MODULE module_aerosols_sorgam ! USE module_state_description USE module_data_radm2 USE module_data_sorgam USE module_radm ! USE module_isrpia, only: isoropia ! IMPLICIT NONE #define cw_species_are_in_registry CONTAINS SUBROUTINE sorgam_driver (id,ktau,dtstep,t_phy,moist,aerwrf,p8w, & t8w,alt,p_phy,chem,rho_phy,dz8w,z,z_at_w, & h2oaj,h2oai,nu3,ac3,cor3,asulf,ahno3,anh3,cvaro1,cvaro2, & cvalk1,cvole1,cvapi1,cvapi2,cvlim1,cvlim2,vcsulf_old, & vdrog3, & kemit, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, & kemit, & id,ktau REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ), & INTENT(IN ) :: moist REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem ! ! following are aerosol arrays that are not advected ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & h2oaj,h2oai,nu3,ac3,cor3,asulf,ahno3,anh3,cvaro1,cvaro2, & cvalk1,cvole1,cvapi1,cvapi2,cvlim1,cvlim2 REAL, DIMENSION(ims:ime,kms:kme-0,jms:jme,ldrog), & INTENT(IN ) :: & VDROG3 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & t_phy, & alt, & p_phy, & dz8w, & z , & t8w,p8w,z_at_w , & aerwrf , & rho_phy REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme-0 , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & vcsulf_old REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: & dtstep REAL drog_in(ldrog) ! anthropogenic AND ! biogenic organic ! aerosol precursor [ug m**-3 s**-1] REAL condvap_in(lspcv) !bs !rs ! condensable vapors [ug m**-3] REAL rgas DATA rgas/8.314510/ REAL convfac,convfac2 !...BLKSIZE set to one in column model ciarev02 INTEGER blksize PARAMETER (blksize=1) !...number of aerosol species ! number of species (gas + aerosol) INTEGER nspcsda PARAMETER (nspcsda=l1ae) !bs ! (internal aerosol dynamics) !bs # of anth. cond. vapors in SORGAM INTEGER nacv PARAMETER (nacv=lcva) !bs # of anth. cond. vapors in CTM !bs total # of cond. vapors in SORGAM INTEGER ncv PARAMETER (ncv=lspcv) !bs !bs total # of cond. vapors in CTM REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables ! particles [ug/m^3/s] REAL soilrat_in ! emission rate of soil derived coars ! input HNO3 to CBLK [ug/m^3] REAL nitrate_in ! input NH3 to CBLK [ug/m^3] REAL nh3_in ! input SO4 vapor [ug/m^3] REAL hcl_in REAL vsulf_in REAL so4rat_in ! input SO4 formation[ug/m^3/sec] REAL epm25i(blksize),epm25j(blksize),epmcoarse(blksize) ! Emission rate of i-mode EC [ug m**-3 s**-1] REAL eeci_in ! Emission rate of j-mode EC [ug m**-3 s**-1] REAL eecj_in ! Emission rate of j-mode org. aerosol [ug m**- REAL eorgi_in REAL eorgj_in ! Emission rate of j-mode org. aerosol [ug m**- ! pressure in cb REAL pres ! temperature in K REAL temp !bs REAL relhum ! rel. humidity (0,1) REAL ::p(kts:kte),t(kts:kte),rh(kts:kte) !...molecular weights ciarev02 ! molecular weight for SO4 REAL mwso4 PARAMETER (mwso4=96.0576) ! molecular weight for HNO3 REAL mwhno3 PARAMETER (mwhno3=63.01287) ! molecular weight for NH3 REAL mwnh3 PARAMETER (mwnh3=17.03061) ! molecular weight for HCL REAL mwhcl PARAMETER (mwhcl=36.46100) !bs molecular weight for Organic Spec ! REAL mworg ! PARAMETER (mworg=175.0) !bs molecular weight for Elemental Ca REAL mwec PARAMETER (mwec=12.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwaro1 PARAMETER (mwaro1=150.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwaro2 PARAMETER (mwaro2=150.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwalk1 PARAMETER (mwalk1=140.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwalk2 PARAMETER (mwalk2=140.0) !rs molecular weight !rs molecular weight REAL mwole1 PARAMETER (mwole1=140.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwapi1 PARAMETER (mwapi1=200.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwapi2 PARAMETER (mwapi2=200.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwlim1 PARAMETER (mwlim1=200.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwlim2 PARAMETER (mwlim2=200.0) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INTEGER :: i,j,k,l,debug_level ! ! convert advected aerosol variables to ug/m3 from mixing ratio ! they will be converted back at the end of this driver ! do l=p_so4aj,num_chem do j=jts,jte do k=kts,kte do i=its,ite chem(i,k,j,l)=max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,l)/alt(i,k,j)) enddo enddo enddo enddo do 100 j=jts,jte do 100 i=its,ite debug_level=0 do k=kts,kte t(k) = t_phy(i,k,j) p(k) = .001*p_phy(i,k,j) rh(k) = MIN( 95.,100. * moist(i,k,j,p_qv) / & (3.80*exp(17.27*(t_phy(i,k,j)-273.)/ & (t_phy(i,k,j)-36.))/(.01*p_phy(i,k,j))) ) rh(k)=max(.1,0.01*rh(k)) enddo do k=kts,kte ! if( ! if((i.eq.12.and.j.eq.17.and.k.eq.1).or. & ! (i.eq.12.and.j.eq.7.and.k.eq.2).or. & ! (i.eq.1.and.j.eq.17.and.k.eq.2))iprt=1 ! if( *,ktau,timer,i,j,k,p(k),t(k),dtstep,rgas,vcsulf_old(i,k,j),MWSO4,chem(i,k,j,p_sulf) ! endif cblk=0. do l=1,ldrog drog_in(l)=0. enddo do l=1,lspcv condvap_in(l)=0. enddo convfac = p(k)/rgas/t(k)*1000. so4rat_in=(chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)-vcsulf_old(i,k,j))/dtstep*CONVFAC*MWSO4 soilrat_in = 0. nitrate_in =max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_hno3)*convfac*mwhno3) nh3_in = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_nh3)*convfac*mwnh3) hcl_in = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_hcl)*convfac*mwhcl) ! hcl_in = 0. vsulf_in = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*convfac*mwso4) ! if(i.eq.28.and.j.eq.25.and.k.eq.1)then ! print *,'vsulfin = ',vsulf_in,chem(i,k,j,p_sulf),convfac,mwso4 ! print *,'nitratein = ',nitrate_in,chem(i,k,j,p_hno3) ! print *,'nh3in = ',nh3_in,chem(i,k,j,p_nh3) ! print *,'hclin = ',hcl_in,chem(i,k,j,p_hcl) ! print *,'pso4ai = ',chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj),chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj),chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj),chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) ! endif !rs !rs * organic aerosol precursors !rs * anthropogenic organics DeltaROG drog_in(PXYL ) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PXYL ) drog_in(PTOL ) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PTOL ) drog_in(PCSL1) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PCSL1) drog_in(PCSL2) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PCSL2) drog_in(PHC8 ) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PHC8 ) drog_in(POLI1) = VDROG3(i,k,j,POLI1) drog_in(POLI2) = VDROG3(i,k,j,POLI2) drog_in(POLI3) = VDROG3(i,k,j,POLI3) drog_in(POLT1) = VDROG3(i,k,j,POLT1) drog_in(POLT2) = VDROG3(i,k,j,POLT2) drog_in(POLT3) = VDROG3(i,k,j,POLT3) !rs * biogenic organics DeltaROG if(p_lim.eq.1)then ! if(p_ete.eq.1)then drog_in(PAPI1) = 0. drog_in(PAPI2) = 0. drog_in(PAPI3) = 0. drog_in(PLIM1) = 0. drog_in(PLIM2) = 0. drog_in(PLIM3) = 0. condvap_in(PSOAAPI1) = 0. condvap_in(PSOAAPI2) = 0. condvap_in(PSOALIM1) = 0. condvap_in(PSOALIM2) = 0. elseif( ! elseif( drog_in(PAPI1) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PAPI1) drog_in(PAPI2) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PAPI2) drog_in(PAPI3) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PAPI3) drog_in(PLIM1) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PLIM1) drog_in(PLIM2) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PLIM2) drog_in(PLIM3) = VDROG3(i,k,j,PLIM3) condvap_in(PSOAAPI1) = max(epsilc,cvapi1(i,k,j)) condvap_in(PSOAAPI2) = max(epsilc,cvapi2(i,k,j)) condvap_in(PSOALIM1) = max(epsilc,cvlim1(i,k,j)) condvap_in(PSOALIM2) = max(epsilc,cvlim2(i,k,j)) endif condvap_in(PSOAARO1) = max(epsilc,cvaro1(i,k,j)) condvap_in(PSOAARO2) = max(epsilc,cvaro2(i,k,j)) condvap_in(PSOAALK1) = max(epsilc,cvalk1(i,k,j)) condvap_in(PSOAOLE1) = max(epsilc,cvole1(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VORGARO1J) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1j) cblk(1,VORGARO1I) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1i) cblk(1,VORGARO2J) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2j) cblk(1,VORGARO2I) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2i) cblk(1,VORGALK1J) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1j) cblk(1,VORGALK1I) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1i) cblk(1,VORGOLE1J) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1j) cblk(1,VORGOLE1I) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1i) cblk(1,VORGBA1J ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1j) cblk(1,VORGBA1I ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1i) cblk(1,VORGBA2J ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2j) cblk(1,VORGBA2I ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2i) cblk(1,VORGBA3J ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3j) cblk(1,VORGBA3I ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3i) cblk(1,VORGBA4J ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4j) cblk(1,VORGBA4I ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4i) cblk(1,VORGPAJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj) cblk(1,VORGPAI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai) cblk(1,VECJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_ecj) cblk(1,VECI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_eci) cblk(1,VP25AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) cblk(1,VP25AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_p25i) cblk(1,VANTHA ) = chem(i,k,j,p_antha) cblk(1,VSEAS ) = chem(i,k,j,p_seas) cblk(1,VSOILA ) = chem(i,k,j,p_soila) cblk(1,VH2OAJ ) = max(epsilc,h2oaj(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VH2OAI ) = max(epsilc,h2oai(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VNU3 ) = max(epsilc,nu3(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VAC3 ) = max(epsilc,ac3(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCOR3 ) = max(epsilc,cor3(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCVARO1 ) = max(epsilc,cvaro1(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCVARO2 ) = max(epsilc,cvaro2(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCVALK1 ) = max(epsilc,cvalk1(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCVOLE1 ) = max(epsilc,cvole1(i,k,j)) ! cblk(1,VCVAPI1 ) = 0. ! cblk(1,VCVAPI2 ) = 0. ! cblk(1,VCVLIM1 ) = 0. ! cblk(1,VCVLIM2 ) = 0. cblk(1,VCVAPI1 ) = max(epsilc,cvapi1(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCVAPI2 ) = max(epsilc,cvapi2(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCVLIM1 ) = max(epsilc,cvlim1(i,k,j)) cblk(1,VCVLIM2 ) = max(epsilc,cvlim2(i,k,j)) ! ! Set emissions to zero ! epmcoarse(1) = 0. epm25i(1) = 0. epm25j (1) = 0. eeci_in = 0. eecj_in = 0. eorgi_in = 0. eorgj_in = 0. cblk(1,VSO4AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj) cblk(1,VSO4AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai) cblk(1,VNO3AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj) cblk(1,VNO3AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai) cblk(1,VNAAJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) cblk(1,VNAAI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_naai) cblk(1,VCLAJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_claj) cblk(1,VCLAI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_clai) ! cblk(1,VCLAJ ) = 0. ! cblk(1,VCLAI ) = 0. ! ! Set emissions to zero when above level kemit. ! ! if( k > kemit ) then ! epmcoarse(1) = 0. ! epm25i(1) = 0. ! epm25j (1) = 0. ! eeci_in = 0. ! eecj_in = 0. ! eorgi_in = 0. ! eorgj_in = 0. ! cblk(1,VSO4AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj) ! cblk(1,VSO4AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai) ! cblk(1,VNO3AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj) ! cblk(1,VNO3AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai) ! else ! epmcoarse(1) = emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_pm_10)/dz8w(i,k,j) ! epm25i(1) = emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_pm25i)/dz8w(i,k,j) ! epm25j(1) = emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_pm25j)/dz8w(i,k,j) ! eeci_in = emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_eci)/dz8w(i,k,j) ! eecj_in = emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_ecj)/dz8w(i,k,j) ! eorgi_in = emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_orgi)/dz8w(i,k,j) ! eorgj_in = emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_orgj)/dz8w(i,k,j) ! cblk(1,VSO4AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj)+emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_so4j)/dz8w(i,k,j)*dtstep ! cblk(1,VSO4AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai)+emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_so4i)/dz8w(i,k,j)*dtstep ! cblk(1,VNO3AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj)+emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_no3j)/dz8w(i,k,j)*dtstep ! cblk(1,VNO3AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai)+emis_ant(i,k,j,p_e_no3i)/dz8w(i,k,j)*dtstep ! end if !rs. nitrate, nh3, sulf cblk(1,vsulf) = vsulf_in cblk(1,vhno3) = nitrate_in cblk(1,vnh3) = nh3_in cblk(1,vhcl) = hcl_in cblk(1,VNH4AJ ) = chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj) cblk(1,VNH4AI ) = chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai) cblk(1,VNU0 ) = max(1.e7,chem(i,k,j,p_nu0)) cblk(1,VAC0 ) = max(1.e7,chem(i,k,j,p_ac0)) cblk(1,VCORN ) = chem(i,k,j,p_corn) if( if(i.eq.its.and.j.eq.jts.and.k.eq.kts)then print*,'in a_mechanisms',i,j,k print*,'NSPCSDA, BLKSIZE',NSPCSDA, BLKSIZE print*,'k,DTA,PRES,TEMP,RELHUM',k,DTstep,10.*P(k),T(k),RH(k) print*,'nitrate_in, nh3_in, vsulf_in, so4rat_in', & nitrate_in, nh3_in, vsulf_in, so4rat_in print*,'drog_in,ldrog',drog_in,ldrog print*,'condvap_in,NCV,NACV',condvap_in,NCV,NACV print*,'eeci_in, eecj_in, eorgi_in, eorgj_in,convfac' & ,eeci_in, eecj_in, eorgi_in, eorgj_in,convfac print*,'CBLK',CBLK endif end if CALL rpmmod3(nspcsda,blksize,k,dtstep,10.*p(k),t(k),rh(k),nitrate_in,nh3_in, & vsulf_in,so4rat_in,drog_in,ldrog,condvap_in,ncv,nacv,eeci_in,eecj_in, & eorgi_in,eorgj_in,epm25i,epm25j,epmcoarse,soilrat_in,cblk,i,j,k) chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj) = cblk(1,VSO4AJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai) = cblk(1,VSO4AI ) chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj) = cblk(1,VNH4AJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai) = cblk(1,VNH4AI ) chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj) = cblk(1,VNO3AJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai) = cblk(1,VNO3AI ) chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) = cblk(1,VNAAJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_naai) = cblk(1,VNAAI ) chem(i,k,j,p_claj) = cblk(1,VCLAJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_clai) = cblk(1,VCLAI ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1j) = cblk(1,VORGARO1J) chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1i) = cblk(1,VORGARO1I) chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2j) = cblk(1,VORGARO2J) chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2i) = cblk(1,VORGARO2I) chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1j) = cblk(1,VORGALK1J) chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1i) = cblk(1,VORGALK1I) chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1j) = cblk(1,VORGOLE1J) chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1i) = cblk(1,VORGOLE1I) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1j) = cblk(1,VORGBA1J ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1i) = cblk(1,VORGBA1I ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2j) = cblk(1,VORGBA2J ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2i) = cblk(1,VORGBA2I ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3j) = cblk(1,VORGBA3J ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3i) = cblk(1,VORGBA3I ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4j) = cblk(1,VORGBA4J ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4i) = cblk(1,VORGBA4I ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj) = cblk(1,VORGPAJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai) = cblk(1,VORGPAI ) chem(i,k,j,p_ecj) = cblk(1,VECJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_eci) = cblk(1,VECI ) chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) = cblk(1,VP25AJ ) chem(i,k,j,p_p25i) = cblk(1,VP25AI ) chem(i,k,j,p_antha) =cblk(1,VANTHA ) chem(i,k,j,p_seas) = cblk(1,VSEAS ) chem(i,k,j,p_soila) = cblk(1,VSOILA ) chem(i,k,j,p_nu0) = max(1.e7,cblk(1,VNU0 )) chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) = max(1.e7,cblk(1,VAC0 )) ! chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) = cblk(1,VAC0 ) chem(i,k,j,p_corn) = cblk(1,VCORN ) h2oaj(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VH2OAJ ) h2oai(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VH2OAI ) nu3(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VNU3 ) ac3(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VAC3 ) cor3(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCOR3 ) cvaro1(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVARO1 ) cvaro2(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVARO2 ) cvalk1(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVALK1 ) cvole1(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVOLE1 ) ! cvapi1(i,k,j) = 0. ! cvapi2(i,k,j) = 0. ! cvlim1(i,k,j) = 0. ! cvlim2(i,k,j) = 0. cvapi1(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVAPI1 ) cvapi2(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVAPI2 ) cvlim1(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVLIM1 ) cvlim2(i,k,j) = cblk(1,VCVLIM2 ) chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)=max(epsilc,cblk(1,vsulf)/CONVFAC/MWSO4) chem(i,k,j,p_hno3)=max(epsilc,cblk(1,vhno3)/CONVFAC/MWHNO3) chem(i,k,j,p_nh3)=max(epsilc,cblk(1,vnh3)/CONVFAC/MWNH3) chem(i,k,j,p_hcl)=max(epsilc,cblk(1,vhcl)/CONVFAC/MWHCL) ! if(i.eq.28.and.j.eq.25.and.k.eq.1)then ! print *,vhcl ! print *,'vsulfout = ',chem(i,k,j,p_sulf) ! print *,'nitrateout = ',chem(i,k,j,p_hno3) ! print *,'nh3out = ',chem(i,k,j,p_nh3) ! print *,'hclout = ',cblk(1,vhcl)/CONVFAC/MWHCL ! print *,'pso4ai = ',chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj),chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj),chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj),chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) ! endif enddo ! k-loop 100 continue ! i,j-loop ! ! convert aerosol variables back to mixing ratio from ug/m3 ! do l=p_so4aj,num_chem do j=jts,jte do k=kts,kte do i=its,ite chem(i,k,j,l)=max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,l)*alt(i,k,j)) enddo enddo enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE sorgam_driver ! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUBROUTINE sum_pm_sorgam ( & alt, chem, h2oaj, h2oai, & pm2_5_dry, pm2_5_water, pm2_5_dry_ec, pm10, & dust_opt,ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: dust_opt, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(IN ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt,h2oaj,h2oai REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(OUT) :: pm2_5_dry,pm2_5_water,pm2_5_dry_ec,pm10 INTEGER :: i,ii,j,jj,k,n ! ! sum up pm2_5 and pm10 output ! pm2_5_dry(its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte) = 0. pm2_5_water(its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte) = 0. pm2_5_dry_ec(its:ite, kts:kte, jts:jte) = 0. do j=jts,jte jj=min(jde-1,j) do k=kts,kte do i=its,ite ii=min(ide-1,i) ! if(dust_opt == 1 ) then ! first add gocart dust and seasalt (aqmeii) ! pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry(i,k,j)+chem(ii,k,jj,p_dust_1)+ & ! .286*chem(ii,k,jj,p_dust_2) + & ! chem(ii,k,jj,p_seas_1) + & ! .942*chem(ii,k,jj,p_seas_2) ! endif ! do n=p_so4aj,p_p25i pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry(i,k,j)+chem(ii,k,jj,n) enddo if( p_p25cwi .gt. p_p25i) then do n=p_so4cwj,p_p25cwi pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry(i,k,j)+chem(ii,k,jj,n) enddo endif pm2_5_dry_ec(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry_ec(i,k,j)+chem(ii,k,jj,p_ecj) & + chem(ii,k,jj,p_eci) pm2_5_water(i,k,j) = pm2_5_water(i,k,j)+h2oaj(i,k,j) & + h2oai(i,k,j) !Convert the units from mixing ratio to concentration (ug m^-3) pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) / alt(ii,k,jj) pm2_5_dry_ec(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry_ec(i,k,j) / alt(ii,k,jj) pm2_5_water(i,k,j) = pm2_5_water(i,k,j) / alt(ii,k,jj) enddo enddo enddo do j=jts,jte jj=min(jde-1,j) do k=kts,kte do i=its,ite ii=min(ide-1,i) ! if(dust_opt == 1 ) then ! pm10(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) & ! + ( chem(ii,k,jj,p_antha) & ! + .714*chem(ii,k,jj,p_dust_2) & ! + chem(ii,k,jj,p_dust_3) & ! + .058*chem(ii,k,jj,p_seas_2) & ! + chem(ii,k,jj,p_seas_3) ) / alt(ii,k,jj) ! else pm10(i,k,j) = pm2_5_dry(i,k,j) & + ( chem(ii,k,jj,p_antha) & + chem(ii,k,jj,p_soila) & + chem(ii,k,jj,p_seas) ) / alt(ii,k,jj) if( p_p25cwi .gt. p_p25i) then pm10(i,k,j) = pm10(i,k,j) & + ( chem(ii,k,jj,p_anthcw) & + chem(ii,k,jj,p_soilcw) & + chem(ii,k,jj,p_seascw) ) / alt(ii,k,jj) endif ! endif enddo enddo enddo END SUBROUTINE sum_pm_sorgam ! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUBROUTINE sorgam_depdriver (id,config_flags,ktau,dtstep, & ust,t_phy,moist,p8w,t8w,rmol,znt,pbl, & alt,p_phy,chem,rho_phy,dz8w,z,z_at_w, & h2oaj,h2oai,nu3,ac3,cor3,asulf,ahno3,anh3,cvaro1,cvaro2, & cvalk1,cvole1,cvapi1,cvapi2,cvlim1,cvlim2, & aer_res,vgsa, & numgas,ddflx, & numaer, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) USE module_configure,only: grid_config_rec_type TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT (IN) :: config_flags INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: & numgas, & numaer, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, & id,ktau REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_moist ), & INTENT(IN ) :: moist REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem ! ! following are aerosol arrays that are not advected ! REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, jts:jte, numaer ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & vgsa real, intent(inout), & dimension( ims:ime, jms:jme, numgas+1:num_chem ) :: & ddflx REAL, DIMENSION( its:ite, jts:jte ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & aer_res REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & h2oaj,h2oai,nu3,ac3,cor3,asulf,ahno3,anh3,cvaro1,cvaro2, & cvalk1,cvole1,cvapi1,cvapi2,cvlim1,cvlim2 REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & t_phy, & alt, & p_phy, & dz8w, & z , & t8w,p8w,z_at_w , & rho_phy REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & ust,rmol, pbl, znt REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: & dtstep REAL rgas DATA rgas/8.314510/ REAL convfac,convfac2 !...BLKSIZE set to one in column model ciarev02 INTEGER blksize PARAMETER (blksize=1) !...number of aerosol species ! number of species (gas + aerosol) INTEGER nspcsda PARAMETER (nspcsda=l1ae) !bs ! (internal aerosol dynamics) !bs # of anth. cond. vapors in SORGAM INTEGER nacv PARAMETER (nacv=lcva) !bs # of anth. cond. vapors in CTM !bs total # of cond. vapors in SORGAM INTEGER ncv PARAMETER (ncv=lspcv) !bs !bs total # of cond. vapors in CTM REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables ! particles [ug/m^3/s] REAL soilrat_in ! emission rate of soil derived coars ! input HNO3 to CBLK [ug/m^3] REAL nitrate_in ! input NH3 to CBLK [ug/m^3] REAL nh3_in ! ! input hcl vapor REAL hcl_in ! input SO4 vapor [ug/m^3] REAL vsulf_in REAL so4rat_in ! input SO4 formation[ug/m^3/sec] ! pressure in cb REAL pres ! temperature in K REAL temp !bs REAL relhum ! rel. humidity (0,1) REAL ::p(kts:kte),t(kts:kte),rh(kts:kte) !...molecular weights ciarev02 ! molecular weight for SO4 REAL mwso4 PARAMETER (mwso4=96.0576) ! molecular weight for HNO3 REAL mwhno3 PARAMETER (mwhno3=63.01287) ! molecular weight for NH3 REAL mwnh3 PARAMETER (mwnh3=17.03061) !molecular weight for HCL REAL mwhcl PARAMETER (mwhcl=36.46100) !bs molecular weight for Organic Spec ! REAL mworg ! PARAMETER (mworg=175.0) !bs molecular weight for Elemental Ca REAL mwec PARAMETER (mwec=12.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwaro1 PARAMETER (mwaro1=150.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwaro2 PARAMETER (mwaro2=150.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwalk1 PARAMETER (mwalk1=140.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwalk2 PARAMETER (mwalk2=140.0) !rs molecular weight !rs molecular weight REAL mwole1 PARAMETER (mwole1=140.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwapi1 PARAMETER (mwapi1=200.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwapi2 PARAMETER (mwapi2=200.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwlim1 PARAMETER (mwlim1=200.0) !rs molecular weight REAL mwlim2 PARAMETER (mwlim2=200.0) INTEGER NUMCELLS ! actual number of cells in arrays ( default is 1 in box model) !ia kept to 1 in current version of column model PARAMETER( NUMCELLS = 1) REAL RA(BLKSIZE ) ! aerodynamic resistance [ s m**-1 ] REAL USTAR( BLKSIZE ) ! surface friction velocity [ m s**-1 ] REAL WSTAR( BLKSIZE ) ! convective velocity scale [ m s**-1 ] REAL PBLH( BLKSIZE ) ! PBL height (m) REAL ZNTT( BLKSIZE ) ! Surface roughness length (m) REAL RMOLM( BLKSIZE ) ! Inverse of Monin-Obukhov length (1/m) REAL BLKPRS(BLKSIZE) ! pressure in cb REAL BLKTA(BLKSIZE) ! temperature in K REAL BLKDENS(BLKSIZE) ! Air density in kg/m3 ! ! *** OUTPUT: ! ! *** atmospheric properties REAL XLM( BLKSIZE ) ! atmospheric mean free path [ m ] REAL AMU( BLKSIZE ) ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg/m s ] ! *** followng is for future version REAL VSED( BLKSIZE, NASPCSSED) ! sedimentation velocity [ m s**-1 ] REAL VDEP( BLKSIZE, NASPCSDEP) ! deposition velocity [ m s**-1 ] ! *** modal diameters: [ m ] REAL DGNUC( BLKSIZE ) ! nuclei mode geometric mean diameter [ m ] REAL DGACC( BLKSIZE ) ! accumulation geometric mean diameter [ m ] REAL DGCOR( BLKSIZE ) ! coarse mode geometric mean diameter [ m ] ! *** aerosol properties: ! *** Modal mass concentrations [ ug m**3 ] REAL PMASSN( BLKSIZE ) ! mass concentration in Aitken mode REAL PMASSA( BLKSIZE ) ! mass concentration in accumulation mode REAL PMASSC( BLKSIZE ) ! mass concentration in coarse mode ! *** average modal particle densities [ kg/m**3 ] REAL PDENSN( BLKSIZE ) ! average particle density in nuclei mode REAL PDENSA( BLKSIZE ) ! average particle density in accumulation mode REAL PDENSC( BLKSIZE ) ! average particle density in coarse mode ! *** average modal Knudsen numbers REAL KNNUC ( BLKSIZE ) ! nuclei mode Knudsen number REAL KNACC ( BLKSIZE ) ! accumulation Knudsen number REAL KNCOR ( BLKSIZE ) ! coarse mode Knudsen number !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! INTEGER :: i,j,k,l ! ! print *,'in sorgdepdriver ',its,ite,jts,jte do l=1,numaer do i=its,ite do j=jts,jte vgsa(i,j,l)=0. enddo enddo enddo vdep=0. do 100 j=jts,jte do 100 i=its,ite cblk=epsilc do k=kts,kte t(k) = t_phy(i,k,j) p(k) = .001*p_phy(i,k,j) rh(k) = MIN( 100.,100. * moist(i,k,j,p_qv) / & (3.80*exp(17.27*(t_phy(i,k,j)-273.)/ & (t_phy(i,k,j)-36.))/(.01*p_phy(i,k,j)))) rh(k)=max(.05,0.01*rh(k)) enddo ! do k=kts,kte k=kts convfac = p(k)/rgas/t(k)*1000. nitrate_in =chem(i,k,j,p_hno3)*convfac*mwhno3 nh3_in = chem(i,k,j,p_nh3)*convfac*mwnh3 vsulf_in = chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)*convfac*mwso4 hcl_in = chem(i,k,j,p_hcl)*convfac*mwhcl !rs. nitrate, nh3, sulf BLKPRS(BLKSIZE) = 1.e3*P(K) ! pressure in Pa BLKTA(BLKSIZE) = T(K) ! temperature in K USTAR(BLKSIZE) = max(1.e-1,UST(i,j)) WSTAR(BLKSIZE) = 0. pblh(blksize) = pbl(i,j) zntt(blksize) = znt(i,j) rmolm(blksize)= rmol(i,j) convfac2=1./alt(i,k,j) BLKDENS(BLKSIZE)=convfac2 cblk(1,vsulf) = max(epsilc,vsulf_in) cblk(1,vhno3) = max(epsilc,nitrate_in) cblk(1,vnh3) = max(epsilc,nh3_in) cblk(1,vhcl) = max(epsilc,hcl_in) cblk(1,VSO4AJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj)*convfac2) cblk(1,VSO4AI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai)*convfac2) cblk(1,VNH4AJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj)*convfac2) cblk(1,VNH4AI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai)*convfac2) cblk(1,VNO3AJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj)*convfac2) cblk(1,VNO3AI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai)*convfac2) if (p_naai >= param_first_scalar) & cblk(1,VNAAI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_naai)*convfac2) if (p_naaj >= param_first_scalar) & cblk(1,VNAAJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_naaj)*convfac2) if (p_clai >= param_first_scalar) & cblk(1,VCLAI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_clai)*convfac2) if (p_claj >= param_first_scalar) & cblk(1,VCLAJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_claj)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGARO1J) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGARO1I) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGARO2J) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGARO2I) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGALK1J) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGALK1I) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGOLE1J) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGOLE1I) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA1J ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA1I ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA2J ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA2I ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA3J ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA3I ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA4J ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGBA4I ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGPAJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj)*convfac2) cblk(1,VORGPAI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai)*convfac2) cblk(1,VECJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_ecj)*convfac2) cblk(1,VECI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_eci)*convfac2) cblk(1,VP25AJ ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_p25j)*convfac2) cblk(1,VP25AI ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_p25i)*convfac2) cblk(1,VANTHA ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_antha)*convfac2) cblk(1,VSEAS ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_seas)*convfac2) cblk(1,VSOILA ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_soila)*convfac2) cblk(1,VNU0 ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_nu0)*convfac2) cblk(1,VAC0 ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_ac0)*convfac2) cblk(1,VCORN ) = max(epsilc,chem(i,k,j,p_corn)*convfac2) cblk(1,VH2OAJ ) = h2oaj(i,k,j) cblk(1,VH2OAI ) = h2oai(i,k,j) cblk(1,VNU3 ) = nu3(i,k,j) cblk(1,VAC3 ) = ac3(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCOR3 ) = cor3(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCVARO1 ) = cvaro1(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCVARO2 ) = cvaro2(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCVALK1 ) = cvalk1(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCVOLE1 ) = cvole1(i,k,j) ! cblk(1,VCVAPI1 ) = 0. ! cblk(1,VCVAPI2 ) = 0. ! cblk(1,VCVLIM1 ) = 0. ! cblk(1,VCVLIM2 ) = 0. cblk(1,VCVAPI1 ) = cvapi1(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCVAPI2 ) = cvapi2(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCVLIM1 ) = cvlim1(i,k,j) cblk(1,VCVLIM2 ) = cvlim2(i,k,j) ! !rs. get size distribution information ! ! if(i.eq.126.and.j.eq.99)then ! print *,'in modpar ',i,j ! print *,cblk,BLKTA,BLKPRS,USTAR ! print *,'BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS' ! print *,BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS ! print *,'XLM, AMU,PDENSN, PDENSA, PDENSC' ! print *,XLM, AMU,PDENSN, PDENSA, PDENSC ! print *,'chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj),chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai)',p_orgpaj,p_orgpai ! print *,chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj),chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai) ! endif CALL MODPAR( BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS, & CBLK, & BLKTA, BLKPRS, & PMASSN, PMASSA, PMASSC, & PDENSN, PDENSA, PDENSC, & XLM, AMU, & DGNUC, DGACC, DGCOR, & KNNUC, KNACC,KNCOR ) ! print *,'out modpar ',i,j if (config_flags%aer_drydep_opt == 11) then CALL VDVG( BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS,k,CBLK, & BLKTA, BLKDENS, AER_RES(I,j), USTAR, WSTAR, AMU, & DGNUC, DGACC, DGCOR, & KNNUC, KNACC,KNCOR, & PDENSN, PDENSA, PDENSC, & VSED, VDEP ) else CALL VDVG_2( BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS,k,CBLK, & BLKTA, BLKDENS, AER_RES(I,j), USTAR, PBLH,& ZNTT, RMOLM, AMU, DGNUC, DGACC, DGCOR,XLM,& KNNUC, KNACC,KNCOR, & PDENSN, PDENSA, PDENSC, & VSED, VDEP ) endif VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) = VDEP(1, VDMACC ) VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) = VDEP(1, VDMNUC ) VGSA(i, j, VNH4AJ ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VNH4AI ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VNO3AJ ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VNO3AI ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) if (p_naai >= param_first_scalar) VGSA(i, j, VNAAI ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) if (p_naaj >= param_first_scalar) VGSA(i, j, VNAAJ ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) if (p_clai >= param_first_scalar) VGSA(i, j, VCLAI ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) if (p_claj >= param_first_scalar) VGSA(i, j, VCLAJ ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGARO1J) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGARO1I) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGARO2J) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGARO2I) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGALK1J) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGALK1I) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGOLE1J) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGOLE1I) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA1J ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA1I ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA2J ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA2I ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA3J ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA3I ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA4J ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGBA4I ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VORGPAJ ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VORGPAI ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VECJ ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VECI ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VP25AJ ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AJ ) VGSA(i, j, VP25AI ) = VGSA(i, j, VSO4AI ) VGSA(i, j, VANTHA ) = VDEP(1, VDMCOR ) VGSA(i, j, VSEAS ) = VGSA(i, j, VANTHA ) VGSA(i, j, VSOILA ) = VGSA(i, j, VANTHA ) VGSA(i, j, VNU0 ) = VDEP(1, VDNNUC ) VGSA(i, j, VAC0 ) = VDEP(1, VDNACC ) VGSA(i, j, VCORN ) = VDEP(1, VDNCOR ) if( config_flags%diagnostic_dep == 1) then ddflx(i,j,p_so4aj)=ddflx(i,j,p_so4aj)+chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VSO4AJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_so4ai)=ddflx(i,j,p_so4ai)+chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VSO4AI)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_nh4aj)=ddflx(i,j,p_nh4aj)+chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VNH4AJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_nh4ai)=ddflx(i,j,p_nh4ai)+chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VNH4Ai)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_no3aj)=ddflx(i,j,p_no3aj)+chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VNO3AJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_no3ai)=ddflx(i,j,p_no3ai)+chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VNO3AI)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro1j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro1j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGARO1J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro1i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro1i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGARO1I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro2j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro2j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGARO2J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro2i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgaro2i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGARO2I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgalk1j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgalk1j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGALK1J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgalk1i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgalk1i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGALK1I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgole1j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgole1j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGOLE1J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgole1i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgole1i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGOLE1I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba1j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba1j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA1J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba1i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba1i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA1I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba2j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba2j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA2J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba2i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba2i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA2I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba3j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba3j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA3J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba3i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba3i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA3I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba4j)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba4j)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA4J)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgba4i)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgba4i)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGBA4I)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgpaj)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgpaj)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGPAJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_orgpai)=ddflx(i,j,p_orgpai)+chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VORGPAI)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_ecj)=ddflx(i,j,p_ecj)+chem(i,k,j,p_ecj)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VECJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_eci)=ddflx(i,j,p_eci)+chem(i,k,j,p_eci)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VECI)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_p25j)=ddflx(i,j,p_p25j)+chem(i,k,j,p_p25j)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VP25AJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_p25i)=ddflx(i,j,p_p25i)+chem(i,k,j,p_p25i)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VP25AI)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_naaj)=ddflx(i,j,p_naaj)+chem(i,k,j,p_naaj)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VNAAJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_naai)=ddflx(i,j,p_naai)+chem(i,k,j,p_naai)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VNAAI)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_claj)=ddflx(i,j,p_claj)+chem(i,k,j,p_claj)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VCLAJ)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_clai)=ddflx(i,j,p_clai)+chem(i,k,j,p_clai)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VCLAI)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_antha)=ddflx(i,j,p_antha)+chem(i,k,j,p_antha)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VANTHA)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_seas)=ddflx(i,j,p_seas)+chem(i,k,j,p_seas)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VSEAS)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_soila)=ddflx(i,j,p_soila)+chem(i,k,j,p_soila)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VSOILA)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_nu0)=ddflx(i,j,p_nu0)+chem(i,k,j,p_nu0)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VNU0)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_ac0)=ddflx(i,j,p_ac0)+chem(i,k,j,p_ac0)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VAC0)*dtstep ddflx(i,j,p_corn)=ddflx(i,j,p_corn)+chem(i,k,j,p_corn)/alt(i,k,j)*VGSA(i,j,VCORN)*dtstep end if ! enddo ! k-loop 100 continue ! i,j-loop END SUBROUTINE sorgam_depdriver ! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUBROUTINE actcof(cat,an,gama,molnu,phimult) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! DESCRIPTION: ! This subroutine computes the activity coefficients of (2NH4+,SO4--), ! (NH4+,NO3-),(2H+,SO4--),(H+,NO3-),AND (H+,HSO4-) in aqueous ! multicomponent solution, using Bromley's model and Pitzer's method. ! REFERENCES: ! Bromley, L.A. (1973) Thermodynamic properties of strong electrolytes ! in aqueous solutions. AIChE J. 19, 313-320. ! Chan, C.K. R.C. Flagen, & J.H. Seinfeld (1992) Water Activities of ! NH4NO3 / (NH4)2SO4 solutions, Atmos. Environ. (26A): 1661-1673. ! Clegg, S.L. & P. Brimblecombe (1988) Equilibrium partial pressures ! of strong acids over saline solutions - I HNO3, ! Atmos. Environ. (22): 91-100 ! Clegg, S.L. & P. Brimblecombe (1990) Equilibrium partial pressures ! and mean activity and osmotic coefficients of 0-100% nitric acid ! as a function of temperature, J. Phys. Chem (94): 5369 - 5380 ! Pilinis, C. and J.H. Seinfeld (1987) Continued development of a ! general equilibrium model for inorganic multicomponent atmospheric ! aerosols. Atmos. Environ. 21(11), 2453-2466. ! ARGUMENT DESCRIPTION: ! CAT(1) : conc. of H+ (moles/kg) ! CAT(2) : conc. of NH4+ (moles/kg) ! AN(1) : conc. of SO4-- (moles/kg) ! AN(2) : conc. of NO3- (moles/kg) ! AN(3) : conc. of HSO4- (moles/kg) ! GAMA(2,1) : mean molal ionic activity coeff for (2NH4+,SO4--) ! GAMA(2,2) : (NH4+,NO3-) ! GAMA(2,3) : (NH4+. HSO4-) ! GAMA(1,1) : (2H+,SO4--) ! GAMA(1,2) : (H+,NO3-) ! GAMA(1,3) : (H+,HSO4-) ! MOLNU : the total number of moles of all ions. ! PHIMULT : the multicomponent paractical osmotic coefficient. ! REVISION HISTORY: ! Who When Detailed description of changes ! --------- -------- ------------------------------------------- ! S.Roselle 7/26/89 Copied parts of routine BROMLY, and began this ! new routine using a method described by Pilini ! and Seinfeld 1987, Atmos. Envirn. 21 pp2453-24 ! S.Roselle 7/30/97 Modified for use in Models-3 ! F.Binkowski 8/7/97 Modified coefficients BETA0, BETA1, CGAMA !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE !...........INCLUDES and their descriptions ! INCLUDE SUBST_XSTAT ! M3EXIT status codes !.................................................................... ! Normal, successful completion INTEGER xstat0 PARAMETER (xstat0=0) ! File I/O error INTEGER xstat1 PARAMETER (xstat1=1) ! Execution error INTEGER xstat2 PARAMETER (xstat2=2) ! Special error INTEGER xstat3 PARAMETER (xstat3=3) CHARACTER*120 xmsg !...........PARAMETERS and their descriptions: ! number of cations INTEGER ncat PARAMETER (ncat=2) ! number of anions INTEGER nan PARAMETER (nan=3) !...........ARGUMENTS and their descriptions ! tot # moles of all ions REAL molnu ! multicomponent paractical osmo REAL phimult REAL cat(ncat) ! cation conc in moles/kg (input REAL an(nan) ! anion conc in moles/kg (input) REAL gama(ncat,nan) !...........SCRATCH LOCAL VARIABLES and their descriptions: ! mean molal ionic activity coef CHARACTER*16 & ! driver program name pname SAVE pname ! anion indX INTEGER ian INTEGER icat ! cation indX REAL fgama ! ionic strength REAL i REAL r REAL s REAL ta REAL tb REAL tc REAL texpv REAL trm ! 2*ionic strength REAL twoi ! 2*sqrt of ionic strength REAL twosri REAL zbar REAL zbar2 REAL zot1 ! square root of ionic strength REAL sri REAL f2(ncat) REAL f1(nan) REAL zp(ncat) ! absolute value of charges of c REAL zm(nan) ! absolute value of charges of a REAL bgama(ncat,nan) REAL x(ncat,nan) REAL m(ncat,nan) ! molality of each electrolyte REAL lgama0(ncat,nan) ! binary activity coefficients REAL y(nan,ncat) REAL beta0(ncat,nan) ! binary activity coefficient pa REAL beta1(ncat,nan) ! binary activity coefficient pa REAL cgama(ncat,nan) ! binary activity coefficient pa REAL v1(ncat,nan) ! number of cations in electroly REAL v2(ncat,nan) ! number of anions in electrolyt DATA zp/1.0, 1.0/ DATA zm/2.0, 1.0, 1.0/ DATA xmsg/' '/ DATA pname/'ACTCOF'/ ! *** Sources for the coefficients BETA0, BETA1, CGAMA: ! *** (1,1);(1,3) - Clegg & Brimblecombe (1988) ! *** (2,3) - Pilinis & Seinfeld (1987), cgama different ! *** (1,2) - Clegg & Brimblecombe (1990) ! *** (2,1);(2,2) - Chan, Flagen & Seinfeld (1992) ! *** now set the basic constants, BETA0, BETA1, CGAMA DATA beta0(1,1)/2.98E-2/, beta1(1,1)/0.0/, cgama(1,1)/4.38E-2 & / ! 2H+SO4 DATA beta0(1,2)/1.2556E-1/, beta1(1,2)/2.8778E-1/, cgama(1,2)/ -5.59E-3 & / ! HNO3 DATA beta0(1,3)/2.0651E-1/, beta1(1,3)/5.556E-1/, cgama(1,3)/0.0 & / ! H+HSO4 DATA beta0(2,1)/4.6465E-2/, beta1(2,1)/ -0.54196/, & cgama(2,1)/ -1.2683E-3 & / ! (NH4)2 DATA beta0(2,2)/ -7.26224E-3/, beta1(2,2)/ -1.168858/, & cgama(2,2)/3.51217E-5 & / ! NH4NO3 DATA beta0(2,3)/4.494E-2/, beta1(2,3)/2.3594E-1/, cgama(2,3)/ -2.962E-3 & / ! NH4HSO DATA v1(1,1), v2(1,1)/2.0, 1.0 & ! 2H+SO4- / DATA v1(2,1), v2(2,1)/2.0, 1.0 & ! (NH4)2SO4 / DATA v1(1,2), v2(1,2)/1.0, 1.0 & ! HNO3 / DATA v1(2,2), v2(2,2)/1.0, 1.0 & ! NH4NO3 / DATA v1(1,3), v2(1,3)/1.0, 1.0 & ! H+HSO4- / DATA v1(2,3), v2(2,3)/1.0, 1.0 & / !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! begin body of subroutine ACTCOF !...compute ionic strength ! NH4HSO4 i = 0.0 DO icat = 1, ncat i = i + cat(icat)*zp(icat)*zp(icat) END DO DO ian = 1, nan i = i + an(ian)*zm(ian)*zm(ian) END DO i = 0.5*i !...check for problems in the ionic strength IF (i==0.0) THEN DO ian = 1, nan DO icat = 1, ncat gama(icat,ian) = 0.0 END DO END DO ! xmsg = 'Ionic strength is zero...returning zero activities' ! WRITE (6,*) xmsg RETURN ELSE IF (i<0.0) THEN xmsg = 'WARNING: Ionic strength below zero (= negative ion concentrations) - setting ion concentrations to zero.' call wrf_message(xmsg) DO ian = 1, nan DO icat = 1, ncat gama(icat,ian) = 0.0 END DO END DO RETURN END IF !...compute some essential expressions sri = sqrt(i) twosri = 2.0*sri twoi = 2.0*i texpv = 1.0 - exp(-twosri)*(1.0+twosri-twoi) r = 1.0 + 0.75*i s = 1.0 + 1.5*i zot1 = 0.511*sri/(1.0+sri) !...Compute binary activity coeffs fgama = -0.392*((sri/(1.0+1.2*sri)+(2.0/1.2)*alog(1.0+1.2*sri))) DO icat = 1, ncat DO ian = 1, nan bgama(icat,ian) = 2.0*beta0(icat,ian) + (2.0*beta1(icat,ian)/(4.0*i) & )*texpv !...compute the molality of each electrolyte for given ionic strength m(icat,ian) = (cat(icat)**v1(icat,ian)*an(ian)**v2(icat,ian))** & (1.0/(v1(icat,ian)+v2(icat,ian))) !...calculate the binary activity coefficients lgama0(icat,ian) = (zp(icat)*zm(ian)*fgama+m(icat,ian)*(2.0*v1(icat, & ian)*v2(icat,ian)/(v1(icat,ian)+v2(icat,ian))*bgama(icat, & ian))+m(icat,ian)*m(icat,ian)*(2.0*(v1(icat,ian)* & v2(icat,ian))**1.5/(v1(icat,ian)+v2(icat,ian))*cgama(icat, & ian)))/2.302585093 END DO END DO !...prepare variables for computing the multicomponent activity coeffs DO ian = 1, nan DO icat = 1, ncat zbar = (zp(icat)+zm(ian))*0.5 zbar2 = zbar*zbar y(ian,icat) = zbar2*an(ian)/i x(icat,ian) = zbar2*cat(icat)/i END DO END DO DO ian = 1, nan f1(ian) = 0.0 DO icat = 1, ncat f1(ian) = f1(ian) + x(icat,ian)*lgama0(icat,ian) + & zot1*zp(icat)*zm(ian)*x(icat,ian) END DO END DO DO icat = 1, ncat f2(icat) = 0.0 DO ian = 1, nan f2(icat) = f2(icat) + y(ian,icat)*lgama0(icat,ian) + & zot1*zp(icat)*zm(ian)*y(ian,icat) END DO END DO ! calculate the multicomponent activity coefficients DO ian = 1, nan DO icat = 1, ncat ta = -zot1*zp(icat)*zm(ian) tb = zp(icat)*zm(ian)/(zp(icat)+zm(ian)) tc = (f2(icat)/zp(icat)+f1(ian)/zm(ian)) trm = ta + tb*tc IF (trm>30.0) THEN gama(icat,ian) = 1.0E+30 ! xmsg = 'Multicomponent activity coefficient is extremely large' ! WRITE (6,*) xmsg ELSE gama(icat,ian) = 10.0**trm END IF END DO END DO RETURN !ia********************************************************************* END SUBROUTINE actcof !ia !ia AEROSOL DYNAMICS DRIVER ROUTINE * !ia based on MODELS3 formulation by FZB !ia Modified by IA in November 97 !ia !ia Revision history !ia When WHO WHAT !ia ---- ---- ---- !ia ???? FZB BEGIN !ia 05/97 IA Adapted for use in CTM2-S !ia 11/97 IA Modified for new model version !ia see comments under iarev02 !ia !ia Called BY: RPMMOD3 !ia !ia Calls to: EQL3, MODPAR, COAGRATE, NUCLCOND, AEROSTEP !ia GETVSED !ia !ia********************************************************************* ! actcof SUBROUTINE aeroproc(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,layer,cblk,dt,blkta,blkprs, & blkdens,blkrh,so4rat,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat,orgole1rat, & orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,drog,ldrog,ncv,nacv,epm25i, & epm25j,eorgi,eorgj,eeci,eecj,epmcoarse,esoil,eseas,xlm,amu,dgnuc, & dgacc,dgcor,pmassn,pmassa,pmassc,pdensn,pdensa,pdensc,knnuc,knacc, & kncor,fconcn,fconca,fconcn_org,fconca_org,dmdt,dndt,cgrn3,cgra3,urn00, & ura00,brna01,c30,deltaso4a,igrid,jgrid,kgrid) ! IMPLICIT NONE ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! number of species in CBLK INTEGER nspcsda ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells ! number of k-level INTEGER layer ! of organic aerosol precursor INTEGER ldrog REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables (INPUT a REAL dt ! *** Meteorological information: ! synchronization time [s] REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL blkprs(blksize) ! Air pressure in [ Pa ] REAL blkdens(blksize) ! Air density [ kg/ m**3 ] REAL blkrh(blksize) ! *** Chemical production rates: [ ug / m**3 s ] ! Fractional relative humidity REAL so4rat(blksize) !bs ! sulfate gas-phase production rate ! total # of cond. vapors & SOA species INTEGER ncv !bs INTEGER nacv !bs * organic condensable vapor production rate ! # of anthrop. cond. vapors & SOA speci REAL drog(blksize,ldrog) !bs ! *** anthropogenic organic aerosol mass production rates from aromatics ! Delta ROG conc. [ppm] REAL orgaro1rat(blksize) ! *** anthropogenic organic aerosol mass production rates from aromatics REAL orgaro2rat(blksize) ! *** anthropogenic organic aerosol mass production rates from alkanes & REAL orgalk1rat(blksize) ! *** anthropogenic organic aerosol mass production rates from alkenes & REAL orgole1rat(blksize) ! *** biogenic organic aerosol production rates REAL orgbio1rat(blksize) ! *** biogenic organic aerosol production rates REAL orgbio2rat(blksize) ! *** biogenic organic aerosol production rates REAL orgbio3rat(blksize) ! *** biogenic organic aerosol production rates REAL orgbio4rat(blksize) ! *** Primary emissions rates: [ ug / m**3 s ] ! *** emissions rates for unidentified PM2.5 mass REAL epm25i(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL epm25j(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for primary organic aerosol ! Accumululaton mode REAL eorgi(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL eorgj(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for elemental carbon ! Accumululaton mode REAL eeci(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL eecj(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for coarse mode particles ! Accumululaton mode REAL esoil(blksize) ! soil derived coarse aerosols REAL eseas(blksize) ! marine coarse aerosols REAL epmcoarse(blksize) ! *** OUTPUT: ! *** atmospheric properties ! anthropogenic coarse aerosols REAL xlm(blksize) ! atmospheric mean free path [ m ] REAL amu(blksize) ! *** modal diameters: [ m ] ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg REAL dgnuc(blksize) ! nuclei mode geometric mean diamete REAL dgacc(blksize) ! accumulation geometric mean diamet REAL dgcor(blksize) ! *** aerosol properties: ! *** Modal mass concentrations [ ug m**3 ] ! coarse mode geometric mean diamete REAL pmassn(blksize) ! mass concentration in Aitken mode REAL pmassa(blksize) ! mass concentration in accumulation REAL pmassc(blksize) ! *** average modal particle densities [ kg/m**3 ] ! mass concentration in coarse mode REAL pdensn(blksize) ! average particle density in nuclei REAL pdensa(blksize) ! average particle density in accumu REAL pdensc(blksize) ! *** average modal Knudsen numbers ! average particle density in coarse REAL knnuc(blksize) ! nuclei mode Knudsen number REAL knacc(blksize) ! accumulation Knudsen number REAL kncor(blksize) ! *** modal condensation factors ( see comments in NUCLCOND ) ! coarse mode Knudsen number REAL fconcn(blksize) REAL fconca(blksize) !bs REAL fconcn_org(blksize) REAL fconca_org(blksize) !bs ! *** Rates for secondary particle formation: ! *** production of new mass concentration [ ug/m**3 s ] REAL dmdt(blksize) ! by particle formation ! *** production of new number concentration [ number/m**3 s ] ! rate of production of new mass concen REAL dndt(blksize) ! by particle formation ! *** growth rate for third moment by condensation of precursor ! vapor on existing particles [ 3rd mom/m**3 s ] ! rate of producton of new particle num REAL cgrn3(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL cgra3(blksize) ! *** Rates for coaglulation: [ m**3/s ] ! *** Unimodal Rates: ! Accumulation mode REAL urn00(blksize) ! Aitken mode 0th moment self-coagulation ra REAL ura00(blksize) ! *** Bimodal Rates: Aitken mode with accumulation mode ( d( Aitken mod ! accumulation mode 0th moment self-coagulat REAL brna01(blksize) ! *** 3rd moment intermodal transfer rate replaces coagulation rate ( FS ! rate for 0th moment REAL c30(blksize) ! by intermodal c ! *** other processes ! intermodal 3rd moment transfer r REAL deltaso4a(blksize) ! sulfate aerosol by condensation [ u ! INTEGER NN, VV ! loop indICES ! increment of concentration added to ! ////////////////////// Begin code /////////////////////////////////// ! concentration lower limit CHARACTER*16 pname PARAMETER (pname=' AEROPROC ') INTEGER unit PARAMETER (unit=20) integer igrid,jgrid,kgrid,isorop ! isorop=0 isorop=1 ! *** get water, ammonium and nitrate content: ! for now, don't call if temp is below -40C (humidity ! for this wrf version is already limited to 10 percent) if(blkta(1).ge.233.15.and.blkrh(1).ge.0.1 .and. isorop.eq.1)then CALL eql3(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,blkrh,igrid,jgrid,kgrid) else if (blkta(1).ge.233.15.and.blkrh(1).ge.0.1 .and. isorop.eq.0)then CALL eql4(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,blkrh) endif ! *** get size distribution information: CALL modpar(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,blkprs,pmassn,pmassa, & pmassc,pdensn,pdensa,pdensc,xlm,amu,dgnuc,dgacc,dgcor,knnuc,knacc, & kncor) ! *** Calculate coagulation rates for fine particles: CALL coagrate(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,pdensn,pdensa,amu, & dgnuc,dgacc,knnuc,knacc,urn00,ura00,brna01,c30) ! *** get condensation and particle formation (nucleation) rates: CALL nuclcond(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,dt,layer,blkta,blkprs,blkrh, & so4rat,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat,orgole1rat,orgbio1rat, & orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,drog,ldrog,ncv,nacv,dgnuc,dgacc, & fconcn,fconca,fconcn_org,fconca_org,dmdt,dndt,deltaso4a,cgrn3,cgra3) ! if(dndt(1).lt.-10.)print*,'dndt in aeroproc',dndt ! *** advance forward in time DT seconds: CALL aerostep(layer,blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,dt,so4rat,orgaro1rat, & orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat,orgole1rat,orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat, & orgbio4rat,epm25i,epm25j,eorgi,eorgj,eeci,eecj,esoil,eseas,epmcoarse, & dgnuc,dgacc,fconcn,fconca,fconcn_org,fconca_org,pmassn,pmassa,pmassc, & dmdt,dndt,deltaso4a,urn00,ura00,brna01,c30,cgrn3,cgra3,igrid,jgrid,kgrid) ! *** get new distribution information: CALL modpar(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,blkprs,pmassn,pmassa, & pmassc,pdensn,pdensa,pdensc,xlm,amu,dgnuc,dgacc,dgcor,knnuc,knacc, & kncor) RETURN END SUBROUTINE aeroproc !////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ! *** Time stepping code advances the aerosol moments one timestep; SUBROUTINE aerostep(layer,blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,dt,so4rat & ,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat,orgole1rat,orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat & ,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,epm25i,epm25j,eorgi,eorgj,eeci,eecj,esoil,eseas & ,epmcoarse,dgnuc,dgacc,fconcn,fconca,fconcn_org,fconca_org,pmassn & ,pmassa,pmassc,dmdt,dndt,deltaso4a,urn00,ura00,brna01,c30,cgrn3,cgra3, & igrid,jgrid,kgrid & ) !*********************************************************************** ! NOTE: ! *** DESCRIPTION: Integrate the Number and Mass equations ! for each mode over the time interval DT. ! PRECONDITIONS: ! AEROSTEP() must follow calls to all other dynamics routines. ! *** Revision history: ! Adapted 3/95 by UAS and CJC from EAM2's code. ! Revised 7/29/96 by FSB to use block structure ! Revised 11/15/96 by FSB dropped flow-through and cast ! number solver into Riccati equation form. ! Revised 8/8/97 by FSB to have mass in Aitken and accumulation mo ! each predicted rather than total mass and ! Aitken mode mass. Also used a local approximati ! the error function. Also added coarse mode. ! Revised 9/18/97 by FSB to fix mass transfer from Aitken to ! accumulation mode by coagulation ! Revised 10/27/97 by FSB to modify code to use primay emissions ! and to correct 3rd moment updates. ! Also added coarse mode. ! Revised 11/4/97 by FSB to fix error in other anthropogenic PM2.5 ! Revised 11/5/97 by FSB to fix error in MSTRNSFR ! Revised 11/6/97 FSB to correct the expression for FACTRANS to ! remove the 6/pi coefficient. UAS found this. ! Revised 12/15/97 by FSB to change equations for mass concentrati ! to a chemical production form with analytic ! solutions for the Aitken mode and to remove ! time stepping of the 3rd moments. The mass conc ! in the accumulation mode is updated with a forw ! Euler step. ! Revised 1/6/98 by FSB Lowered minimum concentration for ! sulfate aerosol to 0.1 [ ng / m**3 ]. ! Revised 1/12/98 C30 replaces BRNA31 as a variable. C30 represen ! intermodal transfer rate of 3rd moment in place ! of 3rd moment coagulation rate. ! Revised 5/5/98 added new renaming criterion based on diameters ! Added 3/23/98 by BS condensational groth factors for organics !********************************************************************** ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Includes: ! *** ARGUMENTS: ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells ! nmber of species in CBLK INTEGER nspcsda ! model layer INTEGER layer REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables INTEGER igrid,jgrid,kgrid REAL dt ! *** Chemical production rates: [ ug / m**3 s ] ! time step [sec] REAL so4rat(blksize) ! *** anthropogenic organic aerosol mass production rates from aromatics ! sulfate gas-phase production rate REAL orgaro1rat(blksize) REAL orgaro2rat(blksize) ! *** anthropogenic organic aerosol mass production rates from alkanes & REAL orgalk1rat(blksize) REAL orgole1rat(blksize) ! *** biogenic organic aerosol production rates REAL orgbio1rat(blksize) REAL orgbio2rat(blksize) REAL orgbio3rat(blksize) REAL orgbio4rat(blksize) ! *** Primary emissions rates: [ ug / m**3 s ] ! *** emissions rates for unidentified PM2.5 mass REAL epm25i(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL epm25j(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for primary organic aerosol ! Accumululaton mode REAL eorgi(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL eorgj(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for elemental carbon ! Accumululaton mode REAL eeci(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL eecj(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for coarse mode particles ! Accumululaton mode REAL esoil(blksize) ! soil derived coarse aerosols REAL eseas(blksize) ! marine coarse aerosols REAL epmcoarse(blksize) ! anthropogenic coarse aerosols REAL dgnuc(blksize) ! nuclei mode mean diameter [ m ] REAL dgacc(blksize) ! accumulation REAL fconcn(blksize) ! Aitken mode [ 1 / s ] ! reciprocal condensation rate REAL fconca(blksize) ! acclumulation mode [ 1 / s ] ! reciprocal condensation rate REAL fconcn_org(blksize) ! Aitken mode [ 1 / s ] ! reciprocal condensation rate for organ REAL fconca_org(blksize) ! acclumulation mode [ 1 / s ] ! reciprocal condensation rate for organ REAL dmdt(blksize) ! by particle formation [ ug/m**3 /s ] ! rate of production of new mass concent REAL dndt(blksize) ! by particle formation [ number/m**3 /s ! rate of producton of new particle numb REAL deltaso4a(blksize) ! sulfate aerosol by condensation [ ug/m ! increment of concentration added to REAL urn00(blksize) ! Aitken intramodal coagulation rate REAL ura00(blksize) ! Accumulation mode intramodal coagulati REAL brna01(blksize) ! bimodal coagulation rate for number REAL c30(blksize) ! by intermodal coagulation ! intermodal 3rd moment transfer rate by REAL cgrn3(blksize) ! growth rate for 3rd moment for Aitken REAL cgra3(blksize) ! *** Modal mass concentrations [ ug m**3 ] ! growth rate for 3rd moment for Accumul REAL pmassn(blksize) ! mass concentration in Aitken mode REAL pmassa(blksize) ! mass concentration in accumulation REAL pmassc(blksize) ! *** Local Variables ! mass concentration in coarse mode INTEGER l, lcell, & spc ! ** following scratch variables are used for solvers ! *** variables needed for modal dynamics solvers: ! Loop indices REAL*8 a, b, c REAL*8 m1, m2, y0, y REAL*8 dhat, p, pexpdt, expdt REAL*8 loss, prod, pol, lossinv ! mass intermodal transfer by coagulation REAL mstrnsfr REAL factrans ! *** CODE additions for renaming REAL getaf2 REAL aaa, xnum, xm3, fnum, fm3, phnum, & ! Defined below phm3 REAL erf, & ! Error and complementary error function erfc REAL xx ! dummy argument for ERF and ERFC ! a numerical value for a minimum concentration ! *** This value is smaller than any reported tropospheric concentration ! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! *** Statement function given for error function. Source is ! Meng, Z., and J.H.Seinfeld (1994) On the source of the submicromet ! droplet mode of urban and regional aerosols. Aerosol Sci. and Tec ! 20:253-265. They cite Reasearch & Education Asociation (REA), (19 ! Handbook of Mathematical, Scientific, and Engineering Formulas, ! Tables, Functions, Graphs, Transforms: REA, Piscataway, NJ. p. 49 erf(xx) = sqrt(1.0-exp(-4.0*xx*xx/pirs)) erfc(xx) = 1.0 - erf(xx) ! :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ! ///// begin code ! *** set up time-step integration DO l = 1, numcells ! *** code to move number forward by one time step. ! *** solves the Ricatti equation: ! dY/dt = C - A * Y ** 2 - B * Y ! Coded 11/21/96 by Dr. Francis S. Binkowski ! *** Aitken mode: ! *** coefficients a = urn00(l) b = brna01(l)*cblk(l,vac0) c = dndt(l) + factnumn*(anthfac*(epm25i(l)+eeci(l))+orgfac*eorgi(l)) ! includes primary emissions y0 = cblk(l,vnu0) ! *** trap on C = 0 ! initial condition IF (c>0.0D0) THEN dhat = sqrt(b*b+4.0D0*a*c) m1 = 2.0D0*a*c/(b+dhat) m2 = -0.5D0*(b+dhat) p = -(m1-a*y0)/(m2-a*y0) pexpdt = p*exp(-dhat*dt) y = (m1+m2*pexpdt)/(a*(1.0D0+pexpdt)) ! solution ELSE ! *** rearrange solution for NUMERICAL stability ! note If B << A * Y0, the following form, although ! seemingly awkward gives the correct answer. expdt = exp(-b*dt) IF (expdt<1.0D0) THEN y = b*y0*expdt/(b+a*y0*(1.0D0-expdt)) ELSE y = y0 END IF END IF ! if( ! print *,'a,b,y,y0,c,cblk(l,vnu0),dt,dndt(l),brna01(l),epm25i(l),eeci(l),eorgi(l)' ! print *,'igrid,jgrid,kgrid = ',igrid,jgrid,kgrid ! print *,a,b,y,y0,c,cblk(l,vnu0),dt,dndt(l),brna01(l),epm25i(l),eeci(l),eorgi(l) ! endif cblk(l,vnu0) = max(nummin_i,y) ! *** now do accumulation mode number ! *** coefficients ! update a = ura00(l) b = & ! NOTE B = 0.0 0.0D0 c = factnuma*(anthfac*(epm25j(l)+eecj(l))+orgfac*eorgj(l)) ! includes primary emissi y0 = cblk(l,vac0) ! *** this equation requires special handling, because C can be zero. ! if this happens, the form of the equation is different: ! initial condition ! print *,vac0,y0,c,nummin_j,a IF (c>0.0D0) THEN dhat = sqrt(4.0D0*a*c) m1 = 2.0D0*a*c/dhat m2 = -0.5D0*dhat p = -(m1-a*y0)/(m2-a*y0) ! print *,p,-dhat,dt,-dhat*dt ! print *,exp(-dhat*dt) pexpdt = p*exp(-dhat*dt) y = (m1+m2*pexpdt)/(a*(1.0D0+pexpdt)) ! solution ELSE y = y0/(1.0D0+dt*a*y0) ! print *,dhat,y0,dt,a y = y0/(1.