitude ml = 279.2801988 + .9856473354*d + 2.267E-13*d*d rml = ml*dr ! calc equation of time in sec ! w = mean long of perigee ! e = eccentricity ! epsi = mean obliquity of ecliptic w = 282.4932328 + 4.70684E-5*d + 3.39E-13*d*d wr = w*dr ec = 1.6720041E-2 - 1.1444E-9*d - 9.4E-17*d*d epsi = 23.44266511 - 3.5626E-7*d - 1.23E-15*d*d pepsi = epsi*dr yt = (tan(pepsi/2.0))**2 cw = cos(wr) sw = sin(wr) ssw = sin(2.0*wr) eyt = 2.*ec*yt feqt1 = sin(rml)*(-eyt*cw-2.*ec*cw) feqt2 = cos(rml)*(2.*ec*sw-eyt*sw) feqt3 = sin(2.*rml)*(yt-(5.*ec**2/4.)*(cw**2-sw**2)) feqt4 = cos(2.*rml)*(5.*ec**2*ssw/4.) feqt5 = sin(3.*rml)*(eyt*cw) feqt6 = cos(3.*rml)*(-eyt*sw) feqt7 = -sin(4.*rml)*(.5*yt**2) feqt = feqt1 + feqt2 + feqt3 + feqt4 + feqt5 + feqt6 + feqt7 eqt = feqt*13751.0 ! convert eq of time from sec to deg reqt = eqt/240. ! calc right ascension in rads ra = ml - reqt rra = ra*dr ! calc declination in rads, deg tab = 0.43360*sin(rra) rdecl = atan(tab) decl = rdecl/dr ! calc local hour angle lbgmt = 12.0 - eqt/3600. + long*24./360. lzgmt = 15.0*(gmt-lbgmt) zpt = lzgmt*dr csz = sin(rlt)*sin(rdecl) + cos(rlt)*cos(rdecl)*cos(zpt) if( then write(mesg,*) 'calczen,csz ',csz call wrf_debug(15,mesg) endif csz = min(1.,csz) zr = acos(csz) ! zenith = zr/dr ! keep zenith angle in radians for later use (GJF 6/2004) zenith = zr RETURN END SUBROUTINE calc_zenithb !================================================================= SUBROUTINE getpar( tsolar, pres, zen, pardb, pardif ) !*********************************************************************** ! subroutine body starts at line ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! Based on code from Bart Brashers (10/2000), which was based on ! code from Weiss and Norman (1985). ! ! ! PRECONDITIONS REQUIRED: ! Solar radiation (W/m2) and pressure (mb) ! ! SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS CALLED: ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! 3/01 : Prototype by JMV ! !*********************************************************************** ! ! Project Title: Sparse Matrix Operator Kernel Emissions (SMOKE) Modeling ! System ! File: @(#)Id: getpar.f,v 2001/03/27 19:08:49 smith_w Exp ! ! COPYRIGHT (C) 2001, MCNC--North Carolina Supercomputing Center ! All Rights Reserved ! ! See file COPYRIGHT for conditions of use. ! ! MCNC-Environmental Programs Group ! P.O. Box 12889 ! Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2889 ! ! ! ! Pathname: Source: /env/proj/archive/cvs/jmv/beis3v0.9/getpar.f,v ! Last updated: Date: 2001/03/27 19:08:49 ! !*********************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE !........ Inputs REAL , INTENT (IN) :: tsolar ! modeled or observed total radiation (W/m2) REAL , INTENT (IN) :: pres ! atmospheric pressure (mb) REAL , INTENT (IN) :: zen ! solar zenith angle (radians) !........ Outputs REAL, INTENT (OUT) :: pardb ! direct beam PAR( umol/m2-s) REAL, INTENT (OUT) :: pardif ! diffuse PAR ( umol/m2-s) !........... PARAMETERS and their descriptions: REAL, PARAMETER :: watt2umol = 4.6 ! convert W/m^2 to umol/m^2-s (4.6) ! REAL ratio ! transmission fraction for total radiation REAL ot ! optical thickness REAL rdvis ! possible direct visible beam (W/m^2) REAL rfvis ! possible visible diffuse (W/m^2) REAL wa ! water absorption in near-IR (W/m^2) REAL rdir ! direct beam in near-IR (W/m^2) REAL rfir ! diffuse near-IR (W/m^2) REAL rvt ! total possible visible radiation (W/m^2) REAL rirt ! total possible near-IR radiation (W/m^2) REAL fvis ! fraction of visible to total REAL fvb ! fraction of visible that is direct beam REAL fvd ! fraction of visible that is diffuse !*************************************** ! begin body of subroutine !............ Assume that PAR = 0 if zenith angle is greater than 87 degrees !............ or if solar radiation is zero IF (zen .GE. 1.51844 .OR. tsolar .LE. 0.) THEN pardb = 0. pardif = 0. RETURN ENDIF !............ Compute clear sky (aka potential) radiation terms ot = pres / 1013.25 / COS(zen) !Atmospheric Optical thickness rdvis = 600. * EXP(-.185 * ot) * COS(zen) !Direct visible beam, eqn (1) rfvis = 0.42 * (600 - rdvis) * COS(zen) !Visible Diffuse, eqn (3) wa = 1320 * .077 * (2. * ot)**0.3 !water absorption in near-IR, eqn (6) rdir = (720. * EXP(-0.06 * ot)-wa) * COS(zen) !Direct beam near-IR, eqn (4) rfir = 0.65 * (720. - wa - rdir) * COS(zen) !Diffuse near-IR, eqn (5) rvt = rdvis + rfvis !Total visible radiation, eqn (9) rirt = rdir + rfir !Total near-IR radiation, eqn (10) fvis = rvt/(rirt + rvt) !Fraction of visible to total radiation, eqn 7 ratio = tsolar /(rirt + rvt) !Ratio of "actual" to clear sky solar radiation !............ Compute fraction of visible that is direct beam IF (ratio .GE. 0.89) THEN fvb = rdvis/rvt * 0.941124 ELSE IF (ratio .LE. 0.21) THEN fvb = rdvis/rvt * 9.55E-3 ELSE fvb = rdvis/rvt * (1.-((0.9 - ratio)/0.7)**0.666667) ENDIF fvd = 1. - fvb !............ Compute PAR (direct beam and diffuse) in umol/m2-sec pardb = tsolar * fvis * fvb * watt2umol pardif = tsolar * fvis * fvd * watt2umol RETURN !****************** FORMAT STATEMENTS ****************************** !........... Informational (LOG) message formats... 92xxx !........... Internal buffering formats............ 94xxx END SUBROUTINE getpar SUBROUTINE hrno( julday, growagno, ngrowagno, nonagno, tairin, e_no) !*********************************************************************** ! subroutine body starts at line 150 ! ! DESCRIPTION: ! ! Uses new NO algorithm NO = Normalized*Tadj*Fadj*Cadj ! to estimate NO emissions ! Information needed to estimate NO emissions ! Julian Day (integer) julday ! Surface Temperature (MCIP field) tair (K) ! Note: Precipitation adjustment not used in the WRF-Chem implementation of BEIS3.11 ! because of differences in soil categories between BEIS and WRF-Chem ! ! The calculation are based on the following paper by J.J. Yienger and H. Levy II ! J.J. Yienger and H. Levy II, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 100,11447-11464,1995 ! ! Also see the following paper for more information: ! Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association/U.S. Environmental Protection ! Agency EMission Inventory Conference, Raleigh October 26-28, 1999 Raleigh NC ! by Tom Pierce and Lucille Bender ! ! REFERENCES ! ! JACQUEMIN B. AND NOILHAN J. (1990), BOUND.-LAYER METEOROL., 52, 93-134. ! J.J. Yienger and H. Levy II, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol 100,11447-11464,1995 ! T. Pierce and L. Bender, Examining the Temporal Variability of Ammonia and Nitric Oxide Emissions from Agricultural Processes ! Proceedings of the Air and Waste Management Association/U.S. Environmental Protection ! Agency EMission Inventory Conference, Raleigh October 26-28, 1999 Raleigh NC ! ! PRECONDITIONS REQUIRED: ! Normalized NO emissions, Surface Temperature ! ! SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS CALLED (directly or indirectly): ! fertilizer_adj computes fertlizer adjustment factor ! veg_adj computes vegatation adjustment factor ! growseason computes day of growing season ! ! ! REVISION HISTORY: ! 10/01 : Prototype by GAP ! !*********************************************************************** ! ! Project Title: BEIS3 Enhancements for NO emission calculation ! File: hrno.f ! ! !*********************************************************************** IMPLICIT NONE !........... ARGUMENTS and their descriptions: INTEGER, INTENT (IN) :: julday ! current julian day REAL, INTENT (IN) :: tairin ! air temperature (K) REAL, INTENT (IN) :: growagno ! norm NO emissions, agricultural, growing REAL, INTENT (IN) :: ngrowagno ! norm NO emissions, agricultural, not growing REAL, INTENT (IN) :: nonagno ! norm NO emissions, non-agricultural REAL, INTENT (OUT) :: e_no ! output NO emissions !........... SCRATCH LOCAL VARIABLES and their descriptions: REAL cfno ! NO correction factor REAL cfnograss ! NO correction factor for grasslands REAL tsoi ! soil temperature REAL tair ! air temperature REAL :: cfnowet, cfnodry INTEGER gday !