+dt*a*y0) ! print *,y ! correct solution to equatio END IF cblk(l,vac0) = max(nummin_j,y) ! *** now do coarse mode number neglecting coagulation ! update ! print *,soilfac,seasfac,anthfac,esoil(l),eseas(l),epmcoarse(l) prod = soilfac*esoil(l) + seasfac*eseas(l) + anthfac*epmcoarse(l) ! print *,cblk(l,vcorn),factnumc,prod cblk(l,vcorn) = cblk(l,vcorn) + factnumc*prod*dt ! *** Prepare to advance modal mass concentration one time step. ! *** Set up production and and intermodal transfer terms terms: ! print *,cgrn3(l),epm25i(l),eeci(l),orgfac,eorgi(l) cgrn3(l) = cgrn3(l) + anthfac*(epm25i(l)+eeci(l)) + orgfac*eorgi(l) ! includes growth from pri cgra3(l) = cgra3(l) + c30(l) + anthfac*(epm25j(l)+eecj(l)) + & orgfac*eorgj(l) ! and transfer of 3rd momen ! intermodal coagulation ! *** set up transfer coefficients for coagulation between Aitken and ac ! *** set up special factors for mass transfer from the Aitken to accumu ! intermodal coagulation. The mass transfer rate is proportional to ! transfer rate, C30. The proportionality factor is p/6 times the th ! density. The average particle density for a species is the species ! divided by the particle volume concentration, pi/6 times the 3rd m ! The p/6 coefficients cancel. ! includes growth from prim ! print *,'loss',vnu3,c30(l),cblk(l,vnu3) loss = c30(l)/cblk(l,vnu3) ! Normalized coagulation transfer r factrans = loss* & ! yields an estimate of the amount of mass t dt ! the Aitken to the accumulation mode in the ! Multiplying this factor by the species con ! print *,'factrans = ',factrans,loss expdt = exp(-factrans) ! decay term is common to all Aitken mode ! print *,'factrans = ',factrans,loss,expdt ! variable name is re-used here. This expo lossinv = 1.0/ & loss ! *** now advance mass concentrations one time step. ! *** update sulfuric acid vapor concentration by removing mass concent ! condensed sulfate and newly produced particles. ! *** The method follows Youngblood and Kreidenweis, Further Development ! of a Bimodal Aerosol Dynamics Model, Colorado State University Dep ! Atmospheric Science Paper Number 550, April,1994, pp 85-89. ! set up for multiplication rather than divi cblk(l,vsulf) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vsulf)-(deltaso4a(l)+dmdt(l)*dt)) ! *** Solve Aitken-mode equations of form: dc/dt = P - L*c ! *** Solution is: c(t0 + dt) = p/L + ( c(0) - P/L ) * exp(-L*dt) ! *** sulfate: mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vso4ai)*factrans prod = deltaso4a(l)*fconcn(l)/dt + dmdt(l) ! Condensed mass + pol = prod*lossinv ! print *,'pol = ',prod,lossinv,deltaso4a(l),cblk(l,vso4ai),dmdt(l),mstrnsfr cblk(l,vso4ai) = pol + (cblk(l,vso4ai)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vso4ai) = max(aeroconcmin,cblk(l,vso4ai)) cblk(l,vso4aj) = cblk(l,vso4aj) + deltaso4a(l)*fconca(l) + mstrnsfr ! *** anthropogenic secondary organic: !bs * anthropogenic secondary organics from aromatic precursors mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgaro1i)*factrans prod = orgaro1rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgaro1i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgaro1i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgaro1i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgaro1i)) cblk(l,vorgaro1j) = cblk(l,vorgaro1j) + orgaro1rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt & + mstrnsfr !bs * second species from aromatics mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgaro2i)*factrans prod = orgaro2rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgaro2i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgaro2i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgaro2i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgaro2i)) cblk(l,vorgaro2j) = cblk(l,vorgaro2j) + orgaro2rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt & + mstrnsfr !bs * anthropogenic secondary organics from alkanes & other precursors !bs * higher alkanes mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgalk1i)*factrans prod = orgalk1rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgalk1i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgalk1i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgalk1i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgalk1i)) cblk(l,vorgalk1j) = cblk(l,vorgalk1j) + orgalk1rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt & + mstrnsfr !bs * higher olefines mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgole1i)*factrans prod = orgole1rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgole1i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgole1i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgole1i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgole1i)) cblk(l,vorgole1j) = cblk(l,vorgole1j) + orgole1rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt & + mstrnsfr ! *** biogenic secondary organic mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgba1i)*factrans prod = orgbio1rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgba1i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgba1i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgba1i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgba1i)) cblk(l,vorgba1j) = cblk(l,vorgba1j) + orgbio1rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt + & mstrnsfr !bs * second biogenic species mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgba2i)*factrans prod = orgbio2rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgba2i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgba2i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgba2i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgba2i)) cblk(l,vorgba2j) = cblk(l,vorgba2j) + orgbio2rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt + & mstrnsfr !bs * third biogenic species mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgba3i)*factrans prod = orgbio3rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgba3i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgba3i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgba3i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgba3i)) cblk(l,vorgba3j) = cblk(l,vorgba3j) + orgbio3rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt + & mstrnsfr !bs * fourth biogenic species mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgba4i)*factrans prod = orgbio4rat(l)*fconcn_org(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgba4i) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgba4i)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgba4i) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgba4i)) cblk(l,vorgba4j) = cblk(l,vorgba4j) + orgbio4rat(l)*fconca_org(l)*dt + & mstrnsfr ! *** primary anthropogenic organic mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vorgpai)*factrans prod = eorgi(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vorgpai) = pol + (cblk(l,vorgpai)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vorgpai) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vorgpai)) cblk(l,vorgpaj) = cblk(l,vorgpaj) + eorgj(l)*dt + mstrnsfr ! *** other anthropogenic PM2.5 mstrnsfr = cblk(l,vp25ai)*factrans prod = epm25i(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,vp25ai) = pol + (cblk(l,vp25ai)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,vp25ai) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vp25ai)) cblk(l,vp25aj) = cblk(l,vp25aj) + epm25j(l)*dt + mstrnsfr ! *** elemental carbon mstrnsfr = cblk(l,veci)*factrans prod = eeci(l) pol = prod*lossinv cblk(l,veci) = pol + (cblk(l,veci)-pol)*expdt cblk(l,veci) = max(conmin,cblk(l,veci)) cblk(l,vecj) = cblk(l,vecj) + eecj(l)*dt + mstrnsfr ! *** coarse mode ! *** soil dust cblk(l,vsoila) = cblk(l,vsoila) + esoil(l)*dt cblk(l,vsoila) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vsoila)) ! *** sea salt cblk(l,vseas) = cblk(l,vseas) + eseas(l)*dt cblk(l,vseas) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vseas)) ! *** anthropogenic PM10 coarse fraction cblk(l,vantha) = cblk(l,vantha) + epmcoarse(l)*dt cblk(l,vantha) = max(conmin,cblk(l,vantha)) END DO ! *** Check for mode merging,if Aitken mode is growing faster than j-mod ! then merge modes by renaming. ! *** use Binkowski-Kreidenweis paradigm, now including emissions ! end of time-step loop for total mass DO lcell = 1, numcells ! IF( CGRN3(LCELL) .GT. CGRA3(LCELL) .AND. ! & CBLK(LCELL,VNU0) .GT. CBLK(LCELL,VAC0) ) THEN ! check if mer IF (cgrn3(lcell)>cgra3(lcell) .OR. dgnuc(lcell)>.03E-6 .AND. cblk( & lcell,vnu0)>cblk(lcell,vac0)) & THEN ! check if mer aaa = getaf(cblk(lcell,vnu0),cblk(lcell,vac0),dgnuc(lcell), & dgacc(lcell),xxlsgn,xxlsga,sqrt2) ! *** AAA is the value of ln( dd / DGNUC ) / ( SQRT2 * XXLSGN ), where ! dd is the diameter at which the Aitken-mode and accumulation-mo ! distributions intersect (overap). xnum = max(aaa,xxm3) ! this means that no more than one ha ! total Aitken mode number may be tra ! per call. ! do not let XNUM become negative bec xm3 = xnum - & xxm3 ! set up for 3rd moment and mass tran IF (xm3>0.0) & THEN ! do mode merging if overlap is corr phnum = 0.5*(1.0+erf(xnum)) phm3 = 0.5*(1.0+erf(xm3)) fnum = 0.5*erfc(xnum) fm3 = 0.5*erfc(xm3) ! In the Aitken mode: ! *** FNUM and FM3 are the fractions of the number and 3rd moment ! distributions with diameters greater than dd respectively. ! *** PHNUM and PHM3 are the fractions of the number and 3rd moment ! distributions with diameters less than dd. ! *** rename the Aitken mode particle number as accumulation mode ! particle number cblk(lcell,vac0) = cblk(lcell,vac0) + fnum*cblk(lcell,vnu0) ! *** adjust the Aitken mode number cblk(lcell,vnu0) = phnum*cblk(lcell,vnu0) ! *** Rename mass from Aitken mode to acumulation mode. The mass transfe ! to the accumulation mode is proportional to the amount of 3rd mome ! transferred, therefore FM3 is used for mass transfer. cblk(lcell,vso4aj) = cblk(lcell,vso4aj) + cblk(lcell,vso4ai)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vnh4aj) = cblk(lcell,vnh4aj) + cblk(lcell,vnh4ai)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vno3aj) = cblk(lcell,vno3aj) + cblk(lcell,vno3ai)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgaro1j) = cblk(lcell,vorgaro1j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgaro1i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgaro2j) = cblk(lcell,vorgaro2j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgaro2i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgalk1j) = cblk(lcell,vorgalk1j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgalk1i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgole1j) = cblk(lcell,vorgole1j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgole1i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba1j) = cblk(lcell,vorgba1j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgba1i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba2j) = cblk(lcell,vorgba2j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgba2i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba3j) = cblk(lcell,vorgba3j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgba3i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba4j) = cblk(lcell,vorgba4j) + & cblk(lcell,vorgba4i)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vorgpaj) = cblk(lcell,vorgpaj) + & cblk(lcell,vorgpai)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vp25aj) = cblk(lcell,vp25aj) + cblk(lcell,vp25ai)*fm3 cblk(lcell,vecj) = cblk(lcell,vecj) + cblk(lcell,veci)*fm3 ! *** update Aitken mode for mass loss to accumulation mode cblk(lcell,vso4ai) = cblk(lcell,vso4ai)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vnh4ai) = cblk(lcell,vnh4ai)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vno3ai) = cblk(lcell,vno3ai)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgaro1i) = cblk(lcell,vorgaro1i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgaro2i) = cblk(lcell,vorgaro2i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgalk1i) = cblk(lcell,vorgalk1i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgole1i) = cblk(lcell,vorgole1i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba1i) = cblk(lcell,vorgba1i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba2i) = cblk(lcell,vorgba2i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba3i) = cblk(lcell,vorgba3i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgba4i) = cblk(lcell,vorgba4i)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vorgpai) = cblk(lcell,vorgpai)*phm3 cblk(lcell,vp25ai) = cblk(lcell,vp25ai)*phm3 cblk(lcell,veci) = cblk(lcell,veci)*phm3 END IF ! end check on whether modal overlap is OK END IF ! end check on necessity for merging END DO ! set min value for all concentrations ! loop for merging DO spc = 1, nspcsda DO lcell = 1, numcells cblk(lcell,spc) = max(cblk(lcell,spc),conmin) END DO END DO RETURN !####################################################################### END SUBROUTINE aerostep ! aerostep SUBROUTINE awater(irhx,mso4,mnh4,mno3,wh2o) ! NOTE!!! wh2o is returned in micrograms / cubic meter ! mso4,mnh4,mno3 are in microMOLES / cubic meter ! This version uses polynomials rather than tables, and uses empirical ! polynomials for the mass fraction of solute (mfs) as a function of wat ! where: ! mfs = ms / ( ms + mw) ! ms is the mass of solute ! mw is the mass of water. ! Define y = mw/ ms ! then mfs = 1 / (1 + y) ! y can then be obtained from the values of mfs as ! y = (1 - mfs) / mfs ! the aerosol is assumed to be in a metastable state if the rh is ! is below the rh of deliquescence, but above the rh of crystallizat ! ZSR interpolation is used for sulfates with x ( the molar ratio of ! ammonium to sulfate in eh range 0 <= x <= 2, by sections. ! section 1: 0 <= x < 1 ! section 2: 1 <= x < 1.5 ! section 3: 1.5 <= x < 2.0 ! section 4: 2 <= x ! In sections 1 through 3, only the sulfates can affect the amount o ! on the particles. ! In section 4, we have fully neutralized sulfate, and extra ammoniu ! allows more nitrate to be present. Thus, the ammount of water is c ! using ZSR for ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate. Crystallizati ! assumed to occur in sections 2,3,and 4. See detailed discussion be ! definitions: ! mso4, mnh4, and mno3 are the number of micromoles/(cubic meter of ! for sulfate, ammonium, and nitrate respectively ! irhx is the relative humidity (%) ! wh2o is the returned water amount in micrograms / cubic meter of a ! x is the molar ratio of ammonium to sulfate ! y0,y1,y1.5, y2 are the water contents in mass of water/mass of sol ! for pure aqueous solutions with x equal 1, 1.5, and 2 respectively ! y3 is the value of the mass ratio of water to solute for ! a pure ammonium nitrate solution. !oded by Dr. Francis S. Binkowski, 4/8/96. ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER irhx, irh REAL mso4, mnh4, mno3 REAL tso4, tnh4, tno3, wh2o, x REAL aw, awc ! REAL poly4, poly6 REAL mfs0, mfs1, mfs15, mfs2 REAL c0(4), c1(4), c15(4), c2(4) REAL y, y0, y1, y15, y2, y3, y40, y140, y1540, yc REAL kso4(6), kno3(6), mfsso4, mfsno3 REAL mwso4, mwnh4, mwno3, mw2, mwano3 ! *** molecular weights: PARAMETER (mwso4=96.0636,mwnh4=18.0985,mwno3=62.0049, & mw2=mwso4+2.0*mwnh4,mwano3=mwno3+mwnh4) ! The polynomials use data for aw as a function of mfs from Tang and ! Munkelwitz, JGR 99: 18801-18808, 1994. ! The polynomials were fit to Tang's values of water activity as a ! function of mfs. ! *** coefficients of polynomials fit to Tang and Munkelwitz data ! now give mfs as a function of water activity. DATA c1/0.9995178, -0.7952896, 0.99683673, -1.143874/ DATA c15/1.697092, -4.045936, 5.833688, -3.463783/ DATA c2/2.085067, -6.024139, 8.967967, -5.002934/ ! *** the following coefficients are a fit to the data in Table 1 of ! Nair & Vohra, J. Aerosol Sci., 6: 265-271, 1975 ! data c0/0.8258941, -1.899205, 3.296905, -2.214749 / ! *** New data fit to data from ! Nair and Vohra J. Aerosol Sci., 6: 265-271, 1975 ! Giaque et al. J.Am. Chem. Soc., 82: 62-70, 1960 ! Zeleznik J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 20: 157-1200 DATA c0/0.798079, -1.574367, 2.536686, -1.735297/ ! *** polynomials for ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate are from: ! Chan et al.1992, Atmospheric Environment (26A): 1661-1673. DATA kno3/0.2906, 6.83665, -26.9093, 46.6983, -38.803, 11.8837/ DATA kso4/2.27515, -11.147, 36.3369, -64.2134, 56.8341, -20.0953/ ! *** check range of per cent relative humidity irh = irhx irh = max(1,irh) irh = min(irh,100) aw = float(irh)/ & ! water activity = fractional relative h 100.0 tso4 = max(mso4,0.0) tnh4 = max(mnh4,0.0) tno3 = max(mno3,0.0) x = 0.0 ! *** if there is non-zero sulfate calculate the molar ratio IF (tso4>0.0) THEN x = tnh4/tso4 ELSE ! *** otherwise check for non-zero nitrate and ammonium IF (tno3>0.0 .AND. tnh4>0.0) x = 10.0 END IF ! *** begin screen on x for calculating wh2o IF (x<1.0) THEN mfs0 = poly4(c0,aw) mfs1 = poly4(c1,aw) y0 = (1.0-mfs0)/mfs0 y1 = (1.0-mfs1)/mfs1 y = (1.0-x)*y0 + x*y1 ELSE IF (x<1.5) THEN IF (irh>=40) THEN mfs1 = poly4(c1,aw) mfs15 = poly4(c15,aw) y1 = (1.0-mfs1)/mfs1 y15 = (1.0-mfs15)/mfs15 y = 2.0*(y1*(1.5-x)+y15*(x-1.0)) ELSE ! *** set up for crystalization ! *** Crystallization is done as follows: ! For 1.5 <= x, crystallization is assumed to occur at rh = 0.4 ! For x <= 1.0, crystallization is assumed to occur at an rh < 0.01 ! and since the code does not allow ar rh < 0.01, crystallization ! is assumed not to occur in this range. ! For 1.0 <= x <= 1.5 the crystallization curve is a straignt line ! from a value of y15 at rh = 0.4 to a value of zero at y1. From ! point B to point A in the diagram. ! The algorithm does a double interpolation to calculate the amount ! water. ! y1(0.40) y15(0.40) ! + + Point B ! +--------------------+ ! x=1 x=1.5 ! Point A awc = 0.80*(x-1.0) ! rh along the crystallization curve. y = 0.0 IF (aw>=awc) & ! interpolate using crystalization THEN mfs1 = poly4(c1,0.40) mfs15 = poly4(c15,0.40) y140 = (1.0-mfs1)/mfs1 y1540 = (1.0-mfs15)/mfs15 y40 = 2.0*(y140*(1.5-x)+y1540*(x-1.0)) yc = 2.0*y1540*(x-1.0) ! y along crystallization cur y = y40 - (y40-yc)*(0.40-aw)/(0.40-awc) ! end of checking for aw END IF END IF ! end of checking on irh ELSE IF (x<1.9999) THEN y = 0.0 IF (irh>=40) THEN mfs15 = poly4(c15,aw) mfs2 = poly4(c2,aw) y15 = (1.0-mfs15)/mfs15 y2 = (1.0-mfs2)/mfs2 y = 2.0*(y15*(2.0-x)+y2*(x-1.5)) END IF ! end of check for crystallization ELSE ! regime where ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate are in solution. ! *** following cf&s for both ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate ! *** check for crystallization here. their data indicate a 40% value ! is appropriate. ! 1.9999 < x y2 = 0.0 y3 = 0.0 IF (irh>=40) THEN mfsso4 = poly6(kso4,aw) mfsno3 = poly6(kno3,aw) y2 = (1.0-mfsso4)/mfsso4 y3 = (1.0-mfsno3)/mfsno3 END IF END IF ! *** now set up output of wh2o ! wh2o units are micrograms (liquid water) / cubic meter of air ! end of checking on x IF (x<1.9999) THEN wh2o = y*(tso4*mwso4+mwnh4*tnh4) ELSE ! *** this is the case that all the sulfate is ammonium sulfate ! and the excess ammonium forms ammonum nitrate wh2o = y2*tso4*mw2 + y3*tno3*mwano3 END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE awater !////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUBROUTINE coagrate(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,pdensn,pdensa,amu, & dgnuc,dgacc,knnuc,knacc,urn00,ura00,brna01,c30) !*********************************************************************** !** DESCRIPTION: calculates aerosol coagulation rates for unimodal ! and bimodal coagulation using E. Whitby 1990's prescription. !....... Rates for coaglulation: !....... Unimodal Rates: !....... URN00: nuclei mode 0th moment self-coagulation rate !....... URA00: accumulation mode 0th moment self-coagulation rate !....... Bimodal Rates: (only 1st order coeffs appear) !....... NA-- nuclei with accumulation coagulation rates, !....... AN-- accumulation with nuclei coagulation rates !....... BRNA01: rate for 0th moment ( d(nuclei mode 0) / dt term) !....... BRNA31: 3rd ( d(nuclei mode 3) / dt term) !** !** !** Revision history: ! prototype 1/95 by Uma and Carlie ! Revised 8/95 by US for calculation of density from stmt func ! and collect met variable stmt funcs in one include fil ! REVISED 7/25/96 by FSB to use block structure ! REVISED 9/13/96 BY FSB for Uma's FIXEDBOTH case only. ! REVISED 11/08/96 BY FSB the Whitby Shankar convention on signs ! changed. All coagulation coefficients ! returned with positive signs. Their ! linearization is also abandoned. ! Fixed values are used for the corrections ! to the free-molecular coagulation integra ! The code forces the harmonic means to be ! evaluated in 64 bit arithmetic on 32 bit ! REVISED 11/14/96 BY FSB Internal units are now MKS, moment / unit ! REVISED 1/12/98 by FSB C30 replaces BRNA31 as an array. This wa ! because BRNA31 can become zero on a works ! because of limited precision. With the ch ! aerostep to omit update of the 3rd moment ! C30 is the only variable now needed. ! the logic using ONE88 to force REAL*8 ari ! has been removed and all intermediates ar ! REAL*8. ! IMPLICIT NONE ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells INTEGER nspcsda ! nmber of species in CBLK REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL pdensn(blksize) ! average particel density in Aitk REAL pdensa(blksize) ! average particel density in accu REAL amu(blksize) ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ REAL dgnuc(blksize) ! Aitken mode mean diameter [ m ] REAL dgacc(blksize) ! accumulation mode mean diameter REAL knnuc(blksize) ! Aitken mode Knudsen number REAL knacc(blksize) ! *** output: ! accumulation mode Knudsen number REAL urn00(blksize) ! intramodal coagulation rate (Ait REAL ura00(blksize) ! intramodal coagulation rate (acc REAL brna01(blksize) ! intermodal coagulaton rate (numb REAL c30(blksize) ! by inter ! *** Local variables: ! intermodal 3rd moment transfer r REAL*8 kncnuc, & ! coeffs for unimodal NC coag rate kncacc REAL*8 kfmnuc, & ! coeffs for unimodal FM coag rate kfmacc REAL*8 knc, & ! coeffs for bimodal NC, FM coag rate kfm REAL*8 bencnn, & ! NC 0th moment coag rate (both modes) bencna REAL*8 & ! NC 3rd moment coag rate (nuc mode) bencm3n REAL*8 befmnn, & ! FM 0th moment coag rate (both modes) befmna REAL*8 & ! FM 3rd moment coag rate (nuc mode) befm3n REAL*8 betann, & ! composite coag rates, mom 0 (both mode betana REAL*8 & ! intermodal coagulation rate for 3rd mo brna31 REAL*8 & ! scratch subexpression s1 REAL*8 t1, & ! scratch subexpressions t2 REAL*8 t16, & ! T1**6, T2**6 t26 REAL*8 rat, & ! ratio of acc to nuc size and its inver rin REAL*8 rsqt, & ! sqrt( rat ), rsqt**4 rsq4 REAL*8 rsqti, & ! sqrt( 1/rat ), sqrt( 1/rat**3 ) rsqi3 REAL*8 & ! dgnuc**3 dgn3 REAL*8 & ! in 64 bit arithmetic dga3 ! dgacc**3 INTEGER lcell ! *** Fixed values for correctionss to coagulation ! integrals for free-molecular case. ! loop counter REAL*8 bm0 PARAMETER (bm0=0.8D0) REAL*8 bm0i PARAMETER (bm0i=0.9D0) REAL*8 bm3i PARAMETER (bm3i=0.9D0) REAL*8 & ! approx Cunningham corr. factor a PARAMETER (a=1.246D0) !....................................................................... ! begin body of subroutine COAGRATE !........... Main computational grid-traversal loops !........... for computing coagulation rates. ! *** Both modes have fixed std devs. DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! *** moment independent factors ! loop on LCELL s1 = two3*boltz*blkta(lcell)/amu(lcell) ! For unimodal coagualtion: kncnuc = s1 kncacc = s1 kfmnuc = sqrt(3.0*boltz*blkta(lcell)/pdensn(lcell)) kfmacc = sqrt(3.0*boltz*blkta(lcell)/pdensa(lcell)) ! For bimodal coagulation: knc = s1 kfm = sqrt(6.0*boltz*blkta(lcell)/(pdensn(lcell)+pdensa(lcell))) !........... Begin unimodal coagulation rate calculations: !........... Near-continuum regime. dgn3 = dgnuc(lcell)**3 dga3 = dgacc(lcell)**3 t1 = sqrt(dgnuc(lcell)) t2 = sqrt(dgacc(lcell)) t16 = & ! = T1**6 dgn3 t26 = & dga3 !....... Note rationalization of fractions and subsequent cancellation !....... from the formulation in Whitby et al. (1990) ! = T2**6 bencnn = kncnuc*(1.0+esn08+a*knnuc(lcell)*(esn04+esn20)) bencna = kncacc*(1.0+esa08+a*knacc(lcell)*(esa04+esa20)) !........... Free molecular regime. Uses fixed value for correction ! factor BM0 befmnn = kfmnuc*t1*(en1+esn25+2.0*esn05)*bm0 befmna = kfmacc*t2*(ea1+esa25+2.0*esa05)*bm0 !........... Calculate half the harmonic mean between unimodal rates !........... free molecular and near-continuum regimes ! FSB 64 bit evaluation betann = bencnn*befmnn/(bencnn+befmnn) betana = bencna*befmna/(bencna+befmna) urn00(lcell) = betann ura00(lcell) = betana ! *** End of unimodal coagulation calculations. !........... Begin bimodal coagulation rate calculations: rat = dgacc(lcell)/dgnuc(lcell) rin = 1.0D0/rat rsqt = sqrt(rat) rsq4 = rat**2 rsqti = 1.0D0/rsqt rsqi3 = rin*rsqti !........... Near-continuum coeffs: !........... 0th moment nuc mode bimodal coag coefficient bencnn = knc*(2.0+a*knnuc(lcell)*(esn04+rat*esn16*esa04)+a*knacc(lcell & )*(esa04+rin*esa16*esn04)+(rat+rin)*esn04*esa04) !........... 3rd moment nuc mode bimodal coag coefficient bencm3n = knc*dgn3*(2.0*esn36+a*knnuc(lcell)*(esn16+rat*esn04*esa04)+a & *knacc(lcell)*(esn36*esa04+rin*esn64*esa16)+rat*esn16*esa04+ & rin*esn64*esa04) !........... Free molecular regime coefficients: !........... Uses fixed value for correction ! factor BM0I, BM3I !........... 0th moment nuc mode coeff befmnn = kfm*bm0i*t1*(en1+rsqt*ea1+2.0*rat*en1*esa04+rsq4*esn09*esa16+ & rsqi3*esn16*esa09+2.0*rsqti*esn04*ea1) !........... 3rd moment nuc mode coeff befm3n = kfm*bm3i*t1*t16*(esn49+rsqt*esn36*ea1+2.0*rat*esn25*esa04+ & rsq4*esn09*esa16+rsqi3*esn100*esa09+2.0*rsqti*esn64*ea1) !........... Calculate half the harmonic mean between bimodal rates !........... free molecular and near-continuum regimes ! FSB Force 64 bit evaluation brna01(lcell) = bencnn*befmnn/(bencnn+befmnn) brna31 = bencm3n* & ! BRNA31 now is a scala befm3n/(bencm3n+befm3n) c30(lcell) = brna31*cblk(lcell,vac0)*cblk(lcell,vnu0) ! print *,c30(lcell),brna31,cblk(lcell,vac0),cblk(lcell,vnu0) ! 3d moment transfer by intermodal coagula ! End bimodal coagulation rate. END DO ! end of main lop over cells RETURN !------------------------------------------------------------------ END SUBROUTINE coagrate ! subroutine to find the roots of a cubic equation / 3rd order polynomi ! formulae can be found in numer. recip. on page 145 ! kiran developed this version on 25/4/1990 ! dr. francis binkowski modified the routine on 6/24/91, 8/7/97 ! *** !234567 ! coagrate SUBROUTINE cubic(a2,a1,a0,nr,crutes) ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER nr REAL*8 a2, a1, a0 REAL crutes(3) REAL*8 qq, rr, a2sq, theta, sqrt3, one3rd REAL*8 dum1, dum2, part1, part2, part3, rrsq, phi, yy1, yy2, yy3 REAL*8 costh, sinth DATA sqrt3/1.732050808/, one3rd/0.333333333/ !bs REAL*8 onebs PARAMETER (onebs=1.0) !bs a2sq = a2*a2 qq = (a2sq-3.*a1)/9. rr = (a2*(2.*a2sq-9.*a1)+27.*a0)/54. ! CASE 1 THREE REAL ROOTS or CASE 2 ONLY ONE REAL ROOT dum1 = qq*qq*qq rrsq = rr*rr dum2 = dum1 - rrsq IF (dum2>=0.) THEN ! NOW WE HAVE THREE REAL ROOTS phi = sqrt(dum1) IF (abs(phi)<1.E-20) THEN print *, ' cubic phi small, phi = ',phi crutes(1) = 0.0 crutes(2) = 0.0 crutes(3) = 0.0 nr = 0 CALL wrf_error_fatal ( 'PHI < CRITICAL VALUE') END IF theta = acos(rr/phi)/3.0 costh = cos(theta) sinth = sin(theta) ! *** use trig identities to simplify the expressions ! *** binkowski's modification part1 = sqrt(qq) yy1 = part1*costh yy2 = yy1 - a2/3.0 yy3 = sqrt3*part1*sinth crutes(3) = -2.0*yy1 - a2/3.0 crutes(2) = yy2 + yy3 crutes(1) = yy2 - yy3 ! *** SET NEGATIVE ROOTS TO A LARGE POSITIVE VALUE IF (crutes(1)<0.0) crutes(1) = 1.0E9 IF (crutes(2)<0.0) crutes(2) = 1.0E9 IF (crutes(3)<0.0) crutes(3) = 1.0E9 ! *** put smallest positive root in crutes(1) crutes(1) = min(crutes(1),crutes(2),crutes(3)) nr = 3 ! NOW HERE WE HAVE ONLY ONE REAL ROOT ELSE ! dum IS NEGATIVE part1 = sqrt(rrsq-dum1) part2 = abs(rr) part3 = (part1+part2)**one3rd crutes(1) = -sign(onebs,rr)*(part3+(qq/part3)) - a2/3. !bs & -sign(1.0,rr) * ( part3 + (qq/part3) ) - a2/3. crutes(2) = 0. crutes(3) = 0. !IAREV02...ADDITIONAL CHECK on NEGATIVE ROOTS ! *** SET NEGATIVE ROOTS TO A LARGE POSITIVE VALUE ! if(crutes(1) .lt. 0.0) crutes(1) = 1.0e9 nr = 1 END IF RETURN !/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// END SUBROUTINE cubic ! Calculate the aerosol chemical speciation and water content. ! cubic SUBROUTINE eql3(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,blkrh,igrid,jgrid,kgrid) !*********************************************************************** !** DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates the distribution of ammonia/ammonium, nitric acid/nitrate, ! and water between the gas and aerosol phases as the total sulfate, ! ammonia, and nitrate concentrations, relative humidity and ! temperature change. The evolution of the aerosol mass concentration ! due to the change in aerosol chemical composition is calculated. !** REVISION HISTORY: ! prototype 1/95 by Uma and Carlie ! Revised 8/95 by US to calculate air density in stmt func ! and collect met variable stmt funcs in one include fil ! Revised 7/26/96 by FSB to use block concept. ! Revise 12/1896 to do do i-mode calculation. !********************************************************************** ! IMPLICIT NONE ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells ! nmber of species in CBLK INTEGER nspcsda,igrid,jgrid,kgrid REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! *** Meteorological information in blocked arays: ! main array of variables REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL blkrh(blksize) ! Fractional relative humidity INTEGER lcell ! loop counter ! air temperature REAL temp !iamodels3 REAL rh ! relative humidity REAL so4, no3, nh3, nh4, hno3 REAL aso4, ano3, ah2o, anh4, gnh3, gno3 ! Fraction of dry sulfate mass in i-mode REAL fraci !....................................................................... REAL fracj ! ! ISOROPIA variables double precision ! real(kind=8) wi(5),wt(5),wt_save(5) real(kind=8) rhi,tempi,cntrl(2) real(kind=8) gas(3),aerliq(12),aersld(9),other(6) character*15 scasi ! WRITE(20,*) ' IN EQL 3 ' ! Fraction of dry sulfate mass in j-mode DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! *** Fetch temperature, fractional relative humidity, and ! air density ! loop on cells temp = blkta(lcell) rh = blkrh(lcell) rhi = amin1( rh,0.995 ) tempi = temp cntrl(1) = 0.d0 ! 0 = forward problem cntrl(2) = 0.d0 ! 0 = solids and liquid allowed wi(1) = (cblk(lcell,vnaaj) + cblk(lcell,vnaai))/mw_na_aer*1.e-6 ! sodium wi(2) = (cblk(lcell,vsulf)/(mw_so4_aer+2.) + & (cblk(lcell,vso4aj) + cblk(lcell,vso4ai))/mw_so4_aer)*1.e-6 ! sulfate wi(3) = (cblk(lcell,vnh3)/(mw_nh4_aer-1.) + & (cblk(lcell,vnh4aj) + cblk(lcell,vnh4ai))/mw_nh4_aer)*1.e-6 ! ammoinum wi(4) = (cblk(lcell,vhno3)/(mw_no3_aer+1.) + & (cblk(lcell,vno3aj) + cblk(lcell,vno3ai))/mw_no3_aer)*1.e-6 ! nitrate ! wi(5) = (cblk(lcell,vhcl)/(mw_cl_aer-1.) + & wi(5) = (cblk(lcell,vhcl)/(mw_cl_aer+1.) + & (cblk(lcell,vclaj) + cblk(lcell,vclai))/mw_cl_aer)*1.e-6 ! chloride ! Following added: wi should be positive wi(1) = max(wi(1),0.) wi(2) = max(wi(2),0.) wi(3) = max(wi(3),0.) wi(4) = max(wi(4),0.) wi(5) = max(wi(5),0.) wt_save(1) = wi(1) ! sodium wt_save(2) = wi(2) ! sulfate wt_save(3) = wi(3) ! ammoinum wt_save(4) = wi(4) ! nitrate wt_save(5) = wi(5) ! chloride if(igrid.eq.28.and.jgrid.eq.24.and.kgrid.eq.1)then print *,vhcl,vclai print *,wi(1),wi(2),wi(3),wi(4),wi(5) endif call isoropia(wi,rhi,tempi,cntrl,wt,gas,aerliq,aersld,scasi,other) ! *** the following is an interim procedure. Assume the i-mode has the ! same relative mass concentrations as the total mass. Use SO4 as ! the surrogate. ! *** update gas / vapor phase gas(1) = min(gas(1),wt_save(3)) gas(2) = min(gas(2),wt_save(4)) gas(3) = min(gas(3),wt_save(5)) gas(1) = max(gas(1),0.) gas(2) = max(gas(2),0.) gas(3) = max(gas(3),0.) ! cblk(lcell,vnh3) = gas(1)*1.e6*17. ! cblk(lcell,vhno3) = gas(2)*1.e6*63. ! cblk(lcell,vhcl) = gas(3)*1.e6*36. cblk(lcell,vnh3) = gas(1)*1.e6*(mw_nh4_aer-1.) cblk(lcell,vhno3) = gas(2)*1.e6*(mw_no3_aer+1.) cblk(lcell,vhcl) = gas(3)*1.e6*(mw_cl_aer+1.) if(igrid.eq.28.and.jgrid.eq.24.and.kgrid.eq.1)then print *,vhcl,vnh3,vhno3 print *,cblk(lcell,vnh3),cblk(lcell,vhno3),cblk(lcell,vhcl) endif ! *** get modal fraction fraci = cblk(lcell,vso4ai)/(cblk(lcell,vso4aj)+cblk(lcell,vso4ai)) fraci = min(fraci,1.0) fraci = max(fraci,0.0) fracj = 1.0 - fraci ! *** update do i-mode ! correct mapping from (mol m-3) to (ug m-3) aerliq(8) = max(aerliq(8),0.) cblk(lcell,vh2oai) = fraci*aerliq(8)*18.*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vnh4ai) = fraci*(wt_save(3) - gas(1))*mw_nh4_aer*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vno3ai) = fraci*(wt_save(4) - gas(2))*mw_no3_aer*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vclai) = fraci*(wt_save(5) - gas(3))*mw_cl_aer*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vnaai) = fraci*wi(1)*mw_na_aer*1.e6 ! cblk(lcell,vh2oai) = fraci*aerliq(8)*18.*1.e6 ! cblk(lcell,vnh4ai) = fraci*(wt_save(3) - gas(1)) ! cblk(lcell,vno3ai) = fraci*(wt_save(4) - gas(2)) ! cblk(lcell,vclai) = fraci*(wt_save(5) - gas(3)) ! cblk(lcell,vnaai) = fraci*wi(1) ! *** update accumulation mode: ! correct mapping from (mol m-3) to (ug m-3) cblk(lcell,vh2oaj) = fracj*aerliq(8)*18.*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vnh4aj) = fracj*(wt_save(3) - gas(1))*mw_nh4_aer*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vno3aj) = fracj*(wt_save(4) - gas(2))*mw_no3_aer*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vclaj) = fracj*(wt_save(5) - gas(3))*mw_cl_aer*1.e6 cblk(lcell,vnaaj) = fracj*wi(1)*mw_na_aer*1.e6 ! cblk(lcell,vh2oaj) = fracj*aerliq(8)*18.*1.e6 ! cblk(lcell,vnh4aj) = fracj*(wt_save(3) - gas(1)) ! cblk(lcell,vno3aj) = fracj*(wt_save(4) - gas(2)) ! cblk(lcell,vclaj) = fracj*(wt_save(5) - gas(3)) ! cblk(lcell,vnaaj) = fracj*wi(1) if(igrid.eq.28.and.jgrid.eq.24.and.kgrid.eq.1)then print *,vh2oaj,vnh4aj,vno3aj,vclaj,vnaaj print *,cblk(lcell,vnh4aj),cblk(lcell,vno3aj),cblk(lcell,vclaj),aerliq(8) endif END DO ! end loop on cells RETURN !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! END SUBROUTINE eql3 ! eql3 ! Calculate the aerosol chemical speciation and water content. ! cubic SUBROUTINE eql4(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,blkrh) !*********************************************************************** !** DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates the distribution of ammonia/ammonium, nitric acid/nitrate, ! and water between the gas and aerosol phases as the total sulfate, ! ammonia, and nitrate concentrations, relative humidity and ! temperature change. The evolution of the aerosol mass concentration ! due to the change in aerosol chemical composition is calculated. !** REVISION HISTORY: ! prototype 1/95 by Uma and Carlie ! Revised 8/95 by US to calculate air density in stmt func ! and collect met variable stmt funcs in one include fil ! Revised 7/26/96 by FSB to use block concept. ! Revise 12/1896 to do do i-mode calculation. !********************************************************************** ! IMPLICIT NONE ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells ! nmber of species in CBLK INTEGER nspcsda REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! *** Meteorological information in blocked arays: ! main array of variables REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL blkrh(blksize) ! Fractional relative humidity INTEGER lcell ! loop counter ! air temperature REAL temp !iamodels3 REAL rh ! relative humidity REAL so4, no3, nh3, nh4, hno3 REAL aso4, ano3, ah2o, anh4, gnh3, gno3 ! Fraction of dry sulfate mass in i-mode REAL fraci !....................................................................... REAL fracj ! Fraction of dry sulfate mass in j-mode DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! *** Fetch temperature, fractional relative humidity, and ! air density ! loop on cells temp = blkta(lcell) rh = blkrh(lcell) ! *** the following is an interim procedure. Assume the i-mode has the ! same relative mass concentrations as the total mass. Use SO4 as ! the surrogate. The results of this should be the same as those ! from the original RPM. ! *** do total aerosol so4 = cblk(lcell,vso4aj) + cblk(lcell,vso4ai) !iamodels3 no3 = cblk(lcell,vno3aj) + cblk(lcell,vno3ai) ! & + CBLK(LCELL, VHNO3) hno3 = cblk(lcell,vhno3) !iamodels3 nh3 = cblk(lcell,vnh3) nh4 = cblk(lcell,vnh4aj) + cblk(lcell,vnh4ai) ! & + CBLK(LCELL, VNH3) !bs CALL rpmares(SO4,HNO3,NO3,NH3,NH4,RH,TEMP, !bs & ASO4,ANO3,AH2O,ANH4,GNH3,GNO3) !bs !bs * call old version of rpmares !bs CALL rpmares_old(so4,hno3,no3,nh3,nh4,rh,temp,aso4,ano3,ah2o,anh4, & gnh3,gno3) !bs ! *** get modal fraction fraci = cblk(lcell,vso4ai)/(cblk(lcell,vso4aj)+cblk(lcell,vso4ai)) fracj = 1.0 - fraci ! *** update do i-mode cblk(lcell,vh2oai) = fraci*ah2o cblk(lcell,vnh4ai) = fraci*anh4 cblk(lcell,vno3ai) = fraci*ano3 ! *** update accumulation mode: cblk(lcell,vh2oaj) = fracj*ah2o cblk(lcell,vnh4aj) = fracj*anh4 cblk(lcell,vno3aj) = fracj*ano3 ! *** update gas / vapor phase cblk(lcell,vnh3) = gnh3 cblk(lcell,vhno3) = gno3 END DO ! end loop on cells RETURN !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! END SUBROUTINE eql4 ! eql4 SUBROUTINE fdjac(n,x,fjac,ct,cs,imw) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs Get the Jacobian of the function ! !bs ! !bs ( a1 * X1^2 + b1 * X1 + c1 ) ! !bs ( a2 * X2^2 + b2 * X1 + c2 ) ! !bs ( a3 * X3^2 + b3 * X1 + c3 ) ! !bs F(X) = ( a4 * X4^2 + b4 * X1 + c4 ) = 0. ! !bs ( a5 * X5^2 + b5 * X1 + c5 ) ! !bs ( a6 * X6^2 + b6 * X1 + c6 ) ! !bs ! !bs a_i = IMW_i ! !bs b_i = SUM(X_j * IMW_j)_j.NE.i + CSAT_i * IMX_i - CTOT_i * IMW_i ! !bs c_i = - CTOT_i * [ SUM(X_j * IMW_j)_j.NE.i + M ] ! !bs ! !bs delta F_i ( 2. * a_i * X_i + b_i if i .EQ. j ! !bs J_ij = ----------- = ( ! !bs delta X_j ( X_i * IMW_j - CTOT_i * IMW_j if i .NE. j ! !bs ! !bs ! !bs Called by: NEWT ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs !bs !dimension of problem INTEGER n REAL x(n) !bs ! INTEGER NP !bs maximum expected value of N ! PARAMETER (NP = 6) !bs initial guess of CAER REAL ct(np) REAL cs(np) REAL imw(np) !bs REAL fjac(n,n) !bs INTEGER i, & !bs loop index j REAL a(np) REAL b(np) REAL b1(np) REAL b2(np) REAL sum_jnei !bs DO i = 1, n a(i) = imw(i) sum_jnei = 0. DO j = 1, n sum_jnei = sum_jnei + x(j)*imw(j) END DO b1(i) = sum_jnei - (x(i)*imw(i)) b2(i) = cs(i)*imw(i) - ct(i)*imw(i) b(i) = b1(i) + b2(i) END DO DO j = 1, n DO i = 1, n IF (i==j) THEN fjac(i,j) = 2.*a(i)*x(i) + b(i) ELSE fjac(i,j) = x(i)*imw(j) - ct(i)*imw(j) END IF END DO END DO !bs RETURN END SUBROUTINE fdjac !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! FUNCTION fmin(x,fvec,n,ct,cs,imw,m) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs Adopted from Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, Chapter 9.7, 2nd ed. ! !bs ! !bs Returns f = 0.5 * F*F at X. SR FUNCV(N,X,F) is a fixed name, ! !bs user-supplied routine that returns the vector of functions at X. ! !bs The common block NEWTV communicates the function values back to ! !bs NEWT. ! !bs ! !bs Called by: NEWT ! !bs ! !bs Calls: FUNCV ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs !bs INTEGER n ! INTEGER NP ! PARAMETER (NP = 6) REAL ct(np) REAL cs(np) REAL imw(np) REAL m,fmin REAL x(*), fvec(np) INTEGER i REAL sum CALL funcv(n,x,fvec,ct,cs,imw,m) sum = 0. DO i = 1, n sum = sum + fvec(i)**2 END DO fmin = 0.5*sum RETURN END FUNCTION fmin !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! SUBROUTINE funcv(n,x,fvec,ct,cs,imw,m) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs Called by: FMIN ! !bs ! !bs Calls: None ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs !bs INTEGER n REAL x(*) REAL fvec(n) !bs ! INTEGER NP ! PARAMETER (NP = 6) REAL ct(np) REAL cs(np) REAL imw(np) REAL m !bs INTEGER i, j REAL sum_jnei REAL a(np) REAL b(np) REAL c(np) !bs DO i = 1, n a(i) = imw(i) sum_jnei = 0. DO j = 1, n sum_jnei = sum_jnei + x(j)*imw(j) END DO sum_jnei = sum_jnei - (x(i)*imw(i)) b(i) = sum_jnei + cs(i)*imw(i) - ct(i)*imw(i) c(i) = -ct(i)*(sum_jnei+m) fvec(i) = a(i)*x(i)**2 + b(i)*x(i) + c(i) END DO !bs RETURN END SUBROUTINE funcv REAL FUNCTION getaf(ni,nj,dgni,dgnj,xlsgi,xlsgj,sqrt2) ! *** set up new processor for renaming of particles from i to j modes ! IMPLICIT NONE REAL aa, bb, cc, disc, qq, alfa, l, yji REAL ni, nj, dgni, dgnj, xlsgi, xlsgj, sqrt2 alfa = xlsgi/xlsgj yji = log(dgnj/dgni)/(sqrt2*xlsgi) aa = 1.0 - alfa*alfa l = log(alfa*nj/ni) bb = 2.0*yji*alfa*alfa cc = l - yji*yji*alfa*alfa disc = bb*bb - 4.0*aa*cc IF (disc<0.0) THEN getaf = - & ! error in intersection 5.0 RETURN END IF qq = -0.5*(bb+sign(1.0,bb)*sqrt(disc)) getaf = cc/qq RETURN ! *** subroutine to implement Kulmala, Laaksonen, Pirjola END FUNCTION getaf ! Parameterization for sulfuric acid/water ! nucleation rates, J. Geophys. Research (103), pp 8301-8307, ! April 20, 1998. !ia rev01 27.04.99 changes made to calculation of MDOT see RBiV p.2f !ia rev02 27.04.99 security check on MDOT > SO4RAT !ia subroutine klpnuc( Temp, RH, H2SO4,NDOT, MDOT, M2DOT) ! getaf SUBROUTINE klpnuc(temp,rh,h2so4,ndot1,mdot1,so4rat) ! IMPLICIT NONE ! *** Input: ! ambient temperature [ K ] REAL temp ! fractional relative humidity REAL rh ! sulfuric acid concentration [ ug / m**3 ] REAL h2so4 REAL so4rat ! *** Output: !sulfuric acid production rate [ ug / ( m**3 s )] ! particle number production rate [ # / ( m**3 s )] REAL ndot1 ! particle mass production rate [ ug / ( m**3 s )] REAL mdot1 ! [ m**2 / ( m**3 s )] REAL m2dot ! *** Internal: ! *** NOTE, all units are cgs internally. ! particle second moment production rate REAL ra ! fractional relative acidity ! sulfuric acid vaper concentration [ cm ** -3 ] REAL nav ! water vapor concentration [ cm ** -3 ] REAL nwv ! equilibrium sulfuric acid vapor conc. [ cm ** -3 ] REAL nav0 ! to produce a nucleation rate of 1 [ cm ** -3 s ** -1 REAL nac ! critical sulfuric acid vapor concentration [ cm ** -3 ! mole fractio of the critical nucleus REAL xal REAL nsulf, & ! see usage delta REAL*8 & ! factor to calculate Jnuc chi REAL*8 & jnuc ! nucleation rate [ cm ** -3 s ** -1 ] REAL tt, & ! dummy variables for statement functions rr REAL pi PARAMETER (pi=3.14159265) REAL pid6 PARAMETER (pid6=pi/6.0) ! avogadro's constant [ 1/mol ] REAL avo PARAMETER (avo=6.0221367E23) ! universal gas constant [ j/mol-k ] REAL rgasuniv PARAMETER (rgasuniv=8.314510) ! 1 atmosphere in pascals REAL atm PARAMETER (atm=1013.25E+02) ! formula weight for h2so4 [ g mole **-1 ] REAL mwh2so4 PARAMETER (mwh2so4=98.07948) ! diameter of a 3.5 nm particle in cm REAL d35 PARAMETER (d35=3.5E-07) REAL d35sq PARAMETER (d35sq=d35*d35) ! volume of a 3.5 nm particle in cm**3 REAL v35 PARAMETER (v35=pid6*d35*d35sq) !ia rev01 REAL mp ! *** conversion factors: ! mass of sulfate in a 3.5 nm particle ! number per cubic cm. REAL ugm3_ncm3 ! micrograms per cubic meter to PARAMETER (ugm3_ncm3=(avo/mwh2so4)*1.0E-12) !ia rev01 ! molecules to micrograms REAL nc_ug PARAMETER (nc_ug=(1.0E6)*mwh2so4/avo) ! *** statement functions ************** REAL pdens, & rho_p ! particle density [ g / cm**3] REAL ad0, ad1, ad2, & ad3 ! coefficients for density expression PARAMETER (ad0=1.738984,ad1=-1.882301,ad2=2.951849,ad3=-1.810427) ! *** Nair and Vohra, Growth of aqueous sulphuric acid droplets ! as a function of relative humidity, ! J. Aerosol Science, 6, pp 265-271, 1975. !ia rev01 ! fit to Nair & Vohra data ! the mass of sulfate in a 3.5 nm particle REAL mp35 ! arithmetic statement function to compute REAL a0, a1, a2, & ! coefficients for cubic in mp35 a3 PARAMETER (a0=1.961385E2,a1=-5.564447E2,a2=8.828801E2,a3=-5.231409E2) REAL ph2so4, & ! for h2so4 and h2o vapor pressures [ Pa ] ph2o ! arithmetic statement functions pdens(rr) = ad0 + rr*(ad1+rr*(ad2+rr*ad3)) ph2o(tt) = exp(77.34491296-7235.4246512/tt-8.2*log(tt)+tt*5.7113E-03) ph2so4(tt) = exp(27.78492066-10156.0/tt) ! *** both ph2o and ph2so4 are as in Kulmala et al. paper !ia rev01 ! *** function for the mass of sulfate in a 3.5 nm sphere ! *** obtained from a fit to the number of sulfate monomers in ! a 3.5 nm particle. Uses data from Nair & Vohra mp35(rr) = nc_ug*(a0+rr*(a1+rr*(a2+rr*a3))) ! *** begin code: ! The 1.0e-6 factor in the following converts from MKS to cgs units ! *** get water vapor concentration [ molecles / cm **3 ] nwv = rh*ph2o(temp)/(rgasuniv*temp)*avo*1.0E-6 ! *** calculate the equilibrium h2so4 vapor concentration. ! *** use Kulmala corrections: ! *** nav0 = ph2so4(temp)/(rgasuniv*temp)*avo*1.0E-6 ! *** convert sulfuric acid vapor concentration from micrograms ! per cubic meter to molecules per cubic centimeter. nav = ugm3_ncm3*h2so4 ! *** calculate critical concentration of sulfuric acid vapor nac = exp(-14.5125+0.1335*temp-10.5462*rh+1958.4*rh/temp) ! *** calculate relative acidity ra = nav/nav0 ! *** calculate temperature correction delta = 1.0 + (temp-273.15)/273.14 ! *** calculate molar fraction xal = 1.2233 - 0.0154*ra/(ra+rh) + 0.0102*log(nav) - 0.0415*log(nwv) + & 0.0016*temp ! *** calculate Nsulf nsulf = log(nav/nac) ! *** calculate particle produtcion rate [ # / cm**3 ] chi = 25.1289*nsulf - 4890.8*nsulf/temp - 1743.3/temp - & 2.2479*delta*nsulf*rh + 7643.4*xal/temp - 1.9712*xal*delta/rh jnuc = exp(chi) ! [ # / cm**3 ] ndot1 = (1.0E06)*jnuc ! write(91,*) ' inside klpnuc ' ! write(91,*) ' Jnuc = ', Jnuc ! write(91,*) ' NDOT = ', NDOT1 ! *** calculate particle density rho_p = pdens(rh) ! write(91,*) ' rho_p =', rho_p ! *** get the mass of sulfate in a 3.5 nm particle mp = mp35(rh) ! in a 3.5 nm particle at ambient RH ! *** calculate mass production rate [ ug / m**3] ! assume that the particles are 3.5 nm in diameter. ! MDOT1 = (1.0E12) * rho_p * v35 * Jnuc !ia rev01 ! number of micrograms of sulfate mdot1 = mp*ndot1 !ia rev02 IF (mdot1>so4rat) THEN mdot1 = & so4rat ! limit nucleated mass by available ma ndot1 = mdot1/ & mp ! adjust DNDT to this END IF IF (mdot1==0.) ndot1 = 0. ! *** calculate M2 production rate [ m**2 / (m**3 s)] m2dot = 1.0E-04*d35sq*ndot1 RETURN END SUBROUTINE klpnuc SUBROUTINE lnsrch(ctot,n,xold,fold,g,p,x,f,stpmax,check,func, & fvec,ct,cs,imw,m) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs Adopted from Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, Chapter 9.7, 2nd ed. ! !bs ! !bs Given an n-dimensional point XOLD(1:N), the value of the function ! !bs and gradient there, FOLD and G(1:N), and a direction P(1:N), ! !bs finds a new point X(1:N) along the direction P from XOLD where ! !bs the function FUNC has decreased 'sufficiently'. The new function ! !bs value is returned in F. STPMAX is an input quantity that limits ! !bs the length of the steps so that you do not try to evaluate the ! !bs function in regions where it is undefined or subject to overflow. ! !bs P is usually the Newton direction. The output quantity CHECK is ! !bs false on a normal; exit. It is true when X is too close to XOLD. ! !bs In a minimization algorithm, this usually signals convergence and ! !bs can be ignored. However, in a zero-finding algorithm the calling ! !bs program should check whether the convergence is spurious. ! !bs ! !bs Called by: NEWT ! !bs ! !bs Calls: FUNC ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs !bs INTEGER n LOGICAL check REAL f, fold, stpmax REAL g(n), p(n), x(n), xold(n) REAL func REAL ctot(n) REAL alf REAL ct(np) REAL cs(np) REAL imw(np) REAL fvec(n) REAL m PARAMETER (alf=1.E-04) EXTERNAL func INTEGER i REAL a, alam, alam2, alamin, b, disc REAL f2, fold2, rhs1, rhs2, slope REAL sum, temp, test, tmplam check = .FALSE. sum = 0. DO i = 1, n sum = sum + p(i)*p(i) END DO sum = sqrt(sum) IF (sum>stpmax) THEN DO i = 1, n p(i) = p(i)*stpmax/sum END DO END IF slope = 0. DO i = 1, n slope = slope + g(i)*p(i) END DO test = 0. DO i = 1, n temp = abs(p(i))/max(abs(xold(i)),1.) IF (temp>test) test = temp END DO alamin = tolx/test alam = 1. 10 CONTINUE !bs !bs * avoid negative concentrations and set upper limit given by CTOT. !bs DO i = 1, n x(i) = xold(i) + alam*p(i) IF (x(i)<=0.) x(i) = conmin IF (x(i)>ctot(i)) x(i) = ctot(i) END DO f = func(x,fvec,n,ct,cs,imw,m) IF (alam0.5*alam) tmplam = 0.5*alam END IF END IF alam2 = alam f2 = f fold2 = fold alam = max(tmplam,0.1*alam) GO TO 10 END SUBROUTINE lnsrch !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! SUBROUTINE lubksb(a,n,np,indx,b) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs Adopted from Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, Chapter 2.3, 2nd ed. ! !bs ! !bs Solves the set of N linear equations A * X = B. Here A is input, ! !bs not as the matrix A but rather as its LU decomposition, ! !bs determined by the routine LUDCMP. B(1:N) is input as the right- ! !bs hand side vector B, and returns with the solution vector X. A, N, ! !bs NP, and INDX are not modified by this routine and can be left in ! !bs place for successive calls with different right-hand sides B. ! !bs This routine takes into account the possibilitythat B will begin ! !bs with many zero elements, so it is efficient for use in matrix ! !bs inversion. ! !bs ! !bs Called by: NEWT ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs INTEGER n, np, indx(n) REAL a(np,np), b(n) INTEGER i, ii, j, ll REAL sum ii = 0 DO i = 1, n ll = indx(i) sum = b(ll) b(ll) = b(i) IF (ii/=0) THEN DO j = ii, i - 1 sum = sum - a(i,j)*b(j) END DO ELSE IF (sum/=0) THEN ii = i END IF b(i) = sum END DO DO i = n, 1, -1 sum = b(i) DO j = i + 1, n sum = sum - a(i,j)*b(j) END DO b(i) = sum/a(i,i) END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE lubksb !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! SUBROUTINE ludcmp(a,n,np,indx,d,klev) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs Adopted from Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, Chapter 2.3, 2nd ed. ! !bs ! !bs Equation (2.3.14) Numerical Recipes, p 36: ! !bs | b_11 b_12 b_13 b_14 | ! !bs | a_21 b_22 b_23 b_24 | ! !bs | a_31 a_32 b_33 b_34 | ! !bs | a_41 a_42 a_43 b_44 | ! !bs ! !bs Given a matrix A(1:N,1:N), with physical dimension NP by NP, this ! !bs routine replaces it by the LU decomposition of a rowwise ! !bs permutation of itself. A and N are input. A is output arranged as ! !bs in equation (2.3.14) above; INDX(1:N) is an output vector that ! !bs records vector that records the row permutation effected by the ! !bs partial pivoting; D is output as +-1 depending on whether the ! !bs number of row interchanges was even or odd, respectively. This ! !bs routine is used in combination with SR LUBKSB to solve linear ! !bs equations or invert a matrix. ! !bs ! !bs Called by: NEWT ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs INTEGER n, np, indx(n) INTEGER nmax PARAMETER (nmax=10) !largest expected N REAL d, a(np,np) REAL tiny PARAMETER (tiny=1.0E-20) INTEGER i, imax, j, k REAL aamax, dum, sum, vv(nmax) integer klev d = 1 DO i = 1, n aamax = 0. DO j = 1, n IF (abs(a(i,j))>aamax) aamax = abs(a(i,j)) END DO IF (aamax==0) THEN print *, 'Singular matrix in ludcmp, klev = ',klev a(1,1)=epsilc ! STOP END IF vv(i) = 1./aamax END DO DO j = 1, n DO i = 1, j - 1 sum = a(i,j) DO k = 1, i - 1 sum = sum - a(i,k)*a(k,j) END DO a(i,j) = sum END DO aamax = 0. DO i = j, n sum = a(i,j) DO k = 1, j - 1 sum = sum - a(i,k)*a(k,j) END DO a(i,j) = sum dum = vv(i)*abs(sum) IF (dum>=aamax) THEN imax = i aamax = dum END IF END DO IF (j/=imax) THEN DO k = 1, n dum = a(imax,k) a(imax,k) = a(j,k) a(j,k) = dum END DO d = -d vv(imax) = vv(j) END IF indx(j) = imax IF (a(j,j)==0.) a(j,j) = tiny IF (j/=n) THEN dum = 1./a(j,j) DO i = j + 1, n a(i,j) = a(i,j)*dum END DO END IF END DO RETURN END SUBROUTINE ludcmp ! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SUBROUTINE modpar(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,cblk,blkta,blkprs,pmassn, & pmassa,pmassc,pdensn,pdensa,pdensc,xlm,amu,dgnuc,dgacc,dgcor,knnuc, & knacc,kncor) !*********************************************************************** !** DESCRIPTION: ! Calculates modal parameters and derived variables, ! log-squared of std deviation, mode mean size, Knudsen number) ! based on current values of moments for the modes. ! FSB Now calculates the 3rd moment, mass, and density in all 3 modes. !** !** Revision history: ! Adapted 3/95 by US and CJC from EAM2's MODPAR and INIT3 ! Revised 7/23/96 by FSB to use COMMON blocks and small blocks ! instead of large 3-d arrays, and to assume a fixed std. ! Revised 12/06/96 by FSB to include coarse mode ! Revised 1/10/97 by FSB to have arrays passed in call vector !********************************************************************** ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Includes: ! *** input: ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells INTEGER nspcsda ! nmber of species in CBLK REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL blkprs(blksize) ! *** output: ! Air pressure in [ Pa ] ! concentration lower limit [ ug/m* ! lowest particle diameter ( m ) REAL dgmin PARAMETER (dgmin=1.0E-09) ! lowest particle density ( Kg/m**3 REAL densmin PARAMETER (densmin=1.0E03) REAL pmassn(blksize) ! mass concentration in nuclei mode REAL pmassa(blksize) ! mass concentration in accumulation REAL pmassc(blksize) ! mass concentration in coarse mode REAL pdensn(blksize) ! average particel density in Aitken REAL pdensa(blksize) ! average particel density in accumu REAL pdensc(blksize) ! average particel density in coarse REAL xlm(blksize) ! atmospheric mean free path [ m] REAL amu(blksize) ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg REAL dgnuc(blksize) ! Aitken mode mean diameter [ m ] REAL dgacc(blksize) ! accumulation REAL dgcor(blksize) ! coarse mode REAL knnuc(blksize) ! Aitken mode Knudsen number REAL knacc(blksize) ! accumulation REAL kncor(blksize) ! coarse mode INTEGER lcell ! WRITE(20,*) ' IN MODPAR ' ! *** set up aerosol 3rd moment, mass, density ! loop counter DO lcell = 1, numcells ! *** Aitken-mode ! cblk(lcell,vnu3) = max(conmin,(so4fac*cblk(lcell, & ! ghan cblk(lcell,vnu3) = so4fac*cblk(lcell, & vso4ai)+nh4fac*cblk(lcell,vnh4ai)+h2ofac*cblk(lcell, & vh2oai)+no3fac*cblk(lcell,vno3ai)+ & nafac*cblk(lcell,vnaai)+ clfac*cblk(lcell,vclai)+ & orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgaro1i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgaro2i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgalk1i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgole1i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgba1i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgba2i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgba3i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgba4i)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgpai)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vp25ai)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,veci) ! vorgpai)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vp25ai)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,veci))) ! ghan ! *** Accumulation-mode ! cblk(lcell,vac3) = max(conmin,(so4fac*cblk(lcell, & ! ghan cblk(lcell,vac3) = so4fac*cblk(lcell, & vso4aj)+nh4fac*cblk(lcell,vnh4aj)+h2ofac*cblk(lcell, & vh2oaj)+no3fac*cblk(lcell,vno3aj) + & nafac*cblk(lcell,vnaaj)+ clfac*cblk(lcell,vclaj)+ & orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgaro1j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgaro2j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgalk1j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgole1j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgba1j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgba2j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgba3j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell,vorgba4j)+orgfac*cblk(lcell, & vorgpaj)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vp25aj)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vecj) ! vorgpaj)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vp25aj)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vecj))) ! ghan ! *** coarse mode ! cblk(lcell,vcor3) = max(conmin,(soilfac*cblk(lcell, & ! ghan rely on conmin applied to mass, not moment ! vsoila)+seasfac*cblk(lcell,vseas)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vantha))) cblk(lcell,vcor3) = soilfac*cblk(lcell, & vsoila)+seasfac*cblk(lcell,vseas)+anthfac*cblk(lcell,vantha) ! *** now get particle mass and density ! *** Aitken-mode: ! Na and Cl added to aitken mode mass conc pmassn(lcell) = max(conmin,(cblk(lcell,vso4ai)+cblk(lcell, & vnh4ai)+cblk(lcell,vh2oai)+cblk(lcell,vno3ai)+ & cblk(lcell,vnaai)+cblk(lcell,vclai)+cblk(lcell, & vorgaro1i)+cblk(lcell,vorgaro2i)+cblk(lcell,vorgalk1i)+cblk(lcell, & vorgole1i)+cblk(lcell,vorgba1i)+cblk(lcell,vorgba2i)+cblk(lcell, & vorgba3i)+cblk(lcell,vorgba4i)+cblk(lcell,vorgpai)+cblk(lcell, & vp25ai)+cblk(lcell,veci))) ! pmassn(lcell) = max(conmin,(cblk(lcell,vso4ai)+cblk(lcell, & ! vnh4ai)+cblk(lcell,vh2oai)+cblk(lcell,vno3ai)+cblk(lcell, & ! vorgaro1i)+cblk(lcell,vorgaro2i)+cblk(lcell,vorgalk1i)+cblk(lcell, & ! vorgole1i)+cblk(lcell,vorgba1i)+cblk(lcell,vorgba2i)+cblk(lcell, & ! vorgba3i)+cblk(lcell,vorgba4i)+cblk(lcell,vorgpai)+cblk(lcell, & ! vp25ai)+cblk(lcell,veci))) ! *** Accumulation-mode: ! ! Na and Cl added to accum mode mass conc pmassa(lcell) = max(conmin,(cblk(lcell,vso4aj)+cblk(lcell, & vnh4aj)+cblk(lcell,vh2oaj)+cblk(lcell,vno3aj)+ & cblk(lcell,vnaaj)+cblk(lcell,vclaj)+cblk(lcell, & vorgaro1j)+cblk(lcell,vorgaro2j)+cblk(lcell,vorgalk1j)+cblk(lcell, & vorgole1j)+cblk(lcell,vorgba1j)+cblk(lcell,vorgba2j)+cblk(lcell, & vorgba3j)+cblk(lcell,vorgba4j)+cblk(lcell,vorgpaj)+cblk(lcell, & vp25aj)+cblk(lcell,vecj))) ! pmassa(lcell) = max(conmin,(cblk(lcell,vso4aj)+cblk(lcell, & ! vnh4aj)+cblk(lcell,vh2oaj)+cblk(lcell,vno3aj)+cblk(lcell, & ! vorgaro1j)+cblk(lcell,vorgaro2j)+cblk(lcell,vorgalk1j)+cblk(lcell, & ! vorgole1j)+cblk(lcell,vorgba1j)+cblk(lcell,vorgba2j)+cblk(lcell, & ! vorgba3j)+cblk(lcell,vorgba4j)+cblk(lcell,vorgpaj)+cblk(lcell, & ! vp25aj)+cblk(lcell,vecj))) ! *** coarse mode: pmassc(lcell) = max(conmin,cblk(lcell,vsoila)+cblk(lcell,vseas)+cblk( & lcell,vantha)) END DO ! *** now get particle density, mean free path, and dynamic viscosity ! aerosol 3rd moment and mass DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! *** density in [ kg m**-3 ] ! Density and mean free path pdensn(lcell) = max(densmin,(f6dpim9*pmassn(lcell)/cblk(lcell,vnu3))) pdensa(lcell) = max(densmin,(f6dpim9*pmassa(lcell)/cblk(lcell,vac3))) pdensc(lcell) = max(densmin,(f6dpim9*pmassc(lcell)/cblk(lcell,vcor3))) ! *** Calculate mean free path [ m ]: xlm(lcell) = 6.6328E-8*pss0*blkta(lcell)/(tss0*blkprs(lcell)) ! *** 6.6328E-8 is the sea level values given in Table I.2.8 ! *** on page 10 of U.S. Standard Atmosphere 1962 ! *** Calculate dynamic viscosity [ kg m**-1 s**-1 ]: ! *** U.S. Standard Atmosphere 1962 page 14 expression ! for dynamic viscosity is: ! dynamic viscosity = beta * T * sqrt(T) / ( T + S) ! where beta = 1.458e-6 [ kg sec^-1 K**-0.5 ], s = 110.4 [ K ]. amu(lcell) = 1.458E-6*blkta(lcell)*sqrt(blkta(lcell))/ & (blkta(lcell)+110.4) END DO !............... Standard deviation fixed in both modes, so !............... diagnose diameter from 3rd moment and number concentr ! density and mean free path DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! calculate diameters dgnuc(lcell) = max(dgmin,(cblk(lcell,vnu3)/(cblk(lcell,vnu0)*esn36))** & one3) dgacc(lcell) = max(dgmin,(cblk(lcell,vac3)/(cblk(lcell,vac0)*esa36))** & one3) dgcor(lcell) = max(dgmin,(cblk(lcell,vcor3)/(cblk(lcell,vcorn)*esc36)) & **one3) ! when running with cloudborne aerosol, apply some very mild bounding ! to avoid unrealistic dg values if (cw_phase > 0) then dgnuc(lcell) = max( dgnuc(lcell), dginin*0.2 ) ! > 0.002 um dgnuc(lcell) = min( dgnuc(lcell), dginin*10.0 ) ! < 0.10 um dgacc(lcell) = max( dgacc(lcell), dginia*0.2 ) ! > 0.014 um dgacc(lcell) = min( dgacc(lcell), dginia*10.0 ) ! < 0.7 um dgcor(lcell) = max( dgcor(lcell), dginic*0.2 ) ! > 0.2 um dgcor(lcell) = min( dgcor(lcell), dginic*10.0 ) ! < 10.0 um end if END DO ! end loop on diameters DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! Calculate Knudsen numbers knnuc(lcell) = 2.0*xlm(lcell)/dgnuc(lcell) knacc(lcell) = 2.0*xlm(lcell)/dgacc(lcell) kncor(lcell) = 2.0*xlm(lcell)/dgcor(lcell) END DO ! end loop for Knudsen numbers RETURN !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! END SUBROUTINE modpar ! modpar SUBROUTINE newt(layer,x,n,check,ctot,csat,imwcv,minitw,its) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs Adopted from Numerical Recipes in FORTRAN, Chapter 9.7, 2nd ed. ! !bs ! !bs Given an initial guess X(1:N) for a root in N dimensions, find ! !bs the root by globally convergent Newton's method. The vector of ! !bs functions to be zeroed, called FVEC(1:N) in the routine below. is ! !bs retuned by a user-supplied function that must be called FUNCV and ! !bs have the declaration SUBROUTINE FUNCV(NX,FVEC). The output ! !bs quantity CHECK is false on a normal return and true if the ! !bs routine has converged to a local minimum of the function FMIN ! !bs defined below. In this case try restarting from a different ! !bs initial guess. ! !bs ! !bs PARAMETERS ! !bs NP : maximum expected value of N ! !bs MAXITS : maximum number of iterations ! !bs TOLF : convergence criterion on function values ! !bs TOLMIN : criterion for decidingwhether spurios convergence to a ! !bs minimum of FMIN has ocurred ! !bs TOLX : convergence criterion on delta_X ! !bs STPMX : scaled maximum step length allowed in line searches ! !bs ! !bs Called by: SOA_PART ! !bs ! !bs Calls: FDJAC ! !bs FMIN ! !bs LNSRCH ! !bs LUBKSB ! !bs LUDCMP ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs !bs * includes !bs !bs !bs * input variables !bs !bs model layer INTEGER layer !bs dimension of problem INTEGER n REAL x(n) !bs initial guess of CAER LOGICAL check REAL ctot(n) !bs total concentration GAS + AER + PROD REAL csat(n) !bs saturation conc. of cond. vapor [ug/m^ REAL imwcv(n) !bs inverse molecular weights !bs REAL minitw !bs * following Numerical recipes !bs !bs weighted initial mass INTEGER nn ! INTEGER NP ! PARAMETER (NP = 6) REAL fvec(np) !bs !bs !bs vector of functions to be zeroed REAL ct(np) REAL cs(np) REAL imw(np) REAL m !bs INTEGER i, its, j, indx(np) REAL d, den, f, fold, stpmax, sum, temp, test REAL fjac(np,np) REAL g(np), p(np), xold(np) !bs ! EXTERNAL fmin !bs !bs * begin code !bs m = minitw DO i = 1, n ct(i) = ctot(i) cs(i) = csat(i) imw(i) = imwcv(i) END DO !bs nn = n f = fmin(x,fvec,nn,ct,cs,imw,m) !The vector FVEC is test = & !Test for initial guess being a root. Us 0. DO i = 1, & !stringent test than simply TOLF. n IF (abs(fvec(i))>test) test = abs(fvec(i)) END DO IF (test<0.01*tolf) RETURN sum = & !Calculate STPMAX for line searches 0. DO i = 1, n sum = sum + x(i)**2 END DO stpmax = stpmx*max(sqrt(sum),float(n)) DO its = 1, & !start of iteration loop maxits CALL fdjac(n,x,fjac,ct,cs,imw) !get Jacobian DO i = 1, & !compute Delta f for line search n sum = 0. DO j = 1, n sum = sum + fjac(j,i)*fvec(j) END DO g(i) = sum END DO DO i = 1, & !store X n xold(i) = x(i) END DO fold = & !store F f DO i = 1, & !right-hand side for linear equations n p(i) = -fvec(i) END DO CALL ludcmp(fjac,n,np,indx,d,layer) !solve linear equations by LU dec CALL lubksb(fjac,n,np,indx,p) CALL lnsrch(ctot,n,xold,fold,g, & !LNSRCH returns new X and F. It a p,x,f,stpmax, & !calculates FVEC at the new X whe check,fmin,fvec,ct,cs,imw,m) !calls FMIN test = 0. DO i = 1, n IF (abs(fvec(i))>test) test = abs(fvec(i)) END DO IF (testtest) test = temp END DO IF (testtest) test = temp END DO IF (test so4 [mom-3/g/s] REAL chemrat ! conv rate for organics [mom-3/g/s] REAL chemrat_org REAL am1n, & ! 1st mom density (nuc, acc modes) [mom_ am1a REAL am2n, & ! 2nd mom density (nuc, acc modes) [mom_ am2a REAL gnc3n, & ! near-cont fns (nuc, acc) for mom-3 den gnc3a REAL gfm3n, & ! free-mol fns (nuc, acc) for mom-3 den gfm3a ! total reciprocal condensation rate REAL fconc REAL td ! d * tinf (cgs) REAL*8 & ! Cnstant to force 64 bit evaluation of one88 PARAMETER (one88=1.0D0) ! *** variables to set up sulfate and organic condensation rates ! sulfuric acid vapor at current time step REAL vapor1 ! chemistry and emissions REAL vapor2 ! Sulfuric acid vapor prior to addition from !bs REAL deltavap !bs * start update !bs ! change to vapor at previous time step REAL diffcorr !bs * REAL csqt_org !bs * end update !bs REAL csqt !....................................................................... ! begin body of subroutine NUCLCOND !........... Main computational grid-traversal loop nest !........... for computing condensation and nucleation: DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! *** First moment: ! 