*********************************************************************** tair = tairin !............. calculate NO emissions by going thru temperature cases gday = growseason(julday) ! Control of growing season should be done in the input files for BEIS3.13 ! gday = 91 IF (gday .eq. 0) THEN !not growing season IF ( tair .GT. 303.00 ) tair = 303.00 IF ( tair .GT. 268.8690 ) THEN cfno = EXP( 0.04686 * tair - 14.30579 ) ! grass (from BEIS2) ELSE cfno = 0.0 ENDIF e_no = & ngrowagno * cfno & !agriculture + nonagno * cfno ! non-agriculture ELSE tsoi = 0.72*tair+82.28 IF (tsoi .LE. 273.16) tsoi = 273.16 IF (tsoi .GE. 303.16) tsoi = 303.16 cfnodry = (1./3.)*(1./30.)*(tsoi-273.16) ! see YL 1995 Equa 9a p. 11452 IF (tsoi .LE. 283.16) THEN ! linear cold case cfnowet = (tsoi-273.16)*EXP(-0.103*30.0)*0.28 ! see YL 1995 Equ 7b ELSE ! exponential case cfnowet = EXP(0.103*(tsoi-273.16)) & *EXP(-0.103*30.0) ENDIF cfno = 0.5*cfnowet + 0.5*cfnodry IF ( tair .GT. 303.00 ) tair = 303.00 IF ( tair .GT. 268.8690 ) THEN cfnograss = EXP( 0.04686 * tair - 14.30579 ) ! grass (from BEIS2) ELSE cfnograss = 0.0 ENDIF e_no = growagno * cfno *fertilizer_adj(julday)*veg_adj(julday) & + nonagno * cfnograss ENDIF RETURN !***************** CONTAINS ******************************************** CONTAINS REAL FUNCTION fertilizer_adj(julday) !***************************************************************** ! ! SUMMARY: ! computes fertilizer adjustment factor from Julian day ! ! FUNCTION CALLS: ! growseason computes day of growing season ! ! NOTE: julday = Julian day format ! !***************************************************************** implicit none integer julday ! !******** local scratch variables ! integer gday ! !******** function calls ! gday = growseason(julday) ! Control of growing season should be done in the input files for BEIS3.13 ! gday = 91 IF (gday .EQ. 0) THEN fertilizer_adj = 0.0 ELSEIF ((gday .GE. 1) .AND. (gday .LT. 30)) THEN ! first month of growing season fertilizer_adj = 1.0 ELSEIF (gday .GE. 30) THEN fertilizer_adj = 1.0+30.0/184.0-float(gday)/184.0 ELSE write (*,*) 'ERROR: invalid Julian day' write (*,*) 'julday = ', julday write (*,*) 'growing season day = ',gday CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'INVALID GROWING SEASON DAY') ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION fertilizer_adj REAL FUNCTION veg_adj(julday) !***************************************************************** ! ! SUMMARY: ! computes vegetation adjustment factor from Julian day ! ! FUNCTION CALLS: ! growseason computes day of growing season ! ! NOTE: julday = Julian day format ! !***************************************************************** implicit none integer julday ! !******** locals ! integer gday ! !******* function calls ! gday = growseason(julday) ! Control of growing season should be done in the input files for BEIS3.13 !gday = 91 IF (gday .LE. 30) THEN veg_adj = 1.0 ELSEIF ((gday .GT. 30) .AND. (gday .LT. 60)) THEN veg_adj = 1.5-(float(gday)/60.0) ELSEIF (gday .GE. 60) THEN veg_adj = 0.5 ELSE write (*,*) 'ERROR: invalid Julian day' write (*,*) 'julday = ', julday write (*,*) 'growing season day = ',gday CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'veg_adj: INVALID GROWING SEASON DAY' ) ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION veg_adj END SUBROUTINE hrno INTEGER FUNCTION growseason(julday) !***************************************************************** ! ! SUMMARY: ! computes day of growing season from Julian day ! ! NOTE: julday = Julian day format ! !***************************************************************** implicit none integer julday !******* ! ! ! given Julian day, compute day of growing season ! ! ! !******** locals integer gsjulian_start integer gsjulian_end data gsjulian_start /91/ !=April 1 in non-leap-year data gsjulian_end /304/ !=Oct 31 in non-leap-year IF ((julday .GE. gsjulian_start) & .AND. (julday .LE. gsjulian_end)) THEN ! growing season growseason = julday-gsjulian_start+1 ELSEIF ((julday .GE. 1) & ! before or after growing season .AND. (julday .LE. 366)) THEN growseason = 0 ELSE write (*,*) 'ERROR: Invalid julday ' write (*,*) 'julday = ',julday CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'growseason: INVALID JULIAN DAY') ENDIF RETURN END FUNCTION growseason END MODULE module_bioemi_beis314