1st loop over NUMCELLS am1n = cblk(lcell,vnu0)*dgnuc(lcell)*esn04 am1a = cblk(lcell,vac0)*dgacc(lcell)*esa04 !.............. near-continuum factors [ 1 / sec ] !bs !bs * adopted from code of FSB !bs * correction to DIFFSULF and DIFFORG for temperature and pressure !bs diffcorr = (pss0/blkprs(lcell))*(blkta(lcell)/273.16)**1. !bs gnc3n = cconc*am1n*diffcorr gnc3a = cconc*am1a*diffcorr ! *** Second moment: am2n = cblk(lcell,vnu0)*dgnuc(lcell)*dgnuc(lcell)*esn16 am2a = cblk(lcell,vac0)*dgacc(lcell)*dgacc(lcell)*esa16 csqt = ccofm*sqrt(blkta(lcell)) !............... free molecular factors [ 1 / sec ] ! put in temperature fac gfm3n = csqt*am2n gfm3a = csqt*am2a ! *** Condensation factors in [ s**-1] for h2so4 ! *** In the future, separate factors for condensing organics will ! be included. In this version, the h2so4 values are used. !............... Twice the harmonic mean of fm, nc functions: ! *** Force 64 bit evaluation: fconcn(lcell) = one88*gnc3n*gfm3n/(gnc3n+gfm3n) fconca(lcell) = one88*gnc3a*gfm3a/(gnc3a+gfm3a) fconc = fconcn(lcell) + fconca(lcell) ! *** NOTE: FCONCN and FCONCA will be redefined below <<<<<< !bs !bs * start modifications for organcis !bs gnc3n = cconc_org*am1n*diffcorr gnc3a = cconc_org*am1a*diffcorr !bs csqt_org = ccofm_org*sqrt(blkta(lcell)) gfm3n = csqt_org*am2n gfm3a = csqt_org*am2a !bs fconcn_org(lcell) = one88*gnc3n*gfm3n/(gnc3n+gfm3n) fconca_org(lcell) = one88*gnc3a*gfm3a/(gnc3a+gfm3a) !bs !bs * end modifications for organics !bs ! *** calculate the total change to sulfuric acid vapor from production ! and condensation vapor1 = cblk(lcell,vsulf) ! curent sulfuric acid vapor vapor2 = cblk(lcell,vsulf) - so4rat(lcell)* & dt ! vapor at prev vapor2 = max(0.0,vapor2) deltavap = max(0.0,(so4rat(lcell)/fconc-vapor2)*(1.0-exp(-fconc*dt))) ! *** Calculate increment in total sufate aerosol mass concentration ! *** This follows the method of Youngblood & Kreidenweis. !bs !bs DELTASO4A( LCELL) = MAX( 0.0, SO4RAT(LCELL) * DT - DELTAVAP) !bs !bs * allow DELTASO4A to be negative, but the change must not be larger !bs * than the amount of vapor available. !bs deltaso4a(lcell) = max(-1.*cblk(lcell,vsulf), & so4rat(lcell)*dt-deltavap) !bs ! *** zero out growth coefficients cgrn3(lcell) = 0.0 cgra3(lcell) = 0.0 END DO ! *** Select method of nucleation ! End 1st loop over NUMCELLS IF (inucl==1) THEN ! *** Do Youngblood & Kreidenweis Nucleation ! CALL BCSUINTF(DT,SO4RAT,FCONCN,FCONCA,BLKTA,BLKRH, ! & DNDT,DMDT,NUMCELLS,BLKSIZE, ! & VAPOR1) ! IF (firstime) THEN ! WRITE (6,*) ! WRITE (6,'(a,i2)') 'INUCL =', inucl ! WRITE (90,'(a,i2)') 'INUCL =', inucl ! firstime = .FALSE. ! END IF ELSE IF (inucl==0) THEN ! *** Do Kerminen & Wexler Nucleation ! CALL nuclKW(DT,SO4RAT,FCONCN,FCONCA,BLKTA,BLKRH, ! & DNDT,DMDT,NUMCELLS,BLKSIZE) ! IF (firstime) THEN ! WRITE (6,*) ! WRITE (6,'(a,i2)') 'INUCL =', inucl ! WRITE (90,'(a,i2)') 'INUCL =', inucl ! firstime = .FALSE. ! END IF ELSE IF (inucl==2) THEN !bs ** Do Kulmala et al. Nucleation ! if(dndt(1).lt.-10.)print *,'before klpnuc',blkta(1),blkrh(1),vapor1,dndt(1),dmdt(1),so4rat(1) if(blkta(1).ge.233.15.and.blkrh(1).ge.0.1)then CALL klpnuc(blkta(1),blkrh(1),vapor1,dndt(1),dmdt(1),so4rat(1)) else dndt(1)=0. dmdt(1)=0. endif ! CALL klpnuc(blkta(1),blkrh(1),vapor1,dndt(1),dmdt(1),so4rat(1)) ! if(dndt(1).lt.-10.)print *,'after klpnuc',dndt(1),dmdt(1) IF (dndt(1)==0.) dmdt(1) = 0. IF (dmdt(1)==0.) dndt(1) = 0. ! IF (firstime) THEN ! WRITE (6,*) ! WRITE (6,'(a,i2)') 'INUCL =', inucl ! WRITE (90,'(a,i2)') 'INUCL =', inucl ! firstime = .FALSE. ! END IF ! ELSE ! WRITE (6,'(a)') '*************************************' ! WRITE (6,'(a,i2,a)') ' INUCL =', inucl, ', PLEASE CHECK !!' ! WRITE (6,'(a)') ' PROGRAM TERMINATED !!' ! WRITE (6,'(a)') '*************************************' ! STOP END IF !bs !bs * Secondary organic aerosol module (SORGAM) !bs ! end of selection of nucleation method CALL sorgam(layer,blkta,blkprs,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat, & orgole1rat,orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,drog,ldrog,ncv, & nacv,cblk,blksize,nspcsda,numcells,dt) !bs !bs * Secondary organic aerosol module (SORGAM) !bs DO lcell = 1, numcells ! *** redefine FCONCN & FCONCA to be the nondimensional fractionaL ! condensation factors td = 1.0/(fconcn(lcell)+fconca(lcell)) fconcn(lcell) = td*fconcn(lcell) fconca(lcell) = td*fconca(lcell) !bs td = 1.0/(fconcn_org(lcell)+fconca_org(lcell)) fconcn_org(lcell) = td*fconcn_org(lcell) fconca_org(lcell) = td*fconca_org(lcell) !bs END DO ! *** Begin second loop over cells DO lcell = 1, & numcells ! *** note CHEMRAT includes species other than sulfate. ! 3rd loop on NUMCELLS chemrat = so4fac*so4rat(lcell) ! [mom3 m**-3 s- chemrat_org = orgfac*(orgaro1rat(lcell)+orgaro2rat(lcell)+orgalk1rat( & lcell)+orgole1rat(lcell)+orgbio1rat(lcell)+orgbio2rat(lcell)+ & orgbio3rat(lcell)+orgbio4rat(lcell)) ! *** Calculate the production rates for new particle ! [mom3 m**-3 s- cgrn3(lcell) = so4fac*dmdt(lcell) ! Rate of increase of 3rd chemrat = chemrat - cgrn3(lcell) !bs 3rd moment production fro !bs Remove the rate of new pa chemrat = max(chemrat,0.0) ! *** Now calculate the rate of condensation on existing particles. ! Prevent CHEMRAT from being negativ cgrn3(lcell) = cgrn3(lcell) + chemrat*fconcn(lcell) + & chemrat_org*fconcn_org(lcell) cgra3(lcell) = chemrat*fconca(lcell) + chemrat_org*fconca_org(lcell) ! *** END DO ! end 2nd loop over NUMCELLS RETURN END SUBROUTINE nuclcond !23456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012 ! nuclcond REAL FUNCTION poly4(a,x) REAL a(4), x poly4 = a(1) + x*(a(2)+x*(a(3)+x*(a(4)))) RETURN END FUNCTION poly4 REAL FUNCTION poly6(a,x) REAL a(6), x poly6 = a(1) + x*(a(2)+x*(a(3)+x*(a(4)+x*(a(5)+x*(a(6)))))) RETURN END FUNCTION poly6 !----------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE rpmares_old(so4,hno3,no3,nh3,nh4,rh,temp,aso4,ano3,ah2o,anh4, & gnh3,gno3) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Description: ! ARES calculates the chemical composition of a sulfate/nitrate/ ! ammonium/water aerosol based on equilibrium thermodynamics. ! This code considers two regimes depending upon the molar ratio ! of ammonium to sulfate. ! For values of this ratio less than 2,the code solves a cubic for ! hydrogen ion molality, HPLUS, and if enough ammonium and liquid ! water are present calculates the dissolved nitric acid. For molal ! ionic strengths greater than 50, nitrate is assumed not to be presen ! For values of the molar ratio of 2 or greater, all sulfate is assume ! to be ammonium sulfate and a calculation is made for the presence of ! ammonium nitrate. ! The Pitzer multicomponent approach is used in subroutine ACTCOF to ! obtain the activity coefficients. Abandoned -7/30/97 FSB ! The Bromley method of calculating the activity coefficients is s use ! in this version ! The calculation of liquid water ! is done in subroutine water. Details for both calculations are given ! in the respective subroutines. ! Based upon MARS due to ! P. Saxena, A.B. Hudischewskyj, C. Seigneur, and J.H. Seinfeld, ! Atmos. Environ., vol. 20, Number 7, Pages 1471-1483, 1986. ! and SCAPE due to ! Kim, Seinfeld, and Saxeena, Aerosol Ceience and Technology, ! Vol 19, number 2, pages 157-181 and pages 182-198, 1993. ! NOTE: All concentrations supplied to this subroutine are TOTAL ! over gas and aerosol phases ! Parameters: ! SO4 : Total sulfate in MICROGRAMS/M**3 as sulfate (IN) ! HNO3 : Nitric Acid in MICROGRAMS/M**3 as nitric acid (IN) ! NO3 : Total nitrate in MICROGRAMS/M**3 as nitric acid (IN) ! NH3 : Total ammonia in MICROGRAMS/M**3 as ammonia (IN) ! NH4 : Ammonium in MICROGRAMS/M**3 as ammonium (IN) ! RH : Fractional relative humidity (IN) ! TEMP : Temperature in Kelvin (IN) ! GNO3 : Gas phase nitric acid in MICROGRAMS/M**3 (OUT) ! GNH3 : Gas phase ammonia in MICROGRAMS/M**3 (OUT) ! ASO4 : Aerosol phase sulfate in MICROGRAMS/M**3 (OUT) ! ANO3 : Aerosol phase nitrate in MICROGRAMS/M**3 (OUT) ! ANH4 : Aerosol phase ammonium in MICROGRAMS/M**3 (OUT) ! AH2O : Aerosol phase water in MICROGRAMS/M**3 (OUT) ! NITR : Number of iterations for obtaining activity coefficients (OU ! NR : Number of real roots to the cubic in the low ammonia case (OU ! Revision History: ! Who When Detailed description of changes ! --------- -------- ------------------------------------------- ! S.Roselle 11/10/87 Received the first version of the MARS code ! S.Roselle 12/30/87 Restructured code ! S.Roselle 2/12/88 Made correction to compute liquid-phase ! concentration of H2O2. ! S.Roselle 5/26/88 Made correction as advised by SAI, for ! computing H+ concentration. ! S.Roselle 3/1/89 Modified to operate with EM2 ! S.Roselle 5/19/89 Changed the maximum ionic strength from ! 100 to 20, for numerical stability. ! F.Binkowski 3/3/91 Incorporate new method for ammonia rich case ! using equations for nitrate budget. ! F.Binkowski 6/18/91 New ammonia poor case which ! omits letovicite. ! F.Binkowski 7/25/91 Rearranged entire code, restructured ! ammonia poor case. ! F.Binkowski 9/9/91 Reconciled all cases of ASO4 to be output ! as SO4-- ! F.Binkowski 12/6/91 Changed the ammonia defficient case so that ! there is only neutralized sulfate (ammonium ! sulfate) and sulfuric acid. ! F.Binkowski 3/5/92 Set RH bound on AWAS to 37 % to be in agreemen ! with the Cohen et al. (1987) maximum molalit ! of 36.2 in Table III.( J. Phys Chem (91) page ! 4569, and Table IV p 4587.) ! F.Binkowski 3/9/92 Redid logic for ammonia defficient case to rem ! possibility for denomenator becoming zero; ! this involved solving for HPLUS first. ! Note that for a relative humidity ! less than 50%, the model assumes that there i ! aerosol nitrate. ! F.Binkowski 4/17/95 Code renamed ARES (AeRosol Equilibrium System ! Redid logic as follows ! 1. Water algorithm now follows Spann & Richard ! 2. Pitzer Multicomponent method used ! 3. Multicomponent practical osmotic coefficien ! use to close iterations. ! 4. The model now assumes that for a water ! mass fraction WFRAC less than 50% there is ! no aerosol nitrate. ! F.Binkowski 7/20/95 Changed how nitrate is calculated in ammonia p ! case, and changed the WFRAC criterion to 40%. ! For ammonium to sulfate ratio less than 1.0 ! all ammonium is aerosol and no nitrate aerosol ! exists. ! F.Binkowski 7/21/95 Changed ammonia-ammonium in ammonia poor case ! allow gas-phase ammonia to exist. ! F.Binkowski 7/26/95 Changed equilibrium constants to values from ! Kim et al. (1993) ! F.Binkowski 6/27/96 Changed to new water format ! F.Binkowski 7/30/97 Changed to Bromley method for multicomponent ! activity coefficients. The binary activity coe ! are the same as the previous version ! F.Binkowski 8/1/97 Chenged minimum sulfate from 0.0 to 1.0e-6 i.e ! 1 picogram per cubic meter !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE !...........INCLUDES and their descriptions !cc INCLUDE SUBST_CONST ! constants !...........PARAMETERS and their descriptions: ! molecular weight for NaCl REAL mwnacl PARAMETER (mwnacl=58.44277) ! molecular weight for NO3 REAL mwno3 PARAMETER (mwno3=62.0049) ! molecular weight for HNO3 REAL mwhno3 PARAMETER (mwhno3=63.01287) ! molecular weight for SO4 REAL mwso4 PARAMETER (mwso4=96.0576) ! molecular weight for HSO4 REAL mwhso4 PARAMETER (mwhso4=mwso4+1.0080) ! molecular weight for H2SO4 REAL mh2so4 PARAMETER (mh2so4=98.07354) ! molecular weight for NH3 REAL mwnh3 PARAMETER (mwnh3=17.03061) ! molecular weight for NH4 REAL mwnh4 PARAMETER (mwnh4=18.03858) ! molecular weight for Organic Specie REAL mworg ! PARAMETER (mworg=175.0) ! PARAMETER (mworg=16.0) ! molecular weight for Chloride REAL mwcl PARAMETER (mwcl=35.453) ! molecular weight for AIR REAL mwair PARAMETER (mwair=28.964) ! molecular weight for Letovicite REAL mwlct PARAMETER (mwlct=3.0*mwnh4+2.0*mwso4+1.0080) ! molecular weight for Ammonium Sulfa REAL mwas PARAMETER (mwas=2.0*mwnh4+mwso4) ! molecular weight for Ammonium Bisul REAL mwabs PARAMETER (mwabs=mwnh4+mwso4+1.0080) !...........ARGUMENTS and their descriptions !iamodels3 REAL so4 ! Total sulfate in micrograms / m**3 ! Total nitric acid in micrograms / m REAL hno3 ! Total nitrate in micrograms / m**3 REAL no3 ! Total ammonia in micrograms / m**3 REAL nh3 ! Total ammonium in micrograms / m**3 REAL nh4 ! Fractional relative humidity REAL rh ! Temperature in Kelvin REAL temp ! Aerosol sulfate in micrograms / m** REAL aso4 ! Aerosol nitrate in micrograms / m** REAL ano3 ! Aerosol liquid water content water REAL ah2o ! Aerosol ammonium in micrograms / m* REAL anh4 ! Gas-phase nitric acid in micrograms REAL gno3 REAL gnh3 !...........SCRATCH LOCAL VARIABLES and their descriptions: ! Gas-phase ammonia in micrograms / m ! Index set to percent relative humid INTEGER irh ! Number of iterations for activity c INTEGER nitr ! Loop index for iterations INTEGER nnn INTEGER nr ! Number of roots to cubic equation f REAL*8 & ! Coefficients and roots of a0 REAL*8 & ! Coefficients and roots of a1 REAL*8 & ! Coefficients and roots of a2 ! Coefficients and discriminant for q REAL aa ! internal variables ( high ammonia c REAL bal ! Coefficients and discriminant for q REAL bb ! Variables used for ammonia solubili REAL bhat ! Coefficients and discriminant for q REAL cc ! Factor for conversion of units REAL convt ! Coefficients and discriminant for q REAL dd ! Coefficients and discriminant for q REAL disc ! Relative error used for convergence REAL eror ! Free ammonia concentration , that REAL fnh3 ! Activity Coefficient for (NH4+, HSO REAL gamaab ! Activity coefficient for (NH4+, NO3 REAL gamaan ! Variables used for ammonia solubili REAL gamahat ! Activity coefficient for (H+ ,NO3-) REAL gamana ! Activity coefficient for (2H+, SO4- REAL gamas1 ! Activity coefficient for (H+, HSO4- REAL gamas2 ! used for convergence of iteration REAL gamold ! internal variables ( high ammonia c REAL gasqd ! Hydrogen ion (low ammonia case) (mo REAL hplus ! Equilibrium constant for ammoniua t REAL k1a ! Equilibrium constant for sulfate-bi REAL k2sa ! Dissociation constant for ammonium REAL k3 ! Equilibrium constant for ammonium n REAL kan ! Variables used for ammonia solubili REAL khat ! Equilibrium constant for nitric aci REAL kna ! Henry's Law Constant for ammonia REAL kph ! Equilibrium constant for water diss REAL kw ! Internal variable using KAN REAL kw2 ! Nitrate (high ammonia case) (moles REAL man ! Sulfate (high ammonia case) (moles REAL mas ! Bisulfate (low ammonia case) (moles REAL mhso4 ! Nitrate (low ammonia case) (moles / REAL mna ! Ammonium (moles / kg water) REAL mnh4 ! Total number of moles of all ions REAL molnu ! Sulfate (low ammonia case) (moles / REAL mso4 ! Practical osmotic coefficient REAL phibar ! Previous value of practical osmotic REAL phiold ! Molar ratio of ammonium to sulfate REAL ratio ! Internal variable using K2SA REAL rk2sa ! Internal variables using KNA REAL rkna ! Internal variables using KNA REAL rknwet REAL rr1 REAL rr2 ! Ionic strength REAL stion ! Internal variables for temperature REAL t1 ! Internal variables for temperature REAL t2 ! Internal variables of convenience ( REAL t21 ! Internal variables of convenience ( REAL t221 ! Internal variables for temperature REAL t3 ! Internal variables for temperature REAL t4 ! Internal variables for temperature REAL t6 ! Total ammonia and ammonium in micro REAL tnh4 ! Total nitrate in micromoles / meter REAL tno3 ! Tolerances for convergence test REAL toler1 ! Tolerances for convergence test REAL toler2 ! Total sulfate in micromoles / meter REAL tso4 ! 2.0 * TSO4 (high ammonia case) (mo REAL twoso4 ! Water mass fraction REAL wfrac ! micrograms / meter **3 on output REAL wh2o ! internally it is 10 ** (-6) kg (wat ! the conversion factor (1000 g = 1 k ! for AH2O output ! Aerosol liquid water content (inter ! internal variables ( high ammonia c REAL wsqd ! Nitrate aerosol concentration in mi REAL xno3 ! Variable used in quadratic solution REAL xxq ! Ammonium aerosol concentration in m REAL ynh4 ! Water variable saved in case ionic REAL zh2o REAL zso4 ! Total sulfate molality - mso4 + mhs REAL cat(2) ! Array for cations (1, H+); (2, NH4+ REAL an(3) ! Array for anions (1, SO4--); (2, NO REAL crutes(3) ! Coefficients and roots of REAL gams(2,3) ! Array of activity coefficients ! Minimum value of sulfate laerosol c REAL minso4 PARAMETER (minso4=1.0E-6/mwso4) REAL floor PARAMETER (floor=1.0E-30) !----------------------------------------------------------------------- ! begin body of subroutine RPMARES !...convert into micromoles/m**3 !cc WRITE( 10, * ) 'SO4, NO3, NH3 ', SO4, NO3, NH3 !iamodels3 merge NH3/NH4 , HNO3,NO3 here ! minimum concentration tso4 = max(0.0,so4/mwso4) tno3 = max(0.0,(no3/mwno3+hno3/mwhno3)) tnh4 = max(0.0,(nh3/mwnh3+nh4/mwnh4)) !cc WRITE( 10, * ) 'TSO4, TNO3, TNH4, RH ', TSO4, TNO3, TNH4, RH ! set humidity index IRH as a percent irh = nint(100.0*rh) !...Check for valid IRH irh = max(1,irh) irh = min(99,irh) !cc WRITE(10,*)'RH,IRH ',RH,IRH !...Specify the equilibrium constants at correct !... temperature. Also change units from ATM to MICROMOLE/M**3 (for KA !... KPH, and K3 ) !... Values from Kim et al. (1993) except as noted. convt = 1.0/(0.082*temp) t6 = 0.082E-9*temp t1 = 298.0/temp t2 = alog(t1) t3 = t1 - 1.0 t4 = 1.0 + t2 - t1 kna = 2.511E+06*exp(29.17*t3+16.83*t4)*t6 k1a = 1.805E-05*exp(-1.50*t3+26.92*t4) k2sa = 1.015E-02*exp(8.85*t3+25.14*t4) kw = 1.010E-14*exp(-22.52*t3+26.92*t4) kph = 57.639*exp(13.79*t3-5.39*t4)*t6 !cc K3 = 5.746E-17 * EXP( -74.38 * T3 + 6.12 * T4 ) * T6 * T6 khat = kph*k1a/kw kan = kna*khat !...Compute temperature dependent equilibrium constant for NH4NO3 !... ( from Mozurkewich, 1993) k3 = exp(118.87-24084.0/temp-6.025*alog(temp)) !...Convert to (micromoles/m**3) **2 k3 = k3*convt*convt wh2o = 0.0 stion = 0.0 ah2o = 0.0 mas = 0.0 man = 0.0 hplus = 0.0 toler1 = 0.00001 toler2 = 0.001 nitr = 0 nr = 0 ratio = 0.0 gamaan = 1.0 gamold = 1.0 !...set the ratio according to the amount of sulfate and nitrate IF (tso4>minso4) THEN ratio = tnh4/tso4 !...If there is no sulfate and no nitrate, there can be no ammonium !... under the current paradigm. Organics are ignored in this version. ELSE IF (tno3==0.0) THEN ! *** If there is very little sulfate and no nitrate set concentrations ! to a very small value and return. aso4 = max(floor,aso4) ano3 = max(floor,ano3) wh2o = 0.0 ah2o = 0.0 gnh3 = max(floor,gnh3) gno3 = max(floor,gno3) RETURN END IF !...For the case of no sulfate and nonzero nitrate, set ratio to 5 !... to send the code to the high ammonia case ratio = 5.0 END IF !.................................... !......... High Ammonia Case ........ !.................................... IF (ratio>2.0) THEN gamaan = 0.1 !...Set up twice the sulfate for future use. twoso4 = 2.0*tso4 xno3 = 0.0 ynh4 = twoso4 !...Treat different regimes of relative humidity !...ZSR relationship is used to set water levels. Units are !... 10**(-6) kg water/ (cubic meter of air) !... start with ammomium sulfate solution without nitrate CALL awater(irh,tso4,ynh4,tno3,ah2o) !**** note TNO3 wh2o = 1.0E-3*ah2o aso4 = tso4*mwso4 ano3 = 0.0 anh4 = ynh4*mwnh4 wfrac = ah2o/(aso4+anh4+ah2o) !cc IF ( WFRAC .EQ. 0.0 ) RETURN ! No water IF (wfrac<0.2) THEN !... dry ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate !... compute free ammonia fnh3 = tnh4 - twoso4 cc = tno3*fnh3 - k3 !...check for not enough to support aerosol IF (cc<=0.0) THEN xno3 = 0.0 ELSE aa = 1.0 bb = -(tno3+fnh3) disc = bb*bb - 4.0*cc !...Check for no real positive roots of the quadratic !... set nitrate to zero and RETURN if no real positive roots are found IF (disc<0.0) THEN xno3 = 0.0 ah2o = 1000.0*wh2o ynh4 = twoso4 gno3 = tno3*mwhno3 gnh3 = (tnh4-ynh4)*mwnh3 aso4 = tso4*mwso4 ano3 = 0.0 anh4 = ynh4*mwnh4 RETURN END IF ! get here, BB .lt. 0.0, CC .gt. 0.0 always dd = sqrt(disc) xxq = -0.5*(bb+sign(1.0,bb)*dd) !...Since both roots are positive, select smaller root. xno3 = min(xxq/aa,cc/xxq) END IF ah2o = 1000.0*wh2o ynh4 = 2.0*tso4 + xno3 gno3 = (tno3-xno3)*mwhno3 gnh3 = (tnh4-ynh4)*mwnh3 aso4 = tso4*mwso4 ano3 = xno3*mwno3 anh4 = ynh4*mwnh4 RETURN END IF !...liquid phase containing completely neutralized sulfate and !... some nitrate. Solve for composition and quantity. mas = tso4/wh2o man = 0.0 xno3 = 0.0 ynh4 = twoso4 phiold = 1.0 !...Start loop for iteration !...The assumption here is that all sulfate is ammonium sulfate, !... and is supersaturated at lower relative humidities. DO nnn = 1, 150 nitr = nnn gasqd = gamaan*gamaan wsqd = wh2o*wh2o kw2 = kan*wsqd/gasqd aa = 1.0 - kw2 bb = twoso4 + kw2*(tno3+tnh4-twoso4) cc = -kw2*tno3*(tnh4-twoso4) !...This is a quadratic for XNO3 [MICROMOLES / M**3] of nitrate in solut disc = bb*bb - 4.0*aa*cc !...Check for complex roots, if so set nitrate to zero and RETURN IF((disc<0.0) .OR. & (bb>0.0 .AND. aa>0.0 >0.0) .OR. & (bb<0.0 .AND. aa<0.0 <0.0)) THEN xno3 = 0.0 ah2o = 1000.0*wh2o ynh4 = twoso4 gno3 = tno3*mwhno3 gnh3 = (tnh4-ynh4)*mwnh3 aso4 = tso4*mwso4 ano3 = 0.0 anh4 = ynh4*mwnh4 !cc WRITE( 10, * ) ' COMPLEX ROOTS ' RETURN END IF dd = sqrt(disc) xxq = -0.5*(bb+sign(1.0,bb)*dd) !PMA aa=max(aa,1.e-20) xxq=max(xxq,1.e-20) rr1 = xxq/aa rr2 = cc/xxq IF (rr1 <= 0.0 .AND. rr2 <= 0.0) THEN xno3 = 0.0 ah2o = 1000.0*wh2o ynh4 = twoso4 gno3 = tno3*mwhno3 gnh3 = (tnh4-ynh4)*mwnh3 aso4 = tso4*mwso4 ano3 = 0.0 anh4 = ynh4*mwnh4 ! WRITE(*,*) 'TWO NON-POSITIVE ROOTS!!! ' RETURN END IF !...choose minimum positve root IF ((rr1*rr2)<0.0) THEN xno3 = max(rr1,rr2) ELSE xno3 = min(rr1,rr2) END IF xno3 = min(xno3,tno3) !...This version assumes no solid sulfate forms (supersaturated ) !... Now update water CALL awater(irh,tso4,ynh4,xno3,ah2o) !...ZSR relationship is used to set water levels. Units are !... 10**(-6) kg water/ (cubic meter of air) !... The conversion from micromoles to moles is done by the units of WH wh2o = 1.0E-3*ah2o !...Ionic balance determines the ammonium in solution. man = xno3/wh2o mas = tso4/wh2o mnh4 = 2.0*mas + man ynh4 = mnh4*wh2o !...MAS, MAN and MNH4 are the aqueous concentrations of sulfate, nitrate !... and ammonium in molal units (moles/(kg water) ). !PMA adds avoid cat and an to be < 0 stion = 3.0*mas + man cat(1) = 0.0 cat(2) = max(mnh4,0.0) an(1) = max(mas,0.0) an(2) = max(man,0.0) an(3) = 0.0 CALL actcof(cat,an,gams,molnu,phibar) gamaan = gams(2,2) !...Use GAMAAN for convergence control eror = abs(gamold-gamaan)/gamold gamold = gamaan !...Check to see if we have a solution IF (eror<=toler1) THEN !cc WRITE( 11, * ) RH, STION, GAMS( 1, 1 ),GAMS( 1, 2 ), GAMS !cc & GAMS( 2, 1 ), GAMS( 2, 2 ), GAMS( 2, 3 ), PHIBAR aso4 = tso4*mwso4 ano3 = xno3*mwno3 anh4 = ynh4*mwnh4 gno3 = (tno3-xno3)*mwhno3 gnh3 = (tnh4-ynh4)*mwnh3 ah2o = 1000.0*wh2o RETURN END IF END DO !...If after NITR iterations no solution is found, then: aso4 = tso4*mwso4 ano3 = 0.0 ynh4 = twoso4 anh4 = ynh4*mwnh4 CALL awater(irh,tso4,ynh4,xno3,ah2o) gno3 = tno3*mwhno3 gnh3 = (tnh4-ynh4)*mwnh3 RETURN ELSE !...................................... !......... Low Ammonia Case ........... !...................................... !...coded by Dr. Francis S. Binkowski 12/8/91.(4/26/95) !...All cases covered by this logic wh2o = 0.0 CALL awater(irh,tso4,tnh4,tno3,ah2o) wh2o = 1.0E-3*ah2o zh2o = ah2o !...convert 10**(-6) kg water/(cubic meter of air) to micrograms of wate !... per cubic meter of air (1000 g = 1 kg) aso4 = tso4*mwso4 anh4 = tnh4*mwnh4 ano3 = 0.0 gno3 = tno3*mwhno3 gnh3 = 0.0 !...Check for zero water. IF (wh2o==0.0) RETURN zso4 = tso4/wh2o !...ZSO4 is the molality of total sulfate i.e. MSO4 + MHSO4 !cc IF ( ZSO4 .GT. 11.0 ) THEN ! not solve for aerosol nitrate for total sulfate molality !... greater than 11.0 because the model parameters break down !... greater than 9.0 because the model parameters break down IF (zso4>9.0) & ! 18 June 97 THEN RETURN END IF !...First solve with activity coeffs of 1.0, then iterate. phiold = 1.0 gamana = 1.0 gamas1 = 1.0 gamas2 = 1.0 gamaab = 1.0 gamold = 1.0 !...All ammonia is considered to be aerosol ammonium. mnh4 = tnh4/wh2o !...MNH4 is the molality of ammonium ion. ynh4 = tnh4 !...loop for iteration DO nnn = 1, 150 nitr = nnn !...set up equilibrium constants including activities !... solve the system for hplus first then sulfate & nitrate ! print*,'gamas,gamana',gamas1,gamas2,gamana rk2sa = k2sa*gamas2*gamas2/(gamas1*gamas1*gamas1) rkna = kna/(gamana*gamana) rknwet = rkna*wh2o t21 = zso4 - mnh4 t221 = zso4 + t21 !...set up coefficients for cubic a2 = rk2sa + rknwet - t21 a1 = rk2sa*rknwet - t21*(rk2sa+rknwet) - rk2sa*zso4 - rkna*tno3 a0 = -(t21*rk2sa*rknwet+rk2sa*rknwet*zso4+rk2sa*rkna*tno3) CALL cubic(a2,a1,a0,nr,crutes) !...Code assumes the smallest positive root is in CRUTES(1) hplus = crutes(1) bal = hplus**3 + a2*hplus**2 + a1*hplus + a0 mso4 = rk2sa*zso4/(hplus+rk2sa) ! molality of sulfat mhso4 = zso4 - & ! molality of bisulf mso4 mna = rkna*tno3/(hplus+rknwet) ! molality of nitrat mna = max(0.0,mna) mna = min(mna,tno3/wh2o) xno3 = mna*wh2o ano3 = mna*wh2o*mwno3 gno3 = (tno3-xno3)*mwhno3 !...Calculate ionic strength stion = 0.5*(hplus+mna+mnh4+mhso4+4.0*mso4) !...Update water CALL awater(irh,tso4,ynh4,xno3,ah2o) !...Convert 10**(-6) kg water/(cubic meter of air) to micrograms of wate !... per cubic meter of air (1000 g = 1 kg) !PMA adds checker to avoid cat and an < 0.0 wh2o = 1.0E-3*ah2o cat(1) = max(hplus,0.0) cat(2) = max(mnh4,0.0) an(1) = max(mso4,0.0) an(2) = max(mna,0.0) an(3) = max(mhso4,0.0) ! print*,'actcof',cat(1),cat(2),an(1),an(2),an(3),gams,molnu,phibar CALL actcof(cat,an,gams,molnu,phibar) gamana = gams(1,2) gamas1 = gams(1,1) gamas2 = gams(1,3) gamaan = gams(2,2) gamahat = (gamas2*gamas2/(gamaab*gamaab)) bhat = khat*gamahat !cc EROR = ABS ( ( PHIOLD - PHIBAR ) / PHIOLD ) !cc PHIOLD = PHIBAR eror = abs(gamold-gamahat)/gamold gamold = gamahat !...write out molalities and activity coefficient !... and return with good solution IF (eror<=toler2) THEN !cc WRITE(12,*) RH, STION,HPLUS,ZSO4,MSO4,MHSO4,MNH4,MNA !cc WRITE(11,*) RH, STION, GAMS(1,1),GAMS(1,2),GAMS(1,3), !cc & GAMS(2,1),GAMS(2,2),GAMS(2,3), PHIBAR RETURN END IF END DO !...after NITR iterations, failure to solve the system, no ANO3 gno3 = tno3*mwhno3 ano3 = 0.0 CALL awater(irh,tso4,tnh4,tno3,ah2o) RETURN END IF ! ratio .gt. 2.0 ! /////////////////////////////////////////////////// END SUBROUTINE rpmares_old !ia********************************************************* !ia * !ia BEGIN OF AEROSOL ROUTINE * !ia * !ia********************************************************* !*********************************************************************** ! BEGIN OF AEROSOL CALCULATIONS !*********************************************************************** !ia********************************************************************* !ia * !ia MAIN AEROSOL DYNAMICS ROUTINE * !ia based on MODELS3 formulation by FZB * !ia Modified by IA in May 97 * !ia THIS PROGRAMME IS THE LINK BETWEEN GAS PHASE AND AEROSOL PHASE !ia CALCULATIONS IN THE COLUMN MODEL. IT CONVERTS ALL DATA AND !ia VARIABLES BETWEEN THE TWO PARTS AND DRIVES THE AEROSOL !ia CALCULATIONS. !ia INPUT DATA REQUIRED FOR AEROSOL DYNAMICS ARE SET UP HERE FOR !ia ONE GRID CELL!!!! !ia and passed to dynamics calcs. subroutines. !ia * !ia Revision history * !ia When WHO WHAT * !ia ---- ---- ---- * !ia ???? FZB BEGIN * !ia 05/97 IA Adapted for use in CTM2-S * !ia Modified renaming/bug fixing * !ia 11/97 IA Modified for new model version !ia see comments under iarev02 !ia 03/98 IA corrected error on pressure units !ia * !ia Called BY: CHEM * !ia * !ia Calls to: OUTPUT1,AEROPRC * !ia * !ia********************************************************************* ! end RPMares SUBROUTINE rpmmod3(nspcsda,blksize,layer,dtsec,pres,temp,relhum, & nitrate_in,nh3_in,vsulf_in,so4rat_in,drog_in,ldrog,condvap_in,ncv, & nacv,eeci_in,eecj_in,eorgi_in,eorgj_in,epm25i,epm25j,epmcoarse, & soilrat_in,cblk,igrid,jgrid,kgrid) ! IMPLICIT NONE ! Includes: !iarev02 INCLUDE AEROINCL.EXT ! block size, set to 1 in column model ciarev0 INTEGER blksize !ia kept to 1 in current version of column model INTEGER numcells ! actual number of cells in arrays ( default is PARAMETER (numcells=1) INTEGER layer ! number of layer (default is 1 in INTEGER ncell ! index for cell in blocked array (default is 1 in PARAMETER (ncell=1) ! *** inputs ! Input temperature [ K ] REAL temp ! Input relative humidity [ fraction ] REAL relhum ! Input pressure [ hPa ] REAL pres ! Input number for Aitken mode [ m**-3 ] REAL numnuc_in ! Input number for accumulation mode [ m**-3 ] REAL numacc_in ! Input number for coarse mode [ m**-3 ] REAL numcor_in ! sulfuric acid [ ug m**-3 ] REAL vsulf_in ! total sulfate vapor as sulfuric acid as ! sulfuric acid [ ug m**-3 ] REAL asulf_in ! total sulfate aerosol as sulfuric acid as ! i-mode sulfate input as sulfuric acid [ ug m* REAL asulfi_in ! ammonia gas [ ug m**-3 ] REAL nh3_in ! input value of nitric acid vapor [ ug m**-3 ] REAL nitrate_in ! Production rate of sulfuric acid [ ug m**-3 REAL so4rat_in ! aerosol [ ug m**-3 s**-1 ] REAL soilrat_in ! Production rate of soil derived coarse ! Emission rate of i-mode EC [ug m**-3 s**-1] REAL eeci_in ! Emission rate of j-mode EC [ug m**-3 s**-1] REAL eecj_in ! Emission rate of j-mode org. aerosol [ug m**- REAL eorgi_in REAL eorgj_in !bs ! Emission rate of j-mode org. aerosol [ug m**- ! total # of cond. vapors & SOA species INTEGER ncv ! # of anthrop. cond. vapors & SOA speci INTEGER nacv ! # of organic aerosol precursor INTEGER ldrog REAL drog_in(ldrog) ! organic aerosol precursor [ppm] ! Input delta ROG concentration of REAL condvap_in(ncv) ! cond. vapor input [ug m^-3] REAL drog(blksize,ldrog) ! organic aerosol precursor [ppm] !bs ! *** Primary emissions rates: [ ug / m**3 s ] ! *** emissions rates for unidentified PM2.5 mass ! Delta ROG concentration of REAL epm25i(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL epm25j(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for primary organic aerosol ! Accumululaton mode REAL eorgi(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL eorgj(blksize) ! *** emissions rates for elemental carbon ! Accumululaton mode REAL eeci(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL eecj(blksize) ! *** Primary emissions rates [ ug m**-3 s -1 ] : ! Accumululaton mode REAL epm25(blksize) ! emissions rate for PM2.5 mass REAL esoil(blksize) ! emissions rate for soil derived coarse a REAL eseas(blksize) ! emissions rate for marine coarse aerosol REAL epmcoarse(blksize) ! emissions rate for anthropogenic coarse REAL dtsec ! time step [ s ], PASSED FROM MAIN COLUMN MODE REAL newm3 REAL totaersulf ! total aerosol sulfate ! loop index for time steps INTEGER numsteps REAL step ! *** arrays for aerosol model codes: ! synchronization time [s] INTEGER nspcsda ! number of species in CBLK ciarev02 REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! *** Meteorological information in blocked arays: ! *** Thermodynamic variables: ! main array of variables REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL blkprs(blksize) ! Air pressure in [ Pa ] REAL blkdens(blksize) ! Air density [ kg m^-3 ] REAL blkrh(blksize) ! *** Chemical production rates [ ug m**-3 s -1 ] : ! Fractional relative humidity REAL so4rat(blksize) ! rate [ug/m^3/s] ! sulfuric acid vapor-phase production REAL orgaro1rat(blksize) ! production rate from aromatics [ ug / ! anthropogenic organic aerosol mass REAL orgaro2rat(blksize) ! production rate from aromatics [ ug / ! anthropogenic organic aerosol mass REAL orgalk1rat(blksize) ! rate from alkanes & others [ ug / m^3 ! anthropogenic organic aerosol mass pro REAL orgole1rat(blksize) ! rate from alkanes & others [ ug / m^3 ! anthropogenic organic aerosol mass pro REAL orgbio1rat(blksize) ! rate [ ug / m^3 s ] ! biogenic organic aerosol production REAL orgbio2rat(blksize) ! rate [ ug / m^3 s ] ! biogenic organic aerosol production REAL orgbio3rat(blksize) ! rate [ ug / m^3 s ] ! biogenic organic aerosol production REAL orgbio4rat(blksize) ! rate [ ug / m^3 s ] !bs ! *** atmospheric properties ! biogenic organic aerosol production REAL xlm(blksize) ! atmospheric mean free path [ m ] REAL amu(blksize) ! *** aerosol properties: ! *** modal diameters: ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg REAL dgnuc(blksize) ! nuclei mode geometric mean diamete REAL dgacc(blksize) ! accumulation geometric mean diamet REAL dgcor(blksize) ! *** Modal mass concentrations [ ug m**3 ] ! coarse mode geometric mean diamete REAL pmassn(blksize) ! mass concentration in Aitken mode REAL pmassa(blksize) ! mass concentration in accumulation REAL pmassc(blksize) ! *** average modal particle densities [ kg/m**3 ] ! mass concentration in coarse mode REAL pdensn(blksize) ! average particle density in nuclei REAL pdensa(blksize) ! average particle density in accumu REAL pdensc(blksize) ! *** average modal Knudsen numbers ! average particle density in coarse REAL knnuc(blksize) ! nuclei mode Knudsen number REAL knacc(blksize) ! accumulation Knudsen number REAL kncor(blksize) ! *** reciprocal modal condensation rates for sulfuric acid [ 1/s ] ! coarse mode Knudsen number REAL fconcn(blksize) ! reciprocal condensation rate Aitke REAL fconca(blksize) !bs ! reciprocal condensation rate acclu REAL fconcn_org(blksize) REAL fconca_org(blksize) !bs ! *** Rates for secondary particle formation: ! *** production of new mass concentration [ ug/m**3 s ] REAL dmdt(blksize) ! by particle formation ! *** production of new number concentration [ number/m**3 s ] ! rate of production of new mass concen REAL dndt(blksize) ! by particle formation ! *** growth rate for third moment by condensation of precursor ! vapor on existing particles [ 3rd mom/m**3 s ] ! rate of producton of new particle num REAL cgrn3(blksize) ! Aitken mode REAL cgra3(blksize) ! *** Rates for coaglulation: [ m**3/s ] ! *** Unimodal Rates: ! Accumulation mode REAL urn00(blksize) ! Aitken mode 0th moment self-coagulation ra REAL ura00(blksize) ! *** Bimodal Rates: Aitken mode with accumulation mode ( d( Aitken mod ! accumulation mode 0th moment self-coagulat REAL brna01(blksize) ! rate for 0th moment REAL brna31(blksize) ! *** other processes ! rate for 3rd moment REAL deltaso4a(blksize) ! sulfate aerosol by condensation [ u ! *** housekeeping variables: ! increment of concentration added to INTEGER unit PARAMETER (unit=30) CHARACTER*16 pname PARAMETER (pname=' BOX ') INTEGER isp,igrid,jgrid,kgrid ! loop index for species. INTEGER ii, iimap(8) DATA iimap/1, 2, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24/ ! begin body of program box ! *** Set up files and other info ! *** set up experimental conditions ! *** initialize model variables !ia *** not required any more !ia DO ISP = 1, NSPCSDA !ia CBLK(BLKSIZE,ISP) = 1.0e-19 ! set CBLK to a very small number !ia END DO step = & ! set time step dtsec blkta(blksize) = & ! T in Kelvin temp blkprs(blksize) = pres* & ! P in Pa (pres is given in 100. blkrh(blksize) = & ! fractional RH relhum blkdens(blksize) = blkprs(blksize)/(rdgas*blkta(blksize)) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VSULF) = vsulf_in !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VHNO3) = nitrate_in !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VNH3) = nh3_in !bs !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVARO1) = condvap_in(PSOAARO1) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVARO2) = condvap_in(PSOAARO2) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVALK1) = condvap_in(PSOAALK1) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVOLE1) = condvap_in(PSOAOLE1) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVAPI1) = condvap_in(PSOAAPI1) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVAPI2) = condvap_in(PSOAAPI2) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVLIM1) = condvap_in(PSOALIM1) !rs CBLK(BLKSIZE,VCVLIM2) = condvap_in(PSOALIM2) ! dr DO isp = 1, ldrog drog(blksize,isp) = drog_in(isp) END DO ! print*,'drog in rpm',drog !bs !ia *** 27/05/97 the following variables are transported quantities !ia *** of the column-model now and thuse do not need this init. !ia *** step. ! CBLK(BLKSIZE,VNU0) = numnuc_in ! CBLK(BLKSIZE,VAC0) = numacc_in ! CBLK(BLKSIZE,VSO4A) = asulf_in ! CBLK(BLKSIZE,VSO4AI) = asulfi_in ! CBLK(BLKSIZE, VCORN) = numcor_in so4rat(blksize) = so4rat_in !...INITIALISE EMISSION RATES ! epm25i(blksize) = & ! unidentified PM2.5 mass ! 0.0 ! epm25j(blksize) = & ! 0.0 ! unidentified PM2.5 m eorgi(blksize) = & ! primary organic eorgi_in eorgj(blksize) = & eorgj_in ! primary organic eeci(blksize) = & ! elemental carbon eeci_in eecj(blksize) = & eecj_in ! elemental carbon epm25(blksize) = & !currently from input file ACTIONIA 0.0 esoil(blksize) = & ! ACTIONIA soilrat_in eseas(blksize) = & !currently from input file ACTIONIA 0.0 ! epmcoarse(blksize) = & !currently from input file ACTIONIA ! 0.0 dgnuc(blksize) = dginin dgacc(blksize) = dginia dgcor(blksize) = dginic newm3 = 0.0 ! *** Set up initial total 3rd moment factors totaersulf = 0.0 newm3 = 0.0 ! *** time loop ! write(50,*) ' numsteps dgnuc dgacc ', ! & ' aso4 aso4i Ni Nj ah2o ah2oi M3i m3j' ! *** Call aerosol routines CALL aeroproc(blksize,nspcsda,numcells,layer,cblk,step,blkta,blkprs, & blkdens,blkrh,so4rat,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat, & orgole1rat,orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,drog,ldrog,ncv, & nacv,epm25i,epm25j,eorgi,eorgj,eeci,eecj,epmcoarse,esoil,eseas,xlm, & amu,dgnuc,dgacc,dgcor,pmassn,pmassa,pmassc,pdensn,pdensa,pdensc,knnuc, & knacc,kncor,fconcn,fconca,fconcn_org,fconca_org,dmdt,dndt,cgrn3,cgra3, & urn00,ura00,brna01,brna31,deltaso4a,igrid,jgrid,kgrid) ! *** write output ! WRITE(UNIT,*) ' AFTER AEROPROC ' ! WRITE(UNIT,*) ' NUMSTEPS = ', NUMSTEPS ! *** Write out file for graphing. ! write(50,*) NUMSTEPS, DGNUC,DGACC,(CBLK(1,iimap(ii)),ii=1,8) ! *** update sulfuric acid vapor !ia 21.04.98 this update is not required here !ia artefact from box model ! CBLK(BLKSIZE,VSULF) = CBLK(BLKSIZE,VSULF) + ! & SO4RAT(BLKSIZE) * STEP RETURN !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! END SUBROUTINE rpmmod3 ! main box model SUBROUTINE soa_part(layer,blkta,blkprs,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat, & orgole1rat,orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,drog,ldrog,ncv, & nacv,cblk,blksize,nspcsda,numcells,dt) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: ! !bs ! !bs SOA_PART calculates the formation and partitioning of secondary ! !bs organic aerosol based on (pseudo-)ideal solution thermodynamics. ! !bs ! !bs This code considers two cases: ! !bs i) initil absorbing mass is existend in the aerosol phase ! !bs ii) a threshold has to be exeeded before partitioning (even below ! !bs saturation) will take place. ! !bs ! !bs The temperature dependence of the saturation concentrations are ! !bs calculated using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation. ! !bs ! !bs It is assumed that the condensable vapors also evaporate if the ! !bs saturation concentraion lowers e.g. due to temperature effects. ! !bs Therefor negative production rates (= evaporation rates) are ! !bs possible. ! !bs ! !bs If there is no absorbing mass at all the Pandis method is applied ! !bs for the first steps. ! !bs ! !bs References: ! !bs Pankow (1994): ! !bs An absorption model of the gas/aerosol ! !bs partitioning involved in the formation of ! !bs secondary organic aerosol, Atmos. Environ. 28(2), ! !bs 189-193. ! !bs Odum et al. (1996): ! !bs Gas/particle partitioning and secondary organic ! !bs aerosol yields, Environ. Sci. Technol. 30, ! !bs 2580-2585. ! !bs see also ! !bs Bowman et al. (1997): ! !bs Mathematical model for gas-particle partitioning ! !bs of secondary organic aerosols, Atmos. Environ. ! !bs 31(23), 3921-3931. ! !bs Seinfeld and Pandis (1998): ! !bs Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (0-471-17816-0) ! !bs chapter 13.5.2 Formation of binary ideal solution ! !bs with -- preexisting aerosol ! !bs -- other organic vapor ! !bs ! !bs Called by: SORGAM ! !bs ! !bs Calls: None ! !bs ! !bs Arguments: LAYER, ! !bs BLKTA, BLKPRS, ! !bs ORGARO1RAT, ORGARO2RAT, ! !bs ORGALK1RAT, ORGOLE1RAT, ! !bs ORGBIO1RAT, ORGBIO2RAT, ! !bs ORGBIO3RAT, ORGBIO4RAT, ! !bs DROG, LDROG, NCV, NACV, ! !bs CBLK, BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS, ! !bs DT ! !bs ! !bs Include files: AEROSTUFF.EXT ! !bs AERO_internal.EXT ! !bs ! !bs Data: None ! !bs ! !bs Input files: None ! !bs ! !bs Output files: None ! !bs ! !bs--------------------------------------------------------------------! !bs ! !bs History: ! !bs No Date Author Change ! !bs ____ ______ ________________ _________________________________ ! !bs 01 170399 B.Schell Set up ! !bs 02 050499 B.Schell introduced SR NEWT ! !bs 03 040599 B.Schell include-file ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs !bs * includes !bs !bs !bs * input variables !bs ! model layer INTEGER layer ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! number of species in CBLK INTEGER nspcsda ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells ! # of organic aerosol precursor INTEGER ldrog ! total # of cond. vapors & SOA sp INTEGER ncv ! # of anthrop. cond. vapors & SOA INTEGER nacv REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables ! model time step in SECONDS REAL dt REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL blkprs(blksize) ! Air pressure in [ Pa ] REAL orgaro1rat(blksize) ! rates from aromatics ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgaro2rat(blksize) ! rates from aromatics ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgalk1rat(blksize) ! rates from alkenes and others ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgole1rat(blksize) ! rates from alkanes and others ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgbio1rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL orgbio2rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL orgbio3rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL orgbio4rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL drog(blksize,ldrog) !bs !bs * local variable declaration !bs ! Delta ROG conc. [ppm] !bs numerical value for a minimum thresh REAL thrsmin PARAMETER (thrsmin=1.E-19) !bs numerical value for a minimum thresh !bs !bs universal gas constant [J/mol-K] REAL rgas PARAMETER (rgas=8.314510) !bs reference temperature T0 = 298 K REAL tnull PARAMETER (tnull=298.) !bs molecular weight for C REAL mwc PARAMETER (mwc=12.0) !bs molecular weight for organic species REAL mworg PARAMETER (mworg=175.0) !bs molecular weight for SO4 REAL mwso4 PARAMETER (mwso4=96.0576) !bs molecular weight for NH4 REAL mwnh4 PARAMETER (mwnh4=18.03858) !bs molecular weight for NO3 REAL mwno3 PARAMETER (mwno3=62.01287) !bs relative tolerance for mass check REAL rtol PARAMETER (rtol=1.E-04) !bs REAL DTMIN !bs minimum time step in seconds !bs PARAMETER (DTMIN = 0.1) !bs !bs loop index INTEGER lcell INTEGER l, & !bs loop index n !bs conversion factor ppm --> ug/m^3 REAL convfac !bs difference of inverse temperatures REAL ttinv !bs weighted initial organic mass [10^-6 REAL minitw !bs weighted total organic mass [10^-6 m REAL mtotw !bs weighted inorganic mass [10^-6 mol/m REAL mnonow !bs 1. / MTOTW REAL imtotw !bs initial organic mass [ug/m^3] REAL minit !bs inorganic mass [ug/m^3] REAL mnono !bs total organic mass [ug/m^3] REAL mtot !bs threshold for SOA formatio for low M REAL thres !bs mass check ratio of input/output mas REAL mcheck REAL msum(ncv) !bs input total mass [ug/m^3] REAL mwcv(ncv) !bs molecular weight of cond. vapors [g/ REAL imwcv(ncv) !bs 1. / MWCV(NCV) REAL pnull(ncv) !bs vapor pres. of pure cond. vapor [Pa] REAL dhvap(ncv) !bs heat of vaporisation of compound i [ REAL pvap(ncv) !bs vapor pressure cond. vapor [Pa] REAL ctot(ncv) !bs total conc. of cond. vapor aerosol + REAL cgas(ncv) !bs gasphase concentration of cond. vapo REAL caer(ncv) !bs aerosolphase concentration of cond. REAL asav(ncv) !bs saved CAER for iteration REAL aold(ncv) !bs saved CAER for rate determination REAL csat(ncv) !bs saturation conc. of cond. vapor [ug/ REAL alpha(ncv) !bs molar yield for condensable vapors REAL prod(ncv) !bs production of condensable vapor [ug/ REAL p(ncv) !bs PROD(L) * TIMEFAC [ug/m^3] REAL f(ldrog) !bs scaling factor for ind. oxidant !bs check convergence of SR NEWT LOGICAL check !bs INTEGER its !bs * initialisation !bs !bs * DVAP data: average value calculated from C14-C18 monocarboxylic !bs * acids and C5-C6 dicarboxylic acids. Tao and McMurray (1989): !bs * Eniron. Sci. Technol. 1989, 23, 1519-1523. !bs * average value is 156 kJ/mol !bs !bs number of iterations in NEWT dhvap(psoaaro1) = 156.0E03 dhvap(psoaaro2) = 156.0E03 dhvap(psoaalk1) = 156.0E03 dhvap(psoaole1) = 156.0E03 dhvap(psoaapi1) = 156.0E03 dhvap(psoaapi2) = 156.0E03 dhvap(psoalim1) = 156.0E03 dhvap(psoalim2) = 156.0E03 !bs !bs * MWCV data: average value calculated from C14-C18 monocarboxylic !bs * acids and C5-C6 dicarboxylic acids. Tao and McMurray (1989): !bs * Eniron. Sci. Technol. 1989, 23, 1519-1523. !bs * average value is 222.5 g/mol !bs * !bs * molecular weights used are estimates taking the origin (reactants) !bs * into account. This should be updated if more information abou !bs * the products is available. !bs * First hints are taken from Forstner et al. (1997), Environ. S !bs * Technol. 31(5), 1345-1358. and Forstner et al. (1997), Atmo !bs * Environ. 31(13), 1953-1964. !bs * !bs * !! these molecular weights should be identical with WTM in CTM !! !bs mwcv(psoaaro1) = 150. mwcv(psoaaro2) = 150. mwcv(psoaalk1) = 140. mwcv(psoaole1) = 140. mwcv(psoaapi1) = 184. mwcv(psoaapi2) = 184. mwcv(psoalim1) = 200. mwcv(psoalim2) = 200. !bs !bs * aromatic yields from: !bs * Odum J.R., T.P.W. Jungkamp, R.J. Griffin, R.C. Flagan, and !bs * J.H. Seinfeld: The atmospheric aerosol-forming potential of whol !bs * gasoline vapor, Science 276, 96-99, 1997. !bs * Odum J.R., T.P.W. Jungkamp, R.J. Griffin, H.J.L. Forstner, R.C. Fl !bs * and J.H. Seinfeld: Aromatics, reformulated gasoline, and atmosph !bs * organic aerosol formation, Environ. Sci. Technol. 31, 1890-1897, !bs * !bs * !! yields provided by Odum are mass-based stoichiometric coefficen !bs * average for high and low yield aromatics !bs * alpha1 = 0.0545 K1 = 0.0475 m^3/ug !bs * alpha2 = 0.1525 K2 = 0.00165 m^3/ug !bs * change to molar yields using the model MW !bs * alpha1 * MW(XYL) / MW(PSOAARO1) = alpha1 * 106 / 150 = 0.0385 !bs * alpha2 * MW(XYL) / MW(PSOAARO2) = alpha2 * 106 / 150 = 0.1077 !bs * ALPHA(PSOAARO1) = 0.0385; ALPHA(PSOAARO2) = 0.1077 !bs * !bs !bs * alkane and alkene yields from: !bs * Moucheron M.C. and J. Milford: Development and testing of a proces !bs * model for secondary organic aerosols. Air & Waste Manag. Assoc. !bs * for presentation at the 89th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Nashv !bs * Tennessee, June 23-28, 96-FA130B.03, 1996. !bs * molar yields used instead of [ ug m^-3 / ppm ], calculation !bs * at T=298K, P=1.0133*10^5 Pa !bs * ALPHA(PSOAALK1) = 0.048; ALPHA(PSOAOLE1) = 0.008 !bs !bs * biogenic yields from: !bs * Griffin R.J., D.R. Cocker III, R.C. Flagan, and J.H. Seinfeld: !bs * Organic aerosol formation from the oxidation of biogenic hydro- !bs * carbons, JGR, 1999 in press. !bs * the yields given in Table 3 are mass yields [ ug m^-3 / ug m^-3 !bs * change to molar yields via: !bs * molar yield = mass yield * ((R*T/M_soa*p) / (R*T/M_terp*p)) !bs * = mass yield * (M_terp / M_soa) !bs * = mass yield * ( M(Terpenes) / M(pinonic acid) ) !bs * = mass yield * 136 / 184 !bs * average for a-Pinene and Limonene, maybe splitted in future versio !bs * 0.138 * 0.739 = 0.102; 0.345 * 0.739 = 0.254 !bs * values for a-Pinene (molar yield) alpha1 = 0.028, alpha2 = 0.241 !bs * values for limonene (molar yield) alpha1 = 0.163, alpha2 = 0.247 !bs alpha(psoaaro1) = 0.039 alpha(psoaaro2) = 0.108 alpha(psoaalk1) = 0.048 alpha(psoaole1) = 0.008 !bs ALPHA(PSOAAPI1) = 0.028 !bs ALPHA(PSOAAPI2) = 0.241 alpha(psoaapi1) = & !bs API + O3 only Griffin '99 0.092 alpha(psoaapi2) = & !bs API + O3 only Griffin '99 0.075 alpha(psoalim1) = 0.163 alpha(psoalim2) = 0.247 !bs !bs * P0 data in Pa for T = 298K: !bs * aromatics: Odum et al. (1997) using R = 8.314 J/(mol*K), !bs * DHvap = 156 kJ/mol, T = 313K, MW = 150 g/mol and averaged !bs * Ki's of high and low aromatics. !bs * T = 313 => PNULL(ARO1) = 1.7E-05, PNULL(ARO2) = 5.1E-04 !bs * T = 307.4 => PNULL(ARO1) = 5.7E-05, PNULL(ARO2) = 1.6E-03 !bs * biogenics: Hoffmann et al. (1997); Griffin et al. (1999); !bs * using R = 8.314 J/(mol*K), !bs * DHvap = 156 kJ/mol, T = 313, MW = 184 g/mol, and !bs * averaged Ki's of a-pinene and limonene !bs * p1(298K) = 6.1E-06; p2(298K) = 1.5E-04 !bs * Ki's for a-pinene p1(298K) = 4.0E-06; p2(298K) = 1.7E-04 !bs * Ki's for limonene p1(298K) = 2.5E-05; p2(298K) = 1.2E-04 !bs * alkanes and alkenes: no data available, use low value to get cl !bs * to the Pandis yields, 1 ppt = 1*10^-7 Pa. !bs pnull(psoaaro1) = 5.7E-05 pnull(psoaaro2) = 1.6E-03 pnull(psoaalk1) = 5.0E-06 pnull(psoaole1) = 5.0E-06 !bs PNULL(PSOAAPI1) = 4.0E-06 !bs PNULL(PSOAAPI2) = 1.7E-04 pnull(psoaapi1) = & !bs API + O3 only Griffin '99 2.488E-05 pnull(psoaapi2) = & !bs API + O3 only Griffin '99 2.778E-05 pnull(psoalim1) = 2.5E-05 pnull(psoalim2) = 1.2E-04 !bs !bs * scaling of contribution of individual oxidants to aerosol formatio !bs f(pxyl) = & !bs * XYL + OH 1. f(ptol) = & !bs * TOL + OH 1. f(pcsl1) = & !bs * CSL + OH 1. f(pcsl2) = & !bs * CSL + NO 1. f(phc8) = & !bs * HC + OH 1. f(poli1) = & !bs * OLI + OH 1. f(poli2) = & !bs * OLI + NO 1. f(poli3) = & !bs * OLI + O3 1. f(polt1) = & !bs * OLT + OH 1. f(polt2) = & !bs * OLT + NO 1. f(polt3) = & !bs F(PAPI1) = 0.228 !bs * API + OH 1. !bs F(PAPI2) = 0. !bs * API + NO !bs F(PAPI3) = 0.771 !bs * API + O3 !bs * OLT + O3 f(papi1) = & !bs * API + OH 0. f(papi2) = & !bs * API + NO 0. f(papi3) = & !bs * API + O3 1. f(plim1) = & !bs * LIM + OH 0.228 f(plim2) = & !bs * LIM + NO 0. f(plim3) = & !bs 0.771 !bs * begin code ------------------------------------------------------- !bs !bs * LIM + O3 DO lcell = 1, numcells DO l = 1, ldrog drog(lcell,l) = f(l)*drog(lcell,l) END DO ttinv = 1./tnull - 1./blkta(lcell) convfac = blkprs(lcell)/(rgas*blkta(lcell)) cgas(psoaaro1) = cblk(lcell,vcvaro1) cgas(psoaaro2) = cblk(lcell,vcvaro2) cgas(psoaalk1) = cblk(lcell,vcvalk1) cgas(psoaole1) = cblk(lcell,vcvole1) cgas(psoaapi1) = cblk(lcell,vcvapi1) cgas(psoaapi2) = cblk(lcell,vcvapi2) cgas(psoalim1) = cblk(lcell,vcvlim1) cgas(psoalim2) = cblk(lcell,vcvlim2) caer(psoaaro1) = cblk(lcell,vorgaro1j) + cblk(lcell,vorgaro1i) caer(psoaaro2) = cblk(lcell,vorgaro2j) + cblk(lcell,vorgaro2i) caer(psoaalk1) = cblk(lcell,vorgalk1j) + cblk(lcell,vorgalk1i) caer(psoaole1) = cblk(lcell,vorgole1j) + cblk(lcell,vorgole1i) caer(psoaapi1) = cblk(lcell,vorgba1j) + cblk(lcell,vorgba1i) caer(psoaapi2) = cblk(lcell,vorgba2j) + cblk(lcell,vorgba2i) caer(psoalim1) = cblk(lcell,vorgba3j) + cblk(lcell,vorgba3i) caer(psoalim2) = cblk(lcell,vorgba4j) + cblk(lcell,vorgba4i) !bs prod(psoaaro1) = drog(lcell,pxyl) + drog(lcell,ptol) + & drog(lcell,pcsl1) + drog(lcell,pcsl2) prod(psoaaro2) = drog(lcell,pxyl) + drog(lcell,ptol) + & drog(lcell,pcsl1) + drog(lcell,pcsl2) prod(psoaalk1) = drog(lcell,phc8) prod(psoaole1) = drog(lcell,poli1) + drog(lcell,poli2) + & !jdf bug drog(lcell,poli3) + drog(lcell,polt1) + drog(lcell,poli2) + & drog(lcell,poli3) + drog(lcell,polt1) + drog(lcell,polt2) + & drog(lcell,polt3) prod(psoaapi1) = drog(lcell,papi1) + drog(lcell,papi2) + & drog(lcell,papi3) prod(psoaapi2) = drog(lcell,papi1) + drog(lcell,papi2) + & drog(lcell,papi3) prod(psoalim1) = drog(lcell,plim1) + drog(lcell,plim2) + & drog(lcell,plim3) prod(psoalim2) = drog(lcell,plim1) + drog(lcell,plim2) + & drog(lcell,plim3) !bs !bs * calculate actual production from gasphase reactions [ug/m^3] !bs * calculate vapor pressure of pure compound as a liquid !bs * using the Clausius-Clapeyromn equation and the actual !bs * saturation concentration. !bs * calculate the threshold for partitioning if no initial mass !bs * is present to partition into. !bs thres = 0. mtot = 0. mtotw = 0. DO l = 1, ncv prod(l) = convfac*mwcv(l)*alpha(l)*prod(l) ctot(l) = prod(l) + cgas(l) + caer(l) !bs redefined below p(l) = prod(l) msum(l) = cgas(l) + caer(l) + prod(l) aold(l) = caer(l) imwcv(l) = 1./mwcv(l) pvap(l) = pnull(l)*exp(dhvap(l)/rgas*ttinv) csat(l) = pvap(l)*mwcv(l)*1.0E06/(rgas*blkta(lcell)) thres = thres + ((cgas(l)+prod(l))/csat(l)) mtot = mtot + caer(l) mtotw = mtotw + caer(l)*imwcv(l) END DO !bs !bs * small amount of non-volatile absorbing mass is assumed to be !bs * present (following Bowman et al. (1997) 0.01% of the inorganic !bs * mass in each size section, here mode) !bs mnono = 0.0001*(cblk(lcell,vso4aj)+cblk(lcell,vnh4aj)+cblk(lcell, & vno3aj)) mnono = mnono + 0.0001*(cblk(lcell,vso4ai)+cblk(lcell,vnh4ai)+cblk( & lcell,vno3ai)) mnonow = 0.0001*(cblk(lcell,vso4aj)/mwso4+cblk(lcell,vnh4aj)/mwnh4+ & cblk(lcell,vno3aj)/mwno3) mnonow = mnonow + 0.0001*(cblk(lcell,vso4ai)/mwso4+cblk(lcell,vnh4ai)/ & mwnh4+cblk(lcell,vno3ai)/mwno3) mnono = max(mnono,conmin) mnonow = max(mnonow,conmin) !bs !bs MNONOW = 0. !bs MNONO = 0. !bs minit = cblk(lcell,vecj) + cblk(lcell,veci) + cblk(lcell,vorgpaj) + & cblk(lcell,vorgpai) + mnono minitw = (cblk(lcell,vecj)+cblk(lcell,veci))/mwc + & (cblk(lcell,vorgpaj)+cblk(lcell,vorgpai))/mworg + mnonow !bs !bs * If MINIT is set to zero partitioning will occur if the pure !bs * saturation concentation is exceeded (Pandis et al. 1992). !bs * If some amount of absorbing organic mass is formed gas/particle !bs * partitioning will follow the ideal solution approach. !bs minit = 0. minitw = 0. !bs mtot = mtot + minit mtotw = mtotw + minitw imtotw = 1./mtotw !bs !bs * do the gas/particle partitioning !bs IF ((thres>1 .AND. minitwthrsmin) .OR. & (mtot>thrsmin)) THEN !bs DO l = 1, ncv ctot(l) = p(l) + cgas(l) + caer(l) caer(l) = ctot(l) !bs 'initial' guess END DO !bs !bs * globally convergent method for nonlinear system of equations !bs * adopted from Numerical Recipes 2nd Edition !bs CALL newt(layer,caer,ncv,check,ctot,csat,imwcv,minitw,its) !bs IF (check) THEN ! WRITE (6,'(a,i2)') '!! Problems in SR NEWT !! K: ', layer END IF !bs !bs IF (layer==1) WRITE (76,'(i3)') its !bs DO l = 1, ncv IF (caer(l)<=tolmin) THEN ! IF (abs(caer(l))>tolmin) WRITE (6,90000) l, caer(l) caer(l) = conmin END IF IF (caer(l)>ctot(l)) THEN IF (caer(l)-ctot(l)>tolmin) THEN ! WRITE (6,90010) END IF caer(l) = ctot(l) END IF cgas(l) = ctot(l) - caer(l) END DO !bs !90000 FORMAT ('!! PROBLEMS WITH CAER, CAER < 0. !!',1X,I1,1PE14.6) !90010 FORMAT ('!! PROBLEMS WITH CAER, CAER > CTOT !!') !bs !bs * assign values to CBLK array !bs cblk(lcell,vcvaro1) = max(cgas(psoaaro1),conmin) cblk(lcell,vcvaro2) = max(cgas(psoaaro2),conmin) cblk(lcell,vcvalk1) = max(cgas(psoaalk1),conmin) cblk(lcell,vcvole1) = max(cgas(psoaole1),conmin) cblk(lcell,vcvapi1) = max(cgas(psoaapi1),conmin) cblk(lcell,vcvapi2) = max(cgas(psoaapi2),conmin) cblk(lcell,vcvlim1) = max(cgas(psoalim1),conmin) cblk(lcell,vcvlim2) = max(cgas(psoalim2),conmin) orgaro1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaaro1)-aold(psoaaro1))/dt orgaro2rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaaro2)-aold(psoaaro2))/dt orgalk1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaalk1)-aold(psoaalk1))/dt orgole1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaole1)-aold(psoaole1))/dt orgbio1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaapi1)-aold(psoaapi1))/dt orgbio2rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaapi2)-aold(psoaapi2))/dt orgbio3rat(lcell) = (caer(psoalim1)-aold(psoalim1))/dt orgbio4rat(lcell) = (caer(psoalim2)-aold(psoalim2))/dt !bs !bs ELSE !bs WRITE(6,'(a)') 'Pandis method in SR SOA_PART.F used!' !bs WRITE(6,1010) THRES, MINITW !bs 1010 FORMAT('THRES =',1pe14.6,1X,'MINITW =',1pe14.6) !bs !bs do Pandis method DO l = 1, ncv caer(l) = ctot(l) - csat(l) caer(l) = max(caer(l),0.) cgas(l) = ctot(l) - caer(l) END DO !bs cblk(lcell,vcvaro1) = cgas(psoaaro1) cblk(lcell,vcvaro2) = cgas(psoaaro2) cblk(lcell,vcvalk1) = cgas(psoaalk1) cblk(lcell,vcvole1) = cgas(psoaole1) cblk(lcell,vcvapi1) = cgas(psoaapi1) cblk(lcell,vcvapi2) = cgas(psoaapi2) cblk(lcell,vcvlim1) = cgas(psoalim1) cblk(lcell,vcvlim2) = cgas(psoalim2) orgaro1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaaro1)-aold(psoaaro1))/dt orgaro2rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaaro2)-aold(psoaaro2))/dt orgalk1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaalk1)-aold(psoaalk1))/dt orgole1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaole1)-aold(psoaole1))/dt orgbio1rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaapi1)-aold(psoaapi1))/dt orgbio2rat(lcell) = (caer(psoaapi2)-aold(psoaapi2))/dt orgbio3rat(lcell) = (caer(psoalim1)-aold(psoalim1))/dt orgbio4rat(lcell) = (caer(psoalim2)-aold(psoalim2))/dt !bs END IF !bs !bs * check mass conservation !bs DO l = 1, ncv !rs check is component exits IF (cgas(l)==0. .AND. caer(l)==0. .AND. msum(l)==0) THEN mcheck = 1. ELSE mcheck = (cgas(l)+caer(l))/msum(l) END IF IF ((mcheck<1.-rtol) .OR. (mcheck>1.+rtol)) THEN ! WRITE (6,'(/,a)') 'Problems with mass conservation!' ! WRITE (6,90020) layer, l, mcheck, cgas(l) + caer(l) ! WRITE (6,'(a)') '!! CHECK RESULTS !!' 90020 FORMAT ('LAYER = ',I2,', L = ',I2,', MCHECK = ',E12.6,', MASS = ', & E12.6) END IF END DO !bs !bs END DO !bs * end of SR SOA_PART !bs !bs loop over NUMCELLS RETURN END SUBROUTINE soa_part SUBROUTINE sorgam(layer,blkta,blkprs,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat, & orgole1rat,orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,drog,ldrog,ncv, & nacv,cblk,blksize,nspcsda,numcells,dt) !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs ! !bs Description: Secondary organic aerosol module ! !bs This module calculates the gas/particle parti- ! !bs tioning of semi-volatile organic vapors ! !bs ! !bs Called by: RPMMOD3 ! !bs ! !bs Calls: SOA_PANDIS ! !bs SOA_PART ! !bs ! !bs Arguments: LAYER, BLKTA, ! !bs ORGARO1RAT, ORGARO2RAT, ! !bs ORGALK1RAT, ORGOLE1RAT, ! !bs ORGBIO1RAT, ORGBIO2RAT, ! !bs DROG, LDROG, ! !bs CBLK, BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS, ! !bs DT ! !bs ! !bs Include files: AEROSTUFF.EXT ! !bs AERO_internal.EXT ! !bs ! !bs Data: ! !bs ! !bs Input files: None ! !bs ! !bs Output files: UNIT 90: control output ! !bs ! !bs--------------------------------------------------------------------! !bs ! !bs History: ! !bs No Date Author Change ! !bs ____ ______ ________________ _________________________________ ! !bs 01 040299 B.Schell Set up ! !bs ! !bs ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS ** ** BS ** BS *! !bs !bs * Literature: !bs * Pandis et al. (1992): Secondary organic aerosol formation and !bs * transport. Atmos Environ. 26A, 2453-2466. !bs * Seinfeld and Pandis (1998): Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics !bs * chapter 13.5.2 Noninteracting SOA compounds. (0-471-17816-0) !bs * STI Report (Sonoma Technology, Inc.) (1998): !bs * Development of gas-phase chemistry, secondary organic aerosol, !bs * and aqueous-phase chemistry modules for PM modeling. !bs * By: R. Strader, C. Gurciullo, S. Pandis, N. Kumar, F. Lurmann !bs * Prepared for: Coordinating Research Council, Atlanta, Aug 24 1 !bs * Tao and McMurray (1989): Vapor pressures and surface free energies !bs * C14-C18 monocarboxylic acids and C5 and C6 dicarboxylic acids. !bs * Eniron. Sci. Technol. 23, 1519-1523. !bs * Pankow (1994): An absorption model of gas/particle partitioning of !bs * organic compounds in the atmosphere. Atmos. Environ. 28, 185-1 !bs * Pankow (1994): An absorption model of gas/aerosol partitioning inv !bs * in the formation of secondary organic aerosol. !bs * Atmos. Environ. 28, 189-193. !bs * Odum et al. (1996): Gas/particle partitioning and secondary organi !bs * aerosol yields. Environ. Sci. Technol. 30(8), 2580-2585. !bs ! IMPLICIT NONE !bs !bs !bs * variable declaration !bs !bs !bs * inputs !bs ! dimension of arrays INTEGER blksize ! number of species in CBLK INTEGER nspcsda ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER numcells ! model layer INTEGER layer ! # of organic aerosol precursor INTEGER ldrog ! total # of cond. vapors & SOA sp INTEGER ncv ! # of anthrop. cond. vapors & SOA INTEGER nacv ! model time step in SECONDS REAL dt REAL cblk(blksize,nspcsda) ! main array of variables REAL blkta(blksize) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL blkprs(blksize) ! Air pressure in [ Pa ] REAL orgaro1rat(blksize) ! rates from aromatics ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgaro2rat(blksize) ! rates from aromatics ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgalk1rat(blksize) ! rates from alkanes and others ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgole1rat(blksize) ! rates from alkenes and others ! anth. organic vapor production REAL orgbio1rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL orgbio2rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL orgbio3rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL orgbio4rat(blksize) ! bio. organic vapor production ra REAL drog(blksize,ldrog) !bs !bs * get some infos !bs !bs INTEGER LL !bs IF (LAYER .EQ. 1) THEN !bs WRITE(75,4711) (CBLK(1,LL), LL = VORGARO1J, VORGOLE1I) !bs WRITE(75,4711) (CBLK(1,LL), LL = VORGBA1J , VORGBA4I ) !bs WRITE(75,4712) (CBLK(1,LL), LL = VCVARO1, VCVLIM2) !bs WRITE(75,4712) (DROG(1,LL), LL = 1, 8) !bs WRITE(75,4712) (DROG(1,LL), LL = 9, 16) !bs WRITE(75,4714) (DROG(1,LL), LL = 17,LDROG) !bs ENDIF !bs 4711 FORMAT(8(e12.6,1X)) !bs 4712 FORMAT(8(e12.6,1X)) !bs 4713 FORMAT(17(e12.6,1X)) !bs 4714 FORMAT(e12.6,/) !bs !bs * begin code !bs ! ROG production rate [ug m^-3 s^- IF (orgaer==1) THEN ! IF (firstime) THEN ! WRITE (6,'(a)') ! WRITE (6,'(a)') 'METHOD OF PANDIS USED FOR SOA FORMATION!' ! WRITE (6,'(a)') ! WRITE (90,'(a)') ! WRITE (90,'(a)') 'METHOD OF PANDIS USED FOR SOA FORMATION!' ! firstime = .FALSE. ! END IF ! CALL SOA_PANDIS( ! & LAYER, ! & BLKTA, BLKPRS, ! & ORGARO1RAT, ORGARO2RAT, ! & ORGALK1RAT, ORGOLE1RAT, ! & ORGBIO1RAT, ORGBIO2RAT, ! & ORGBIO3RAT, ORGBIO4RAT, ! & DROG, LDROG, NCV, NACV, ! & CBLK, BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS, ! & DT ! & ) ELSE IF (orgaer==2) THEN ! IF (firstime) THEN ! WRITE (6,'(a)') ! WRITE (6,'(a)') 'PANKOW/ODUM METHOD USED FOR SOA FORMATION!' ! WRITE (6,'(a)') ! WRITE (90,'(a)') ! WRITE (90,'(a)') 'PANKOW/ODUM METHOD USED FOR SOA FORMATION!' ! firstime = .FALSE. ! END IF CALL soa_part(layer,blkta,blkprs,orgaro1rat,orgaro2rat,orgalk1rat, & orgole1rat,orgbio1rat,orgbio2rat,orgbio3rat,orgbio4rat,drog,ldrog, & ncv,nacv,cblk,blksize,nspcsda,numcells,dt) ELSE ! WRITE (6,'(a)') ! WRITE (6,'(a)') 'WRONG PARAMETER ORGAER !!' ! WRITE (6,90000) orgaer ! WRITE (6,'(a)') 'PROGRAM TERMINATED !!' ! WRITE (6,'(a)') ! STOP END IF !bs !bs ORGARO1RAT(1) = 0. !bs ORGARO2RAT(1) = 0. !bs ORGALK1RAT(1) = 0. !bs ORGOLE1RAT(1) = 0. !bs ORGBIO1RAT(1) = 0. !bs ORGBIO2RAT(1) = 0. !bs ORGBIO3RAT(1) = 0. !bs ORGBIO4RAT(1) = 0. !bs WRITE(6,'(a)') '!!! ORGRATs SET TO 0. !!!' !bs !bs * formats !bs 90000 FORMAT ('ORGAER = ',I2) !bs !bs * end of SR SORGAM !bs RETURN END SUBROUTINE sorgam !**************************************************************** ! ! ! ! ! /////////////////////////////// ! *** this routine calculates the dry deposition and sedimentation ! velocities for the three modes. ! coded 1/23/97 by Dr. Francis S. Binkowski. Follows ! FSB's original method, i.e. uses Jon Pleim's expression for deposition ! velocity but includes Marv Wesely's wstar contribution. !ia eliminated Stokes term for coarse mode deposition calcs., !ia see comments below SUBROUTINE VDVG( BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS, & LAYER, & CBLK, & BLKTA, BLKDENS, RA, USTAR, WSTAR, AMU, & DGNUC, DGACC, DGCOR, & KNNUC, KNACC,KNCOR, & PDENSN, PDENSA, PDENSC, & VSED, VDEP ) ! *** calculate size-averaged particle dry deposition and ! size-averaged sedimentation velocities. ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER BLKSIZE ! dimension of arrays INTEGER NSPCSDA ! number of species in CBLK INTEGER NUMCELLS ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER LAYER ! number of layer REAL CBLK( BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA ) ! main array of variables REAL BLKTA( BLKSIZE ) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL BLKDENS(BLKSIZE) ! Air density [ kg m^-3 ] REAL RA(BLKSIZE ) ! aerodynamic resistance [ s m**-1 ] REAL USTAR( BLKSIZE ) ! surface friction velocity [ m s**-1 ] REAL WSTAR( BLKSIZE ) ! convective velocity scale [ m s**-1 ] REAL AMU( BLKSIZE ) ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg m**-1 s**-1 ] REAL DGNUC( BLKSIZE ) ! nuclei mode mean diameter [ m ] REAL DGACC( BLKSIZE ) ! accumulation REAL DGCOR( BLKSIZE ) ! coarse mode REAL KNNUC( BLKSIZE ) ! nuclei mode Knudsen number REAL KNACC( BLKSIZE ) ! accumulation REAL KNCOR( BLKSIZE ) ! coarse mode REAL PDENSN( BLKSIZE ) ! average particel density in nuclei mode [ kg / m**3 ] REAL PDENSA( BLKSIZE ) ! average particel density in accumulation mode [ kg / m**3 ] REAL PDENSC( BLKSIZE ) ! average particel density in coarse mode [ kg / m**3 ] ! *** modal particle diffusivities for number and 3rd moment, or mass: REAL DCHAT0N( BLKSIZE), DCHAT0A(BLKSIZE), DCHAT0C(BLKSIZE) REAL DCHAT3N( BLKSIZE), DCHAT3A(BLKSIZE), DCHAT3C(BLKSIZE) ! *** modal sedimentation velocities for number and 3rd moment, or mass: REAL VGHAT0N( BLKSIZE), VGHAT0A(BLKSIZE), VGHAT0C(BLKSIZE) REAL VGHAT3N( BLKSIZE), VGHAT3A(BLKSIZE), VGHAT3C(BLKSIZE) ! *** deposition and sedimentation velocities REAL VDEP( BLKSIZE, NASPCSDEP) ! sedimantation velocity [ m s**-1 ] REAL VSED( BLKSIZE, NASPCSSED) ! deposition velocity [ m s**-1 ] INTEGER LCELL REAL DCONST1, DCONST1N, DCONST1A, DCONST1C REAL DCONST2, DCONST3N, DCONST3A,DCONST3C REAL SC0N, SC0A, SC0C ! Schmidt numbers for number REAL SC3N, SC3A, SC3C ! Schmidt numbers for 3rd moment REAL ST0N, ST0A, ST0C ! Stokes numbers for number REAL ST3N, ST3A, ST3C ! Stokes numbers for 3rd moment REAL RD0N, RD0A, RD0C ! canopy resistance for number REAL RD3N, RD3A, RD3C ! canopy resisteance for 3rd moment REAL UTSCALE ! scratch function of USTAR and WSTAR. REAL NU !kinematic viscosity [ m**2 s**-1 ] REAL USTFAC ! scratch function of USTAR, NU, and GRAV REAL BHAT PARAMETER( BHAT = 1.246 ) ! Constant from Cunningham slip correction. ! *** check layer value. IF ( LAYER .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! calculate diffusitities and ! sedimentation velocities DO LCELL = 1, NUMCELLS DCONST1 = BOLTZ * BLKTA(LCELL) / & ( THREEPI * AMU(LCELL) ) DCONST1N = DCONST1 / DGNUC( LCELL ) DCONST1A = DCONST1 / DGACC( LCELL ) DCONST1C = DCONST1 / DGCOR( LCELL ) DCONST2 = GRAV / ( 18.0 * AMU(LCELL) ) DCONST3N = DCONST2 * PDENSN(LCELL) * DGNUC( LCELL )**2 DCONST3A = DCONST2 * PDENSA(LCELL) * DGACC( LCELL )**2 DCONST3C = DCONST2 * PDENSC(LCELL) * DGCOR( LCELL )**2 ! *** i-mode DCHAT0N(LCELL) = DCONST1N & * ( ESN04 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESN16 ) DCHAT3N(LCELL) = DCONST1N & * ( ESNM20 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESNM32 ) VGHAT0N(LCELL) = DCONST3N & * ( ESN16 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESN04 ) VGHAT3N(LCELL) = DCONST3N & * (ESN64 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESN28 ) ! *** j-mode DCHAT0A(LCELL) = DCONST1A & * ( ESA04 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESA16 ) DCHAT3A(LCELL) = DCONST1A & * ( ESAM20 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESAM32 ) VGHAT0A(LCELL) = DCONST3A & * ( ESA16 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESA04 ) VGHAT3A(LCELL) = DCONST3A & * ( ESA64 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESA28 ) ! *** coarse mode DCHAT0C(LCELL)= DCONST1C & * ( ESC04 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESC16 ) DCHAT3C(LCELL) = DCONST1C & * ( ESCM20 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESCM32 ) VGHAT0C(LCELL) = DCONST3C & * ( ESC16 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESC04 ) VGHAT3C(LCELL) = DCONST3C & * ( ESC64 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESC28 ) END DO ! *** now calculate the deposition and sedmentation velocities !ia 07.05.98 ! *** NOTE In the deposition velocity for coarse mode, ! the impaction term 10.0 ** (-3.0 / st) is eliminated because ! coarse particles are likely to bounce on impact and the current ! formulation does not account for this. DO LCELL = 1, NUMCELLS NU = AMU(LCELL) / BLKDENS(LCELL) USTFAC = USTAR(LCELL) * USTAR(LCELL) / ( GRAV * NU) UTSCALE = USTAR(LCELL) + & 0.24 * WSTAR(LCELL) * WSTAR(LCELL) / USTAR(LCELL) ! *** first do number ! *** nuclei or Aitken mode ( no sedimentation velocity ) SC0N = NU / DCHAT0N(LCELL) ST0N = MAX( VGHAT0N(LCELL) * USTFAC , 0.01) RD0N = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * & ( SC0N**(-TWO3) + 10.0**(-3.0 / ST0N) ) ) VDEP(LCELL, VDNNUC) = VGHAT0N(LCELL) + & 1.0 / ( & RA(LCELL) + RD0N + RD0N * RA(LCELL) * VGHAT0N(LCELL) ) VSED( LCELL, VSNNUC) = VGHAT0N(LCELL) ! *** accumulation mode SC0A = NU / DCHAT0A(LCELL) ST0A = MAX ( VGHAT0A(LCELL) * USTFAC, 0.01) RD0A = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * & ( SC0A**(-TWO3) + 10.0**(-3.0 / ST0A) ) ) VDEP(LCELL, VDNACC) = VGHAT0A(LCELL) + & 1.0 / ( & RA(LCELL) + RD0A + RD0A * RA(LCELL) * VGHAT0A(LCELL) ) VSED( LCELL, VSNACC) = VGHAT0A(LCELL) ! *** coarse mode SC0C = NU / DCHAT0C(LCELL) !ia ST0C = MAX( VGHAT0C(LCELL) * USTFAC, 0.01 ) !ia RD0C = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * !ia & ( SC0C**(-TWO3) + 10.0**(-3.0 / ST0C) ) ) RD0C = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * & ( SC0C ** ( -TWO3 ) ) ) ! eliminate impaction term VDEP(LCELL, VDNCOR) = VGHAT0C(LCELL) + & 1.0 / ( & RA(LCELL) + RD0C + RD0C * RA(LCELL) * VGHAT0C(LCELL) ) VSED( LCELL, VSNCOR) = VGHAT0C(LCELL) ! *** now do m3 for the deposition of mass ! *** nuclei or Aitken mode SC3N = NU / DCHAT3N(LCELL) ST3N = MAX( VGHAT3N(LCELL) * USTFAC, 0.01) RD3N = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * & ( SC3N**(-TWO3) + 10.0**(-3.0 / ST3N) ) ) VDEP(LCELL, VDMNUC) = VGHAT3N(LCELL) + & 1.0 / ( & RA(LCELL) + RD3N + RD3N * RA(LCELL) * VGHAT3N(LCELL) ) VSED(LCELL, VSMNUC) = VGHAT3N(LCELL) ! *** accumulation mode SC3A = NU / DCHAT3A(LCELL) ST3A = MAX( VGHAT3A(LCELL) * USTFAC , 0.01 ) RD3A = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * & ( SC3A**(-TWO3) + 10.0**(-3.0 / ST3A) ) ) VDEP(LCELL, VDMACC) = VGHAT3A(LCELL) + & 1.0 / ( & RA(LCELL) + RD3A + RD3A * RA(LCELL) * VGHAT3A(LCELL) ) ! *** fine mass deposition velocity: combine Aitken and accumulation ! mode deposition velocities. Assume density is the same ! for both modes. ! VDEP(LCELL,VDMFINE) = ( ! & CBLK(LCELL,VNU3) * VDEP(LCELL, VDMNUC) + ! & CBLK(LCELL,VAC3) * VDEP(LCELL, VDMACC) ) / ! & ( CBLK(LCELL,VAC3) + CBLK(LCELL,VNU3) ) ! *** fine mass sedimentation velocity ! VSED( LCELL, VSMFINE) = ( ! & CBLK(LCELL, VNU3) * VGHAT3N(LCELL) + ! & CBLK(LCELL, VAC3) * VGHAT3A(LCELL) ) / ! & ( CBLK(LCELL, VNU3) + CBLK(LCELL, VAC3) ) VSED( LCELL, VSMACC ) = VGHAT3A(LCELL) ! *** coarse mode SC3C = NU / DCHAT3C(LCELL) !ia ST3C = MAX( VGHAT3C(LCELL) * USTFAC, 0.01 ) !ia RD3C = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * !ia & ( SC3C**(-TWO3) + 10.0**(-3.0 / ST3C) ) ) RD3C = 1.0 / ( UTSCALE * & ( SC3C ** ( -TWO3 ) ) ) ! eliminate impaction term VDEP(LCELL, VDMCOR) = VGHAT3C(LCELL) + & 1.0 / ( & RA(LCELL) + RD3C + RD3C * RA(LCELL) * VGHAT3C(LCELL)) ! *** coarse mode sedmentation velocity VSED( LCELL, VSMCOR) = VGHAT3C(LCELL) END DO ELSE ! LAYER greater than 1 ! *** for layer greater than 1 calculate sedimentation velocities only DO LCELL = 1, NUMCELLS DCONST2 = GRAV / ( 18.0 * AMU(LCELL) ) DCONST3N = DCONST2 * PDENSN(LCELL) * DGNUC( LCELL )**2 DCONST3A = DCONST2 * PDENSA(LCELL) * DGACC( LCELL )**2 DCONST3C = DCONST2 * PDENSC(LCELL) * DGCOR( LCELL )**2 VGHAT0N(LCELL) = DCONST3N & * ( ESN16 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESN04 ) ! *** nucleation mode number sedimentation velocity VSED( LCELL, VSNNUC) = VGHAT0N(LCELL) VGHAT3N(LCELL) = DCONST3N & * (ESN64 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESN28 ) ! *** nucleation mode volume sedimentation velocity VSED( LCELL, VSMNUC) = VGHAT3N(LCELL) VGHAT0A(LCELL) = DCONST3A & * ( ESA16 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESA04 ) ! *** accumulation mode number sedimentation velocity VSED( LCELL, VSNACC) = VGHAT0A(LCELL) VGHAT3A(LCELL) = DCONST3A & * ( ESA64 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESA28 ) ! *** fine mass sedimentation velocity ! VSED( LCELL, VSMFINE) = ( ! & CBLK(LCELL, VNU3) * VGHAT3N(LCELL) + ! & CBLK(LCELL, VAC3) * VGHAT3A(LCELL) ) / ! & ( CBLK(LCELL, VNU3) + CBLK(LCELL, VAC3) ) VSED( LCELL, VSMACC) = VGHAT3A(LCELL) VGHAT0C(LCELL) = DCONST3C & * ( ESC16 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESC04 ) ! *** coarse mode sedimentation velocity VSED( LCELL, VSNCOR) = VGHAT0C(LCELL) VGHAT3C(LCELL) = DCONST3C & * ( ESC64 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESC28 ) ! *** coarse mode mass sedimentation velocity VSED( LCELL, VSMCOR) = VGHAT3C(LCELL) END DO END IF ! check on layer END SUBROUTINE VDVG ! ! /////////////////////////////// ! *** this routine calculates the dry deposition and sedimentation ! velocities for the three modes. ! Stu McKeen 10/13/08 ! Gaussian Quadrature numerical integration over diameter range for each mode. ! Quadrature taken from Abramowitz and Stegun (1974), equation 25.4.46 and Table 25.10 ! Quadrature points are the zeros of Hermite polynomials of order NGAUSdv ! Numerical Integration allows more complete discription of the ! Cunningham Slip correction factor, Interception Term (not included previously), ! and the correction due to rebound for higher diameter particles. ! Sedimentation velocities the same as original Binkowski code, also the ! Schmidt number and Brownian diffusion efficiency dependence on Schmidt number the ! same as Binkowski. ! Stokes number, and efficiency dependence on Stokes number now according to ! Peters and Eiden (1992). Interception term taken from Slinn (1982) with ! efficiency at .2 micron diam. (0.3%) tuned to yield .2 cm/s deposition velocitiy ! for needleaf evergreen trees (Pryor et al., Tellus, 2008). Rebound correction ! term is that of Slinn (1982) ! ! Original code 1/23/97 by Dr. Francis S. Binkowski. Follows ! FSB's original method, i.e. uses Jon Pleim's expression for deposition ! velocity but includes Marv Wesely's wstar contribution. !ia eliminated Stokes term for coarse mode deposition calcs., !ia see comments below SUBROUTINE VDVG_2( BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA, NUMCELLS, & LAYER, & CBLK, BLKTA, BLKDENS, & RA, USTAR, PBLH, ZNTT, RMOLM, AMU, & DGNUC, DGACC, DGCOR, XLM, & KNNUC, KNACC,KNCOR, & PDENSN, PDENSA, PDENSC, & VSED, VDEP) ! *** calculate size-averaged particle dry deposition and ! size-averaged sedimentation velocities. ! IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER BLKSIZE ! dimension of arrays INTEGER NSPCSDA ! number of species in CBLK INTEGER NUMCELLS ! actual number of cells in arrays INTEGER LAYER ! number of layer INTEGER, PARAMETER :: iprnt = 0 REAL CBLK( BLKSIZE, NSPCSDA ) ! main array of variables REAL BLKTA( BLKSIZE ) ! Air temperature [ K ] REAL BLKDENS(BLKSIZE) ! Air density [ kg m^-3 ] REAL RA(BLKSIZE ) ! aerodynamic resistance [ s m**-1 ] REAL USTAR( BLKSIZE ) ! surface friction velocity [ m s**-1 ] REAL PBLH( BLKSIZE ) ! PBL height (m) REAL ZNTT( BLKSIZE ) ! Surface roughness length (m) REAL RMOLM( BLKSIZE ) ! Inverse of Monin-Obukhov length (1/m) REAL AMU( BLKSIZE ) ! atmospheric dynamic viscosity [ kg m**-1 s**-1 ] REAL XLM( BLKSIZE ) ! mean freepath of dry air [ m ] REAL DGNUC( BLKSIZE ) ! nuclei mode mean diameter [ m ] REAL DGACC( BLKSIZE ) ! accumulation REAL DGCOR( BLKSIZE ) ! coarse mode REAL KNNUC( BLKSIZE ) ! nuclei mode Knudsen number REAL KNACC( BLKSIZE ) ! accumulation REAL KNCOR( BLKSIZE ) ! coarse mode REAL PDENSN( BLKSIZE ) ! average particel density in nuclei mode [ kg / m**3 ] REAL PDENSA( BLKSIZE ) ! average particel density in accumulation mode [ kg / m**3 ] REAL PDENSC( BLKSIZE ) ! average particel density in coarse mode [ kg / m**3 ] ! *** deposition and sedimentation velocities REAL VDEP( BLKSIZE, NASPCSDEP) ! sedimantation velocity [ m s**-1 ] REAL VSED( BLKSIZE, NASPCSSED) ! deposition velocity [ m s**-1 ] INTEGER LCELL,N REAL DCONST1, DCONST2, DCONST3, DCONST3N, DCONST3A,DCONST3C REAL UTSCALE,CZH ! scratch functions of USTAR and WSTAR. REAL NU !kinematic viscosity [ m**2 s**-1 ] REAL BHAT PARAMETER( BHAT = 1.246 ) ! Constant from Binkowski-Shankar approx to Cunningham slip correction. REAL COLCTR_BIGD,COLCTR_SMALD PARAMETER( COLCTR_BIGD=2.E-3,COLCTR_SMALD=20.E-6) ! Collector diameters in Stokes number and Interception Efficiency (Needleleaf Forest) REAL SUM0, SUM3, DQ, KNQ, CUNQ, VSEDQ, SCQ, STQ, RSURFQ, vdplim REAL Eff_dif, Eff_imp, Eff_int, RBcor INTEGER ISTOPvd0,IdoWesCor PARAMETER (ISTOPvd0 = 0) ! ISTOPvd0 = 1 means dont call VDVG, particle dep. velocities are set = 0; ISTOPvd0 = 0 means do depvel calcs. PARAMETER (IdoWesCor = 0) ! IdoWesCor = 1 means do Wesley (85) convective correction to PM dry dep velocities; 0 means dont do correction IF (ISTOPvd0.EQ.1)THEN RETURN ENDIF ! *** check layer value. IF(iprnt.eq.1) print *,'In VDVG, Layer=',LAYER IF ( LAYER .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! calculate diffusitities and ! sedimentation velocities DO LCELL = 1, NUMCELLS DCONST1 = BOLTZ * BLKTA(LCELL) / & ( THREEPI * AMU(LCELL) ) DCONST2 = GRAV / ( 18.0 * AMU(LCELL) ) DCONST3 = USTAR(LCELL)/(9.*AMU(LCELL)*COLCTR_BIGD) ! *** now calculate the deposition velocities at layer 1 NU = AMU(LCELL) / BLKDENS(LCELL) UTSCALE = 1. IF (IdoWesCor.EQ.1)THEN ! Wesley (1985) Monin-Obukov dependence for convective conditions (SAM 10/08) IF(RMOLM(LCELL).LT.0.)THEN CZH = -1.*PBLH(LCELL)*RMOLM(LCELL) IF(CZH.GT.30.0)THEN UTSCALE=0.45*CZH**0.6667 ELSE UTSCALE=1.+(-300.*RMOLM(LCELL))**0.6667 ENDIF ENDIF ENDIF ! end of (IdoWesCor.EQ.1) test UTSCALE = USTAR(LCELL)*UTSCALE IF(iprnt.eq.1)THEN print *,'NGAUSdv,xxlsga,USTAR,UTSCALE' print *,NGAUSdv,xxlsga,USTAR(LCELL),UTSCALE print *,'DCONST2,PDENSA,DGACC,GRAV,AMU' print *,DCONST2,PDENSA(LCELL),DGACC(LCELL),GRAV,AMU(LCELL) endif ! *** nuclei mode SUM0=0. SUM3=0. DO N=1,NGAUSdv DQ=DGNUC(LCELL)*EXP(Y_GQ(N)*sqrt2*xxlsgn) ! Diameter (m) at quadrature point KNQ=2.*XLM(LCELL)/DQ ! Knudsen number at quadrature point CUNQ=1.+KNQ*(1.257+.4*exp(-1.1/KNQ)) ! Cunningham correction factor; Pruppacher and Klett (1980) Eq (12-16) VSEDQ=PDENSN(LCELL)*DCONST2*CUNQ*DQ*DQ ! Gravitational sedimentation velocity m/s SCQ=NU*DQ/DCONST1/CUNQ ! Schmidt number, Brownian diffusion parameter - Same as Binkowski and Shankar Eff_dif=SCQ**(-TWO3) ! Efficiency term for diffusion - Same as Binkowski and Shankar STQ=DCONST3*PDENSN(LCELL)*DQ**2 ! Stokes number, Peters and Eiden (1992) Eff_imp=(STQ/(0.8+STQ))**2 ! Efficiency term for impaction - Peters and Eiden (1992) ! Eff_int=0.3*DQ/(COLCTR_SMALD+DQ) ! Slinn (1982) Interception term, 0.3 prefac insures .2 cm/s at .2 micron diam. Eff_int=(0.00116+0.0061*ZNTT(LCELL))*DQ/1.414E-7 ! McKeen(2008) Intercptn trm, val of .00421 @ ustr=0.475, diam=.1414 micrn, stable, needleleaf evergreen RBcor=1. ! Rebound correction factor vdplim=UTSCALE*(Eff_dif+Eff_imp+Eff_int)*RBcor ! vdplim=.002*UTSCALE vdplim=min(vdplim,.02) RSURFQ=RA(LCELL)+1./vdplim ! RSURFQ=RA(LCELL)+1./(UTSCALE*(Eff_dif+Eff_imp+Eff_int)*RBcor) ! Total surface resistence ! ! limit this here to be consisten with the gocart routine, which bases this on Walcek et al. 1986 ! ! RSURFQ=max(RSURFQ,50.) SUM0=SUM0+WGAUS(N)*(VSEDQ + 1./RSURFQ) ! Quadrature sum for 0 moment SUM3=SUM3+WGAUS(N)*(VSEDQ + 1./RSURFQ)*DQ**3 ! Quadrature sum for 3rd moment ENDDO VDEP(LCELL, VDNNUC) = SUM0/sqrtpi ! normalize 0 moment vdep quadrature sum to sqrt(pi) (and number =1 per unit volume) VDEP(LCELL, VDMNUC) = SUM3/(sqrtpi*EXP((1.5*sqrt2*xxlsgn)**2)*DGNUC(LCELL)**3) !normalize 3 moment quad. sum to sqrt(pi) and 3rd moment analytic sum ! *** accumulation mode SUM0=0. SUM3=0. DO N=1,NGAUSdv DQ=DGACC(LCELL)*EXP(Y_GQ(N)*sqrt2*xxlsga) ! Diameter (m) at quadrature point KNQ=2.*XLM(LCELL)/DQ ! Knudsen number at quadrature point CUNQ=1.+KNQ*(1.257+.4*exp(-1.1/KNQ)) ! Cunningham correction factor; Pruppacher and Klett (1980) Eq (12-16) VSEDQ=PDENSA(LCELL)*DCONST2*CUNQ*DQ*DQ ! Gravitational sedimentation velocity m/s SCQ=NU*DQ/DCONST1/CUNQ ! Schmidt number, Brownian diffusion parameter - Same as Binkowski and Shankar Eff_dif=SCQ**(-TWO3) ! Efficiency term for diffusion - Same as Binkowski and Shankar STQ=DCONST3*PDENSA(LCELL)*DQ**2 ! Stokes number, Peters and Eiden (1992) Eff_imp=(STQ/(0.8+STQ))**2 ! Efficiency term for impaction - Peters and Eiden (1992) ! Eff_int=0.3*DQ/(COLCTR_SMALD+DQ) ! Slinn (1982) Interception term, 0.3 prefac insures .2 cm/s at .2 micron diam. Eff_int=(0.00116+0.0061*ZNTT(LCELL))*DQ/1.414E-7 ! McKeen(2008) Intercptn term, val of .00421 @ ustr=0.475, diam=.1414 micrn, stable, needleleaf evergreen RBcor=1. ! Rebound correction factor vdplim=UTSCALE*(Eff_dif+Eff_imp+Eff_int)*RBcor vdplim=min(vdplim,.02) RSURFQ=RA(LCELL)+1./vdplim ! RSURFQ=RA(LCELL)+1./(UTSCALE*(Eff_dif+Eff_imp+Eff_int)*RBcor) ! Total surface resistence ! ! limit this here to be consisten with the gocart routine, which bases this on Walcek et al. 1986 ! ! RSURFQ=max(RSURFQ,50.) SUM0=SUM0+WGAUS(N)*(VSEDQ + 1./RSURFQ) ! Quadrature sum for 0 moment SUM3=SUM3+WGAUS(N)*(VSEDQ + 1./RSURFQ)*DQ**3 ! Quadrature sum for 3rd moment IF(iprnt.eq.1)THEN print *,'N,Y_GQ,WGAUS,DQ,KNQ,CUNQ,VSEDQ,SCQ,STQ,RSURFQ' print *,N,Y_GQ(N),WGAUS(N),DQ,KNQ,CUNQ,VSEDQ,SCQ,STQ,RSURFQ print *,'N,Eff_dif,imp,int,SUM0,SUM3' print *,N,Eff_dif,Eff_imp,Eff_int,SUM0,SUM3 endif ENDDO VDEP(LCELL, VDNACC) = SUM0/sqrtpi ! normalize 0 moment vdep quadrature sum to sqrt(pi) (and number =1 per unit volume) VDEP(LCELL, VDMACC) = SUM3/(sqrtpi*EXP((1.5*sqrt2*xxlsga)**2)*DGACC(LCELL)**3) !normalize 3 moment quad. sum to sqrt(pi) and 3rd moment analytic sum ! *** coarse mode SUM0=0. SUM3=0. DO N=1,NGAUSdv DQ=DGCOR(LCELL)*EXP(Y_GQ(N)*sqrt2*xxlsgc) ! Diameter (m) at quadrature point KNQ=2.*XLM(LCELL)/DQ ! Knudsen number at quadrature point CUNQ=1.+KNQ*(1.257+.4*exp(-1.1/KNQ)) ! Cunningham correction factor; Pruppacher and Klett (1980) Eq (12-16) VSEDQ=PDENSC(LCELL)*DCONST2*CUNQ*DQ*DQ ! Gravitational sedimentation velocity m/s SCQ=NU*DQ/DCONST1/CUNQ ! Schmidt number, Brownian diffusion parameter - Same as Binkowski and Shankar Eff_dif=SCQ**(-TWO3) ! Efficiency term for diffusion - Same as Binkowski and Shankar STQ=DCONST3*PDENSC(LCELL)*DQ**2 ! Stokes number, Peters and Eiden (1992) Eff_imp=(STQ/(0.8+STQ))**2 ! Efficiency term for impaction - Peters and Eiden (1992) ! Eff_int=0.3*DQ/(COLCTR_SMALD+DQ) ! Slinn (1982) Interception term, 0.3 prefac insures .2 cm/s at .2 micron diam. Eff_int=(0.00116+0.0061*ZNTT(LCELL))*DQ/1.414E-7 ! McKeen(2008) Intercptn term, val of .00421 @ ustr=0.475, diam=.1414 micrn, stable, needleleaf evergreen EFF_int=min(1.,EFF_int) RBcor=exp(-2.0*(STQ**0.5)) ! Rebound correction factor used in Slinn (1982) vdplim=UTSCALE*(Eff_dif+Eff_imp+Eff_int)*RBcor vdplim=min(vdplim,.02) vdplim=max(vdplim,1e-35) !wig: add check since occasionally a lg particle causes overflow of rsurfq RSURFQ=RA(LCELL)+1./vdplim ! RSURFQ=RA(LCELL)+1./(UTSCALE*(Eff_dif+Eff_imp+Eff_int)*RBcor) ! Total surface resistence ! ! limit this here to be consisten with the gocart routine, which bases this on Walcek et al. 1986 ! ! RSURFQ=max(RSURFQ,50.) SUM0=SUM0+WGAUS(N)*(VSEDQ + 1./RSURFQ) ! Quadrature sum for 0 moment SUM3=SUM3+WGAUS(N)*(VSEDQ + 1./RSURFQ)*DQ**3 ! Quadrature sum for 3rd moment ENDDO VDEP(LCELL, VDNCOR) = SUM0/sqrtpi ! normalize 0 moment vdep quadrature sum to sqrt(pi) (and number =1 per unit volume) VDEP(LCELL, VDMCOR) = SUM3/(sqrtpi*EXP((1.5*sqrt2*xxlsgc)**2)*DGCOR(LCELL)**3) !normalize 3 moment quad. sum to sqrt(pi) and 3rd moment analytic sum END DO ENDIF ! ENDOF LAYER = 1 test ! *** Calculate gravitational sedimentation velocities for all layers - as in Binkowski and Shankar (1995) DO LCELL = 1, NUMCELLS DCONST2 = GRAV / ( 18.0 * AMU(LCELL) ) DCONST3N = DCONST2 * PDENSN(LCELL) * DGNUC( LCELL )**2 DCONST3A = DCONST2 * PDENSA(LCELL) * DGACC( LCELL )**2 DCONST3C = DCONST2 * PDENSC(LCELL) * DGCOR( LCELL )**2 ! *** nucleation mode number and mass sedimentation velociticies VSED( LCELL, VSNNUC) = DCONST3N & * ( ESN16 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESN04 ) VSED( LCELL, VSMNUC) = DCONST3N & * (ESN64 + BHAT * KNNUC( LCELL ) * ESN28 ) ! *** accumulation mode number and mass sedimentation velociticies VSED( LCELL, VSNACC) = DCONST3A & * ( ESA16 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESA04 ) VSED( LCELL, VSMACC) = DCONST3A & * ( ESA64 + BHAT * KNACC( LCELL ) * ESA28 ) ! *** coarse mode number and mass sedimentation velociticies VSED( LCELL, VSNCOR) = DCONST3C & * ( ESC16 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESC04 ) VSED( LCELL, VSMCOR) = DCONST3C & * ( ESC64 + BHAT * KNCOR( LCELL ) * ESC28 ) END DO END SUBROUTINE VDVG_2 ! SUBROUTINE aerosols_sorgam_init(chem,convfac,z_at_w, & pm2_5_dry,pm2_5_water,pm2_5_dry_ec, & chem_in_opt,aer_ic_opt, is_aerosol, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, config_flags ) USE module_configure,only: grid_config_rec_type !!! TUCCELLA (BUG, commented the line below) !USE module_prep_wetscav_sorgam,only: aerosols_sorgam_init_aercld_ptrs implicit none INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: chem_in_opt,aer_ic_opt INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte LOGICAL, INTENT(OUT) :: is_aerosol(num_chem) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme, num_chem ) , & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(INOUT ) :: & pm2_5_dry,pm2_5_water,pm2_5_dry_ec REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & convfac REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & z_at_w TYPE (grid_config_rec_type) , INTENT (in) :: config_flags integer i,j,k,l,ii,jj,kk real tempfac,mwso4,zz ! real,dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) :: convfac REAL splitfac !between gas and aerosol phase REAL so4vaptoaer !factor for splitting initial conc. of SO4 !3rd moment i-mode [3rd moment/m^3] REAL m3nuc !3rd MOMENT j-mode [3rd moment/m^3] REAL m3acc ! REAL ESN36 REAL m3cor DATA splitfac/.98/ DATA so4vaptoaer/.999/ ! *** Compute these once and they will all be saved in COMMON xxlsgn = log(sginin) xxlsga = log(sginia) xxlsgc = log(sginic) l2sginin = xxlsgn**2 l2sginia = xxlsga**2 l2sginic = xxlsgc**2 en1 = exp(0.125*l2sginin) ea1 = exp(0.125*l2sginia) ec1 = exp(0.125*l2sginic) esn04 = en1**4 esa04 = ea1**4 esc04 = ec1**4 esn05 = esn04*en1 esa05 = esa04*ea1 esn08 = esn04*esn04 esa08 = esa04*esa04 esc08 = esc04*esc04 esn09 = esn04*esn05 esa09 = esa04*esa05 esn12 = esn04*esn04*esn04 esa12 = esa04*esa04*esa04 esc12 = esc04*esc04*esc04 esn16 = esn08*esn08 esa16 = esa08*esa08 esc16 = esc08*esc08 esn20 = esn16*esn04 esa20 = esa16*esa04 esc20 = esc16*esc04 esn24 = esn12*esn12 esa24 = esa12*esa12 esc24 = esc12*esc12 esn25 = esn16*esn09 esa25 = esa16*esa09 esn28 = esn20*esn08 esa28 = esa20*esa08 esc28 = esc20*esc08 esn32 = esn16*esn16 esa32 = esa16*esa16 esc32 = esc16*esc16 esn36 = esn16*esn20 esa36 = esa16*esa20 esc36 = esc16*esc20 esn49 = esn25*esn20*esn04 esa49 = esa25*esa20*esa04 esn52 = esn16*esn36 esa52 = esa16*esa36 esn64 = esn32*esn32 esa64 = esa32*esa32 esc64 = esc32*esc32 esn100 = esn36*esn64 esnm20 = 1.0/esn20 esam20 = 1.0/esa20 escm20 = 1.0/esc20 esnm32 = 1.0/esn32 esam32 = 1.0/esa32 escm32 = 1.0/esc32 xxm3 = 3.0*xxlsgn/ sqrt2 ! factor used in error function cal nummin_i = facatkn_min*so4fac*aeroconcmin/(dginin**3*esn36) nummin_j = facacc_min*so4fac*aeroconcmin/(dginia**3*esa36) nummin_c = anthfac*aeroconcmin/(dginic**3*esc36) ! *** Note, DGVEM_I, DGVEM_J, DGVEM_C are for the mass (volume) ! size distribution , then ! vol = (p/6) * density * num * (dgemv_xx**3) * ! exp(- 4.5 * log( sgem_xx)**2 ) ) ! note minus sign!! factnumn = exp(4.5*log(sgem_i)**2)/dgvem_i**3 factnuma = exp(4.5*log(sgem_j)**2)/dgvem_j**3 factnumc = exp(4.5*log(sgem_c)**2)/dgvem_c**3 ccofm = alphsulf*sqrt(pirs*rgasuniv/(2.0*mwh2so4)) ccofm_org = alphaorg*sqrt(pirs*rgasuniv/(2.0*mworg)) mwso4=96.03 ! initialize pointers used by aerosol-cloud-interaction routines ! TUCCELLA (BUG, now aerosols_sorgam_init_aercld_ptrs is called chemics_init.F ! ! and was moved to module_prep_wetscav_sorgam.F) !call aerosols_sorgam_init_aercld_ptrs( & ! num_chem, is_aerosol, config_flags ) pm2_5_dry(its:ite, kts:kte-1, jts:jte) = 0. pm2_5_water(its:ite, kts:kte-1, jts:jte) = 0. pm2_5_dry_ec(its:ite, kts:kte-1, jts:jte) = 0. !SAM 10/08 Add in Gaussian quadrature points and weights - Use 7 points = NGAUSdv Y_GQ(1)=-2.651961356835233 WGAUS(1)=0.0009717812450995 Y_GQ(2)=-1.673551628767471 WGAUS(2)=0.05451558281913 Y_GQ(3)=-0.816287882858965 WGAUS(3)=0.4256072526101 Y_GQ(4)=-0.0 WGAUS(4)=0.8102646175568 Y_GQ(5)=0.816287882858965 WGAUS(5)=WGAUS(3) Y_GQ(6)=1.673551628767471 WGAUS(6)=WGAUS(2) Y_GQ(7)=2.651961356835233 WGAUS(7)=WGAUS(1) ! ! ! IF USING OLD SIMULATION, DO NOT REINITIALIZE! ! ! if(chem_in_opt == 1 .OR. config_flags%restart) return do l=p_so4aj,num_chem chem(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,l)=epsilc enddo chem(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,p_nu0)=1.e8 chem(ims:ime,kms:kme,jms:jme,p_ac0)=1.e8 do j=jts,jte jj=min(jde-1,j) do k=kts,kte-1 kk=min(kde-1,k) do i=its,ite ii=min(ide-1,i) !Option for alternate ic's if( aer_ic_opt == AER_IC_DEFAULT ) then chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj)=chem(ii,kk,jj,p_sulf)*CONVFAC(ii,kk,jj)*MWSO4*splitfac*so4vaptoaer chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai)=chem(ii,kk,jj,p_sulf)*CONVFAC(ii,kk,jj)*MWSO4* & (1.-splitfac)*so4vaptoaer chem(i,k,j,p_sulf)=chem(ii,kk,jj,p_sulf)*(1.-so4vaptoaer) chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_naai) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_claj) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_clai) = 10.E-05 elseif( aer_ic_opt == AER_IC_PNNL ) then zz = (z_at_w(ii,k,jj)+z_at_w(ii,k+1,jj))*0.5 call sorgam_init_aer_ic_pnnl( & chem, zz, i,k,j, ims,ime,jms,jme,kms,kme ) else call wrf_error_fatal( & "aerosols_sorgam_init: unable to parse aer_ic_opt" ) end if !... i-mode m3nuc = so4fac*chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai) + nh4fac*chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai) + & no3fac*chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai) + & nafac*chem(i,k,j,p_naai) + clfac*chem(i,k,j,p_clai) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1i) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2i) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1i) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1i) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1i) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2i) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3i) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4i) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai) + & anthfac*chem(i,k,j,p_p25i) + anthfac*chem(i,k,j,p_eci) !... j-mode m3acc = so4fac*chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj) + nh4fac*chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj) + & no3fac*chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj) + & nafac*chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) + clfac*chem(i,k,j,p_claj) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1j) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2j) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1j) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1j) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1j) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2j) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3j) + & orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4j) + orgfac*chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj) + & anthfac*chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) + anthfac*chem(i,k,j,p_ecj) !...c-mode m3cor = soilfac*chem(i,k,j,p_soila) + seasfac*chem(i,k,j,p_seas) + & anthfac*chem(i,k,j,p_antha) !...NOW CALCULATE INITIAL NUMBER CONCENTRATION chem(i,k,j,p_nu0) = m3nuc/((dginin**3)*esn36) chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) = m3acc/((dginia**3)*esa36) chem(i,k,j,p_corn) = m3cor/((dginic**3)*esc36) enddo enddo enddo return END SUBROUTINE aerosols_sorgam_init !**************************************************************** ! * ! SUBROUTINE TO INITIALIZE AEROSOL VALUES USING THE * ! aer_ic_opt == aer_ic_pnnl OPTION. * ! * ! wig, 21-Apr-2004, original version * ! rce, 25-apr-2004 - name changes for consistency with * ! new aer_ic constants in Registry * ! wig, 7-May-2004, added height dependance * ! * ! CALLS THE FOLLOWING SUBROUTINES: NONE * ! * ! CALLED BY : aerosols_sorgam_init * ! * !**************************************************************** SUBROUTINE sorgam_init_aer_ic_pnnl( & chem, z, i,k,j, ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme ) USE module_configure,only: num_chem, grid_config_rec_type implicit none INTEGER,INTENT(IN ) :: i,k,j, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme, num_chem ),& INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem real, intent(in ) :: z real :: mult ! ! Determine height multiplier... ! This should mimic the calculation in sorgam_set_aer_bc_pnnl, ! mosaic_init_wrf_mixrats_opt2, and bdy_chem_value_mosaic !!$! Height(m) Multiplier !!$! --------- ---------- !!$! <=2000 1.0 !!$! 2000=3000 0.25 !!$! !!$! which translates to: !!$! 2000 2000. & !!$ .and. z <= 3000. ) then !!$ mult = 1.0 - 0.0005*(z-2000.) !!$ elseif( z > 3000. & !!$ .and. z <= 5000. ) then !!$ mult = 0.5 - 1.25e-4*(z-3000.) !!$ else !!$ mult = 0.25 !!$ end if ! Updated aerosol profile multiplier 1-Apr-2005: ! Height(m) Multiplier ! --------- ---------- ! <=2000 1.0 ! 2000=5000 0.125 ! ! which translates to: ! 2000 2000. & ! .and. z <= 3000. ) then ! mult = 1.0 - 0.00075*(z-2000.) ! elseif( z > 3000. & ! .and. z <= 5000. ) then ! mult = 0.25 - 4.166666667e-5*(z-3000.) ! else ! mult = 0.125 ! end if if( z <= 500. ) then mult = 1.0 elseif( z > 500. & .and. z <= 1000. ) then mult = 1.0 - 0.001074*(z-500.) elseif( z > 1000. & .and. z <= 5000. ) then mult = 0.463 - 0.000111*(z-1000.) else mult = 0.019 end if ! These should match what is in sorgam_set_aer_bc_pnnl. ! Values as of 2-Dec-2004: !jdf comment these values and have another profile consistent with mosaic ! chem(i,k,j,p_sulf) = mult*conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj) = mult*2.375 ! chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai) = mult*0.179 ! chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj) = mult*0.9604 ! chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai) = mult*0.0196 ! chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj) = mult*0.0650 ! chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai) = mult*0.0050 ! chem(i,k,j,p_ecj) = mult*0.1630 ! chem(i,k,j,p_eci) = mult*0.0120 ! chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) = mult*0.6350 ! chem(i,k,j,p_p25i) = mult*0.0490 ! chem(i,k,j,p_antha) = mult*2.2970 ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj) = mult*0.9300 ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai) = mult*0.0700 ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4j) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4i) = conmin ! chem(i,k,j,p_seas) = mult*0.229 chem(i,k,j,p_sulf) = mult*conmin chem(i,k,j,p_so4aj) = mult*0.300*0.97 chem(i,k,j,p_so4ai) = mult*0.300*0.03 chem(i,k,j,p_nh4aj) = mult*0.094*0.97 chem(i,k,j,p_nh4ai) = mult*0.094*0.03 chem(i,k,j,p_no3aj) = mult*0.001*0.97 chem(i,k,j,p_no3ai) = mult*0.001*0.03 chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_naai) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_claj) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_clai) = 10.E-05 chem(i,k,j,p_ecj) = mult*0.013*0.97 chem(i,k,j,p_eci) = mult*0.013*0.03 chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) = mult*4.500*0.97 chem(i,k,j,p_p25i) = mult*4.500*0.03 chem(i,k,j,p_antha) = mult*4.500/2.0 chem(i,k,j,p_orgpaj) = mult*0.088*0.97 chem(i,k,j,p_orgpai) = mult*0.088*0.03 chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro1i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgaro2i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgalk1i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgole1i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba1i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba2i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba3i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4j) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_orgba4i) = conmin chem(i,k,j,p_seas) = mult*1.75 END SUBROUTINE sorgam_init_aer_ic_pnnl !------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE sorgam_addemiss( & id, dtstep, u10, v10, alt, dz8w, xland, chem, & ebu, & slai,ust,smois,ivgtyp,isltyp, & emis_ant,dust_emiss_active, & seasalt_emiss_active,kemit,biom,num_soil_layers,emissopt, & dust_opt,ktau,p8w,u_phy,v_phy,rho_phy,g,dx,erod, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! ! Routine to apply aerosol emissions for MADE/SORGAM... !; 3-May-2007 ! Modified by !; 8-Jan-2008 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ USE module_state_description, only: num_chem INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: seasalt_emiss_active, kemit,emissopt, & dust_emiss_active,num_soil_layers,id, & ktau,dust_opt, & biom,ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dtstep ! trace species mixing ratios (aerosol mass = ug/kg-air; number = #/kg-air) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem ! ! aerosol emissions arrays ((ug/m3)*m/s) ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kemit, jms:jme,num_emis_ant ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & emis_ant ! ! biomass burning aerosol emissions arrays ((ug/m3)*m/s) ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme,num_ebu ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & ebu ! 1/(dry air density) and layer thickness (m) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & alt, dz8w ! add for gocart dust REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: p8w,u_phy,v_phy,rho_phy REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dx, g REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme, 3 ), & INTENT(IN ) :: erod ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & u10, v10, xland, slai, ust INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: ivgtyp, isltyp REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, num_soil_layers, jms:jme ), & INTENT(INOUT) :: smois ! Local variables... real, dimension(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) :: factor ! ! Get the emissions unit conversion factor including the time step. ! Changes emissions from [ug/m3 m/s] to [ug/kg_dryair/timestep] ! factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) = alt(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte)*dtstep/ & dz8w(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) ! ! Increment the aerosol numbers... if (emissopt .ne. 5) then ! ! Aitken mode first... chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_nu0) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_nu0) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte)*factnumn*( & anthfac*( emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_pm25i) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_eci) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_naai) ) + & orgfac*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_orgi) + & so4fac*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_so4i) + & no3fac*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_no3i) ) ! Accumulation mode next... chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ac0) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ac0) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte)*factnuma*( & anthfac*( emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_pm25j) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_ecj) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_naaj) ) + & orgfac*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_orgj) + & so4fac*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_so4j) + & no3fac*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_no3j)) ! And now the coarse mode... chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_corn) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_corn) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte)*factnumc*anthfac* & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_pm_10) ! ! Increment the aerosol masses... ! chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_antha) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_antha) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_pm_10)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_p25j) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_p25j) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_pm25j)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_p25i) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_p25i) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_pm25i)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ecj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ecj) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_ecj)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_eci) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_eci) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_eci)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_naaj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_naaj) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_naaj)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_naai) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_naai) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_naai)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpaj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpaj) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_orgj)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpai) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpai) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_orgi)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_so4aj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_so4aj) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_so4j)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_so4ai) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_so4ai) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_so4i)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_no3aj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_no3aj) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_no3j)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_no3ai) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_no3ai) + & emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_no3i)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) elseif(emissopt == 5)then ! ! Aitken mode first... chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_nu0) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_nu0) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte)*factnumn*( & anthfac*( .25*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_bc) ) + & orgfac*.25*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_oc) ) ! Accumulation mode next... chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ac0) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ac0) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte)*factnuma*( & anthfac*( .75*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_bc) ) + & orgfac*.75*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_oc) ) ! ! Increment the aerosol masses... ! chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ecj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_ecj) + & .75*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_bc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_eci) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_eci) + & .25*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_bc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpaj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpaj) + & .75*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_oc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpai) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_orgpai) + & .25*emis_ant(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte,p_e_oc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kemit,jts:jte) endif ! add biomass burning emissions if present ! if(biom == 1 )then ! ! Aitken mode first... chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_nu0) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_nu0) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte)*factnumn*( & anthfac*( .25*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_pm25) + & .25*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_bc) ) + & orgfac*.25*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_oc) ) ! Accumulation mode next... chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ac0) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ac0) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte)*factnuma*( & anthfac*(.75*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_pm25) + & .75*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_bc) ) + & orgfac*.75*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_oc) ) ! coarse chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_corn) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_corn) + & factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte)*factnumc*anthfac* & ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_pm10) ! ! Increment the aerosol masses... ! chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ecj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ecj) + & .75*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_bc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_eci) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_eci) + & .25*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_bc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_orgpaj) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_orgpaj) + & .75*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_oc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_orgpai) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_orgpai) + & .25*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_oc)*factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_antha) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_antha) + & ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_pm10)*factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_p25j) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_p25j) + & .75*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_pm25)*factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_p25i) = & chem(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_p25i) + & .25*ebu(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte,p_ebu_pm25)*factor(its:ite,kts:kte,jts:jte) endif !end biomass burning ! ! Get the sea salt emissions... ! if( seasalt_emiss_active == 1 ) then call sorgam_seasalt_emiss( & dtstep, u10, v10, alt, dz8w, xland, chem, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) end if if( seasalt_emiss_active == 2 ) then ! call Monahan_seasalt_emiss( & ! dtstep, u10, v10, alt, dz8w, xland, chem, & ! ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ! ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & ! its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) end if if( dust_opt == 2 ) then !czhao+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ call wrf_message("WARNING: You are calling DUSTRAN dust emission scheme with MOSAIC, which is highly experimental and not recommended for use. Please use dust_opt==13") !czhao--------------------------- call sorgam_dust_emiss( & slai, ust, smois, ivgtyp, isltyp, & id, dtstep, u10, v10, alt, dz8w, & xland, num_soil_layers, chem, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) end if !czhao ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ! dust_opt changed to 13 since it conflicts with gocart/afwa if( dust_opt == 13 ) then !czhao -------------------------- call sorgam_dust_gocartemis( & ktau,dtstep,num_soil_layers,alt,u_phy, & v_phy,chem,rho_phy,dz8w,smois,u10,v10,p8w,erod, & ivgtyp,isltyp,xland,dx,g, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) end if END SUBROUTINE sorgam_addemiss !------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE sorgam_seasalt_emiss( & dtstep, u10, v10, alt, dz8w, xland, chem, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! ! Routine to calculate seasalt emissions for SORGAM over the time ! dtstep... !; 10-May-2007 !------------------------------------------------------------------------ USE module_mosaic_addemiss, only: seasalt_emitfactors_1bin IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dtstep ! 10-m wind speed components (m/s) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: u10, v10, xland ! trace species mixing ratios (aerosol mass = ug/kg; number = #/kg) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem ! alt = 1.0/(dry air density) in (m3/kg) ! dz8w = layer thickness in (m) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: alt, dz8w ! local variables integer :: i, j, k, l, l_na, l_cl, n integer :: p1st real :: dum, dumdlo, dumdhi, dumoceanfrac, dumspd10 real :: factaa, factbb, fraccl, fracna real :: ssemfact_numb_i, ssemfact_numb_j, ssemfact_numb_c real :: ssemfact_mass_i, ssemfact_mass_j, ssemfact_mass_c ! Compute emissions factors for the Aitken mode... ! Nope, we won't because the parameterization is only valid down to ! 0.1 microns. ! Setup in units of cm. ! dumdlo = 0.039e-4 ! dumdhi = 0.078e-4 ssemfact_numb_i = 0. ssemfact_mass_i = 0. ! Compute emissions factors for the accumulation mode... ! Potentially, we could go down to 0.078 microns to match the bin ! boundary for MOSAIC, but MOSAIC is capped at 0.1 too. The upper end ! has been chosen to match the MOSAIC bin boundary closest to two ! standard deviations from the default bin mean diameter for the coarse ! mode. dumdlo = 0.1e-4 dumdhi = 1.250e-4 call seasalt_emitfactors_1bin( 1, dumdlo, dumdhi, & ssemfact_numb_j, dum, ssemfact_mass_j ) ! Compute emissions factors for the coarse mode... dumdlo = 1.25e-4 dumdhi = 10.0e-4 call seasalt_emitfactors_1bin( 1, dumdlo, dumdhi, & ssemfact_numb_c, dum, ssemfact_mass_c ) ! Convert mass emissions factor from (g/m2/s) to (ug/m2/s) ssemfact_mass_i = ssemfact_mass_i*1.0e6 ssemfact_mass_j = ssemfact_mass_j*1.0e6 ssemfact_mass_c = ssemfact_mass_c*1.0e6 ! Loop over i,j and apply seasalt emissions k = kts do j = jts, jte do i = its, ite !Skip this point if over land. xland=1 for land and 2 for water. !Also, there is no way to differentiate fresh from salt water. !Currently, this assumes all water is salty. if( xland(i,j) < 1.5 ) cycle !wig: As far as I can tell, only real.exe knows the fractional breakdown ! of land use. So, in wrf.exe, dumoceanfrac will always be 1. dumoceanfrac = 1. !fraction of grid i,j that is salt water dumspd10 = dumoceanfrac* & ( (u10(i,j)*u10(i,j) + v10(i,j)*v10(i,j))**(0.5*3.41) ) ! factaa is (s*m2/kg-air) ! factaa*ssemfact_mass(n) is (s*m2/kg-air)*(ug/m2/s) = ug/kg-air ! factaa*ssemfact_numb(n) is (s*m2/kg-air)*( #/m2/s) = #/kg-air factaa = (dtstep/dz8w(i,k,j))*alt(i,k,j) factbb = factaa * dumspd10 ! Apportion seasalt mass emissions assumming that seasalt is pure NaCl fracna = mw_na_aer / (mw_na_aer + mw_cl_aer) fraccl = 1.0 - fracna ! Add the emissions into the chem array... chem(i,k,j,p_naai) = chem(i,k,j,p_naai) + & factbb * ssemfact_mass_i * fracna chem(i,k,j,p_clai) = chem(i,k,j,p_clai) + & factbb * ssemfact_mass_i * fraccl chem(i,k,j,p_nu0) = chem(i,k,j,p_nu0) + & factbb * ssemfact_numb_i chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) = chem(i,k,j,p_naaj) + & factbb * ssemfact_mass_j * fracna chem(i,k,j,p_claj) = chem(i,k,j,p_claj) + & factbb * ssemfact_mass_j * fraccl chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) = chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) + & factbb * ssemfact_numb_j chem(i,k,j,p_seas) = chem(i,k,j,p_seas) + & factbb * ssemfact_mass_c chem(i,k,j,p_corn) = chem(i,k,j,p_corn) + & factbb * ssemfact_numb_c end do !i end do !j END SUBROUTINE sorgam_seasalt_emiss !---------------------------------------------------------------------- subroutine sorgam_dust_emiss( slai,ust, smois, ivgtyp, isltyp, & id, dtstep, u10, v10, alt, dz8w, xland, num_soil_layers, & chem, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! ! adds dust emissions for mosaic aerosol species (i.e. emission tendencies ! over time dtstep are applied to the aerosol mixing ratios) ! ! This is a simple dust scheme based on Shaw et al. (2008) to appear in ! Atmospheric Environment, recoded by Jerome Fast ! ! NOTE: ! 1) This version only works with the 8-bin version of MOSAIC. ! 2) Dust added to MOSAIC's other inorganic specie, OIN. If Ca and CO3 are ! activated in the Registry, a small fraction also added to Ca and CO3. ! 3) The main departure from Shaw et al., is now alphamask is computed since ! the land-use categories in that paper and in WRF differ. WRF currently ! does not have that many land-use categories and adhoc assumptions had to ! be made. This version was tested for Mexico in the dry season. The main ! land-use categories in WRF that are likely dust sources are grass, shrub, ! and savannna (that WRF has in the desert regions of NW Mexico). Having ! dust emitted from these types for other locations and other times of the ! year is not likely to be valid. ! 4) An upper bound on ustar was placed because the surface parameterizations ! in WRF can produce unrealistically high values that lead to very high ! dust emission rates. ! 5) Other departures' from Shaw et al. noted below, but are probably not as ! important as 2) and 3). ! USE module_configure, only: grid_config_rec_type USE module_state_description, only: num_chem, param_first_scalar USE module_data_mosaic_asect IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: id,num_soil_layers, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dtstep ! 10-m wind speed components (m/s) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: u10, v10, xland, slai, ust INTEGER, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: ivgtyp, isltyp ! trace species mixing ratios (aerosol mass = ug/kg; number = #/kg) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem ! alt = 1.0/(dry air density) in (m3/kg) ! dz8w = layer thickness in (m) REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: alt, dz8w REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, num_soil_layers, jms:jme ) , & INTENT(INOUT) :: smois ! local variables integer i, j, k, l, l_oin, l_ca, l_co3, n, ii integer iphase, itype, izob integer p1st real dum, dumdlo, dumdhi, dumlandfrac, dumspd10 real factaa, factbb, fracoin, fracca, fracco3, fractot real ustart, ustar1, ustart0 real alphamask, f8, f50, f51, f52, wetfactor, sumdelta, ftot real smois_grav, wp, pclay real :: beta(4,7) real :: gamma(4), delta(4) real :: sz(8) real :: dustflux, densdust, mass1part real :: dp_meanvol_tmp ! ! from Nickovic et al., JGR, 2001 and Shaw et al. 2007 ! beta: fraction of clay, small silt, large silt, and sand correcsponding to Zobler class (7) ! beta (1,*) for 0.5-1 um ! beta (2,*) for 1-10 um ! beta (3,*) for 10-25 um ! beta (4,*) for 25-50 um ! beta(1,1)=0.12 beta(2,1)=0.04 beta(3,1)=0.04 beta(4,1)=0.80 beta(1,2)=0.34 beta(2,2)=0.28 beta(3,2)=0.28 beta(4,2)=0.10 beta(1,3)=0.45 beta(2,3)=0.15 beta(3,3)=0.15 beta(4,3)=0.25 beta(1,4)=0.12 beta(2,4)=0.09 beta(3,4)=0.09 beta(4,4)=0.70 beta(1,5)=0.40 beta(2,5)=0.05 beta(3,5)=0.05 beta(4,5)=0.50 beta(1,6)=0.34 beta(2,6)=0.18 beta(3,6)=0.18 beta(4,6)=0.30 beta(1,7)=0.22 beta(2,7)=0.09 beta(3,7)=0.09 beta(4,7)=0.60 gamma(1)=0.08 gamma(2)=1.00 gamma(3)=1.00 gamma(4)=0.12 ! ! * Mass fractions for each size bin. These values were recommended by ! Natalie Mahowold, with bins 7 and 8 the same as bins 3 and 4 from CAM. ! * Changed slightly since Natelie's estimates do not add up to 1.0 ! * This would need to be made more generic for other bin sizes. ! sz(1)=0 ! sz(2)=1.78751e-06 ! sz(3)=0.000273786 ! sz(4)=0.00847978 ! sz(5)=0.056055 ! sz(6)=0.0951896 ! sz(7)=0.17 ! sz(8)=0.67 sz(1)=0.0 sz(2)=0.0 sz(3)=0.0005 sz(4)=0.0095 sz(5)=0.03 sz(6)=0.10 sz(7)=0.18 sz(8)=0.68 ! for now just do itype=1 itype = 1 iphase = ai_phase ! loop over i,j and apply dust emissions k = kts do 1830 j = jts, jte do 1820 i = its, ite if( xland(i,j) > 1.5 ) cycle ! compute wind speed anyway, even though ustar is used below dumlandfrac = 1. dumspd10=(u10(i,j)*u10(i,j) + v10(i,j)*v10(i,j))**(0.5) if(dumspd10 >= 5.0) then dumspd10 = dumlandfrac* & ( dumspd10*dumspd10*(dumspd10-5.0)) else dumspd10=0. endif ! part1 - compute vegetation mask ! ! * f8, f50, f51, f52 refer to vegetation classes from the Olsen categories ! for desert, sand desert, grass aemi-desert, and shrub semi-desert ! * in WRF, vegetation types 7, 8 and 10 are grassland, shrubland, and savanna ! that are dominate types in Mexico and probably have some erodable surface ! during the dry season ! * currently modified these values so that only a small fraction of cell ! area is erodable ! * these values are highly tuneable! alphamask=0.001 if (ivgtyp(i,j) .eq. 7) then f8=0.005 f50=0.00 f51=0.10 f51=0.066 f52=0.00 alphamask=(f8+f50)*1.0+(f51+f52)*0.5 endif if (ivgtyp(i,j) .eq. 8) then f8=0.010 f50=0.00 f51=0.00 f52=0.15 f52=0.10 alphamask=(f8+f50)*1.0+(f51+f52)*0.5 endif if (ivgtyp(i,j) .eq. 10) then f8=0.00 f50=0.00 f51=0.01 f52=0.00 alphamask=(f8+f50)*1.0+(f51+f52)*0.5 endif ! part2 - zobler ! ! * in Shaw's paper, dust is computed for 4 size ranges: ! 0.5-1 um ! 1-10 um ! 10-25 um ! 25-50 um ! * Shaw's paper also accounts for sub-grid variability in soil ! texture, but here we just assume the same soil texture for each ! grid cell ! * since MOSAIC is currently has a maximum size range up to 10 um, ! neglect upper 2 size ranges and lowest size range (assume small) ! * map WRF soil classes arbitrarily to Zolber soil textural classes ! * skip dust computations for WRF soil classes greater than 13, i.e. ! do not compute dust over water, bedrock, and other surfaces ! * should be skipping for water surface at this point anyway ! izob=0 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.1) izob=1 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.2) izob=1 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.3) izob=4 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.4) izob=2 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.5) izob=2 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.6) izob=2 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.7) izob=7 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.8) izob=2 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.9) izob=6 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.10) izob=5 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.11) izob=2 if(isltyp(i,j).eq.12) izob=3 if(isltyp(i,j).ge.13) izob=0 if(izob.eq.0) goto 1840 ! ! part3 - dustprod ! do ii=1,4 delta(ii)=0.0 enddo sumdelta=0.0 do ii=1,4 delta(ii)=beta(ii,izob)*gamma(ii) if( then sumdelta=sumdelta+delta(ii) endif enddo do ii=1,4 delta(ii)=delta(ii)/sumdelta enddo ! part4 - wetness ! ! * assume dry for now, have passed in soil moisture to this routine ! but needs to be included here ! * wetfactor less than 1 would reduce dustflux ! * convert model soil moisture (m3/m3) to gravimetric soil moisture ! (mass of water / mass of soil in %) assuming a constant density ! for soil pclay=beta(1,izob)*100. wp=0.0014*pclay*pclay+0.17*pclay smois_grav=(smois(i,1,j)/2.6)*100. if( then wetfactor=sqrt(1.0+1.21*(smois_grav-wp)**0.68) else wetfactor=1.0 endif ! wetfactor=1.0 ! part5 - dustflux ! lower bound on ustar = 20 cm/s as in Shaw et al, but set upper ! bound to 100 cm/s ustar1=ust(i,j)*100.0 if( ustar1=100.0 ustart0=20.0 ustart=ustart0*wetfactor if(ustar1.le.ustart) then dustflux=0.0 else dustflux=1.0e-14*(ustar1**4)*(1.0-(ustart/ustar1)) endif dustflux=dustflux*10.0 ! units kg m-2 s-1 ftot=0.0 do ii=1,2 ftot=ftot+dustflux*alphamask*delta(ii) enddo ! convert to ug m-2 s-1 ftot=ftot*1.0e+09 ! apportion other inorganics only factaa = (dtstep/dz8w(i,k,j))*alt(i,k,j) factbb = factaa * ftot fracoin = 1.00 ! fracca = 0.03*0.4 ! fracco3 = 0.03*0.6 fracca = 0.0 fracco3 = 0.0 fractot = fracoin + fracca + fracco3 ! if (ivgtyp(i,j) .eq. 8) print*,'jdf',i,j,ustar1,ustart0,factaa,ftot chem(i,k,j,p_p25j)=chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) + & factbb * (sz(3)+sz(4)+sz(5)+sz(6)) * fractot !jdf factbb * (sz(3)+sz(4)+sz(5)) * fractot chem(i,k,j,p_soila)=chem(i,k,j,p_soila) + & factbb * (sz(7)+sz(8)) * fractot !jdf factbb * (sz(6)+sz(7)+sz(8)) * fractot ! mass1part is mass of a single particle in ug, density of dust ~2.5 g cm-3 densdust=2.5 dp_meanvol_tmp = 1.0e2*dginia*exp(1.5*l2sginia) ! accum mass1part=0.523598*(dp_meanvol_tmp**3)*densdust*1.0e06 chem(i,k,j,p_ac0)=chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) + & factbb * (sz(3)+sz(4)+sz(5)+sz(6)) * fractot / mass1part !jdf factbb * (sz(3)+sz(4)+sz(5)) * fractot / mass1part dp_meanvol_tmp = 1.0e2*dginic*exp(1.5*l2sginic) ! coarse mass1part=0.523598*(dp_meanvol_tmp**3)*densdust*1.0e06 chem(i,k,j,p_corn)=chem(i,k,j,p_corn) + & factbb * (sz(7)+sz(8)) * fractot / mass1part !jdf factbb * (sz(6)+sz(7)+sz(8)) * fractot / mass1part 1840 continue 1820 continue 1830 continue return END subroutine sorgam_dust_emiss !==================================================================================== !add another dust emission scheme following GOCART mechanism --czhao 09/17/2009 !==================================================================================== subroutine sorgam_dust_gocartemis (ktau,dt,num_soil_layers,alt,u_phy, & v_phy,chem,rho_phy,dz8w,smois,u10,v10,p8w,erod, & ivgtyp,isltyp,xland,dx,g, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) USE module_data_gocart_dust USE module_configure USE module_state_description USE module_model_constants, ONLY: mwdry USE module_data_mosaic_asect IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: ktau, num_soil_layers, & ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte INTEGER,DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & ivgtyp, & isltyp REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, num_soil_layers, jms:jme ) , & INTENT(INOUT) :: smois REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme, 3 ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: erod REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , jms:jme ) , & INTENT(IN ) :: & u10, & v10, & xland REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ), & INTENT(IN ) :: & alt, & dz8w,p8w, & u_phy,v_phy,rho_phy REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dt,dx,g ! ! local variables ! integer :: nmx,i,j,k,ndt,imx,jmx,lmx integer ilwi, start_month real*8, DIMENSION (3) :: erodin real*8, DIMENSION (5) :: bems real*8 w10m,gwet,airden,airmas real*8 cdustemis,jdustemis,cdustcon,jdustcon real*8 cdustdens,jdustdens,mass1part,jdustdiam,cdustdiam,dp_meanvol_tmp real*8 dxy real*8 conver,converi real dttt real soilfacj,rhosoilj,rhosoilc real totalemis,accfrac,corfrac,rscale1,rscale2 accfrac=0.07 ! assign 7% to accumulation mode corfrac=0.93 ! assign 93% to coarse mode rscale1=1.00 ! to account for the dust larger than 10um in radius rscale2=1.02 ! to account for the dust larger than 10um in radius accfrac=accfrac*rscale1 corfrac=corfrac*rscale2 rhosoilj=2.5e3 rhosoilc=2.6e3 soilfacj=soilfac*rhosoilj/rhosoilc conver=1.e-9 converi=1.e9 ! ! number of dust bins nmx=5 k=kts do j=jts,jte do i=its,ite ! ! don't do dust over water!!! if(xland(i,j).lt.1.5)then ilwi=1 start_month = 3 ! it doesn't matter, ch_dust is not a month dependent now, a constant w10m=sqrt(u10(i,j)*u10(i,j)+v10(i,j)*v10(i,j)) airmas=-(p8w(i,kts+1,j)-p8w(i,kts,j))*dx*dx/g ! kg ! we don't trust the u10,v10 values, if model layers are very thin near surface if(dz8w(i,kts,j).lt.12.)w10m=sqrt(u_phy(i,kts,j)*u_phy(i,kts,j)+v_phy(i,kts,j)*v_phy(i,kts,j)) !erodin(1)=erod(i,j,1)/dx/dx ! czhao erod shouldn't be scaled to the area, because it's a fraction !erodin(2)=erod(i,j,2)/dx/dx !erodin(3)=erod(i,j,3)/dx/dx erodin(1)=erod(i,j,1) erodin(2)=erod(i,j,2) erodin(3)=erod(i,j,3) ! ! volumetric soil moisture over porosity gwet=smois(i,1,j)/porosity(isltyp(i,j)) ndt=ifix(dt) airden=rho_phy(i,kts,j) dxy=dx*dx call sorgam_source_du( nmx, dt,i,j, & erodin, ilwi, dxy, w10m, gwet, airden, airmas, & bems,start_month,g) !bems: kg/timestep/cell !sum up the dust emission from 0.1-10 um in radius ! unit change from kg/timestep/cell to ug/m2/s totalemis=(sum(bems(1:5))/dt)*converi/dxy ! to account for the particles larger than 10 um radius ! based on assumed size distribution jdustemis = totalemis*accfrac ! accumulation mode cdustemis = totalemis*corfrac ! coarse mode cdustcon = sum(bems(1:5))*corfrac/airmas ! kg/kg-dryair cdustcon = cdustcon * converi ! ug/kg-dryair jdustcon = sum(bems(1:5))*accfrac/airmas ! kg/kg-dryair jdustcon = jdustcon * converi ! ug/kg-dryair chem(i,k,j,p_p25j)=chem(i,k,j,p_p25j) + jdustcon chem(i,k,j,p_soila)=chem(i,k,j,p_soila) + cdustcon ! czhao doing dust number emission following pm10 ! use soilfacj for accumulation mode because GOCART assign a less dense dust in ! accumulation mode chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) = chem(i,k,j,p_ac0) + jdustcon * factnuma*soilfacj chem(i,k,j,p_corn) = chem(i,k,j,p_corn) + cdustcon * factnumc*soilfac endif enddo enddo end subroutine sorgam_dust_gocartemis SUBROUTINE sorgam_source_du( nmx, dt1,i,j, & erod, ilwi, dxy, w10m, gwet, airden, airmas, & bems,month,g0) ! **************************************************************************** ! * Evaluate the source of each dust particles size classes (kg/m3) ! * by soil emission. ! * Input: ! * EROD Fraction of erodible grid cell (-) ! * for 1: Sand, 2: Silt, 3: Clay ! * DUSTDEN Dust density (kg/m3) ! * DXY Surface of each grid cell (m2) ! * AIRVOL Volume occupy by each grid boxes (m3) ! * NDT1 Time step (s) ! * W10m Velocity at the anemometer level (10meters) (m/s) ! * u_tresh Threshold velocity for particule uplifting (m/s) ! * CH_dust Constant to fudge the total emission of dust (s2/m2) ! * ! * Output: ! * DSRC Source of each dust type (kg/timestep/cell) ! * ! * Working: ! * SRC Potential source (kg/m/timestep/cell) ! * ! **************************************************************************** USE module_data_gocart_dust INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: nmx REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: erod(ndcls) INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: ilwi,month REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: w10m, gwet REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: dxy REAL*8, INTENT(IN) :: airden, airmas REAL*8, INTENT(OUT) :: bems(nmx) REAL*8 :: den(nmx), diam(nmx) REAL*8 :: tsrc, u_ts0, cw, u_ts, dsrc, srce REAL, intent(in) :: g0 REAL :: rhoa, g,dt1 INTEGER :: i, j, n, m, k ! default is 1 ug s2 m-5 == 1.e-9 kg s2 m-5 !ch_dust(:,:)=0.8D-9 ! ch_dust is defined here instead of in the chemics_ini.F if with SORGAM -czhao ch_dust(:,:)=1.0D-9 ! default !ch_dust(:,:)=0.65D-9 ! ch_dust is tuned to match MODIS and AERONET measurements over Sahara !ch_dust(:,:)=1.0D-9*0.36 ! ch_dust is scaled to sorgam total dust emission ! executable statemenst DO n = 1, nmx ! Threshold velocity as a function of the dust density and the diameter from Bagnold (1941) den(n) = den_dust(n)*1.0D-3 diam(n) = 2.0*reff_dust(n)*1.0D2 g = g0*1.0E2 ! Pointer to the 3 classes considered in the source data files m = ipoint(n) tsrc = 0.0 rhoa = airden*1.0D-3 u_ts0 = 0.13*1.0D-2*SQRT(den(n)*g*diam(n)/rhoa)* & SQRT(1.0+0.006/den(n)/g/(diam(n))**2.5)/ & SQRT(1.928*(1331.0*(diam(n))**1.56+0.38)**0.092-1.0) ! Case of surface dry enough to erode IF (gwet < 0.5) THEN ! Pete's modified value ! IF (gwet < 0.2) THEN u_ts = MAX(0.0D+0,u_ts0*(1.2D+0+2.0D-1*LOG10(MAX(1.0D-3, gwet)))) ELSE ! Case of wet surface, no erosion u_ts = 100.0 END IF srce = frac_s(n)*erod(m)*dxy ! (m2) IF (ilwi == 1 ) THEN dsrc = ch_dust(n,month)*srce*w10m**2 & * (w10m - u_ts)*dt1 ! (kg) ELSE dsrc = 0.0 END IF IF (dsrc < 0.0) dsrc = 0.0 ! Update dust mixing ratio at first model level. !tc(n) = tc(n) + dsrc / airmas !kg/kg-dryair -czhao bems(n) = dsrc ! kg/timestep/cell ENDDO END SUBROUTINE sorgam_source_du !=========================================================================== !=========================================================================== !!!TUCCELLA (BUG, now wetscav_sorgam_driver is in module_prep_wetscav_sorgam.F) ! subroutine wetscav_sorgam_driver (id,ktau,dtstep,ktauc,config_flags, & ! dtstepc,alt,t_phy,p8w,t8w,p_phy,chem,rho_phy,cldfra, & ! qlsink,precr,preci,precs,precg,qsrflx, & ! gas_aqfrac, numgas_aqfrac, & ! ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ! ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & ! its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! wet removal by grid-resolved precipitation ! scavenging of cloud-phase aerosols and gases by collection, freezing, ... ! scavenging of interstitial-phase aerosols by impaction ! scavenging of gas-phase gases by mass transfer and reaction !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! USE module_configure ! USE module_state_description ! USE module_data_sorgam ! USE module_mosaic_wetscav,only: wetscav !---------------------------------------------------------------------- ! IMPLICIT NONE ! TYPE(grid_config_rec_type), INTENT(IN ) :: config_flags ! INTEGER, INTENT(IN ) :: & ! ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ! ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & ! its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte, & ! id, ktau, ktauc, numgas_aqfrac ! REAL, INTENT(IN ) :: dtstep,dtstepc ! ! all advected chemical species ! ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, num_chem ), & ! INTENT(INOUT ) :: chem ! fraction of gas species in cloud water ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, kms:kme, jms:jme, numgas_aqfrac ), & ! INTENT(IN ) :: gas_aqfrac ! ! ! input from meteorology ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime , kms:kme , jms:jme ) , & ! INTENT(IN ) :: & ! alt, & ! t_phy, & ! p_phy, & ! t8w,p8w, & ! qlsink,precr,preci,precs,precg, & ! rho_phy,cldfra ! REAL, DIMENSION( ims:ime, jms:jme, num_chem ), & ! INTENT(OUT ) :: qsrflx ! column change due to scavening ! call wetscav (id,ktau,dtstep,ktauc,config_flags, & ! dtstepc,alt,t_phy,p8w,t8w,p_phy,chem,rho_phy,cldfra, & ! qlsink,precr,preci,precs,precg,qsrflx, & ! gas_aqfrac, numgas_aqfrac, & ! ntype_aer, nsize_aer, ncomp_aer, & ! massptr_aer, dens_aer, numptr_aer, & ! maxd_acomp, maxd_asize,maxd_atype, maxd_aphase, ai_phase, cw_phase, & ! volumcen_sect, volumlo_sect, volumhi_sect, & ! waterptr_aer, dens_water_aer, & ! scavimptblvol, scavimptblnum, nimptblgrow_mind, nimptblgrow_maxd, dlndg_nimptblgrow, & ! ids,ide, jds,jde, kds,kde, & ! ims,ime, jms,jme, kms,kme, & ! its,ite, jts,jte, kts,kte ) ! end subroutine wetscav_sorgam_driver END Module module_aerosols_sorgam